K33. Live drowned woman (D688,E323.1;ATU409,450).
A woman is turned into an animal or pushed into water, into the lower world, or she herself is forced to immerse herself in water (turn into an animal). However, her connection with the human world is not completely cut off and she usually manages to return to the world of the living. Cf. motives K33a, K33a1, K49.
Bushmen, Xhosa, Congo (Angolan zombo), bena canyoca, luba, ronga, zulu, mbundu, ganga, jungwe, kamba, kikuyu, isanzu, fipa, hausa, yoruba, igbo, ekoi, efik and ibibio, bambara, Songhai, Shilluk, Sandave, Sudanese Arabs, Kabilas, Arabs of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Spaniards, Basques, Catalans, Portuguese, Sicilians, Sardinians, Italians (Piedmont), Germans (Hessen, Harz, Grimms), French (Lorraine, Nièvre, Poitou, etc.), Bretons, Scots, Irish, Palestinians, Syrians, Arabs of Syria, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Mehri, Socotra, Monumbo, Awayama, (Bilua), Tuvalu, Tuamotu, Mangareva, Bellona, Tibetans (Amdo), Tibetans, Mustang, Kirati, Bhutan, Toto, Lepcha, Chins (Meitei), Shans, Lao, Thai Vietnam, Zyaray, Sre, Khao, Vieta, Arakan, Northern India (Hindi), Marathi, Konkani (Goa), Tamils, Kashmiris, Assamese, Sinhales, Oraons, Maria, Ho, Boogie, Toraja, Timor, Ternate, Ifugao, Chinese, Romanians, Moldovans, Bulgarians, Greeks, Albanians, Slovenes, Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Luzhitans, Russians (Tersky Bereg, Arkhangelskaya, Vologda, Novgorod, Pskov, Moscow, Ryazan, Gorkovskaya, Voronezh, Tambov), Ukrainians, Belarusians, Rumei, Kalmyks, Kabardian, Karachays or Balkarians, Terek Cossacks, Nogais, Avars, Georgians, Megrelians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Kurds, Persians, Tajiks, Mountain Tajiks, Khufs, Yagnobs, Uzbeks, Bukhara Arabs, Baluchis, Turkmens, Swedes, Norwegians, Danes, Lithuanians, Latvians, Lutsis, Livons, Estonians, Finns, Karelians, Veps, Western Sami, Mordovians, Chuvash, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Udmurts, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz, Shors, South Altai Tuvans, Mongols, Dagurs, Nanai, Japanese, Coastal Koryaks, Ojibwa, Fox, Assiniboine, Arapahoe, Pawnee, Wichita, Biloxi, Laguna (?) , arua.
SW Africa. Bushmen: Kotlyar 1983, No. 40 [Gtsoncemdima and her younger sister Jackal went to the spring, G. fell into the water, Jackal came to G.'s husband; to find out if it was his wife, he ran a brush over her face; skin it was not smooth, and the woman began to lick the fat; the husband stuck the arrows in the sand with the point up, at night the Jackal scratched against them, died; the girl noticed dried nga seeds in her ass; grandmother and granddaughter they fried, ate the jackal; everyone pulled G. out of the spring, everyone's legs were short; only the Giraffe reached, G. returned home], 31 [Python's older sister is pregnant; the youngest Jackal went with her to the spring, asked to climb a tree for fruit, she fell into the water; the Jackal came to her husband and relatives, who noticed her swirling gait; smeared a grease-soaked brush to make the woman's face shiny ( they always did this to Python), but the Jackal began to drink this fat, people realized that it was not their daughter-in-law; Python Bustard's husband plunged his arrows into the sand with his points up, at night the Jackal scratched and died; the girl noticed she has dried nga seeds in her ass; Great Bustard gathered all the animals to get his wife out of the water; everyone's legs are too short, only the Giraffe could reach, pulled Python and her baby out; they were brought home by mats spread out], 62 [the wife of the Heart of the Morning Dawn (Jupiter) is Hzó-Gnuing Tara; the husband hid their child under the leaves, various animals and birds pretended to be the child's mother, but the child only admitted a real mother; in order to take revenge, the Jackal and Hyena then poisoned Hyena's armpits, the larvae that GGT collected, she turned into a lynx after warning her younger sister Tse-Dé-Koë; Hyena wore GGT jewelry, came to her husband disguised as her; the baby cries; TDK carries the baby three times in the bush to the Lynx; she feeds him, says she is increasingly turning into a lynx; when the husband puts his hand on TDK's shoulder, she says that let your wives, old hyenas, clap their hands for him; her husband threw Assegai at Hyena, she ran away, throwing her jewelry; he told TDK to bring him to the bush, brought goats there, Lynx rushed at the goat , her husband and sister grabbed her, rubbed the contents of her goat's stomachs, trotting her hair; she told her to leave the hair on her ears, otherwise she would stop hearing; she could no longer eat larvae; her husband always killed hyenas and jackals]: 62-64, 64-67, 111-115; Bushmen! Khung [the heroine is Boa, her husband is a bird, her father is an Elephant, her cannibal sister is the Jackal; the Jackal sister pushes her into the pond, takes her place; the husband soon realizes the deception, kills the liar; all animals they are trying to get the heroine out of the water, Giraffe succeeds; the heroine gave birth to a child in the water, now she is at home]: Schmidt 2007:287.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Mbundu [three sisters come to an old woman to get a tattoo; she has one eye, one ear, one arm, one leg; she leads them to another old woman, she tattoos; older sisters they envy the beauty of the youngest, on the way back they push her into the river; the woodcutter sees a girl at the bottom, she turns to him, says that she has become the wife of a crocodile; her parents pulled her out with a net, but can't tear her off shells from her forehead; she is told not to carry water or grind it in a mortar; one day she pushes, says that water will come to wet the corn; the river overflows its banks, takes her and her parents; they now live with her; the evil sisters were eaten by crocodiles]: Nikolaeva 1975:76-82; ganda [her husband has two wives, he took the third, Katogo; her younger sister Lvanamumira is with her; they hear older wives accusing K. of eating cooked porridge; K. leaves and disappears; the sorcerer tells her husband to bring calebasses with beer, two fat goats, new clothes to the river, put L. on them; L. calls his sister, who replies every time that she will not work out; finally goes out; husband banished his older wives]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:400-402; isanzu [woman rejects various animal suitors, marries Elephant; he turns out to be human; she carries him in the field lunch; on the way, the Serpent invites her to have sex, eats part of the food; the woman explains to her husband that she has met a relative; so every day; one person sees it, says to her husband; they summoned the Snake with that song whom the woman summoned him was killed; his wife brings a vessel full of food for the first time; the husband says he took out antelope meat; when his wife ate, he explains that she ate her lover; she gives birth to snakes; husband kills five, the sixth hides; six months later he goes out, calls the Elephant his father, asks for a bow; asks him to find a bride; five sisters refuse, the youngest sixth marries the Snake; at night he turns into a human being; the mother advises her daughter to throw snakeskin into the fire; the husband receives human clothes from his mother; the sisters' husbands are surprised at their new son-in-law; the sisters lead the youngest to buy firewood, pushed into the well; the eldest took the place of the youngest in front of her husband; the brushwood remover hears a voice from the well; parents pull out and treat the youngest daughter; the father kills the eldest with an ax]: Kohl-Larsen, Allensbach 1937, No. 47:61-66; fipa [three sisters are more beautiful than the rest, Cuulu is especially good among the three; three men married them, K. was paid more than the others; each gave birth to a son; sisters from envy pushed K. into the river; the old woman hears K.'s voice from the river; all people ask K. to return; she comes out of the water, tells her story; the sisters' father hit both culprits with a spear, people stoned them and with sticks, the corpses were thrown into the river]: Abrahams 1983, No. 89:320-324; kamba [two wives each had a girl, one wife died; the girls became friends; the daughter of the deceased also died, the corpse was thrown into the bush; the raven gathered bones, went down to the pond with them, folded them, the girl came to life, the Raven hung jewelry on her; the girls came for water, helped each other put calebasses with water on their backs, the deceased's sister was not helped (to her they did not want to touch, because she saw her sister die), left; the deceased came out of the pond, helped her sister, returned to the pond; the girl told her father, who was waiting for the deceased when she went out to help her sister brought home; The raven demands the ornaments he gave to the lively; demands, receives the hair with which he held her bones together; pulls her out, she crumbles; parents throw away her bones, the Raven revives her again]: Ohotina 1962:252-254; kikuyu [40 girls met one-legged Ilima (the other grew from behind her neck); each invited him to eat the one that followed her; he bit off each finger, swallowed the last one; then the girls asked everyone they met which of them had more beautiful teeth; they always said that Wa-shi-shi and her sister Moire Wa-nyi-na had; the girls dug a hole and took turns climbing into it, the last sisters; M. jumped out, and V. was covered with earth; they drank a potion, after which whoever tells about what happened will immediately die; V. hears the tramp of the hooves of his younger brother's herd, asks to be more careful; parents and relatives dug up V., fattened them; V. sprayed wild animal milk on the girls, they fell asleep; she revived them, receiving a ransom from their parents]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 122:298-299; Congo (zombo Angola) [envious of Mayamba's beauty, other girls push her into the pool; a man hears a song from the water, in which M. asks her parents to tell her parents about what happened; they resort to the river, they also hear her daughter, the waves they throw clothes and gold ashore; parents understand that their daughter is happy, they do not take revenge on those who drowned her]: Anpetkova-Sharova 1975:56-57; bena-canyoka [girls rinse their teeth on the river; only one has them white , others push her into the river out of envy; the crocodile, having defeated Behemoth, takes her for himself; she gives birth to a son with him; goes to visit her mother; tells the child to be fed only with crushed cowries; the old woman gives him corn, he dies; the old woman says that the child is playing with others; the mother finds the corpse under the bed; brings the Crocodile to revive her son]: De Clercq 1909, No. 5:81-84; bast [the bird gives a nut to eat The chief's childless youngest wife gives birth to a girl; she has grown up; fearing the eldest wife's jealousy, the mother tells her to go to the river only at night to get water; the son of a neighboring chief takes her as his wife; she gives birth to a boy the husband goes hunting, the father-in-law tells the daughter-in-law to go fetch water during the day, the water spirit drags her under water; when she returns, the father sees a healthy son; the maid has to admit that she carries the baby on the river, where his mother feeds him at night; the father hides, grabs his wife, runs, the water floods the country, the husband has to leave his wife; the dog and the ox refuse to tell the wife's mother about what happened, the rooster flies to her, says; she tells me to cut a cow, throw it into the water, her daughter returns to land]: Knappert 1977, No. 15:50-54; (cf. shi [the man took two wives for the first time; one died leaving a baby; got up from the grave, asked the other to let her cowhide cover herself to feed the child; the other told her to return to grave; returning husband scolded his second wife, said people would now die forever]: Abrahamsson 1951:63); shona (karanga) [a young wife should not eat zebra meat; out of jealousy, other wives they mix it into her food, she turns into a zebra; the girl brings her baby to the bush, calls her song, she goes out to feed him; in other cases, the woman ends up in a pond, goes out feed the baby from water]: Sicard 1965:117-118 in Schmidt 2007:288; ronga [Chief Makenyi's daughters (from different wives) go for clay; older sisters ask Chichinguane to go down to the hole, leave her there ; the water in the river rises, the huge Chipfalamfula fish invites C. to enter her mouth; there are people in the fish's belly, fields, abundance; now C.'s younger half-sister is forced to go for water; she cannot herself put a jug on your head; C. comes out of the water, helps; the girl tells her mother, she grabs C., she slips out, returns to the water, asks the fish to let it go to land, she gives it as a gift a magic wand; at home, C. rips off fish scales, they turn into silver; other girls go for brushwood, ask C. and her sister to climb a tree, cut off the lower branches, leave; come cannibals trying to cut down a tree, C. overgrows the felling with his wand; girls go down, run away, ask the river to part; when cannibals in the middle, the waters close, the cannibals drown; the sisters take jewelry in the ogre's cave, marrying the chief]: Knappert 1977, No. 17:58-63; Zulu [Chief Hlazase's youngest favorite daughter ("green") and elder Khlaluse ("bead") bathe with other girls; Kukumadeva (without hair, huge and long) took the bathers' aprons; returned them to those who asked for it; Hlazase proudly refused; the girls left, Hlazase and K. were fighting, both tired, fell asleep in the water; when K. went to call To help others Kukumadev, an animal told her to go home; before that, other girls told her father that H. was on her first period; when she learned that they had abandoned her, her father killed the girls, including Hlasusa; sent kill warriors K.; girls previously swallowed were removed from K.'s womb]: Snegirev 1937:80-82 (=Olderogge 1959:25-27, =Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 235:573-575; a similar version of Parrinder 1967:95); jungwe [husband loves his third wife; the first two go with her to the forest, kill her there; she turns into a monkey; helps her two daughters drive other monkeys away from the field; one daughter notices monkeys on her leg their mother's ring; calls their father; he catches a monkey, uses magic to restore its human appearance; sends it to her mother, telling her to make beer; calls the first wives to the third mother to drink beer on wake; third wife goes out; two eldest are beaten to death]: Frobenius 1931:354; braid: McCall Theal 1882 [the chief does not like a childless wife; the bird gives her seeds to eat, she gives birth to a girl; husband never visits her, finds out about her daughter only when she has grown up; pleasantly surprised; passes off as a young man who has paid a good ransom; wife leaves home only at night; gives birth to a boy; father-in-law in the absence of her husband sends her to the river for water; a scoop, a bucket slides out of her hands into the water, then she falls herself, is carried away by the river; her father-in-law cuts, throws an ox named after her daughter-in-law into the river, asks her to return it; out of the water hears a voice: let her father-in-law tell her parents that the river took her; the baby cries, at night the maid brings him to the river; the mother comes out of the water and feeds him; tells the maid not to tell anyone; the returning husband does not believe, makes the maid tell everything; hides in reeds, tying himself with a belt, ending it to other people; they drag the woman, but the river follows her, turns into blood, people they are frightened, they let go of the belt; the husband asks the ox, the dog, if they will be able to tell the woman's parents about what happened; the ox mooes, the dog barks; asks the rooster - he answers in a human way; on the way to the village the boys want to kill him; the rooster tells his message, he is let in; tells his parents only after he is given millet; the woman's mother, a healer, sacrifices an ox to the river, the woman goes out; holiday]: 54-63; Schmidt 2007 [the magically born heroine is beautiful, the daughter of the same husband's other wife is ugly; the young leader is persuaded to take both; the freak pushes the beauty off the cliff into the pond; The ox pulls the body out of the water and licks it until the woman comes to life]: 287.
West Africa. Hausa [two sisters argue which one is prettier; they walk asking people, the youngest gets more gifts; the eldest asks for a drink, tells her to take water where it is deeper; the youngest drowned, the elder took her possessions; their younger brother sings on the beach, Come home; sister goes out, combs his hair, returns to the river; boy tells parents; they agree give the daughter to the king's son if he returns the girl; the young man turned leper; told him to rejoice if the water turns red; underwater offers the king of the river dodo (dodo is the common name for spirits), who took the girl in wives, shave him; the water turned white, then turned black; when the young man cut off D.'s head, it turned red; the young man took the girl out of the water; thinking he was a leper, the wife let him eat on a dirty dish; the husband became handsome, another woman tells his wife to serve on a clean dish; the husband says he will eat on a clean one when the wife washes it with a lion cub's tail; the woman advises her to catch flies, climb a tree, pour flies in the lioness's mouth; The lioness asks her to go down, allows one lion cub to cut off the tail; the wife washes the calebas with her tail, the husband eats food]: Schön 1862:176-188 (translated into Okhotina 1962:293-298); Yoruba [childless spouses ask the priest for help, a girl Alantera is born, a priest warns that she should not work; the second wife sends A. for water; Oluveri (the goddess of the lake) drags her away; father sends A. to look for; she gets up from the lake in rich clothes, tells one person what happened; she tells her parents the same thing; no one can get her back; the hawk lifts her by the hair, returns home; for this he is allowed to take chickens]: Fuja 1969:98-101; Igbo [an ugly girl Odu ("ivory") is born, her parents do not like her; then beautiful Ona ("bronze"), her parents they love; one day they send Ode to get water, and She just goes swimming; Ode pushes her sister into the river, she forgets who she is, stays playing with water spirits; Ona's search is unsuccessful; the fortuneteller said Ordered parents to make sacrifices; a palm juice collector sees her going ashore every day, singing, asking her to say hello to her parents and accusing her sister of murder; tells her father ; he tells the young men to set traps; Ona is grabbed, she remembers life on earth; general reconciliation]: Ugochukwu 1992, No. 19:151-158; Ekoi [Ome woman and little daughter Ara went to visit relatives; with them is the slave Ngonne; on the way she pushed O. into the pool, O. dragged the crocodile, and N. took A. and returned; does not feed A., she cries, comes to the pool, her mother goes out and feeds her; the next time the man heard, called people; when O. came out, she was captured; she went to N. and stabbed her]: Talbot 1912:333-334; ether and ibibio [{indicates Ibibio county}; Akpan paid good dowry for Emma; her father sends her to him; with them her little sister and maid; juju water perfume in the spring; the maid knows this, but E. does not; E. comes to bathe, the maid pushes her into the water, takes her place; tells the girl to remain silent, otherwise she will kill her; becoming the wife of A., tortures the girl, burns with hot coals; the spirits let E. go for a while, she promises her sister that the time of reckoning will come; the same again; this the hunter sees, tells Akpan; the witch teaches A. what sacrifices to make to the spirits; he buys a slave, a goat, a chicken, the witch cuts them for spirits; they let E. go; the maid is burned with coals, then tied to a tree to starve]: Dayrell 1910, No. 34:126-132 (=Radin 1952, No. 51:193-196); ikom [everyone wants to marry Ewa Abagi; she agrees to the offer of a chief who has not yet seen her but asks wait until she gives birth to a child; this is an Essere girl; when she is 7 years old, she goes to the chief accompanied by her slave Mossim; takes off her clothes and bathes with the girl; M. pushes her into a deep seat, puts them on clothes, tells E. to call her mother, otherwise she will punish her; the leader and the people are disappointed that EA is ugly; E. goes to fetch water, calls her mother, she goes out, helps her put a jug on her head, paints her body patterns; the next time a man who climbs a tree sees it, tells the chief; EA is grabbed, the chief marries her; M. is sacrificed to the spirit of the river, cutting off her head; since then slaves have been sacrificed]: Dayrell 1913, No. 8:17-19; bambara [two wives go to wash; the eldest hides her husband's hat, tells the youngest on the way home that they forgot about the hat; they come back, the youngest tries her hat, the eldest asks her go deeper into the water, the youngest drowns; Tom the eldest says that the youngest has gone home a long time ago; the shepherd dips the calebas into the water, she makes a sound, the woman comes out of the water, asks whose calebass is; the shepherd tells her husband; he waits for his wife, but she manages to throw herself into the water again; water spirits tell her husband what happened; give the woman in exchange for a goat, rice, cola nuts; at home, the husband confronts the eldest wife in a hot coal pit]: Görög 1979:51-53; songhai (zarma) [Taayertchin has a brother Ayaooro; their mother is dead; one woman wants to marry a widower; T. explains he's ready again marry only after T. is able to get food; the woman advises her to stand on a mortar to get it; immediately after the wedding, the wife says that her aunt needs to be smeared with cow fat; soon all cows are slaughtered; T. and A. understand that their personal cows will soon be slaughtered; they leave, ask the date palm to bend down; the prince stops under it; T. and A. throw him ripe dates, and the crooked servant - immature; the prince asks them to go down, takes T. as his wife; he already has a wife, Zaani Gurfudan, her mother's name is Zaani Butuan; in the evenings, when shepherds bring cows, they ask T. for a hair to heal cattle; asked to smile because T.'s teeth emanate light; ZG is jealous, pushed T. into the water and crushed it with a stone; her mother replaced T. with her; but her hair cannot tie her cattle, no light comes from her teeth; but brother said that it was not his sister; the prince looked for T., she answered him from under the water; no one should move the stone; the lamb asked to be given his mother's milk for a long time, moved the stone; ZG was planted on the wild a camel and let a deaf slave lead him through the thorny thickets; the slave did not respond to the woman's complaints; when she was taken to the blacksmith village, she was already dead; her meat was cooked and sent to her mother; she died when she saw her daughter's hand with a ring on her finger]: Calame-Griault 2002:131-134.
Sudan - East Africa. Shilluk [the evil Raven Mother sold her daughter to the water spirit; the daughter went to fetch water, the spirit took her to the floating island downstream; the girl has been calling for a long time, preparing to die; the father hears her, saves her; goes to his wife, who shows him a fresh grave, says that his daughter is dead; the father finds sheep bones in the grave; wants to kill his wife, has mercy at the request of her daughter]: Hofmayr 1925:369; sandave [the leader's trap guinea fowl; he asked the main wife, then the youngest wife, to fry her, they refused; the elder wife fried it; the main wife stole and ate it; the husband put a pole across the river, everyone must walk along it; everyone says that the chief's main wife ate not guinea fowl; when the wife steps, she will fall into the water; in the morning her youngest child dives, massages one of the mother's breasts, on the shore: "mother's breast, verevere jo"; the breast grows, turns into a baobab, the child eats its fruits; when all people are going to watch, the baobab falls and crushed everyone; the child and his siblings went to another country]: Arnold 1984:174-175; Arabs Sudan [Al-Tubbar (AT) persuaded Brother Mohammed to marry; M.'s wife disliked her; put a monkey testicle in her food, AL became pregnant; M. took her to a deserted place and fled; monkey son asked him if he could go out; he brought food to his mother; took the hairdresser's curling wand, she ran after her, he told her to do his mother's hair, then returned the wand; Wad al-Nimair (VN) played ball the monkey took him away, VN after him, saw AT, married him; other wives are jealous; threw AT with the child into the well; the monkey son carries her food; the toothpick in her hand has become a tree; the wives told VN that his new the wife was in spirit and returned to the river; they were infertile, told VN that they would become pregnant if they ate monkey meat; he led the VN to the well, the VN heard the monkey talking to the AT, pulled off the well what the wives had laid the skin, took out his wife and child; the monkey hid under the bed of the dying sultan, announced on his behalf that AT was his daughter; his brother AT M. became the new sultan; VN divorced other wives, began to live with AT and Sultan, monkey with them]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 7:71-75.
North Africa. The Berbers of Morocco (Fez) [someone sells apples of conception; a woman bought two apples, ate one, put the other aside, her husband accidentally ate, his leg (jambe) was swollen; a month later he went to the desert, cut the tumor with a knife, a charming girl came out; he left her and returned home; she was raised by a gazelle; the prince saw her but could not catch up, she ran like a gazelle herself; the old woman advised me to leave two plates of couscous, one with salt and the other without (genies are afraid of salt); the girl began to eat salty couscous, after which she could not run fast and was caught; on the advice of a Jew, the prince's ex-wife stuck in her hair was a new pin and it flew away as a dove; she flew in every evening and sang telling her story; the gardener told the prince; on the advice of another Jew, the prince caught a dove and put it in a cage; felt took out a pin, his wife was reborn; the first one was burned]: El Fasi, Dermenghem 1928:81-87; kabila [when she dies, the woman tells her husband not to sell cows; the stepmother keeps the orphans hungry, but the cow gives them water to her with milk; mother and sister lie to daughter Jokhra; stepmother tells her to slaughter a cow, brother and sister drink butter and honey from straws on the grave; J. tries - blood and bile for her; stepmother tells her to burn the grave; orphans they leave; brother drinks from the stream, turns into a gazelle; Sister Aisha climbs a palm tree; the witch Settuta pretends not to know how to bake cakes, A. goes down, the sultan marries her; the elder wife confronts pregnant A. into the well; the eldest wife demands that the gazelle be slaughtered; the Gazelle brother tells A. that they want to slaughter him, A. replies that he is unable to get out; the sheikh tells the Sultan about this, he gets A. with by son, the eldest wife is executed; the sheikh returns the gazelenka to its human form]: Taos Amrush 1974:88-95; Arabs of Morocco: El Koudia 2003, No. 4 [when dying, a mother asks her husband not to remarry until her daughter herself will not take the box with its jewelry (that is, she will grow up to reach it); the mother's sister, who has her own blind daughter, is kind to the girl, she persuades her father to marry; the aunt helps her niece get it the box, the father marries her; now she tyrants her niece; she goes to the river to clean the fish caught by her father, the fish asks her to let her go, turns into a siren; when she learns about the fish released, the stepmother beats the girl throws her into the dungeon; when the father opens it, the daughter sits there covered in gold; first the siren does not let her go, then lets her go out; the father puts her in a separate room, the siren gives her everything she needs; the Sultan has a holiday, the girl secretly goes there, loses her shoe; the Sultan's messengers find the owner, the Sultan's son marries her; she gives birth to a son; her stepmother comes to her, offers to comb her hair, stabs seven pins, she flies away with a dove, stepmother replaces her with her daughter; the husband immediately understands the deception, cuts the imaginary wife into pieces, sends it to her mother as a gift; she thinks it's food, distributes pieces of meat to neighbors, at the bottom he finds his daughter's head; each dove visits his son, sits on his shoulders; the beggar reports this to the Sultan's son, who lubricates his son's shoulders with glue, catches a dove, takes out his pins, the dove again turns into a woman; stepmother burned alive], 14 [the widower has a daughter and son Aamar younger than her; the stepmother tyrannizes the children, breaking dishes, accuses them; the father leaves them in the forest; they find an abandoned house, live there; the sister finds a treasure; two years later she asks A. what he would do with the gold; A. replies that she would buy toys; after a while, she would buy a gun to shoot father and stepmother; when she replies that would buy cattle, my sister realizes that A. has become an adult; a woman comes asking for permission to live; her sister wants to drive her away, but she marries A.; hates her sister; says who swallows three eggs, he loves A.; snake eggs, sister swallows, her stomach grows; her brother ties her to a tree, cutting off her hands; she frees herself from fetters, goes to live with deer; the sultan's people catch her; the old woman feeds her salty meat, she is hung upside down, she belches three snakes; the sultan marries her; when she leaves, warns her two other wives of the cunning; they push her into the well, she gives birth to twins named there Abdurrahman and Othman; the servant hears her voice, evil wives threaten to kill her children, drive her children out of the palace; she tries to get water for the children, at which time her arms grow; she finds an empty house, lives there; The woman's sultan and father are looking for her, they come to her house; she tells her story; the father falls through the ground, only the beard remains; the sultan burned evil wives alive]: 19-26, 90-95; the Arabs of Algeria [ the mother is dead, the stepmother tyrannites her stepdaughter and stepson, the cow gives them her milk; when the stepmother sent her own daughter to the cow, she knocked out her eye with her hoof; the stepmother tells her husband to sell the cow, but he sells her at the bazaar, predicts misfortune to the one who bought it; then the stepmother persuaded the butcher to buy a cow for any price and slaughter it; the husband asked to give him the udder, put it on the grave of his first wife, from the nipples for orphans continued to flow milk; when the stepmother's own daughter venerated, there was blood and pus in the nipples; the stepmother threw the udder to the dogs and ordered the children to be taken to the forest; but they returned; then the stepmother with husband and daughter left themselves; the stepmother left the poisoned bread, but the sister gave it first to the cat, she died; brother and sister went on a journey; the shepherd warned: if you drink water from the spring and then breathe, you will become a gazelle; the brother deliberately left the talisman at the source to return; drank, sighed, became a gazelle; the sister began to live in the forest, the gazelle with her; while combing her hair, the sister dropped her hair in the stream; the Sultan noticed him, decided to marry the owner; the old woman Settoute went up the stream, found the girl, told the Sultan; he came with his men; to force the girl to go down the tree, S. began to grind the grain, placing the millstones incorrectly; the girl went down to show how to do it, S.Yu quietly nailed her clothes to the ground with a peg, the sultan grabbed the girl, married, promised not to cause gazelles harm; a beggar came, the young sultan recognized her father, put a gold coin in his bread; the stepmother guessed that the Sultan was her stepdaughter; brought her daughter to the palace; when the Sultan was ready to give birth, she began to comb her hair, pushed her into the well, took her place; told her to slaughter the gazelle; the gazelle asks her to say goodbye to her sister, comes to the well; "They sharpen knives, the boilers are boiling"; sister: "On one of my knees my sons Lahcène and d'el-Hocine, and on the other, a snake with an open mouth"; the sultan asked the wise El-Moudjarrab for advice; he ordered the freshly slaughtered cow to be lowered into the well; the snake climbed into the well the carcass, at which time the Sultan and the children were pulled out; the sultan cut off his imaginary wife's head, cooked the meat, put her head in a bag, the meat on top; they sent the cat and the dog to take the bag to her stepmother; she ate the meat, believing what the gazelle eats, then found her daughter's head]: Belamri 1982:15-28; Arabs of Egypt, Libya: El-Shamy 2004, No. 450:221-224.
