Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K33a2. The witch distorts what was said. .28.31.


brother takes his sister to her fiance in a boat. The sister can't hear her brother's words. The witch says her brother is telling her to throw herself into the water. The sister does so, the witch replaces her with her daughter.

Russians (Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Pskov), Karelians, Western Sami, Norwegians.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Pomors) [the tsar and queen are dead; the prince lulls his sister Nastasya, promises to marry Zorya Tsarevich; the sister has grown up, asks to fulfill her promise; the brother tells Z. sister will laugh - gold winds, cry - pearls fall, step - one trace is golden, the other is silver; they swim to Z.; from the cape a woman screams, asks her to take it; sister: do not take it; from the third cape, the brother took, this is Baba Yaga; she comes to the cabin and transmits her brother's words: undress and throw yourself into the water; the third time N. listened and became a duck; Baba Yaga dressed in her dress; Z. is disappointed in the bride, left her brother to prison; Z. comes to the cook; he says that a duck arrives, becomes a girl, gold curls and pearls fall, asks about Z. and her brother; she flew in again, Z. grabbed her and kissed her , N. remained a girl; wedding]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:202-205; Russians (Vologda) [the tsar gave his daughter Elena the Beautiful to the Kingdom of Zoriyevo for Zoria Tsarevich; they sail on a ship, with them a woman a yaga with two daughters; her brother tells Elena that the kingdom of Zorievo is near; she asks Baba Yaga, she replies that her brother says: "Turn into a pike, throw yourself into the water!" ; so three times; the third time K. rushed into the water, Baba Yaga replaced her with her daughter; after that, the ship is no longer moving; Z. married Baba Yaga's daughter, sent guards to guard the ship; a pike sails, E. turned around; so several times; the watchmen were reported that Z. grabbed E., Baba Yaga's daughter was shot at the gate]: Smirnov 1917, No. 32:184-185; Russians (Pskov, Opochetsky y.) [when she dies, the mother punishes her son: let her younger sister sleep, promise to marry her as the Prince Athenist; the sister has grown up, sends her brother to look for a groom for her; to meet A.; asks why the sister is so special; brother: when she cries, pearls fall out of her eyes, when she laughs, gold comes from their mouth; they go in a stroller to A.; the sister cannot hear her brother's words, the mother transmits them in a distorted way; not change clothes, but undress, not accept the groom, but open the window and throw himself into the river; replaced the bride with her daughter; neither pearls nor gold fall; brother is thrown into prison; at night the sister comes to her brother twice, tells everything; will come For the third time, we must put a cross over her; the prince recognized and hid under the bed, grabbed the bride, scolded her, he married her; his mother and her daughter were torn apart on horse tails]: Smirnov 1917, No. 101:330 -331.

