Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K33a5. The heroine has been turned into a duck .

A woman who has become a duck (goose) because of her rival's machinations tries to establish contact with her children or her husband.

Sardinians, Germans (Grimms), Hungarians, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Moscow), Luzhitans, Slovaks, Poles, Lithuanians, Lutsi, Estonians, Karelians, Western Sami, Danes, Nanais.

Southern Europe. Sardinians [a young man goes to look for a wife; a woman (this is St. Virgo) sends him to the master (this is the Lord); he teaches how to enter the yard: if the eyes of the guarding lions are open, they sleep; the rival pierces a pin into the chosen one's head, she flies away as a goose; follows a young man and his false wife; he catches and strokes a goose, takes out a pin, his wife regains her human appearance]: Aprile 2000:274.

Western Europe. Germans [=Grimm, Grimm 1987:42-46; after the woman's death, a neighbor persuaded her daughter to advise her father to marry her neighbor; she has her own daughter; the father promises to marry if she is full of holes the boot will not leak the water; but the boot is wet and the water does not leak out; in winter, the stepmother sends her stepdaughter for strawberries; she comes to the hut of the three gnomes; polite to them, does not complain, sweeps in front of the entrance, shares bread; one gives her beauty, the other makes sure that chervonets fall from her lips at every word, the third promises to marry her king; sweeping the snow, the girl finds strawberries; her own daughter goes to the forest stepmothers; she is rude, unfriendly; gnomes make her uglier, toads fall from her lips, she will die a fierce death; stepmother sends stepdaughter to the ice-hole to be yarn, but the king arrives and takes her away; she gave birth to a son, the king left; her stepmother and her daughter threw her into the river, her stepmother's daughter lay in her bed; the king is surprised why his wife has changed; at night a duck came, turned queen, fed the baby; the second night is the same; on the third night she tells the cook to call the king - let him wave her sword; the spell has subsided; the king asks the old woman what to do with the one who pulls the other out of bed , throws into the water; old woman: go down the mountain in a barrel covered with nails; stepmother and her daughter did so]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 13:45-50.

The Balkans. Hungarians [the poor man told his wife to cook meat; she left, the children ate everything, the wife cut off the meat from her legs, cooked it for her husband; when she found out how delicious man was, the husband offered to slaughter the two older children; The boy heard everything, he and his sister ran away; his sister told me not to drink from the wolf, bear trail - you will become a wolf, a bear; the brother drank from a deer, became a deer; they hid in a haystack, the king found them, married a girl; she gave birth to a son, the king went to war; the cook pushed the queen into the sea, replaced her daughter; the queen became a golden duck; the deer carries the baby to the sea, the duck goes out, becomes a woman, feeds a child; the king spied, hugged his wife; tied the cook and daughter to horses, what was left was burned]: Ortutai 1974, No. 10:231-251; Hungarians [the elder prince married Trostnikova's older sister Girl (TD); the youngest wants to marry only the most beautiful woman in the world; asks his brother to ask if his wife knows about her; in the presence of the youngest, the elder's wife kept silent; then the youngest overheard their conversation; the elder's wife says that there is no more beautiful TD in the world; she is wearing a middle reed and the other two are her maids; reeds on an island in the middle of the Black Sea, where it is completely dark ; in reeds, the life of a witch who is guarding them; the younger prince went in search; greeted the old woman, who told the mouse to show him the way to her older sister; she sent a squirrel to show the way to herself the eldest; she says that you can get to TD by demolishing 12 pairs of shoes, and the horse must be fed on dragon milk, eat coals and drink fire; gives three hairs; you have to climb the mountain, touch with a string of hairs, such a horse will appear; horse: to move in the dark, you have to take a ray of sunshine with you; a pair of wolves on the way; the prince cut off two pieces of his flesh and threw it to them, they missed it; in the house He bathed in the fire and dried himself off with a fire towel; but the servant of the sun blew and the prince flew 77 miles, and then began to fall down, bumping into snakes, toads and red-eyed worms; a rumble can be heard: in this Peruns are forged in the place; after playing the flute, the prince tamed the hundred-headed dragon, passed through his body through the gate, and then the darkness parted; towards the daughter of the Sun Dawn; she put the prince on her horse; he He rode across the bridge like a razor, through the copper forest, where the Sun's loggers harvested firewood for him, then over the silver one and over