K33D. Donkey skin, ATU 510B.
A man discovers that a beautiful girl is hiding in the guise of an ugly mess or under the skin of an animal.
Swazi, Maragoli, Mofu-Gudur, Ijo, Songhai, Joluo, Lango, Anuak, Sakho, Kordofan, Nubians, Sudanese Arabs, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Berbers Morocco, Kabila, Tuaregs, Basques, Portuguese, Catalans, Spaniards, Aragon, Italians (Tuscany, Campania), Sicilians, Corsicans, Maltese, Ladins, French (Dauphine, Upper Brittany), Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Pomerania, Grimms, Swabia), Irish, British, Arabs of Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Tibetans, Mustang, Khasi, Kashmiris, Himachal Pakharis, Marathi, Assamese, Santals, Bengalis, Oriya, Kannada, Tamils, Sinhales , Bataks, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Gagauz people, Hungarians, Romanians, (Arumanians), Greeks, Poles, Luzhitans, Czechs, Slovaks, Russians (Teresky Bereg, Arkhangelskaya, Karelia, Olonetskaya, Ryazan, Gorkovskaya), Ukrainians ( Transcarpathia, Podolia, Poltava, etc.), Belarusians, Abkhazians, Lakers, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Persians, Bakhtiyars, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Swedes, Norwegians, Danes, Lithuanians, Latvians, Finns, Karelians, Veps, leaders, Livonians, Mordovians , Japanese.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Swazi [the leader has a beloved daughter, an unloved Kitila from an unloved wife; both are beauties; the chief tells him to wear the skin of a water monster on K.; when the monster was gutted, various jewelry; K. is sent to chase birds; the spirit gives her a wand that drives birds away by itself; K. gets the ability to take off her skin when she bathes; children see this; pigeons took the beloved daughter of another leader to marry another leader , the father thought she was dead; another chief sees K. taking off her skin; paying her father a ransom and marrying her; when K. took off her skin, she flew away and fell in her mother's hut; she realized that everything was with her daughter good]: Bouthill, Drake 1908, No. 17:198-211.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Maragoli [the girls go to a nearby village to be married there; one is the most beautiful; she is turned into a broom, then into a pot; but the people they meet still say that everyone is beautiful, but especially a broom (pot); then sausage skin was thrown on her; the mother of one young man came later, when all the girls had already been dismantled, she got a dog; her son sees an imaginary dog taking off its dog skin and swimming; how she cooks and cleans the house; tries to grab the skin but does not have time; finally, she and her mother grab it; when they see a beautiful woman, other men killed their wives, children and mothers, and then committed suicide; A young man with a former dog gave birth to new, beautiful inhabitants of the village]: Kavaji 2005, No. 6:210-214.
West Africa. Mofu-gudur [seven sisters get married; consistently ask those who herd chickens, goats, donkeys which one is prettier; everyone says the youngest; sisters go swimming, tell the youngest swim for acacia; she wanders through acacia, her skin becomes stiff like acacia bark; now those she meets regret that a freak goes with the beauties; girls easily find suitors; old woman chooses the youngest to marry her son; he is dissatisfied, does not want to take water from the bride; the clairvoyant notices from the mountain that when this girl rubs the grain, she takes off her hard skin and becomes beautiful; black the ant advises slaughtering the black chicken, telling the vulture to grab it, take the skin away; he does not have time; the red ant advises slaughtering the white chicken, the vulture takes the skin away; now the beauty herself does not want to cook, serve water, hides in the room; but the young man goes there, takes a beautiful woman as his wife]: Sorin-Barreteau 2001, No. 16:112-117; ijo (calabari) [The king's 200 wives are childless; he is advised to take a daughter a spider; her name is Adiaha, she is ugly, but no one knows that she has two skins; her mother told her not to shoot the ugly one for a while; the older wife knows it, got GG, gave it to the king, he forgot about A.; but the spider got other GJI, the king remembered, A. was beautiful, and in the morning put on ugly skin again; gave birth to a beautiful boy; the elder wife gave GG to throw the boy into the river; but other ji -ji saved him and grew up; the same with daughter A.; the king convenes fighters, his unrecognized son wins, the king brought him closer; the son asked to gather the people to judge the matter; says everything; A. appeared in all its splendor, the king brought A., her son and daughter closer; the eldest wife was beaten 200 times with a scourge, burned, and ashes were thrown into the rivers]: Dayrell 1910:11-19; Songhai [the woman gave birth to a daughter who became a son; one day, her mother was about to wash it; she knocked over the water, ran to a pond called the Chief's Mirror, took off her donkey skin and began swimming; Chief Abu Malak's son saw her from the window; when she noticed his shadow, she sang: "Abu Malak, you see arms and legs that are more beautiful than your mother's arms and legs"; AM told the slave to see where the donkey lives; he said that in one poor house; AM ordered him to marry a donkey; At the time of the wedding, she lay down, people laughed; at night she became a girl; AM told the slave to steal donkey skin while his wife was swimming, cut her to pieces and threw her into an anthill; the woman was terribly angry; AM's father wanted to take it for himself; sent his son to drink the camel to the well where the dodo (spirit) lived, told the slaves to lower him on a rope and leave him there; before that, the wife woven dates into AM's hair; after that all female pets stopped giving milk; goats refused to eat; hunger began; AM shared dates with the dodo; planted a seed and grew a palm tree; the dodo told him when AM got outside, bring him a handful of food; he did not eat him out of love for him; when he got out, AM began to collect alms, leaving half for the dodo; he came to his wife, she did not recognize him; said that she could not give anything nothing; if he can milk the cows, let him drink milk and bring her; AM drank milk; he brought a jar of milk to his wife and slaves, and took a wineskin of milk to the dodo; (opening up to his wife), AM prepared festival, rode on his camel in formal clothes; when his father raised his hands in prayer, AM pierced him with a spear]: Calame-Griaule 2002:222-225.
Sudan - East Africa. Joluo [girls compete in beauty, the latter is the most beautiful; others turn it into a basket, but men say that although all girls are beautiful, the basket is even better; they turn it into a stick, a rope , other objects are the same; then into a dog; men chose wives, Obong'o's mother took the dog; someone grinds grain; children say that the dog takes off its skin and turns into a girl; O. enough {and destroys?} skin, gets married; one day all men are hunting; the wife goes from one group of hunters to another, bringing her husband food; each time she is sent on; the last group of men says O. is dead; she brings home his corpse, buries him]: K'Okiri 1970:52-66; lango [girls go to the river to choose their husbands; the most beautiful is turned into a dog; it goes to a lame boy; his mother scolds him for such a choice, cruel to dog; while mother-in-law is away, daughter-in-law takes off her dog skin, does housework; mother-in-law finds out the truth, realizes that her daughter-in-law is beautiful]: Wight 1960:110; anuak [at Awili Owili's brother; he wants to marry her, his parents don't mind; when O. came to his sister, she cut off his penis head, ran out of the hut, took all the girls in the village, and a white dog with her; asked God open the termite mound, the girls went inside and stayed there; cattle graze nearby, one bull rubs against the termite mound and A. sings at that time; they heard the song; the leader tells us to dig up a termite mound, but no matter how much they dug, The dug is again filled with clay; but after the chief sacrificed an ox, the young men dug up a termite mound; A. jumped down her dog's throat, the boys dismantled the girls, but one poor and ugly young man left without a wife, he only got a dog; he lives with his mother in a hut on the outskirts; when they go to the field, A. gets out of the dog, cooks food; the boy's mother said loudly to her son: Let's go! but in fact they hid; the young man grabbed A.; she turned into a cow, a hippopotamus, a leopard, a pelican, and other animals and birds, but he did not let her out and A. remained in human form; A. ordered to make a beer and appeared to the people in leopard clothing; became the wife of a young man, refusing to be the leader's wife; he hunted, the young man also went, the chief killed him by filling the corpse with branches; the white dog licked the owner, ran home, the mother saw blood, and the dog led A. to the victim; A. covered him with leopard skin and the young man came to life; the leader denied that he killed the young man; A. touched the ground with her bamboo with a staff and all the villagers fell into the crevice; after 4 days A. returned them, but they were heavily eaten by termites; A. became the leader of the village]: Evans Pritchard, Beaton 1940, No. 15:66-70; Kordofan (ethnicity not specified) [a rich man unfairly took another man's money and son, made him his servant; took him to the city, where he was going to give three daughters of the impoverished for his acquaintances; on the way, the poor man argues why he could kill a rich man; and killed him; told his acquaintances that he was dead; when he came to the scene of the murder, he saw a magnificent watermelon growing there; decided to present it to the Sultan; but when the cook cut it watermelon, blood poured from there; the poor man told everything; people sympathize with him; the eldest daughter Fatma notices that they are not treated as before, comes to the city, finds out what is going on; tells the Sultan that if if he kills her father, they, daughters, will kill him; he does not take the threat seriously; F. found 7 more girls, 10 of them; they took out horses and weapons; when the Sultan took the girls' father out of town to him to execute, the girls rode, began to defeat the Sultan's men; he hurried back to the city; two younger sisters fell in battle, but the Sultan's men lost great; they managed to close the gate before F.; she promised return and threatened to destroy the entire city if something happened to her father; F. ordered the horses to be killed and their weapons left, took the girls to another country; they met an old shepherd; F., at his request, cleaned his lice; he replied that he had to stab thorns into his head, then it was easy to tear off his skin; F. did so, put her skin on herself and turned into an old man; they came to the drone; she crushed the bones of those who she ate before to feed those who came; F. noticed this and did not order to eat; asked the gulya to bring water to the sieve; the girls ran away; on the banks of the Nile they asked the crocodile to transport them; they fed them along the way mutton; he transported them; unable to get water into the sieve, Gulya chased her; the crocodile took her too; but since she did not give him lamb, but hit him in the face, he drowned her; the girls spent the night in the cave; the Sultan's son and 7 noble young men with him were nearby; the Sultan's son was lost; the young men began to look for him, releasing their horses; the horses came to the cave, the girls drove them away; the boys found the girls, brought them to They married their parents; the Sultan's son also came there; one of the girls advised him to look in that cave too; he brought an imaginary old man to him; he said that he could not herd goats and sheep, but geese can; when the Sultan's son sent a slave to bring lunch to the goose shepherd, he saw a beautiful woman at the spring; F. quickly pulled on the old man's skin, and when they sat down to eat, asked the slave to show the tongue is some kind of insect on it; she cut off her tongue and the slave could not tell anything to the Sultan's son; so with 4 slaves; after the fifth, the Sultan's son followed and saw everything; in the evening he ordered to bring the imaginary old man to dinner ; he said that he was too weak, and the Sultan's son ordered him to be brought; began to play dice: whoever wins can do what to the other; the third time the Sultan's son won, cut the skin with a knife and from under it F. came out; agreed to marry the Sultan's son if her father was released; the Sultan's son and the husbands of F.'s friends came with an army; at first, the Sultan decided that F. was not among those who came; but during the battle she left with her friends, killed the Sultan's people and captured him; he had to let Father F. go and give a large ransom]: Frobenius 1923, No. 20:224-237; Nubians {synopsis of the Nubian and Arab Sudanese versions} [brother wants to marry his sister, Beautiful Fatma; F. and his companions run away, get to the cannibal, they manage to send her away, run away again, they cross the river in a crocodile; F. meets an old man (in two out of five options, an old woman), peels off his skin with a thorn, puts on himself; the girls hide in the cave, they are found by young men, taken away, the Sultan's son gets an imaginary old man, whom he tells him to herd geese ( pigeons, goats); the slave, followed by the son of the Sultan, sees F. bathing, taking off the old man's skin; the Sultan's son plays chess or another game with the imaginary old man, the winner gets the right to skin the loser; F. wins first, but then Sultan's son wins; wedding]: Goldberg 1997:34; Sudanese Arabs: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 20 [Fatima is so beautiful that her brother Muhammad decided to marry her himself; F. asked mother to help put a jug of water on her head; she replied that F. should first call her not mother, but mother-in-law; the same with her father (father-in-law), brother (groom); F. told all the girls in the village that they had been decided pass them off as brothers, took everyone away, they came to the cannibal giantess; F. ordered not to eat anything, hide the food in a cooked hole, but the youngest girl tasted it; F. told the cannibal to bring it in a net or in a hole full of holes a calebass of water from the seventh sea; the girls ran away, but the youngest could not; the cannibal returned, learned from the younger that the girls had run away, ordered piles of gold to appear in front of them; silk fabrics; every time F. tells you to take only a little and run on; the river; F. asked the crocodile to be transported, on the other side he will give one girl to eat; when they have swam, F. tells the crocodile to transport their mother first (i.e. cannibal); when they are in the middle of the river, F. shouted that the crocodile was on his back; he dived and ate the cannibal; the girls settled in a cave; an old man with 6 sons nearby; F. asks him how take off his skin - pierce a thorn; she plunged, his skin slept, F. put it on, returned to the cave in the guise of an old man; the camel comes to eat foliage from the bush, the girls drive him away; the young men consistently became come to find out what was going on; everyone took a girl; when Wad al-Amin came up, only an imaginary old man came to the cave; the old man says he is unable to herd cattle; YES agrees that he should herd pigeons by the river; F. removes the old man's skin by the river; the slave sent with her is delighted, but he can't tell him anything; the imaginary old man said that the slave is sick, let his chest be burned; so several times; then AM himself went, all I saw; at home he offered to play chess, the winner would remove the skin from the loser; F. won, but did not fresh AM; AM won, F. took off her skin; the whole village gathered for the wedding], 21 [a horse by the river Fatma's older brother slipped on strands of hair; the brother promised to marry the one whose hair it was, even if it was F.; F. persuaded seven girls to run with her, or their brothers would do the same; before On her wedding night, she went out to pee, pierced a pre-prepared wineskin of water, you could hear the murmur of the stream, the girls had time to leave; in the desert they came to the cannibal; she offered them milk and one of his girls tried it; at night F. replies that she is awake; asks him to go calm the dogs in a distant village; and other tasks (not named); in the morning they asked the cannibal to bake bread for them on the fire that burns there; this is the sun; the cannibal tried it, but did not bake the bread; when she returned, she found only the one that drank her milk; broke her neck and ate it; the girls asked the tree to become small, climbed it, then asked he was tall again; knives were stuck around; they lowered the cannibal's rope, picked it up and threw it several times; knives pierced her and she died; the girls moved on; F. began to look for the old man in his head; asks how he can be killed; the old man: to pierce a thorn into the crown; F. did so, wearing old man's skin; the girls began to live in a cave; merchants passed by, their camel began to chew on the straw that closed the entrance; the merchants dismantled the girls; one of them is crooked; says to the merchant: they took the curve, but left the flower; the Sultan's son heard, came back, took the imaginary old man; when they go, F.'s jewelry rings; "These are my bones"; F. chose to herd geese rather than sheep to be able to swim; the slave sees her removing old man's skin; she deprives him of speech (apparently by witchcraft); at home he points to F., but can't do anything say; F.: he is crazy, he should be burned with iron; burned to death; this is how almost all slaves died; the Sultan's son went to spy himself, climbed a tree, stole F.'s ring; at home offered to play checkers: the winner will take off the skin; F. won twice, but did not exercise her right; then the Sultan's son won; married F., but hid it from people; one day F. came out, people fell breathless from her beauty; she sprayed them with blood from her little finger, everyone came to life; everything is fine], 22 [Muhammad wants to marry her sister; I agree to remove the jug from her head only if she calls him fiancé; same mother: mother-in-law; father: father-in-law; she throws a jug, asks the carpenter to make her a dawn-palm (wooden case, DC), comes to the Sultan, stays to work with other slaves; the Sultan's son wants to choose a wife, girls they come to dance; DC takes off his cover, dances unrecognized; for the third time, the Sultan's son grabs her hand, he still has her gold ring; he goes in search; they bake bread for him on the road, the DC puts in his same ring; this bread is at the bottom of the bag; when the Sultan's son finds the ring, he tells him to return; plays four games of checkers with DC, the loser will be taken off his clothes; DC wins the first three, but forgives the Sultan's son for himself, his mother, his father; for the fourth time he wins, takes off the cover, throws a silk blanket over the girl; wedding; once a former DC sees his poor parents; forgives them, settles them in a separate house], 23 [Fatma the Beautiful saw the camel come to eat crops; not knowing that it was her brother Muhammad's camel, tied him with strands of her hair; M. swore marry the one whose hair it was; the parents agreed on the condition that M. would bring dowry from distant places; told F. to run away with her mother's sister's six daughters; one of them was lame; they saw a big and small lights; F. said that where big, there was a cannibal, but the girls did not listen; the cannibal gave food to crushed human bones moistened with her milk; F. ordered not to eat; the lame did not listen, the others quietly threw the food into the dug holes; in the morning the girls said that they should bring water with a net, a calebasa without a hole, an unburned vessel; she could not, came back, fried and ate the lame girl, she chased the others; wants them to meet the wedding (the girls start dancing at the wedding, but run again), so that the river with the crocodile; he transports on the condition that he is given one of girls; but on the other side they ask the cannibal to be transferred first, they say that she is his share, the crocodile dives; the girls live in a cave; a camel approaches her, followed by his owner Wad al-Nimair, he tells the girl to go out; so one girl every day; F. secretly came to the VN garden, asked the old man how to remove his skin (a thorn in his forehead), stabbed a thorn, put on his skin; the imaginary old man agrees to herd only pigeons; and only a dumb slave with him; by the river F. took off the old man's skin, bathed; at home, the slave tried to gesture what he saw; F. explained that the slave had a headache and wanted it they cut off; the slave was beheaded; so all the slaves were beheaded except the last; VN went with him himself; stole F.'s ring while she was bathing; the same with the slave as the previous ones, but VN refuses to cut his head but offers to fight; the winner will rip open the belly of the defeated; VN loses three times, but F. does not touch him; for the fourth time he won, took off the old man's skin, married F.]: 110-114, 114-118, 118-120, 120-125 .
North Africa. The Berbers of Morocco (Fez) [the sultan keeps her daughter in a glass palace; a black woman feeds her crustless bread and boneless meat; once a black woman fell ill, sent another; she brought normal bread and meat; the princess liked it; she began to knock her brain out of bone against the glass wall; a crack appeared in the wall, a fly flew in, it was jinnia; said that girls should marry; advised me not to eat, but secretly brought food to the princess herself; the Sultan called the applicants; let the daughter throw the golden apple herself at someone she liked; no one likes it; the cannibal took the form an impeccable handsome man; a fly examined him and confirmed that this was so; the sultan demands gold for his daughter by her weight; the cannibal delivered five times more; three months later, his son-in-law told the Sultan that he would like to return home; the sultan sent an escort - all his army; on the way, the cannibal ate everyone; the wife did not notice, because she was walking ahead; when the maid looked around, the husband said that he had sent the soldiers back, because his country was already near ; the fly knew everything, but was afraid of the ogre; in the palace, the cannibal first ate the maid and then swallowed the fly; the wife gave birth, asked her husband for his parents to come, but he only pretended to send a letter to them; and he ate the baby himself; the same with the second child; old woman: to save the next one, pretend to be sick and go to your husband for herbs; under the supervision of an old woman and in secret from the ogre, the princess gave birth a beautiful girl; once a cannibal overheard his wife talking to an old woman; the old woman managed to carry the girl, and the cannibal swallowed his wife; but repented (he still loved his wife), broke her head against the wall and died; the old woman she took it out of his stomach and buried it; carried the ogre's body piece by piece and also buried it; when she died, the old woman gave the girl a cat's skin: in the form of a cat you will leave the cannibal land; the shepherdess picked up the cat, gave it to the Sultan's son; in the absence of the prince, the cat turns into a girl; the prince sees her, gives her ring; the girl disappears, the prince is going to search; the cat meows, the prince leaves her in the room, giving flour, etc., to cook cakes; finds his ring in a bag of cakes; stays in the palace and tells the Sultan to marry him to a cat; after the wedding, the cat threatens to kill her, she sheds off the cat's skin; The Sultan's second son is a dog; he tells his father to marry him; after the wedding, he demands that the dog become a girl; she bit him; in the morning the sultan sends a servant to the newlyweds, the dog bit to death him; so by many servants; the sultan shot a dog; after his death, a son who married a cat inherited the throne]: El Fasi, Dermenghem 1928:165-178; Kabila [young man wants to marry a girl with a white face like snow and red as blood; this is the daughter of the cannibal Ceriel; the girl hides him; when C. falls asleep, and the cattle she swallows begin to moo and bleat in her stomach, the lovers run away; the girl says prickly hedges and the river to part, calls both honey-sugar; C. pursues, scolds both, cannot cross the river, curses his daughter; the young man is carried away by an eagle, he shouts to the girl to kill the black maid, put it on skin; in the form of a black woman, daughter C. tells the young man's father that he was taken away by an eagle; the father leaves a stabbed heifer on the mountain, eagles flock, the father beats the one who took the son, brings the son, heals; he convinces the father marry him to a black woman, removes her skin, she is beautiful; the young man's younger brother tells him to marry a dog, demands that she take off her skin, the dog bite him]: Taos-Amrush 1974:213-218; Arabs Algeria (Tiaret Plateau) [every mirror a father buys for his daughter tells her that she is beautiful and will marry a dog (Kelbi); she hits mirrors; after finding out what's going on, the father gives his daughter a ring and chases her away ; in the forest, three hunters plucked birds, she finds piles of feathers and down, smeared with resin, falls out in feathers, appears to hunters; living alone with an old mother takes her into the house; she offers her mother young men bake bread, promises that feathers will not be in the dough; washes and bakes bread in their true form, then sticks feathers again; the young man has never eaten such delicious bread; when he goes to marry, the girl throws her ring in the bread; the young man guesses everything and marries a girl; she tells her story; it turns out that the Dog is the name of a young man; the mother named him so because her sons Everyone died by beautiful names]: Aceval 2005, No. 146:166-170; the Arabs of Morocco [beautiful Lunja sees pigeons as if asking for something, she feeds them grains first, then her mother's jewelry; she goes after the pigeons, they explain that their mother is a gulya; L. must ask God to make the needle's eye pass through it, to venerate the long breasts of the guli cannibal; she says that now she her children's sister Aissa and Moussa; in another country, the Sultan's son and relative (cousin) L. hurts the rest of the children; the old woman teaches her to throw the ball through her window, the sultan's son will come in, she will shame him that he does not go save L.; a young man puts his mother's hand in hot soup, frees him for promising to tell everything about L.; he comes to the country of the ghouls, an old woman talks about the cave where L.; arranges to meet them; the old woman says that it is too early to run, gulya will catch up; tells L. to decorate everything in the guli cave with henna; she forgot about the mortar in which she crushed henna leaves; the Sultan's son took L., the mortar woke up the gulya, she rushed in pursuit; catching up, Gulya asks what the Sultan's son eats so as not to lose strength; L. replies that grass and wood; gulya eats them in vain; what the horse eats - his knees; gulya eats his knees; dying, tells, when he arrives at the house, drive along a red road rather than a white road, drink from a muddy stream, not a clean stream; if you make a mistake, you will meet a big bird, it will offer food, eat a handful (mouthful), throw the other into the hem; son The sultana insists on driving along the white road; drinks from a clean stream, but L. from a muddy stream; eats everything, and L. drops it into the hem; the bird tells us to show what has been eaten; L. shows what he has thrown into the hem, the young man cannot the bird swallows it with the horse, flies away; L. kills the dog of the Sultan's son, puts on its skin, comes to his father in the form of a dog, who tells his servants to take care of her; every day a