Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K33C. Love for three oranges, ATU 408.


A young man gets a girl inside a fruit or flower.

Swahili, Shona (Karanga), Soninke, Egyptian Arabs, Spaniards, Galicians, Aragon, Basques, Catalans, Portuguese, Italians (Ticino, Liguria, Lombardy, Veneto, Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, Campania, Abruzzo, Molise, Basilicata, Calabria, Puglia), Sicilians, Sardinians, Corsicans, Maltese, French, Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Austria), Arabs of Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Qatar, Tibetans, Inta, Shans, Uttar Pradesh, Konkani, Ho, Muria, Baiga, Bunak, Greeks, Bosniks, Croats, Serbs, Albanians, Slovenes, Hungarians, Romanians, Moldovans, Slovaks, Czechs, Poles, Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Transcarpathia, Galicia, Podolia, Yekaterinoslavskaya), Rumeians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Uzbeks, Persians, Latvians, Swedes, Norwegians, Karakalpaks.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Swahili: El-Shamy 2004, No. 408:195-196; shona (karanga) [a young man named Nyamanhomba has a face mutilated by smallpox, the girls don't want him; he leaves home, comes to an old woman; she asks wash her back; he does it, says that her back is as clean as the moon; the old woman hides it from her two sons - lions; they began to sniff, but her mother denied everything; in the morning she gave N. two fruits (something like cucumbers or small pumpkins); they must be opened when you cross the river; each girl will come out, she must be given a drink immediately; N. did it, he now has two wives; the other guys also went to that one an old woman, but indignantly refused to wash her back; the lions ate them]: Sicard 1952, No. 98:208-209.

West Africa. Soninka [the man went to look for a suitable bride; he gave alms to the old man; he taught him to find a tree in the forest, pick three lemons from it, and when he left, open one; a girl came out of the first asked for tobacco and bread, he did not have it, she returned to lemon; the same with the second girl; then the man bought bread and tobacco, the third girl stayed with him; he arranged a tree house for them; she gave birth the boy and he went home to tell his family; Jeannia saw the beauty's reflection in the sea, thought she was so beautiful, and she was sent to fetch water, broke a jug; for the third time she noticed a beauty in a tree told him to go down, stuck a pin in her head, the beauty flew away like a bird; Ginnia told the man that beauties from another world change easily - now they are beautiful, tomorrow they are not; when they see the freak, the people became laugh at a man; one day a bird flew in, sat on the child's lap; the father took it, felt for it and took out a needle; the bird became a girl again, and Ginnia died immediately]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2018:96-103.

North Africa. Egyptian Arabs: El-Shamy 2004, No. 408:195-196 {Many sources. Hopefully, at least one motive really does exist. Ash-Shami also refers to the Algerian text Scelles-Millie 1963, No. 7:321-324, which omits the K33C (ATU 408) motif}.

Southern Europe. The Spanish (everywhere, including Galicia) [the prince went to look for sea oranges; asked for an overnight stay; he was told that the snake had oranges; if his eyes were open, it slept; the snake slept , he picked three oranges from her tree and ran away; opened one, a beautiful woman came out, asked for a comb and soap, he did not have it, she returned to her tree; the same with the second orange; the prince bought a comb and soap; to prepare for the wedding, the prince left the girl above the spring; the maid came to get water, saw the reflection, decided that she was so beautiful, broke the jug; so three times; the girl laughed; the maid asked her to go down to look in her head, stabbed her pin (or rather horquilla), the beauty flew away like a dove; the maid pretended to be her, said she was fool because of the wind; the dove talks to as a gardener, who calls the king, he caught a dove, pulled out a pin, the girl was reborn; the liar was burned at the stake]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 408:227-231; Aragon [the prince marries one of princesses coming out of magic oranges; a witch (Moorish) sticks a pin in her head, turning her into a dove, takes her place]: González Sanz 1996, No. 408:80; Catalans (including Mallorca) [the prince goes in search of three oranges of love; the man shows the way; the prince picks oranges; the first one opened, the girl came out, asked for a drink, there is no water, she died; the same with the second; the third got drunk and followed the crew; an ugly darkie invites the girl to comb her hair, pricked her with a comb, she turned into a bird; the liar explains why she went fool; a dove arrives at the palace, the prince found she has a pierced comb tooth in her head, took it out, she became a girl; wedding; a liar is executed]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 408:90-91; Portuguese: Braga 2002:209-211 [], 211-213 []; Pedroso 1882, No. 3 []: 9-13; Basques, Corsicans (Ortoli 1883:75-80): Uther 2004 (1), No. 408:241-243; Italians (Lombardy, Veneto, Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, Campania, Abruzzo, Molise, Basilicata, Calabria, Arulia), Sicilians, Sardinians: Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 408:93-95; Sardinians [the young man goes in search of the Beauty of the World; his father let him go; he went into the palace; there is an old man explains how to get to a beautiful woman: to praise the gates that close and open, as well as the steps and doors; a young man comes to the king; he promises a daughter if the young man gets (him) the Beauty of the World; The beauty of the world is in the third of the oranges; she stays with the young man because he immediately gave her wine; refuses the king and stays with the young man; the king dies of grief]: Aprile 2000:273; Italians: Kotrelev 1991 (Abruzzo) [Prince goes to look for his wife white as milk and rosy as blood; the old man gives three grenades, tells them to break it by the stream; each has a naked girl, the first two immediately die of thirst, the third he immediately dies of thirst, the third he immediately sprinkles water, she remains alive; he tells her to climb a tree, goes to get her clothes; the filthy sarazink comes to collect water, takes the girl's reflection for her own, breaks the jug, leaves; the hostess scolds her; twice; on the third, the girl laughed, the sarazinka asks her to go down, she will comb her hair; killed her by injecting her with a hairpin in her ear; a drop of blood turned into a dove; sarazinka explains to the prince that so far he walked, the sun and the wind changed her appearance and voice; the prince marries her; the dove bites the crumbs, leaves the cook with golden feathers; he wants to take it to the prince, the sarazina kills her, grows out of a drop of blood a pomegranate tree; the dying who ate pomegranates have recovered; the last sarazink pomegranate wants to keep for herself, the prince tells the woman whose husband is dying; the woman's husband has already died, she has kept the pomegranate for herself; returning, she sees that the house has been cleaned; the confessor tells the old woman to see what will happen to the grenade; she finds the girl; the prince recognizes her; the sarazina herself says to be smeared with resin and burned in the square]: 118-122; Calvino 1980, No. 8 (Genoa) [=Shustova 1994:236-239; a woman laid eggs in a basket, a little shepherdess the size of a tick threw a stone at them, the woman told him to stay small until he was will find the beautiful Bargalina with three singing apples; he goes looking; at the bridge, a woman swings on a walnutshell swing, asks her eyelids to be raised; when she sees a boy, she gives him a stone; at another bridge a woman who bathes in an eggshell also asks to raise her eyelids and gives her an ivory comb; a man collects fog in a bag, gives a shepherdess; a miller fox teaches how to carry a witch's cage with singing apples; if her eyes are open, she sleeps, and if closed, she is awake; the boy sees that his eyes are closed and does not take the apple cage; the witch asks to comb her hair, falls asleep; then the boy takes the apples, but the bells in the cage rang, the witch woke up, sent the riders after - for the first time 100, then 200, then 300; the boy throws a stone (rocky mountain), a comb ( smooth mountain), fog (the chase has stopped); the boy is thirsty, cuts an apple, inside B.; she asks for a cake to eat; as soon as the boy leaves for the pie, the maid Ugly Slave came to get water, threw B. into the well; the shepherdess's mother came to get water, pulled a fish out of the well; they ate it, a tree grew out of the seeds; the shepherdess cut him down, prepared firewood; his mother died; every time the house is tidy; he watches, B. comes out from under the firewood; both grew up, wedding]: 23-26; Keller 1981 (Ticino) [the prince decided to find a fairy of three golden apples; the old woman told me to take a rope, a broom, a sturdy pole with him, a bag of bread, a bag of millet; he threw millet to an eagle, bread to the wolves, gave a pole to people who supported the stone with their shoulders, a broom to wipe under the oven with his hands, a rope to take water out of the well; took apples the witch chased, shouted that all those to whom the prince gave gifts to detain him, but they refused; the prince opened one apple, the girl came out, she needed water, there was no water, she died and disappeared; the second the prince opened by the stream, but it was dry, the same; the third at the well, the fairy drank water, stayed with the prince; he went to prepare everything for the meeting; the witch offered to comb the fairy's hair, stuck a pin in them, the fairy turned into a holobok; the witch took her place, said that she became ugly because of hunger; in the palace, a dove flies, interferes with cooking; the prince picks up a dove, takes out a pin, the fairy finds former appearance; witch flees]: 272-275; Maltese [the childless king promises to provide a source of oil (or also a source of wine) from which it will pour until the son reaches a certain age; a son is born and grows up; breaks a jug of an old woman who has come for butter with a stone; she tells him to marry girls from seven lemons; old people he meets help him find seven lemons; he opens 6, in each girl, she dies of hunger and thirst, because the young man has nothing to give her right away; for the seventh he has prepared food and drink in advance, she stays alive; the prince leads her to his country, leaves everything on the tree while he goes to prepare for the meeting; a Moorish woman climbs a tree, offers to look for the girl's head, pierces a pin, the girl turns into a dove; the returning prince marries on a liar, although surprised why the bride went fool; the bird arrives, talks about itself, the false wife kills her; a tree grows out of the bones in the old woman's yard; then the girl revives; The prince finds her, the liar is executed]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 408:99-101 (version in Stumme 1904, No. 26 [the Turkish woman was cooked in oil, made a rug out of leather to wipe her feet]: 71-76).