the gold one; dawn gave a ray, put it in a box and hung it around the prince's neck; the horse warns: all three reeds must be cut off with one blow; when the prince cut down the reeds, blood splashed and there was a groan, the witch died; the ray broke out and disappeared, it became dark; on the way back, the prince cut one cane; a girl appeared, shouting "Water!" and died; the same with the second reed; the third horse did not allow the cut until they rode to the lake; the prince rode for a carriage of gold and glass, and TD climbed the willow; the gypsy woman was looking for crayfish, saw reflection, took it for her own, but then looked up; pulled TD down, put on her clothes, and TD pushed her into the water; she became a golden duck; the gypsy woman threw stones, and then asked the returning prince Shoot her; he shot all the arrows, but didn't hit the duck; everyone is surprised that the bride looks like a gypsy; she gives her husband sleeping pills every night so that he doesn't see TD if she shows up; TD flew in like a duck, turned into a bird, flew through the window, became a girl, but did not wake up the prince; said that she would appear only twice more; the servant heard, but in the morning decided that he had dreamed; but after On the second night, he told the master everything; the prince quietly threw away his sleeping pills; in the morning, the prince showed everyone his real wife; the gypsy woman was put in a barrel of nails and lowered down the mountain]: Curtin 1890:459-476.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Pomors) [the tsar and queen are dead; the prince lulls his sister Nastasya, promises to marry Zorya Tsarevich; the sister has grown up, asks to fulfill her promise; the brother tells Z. sister will laugh - gold winds, cry - pearls fall, step - one trace is golden, the other is silver; they swim to Z.; from the cape a woman screams, asks her to take it; sister: do not take it; from the third cape, the brother took, this is Baba Yaga; she comes to the cabin and transmits her brother's words: undress and throw yourself into the water; the third time N. listened and became a duck; Baba Yaga dressed in her dress; Z. is disappointed in the bride, left her brother to prison; Z. comes to the cook; he says that a duck arrives, becomes a girl, gold curls and pearls fall, asks about Z. and her brother; she flew in again, Z. grabbed her and kissed her , N. remained a girl; wedding]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:202-205; Russians (Moscow): Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 38 [daughter took her father lunch; caught a pike; she asks her to let her go; for this if the girl cries, pearls will fall, and if she laughs, diamonds; the family became rich, the prince drove by, took the girl as his wife; left; the sorceress called the queen to the bathhouse, turned her golden duck, changed her daughter; the hunters cannot shoot a duck; the king cannot either, he spat; the duck flew up, swallowed saliva, gave birth to two boys, brought them to the royal court, ordered them to play with golden testicles; the king kept the boys with him; the sorceress came in at night, the testicles are responsible for the boys who do not sleep; after midnight they did not answer, the sorceress slaughtered the boys; when the clerk performed the funeral service, the duck flew in and became queen : tomorrow I draw, let the king close the doors, otherwise he will lose it forever; on the first night the king only watched the pearls fall; on the second night the duck brought living and dead water, revived the babies; the king closed doors, caught a duck, she became a queen; the sorceress was executed, her daughter was sent to a monastery], 30 [the same, but shorter; the witch was burned and the ashes were scattered]: 92-94, 94-95; Luzhitsy (Upper Lusatia) [mother died, the father married the godmother, who began to tyrant her stepdaughter, she had 4 daughters: with 1, 2, 3, 4 eyes; stepdaughter herds a cow; she is prettier, although her stepmother gives her clay rolls; stepmother consistently sends her daughters to spy; the stepdaughter puts them to sleep every time (sleep a peephole, sleep with the other), but forgot about the fourth eye; the four-eye says that the cow gives her stepdaughter food from one horn, from the other - drink; stepmother is preparing to slaughter a cow; she tells her stepdaughter to ask for her udder, there will be a pebble in it, it must be planted, a ringing glass lime tree will grow, and a dog will yap under her; I saw the girl master; the stepmother ordered the sticky to be wrapped in chains, but she escaped and jumped on the wagon on which the master took his wife; when she gave birth, the stepmother came, pushed her into the pond, replaced her with her daughter; woman turned into a duck; the husband is surprised why the wife became ugly; at night a duck flew in, became a woman, fed the child; says that the lipka does not ring, the dog does not yap, the son cries; on the third night, the husband managed to grab his wife; she tells her to cut her belt in one fell swoop; the husband took a dagger, cut it; the wife remained human, told