bird flies by, the son of the Sultan from her belly curses her parents, who hold L. by the dog; the beggar hears this, the sultan brings the imaginary dog to the palace, the son of the bird shouts for the father to kill the bull, the birds fly off, we must ask for a white regurgitate what she has eaten; she is so full that she cannot take off, belches the young man on horseback; at night he asks for a dog and hot water; in the morning he is beautiful in his bed; wedding]: El Koudia 2003, No. 11:72-80; Arabs Egypt: Bushnaq 1987 [After his wife's death, the king promised to marry the one who would fit the first wife's anklet; only his daughter came up; wedding preparations were in full swing when the princess was talking about everything learns from the vizier's daughter; ordered leather clothes for a tanner that transformed her into a strange creature, ran away; came to another city; called herself Juleidah; the queen assigned her to the kitchen; she pretends to She does not feel or notice anything; refuses to go to the vizier's party with the women; and then came there in her true form; the Sultan's son fell in love with her; then threw gold sparkles on the floor and so far women picked them up, disappeared unnoticed; next time the prince asks where she came from; "From the land of scoops and ladles"; running away, pulls off the ring from the prince's finger; the prince is preparing for on a trip to the country of Cherpakov and Polovnikov, he is being prepared for the road; J. begged her to be allowed to bake a loaf, puts the prince's ring in it; at the first stop, the servant wanted to throw away this loaf, but her prince yet he broke it, found his ring, ordered him to turn back; ordered J. to bring him dinner; she deliberately dropped the tray; let her carry it again; the prince cut the leather cover with a knife and appeared in front of him beautiful; immediately called Kadia to marry; one day Father J. arrives with his servants, he travels to different countries in search of his daughter; J. orders to detain travelers for the night, comes in her husband's clothes, offers to tell stories and tells his own; opens to his father; the tsar gave his daughter and her husband half his kingdom; the old woman who advised the tsar to marry her daughter was thrown off a cliff]: 193-200; Lebedev 1990, No. 27 [through a woman's prayer, God sent her daughter Shams ("the sun"); she soon became an orphan, spinning yarn and selling; one day she mistook the moon for the sun, went to the bazaar, but it was empty; she saw a rooster with three chickens, admired his singing; rooster: come on, you'll hear the singing even more beautifully; he brought S. to the underground palace; she is trying to take food, a cauldron, a jug, etc., they don't tell me - the lady will come now; the king is coming Kamar ("month") and wife, wife are rude and obstinate with her husband; when he falls asleep, he went to the garden to the slave, who scolds her for being late, eats what he brought to her, gives the woman a dry cake; S. wanted to hit the slave with a tree branch , fell into the eye of the mistress; returning to the palace, she tells her husband that someone beat her; S. returned home; to find out the truth, K. goes to sell women's jewelry for fairy tales; S. says she knows one thing; He ends the story twice, afraid to admit that she knocked out the eye of K.'s wife; after telling everything, advises Kamara to pretend to be asleep; K. chopped his wife and slave to pieces, took S. as his wife; S. asks to let her go to the ground; K. builds a palace for her, visits her there; S. cannot get pregnant for a long time, asks God for a daughter at least half a chicken; she gave birth to a little girl; she goes with other girls to steal fruit from the royal garden, every time tells the watchman to roll over and stay upside down while they harvest the fruit; the king fell in love with her when she bathed {meaning, throwing off her chicken skin, but not directly mentioned}; marries; however at night, the wife is a chicken {apparently half a chicken, but again it is not directly said}; according to her, pots and jugs go to fetch water by themselves; the jug's nose has broken off, they are talking; the groom hears, advises the king address her half-chicken wife with similar magic words; she threw off her chicken feathers and became beautiful]: 147-155; Tuaregs (northern Niger) [Teschewa always washes her hair in a bowl; her older brother, when he leaves, he also washes his hair there, promises to marry anyone who washes her hair in the same bowl, even if it is his mother; T. continues to wash his hair in his bowl; when he returns, the brother notices hair in her sisters, marries her; T. runs away, turns into a bird; (apparently taking on his appearance again), combing his younger brother's grazing cattle; M. discovers, notices on a tree, cutting down a tree, they place M. in the donkey's belly; the chief's son notices her coming out of the donkey to swim; he hides her clothes; every night he returns one thing, takes M. with him; she returns, supposedly, for what has been forgotten an ornament, becomes a donkey again; the leader's son marries a donkey, that night goes out as a girl; the leader himself, in the absence of his son, sees T., decides to kill his son; asks to go down to the well, leaves it there; son He finds dates put there by his wife in his hair, a palm tree grows out of the bone, he crawls out of it; lures his father to a decked well, there is a fire at the bottom; the father dies]: Casajus 1982:15-17.
Southern Europe. The Basques [when she dies, the Queen makes her husband promise to marry one who looks like her; this is their daughter; the daughter makes it a condition to make a dress out of fly wings; the king pulls it out; then she sails away on the ship or leaves, is hired as a maid; the king has a ball, the old woman gives the girl a nut in which a dress, etc.; the girl runs away, hires to herd the king's geese wearing sheep's skin; the king arranges a party, to find a bride for her son; the girl wears a beautiful dress, the queen dances with her, she disappears; on the second and third evening she reappears, each time in an even better outfit; the king gives her ring, she promises to come to a certain place, but does not come; the Queen suspects that the beauty is their maid, they do not believe her; the Queen secretly follows the girl, finds her in a forest hut in luxurious outfit; his mother advises him to stay in bed - let the maid bring him broth; she puts on sheepskin, throws the ring in the broth; wedding, the girl's father comes to her]: Webster 1879: 165-166; Portuguese: Braga 2002 []: 184-186; Cardigos 2008, No. 510B [a girl runs away from home having changed her appearance because her father wants to marry her or fleeing her stepmother; she has three dresses with her, given to her by her father; she is helped by her late mother, a grateful animal, a magic object; she becomes a maid in the royal palace; the prince despises her, throws a towel, soap, a basin at her; in his the dresses given by her father, she dances with the prince; says that she came from the land of towels, soap, etc.; the prince gives her a ring or something to identify her later, or finds her shoe, etc.; The prince recognizes her by the ring she leaves in the baked bread; the bird exposes the false bride; or the bird spies on the girl when she changes her appearance; wedding]: 123; Spaniards [father wants to marry her daughter; a neighbor advises her to go to the shepherds to ask her to make her a cork oak bark dress; in this outfit she is hired by the queen as a poultry house; asks the prince to take her to the ball, he replies that she is covered in chicken manure; she has a magic wand, she comes to the ball in a gold dress, the prince dances with her, gives her diamond pendants, she runs away; next time she wears a silver dress, the prince gives a diamond bracelet); after the third time, the prince falls ill; the girl brings pies, the prince finds the diamonds he gave him in them, tells me to call the girl, she opens]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 510B: 414-419; Aragon [when she dies, the wife tells her husband to take the one that suits her wedding ring; the daughter wore it, it suits her; to delay the wedding, she demands from her father a dress woven from the moon threads, stars and a gleam of the sun; wearing over her skin, runs away and is hired to the palace as a cowgirl; appears to the princely ball in the dress that her father gave her; the prince falls ill from love; girl makes him a cake with a ring in it; wedding]: González Sanz 1996, No. 510B: 111; Catalans (incl. Mallorca) [the mother is dead, the father wants to marry his daughter, she demands that he give her magic dresses (from the moon and stars, from the sea and fish, etc.); the father gets dresses, the daughter runs away; wearing donkey skin or rags, is hired to work in the palace; wearing her magic dresses, comes to the king's balls, the prince falls in love with her, gives her a ring and other item; falls ill; she says she will make a medical pie; prince finds his ring in it; recognizes a girl, marries her]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 510B: 111-113; Italians: Basile 2018 (Naples) []: 208-215; Calvino 1980, No. 70 (Tuscany) [king asks three daughters what to bring them; the eldest wants a handkerchief, the middle one wants shoes, the youngest wants a box of salt; the older sisters tell the father that the youngest is bullying him; the father has sent the youngest, and the maid is with her ; when she saw the old woman being buried, the princess paid the gravedigger to remove the skin from the deceased and sell her; the skin was blown out, the princess put it on; wittily replies to the prince she met; he brought her to the palace ; contrary to expectations, the old woman spins like a young woman; when she sews a shirt, the prince spies and sees the imaginary old woman take off her skin; breaks into the room; the princess's father is invited to the wedding, he is served unsalted food; daughter explains everything; father repents, punishes older daughters]: 253-255; Sicilians [when she dies, the wife gives her husband a ring; asks to take care of her daughter and not marry until she is found the one for whom the ring suits; the daughter grows up, finds the ring, puts it on; wraps her finger with a rag, but the father tells me to show it; is going to marry her daughter; the confessor advises asking her father for a dress 1) heavenly colors with the sun, moon and stars; 2) the colors of the sea with fish, etc.; 3) the colors of the earth with animals, flowers; 4) made from the skin of a gray cat; 5) two barrels of pearls and jewelry; the devil gives him what he needs every time ; the daughter puts on a cat-skin dress, takes the rest with her, leaves the pigeons splashing in the vat, runs away; in the forest, the king thinks she is a beast; she replies that her name is Betta Pilusa; lives in a chicken coop; the king invites her to his wedding; in the evening, BP wears her first dress and jewelry, arrives in a carriage; she cannot be caught up, because everyone rushes to pick up the jewelry she has scattered; so three times; the king gives her a gold pin, a watch, a ring; she bakes a pin in a bun; the cook says she baked; the same with the watch, with the ring; the cook confesses that she baked BP; the king makes BP take off her cat skin; wedding ]: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 8:52-58; Corsicans [the king has two daughters and a son; he asks how they love him; the eldest daughter is ready to crucify Christ for him again; the youngest to rush at a hot frying pan; the youngest daughter Maria says she loves her father like a daughter who honors him; he chases her away; she puts on donkey skin, hires to herd goats; the prince sees her taking off her donkey skin, puts on a luxurious dress and sings gently; noticing the prince, M. runs away, losing his shoe; the prince tells everyone to try it on, M. finds and prepares a wedding; she demands that her father-king be invited first; the elders daughter and son overthrew him and imprisoned him; the prince's father started the war, freed Father M.; he is crazy, but recovered a year later; everything is fine]: Ortoli 1883, No. 9:48-56; the Maltese [the heroine lives in prince's house in the guise of a maid; appears to the ball three times in luxurious dresses; a prince in love gives her his ring; she bakes it in pasta; everything is clear, the prince marries her {a lot details and options}]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 510B: 143-148; ladins [the fabric merchant's wife died leaving her daughter; the old maid advised me to marry again; the daughter grew up and advised me but; the merchant married; as soon as he left, the new wife began to push her stepdaughter, fired the old servants; the next time she asked the witch to lime her stepdaughter; she gave the powder from which the girl became pregnant; gave birth to a tiny colorful man; her stepmother wrote to her husband that her stepdaughter had given birth to a devil, who ordered her daughter to be driven away; her son, although very strong, carried with him the necessary property; in the forest he hears the crew approaching - the merchant returns, carrying a piece of blue silk promised to his daughter; the son stopped the horse, took the silk, gave it to his mother; they stopped in the grotto; the son came to the palace, scattered the guards and cooks, took the grilled meat, brought it to his mother; when he came back to the palace, the prince offered to make him a jester; the dwarf said that his mother was uglier than him, no one should see them; the king settled them in an outbuilding; the dwarf was nicknamed Multicolored; enemies attacked, Multicolored took out his sword, sparks fell out of it, enemies ran in horror; the prince sees Multicolored's mother in her true form; the king allows the wedding; Multicolored asks his mother's father and stepmother to be invited; orders his father to be imprisoned forever and his stepmother torn apart with horses; after that he disappeared]: Uffer 1973, No. 22:69-81.