Western Europe. French: Delarue, Tenèze 1964, No. 408 (Nièvre) [the prince smashed a jug of butter carried by an old woman with a ball; she wished him love for three oranges; the prince fell ill with love and went to searching with two companions; they come to the south, east, north wind; the mother of the winds hides them every time and teaches them what to do next; they come to the castle; they oil the rusty door and she opens; throw acorns to predatory pigs, give giants ropes to get water out of the well (they took it out using their hair instead of ropes); let other women sweep the heat out of the oven with a panicle (those they did it with their bare hands); they sweep the dusty dirty stairs; they comb the lousy old woman, who falls asleep for the first time in many years; the prince sees and takes three oranges, runs away with his companions; the old woman tells the stairs, etc., to detain the fugitives, but they refuse, because those who came cleaned them, fed them, etc.; on the way back, the prince opens one orange, comes out, asks for a drink, dies; the same with second; the third opens at the source; brings the beauty to the king, who knows the prince's father and dreamed of marrying the prince to his daughter; sends the prince for jewelry and clothes for the beauty brought, and his daughter stabs her head with a pin and the girl flies away like a dove; the liar says she has darkened from the sun and wind; the prince's father and courtiers are surprised that his fiancée is ugly; on the eve of the wedding, a dove talks to the cook; sits on the prince's hand; he gropes and takes out a pin; wedding; the liar was burned at the stake]: 59-63; Joisten 1991, No. 16.1 (Dauphine) [prince refuses to marry, cut his finger, blood dripped on cream, he promises to marry someone who is like blood and milk; his father sends him to look for his wife; he sails to a barren island, where a death woman lives, sends him to another, with a rich vegetation, Life lives there, it refers to Youth, she gives three lemons and a knife; you have to cut the lemon at the spring, a girl will come out, she must be given water right away; after cutting the first two lemons, the prince is so fascinated by the beauty of the girls that she does not have time to get them drunk before they disappear; the third one drinks; she goes to tell her father, in his absence the girl climbs a tree; the black woman sees her reflection in the source, thinks that she is so beautiful herself; when she breaks a jug, she notices a beautiful woman; she pierces a pin into her head, she flies away like a dove; the black woman tells the prince that an evil fairy has turned her into a black woman; prepares wedding; the dove arrives, sings, the servant grabs it, cuts it, three drops of blood grow a lemon with three lemons; the prince cuts lemons, the girls from the first two disappear, in the third his fiancée; a black woman they want to burn, the bride asks her to simply expel]: 137-139; Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Austria): Uther 2004 (1), No. 408:241-243.

Western Asia. The Arabs of Syria [the prince dreams of a beautiful woman, goes in search; he hardly persuaded the captain to take him across the sea; there a woman tears off the leaves, as soon as she tears off, someone dies; sends to her sister, she sews dresses as soon as she sews it, a child is born; teaches that a beautiful woman is in an orange, you must cut it, but immediately let her drink water; the prince took three oranges; when cut the first two, forgot to cook water, the girls disappeared; the third time he got a beauty; left her in a tree above the stream, went to his father's palace to buy clothes himself; the maid saw the reflection, first decided that she was so beautiful; then she asked the beauty to get down, stabbed her, she flew away as a bird, the maid took her place; the father says that the bride is evil and ugly, the son does not believe; the bird began to fly to in the bedroom, the imaginary wife broke the glass, cut off the bird's head, and an orange tree grew out of drops of blood in the garden; when the prince cut the third orange, the beauty reappeared; the maid was beheaded]: Kuhr 1993:33-34; Iraqi Arabs: Boshnaq 1987 [The king's childless wife promises to fill one ditch with fat and another honey; gives birth to a beautiful and intelligent son; but has forgotten her vow; at night someone talks young man: if the mother does not keep her word, the son will go to a place where no one will find him; so three nights; the young man forgot his dream, but woke up the third time and told; the prince's mother did everything in a hurry; by evening, the ditches were empty and only one old woman scraped out the leftovers; the prince, out of mischief, threw an arrow into her pot and broke it; old woman: how did you break my pot, so let your heart be broken because of love for the girl of the tree Raranj and Taranj; the prince went in search; at the fork there is one road of Reliability, the other is Security and Obscurity; the old man advises to turn back; after learning of the prince's firm intention, he gives the ring and tells you to drive 7 days along the Road of the Unknown to the palm grove; rub the ring there: a genie horse will come out; ride it without paying attention to wild animals; a tree in the center of the grove; on the sides of the lion and wild goats; meat in front of goats, hay in front of lions, must be changed; while the animals are eating, we must climb a tree and pick the fruits; taking three, the prince went down and galloped back; on the way he opened one, then; from a beautiful woman came out, asked for water and, not receiving it immediately, died; the prince opened the third fruit by the river on the border of his father's kingdom; the prince left the beauty and went to get clothes and entourage; the girl climbed a tree; a dark-skinned slave came to the river for water, took the beauty's reflection for her own; when she saw the beauty, she offered to take out her insects, but plunged her pin into her, turning her into a dove; The maid told the prince that the evil genie had changed her appearance; every day a dove flies into the kitchen and the cook replied that the prince was sleeping with the ugliest woman; the dove's tears turned into pearls and corals; the cook told the prince that he caught a dove, pulled out a pin, the beauty was reborn; the liar was burned]: 109-114; Yaremenko 1990, No. 23 [an infertile woman promises to fill one ditch with honey and another oil; gives birth to a son; the old woman reminds the boy of his mother's vow; parents fill the ditches, the old woman comes last, picks up the leftovers; the boy accidentally broke her jug; she wishes him love for the ram and trunge (TT; "sour lemon and bitter orange"); he grows up, goes looking for TT; the old man at the fork says that one road of well-being, the second is unhappiness, the third does not return; the young man rides the first, falls to the giantess's chest, she teaches how to pick a TT in the garden when the eyes of the monsters are open (which means they are sleeping); when she tried to peel the next fruit, a request was made for water, the fruit shrunk; the last the young man cleaned by the water, he became a girl; the young man walked away, leaving TT in the tree; a witch came to the spring, took the beauty's reflection for her own; she offered to help wash the dishes; the witch got up to her, she put a pin in her head, TT flew away as a bird; the young man said that she would be beautiful again in a year; the bird flew to the young man, the witch wife told her to be killed, otherwise she would not recover; a drop of blood grew yuyuba, her trunk is covered with pearls; the witch wife tells her to be made a cradle for the baby; the baby in her cries; the witch gave the cradle to a poor neighbor; someone cleans up her house, she waits for the girl, asks not to return to the cradle; the witch asks for the cradle to be returned, calls the craftsmen to sew pearls on the dress; TT comes, tells his story; the husband leaves the witch, brings TT to her parents]: 129-136; Arabs Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Qatar: El-Shamy 2004, No. 408:195-196

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [the prince, out of mischief, shot a slingshot at the jug in which the old woman was carrying; she cried; the prince brought her water in another jug; she wished him to marry the Drolmakid fairy; she was in an orange on a distant tree; you have to pick the fruit and not look inside on the way; the prince did so, opened the orange only at home; the parents married their son to D.; took a girl like her as a maid; she a witch; she offered to compare their beauty, look at the reflection in the lake, and in order to compare bodies rather than clothes, suggested D. take off her clothes and jewelry; pushed them into the water; the prince did not notice substitutions; the groom said that a golden lotus had blossomed on the lake; invited the prince to dress as a groom so that the lotus would not be afraid; the young man picked the lotus and hid it, then put it in a vase; the witch burned it; from the ashes a walnut tree grew; a witch invited people to pick nuts, and burned the tree again; one nut went to a poor woman and her son; someone cooks and tidies; a mother and son found her; but she does not go out from their house; one day she left, the witch recognized the voice, told people to grab and burn the girl; but a palace appeared at the site of the burning; the prince came in and recognized his wife; when she heard about the palace, the witch ran there, became get up, fell down and crashed; her body was burned]: Komissarov 1997:55-68.

