Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K33E. Children Selected and Returned (Griselda),

ATU 887. .12.14.-.17.27.-.29. (.30.) .31. (.32.)

Newborn babies disappear (die) one after another, but are returned to their wife or husband when they are grown up and in good health.

Mungaka, Kabila, Tunisia, Egyptian Arabs, Italians (Tuscany), Sicilians, Corsicans, Spaniards, Portuguese, Ladins, Irish, Scots, Welsh [one boy], English, French, Dutch, Friesians, Germans (Grimms, Swabia, Austria), Palestinians, Saudi Arabia, North Yemen, Bulgarians, Greeks, Croats, (Hungarians), Czechs, Ukrainians, Russians (Archangalese), Belarusians, Abkhazians, Azerbaijanis, Turks, ( Tajiks of Sistan), Norwegians, Lutsies, Setus, Finns, (Veps), Latvians, Lithuanians, Karelians, Eastern Sami, Swedes, Danes, Icelanders, Faroese, Norwegians, (Kazan Tatars).

West Africa. Mungaka [the girl rejects the grooms; the father dried the termite and promised to give his daughter for someone who guessed it was; a man came, said it was a termite, got the girl and took her away, telling him not to take it with him no flint, no knife; on the way, the husband turned into a leopard, but his wife was not afraid; he left her in the house and promised that the man would bring her food and water; she gave birth without seeing the child, he was taken away the same at night; then the second; the wife asked permission to visit her parents; the leopard allowed, but recalled the ban on flint and knife; the mother gave a knife and flint; you must stick the knife in the bed with the point up; the person who comes up will come, hurt himself, scream; by screaming you will know whether it is a beast or a person; the wife screamed that her husband is human; he forgave her; then she lit a fire - there is a handsome man next to her; he cried out and disappeared; the wife went to look, came to the house where her leopard and her new wife; the old one was hired by her mother-in-law to work, she pushed her around, the leopard did not stand up; but when he found out that her mother wanted to kill her, he killed his mother and new wife, took the old one; immediately their grown-up children appeared, who were taken away from the woman after birth]: Meyer 1942, No. 4:149-154.

North Africa. Kabila: Taos-Amrush 1974 [The moon tells the woman that they are both beautiful, but her daughter will be more beautiful; when the girl is 8 years old, her mother takes her to the mountains, tells her to wind the thread, the ball rolls, the girl runs after him, goes to a snake that used to be human; he raises a girl, a prince marries her; she returns for a forgotten comb, sees a snake drinking blood from a wineskin; an offended snake successively kidnaps the seven sons she gives birth to; she comes to apologize, the serpent has already become human, returns her sons]: 76-82; Dermenghem 1945 [the father cannot find a worthy teacher for Aisha; finally, the perfect teacher appears; tells A. to come early; she sees a ghoul eating a donkey; running away, she loses something; returns when the ghoul becomes a teacher again; he realizes that A. is his I saw; the next morning she takes her overseas; two young men help her escape, swim with her to the other side, leave her; the ghoul finds her again; so several times; finally, she stays with the old woman; there her the prince sees, marries; she gives birth to 7 children; each time the ghoul secretly takes the child, cutting off his finger and putting it in A.'s mouth; the prince takes another wife, A. is fed with scraps, she lives with cattle; she asks the prince bring her a stone of patience from the Hajj; the prince brings; spies, hears A. telling the stone his story; as the story progresses, the stone melts and disappears; the prince hugs A.; in the morning, the ghoul returns all seven children safe and sound]: 21-29; Kabila [father leaves, leaving seven daughters with supplies for a year and telling no one to unlock; Ceriel takes the form of an old woman, knocking under the guise of their father's mother; the dog barks, C. runs away (C. is afraid of dogs); in the end, the 6 older sisters believed, unlocked the door despite the warning of Lila, the youngest; the dog woke up and began to bark and say to C.: You won't be able to eat Leela; C. asks to kill the dog, the sisters do so, but the blood barks and C. leaves again; the next day the leash barks; then the peg to which the leash was tied; the peg was pulled out, C. came in, L. hid behind the seventh door and ran away; C. asks her first sister where to start eating her; "From a head that did not listen to Lila's warning"; L. runs and turns to the stars - where are mine sisters? the stars say that now C. ate the first one; then the second; etc.; tell me to hide - C. is close; L. enters the cave; there is a serpent, he promises to protect it; L. agrees to be his daughter; L. goes out in the morning. comb her hair, she has it all the way to her toes; the shepherd sees this, tells the king; the prince spies, asks the father to marry him to his daughter a snake; the serpent asks for 50 wineskins of honey and 50 butter, as well as 100 sheep and lambs ; the king agrees; when sending L. to her husband, the serpent does not tell him to come to him anymore; but L. forgot something and returned; sees the snake drinking butter and honey; the snake says it will cost her dearly; L. gave birth gold-haired boy; went to the marab; at this time the serpent carried the baby and left the severed finger in the cradle; everyone believes that L. ate her child; so three times; the snake raised the boys, led them to the king; they ask what kind of woman she is in dirty rags; king: she ate her children; the serpent exposed the boys' heads, revealing their golden hair; everyone is missing one finger; everyone is happy]: Desparmet 1910: 229-234; Tunisia [[The poor man has a daughter, Sabir, who is very patient and obedient. The poor man began to praise his friends for how patient she was. When these conversations reached the prince, he decided to test it. He married Sabira, hiding that he was a prince. After the wedding, he brought her to a small house with only one room, and left it a month later, telling her to stay in this house. A year later he returned, saw that his wife had given birth to a son and named him Muhammad. She asked her husband to bring some clay, he brought it and left it again for 3 years. Three years later he came back and took his son. Sabira made a woman out of clay and named her Um Tufeil. Sabira began to tell her everything that happened to her. The next time the prince returned to her, he said that her son had died. She replied: "May Allah reward me with another son, and I will name him Ahmad." The prince was surprised at her patience. And that's what happened. Her second son was born, and she named him Ahmad. The prince took it too. Sabira did not say anything to him but went to share her grief with Um Tufeil. A few years later, the prince returned, saw Um Tufail in the corner of the room and asked Sabira about her. She then said to him: "Break it." When he crashed, Sabira told him it was her friend she was talking to. The prince was surprised, ordered to bring rich clothes, dressed Sabira in them, took her to the palace, and the king himself went out to meet her, who told her that her husband was a prince and that her children were alive and that she was invited to the celebration of their circumcision. She couldn't believe it was all true]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 51 in Korovkina MS; Egyptian Arabs: Artin Pasha 1895, No. 4 [the princess went to school, learned the Koran and science; one day she came in and saw how a teacher beats another girl to death; ran away, a prince found her, and when she grew up, he married her; inherited the throne; when she gave birth to a son, the wall broke, the teacher came in, killed the baby, smeared the mother in blood disappeared with the body of the baby; the same for the second time; after the third time, when the woman gave birth to a girl, she was finally mistaken for a cannibal and sent to the kitchen; when leaving, the king asks who what bring it; the ex-wife asks for a box of bitterness and a bottle of aloe; if he does not bring it, a terrible storm will begin, and his turban will turn white black; he forgot, saw that the turban turned black, took out what he needed, handed it over to his ex-wife, began to eavesdrop; she tells her story, addressing the box; asks if it is true; the box and the bottle burst, the teacher enters the hole in the wall, brings alive and healthy children, praises a woman for her meekness and wisdom, disappears; everything is fine]: 77-83; Spitta-bey 1883, No. 5 [Princess Dalal combed her louse, put it in a jug of butter; when she grew up, the louse also became huge, broke vessel; the king ordered her to be removed from her skin, hung it on the door; whoever guesses whose skin it was would marry the princess; the cannibal took the image of a man, said that it was the skin of a lice, received D.; going home, refused to take his servants and even his wife's mother with him; placed D. in the palace, became an ogre again, brought her the head of a man; but she refused to eat, he brought her a ram; took the form of her mother, offered to flee, but she refused; the cannibal is happy; the same is her maternal aunt; but when she took the form of a paternal aunt, D. burst into tears and said that her husband was an ogre; he became himself again; D. persuaded him to let her go to the bathhouse, and already then eat; changed clothes with the old woman and left quietly; came to another king, the prince fell in love with her, married her; the queen mother is afraid that his wife is a werewolf; the cannibal came, D. asked for time off out of need, asked the saint for help; she gave a sliver to throw the ogre into the mouth, he would lose consciousness, he would be killed; but for this D. must give her first child; she gave birth to a daughter, gave it back; the queen mother says that she ate baby; she was sent to peel onions; ten years later, the fairy returned her daughter to her; the king solemnly returned his wife; later the Sultan of Spirits needed a bowl of water from the emerald sea, only earthly water can bring it girl; D. was asked again by her daughter; brought to the sea, she collected water, but her hand turned green; the sea weigher found out that there was less water; went to sell jewelry to meet the one who had green hand; found a girl; first her perfume beat her, then the Sultan married her]: 61-79.

