Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K33a3. The heroine has been turned into a turtle .19.21.-.24.

A woman, turned into a turtle because of her rival's machinations, tries to establish contact with her children or her husband.

Monumbo, Chins (Meitei), Burmese, Karen, Shans, Lao, Cham, Assamese, Sinhales, Ternates.

Melanesia. Monumbo [Matiti sends her husband to fish, tells her not to accidentally kill her brother Bluish Fish; he accidentally pierced her with a jail; M. became a turtle, went to sea, telling the eldest boy bring her to feed her baby; the turtle temporarily turns back into a woman, gives breasts, gives the children fish, telling their father that they have found fish on the shore; the father spies, catches a turtle, but the net breaks; when Barui's husband and old man go after M. in a boat, she gets into B.'s boat, sails away with him; in order not to return M. to her husband, B. kills her; M. turns into a rock]: Höltker 1965, No. 13:91-92

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Meitei (ranks) [two wives, each with a boy and a girl; the husband is dead; the youngest wife is evil; both went to fish; the eldest caught fish, the youngest caught oysters, eels and snakes; climbed a tree; the eldest asks She also shed fruit; she threw snakes and eels into her mouth, the eldest turned into a turtle and swam away; her youngest took her fish; the eldest daughter, Shandrembi, saw her mother in a dream; she talked about what had happened; let S. catch her, keep her where the sun and moon would not fall on her, and in 7 days she would be born human; but the son of his youngest wife noticed the turtle, demanded that it be cooked for him; in a dream Mother came back to S.: put my bones in the basket, I'll be a woman in 7 days; but S. opened the basket on the 6th day, a swallow flew out from there; S. and my younger sister's daughter, Chaisra, went to get water; Sh. rags, C. in beautiful clothes; the king turns to Sh.; they exchanged clothes, but the king again turns to Sh.; took her away, made her queen; the youngest wife invited S. to the feast, offered to wash her, doused her with boiling water, she flew away with a dove; C. put on her clothes, took her place; the dove flies to the mower, says that the king forgot his wife, that S. was on the branch and C. was on the throne; the mower told the king; he brought a dove to the palace; C. killed her, fried her; where the curry woke up, a plant grew and a fruit on it; the mower wanted to cut it; but if there is a knife, there is no fruit, there is no fruit, there is no knife; the fruit turned into S., she began to cook for the mower when he was not at home; he waited for her, grabbed her, brought her to the king; he gave C. a beautiful but stupid sword, and S., ugly but sharp, ordered her to fight; S. hacked C.]: Singh 1985:278-285 (similar text Oinam et al. s.a.).