Burma - Indochina. Inta [the queen gives birth to an orange; after 16 years he rolls to the river, a beautiful woman comes out of it, swims, hides back; a prince from a neighboring country sees this; asks him to marry an orange; the wife comes out of the orange when the prince falls asleep, eats food; the old woman tells the prince to pretend to be asleep, throw orange peels into the fire, wash the unconscious princess with buffalo milk; all happy]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 47:158-161; Shany [the youngest of the seven princes replies to his father that he marries only a fairy; the tsar orders to bring his wife in seven days, otherwise he will cut off his son's head; he goes from one hermit to another; the latter tells at noon, when the cannibal guard is sleeping, to enter the garden, pick the fruit from the top of the tree; temporarily turns the fruit into stone, the young man into a parrot; the cannibal is nothing finds it, returns to the garden; the hermit tells you not to cut the fruit before reaching the house; the young man cuts it in the forest, a beautiful woman appears from the fruit; the young man leaves her in a tree, tells her not to talk to anyone, goes for clothes; a woman comes for water, sees a reflection, thinks she is beautiful, then sees a girl in a tree; knocks her down with a stick, kills her, hides her corpse, puts on her clothes, climbs a tree; tells the returning young man that the fairies are making fool from the heat in the sun; the prince marries her; a lotus grew up in the pond, the elderly couple brought it to their place; in their absence, someone cooks; they hide, see a girl coming out of the lotus is made an adopted daughter; she makes paintings from petals, capturing the prince when he was a parrot, herself in a tree, and other episodes; for most, these were just garlands of flowers; the couple sold them at the bazaar, the prince saw and ordered the girl to be brought; the liar wife said she was a witch, the prince sent servants to execute the girl; they killed her, her eyes turned into two parrots, started a conversation, the prince heard the whole story from it; 7 days later he waited for the fairy by the pond; brought him to the palace, the liar was executed]: Milne 1910:275-282.

South Asia. Uttar Pradesh, Hindi: Zograf 1976 [the young king's wife does not like his three younger brothers, especially his youngest; tells him to bring Anarzadi (the pomegranate girl); he goes to look for her; Rakshas in the appearance of a sadhu (hermit) gives a bunch of keys; in the seventh room, the young man sees skeletons; they laugh, say they were also princes, they were looking for A.; Rakshas pushed everyone into boiling oil; they told them to push them into boiling oil his own oil; after killing Rakshasa, the young man meets a real sadhu; he tells him to pick a flower from a pomegranate when the peri comes to bathe; you cannot look back when the peri calls; the young man looked around and fell dead The sadhu revived him; the young man fell asleep at the well, the flower turned into A.; the liar took her clothes, pushed her into a well, lay down with the young man; he married a liar; A. became a rose in the well; her prince caught it; the wife pretends to be sick, a rose will cure her; she trampled on her, threw it away; a pomegranate has grown; tells her to cut it down; a pomegranate flower falls from the core of the trunk, the prince hides it in the barn, finds A. in the morning, marries; a liar kills horses, smears her sleeping mouth with blood, accuses her; the prince orders A. to be cut into pieces in the forest; a grenade grew there, the poor man dug clay, knocked down a tree, A. came out of it, said that she would his sister; weaves scarves, the prince is looking for a craftswoman, she tells her story; the liar is executed]: 87-93; Crooke 1892-1893, No. 744 (Mirzapur) [three princes are married, the fourth youngest is single; daughters-in-law: not Does he want to take the Pomegranate Princess (Anar Shahzadi); the young man goes in search; the demon turns him into a crow, sends him to pick a grenade, but only one, otherwise the demoness will kill him; he takes the second, the demoness killed him; the demon revived him, made him a parrot, sent him again, he brought a grenade; the demon turned him into a fly, the demoness did not find it and returned; the young man went to prepare the wedding; at this time the princess left pomegranate; the sweeper offered to exchange jewelry, pushed the princess into the well; the princess turned into a lotus flower there; daughters-in-law do not believe that the wife brought by the younger prince is The Pomegranate Princess; the prince hunts, the servant tries to get water from the well, the lotus jumps into the bucket and then jumps out; lets the prince reach it; the liar tore the lotus and threw it away; grew up a pomegranate tree with a single flower; the liar ordered the tree to be cut down, gave the flower to the gardener's wife; she put it in a pomegranate, and the princess came out of it; the woman adopted her; when she saw it beautiful, the prince decided to marry her; the liar pretended to be sick, demanded the girl's liver, got it; her; but a house appeared at the scene of the murder, two peacocks in front of him, and the princess was inside; the prince persuaded Peacocks let him in; she forgave her, her daughters-in-law admitted she was a princess; the liar was buried waist-deep in the ground and shot with bows]: 211-212; (cf. Punjabi [a poor childless brahmana found an eggplant, transplanted it into his garden; the eggplant brought one fruit, with a girl in it; the queen's maid sees her, tells the queen that if the king sees this girl, he will forget the queen; the queen invites the girl to live in her palace; asks her sleeping what her life is; she replies that the eldest of the queen's seven sons has; the queen kills him, the girl is alive; so All 7 sons are successively killed; after that, the girl answers the truth: there is a red-green fish in the river, there is a bumblebee in it, a box in the bumblebee, a necklace in it, I will die if you wear it; that's what happened, but the girl has time to return to the brahmana, tell her to be left on the bed in a deserted place by building a wall around her; the king finds her asleep, comes there every day, and a year later he sees the boy next to her mother's body; he says that at night she comes to life, because at this time the queen takes off her necklace; says that only he, a boy, can return the candy; the Queen tries to give him poisoned sweets, he asks her in return remove the necklace; he grabs it, brings it to his mother; she demands that the king throw his evil wife into a hole with snakes and scorpions and bury it alive; the king does it; takes the fairy to the palace, her son becomes an heir]: Steel, Temple 1984, No. 8:79-88); konkani (Goa) [the prince, taking the vizier's son with him, went hunting; at the fork they left; the prince saw a bird with unusual plumage, tried to get it, it takes him deeper into the forest; the bird: the princess inside the fruit is more beautiful than me; the prince returned home but spent the night in the stable, where a black maid found him in the morning; the prince persuaded his parents to let go looking for the princess inside the fruit; went into the hut; old woman: many were looking for her, everyone turned into stone statues; tells him to leave the horse with her, turned him into a crow; when you fly, don't turn around, when you hear screams; these are turned into stones; if you turn around, you will also petrify; pick the fruit and bring it in your beak; the prince did so; again in the form of a man he jumps back; near the lake house he got off his horse and opened fruit; fainted, and the gold-haired princess ran to the water; the black maid pushed her into the water, went to the prince who had come to her senses and said that she had