Southern Europe. The Sicilians [the childless queen addresses St. Francis, gives birth to daughter Paulina; St. Francis incognito meets P. every day, gives him candy; asks his mother if she wants to suffer in her youth or old age; she replies that she is young; St. Francis takes P. to the tower, climbs there himself along its lowered braids; one day the king sees it, rises, takes P.'s wives; P. gives birth three times, each time St. Francis carries the child, smears blood on his mother's mouth; P. is imprisoned in the back room, the king is preparing for a new wedding; at the last moment, St. Francis returns the children, gives P. royal clothes, all is well]: Gonzenbach, no. 20 in Crane 1885:83; Corsicans [spouses grow onions, they have a beautiful daughter; prince asks for her to marry; mother fears an unequal marriage, but the girl likes the prince; she gives birth to a daughter, the prince gives the baby to the wet nurse and the mother does not see her daughter anymore; the same with her son; after 17 years, the prince sends his wife to her parents: he found newer younger; while preparing for her wedding, she is told to work in the kitchen; the prince invites her to meet his new wife; she is still gentle and obedient; the prince says his imaginary fiancée is theirs daughter, and their son next to her; returns his wife, praises her as an example of patience]: Tenèze, Bru 2000, No. 887:78-79; Italians (Pisa) [the lumberjack has three daughters; a lady gives him money, takes the girl to her house, forbids opening one door; she opens, sees the hostess in the bathhouse, two girls read to her; the girl admits that she opened the door, the hostess hangs her head by her hair from the beam, her body buries; the same with her middle sister (saw the mistress with men); the youngest sees the mistress on the bed, but does not confess; she lets her go; the king meets her, marries; after the birth of her son, the same appears lady, asks to confess that the girl opened the door; the girl does not confess, the lady takes the child, smears the queen's mouth with blood; the same again; after that, the king decides to marry another; during weddings, a lady brings children, says the spell was broken: a woman was needed who did not admit she saw something]: Gonzenbach, no. 20 in Crane 1885:84-85; Spaniards: Uther 2004 (1), No. 887: 511; Portuguese: Braga 2002 []: 328-330; Cardigos 2008, No. 887 [Prince marries a poor girl on condition that he obeys him without complaint; he tests her by selecting children and reporting that they died pretending to marry another; she never complains and everything ends well]: 222; ladins: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 63 [a woman has 7 sons and a daughter; a woman turned sons in foxes; then she regretted it, but it was too late; the sister came to the castle, where her brothers appeared in human form at midnight; to spell them, she must remain silent for 7 years; settled in a hut; hunting the king found her, married her; went to war; his wife gave birth to a boy; her mother-in-law threw him into the lake, told her son that his wife had given birth to a kitten; the same the following year; the same 5 more times; the king ordered to burn wife; when she was already tied to a pole, seven knights rode, each with a boy in her arms; the Queen spoke and told everything; the Queen Mother was burned instead]: 169-171; Uffer 1973, No. 11 [Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 73:202-204; a poor woman came to a secluded castle; the hostess invited her to stay; the woman gave birth to a girl; the hostess became a godmother and took care of the girl; forbid her to open the box and look into the mirror; the girl broke the ban, put her finger in the box, it turned black; in the mirror she saw the hostess dancing with the Unclean; tied her finger and refused to admit what was going on; the mistress kicked her out naked; she sat down to cry under the fir tree; the rich gentleman found her and married her; she gives birth three times, the child dies every time; the maids, finally, the father himself remains on guard, but cannot to overcome sleep, and when their eyes are opened, the child is dead; the master thinks that the wife kills the children herself, ordered her to be thrown into a dry well; the fox asks why her finger has turned black; the girl finally tells the truth ; the fox lowers her tail, raises her upstairs, turns into a godmother, with her three children in good health; she says that since the goddaughter told the truth, the Unclean has lost power over her (godmother); master happy to see my wife and children alive]: 32-34.

Western Europe. Irish: Curtin 1975 [Coluath O'Hara, king of Desmond, has three daughters; in the absence of a father, the eldest wraps herself in a veil of darkness, wants a handsome man as her husband; he is here She arrives in a golden carriage drawn by two white and two black horses and takes her away; the same is the middle daughter; arrives in a carriage with four black horses; the youngest wants the best white dog in the world, that arrives with a servant in a carriage drawn by four white horses; the husbands of older sisters are people during the day and seals at night, the youngest's husband is a dog during the day, handsome at night; when he leaves, he tells his wife not to shed tears if a child will be born and something will happen to him; she gives birth to a son, he is carried away by a crow; the same with the second; when a daughter gives birth, a tear drips into the mother's scarf; the husband returns, scolds his wife for it; daughters and husbands they come to their father; the mother spies, sees a handsome man with two older seals, the youngest; throws a dog's skin into the fire; the husband says that if he spent three days in his father-in-law's house, he would remain human, and now must leave; the wife follows; in the first house she meets the first kidnapped son, the old woman gives scissors that turn rags into a golden dress; in the second, the second, gets a comb that turns lousy hair with golden curls; in the third, a daughter, she has no eye, the mother pulls out a handkerchief, not a tear in it, but her daughter's eye, the girl finds it; the hostess blows a whistle calling on all the birds; the husband pulls out a reed, goes to the lower world, he must become the husband of the Queen of the Land of Youth (Tir na N-og), who bewitched him; the wife pulls out another, follows him; the woman turns the rags of her daughter henwife (poultry house?) in a luxurious dress; she reports to the queen; the queen demands scissors, the dog's wife asks for a night with her husband for them, gets it, but the husband sleeps; the same is the second night (tidies up henwife's daughter's hair, gives it comb); the dog's wife whistles on the whistle, all the birds fly in, including the bird of song and new tales; the dog's wife asks the bird how to kill the queen; she says that there is a ram in the holly, in he has a duck, an egg in it, only the queen's husband can cut down a holly; the dog's wife hides a fox in a box, a hawk in the other; spends the night in exchange for a whistle, leaves a letter to the servant for her husband; he wakes up, cuts the holly , the fox grabs the ram, the hawk the duck, the egg breaks, the queen dies; the former dog and his wife remain to rule the country Tir na N-og]: 15-25; Larminie 1893 (Galway County) [(first-person story); the man learned the language of birds as a child from his mother; laughed while listening to the voices of the birds, the wife was surprised, the husband told her; asked her to cut a stick and hit her husband with it, turned him into a crow; promised to pay money for every crow killed, but the man sat on the chimney; flew up to his wife, believing that she would make him human again, but she turned him into a horse and forced him to carry stones; the wife said that the husband died and buried an empty coffin; the husband, in the form of a horse, began to mutilate suitable crops and trample on crops; the wife turned the horse into a fox; the fox began to destroy his wife's poultry; then she turned it into a wolf, a wolf began to slaughter sheep; the king was among the hunters, he took the wolf to him; the king had 8 sons and 3 daughters, but every child disappeared after birth; his wife was pregnant again; the wolf remained guarded newborn; a hand came down from the fireplace and grabbed the baby; the wolf gnawed off his hand and fell asleep; the baby was gone, the cradle was covered in blood; the king ordered the wolf to be released; the wolf led to the house, to the chest in the