Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K34. Dangerous swings, K855.


The character puts others on a swing and, rocking, throws them (or threatens to throw them) into the water, on rocks, etc.

Vogeo, Lhota, Rengma, Riang, Chin, Mizo, Bori, Dafla, Zyaray, Sre, Vieta, Mentawai, Toraja, Minahasa, Timor, Ifugao, Paiwan, Tajiks, Mountain Tajiks, Khufs, Yagnobs, Uzbeks, Koyukon, Inner Tlingit, Bellacula, Upper Chehalis, Kalapuya, Kutene, Menonyme, Ojibwa, Western Swamp Cree, Northern Ojibwa, Fox, Montagnier, Malesite, Blackfoot, Assiniboine, Grovantre, Omaha, and ponca, osage, arapahoes, shayens, karok, shasta, vintu, yana, pomo, northern payut, goshiute, western and northern shoshones, hicarilla, mihe, mountain poles, taulipan, arekuna, kashinaua.

Melanesia. Vogeo [Tawawa put the kids on a swing, cut the rope; where the rope fell, a ravine formed; fallen children turned into rocks]: Hogbin 1970:40.)

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lhota [people are tired of Apfuho's tricks; they shake it over the pond, leave it on a swing, it must fall into the water; A. sees a man and a woman wearing jewelry, they lead a buffalo mitan; A. pretends to be pleasant to swing; man and woman swing, fall, drown; A. tells residents he took jewelry and buffalo out of the pond; everyone asks to throw them off the swing into the pond, they drown]: Mills 1922:178-180 ; Western rengma [outraged by Che's antics, people put him on a swing above the pond, he must fall, drown; husband and wife come up with rich decorations; Che tells how good it is to swing; spouses they stop the swing, sit down themselves, drown in the pond, Che picks up the jewelry, says he got it at the bottom; all people want to touch too, some just jump into the water, everyone drowned; Che was holding it at the time ornaments above the water, people saw their reflection]: Mills 1937:255-256; vancho [the girl refused to give her younger brother her jewelry; he offered to shake her on a swing, threw it into the water, she became fish; people don't eat this fish because it was a girl]: Elwin 1958a, No. 12:317; ryang (Tripura) [two sisters went to the field and then went swimming; the eldest offered to swing above the water on a vine; when the youngest's turn, the eldest pushed her so much that the vine broke off, the girl fell and was swallowed by catfish; at home, the eldest said that the youngest left before her; the mother went to wash; hears her daughter's voice from under the walkway ( "this is my chest", "head", etc.); mother pulled out the catfish, sent her husband for a sickle; he forgot what to bring him twice, brought him the third time, the girl took a catfish out of her stomach; she told everything; older sister put them in a cage without food or water; she asked the birds to shed their wings, feathers, legs; looked like a bird, asked her younger sister to open the cage and flew away; parents promise to forget in vain about what happened; married a male bird; prepared a bag of snakes and bees; parents ask flying birds if their daughter is with them; each pack: she will arrive later; finally, the daughter arrives, accepts human appearance; when everyone fell asleep, she released snakes and bees, and flew away as a bird again]: Mandal 2009:118-120; ranks [Kur Bung Bel is poor and ugly; does not kill rats, fish; rat tells the elder marry him off his daughter (only the youngest agrees), the fish makes him handsome; the older sister, out of envy, puts the pregnant youngest on a swing, throws her off, returns under her guise, tied to pumpkin in her stomach; the youngest fell off the cliff to the shore, gave birth to a son; the husband returned, found them; the older sister runs away]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 17:72-76; miso [the monkey swayed on the swing; the bear asked let him swing; the monkey said that first you had to fix the ropes (vines) as he peeled off, and cut them herself; when the bear fell, the monkey ran up and brought a side dish to eat with the bear meat; the bear survived and became angry; the monkey jumped on the tree and the bear ate the food she had brought]: McGall 1949:87-88; bori [Tani is the younger brother, Taki is the elder; Tani advises Taki to bring the spirit sacrifice is a pig, throwing her down the slope; takes it, he and his children are fat; Tanya laughs at Taki; Taki tries to repeat the deception, but Taki heated a stone on the mountain and threw it down the slope, Taki grabbed him, burned; Taki made the boat, said it was warmer to sleep in it; Tanya believed, Taki closed the lid tightly, lowered the boat down the river; Tanya asked the vines, then the reeds to stop the boat; the reeds stopped; asks the birds for help; two birds began to hammer, but broke their beaks; the Randang bird freed Tanya, he returned home; tied monkey bows and arrows to the tree, became a bird himself, began to scream that monkeys were not they know how to fish; they grabbed their bows but can't tear them off; they got into a fight, only three monkeys survived; after the fight they have flat noses and sunken eyes; Tanya brought monkey meat and onions, wife and children ate; told Tanya that they got fat when he put them in a trough and poured boiling water on them; He did so, his wife and children became worms; Tanya began to swing on the vine; Taki wanted to too, saw it under him sharp rocks; Tanya has a pair of eyes in front and back of her head; Taki promised to take him off the swing if he gave him one pair; he looked at the back of his head, now Taki has two pairs of eyes; he became Wiyu; so perfume they see people, but people do not see spirits; Taki made Tanya's wife and children fall ill and die; Tanya himself also fell ill; give him perfume as his wife Doini Aiye, daughter of Doini-Pollo (Sun-Month); after that he recovered, they have many children]: Elwin 1958a, No. 2:144-147 (=Elwin 1958b, No. 2:157-160); aka (chrusso) [Ossin's older brother and younger Awa find a woman in the forest, fight over her, O. kills A., his the corpse burns in a forest fire, the mongoose covers the bones with clay, revives A.; so three times; O. finds A. climbing the swing; he says he is watching the dancing fish from above; O. wants too, A. throws the swing with his brother into the river; O. hits the top of the Month, replies that the Sun is shining brighter, the Month throws him back into the river; at the top of the Sun Woman, O. tells her that the Sun is brighter; she promises it pick him up on the way back; on the first morning O. overslept, the next Sun grabbed him by the hair at dawn; O. killed his brother at home, returned his wife; A. came to life again, but left, found his wife elsewhere; he is an ancestor aka, and O. - bangny]: Elwin 1958b, No. 10:181-184; duffla [perfume attached a swing to the sky, began to deliberately admire the beautiful views that supposedly open when you take off higher; Apo- Tani believed, asked for permission to swing; the perfume was placed at the bottom of the sharp bamboo stakes, promised to remove it if AT told me where his drug, which made him invisible; I had to say; the perfume swallowed the potion and have been invisible ever since; AT licked what was left off the leaves; so only priests see it either]: Bora 1995, No. 13:16-18.