everything; the stepmother was tied by her hair to the horse's tail; the lime tree rang again, the dog yapped, son smiled]: Erben in Lifshits-Artemyeva 2017:183-188; Slovaks [when the forester brought the hare, the wife was going to cook it, but the cat stole the meat; the wife cut off her chest and fried her husband ; the next day she told; they agreed to kill Janek first, then Evichka, the forester's children from her first marriage; E. heard; taught me to run into the room where her stepmother would comb her hair, grab the ribbon , run away; she will pretend to run after her brother to return the ribbon; when she saw that the children were already near the forest, her stepmother cursed them: let them turn into animals from whose footprint they will drink; E. does not let Me drink from bear, wolf, he drinks from reindeer, becomes a deer; he drinks from a well herself, becomes a gold-haired beauty with a star in her forehead; she finds her, is married by a young king; in the absence of her husband, she gives birth to a boy with a gold star in his forehead; an old woman pushes E. into the water, replaces her daughter in bed; the baby cries, the deer takes him to the Danube, asks the ducks to show the way to his mother; the ducks answer that she is one of them; the mother arrives as a duck, becomes a woman, feeds the baby, returns to the river; so every day; the king comes back, the imaginary wife wants deer meat; the king goes after the deer when he carries the mother's baby; the king grabs his wife, she turns into ducks, monsters {it is not said which ones}, but he does not let go; E. and Y. take on a human form; the king asks the old woman what deserves someone who tried to kill two innocent people and condemn a third to misfortune, she replies that such a person should be put in a barrel of nails, brought down the mountain; this is what they did to the old woman and her daughter]: Dobšinský 1970, No. 12:69-74 (slightly shortened translation in Bogatyrev 1955:110-116); Poles [stepmother hates stepdaughter, sends her in winter for berries; she is kind to those she meets awarded; pearls and roses fall from her mouth, or tears turn into pearls; her own daughter goes to the forest, rude, reptiles begin to fall from her mustache; the Queen falls in love with her stepdaughter or falls in love with her from her portrait, who ends up with her brother; her stepmother drowns her with her child; her stepmother or daughter drowns her on the way to the Queen; her stepmother's daughter takes her place; her brother is thrown into prison because the bride is not at all such as in the portrait; the drowned woman takes the form of a golden duck, goose or other bird, flies to the royal court three times; on the third night, the queen breaks the spell; when the queen grabs a bird; brother returned to court; stepmother and daughter punished]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 403:130.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [the fish asks the girl to let her go; gives her rich clothes; the Queen marries the girl; when the husband went to war, the witches burned his wife, threw the ashes into the sea, replaced them with their daughter; ash became a duck, laid 4 eggs, two children were born, they came to their father, the witch slaughtered the children; the duck flew in to them, the king covered her with a cloak, the wife was reborn; the witch was burned]: Kerbelite 2014, No. 87:195-198 ( there are options for turning the heroine into a swan); Lutsie (West 1893) [Mr. Coachman's boyfriend; drew a portrait of his beautiful sister; the gentleman asks to bring her; by the lake, the brother offers to go around on the shore, and her sister is like in winter, across the lake; on the lake, the devil makes her give away all her clothes, turns her into a duck; her brother did not notice the change, and the master sees that the bride is far from the picture in the portrait, put my brother behind 12 locks; every night a duck flies to a woman, becomes a girl, asks how the gentleman and wife live; a woman: like a cat and a dog; a girl: let it be so, since my brother is locked up ; after each visit, one castle flies off; a woman goes to the healer; they tell her on the last night (after the 12th visit, the sister would remain a duck forever) to throw feathers into the fire and grab the girl; she will turn into a snake, a lizard, a larva, a bear, a wolf, a dog, a cow; when he becomes a spindle, break it, put it to bed; as it happened, in the morning a girl in bed; brother comes out of prison, shows to his real sister; the master asked the hell what kind of beer she wanted; from horse manure; offered to try it, pushed it into a boiling pot and closed the lid; brother, sister, and her husband began to live, still live]: Annom et al. 2018:188-191; Estonians (southern Estonia; also Saarema, central northern Estonia) [a widow asks a girl to persuade her father, who is also a widower, to marry her; he sets the condition: to bring water in a leaky boot; but the water does not flow out, for the widow is a witch; now the stepmother tyrants her stepdaughter, cares for her own daughter; in winter she sends