house; in it there was an arm and a sleeping baby; the child grew up and disappeared, the wolf stopped feeding; the wolf saw his wife with that child; broke into the room, saw that stick, hit the child, and the child got angry and hit him; the wolf became human again; he promised his wife not to tell anything; returned to the king, but there was only an old woman and her son with one eye in his forehead, whose hand was gnawed off; the man promised to heal one-eyed, but let him return the kidnapped princes and princesses; told the old woman not to enter, for the treatment would be painful at first; burned the monster's eye with a hot iron; received the kidnapped, brought everyone to the king and queen; the king gave him the child saved as a wolf]: 17-30; McManus 1915 [when leaving, a noble man forgets to lock the house where his daughters are; the eldest says that she will marry an officer, the middle one a soldier, the youngest a white deer; a week later, the grooms take their wives; the youngest answers the Deer that she wants to see him as a man at night and a deer during the day, and not vice versa; A year later she goes to visit the house, her husband warns not to drop a tear; at home she gives birth to a boy, he is taken away; the same year later, she gives birth to a girl, drops a tear in her handkerchief; when she returns, the Deer's house is in ruins; she she follows her husband's cart, consistently goes to his three sisters, who give her scissors that make clothes, a magic tablecloth, a comb that makes her hair beautiful; she finds her children's sisters in their homes, the daughter has lost an eye, she inserts a fallen tear into her eye socket, her eye recovers; the husband goes over a mountain of needles; the wife has been serving a blacksmith for a year, he forges her iron shoes; she crosses a mountain; in that world, the husband is another wife, she sends her husband's clothes to wash, on which the earthly wife sprayed blood before parting; the blood is not washed off, the laundress is executed; the earthly wife easily washes off the stains; buys three nights with her ex husband for magic items received from his sisters; the new wife gives her husband sleeping pills; on the third night, the servant tells him what happened, he does not drink sleeping pills; the husband explains to his earthly wife that life new - in a mole, you have to throw an egg at it, it's in a duck, a duck in a lamb that kills with a look; a servant kills a lamb, an earthly wife throws an egg at a mole; a new wife dies, the family reunites]: 185-191; Irish [the king and queen have 12 sons; seeing a raven go down to a slaughtered calf in winter, the Queen wished to have a daughter with skin white as snow, cheeks red as blood, hair black as black raven, ready to give all 12 sons for her; an old woman appeared and said that a daughter would be born, but at the same time her sons would be gone; when she gave birth, the sons turned into geese and flew away {skip the pdf page }; the girl comes to the brothers' house; they have sworn to kill her, but they do not want to do it; an old woman appears: if you kill, I will turn you into cane; let the girl collect swamp fluff in five years, hide it from he has threads, a shirt and will be silent all this time; the girl was met by a prince and married; his mother hates his daughter-in-law; when the Queen gave birth, the Queen Mother put her to sleep and gave the child to a wolf who appeared in the garden and took it away; the same for the second time; the Queen smeared blood on the mother's lips so that everyone would believe that she ate the child herself; they decided to burn her; when the hangman lit the fire, The Queen finished her work, put shirts on the geese that had arrived and they became young men; a woman appeared, leading one's hand and holding the queen's baby, the Queen's children; the Queen Mother and her henchmen torn by horses]: Kennedy 1875, No. 2:14-19; Scots: Campbell 1890, No. 3 [three farmer's daughters wash clothes; the crow asks the eldest if she will marry him, the eldest contemptuously refuses; the same middle serstra, the youngest agrees; chooses that her husband be a person during the day and a crow at night, and not vice versa; gives birth to three sons consistently, each time music sounds, a child disappears; she rides in a wagon with her husband and sisters, replies to her husband that she has forgotten the comb; the husband flies away as a crow, she goes to look for him; consistently sleeps with three women (these are her husband's sisters); the third warns wear horse horseshoes to cross a poisonous hill; she almost catches up with her husband, he leaves her a ring and feather; in town, a husband must marry the daughter of a noble man; the wife is hired to cook for at the wedding, throws a ring and a pen into the food; the husband finds him, demands to find the one who cooked, recognizes her as a real wife; they return, taking three sons from her husband's three sisters], 12 [ the farmer's cattle are missing; the dog promises to find if he gives her daughter; the eldest, the middle refuse, the youngest marries the dog; the dog brings his wife into his world, turns into a human; a pregnant wife wants to visit her parents; the husband warns him to return before the child is born; take off the horse's bridle, let him go; if necessary, wave the bridle, the horse will return; she gave birth to her parents; music was heard, everyone fell asleep, the child was gone in the morning, the wife returned to her husband; so three times; the third time the father told me everything; the horse did not appear; she came on foot, only her husband's mother was at home; said that the daughter-in-law would have time for him catch up; the wife stays in a house; the hostess says that her husband is going to marry the daughter of the King of Heaven; gives scissors (they cut themselves); the next sister gives a needle (she sews herself), the third gives a thread (herself) enters a needle); a woman stops at the poultry house, shows the work of magic objects, the maid of the King of Heaven's daughter tells her; she buys each of the items for permission to spend the night with her husband ; gives him sleeping pills twice; the second time the eldest son hears his mother trying to wake up his father, tells his father; he does not drink sleeping pills, he returns with his wife and three sons to earth]: 64-67, 208-213; Welsh [Puichl, King David, was feasting in Narbert; a lady on a white mare galloped by; the sent knight could not catch up with her; when P. himself rode after her, he easily rode after her caught up with her; it was Hrianon, whom her father wanted to give against his will for Gwaul; she wants to marry P., he agrees; comes to her feast; the young man asks, P. replies that nothing He will not refuse him; he asks to give him H. and the feast, it was G.; H. says that she did not prepare a feast for him, but in a year she would cook for him and become his wife; teaches P. to come in a year in rags, ask her to fill the bag she gives with meat; it will only be filled if a noble gentleman gets into it and says, That's enough; as soon as G. got into the bag, he was tied up, the warriors beat G ., he gave in to H.; she gave birth only in her third year; at night the baby disappeared; the women caring for the puppy decided to put H. in a torn puppy, smeared her mouth with blood, accused her of eating her son; P. tells her to sit by the horse riding near the gate, talk about her crime, carry whoever she wants on her back; Gwent Is Koide was ruled by Tyrnion Turin Vliant; when his mare gets screwed, a foal every time he disappears; T. guards, cuts off the paw that reached out of the window to the foal; ran out of the house, and when he returned, a baby in a silk diaper was lying at the doorstep; T.'s wife is childless, began to raise the boy, named Guri Wahlt Irene, has hair like gold; he was given a foal saved that night; T. guessed that it was the missing son of H. and P., brings him to his parents; he is given the name Praderi, which gave H.; after P.'s death, he inherits the kingdom]: Mabinogion 2000:15-30; the friezes [the queen has 12 sons; she sees a black calf being slaughtered in winter; wants a daughter with hair just as black, blush like blood, snow-white skin; for this she would give all her sons; an old woman enters: the wish will come true; the king, when his wife gave birth to a daughter, the king ordered the sons to be placed in a guarded room; they became wild geese, flew away through the window; when the girl is 12 years old, her mother told her everything; she