bathed in water and darkened; everyone was amazed to see a prince with such a bride; a lotus bloomed on the lake, no one can pick it off, and the prince did it easily; the imaginary wife cooked the lotus and threw it out the window; there was a tree - red vegetable pepper, with one fruit on it; the imaginary wife cut it down and threw it out the gate; there grew a huge tree with many fruits, people ate them; at the request of his wife, the prince ordered the tree to be cut down; people came to pick up the fruits; the old woman sent the son, he played too much, the fruits were sorted out; she told him to at least roll the stump; the imaginary wife noticed a girl come out of the stump to drive away the buffalo, which had begun to eat dried rice; sent servants to kill her, bring her liver and heart; but they let the girl go; she set up a hut in the woods, raised a talking parrot; the prince came there by accident; she does not unlock, but tells her story; he told everything with his sides; princess opened the door; black woman's head was cut off]: Rodrigues 2020:246-259; muria [Raja's wife quarreled with his younger brother and he left; came to Jal Kaniya Rakshasi; said that wants to marry her sister Bael Kaniya, who lived inside a Hungarian quince fruit (Aegle marmelos); JK hid the young man from her husband, but he came, sniffed him out and promised not to harm him; but when he saw decided to swallow it; the young man became small; when Rakshasa swallowed him, he cut his liver and stomach with a knife, went outside; Rakshasi said that only her husband could help overcome the guards of predatory animals around that tree; the young man revived the rakshasa; when they arrived in the forest, the Rakshasa gave the tiger a goat, a bear fruit, a snake's milk; when the fruit was picked, Rakshasa told him not to cut it on the way, but only at home; but the young man broke the ban; a girl came out of the fetus and began to cook; but the young man fell asleep and she could not wake him up; the underground inhabitants took her to Tarbhum Ghotul (the lower world); the young man woke up six months later; heard a voice from an anthill, dug it up; the ants built an anthill on the head of a long-haired sadhu; he said he had been meditating for many years; explained that the only way to go down to TG was by weaving a rope from the bark of the twelve forests; when the rope was ready, the sadhu lowered the young man, promising to pick him up if he gave a signal; the young man killed the underground inhabitants, the sadhu picked up the girl and him; BC said she forgot below the necklace, the young man jumped after him; found the necklace, but could not get to the ground; two vultures came down to peck the corpses of the dead; the female agreed to put the young man on her back and carry him to the ground; he found Jogal Karo is a sadhu's daughter; she said that her father locked BK; for promising to marry her, she said that her father's life was in a bird's nest in the middle of the sea; she gave a ring; the young man threw him into the sea, and a frog came out, brought him to that nest, he took him; the sadhu forbade his daughter to marry a young man, took him to the temple to sacrifice Chandi Devi; offered to eat rice on the floor like roosters peck; young man asked for a show, killed a sadhu, but his blood gave rise to a thousand of them; then JK tore off that bird's legs and wings, and then cut his throat; the sadhu died; the young man took BK, but JK shot him out of jealousy him from bow; mongoose revived him; BC said: let JK also be the young man's wife; all three returned to the boy's brother, lived well]: Elwin 1944, No. I.5:24-38; baiga [wives of four brothers advise the youngest fifth to find a wife; he came to live with the wizard Dewar; asked him for his wife; D. teach him how to knock down a fruit from a tree, which contains beautiful Anarjodi; her 20 older sisters take care of her; a young man knocked down a fruit, sisters A. chased, but did not dare to break into D.'s house; D. ordered to open the fruit only at home; the young man opened it on the way; when he fell asleep, the bumblebee picked the flower from A.'s head, threw it into the well, A. disappeared; D. gave the young man a magic call him ash; the young man called, D. returned his wife; one day Chamarin stole a flower A. with a knocked out eye; she disappeared, and C. took her form; the young man did not notice anything, but they began to laugh at him; D. returned A., killed C.; a foreign king went with an army to take A. away, but the young man threw ash at his enemies, the ash turned into stinging insects and snakes, the enemies fled; the brahman saw the young man making love to his wife, cursed them: how Just hug again, both will die; that's what happened]: Elwin 1949, No. 7:498-501; ho [Lita says she only marries Princess Bilbati; his six older brothers are married; in the muni forest (saint hermit) directs him to another muni, that to the third; third: the princess is imprisoned in the largest fruit under the protection of the Rakshasa; if he takes not the biggest fruit, the Rakshasa will kill him; turned the young man into the bird; frightened by the Rakshasa, it grabbed the first fruit she came across; the Rakshasa ate it; the Muni sent the crow to bring Rakshasa crap, revived L.; now L. flew in the form of a parrot, grabbed the biggest , Mooney made the parrot a fly, the Rakshasa did not find it; contrary to the warning, L. split the fruit with a strong blow, a stream of light broke out and killed it; Princess B. can revive it with water; asks a girl from the caste the fireplace to get water from the well; she invites the princess to get water herself, pushes her into the well, collects water, revives L., pretends to be B.; later L. sees a flower in the well, brings it to his wife, who is it tore it and threw it away; the tree of the kind from which the fruit was picked grew; the horse broke into the garden, one fruit fell on it and stuck; the owner cut it, there was a girl inside; and the imaginary princess fell seriously ill; L . ordered that girl to be killed, the imaginary B. recovered; before her death, the real B. asked her severed limbs to be placed in the corners of the grave; L. found a palace on this site; two birds tell the whole story; Six months later, L. waited for B., but she ran away; a year later he grabbed her; everything is fine; the liar was executed]: Bompas 1909:461-465.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Bunak (Papua Timor) [two brothers catch two pigs ruining the garden; they turn into two girls, the older brother takes both for himself; the youngest leaves, raises buffaloes; the crow sits on buffaloes back, biting them to blood; he asks the elder to give him his father's golden arrow; the crow is wounded, flies away with an arrow; the bird brings him to the lake, dives with him into the water; he sits on a coconut palm, throws a coconut flower to those who come to the source; they explain that the Raja has an incomprehensible disease; the younger brother undertakes to cure him, takes out and hides a golden arrow in his clothes, shows a wooden arrow a fake, smeared with red betel juice; Raja recovers; locals hang oranges on a tree during the day, turn into people at night and dance; a young man asks for two ripe oranges as a gift; Raja gives In addition, a cloth, a fan, a panicle, a horn with butter, tells you to put oranges only on the cloth; the bird carries the young man back; he bathes, leaving oranges on the cloth, hears laughter, oranges have turned into two girls; realizes that he saw these girls dancing with raja raja ravens; the older brother asks one of them for himself in exchange for one of his two wives; the youngest does not agree, the eldest kills him; the girls revive him with help fans, panicles, oils; together they kill their older brother, younger takes his widows]: Berthe 1972:57-59 (=Hicks 2007, No. 5:48-49).