for strawberries; she comes to the house where old men; shares the dry crust given by his stepmother; old men tell him to take a shovel with a broom, clear some of the snow, there are strawberries; goodbye, one of the old men wants gold to fall from the girl's lips ; others: to make every day prettier; marry the king; every day would be better than yesterday; to wear warm clothes; stepmother asked everything kindly, sent her own daughter; she is rude to old people, she grabs what they eat, refuses to remove the snow; they make toads fall from their lips so that they do not get uglier every day; I see a girl who has gold on her lips king, got married; she gave birth to a boy; the stepmother was hired as a maid, turned the queen into a duck, replaced her own daughter; the servant noticed a duck fly in at night, became a woman and fed child; she teaches the servant to tell the king: when a duck flies in, you must cut off the duck's head; this can only be done the next night, there is no further salvation; the king did so, returned his wife, stepmother and her daughter lowered down the mountain in a barrel of nails]: Mälk et al. 1967, No. 61:160-164; Karelians: Concca 1959 (Kalevala District, 1937), No. 2 [when dying, the old man and old woman tell their son and daughter not to marry or go out marry; the brother promises the prince to persuade his sister to marry him; she sets the condition: I will not go out while the stove is standing; the millstone is intact; the threshold has not been worn out; the brother breaks the stove, the millstone, cuts down the threshold; takes my sister to the prince; c Suvatar asks her to be taken; her sister does not allow her, but her brother takes it for the third time; S. makes her sister not hear her brother's words; says that he tells her to jump into the water and become a black duck; seeing that the woman is ugly, the prince ordered her brother to be locked in the stable; at night the duck calls the dog, tells her to hand over a towel; then a tablecloth; the prince transfers his brother to the bulls; to the sheep; the widow teaches the prince to grab when it comes for the last time, break everything it turns into, throw it behind him (it turns into a viper, a worm, a rolling pin, the prince did not release); S. was pushed into a pit with burning resin]: 13-18; Stepanova 2000, No. 103 (northern, Tunguda volost) [sister will set foot - gold, cry - beads, a month on her shoulders, Bear stars on her forehead, sun on top of her head; brother went to the palace, the prince saw embroideries on the hoop, asked who was embroidering, told me to bring his sister; the sister said she would not marry until the millstone handle broke from work; the brother cut the handle; until the father's shop collapsed ; the spinning wheel made by the father will break; the threshold will not break; the brother saws every time; the sister agrees, they are going in a boat, Suottyariha asks to take it, puts sleepy needles in her sister's ears, tells her to spit in sheath, jump into the sea, sister swam duck, brother brought S.; Tsarevich put his brother under lock and key - why did he bring an ugly one; sister sails to the widow's house, becomes a girl, sews on a hoop, widow sells; tells the prince to hide behind the stove, throw duck plumage into the oven, grab his wife; she turned into a snake, he beat her, did not let her go, she became a woman; they dug a hole, S. was taken to the bathhouse, pushed her into a hole, Brother was released; S.'s mother came, sees two blades of grass, wants to tear it off, the daughter shouts out of the hole, "This is my umbilical cord, don't touch it"; the mother went to the gate, rejoiced that her daughter was there, the prince ordered her to be raised to the gate], 114 [the wife went to look for the sheep, Syuotar tells her to spit, go between her legs, the woman herself turned into a sheep, S. took her place; the husband did not notice, the daughter noticed; S. tells her to slaughter the sheep; she tells her daughter meat do not eat, bury the bones; S. and her husband went to a feast, S. told her stepdaughter to separate the flour from the sand; the mother teaches her to hit with a rod - everything was divided, another horse appeared, washed in one ear, dressed in the other; leaving the feast, she lost her ring; the next day, separate the milk from the water; the prince smeared the door with resin, the girl's kerchief stuck; on the third day, fix the fallen stove, the prince smeared the threshold, the shoe stuck; found Cinderella on her, married her]: 181-183, 202-205; Western Sami: Klaus 1995 [the king married Princess Nävenšanmaa; Hähttešan came, gave N. clothes, she wore , turned into a merganser duck, H. took her to jump into the sea, she jumped, did not return; H. put N.'s clothes on her daughter, the king did not notice the change; the softer the bed, the more the imaginary wife complains about rigidity, and when they put the logs, she said it was soft; the shaman advised me to prepare a hole with resin and firewood, push daughter H. in there, set it on fire; she burned down; the shaman ordered to burn everything that daughter H. used, go to