Western Europe. French: Lopyreva 1959, No. 34 [when dying, the wife of the Spanish king tells him to take a girl who will fit her wedding dress; he is a daughter; the old woman advises her to demand from her father star dress; then moonlit; sunny; he brings everything; the old woman tells me to take her mother's outfit and all three dresses with her and run; she hired to herd pigs in the castle; the young senor noticed how she changed clothes in the woods; got ready to marry; asked to spend the night with a peasant woman under the guise of a poor dying beggar; three contenders come to his hand consistently; an imaginary dying woman says she killed their child; they say that something like this happened to them, it's okay; the daughter of the Spanish king comes and tells us who she is; having found out everything, the senor calls the girls to him; whips the dead children, marries the daughter of a Spanish king]: 134-142: Joistem 1991, No. 52 (Dauphine) [(simplified plot); the poor girl has only a hut and a donkey; St. The virgin turns donkey manure into gold, gives three dresses: the colors of the blue sky, the color of the sun and the color of the stars; the donkey dies; the girl wraps herself in his skin; for the holiday, all the girls prepare cakes for the king; prepared by Donkey Skin, the king finds a ring; during mass he tells all the girls to try it on; the latter is OSH, she enters the church in a sunny dress, the ring fits only her, the king is wearing her marries]: 309; the French (Haute-Brittany) [when giving birth to a daughter, the Queen of Castile almost died, so she disliked her; the king loved her and they always quarreled; Cesarina took her jewelry with her and sun-colored, moon-colored and couleur du temp dresses, dressed up as a peasant woman and was hired in another castle to herd geese and turkeys; the prince hears that the new shepherdess's birds sing well; waited for her in a luxurious outfit; she showed him her jewelry and told him everything; but her ring had two names written on her ring - her and her lover, who turned out to be a friend of the prince; and the prince went to Castile alone]: Sé billot 1880, No. 27:174-177; Germans [when she dies, the Queen tells her husband to marry a girl with the same golden hair as hers; only her daughter has; she demands that she bring her three dresses first: golden as the sun, silver as the moon, sparkling like stars; also a mantle made of the skins of all the kingdom's animals; the king did everything; the daughter smeared her face with soot, put on clothes made of skins, took the dresses, putting on they were walnut; also took a gold ring, a spindle and a reel; ran into the forest; royal hunters found her, settled her under the stairs; she comes to the ball; then cooks soup for the king, throwing a ring into it; for the third time, the king sees a silver dress under his fur robe; gets married]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 65:239-242 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:200-204); Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Pomerania): Uther 2004 (1), No. 510B: 295-296; Germans (Swabia) [the Countess felt anxious and went to the lake; there the mermaid {Wasserfrau; she was not with a fish tail} spoke to her; they began to meet, talk; expressed the desire to become the godmother of a girl born to the Countess; came late; gave a basket of three eggs; the mother died, the stepmother gave the girl to the babysitter, who left her to play near the lake; mermaid came out of the water and told her stories (hübsche Geschichten); the count went broke when his castle burned down; the girl came to the lake; the mermaid said that she would still be rich, because each of three eggs will fulfill one of her wishes; the girl changed her dress with a peasant woman and was hired to the castle, doing any job for 7 years; grew up as a beautiful girl; the heir was going to choose a bride, arranged a ball; the girl asked one egg to give her everything she needed to come to the ball; the heir fell in love, they exchanged handkerchiefs; at the next ball they exchanged rings; the third time the girl was afraid to spend the last egg and did not go to the ball; the heir fell ill with love; the doctor recommended soup; the girl asked to cook it, put a ring on a plate; the heir demanded the cook to come to him; she wore a dress with diamonds, his brilliance made the servants faint; the heir asked him to forgive him for the rudeness he said to the girl when he saw her dressed as a maid; the wedding; but when the young wife gave birth to a daughter, mother-in-law threw the girl into the lake; the same for the second time; the son was told that his wife did it; the husband ordered his wife to be burned in her room; on the verge of death, the wife remembered the third egg and turned to her godmother; she came in (put out the fire) said that her daughters were saved; both are beautiful; the husband executed his mother in the way she wanted to destroy her daughter-in-law]: Meier 1852a, No. 48:165-174; the British [gentleman wanted a son; when his daughter was born, he promised never to see her; let him marry the first to ask; asked the old beggar; the poultry house advised me to demand silver first dress; then gold; made from the feathers of every bird there is; each gave a feather by a pea; made of cat skins; she put on a cat dress, took the others and ran away; hiding the dress and hired her to the castle to the cook; she is rude to her; she comes to the ball three times in different dresses; the first time she tried to ask for time off from the cook, she threw a basin of water on her; she replied to the rich gentleman that she lives with Taze Water; then the cook smashed a ladle on her back; I live in the Broken Ladle; for the third time I broke a skimmer {a tool related to making butter} on her back; she lives in Broken Skimmer; young the master saw her change clothes; his mother agreed to marry him to Catskin, and she came to her in a golden dress; a wedding; a cook sees their boy talking to the son of a beggar; says that a beggar clings to the beggar; the wife asks her husband to come to her father; he is alone and repents; he was taken to live in his daughter's castle]: Jacobs 1894:204-210; Irish [husband dies, wife remarried; new husband treated her badly and she died; she was going to marry her stepdaughter; she asks her horse for help; the horse says that her stepfather is a sorcerer, but her witchcraft is stronger; tells her stepfather to ask her stepfather to get it for her first a silk and silver brocade dress that would fit in a walnut; she, a horse, will slow down the work of yarns, weavers and tailors; then a silk and gold brocade dress in chestnut shells; then silk and diamonds the size of a pin head; the princess wore a cat skin dress, smeared her skin with something brown, took three dresses that fit in nuts, rode off on her horse; fell asleep in the woods, and when woke up, the horse was gone; she was surrounded by the prince's dogs, he brought her to the palace, left her as a maid in the kitchen; the prince asked me to bring him a bowl of towel; realized that she was a lady, but she did not confess anything; prince went to the ball; the princess came on her horse in a silver dress; the prince did not recognize her and fell in love; next time the prince asked for hot water and a towel; to the ball in a gold dress; for the third time prince asks for a needle and thread; diamond dress; prince proposes, puts a ring on her finger; recognizes her; wedding {last page is not in pdf}]: Kennedy 1875:81-87 (retelling in Cox 1893, No. 170:66).