Baltoscandia. Karelians (northern): Concca 1959 (Kalevalsky District, 1937), No. 2 [when dying, the old man and the old woman tell their son and daughter not to marry or marry; the brother promises the prince to persuade his sister to marry him ; she sets the condition: I will not go out while the stove is standing; the millstone is intact; the threshold has not worn out; the brother breaks the stove, the millstone, cuts down the threshold; takes her sister to the prince; Syuvatar asks to take her from the shore; her sister does not allow it, but brother takes it for the third time; S. makes his sister not hear her brother's words; says that he tells me to jump into the water and become a black duck; seeing that the woman is ugly, the prince ordered her brother to be locked in to the stable; at night, the duck calls the dog, tells him to hand over the towel; then the tablecloth; the prince transfers his brother to the bulls; to the sheep; the widow teaches the prince to grab the duck when it comes for the last time, to break everything that she would turn, throw it behind her (she turns into a viper, worm, rolling pin, the prince did not release); S. was pushed into a pit with burning resin]: 13-18; Concca 1991 [brother joined the army, sister stayed at home; my brother drew his sister on a tinder, took it with him to the palace; the royal son saw: if my sister is really so beautiful, I will marry you and take you to the palace; my sister makes excuses: I will go when I erase my father's millstone; I'll rub the bottom of my mother's spinning wheel with a bench; I'll wipe my parent's stupa; my brother crushed the millstone, cut the bench, broke the stupa; sailed in a boat with the dog Pyatnashka; from the shore, Syuoyatar also asks her pick up; sister does not want, brother takes; S. makes brother and sister deaf and replaces their words; instead of "adjust your jewelry" - "jump into the sea"; "undress and jump into the sea"; "cut out your eyes, break your arms and legs, jump into the sea"; she did not injure herself, but jumped into the sea; S. persuaded the young man to marry her sister, put on her clothes; the Queen married S., but since she was ugly, he threw his brother into a snake pit ; but the viper hugs and lulls the guy; the sister is engaged to the son of the sea lord; embroiders a brocade shawl, asks for permission to take it to the Queen; she is allowed to get up a little out of the water, but is held on silver chain; Tag tells everything, hands over a handkerchief; a widow living by the sea tells the Queen everything; now the girl hands over a shirt for the queen; he realizes that this is not S.'s job; widow Orders to forge a braid to cut a silver chain, and pull the girl out of the water with another chain; the girl turned into a mosquito, a lizard, a snake, a spindle, a rolling pin; the Queen did not let go; burning resin was poured into the pit, covered with red cloth, called S., she fell, burned; ordered her hair to become gnats and worms; Korolevich made his wife's brother first assistant]: 65-76; Schreck 1887, No. 10 (Russian Karelia) [ Another translation in Bertram 1854:18-29; after the death of his parents, the son got a job as a shepherd with the king, the daughter stayed at home; gave her brother her portrait; when he saw him, the queen fell in love; sister: first wiped off the millstone left by my parents than I would leave my father's house; my brother broke the millstones, joined the halves; when my sister began to work, the millstone split; sister: I won't go until the spinning wheel breaks; my brother broke it , the spinning wheel broke; the same is father's mortar; threshold; sister had to marry; had to sail on the sea; sister took her dog with her; witch from the shore: take me; they didn't take me twice, but The brother decided to take the third cape; the witch made them deaf; brother to sister: the castle is visible, dress nicely; the sister asks the witch again; she: the brother tells you to put your oars and throw yourself into the sea; the sister gave the oars the witch, but did not rush into the sea; next time the brother asks to wear jewelry, the witch tells her to take off her dress and jewelry, throw herself into the sea; the sister takes off, but does not rush; the third time she rushed, the witch she raked her away from her; her brother had to pass off the witch for her sister; she wore her clothes and jewelry; because the bride was ugly, the Queen ordered dragons and snakes to leave her brother, but they did not touched; the sister at the bottom of the sea became the bride of the sea king; she made a gold and silver hat for the Queen to free her brother, but could not go ashore, she was held by a silver chain; her the dog was wandering around the castle; the widow had an iron platform going out to sea; her sister came to him, asked the dog to take the hat to the Queen, asked what was in the house; she replies that it was a witch she is in charge; the widow told the Queen everything; the next night her sister made a shirt out of gold and silver, the dog took it away again; the witch says that her hands make both the hat and the shirt themselves while she sleeps; the widow teaches you to cut the silver chain with a scythe on the third night; the sister will turn into different creatures, she cannot be let go; the sister has prepared pants for the Queen; the Queen put his chain over her, cut a silver one; her sister turned into an earthworm, a fly, a lizard, a spindle, etc.; the Queen took her to the widow's house, freed her brother; the Queen orders to cook a resin hole, light it, cover it from above , tells the servants to take the witch away, she fails, burns, sticks her hair out, says he will make worms in the ground, mosquitoes in the air, harmful caterpillars to cause people suffering; wedding; brother appointed chief adviser, receives half of the treasures]: 74-85; Stepanova 2000, No. 103 (northern, Tungud volost) [sister sets foot - gold, cries - beads, a month on her shoulders, Bear's stars on forehead, sun on top of his head; brother went to the palace, the prince saw the embroideries on the hoop, asked who was embroidering, ordered his sister to be brought in; the sister said she would not marry until the millstone handle broke work; brother sawed the handle; until the father's shop collapses; the spinning wheel made by the father breaks; the threshold does not break; the brother saws every time; sister agrees, they go in a boat, Suottyariha asks to take her, puts sleepy needles in her sister's ears, tells her to spit in the sheath, jump into the sea, the sister swam with a duck, the brother brought S.; the prince put his brother under lock and key - why did he bring the ugly one; sister sails to the widow's house, becomes a girl, sews on a hoop, the widow sells; tells the prince to hide behind the stove, throw duck plumage into the oven, grab his wife; she turned into a snake, he beat her, did not let her go, she became a woman; they dug a hole, S. was taken to the bathhouse, pushed into a hole, her brother was released; S.'s mother came, sees two blades of grass, wants to tear it off, the daughter screams out of the hole, "This is my umbilical cord, don't touch it"; the mother went to gate, rejoices that her daughter is there, the prince ordered her to be brought to the gate]: 181-183; Western Sami [brother and sister live alone; prince came, fell in love with a girl, left for a year, told the girl to the brother and child he will give birth to come to him by this time; they are sailing in a boat across the lake; on the shore of Attijis-ene asks to take her as a maid; sister does not want to, brother takes it; A. sits in the middle of the boat, and sister and brother are at the ends; they do not hear each other, A. supposedly gives her brother's words to her sister, but distorts them; brother tells me to wear the best dress; A.: give the dress to me, throw yourself into the lake, you will become golden duck; sister threw herself into the water, A. picked up the baby; prince takes A.; brother at the shore calls his sister - the baby is crying; the sister went out, fed the baby, became a duck again, swam away; next time for her brother another man hid, grabbed a young woman; she turned into a worm, a mole, sea grass, a mosquito; finally remained a woman; A. prince pushed her into a hole with burning resin; wedding]: Poestion 1886, No. 6:39-42; Norwegians [stepmother tyrannites stepson and stepdaughter; stepson leaves, is hired to serve the king; stepdaughter goes to get water; three ugly heads rise out of the water; one asks her to wash, the other comb her hair, kiss the third; the girl does it; they make her beautiful, gold falls from her lips and hair; her own daughter goes for water, scolds her heads, they make her a freak with a long nose, snout and escape pine trees on his forehead; the girl's brother sees a portrait of his sister; decides to marry; brother takes his sister across the lake, stepmother and daughter sit between them in the middle of the boat; tells his stepdaughter the brother's words as if he orders to throw a chest of gold inherited from the puppy's mother into the lake to throw herself into the water; the king is forced to marry a freak, throws the girl's brother into a hole with snakes; at midnight, a girl with a dog they come to the kitchen, the maid sees them, tells the king; twice the freak sleeps on the king; when the girl comes for the last time, the servants put a knife in the hand of the sleepy king, he makes an incision in the girl's finger, the spell disappears; the brother is returned, the stepmother and her daughter are thrown into the snake pit]: Dasent 1970:322-330.