Southern Europe. Spaniards (Extremadura) [the widower's daughter insisted that he marry a widow, who also has a daughter; a stepdaughter in paper shoes goes to buy strawberries in winter, comes to three dwarfs, shares with them with black bread; they give her strawberries, tell her that gold coins fall from her lips, that she marry the king and become prettier day by day; her own daughter comes in warm clothes, does not share food with the dwarfs, refuses to clean the snow to pick strawberries; they tell toads to fall off her lips, to go beyond the line and get uglier; the king saw his stepdaughter, got married, she gave birth to a son, stepmother she pushed her into the water, she became Galopín de agua, her stepmother replaced her with her daughter; the real queen came out of the water every day, came to see the baby; the king pinched her, she regained her former appearance; The liar was tied to the horse's tail, scattered across the village]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 480A: 358-362; Portuguese: Braga 2002 [three sisters lived near the forest, loved each other; a witch lived nearby with daughter; the witch persuaded the youngest to give the elders coriander and they turned into bulls; the king saw the youngest and married; the witch put two pins into her head, the queen turned into a dove, a witch replaced her with her daughter; she told the king that she was fool because of illness; the dove arrives and asks the dog how her baby is; the dog: silent at night, but cries during the day; they heard it, told the king, he caught a dove, pulled out his pins; a witch and daughter were lowered down the mountain in barrels of nails]: 183-184; Cardigos 2006, No. 450 [{many very different options}; brother and sister leave home (from stepmother; from stepfather, etc.); after drinking from a certain source, the brother turns into a rabbit (peacock, deer, lamb); they are sheltered in the same house; they move on; the sister becomes a maid in the royal palace, lives in a hut; the king wants to marry a girl against her mother's will (meets her while pursuing her animal brother); while a king at war, mother-in-law or rival deprives a girl of freedom, she is replaced by a liar; They want to slaughter their brother, at this time he tells everything; the cook reports this to the king; he frees his wife; mother-in-law dies, the spell disappears]: 107-108; Catalans [the fairy tells the girl that the stepmother is going to get rid of her and her little brother, gives a drug to protect her from troubles; the stepmother turns the boy into an animal; the king asks the girl to marry him, she agrees provided that he will also take her brother; while the king is away, the witch throws her young wife into the well, takes her place; pretends to be ill, asks the king to slaughter the animal, then she will recover; from the bottom of the well, the girl speaks to his brother, he turns to her (they say in verse); the king overhears, gets his wife, punishes the witch, the boy takes on a human form]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 450:99-100; Basques: Azcua 1942, No. 2 [after taking a new wife, the father dies, the daughter stays with the witch stepmother; she sends her in winter for strawberries; the girl meets three men, they say that she will find strawberries under the woodpile behind the house; one promises that gold will fall from her mouth with every word, she will become prettier every day, she will go to heaven after death; a witch sends her own daughter; three men ask if one was not enough baskets of strawberries; they promise that toads will fall from her mouth, she will become uglier, she will go to hell after death; a witch sends her stepdaughter to the frozen river to wash her skeins of thread; sees a girl the king brings him, marries him; she gives birth to a boy; the husband and mother-in-law bring him to the garden, at which time the witch replaces the queen with her daughter, throws the queen into the river; the king is amazed at how the wife has changed; the bird sings, the king realizes what happened, saves his wife, burns the witch, drowns her daughter in the sea]: 18-22; Webster 1879 (recorded in French) [seven brothers leave home; after that the mother gives birth to a girl; while playing, other children tell her that she would be as good as her brothers; the mother admits that her daughter has brothers, she goes to look for them; finds a brothers' house, cleans, cooks, hides; every night when the brothers fall asleep, she sews a shirt for one of them; the youngest wakes up; the brothers do not tell her to go to her neighbor; the sister goes to look for fire to cook; the witch gives fire and herbs to be put in a basin to wash their feet; after immersing their feet in there, the brothers turn into cows, the youngest into a Breton cow; her girlfriend loves more than others; the king sees her, she agrees to become his wife on the condition that he will allow her to take care of cows, especially Breton cows; she gives birth in the absence of her husband; the witch throws her into the abyss, goes to bed instead of her; speaks to the king that he will recover if he slaughtered a Breton cow; the servant goes after the cows, they are at the abyss; he hears the Queen's voice; she says she suffers not for herself, but for her child, husband and cows; the king pulls his wife out of the abyss; threatens the witch to burn her in the stove if she does not restore the young men to their human appearance; she returns, but still burned; the ashes have been scattered, the brothers married the ladies of the court]: 187- 191; Sicilians: Calvino 1980, No. 178 (Agrigento) [wife died; husband took another one with a one-eyed daughter; stepmother hates stepson and stepdaughter; when they went to take food to their father in the field, she sent they are in the other direction; they are lost; the sister asks the sources; one replies that the one who drank water from him will become a donkey, the other a wolf, and the third a calf; the brother was so thirsty that he drank from the third a spring, became a calf with golden horns; a prince saw his sister, married her; one day the girl's father came into the house; they agreed that the stepmother and her daughter should also move in with his stepdaughter; stepmother she pushed her stepdaughter into the sea, changed her daughter, dressed in the clothes of the prince's wife; let, when the prince appears, she say that it was the calf that gouged her with the horn of her eye, ask her to be slaughtered; the calf runs up to the window, calls his sister: they sharpen a knife, boil water in the cauldron, they want to slaughter me; sister: it's all in vain, I'm in the womb of a whale; the butcher heard, called the prince; he ordered to catch the whale, the wife was taken alive; the stepmother and her his daughter was imprisoned, and the fairy restored his brother to his human form]: 641-645; Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 4 [the king calls Muntifiuri to serve; he takes a portrait of his sister with him; the king sees him, wants to marry; M. comes to pick up her sister; an old woman asks to take her ugly daughter to the ship; tells her daughter to punch a hole for the siren to carry her sister M.; the liar puts on a beautiful woman's clothes; M. says to the king that his sister fell overboard; the king marries the neighbor brought; she wants to lime M., tells the king that M. can build a fountain overnight 1); a sister appears out of the water, who is held by sirens gold chain, promises that the fountain will be ready by morning; 2) plant a blooming garden around (the same); 3) the liar tells 12 ducks to herd, if one disappears in a day, executes; the sister shakes pearls and gold from the goats, ducks eat it; shout that Sister M. is brighter than the sun; the next morning, the liar hides one duck, says that M. has lost it; M. asks the king to allow him to go ashore for the last time; sister orders M. asked to bury him at the fountain after the execution; for three nights he goes out to mourn him; the king is told that he cuts off the chain, marries his sister M.; the body of the liar is cut into pieces, salted in a barrel, put it on the bottom a hand with a ring, they send it to her mother; she eats, does not give it to the cat and the dog; when she realizes that it is a daughter, the cat and the dog rejoice, otherwise they would comfort her], 20 [a widowed father marries a neighbor; she has an ugly one-eyed daughter; she tells her husband to take Maria and Peppa to the forest; M. leaves lupine seeds on the trail, then beans, then bran; each time the father hangs a pumpkin to knock in the wind as if he were cutting wood, himself leaves; the children return on the trail twice, but the bran was carried away by the wind; P. is thirsty; the first stream murmurs that the water that has been drunk will become snakes; the second - P. will be a rabbit; the third - M. will become beautiful, P. - lamb; P. drinks; M. and his lamb have been living in a cave for several years; the king finds them, takes M. as his wife; she is pregnant; stepmother comes with her daughter; stepmother pushes M. into the sea, swallowed by a shark; leaves her daughter instead of M.; the imaginary M. says that she is fool because of the lamb, tells him to kill him; by the sea, the lamb turns to his sister, says that they sharpen knives, cook cauldrons, want to slaughter him; M. replies that she is being held by a shark, she cannot even give birth; the servant tells the king; M. teaches to throw a hook into the shark's mouth, the king pulls it out; the stepmother's daughter's chopped head is sent to her stepmother under the guise of tuna; she finds out blind eye; stepmother cooked alive], 20 [widowed father marries a neighbor; she has an ugly one-eyed daughter; she tells her husband to take Maria and Peppa to the forest; M. leaves lupine seeds on the trail, then beans, then bran; each time the father hangs a pumpkin to knock in the wind, like he is cutting wood, leaves himself; the children come back on the trail twice, but the bran was taken away by the wind; P. is thirsty; the first stream murmurs that the drunk waters will become snakes; the second - P. will be a rabbit; the third - M. will become beautiful, P. will become a lamb; P. drinks; M. and a lamb live in a cave for several years; the king finds them, takes M. as his wife; she is pregnant ; stepmother comes with her daughter; stepmother pushes M. into the sea, swallows her to be swallowed by a shark; leaves her daughter instead of M.; imaginary M. says that she is fainted because of a lamb, tells him to kill him; by the sea a lamb turns to his sister, says that they sharpen knives, cook cauldrons, want to slaughter him; M. replies that she is being held by a shark, she cannot even give birth; the servant tells the king; M. teaches to throw a hook into the shark's mouth, the king pulls her out; the stepmother's daughter's chopped head is sent to her stepmother under the guise of tuna; she recognizes the blind eye; the stepmother is cooked alive], 25 [the teacher gives Catherine sweets; asks if she wants her was her mother; teaches her to ask her mother to take dates out of the chest, drop the lid around her neck, put the date in her mouth; everyone thinks that K.'s mother is to blame; K.'s father reluctantly agrees to her request to marry teacher; she has her own ugly daughter; stepmother tells K. to hide all her wool in a day; the ram tells her to go to bed, by evening the yarn is ready; the stepmother tells K. to slaughter the ram; he tells K. to ask for the intestines to take from they are three golden balls, run with brother Giovanni, stay away from the sea, otherwise he will become a snake; gold balls turn into a rich castle; he is by the sea, K. does not go anywhere; the king sees J. makes him close; he advises to marry K.; K. demands to pave the road from the royal castle to her; J. do with the workers; stepmother comes with her daughter; tells K. to step towards the sea the window, K. disappears; the stepmother's daughter takes her place; the king is angry with J., sends the ugly woman with her mother into the forest; J. tells everything; the stepmother persuades the king to tell J. to make a fountain of water overnight, oil fountain, wine fountain; J. goes to the sea, Snake-K. gives a magic wand to do everything; 2) the crystal palace (the same); 3) the oven into which all the fish from the sea will rush; K. teaches that he must grab it, throw her in a vat of milk; revives as a girl; the king marries her, the stepmother and her daughter are left alone in the woods], 28 [a rich sister gives the poor only leftovers for work, but the rich daughter is ugly, and poor - beautiful like her brother Quaddaruni; the poor daughter goes to get water, gives seven young men a drink; each rewards her (roses will fall from her lips, pearls from her hair, she will marry a king, etc.); rich the sister sends her daughter to the spring; she refuses to let the wizards drink; dirt drips from her lips, scorpions and snakes fall from her hair, she is one-eyed, hunchback; Q. carries roses to the city, the king demands them sell, he talks about his sister; the rich daughter is imposed as a companion; from the shore K. shouts for her to cover herself from the sun; the freak explains that K. wants her to give her her her clothes, pushes her into sea; K. explains to the king what happened; sent to herd geese and ducks by the sea; sister says that the siren put her on a gold chain; learns from the siren that seven swords need to cut the chain, take seven horses away her away from the water; the liar's head was salted, sent to her mother, she saw and died]: 21-27, 130-137, 166-173, 185-194; Sardinians [the young man goes to look for a wife; a woman (this is St. Virgo) sends him to the master (this is the Lord); he teaches how to enter the yard: if the eyes of the guarding lions are open, they sleep; the rival pierces a pin into the chosen one's head, she flies away as a goose; follows a young man and his false wife; he catches and strokes a goose, takes out a pin, his wife regains her human appearance]: Aprile 2000:274; Italians (Piedmont) [12 brothers built a house in the forest, steel carpenters; their sister grew up; the raven took her necklace away, she ran after her and came to the brothers; cooked food, cleaned it, hid; the next day, the younger brother began to watch and found her sister; her brothers told her not to talk to anyone - around the witch; one day the fire went out, the girl came to the witch's house; she gave fire, but promised to come tomorrow to suck blood from her finger; do not unlock the door just stick your finger out; the brothers noticed that her sister was turning pale, asked her; when the witch came again, the girl did not stick her finger out; the witch put her head in the cat's hole, the brothers cut off her head; the girl met another witch, who gave her 12 bowls, and when the brothers ate, 11 of them turned into oxen, and the youngest, who only took a little sip, into a lamb; the prince saw the girl, married her, led her to herself and her animals; the witch came, asked the young queen to pick a bunch of grapes for her while standing on the edge of the pool, pushed her into the pool, took her form, asked the king to slaughter the lamb; he suspected Something was amiss, went to get the lamb, got his wife out of the pool; the witch was burned, and as she burned, the oxen and the lamb turned human again]: Calvino 1980, No. 16:48-50.
Western Europe. The Bretons [Leveles and her 9 brothers (the eldest is Gulwen) live in the castle; while hunting, the brothers meet an old woman, ask for water, for which she demands to marry her, they refuse, the old woman destroys castle, turns brothers into lambs; a young senor marries L., the lamb is placed in the garden; the maid L. is the daughter of that old woman, the gardener's wife; both are pregnant, the maid throws L. into the well, lies down in bed instead of her, asks to slaughter more of the lamb (this is G.); the lamb runs around the well, the senor hears his wife's voice from there; L. gets it out, she gives birth to a handsome boy; the priest turns lambs into people, a sorceress, her daughter and gardener were tied to horses, the remains were burned]: Lusel 1995:161-167 (=Lopyreva 1959, No. 49:224-230); the Irish [King Aedh Cúrucha lived in Tir Conal, his Fair, Brown, and Trembling daughters; F. and B. went to church in beautiful dresses, and T. worked in the kitchen; henwife gave her gorgeous dress and shoes, a white mare under a golden saddle and with a gold bridle; T. sits a honey-bird on her right shoulder, a honey-finger on her left shoulder; she must be at the church door, but not inside, must leave before the end of service; so three times, each time new clothes and a horse; sisters they talk about a beautiful and rich stranger; for the third time, the son of King Omanya (Emania in Ulster) managed to pull off her shoe from her foot; found T., only the shoe fit her; she is wearing all those clothes , in which she was in church; other princes summon Prince of Omania to fight, he wins, they recognize his right to T.; T. gives birth to a boy; F. leads her to the sea, pushes her into the water, she is swallowed by a whale, she comes to her husband disguised as T.; he suspects deception, puts a sword between them at night, if he becomes warm, then his wife is in bed; the sword remained cold; the shepherdess saw everything; the next day, the whale regurgitated T.; she asks the shepherdess to tell her husband about what happened; she herself cannot walk; the whale will belch her three times, she will not come again; you must kill a whale with a silver bullet, hitting a red spot on his chest; first day F. gave the shepherdess a drink of oblivion; on the second, T. told him not to drink what F. would give; on the third day, the husband came, killed the whale in the stain, T. recovered; the prince entrusted the execution of F. to his father; he ordered to quit F. in a barrel at sea; T. gave birth to a daughter; a shepherdess was educated; he and daughter T. grew up and married; T. was happy with her husband and had 14 children]: Curtin 1975:37-48; Scots [JF Campbell. Popular Tales of the West Highlands: 115]: Shaw 2012; Germans (Hessen) [the mighty king can't find a wife; the servant said his sister is extraordinarily beautiful; her portrait is in his room; king accidentally came in and saw; told him to deliver the girl; the ugly mother and her black daughter Margareta asked to accompany the bride; at midnight, when they were sailing on the ship, the old woman slit her throat sent, threw the corpse into the sea; in the morning the bride went to the window and admired the view of the castle to which the ship was sailing; the old woman and M. pushed her into the water; M. put on the bride's dress and ring, and the old woman bewitched everyone in the castle to make her daughter look beautiful; the king did not like her, but the old woman and M. said that his messenger had already married him in absentia; in anger, the king threw the bride's brother in prison; the dog The bride helped her get ashore, she built a hut and began to live in it; the king hears someone singing: Where is black M.? dog: in the king's arms; the king rushed to his voice and hugged the bride; asked her brother for forgiveness; the wedding; and the old woman and M. fled]: Wolf 1845, No. 19:79-80, 83-87; Germans (Harz) [the widower has a 14-year-old daughter, an ugly neighbor has her own; the neighbor asked the girl to persuade her father to marry her; she began to tyrant her stepdaughter; she dreams twice that she must leave; she comes to the house of 7 giants, the old woman hides then shows her; giants do not harm, send her to others; they send her to 7 dwarfs, tell her to fix the jug at the well, clean the beds; the girl performs, the dwarfs make her gold-haired; she returns home; stepmother sends her own daughter; she does not help the old woman in the giants' house, they tell her to break the jug, scatter the beds; dwarfs tell her to be lousy; stepmother wants her stepdaughter too it became ill; she pretended to be sick, sent for strawberries in the winter; three men were sitting by the fire in the forest; they allowed the visitor to warm up, and she shared her meager breakfast; they were God, Christ and the Holy Spirit; after eating, Christ filled the girl's basket with strawberries, God made her even more beautiful, and let gold coins fall from her lips when she spoke; when she saw gold, the stepmother sent her own daughter for strawberries; but three by the fire did not give her a seat, and she did not share food with them; when she asked for strawberries, three replied that it was winter; God ordered the girl to grow horns on her head; the count saw the stepdaughter and married; after giving birth to a child, she wrote a letter to her father, but it got to her stepmother; she appeared in the Count's absence, pushed her stepdaughter into the lake and replaced her daughter; when he saw his wife with horns, the count wished to die; At night, a real wife came and asked the poodle to bring her baby to feed her; she had a chain on her leg; said she would come twice more, and if she was not released with a golden sword, she would be forever drowned; while she was talking, gold coins fell from her lips; the servant heard this, told the Count; the next night he saw and heard everything for himself; collected the gold coins that had fallen and told the blacksmith to forge them sword; on the third night he cut the chain with a sword; ordered the stepmother and her daughter to be burned, and placed his wife's father in the palace]: Pröhle 1854, No. 5:13-20; Germans: Bolte, Polívka 1913 (Hessen, first publication 1811) [brother and sister left the witch stepmother; found themselves in the forest; in the morning the boy was thirsty; the stepmother made the water from a spring near the children turn who drank a deer; the sister saw a warning not to drink in the sound of the water, but the brother drank water and became a deer; a few years later, the king found them in the forest, married a girl; the Queen gave birth when the king was hunting; the witch took the form of a maid of honor, called the woman in labor to wash in the bathhouse, where the hot stove was locked and replaced with her daughter; the babysitter notices that at night the queen comes to feed her child and groom the deer; sings that she will only come again; the babysitter told the king that he grabbed the queen, she came to life and became beautiful again; the witch was burned, and her daughter was sent to the forest to be eaten by animals]: 79-82; Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 11 [=Grimm, Grimm 1987:34-39; brother and sister leave the witch stepmother; she bewitched the springs; sister warns not to drink so as not to become 1) a tiger, 2) a wolf, 3) a wild goat; brother drinks from the latter, becomes a kid; they live in a forest hut, the king hunts, chases the kid, hears him ask his sister to let him in, asks himself, takes the girl as his wife, promises to take care of kid; becoming queen, sister gives birth to a boy, stepmother puts her in the bath, makes a fire in the bathroom, replaces her one-eyed daughter; the maid sees a true queen coming to the baby at night and to the goat; the king grabs her, she comes to life, the witch's daughter is sent to the forest to be eaten by animals, the witch is sent to the fire], 13 [=Grimm, Grimm 1987:42-46; after the woman's death, a neighbor persuaded her daughter advise her father to marry her, a neighbor; she has her own daughter; the father promises to marry if the water poured into the leaky boot does not leak; but the boot is wet and the water does not leak; in winter, the stepmother sends her stepdaughter for strawberries; she comes to the hut of three gnomes; is polite to them, does not complain, sweeps in front of the entrance, shares bread; one gives her beauty, the other makes her fall off her lips every time she says chervonets, the third promises to marry her king; sweeping the snow, the girl found strawberries; her stepmother's own daughter goes to the forest; she is rude, unfriendly; gnomes make her uglier, from her lips toads fall, she will die a fierce death; stepmother sends stepdaughter to the ice-hole to be yarn, but the king arrives and takes her away; she has given birth to a son, the king has left; stepmother and her daughter threw her into the river, stepmother the daughter went to her bed; the king is surprised why his wife changed; at night a duck came, turned into a queen, fed the baby; the second night is the same; on the third night she tells the cook to call the king - let will wave her sword; the spell has subsided; the king asks the old woman what to do with the one who pulls another out of bed, throws him into the water; the old woman: to go down the mountain in a barrel covered with nails; with the stepmother and her daughter they did so]: 38-42, 45-50; the French (Lorraine) [the king did not immediately decide which of the two girls to marry; the other was a sorceress; when the queen gave birth to a boy, the king was not there; the witch turned the queen into a white animal (la biche blanch), took her place; if she is not released from her spell in three days, she will never regain her human form; she comes to the palace every night; the servants hear, but the first night they are afraid to tell the king; after the second they report; the wife is enough for the third king, the spell broke, the sorceress was executed]: Cosquin 1886:232-233; the French (Nièvre; also Poitou, Upper Brittany, and probably others.) [The boy is 15, his sister is 12 years old; they are in the forest; the shepherdess warned that the one who drank water from the spring would become a lion; the young man drank and became a lion; the king came up; the sister agreed to marry him if the lion will stay with her; the king has gone to war, the wife has given birth to a son; the king's mother-in-law pushed the queen and child into the well and replaced her with her daughter; when the king returns, the imaginary queen asks him to feed her with lion meat; the servant sees the lion coming to the well: Jean (the king's servant) wants to shoot me with a gun; the king also heard me, told me to scoop out a well, but at the bottom there is a stone that cannot be moved; his king he moved himself; under him the room, in which his wife and son; the king ordered the liar to dress his mother-in-law in a gray shirt and burn her alive; he forgave the imaginary wife, "but you will punish yourself by saying from here" {?}] : Delarue, Tenèze 1964, No. 450:123-128; Walloons [a woman loves an ugly daughter and does not like a beautiful one; a beautiful woman goes to the well for water; a fairy asks to scratch her back, the girl does it diligently; the fairy gives her a wand; the girl touches three lions, they fall dead, she passes; the fairy brings an apple and a feather with her; makes sure that when a girl speaks, diamonds fall from her lips; the apple has become a tree , the feather was a parrot, the bucket turned into a pond; an ugly sister went to get water, she is rude to the fairy, she made her ugly, the toads fall out of her mouth; her mother brought her meat, she threw it to the lions to pass; the prince saw a beautiful woman and got married; the wife gave birth; the mother put a prickly wreath on her, turning her into an animal; tells the son-in-law to kill the animal; the beggar leads the prince to watch the animal come to feed baby; prince tears off a prickly wreath, wife becomes human again; mother and ugly daughter are burned]: Laport 1932, no.*403E: 52-53.
Western Asia. Arabs of Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Yemen: El-Shamy 2004, No. 450:221-224; Syrian Arabs [7 robber brothers, with them their sister Sitt Bada; an old ghoul woman comes; The SB pretends not to understand her nature, but sings to her brothers; they come and kill the old woman; mallows have grown on her grave; the SB ordered not to eat, but six brothers ate, became wild boars and ran away; the youngest seventh did not eat; she went with him, he asked for a drink; whoever drinks in the first spring will become a boar; the boy drinks from the second, becomes a gazelle; SB hires to herd geese with a bald mask on; from time to time while she takes off her mask, so the geese begin to lay an unusually large number of eggs; the prince waited for the SB, married her; went to Hajj, SB at the 9th month, an envious relative of the prince pushed her into a dry the well, took her place; told her returning husband that she gave birth to a son, but he died; the SB gave birth to a son in a well, the gazelle carries them food; the imaginary wife asks the gazelle to be slaughtered; the gazelle comes to the well, says that they sharpen knives to slaughter her, her sister answers; the prince hears this, returns his wife and child]: Kuhr 1993:224-229; Qatar [father and mother are dead; sister heard about a man named Al-Khadrabouna (H.) and fell in love without seeing him; brother hears her say his name, goes in search; when he comes to H., she says that when his sister steps, a stuffed chicken falls {to the ground} when laughing, from her lips pearls fall, and when she cries, it starts to rain; X. gives his brother a cloth to give it to his sister; she must wash it, pour water in front of the house and grow a tree in this place; when H. comes and sees it tree, he will understand that the bride is here; the neighbor overheard the brother-sister talking; changed the water, poured the one that X. washed the cloth in front of her own house; H. marries a liar; sister sends a brother to him, but H. puts him in prison; his sister turns into a turtle; flies to the guard guarding her brother, tells him everything; the stuffed chicken falls, pearls fall, a storm begins with rain; H. notices oddities in the guard's behavior, overhears and spies, catches a throat, {she turns into a girl again}; H. divorced the liar, married his betrothed]: Abu Shehab 2019:59-62; Mehri: Jahn 1902, No. 28 [The king has a wife, son Hamed and daughter Fatima; there are no rams to slaughter by the feast; the cadi allows the king to slaughter H. and his wife F.; H. hears, speaks sister, they run away; father: let gold on their way; they pick it up, run on; let the evil camel; H.: my father and I have already ridden you; the camel skips; let the stream; F.: my mother and I are already with you played; the stream skips; father stops chasing; F.: I forgot my hairpin; H. comes back, wild goats will return the hairpin if H. drinks water with them; he drinks, turns into a goat; F. took him to rope; a maid sees them at the well, tells the Sultan that he takes F. as his wife; the first wife pushes her into the well, swallows her by a shark; the wife pretends to be sick (and obviously pretends to be F.) wants goat meat; they sharpen knives, make a fire, put up a cauldron; the sultan sees from the window how the goat runs to the well, talks about the danger, F. replies that she has the son of the Sultan in her bosom, that they are in the womb of a shark; the shark was pulled out, F. and the child were removed from her womb, the first wife was killed]: 124-127; Müller 1909, No. 39 [poor parents have children Hamed and Fatmeh; H. hears that parents agree to kill them; reports sister, they run away from home, F. takes a comb and a pin with them; parents chase; mother: let the children have pearls on their way; they start picking them up, run again; father: let the jewelry on the chest (amulets); those pick you up again, run again; father: let the evil male camel; son: my father and I rode you, the camel lets the children pass through; mother: let the flow; daughter: my mother and I washed our hair with your water; the stream hears; father stop stalking with your mother; sister forgot your pin and comb; H. offers to go after them; sister: wild goats can make you a goat; H. goes, comes back as a goat, pin and comb - his horns; F. and the goat come to the spring, F. climbs a tree; a slave sees them, tells the Sultan that he takes F. as his wife, she warns that the goat is her transformed brother; when F. is pregnant and her husband After leaving, the other wife and her mother pushed her into the well in which Iblis's shark; the other wife took the form of F.; told her husband that she wanted goat meat; the husband ordered that the fire be lit to cook meat; the goat ran to the well; F. tells him from there that she gave birth to a son; the sultan follows, hears; F. tells him that his mother-in-law pushed her into the well; the shark was pulled out and cut, and F. and his son took it out; the sultan killed his mother-in-law and first wife, stayed with F. and her brother {his transformation into a human again is not said}]: 99-105; Socotra: Kogan, Naumkin MS [the man has a son and daughter; their mother died, the husband took another wife; stepmother invites him to slaughter the children; the girl hears this, they run away; the stepmother accuses her husband of warning the children; the husband denies everything, the stepmother goes to look for the children; when she goes to the cave, throws them at the darkness is a stone, it falls into the boy's forehead, but his sister clutched his mouth; the stepmother left, the children came to the tamarind, under which the stream flowed; the girl was swimming, her hair swam along the stream; when she came to water the young palm trees, the sultan's servant saw the hair, brought it to the Sultan; he sent him to find the owner of the hair; the slave went up the stream, found the children, brought them to the Sultan; he married a girl, she became pregnant; a maid from envy decided to destroy her, pushed her into the well; her brother (his name Hamed) told her to remain silent, otherwise she would cut off her head; both replied to the Sultan that they did not know where his wife had gone; she, while in the well, A week later, she gave birth to a boy and a girl; H. comes to the well, says he is wrong; the sister replies: the sultan's daughter is on my lap, the sultan's son is around my neck; since then, my brother has been regularly bringing his sister was eating; the Sultan noticed this, began to ask him, the boy said that his sister was in the well, the Sultan took him out, the maid was beheaded]; Naumkin et al. 2014, No. 28 (brief summary): 10; (cf. Müller 1905, No. 20 [the man has a son and a daughter; their mother is dead, the husband has taken another wife; his stepmother offers him to slaughter the children; the boy overheard their conversation, told his sister; she takes the purse where she puts it a comb, makeup and a mirror, and at night she runs away with her brother; the children came to the cave, which had two exits; the next day, the stepmother and husband come to look for them, they enter the cave through different entrances; the stepmother finds the children, but tells them to sit quietly; the husband asks who she is talking to, she replies that she has stumbled; the father and stepmother have left, the children have come to the pond, swam, moved on, climbed on tamarind; the girl wanted to comb her hair, but forgot the comb by the pond, sent her brother to pick him up; he met women by the pond; one of them combed out his sister's comb with lice and filled her broken bowl with them; the women told the boy to eat the lice and swim, then they would return the comb; as soon as he did, he turned into a bull, the women took him away; the slave came to the tamarind; the girl threw off his fruit, he noticed her, went to tell the Sultan; he promised to kill the slave, if the girl was ugly, came with him to the tamarind; the girl cried for her lost brother, the sultan said that he had him; bringing the girl to him, he promised show her brother after marrying her; the girl married the Sultan and forgot her brother]: 99-105).
Melanesia. Monumbo [Matiti sends her husband to fish, tells her not to accidentally kill her brother Bluish Fish; he accidentally pierced her with a jail; M. became a turtle, went to sea, telling the eldest boy bring her to feed her baby; the turtle temporarily turns back into a woman, gives breasts, gives the children fish, telling their father that they have found fish on the shore; the father spies, catches a turtle, but the net breaks; when Barui's husband and old man go after M. in a boat, she gets into B.'s boat, sails away with him; in order not to return M. to her husband, B. kills her; M. turns into a rock]: Höltker 1965, No. 13:91-92 ; awayama [as soon as the husband went for turtles and dugongs, his mother asked her daughter-in-law, who had just given birth, to climb the tree for fruit; enchanted the woman to be squeezed by branches; cut her off a hand to eat; at night, the mother calls the two older boys to aim her milk, give her newborn a drink; the same the next night, when her mother-in-law cut off her arm up to the elbow; on the third day she cut off her chest, the woman died; the children realized that they would now be eaten, climbed a tree, surrounded the trunk below them with wasps, snakes, hornets; the grandmother asks how they climbed; legs forward; climbs her legs forward, bitten; the next day sideways; same; head forward; bitten even worse; father comes back, sees his children in the tree, they tell him everything, he cut his mother's throat; swam with his sons; storm, the boat is heavy , threw away the baby; then the second boy; drowned with the eldest]: Seligmann 1910, No. 22:404-408; (cf. bilua [after her husband's death, the widow gave birth to a dog son; he asks his mother to marry him the chief's daughter; the older sister refuses, the youngest agrees; they go to the site, the dog dives into the sea, throws off the dog skin, becomes handsome; the older sister is jealous; when the youngest is pregnant, the eldest asks her and her husband to help in the field, refuses to bring her water, the youngest goes by herself, the eldest pushes her into water, it sinks; seeing his wife dead, the husband also drowns]: Obata 2003:287-320).