Western Asia. Syrian Arabs: Kuhr 1993:224-229 [7 robber brothers, with them their sister Sitt Bada; an old ghoul woman comes; the SB pretends not to understand her nature, but sings to her brothers; those they come and kill an old woman; mallows grew on her grave; the SB ordered not to eat, but 6 brothers ate, became wild boars and ran away; the youngest seventh did not eat; she went with him, he asked for a drink; who would drink in the first spring , will become a boar; the boy drinks their second, becomes a gazelle; SB is hired to herd geese with a bald mask on; from time to time she takes off her mask, so geese begin to lay unusually many eggs; prince sat in wait for the SB, married her; went to Hajj, SB at the 9th month, an envious relative of the prince pushed her into a dry well, took her place; told her returning husband that she had given birth to a son, but he died; SB gave birth to a son in a well, the gazelle brings them food; the imaginary wife asks the gazelle to be slaughtered; the gazelle comes to the well, says that they are sharpening knives to slaughter her, the sister answers; the prince hears this, returns his wife and child] , 378-382 [the king wants to marry his daughter; Kadiah confirms that the tree in the man's yard belongs to him and not to his neighbor; the girl tells the felt manufacturer to make her felt clothes so that she can see only eyes; in the evening she asks her father to let her go out of need; he ties a rope to her, she ties her to the door, puts on her felt and runs away; is hired as a maid to another king, hers they call Felt; the prince sees her bathing, wants to marry; she says her name is So-and-so, from the village of So-and-so; he gives her a ring; once again as a maid, he puts the ring in the dough from which they are made pies; the prince goes to look for this village, eats pies, finds his ring in the latter; the prince returns to the palace, tells Felt to bring him water, cuts her felt clothes with a sword, takes her wife]; Arabs of Iraq [an infertile woman asks Allah for at least a chicken; gives birth to a chicken daughter; King's son Mohammed sees her shedding chicken skin near a pond, turning into a girl, bathing; demands to marry him to a chicken, marries him; she sheds her chicken skin for the night; when M.'s cousin's bride is taken to the bathhouse and all women are with her, M. forces his wife to shed her skin, go with everyone; burns her skin ; M.'s mother is happy; his cousin chases his wife away, buys a chicken, tells her to become a girl; M. tells him to return his real wife; M.'s father-in-law made his assistant]: Yaremenko 1990, No. 28:153-156; Palestinians, Arabs of Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Yemen: El-Shamy 2005, No. 510B: 261-263.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [three Rakshasa brothers took the form of heroes, came to marry the eldest girl; her mother demands to guess her name (the Flower of Paradise); demons ask for a hare, then a fox; the hare forgot ( Paradise Apple?) , fox - too (Paradise Fish?) ; the magpie gave the right name, the demons took the girl away; torment her with work; when they leave, they do not tell her to open one door; she opened, there are human bones; the mother's apron tells her to wear it, sit on a white horse and ride away; hired the palace to carry brushwood and water, looked like an old woman in an apron; the shepherd told the prince about the beauty who was combing her hair by the river; the prince found her, married her; left on business, the wife gave birth to boys, three Rakshasa changed the letter: a creature with a bull's head was born; they changed the answer: the wife pick up the freak and leave; the horse brought her to the desert, ordered him to be killed, his skin spread, the bones on the middle of the skin, hooves on the sides, scatter the mane; the RC woke up in the palace, around the garden; the prince accidentally arrived there, the spouses are happy; the Rakshasa appeared under the guise of merchants, bringing poison; the RC of one I found out by the scar, they were pushed into a hole, covered with a stove]: Komissarov 1997:91-99; Mustang: Kretschmar 1985, No. 4 [the king's son, the minister's son and the son of a beggar are friends; the king's son wants to marry Princess Dimi Bomo; brings gold, she does not look at it; the same is the minister's son (silver); the son of a beggar comes to DM's mother, who gives him alms - toasted grain, he clamps hot grain in her hand, tells her explain the princess's behavior; her mother says that in her previous life the princess was a chicken, she laid eggs in the garden, and the prince filled it with water, drowning her and the rooster; in another life she was a doe, they had the husband of the children, the prince shot them all; the son of a beggar came to the princess, told these stories as if he were the rooster and the male fallow deer who died along with the chicken and the doe; the princess became laugh; he put his nose rings on the ground: this is for white, this is for blue, this is for brown, this is for colorless Yakkuh; the princess laughed again; sons of the king and minister agreed that the son of a beggar should marry the princess, but decided to take revenge; animals and birds steal crops every year from the king's field, and demons take away the guards; the sons of the king and minister ask the son of the beggar to guard him , they promise to send him food; he goes to guard with his wife, but supplies run out, but they do not send new ones; the son of the beggar goes for food, promising his wife to return before dark; the sons of the king and minister gave him a drink ; when he returned at night, DB had already been kidnapped by the demon king; he gave DB keys, told him to guard the chest and keep the fire; she opened all rooms where treasures and supplies were not; she found him above the lintel of the door; there are thin, aged women; they were the wives of a demon, and now they are starving their own knees; advise DB to put the figure in their clothes, take the chest and run; puts his skin on her; DB, in the guise of an old woman, walks past 9 demons, each time says that the chest is guarded by a young woman - standing there; DB disguised as an old woman hires to work for the king; one day the younger prince sees her take off her skin, becomes a young beauty; refuses to marry the princess, the king drives him away and DB; she takes the palace out of the chest, they live in it; a demon comes, but DB dug a hole, he fell there, the prince finished him off; threw DB's old skin into the fire; the prince invites his parents, who see luxury and beauty; DB gave birth to an heir son and a daughter], 15 [King Benda's eldest son Horki Gyevo promises to marry a rich bride, the middle bride to a smart one, the youngest to a beautiful one; Men's father Suka Drönyok promises to pass her off as someone who knows her name; the demon threatens the jackal to eat him if he does not know; the jackal overheard the servant calling the DMD, running to the demon, forgetting the name on the way; so twice; the third time he remembered; the demon called the name, leads the DMD to the golden palace, then to the mother-of-pearl palace, then to a house made of dog crap; the wife agrees to live in such a house every time if it is her and her husband's house; inside, a crap house turns out to be a luxurious palace; when leaving, the demon leaves the DMD the keys to all rooms; from one there is no key; she finds a rusty key hanging above the door; there are corpses of horses and people in the room, an old woman in the corner; she says that a demon locks aged wives in this room; tells her to run, putting on on the terrace, a figure dressed in an DMD dress gives her youthful appearance and chest; DMD in the guise of an old woman meets a demon, he does not recognize her, misses her; she is hired as a king to take care of dogs, then cows, horses; all animals get fat and healthy; when roasting grain, DMD takes off the appearance of an old woman, the younger prince sees it, marries her; princes give the youngest only a goat and a dog; let the kingdom whoever wins the challenges will inherit; 1) make the best yogurt (DMD puts gems in it, her yogurt is better); 2) whose vomiting is more pleasant; older brothers swallow gold and silver keys, but vomiting is common; DMD drinks milk, swallows rubies, her vomiting glows with a rainbow; 3) who will cover the whole kingdom with cloth; the elder covers half, the middle one third, the DMD is all left; the youngest received kingdom; went on business, the DMD gave birth to a son, whose top is golden, the bottom is silver, the forehead is mother-of-pearl; sends a servant with a letter; he stays with the old man, he replaces the letter: the wife gave birth to a broom and Pest; praises the king of the child, but he is surprised that the letter is different, tells him to wait for his return; the old man replaces the letter again: throw the child beyond 9 valleys and 9 passes; DMD meets the child halfway to her husband, meets an old man, this is the demon from whom she ran away, he swallows the child; the MSD puts him to sleep, looking for him in his head; a fish appears from the demon's forehead, the DMD pierces it with a pin, the demon is dead; the horse, who used to be grazed by the DMD, tells him to kill, spread his intestines along the edges of the plain, put the buds on the left and right, his head in the center, four legs in four directions; when I woke up in the palace, at the entrance to Tiger and leopard chains, subjects arose from drops of blood; her king husband came disguised as a beggar, they reunited]: 39-49, 100-104; khasi [the girl was stolen by a tiger; she grew up, he decided to eat her, called her other tigers to a feast; The mouse told the girl to run to U Hynroh, the huge Toad; he puts the skin on her with a toad, makes her a maid; the mouse tells her to run to heaven on a tree that has grown to the sky; the girl stays with Sun women; her son sees her toad skin off, becomes beautiful; The sun secretly burns her skin, marries her son to a girl; U Hynroh is furious, attacks the Sun from time to time, but people make noise and scare him away]: Rafy 1920, No. 1:1-7.
South Asia. Kashmiris [royal wives are childless; the cat has given birth, they agree to give one kitten, tell the king that a daughter has been born, but the father should not see her before the wedding; the king finds the prince as a groom, wives explain everything to him, he brings a cat to him; she understands everything, cries when her mother-in-law talks to her from behind the partition; Parvati, out of pity, turns the cat into a beauty, leaving a speck on his shoulder cat hair so that the groom does not suspect deception; everyone is happy]: Knowles 1888:8-10; himachali plowmen [the leader's wife has a favorite squirrel; she pretends to have given birth to a daughter, tells her husband that he is not 12 years old must see her; because he should not see her before the wedding; the son of another Raja marries her, he is ashamed to admit that he has been deceived, says that no one should see his wife; another daughter-in-law is outraged, that her new wife does not help her around the house; the squirrel does the work (making clay floors, grinding the grain); she is told to cook a complicated dish, she is desperate; Parvati persuades Mahadeva to turn the squirrel into a woman ; Raja's son first looks for the missing squirrel, then everything is explained; everyone is happy]: Dracott 1906:40-45; Marathi [Raja's wife died leaving two daughters; the new one joins them; they went to the forest, came to Rakshasa Palace, ate, cleaned, hid on the roof; Rakshasa and his wife came, went to the well for a drink; the eldest girl pushed them there; the sisters began to live in the palace; the youngest grazed the cattle, at which time arrived prince; the eldest put on rags, smeared her face with soot, but the prince splashed water in her face, saw the beauty, took her away, married her; she did not talk about her sister, but threw beads on the way; the youngest in beads came to the city, put on the skin of a deceased old woman, began to live near the palace; another prince saw her take off her skin to wash herself in the pond; ordered him to marry an old woman, waited for him, took his skin away; the sisters met, everyone good]: Frere 1868, No. 17:213-227; Assames [the king has two wives, the eldest has given birth to a boy, the youngest is a sour fruit ow; threw it in the trash; he rolls back; rolls to the river, comes out of it a girl, a prince sees her, asks her father to marry him; they perform a wedding ceremony; in the prince's room, a girl leaves the fetus while the prince sleeps, eats abandoned food; the old woman advises pretend to be asleep when the girl comes out, throw the fruit into the fire; she will lose consciousness, but will recover if you put a compress of rice, bananas and cottage cheese on her head; the prince did so, happy with wife]: Borooah 1955:13-17; Santals [young man herds buffaloes every day; sees a dog swimming in the river; watches her, she takes off her dog skin, turns into a girl; he finds out whose it is dog, asks to marry her; at night, his wife takes off her dog skin, he throws his skin into the fire, now he has a beautiful wife; another man also decides to marry a dog, she remains a dog, he is shame hanged himself]: Bodding 1942, No. 4:65-69; Bengalis: Bradley-Birt 1920, No. 7 [at the fair, unfamiliar prince and princess bargain over something; the merchant raises the price, the prince leaves the thing princess; says that if he marries her, he will leave on her wedding day; the princess replies that if she marries him, she will make him eat rice broth for six months (i.e. lie sick); both until At the last moment, they do not know that their parents married; without entering marriage, the prince ran away; the princess, wearing a wooden dress (looking like it was wooden), was hired as a maid to the prince's mother with the condition that he will not cook and will live in a separate room; the prince sees a beauty on the roof of the house, but Wooden has time to put on her clothes; the prince falls ill; Shiva reveals to his sister that her brother will recover if Wooden cooks for him for six months and stays in his room; Wooden agrees that no one will watch her cook; after six months, she opens prince; everyone is happy]: 40-44; Devi 1915 [the girl was born; one day parents argue: it seems time, but the groom does not come; the robber overheard it; the robbers came on behalf of the groom, the girl carried him in a palanquin; went for a drink, leaving the boy to guard; the girl asked him to show his tongue and cut it off; disappeared; asked the carpenter to make her measles clothes; came to her real to the groom, hired to herd the cows; the groom hears melodious singing, but does not know who is singing; decides to take the betrothed; her parents, realizing what happened, say that she is dead; the groom decides to take another bride; the maid in corn clothes is told to order a suit; she orders a one-sleeve shirt, one-leg pants, colorful boots; the bride's father cancels the marriage; the groom beats the maid, her cloak falls down; all is well]: 57-62; oriya [poor brahmana grew eggplants, his pregnant wife ate the fruit; brahman: whoever eats the fruit without asking, let him give birth to a frog; a frog daughter asks her mother to go with for her party; by the pond she takes off her frogskin, becomes a girl, bathes; the brahmana's son sees this, makes his parents marry him a frog; when no one is there, the wife becomes human, cleans and cooks; mother chases away the frog; she agrees to return after humiliating requests; one night husband burned frog skin; wife remains woman, all is well]: Mohanti 1975:62-65; kannada [brother fell in love with Hanchi's gold-haired "tile"; her mother made a clay mask for her, told her to leave as soon as possible, and poisoned herself; H. hired a rich man; when everyone left, she took off her mask and became to wash; the young owner came and saw her, married her; the evil guru (Guruswami), a friend of father-in-law H., wants her for himself; gives sweets and fruits - love potions; H. gave them to buffalo, put them in cauldrons and buckets, threw them on the broom; a buffalo in love breaks into the guru's room, cauldrons and a broom rush at him; then he made a mess in H.'s room as if she were receiving lovers there; convinced her husband and his relatives that H. should be put in a box and thrown into the river; left the box with the old woman, saying that it contained rabid dogs; the old woman recognized H.'s voice, pulled it out, put a mad dog in the chest; when the guru opened it the chest, the dog bit it; H. returned to her husband, told everything]: Ramanujan 1997, No. 28:74-79; the Tamils [Raja has three sons and a daughter; she goes to school; the teacher praises her; once forgot her bag at school, returned, asked the teacher to give it to her; he offered to come in; then she says to her parents: if you marry your daughter, both she and her husband will die; put her in a drawer, dressed in a wedding dress, leaving her with her jewelry, comb, mirror, go down into the river; when the box appears, the teacher tells the boys to pull it out of the water and deliver it to him; but the girl prayed: anyone but a teacher! he slipped off the shore into the water and drowned; the girl got out, put her clothes in a pot; the laundress took care of her and sent her to a house where she would be given a job; but there she was only tyranted and not fed at all; the laundress had to intervene; when the girl was herding the cows, she went down to the well to wash and dress up; the shop owner saw this; forced her parents to marry him to a poor maid; she came to the wedding in luxurious outfit; when her husband and she came to her parents, the Raja had a lavish wedding]: Blackburn 2005, No. 40; Sinhalese [the gamarala's wife does not know that the melons are ripe, the husband eats them secretly from her; Finally, she notices a seed in her husband's beard; they go together, the wife gives birth; the couple decided to take the harvest home first, left the newborn alone; a pair of cranes took her away; they gave the girl a friend a parrot, a dog and a cat, she calls them sisters; the cranes went to get pearls for her jewelry; told her not to leave the caves and take care of the animals; without getting enough food, the cat filled the fire with urine; a girl comes to Rakshasi cave, where her daughter is; she is stalling for time, hoping that Rakshasi herself will come: she tells the girl to bring water, chop wood and grind two pots of seeds; she gets fire in a leaky coconut shell; rakshasi comes on an ash trail; says that cranes have come, brought pearls; a cat and a dog are told not to open; the Rakshasi killed them, left their nails on the doorstep; on them, the girl lost consciousness; when her nails were pulled out, she recovered; the cranes put on a beautiful outfit, and on top of her lousy skin, told her to leave, because she was already an adult; the girl was hired as a maid for the king's kitchen; one man saw her bathe, taking off her lousy skin; the king made her take it off for good, married a girl]: Perera 1917:48-49.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Bataki [Raja's wife dreams that she must eat the meat of two chickens; gives birth to a lizard; a lizard daughter tells her father to take her to the forest; when left in a tree, the Lizard turns into a beautiful woman; two sons the spirit of the tree harasses her, she hides from them in the skin of a lizard, but receives their sisters in her hut; she teaches perfume girls how to weave, who teach her magic; she saves people from the pestilence; the son of the girl's father's brother meets her in the woods, she takes him as her husband; they go back to people, parents agree to marry]: Braginsky 1972:84-100.