The Balkans. Bosnians, Croats, Albanians, Serbs: Uther 2004 (1), No. 408:241-243; Hungarians [the elder prince married Trostnikova's older sister Girl (TD); the youngest wants marry only the most beautiful woman in the world; asks her brother to ask if his wife knows about her; in the presence of the eldest wife kept silent; then the youngest overheard their conversation; the elder's wife says that there is no more beautiful thing in the world than TD; she is wearing the middle reed and the other two are her maids; reeds on an island in the middle of the Black Sea, where it is completely dark; in the reeds, the life of a witch who guards them; the younger prince went in search; greeted the old woman, who told the mouse to show him the way to her older sister; she sent a squirrel to show the way to the oldest; she says it is possible to get to TD, after demolishing 12 pairs of shoes, and the horse must be fed on dragon milk, eat coals and drink fire; gives three hairs; you have to climb the mountain, touch the hairs with a lace, such a horse will appear; the horse: to move in the dark, you have to take a ray of sunshine with you; a couple of wolves are on the way; the prince cut off two pieces of his flesh and threw it to them, they let it pass; in the house of the sun he bathed in fire and dried himself off with fire with a towel; but the servant of the sun blew and the prince flew 77 miles, and then began to fall down, bumping into snakes, toads and red-eyed worms; a rumble was heard: peruns are forging in this place; after playing the flutes, the prince He tamed the hundred-headed dragon, passed through his body through the gate, and then the darkness parted; towards the daughter of the Sun Dawn; she put the prince on her horse; he rode across the bridge like a razor, through a copper forest, where the Sun's loggers harvested firewood for him, then through silver and gold; Dawn gave a ray, put it in a box and hung it around the prince's neck; the horse warns to cut off all three reeds with one blow; when the prince cut down his reeds, blood splashed, and there was a groan, the witch died; the ray broke out and disappeared, it became dark; on the way back, the prince cut one reed; a girl appeared shouted "Water!" and died; the same with the second reed; the third horse did not allow the cut until they rode to the lake; the prince rode for a carriage of gold and glass, and TD climbed the willow; the gypsy woman was looking for crayfish, saw reflection, took it for her own, but then looked up; pulled TD down, put on her clothes, and TD pushed her into the water; she became a golden duck; the gypsy woman threw stones, and then asked the returning prince Shoot her; he shot all the arrows, but didn't hit the duck; everyone is surprised that the bride looks like a gypsy; she gives her husband sleeping pills every night so that he doesn't see TD if she shows up; TD flew in like a duck, turned into a bird, flew through the window, became a girl, but did not wake up the prince; said that she would appear only twice more; the servant heard, but in the morning decided that he had dreamed; but after On the second night, he told the master everything; the prince quietly threw away his sleeping pills; in the morning, the prince showed everyone his real wife; the gypsy woman was put in a barrel of nails and lowered down the mountain]: Curtin 1890:459-476; Hungarians [the king sent three sons to look for brides; they came to the old woman, who gave each an orange; it should be cut where there is water nearby; the eldest hurried, the girl who appeared out of the orange died of thirst; same with her middle brother; the youngest opened an orange at the spring; left the beauty to wait in the tree for him to bring clothes from town; the gypsy woman came to get water, first thought that she was at the spring her reflection, then raised her head; persuaded the girl to go down, pushed her into the water, took her place; the one that fell into the water became a goldfish; the gypsy woman explained to the prince that when she entered the human world, she lost part beauty, but she will find it again; after the wedding, she pretended to be sick, she needs to eat goldfish; fish scales fell into the yard, a tree grew; the prince's wife told him to cut him down and cook her food on firewood; The old woman picked up a flat chip to cover the house with a jug of milk; in her absence, someone is cleaning the house; once she waited; the girl told her everything, and the old woman threw a sliver into the fire; everything told the prince; the gypsy woman was tied to a pillory]: Stier 1850:83-91; Romanians [the elder and middle princes are married, the king forbids the youngest to marry because he misbehaves; the old woman gives him three nuts, tells them to split at the well so that there is bread and a jug of water nearby; the prince does not happen, a beautiful woman comes out of the nut, dies of thirst and hunger; the same with the second; the prince who comes out of the third drinks and feeds; while preparing the wedding, the prince left the bride in a tree at the spring; the gypsy woman pulls her off the tree, dresses her daughter in her dress, sticks a pin in her head, the beauty turned into two fish in source; the servant finds fish, the liar kills them, a golden walnut grows out of the scale, the liar tells him to cut it down, the old woman picked up the sliver; in her absence, the sliver becomes a girl and manages; once in the palace, she talks about everything; a gypsy woman was executed]: Bîrlea 1966:416-417; Romanians [the elder and middle princes are married, the younger king forbids marriage because he is not well behaved leads; the old woman gives him three nuts, tells him to split it at the well so that there is bread and a jug of water nearby; the prince does not happen, a beautiful woman comes out of the nut, dies of thirst and hunger; the same with the second; came out of The prince gives water and feeds the third; while preparing the wedding, the prince left the bride in a tree at the spring; the gypsy woman pulls her off the tree, dresses her daughter in her dress, sticks a pin in her head, beautiful turned into two fish in the spring; the servant finds the fish, the liar kills them, a golden walnut grows out of the scales, the liar tells it to be cut down, the old woman picked up the sliver; in her absence, a sliver becomes a girl and manages; once in the palace, she talks about everything; a gypsy woman was executed]: Bîrlea 1966:416-417; Moldovans [a childless elderly woman walked through the dew, conceived a boy; when the son was born, the father went to look for his godson; rejected death (she wanted to take the child with her), the moon (the night will eat her wealth, the sun will melt her beauty), agreed to take the sun (give beauty); son Fat- Frumos grew up, began to aim at the eagle, who asked not to shoot, but to heal - he was wounded by another hunter; FF cured him; after 9 years, the eagle returned, ordered him to sit on it - he would carry him to his sister, brother, wife; He threw it off and caught it again so that FF would feel how frightened the eagle was when the spears thrown by FF whistled around him; his sister refused to give a ring of luck as a reward for saving his brother; the same brother; the wife gave the ring; the eagle turned into a young man; said that herds would come out of the ring, but to bring them back, here was the whip; the eagle flew away; FF fell asleep; brought the herds out of the ring, but the whip was gone, the herds were not back drive; sighed, Okhtyu appeared; gives a whip for promising to give first joy; FF meets his parents who go to O. - he gave them to him; FF sent them back and went to serve O. himself; hermit : You can redeem the contract with O. with the help of Petrie the Robber; 24 snakes rode, went to bed, PR was one of them, FF lay down next to him; when PR woke up, he liked FF's courage; he came to Tartakot, who has all the contracts; but there is no agreement with O.; O. himself came, did not want to give the contract, T. threatened him with Petrie the Robber, O. gave him; PR asked where his bed was; T. showed: in the most sizzling hellish fire; PR came to that hermit and asked for help get rid of his hell; hermit: climb into the hazel hollow and let FF cut off a piece of hazel and you with a new knife every day; through PR bones fell out for a year, but he got rid of T.'s hellish bed; three nuts fell from the hazel; FF split one, the fairy came out, asked for a drink, there was no water, turned into a flower; the same with the second; for the third FF prepared water in advance; wedding]: Botezatu 1981:79-88; Greeks: Dawkins 1916 (Cappadocia) [the prince asks his father to dig a well in front of the door; he marries the one who comes first to get water; an old woman came, the prince threw a stone at her, she told him to fall in love with the Three Beautiful; the prince asked him to make a pair of iron shoes and an iron club and goes in search; six cannibals came to his mother, she turned it into an apple, hid it; then showed it to her sons; they gave the young man a letter - let him show it to 12 young men, who would direct him to the Three Beautiful; the young man read it, there was an instruction to eat it, he changed the letter ; the mother of those 12 turned him into a broom; then showed him; they directed him to a thousand-year-old bird; the bird led to the lake, including an orange tree; the prince picked an orange, a girl appeared, he did not have time to give her a drink, she died of thirst; the same from the second, and gave the third drink; went to his father for soldiers to protect her; at that time a maid came blind to one eye; first decided that this was her reflection; she turned the beautiful woman into a bird; said that she had turned black from the sun, and the crows pecked out her eyes; becoming the prince's wife, the liar ordered the bird to be killed; a tree grew out of a drop of blood; his wife ordered him to be cut down, make a cradle for the child; the old woman picked up the sliver; she turned into a girl; the king gave horses to raise; the horse given by the old woman is the best; it is not given to the king; the girl leads it; the king asks the liar if she wants 40 horses or 40 