secretly got out of the house, went to look for her brothers; came to the castle in the woods, got inside through the door; geese flew in, became young men; the elder tells the girl that they swore to kill the first woman who comes to them for what happened to them; the sister says who she is, the brothers do not change their minds; the same old woman enters, shames the brothers: if their sister is killed, they become frogs; the sister must collect and spin the web for 6 years, sew 12 shirts out of it, all this time not talk, laugh, cry; then the brothers will become again people; one day a young king comes to the castle, takes a girl as his wife; she is silent and continues to weave and sew; gives birth to a child; the king's stepmother gives her sleeping pills, smears her lips with blood, throws the child out windows, picked up and carried away by a bird of prey; the king's stepmother spreads a rumor that the queen ate her baby; the same after the birth of her second child; the queen was brought to the fire; at the last moment she finished her last shirt, screamed that she was innocent; 12 geese arrived, the queen throws shirts on them, the geese became young men, snatched her sister out of the fire; that bird brings two in her claws The Queen's unharmed children, takes her angry stepmother not known where]: Mürk 2014:56-74; Germans: Grimm, Grimm 2003, No. 254 [as in Scelles -Millie 1963 {other source!} the differences are minimal]: 479-480; (Scelles - Millie 1963 - mistake) [The Holy Virgin takes the only daughter of a poor logger to heaven, gives 13 keys, does not tell me to open the 13th door ; there are 12 apostles outside 12 doors, all is well; behind the 13th is the power of St. Trinity, the girl is at a loss; she puts her finger in the crack, it turns gold; her finger cannot be washed; St. The virgin asks the girl to confess the offense, but she denies everything; she is sent back to earth as punishment; finds herself in the woods, the Queen meets her, marries; after the birth of her first child, St. The virgin demands a confession of the offense; when refused, takes the boy; so consistently with her three sons; the king accuses his wife - she ate her children; already standing at the stake, she confesses that she unlocked Door 13, it immediately started raining, St. The Virgin brought the children back, all is well]: 304-305 (in Buddruss 1974:35 it is clearly the same text, but in a very brief paraphrase referring to Bolte, Polívka, v. 3:266); Germans (Swabia) [the Countess felt anxiety and went to the lake; there the mermaid {Wasserfrau spoke to her; she was not with a fish tail}; they began to meet and talk; expressed a desire to become the godmother of a girl born to the Countess; came late; gave a basket of three eggs; the mother died, the stepmother gave the girl to the babysitter, who left her to play near the lake; the mermaid came out of the water and told her stories (hübsche Geschichten); the count went broke when his castle burned down; the girl came to the lake; the mermaid said that she would still be rich, because each of three eggs would fulfill one of her wishes; the girl changed her dress with a peasant and hired a castle, doing any job for 7 years; grew up as a beautiful girl; the heir was going to choose a bride, held a ball; the girl asked one egg to give her everything she needed to come to the ball; the heir fell in love, they exchanged handkerchiefs; at the next ball they exchanged rings; the third time the girl was afraid to spend the last egg and did not go to prom; the heir fell ill with love; the doctor advised soup; the girl asked to cook it, put a ring on a plate; the heir demanded the cook to come to him; she put on a dress with diamonds, his brilliance made the servants faint; the heir asked him to forgive him for the rudeness he said to the girl when he saw her dressed as a maid; wedding; but when the young wife gave birth to a daughter, her mother-in-law threw the girl into the lake; the same for the second time; told her son that his wife had done it; the husband ordered his wife to be burned in her room; on the verge of death, the wife remembered the third egg and turned to her godmother; she came in (put out the fire) and said that her daughters saved; both are beautiful; husband executed his mother the way she wanted to destroy her daughter-in-law]: Meier 1852a, No. 48:165-174; British, Dutch, Germans (Austria): Uther 2004 (1) , NO. 887:511-512.

Western Asia. Palestinians [the lumberjack has three daughters; stranger Abu Freywar asked for his eldest wife; cut off his ears and invited the girl to eat them with a piece of stale bread; she refused; he hung her by hair to the cave vault, and the cave turned into a palace; AF asked the second daughter, who promised to eat her ears, but hid it under the carpet; AF asked her ears if they were warm, her ears answered from under the carpet that they were cold; the middle sister is hanged next to the eldest; the youngest Zerendak took a kitten and a box with her jewelry; let the kitten eat her ears, her ears say they are warm; AF fell in love with Z.; when she left, does not tell unlock the door to the fortieth room; while unlocking the 39th, Z. saw through the window how AF was devouring corpses in the cemetery; unlocked the 40th, freed the sisters, sent them home; AF invited Z. to invite various relatives , taking their form; Z. did not let it slip, but when her grandmother came, she told her everything; the grandmother became AF, who pierced Z. with his claw, threw it in the chest into the sea; the prince caught the chest; accidentally discovered poisonous claw, pulled it out, Z. came to life, the prince married her; she successively gives birth to three children; each time AF enters and swallows them, maybe Z.'s mouth is speechless in horror; then makes excuses, but they don't believe her; imprisoned, the prince marries his new wife, but asks Z. what to bring her; she asks for a box of aloe (sabr; omonym - patience), a box of henna (also "tenderness"), a dagger; After receiving the gifts, Z. says that aloe and henna do not have as much patience and tenderness as she does; when she wants to stab herself, AF appears, brings missing children, kills himself with a dagger; the children have come to the prince they called him father, everything was explained, the new bride was returned to her father with gifts]: Hanauer 2009:201-206; Saudia [Sit Lahab, the Sultan's daughter, goes to the sheikh to study the Koran; he asks the students to bring him roast goose; everyone forgot, and SL asked her mother to cook; when she opened the school door, bringing a goose, she saw a sheikh tearing off pieces of meat with his teeth from a horse hung from the ceiling; SL ran away, losing the golden shoe, but the silver one remains on the other leg; then the ghoul comes to SL many times and asks why she kept the silver shoe, leaving the gold one, and what she saw; SL replies that I saw a pious sheikh reading the Koran; each time he insists that SL answer the truth and threatens to eat, and then eats first the cattle, then the parents of the SL, then the property of those who have the rest one SL finds refuge; the Sultan's son meets SL, wants to marry her, and when SL says what huge dowry should be paid for her, the Sultan gladly marries her son; SL gives birth to a son, The ghoul threatens to take him away, she replies that her son is no more expensive to her than her parents; so three times; everyone thinks that SL has eaten her children and is about to be burned; at the last moment, an old man of noble appearance leads her sons safe and sound; says that her parents are also alive and well; those who obey God's will and endure everything patiently will be rewarded; after that, the sheikh turned into a ghoul again and disappeared; all is well]: Bushnaq 1987:132-137; North Yemen (Sana'a) [seven girls went for wild dates; the eldest says she can't climb a tree, will tear the clothes her mother gave her; so each; the youngest and poorest climbs; others leave, filling her basket with green dates and putting only ripe ones on top; she asks passers-by to help her descend; everyone replies that the next behind will help; only genie Jarjouf puts his hand; if a girl jumps on his thumb, he will take it to his father; if the index finger is to his brother, the middle finger to his mother, the nameless finger to his sister, little finger - he will pick it up himself; she jumps on her little finger; in his cave he forbids her to enter one room; she comes in - there are skeletons and corpses; he feels that something has happened to the girl; accepts the appearance of her mother, asks, but she does not say it; the same is her father; her sister - she tells everything; when her brother really comes, J. goes to see him off, cuts him into pieces, brings meat, sister recognizes her brother's finger; J. agrees to let her go; she goes, stops at the potter's, at night he hits all the pots, accuses her, she must pay; it is J. who took the form of a potter; so several times; sultan takes her as his wife; she gives birth to a son, J. comes and eats him; the Sultan's mother says that she ate the child, this is the custom; the same with the second; with the third, the Sultan's mother says that the son's wife is probably an evil spirit ; she is thrown into prison; she asks the camel driver to get the blacksmith's key to the prison; he refuses; she asks the camel to stop; then the driver brings the key; she goes out, goes to J. knocks with an iron stick; J. agrees with everything, she orders her children to be returned; he returns everyone, the elder is already reading the Koran; (she returns to prison with her children); the guards hear the Quran read; the sultan comes, his wife tells him everything; everything is fine]: al-Baydani 2008:63-79.