Burma - Indochina. Burmese [wife tells her husband that the fish caught is for their daughter (her name is the Younger Mistress, MX); the husband beats her, she turns into a turtle; the husband marries a widow who has her own daughter; MX meets with a Turtle; stepmother pretends to be sick, turtle meat will cure her; MX buries the bones of an eaten turtle; a tree with gold and silver fruits grows; a prince marries a tree owner; stepmother's daughter cannot pick fruits, to MX they fall into the hem; MX goes to visit her stepmother; she pours boiling water on her, MX turns into a bird; stepmother's daughter pretends to be MX (long nose because she wiped it); the bird weaves instead of an imaginary wife; she tells me to catch and cook a bird; the prince refused to eat it, the servant buried it; the quince grew, the fruit fell into the hem of the old woman, she put it in a pot; someone cooks in the house; the old people waited MX; test: MX with a wooden sword defeats an imaginary wife with an iron sword; the imaginary body is salted, sent to her stepmother, she eats it, finds her fingers]: Aun 1957:83-90; Karen: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 165 [wife asks her husband to fish more, he hits her, she turns into a turtle; the neighbor adjusts him to marry him; Naunman's stepdaughter calls the Turtle from the shore, which gives her food and clothes; does not give her stepmother's daughter; stepmother pretends to be sick, turtle meat will cure her; the turtle tells N. to bury her bones, a tree has grown; only N. was able to snatch it out, the prince marries her; stepmother spreads a rumor that Father N. sick; N. comes, her stepmother kills her, sends her daughter in her clothes; she explains to her husband that her nose has become crooked while she took care of her father; stepmother threw N.'s body into the river, N. became a bird, flew in take care of her baby; an imaginary wife kills a bird, a tree grows out of a bird, splits, young N. comes out, lives with a poor couple, meets a prince; he cuts his imaginary wife to pieces sends them to her mother, she eats her daughter, finds her nose, cuts off her tongue out of grief]: 415-426; shany [husband loves his eldest wife, her daughter Nang Hsen Gaw, her youngest daughter Nang E; husband caught a lot oysters, wives came to take the catch; the youngest ate everything herself, the eldest brought it; the youngest said that the eldest was a witch, she took everything; the youngest was killed, she turned into a turtle; the turtle asks her daughter to bring cotton so that she could spin and weave; the mother DID NOT follow, pretended to be sick, agreed with the healer to recommend a boiled turtle as a medicine; the turtle was caught, boiled; she asks her daughter to bury her bones; the mother DID NOT give bones to the dogs, but ran away alone, the NHG took the bone, buried it, grew a singing tree; the king sent servants to bring him a tree; they cut down with the best axes, cutting down overgrown, the servants are executed; the king promises to make whoever delivers the tree an heir if it is a man and an elder wife if it is a woman; NHG easily brings a tree, becomes a queen; an unrecognized mother is NOT she is hired as a maid, led the queen to the spring, stabbed her, buried her under the road, put her clothes on her daughter; the singing tree fell silent and withered; the king allowed the sparrow to nest in the room, for which he told him everything; informed him about the replacement of the queen; the king ordered his imaginary wife to be cut off; a flower grew on the grave of the NHG, the man picked it up, brought it home; the man's mother is surprised that someone in the house cooks and cleans up; the woman peeked, crushed the flower, the NHG remained a girl; the sparrow told the king everything, who ordered the mother to be executed NOT, bring the NHG; the tree began to play]: Griggs 1902:66-76; lao [from the rich man two wives, the youngest is mia noi (she is a demon), and the eldest is mia luang; all went fishing together, the youngest wife was on the nose, the eldest was aft; the fisherman gave each fish, the youngest immediately ate her, and the eldest full basket; the youngest swapped places with the eldest, the fisherman decided that it was the eldest was a demon, cut off her head with an oar, threw her body and basket into the water; the eldest daughter Nang Utara, the youngest had Nang Kam; the youngest wife sends NU to herd buffaloes; the eldest has become a golden turtle, goes out to talk to her daughter; the youngest tells her husband to kill the turtle, otherwise she will not recover; NU tells the mother not to swim to the shore, the youngest wife threatens to kill her, then the turtle swam; the duck kept the bones, gave it to the dog, which buried them, grew a tree with gold and silver leaves; only NU was able to pull it out, transplant it into the garden father; Paya In (Indra) went down, took the NU and the tree to heaven; the youngest wife sent NU a letter: the father fell ill, come back; dug a hole, put a pot of boiling water in it, asked NU to take off her clothes, she fell into the cauldron, the youngest wife put her clothes on her daughter NK, sent her to heaven; the NU children did not believe it, the tree withered; Paya Ying killed NK, sent the remains to her parents, they died of grief; NU was reborn, came out orange tree, began to live with old people, Paya Ying found and returned her]: La May 1924:27-33 (translated to Kornev 1963:21-26); tyamy [orphan Kayong is adopted daughter, Halestk is native; who will catch more fish, it will be the oldest; K. catches more, H. steals its fish; K. catches the fish, lets it into the well, feeds it, calls it brother; H. overheard, summoned it in the same words, caught it, ate it; the fish in a dream tells K. bury her fins, golden shoes appear from them; the raven takes one king away; the king tells us to gather all the girls, look for the owner; the stepmother does not let K. in, tells them to untangle the ball, separate the sesame seeds and corn (ants and other insects do the job); the shoe fits K., she has a steam room, the king marries her; the stepmother asks K. to let her go for a couple of days; H. tells K. to climb the coconut a palm tree, cuts it, K. falls into the pond, becomes a golden turtle; stepmother sends H. instead of K.; prince catches a turtle, H. eats it; now and then says she is pregnant (this is a lie), so she ate it; from the shell grows a bamboo shoot (X. eats it), the husk turns into a bird (X. eats it), the feathers grow into a tree with fragrant fruit; the fruit is given only to an old flip flop woman; while she is not there, K. comes out of the fruit, fills the poor hut with food; the old woman catches K., she tells the king to be called, the king recognizes his wife; H. asks why K. is so white; K. says she swam in boiling water; H. cooked; K . her meat withered, sent it to her mother, she ate it, and found a hand with her daughter's ring at the bottom of the vessel]: Landes 1887, No. 10:79-93.