the shore, where the real N. goes out to babysit her child left on earth; she went out, took off her clothes, became a woman, put her clothes under a stone; the king quietly took away the clothes, gave it back shaman; hardly persuaded his wife to return, she did not want to; when she entered the house, she smelled a beetle larva; the servants found a piece of hair imaginary N., burned it; then N. was able to enter; gave birth to the king many children]: 23-25; Pollan 2005, No. 15 [Njávešeadnidattera met the prince, he loved her; the ugly Háhcešeadnidattera tried in vain to seduce the prince; before the wedding, the king: the son will be given to the one who will pick berries faster; H. filled the basket with stones, put berries on top; but the king exposed the deception and chose N.; N. and his brother sailed on the ship; H. bent from the shore to the ship, sat between N. and her brother; brother tells her sister to dress well; N. does not hear, asks again; H.: brother tells you to dress and jump into the water with a duck; H. cut off her legs, then she was able to put on N.'s shoes; crow: why does it flow blood? H. was brought to a dark room, but it was not light; H. complains that the bed was hard; the prince ordered to bring the softest underwear; H.: sticks, etc.; then said it was soft; but the prince could not lie on it, and the bride smells bad; the brother said that H. is not his sister; the healer tells me to play the violin on the shore for three evenings; the mermaid raised N. above the water; she asks for closer - water in her ears, the sound of the sea in her ears; brother grabbed the girl; she turned into different objects and creatures; when she became a spindle, my brother broke it, threw half into the sea, and the other became N.; N.: I will not return to the castle until H. is burned; H. almost extinguished the fire was burned with his urine, but still it was burned, and there was no trace left; N. was brought into the room, it was lit up]: 76-79; Poestion 1886, No. 6 [brother and sister live alone; prince arrived, fell in love with a girl, left for a year, told the girl, along with her brother and child, to come to him by that time; they are sailing in a boat across the lake; on the shore, Attijis-ene asks to take her as a maid; her sister does not want to, her brother takes it; A. Sits in the middle of the boat, and sister and brother are at the ends; they do not hear each other, A. supposedly gives her brother's words to her sister, but distorts them; brother tells me to wear the best dress; A.: give the dress to me, throw myself in lake, you will become a golden duck; sister threw herself into the water, A. picked up the child; prince takes A.; brother at the shore calls his sister - the baby cries; the sister went out, fed the baby, became a duck again, swam away; the next time another man hid behind his brother, grabbed a young woman; she turned into a worm, a mole, sea grass, a mosquito; finally remained a woman; A. the prince pushed her into a pit with burning resin; wedding]: 39-42; Danes [to get rid of her stepdaughter, stepmother sends her to a mound with dwarfs for berries; on the way, the old man gives the girl food - let him feed the dwarfs; they are grateful; let she becomes more beautiful day by day; roses and lilies grow where she steps; gold and silver fall off her hair when she combs her hair; stepmother sends her own daughter, who to the dwarfs not with food, but with with a stick; they make her spits turn into frogs and toads, a calf tail grows on her forehead, emits gases at every step; the heroine's brother is in the service of the king; she sends him her portrait, king wants to marry her; on the way, her stepmother throws her off the ship, turns her into a duck, replaces her with her own daughter; the king is furious, throws the heroine's brother in prison for deception; in the form of a duck, the heroine penetrates into the kitchen, asks about her brother and half-sister, says he can only come twice more; the king tells the maid to catch the duck; draws a cross on her beak, she becomes a girl again; the king marries her, frees her brother, her stepmother and daughter were placed in a nail barrel]: Holbek 1987:523.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanaytsy (Komsomolsky District) [the old man was digging a vegetable garden, found a cradle with a baby girl in it, he raised her; Mergen came to marry, the old man took five buttons in his dowry; the new wife gave birth to a son, a husband went hunting; M.'s elder wife did not like the new one, sewed the image of her husband to the sole, he is ill, the wife says that the new one and her evil spirits are to blame; makes a fire, a new one rushes at him; M. became hate an old wife, miss a new one; her son comes to the place of burning, his mother flies in with a duck, repairs his clothes, does not tell his father to speak; the boy told, tied his mother's hair to the bush, M. grabbed wife, but she went to her father; now the father demanded a rich dowry; M. cut off his old wife's head, burned the corpse, brought a rich dowry, a feast for three days and three nights]: Kile 1996, No. 43:389-395.