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [the king marries on the condition that his wife meekly tolerates everything he does; pretends to kill their son, daughter; actually hides them; that he marries another; at a wedding it turns out that the bride is their daughter and the guest is their son]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 887:314; Croats [the poor widow has 9 sons and a daughter; she has nothing to feed her sons, even if they are wolves will turn; the brothers ran away as wolves; the girl grew up; when she found out what had happened to her brothers, she went to look for them; came to the house where the old woman was; she hid her from the wolves on the roof; wolves came running and became young men; the old woman showed them the girl, they are happy; to spoil them, the sister must remain silent for 9 years; she herds the cows, the prince saw her; married; when she gave birth, her mother-in-law threw the baby out the window into the lake, but the white wolf picked him up; so three times; puppies instead of babies; the prince agreed to hang his wife; at the last moment 9 knights rode on white horses, brought three children; the term expired, the spell was removed; Tsarevich expelled his mother]: Eschker 1992, No. 23:121-127; Croats [the king has 12 sons, his wife is pregnant; king: if a daughter is born, I will kill all sons; sons are about to leave; mother: if I give birth to a girl, then there will be a white flag on the tower, and if her son, it will be red; when they saw a white flag, they went away; one woman left them a house with a vegetable garden and moved to the city herself; 7 years later, the daughter saw her mother wash the men's room clothes, the girl found out that she had brothers and went to look for them; came to their house; although the brothers had previously sworn to kill any woman who came to them, the younger one persuaded them not to do so; one day cut off 12 lilies to serve them to her brothers with food; when she saw the lilies, they turned into crows and flew away; that old woman came: in order to restore the brothers to their human appearance, the sister must remain silent for 7 years; the king found She climbed a tree, brought her down and married her; the Queen Mother did not like her; while the king was at war, his wife gave birth to a son, but the crows took him away; the mother said that the Queen ate her baby; the same a second time; after the third she was sentenced to be burned; at the last moment, the Queen cried out, Jesus, Mary! , the crows flew carrying her three sons; became young men; the brothers returned to their parents, the king gave up his intention to kill them]: Leskien 1915:153-158; Greeks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 887:511-512; (cf. Hungarians [Ibronka is prettier than everyone, but without a boyfriend; "God give me a lover - at least hell"; now a guy is with her at the party; she accidentally bent down and felt like he has hooves; asks advice from an elderly woman; she suggests attaching a ball to the guy; on an unwound thread she comes to church, then to the churchyard; I. sees through a keyhole how her boyfriend took out a skull dead man, cut it in half and eats his brain; I. home, locked the door, the guy behind her: what did you see? - Nothing. - Your sister will die. - If you die, we'll bury you. It's the same with your father, it's the same with your mother. - You're going to die Woman: When you are buried, you should not dismantle the wall through a door or window; carry the coffin not along the road, but straight; dig the grave not in the cemetery, but in a ditch; hell asks the door, the window is those they answer that I.'s body was not carried through them; the devil puts on iron shoes, takes an iron staff: when he wears out, then I. will find; a rose has grown on the grave; the prince tells the servant to tear it off, she is not given; the prince himself easily tore it off, brought it to his room; someone eats the food left in the evening; the servant followed; the next night the prince grabbed I.; she agrees to live with him, but on condition not to take her to church; two the boys have grown up, everyone wonders why they come to church without a mother; I. has to go; hell sees her, promises to come; asks again what I. saw through the keyhole; I. in detail tells the whole story; and ends up like this: I tell the dead, not the living; the devil falls screaming terribly and dies; I.'s mother, father and sister come to life]: Dégh 1965, No. 4:46-57).

Central Europe. Russians (rarely; localization is not clear), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Transcarpathia, Podolia), Belarusians [Goddaughter of the Mother of God: the poor man meets the Mother of God, she becomes his godfather; the poor man's daughter, visiting the godmother, looks through the locked door, but denies it; the girl is speechless and finds herself in the forest, in a tree; there the king finds her; the dumb goes out marries the king; her child (children) is kidnapped by the godmother, covering her mouth with dumb blood; accused of infanticide, the queen at the place of execution confesses to the godmother that she entered the locked room, and then returns to her speechless; she gets her child (children); her husband accepts her again]: SUS 1979, No. 710:179-180; Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [When the hunter (hermit) butchered the hare, the skinless carcass came to life and ran away , said that this was not a miracle, but a real miracle happened to Mikita in the village of Maslenich. The hunter goes to learn about the miracle. Mikita tells how four of her sons and three sons went hunting in the forest, went far late and decided to spend the night in the forest in a hut, flooded the stove, cooked a black grouse, and sat down to eat. Mikita invited anyone, baptized or unbaptized, to eat with them, no matter who was in the hut. A man jumped out of the stove, ate poultry, cabbage soup, the eldest son and ran back. The next day, the father and sons were again unable to find their way home and returned to the hut. While eating, the man was called again, and he ate the other son. On both the third and fourth days, everything happened again, and when the man was ready to eat Mikita himself, he told him to grab him by the shoulders and drag him to get Mikita home. Mikita began to think that he was dragging a man into the water and drowning himself, screamed. And when I woke up, I found myself in my house, and the children were alive: Onchukov 2008, No. 9:106-107; Czechs: Bogolyubova, Talova 2000 [the tailor has many children, his rich brother refuses to baptize him newborn daughter; he goes with her, the old woman under the rose hip bush agrees to baptize the girl if Libushka returns to her in 12 years; she comes, receives the keys to all rooms, she cannot go to the seventh look; she looks, there is an old woman with a horse's head in her coffin; L. does not confess, the old woman leaves her speechless, drives her away; finds her, marries the queen, leaves, she gives birth, the old woman comes, tears the child in half; the same for the second, third time; the king orders L. to be burned; a carriage arrives, the old woman asks again what L. saw in the room, she denies everything; the old woman says she saved her from spells, the fire goes out, L.'s three sons appear, her gift of speech returns, the king ended