Burma - Indochina. Zyaray: Dournes 1977:108-109 [Mother Forest woman (Mère Brousse) digs a wild yam in the forest; a boa constrictor from a tree causes rain, forcing a woman to climb his tree; she returns in the morning home, asks H'Bia's granddaughter (B.) to marry Boa, she refuses, her younger sister H'Lui? (L.) agrees; on the River, Boa sheds her snakeskin, turns out to be handsome; in the water, L. attacks the branch, her husband revives her; the older sisters B. and H'Kruah (K., she is the oldest) also want such a husband; L.'s husband finds another boa constrictor, who swallows B. and everyone in the house; L.'s husband finds him, rips his stomach open, revives B.; going to the coast to the Vietnamese, tells his wife not to go out if she is called a strange thing; B. calls her to swing on a swing, she goes out, B. throws her into the water, is swallowed by a crocodile, in his womb she gives birth to a boy; when the crocodile goes ashore, the boy rips open with a knife his stomach, goes out with his mother; in short, he creates a house, his rooster sings, her husband returns, L. tells him what happened], 109-110 [a woman digs a wild yam in the forest, it starts to rain, she comes to banana plantations, promises the owner's granddaughter, Boa descends from the tree, marries H'Lui? (L.) turns out to be handsome; when going to Champa on business, her husband tells L. not to leave the house if she is called; her older sister H'Bia (B.) wants to take her place, calls, pushes her into the water, L. swallows a crocodile, in his womb she gives birth to a boy; when a crocodile goes ashore, the boy rips open his stomach with a knife, goes out with his mother; L. had an egg with him, a rooster comes out of it, sings, her husband returns, walking to the voice of a rooster, finds out L., kills B.]; sre: Dournes 1977:113-114 [fisherman with daughters Nga (eldest) and Ngi is fishing, Serpent orders to give him his daughter, Nga runs away, Ngi agrees marry the Snake; The serpent takes off her skin, becomes handsome, gives wealth; Nga is jealous, also wants a snake, he drags her under water, her husband puts his skin back, turns out to be the lord of snakes, saves Ngi, takes both sisters; Nga pushes Nga into the water, she is swallowed first by a whale (the husband saves), then the sea shell; the tyams find the shell, take Ng; the husband finds her, lives with her at the tyams], 113-114 [ in the forest, the hunter puts his snares, Boa blocks his way, demands a girl; does he offer one of his sisters - Ngi, Nga, Nai Tölui? (she is the youngest, married to the crap); the serpent requires only NT, otherwise he will swallow the whole village; NT comes to him, he becomes handsome, they come to live with cravings; when leaving, the husband tells NT not to leave the house; envious, Nga cuts NT's throat, pushes her into the water; she has an orange, a knife, an egg with her; a crocodile swallows her; she gives birth to a son; the crocodile goes ashore, the son cuts it from the inside; from an orange a tree grows, a rooster emerges from an egg; NT rises to heaven; the husband returns, finds a son, his ancestor The sun helped him identify the boy; Nga pretends to be NT, NT's son hits her; NT descends from the sky; Nga also wants a Snake, finds, raises a stranglehold, he becomes big, swallows it from his feet, she first takes it as a game; the NT husband takes the form of a snake, finds the swallowed one, pulls her ashore, pulls Nga out, she is in worms, NT's husband makes her whole, forbids her to go out in the sun; she goes out, melts, turns into a termite]; Viets [the king sent 10 daughters in boats down with the flow; whoever stops the boat is the husband; in a year, bring her husbands to me; a kadak (the size of a fox) asks to be transported across the river; the youngest agrees, he jumped into her boat, became her husband; the king commands get deer, older sons-in-law do not find deer, kadak leads to deer; only he catches fish by diving to the water king; creates a palace overnight; the king secretly sees how the kadak shed his animal skin; hid the skin; gives his wife powder and a knife to cause it in case of trouble; the older sister wants to take the place of the younger one; offers to swing on a swing, cut the rope, the sister fell into the water; the elder put on her clothes; the youngest managed to throw the knife and powder, the husband finds her from the water king, returns it; the older sister ran away, turned into a lizard; since then, the lizard has been hiding her head in the sand from shame]: Bystrov et al. 1962:74- 78.