South Asia. The Assames [a wealthy peasant has a beloved younger wife, she has a daughter Toola, and an unloved eldest, she has a daughter Teja and a son Kanai; the youngest tyrannites the elder and her children; goes fishing with her, collides into water, turning them into a turtle; the turtle turns to its children, feeds them unusually tasty and nutritious rice; Toola is sent to spy, promises not to tell when it is given try this rice, but her mother makes her tell her; pretends to be sick (crunches with potsherds placed under the mattress - like bones), a bribed healer advises to eat a turtle; a turtle for children: Let's just give it to you, bury my front legs; they are a blooming hibiscus and an fruit tree; the prince wants to pick fruits and flowers, K. allows him to promise to marry his sister when she grows up; sends a bird to remind; prince marries Teja; older wife tries unsuccessfully to prevent it; stepmother asks to let Toola go to visit; her daughter dresses up in Teja jewelry, stepmother stabs Teja's head turning a pin into a bird; the prince does not notice the change, but Toola cannot finish the fabric started by Teja; Teja the bird talks to the prince, he finds a pin, Teja becomes a woman again, tells everything ; the prince orders to chop the liar, send meat and blood to her mother as a gift, and bring her arms, legs and head the next day; mother realized that she ate Toola]: Borooah 1955:104-121 (about the same in Goswami 1960:88-90); Sinhales [two sisters go in search of husbands; animals they meet offer themselves; each sisters ask what they eat; reject bulls, jackals, marry two brothers- ploughmen (they said they ate dried fish, and the sisters said that this was their food); each of the sisters gave birth to a girl; the older sister became jealous of the younger one, because she was well off, and the older sister was poor; decided to kill her; invited her to swim, pushed her into the river; married both brothers, fed both girls; the girls saw a white turtle in the river; the older sister's daughter tried to catch her, but the turtle she sailed; and she sailed to her youngest daughter and rubbed against her body; the eldest daughter told her mother about the turtle and she said she would eat it; the youngest's daughter came to the river, called the turtle mom and spoke of the danger; she told me to keep the bone, leave it in the cow shed, it would grow into a mango tree; the older sister sent men to catch the turtle; the tree grew; when the younger sister's daughter she came to pick a mango, the branches leaned towards her, and when the eldest daughter rose high; when she learned that the older sister wanted to cut down the mango, the tree told the youngest's daughter to keep the chip; it grew out of it vine with fruits; fruits are not given to one girl again and given to another; vine: find the root, throw it into the river, the Blue Lotus will appear; only the daughter of the younger sister can touch it; the older sister sent people snatch the lotus, but it is not allowed; the king drove up; told his younger sister's daughter to snatch the lotus, took her and the lotus and took her to his capital]: Parker 1910, No. 11:113-119.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Ternate [husband and wife were fishing, the wife fell into the sea and became a turtle; the husband took another wife; she did not feed her little stepdaughter, only rubbed rice on her lips, said that the girl ate a lot; the girl came to the sea, her mother turtle washed her and changed her clothes; the stepmother took her husband to kill the turtle; told her stepdaughter to light the fire under the cauldron, she extinguished it; the stepdaughter asked for the turtle bones, the stepmother did not She gave it; but the girl took it herself, buried it, grew up, she collected the fruit, the leaves, they turned into money; then she climbed the tree; the father cut down, but the ax bounced; when she was old, the tree collapsed one branch fell on China, so China is rich; one branch on the moon, small spots are leaves]: Hayami-Allen 2001:230-238.