Micronesia-Polynesia. Tuvalu (Waitupu) [Tinilau loves only Tapilisanga out of ten wives; in her husband's absence, other wives poisoned pregnant Tapilisanga with rats, lizards, etc., buried her; Tinilau asked his Aunt Lemalama, who lived in a freshwater pond, summon all the spirits; they came, including Tapilisanga with the child; washed him differently than other perfumes; her aunt told me to grab Tapilisanga, Tinilau succeeded; she and the child survived; another boy on the shore tells Tinilau that he is his son; his crab mother became pregnant from the water Tinilau used to wash; T. decided to go down to the lower village, putting the boy on back; wives are outraged because the chief can't wear anything on his back; he burned them except Tapilisanga (she lives in the upper world) and Te Kaipea (in the lower world); went up to Tapilisanga]: Kennedy 1931:197-199; Tuamotu: Emory 1949b: 312-314 [while Tu is fishing, Kuhi-Kiave's wife is diving for oysters; Kio pops up for her, pretending to be pregnant; when she emerges, a true wife sees a boat sailing away, in vain calls her husband; T.'s two sons complain that they are now being fed crap; T. realizes that his wife has been replaced; burns Kui in the house; K.'s swallowed coral exploded in the fire; Kuhi-Kiave sailed east to the sun, she gave birth to a son there; her eldest sons sail after her, on every island they are told that she swam; on the last one, do not frighten her away; they see her (under water?) , dive, grab her; she became a supernatural being; ashamed of her mother's nudity and sailing at night, brothers with mother and younger brother returned home], 314-315 [Tu in the boat, his pregnant wife Rei she dives for the last time; Kio tied her by the hair at the bottom of the lagoon, surfaced in her place, swallowing a piece of coral as if she were pregnant; Rei surfaced but T. did not believe her; T. tells his wife to feed his two sons; she eats everything herself, gives her crap to the children; T. burns his wife in the house, the corals and shells she swallowed remain; Rei in Punakau gave birth to twins; T. came there with her elder sons, the family joined] 315-316 [starting as in other versions; the old woman tells T. that Puhu-Kiave's wife can only be caught at noon, when she crawls out of the cave to get water for the child; T. grabs her, from the smell of man she loses consciousness, wakes up by the fire; the family connects], 316 [short version, until the imaginary Rei gives the real crap to her sons]; Mangareva [Kuikueve has two children from Tu; she has stopped loving husband, went to the lower world of Po; Tu married Ruaia; she did not feed her stepchildren; at the spring, the children wanted their mother to feed them; K. went out to them, gave them fish; told their father about it; he asked to lure them out mother away from the shore, grabbed her, left her wife, Quaya fed eel and shark meat, which are forbidden to women, she died]: Buck 1938:376-377; Bellona: Elbert, Samuel H., & Torben Monberg 1965 No. 52 [Tokonangangi and his wife Sina are fishing in a boat; T. dives, while Sinangeitataki, who lives in the sea, gets into the boat, pushes S. into the water, takes its place; S. sails to Nukuhengokingoki, gives birth to twins there; they complain that other children call them fatherless; S. tells them to go call them the father of wasps, the brothers say that the wasps will fly away; the kites will claw at them; then S. tells them go to the place where she was pushed overboard; first her older brother, then her younger brother, in response to T.'s request to sing tangi, sings about what happened to their mother; T. gives one brother a baked banana, the other half-baked; the person who received the baked shares with his brother, T. recognizes them as his sons; offers Sinangeitataki to light a fire in an earthen furnace, pushes her there, she gives birth to tridacna shells and snakes in the fire; T. with her sons I came to Sina, made him my wife again, she gave birth to a daughter; the father took her to his knees, the child peed himself, since then babies have been doing this on their fathers knees]: 148-152; Monberg 1966, text T32 (A.B) [woman 'apai pushes Sina overboard, takes her place in front of her husband; at the end, the husband returns his wife, his child urinates on his lap (this has happened to young children ever since)]: 88.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Amdo): Potanin 1891 [{cf. Evenki Podkamennaya Tunguska, motif K32e}; the king has daughters Ngulyggun (silver princess) and Kserlyggun (golden princess), they have a servant Eg-Tamu-ntso; E. offered to throw the buckets into the water, the golden and silver buckets of the princesses drowned, the wooden E. swam; the maid lied as if the king was telling the princesses to leave; she puts on their dress, they wear the maid's dress; The prince chooses K., E. threw her into the lake, took her place, sent N. to herd sheep; K. leaves the lake every day, gives N. bread and meat; once she brought a piece to the palace; E. came to the lake, sang that The same song, K. came out, E. cut her head with a red-hot coulter; K. did not go out anymore; N. gave birth to a semi-golden, semi-silver child; E. ordered him to be thrown to sheep, horses, cows, buried under manure; told the king that N. gave birth to a puppy; a flower grew on the child's grave, eaten by a sheep, gave birth to a piebald lamb; he herds the herd, told his mother to complain about him E., she would slaughter him, the bones should be hidden in the cave; a llama is born from bones, tells a story, the king ordered E. to be torn by horses]: 144-146; Tshe dbang rdo rje et al. 2007 [daughters of King Gold and Silver, they have a Wooden maid; she suggests see whose vessel will not drown in the river; gold and silver sink, Gold jumps into the river, Silver is afraid to return to her father; together with Derevnaya comes to the place where the king gathered the girls, marries who caught the flower he threw; she catches the Silver, the Wooden one takes away, marries the king, the Silver is sent to herd cattle; she complains by the river, the Golden one comes out of the river, says that she has become the wife of the River King, gives food, tells not to show leftovers at home; Silver violates the ban, Wooden goes to herd cattle herself to kill Gold; Silver's tear drips on the king, she tells everything, he prepares a hole with with fire at the bottom, covers it with cloth; Wooden returns without killing Gold, falls into a hole; Silver marries the king]: 214-215; (cf. Tshe dbang rdo rje et al. 2007 [the elder princess has a gold vessel, the youngest has a silver vessel, the maid has a wooden vessel; the maid decided to destroy the princesses for the king to adopt her; offered to swim, golden and the silver vessels sank, the wooden vessel floated; the princesses threw themselves into the water and drowned; the maid reported this to the king; the vessels were found, the princesses did not; the king ordered the maid to be imprisoned]: 98); Tibetans [the prince, out of mischief, shot her slingshot at the jug in which the old woman was carrying; she cried; the prince brought her water in another jug; she wished him to marry the Drolmkid fairy; she wore an orange on a distant tree; you have to pick the fruit and not look inside on the way; the prince did so, opened the orange only at home; the parents married their son to D.; took a girl like her as a maid; she is a witch; she suggested comparing their beauty, looking at the reflection in the lake, and in order to compare bodies, not clothes, suggested D. take off her clothes and jewelry; pushed them into the water; the prince did not notice the substitution; the groom said that a golden lotus had blossomed on the lake; invited the prince to dress as a groom so that the lotus would not be afraid; the young man picked the lotus and hid it, then put it in a vase; the witch burned it; a walnut rose from the ashes a tree; a witch invited people to pick nuts and burned the tree again; one nut went to a poor woman and her son; someone cooks and tidies; a mother and son found her; but she does not leave their house; one day she went out, the witch recognized her voice, told people to grab and burn the girl; but a palace appeared at the site of the burning; the prince came in and recognized his wife; when she heard about the palace, the witch ran there, began to get up, fell down and crashed; her body was burned]: Komissarov 1997:55-68; Tibetans [(from Vetala's Twenty-Five Tales); a girl comes to a cannibal's house to ask for fire; gets a piece of fried human ear, eats, she liked it; the cannibal and her daughter offer friendship, explain to the girl how to kill her mother so that she does not interfere; the girl pretends to be sick, tells her mother that she will recover if she hits her chest on a millstone; cuts off her breasts with a millstone, her mother dies; a cannibal and her daughter eat a corpse, a girl herds their cows, carries firewood; a cannibal's daughter puts on her clothes and jewelry, gives her rags; the girl's mother She is reborn as a cow, all her milk is cream and butter; tells her daughter to leave her apron overnight, in the morning it wears ready-made yarn, firewood, cooked food, well-fed cows around; the cannibal sends her daughter; in the morning there is cow manure on the apron, the yarn hangs on the trees, the cows are scattered; the cannibal decides to kill the cow, she tells her daughter to ask her hooves, the skin from her feet, part of the entrails, to bury under the threshold; the cannibal with her daughter goes to the party, tells the girl to crush barley and mustard; the turtledove tells her to dig up the buried, the remains of the cow have become clothes, shoes, ornaments; the turtledove does the work; at the festival, the girl He sees the prince, loses his shoe on the way home; the prince promises to marry the owner of the shoe (he saw at the party that she was a goddess); turtledoves tell the girl to go to the palace, the prince takes her as his wife; she gives birth son Jalağ Ardasidi; prosperity in the country; the cannibal's daughter comes, asks about the habits of the new queen, she replies that she gives cows bones, dogs hay, the king soup, courtiers food, spanks her son, slams the door, stomps on the steps, puts a ball of thread into the fire in the evening (the fire will not remain in it until morning), etc.; the cannibal's daughter invites the prince's wife to wash her hair, pushes her into the lake, puts on her clothes and jewelry; the imaginary wife breaks doors and stairs, feeds her husband with liquid soup, gives bones to cows, etc.; the groom sees the horse drinking from the lake, crying, and flying out of the water gold lark, asks which queen is better at; the groom tells the king about everything; he asks the lark to sit on his head, catches him; the lark says she has committed a great sin (letters., "my daughter I did", but then the text on behalf of my daughter); you need to push the imaginary wife into a trap pit, fill it with hot coals, then the real one will take its shape; and so it happened; the revived one orders to cut off the dead the cannibal's daughter's head, wraps her head in a ball of thread, comes to the cannibal under the guise of her daughter; asks for help unraveling the ball; taking the end of the thread, jumps back; finding her daughter's head, the cannibal jumps after her; the girl screams that the cannibal's house is on fire; she takes the red scarf left by the girl in the window for the fire, comes back; everything is fine]: Schlepp 2002:125-132; Mustang: Kretschmar 1985, No. 21 [mother of three the daughters are ill; says that only grass and water in a remote part of the valley will heal her; the eldest daughter is coming; there is a dog who will allow her to take grass and water on condition that the girl marries him; she refuses , leaves with nothing; the same with the middle sister; the youngest agrees, the dog gives grass and water, promises to come in two days; the mother recovers; hides the youngest daughter under a copper cauldron; the dog beats the older sisters, sits on the cauldron, the youngest screams that she is here; he leads her across the lake, across the plain, there's a golden house, then a silver house, then out of dog crap; the girl replies every time that the house suits her; inside there is abundance at home, and the old woman is the dog's mother; she advises pretending to be sleeping, waiting for her son to take off his dog skin and go to bed, throw his skin into the fire; in front of the girl, the young king Kyirken Gambala; he says that the skin was burned too early, there will be problems; when she goes hunting, he leaves a bunch of keys; the girl opens rooms in a golden palace, it's full of gold, silver in silver, and a coral palace corals; there is no key to the wooden one; she finds the key on a stick under the ceiling, unlocks the door, behind her there is a mother-of-pearl staircase, she sees the whole world, she sees her native village, her parents are hungry and ill; the older sister married a blacksmith, the average is a butcher; she searches for KG in her head, drops a tear, admits that she feels sorry for her parents; they go to them together, give gifts; older sisters are jealous, the older one leads the youngest to the lake, asks what she feeds her husband and what the servants are; the youngest guesses and answers incorrectly (I throw buckwheat and pepper to my husband, throw a plate out the door, rice with meat to the servants, plates on the shelf); the eldest pushes the youngest into the lake, puts on her clothes and jewelry, invites KG to return home; he suspects deception; the imaginary wife is afraid to go across the lake, does not want to enter the house out of dog crap, feeds husband as servants and servants as husband; the shepherd sees sheep coming to the lake, a bird fly out of the water, asks about the king; the shepherd tells the KG about this; he goes with him to the lake, brings a bird, puts him in a cage; The imaginary wife kills and cooks poultry, lets her husband eat it with rice; he notices that there is poultry meat in the rice, throws it into the garden; trees grow there; the imaginary wife tells them to be cut down and split into firewood; poor old husband and wife, the husband went to bring firewood, found a piece of meat, put it in a chest; a few days later the girl came out; after that, the old people became rich; the girl gives the old man the ring she has left on his finger when her sister pushed her into the lake; he calls the king and his wife, puts them on golden and turquoise thrones, shows the ring; the king demands a finger to the ring; his wife goes out, older sister turns into ash; KG: these were the problems I mentioned; the ash was hidden under a black stupa; KG made his wife's parents' house his summer residence], 22 [the poor have three daughters; the yellow dog brings asks to keep the bag of money until his return in two or three years; the sisters insist on taking this money and buying clothes and jewelry; when he discovers that there is no money, the dog demands one of the girls as his wife; the two eldest refuse, the youngest agrees, leaves with the dog; gives birth to two white puppies and a black knot; the dog brings her to a luxurious house where his human sister takes off his skins and his children, becomes king, white puppies become boys, black puppies become girls; three years later, a woman comes to visit her home; there is poverty, sisters are jealous, they go to the lake with the youngest to wash their hair, drown her, put it on clothes and jewelry, tell the king that their younger sister went to her parents; they remain in the palace; a tree has grown on the shore of the lake, and the girl has become a bird, everything tells the shepherd whose sheep lay by the water; he forgets to tell the king; in order not to forget anymore, he makes ear pendants for himself; the king sees the pendants, the shepherd tells everything; the king comes to the tree, the bird is silent; the shepherd advises put on his clothes and come unrecognized; so happened; the king threw a stone, the bird flew to his right shoulder (a sign that his wife would regain her appearance); the king placed the bird in a chest, the wife left after 7 days; the king sent her sisters to their parents, stayed with his wife and children; the country is flourishing]: 128-137, 138-143; kirati [the poor old woman went to the forest, there was a serpent in her shoulder basket; she tried to drive him away, kill him, he ordered him to be brought home; in her absence, someone cooks, she realizes that it is a snake; he says he will follow his princess's wife; tells me to close her eyes until he she will climb to the top of the mountain; the old woman opens her eyes earlier, the serpent is immediately next to her again; the second time she crawls over the mountain; in the palace she crawls into a mortar, calls the king; only the youngest and the youngest the beautiful of five daughters finds out where the voice comes from; the king refuses to give the snake his daughter; then he cries - the downpour causes flooding; the king promises but refuses his words; the serpent laughs, the drought strikes kingdom; the king agrees to give her daughter; only the youngest agrees; the king tells her to throw a piece of iron, an iron stick into the head of a snake on the way; a snake: why do you throw your spinning rod; a pin; at home an old woman and a princess liked each other; the serpent creates a palace; the princess and the old woman go to the party; decide to return unnoticed; the old woman sees that the serpent has taken off his skin, has become a prince; the princess grabs it, the old woman wants to burn it leather; the prince tells you not to do this; jewelry falls out of the skin, then courtiers, servants, and people come out; with luxurious gifts, the spouses come to the princess's father; the older sister tries on clothes and the youngest's jewelry, asks what to give the child, if he wants to eat - cow manure; what to do if he gets dirty, call the dog; persuades the father to stay and her husband to leave; he understands that his wife would be killed but could not do anything; the older sister accompanies the youngest in the waterless area; by the lake she rushes to drink, the eldest drowns her; in her guise she comes home; the old woman understood the deception only when the imaginary daughter-in-law gave the child manure, etc.; the husband went to the lake, caught and burned his wife's corpse; a bird arrives from the lake, turns to the baby; the husband realizes that this is a transformed wife; the next day he caught it with bird glue, put it in a cage; the imaginary wife killed and fried the bird, said that she fed her son; the husband killed the child, locked himself in his room, began to conjure; opened the chest in it alive wife and son; sent a liar to her father]: Heunemann 1980, No. 1:19-33; Bhutan [the old man's knee is swollen; the old woman moves his leg, the old man only moans; she hit his knee with a ladle, from a frog jumped out of the tumor; tells her not to kill her: she will bring her daughter-in-law into the house; comes to the king; the eldest, middle daughter does not notice anyone, the youngest says that a frog has come; frog: if you disagree, I will cry ; king: crying; two streams poured out of the frog's eyes, washing everything away; the king agrees to give his daughter; but the daughters disagree; the frog laughs, the palace trembles; the elders are ready to marry a bear or a leopard as soon as possible; the youngest Phurzamo agrees; soon noticed that her husband takes off her skin and becomes handsome; he warns the skin not to destroy, but to go around, shaking it; in the morning there is a palace, servants, fields, herds, treasures; sister Ph. came, took her swimming, tried to push Ph. into the lake; says it was not her, but her finger; ate it, she was a demon; then pushed and put on her clothes and jewelry; husband did not understand deception, only the son understood and cried; a bamboo stem rose from the lake; a peasant hears a bird sitting on him asking what her son's demoness feeds; a peasant: she gives ash to the child, and to the king and herself - rice; after that, the bird disappeared into the water; the peasant told the king; he disguised himself as a peasant, came to the lake; king to the bird: if you are my wife, fly here; brought him to the palace, put him in a golden cage; the liar ate the bird, the king found the bone and ordered it to be wrapped in silk; the parcel placed in the vessel grew, the wife was reborn; the demoness was defeated]: Choden 1994:93-98; toto [the old men sowed pumpkins, but only one grew up; when the old woman was about to cut it, the voice of the pumpkin: grandmother, don't do this, I will help you; Pumpkin (Pagrusche, P.) grew a lot of pumpkins; went to marry the princess; the elders they refused with laughter, the youngest agreed; when she saw the ripe mangoes, she asked P. to pick them; he climbed a tree, dropped the mango, then rushed down himself; a beautiful young man came out of the split pumpkin; the wife gave birth his son; the older sisters are jealous; the eldest came to his wife P., called him to swim, pushed her into the water, put on her clothes; but the baby did not recognize the imaginary mother, cries; at dawn, the soul came to the child drowned and fed him; P. realized that his wife had been replaced, returned the real one {it is not said how}; asked the imaginary woman to dig a hole to plant an arek palm tree; buried the liar up to the neck, showed her sister, cut off her head with a sword ; P. and his wife have many children]: Majumdar 1991, No. 10:231-236; Lepcha [Kom-tar-hep sisters and younger Zer-tar-hep, garden keepers in Rum (country in heaven); Z. dreams that the Tan-gap witch will come; that comes to marry them to the king of Lyang-bar (a country on earth); on the way, orders them to swim, cuts off K.'s head, puts on her clothes and jewelry; spares Z. for his promise not to reveal a secret; under the guise of K. king, Z. - too, but she is sent to herd cattle, pigs, birds; Z. comes to the shore, sees K. spinning under water; K. goes out, brings out food for her sister; returns to the river in the evening; T. notices how from Z.'s apron fell out a hidden piece of meat; the next day he tells Z. to babysit her child (this is a huge spider), goes ashore, answers K., she goes out, T. cuts off her head again; every day eats one the sheep, pretending to count them; the next day, Z.'s tear drops again on K., she comes out; under water, K. is now large, the spinning wheel is too small for it; the king tells Z. to tell the truth; kills, cooks a spider, feeds T.; pushes her into a hole with stakes, cuts off her head, feeds flesh to birds, pushes, sprays bones {K.'s fate is not said}]: Stocks 1925, № XXXIII: 445-447; meitei (ranks) [ two wives, each with a boy and a girl; the husband is dead; the youngest wife is evil; both went for fish; the eldest caught fish, the youngest oysters, eels and snakes; climbed a tree; the eldest asks to shed the fruit; she threw snakes and eels into her mouth, the eldest turned into a turtle and swam away; her youngest took her fish; her eldest daughter, Shandrembi, saw her mother in a dream; she talked about what had happened; let S. catch her she keeps it where the rays of the sun and moon do not fall on her, and in 7 days she will be reborn as a man; but the son of his youngest wife noticed the turtle, began to demand that it be cooked for him; in a dream, the mother appeared again Sh.: put my bones in the basket, I'll be a woman in 7 days; but S. opened the basket on the 6th day, a swallow flew out from there; S. and my younger sister's daughter, Chaisra, went to get water; S. in rags, C. in beautiful clothes; the king turns to Sh.; they exchanged clothes, but the king again turns to S.; took her away, made her queen; the youngest wife invited S. to the party, offered to wash her, poured boiling water over her, she flew away with a dove ; C. put on her clothes, took her place; the dove flies to the mower, says that the king forgot his wife, that S. was on the branch and C. was on the throne; the mower told the king; he brought the dove to the palace; C. killed her, fried; where the curry woke up, the plant and the fruit grew on it; the mower wanted to cut; but if there was a knife, there was no fruit, there was no fruit, there was no knife; the fruit turned into S., she began to cook for the mower when it was not there at home; he waited for her, grabbed her, brought her to the king; he gave C. a beautiful but stupid sword, and S., ugly but sharp, ordered her to fight; S. hacked C.]: Singh 1985:278-285.
Burma - Indochina. Shany [the husband loves his eldest wife, her daughter Nang Hsen Gaw, the youngest daughter Nang E; the husband caught many oysters, the wives came to carry the catch; the youngest ate everything herself, the eldest brought it; the youngest said that the eldest is a witch, she took everything; the youngest was killed, she turned into a turtle; the turtle asks her daughter to bring cotton so that she can spin and weave; the mother DID NOT follow, pretended to be sick, agreed with a doctor to recommend a boiled turtle as a medicine; the turtle was caught and cooked; she asks her daughter to bury her bones; the mother DID NOT give bones to the dogs, but one ran away, the NHG took the bone, a singing tree has buried and grown; the king sent servants to bring him a tree; they cut down with the best axes, the felling is overgrown, the servants are executed; the king promises to make whoever brings the tree an heir if it is a man , and the eldest wife, if a woman; NHG easily brings a tree, becomes a queen; an unrecognized mother is NOT hired as a maid, led the queen to the spring, stabbed her, buried her under the road, put her clothes on her daughter; the singing tree stopped and withered; the king allowed the sparrow to nest in the room, for which he told him everything; announced the replacement of the queen; the king ordered the imaginary wife to be cut off; the NHG grew up on the grave a flower, a man picked it up, brought it home; the man's mother is surprised that someone cooks and cleans the house; the woman peeked, crushed the flower, the NHG remained a girl; the sparrow told the king everything, ordered to execute his mother NOT, bring NHG; the tree began to play]: Griggs 1902:66-76; lao [the rich man has two wives, the youngest is mia noi (she is a demon), and the eldest mia luang; all went fishing together, younger wife on the bow, the eldest at the stern; the fisherman gave each fish, the youngest immediately ate hers, and the eldest had a full basket; the youngest swapped places with the eldest, the fisherman decided that it was the older demon who cut off her with an oar threw his head, body with a basket into the water; the eldest daughter Nang Utar, the youngest has Nang Kam; the youngest wife sends NU to herd buffaloes; the eldest has become a golden turtle, goes out to talk to her daughter; the youngest tells the husband should kill the turtle, otherwise he will not recover; NU tells the mother not to swim to the shore, the youngest wife threatens NU to kill her, then the turtle swam; the duck kept the bones, gave the dog, she buried them, grew a tree with gold and silver leaves; only NU was able to pull it out, transplant it into his father's garden; Paya Ying (Indra) went down, took the NU and the tree to heaven; the youngest wife sent a letter to NU: the father was ill, come back; dug a hole, put a pot of boiling water in it, asked NU to take off her clothes, she fell into the cauldron, the youngest wife put her clothes on her daughter NK, sent her to heaven; the NU children did not believe it, the tree withered; Paya Ying killed NK, sent the remains to her parents, they died of grief; NU was reborn, came out of an orange tree, began to live with old people, Pai Ying found her and returned her]: La May 1924:27-33 (translated to Kornev 196:21-26); Thai Vietnam [a girl drinks from a pond where elephants bathed, gives birth to two girls, they are called the daughters of an elephant; they found an elephant father; the elephant offers him to climb on his tusks, whoever does not fall is his daughter ; the youngest fell, he trampled on her; the eldest stayed with the elephant; to find a savior, she puts three of her hair in the box and descends it down the river; the young elder caught the box, hung the hairs on the door, all the scent was full of aroma; the elder went up the river, took the girl, went up the hill with her; the elephant asks his daughter to go down to him to say goodbye, she refuses; then asks him to leave her trimmed nails, he would swallow them and die, then let his daughter take the tusks; that's what happened; the elder married the girl, she gave birth to two boys; his first wife is the evil spirit Phi phung (kills newborns); pushed the new wife into a hole with water, the wife turned into a monkey; the sons ask her to return, the eldest tells her father; when the monkey approached the children, the husband threw a net on her, killed her the first wife, smeared the monkey with her blood, became a woman again]: Degeorge 1925, No. 18:502-505; Zyaray: Dournes 1977:108-109 [Mother Forest woman (Mère Brousse) digs a wild yam in the forest; A boa constrictor from a tree causes rain, forcing a woman to climb his tree; in the morning she returns home, asks her granddaughter H'Bia (B.) to marry Boa, who refuses, her younger sister H'Lui? (L.) agrees; on the River, Boa sheds her snakeskin, turns out to be handsome; in the water, L. attacks the branch, her husband revives her; the older sisters B. and H'Kruah (K., she is the oldest) also want such a husband; L.'s husband finds another boa constrictor, who swallows B. and everyone in the house; L.'s husband finds him, rips his stomach open, revives B.; going to the coast to the Vietnamese, tells his wife not to go out if she is called a strange thing; B. calls her to swing on a swing, she goes out, B. throws her into the water, is swallowed by a crocodile, in his womb she gives birth to a boy; when the crocodile goes ashore, the boy rips open with a knife his stomach, goes out with his mother; in short, he creates a house, his rooster sings, her husband returns, L. tells him what happened], 109-110 [a woman digs a wild yam in the forest, it starts to rain, she comes to banana plantations, promises the owner's granddaughter, Boa descends from the tree, marries H'Lui? (L.) turns out to be handsome; when going to Champa on business, her husband tells L. not to leave the house if she is called; her older sister H'Bia (B.) wants to take her place, calls, pushes her into the water, L. swallows a crocodile, in his womb she gives birth to a boy; when a crocodile goes ashore, the boy rips open his stomach with a knife, goes out with his mother; L. had an egg with him, a rooster comes out of it, sings, her husband returns, going to the voice of a rooster, finds out L., kills B.]; khao [Kzu goes to change the tusks for salt, his wife Ka Dung gives him a bracelet; the crow tells KZ that her husband is lost, tells them to throw him into the water the flower that KSH has in his hair, along the vine to cross the stream, tells the water rat to gnaw through the vine, the KZ falls into the water, the lord of the streams settles it at home; Kzu loses his bracelet, in the river he catches his wife's flower, it is missing one petal; at home, the Raven sits at a spinning wheel, hiding his face; birds and squirrels tell Kzu about what happened, he kills the Raven with an arrow, the water takes the flower out of it KZ appears with his bracelet]: Nikulin 1990:207-210; sre: Dournes 1977:113-114 [fisherman with daughters Nga (eldest) and Ngi is fishing, Serpent tells him to give him his daughter, Nga runs away, Ngi agrees marry the Snake; The serpent takes off her skin, becomes handsome, gives wealth; Nga is jealous, also wants a snake, he drags her under water, her husband puts his skin back, turns out to be the lord of snakes, saves Ngi, takes both sisters; Nga pushes Nga into the water, she is swallowed first by a whale (the husband saves), then the sea shell; the tyams find the shell, take Ng; the husband finds her, lives with her at the tyams], 113-114 [ in the forest, the hunter puts his snares, Boa blocks his way, demands a girl; does he offer one of his sisters - Ngi, Nga, Nai Tölui? (she is the youngest, married to the crap); the serpent requires only NT, otherwise he will swallow the whole village; NT comes to him, he becomes handsome, they come to live with cravings; when leaving, the husband tells NT not to leave the house; envious, Nga cuts NT's throat, pushes her into the water; she has an orange, a knife, an egg with her; a crocodile swallows her; she gives birth to a son; the crocodile goes ashore, the son cuts it from the inside; from an orange a tree grows, a rooster emerges from an egg; NT rises to heaven; the husband returns, finds a son, his ancestor The sun helped him identify the boy; Nga pretends to be NT, NT's son hits her; NT descends from the sky; Nga also wants a Snake, finds, raises a stranglehold, he becomes big, swallows it from his feet, she first takes it as a game; the NT husband takes the form of a snake, finds the swallowed one, pulls her ashore, pulls Nga out, she is in worms, NT's husband makes her whole, forbids her to go out in the sun; she goes out, melts, turns into a termite]; Viets [the king sent 10 daughters in boats down with the flow; whoever stops the boat is the husband; in a year, bring her husbands to me; a kadak (the size of a fox) asks to be transported across the river; the youngest agrees, he jumped into her boat, became her husband; the king commands to get deer, the older sons-in-law do not find deer, the kadak leads to the deer; only he catches fish by diving to the water king; creates a palace overnight; the king secretly sees how the kadak shed his animal skin; hid the skin; gives his wife powder and a knife to cause it in case of trouble; the older sister wants to take the place of the younger one; offers to swing on a swing, cut the rope, the sister fell into the water; the elder put on her clothes; the youngest managed to throw the knife and powder, the husband finds her from the water king, returns it; the older sister ran away, turned into a lizard; since then, the lizard has been hiding her head in the sand from shame]: Bystrov et al. 1962:74- 78; the Arakan people [after living many lives in heaven, the celestial is punished: he must live as a snake on a fig tree for three months; the laundress and his wife have daughters Shwê Kyên and Dwê Pyâ; mother I washed under a fig tree, jokingly said: I'll give the DP if you throw off my figs; the snake called them to their house; at the fork she regretted her words, asked the stump to remain silent, gave him a fig; the same with an anthill; the stump answered the snake that he did not see anything, but the serpent saw a fig and understood everything, I had to say it; the same anthill; the serpent wrapped around the woman's hand, the mother told DP to go with the snake; once the zmnya was summoned to a meeting of gods; the wife found empty skin, decided that her husband was dead; in order not to make a fuss, the skin was burned; the serpent appeared when it felt the fire; remained human; the Virgin herself gave the former snake a wand that fulfilled wishes ; warned that snake blood should not touch him, otherwise he would become a snake again; the SC became jealous of DP, pushed her into the river and took its place; she was caught and brought to the nest by an eagle, where she gave birth to a son; The snake prince heard voices, took his wife and child, giving the eagle a lot of fish for it; put his wife in a chest and gave it to his imaginary wife who came out to meet him; when he opened it, the SC was disgraced; asked the father to and she got a snake as her husband; in bed, the boa constrictor began to swallow HK; the father refused to come to the rescue; DP begged the prince to kill the boa constrictor, who cut him, but a drop of blood fell on him, he became a snake himself and crawled into forest; DP followed him; {'to be continued, 'but it's not in the next issue}]: Houghton 1893b, No. 1:98-102.