knives; she wants horses; she and her child were tied to the hooves of 40 horses, and the prince married Beauty of the World]: 305-315; Schmidt 1877, No. 5 [chasing game, The prince found himself in the garden; there is a lemon tree with three golden fruits and wilted leaves; the prince cannot pluck them, for there are lions and other wild animals around the tree; he turns back and meets a monk; he says that he is a gardener in that garden; let the prince throw meat to the animals; the prince did so, took the lemons; on the way he opened one to quench his thirst; a girl came out and asked for a drink, the prince did not There was water, she died immediately; the same with the second lemon; the third one opened it at the spring; the girl agreed to marry him, but told him to tell her parents about her first, she would wait for him on the fig tree; at this time, a Moorish maid came to the spring; took the beauty's reflection for her own, broke the jug and returned; her mistress Lámnissa came by herself, saw the girl, told her to get down - she she would eat her; she invited L. to go home first to knead the dough; when she came back, she ate the girl, but her finger fell into the spring and became a goldfish; L. took her place; at that time the prince was at home fell asleep; in a dream his mother kissed him, then he forgot everything; six months later he was under that mulberry; L. went down, told everything on behalf of the girl she had eaten, the prince remembered; believed that The beloved darkened from the sun; brought her home, took the fish too; L. pretended to be sick, persuaded the doctor to eat goldfish; a rose bush with a huge rose grew out of the discarded scales; the old woman cut it off, a girl came out of the rose; said that the Moirs gave her such a fate at birth; awarded her beauty, but alone, when she left, stumbled and fell; ordered the girl, when she reached the age of 13, to become lemon until someone freed her; sent the old woman to take the prince a basket of flowers, put the ring he gave her there; he came to the old woman, recognized his beloved, brought her to the palace, arranged feast; asked the audience what to do with the woman who ate another; L. said she had to tear it to pieces; the prince agreed: L. was tied to four horses; after the death of his father, the prince inherited the kingdom]: 71-76; (cf. Greeks [the old woman cannot cook lentil soup for a long time; when she has cooked it, she put it in the river; the prince's horse does not drink, he turns the pot over in anger; the old woman wants him to fall in love with the gold-haired Anthousa; he comes to the house without entering; hides, sees the dragon mother telling A. to lower her golden hair, climbs it; the same brother A.; when they leave, the young man calls A. in the same words; A. hides it; runs away with him, blindfolded with all objects; forgot about the mortar; she tells the mother's dragon that her daughter ran away with the prince; the mother is chasing a bear; A. throws a thin, then thick comb ( a thicket of thin, then thick trunks), a handkerchief (sea); on the shore, the mother teaches what A. should make two birds out of the dough, when the prince leaves her in the tree, goes to his mother, she kisses him, he's all he will forget; at the prince's wedding, the female bird tells the story of A., and the male each time replies that he does not remember; the prince remembers everything, marries A.]: Megas 1970, No. 22:42-46).

Central Europe. Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Transcarpathia, Galicia, Podolia, Yekaterinoslavskaya) [Love for three oranges: the hero gets three oranges, from which three girls emerge; two die from thirst, the third becomes the hero's bride; an evil opponent pushes the girl into the water, takes her place; eventually everything turns out]: SUS, No. 408:130; Slovaks [the elderly king asks for a son marry; an old woman tells the prince to go to a mountain of glass and pick three lemons; the prince comes to the lead castle, in front of Jezibaba Castle (the embodiment of winter), leans on a lead staff; she does not know the way to a mountain of glass, hides the young man; son J. did not eat him, advises him to go to his brother's silver castle; he eats lead cakes for dinner; the young man came to the silver castle, there is another Yezibaba (still the same, but silver items); then a golden castle; its owner shows the way to the mountain, there is a tree on it, three lemons on it; only the one to whom the fruit is intended can pick; at first, the prince cannot climb glass, but decides to throw away the metal pies that each of the cannibals gave him; they turned into steps; he picked the lemons, after which the tree and mountain disappeared, he was in the middle of the plain; on the way home, one lemon cut; a girl appeared, but when she found out that the prince had not prepared food, drink and clothes for her, she disappeared; the same with the second; the third allowed her at home, the girl received everything, the prince married He reigned even after his father's death; when he went to war, he left his wife on a throne that others could ascend to only if his wife lowered their silk rope; under the throne in the garden there was a pond; a gypsy maid came for with water, saw a reflection, decided that she was so beautiful, broke the jug; then she realized her mistake; the old woman advises the gypsy woman to ask the Queen to lower the rope so that she could comb her hair; stab it a pin in her head, she will turn into a white dove, and let the gypsy woman put on her clothes and sit on the throne; this is what happened; when the king returned, the imaginary wife explained that she had changed from suffering, waiting his return; a dove flew in, the king stroked her, felt for her and took out the pin, his wife was reborn; the maid and the old woman were burned; the king still reigns happily if he is still alive]: Wratislaw 1890, No. 10: 63-74; Poles [the king tells his son to marry only after his death and take the bride from the testicle; after his father's death, the young king bought eggs from the witch; she ordered him to keep his eyes on them on the way home and when someone wants to drink, give him a drink right away; there is no water, 14 testicles are gone; the last one was drunk, a beautiful woman appeared; while the king was running to the castle for his dress, the witch turned the girl into a wild duck, took her place; the king is amazed that the girl is fool but still married; the gardener: there is a duck with golden feathers on the pond; he took the duck to his chambers; while he was away, the queen ordered the duck to be slaughtered and fried; a drop of blood to the cook: bury me under the royal window; an apple tree grew with 7 red apples on it, the king ordered me to fence it; in his absence, the queen ate apples, ordered the apple tree to be chopped and burned; the old woman picked up the chips, began to heat the stove, one sliver pops up all the time; the old woman put it in the chest; while she goes to beg, someone cooks and cleans the house; the old woman peeked, found beautiful; the king tells all women to come, tell stories; the girl put on rags, came, began to tell her story; the queen was chained to the floor, forced to listen, then torn apart harrows; wedding; and I was there, drinking wine and honey, flowing down my mustache, didn't get into my mouth]: Shcherbakov 1980:47-49; Czechs: Uther 2004 (1), No. 408:241-243.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Rumei (a handwritten text in Rumei, kept in the library with. Yalta, Pershotravnevy district, Donetsk region) [the old woman walked and held a pot of water in her hands; the prince threw a pebble and broke the pot; the water spilled; the old woman said: "Love for three oranges"; the prince grew up and always remembered these words, they did not give peace to him; when he became a young man, he decided to go in search of three oranges; people said that they were very far away and well guarded; the prince found and took three oranges {without details}; on the way home I decided to cut one of them; a beautiful woman came out from there, said: "Water, water," and then turned into a bird and flew away; the prince cut the second orange, the situation repeated; the prince came to the well, cut a third orange; a girl who was more beautiful than the first two came out; she asked for water, the prince gave it to her; the girl said that she was his fate; the prince told her: "Climb a tree, I I'll go home, gather my matchmakers and come back for you"; the royal maid came for water; looked into the well and saw a beautiful woman sitting in the water; the maid said, "Put your hair down, I I'll see them, you've been sitting here for so many days, I guess you've worn them up"; the girl let her hair loose; the maid climbed upstairs, stabbed the girl, put her clothes on and sat in a tree instead of her; the girl turned into the bird flew away; the prince returned with his matchmakers, mistook the maid for an orange girl; asked why she had become ugly; the maid replied: "You have been gone so long, I turned black in the sun"; the prince believed her, married her; the bird began to fly in and sit on the trees; the tree she sat on dried up; all the trees were so dry; the maid knew she said to the prince: "Catch this bird, kill it, I'll kill it I'll cook it and we'll eat it"; he did it; the wife took the bones and buried them near the threshold; a tree grew out of them; when the king, queen or prince came out into the yard, it hugged them with branches; when the prince's wife - her branches were beaten and burned; she told the prince to cut down this tree; he did it; the wind picked up one branch and threw it by the road; the old woman picked up this branch, brought it home, put it behind the icon; when the old woman left from home, the branch turned into a girl and did everything around the house; the old woman decided to find out who it was; hid and saw the girl; she told her everything; the old lady said, "I'll go to the king, get their shirts, and you You will sew them"; the girl sewed shirts for the king and queen that it was not clear that their hand had touched them, and sewed their daughter-in-law's shirt with stubble from a pig; the old