the wars safely]: 284-288; Livshich-Artemyeva 2017 []: 176-179; Němcová 1990 [the peasant is impoverished, the neighbor refuses to baptize his newborn daughter; he goes with the girl, the old woman agrees to baptize the girl if Marishka returns to her after 12 years; a rose bush grows at the place of the future meeting; the old woman gives inexhaustible money, the peasant's affairs are recovering; when M. is 12 years old, she comes to the rose bush, the old woman opens the dungeon, there is a castle; gives the keys to all the rooms, in the sixth you can't look; after 5 years she leaves, M. unlocks the sixth door; there is a skeleton shaking her head in the coffin; the old woman comes back, feels that M. opened the room, but she denies everything despite threats; M . finds himself in a deep forest and is speechless; Queen Milboi asks his parents to allow him to go to the forest; meets M. there; hides her, tells her parents that he brought a deer; M. writes his story to him; Milboy marries M.; goes to war; M. gives birth to a son; an old woman enters, demands to say what M. saw in the sixth room; she denies everything again (she returns to her for a while); the old woman breaks up the child in half, disappears; everyone thinks that M. killed her own child; the same with the second child; the third time Milboy stays with his wife, but falls asleep; again the same; M. decides to burn like a sorceress; on the way to the old woman reappears, M. again denies that she entered the sixth room; just before the burning, a chariot appears, wearing a noble woman with a baby in her arms, followed by two little ones boys; the woman says that she was both an old woman and a skeleton in the sixth room; refusing to confess, M. freed the woman from the spell; everyone apologizes to M.; they come to the castle, sixth the room is gilded, there is a chest of jewelry in place of the coffin]: 187-217; Ukrainians (1 entry) [Patient wife (Griselda): the king (master) marries a simple girl; she promises to be always submissive and satisfied; he tests her - treats her rude, orders her children to be killed, chooses a new wife; finally explains to his wife that this was just a test]: SUS 1979, No. 887:224.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [in order not to pay the shepherd, the prince called birds - who could carry him away; the vulture carried him to the land located between heaven and our land, and on the way the shepherd threw him meat; there Ajweipsh tells the shepherd that the chamois in the clearing are his daughter; advises him to take the youngest's dress hidden under the bushes, then she will become his wife; (cuts the tour, the goat and the hare, after the feast collects bones in skins, animals come to life; this episode is only in Bgazhba 2002); the wife gives birth to a girl, gives birth to a mermaid, a boy to a deer, and another to a roe deer; three years later A. lets his son-in-law go home on the condition that he does not curse his wife; he comes back drunk, scolds his wife, she shows him the children, tells them to tell their father that she went to live with her older sister Huna-Huna Gadlabad; the shepherd flew on a vulture to A. , begged for help, he called the birds, turned the shepherd into a flea, the crow brought him to HCK, she persuaded his wife to forgive him, both went down to the ground to the children; (=about the same in Bgazhba 2002:24-28)]: Shakryl 1975 , No. 69:316-321; Azerbaijanis [Shah's daughter is sad and refuses her grooms; she was carried away by an eagle and left under a tree; she gives the bracelet to a shepherd, dresses as a shepherd; is hired as a servant, broke dishes, she was driven away, she stays with the merchants, woke up in the morning when the caravan had already left; she hides in a tree for the night, the prince hunts, notices her, takes her as his wife; she gave birth, and the child is gone; a year later, the same, her her mouth and hands are covered in blood, the Shah tells the vizier to kill the princess, who smeared her shirt with bird blood, brought it to the Shah; he meets a man, he tells her to tell her story, reproaches that she is always unnecessary complained about fate; tells her story; he was a poor lumberjack, picked him up by a merchant, trusted him, sent him with a caravan, in the city another merchant, dying, gave him a caravan of rice and gold, former the woodcutter returned to the first merchant; so the woodcutter became rich, tells the princess to be grateful; the princess meets the old woman, answers her that she no longer complains about fate; she brings her to the cave, where she missing sons; the old woman turns into a bird, brings the princess and her children to her husband; he cried all the time, and now the fortuneteller told him to have fun; the princess is offended when she finds her husband cheerful, but he is all explained]: Nabiev 1988:38-47; Turks: Dmitriev 1967, No. 48 []: 283-287; Stebleva 1986, No. 51 [a dervish promises the birth of a daughter to a childless merchant; at the age of seven he will take her away, before that she cannot be given name; children laugh at the nameless; a dervish comes, gives her the name Seti Nusret, takes her to her house, forbids her to open the door to one room; SN opened, there is a cemetery, the dervish devours the liver of the dead, CH loses his silver bracelet; since then, the dervish has often asked if SN knows his dervish father, who politely praises him every time; appears to her in the form of a father, mother, nanny, and the girl answers the same way; the dervish takes her home, the padishah's son takes her as his wife; she gives birth three times (two sons and a daughter) while her husband is gone; each time the dervish takes the child with a bloody finger over her lips a woman in labor and leaving her speechless; twice her mother-in-law tells her son that the child is dead, the third time that his mother ate it; the son tells his wife to live in the basement, is preparing for a new wedding; SN asks to bring her a stone patience, knife and comb; tells the stone his story, it swells and then bursts; SN is about to stab himself, a dervish appears, returns the children, blesses SN, everything is fine]: 209-217.

(Wed. Iran - Central Asia. The Tajiks of Sistan [the king and the vizier stopped at the shepherd's house to wait out the snow; the shepherd's son Otai stabbed all 7 goats for them; the vizier invited O. to visit him later; O. arrived, but realized that the vizier and poor himself; turned to God; heard a voice: to dig there; found treasures and a source of water; set up a hospice where everyone was gifted; the dervish is dissatisfied: the girl Ty is much more generous; O. came to T.; she promises to explain where her wealth comes from if O. finds out why the mullah proclaims Azan on the hill, laughs and then cries; mullah: find out why a young man on the shore cooks pilaf, treats everyone, and throws the leftovers into river; young man: find out why King Ahmad, the carefree, puts the throne on the square, tells us to amuse and treat the people; the king tells, promising to execute O. after that; king: he agreed with his wife not to join a new one marriage if the other dies; the wife wrote that she was dying, the king scoped himself, and she returned healthy and slept with the black slave; O. ran away; the young man's story: he was hired for 40 days of rest and 1 work; the master tells him to climb into the bull's skin; the vultures took him to the rock, the owner tells him to throw precious stones down, took them away; the young man threw himself into the river and swam out; fish: this is for the kindness of your father, who saved me from a drying puddle; the young man returned unrecognized to that man, asked me to show me how to get into the wineskin, asked me to drop the stones and left the owner to die on the rock; now he feeds everyone generously and throws pilaf into the river; the story of the mullah: a bird took him away, became peri, told him not to be surprised; she gave her first son to a lion, threw the second into the water, gave the third to the wolf; the mullah objected; peri told the lion, the water and bring children to the wolf, they have already grown up; then she took the mullah and left it on the hill; every day she arrives, the mullah laughs, and then disappears and he cries; Ty's story: she is the king's daughter, he fed the guests kimiyo grass, they turned into gold, he became rich; she fed grass to her father, told her to make a lot of precious things out of gold, became fabulously rich; Otam and Ty got married]: Grunberg, Steblin- Kamensky 1981, No. 3:39-52).