South Asia. North India, Mirzapur, Hindi [three princes are married, the fourth youngest is single; daughters-in-law: does he want to take the Pomegranate Princess (Anar Shahzadi); the young man goes in search; the demon turns He is a crow, sends him to pick a grenade, but only one, otherwise the demoness will kill him; he takes the second, the demoness killed him; the demon revived him, made him a parrot, sent him again, he brought a grenade; the demon turned him to her husband, the demoness did not find it and returned; the young man went to prepare the wedding; at this time the princess came out of the grenade; the sweeper offered to exchange jewelry, pushed the princess into the well; the princess turned into a lotus flower there; daughters-in-law do not believe that the wife brought by the younger prince is the Pomegranate Princess; the prince hunts, the servant tries to get water from the well, the lotus jumps into the bucket and then jumps out; lets the prince get it; the liar tore the lotus and threw it away; a pomegranate tree has grown with a single flower; the liar ordered the tree to be cut down, and gave the flower to the gardener's wife; she she put it in a jug with a pomegranate in it, a princess came out of it; the woman adopted her; when she saw the beautiful woman, the prince decided to marry her; the liar pretended to be sick, demanded the girl's liver, received it; her; but a house appeared at the scene of the murder, with two peacocks in front of it and the princess inside; the prince persuaded the peacocks to let him in; she forgave her, her daughters-in-law admitted that it was a princess; the liar was buried waist-deep in the ground and shot with bows]: Crooke 1892-1893, No. 744:211-212; Kashmiris [two women came to dig clay, put their babies next to them; the boy was carried away and killed by a kite, the girl was carried away by a crow, left in hollow, raised, brought her everything she needed; the king saw her, took her seventh wife; tells each to decorate her room; six decorate with carpets, etc., the youngest asks the crow for help, she brings grass, with her the walls are covered with gold; the king makes the youngest wife in charge; others are jealous, push her into the river, tell the king that Rani has drowned; but she swam out and climbed a tree growing on the flooded island; the king saw her, returned her, executed the rest of his wives]: Knowles 1888:29-31; Assames: Beck et al. 1987, No. 43 [Paniya Danr has two wives: the eldest Kecha Nahar and the youngest Mukuta; KN is pregnant, PD is gone on business ; when KN gave birth, M. turned her into a snake, she crawled away; but managed to ask the maid to take care of the baby and bring him home to her; she crawls, sheds her snake skin, feeds the baby; when PD returned, the maid was afraid to tell at first, but finally agreed; KN herself told the maid to tell her husband, but on condition that he would not punish M.; the snake skin was thrown into the fire, the hole was closed a stone; M. was made a servant of KN]: 153-155; Borooah 1955 [a wealthy peasant has a beloved younger wife, she has a daughter Toola, and an unloved eldest, she has a daughter Teja and a son Kanai; the youngest tyrannites the eldest and her children; goes fishing with her, pushes her into the water, turning her into a turtle; the turtle turns to his children, feeds them unusually tasty and nutritious rice; Toola is sent to spy, promises not to tell when she is given this rice to taste, but her mother makes her tell her; pretends to be sick (crunches potsherds under the mattress like bones), a bribed healer advises her to eat a turtle; turtle for children: I'll give it only to you, bury my front legs; they are a blooming hibiscus and a fruit tree; the prince wants to pick fruits and flowers, K. allows him to promise to marry his sister when she grows up; sends a bird to remind; prince marries Teja; older wife tries unsuccessfully to prevent it; stepmother asks to let Toola go to visit; her daughter dresses up in Teja jewelry, stepmother stabs in Teja's head is turned into a bird; the prince does not notice the change, but Toola cannot finish the fabric started by Teja; the Teja bird talks to the prince, he finds a pin, Teja becomes a woman again, everything says; the prince orders to chop the liar, send meat and blood to her mother as a gift, and bring her arms, legs and head the next day; mother realized that she ate Toola]: 104-121 (about the same in Goswami 1960:88-90); Marathi [raja brought fish, one fish is alive, childless rani began to take care of it, keeps it in larger vessels, then in a pond; fish is a turned prince; he asks Rani marry him; no one agrees; the fakir's new wife wants to get rid of her stepdaughter, is ready to give her away, sends her to wash the sari; the seven-headed cobra gives her three pebbles to throw in the fish when she goes out to her from the river on her wedding night; the fish turns into a prince; the stepmother wants to replace her with her daughter; when the prince's wife comes to visit her father, the stepmother's own daughter asks her to try on jewelry, pushes her into water; a seven-headed cobra saves her; on the third day, the prince notices a substitution, drives away the false wife, her mother hides; in the cobra's house, the real wife gave birth to a son; he grew up, always breaks the bells that they give him, the seller sells them, gets rich; tells the prince; he takes his wife and son, everyone is happy]: Frere 1868, No. 19:238-248; konkani (Goa) [stepdaughter catches a sardine, drops it in a well; from there comes a tall man, he was a sardine, promises to help; gives her luxurious clothes, she goes to the king, where they choose a bride; the prince grabs her golden shoe; everyone is looking for who she is comes up, they find a girl; she goes home to give birth; stepmother throws her into the well, sends her daughter and stepdaughter's baby to the prince; daughter explains that she lost her fool after childbirth; stepdaughter lives in the palace a sardine man; she asks permission to see her son, secretly comes to the palace; the guard tells the prince everything, he grabs his wife; the imaginary wife is executed, the meat is sent to her mother; when she finds out what she ate his daughter, stepmother kills herself]: Davidson, Phelps 1937, No. 5:24-26; konkani (Goa) [parents are dead, brother is still boy, sister is girl; at the party brother sees a coral necklace that is beggar sells for a rupee; the boy really wants him; the beggar agrees to give it away for free if the girl becomes his wife; after going on business for a year, the husband left his pregnant wife in the care of his mother; wants to get rid of daughters-in-law; gives a ball, let him follow him; the wife gave birth in a remote place; the brother returned to get food, the neighbor gave it; the mother-in-law found out; the next time she gave rice herself, mixing frog meat into it; the wife ate, turned into an eagle and flew away; brother sings every day, eagle arrives, throws off his eagle outfit, feeds the child; when the husband returns, he hears and sees it; hides; touches his wife's ring, a spell filmed; the husband comes to the mother, she says that the wife is dead; the husband pretends to be happy that his mother is alive; the wife with the child and her brother enter the feast; at the wife's request, the husband forgave the mother]: Rodrigues 2020:154-159; Tamils [the fisherman has 7 sons; parents invite them to do business; everyone chooses one thing, the youngest does not know what he is for, goes fishing; caught a big one, but she swallowed it; fish another man pulled it out, sold it to the Raja; when they were about to cut it, there was a voice from the inside: give me rice, I'm hungry; {it's not directly said, but it's clear that the image of a boy in the belly of a fish is gradually turning into an image of fish-covered}; a young fish asks him to marry; parents give his stepdaughter in the same house - it's not a pity (she is the daughter of her husband and his first wife, who died); for a long time, a young fish only asks him to feed him or cook everything for bathing; finally, the wife enters the room when her husband has left the fish skin; she throws her into the fire and her husband stays with her; she goes to visit her home; just in case, the husband changes from with rings, tells her to leave the outline of her hand on the wall, hide some jewelry; her stepmother sends a young woman to fetch water with her own daughter, asks her to let her wear jewelry; pushes his stepdaughter into the well, dresses her stepdaughter in clothes; at home, the husband checks: the palm outline is not the same, the ring is different, where what is hidden, the imaginary wife does not know; in the well a young woman gave birth; the snake holds like a babysitter in front of her 16 snakes, she gives them milk, the woman's son is with them; a bracelet dealer walks by, shouts for her goods; a woman asks a cow to help the merchant go down to the well and put it on bracelets for her son; when he got back, the merchant came to the house of the Raja (a former fish boy) and told her everything; he ordered his imaginary wife to be buried up to the neck and relieve everyone only on her head; otherwise he would hang him ; buried mother came; daughter: "Everyone defecates on me, but why are you?" Her mother dug it up, brought her to the river to wash, but did not wash it; laundress: you can wash it if you hit her head against a stone; her head split into small pieces; the Raja went down to the well; the wife tells her to wait for her snake father; He lets her, her child and her husband go; but she forgot to cool the milk for the 16 snakes and they died; the serpent crawled to the palace to bite the woman, but hears her singing a lullaby, mentioning him lovingly; realizes that the woman was innocent, hit the gate and died; the woman put the snake's body in a casket and placed it at the head to protect her and the child; after a month of snakes {did he come to life?} gave the woman a pearl necklace; her husband checked the signs: everything matched; the woman's father's youngest daughter {the narrator forgot that her head was shattered to pieces} wandered around the world and did not marry]: Blackburn 2005, No. 43; Tamils [a childless Raja sits on a needle in the forest for six months and lives in a palace for six months; Rani gives birth to a girl and hides her in an underground shelter with everything for life; the Raja does not know about this for a long time; when she sees a beautiful girl on the verge of refuge and understands what is going on, she kills his wife and is going to marry her daughter; she requires a lot of outfits and jewelry; orders the carpenter a horse figure; He hides in her, taking all the outfits; the Raja lost and became impoverished, sold the horse to another Raja; he is going to marry; tells him to put the figure alone; at night half of the food is lost; he waited for the girl listened to her story and married both; the first bride is ugly; her mother advises to get rid of her rival, her daughter pushes her into a well; before that, the Raja took his wife's palm print and gave her a ring; when the first wife appeared disguised as the second, the prints did not come together, the ring was different; the Raja dressed as a bracelet merchant; the snake on the edge of the well asked to sell a bracelet for his sister's son; they went down Raja's wife in the well; the serpent agrees to let the Raja's wife go, but let him warm the milk first and drink the snakes; the snake burned himself and promised to bite the woman; but when the boy saw the snake and called him uncle, he abandoned his intention]: Blackburn 2005, No. 51; South India (ethnicity is not a decree.) [when she sees a tigress in the forest, the wife of a childless Raja asks that she even have a tiger cub; this is what happened; the tiger cub grows up and asks him to marry; the vizier brings the oldest daughter of the inn hostess, a tiger tore her to pieces; the vizier asks the youngest; Shiva and Parvati ask why she is crying, she complains that the tiger is tearing her to pieces; they give her yellow flowers (Cassia occidentalis), a bowl of water, a handful of sand; if sprinkle the groom, hang the garland around his neck, he will become human; take off the garland again with a tiger; everyone is happy; a relative asks Tiger's wife to give her jewelry, pushes her into a well; she falls on a snake, who has an abscess around his neck, an abscess bursts, a happy serpent brings Tiger's wife to his wife in the snake kingdom; there she gives birth to a son; a liar replaces Tiger's wife, also gives birth to a son; a bracelet seller walks past the well, Tiger's wife from the well asks to sell her bracelets; the seller hears a song by a woman's son, in which he calls himself the son of the Tiger Prince; selling bracelets to a liar, hears her addresses his son in the manner of underborn; the Tiger Prince hears everything, replaces the salesman at the well, grabs his wife; the Serpent agrees to let her go if she gives names to the snakes his wife will give birth to; she gives names, but calls the youngest short-headed; for this he decides to bite her, hides, but finds out that this is the name of her own son; everyone is happy, the liar is executed]: Crooke 1902:79-83; Sinhales [two sisters go in search of husbands; animals they meet offer themselves; each sister asks what they eat; reject bulls, jackals, and marry two plowman brothers (they answered they eat dried fish, and the sisters said that this was their food); each of the sisters gave birth to a girl; the older sister became jealous of the youngest, because she lived well and the eldest was poor; decided to kill her; invited to swim, pushed into the river; married both brothers, fed both girls; the girls saw a white turtle in the river; the older sister's daughter tried to catch it, but the turtle sailed; and she went to the youngest daughter she came and rubbed against her body; the eldest daughter told her mother about the turtle and she said she would eat it; the youngest's daughter came to the river, called the turtle her mother and spoke about the danger; she ordered to save the bone , leave it by the cow canopy, it will grow into a mango tree; the older sister sent the men to catch the turtle; the tree grew; when the younger sister's daughter came to pick a mango, the branches leaned towards her, and when the eldest daughter, they rose high; when they learned that the older sister wanted to cut down a mango, the tree told the youngest's daughter to keep the chip; it grew out of a vine with fruits; the fruit is not given to one girl again and another is given; vine: find the root, throw it into the river, the Blue Lotus will appear; only the younger sister's daughter can touch it; the older sister sent people to pull out the lotus, but it is not given; the king arrived; ordered the younger sister's daughter snatch the lotus, took her and the lotus and took her to his capital]: Parker 1910, No. 11:113-119; the Sinhalese [the peasant is widowed; an old woman comes to his daughter, asks for fire, eats everything; the peasant finds her, gets married; she asks her to cook soup from her stepdaughter's eyes; the father ties his daughter in the forest to a tree, pulls out her eyes; her little brother finds eyes on the shelf, finds her sister, returns her eyes; brother and sister meet the king, he takes the girl as his wife; goes to war; if the queen gives birth to a son, you must shake it with a silver chain; the stepmother hears it before the king, makes snake egg pies, smears The sleeping queen of her lips turns into a cobra; when her brother rocks her child, she leaves the anthill to feed him, takes on a human form for a while; the king returns, cuts the cobra, the queen remains a woman; stepmother and her husband are sent a box of snakes, they die]: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 103:255-258; Oraons [brother wants to marry his two sisters; they run away; suffer in the forest from thirst, ask the tree to bend down, it raises them to the sky to the lake; the younger sister throws her ring, the dried lake fills with water; after drinking, the youngest demands the ring back; the eldest goes deeper into water, throws her a ring, drowns; the youngest climbs a tree, cries; tears fall on the raja, who marries his younger sister; leaves her a flute, she blows aimlessly, the Raja says she will never return to the sound; six childless wives throw the new wife's child into the lake, replace it with a broom; the Raja expels the woman in labor; under water, the older sister nurses the boy; the last one turns into a flower on the shore, the boy sits in a flower, not given to the vizier, the raja, six wives; the aunt from under the water tells the boy to give the flower only to his own mother; the Raja washes and dresses the expelled wife, the boy approaches her; the raja buries six wives under the threshold, returns his wife and son]: Elwin 1944, No. 7:386-389; buffalo maria [the seventh brother is still a boy; the wives of the older brothers cook for him, he is dissatisfied, they say he also has there is a wife; he comes to her, goes up to her sari, falls, breaks to death; his wife carries him in a flying chariot, descends by the river; hears and sees how a sparrow killed his wife in a quarrel, revived by letting the root smell; the wife revived her husband; they fly away in a chariot, the young man is thirsty, the wife lowers the chariot, goes to fetch water; in the well the spirit of a woman who died during menstruation; she suggests herself take water to the husband who comes; says that he will receive water from it only if he sees it in his wife's clothes and jewelry, offers to change clothes, flies away with the woman's husband on a chariot; the wife flies behind, The imaginary wife screams that it is a spirit, tells her husband to throw her into the well; the shepherd saves her, she creates a palace; the imaginary wife defiles food with menstrual blood; the husband comes to the palace, the wife tells everything; The spirit is killed, buried by driving 4 pegs into the corners of the grave]: Elwin 1944, No. 14:57-59; ho [six brothers are married, the youngest Lita is single; says she only marries Princess Bilbati; comes from one hermit to another, the latter explains that the princess is in the biggest fruit on the Rakshasa tree; turns L. into a bird that flies, but not the biggest fruit is enough, the rakshasa swallows it; the hermit revives Rakshasa from the excrement; on the second attempt, L. bears fruit in the form of a parrot; the hermit orders him to hit the edge of the well gently, but L. throws it with all his might, the princess goes out in the stream the light from which L. dies; the princess asks for a girl from a tribe (caste?) Kamar get water out of the well to revive the young man; she agrees only when the princess gives her her clothes; pushes her into a well, revives L., marries him; L. finds a flower in the well; his wife tears him; a tree grows out of the remains; the servant picks up the fruit, brings it home, the princess appears from it; the liar is ill: either she or the girl in the servant's house will die; L. orders that girl, servants, be killed they take her to the forest, she asks her to cut off her arms and legs, put her on the grave; the liar recovers; L. comes to this place, there is a palace; he stays in it, hears two birds talking, they tell it story; it is said that the princess comes to the palace once a year; the first time she escaped, a year later L. caught her; the liar was executed]: Bompas 1909:461-464.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Boogie [the peasant does not believe that the clam roast has burned, thinks that his wife has eaten everything, hits her; she goes to the river to wash, stays in the water; children come to her every day, she talks to them, feeds his son; overgrows scales, turns into fish; the husband found out that the mollusks are eating, went to look for his wife, became a dolphin (it goes on to say that the mother has become a dugong); Raja accidentally takes the boy away on her ship, adopts; the sangeang bird gives her sister a scarf and sweater, which she wears turns into a bird, finds her brother; sitting in a golden cage, she turns into a girl at night, washes in a royal bath; Raja marries her]: Teselkin 1959:59-64 (=Braginsky 1972:74-79); toraja [Pottori Tondon (tondon - "mother") tells her husband that if a lizard living in the house screams, he must run; screams herself, her husband comes running in panic, hits his wife on the head with a dagger, she rushes into the river pool; every day her daughters come to the shore, she gives her younger breast; the eldest explains to her father that fed the youngest mulberry; he follows, tries to grab the PT, she slips out; the sisters leave, the eldest climbs the mango, puts a knife in one fruit, throws the wild boar that comes up, he dies; going to look fire, the eldest comes to the witch Indo Orro-Orro; she makes her admit that the fire needs to fry the wild boar, divides the meat so much that she takes everything for herself; the sisters follow, quietly replace the meat in the basket witches with stones; she brings the basket to her husband, he scolds IOO; sisters eat wild boar meat, IOO finds them, fattens them; the lizard warns the sisters that the IOO wants to eat them, tells them to leave a louse, a bug in the house, the flea is responsible for itself; the sisters climb a palm tree, tell it to be tall, throw it where their mother is; fall east; the PT does not recognize them, gives them a pig talker; they see a dagger scar on her head they cry, everything turns out; PT is married to a boa constrictor; PT tells daughters to throw nuts from the roof, says they are mice; the boa constrictor stops paying attention, falls asleep, PT throws it under the house where it was trampled buffaloes]: Teselkin 1959:23-31 (=Braginsky 1972:138-144); Western Torajas [the girl climbed the rainbow by the Month, asked him to be her husband, he agreed, they went down to earth, she gave birth son; he was like a coconut; his mother came to seven sisters to sell it, only the youngest bought it; put it on a bench, he disappeared; the next day she saw a handsome young man Mangkalukala ("Coconut"); others out of jealousy in M.'s absence, her sisters drowned her in the river; she did not drown, but was under water for seven months; M. returned with many prisoners; his wife asks seven times from under the water if M. was coming to her, each time they say that he is coming from behind; when M. himself hears his wife's voice, he tells her to be pulled out of the water; she is thin because she has not eaten for a long time; they have many descendants]: Kruyt 1938, No. 42:396-397; Timor: Pascoal 1967: 305-308 [Nó-Bere's mother and niece hate his young wife Sara-Léqui-Dáci; when she sends food to her husband working in the field, they eat it, replace it with plain corn porridge; the husband leads SLD bathe, offers to look in her head, she falls asleep, he puts a stone on her, tells the water to rise; dead SLD says that she is still alive; they kill her so that she can live with them ; two eldest of four SLD sons tell their dog to look for a mistress; find the mother's corpse; tell them to look for her soul; the dog leads to a tree, which turns into a big house with bamboo leading to it by stairs; the mother's ancestors reply that she cannot return since her corpse has already been buried; the soul is also afraid of the dog; the mother gives her sons her milk in bamboo jars for the youngest two who remain at home; at home, in the absence of boys, the mother's milk turns into two girls doing housework; brothers hide, find them, marry, kill their father, grandmother and niece, bury them under the threshold so that everyone is on them came], 309-311 [father dies; eldest daughter finds a chicken egg, hides it in her room; at night an egg laughs, a girl with him; in her absence, her mother Si-Mau finds an egg, cooks it, daughter says that it has not been such a delicious dinner for a long time; when she does not find an egg, she cries; SM says that since a daughter cries, she will go to her father's grave herself; the daughter calls her mother from the grave to feed her youngest daughter; only the mother's hair is shown, the older sister cuts it off; brings her sister to Mau-Quíac, hides with her in a tree; MK and his father dress in banana leaves; the girl creates by the power of her mother's hair clothes and everything she needs; MK and his father dress; the chief's son pays them a rich ransom for the bride, marries an older sister, his brother a grown-up younger]; ternate [husband and wife were fishing, the wife fell into the sea, became a turtle; the husband took another wife; she did not feed the little stepdaughter, she only rubbed rice on her lips, said that the girl ate a lot; the girl came to the sea, the turtle mother washed her and changed clothes; stepmother took her husband to kill the turtle; told her stepdaughter to light the fire under the cauldron, she extinguished it; the stepdaughter asked for the turtle bones, the stepmother did not give it; but the girl herself took it, buried it, grew a tree , she collected fruit, leaves, they turned into money; then she climbed the tree; her father cut, but the ax bounced; in old age, the tree collapsed, one branch fell on China, so China is rich; one branch on the moon, small spots - leaves]: Hayami-Allen 2001:230-238.
Taiwan - Philippines. Ifugao [Bugan has a Dulnuwan child; B. went to the back for rice; Magapid offered to help her understand the basket and attach a belt to her forehead; but first offered to swing on the swing; let B. take off jewelry; M. rocks B., she falls, breaks, M. puts on her jewelry, comes to her husband B. Aliguyun disguised as his wife; black turtles revive B., give her feathers, she flies with them; in the form of a turtle, she flies to the field where A. and M. (in the form of B.); Gorlinka-B. says that M. works in her field, wears her jewelry; B.'s son sees a turtle, his father catches it for him in a snare; in addition to B., he takes off his feathers and takes on his former appearance; opens to her son, he secretly brings her food; A. watches, sees hungry B. eats greedily and her son sucks her chest; then B. flies away again with his throat; next time A. grabs her; rolls M. over the thorns while she does not die; gives his wife the stolen jewelry, M. throws the corpse down somewhere]: Lambrecht 1955, No. 15:186-189; (cf. payvan [when going to work in the field, the husband tells the pregnant wife to kill the girl, if born, to keep the boy; the wife gives birth to a beautiful girl, does not kill; sends her father lunch; he puts his daughter on swings, swings, the girl falls into the river; the mother sends five suitors to look for their bride; one catches her, brings her to the village; since then the father has fallen in love with her daughter]: Egli 1989, No. 63:145-148).
China - Korea. Chinese: Riftin 1972 [the old man dropped the Golden Blade axe in the Snake's hole; forced to give his daughter for the ax; six sisters refuse, the seventh agrees; the second daughter goes to visit her; the second daughter goes to visit her; the people they meet It is said that the Serpent and his wife live in a large pile of manure; she comes to them; invites her sister to change clothes, pushes her into the river; explains to the Snake that it fell on peas, his face became speckled; she lost her shoes, the legs have become big; on the river, the Parrot shouts the Snake not to go to his sister-in-law; he catches him, tells his wife to take care of him; she drowned him, cooked him, choked on a bone, buried meat; a fig tree has grown; the sister cut it down, made a bench, sat down, pricked it, cut it down for firewood, burned it; at night the wife came to life, told the Snake to make her a dress out of snow, a face out of a wild plum flower, bones out of branches; it became even more beautiful Serpent kicked out his second sister]: 75-82; Eberhard 1937, No. 31 (Guangdong, Hubei, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Shandong, Gansu) [The serpent (Dragon, Wolf, Spirit, etc.) makes a man give him a daughter; only the youngest agrees turns out to be happy and rich; the other pushes it into a well, takes its place; the youngest turns into a bird, is killed, eaten; the husband likes meat, the wife does not; the youngest turns into wood or bamboo, the eldest tells him to be cut down; in the end, the eldest is executed or commits suicide]: 47-52.
The Balkans. Greeks: Mannhardt 1875 [Asterinos (Morning Star) drinks from a spring, turning into a lamb; his sister Pulja climbs into the golden seat on a cypress tree; the prince takes her as his wife, mother-in-law pushes him into a well; the lamb has been slaughtered, P. comes out of the water to bury his bones in the garden; an apple tree with a golden apple grows in this place; when someone wants to pick it, the apple tree grows; plucks only Source, turns into a lamb; his sister Bullet (]: 237-238; Paton 1901, No. 21 (Lemnos) [when Princess Kyra Florou combs her hair, beads fall off her hair, flowers from her lips; when she cries, it begins storm; when she dies, the Queen tells her son not to leave her sister; the old woman advises her to find a groom; tells her brother that it must be King Rhodope's son; the monk tells the beast guards of the three gates to throw at the sheep; ask the rising and descending sword to stop for a moment; not answer the king's question who he is; the king finds a portrait of the CF, promises to send ships for it; her brother warns that he is at sea the sister will turn into an eel, sail away; the CF is placed in a glass box; the old woman is forced to accompany her, throws KF into the sea, is replaced by her ugly daughter; the prince is forced to marry her, but hers the brother is shackled; a year later he asks for permission to walk along the seashore; an eel sister wraps around his neck, tells him to kill her, cook it, let the king eat it, bury his bones, and a rose bush will grow, the old woman tells him to cut him down, the trunk must be preserved; when he comes to the monk, the brother hits the trunk with an ax, the sister revives; combs her hair, the beads fall; with this money, the young man builds a new monastery, gives gifts king; at the feast, the CF appears to the king and his son; wedding; the old woman is cut into pieces, scattered across the field, putting a horse in her saddle bag; the old woman's daughter is sent to the kitchen]: 203-207; Albanians [stepmother sends Maro's stepdaughter at night at the mill; while the grain is grinding, M. spins; the genies who have flocked listen to her detailed story about how fabrics are created, showered with gold; in the morning the dog barks that M. returns all in gold; the stepmother sends her own daughter Lilo, who responds ruelly to the genies, they warp her arms and neck, the dog barks that L. returns mutilated; the prince sees M. in a dream, tells her to make shoes that must suit the bride; Aunt M. creates a carriage for her with servants made of pumpkins, mice and grasshoppers; Prince M.'s shoes are just right; before 12 a.m. M. hurries to leave, loses his shoe; Prince finds M., marries; sorcerer teaches her stepmother to turn a woman in labor into a bird, to replace Lane with her youngest daughter; Bird-M. arrives, calls her son; flies to her husband, he finds a snake in her head, takes it off, the bird turns into M.; stepmother, Lane , the sorcerer and the midwife were executed]: Serkova 1989:100-114; Albanians [the widow has a daughter, a goat came to the door, the daughter asked to buy her; leads her to herd in the royal vineyard; the king follows the goat's footsteps, knocks on the door and asks him to marry the girl; she will also take the goat; the mother gave it back; the maid took the young queen to the well to see who was more beautiful; the queen was more beautiful; asked for permission to wear her dress, she pushed her into the well; there she was swallowed by a fish; the goat ran to the well; the queen screams from under the water: A goat, a goat, I'm in the stomach of a fish, a spindle on my belt, my son with a star on his forehead; a goat in response: Girl, girl, they boil the cauldron, sharpen the knife, they want to slaughter me; the king heard this, ordered me to scoop out the well, gut the fish, the wife and son are alive; the maid was executed]: Meyer 1884, No. 1:93-95; Hungarians [senior the prince married the elder sister of the Trostnikova Girl (TD); the youngest wants to marry only the most beautiful woman in the world; asks his brother to ask if his wife knows about her; in the presence of his youngest wife the elder kept silent; then the youngest overheard their conversation; the eldest's wife says that there is no more beautiful TD in the world; she is wearing a middle cane, and the other two are her maids; reeds on an island in the middle of Black the seas, where it is completely dark; the life of a witch guarding them in the reeds; the younger prince went in search; greeted the old woman, who told the mouse to show him the way to her older sister; she sent a squirrel show the way to the oldest one; she says that you can get to TD by demolishing 12 pairs of shoes, and the horse must be fed on dragon milk, eat coals and drink fire; gives three hairs; it is necessary climb a mountain, touch the hairs with a lace, such a horse will appear; horse: to move in the dark, you have to take a ray of sunshine with you; a couple of wolves are on the way; the prince cut off two pieces of his flesh and threw them, they he was let in; in the house of the sun he bathed in the fire and dried himself with a fire towel; but the servant of the sun blew and the prince flew 77 miles, and then fell down, bumping into snakes, toads and red-eyed worms; a rumble is heard: peruns are forging in this place; after playing the flute, the prince tamed the hundred-headed dragon, passed through his body through the gate, and then the darkness parted; towards the daughter of the Sun Dawn; she put the prince on his horse; he rode across the bridge like a razor, through the copper forest, where the Sun's loggers harvested firewood for him, then across the silver one and over the gold one; dawn gave a ray, put it in a box, and hung it her around the prince's neck; the horse warns: cut off all three reeds with one blow; when the prince cut down the reeds, blood splashed and there was a groan, the witch died; the ray broke out and disappeared, it became dark; along the way Back, the prince cut one cane; a girl appeared, shouting "Water!" and died; the same with the second reed; the third horse did not allow the cut until they rode to the lake; the prince rode for a carriage of gold and glass, and TD climbed the willow; the gypsy woman was looking for crayfish, saw reflection, took it for her own, but then looked up; pulled TD down, put on her clothes, and TD pushed her into the water; she became a golden duck; the gypsy woman threw stones, and then asked the returning prince Shoot her; he shot all the arrows, but didn't hit the duck; everyone is surprised that the bride looks like a gypsy; she gives her husband sleeping pills every night so that he doesn't see TD if she shows up; TD flew in like a duck, turned into a bird, flew through the window, became a girl, but did not wake up the prince; said that she would appear only twice more; the servant heard, but in the morning decided that he had dreamed; but after On the second night, he told the master everything; the prince quietly threw away his sleeping pills; in the morning, the prince showed everyone his real wife; the gypsy woman was put in a barrel of nails and lowered down the mountain]: Curtin 1890:459-476; Hungarians [the poor man told his wife to cook meat; she left, the children ate everything, the wife cut off the meat from her legs, cooked it for her husband; when she found out how delicious man was, the husband offered to slaughter the two older children; boy I heard everything, he and his sister ran away; my sister told me not to drink from a wolf, a bear trail - you will become a wolf, a bear; the brother drank from a deer, became a deer; they hid in a haystack, the king found them, took them a girl as a wife; she gave birth to a son, the king went to war; the cook pushed the queen into the sea, replaced her daughter; the queen became a golden duck; the deer carries the baby to the sea, the duck goes out, becomes a woman, feeding a child; the king saw, hugged his wife; tied the cook and daughter to the horses, what was left was burned]: Ortutai 1974, No. 10:231-251; Hungarians [the king sent three sons to look for themselves brides; came to the old woman, she gave everyone an orange; it should be cut where there was water nearby; the elder hurried, the girl who came out of the orange died of thirst; the same with the middle brother; younger opened an orange at the spring; left the beauty to wait in the tree for him to bring clothes from the city; the gypsy woman came for water, first thought that her reflection was in the spring, then raised her head; persuaded the girl went down, pushed her into the water, took her place; the one who fell into the water became a goldfish; the gypsy woman explained to the prince that when she entered the human world, she had lost some of her beauty, but would find it again; after the wedding pretended to be sick, she needed to eat a goldfish; fish scales fell into the yard, a tree grew; the prince's wife told him to cut him down and cook her food on wood; the old woman picked up a flat chip to to close a jug of milk at home; in her absence, someone cleans the house; once she waited; the girl told her everything, and the old woman threw a sliver into the fire; told the prince everything; the gypsy woman was tied to pillory]: Stier 1850:83-91; Moldovans [the widower took a widower, both with a daughter; the father bought nuts for both, and the woman gave his stepdaughter only one; the girl planted him, a tree grew; everyone goes to walking, the stepdaughter complains to the nut, he tells him to get beautiful clothes out of his trunk, the stepdaughter herself also became beautiful, gave everyone a flower except her stepmother and her daughter; next time the stepmother tells me to separate sand poppy (pigeons performed), walnut gives clothes again; for the third time, the stepmother mixed two bags of poppy seeds with two bags of millet (the sparrows separated); the queen took the girl by the hand, the ring remained in his hand; everyone was told to try on; the rooster screams that the girl was hidden in a well of ash; the stepmother and daughter recognized their stepdaughter as the beauty who came to the festivities; the stepmother dressed in rags, hired to work, pushed the prince's wife into the river, she turned into a fish, then flew out as a bird, sings over a hungry child; the prince asks the imaginary wife why she went crazy; she replies that she was waiting for him; tells him to shoot the bird; but when the bird sat on the nut, she became a woman again; the imaginary wife was tied to the horse's tail, her mother was expelled]: Botezatu 1981:284-292; Romanians [Cinderella sits on the ash for days, her stepmother tyrannites her; while her stepmother is in church, the rooster gives Zoleshka three nuts (walnut, hazel, peanuts; or father brings a nut); in the first a copper dress; the next time a silver one; the third time a gold one, and a rooster advises to lose the slipper so that it sticks to the resin in the church; the prince orders to search, finds the owner, brings his wife to the palace; the stepmother's own daughter comes to the palace and pushes Cinderella into the well and takes her place; a willow grows out of the well; the shepherdess has made a pipe, she sings: Play, young man, it's not so loud, or my heart hurts; he brings a pipe, everyone plays; when my stepmother takes it, then her daughter, the pipe sings: play, enemy; she throws the pipe to the ground, Cinderella is reborn, the prince marries her again, the liar is tied to the stallion's tail]: Bîrlea 1966:414-415; Slovenes: Uther 2004 (1), No. 450:266; Bulgarians: Mladenova 2006 [brother and sister flee from cannibal parents or from an evil stepmother; flee from a chase (magical escape); contrary to sister's warning, brother drinks from the footprint of a deer foot, becomes a deer; a sister climbs a tree (poplar); the prince notices her, but she refuses to go down; the old woman lures her out, starting in front of her eyes in a ridiculous way do some homework (the girl goes down to show how to do it); the royal son marries the girl, the deer brother stays with her, a) takes on a human form, 2) is killed, and from him the bones collected by her sister grow into an apple tree or cypress tree or into wonderful objects; a gypsy woman, a maid, a stepmother's daughter pushes the girl into a well, where she is swallowed by fish or turned into fish; occupies her place; wants to kill a deer who knows the truth; a deer complains to his sister at the well; this is noticed, the fish is caught, the sister (with her baby born) takes her seat next to the prince]: 56-57; (cf. Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 403 [when the stepdaughter laughs, roses fall from her lips, when she cries, beads fall from her eyes; when she learns about this, the king wants to marry her; the stepmother replaces her with her own daughter, The stepdaughter is pushed into the river; she turns into a fish; an old fisherman catches her, sells it to the king; he discovers the truth, the fish becomes a girl; the king marries her, the stepmother and her daughter are expelled]: 401-402); Bulgarians [three sisters ask the sun in the morning which one is more beautiful; the sun says that everyone is beautiful, but the youngest is the best; the elders brought the youngest to the cemetery at night and said that they will go for the hoe; the youngest agreed, although it is not clear why the hoe was needed; she waited a long time, climbed onto the poplar; in the morning the prince was driving, his horse refused to drink from the stream; the prince looked up, saw the girl, brought her home; the tsar I was also amazed at her beauty, married her son; the sisters, disguised as beggars, came to their sister; opened up, stayed in the palace; offered to look in her head, stabbed her pin, the sister became a bird; sisters they put on her clothes and took turns introducing themselves as the prince's wife; he noticed that his wife was fool, but did not understand the deception; at night a bird arrives, asks the gardener if the prince, the evil sisters, and the baby were sleeping; every time the tree on which the bird sits dries up; many have already dried up; the gardener told the prince everything; he grabbed the bird, noticed and took out the pin, the bird became a woman again; evil sisters ripped apart by two horses]: Leskien 1915:69-73 (translated into Estonian in Sutrop 2018:409-411).
Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Novgorod, Ryazan, Voronezh), Ukrainians, Belarusians [Brother and sister: brother, walking with his sister along the road, drinks goat water hooves and turns into a kid; the sister gets married; the witch drowns and replaces her (with herself or her daughter), and they want to slaughter the kid; everything turns out. Cf. 403, 409, 511]: SUS 1979, No. 450:135; Russians (Terevsky Bereg): Balashov 1970, No. 22 [the princess laughs - gold falls, cries - pearls; one step is gold, the other is silver; the tsar is dead, the prince is dead, the prince goes to the city, the princess tells him not to brag about her; he drank, bragged, the local king tells him to deliver his sister; the king sent a ship; the old woman took the princess's clothes, pushed her into the water, the princess flew away with a swan; the old woman replaced her with her daughter; gold does not fall, the prince was put in prison; the sister arrives, sheds her wings, cried pearls; the watchman watched, burned the swan wings, grabbed the princess, who turned into a snake, a spindle, everything; the king took his real wife, and gave his kingdom to her brother], 49 [brother's sister, parents died; brother met King Agar Agarych; said that sister laughed pearls, cries in gold; sister Martha agrees; Baba Yaga asked her for all her clothes, gave her daughter, M. wrapped it in a bird; gold, no pearls, AA threw Brother M. into prison; the bird flies to him, drops his covers, cries, the dungeon is covered with pearls; the servants told AA, he followed, burned the covers, the baba yaga was shot at seven gates]: 78-80, 169-171; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pomors) [tsar and the queen is dead; the prince lulls her sister Nastasya, promises to marry Zorya Tsarevich; the sister has grown up, asks to fulfill her promise; the brother tells Z. that her sister will laugh - gold winds, and pearls will cry falls, steps - one trace is golden, the other is silver; they swim to Z.; from the cape a woman screams, asks her to take it; sister: don't take it; from the third cape, my brother took it, this is Baba Yaga; she comes to the cabin and says the words Brother: undress and throw yourself into the water; for the third time N. listened and became a duck; Baba Yaga dressed up in her dress; Z. is disappointed in the bride, threw her brother in prison; Z. comes to the cook; he says that a duck arrives, becomes a girl, gold curls and pearls fall, asks about Z. and her brother; she flew in again, Z. grabbed her and kissed her, N. remained a girl; wedding]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:202-205; Russians (Vologda) [Tsar gave his daughter Elena the Beautiful to the Kingdom of Zoriyevo for Zoria Tsarevich; they are sailing on a ship, with them Baba Yaga with two daughters; brother tells Elena that The kingdom of Zorievo is close; she asks Baba Yaga, and she replies that her brother says: "Turn into a pike, throw yourself into the water!" ; so three times; the third time K. rushed into the water, Baba Yaga replaced her with her daughter; after that, the ship is no longer moving; Z. married Baba Yaga's daughter, sent guards to guard the ship; a pike sails, E. turned around; so several times; the watchmen were reported that Z. grabbed E., Baba Yaga's daughter was shot at the gate]: Smirnov 1917, No. 32:184-185; Russians (Vologodskaya) [after the death of his wife, the old man took a yaga baba; he has a daughter, yaga has three daughters: one-eyed, two-eyed, three-eyed; stepdaughter herds a cow, put her one-eyed to sleep, got into the cow's ear, ate, got drunk and dressed; the lordly son came, she talked to him; then back in the cow's ear, went out, woke up the one-eye; the same with the two-eye; when the three-eye went, the stepdaughter forgot to put her third eye to sleep; the stepmother stabbed the cow, the stepdaughter asked for a horn; out of the horn apple trees have grown; sir: whoever brings me apples, I will marry him; apple trees are not given to the daughters of yagi baba, the master married his stepdaughter; while her husband is away, the yaga baba wrapped his wife in a trot; the nanny told her husband that the lynx will come running, shed his skin, feed the baby he brought; the husband went by himself, grabbed and burned the skin; the wife became a spindle, he broke it, became a woman]: Smirnov 1917, No. 41:213-215; Russians ( Vologodskaya) [the master married the beauty; when she brought her and she gave birth to a child, the witch turned her into a goat, replacing her with her daughter; the child cries, the goat sheds its goat skin, feeds her, and then back into a herd; the husband spied, threw his skin into the fire; executed the sorceress and her daughter]: Kuzmina 2008, No. 48:121-123; Russians (Novgorod) [mother-in-law gave her daughter-in-law a potion, turning her into a lynx; every day the eldest daughter Anyuta brought newborn Katya to the forest; the lynx ran around the stone three times, trotted her skin on it, turned into a woman again, fed the baby; the father overheard her daughter's roll call with her mother, heated The stone was on fire, the skin thrown on it burned; the wife turned into a spindle, the husband broke it, threw it over her head, telling him to grow behind the white birch tree and the young wife to appear in front of him; and so it happened]: Vlasova, Zhekulina 2001, No. 44:81-82; Russians (Pskov, Opochetsky University) [when she dies, the mother punishes her son: let her younger sister sleep, promise to marry her as the Prince Athenist; the sister has grown up, sends her brother to look for a groom for her; to meet A.; asks why the sister is so special; brother: when she cries, pearls fall out of her eyes, when she laughs, gold comes from their mouth; they go in a stroller to A.; the sister cannot hear her brother's words, the mother transmits them in a distorted way; not change clothes, but undress, not accept the groom, but open the window and throw himself into the river; replaced the bride with her daughter; neither pearls nor gold fall; brother is thrown into prison; at night the sister comes to her brother twice, tells everything; will come For the third time, we must put a cross over her; the prince recognized and hid under the bed, grabbed the bride, scolded her, he married her; his mother and her daughter were torn apart on horse tails]: Smirnov 1917, No. 101:330 -331; Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [the queen dies, the tsar marries Yagishna; I. gives birth to a two-eyed and three-eyed; stepdaughter Maria Tsarevna sends cows to herd; she bows to the cow in her right leg, full, dressed; Y. sends Two-Eye to watch, M. puts her to sleep; Three-eyed M. comes forgets to put the third peephole to sleep; I. tells me to slaughter the cow; M. asked for a gut, a bush grew out of it, berries, birds; Ivan Tsarevich promises to marry the one who picks his berries; they are given only to M.; she gives birth to a son, goes with her husband to visit her father; I. turns her into a goose, passes her daughter off as her; the old servant calls the flying geese, M. goes down, takes off his goosebumps, feeds the baby, promises to fly far the day after tomorrow; I. watches, burns the skin, grabs M.; it turns into a jump (?) , a lizard, a different reptile, a spindle; I. breaks it, throws his heel back, a sock in front of him, M. appears; I. says he will take the wife who jumps up on the gate; Yagishna jumps up, I. shot her]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 101:152-154; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, 1908, Lapinskaya volost, 18-year-old girl A.S. Filatova, lived as an employee in different villages of Pomorye, composes ditties and songs/"folk poetess"/, illiterate) [Orphans brother and sister go to live in another village, see a horse's hoof with water on the way, brother wants to get drunk, sister warns that he will become a foal if he drinks. Then they meet a cow's hoof and a goat's hoof. The brother does not listen and drinks from a goat's hoof and turns into a kid. Ivan Tsarevich marries Mary and lives with a kid. Ivan goes overseas, puts Marya "behind the glass behind the mirrors". Yaicna-Babitsna calls Mary to take a steam bath, she agrees, after the bath she takes Marya into the river to swim, throws her into a hole, falls asleep with sand and stones. The kid sees what's going on. Yaitsna-Babitsna sits down instead of Marya at the windows and mirrors, Ivan returns and does not notice the change. Yaytsna wants to eat meat and offers to kill the kid twice, he asks him to feel sorry for him and give him a day to eat herbs and drink spring water to be tastier. Meanwhile, she goes to the place where her sister is lying in the pit, complains to her ("the tubs are steamed, the knives are sharpened"), but he cannot help. For the second time, Ivan watches the kid, asks who he is talking to, and he tells us everything he saw. Ivan digs up Marya, Yaitsna is shot at the gate]: Tseitlin 1911, No. 11:7-9; Russians (Moscow): Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 38 [daughter took her father lunch; caught a pike; she asks her let go; for this, if the girl cries, pearls will fall, and if she laughs, diamonds; the family became rich, the prince drove by, took the girl as his wife; left; the sorceress called the queen to the bathhouse, turned it with a golden duck, replaced it with her daughter; hunters cannot shoot a duck; the king can't either, he spat; the duck flew up, swallowed saliva, gave birth to two boys, brought it to the royal court, ordered play with golden testicles; the king kept the boys with him; the sorceress came in at night, the testicles are responsible for the boys who do not sleep; after midnight they did not answer, the sorceress slaughtered the boys; when the clerk performed the funeral service, the duck flew in, became a queen: tomorrow I will fly in, let the king close the doors, otherwise he will lose it forever; on the first night the king only watched the pearls fall; on the second night the duck brought living and dead water revived the little ones; the tsar closed the doors, caught the duck, she became queen; the sorceress was executed, her daughter was sent to the monastery], 30 [the same, but shorter; the witch was burned and the ashes were scattered]: 92-94, 94-95; Russians (Moscow) [once upon a time Stroy was, the wife died, the new one tells her stepdaughter to spin flax, but does not give food; the cow chews flax, the yarn comes out of her mouth; the cow tells her to get into one ear, get out of the other - the girl became beautiful and full; stepmother spied, demands to slaughter the cow; the cow tells the stepdaughter to ask for demand and legs, bury it; a garden with golden apples has grown; the master married the hostess; the stepmother wanted to slip his daughter, but the rooster screams that the girl is under the trough; the master took the girl and went to pick them up in the garden; a son was born; when he was six months old, the young lady went to visit her stepmother; she took her to the bathhouse, turned her into lynx; nanny carries a child; cow shepherds answer that the trot herd is far away; sheep - what is close; Stroeva's daughter ran out of the herd, took off her skin, fed the child; the master spies, burned the skin, grabbed wife; she turns into a snake, a toad, a spindle; he broke the spindle, threw the end in front of him, his heel behind him, "Be behind me a white birch tree, and the former princess is in front of me"; they began to live happily ever after]: Vedernikova , Samodelova 1998, No. 48:106-107; Russians (Gorkovskaya) [when she dies, Alyonushka's mother tells her husband to give her a black cow; stepmother has two daughters of her own; she tells A. to herd cattle and at the same time spin and to weave; the cow tells you to climb into the right ear, get out of the left ear; at this time, cows and sheep weave, spin, whiten, roll canvases; the stepmother sent her own daughter to spy, she fell asleep; but the second daughter only pretended to fall asleep; stepmother tells her husband to slaughter a cow; where A. buried her head, there was a well, where the tail grew a birch tree, where the legs were apple trees; Ivan Tsarevich ask him to pick apples; from the stepmother and her daughters rose up, and bent over to A.; the same with the well (when the stepmother tries to get water, the water disappears); I. took A., the well, the birch and apple trees followed; a boy was born; the stepmother turned A. into a lynx; I. learned from the servants, brings the child, the lynx runs up, sheds its skin, feeds, but immediately pulls the skin again; the servant teaches us to throw the skin into the fire; it will turn into a spindle, it must be broken and burned too, and A. kept; stepmother was executed]: Borovik, Mirer 1939, No. 93:232-237; Russians (Gorkovskaya) [Baba Yaga's daughters Natasha and Ustenka; Vanyusha and Alyonushka are not native; they herd cows every day; N. with them; one-eyed N. with them; A. put her to sleep with a song; jackdaws, crows hid everything, rolled cows on her feet; the next day Baba Yaga sent three-eyed; M. forgot to put the third to sleep peephole; Baba Yaga tells her husband to slaughter Burenka; A. cries: They want to slaughter you/Damask knives, /German cauldrons boil; Burenka tells her blood to pour under the window, bury her heart in an alley; became a well of sugar water, next to an apple tree with red apples; the master rides by, asks to sell apples; Baba Yaga sent N. - the branches rose high; the master asks to send A.; the branches have descended, A. brought the master of apples on a golden plate; the master tells A. to dress up, will marry tomorrow; Baba Yaga dressed W., covered the third eye, A. put under the deck; rooster: baba yagi daughter is sitting at the table, and A. under the deck; the master sent the servants to get A., brought them to him together with V., got married; Baba Yaga came, gave V. cakes on goat fat, he became a kid; dressed up W., A. threw a stone around her neck, a fierce snake to heart; kid by the river: German boilers are boiling, /Knives sharpen damask; A. stuck her head out, cries: the stone pulls to the bottom, the fierce snake sucks his heart; {the master heard}; tied W. to the horse's tail, scattered it over field: where is the leg, where is the hand, where is the head; Baba Yaga goes to visit U., finds a leg - to her daughter on a stump; the hand to her daughter for a rake; the head - to her daughter on a hare; the master ordered her to return V. human appearance; she fed her cakes, he became a boy; the servants pulled A. out, and Baba Yaga was tied to her tail, dispersed across the field]: Eremina et al. 1979, No. 10:179-181; Russians (Voronezh) [dying wife predicts that her husband will soon remarry and forget about his daughter. She gives her a cow as a dowry, forbids her to eat, and if slaughtered, she orders her to collect the bones and bury her. The father remarries, the new wife brings her three daughters. They're hurting their stepdaughter. Her stepmother sends her elder daughter, one-eyed, to herd cows and scratch linen, her stepdaughter puts her stepsister's eye to sleep and gives the cow flax, who chews and spits out yarn. She wakes her sister up and they come home. The stepmother scolds her own daughter for not bothering anything. The next day, he sends a two-eye with his stepdaughter, everything repeats. On the third day, the stepdaughter walks with three eyes, puts her two eyes to sleep, and forgets about the third. The three-eye tells the mother what she saw, and she convinces her husband to slaughter a cow. The stepdaughter does not eat cow meat, collects bones, buries them in the place where the apple tree later grows. The daughter asks her father to bring a golden saucer out of town. An apple on a saucer shows distant cities. The master asks to pick an apple for him, the tree branches fall when his stepdaughter comes up, and the sisters are not given. The master takes his stepdaughter as his wife and takes her away. She comes to visit her father and stepmother with her child. The stepmother turns her into a pigeon, sends her stepdaughter's two-eyed child to the master, passing her off as his wife. The two-eyed man lives with his master, regularly goes out with the child into the field, his mother calls him (refers to a pack of pigeons, "The lynx is young, the lynx is good, feed your child"). The master watches his wife, sees a pigeon descend, takes off its wings and feeds his child, the husband burns his wings, the bird cannot fly away. It turns into a stake - it cuts it, it breaks it into a spindle, and dips it into a good fellow. Stepdaughter finds her appearance]: Baryshnikova 2007, No. 16:93-96; Russians (Voronezh) [sirots, brother and sister, walk across a large field to the well. Ivanushka asks her sister to let her drink, she does not allow her to drink: if she drinks from a horse's hoof, she becomes a foal, a calf from a cow, a goby from a bull, a goat a goat a goat. Ivanushka does not listen and drinks from the latter, becomes a kid. Orphans come to a foreign realm. Beautiful Alyonushka is hired as a maid to the prince, who falls in love with her. The girls are jealous of the prince, call her to swim (agrees for the third time), tie a stone to her neck and drown her. The prince cannot find his beloved, the kid breaks out of the palace, asks Alyonushka to feed him by the river, she replies that she cannot, because the stone pulls her to the bottom. The prince looks after the kid and finds Alyonushka's body. She ties murderers to horse tails and lets them into the field]: Baryshnikova 2007, No. 62:213-214; Russians (Tambov) [A loud restless girl falls asleep only to her brother's song, in which she promises that she would be married by a "king chick". She grows up beautiful and asks her brother to fulfill his promise, who paints her portrait and shows her to the king. The king falls in love with the girl and invites her to marry him. On the road, the girl looks out of the carriage, the babysitter pushes her into the sea, the girl turns into a goldfish. The babysitter passes off her daughter Zheludivochka as the royal bride. The brother sees that the girl is not the same, the king is angry with him, but marries Zudivochka. A beautiful girl comes to the royal bedroom, reproaches the tsar for his act: "Isn't it a shame for the tsar to sleep with the girl Sheludivchonka", the servant notices her and accidentally burns the royal stockings, she gives him wonderful new ones. Everything is repeated three times, the servant explains where the stockings come from. The king changes places with his servant, recognizes the girl who appears at night as his true bride, grabs her, she turns into fish, pike, he holds her, she stays with him. She ties the husk and her mother to the horse's tail, the brother-in-law makes them minister]: Khudyakov 1964, No. 166:247-248; Belarusians [Alenka and Ivanka, the widow's children, got lost, a snake came to the hut; he suggests A. to be a wife, and I. to fatten and eat; A. gives the snake a bone, skin; finally forced to bring I.; he pretends not to know how to sit on a shovel; A. and I. shoved him into the oven; went on, A. forgot ring; I. ran to bring; A. do not lick fat snake; I. licked, became a lamb; the merchant married A.; tells her not to go to the bathhouse; A. went, next to the house, there was a snake in it; when A. undressed, the snake tied her a stone around my neck, threw it into the river, changed it in front of her husband; tells me to fry lamb; lamb on the shore: vars cook, sharpen knives, want to slaughter; A.: tell my husband, let them pull me out with a net; the coachman overheard, the pan pulled me out a net, the lamb became I.; the snake was tied to a horse's tail, carried across the field]: Romanov 1887, No. 47:265-266; Belarusians [after the death of his wife, the husband wants to marry his daughter; she goes to her mother's grave; mother advises asking the father to make the dress like stars and a month; then the same shoes; horses (the same); for the fourth time: let the widow take the widow with three daughters; the stepmother tyrannites work; the cow helps: in one ear enter, leave the other - the canvas is ready; the stepmother sends her daughter to spy, her own mother teaches her to sleep, removing the lice in her hair; the same with the second; the third eye inserted the third eye; sleep the peephole, sleep the other, and the third looks; the stepmother tells the cow to be slaughtered; bones and giblets are buried under the window, an apple tree with golden and silver apples has grown; no one can reach them; on a holy day we went to church, and the stepmother poured them into poppy ash and ordered to be cleaned; on the advice of her own mother, the horses did everything; dressed like a month and stars, the stepdaughter went to church; the prince smeared the threshold with resin, one slipper stuck; they began to try on, only The stepdaughter came up; the apple tree leaned towards her; the stepmother comes to visit, turns her stepdaughter into a fox in the bathhouse, replaces her daughter; the midwife carries the baby, calls the fox, she throws off the fox skin , feeds; the prince spies, burns the skin; stepmother and her daughter are tied to a horse's tail]: Romanov 1887:292-295 (=Potanin 1891:155-157); Belarusians [grandfather has a daughter and son; machehins errands the bull performs; the stepmother tells him to slaughter; the stepdaughter finds gold and silver grains in her intestines, plants (the bull so ordered); golden and silver apple trees and horses with gold and silver hair appeared; stepson drinks from a sheep trail, becomes a lamb; the merchant marries his stepdaughter, takes her away, horses follow them, honey rivers flow, a lamb runs; the stepmother came to visit, turned her stepdaughter into a lynx, dressed her daughter as her dress; the baby cries, the lamb carries him out, the lynx calls, she feeds the baby; the merchant overheard, caught a lynx, she and the lamb took their former form; the woman's daughter was tied to a horse; var.: stepdaughter married to Queen, in the bathhouse, her stepmother turned her into a lynx, replaced her with her daughter; the nanny takes the baby to feed him; the queen grabs the lynx; she turned into a fly, he tore it; he broke it with a needle, young; stepmother and daughter tied to horses]: Potanin 1891 (according to Romanov): 154-155; Luzhitsy (Verkhnyaya Luzhitsa) [mother died, father married godmother, she began to tyrant her stepdaughter, she had 4 daughters were born: with 1, 2, 3, 4 eyes; stepdaughter herds a cow; prettier, although her stepmother gives her clay buns; stepmother consistently sends daughters to spy; stepdaughter puts them to sleep every time (sleep peephole, sleep with the other), but forgot about the fourth eye; the four-eye says that the cow gives her stepdaughter food from one horn, a drink from the other; the stepmother is preparing to slaughter a cow; she tells her stepdaughter ask her udder, there will be a pebble in it, it must be planted, a ringing glass lime tree will grow, and a dog will yap under it; the master saw the girl; the stepmother ordered her to wrap the sticky in chains, but she escaped And she jumped on the wagon on which the master took his wife; when she gave birth, the stepmother came, pushed her into the pond, replaced her with her daughter; the woman turned into a duck; the husband was surprised why the wife became ugly; a duck flew in at night, became a woman, fed the child; says that the lipka does not ring, the dog does not yap, the son cries; on the third night the husband managed to grab his wife; she tells her to cut her belt in one fell swoop; husband took a dagger, cut it; the wife remained human, told everything; the stepmother was tied by her hair to the horse's tail; the lipka rang again, the dog yapped, the son smiled]: Erben in Lifshits-Artemyeva 2017:183-188; Slovaks [when the forester brought the hare, the wife was going to cook it, but the cat stole the meat; the wife cut off her chest and fried her husband; the next day she told me; they agreed to kill Janek first , then Evichka, the forester's children from her first marriage; E. heard; taught me to run into a room where her stepmother would comb her hair, grab the ribbon, run away; she would pretend to run after her brother to get her back ribbon; seeing that the children were already near the forest, the stepmother cursed them: let them turn into animals from whose footprint they would drink; E. does not allow Y. to drink from a bear, a wolf, he drinks from a deer, becomes a deer; she drinks from a well herself, becomes a gold-haired beauty with a star in her forehead; she is found and married by a young king; in the absence of her husband, she gives birth to a boy with a gold star in his forehead; the old woman pushes E. into water, replaces her daughter in bed; the baby cries, the deer takes him to the Danube, asks the ducks to show the way to his mother; the ducks say she is one of them; the mother arrives as a duck, becomes a woman, feeds the baby, returns to the river; like this every day; the king returns, the imaginary wife wants reindeer meat; the king goes after the deer when he carries the baby to his mother; the king grabs the wife, she turns into ducks, monsters {it is not said which ones}, but he does not let go; E. and Y. take on a human form; the king asks the old woman what anyone who tried to kill two innocent people and condemn the third to misfortune, she replies that this should be put in a barrel of nails, lowered from the mountain; this is what they did to the old woman and her daughter]: Dobšinský 1970, No. 12:69-74 (a little abridged translation in Bogatyrev 1955:110-116); Poles [stepmother hates her stepdaughter, sends her stepdaughter for berries in winter; she is kind to those she meets, is awarded; pearls and roses fall from her mouth or tears turn into pearls; her own daughter goes to the forest, rude, reptiles begin to fall from her mustache; the queen falls in love with her stepdaughter or falls in love with her from her brother's portrait; stepmother drowns her together with her child; her stepmother or daughter drowns her on the way to the Queen; her stepmother's daughter takes her place; her brother is thrown into prison because the bride is not at all like in the portrait; drowned accepts the image of a golden duck, goose or other bird flies to the royal court three times; on the third night, the queen breaks the spell; when the queen grabs the bird; the brother is returned to court; the stepmother and her daughter are punished ]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 403:130; Czechs: Uther 2004 (1), No. 450:266.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Rumei [the prince's dogs find a slipper in the stream; the prince promises to marry someone who fits the slipper; marries Cinderella, they have a boy; her sister is hired as an unrecognized nanny; pushes wife at sea, puts on her clothes, makes his breasts out of rags, gives it to the child; he cries; another time the husband comes to the shore, hears his wife singing, Catch a whale, I'm here; the whale was caught, slaughtered, the woman went out and began to feed the child; the husband suggests that the imaginary wife tie her to 40 horse tails; she agrees, says she will swing]: Ivanova 2004:494-495; Kalmyks: Dzhimgirov 1970:78 -79 in Basangova 2002 [=2019:69-70; the cow feeds her stepdaughter with gingerbread and sugar, she becomes beautiful; she has to admit that the cow feeds her manure; the stepmother sends her own daughters, they are not they become more beautiful; the cow has been slaughtered, the manure carried by the stepdaughter to the mountain turns into a palace; the khan takes his stepdaughter to his son; her daughters push her into the lake, one of them replaces her; the lake dries up, the camel remains; the wife of the khan's son tells him to be slaughtered, a drop of blood turns into poplar; the wife of the khan's son tells him to cut him down, make a cradle for her future child; a sliver falls into the old man's bosom, turns into a pipe with a gold chain, a pipe into a girl; they called the girls to make a fur coat for the khan's son; this girl tells her story, the Khan's son marries her, drives her away]: 138-141; Vatagin 1964:130-135 [Kermen is stepdaughter, Bulgat is the daughter of an old woman; the cow gives K. her milk, she is getting prettier; does not let B. in; the old woman tells her to slaughter the cow, she asks K. to take her rectum to the steppe; the gut turns into a rich kibitka; the khan's son sees her, marries K.; the stepmother pushes K. off the cliff into the water, passes her son B., who has bumps on her cheek and neck; a camel jumped out of the lake; B. pretends to be sick, asks him to be slaughtered; a drop of blood grows a poplar; a cradle is made from poplar for his future son B., one sliver falls into the cowboy's bosom, turns into a tube at home, then into a girl; khansha tells two hundred girls to sew a fur coat for the khan; the cowman's daughter must sew a sleeve; at a feast, the khan tells a fairy tale, the girl tells her story; the khan's son marries K., drives B. and her mother], 239-245 [two daughters ask her father to bring outfits, the youngest Tsagan is a black-browed khan's son; the khan agrees, asks Ts to make a shirt and trousers, is satisfied with the work No. C. goes to Khan in accompanied by a neighbor, old woman Syavda and her daughter; they took food from Ts. They gave them food in exchange for their eyes, threw them into the well; S.'s daughter explains to Khan that she was looking for everything, sniffing out how far the Khan's ulus was, so the eyes became ugly, the nose was long; the old man pulled C. out of the well; she made a pouch, tells me to exchange it for the eye; the same is the second; S. knows that C.'s soul is in the heart of a silverfish, pretends to be sick, tells me to catch, S. takes a fish heart; when she dies, C. tells her body to be thrown into the lake; Khan comes to the lake, there is an underwater palace, a girl lies next to her cries; when the khan gave her the heart of a fish, she put him in the mouth of C., she came to life, told everything; Khan asks S. and her daughter if they want sword and blood or horse tails; they say that tails; they were tied to the tails of horses]; Kabardian people [mother died, the girl Gulez and the boy Inal are left; the witch stepmother decided to eat them; they ran away, the witch is chasing, the children threw the comb (forest), the scissors (7 iron walls), the mirror (the sea); the witch asks for a ford, the children point out a deep place, the waves carried away the witch; I. wants to drink; G. does not allow drinking from the trail of a camel's hoof, cowhide; he drinks from sheep, became a lamb; the prince saw G., took it home, married; the witch's daughter pushed G. into the sea, put on her clothes, took her place; asks the prince to slaughter the lamb; a lamb by the sea calls his sister, says that they sharpen knives, heat the water to cook his meat; G.: I can't help, I'm in a whale's stomach; people told the prince, they caught the whale, g, returned it, the lamb became human, the witch's daughter was kicked out]: Kardanov 1961:63-68; Balkarians or Karachays [stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter Ileuku and her brother; the children are leaving; Ileuka does not tell his brother to drink from the stream through which the cows have passed will become a calf; horses will become a foal; sheep a lamb; the boy secretly drinks, makes lamb; I. s she climbed a tree with a lamb; warriors sat under it, fell asleep; I. went down, cooked meat, fixed her clothes, hid again; so for three days; once she ate an apple, which made her an adult beauty ; the warriors waited, brought the khan, she agrees to become his wife if he leaves a lamb with her; the witch offers to swim in the river, pushed I. into the river, put on her clothes, took her form, ordered to slaughter a lamb; he runs to the river, bleats, telling his sister everything; the Khan's servant understands the language of animals, hears everything, tells the khan; the witch was punished, I.'s body was found, buried; a tree has grown; the poor woman asks for a twig, the khan sends her to find the roots; she finds that the spine turns into I.; Khan says everything at the festival, the lamb turns into a young man; a kind woman has become I. and her brother foster mother]: Aliyeva, Kholaev 1983:37-43; Terek Cossacks (v. Naurskaya) [the peasant did not develop wheat; a stranger advises him to kill and bury his daughter in the field - then there will be a lot of wheat; the peasant decides to do so, warns his wife, goes to the field; she tells her daughter about her father's plan; the daughter brings him a bag of wheat and runs away; climbs a tree by the river; the king and his servants sit under him to rest; notice the girl, persuade her to get down; she tells his story to the king; he decides to marry her; goes with his servants to the capital to buy dresses and jewelry for the bride; asks him to wait in a tree; two Arab girls come to the river for water; they notice the royal bride on the tree {there is no reflection or shadow}; one of the Arabs climbs a tree and pushes the girl into the water; pretends to be a bride, tells the king that her skin has turned black because for the sun and wind; he believes, takes her as his wife; a girl thrown into the river turns into a mermaid with a fish tail; shows herself to servants who bring horses to a watering place; they tell the king what has happened there monster: half female, half fish; by order of the king, a mermaid is caught with a net; she reminds him of a real bride; an Arab woman pretends to be sick; assures that a mermaid must be cooked in a cauldron, otherwise The king himself will soon fall ill; the mermaid's bones are thrown away near the palace; they take root and grow in the form of a tree that is covered with leaves and flowers all year round; the king admires the tree and notices that the leaves on him wither when he leaves the palace; the Arab woman demands that the tree be cut down; the king agrees; the old woman collects chips near the felled tree; finds a spindle among them; leaves it in her the room, goes to the kitchen; when he returns, he sees a pile of thread; every time an old woman leaves the house, someone cleans her room and makes threads; the old woman hides behind the door; finds out that the spindle is turning a girl; she tells her story, stays with an old woman; walks near the palace; the king falls in love, comes with his Arab wife to dinner with an old woman; the girl brings her bird into the room Kakabku; asks if she remembers how her father tried to kill her, a girl, how she was pushed off a tree by an Arab woman, how she was cooked in a cauldron in the form of a mermaid, how she became a tree was cut down, and how she turned in a spindle; K. answers all questions in the affirmative; the king orders an Arab woman to be tied to the horse's tail; tells the servants to ride this horse on the rocks; lives happily with his new wife]: Vostrikov 1904, No. 3: 80-86; Nogais [Bozakbay tells Kazynbay to shoot at the hare, but he refuses: the hare is pregnant like his wife; B.'s wife is also pregnant, gives birth to a son Boztokli, K.'s wife is daughter Kyivaseker, friends they agree to marry them in the future; B. died, Kazynbay's family migrated; Boztokli threw an alchik under the woman's feet, she fell, spilled milk, scolded Boztokli: he lost his father and lost his bride; Boztokli asks the mother to fry the millet, pressed down her hand with a hot spoon, the mother admits that her son has a betrothed; on the way, Boztokli greets seven mounds, addressing each "Gray Head"; at the well throws a ring into the jug of the maid Kiyvaseker; the bride recognizes Boztokli; they want to pass her off as a hero who sleeps for seven days, she offers to run; she leaves the bride in a tree near Boztokli's house, walks to her mother; Kiyvaseker sees the reflection of the khan's maid who has come for water, takes it for her own; then she notices K., suggests going down to look in her head, pushes her into the well, sat down on a tree with two children (i.e. babies born to K.); replies that her nose stretched out while she cried, her arms became rough because she climbed off the tree and climbed back in anticipation, etc.; servant B. finds K., hears how she talks about what happened in a song; the servant goes home twice to tell everything, but each time she forgets; the third time she tears his hat on purpose so as not to forget; the soothsayer tells B. to dig a hole at the well, put children in it, they will cry, K. will come out of the well; B. grabbed K.; asked the maid if she wanted 40 legs or a killing knife; she chose legs, she was tied to the tails of 40 horses]: Nogai 1979, No. 19:102-109; Avars: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 36 [a mother with three daughters walks through the forest, the serpent demands to give one daughter, only the youngest agrees; in the house the snake turns into a young man; the wife and son go visit the