woman took the shirts to the king and told them who sewed them ; the prince came to her house, recognized the girl and took her with him; then asked the maid: "Wife, what do you want - forty knives or tie you to forty horses?" ; she replied: "Forty horses"; the prince tied her by forty horses; where her body hit, there were beams and hills; the prince married an orange girl; "They still live and reign"]: Intercephalskaya et al. 2001; Armenians [a huge cucumber has grown; the owner agreed to sell it only to the prince; tells us not to look back before reaching the plane tree; the prince hears music behind him, not looked around; the plane tree cut a cucumber, a girl came out; the prince followed his retinue and musicians, told the girl to climb on the plane tree; the old woman turned the girl into a bird, took her place; the prince took her place; the prince took his imaginary wife, the bird hovers above him, he unscrewed its head, threw it on the ground; mulberry grew in this place; the landlord ordered it to be cut down; the sliver flew into the old woman's yard, became a spoon; someone was cleaning the house; the old woman followed, grabbed the girl; she does not agree to marry her son, agrees to be a daughter; the prince distributes horses to the farmsteads to feed; the girl's horse has become the best; she tells him not to get up if they will want to take them away; she comes and says: why don't you get up? Do you want to be a cheater like your master? ; the horse went, the prince thought; calls all the girls to scratch their hair; promises gifts; this girl asks for a pomegranate, a doll, a razor; the prince brought it, overhears; girl: while I'm telling, let the pomegranate splits and the doll is dancing; tells the whole story, wants to stab herself with a razor, the prince stopped her; the sorceress was executed]: Nazinyan 1969:26-32 (=2014:70-75); Azerbaijanis: Akhundov 1955 [y old woman Fata-Gara is Mamed's lousy son; he stole a skein of thread from his mother to buy kishmish; his mother is furious, M. offers to sell it; he was bought only by the leader of a gang of revelers; he is offered to drive a stake into the wall a collapsed bathhouse; someone threatens him, he beats the one behind the wall, he has a stocking in his hands; M. wants to sell it, the shopkeeper accuses him of stealing, leads him to the Shah; they agreed that one of them, whoever does not bring 40 such stockings in 40 days will be decapitated; the revelers have bail M.; by the sea, M. is taken to the ship to throw an earring into the mouth of a monster; M. snatched the earring from the whale's nose and he let him go; M. comes to an empty city, defeated the hero, tearing off his finger's ring; came to the castle, hid behind a rose bush; three doves flew in, became girls, each tells its own story; with one M. tore off his stocking, with another earring, with the third ring, each would like to become M.'s wife; he goes out, gets 40 pairs of stockings, his younger sister as his wife, she brings it to his mother; tells him to lower the ring into the water, a man will come out Wishes must be fulfilled, a palace must be built; M. at the last moment remembered his guarantors, they were almost executed, showed their stockings, the shopkeeper was executed, M. gave the stockings to the revelers; when he saw M.'s wife, the shah wants her take it away, the vizier suggests sending M. for an angel living in a pomegranate; the wife sends her to the dungeon to her aunt, she sends to the pomegranate tree, M. collected grenades; the wife cut several, each time she flies out an angel girl, asks for water, there is no water, flies away; the latter climbs back into the grenade, M. brings it to the Shah, the angel flies away; the vizier proposes to instruct M. to build a palace for the Shah in the middle of the sea; the wife commands lower the ring, do not turn around when the sea man asks; M. turned around, fell stunned, the palace disappeared and the Shah with him; M. was chosen as the new shah]: 188-206; Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:83-94 [prince fell in love with a pomegranate girl; the vizier says she is from divas; bought sakyza (pistachio resin), came to the house where the old woman, her lower lip crawls on the ground, the upper lip reaches the sky; the vizier threw it in her mouth tar, she chewed and did not eat it; he became an awl, hid in the cracks; the old woman's sons came, believed her that there was no one; in the morning the old woman showed the way west; there was a second old woman (same episodes the vizier became a piece of carpet); the third (the vizier hid, becoming a fly) pointed out a tree with three grenades at the top; becoming a mosquito, the vizier took the grenades; the first two had nothing, the third was beautiful; asks bring her clothes; the vizier left her at the top of the plane tree, went to the city; the vizier's maid saw her reflection, pushed the girl into the well, took her place; she got out and turned into a rose bush; The prince married a liar, he is surprised that she is black; the vizier cut the roses, sent her to the prince's wife, who threw away the bouquet, he became a plane tree; the wife ordered her to be made a cradle for the child; the old woman took one she brought the board to her place; while she was leaving, the board became a girl, cleaned and cooked everything; the neighbors advised me to make sure that the girl stayed with the old woman; the prince was going to Mecca, distributing horses for fattening; the girl told the old woman to take one, she was sworn, the girl's best horse; the women are going to embroider the prince's dress; the pomegranate girl folds pearls with a song, sings about what happened; a wedding of 40 days and nights, a liar tied to the tail of an immense horse], 96-102 [the prince wants to take his wife from the genies; the old woman tells me to go west, pierce an abscess on the genie's leg; the genie roared in pain, and when the abscess passed, he agreed to help; it was necessary to cut off the reed, but not cut it before reaching the house; the prince cut it along the way, the girl came out; I had to hide it on the plane tree and follow the army; came maid; the girl from the reeds asked for a drink, she pushed her into the sea, took her place; the girl was swallowed by fish; the prince's horse is frightened of the fish, he tells her to catch it; the liar tells her to fry; a drop blood turned into a plane tree; the liar tells me to make a cradle for the baby out of it; the old woman picked up the sliver; someone cooks and cleans the house; the old woman followed, adopted the girl; she died, telling her to put it her in the crypt, but not bury her; the prince passes by, someone called him out; when he enters the crypt, he first sees a corpse, but next time a girl who comes to life; she says that the liar took the key she had around her neck, without him, she cannot leave the crypt; the prince threatens the liar, she gives the key; the liar is tied to the tail of a stray horse]; Turks: Tsvetinovich 1959 [an elderly padishah has a son; he an old woman breaks a jug, who tells him to fall in love with three Pomeranians; he leaves home, sticks to the mother of the Devas; her sons are guarding the Pomeranians, but they do not know where they are; the middle, eldest do not know their mother's sisters; the eldest son brings him to a pond where the Pomeranians swim; tells him not to cut them where there is no water; beauties come out of the cut ones; two immediately die of thirst, one remains; Shahzade leaves her in a tree, goes to get clothes for her; an Arab woman takes her reflection for hers; the girl calls out to her; she offers to look in her head, pierces a needle, the girl flies away as a bird; an Arab woman Shahzade says that it has turned black from the sun; a bird sits on trees in the shahzade garden, they dry up; she is caught; an Arab woman pretends to be sick, asks to kill a bird in order to recover; an old woman picks up one feather; in her absence, the pen turns into a girl, cleans her house; an old woman takes her by surprise; tells Shahzade her story; an Arab woman replies that she wants 40 horses, not 40 knives; torn by mules; shahzade marries a newfound beauty]: 58-67; Kúnos 1901 []: 12-29; Walker, Uysal 1966, No. 5 [at the source, son Bey's horse steps on the witch's foot, she tells the young man to fall in love with a cucumber girl (OD); father sends him for her; at night, the young man overhears how the owner explains to his daughter what to do; 1) give milk to the lion, meat to the tiger, chewing gum to the witch; 2) the source from which the blood flows and pus, tell him how clean he is, drink three handfuls; 3) split off a pine chip, give it and all his gold to the giantess while the giants are sleeping (their eyes are open); the giant will give three cucumbers; inside the cucumbers three girls; open cucumbers where there is water, otherwise the girls will die of thirst; giants tell creatures and objects to stop the young man, they say they are grateful to him; two girls died of thirst; the third waited a young man on a poplar while he is having a wedding; the ugly maid saw a reflection in the source, decided it was her own; next time she asks how OD got in; Putting eggs one on top of the other ; then OD told the tree to bend down; the maid said that she was now her mother; looking in her hair, she pulled out the hair of life; OD fell, sesame grew up in that place; the maid explained to the young man who came that she fainted from the frost and the sun; the young man attached the sesame to his hat; married a maid, who asked her to throw sesame into the fire, two pigeons flew out of there; resin to the branches, the pigeons stuck, they were stabbed to death, from poplar grew blood; it was made a cradle for the maid's son; an old woman picked up one sliver; in her absence, the sliver turns into OD, cleans the house; the old woman grabs her, adopts her; in hunger, Bey's son distributes his horses; where OD steps, green grass grows, the horse eats it; the rest of the horses starved to death; the young man comes for him, the girl speaks in riddles; he comes back, she tells everything; The maid with the child was sent to the mountains, the horse threw them into the abyss]: 64-71.