Baltoscandia. Norwegians [the poor man cannot pay his godchildren; an unfamiliar lady undertakes to be the godmother of his daughter; the girl lives with her; she does not tell her to open one room; she opens, from there A star flies out; the next time the moon, then the sun; after the third time, her goddaughter chases her speechless; the girl sleeps in a tree above the stream; the prince's maid comes for water, takes a reflection girls for her own, throws a jug, for it is not good for such a beautiful woman to be a maid; the same with the second; the prince himself goes, sees the girl, marries; when the wife gives birth, the goddaughter puts the servants to sleep, takes the child, lubricates the mother's lips are in blood; everyone thinks she ate the baby; after the third birth, the prince's wife is taken to the fire; goddaughter, because St. The Virgin, bringing her three sons, is speechless; it was a punishment for violating the prohibition; St. The virgin was as upset about what happened as the prince's wife at the disappearance of her sons; everyone is happy]: Dasent 1970:188-193; Eastern Sami (Yokang dialect) [three sons remain after the death of their parents and daughter; they went by boat along the shore; the girl saw a gilded conifer on the shore, asked her to stop; the elder brother said he would bring a branch himself, went ashore, and stayed there; so three times, all three brothers stayed in different places on the shore; the girl swam to the pier, went ashore, the spindle rolled up, the spindle fell off and rolled, the girl behind him; she came to the vezha, there was no door, voice from the inside: stroke the door handle; inside an old man and an old woman; they say that the bride came to their youngest son; there are two older daughters-in-law here; three sons came, the youngest saw that the girl had the sun on her forehead, star cheeks, month on the back of the head, gold to the elbows, silver to the knees; got married; older daughters-in-law, daughters of a spider, ask for sons with dandruff heads and fat bellies like themselves; youngest asks people like her; the elders put a button on her mouth, pushed her with a spindle, put fire under the barn; the old man took her youngest daughter-in-law, who is pale, out of the fire; the elders say that she ate her child; the old man stroked the youngest on the back of the head, the button popped out; so it happened two more times (the third time she was supposed to give birth to a daughter); after the third time, the youngest tells her husband that geese are screaming and a swan; two the goose and the swan came down and became boys and girls; mother and father recognized their children; spider daughters and their children were told to jump over the fire, they fell into it and burned]: Kert 1961, No. 44:175-179; Lutsie (Western 1933 from a Polish Catholic woman) [a daughter is born, no one goes to goddaughter; the woman offered herself, but to give the girl to her; the door cannot be opened in the morning: there is a mountain of bread behind her; the godmother forbids the girl go into the same room; one day she opened the door: from there the wind, there's hell; godmother: did you open the door? no; I will make you dumb - opened: - No; the prince saw the dumb beauty, married you; when she gave birth, the godmother appeared and asked again, she denied it; the godmother took the child, and the woman in labor was found in blood - probably ate the child; the same with the second child; when with the third, the queen was imprisoned to be shot; godmother: did she open the door? - Yes; the godmother gave her children and speech back; her husband fell to his knees in front of his wife: he realized that her godmother was Our Lady]: Annom et al. 2018:170-172; Seto [when the son of St. Mary grew up, had nothing to do, decided to help the poor; adopted a newborn daughter of a poor man, took her to heaven; she grew up; St. Mary strongly forbade her to enter Christ God's house; one day she went in and refused to admit it; St. Mary lowered her to the ground, left her in the forest, and the girl continued to persist; St. Mary made sure that she could only say "No", she will speak when asked if she went to Christ's house, the girl answered "Yes"; the king saw the girl, fell in love, married; she gave birth a beautiful boy; St. Mary again asks her question, she refuses to confess again, St. Mary took the child; for example, three times; the king's wife was accused of being a witch and eating her own children, brought to the fire; at the last moment, St. Mary asks again and she answers "Yes"; St. Maria brings her children back alive and well, everyone is happy]: Sandra 2004:86-94; Latvians [Barin marries a simple girl, warning her that she should never complain about anything. He takes her children away, drives her out of the house, and finally tells her to prepare a wedding treat because he is allegedly having a wedding with someone else. It turns out that the master's new wife is his daughter; the husband wanted to test his wife]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 887:330; the Swedes [the king marries a poor girl on the condition that she is always obedient; pretends that she kills her children one by one; that she is going to take another wife; the Queen endures everything without complaint; the king brings an imaginary bride, the Queen's grown-up daughter; her other children are here; the king commands Give the Queen every honor]: Liungman 1961, No. 887:233-234; Danes [translated from Grundtvig; king asks daughter to see what's in his hair; she takes off a big louse; they put her in oil, it grows; when the barrels are small, the louse is slaughtered, the skin is removed; the king is dissatisfied that the princess rejects all suitors; promises to pass her off as what animal the skin was removed from; wolf sniffs and tells the king that it is the skin of a lice, tells her to be given to the princess; brings her to a luxurious castle, forbids her to light a fire; at night the wolf turns into a man, but the princess does not see him; when gave birth to a son, the wolf immediately took him away; allows him to return to his parents for three days on the condition that he does not take anything with him from their house; but the mother gives the knife to be put on the bed; the husband will scratch; if he screams, he a troll, and if he moans, a man; he groaned; forgave his wife, but since then he limped on his right hind leg; when the wife gave birth to a daughter, the wolf also took her away immediately; the wife visited her parents again; the mother gave a box of matches and a candle; the wife lit a candle; the husband said that a witch bewitched him for 7 years because he refused to marry her daughter; became a wolf and ran away; she came to Sister Wolf's castle, where hers son; the second sister has a daughter with a wet nurse; the wife went to the glass mountain, saw the Wolf climb her; she also slides; the old man gave iron shoes to climb the mountain and ointment, heal the cuts; on the mountain in in the castle, a woman was hired in the kitchen; a local young hostess will soon marry the Wolf; the witch orders to wash her daughter's white flannel and white black (the old man performs); orders her sister to bring jewelry for brides; a young man gives a ball to follow; a rod to stick in a door that slams all the time; give a bag of grain to geese; tongs to give to two people who move air with their bare hands; ladles - give girls who interfere in the cauldron with their bare hands; give two loaves of bread to guard dogs; a pot of fat to lubricate the door hinges; the witch's sister can't eat anything, not on the way back look around; the witch's sister gave her leg to a calf, the woman threw it under the bench, she answers from there; the second time she hid it under her clothes, the witch's sister believed that the woman ate her leg; when the woman runs Back, the witch's sister tells the guards to hold her, but everyone refuses because she treated them well; the witch's sister warned not to open the box on the way, but the woman opened it, the bird flew out and disappeared; the young man asked for the calf leg that remained under the woman's clothes, sent her to bring her jewelry again, her leg ran and brought it; having received the box, the witch allowed the woman attend her daughter's marriage; the witch gave the woman two torches; she cannot move, she can burn; the prince grabs them and hands them over to the witch and her daughter; they burned down with castle; meadow on the site of a glass mountain; the couple took the children, returned to the woman's parents]: Mulley 1878:225-236; the Finns [the blacksmith drank everything, the wife settled separately; he bought a rope to hang himself, went to the forest; witch: if you promise me what your wife will bring, you will not need to hang yourself; gave me a bag of gold, and let him send the born one in 15 years; the blacksmith bought his forge and did not drink again; wife gave birth to a daughter; she got up at 4 weeks: I have to work! When she is 15 years old, a witch took her away; she puts her on her lap: did you see anything softer? girl: mother's knees; gave me a sip from the carafe: sweeter? - Mother's milk; in the castle, the witch gave the keys to all rooms, forbiding you to enter one; she went in, there was a dead man; denies that she went in; witch: it's useless, you will be punished; want to be deaf, dumb or blind? the girl chose to be silent; then the witch tore off all the girl's clothes and pushed her into the sea; she climbed ashore and hid in the hollow of an oak tree; the Queen found her, married her; she gave birth; a witch came: Do you confess? - No; the witch took the child, leaving bones next to the woman to think