mother; when she goes back, the older sister goes with her, stings the baby, he cries, the sister explains that the baby wants the sisters to exchange scarves and dresses, then she wants a flower from the sea, pushes the youngest into the sea, takes her place; but literally follows the order of the mother-in-law to break the jug against the wall (this means you have to go get water), cut off the cow's udder (milk), etc.; son grazes cows, the bird says that she did not give birth to him to herd cows; the boy tells his father that he puts the bird in a cage; the eldest throws the cage on the floor, the bird turns into scissors; cut all the clothes the eldest; the scissors became chicken, they were taken by an old woman; someone cooks in the house, the old woman finds the girl; the husband recognizes his wife, the older sister dies of a broken heart]: 339-342; Georgians: Kurdovanidze 1988 (1), No. 54 [nine brothers go hunting; a mother gives birth to a girl, puts a spindle at the gate; an angry neighbor replaces him with a yoke; another girl tells the brothers' sister that her brothers are missing because of her; the daughter bites her mother's chest, forcing her to reveal the truth; comes to the brothers, who do not know who is cleaning the house; they find her; warn her not to let the fire go out; the girl comes to the mother of the devas; she gives smut and cilantro seeds, finds a home on them; dev bites off the girl's finger; the next day, the brothers kill him; the mother of the devas asks for medicine to be added to the brothers' food; they turn into deer, run away; alone walks with her; the prince wants to shoot, the girl asks not to do so; the prince marries her; the neighbor tells her servants to drown her, puts on her clothes, replaces her, tells her to stab the deer; he calls his sister, she answers, tells the king not to carry water, not to sharpen his dagger; the servants pull out the woman, tie the impostor to the horse's tail], 65 [the stepmother tortures the stepdaughter with work; the cow tells the stepdaughter that in one honey in her ear, oil in the other; the stepmother watches, finds out, tells her husband to slaughter the cow; she tells her stepdaughter not to eat her meat, put the bones in her skin, bury it; the stepdaughter drops the spindle into the old woman's yard, she asks look in her hair, look at her pickles; the girl does everything, she is not surprised that there are snakes and frogs in the jars; the old woman tells her to walk past a white, black spring, dip her head in yellow; her hair became gold; her own daughter disgust the old woman, she tells her to put her head under a black spring, she has a donkey tail on her head; stepmother tells her stepdaughter to sort out the millet by her return; neighbors they give a sieve to sift millet; in a hole where cow bones should be, a girl finds a horse and luxurious clothes; on the bridge she loses her slipper; the king orders to find the owner, marries her son's stepdaughter; the stepmother asks The stepdaughter takes off her dress, pushes her into the pond, replaces the prince's wife with her daughter; the prince sits by the pond, admiring the fish; the imaginary wife affects the sick, tells the fish to cook; poplar grows out of bones, the wife tells me to cut down; the old woman picks up chips; someone cooks in her house, the old woman finds the girl; the prince comes in, the girl tells her story; the stepmother and daughter are tied to the tails of horses]: 213-218, 278 -286; megrels [only one homi stalk (Italian millet) grew in the field; when the old man took off his ear, a new one immediately grew up; they collected a whole threshing floor on the threshing floor, asking the old man to marry him off his daughter ; the eldest two refused, the youngest agreed; on the way to him, the serpent took off his skin, did a great job; warned that when his mother told him to destroy the barn, break the scudel (i.e. clay vessel), scoop it out a well, etc., then do nothing; after the birth of her son, the woman begged her to be allowed to visit her relatives; husband: when you wear out your shoes and feed the pig so much that fat would flow from her leg; mother-in-law put shoes on the hot, poked a spindle in the pig's leg, lard seemed; they went to the woman's parents; the sisters are jealous; they tied a stone to the woman's neck, threw it into the river, the middle sister put on her clothes, went to her husband; the boy asked her grandmother to bake a cake; told her to roll to her mother; she rolled to the river, the mother went out and gave her breast; so several times; father and grandmother noticed, grabbed, wiped, dressed up the mother boy; her sister tied to a horse's tail]: Gachava et al. 1890:22-24; Armenians: Ganalanyan 1965 [stepmother roasts seed; tells her husband that the field will turn green if sacrificed stepdaughter and stepson; father leaves children in the field; sister does not tell brother to drink from puddles so that he does not become a cow, camel, horse; he drinks, becomes a lamb; sister climbs a tree, royal servants they ask her to go down, the king marries, she tells him about the lamb; the old woman pushes her into the sea, puts her clothes on her daughter; the imaginary wife tells him to slaughter the lamb; the sister is swallowed by fish from her belly Shouts not to kill the lamb; the fisherman reports this to the king; he tells him to catch fish, they find a girl in his stomach; the lamb turns into a man; the old woman and daughter are tied to the tail of a mule]: 45-48; Nazinyan 1969 [seven brothers tell the mother to put a spindle on the roof if a girl is born and a plow if it is a boy again; someone mistakenly put the plow, the brothers have left; the girl has grown up; someone is missing a ball; all the girls swore by their brothers that they did not take the ball, and this one swore by a dog; the mother admitted that the girl had brothers; she came to the house in the woods, cleaned and cooked, hid; the younger brother began to guard, saw his sister; one day the fire went out, the girl saw smoke, came, and there was a terrible old woman, the mother of a deva; she gave coal and ash, the devil found a home on the fly; the girl refused unlock it, but agreed to stick her finger out; the dev bit it off, she fainted; the brothers killed the deva, buried it; the deva's mother watered the grave, the grass grew, the brothers put her in soup, turned into rams; the girl the prince took it, promised to take her brothers; the prince's relative pushed his wife into the water, put on her dress, her husband did not notice the substitution; the liar pretended to be sick, asked to slaughter the sheep; they came to the shore , ask her sister to go out; she swam out, the brothers became human again, the liar was tied to the tail of the mule, let him flee the mountain; three apples fell from the sky]: 135-138; Cox 1893, No. 8 [stepmother tells her husband to leave in stepdaughter with stepson in the mountains; sister forbids brother to drink water from horse, ox, buffalo, bear, boar, wolf trail, otherwise he will become a foal, etc.; he drinks from a goat, turns into a kid; stepdaughter and kid return home; stepmother is going to slaughter the kid, stepdaughter picks it up and goes back to the mountains; drops the spindle, it rolls into the cave; leaving a kid grazes, a girl follows a spindle; in the cave there is a thousand-year-old witch (dev); she brings snakes and dragons; the girl tells her story; she puts a hook into the fire, goes to bed; if something appears even, don't wake her up, and if she's rainbow, you have to wake her up with a hot hook to her legs; the girl does everything, her hair and clothes turn golden; she came back to her stepmother again, hid gold clothes, but she notices her golden hair, sends her own daughter; the old woman turned her into a garden scarecrow; stepmother and daughter go to the wedding, stepdaughter puts on her golden dress; comes back before them; she loses her shoe, she swam along the stream; seeing the shoe, the royal horses refuse to drink; the girls are told to try on the shoe; the rooster screams about where the owner is; wedding; stepmother and daughter they come to the young queen, offer to swim, push her into the sea; the fish swallowed her, the stepmother replaced her with her daughter; being in the belly of the fish, the queen hears the voice of bell-ringer; asks him seven times cross himself, ask the king not to slaughter the kid; the king, together with the bell-ringer, comes to the sea, hears his wife's voice, jumps into the water, rips open the fish's belly, pulls out his wife; tied his stepmother and her daughter to their tails horses; three apples fell from the sky]: 4-5; Wingate 1910, No. 2 [the new wife demands that the husband take his son and daughter from his first wife to the forest; in the forest, the boy is thirsty, the father says he will go to look for water, not returns; the sister forbids her brother to drink from a horse, ox, buffalo, bear, boar, wolf trail; allows him from a goat trail, warns that the brother will become a kid; they come back home; stepmother is pregnant, demands to slaughter the kid (pregnant women cannot be refused); sister runs away with the kid; drops a spindle into the cave, there is an old woman, the girl turns to her affectionately; the witch asks to wake her up with a hot iron, if Green-Red comes, and if Black, don't wake her up; as it happens, Green-Red touches the girl's hair, her clothes turn golden; the girl with the kid returns to her stepmother; hides gold clothes, but the stepmother sees golden braids; sends her own daughter to the witch; the witch turns her ugly, drives her away; girls come to the prince's party; the stepmother covers her daughter with a veil; The stepdaughter comes in secret; on the way back she loses her shoe; the prince is looking for the owner, marries; the stepmother comes to visit, pushes her stepdaughter into the sea, replaces her daughter; the prince's wife is swallowed by fish, from her belly she screams so that her husband does not harm the kid; the prince hears, rushes into the sea with a sword, returns his wife; offers her stepmother a horse or a knife; she chooses a horse, she and her daughter are tied to the tail a horse, let them go through the mountains]: 365-371; Azerbaijanis [the fisherman has an adult daughter Fatmajykh and a little son Kiyavyzhykh; his mother died, the fisherman took the fanged Bash-khanum; she gave birth to a bald boy and a girl; ordered take the old children to the forest; the father tied a board to the tree so that it would knock, and the children thought he was cutting wood; left; K. was thirsty, F. did not tell you to drink from the spring - you would become a horse; then a dog; K. got drunk from the third, became a bull; said that he would now feed his sister with honey and oil, which were in his horns; took his sister; although father and stepmother had moved, the bull found them; F. said that he had run over his brother a bear, and she came in a bull; she was sent to scratch her hair, the bull fed her; the wind carried away the tow; F. ran after her, ran into the hut; there Baba Yaga, with snakes and centipedes in her hair; F. asked for her tow, the old woman asked how she liked the hut; F. praised the cleanliness; the old woman blessed her; told her to wake her up when white, red and black water ran; washed her with three waters, F. became white, eyebrows and her eyelashes were black, her cheeks and lips were red; she gave her tow; the stepmother sent her own daughter; she called the old woman ugly; three waters made her body black, her eyebrows and eyelashes white, and a red spot appeared on her forehead; then the stepmother pretended to be sick, asked for the bull's meat; he tells her sister to collect his bones and throw him into the well, where a beautiful outfit will appear; the stepmother and daughter went to a meeting with the Shah, and F. told separate the millet from the ash and fill the bowl with tears; the rooster and the chickens were separated, the rooster advised to prepare salt water; wearing the dress that was in the well, F. came to the palace, showered everyone with flowers, and her stepmother ash; when she ran back, she lost her slipper; Tsarevich Mamed ordered to look for the owner; the rooster shouts that F. was in a hole, tied hand and foot; M. married F.; stepmother's daughter pushed her into the sea, put it on dress; in the morning the rooster shouts: her sister was drowned in the sea, swallowed her catfish, she wears under the Shah's heart and asks for salvation; the fishermen caught the catfish, took out F.; M. asks the liar if she wants a golden knife or a seven-year-old mare; she did not understand whether she wanted a mare; she was put in one bag, and the puppy and the pan in another; frightened by the roar, the horse rushed, the body was scattered across the valleys; M. stayed with F.]: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:3-19; Turks: Aganin et al. 1960 [the hunter has a second wife; stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter and stepson; the partridge obtained by the hunter has disappeared; the wife is terrified; cut off one breast, cooked; the hunter liked the meat; when he found out what was going on, he decided to eat human meat; the wife offered to fatten the children and eat it after 40 days; the girl hears, counts the days, laying stones; tells her brother run; father chases; old woman gives mirror, comb and clay; sister threw clay (swamp); crest (thorny bush); father almost caught up, mirror fell - sea, father stayed on the other side; brother thirsty; the rider indicated three sources; after drinking from the first, you will become fish, from the second you will become a lamb, the third is safe; the brother has become a lamb; the son of the padishah drove up and saw a girl in a tree, decided marry; rode home to return; an arapka came up, said that the padishah's son had sent her, pushed the girl to the first spring, put on her clothes; the padishah's son was surprised that the bride had gone fool; after wedding, the arapka is sick, asks for lamb meat; the padishah's son is watching him; he comes to the source: you were swallowed by a fish, and an arapka wants to eat me, butchers sharpen knives; the fishermen pulled out the fish, got it a girl from her womb; an arapka was torn by four mules; three apples fell from the sky; the lamb ate one, became a boy, his sister put another on his chest, she woke up; the third will find a child who will read a fairy tale]: 122-130; Stebleva 1986, No. 33 [the stepmother wants to throw the children into the oven; the boy and sister go to the mother's grave; the voice tells them to take a comb, a brush, soap; the stepmother sent soldiers in pursuit; the abandoned comb became thickets of thorns, the brush became snakes covered the ground, the soap became the sea; the children walk along the steppe, the boy is thirsty; the sister does not tell you to drink from a deer's hoof, he drinks and turns into a deer; the girl climbs the poplar, the shahzade sees her reflection; tells her to cut; during the night, the felling overgrows; the old woman begins to bake bread, putting the baking sheet upside down; the girl goes down to help her, shahzade picks her up and deer, gets married; while swimming, the arapka pushes her into a deep place, puts on her clothes, says she has turned black waiting for her husband to return; asks her to slaughter the deer; the deer brother tells his sister how they sharpen stab him with knives; his sister replies that she is in the stomach of a fish, her son is at her chest; people hear, shahzade overhears, the sultana and the child are taken out, the arapka is tied to the tails of 40 mules]: 131-134; Kúnos 1901 [after the death of the padishah, his son and daughter went broke, went on a journey; the sister warns his brother in vain not to drink dirty water, he drinks, turns into a deer; the sister climbed a tree above as a source, the padishah's horses see her reflection, are frightened; then the servants also see; she refuses to get down, the padishah tells her to cut down the tree; when the servants have gone on vacation, the deer licked the felling, the tree became whole; same the next evening; then they called the old woman; she pretended to be blind, put the cauldron upside down, poured water by; the next time you cooked not meat, but ash; on the third day she cut the sheep, poking her with a knife from behind, rather than cutting her throat; the girl went down, the padishah grabbed her, she agreed to marry him if he took her deer brother; the black maid pushed the padishah's wife into a spring, she was swallowed by a fish; the maid took her place, saying that she had darkened in the sun; she pretended to be sick: the meat of a deer will cure her; he says to her sister: the knife is sharpening, the water is boiling, hurry up, sister; sister in answer: I am inside a fish, a golden saucer on my hand, a silver sandal on my leg, a small padishah on my chest; I heard the padishah, the spring was drained, the fish's belly was ripped open, there was a wife and son; the deer licked the fish blood, became a young man again; maidservant: 4 swords or 4 horses? maid: let swords against my enemies, I choose horses; she was tied to the tails of horses, torn]: 1-11; Kurds (Iraq) [Askol is stepdaughter, Khursha is her own daughter; stepmother tells A. to herd a cow in a day hide all the wool; the wind carried the yarn, A. followed her, saw a female diva with long breasts, asking her to comb her head, A. lies that her hair is clean; she tells her not to wake her up while the blue one is walking, green, red, yellow, purple, black, brown water, cloudy, wake up when white went; the female diva dipped A.'s hand with white water, A. became beautiful, the yarn became thread; the stepmother sent H. She tells the female diva that her head is disgusting; the female diva tells her to wake her up when the water is cloudy, H. is covered with warts; the padishah's son saw A. from the roof of the palace; the stepmother hides her in tandoor, X. sends, but the rooster screams about it, the padishah's son marries A.; the stepmother comes, calls the pregnant A. for a walk, pushes her into the river; she swims out to the other side, gives birth to a son; the shepherd hears her story; the son The padishah returns his wife and son; stepmother and H. are tied by the legs to mules]: Yusupova 2004, No. 3:140-145.
Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Osmanov 1987:124-131 [=Rosenfeld 1956:13-22; the merchant's property burns down, he lives in a vacant lot, his wife gives birth to a daughter, four peri give her gifts: roses from her mouth when she laughs, tears are pearls, sleeps - gold under her head, steps - gold and silver under her feet; shahzadeh marries her; the merchant's sister (i.e. the bride's aunt) gives her a potion, the girl is thirsty, she gives her eyes for water, aunt throws her into a hole, replaces her with her daughter; she takes roses and gold in reserve, they run out soon; the gardener pulls out the girl, sells roses and pearls to her aunt in exchange for her torn eyes; shahzade finds a true wife, an impostor asks if she wants a horse or a sword; she replies that the horse, shahzade, ties her hair to the horse's tail], 240-243 [The raven tells the boy and girl that their stepmother is going to kill them; they leave, the sister does not tell them to drink from the springs so as not to turn into chamois; the brother drinks, turns; picking pistachios, the sister finds them rich in clothes and jewelry; climbs a tree; not gets off when shahzade asks her to go with him; the old woman pretends to be trying to collect water with the boiler, lowering it with the hole down; the girl gets down to explain to her, shahzade takes her away; leaves for a year; the old woman covers the pit with a plate of salt, pours warm water on Shahzade's wife, the salt melts, the girl falls into the hole, gives birth to a golden-haired boy there; the old woman replaces her with her daughter; she explains to the returnee shahzade, what has changed from separation from him; asks to slaughter a chamois; brother complains to his sister, sister replies that let the butcher go blind; the other will break his arms and legs; for the third time shahzade hears a voice, pulls his wife and son out of the pit; pushes the false wife into boiling water, cooks pilaf from her, sends her to the old woman; the son and husband of the old woman see the hand of a sister/daughter in pilaf; the old woman does not believe, kills them with a spit; when she sees for herself, jumps into a hot tanur], 336-339 [sister and brother run away from an evil stepmother; the rider gives the girl clothes, warns that she can drink from the last, human stream; brother drinks from the penultimate, a gazelle, becomes a lame gazelle; shahzade takes the girl as his wife; when she goes hunting, warns that she must open the door after he throws the seventh Pomeranian through the wall; mother She heard the old bride, got into Shahzade's wife, covered the hole with a carpet, she fell through; she gave birth to a boy and a girl in the pit; the liar put her daughter in her place; she told Shahzade that she had turned yellow with anguish according to him, he will recover if the gazelle is slaughtered; the gazelle complains to her sister (The knives are sharpened hot...); the sister replies that she has a son and daughter Shahzade in her arms, tells the butcher to go blind; shahzade hears his wife, pulls her out of the hole; the false wife's meat soup was given to her mother, who found her daughter's ring in it; the mother was torn apart by horses; the gazelle stayed with her sister and shahzade]; mountain Tajiks (Darvaz): Amonov 1972 [ bai tells him to marry a wife as beautiful as Myrumby, the daughter of a poor neighbor; they do not find one; parents promise to give M. bay; M. gives rice to magpie, then chicken; they tell M. what she will be given for Baja; M. stuck a needle in the ground, it turned into a plane tree to the sky; M. sings, telling the plane tree to lift it away from the ground; the plane tree began to pick it up; the mother asks you to return - you were told a lie; M.: you were My mother, now you are an enemy, everyone in the world is angry; the same is with my father; with my older brother; my younger brother cried, M. felt sorry for him, tells the plane tree to let her down, her brother to grab her pigtail, and got up with him; brother and sister found themselves in the endless steppe; brother and sister walked along it; the old man warns not to drink from the lake (you will become frogs), from the stream (gazelles), to drink from the river; brother drinks from the stream, it is done gazelle; a goat transports them across the river; M. fried the partridge, the padishah's nuker came, brought him this partridge, M. became the padishah's beloved wife; he left, the two older wives began to pump pregnant M. swings on the pond, cut the rope, M. fell; the wives told the padishah that M. was peri, flew away; the eldest wife says she is sick, asks to slaughter the gazelka; he asks the executions to let him drink first; M . replies from the pond that she has Shohusain and Mohusain (sons Ali) on her chest; the padishah tells the giant to drink the pond, returns M. and the children, the gazelenok becomes a boy again; the wives are tied to the tails of mares and a stallion was allowed to see them]: 50-58 (=Amonov 196:59-67, =Amonov, Ulug-zade 1957:189-195, =1960:218-225, =Osmanov 1989:297-305); Rosenfeld, Rychkova 1990, No. 8 [Magpie, then Chicken, then the old lady speaks to a girl that they want to pass her off as an older brother; she sits on a volvolyak turntable, flies to the sky; refuses to go down at the request of her mother, older brother; goes down to pick up her younger brother, flies away from him; they go down into the gorge; the sister does not tell him to drink from the pond with frogs, then with snakes, then where mountain goats drink; the brother drinks, turns into a one-horned goat; the Shah hunts, takes the girl as his wife, leaves; two older wives put her on a swing, give the cat lard, tell her to gnaw the rope; the girl falls into the pond; under water gives birth to a silver-fronted son Shoh Hussein ("Shah") and a daughter with golden braids Moh-Hussein ("The Month"); wives want to slaughter the kid, who complains to her sister, she replies that her braids are entangled in the tree branches, promises to make the knife stupid; the Shah hears his wife's voice, tells her not to water the herd , then give the animals a pond to drink; the shah married a second time, the eldest wives were torn apart by mares]: 48-51; Khufs [the father has two sons and a daughter; the eldest asks the father to give him a wife; the father tells him to stick a flower in her hair that she likes; the son chose a sister; the old woman told her that she was being passed off as a brother; the girl went up to the plane tree and told her to grow up; the mother asks the plane tree to be shorter; girl: you served my mother {in the sense that she is no longer my mother}; the same with my father; with my older brother; when my younger brother came up, she went down and went with him to another country; asks me not to drink from the stream - you will become a wolf; then horse; dog; for the fourth time the boy got drunk and became a lamb; the king met them and brought them to his place; the old wife put a new one on the swing, shakes, she falls into the pond; when the king returned, she orders to slaughter lamb; he cries by the pond: They sharpen a damask knife, they put Leyla's brother in the cauldron; the tsar heard, threw a rope to his wife and pulled it out; tied his ex-wife to a horse, who smashed her to pieces]: Sokolova 1959, No. 21:83- 86; Yagnobtsy: Andreev, Peshereva 1957, No. 10 [an unloved wife pushes her beloved into the pond; she feeds her son well, her stepson poorly; the ram tells him to feed him rough bread, gives him from her horn delicious food; stepmother pretends to be sick, will recover if she eats stepson's meat; he goes to the pond, complains to his mother; she makes the knife turn into a nightmare and dough; the king orders to drain the pond at the bottom a living wife, twins Hassan and Hussein on her lap; a feast; a diva took the king's daughter away from another wife and the daughter of another king; princes Soka and Boka find them, B. kills one, the second diva; S. envies, lets B. down the abyss behind the gun, cuts off the rope, he falls on a gray horse, with sulfur on a bull, from a bull in front of an old woman; kills foxes that ate her chickens; kills tigers that devoured plowman's bulls; wolves Shepherds who ate cattle; they all send them to the plane tree on which the Simurg bird's nest; the dragon comes out of the pond, kills chicks every year; B. kills the dragon; Simurg asks for meat for 40 lambs, 40 wineskins of wine; shepherd, plowman give; Simurg takes him to the ground, there was not enough meat, he bites off a piece of B.'s leg, belches and takes root on the ground; B. takes his gun, which S. could not take away, kills the dragon in the village on land that gave water in exchange for people left to eat; the king asks B. not to kill his brother, marries the vizier's daughter], 45 [the young man promises to marry a girl like his sister; he does not find it, decides take the sister herself; the sparrow tells her about it, gives her a magic wand, the girl flies away on it; refuses to return at the request of her mother (she is now her mother-in-law), her younger brother; but then takes it he is with them; they go; his sister forbids the boy to drink from different rivers, for he will become a marmot, a bear, a pig; he drinks from a river that turns half into a goat; a sister climbs a tree above the water; the maid thinks she is so beautiful, refuses to carry water; the old woman persuaded her to go down, the king married the girl; while he was hunting, the other wives persuaded her to swing on the swing, cut off the rope, the girl fell into the pond; the other wife says she is sick, asks that the goat be slaughtered; the goat asks for permission to go to the pond, sings that Bibi-Mo (i.e. his sister) has Hassan and Hussein (newborns) in the arms, let the knife turn around, prevent it from slaughtering; the maid tries to slaughter the goat, injures herself; the king hears, tells them to bring cattle, they drink water, the pond dries up; feast; other wives are tied to horses]: 79-87, 206-210; Uzbeks: Afzalov et al. 1972 (1) [=Konovalov, Stepanov 1986:92-109; three bundles of brushwood collected by the old man and his two neighbors were carried away by the wind; the old man finds them in a hole with three pots of gold; old man shares gold, but neighbors kill him, taking his share; before he dies, he asks to give his son to be named Dod ("help"); one day his mother went to look for her son, called him; the padishah began to find out where does such a strange name come from; guessed that neighbors killed Dod's father; asks to remove the mask that the boy spent the night, amazed by his beauty, makes Doda an adopted son, puts him on the throne; in a dream, Peri appears, Dod goes to look for it; the old man tells me to choose the middle pumpkin, tells me not to open it on the way; Dod wants to throw it away, Peri screams in pain, Dod opens the pumpkin, there's peri; says he should have listened to the old man; let Dod carry her in a covered arba; leave her on the outskirts of the city; the old woman asks Peri to get water, pushes her into the water, puts her on her clothes; answers Dod that she will take her former form when their child is 7 years old ; a horse came out of the spring, an imaginary peri tells it to be killed; only one butcher reluctantly agrees to slaughter it; three drops of blood grow three poplars; the imaginary peri tells them to cut them down, make a cradle for it the baby; the cradle shrank, killing him; the calandar wants to pick up the chips, they fly away; a palace appears, peri in it, tells the calandar to call Dod, the padishah, and arrange a feast for all the residents; Dod cut sorceress to pieces, reunited with his wife]: 261-276; Westerman 2009 [the widower has Gulnor's eldest daughter, the youngest Oimoma; the father married a widow, she has her own son; O. tells G. that they want to pass her off as a stepfather brother; G. ran to the mountains, asked the stone to open, hid inside the stone; only the ends of her hair remained outside; the father asked the stone to open; G.: was a father, now father-in-law; father's wife: you are not a mother, but stepmother; groom: so that her eyes would not look at you; when O. came, G. asked the stone to open and both sisters went on a journey; O. wanted to drink, G. did not tell you to turn into a bear cub; elsewhere - as a wolf cub; in the third - as a goat; O. wants to become a goat, drinks; Shah's hunters surrounded them, the Shah married G.; Shah's first wife Bekoim ordered to put the goat on a chain; G. will give birth soon, the Shah went hunting ; B. hung a swing by the pond, G. began to swing, B. cut the rope, G. fell into the pond; B. tells the Shah that G. poisoned her, became an owl and flew away; B. pretended to be sick, she will be cured by goat meat; the goat sings over the pond, G. answers from the bottom; the cooks made a fire under the boilers, 40 butchers are ready to slaughter the goat; she asks the butcher not to cut it, calls her sister ("The boilers are suspended, the knives are sharpened"), she answers from the bottom ("I have carpets under my feet, two cradles next to me, Hassan and Hussein in my arms"); people hear, scooped up water, there are two golden cradles at the bottom; G. gave the goat a drink of water, she became a girl again; Shah ordered B. and her healer to tie 40 horses to their tails and died; the horses were driven to the steppe; G. became the ruler]: 222-227; Ostroumov 1892, No. 16 [=1890, No. 16:95-101; stepmother hates five stepdaughters and stepson; the father takes them to collect mulberries; climbs a tree, tells them not to look up, otherwise the branch will fall on his head, gets off himself, leaving the mallet hanging, hitting the tree in the wind; the older sister does not tell them to drink dirty water; younger girls drink, turn into a monkey, wolf, fox, tiger, run away; younger brother becomes a kid, follows his sister; the king meets them, takes the girl as his wife; in his absence 39 wives they threw her into the water, replaced her with another woman; at the bottom of the pond, Peri picked up a drowned woman, serves her in a silver house; the imaginary wife asks her husband to slaughter the kid; he calls his sister, asks her to teach her to escape death; the sister replies that she has two golden cradles, Hassan and Hussein in them, she cannot go out; the king hears, orders to scoop out the pond, returned his wife and children, tied other wives to the tails of horses]: 95 (also "Sart Tales in Russian", 1906 in Nasyrov, Polyakov 1900:90 and in Ethnographic Review, 1907, No. 1-2:229); Bukhara Arabs: Vinnikov 1969, No. 9 [father wants to pass his daughter off as son; she runs away into the reeds; father tells the reeds to open; girl: was a father, now you are a father-in-law; the same is mother (mother-in-law), brother (husband); goes out to the younger sister; both leave, the youngest drinks, becomes a gazelle; the maid sees the reflection of a girl who has climbed a tree in the pond, takes it for her own; the emir marries a girl, promises to feed the gazelle from the golden feeder; the emir's elder wife pushed the new one into a pond swallowed by a fish; while in the belly of a fish, she gave birth to Hassan and Hussein; the elder wife pretends to be sick, tells her to slaughter the gazelle; the emir watches the gazelle as it talks by the pond with swallowed; takes his wife and children out of fish, executes his eldest wife; they have achieved their desires and goals], 60 [the father promises his son to give him a wife; he wants his own sister to marry; before the wedding feast daughter ran into the reeds; mother asks me to go out; daughter: you used to be my mother, now my mother-in-law; the same is my father (father-in-law), brother (stranger); the fish swallowed her, inside the fish she gave birth to twins; {then the informant is clearly missed a large passage}; people were going to slaughter {obviously younger} brother; he calls his sister; sister: I can't go out, let the butcher go blind, his knife be stupid; so with all the butchers; the king asks { his wife's brother}, where is his sister; fish in the stomach; fish were caught, the woman and her children were taken out of the belly; everything is fine]: 69-71, 330-331; Baluchi [Princess Zaitun is kidnapped by robbers while walking; they hide it in an expensive box, try to sell it; Z. asks to buy it from the box for a lot of money; her uncle, father, mother refuse, they say that Z. is dead; the groom buys, puts in bags not money for the robbers, and stones; Z. returns sight to parents blind with grief, marries his savior; the husband warns to beware of the old woman; Z. has a little servant Asklo ("deer"); the old woman leads Z. to to the well, lures her clothes and jewelry, pushes her down; in the well, Z. gives birth to three twins - sons Musa and Isa, daughter Shari; their spirits nurse them; the husband wants to slaughter A. for that he did not save Z.; A. asks for permission to drink, complains Z.; she replies that M. is on one thigh, I. is on the other, S. is in the cradle, she herself is up to her neck in mud; the husband comes to the well, recognizes the voice wives, pulls her out and washes her, throws the old woman in boiling oil]: Porozhnyakov 1989:58-63; Turkmens [young man says he will marry someone who fits the ring, even if it is his sister; sister goes into reeds; all her relatives are looking for her, but she does not tell the reeds to part, for it is not her mother, father, younger brother, younger sister, but mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law; but the younger sister remains, the girl asks her to bring a mirror and a comb from home; both walk along the steppe, the eldest does not tell her to drink from the rivers, otherwise the youngest will become a jackal, a wolf, a keik (goat); she drinks, becomes a keik; sister she climbs the plane tree, the son of bai sees her; his mother pretends to be blind, does not wash, but gets her clothes dirty; the girl gets off to help her, the son of bay marries her, promises to take care of her keik sister; the slave calls she goes to the river, drowns her, swallows her by fish, puts on her dress; says that she is tanned, that she lispits, croaking in response to the crow that she spat on his head; asks her husband to slaughter the keik; he complains sister; she answers, tells her to ask Bai's son not to do this; he hears a voice, they catch fish, get his wife, a boy born with her; Keik has become a girl again; the bald slave was tied to the tails of mares; her the father killed her sons, the mother killed her husband because they were the first to open the bag; the mother found her daughter's head in the bag]: Stebleva 1969, No. 21:66-71.