Iran - Central Asia. Uzbeks [=Konovalov, Stepanov 1986:92-109; three bundles of brushwood collected by the old man and his two neighbors were carried away by the wind; the old man finds them in a hole with three pots of gold; the old man shares gold, but neighbors kill him, taking his share; before he dies, he asks to give his wife to be named Dod ("help"); the padishah solves the crime, makes Dod an adopted son, puts him on the throne; in a dream Peri appears, Dod goes to look for it; the old man tells me to choose the middle pumpkin, tells me not to open it on the way; Dod wants to throw it away, peri screams in pain, Dod opens the pumpkin, there's peri; says he should have listen to the old man; let Dod take her in a covered arba; leave her on the outskirts of the city; the old woman asks Peri to get water, pushes her into the water, puts her on her clothes; answers Dod that she will take her former form when they the child will be 7 years old; a horse has come out of the spring, the imaginary peri tells her to be killed; only one butcher reluctantly agrees to slaughter it; three poplars grow out of three drops of blood; the imaginary peri tells them to cut them down, make them the cradle for her baby; the cradle shrank, killing him; the calandar wants to pick up the chips, they fly away; a palace appears, peri in it, tells the Kalandar to call Dod, the padishah, and have a feast for all residents; Dod cut to pieces by a sorceress, reunited with his wife]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (1): 261-276; Persians: Osmanov 1987 []: 173-181; Rosenfeld 1956 [the padishah has 40 wives, all barren; he promises to fill one the pool with honey, other oil if a son is born; the fortieth wife gave birth, the boy is 18 years old, the padishah fills the pools so that everyone can take honey and oil; the old woman leaned down to get oils, the son of the padishah shot her with a pebble from a sling, the bowl broke, the oil poured out; the old woman cursed him: let him go get the Pomeranian girl; mother to the prince: there is a garden on the mountain, where there are girls in Pomeranians, but not from there come back; the old man shows the way; the divas tells you to change the horse to a tied black, throw the game to the dragon, take the Pomeranians without paying attention to the divas, rush back, return the horse; from each Pomeranian girl comes out, asks for water or bread, dies; diva woman: asks for bread, give water; the last girl stayed, the prince went to get clothes, the girl stayed in the tree; the black maid saw her reflection; first thinks it's hers, then hears laughter, looks up; cuts off the girl's head, takes her place, replies to the prince that she has turned black in the sun, the wind has carried away the braids; Pomeranz's blood has grown an orange tree, the prince transplanted it into the palace; the imaginary wife tells me to make a board out of it; the old woman took a branch, made a spindle; someone is cleaning her house; the old woman finds the girl; the doctor advises put a mirror chain around the prince's neck; a Pomeranian girl says she can do one; tells her story, showing everything in the mirror; everything is fine; the liar is offered a sword or horse, she chooses a horse, she is tied by her braids to a horse, let into the steppe]: 164-174; Romaskevich 1934, No. 17 (Jews of Isfahan) []: 91-.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [Three oranges. A prince gets three oranges from one woman. When he cuts the first two, two girls emerge, but both die of thirst; the third remains alive. After planting her on a tree, the prince promises to come back and bring her clothes, but forgets them. The rival pushes the girl into the water and takes her place. The girl turns into a pigeon (fish)]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 408:282; Norwegians [after the death of their parents, three brothers went on a journey; the elders did not want to take the youngest, but the one, the Casserole, came to hire the same king; it turned out that he did a better job; the brothers, out of envy, told the king that Z. could get the king the most beautiful princess instead of his deceased wives; Z. went on a journey, sat down on a spruce tree, shared food with an old woman who came up; she promised to help him; as soon as he got up and went, he saw the pipe; picked it up, blew, and dwarfs appeared: what do you order? sent to the troll castle, where three princesses take on any shape; became three lemons; Z. took them to refresh themselves later; cut one, a girl appeared, shouted, "Water!" , and since there was no water around, she died; the same with the second lemon; when he opened the third one, he managed to run to the pond and bring water; gave the girl a cape, she climbed the tree, and he went to the king; at this time the cook came to get water and saw the princess's reflection, took it for her own; decided that such a beauty did not care about carrying water; but when she saw the princess in the tree, she threw her into the pond, put on her cape and climbed on her place; the king did not like the girl, but he believed others that she should be the most beautiful; when she became queen, the cook caught a silverfish in that pond and told them to burn it; pieces of silver in the ash; told me to bury it; a linden tree with silver leaves grew in this place; the Queen ordered it to be cut down; the maids picked up the chips, but they were like silver; one sliver turned into a child, and he quickly grew and became princess; she told Z. everything, and he told the king; the king married her, and the cook was placed in a barrel of nails and rolled]: Stroebe 1922b: 15-20; the Swedes [the young man went in search of the princess; an old woman gives him three lemons; a beautiful woman comes out of the third; he leaves her on a tree above the pond, and he goes to town; a gypsy woman, etc. pushes the beauty into the pond and takes her place; a beauty turned into a fish or bird, the young man caught it; a tree grew out of the scales or feathers of a fish or bird; a girl reappears from its fruit, the gypsy woman is punished]: Liungman 1961, No. 408:90.

Turkestan. Karakalpaks [childless ruler: if I have children, I will fill one pool with water and the other with honey; his wife gave birth, the ruler fulfilled his promise, called his son Adisher; one day by the pool, which the ruler arranged, the old woman collected water, and the ruler's son threw stones at her; the old woman to the boy: it would be better if you brought Anargul ("pomegranate flower"); when the young man was 17 years old, he asked that an old woman, where to look for A.; she told him to go years without fear of wild animals and go to another old woman; the other sent her to the top of the mountain; there you have to take tulpara, he will travel three months in three days; A. aydarhi dragons; the young man walked past them into the garden where the devil was sleeping under a pomegranate tree; tore off 5 grenades, sat on a tulpara and drove away; on the way he cut 4 grenades, 4 of them appeared, asked water and bread, he gave them as they asked, but they died; he brought the fifth pomegranate to the old woman; she ordered it to be cut by the water; if she asked for water, give her bread, give her water; the young man brought the girl, arranged A feast for 40 days; achieved goals and wishes]: Aimbetov 2014a: 112.