that she ate it herself; the same with the second child; after the third, the woman was going to be burned; the witch reappeared, but the woman and did not confess at the stake; witch: you are persistent; put out the fire and brought the children and speech back; all is well, the witch did not show up again]: Löwis of Menar 1927, No. 33:97-101; Icelanders [the king chased behind the deer, the companions fell behind; the deer was gone, he saw the house, the door was ajar, there was a big dog in the room; food, wine and fodder for the horse were ready, the bed was free; in the morning again; the king sat on his horse and went home, but the dog stopped him; he did not even thank him for his hospitality and now let him give the one who would be the first to meet him at home; this is the king's youngest daughter; three days later the dog began to scrape into door; the king sent a maid instead of the princess; the dog took her away; on the way asks what time it is; she: at this time they are sweeping the room; the dog realized that it was not a princess, tore up the maid, returned to the next day; this time the princess went; replies to the dog that she was meeting her father at that time; the dog brought her into the house; at night, a man in the girl's bed; when it's time to give birth, the dog warns that the baby will be carried away immediately and that she does not cry; the princess gave birth to a girl, the kite took her away immediately; the princess did not cry and was rewarded with a golden comb; the dog tells the princess that her the older sister is getting married; she can visit her, but she will return three days later and should not talk about herself; she gave two dresses - let her sister give one, the other she will wear herself; all the same after birth second daughter, received a precious necklace; released to her second sister's wedding; gave birth to a boy for the third time and shed a tear; the dog gave a mirror, but reproached that this time it was not so good good; the princess's third sister is getting married; this time the princess's mother gave a pebble and taught him how to lower him over the sleeper's face to see him {incomprehensible}; the princess saw a handsome man, he woke up and said that now they would have to part; he is Prince Sigurd; after the death of his mother, the king found a hut in the forest in which the woman and her daughter; the woman called herself queen, her husband died in battle, kingdom broke; the king married her, but S. refused to marry her daughter and his stepmother turned him into a dog at 10, and then marries her daughter anyway; you can save yourself by marrying a beautiful princess, so that no one can see him, that the princess gives birth to three children and shed tears; that tear is a thorn (Staar) in the boy's eye, the princess will only wash him away with her own tears; it is his father's brother who has become a deer to lure the princess's father; let the princess go to his uncles, taking with her the comb, necklace and mirror she received as a gift; the princess came to see the prince's first uncle; he sent the second; his wife and three children are with him; the boy has an eyesore; she washed him away with the tears that were in her scarf knot; uncle: let the princess go the short way through the mountains, then she will be in time before the wedding prince; gave a staff with an iron tip: the road would be smooth as a mirror; no one recognized the princess in the palace; she began to comb her hair with a golden comb, gave the bride the right to spend the first night with her husband; but she could not wake him up; the same on the second night, bought for the necklace; the prince's third uncle advised to quietly pour out the drink that would be offered for the night, it contained a sleepy potion; princess bought a third night for the mirror; she and the prince agreed; the next day a feast; the prince's three uncles brought the princess and her children in and asked if the prince knew them; he replied that he knew; the witch and her daughter turned into a giantess, but the prince's uncles put poles in their mouths, and the servants hidden under the tables put shackles on them; the prince married the princess; soon the old king died, the prince reigned, the uncle did Jarlami]: Poestion 1994, No. 3:21-38; Icelanders [Vala is beautiful and evil; her daughter Vilfridur is more beautiful than her, she is called Völufehri ("more beautiful than Vala"); Vala took her daughter to the forest and left her; two came out of the stone dwarf; allowed her to live with them, just asking them not to wake them up - they have a bad dream; and not open the door to anyone; Vala asks her magic mirror; she replies that Wilfridur has dwarfs; Vala has come to the stone, persuaded her daughter to stick her finger through the slit to put her grandmother's ring on it, cast a spell that caused the ring to clench on her finger; the dwarfs found the same gold from which it was the ring was made, and when in contact with it, the ring unclenched; the mirror again tells Valya that her daughter lives with dwarfs; Vala persuaded her daughter to stick her leg in to put her great-grandmother's gold shoe on her (same as with the ring); for the third time, Vala brought a belt with a spell that only the king of Germany could remove it; the dwarfs transported Wilfridur across the sea and left it on the shore; blowing, raised a storm at sea, for the king of Germany, who was swimming nearby, to land; he took off the girl's belt and she would come to life; found the dwarfs dead - they were exhausted because they blew so hard; Wilfridur agreed to marry the king on the condition that he would not take anyone to the palace without her advice; Vala sent a husband, whose name was Raudur (B.E. Rother), to Germany to kill her daughter and bring her curl, tongue and some blood; he sailed and persuaded her the king to leave him for the winter; Wilfidur is giving birth hard; R. told the king he could help, flew out the midwife to go out; cut off the child's ear, put it in his mother's mouth, and threw the baby out the window; the same with the latter childbirth (put his severed toe in his mouth); the third time, his finger; the king allowed his wife to be taken to the forest; R. ordered the servants to bring her curl, tongue and blood; they brought the dog's tongue and blood; they brought the dog's tongue and blood; Wilfridur came to the hut and the owner sheltered it; at this time, in the herds of the king of loss; he took R. and went to the forest to find the predator; they got lost and came to the house where Wilfidur lived; the owner let the king in, and R. only with the condition that he would tell his story; the owner ordered the ring to stab the narrator if he lied; he had to confess everything; with the king's consent, the owner put R.'s head into the boiling pot; the next room is a queen, and another has three children; one boy has no ear, the other has a finger, and a girl has a toe; this man picked up the children when they were thrown out the window; when the girl grew up, the landlord married her]: Poestion 1884, No. 19:152-166 (reprint of part one, by Rittershaus 1902:118-123 in Sutrop 2018:421-426; according to one option, Vala is stalking her daughter at sea and she turns it into the ugliest fish); Faroese, Karelians, Lithuanians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 887:511-512; (cf. Veps [after the death of his wife, the old man decided to marry his daughter; took her to the forest; the grandmother tells her to take a comb, brush, ball with him; the daughter says that she will go to pee, runs away; threw the brush (forest), the comb (slippery mountain), ball (river); father cut off his eggs, threw them at his daughter, they stuck to her shoulders and repeat everything she says; the girl returned home, silent; the man married, the wife gave birth, man killed the child, the wife is still silent; the man marries the daughter of Baba Yaga, the first wife is told to cook jelly; she tried it and says: the jelly is sweet; the teases repeat; she says to them: once sweet, then jump in him; she slammed a pot of jelly on the corner of the house; mother-in-law: what is this? daughter-in-law: the firewood in the stove is cracking; mother-in-law is glad that the daughter-in-law spoke; the daughter-in-law came up to the new wife, there is a dirty pot in her hands; she: if you hadn't stained your dress with soot, I'd better give it to me; daughter-in-law: I'm three years old fear of your father-in-law and mother-in-law was silent, and you spoke the very first night; the husband tied Baba Yaga's daughter to the stallion's tail and let her go along the bumpy road; began to live with his former wife]: Onegin, Zaitseva 1996, No. 24: 116-118).

(Wed. Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [the father bequeaths his son not to marry his sister until he marries himself; but the sister married a one-eyed man; the brother met the beautiful woman at the bridge, brought his wife; the sister says that at night she flies through a pipe, becomes a dog and eats dead; the husband is convinced that this is true, said to his wife, she has turned him into a dog; shepherds appreciate her; the padishah's wife is losing newborns; the dog beat him off the child in the creature that came out of the chimney; the padishah let the dog go home, the wife turned it into a sparrow; he flew to 11 horsemen, with them the old man, turned him back into a man; the young man took the old man's magic rod turned him into a horse; explained to the horsemen that they were the children of the padishah kidnapped by the old man; he turned his wife into a mare, began to carry the forest on it, she drowned herself in the lake]: Zamaletdinov 2008a, 56:254-258).