Baltoscandia. Latvians: Arys 1971 [brother and sister run away from stepmother; sister does not tell me to drink from cow, horse, sheep trail; brother drinks sheep, becomes lamb; master marries girl, leaves ; she gives birth to a son, her stepmother throws lynx skin on her, replaces her daughter; the lamb asks the servant to tie the baby to his horns, brings her to the forest; the sister trots her skin, feeds the baby; after the third time a woman will trot forever; the servant calls his master, he grabs his wife, she turns into terrible animals, he does not let go; turns into a female, his master breaks him, leaves him, sees his wife; when The witch and her daughter were killed, the lamb became a boy again]: 216-218 (=Skrīvele s.a.: 113-114); Aris, Medne 1977, No. 408 [Three oranges. A prince gets three oranges from one woman. When he cuts the first two, two girls emerge, but both die of thirst; the third remains alive. After planting her on a tree, the prince promises to come back and bring her clothes, but forgets them. The rival pushes the girl into the water and takes her place. A girl turns into a pigeon (fish)]: 282; Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2014, No. 76 [an orphan maid goes to take dinner to the estate; three snakes ask to sew wreaths for them, she does; they reward her: to was rich, hard-working, beautiful; when she cries and laughs, let pearls and gold fall; stepmother sends her own daughter, she chases snakes, becomes poor, lazy and ugly, frogs fall off her face and lizards; pan marries an orphan; 18 options; in 7 sequel about a bride replaced and turned into a swan/duck], 87 [fish asks the girl to let her go; gives rich clothes; marries a girl queen; when her husband went to war, the witches burned his wife, threw the ashes into the sea, replaced them with their daughter; ash became a duck, laid four eggs, children out of two were born, came to their father, the witch slaughtered the children; the duck flew in to them, the king covered her with a cloak, his wife was reborn; the witch was burned]: 169-172, 195-198; Lebite 1965:130-132 [brother Jonukas and sister Elenite are orphans, they go on a hot day, Y asks for permission drink from a horse, a bull's trail; the sister replies that he will become a foal, a goby; he drinks from lamb, becomes a lamb; the king marries E.; the witch pushes her into the water, dresses up in her dress, tells the lamb to be slaughtered, otherwise he will not recover; the servants hear the lamb calling his sister, who answers him from the water; the king tells him to catch a goldfish, it turns into E., the lamb into J.; the witch is executed], 133- 135 [while the old people are clearing the felling, the Swan arrives every day, turns into a girl, puts the house in order; the old man hides, burns his wings, the Swan remains with the old people; the king notices her, brings her to palace, she gives birth to him a son; swans fly over her, offer her to shed her wings; she refuses her father, mother, takes wings from her swan friend, flies away; her friend dies; the king marries Lauma; The swan regularly flies to his son, the rest of the time the baby sleeps; the king spies, the old man advises to smear resin on the windowsill; the king catches the Swan, tears off his wings, executes Laume; Zheleznova 1974:174-178)]; Lutsie (west 1893) [mother and daughter went to visit, lost their way, a witch (tik: tige, "feisty", "feisty", est.) stole them; mother killed and ate them; mother from the cauldron tells daughters collect her bones and wrap them in a white handkerchief; on Saturday, a bathhouse; a witch to a girl and her daughter: whoever dries her hair faster, I'll take him to church tomorrow; the devil took off her head, dried it quickly; in Sunday, the witch and her daughter have left; the mother tells me to go to the pigsty, where the daughter will find something to comfort her; clothes, golden shoes, a carriage, horses in the church; everyone in the church wonders where the beauty comes from; her boyfriend noticed; the same next week; the third time the guy waited under the bridge, stopped the horses, told him to give him a golden shoe: he recognizes the girl by it; the witch cut off her daughter's fingers so that her leg would fit into a shoe; the guy took her; there were golden apples on the apple trees, goldfish in the lake; everything came from the girl's mother's insides when the witch gutted her; guy: whoever brings me apples, fish, I'll take it; apples, fish are not given to the hell, but the girl brings them; the guy threw the hell into the lake, took the girl; after a while the witch came to the lake, hears her daughter's voice; pulled out the reeds (pipes) who grew out of his daughter's navel; the devil was reborn; both came to see the girl, the witch threw tar skin at her, she turned into a wolf and ran away, changed the devil; but she has no milk for the baby , the baby is crying; the shepherd saw everything, brought the baby to the forest, the she-wolf ran out, threw off her skin, fed the child, ran away again; the same the next day; the husband saw, went to the healer; he ordered to heat the stone on which the she-wolf throws her skin; the skin burned down, the husband returned his wife; the devil cut with a sword; the witch did not come to them again]: Annom et al. 2018:173-177; Lutsie (West 1893) [guy at Mr. Coachman; drew a portrait of his beautiful sister; the gentleman asks her to be brought; by the lake, the brother offers to walk along the shore, and the sister - like in winter, across the lake; on the lake, the devil makes her give everything clothes, turns them into a duck; the brother did not notice the change, and the master sees that the bride is far from the picture in the portrait, put his brother behind 12 locks; every night the duck flies to the woman, becomes a girl, asks how gentleman and wife live; woman: like a cat and a dog; girl: so be it, since my brother is under lock and key; after each visit, one castle flies; a woman goes to a healer; they tell the last night (after the 12th visit, the sister would remain a duck forever) throw feathers into the fire and grab the girl; she will turn into a snake, lizard, larva, bear, wolf, dog, cow; when she becomes with a spindle, break it, put it to bed; as it happened, in the morning a girl in bed; the brother comes out of prison, shows his real sister to the master; the master asked the hell what kind of beer she wanted; made of horse manure; offered to try, pushed into a boiling pot and closed the lid; brother, sister, her husband began to live, still live]: Annom et al. 2018:188-191; Livs [after seeing a prophetic dream, stepmother on a full moon, she pushes her stepdaughter into a well; she rises above the water with a wedding crown on her head on every full moon and sings; the prince came to marry his stepmother's own daughter; on the night before the wedding, he Stepdaughter saves and marries her]: Loorits 1926, No. (403'): 15; Livs [the king rejected one bride and married another; she held a grudge; when the queen gave birth and the king went to war, old a gypsy woman taught an envious woman to crawl under the roots of a pine tree nine times to become a werewolf; the envious woman was hired to work in the palace, threw wolfskin on the queen and took her place; but she there is no milk, the baby is crying; she does not let anyone in; when the king returned, she showed signs that she was ill; at midnight the servant sees and hears a she-wolf run to the window and asked for food child; the next night, the servant called the king and he saw for himself how the she-wolf shed her skin, fed the child and said, "It was only two in the evening; the next time the king tried to grab his wife, but did not have time; the servant advised to heat the stone, and when the she-wolf threw her skin on the stone, it stuck to the stone; the envious woman was tied to the horse's tail]: Löwis of Menar 1927, No. 84:279-282; Estonians: Järv 2016 (Carksy) [the man went after the bride; the forest spirit offered his daughter, the man refused; when the wife gave birth to the child, the forest spirit replaced her with his daughter, and turned the man's wife into a she-wolf; the child is crying; the babysitter noticed a she-wolf in the pasture by the stone, who threw off her skin, began to feed the baby brought by the babysitter; ordered her to tell her husband to heat the stone and burn the wolfskin on it; the doctor advised to invite the spirit and his daughter to the bathhouse, support the door with a rowan stake, burn the bathhouse; the spirit and his daughter burned down]: 18-20; Mälk et al. 1967, No. 61 (southern Estonia; also Saarema, central part of northern Estonia) [the widow asks the girl to persuade her father, also a widower, to marry her; he sets the condition: to bring water in a leaky boot; but the water does not flow out, because the widow is a witch; now stepmother tyrannites her stepdaughter, cares for her own daughter; in winter she sends for strawberries; she comes to the house where the old people; shares the dry crust given by her stepmother; old people tell me to take a shovel with a broom, clear the snow some land, strawberries; goodbye, one of the old men wants gold to fall from the girl's lips; others: to make every day prettier; marry the king; every day would be better than yesterday; She had warm clothes; her stepmother asked everything kindly, sent her own daughter; she was rude to the old people, she grabs what they eat, refused to remove the snow; they made toads fall off her lips, so that every day she would not get married; the king saw the girl with gold on her lips, married; she gave birth to a boy; the stepmother was hired as a maid, turned the queen into a duck, changed his own daughter; the servant noticed a duck flying in at night, becoming a woman and feeding the child; she teaches the servant to tell the king: when a duck flies in, you must cut off the duck's head; this can only be done the next night, there is no further salvation; the king did so, returned his wife, the stepmother and her daughter were lowered down the mountain in a barrel of nails], 62 [the witch has a daughter and someone else's orphan girl, the witch adjoins her; the groom chooses an orphan in poor clothes; the witch dresses the orphan richly, and the daughter is poor, but the groom chooses an orphan again; the witch dresses her daughter as a bride, the groom takes her away, the locked orphan runs away from home, catches up the groom, who throws the pseudo-vest under the bridge, she turns into burdock; a year later, the stepmother goes to the orphan, finds and fattens her daughter, throws wolf hair into the orphan's eyes, she runs away as a she-wolf; the husband notices a change (the imaginary wife does not know where to put the bread); the nanny brings the child to the forest, the she-wolf throws wolf skin on the stone, feeds the child; the husband heats the stone, the skin burns; the husband says who she will run faster to the cauldron, become his wife; the witch's daughter rushed into the cauldron, cooked]: 160-164, 165-167; Põder, Tanner 2000 [the witch has a daughter and someone else's orphan girl, the witch adjoins her; the groom chooses an orphan in poor clothes; a witch dresses an orphan richly and a daughter poor, but the groom chooses an orphan again; a young wife gives birth to a baby; a witch throws wolfskin on her, turning her into a she-wolf, replaces her by his daughter; the baby cries in the arms of an imaginary mother, the husband feels substituted; the nanny brings the baby to the forest, the she-wolf throws her skin on the stone, turns into a woman, feeds the baby, runs away again as a she-wolf; the witch doctor advises to heat the stone, the skin burns, the husband grabs the wife, but she is dumb; the witch doctor advises the husband to put the horse backwards in front of his wife; the wife asks him what he is doing, finds a gift speeches; the false wife refuses to leave; on the advice of the healer, the husband promises that the first to take the ring out of the large cauldron will become his wife; heats the water, sprinkles with ash so that steam does not come; witch daughter came first, cooked; her little finger became forty]: 155-160; Veps: Onegin, Zaitseva 1996, No. 3 [the girl's mother died, her husband married Baba Yaga's sister, that daughter Varvey; stepmother and V. tyrant stepdaughter; go to the party, the stepmother hopes that Ivan Tsarevich will like V.; tells the stepdaughter to separate the oatmeal from the ash; the girl cries at her mother's grave; she tells him to cut off the twig, wave it crosswise, the work will be completed; she will also send a horse and outfits; she must return before midnight; entering one ear of the horse and leaving the other, the girl became beautiful; at the festival she was taken to the royal mansions; V. asks I. absorb the bone, he threw a bone at it, her leg broke; stepmother: let's make a new one out of the hook; made her a crooked wooden leg; I. smeared the door jamb with tar, the girl left, grabbed the jamb, the ring stuck; next time, separate the millet from the sand; I. threw the bone at V., that finger broke; stepmother: we will attach a die; the girl's slipper stuck to the threshold; the third time, separate the flour from the ground; I. threw a bone, V.'s eye leaked out; stepmother: let's insert sheep; the girl's hat stuck; I. gathers all the girls to try on a ring, slipper, hat; only came up to Zamarashka; a wedding is being prepared; stepmother tells walk between her legs, sends horses to herd, dresses her daughter in the girl's clothes; when the bride rides, the girl screams that they are carrying a poker leg, a wooden finger, a sheep's eye; the mother's daughter is stripped, naked under the bridge was crammed, the girl was dressed up; 9 months later she gave birth; stepmother thinks it's her daughter; she walks across the bridge, broke the pipe, from there the voice, "Mom, it hurts!" ; the daughter is almost rotten, but the stepmother promises to make her wife I. anyway; tells his wife I. to walk between her legs and fly with geese, and dressed her daughter and brought her to the bedroom; the child cries; the goose asks the shepherdess bring her baby; seeing a flock of geese, the shepherdess asks if they have the mother of the child; they say that in another pack; in the third; the goose came down, shed its wings, began to breastfeed the baby; the same the second day; on the third, the shepherdess talks about everything I.; he came, burned his wings; I. says to his mother-in-law that he wants to slaughter a bull in the room; she hides under the bench; he hits her with an ax, every time he says that the bull kicked; finished off, the body was thrown away; the imaginary wife was cut into small pieces, put in a net, tied to the horse's tail; where the head fell, there was a rock, where the eye was a wormwood, where the nose was a spring, where the leg was there poker, where the ass is the turf (Kuna langtob pä, siga kasvab kallö, kuna silm - siga silmalähte, kuna nena - sige rodnik, kuna käzi - sihe harav, kuna döug - sihe kouk { transfer?} , kuna perze - sihe turbaz)], 15 [the man leaned to the well for a drink, grabbed the devil by the beard, demanded to marry his daughter, golden-haired Nastasia; the man and his wife ran away, N. is alone at home; the goat tells hide in a bunch of straw, tied a fart to a sledge, ran; says to the first and second line that N. sews silk shirts on their porch; he came to Baba Yaga's house, the house is spinning, asking them to leave the sledge in the hallway; Ivan Tsarevich plays with a ball, he rolled, he can't be found; I. says that someone is in a sled; married N.; Baba Yaga's daughter leads N. to swim in the lake, hung a stone around her neck and drowned; says I. that N. ran away, and the goat must be killed; the goat comes to the water, calls N., she replies that she has a stone around her neck; I. pulled N., killed Baba Yaga and her daughter], 152 [brother, without listening to his sister, drinks water from his hoof and turns into a kid; Katerina gets married, a village girl drowns her in the river, replaces her, they want to slaughter the kid, but everything turns out, everyone is saved]: 42-51, 86-87, 213; Western Sami : Klaus 1995 [the king married Princess Nävenšanmaa; Hähttešan came, gave N. clothes, she put on, turned into a merganser duck, H. took her to jump into the sea, she jumped, did not returned; H. put N.'s clothes on her daughter, the king did not notice the change; the softer the bed, the more the imaginary wife complains of stiffness, and when they put the logs, she said it was soft; the shaman advised prepare a hole with resin and firewood, push daughter H. in there, set it on fire; she burned down; the shaman ordered to burn everything that daughter X. used, go to the shore, where the real N. goes out to babysit her rest the land of the child; she went out, took off the clothes given to H., became a woman, put her clothes under the stone; the king quietly took away the clothes, gave it to the shaman; with difficulty persuaded his wife to return, she did not want to; when she entered the house, smelled a beetle larva; the servants found a piece of hair imaginary N., burned it; then N. was able to enter; gave birth to the king many children]: 23-25; Pollan 2005, No. 15 [Njávešeadnidattera met the prince, he hers fell in love; the ugly Háhcešeadnidattera tried in vain to seduce the prince; before the wedding, the king: the one who picks the berries faster will receive the son; H. filled the basket with stones, put berries on top; but the king exposed the deception and chose N.; N. and his brother sailed on the ship; H. bent from the shore to the ship, sat between N. and her brother; brother tells her sister to dress well; N. does not hear, asks again; H. : Brother tells you to dress and jump into the water as a duck; H. cut off her legs so she could put on N.'s shoes; crow: why is the blood flowing? H. was brought to a dark room, but it was not light; H. complains that the bed was hard; the prince ordered to bring the softest underwear; H.: sticks, etc.; then said it was soft; but the prince could not lie on it, and the bride smells bad; the brother said that H. is not his sister; the healer tells me to play the violin on the shore for three evenings; the mermaid raised N. above the water; she asks for closer - water in her ears, the sound of the sea in her ears; brother grabbed the girl; she turned into different objects and creatures; when she became a spindle, my brother broke it, threw half into the sea, and the other became N.; N.: I will not return to the castle until H. is burned; H. almost extinguished the fire was burned with his urine, but still it was burned, and there was no trace left; N. was brought into the room, it was lit up]: 76-79; Poestion 1886, No. 6 [brother and sister live alone; prince arrived, fell in love with a girl, left for a year, told the girl, along with her brother and child, to come to him by that time; they are sailing in a boat across the lake; on the shore, Attijis-ene asks to take her as a maid; her sister does not want to, her brother takes it; A. Sits in the middle of the boat, and sister and brother are at the ends; they do not hear each other, A. supposedly gives her brother's words to her sister, but distorts them; brother tells me to wear the best dress; A.: give the dress to me, throw myself in lake, you will become a golden duck; sister threw herself into the water, A. picked up the child; prince takes A.; brother at the shore calls his sister - the baby cries; the sister went out, fed the baby, became a duck again, swam away; the next time another man hid behind his brother, grabbed a young woman; she turned into a worm, a mole, sea grass, a mosquito; finally remained a woman; A. the prince pushed her into a pit with burning resin; wedding]: 39-42; Karelians: Konkka 1959 (Kalevalsky District, 1937), No. 2 [when dying, the old man and old woman tell their son and daughter not to marry or marry; the brother promises the prince to persuade his sister to marry him; she sets the condition: I will not go out while the stove is standing; the millstone is intact; the threshold has not been worn out; the brother breaks the stove, the millstone, cuts down the threshold; takes his sister to the prince; Syuvatar asks to take her from the shore; her sister does not allow her, but the brother takes it for the third time; S. makes his sister not hear her brother's words; says that he tells her to jump into the water and become a black duck; when he sees that the woman is ugly, the prince ordered her brother to be locked in to the stable; at night, the duck calls the dog, tells him to hand over the towel; then the tablecloth; the prince transfers his brother to the bulls; to the sheep; the widow teaches the prince to grab the duck when it comes for the last time, to break everything that she would turn, throw it behind her (she turns into a viper, a worm, a rolling pin, the prince did not let go); S. was pushed into a pit with burning resin], 23 [the black sheep was lost, Syvyatar turned the woman into a sheep, she took her form herself, her husband did not notice anything; the daughter knows that her mother is a sheep, does not allow her father to slaughter the sheep as S. wants; daughter's sheep: they will still slaughter, bones must be buried under the birch tree; S. brought his daughter is ugly; the king calls to a feast, S. tells his stepdaughter to divide the grain into varieties; the mother from under the birch tree tells her to wave a branch, say "seeds apart", gives a horse, you have to get into one ear, get out of another in a beautiful outfit; at a feast, daughter S. picks up bones under the table, the girl knocked out her eye with her foot; next time S. tells her to separate milk from water; for the third time S. breaks the oven, tells her to return fix it; the girl broke the leg of daughter S., lost her glove, ring and shoe on the way back; the Tsarev's son tells everyone to try it on, takes the girl as his wife; on the way across the river, daughter S. is going to push the girl into water, but she confronts it herself; the prince's wife gave birth to a child, S. thinks that her daughter is there; she wants to break the pipes under the bridge, the daughter asks not to tear it up: it's me; S. comes to the palace, turns the woman into a vazhenka, takes her place; Vazhenka comes to the old woman, asks to bring the child to feed; the prince follows, the old woman teaches how to grab and burn the skin of the vazhenka; S. burned, his wife returned]: 13-18, 97-104; Onegin 2010, No. 25 [the healer gave the man water that would make his wife pregnant; but he took a sip himself, also became pregnant, went to the forest, gave birth to a girl, threw it on a tree; the prince's dog barks, girl (she says hers the man carried it out, the raven raised, the breeze rocked, the heavenly water washed) asked for clothes; the prince brings her to him, marries; Syuoyatar became a midwife, turned the prince's wife into a vazhenka in the bathhouse, she stayed with the child; but the cuckoo does not cuckoo on her head, the bells on the hem do not ring, the baby is crying; the shepherd saw how the vazhenka shed her skin and became a woman; replies to her that her son cries; she asks to bring her son to feed him tomorrow, and then migrates with deer; the shepherd brings him, the woman asks to bring her son tomorrow; the shepherd tells the prince about this; the prince threw a deer skin at fire; the woman became a snake (the prince cut her), a lizard (the same), a rolling pin, then a man; the cuckoo ate, the bells rang, the birds on her shoulders sang; the prince orders to heat the hot bath, under the floor is a pit of fire, S. is led there along the red carpet, she rejoices; when she falls into a hole, she tells her fingers to become devils, earthworms, gnats, hair become sedge, prickly thickets; and happened; the prince began to live with his wife and child]: 268-271; Schreck 1887, No. 9 (Russian Karelia) [husband and wife went to search for the missing sheep; the witch turned the woman into a black sheep, took her form, the husband did not noticed substitutions; the witch wife asks to slaughter the sheep; the daughter knows that it is the mother; the sheep tells her not to eat her, collect her bones and bury her bones; a birch tree grew in this place; the witch wife also gave birth to a daughter, began to tyrant stepdaughter; the king calls everyone to the party; the stepmother tells the stepdaughter to separate the barley from the ash; the mother's voice from under the birch tree tells her to take a birch branch, she does the work; the girl becomes beautiful, on her a luxurious dress, a horse next to him; the queen seated the girl next to him, and the witch's daughter gnawed bones under the table; the queen smeared the door with resin, the girl's ring stuck; at home she leaves her dress and horse at birch trees; next time, the task is to separate the hemp seeds; the same, a golden hoop for the girl's hair sticks to the door; the third time the witch pours milk into the ash; a golden shoe sticks to the door; the queen gathers everyone to try it on; the witch squeezes her daughter's finger, head and leg into a ring, hoop and shoe; the queen must marry a freak; he takes both girls from the witch's house; crossing the river, he throws the freak like a bridge, crosses it, marries a beautiful woman, but everyone thinks that she is the daughter of a witch; the freak remains lying on the bridge, she grows into a cicuta; the witch wants to cut her off, hears her the daughter's voice makes her human again; comes to the young queen, turns her into a deer, leaves her daughter instead; the royal baby cries; a widow teaches the Queen to give her a baby, to take him to the forest; the deer queen comes to feed him; says it will be like this for three days, and then she will go away forever with the deer; for the third time, the widow offers to clean the queen's head; she takes off deer skin; the hidden king throws his skin into the fire; the queen turns into a spinning wheel, a laundry mallet, a spindle, but the husband destroys these guises, the queen remains a woman; the queen tells you to cook a resin pit, light it, cover it from above, calls the witch and her daughter, they fall through, burn; the witch manages to stick her finger out, says that worms will appear in the ground, mosquitoes in the air, to cause suffering to people], 10 (Russian Karelia) [another translation in Bertram 1854:18-29; after the death of his parents, the son got a job as a shepherd for the king, the daughter stayed at home; gave her brother her portrait; seeing him, the queen fell in love; sister: before the millstone left by my parents is wiped off before I leave my father's house; my brother broke the millstone, joined the halves; when my sister began to work, the millstone split; sister: not I'll go until the spinning wheel breaks; my brother broke it, the spinning wheel broke; the same is my father's mortar; the threshold; my sister had to marry; I had to sail on the sea; my sister took her dog with her; a witch from the shore : take me; they did not take me twice, but on the third cape the brother decided to take them; the witch made them deaf; brother to sister: the castle is visible, dress nicely; the sister asks the witch again; she: brother tells you to put oars and rush into the sea; the sister gave the oars to the witch, but did not rush into the sea; next time the brother asks to wear jewelry, the witch tells me to take off her dress and jewelry, throw herself into the sea; the sister takes off, but not rushes; the third time she rushed, the witch raked away from her; the brother had to pass off the witch for her sister; she wore her clothes and jewelry; because the bride was ugly, the Queen ordered her to quit brother to dragons and snakes, but they did not touch him; the sister at the bottom of the sea became the bride of the sea king; she made a gold and silver hat for the Queen to free her brother, but could not go out to the shore, held by a silver chain; her dog was wandering around the castle; the widow had an iron platform going out to sea; her sister came to him, asked the dog to take the hat to the Queen, asked what was in the house; she replies that a witch is in charge of it; the widow told the Queen everything; the next night her sister made a shirt out of gold and silver, the dog took it away again; the witch says that both her hat and shirt her hands do it themselves while she sleeps; the widow teaches her to cut the silver chain with a scythe on the third night; the sister will turn into different creatures, she cannot be let go; the sister has prepared pants for the queen; the Queen threw his chain over her, cut the silver one; her sister turned into an earthworm, a fly, a lizard, a spindle, etc.; the Queen took her to the widow's house, freed her brother; the Queen ordered her to cook a resin hole, light it, cover it from above, tells the servants to take the witch away, she fails, burns, sticks her hair out, says it will make worms in the ground, mosquitoes in the air, harmful caterpillars to cause people to suffer; wedding; brother appointed chief adviser, receives half of the treasures]: 63-74, 74-85; Stepanova 2000, No. 103 (northern, Tungud parish) [sister sets foot - gold, cry - beads, a month on his shoulders, Bear stars on her forehead, sun on top of his head; brother went to the palace, the prince saw embroidery on the hoop, asked who was embroidering, ordered his sister to be brought; sister said she would not go marry until the millstone handle breaks from work; brother sawed the handle; until the father's shop collapses; the spinning wheel made by the father breaks; the threshold breaks; the brother saws every time; sister agrees, they are going in a boat, Suottyarikha asks to take her, puts sleepy needles in her sister's ears, tells her to spit in the sheath, jump into the sea, her sister swam with a duck, her brother brought S.; the prince put his brother under castle - why did he bring an ugly one; the sister sails to the widow's house, becomes a girl, sews on a hoop, the widow sells; tells the prince to hide behind the stove, throw duck plumage into the oven, grab his wife; she turned into a snake, he beat her, did not let her go, she became a woman; they dug a hole, S. was taken to the bathhouse, pushed her into a hole, her brother was released; S.'s mother came, sees two blades of grass, wants to tear it off, the daughter screams out of the hole, "This is my umbilical cord, don't touch it"; the mother went to the gate, rejoices that her daughter was there, the prince ordered her to be taken to the gate], 114 [the wife went to look for the sheep, Syuotar tells me to spit, walk between her legs, the woman herself turned into a sheep, S. took her place; her husband did not notice, the daughter noticed; S. tells her daughter not to eat meat, bury the bones; S. and her husband went to a feast, S. told her stepdaughter to separate the flour from sand; the mother teaches her to hit with a rod - everything is divided, another horse appeared, washed in one ear, dressed in the other; leaving the feast, she lost her ring; the next day, to separate the milk from the water; the prince smeared the door with resin, the girl's kerchief stuck; on the third, to fix the fallen stove, the prince tarnished the threshold, the shoe stuck; he found Cinderella on it, married it]: 181-183, 202-205; Karelians (livviki) [ brother and sister were orphans, went to look for food; the day is hot, the brother wants to get drunk from a cow's hoof, the sister does not tell: you will become a cow; the same is from a horse; drinks from lamb, became lamb; they came to town, the prince liked the girl, he married her; Süätterihü pushed her into the water, replaced her with her daughter; the lamb bleats, the imaginary wife asks him to slaughter; he comes to the river bank, turns to his sister Alyonushka: knives will be sharpened, axes are sharpening, boilers are boiling, they want to slaughter me; A.: I have a stone tied around my neck; the same on the second day; on the third prince eavesdropping, A. was pulled out, the lamb became a boy again; S.'s daughter was thrown into a boiling pot]: Makarov, Ryagoev 1963, No. 19:41-43; Norwegians: Dasent 1970 [stepmother tyrannites stepson and stepdaughter; stepson leaves, is hired to serve the king; stepdaughter goes to get water; three ugly heads rise out of the water; one asks her to wash, the other to comb her hair, the third to kiss; the girl does it; they do it beautiful, gold falls from her lips and hair; her own daughter goes to fetch water, scolds her heads, which make her a freak with a long nose, snout and a pine tree shoot on her forehead; the girl's brother sees a portrait of his sister; decides to marry; brother takes his sister across the lake, stepmother and daughter sit between them in the middle of the boat; tells his stepdaughter the brother's words, as if he tells him to throw a chest of gold into the lake, inherited from the puppy's mother, throw herself into the water; the king is forced to marry a freak, throws the girl's brother into a hole with snakes; at midnight, a girl and a dog come to the kitchen, the maid sees them, tells the king; twice the freak sends a dream to the king; when the girl comes for the last time, the servants put a knife in the hand of the sleepy king, who makes an incision in the girl's finger, the spell disappears; the brother is returned, the stepmother and her daughter is thrown into a snake pit]: 322-330; Hodne 1984, No. 408 [three brothers in the king's service; the eldest say that the youngest can get him a new wife; the youngest goes in search, meets an old woman, she teaches him what to do; in the troll's castle he finds three princesses turned into lemons; he takes them away, but, contrary to warning, opens two lemons without water nearby; princesses also appear here but they die of thirst; a third of the young man is drunk and left on a tree by the royal pond; the maid notices her reflection in the pond, pushes the princess into the water and takes her place; the true princess turns into a silverfish, a linden tree, but the impostor every time tells you to destroy another rival's incarnation; in the end, the princess regains her true appearance, the king marries her, and the impostor is executed]: 97; Icelanders [a king named Mani has a daughter, Mjadveig; when her mother died, the king went to look for a new wife; there is a woman on the island with her daughter; says that she is the queen herself, and her husband is killed by enemies, she fled to the island; the king brought her home; the new queen, taking her daughter, invited M. to take a walk; then to exchange clothes with her daughter; witchcraft gave her daughter the appearance of M., knitted and abandoned her; In a dream, her mother came to M., untied it and gave her a handkerchief containing an inexhaustible supply of food; the Queen sent her daughter to check what had happened to M.; she began to tell M. that her mother was to blame for everything, snatched it out handkerchief, ran away; M.'s mother in a dream taught her how to find a house on the sea with everything she needed for life; one day she saw ships approaching, rushed into the house and lost her golden shoe; the ship was the queen, who came to free M.; everyone began to try on the shoe; the stepmother cut off her daughter's fingers and heel, then the shoe fit on her leg; the Queen married her, but heard birds singing; birds: in blood shoe, M., daughter of King Mani, here by the sea (not in the city); the Queen touched the imaginary M. with a magic rod, she turned into a monster; he was killed, 40 barrels of meat were salted; the Queen found the real M.; the Queen does not want to eat anything, but when she was offered corned beef, she ate all 10 kegs of her daughter's meat in 10 days; she was blown up on a ship with barrels of meat; the Queen brought M. to his the state; after the death of her father, reigned; M. gave birth to a son; went to wash, but forgot the soap; sent a maid for him; a woman appeared (she was the sister of the monster queen) and offered to change clothes; then took the form of M., and sent her under water to her brother; everything in the kingdom began to wither; soon the shepherd accidentally saw a glass palace rise from under the water, and M. with a chain around his neck in it; the shepherd put on finger ring for the son of a dwarf; the dwarf came out of the stone and asked how he could thank him for it; the shepherd asked to explain what he saw; the dwarf: M. is bewitched, will appear above the water only once more; it is necessary cut the chain; gave an ax; when M. appeared, the shepherd began to cut the chain; then the brother of the monster woman appeared; the dwarf threw something into his eyes, he went blind and died; the imaginary M. was touched with a magic rod, she became a monster, she was executed; the shepherd brought the real M.; everything is fine]: Poestion 1994, No. 9:62-74; the Finns [the cannibal turns the heroine's mother into a sheep, takes her place, slaughtered the sheep; from the collected birch grows; the imaginary mother tells the heroine 1) to disassemble the grain, 2) collect the spilled milk (for this you have to wave a birch branch crosswise); magic dresses; they come to the party; daughter cannibals kick when she gnaws bones under the table; her arm, leg were broken, her eye was knocked out; the heroine runs away from the holiday three times; a resin trap in which her ring, ear ring, shoe remain; marriage to the one for whom these items are suitable; the cannibal's daughter has an artificial arm, leg, eye; the prince takes the heroine and the cannibal's daughter to the castle, pushes the cannibal's daughter into the river to make a bridge, drives along it with bride; hemlock grows out of the body of the cannibal's daughter, the cannibal cut it off; the prince and heroine have a son; the cannibal turns the heroine into a deer, sets it up as a liar; the deer goes out to feed her a child; the prince grabs his wife, she turns into a spindle, rolling pin, etc., then back into a woman; when the cannibal is executed, she promises that she will make worms, snakes, and harmful insects]: Salmelainen 1871, No. 8:59-67 in Cox 1893, No. 95:38; Danes [princess and prince love each other and want to be married when they grow up; the princess found out that her stepmother had bewitched her: as soon as she went into marriage the bed will immediately turn into a deer (roe deer) and run away; she is looking for a faithful, untalkative foxglove in poor families; specially shares secrets, overhears candidates talking about everything at home at home; finally finds a faithful friend; she looks like her; agrees with her that she will replace her in bed and come to the forest hut three times at Christmas; there the princess will receive her again for one hour human appearance; the princess put her foot on the bed and immediately became a deer; that girl lay down in her place; the prince did not notice anything, but she asked not to deprive her of her virginity for three years and put it on bed sword; prince has become king; people notice that the (imaginary) queen goes somewhere on Christmas night; the king secretly follows her, sees a real princess; she says that today is the last time when she can be saved; this requires shedding her blood; as soon as the princess became a deer, the king hit her with a sword and she became a girl; everything is fine; they have many children, the princess's friend stayed to live in palace]: Grundtvig 1879:94-100 (=1920:72-82); Danes [to get rid of her stepdaughter, her stepmother sends her to a mound with dwarfs for berries; on the way, the old man gives the girl food - let her feed her dwarfs; they are grateful; let her become more beautiful day by day; roses and lilies grow where she steps; gold and silver fall off her hair when she combs her hair; stepmother sends her own daughter, she goes to the dwarfs not with food, but with a stick; they make her spits turn into frogs and toads, a calf tail grows on her forehead, emits gases at every step; the heroine's brother is in the king's service; she sends him his portrait, the king wants to marry her; on the way, his stepmother throws her off the ship, turns her into a duck, replaces her with her own daughter; the king is furious, throws the heroine's brother in prison for deception; in the form of a duck, the heroine enters the kitchen, asks about her brother and half-sister, says that she can come only twice more; the king tells the maid to catch the duck; draws a cross on her beak, she becomes a girl again; the king marries her, frees her brother, stepmother and daughter are placed in a barrel of nails]: Holbek 1987:523; Swedes [young man goes in search of the princess; old woman gives him three lemons; a beautiful woman comes out of the third; he leaves her on a tree above the pond and goes to town; a gypsy woman, etc. pushes the beauty into a pond and takes her place; the beauty has turned a fish or bird, a young man caught it; a tree grew out of the scales or feathers of a fish or bird; a girl reappears from its fruit, a gypsy woman is punished]: 90; Schröter 1822 [the drowned queen comes to Thursday in a white dress; she is held by a chain; asks the dog about his son; for the third time she says that she will now turn into a mermaid; the king grabs her, cuts the chain; the false queen was thrown into molten lead]: Bolte, Polívka 1913:86-87.