The Balkans. Bulgarians [when she dies, the wife tells her husband to take the one that fits her ring (hryvnia, shoes); they only fit their daughters; to delay the wedding, the daughter tells her father to bring her dress 1) like heaven, stars and sun; 2) like flowers, animals and birds; 3) like silver and gold; taking dresses and wearing animal skin or wooden clothes over her skin, the girl runs away, is hired as a maid in the palace; appears on at the festival in wonderful dresses, the prince gives her a ring; recognizes her by her ring, marries]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 510B: 184-185; Macedonians [three sisters are orphans, the elders are ugly; envious of younger Dafa, they smeared her face with soot; but men still like her better; the sisters left her in the woods; for the night she climbed the sycamore tree above the spring; the prince's servant came to water the horse, that frightened; the prince himself came, noticed a girl in goatskin on the tree; to lure her out, the prince called the old woman; she brought flour and tried to bake cakes in a ridiculous way; D. went down to show prince married her; everyone went to the wedding; D. took off her goatskin, dressed up in a luxurious dress and came too; the prince's mother shows what beauty he should marry; prince: so this is mine wife, she took off her skin; the prince's mother burned her skin, everything was fine; when she found out that D. married the prince, her sisters pretended to be beggars, came to her; put two needles in her head and two under their arms, turning them into an owl; They did the same to D.'s children, turning them into owls; when they heard their tender voices, the Queen Mother ordered the owls to be caught; took the needles out of the owls' bodies, they became three children again; but the mother owl flew away; since then it has been heard her grave voice]: Douma 1893:414-417; Gagauz people [the widower wants to marry his daughter; the woman advises the girl to ask her father for a silver dress; then a gold one; a wooden one; a woman tells her to offer wash in separate rooms, leaving a living carp in the basin instead of himself, and running away, taking her dresses; in the evening, the father decided that his daughter had turned into a fish; the prince goes to his master's wedding; a girl in the wooden dress is herded by geese; the prince hit her with a whip; she came to the wedding in a silver dress, said that she was from Knutova Village; the prince wanted to marry, but no one knew Knutova Village; in the next time the prince slapped the goose in the face; at the ball she replied that she had received a ring from the prince from Slap Village; the prince was going to look for him, everyone should bake him on bread; the goose bake in her bread his ring; everything is explained, wedding]: Moshkov 1904, No. 55:98-100; Greeks [when dying, the wife tells her husband to take only the one that fits her shoes, ring or something else; only daughters fit; only daughters fit; the father proves that the gardener has the right to eat fruit from a tree in his garden, and the owner of a calf has the right to slaughter and eat it; on the advice of Destiny, a dead mother, or someone else, the daughter requires her father to bring it to her dress 1) like the sky and stars; 2) like the sea and fish; 3) like a field and flowers; a candlestick; a wooden dress; a closet; a house on legs; he brings everything (with the help of a line); untying the rope for which her father tied her, or, under the pretext of going out of need, a girl runs away with her dresses; climbs into an animal's skin or a tree; is hired to the palace as a maid; everyone laughs at her; she appears in church three times wearing one of her magical dresses; the prince gives her a ring; asks where she comes from; From a wooden mountain (and other answers that are understandable, knowing the insults she was being insulted); the prince's mother guesses what case, burns sheepskin (under which the girl hides); or the prince himself burns her; var.: Prince finds a girl in the woods; or buys a piece of wood that can walk; at night the girl goes out and eats food in the prince's room; he grabs it; they have children; other options; a father comes incognito, kills children with a knife in his daughter's hand; a prince kills his wife or cuts off her hands and drives her away; magical the way a woman and her children are revived, her hands grow back; other options; a woman tells her story in the presence of her father and husband; father punished]: Megas 2012, No. 510B: 176-179:62; Romanians [popadja died, the pop dreams three times that he must marry someone who is exactly like his first wife; this is a daughter; she demands three dresses that fit in walnut: copper, silver, gold; she runs away a woodcutter makes her a wooden dress so that the animals do not eat; she enters the island, brings a monkey from there, kills her father; then hires to herd the king's pigs; puts on dresses given by her father, prince falls in love; his mother advises her to step on her slipper that she has lost it; the prince finds a girl trying on a slipper% wedding]: Bîrlea 1966:429; Romanians [father wants to marry his daughter; the nanny helps her; she demands magic dresses from her father; the father ties a rope to her daughter so that she does not run away, the daughter bandages her to the goat, runs away with a strange outfit; the prince hunts and finds her in in the forest; takes it for some beast, settles her in a pigsty; she comes to the ball three times in magical dresses; the third time the prince puts a ring on her finger; burns with love; she throws a ring for him in food; wedding]: Cox 1893, No. 195:75; (cf. Aromanians (Macedonia; {the text is the same as that referred to as Macedonians; it is more reliable to consider it Macedonian until a Romanian version is found}) [two older sisters envy the beauty of the younger one; they took her into the forest and threw her; she came out of the forest, pulled on a goatskin, climbed onto the plane tree above the spring; the prince brought her horse to water, the horse is frightened when he sees the reflection in the water; the girl refuses get down; then the old woman began to cook noodles, doing everything against common sense; the girl got down to show her how to do it, the prince took her away, married her; the Queen Mother agreed to marry only when the daughter-in-law took off and burned her skin; the older sisters came to the wedding, stabbed a pin into their sister's hand and head, who flew away an owl; they also stabbed their sister's three sons, they also became owls; their prince I caught it, took out my pins, my sons became human again; but I didn't catch my owl wife, she still flies and calls children]: Dähnhardt 1910:382); Hungarians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 510B: 295-296.
Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Ryazan, etc.), Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Podolia, Poltava, etc.), Belarusians [Pig cover: father wants to marry daughter; she demands that he give her three dresses with stars, the moon and the sun; puts on a pork cover and runs away from home; goes to the palace as a maid; appears three times at the feast in wonderful dresses; the prince wears her falls in love, she is recognized by her shoe]: SUS 1979, No. 510B: 145-146; Russians (Teresky Bereg) [when dying, the wife tells her to marry the one who suits her ring; she came up to her daughter; she asks for a sunny one dress; then a month old; starry; wedding shoes and earrings; put on all her dresses, and pigskin on top, in another kingdom she hired to herd chickens; the prince tells him to give him soap, the girl jumped out of the chicken coop, squeezed; the prince hit her with soap - it's not your business to serve soap; she came to church in a star dress; replies to the prince that she is from a city where they hit the head with soap; next time she came to church the same (she filed a comb where they beat with a comb, a moon dress); a bucket (where they hit with buckets, a sunny dress); the prince came to the chicken shepherdess, cut the pork cover, got married]: Balashov 1970, No. 4:44-46; Russians ( Arkhangelskaya, Pomors) [when dying, the wife tells you to marry the one her shoe fits; the backyard grandmother advises you to ask your father for a silver; gold dress; feather dress and that all feathers are from different birds; the father took it out; the grandmother turned the girl into a chicken, she hid her dresses under her wings; the father opened the cage, the chicken ran away; Ivan Tsarevich wants to shoot her in the forest, but she caresses him; he took her to his bedroom; she swallowed his soap; when he went to the feast, she came there in a silver dress; then in gold, I. put his ring on her finger; in a feather dress; I. rushed home, burned the Kurushkins covers"; wedding]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:194-197; Russians (Karelian Pomorie, The Sniffer) [when dying, the wife tells her husband to take the one who fits her shoe; the daughter came up; the backyard grandmother advises ask for a silver dress (father got it); gold (too); feather, with each bird a feather; also brought it; the girl asks her grandmother to wrap it, she wrapped it in a kurushka; the hunter picked it up, brought it to him bedroom; going to a wedding, took fragrant soap, the chicken swallowed it; guy: there is no one to beat you, says goodbye for the first time; at a feast he sees a beauty in a silver dress, would like to marry; the same in gold dress (swallowed goltyashechka from the collar); swallowed a gold ring for the third time; came in a feather dress, wearing a gotie and a ring on her finger; the guy guessed it, ran, burned the chicken skins; wedding]: Razumova, Senkina 1974, No. 70:326-329; Russians (Ryazan) [the queen has a son and daughter; the queen died, left her son a ring: whoever fits, marry him; the prince walked around the world - no one fits; put it on the window; the sister put it on - it's just right for her; the brother wants to marry her; the sister ran away; sat in the hollow of an oak tree; the master's sons went hunting, the dogs began to bark; the brothers pulled the girl off the oak tree, led to parents; the girl left the box in the hollow; says that her name is Mashka-soplivka (M.); the master is going to gather; M. wants to go with him, he refuses, hits her boot; M. asks for mushrooms - they let her go; went to the forest, took a carriage from the box of horses, bought mushrooms for the lady; came to the ball; she does not bow to anyone, only with the master; he asks the last name; M.: Boot; comes back, put everything in the box, brought the lady mushrooms; the next day, the master goes back to the ball, wipes himself off with a towel; M. asks her to take it, the master hits with a towel; (same: last name - Towel); on the third day, the master cleans before with a mirror; M. hits with a mirror, the mirror is broken; the surname is the Mirror; the master's children come up asking if the surname Zerkalo is true; M.: the one that your dad broke; the master's children took M. with them; drove into the forest ; took the box; the master's son married M.]: Khudyakov 1964, No. 15:84-85; Russians (Gorkovskaya) [the father wants to pass his daughter off as an unloved one; she pulled on pigskin, began to live with an old woman; next to her young hemming, kicking a pig with a boot; on holidays, the girl takes off her skin, comes beautiful; the guy asks where she comes from; from the village, where they pour her bootleg; the guy began to watch; the old woman has pies burned, she agreed to bake the pig; she put a ring in the cake; the guy understood everything, pulled out the mumps, took off the skin, turned out to be beautiful]: Borovik, Mirer 1939, No. 88:200-201; Ukrainians ( Poltavskaya, s. M. Borispol, Pereyaslavsky, c. 1878) [The beauty's daughter is surprisingly similar to her mother, when she dies, the father decides to marry his daughter: he tries on his wife's sash and shoe to women around the world, they fit just her. A girl comes to her mother's grave, cries, and she advises her father to ask her father for a dress like dawn, like a month and like the sun and "lousy" skin (made of lice skins). The mother advises the girl to put it on, make 9 dolls, say hello and say goodbye to them 9 times to get through the ground and get to the next world. In the next world, she falls asleep on the road, a coachman is driven to her and given a job in the house. On Sunday, she is released to church, dresses like dawn, mistaken for a princess. Her owner tells the girl in the casing about the beautiful princess in the church, she asks if it's not her, and she refuses. After a week, everything happens again. On the third week, the monks fill the floor with tin and the girl runs away, leaving her shoes behind. The owner tells the girl about the incident in the church - the king ordered to pour the tin, because she wants to marry, she asks if she was there. The king travels around all the yards with a shoe; no one can fit in the girl's owner's house. The girl is woken up and removed from the stove, the shoe turns out to be just the wedding. A proverb. (I'm bula there.. and damn it)]: Chubinsky 1878, No. 18:73-76; Czechs: Cox 1893, No. 202 [(Bozhena Nemtsova); the queen with a gold star in her forehead died at the birth of her daughter Lada; the king promised to marry the what will be like his wife; after a long search, sees a daughter with the same star on her forehead, wants to marry her; she demands a dress 1) made of wren feathers, 2) like the sun, 3) like the starry sky; the king is all took it out; in a dream, the mother gives L. a veil from the fog, under which she is invisible; L. orders to get a dress from mouse skins; runs away, wearing it and taking precious dresses with her; hides her dress and veil under a stone rivers, tells the fish not to give it away; after getting his face dirty and wearing a mouse dress, L. is hired to the palace in the kitchen; the king has a son Hostevit (G.); L. comes to the ball three times in his precious dresses, G. fell in love with her, they exchanged rings; G. fell ill from love; L. threw the ring into his food; he spies on her bathing with her mouse dress off; L. gives the cook who served a purse with gold; wedding; King Father L. repented, everything is fine], 125 []: 418-420, 420-422; Poles [princess runs away from her evil father, puts on dirty sheepskin, hires in the kitchen of another queen; in Sunday that tells Sheepskin (OSH) to separate ash and poppy seeds; pigeons perform; on the way to church, she picks up a whip dropped by the prince, but he does not thank it, but beats it; she pulls it out of the oak tree outfits, wagon, servants; in church he tells the prince that he lives in the Picked Up Whip; next time he gives a dropped ring; "In the Golden Ring"; for the third time, the prince smeared the threshold with resin, OSH lost her shoe; doves to the prince: the shoe belongs to the one who picked up the whip and ring; OSH appeared in a luxurious dress; wedding]: Cox 1893, No. 126:427; Luzhitans, Slovaks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 510B: 295-296.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians; Abkhazians (zap. K. Shakryl in 1934, p. Lykhny) [the prince's son saw an arapka in the forest, she was placed in a stable; he saw how the arapka took off her black skin by the river, turned out to be beautiful, strung rings on a branch, bathed, put on the skin again; he took away one ring; married an arapka, the prince left them to live in the stable, the arapka took off his skin for the night, light emanated from it; the prince saw and ordered to move his son and daughter-in-law to the palace, but the son refused; threw skin into the fire; the former arapka replied that she was the daughter of Kudapsha {Shakryl: from the Kudapkh-Psha family, "daughter of red beans"; Bgazhba: daughter of God Ayerg); people began to laugh; she agreed that her husband took another wife, gave gold for her palace; the maids of the new wife see K. bathing in boiling milk; the new wife says she can do it too, tells me to put the cauldron, cooked; the husband married again; this time the maids see how K. sits on a gold nail hammered into the wall and spins it with a golden spindle; the new wife wants the same, jumped on a nail, he pierced her, she died; the husband leaves to find out what kind of K. really is; the old woman tells him to pretend that he went hunting and died, let them bring him bloody; then a golden chariot will descend from heaven on a gold chain for his wife; we must jump up and cut the chain with a sword ; wife: let the one to whom the small stars were maids and the big stars were servants, to whom the sun was the father and the moon his mother, take pity on me; the chariot descended, the prince's son cut off the chain; feast]: Khashba, Kukba 1935: 125-131 (=Shakryl 1975, No. 44:233-239, =Bgazhba 2002:133-137); Lucky [stepmother tells her husband to kick out his stepdaughter; he puts a bear skin on his daughter, sells an imaginary bear cub to the prince; a bear girl serves, secretly sews luxurious dresses for himself, appears in them at feasts; the prince gives the beauty a ring; goes to look for her; the bear girl bakes the ring in bread; the prince finds a ring in it, She understands everything, returns to the palace, tells her to shed her bear skin, marry a girl]: Kapiyeva 1974:61-64; Armenians [when running away from home, a girl wears hedgehog, sheep or donkey skin]: Gullakian 1983:379; Azerbaijanis [the Jewish merchant has Gulperi's daughter; he promises to marry whoever wears his late wife's dress; doesn't buy his daughter dresses; when she wears her deceased mother's dress , her father calls her wife; on her wedding day, G. ran away in men's clothes; put on an ugly mask, the queen took G. into service; when everyone goes to the wedding, G. changes her clothes, is an unrecognized beauty there; Tsarevich Ahmed is going to go in search of the beauty, but finds in pilaf her ring and a piece of fur coat worn by an imaginary maid; A. takes G. as his wife, a son Mamed is born; Father G. came under the guise of dervish, gouged out the baby's eyes at night, put a knife at G.; the king ordered G. to gouge out his eyes, send her and the child to the desert; two doves throw a pen, it restores the sight of the mother and child; A. found them; executed many dervishes]: Bogoyavlensky 1899, No. 5:50-56; Turks (many records) [when she dies, the wife tells her husband to marry whoever her ring fits; he fits only her daughter; the daughter runs wearing animal skin (so her name is "Hairy" or something like that); (var.: she wears bear skin or sheep skin, and underneath it 4 wedding dresses; runs away from the palace as a sheep); is hired a maid to another prince; unrecognized appears several times at the party in a luxurious outfit, the prince falls in love and gives her a ring; the girl is gone for a long time, the prince falls ill from love; asks that everything they brought him soup; in the soup, the girl finds the ring she threw; marries her; there is an option to continue: the prince's former fiancée dazzles and expels the girl; the dervish restores her sight]: Eberhard , Boratav 1953, No. 189:218-220.
Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Osmanov 1987 [when leaving, the merchant left his daughter in the care of the teacher; he called her to his place in the evening, tied her leg, holding a rope in his hands; she said she was going to wash, tied a rope to with the handle of the jug and ran away, bought a dog from the shepherd, put on dog skin, became a dog; began to live with an old woman; the padishah's son saw her skinning and washing; bought a dog, forced her parents to marry him on her, told the dog to become a girl; everyone is happy; the padishah's other son also ordered him to marry a dog; the dog did not become a girl, but bit him]: 374-376; Rosenfeld 1956 [Shah, leaving, says to his son: if your mother gives birth to a daughter, kill a child; son feels sorry for his sister, he brings pigeon blood to his father; a girl grows up without seeing people; a nurse brings her boneless meat; once there is a bone in him, the girl throws her at a wall, a hole forms, she sees the world; gets out of the room into the garden; the shah sees her, wants to marry; the son says that this is his daughter; the shah orders to execute both, but the vizier persuaded them to expel them; there is a stone at the fork , the inscription tells the travelers to disperse, take tree leaves to treat any disease, the staffs to overcome water obstacles; the sister puts on lamb skin, looks like a lamb; the man takes him away; a lamb helps to cure the Shah's daughter; tells the owner to let him go in another city; Shah's son has disappeared there; a lamb watches a black maid, who keeps the young man in the crypt, beats him; the prince was released, the maid tied by braids to the tail of a mule; the lamb wants to go to the bathhouse with the Shah's wife, who hits him on the head with a comb; the girl comes to the bathhouse in her real form; the Shah's wife wants her to marry her son; she is responsible who lives in the Greben quarter, hitting him on the head; next time a lamb follows the Shah's wife for engagement to a rich house, she stabs him with a pin; the same, the Pin quarter, stabbing his head; before the holiday in another house, the prince spies, sees how the girl takes off her lamb skin, bathes; throws a ring into her clothes; demands that a tray of food be placed on her lamb's head, they sent him to his room; everything opens; the girl asks to hang her portrait at the city gate; her brother sees him, cries, he is brought to his sister; he marries the prince's sister, the prince to the girl hiding under the skin of a ram]: 73-83; 1958 [the spouses are childless; the husband finds a girl thrown on the porch; she grows up beautiful; when she dies, the wife tells her husband to remarry the one she suits her ring; it only suited the adopted daughter; she asks to postpone the wedding for 40 days; tells her to make an underground passage, collects clothes and jewelry there, tells the felter to make her felt clothes with holes only for the eyes and mouth; puts a wineskin with molasses on her bed, pulling her wedding dress over it, leaves herself through the underground passage; the groom is outraged that the bride is silent and does not meet him halfway; stabs her stomach; repents of what she has done; realizing that it is a wineskin, leaves town out of shame; the girl, wearing felt clothes, hides in a tree at the spring; the prince sees her and refers to her mother work in the kitchen; she appears incognito three times for the holiday, striking the prince and his mother with beauty; the prince threw her diamond ring; she begged her to be allowed to make a cake for the prince, put it in he has a ring; while hunting, the prince broke a cake, found a ring, understood everything, married a girl]: 77-86; Bakhtiyars [a woman tattoos the girls; when Fatima comes, she tells her to kill her mother - then she will; we must ask the mother to climb the pomegranate tree to pick the fruit, and then say that her younger brother is dead; the mother will fall, break to death; F. did so; the woman tells me to sprinkle with salt clothes, come to her father and say that she is not well-groomed - let her marry a tattoo artist; after that F. asks his stepmother to get her a tattoo, but she refuses; in a dream, F.'s mother tells me to go to her uncle and ask yellow calf; if you hit him in the ear, any food will appear; stepmother gives birth to daughters Four-eyed and Four Stumps, feeds him well, and gives Fatima bran; wonders why F. is fatter than her daughters; sends To spy on the four-eyed; she eats with F., does not reveal secrets; the stepmother sent the Four Stumps; she brings the mother the food she received from the calf, tells everything; the stepmother pretended to be sick, puts it on back and chest dry cakes, as if she has a fever; bribes the mullah, who advises to treat her with calf meat; F. to father: stepmother pretends; father beats F.; tries to cut the calf; F.: "Let the knife blade be like back side!" ; father beats F. again, she has to break the spell; F. cauldrons: "Do not cook"; meat is not cooked; father beats her again; F.; collects calf bones, brings her to the mother's grave; mother appears in a dream: let the daughter he will throw cotton wool on the road and follow him, come to the diva Alla Xingi, put his head on his knees and begin to comb his hair; he will answer the diva that his comb, wineskin tie and everything else are better than her mother has F.; AZ falls asleep; F. drops tears; AZ wakes up, calls her daughter, puts the moon on her chin and the sun on her forehead, gives slippers covered with jewelry; on the way back, F. loses alone, the prince finds her, tells her to find the mistress, marries F.; F. gives birth to a son; the sisters follow F.'s path, but praise things not the diva, but the mother; the diva rewards the sisters with donkey ears and a bull's tail, hanging from her chin; sisters bathe with F.; Four Stumps tie it by the braids to the willow, the tiger eats it; a drop of blood grows a reed, the shepherd makes a pipe out of it; Four Stocks puts on F. ; the prince is surprised that his wife's face no longer glows; at night, a gnashing is heard: it is the wife who gnaws off her ears and tail; the baby F. feeds cow's milk, who cries; the prince tells his mother that his wife has changed; while hunting, the prince hears the shepherd playing the pipe and she talks about F.; takes the pipe, plays himself, lets his son play; The Four Stumps throw the flute into the grain jar; the prince and his the son takes out bouquets of flowers from the huma; Four Stumps put her hand in, pricked her with a needle; one night F. came out of the huma, the prince sees the light, F. hides; says that he cannot go out naked; the prince follows clothes; Four Stumps tries to escape, F. tells him to lock the door; breastfeeds his son; talks about everything to her husband; the sisters were tied by their braids to mules and they went to hell]: Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 39:256- 268; Tajiks [padishah promises to execute his wife if she does not give birth to a son; the wife rides in a boat, almost drowned in a whirlpool; tells her husband to fill this place and build a palace on the hill; the padishah agrees, and If the wife does not give birth to a son, there will be a tomb for her and her daughter on that hill; a baker's daughter-in-law, who works in construction, gives birth to a boy and dies, the old woman has changed children; the boy Dilshod is raised as a prince, Nigina's girl grows up in a baker's house; D.'s real father is a kimyogar (i.e. an alchemist), makes a gilded cow out of tin, buys it, she stands in D.'s room; at night someone eats part of the food; D. cuts his finger so as not to fall asleep, finds N., who was hidden in a cow; the father wants to marry D. to Begim, his sister's daughter; takes D. with him to hunt, at which time the golden cow was burned, believing that her evil spirits; a tin bar remains, one old woman picked it up; someone cleans it up and cooks in her absence; she spies, faints, N. brings her to life (N. flew out of the cow invisible and came to the one who picked up the bar); D. withers in her room, the padishah promises to give gold to the one who makes her son eat; N. sends the old woman with dumplings, puts it in one of his rings; D. and N. they meet in an old woman's house; kimyogar came, told everything, took N. and D. out of the palace invisible, went with them to another country]: Ulug-zade 1967:180-200; Uzbeks [dying, the wife asks the king to marry someone her shoes would fit; they went to his daughter; she asked to postpone the wedding, dug a cave in the steppe, packed food and clothes there; she was not found; she dug an underground passage, went out, put on everything expensive dresses, and a fur coat on top; the prince saw something shaggy answering "Boom Boom"; brought her to the palace; she came to a wedding in a luxurious outfit, the prince fell in love with her, dropped his ring, she had it picked it up and hid it; the prince went in search of the beauty; the girl baked the cake in which she put that ring, put the cake along with the others that the prince's mother gave him on the road; seeing her ring, prince cut his fur coat and found a beauty; wedding]: Konovalov, Stepanov 1986:272-275.
Baltoscandia. Swedes: Cox 1893, No. 117 (southern Smaland) [stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter, she herds cattle; a white bear helps; she calls him with a golden whistle; he is trapped; a girl goes to a bear through a silver, gold, diamond forest; contrary to being asked not to do this, he tears off a leaf every time, then wild animals chase them; the bear asks him to kill him, throw his body into the spring; a girl puts on a bear skin, is hired to the castle as a dishwasher; when she whistles at the golden whistle, the gnomes cook dinner, bring magic dresses; she goes to church; loses her shoe; she is commanded to everyone try on; wedding], 114 (Gotland) [because stepdaughter is more beautiful than her own daughter, stepmother makes her hide behind a crow feather cape called Kråk-Pels; she shares food with an old man who took her to the forest, plays the pipe, dresses appear like stars, like the moon and like the sun; in them she comes to church three times unrecognized; {loses her golden shoe}; the prince tells girls to try it on; when comes to a girl's house, she hides in the stove; a bird in a tree screams about it; the prince marries her, she forgives her stepmother for what she has done]: 47, 404; Stier 1971, No. 33 [a man wants to marry a daughter, she sets conditions: bring a crow a skin with twisted beaks; a pig asks to watch her pig, brings the skin to the girl's father; the same: a dress like stars; like the sun; like the moon; gold stockings and shoes; a flying carriage; a girl picks up her father's gifts, flies in a carriage, is hired as a maid to the royal castle, wearing her prickly skin; the prince goes to church, asks for a comb, Stoppelpelz he brings it, he throws it on the floor - it's better not to comb her hair at all than to take the comb from her hands; in church he sees a beauty in a star dress; the same: a girl brings water; a towel; appears in the moon, in a sunny dress; the prince tells me to smear the stone with resin, the gold shoe is stuck, everyone is trying it on; one old woman cut off her daughter's heel and toe to make the shoe fit, but the bird sings about it; same with another old woman and her daughter; prince finds a beautiful woman, gets married]: 133-138; Latvians [The king wants to marry his daughter (brother wants to marry his sister). The daughter goes to her mother's grave for advice. She advises her to demand rich outfits from the king, a fur coat (made from the skin of a mouse, dog, wolf, bear), and a self-propelled cart (boat). The daughter puts on her fur coat, puts her outfits in a nutshell and runs away. He is hired as a servant to another king. He appears at the ball three times in luxurious dresses. For the third time, the shoe sticks to the porch step, the king finds a girl and marries her]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 510B: 295; the Finns (Osterbothnia) [the father wants to marry his daughter; she makes a condition so that he can get her gold, silver dresses, clothes made of crow's beaks; her mother helps her out of the grave; is hired in the palace as a pigsty; the king's son throws water, a towel, shoes at her; she comes to church; objects (token objects) mentioned; runs away three times; the shoe sticks to the resin; everything is ordered to try on; wedding]: Cox 1893, No. 197:76; Karelians (Varpakylä) [person wants to marry daughters; she asks for permission to go to her mother's grave; the mother advises to ask to melt the bathhouse to wash before the wedding, and when she goes to the bathhouse, run; when she goes to church, take dresses, a brush, a comb , mirror, sword; father chases, daughter throws brush (wall; father runs after the sword, cuts a hole, the bird screams that the daughter will see where the sword is hidden, the father runs home again to carry the sword), comb (wall of bones (same); mirror (glass wall; same); when she reaches the royal pigsty, the girl puts on a pig skin, hides in the prince's pigsty; in the morning she secretly puts the farm in order; the prince goes to church, asks her sister for soap, a pig brings it, the prince throws soap at the pig; in the church, the beauty replies that she is from the palace where they throw soap; next time, a basin of water; a shirt; for the first time the girl loses her hat; then the prince orders to smear the door with resin, the second time the glove sticks; the third time the shoe; the prince tells everyone to try on, promises to marry; sees a pig in a hat, with a glove and with a shoe; on the way to church, the heroine takes off her pigskin; wedding]: Cox 1893, No. 199:392-394; Danes: Cox 1893, No. 303 [when leaving for war, a noble man left his daughter and dog inside the hill; if he will not return, go out in 7 years; the girl and the dog eat mice, she made a dress out of mouse skins, covering her dress with gold; finally they dug out; at the estate she is told that the owner died in the war, but nothing is known about his daughter; in another estate she is hired as a maid; the young owner marries, but the bride does not want to, she has a lover; they exchanged dresses; after the wedding ceremony changed again, but the girl still has the wedding ring; on the way from church, the girl sighs and cries when she drives past that hill, in church with portraits of her ancestors; at the ball It turns out that the girl has the ring in a mouse dress; she throws it off; everything is fine]: 409-410; Holbek 1987 [widowed, the king wants to marry the one who looks the most like his deceased wife; this is a daughter; mother from the grave advises her daughter to ask her father for a dress like the sun, a dress like the moon, and feathers to fly; he gets everything and while she sleeps, the daughter takes the dresses and flies away; hires the castle as a maid; her the name is Pulleru ("rastrepa"); the prince tells him to bring him shoes, hits her with a shoe; wearing a dress like the moon, she comes to the ball and replies to the prince that she has come from a country where the maids are beaten with a shoe; the next times: where they beat her with a towel; the prince gives her his ring; the prince guesses what is going on, falls ill; when the Queen Mother cooks broth for him, P. throws a ring into it; he tells him to come to him, tears it off with P. rags - gold dress underneath; wedding]: 562-553; Norwegians, Lithuanians, Veps, Counselors, Livs: Uther 2004 (1), No. 510B: 295-296.
Volga - Perm. Mordva: Uther 2004 (1), No. 510B: 295-296.
Japan. Japanese [39 versions from Tohoku to Kyushu; a stalked girl comes to see an old woman in the woods (she is a grateful frog); she gives her magic Ubakawa skin, which she wears turns into ugly old woman; is hired to work in a rich house; the young owner accidentally sees her in her true guise; falls ill from love; he feels better when a girl in her true guise comes to bed; she carries out difficult tasks that are offered to the bride: to break a tree branch without disturbing the bird sitting on it; to walk in straw sandals on unspun silk without disturbing it; others daughters-in-law are unable to complete similar tasks]: Ikeda 1971, No. 510B: 139-140.