Volga - Perm. Mordva: Evseviev 1964, No. 20 (Erzya) [mother died, Kevganya asks her father to marry again; matchmakers liked K.; stepmother dressed her daughter in K.'s clothes, hid K. under the trough; best man understands chicken conversation, got K., she got married; two years later she goes to visit; when she returns, her stepmother calls out to her, she has become a dove; grandmother brings the baby, K. arrives, throws off her pigeon clothes, feeds him; next time K.'s husband hid, grabbed her, she remains human]: 164-167; Samorodov 1972 [stepmother tries to lime the boy with his older sister; that dragonfly flies to Baba Yaga, brings food; brother also flies like a beetle; behaves noisily, B. wakes up; feeds children; they let the kochedyk feel, the boy then gives a finger; the girl asks to show how to sit in the oven, burns B. herself; children they take silver and copper jugs, forget the ring; the brother comes back, licks the ring, it has B. fat on it, it turns into a lamb; the stepmother pushes the stepdaughter into the well, tells her husband to slaughter the lamb; that complains to her sister, she replies that a stone around her neck holds her; he tilts her head, the girl grabs the horns, gets out; the lamb is cut, the bones turn into a pigeon, throws needles, hooks in the mouth of her stepmother, father, those die; the sister asks the sorceress to glue the window, catch a pigeon; he turns into a spindle; his sister breaks it, a living brother appears]: 108-115; Kazan Tatars [going to the wedding for Padishah, stepmother tells her stepdaughter to do many different jobs; the cow shakes her horns - everything is done, expensive outfits have appeared; stepdaughter comes to the wedding; the middle son smeared the step with tar the slipper stuck; found the owner, married her; the stepmother calls them to visit, wants to add poison, the old woman warned; after giving birth, the stepmother began to soar in the bathhouse, she became a dove and flew away; the old woman tells you to take the baby, turn to the flying wild geese; each joint replies that the boy's mother is next; she went down, fed the baby and flew away again; the old woman tells me to pull out the feather next time; the wife stayed with her husband, her father killed her stepmother]: Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 23:199-202; Bashkirs: Barag 1988, No. 50 [Zhin-Peri puts a ring on the young man Alukey's finger; he is numb; the old man points out to him where to go; sister J. says that she is getting married; A. tells her to plant J. her ring; A. and J. run, A. kills her pursuers with arrows - Kubykty-Kara and his army; J. gives birth to a child; A. takes her and leaves the child home by the river; J. bathes, the babysitter takes her clothes, J. flies away as a goose; everyone at home is disappointed that A.'s wife is ugly (the real wife has a month in one cheek, the sun spits in the other gold and silver); travelers talk about an unusual goose; old people advise to hide in a hole, put a child next to him; J. comes to feed the child, takes off bird clothes, both fall asleep; A. returns his wife ]: 360-365 (=Zelenin 1991, No. 101 (107) [Aleuk's name]: 436-441); 1989, No. 7 [Fatima and her daughter-in-law went to rinse their clothes, her daughter-in-law pushed her into the water; the father asks by the river if her daughter is on the ground; hears a voice from under the water - not in heaven, at the bottom, the hair is entangled in willow roots, let the father bring the hook; the father brought the hook, but could not pull F. out; the same episodes with his older brother; the bear listened, became call, F. did not respond; he shoved the blacksmith's tongue, began to call again, F. decided that her father was calling, said about the hook; the Bear pulled her out, took her to him; F. asks the Bear to take the gifts to the village, she herself she would climb onto the roof; got into a bag of gifts, putting a mortar wrapped in her dress on the roof; in the village, the Bear threw his burden, ran away from the dogs; F. went out, but was not opened to her, she went to the sheep in the barn, she was eaten wolves, black hair remained; brother pulled it over the violin, the violin sang - let the brother not press it, otherwise his head hurts, the brother supposedly did not open the door; the brother broke the violin, F. jumped out healthy]: 63-65; marie [Brother and sister: brother, walking with his sister along the road, drinks water from a goat swamp and turns into a goat; gets to a sorcerer; sorcerer {to the witch?} drowns his sister and replaces him, they want to slaughter the kid; everything turns out]: Sabitov 1989, No. 450:28-29; Chuvash [the old man's three daughters ask the Sun twice whose face is cleaner and whiter, the Sun answers what is the youngest; the sisters push the youngest into the river, tell the father that the Sun called the youngest the dirtiest, she stayed to wash; the mother goes to the river, the daughter replies that she is strangled by a snake, presses the millstone; after that The bear calls the girl, she does not respond; the bear honed the blacksmith's tongue, calls in a thin voice, the girl repeats the words about millstones, etc.; the bear pulls her out of the river, brings her wife; she gives birth to a son The bear carries them to visit their parents, leaves before Wednesday; parents put stakes under the floor; his wife warns him not to enter, he comes in, falls on stakes; the wife stays with his parents]: Eisin 1993:33-35; Udmurts: Uther 2004 (1), No. 403:237
Turkestan. Kazakhs [son of Aleke Aleuko (Ali-ükö?) He dreams of the khan's daughter, goes to look for her, went to look for her, put 40 watchmen to sleep, found her sleeping, moved the candles in her heads and legs; the girl woke up, ordered the guards to be executed; the same for the second time; A. came to her and they met; Aleuco tells his father to marry her; Khan demands to fill all his wintering and summers with cattle; A. brought cattle, but the khan managed to migrate overseas, is going to give his daughter for the blind dhow (giant) Karké; A. crossed where bai-terek grew up; at the wedding, brother K. went out to fight; A. turned into a bad boy, killed brother K.; won the races; Khan's daughter saw the lousy boy's hand was given the ring that A. gave; they run (or rather fly), K. catches up; A. killed K. with an arrow, got the khan's daughter; once A.'s wife came to the sea, the maid pushed her into the water, she became a swan; the maid put on her clothes, came under her guise; but the real wife spits gold, but the maid cannot; the wanderer says to A. that a swan was flying, said: How stupid A. is, does not know that he lives with a fake wife; the imaginary wife pretended to be sick, asked for swan meat; A. shot the swan, one feather flew off and became a camel; the maid asked for camel meat; one bone flew off, turned into rose hips; the maid ordered to be cut down, the thorn became a hawk; A. caught it, brought it into the house; everything in the house becomes tidy, the clothes are repaired; the maid orders to kill the hawk, A. refuses; waited, saw how the girl took off her hawkish skin, began to sew a dress; A. hid the skin, the girl admitted that she was his wife; A. brought her to his parents; his wife ordered him to wash it with milk and grease the mares to get rid of the bad smell he had when living with his maid; she was asked if she wanted 40 horses or 40 scissors; she said both; she was cut into 40 pieces with scissors, tied they were smashed to the tails of 40 mares, spread across the steppe; that 40 days]: Potanin 1916, No. 14.1:95-97; Karakalpaks (Takhtakupyr District) [Khan had two daughters and a son; daughters had forty cubits long hair; son Khan asked his father to marry him a girl with forty cubits long hair; Khan began to travel to villages, but did not find such a bride; his daughters decided: "He will come back and take us, let us run away"; when they ran away, saw a puddle of mountain goats; the person who drank this water became a goat; the younger sister wanted to drink, but the elder did not touch the water; the youngest threw her golden shoe near the puddle; when went on, told her sister that she would come back for her shoe; then she drank water and turned into a goat; her sister tied her to a rope and took her with her; married a horseman, then drowned {without details}; the horseman saw that the goat was sad, asked the other wife what had happened; she demanded that he stab the goat; the goat tore the rope, ran away; went to the water, told her sister that they wanted to slaughter her; the sister advised her son-in-law to complain; the horseman heard this, began to ask the goat; she replied that her sister was in the depths of the water; the horseman abandoned the seine, pulled out a huge chest; inside it were him wife, girl with a golden scythe on the back of her head and a boy with a silver scythe; Dzhigit dressed his wife in beautiful clothes]: Baskakov 1951:53-54; Karakalpaks [old man and old woman, they have a son and two daughters; eldest her brother fell in love; the girl decided to leave; at the foot of the mountain she saw a refuge, the door opened; relatives came and asked Mount Shyn to open the door; father, mother, brother - the girl tells the grief not to open; when the younger sister prayed, the door opened and both sisters began to live inside the mountain; one day they went out into the steppe, the youngest wanted to drink; on one side of the river there was water that cows drink, on the other, water, which goats drink, and another water that sheep drink; and the water that people drink is far away; they drank mutton water and the youngest has become a cat lamb; the eldest went to get the lamb, met bai, married him; bay's elder wife wanted to destroy her; offered to swim, pushed her into the water; the lamb ran to the bay's house, bleat; bai took two oxen and came to that place; gave the oxen to drink all the water ; a girl is sitting under the water, combing her hair; she told Bayu about everything; he tied his eldest wife to a camel's tail, the camel dragged the woman along the thorns, and shreds of her body remained there and there]: Aimbetov 2014a: 25-26; Kyrgyz: Kebekov, Tokombaev 2007 (western 1959 p. Zhapasaldy, Ala-Buka District, Jalal-Abad Region) [The old men have three daughters and an older son; one of the sisters is married; the brother took an apple, swore and swore: I will marry whoever he falls; the apple thrown fell into the middle sister; once she was a guard a cornfield, a crow began to bite corn, a girl threw a lump at it; a crow: your older brother to marry you; the girl ran away from home, climbed on a rock, cried; saw a man coming up , prayed: "Open up, Talkamysh, open, I'll get inside"; the stone opened; the girl's parents are looking for her, that man said he saw her hide in a stone; parents asked Talkamysh ("reeds") open up and release their daughter, but she asks the stone not to open and the stone listens to her; the mother turns to the "daughter", who tells the "mother-in-law" to leave; the same with her older sister ("go away, sister-in-law!") ; the girl lets her younger sister into her and they leave together; they are thirsty; water flows through a goat's horn riverbed; the eldest asks not to drink; next time she allowed her to drink, her sister became as a kid; they came to the palace of a rich horseman; he has an evil wife; he decided to marry a girl; went hunting; the wife took the girl to the water and pushed her; told her husband that the girl had left unknown where; asks to slaughter the kid; he runs to water: "Sister, sister, they want to slaughter me!" The older sister replied: "My dear, poor thing, how can I help you, covered me waist-deep with sand, I can't get out"; the rich horseman overheard, did not water his cattle of all four types for seven days - camels, goats and sheep, cows, horses; on the eighth he took the animals to a watering hole, the cattle drank all the water, the bottom appeared, the horseman pulled out the girl; it turned out that the stone in which she was hiding was that His name was Talkamysh; the kid became a girl again; the feast was 40 days old]: 80-84; Ledenyov 1987 [a woman tells Alyka that he should not offend her son, but get a named bride Barypdan; her father Karakan promised his late father A. to marry his son; in B. A. gets a job as an employee, brings all the trees from the mountainside at once; B. is going to be passed off as an old man; A. won the races, interrupted the groom's relatives, married B., their son Seitek; A. took B. home, speckled slave with her; went forward; the slave offered to swim, let go of the rope that B. was holding on to the island, the slave put on her clothes; the imaginary B. explains that the crow croaked, she, B., turned black, and the slave died; a guest comes to the yurt A. and B., asks whether to talk about what he has heard or seen, imaginary B. tells me to remain silent; tells the thistle to be trampled on near the yurt - the child will prick; slaughter a camel; another passerby comes in, A. tells me to speak, he says that he saw a white goose, she called her son S., as if she had made her way to him with a thorn, but she was trampled, stabbed to death with a camel; A. brought S. to the lake, the goose covered him with its wing, A. grabbed him, she ordered her clothes to be brought, became B.; the slave was driven away {presentation for children - probably torn by horses, as it should be}]: 72-78.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Shors [Kiyigesh's brother and Tiyinesh's sister lived; K.'s wife began to give birth, T. went to look for a midwife, met an Aina woman; she called herself a midwife, let K.'s wife with her newborn down iron raft in moer; took her wife's place, pretended to be sick, asked T.'s heart; hears K.'s wife singing: on the one hand she is sucked by a worm, on the other hand by a child; T. in response: the tip of the knife is sharpening, the cauldron boils (to kill and cook T.); so three times; K. hears, pulls out his wife and child, hits his imaginary wife with a twisted whip; she promises not to stand in the way anymore, leaves]: Arbachakova 2010, No. 13:295-299; South Altai Tuvans [old Deptegen with a camelskin bag walks in search of sour god and a thick hoitpack; picks up the last mare, a poisonous snake, three chicken eggs, an awl, dried skin, a deer antler mallet; hides in a hole in a yurt; beautiful Shinak enters, stabs her awl, stings a snake, eggs buried in ash burst into her eyes, she falls on her skin; D. finishes her off with a mallet, puts on her clothes, throws her body into the water; her young husband is surprised that his wife looks bad; she replies that she was ill; the camel, the stallion, the ram, the bull are crying, the name is S.; the imaginary S. tells every time kill the animal; the husband pierced his son's thigh with a knife, began to rotate it on the knife; the boy's cry awakened his mother, she flew in with a golden swan; the husband asks D. what she would take; she chooses seven mares, her to they tie him up, tear him apart; the spouses are happy]: Taube 1994, No. 29:236-238; Mongols (khalha?) [Arat has daughters Naran (eldest) and Saran (from the words "sun" and "moon"); for his fifteenth birthday he gave N. a gold bowl and S. a silver bowl; Noyon's daughter Othon called them to play by the river; their sisters are followed by their piebald lamb; O. suggests throwing the bowls into the water: whoever comes to the shore first will live longer; the gold and silver bowls have drowned, the girls are frightened; sent O. to ask his father what is more important to him: daughter or bowls; the father said that his daughter, O. told me that the bowls; all three went on horseback, to meet the bar, he liked N.; O. changed with those places, but N. was still better; O. walked away and shot - the arrow fell to N.'s feet; O. tells Bator to go home, she will bring him N. herself; on the way she pushed him into the lake; S. threatens: if she tells me, I'll tell you that it was you who drowned N.; O. said that N. returned to her father, began to live herself in his yurt, and S. herds sheep; lamb with the herd, calling N. by the lake; N. went out and said to S. that the king of the lake would let her go if O. bleats sheep; O. noticed S. summoning her sister with a song, and went with the sheep herself; summoned her with the same song, hit her on the head with a whip, N. no longer went to the call; the lamb told S. to send him to herd the sheep and complain about him O.: he would lead them to the mountains, then into the lake; O. took a bator with her; the lamb entered the lake; O. wants to lure him out, bleat with a sheep; N. came out of the water, the bar hugged her; and O. only bleats; the bator whipped her, she ran into the steppe in the form of a sheep; probably she was eaten by wolves; Bator began to live with N., S. and the sisters' father]: Hodza 1954:10-12 {online, pagination starts at page 1}; Dagurs: Bäcker 1988, No. 21 [two sisters are orphaned, went to the woods, ate roots; once they saw a house, it has no owners, but there is food; the eldest ate a green pea, the youngest is a red pea, both gave birth to a girl; the daughter of the eldest Boobu, the youngest is Schadscha; when S. is 17 years old, her mother is dead; mother B. joins her niece; leaving with her daughter for the wedding, tells S. to separate buckwheat from oats; an old woman comes, promises to do this work, tells her to take clothes and shoes from the cellar under the poplar, who she likes, and go to the wedding; her aunt did not recognize her there; when she returned, S. lost one of her red shoes; she was found by a young Bulto hunter, began to look for the owner; B. could not wear a shoe, and Sh. brought a second one and Bulto left; gave birth to a son; a year later, her aunt and Boob came to her, asked her how she behaved when her husband returns from hunting; offered to go picking mushrooms together; asked her to get water from the well, pushed it there; replaced S. with her daughter; the horse tells Bulto that this woman is Boob, and S. is in the well; the horse lowered its tail into the well, S. got out; the aunt and daughter ran into the forest, they were eaten wolves]: 146-14; Bender, Su Huana 1984 [two sisters were orphaned, went on a journey, found an empty house, ate peas, became pregnant, the eldest gave birth to a girl named Baoba, the youngest named Shaja; the youngest died, the aunt treats Sh.; goes with B. to the village for a holiday, tells Sh. to separate buckwheat from oats; an old woman comes, says where the beautiful clothes are hidden, promises to disassemble the grain herself; at the Sh. no one found out; when she came back, she lost one red shoe; the young Bulotou found a shoe, tried it on everyone; Baobe does not fit; S. brings the second shoe, marries Bulotou, gives birth to a child; aunt Baoba and I come, my aunt asks how S. greets her husband when he returns, calls S. to pick mushrooms, pushes him into the well; tells Baobe to pretend to be half-crazy when he meets her husband; the horse says Bulotuo that this is Baoba, and S. was pushed into a well; the husband runs to the well, the horse's tail grows, S. grabs him, gets out; aunt and Baoba run, they are torn to pieces by wolves]: 139-145; the Mongors [the youngest of three the daughters ask the father to bring a flower; at Shalangor's house, the old man cuts the flowers with an ax, the ax rolls; S. tells him to give his daughter for the ax and flowers; the youngest agrees, tells S. to make the way to her house, spread felt, S. fulfills all the conditions, marries; older sisters envy the younger; the youngest has a silver stick, the eldest has a wooden stick, the eldest offers to throw them into the river, the silver sinks, the eldest offers to hold the youngest by the legs so that she takes the stick from the bottom, drowns her sister, puts on her clothes, says S. that her face has become speckled because of the peas attached to him, her voice has become rough because of singing; the bird falls on S.'s shoulder, he puts her in a cage; the imaginary wife kills, buries the bird; thorns grow up, scratch the imaginary wife; she burns them, the smoke blinds her eyes, she falls into the river; the smoke turns into a real wife, S. lives well with her]: Todayeva 1973, No. 11:299-302).
Amur - Sakhalin. Nanai people: Kile 1996, No. 43 (Komsomolsky District) [the old man was digging a vegetable garden, found a cradle with a baby girl in it, he raised her; Mergen came to marry, the old man took five buttons in his dowry; new wife gave birth to a son, her husband went hunting; M.'s elder wife did not like the new one, sewed the image of her husband to the sole, he is ill, the wife says that the new one and her evil spirits are to blame; she makes a fire, a new one rushes at him; M. began to hate his old wife, miss his new one; her son comes to the place of burning, his mother flies in with a duck, repairs his clothes, does not tell his father to speak; the boy said, tied his mother's hair to the bush, M. grabbed his wife, but she went to her father; now the father demanded a rich dowry; M. cut off his old wife's head, burned the corpse, brought a rich dowry, a feast for three days and three nights]: 389-395; Sangi 1989 [=Medvedev 1992:215-221; the wife tyrants her husband's young sister (Fuding); she makes a birch bark bucket, swims in it down the Amur River; Mergen takes her as his wife; Ambaktu's neighbor, fudin (evil spirit), invites her to change clothes pushes her into the lake, throwing a stone around her neck; at night, M. notices that his wife's body is prickly; once a year, an old man takes heavenly horses to the lake; in the third year he hears Mergen, I die; sends a bird to M. say that he lives with an evil spirit; the old man and M. pull F. out of the water, treat him, M. cuts off the head of his false wife, burns them; visits Brother F., that slave to his ex-wife and her new husband: M. kills them, gives them away sister for brother F.]: 230-235.
Japan. Japanese: Ikeda 1971, No. 403, Var. IV [Prince marries an evil woman's stepdaughter, an orphan; stepmother or maid swabs her with boiling water, replaces her with her own ugly daughter (K1911); a true bride turns into a bird (D150; E613; E732) ), helps his brother in the mountains collect fuel (P253), gives him his portrait or his shining kimono, it catches the prince's eye; the prince learns the truth from the boy, they catch a bird together, which tells them prepare vessels filled with water, wine and fire, plunge into them, take on a human form; the perpetrators of the deception are executed, or the wife later sees the stepmother and her daughter as beggars, gives them clothes and money]: 98.
SV Asia. Coastal Koryaks (Palana) [Tinianevyt is the daughter of Kutkinyaku and Mitya; Ememkut married her, their pantry is always full of meat; mouse mother is jealous, cut off her the tail, put it in a bag with T.; accused T. of theft, E. finds a tail in his wife's bag, goes to live with mice, takes the mouse as his wife; T. breastfed the baby, went to her parents in the lake; the elder brother killed flies, fed the youngest; the brothers came to the lake, the youngest calls the mother; the parents do not want to let T. go; she goes out, her legs are stone; feeds the baby, returns to the lake; next time she has everything but stone faces; E. comes to see the children, they lead him to the lake; T. comes out all the stone, only his eyes are alive; E. threw on a rope, T. resisted, E. pulled it out, the stone shell slept; E. promised T. no longer to leave]: Zhukova 1980, No. 15:181-183.
The Midwest. Ojibwa or chippewa [the hunter gives the best meat to his wife, not the mother, who is jealous; lures his daughter-in-law to a swing above the lake, cuts off the rope, the daughter-in-law falls into the water; a water monster wraps her tail around her; the old woman puts on her clothes, pretends to be babysitting the child; the husband does not notice the change, gives her the best meat; an orphan boy lives in the house; realizes that the foster mother has been killed; brings her to babysit her baby; she rises to the waist out of the water; next time her husband pierces the monster with a spear, frees his wife; mother-in-law falls into the fire, turns into a black bird]: Spence 1985:176-180 ; Ojibwa: Jones 1919, No. 66 [The sun is the husband of the moon; he is not at home during the day, her at night; one day she got angry with some women, killed them; her husband did not like it, he married a girl; Luna wanted her kill while rocking on a swing; the girl fell, but magically summoning the awls, plunged them into a slippery rock, got up; the moon was eaten by the Wolves; the girl became the new moon], 67 [(retelling in Lévi-Strauss 1968, No. 499: 338-339); a young man grabs a beautiful woman descending a rope from the sky; she is kidnapped by a sorcerer with a bare skull instead of a head; his victims are bald, their husbands turn into hunchbacks interpreting grain to him; Sun restores a woman's hair; warns that his old wife Luna will try to destroy her; at dusk, a woman prepares maple syrup, pouring from one bucket to another; decided to urinate immediately; The insulted Moon puts her along with the bucket in her basket; the Sun punishes his wife, forcing her victim to carry her victim with her forever; on the moon, a woman with a bucket is visible; the moon puts the girl on a swing, rocks, she falls into a deep hole; Thunders save her; the Sun allows the Thunders to eat his wife; makes the girl a new wife and moon; a sorcerer with a skull head tries to kidnap her, the dogs of the Sun drive him away; The sorcerer makes the girl's first husband a hunchback, makes the grain grind; his cousin defeats the sorcerer, frees the prisoners]: 609-623, 623-657; fox [the old woman sees that the son-in-law has a big penis; makes a swing over the lake, invites her daughter to swing, cuts a vine, the daughter falls into the water, the Great Lynx marries her; the old woman pulls her skin tighter, piercing it on the back of her head and wrapping it around her stick; at night the husband discovers a wand, kills the false wife with a club; the drowned brother brings her crying baby to the shore; the mother is half out of the water to feed him; the next time the brother and husband bring a horn knife , the husband cuts off his wife's fish tail, she jumps out of the water to the shore; a Lynx appears, holding its tail and fish in her teeth]: Jones 1907, No. 8:101-111.
Plains. Assiniboine [an old woman hangs a swing on the river bank; invites her daughter to swing first; cuts the rope; the daughter falls into the water, becomes a siren; the old woman puts on her clothes, sleeps with her son-in-law; the siren gets out of the water to babysit his crying baby; her brother lures her out, her husband cuts off her fish tail, brings her wife back; mother-in-law runs away]: Lowie 1909a, No. 8b: 157; teton [husband hurt his wife; she left her baby to her younger brother, threw herself into the water; told her to bring her baby to feed her, sing every time, "sister, my nephew is really hungry"; the brother noticed that the sister below the waist had become a fish; the husband found out what had happened, together with his wife's brother, pulled a part out of the water, cut off the fish; the woman died soon]: Dorsey 1889:137; Osage [old woman falls in love with her son-in-law; invites her daughter to swing on a swing over the water, cuts the rope; the daughter drowns; the husband rejects the mother-in-law; the thunder gives him a zipper ax to bring his wife back; she is tied at the bottom of the river; four times the husband brings her to babysit their little daughter; each time a woman rises higher and higher out of the water; on the fourth, her husband breaks her chains with a lightning ax, returns his wife; kills her mother-in-law by piercing her ears with a red-hot arrow]: Dorsey 1904c, No. 22:26-27; arpaho [cf. . motive J35; Raven's wife kills man's new wives, inviting them to swing by the backwater and cutting the rope; says: Here's food for you, grandmother; water monster grabs a girl who has fallen into the backwater; brother brings her crying baby to the shore; she goes out to feed him, the monster allows her to rise from the water only to the waist; the brother grabs her sister, the husband hits the monster with a spear; the brother drowns the Raven, repeating her words (Here's food for you... ); the river overflows, the family escapes to the mountain; the brother throws paint on four sides, the flood stops; fish, turtles, frogs on land turn into springs, rivers, lakes]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 5:8-12; Pawnee (skidy): Dorsey 1906, No. 45 [the father brought home the duck he caught, then released it; the girl born soon was named Young Duck; she washes from the pond, very beautiful; her staff and ropes collect firewood for her; the young men take care of her, but she marries Hawk, telling him to become human; in the forest, an old woman plunged a wand into her ear, took off her skin above her waist, put it on, put her skin on the girl, threw the girl into the river; calls other girls loudly (the real Young Duck never screamed); without washing her face, she demands food from her parents; the husband feels below the waist there is an old woman next to him; her staff and belts do not collect firewood themselves; the pond dries up; someone else's skin begins to deteriorate; the Raven Shaman identifies the liar, sends the Hawk to the river, who hears his wife's voice from the bottom; the Hawk She flies like a hawk over the river, then in a tipi in the forest finds a man with a woman, their four daughters and the Young Duck who is there; she is hidden under her clothes, he finds her, she is an old woman above the waist; she asks pick it up into the air and throw it; turns into an oyster - rough on the outside and smooth on the inside], 71 [the young leader Eagle visits the village, falls in love with a girl; she brings a lot of dry brushwood from the forest, thanks to the belts that collect and tie the bundles themselves; when they return home, the Eagle asks his father to move their village closer to the girl's village, marry her; the young wife meets an old woman in the forest; she puts her to sleep by giving her roots, taking her skin off, putting her on herself, pushing the woman into the water; the imaginary wife smells bad; they send the Otter Healer, then the Beaver, they don't understand what's going on; Vulture discovers that the imaginary wife is a rat (Wood-Rat), tells her to burn; the chief spends four days at the pond, returns his wife]: 167-172, 506; wichita [the wife of the Flint Chief collects firewood; an old woman comes up to her and tears her she puts her skin on, throws her body into the river; her skin is big for an old woman, wrinkles; she says she is sick; her husband's servant exposes her; the husband looks for his wife, hears her song, sees her in the river; she returns to him; later becomes a water spirit; husband goes south in search of flints]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 17:124-127.
Southeast USA. Biloxi [Beauty marries the chief, gives birth to a child; Crooked puts obstacles in her way, kills when she gets stuck in the swamp; puts on her skin, comes to her husband; the baby cries, not recognizes her; the brother of the murdered child carries the baby to the river bank; the mother comes out of the water to feed him; the chief orders the false wife to be thrown into the fire; together with the real wife's brother, he grabs her in the river, brings her home; One day she finds crooked skin; with her child she rushes into the river; becomes a duck, the baby becomes a gudgeon]: Dorsey, Swanton 1912, No. 26:79-81.
The Great Southwest. Western ceres (Laguna) [(Boas considers the story borrowed from the Spaniards); the girl finds a worm, puts it in a hole of water; it grows, makes the reservoir bigger, turns into a horned snake, brings her into her underwater world, makes gems fall off the girl's hair while washing; she gets married; while her husband is hunting, another woman drowns her, takes her place; but from her hair stones do not fall; the husband sees a real wife in the river, returns her, kills the false wife]: Gunn 1917:269 in Boas 1928a: 269.
Central Amazon. Arua [the chief lived with his wife and mother-in-law, shot only birds, his wife cooked good chicha; mother-in-law fell in love with her son-in-law, sent her daughter to the lake to look for a plant, pushed her into a hole; people live underground sometimes coming to the surface, the young woman was now with them; the old woman became young, put on her daughter's jewelry, said that the mother had gone to visit; at night the husband felt the mouth of his imaginary wife, that she had no teeth; in the morning I went to the hole, saw her wife in her, her body was covered with worms, on the head of a snake; the chief refused her, hid in the tree crown to watch her mother-in-law; she was cooking chicha as usual way; the chief returned without prey, said that the birds hid; told his people about what had happened; they pulled the woman out of the hole; the chief tore off the old woman's jewelry, she ran out to meet her daughter, wiped it off her ash, worms and snakes fell to the ground, her daughter became beautiful again; happy with her husband, but the old woman is gone]: Snethlage 1937:130-131.