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Mentawai [shortly before her husband's death, the wife gave birth to a cat son; he sends his mother to marry the bride; two older sisters refuse, the youngest agrees; soon the cat turns into a young man; the sisters are jealous , invite her to swing, the rope breaks, the woman falls into the sea; swims out on an island, wants her house to be with her, everything appears; her husband brings her home, hits her, drives her older sisters away]: Loeb 1929, No. 6:99-101; toraja [like Kapita pumpkin ("pumpkin") plays the flute, asks the mother to marry Raja's daughter; Inkan, the youngest of seven sisters, agrees; K. turns handsome, turns a swamp into the lake, creates a house; sisters offer I. to swing on a swing, throw her on a distant island; K. easily finds her, returns her]: Braginsky 1972:91-94; Minahasa: Kratz 1973, No. 45 [parents have a son -freak, his name is Kapitu ("pumpkin"); he plays the flute well; asks his mother to marry the chief's daughter; only Ingkan, the youngest of seven daughters, agrees; after the wedding, K. is handsome, big and rich house; six sisters are jealous, offer I. to swing her on a swing by the sea, cut off the rope, I. falls to the other side; K. sails in a boat, finds and brings his wife back; becomes the chief], 50 [y fisherman 9 daughters; slow lori (Nycticebus coucang) asks one of them to marry; agrees the youngest, Ringkitan; sheds her skin, turns out to be handsome Kusoi; sisters are jealous; in the absence of K., they lead R. swing on a swing above the sea, her hair is dug around a branch, she stays hanging; K. sails, finds and frees his wife; forgives her sisters]: 217-220, 227-237; Timor [woman gives birth a poisonous green snake; a snake son asks his mother to marry the eldest of his maternal uncle's seven daughters; only the youngest ugly Soce-Bere agrees; the snake sends mother and wife to a holiday, there are seven nights in a row they see an unknown handsome man; women find empty snakeskin at home, hide it; a snake who has returned in the guise of a young man tells to leave the skin in the spring; envious of the younger, the older sisters cut the ropes of the swing; a woman falls into the sea, gives birth to a crocodile on her back, calls her husband; he saves her, executes her evil sisters]: Pascoal 1967:271-274.

Taiwan - Philippines. Paywan [when going to work in the field, the husband tells the pregnant wife to kill the girl, if born, to keep the boy; the wife gives birth to a beautiful girl, does not kill; sends her father lunch; he puts his daughter in jail on a swing, rocks, the girl falls into the river; the mother sends five suitors to look for their bride; one catches her, brings her to the village; since then the father has fallen in love with her daughter]: Egli 1989, No. 63:145-148.

Iran - Central Asia. Mountain Tajiks (Darvaz) [bai tells him to marry him a wife as beautiful as Myrambi, the daughter of a poor neighbor; they do not find one; parents promise to give M. bay; M. gives rice to magpie, then those chicken they tell M. that she will be given for a bay; M. stuck a needle in the ground, it became a plane tree, M. climbed on it, the plane tree began to grow taller; M. replies to her mother, father, older brother that she, he, he, she is no longer her mother, father, brother, and enemy; younger brother cried, M. told the plane tree to go down, picked up her brother, the tree grew to the sky again, brother and sister walked across the plain; the old man warns not to drink from the lake (you will become frogs), from a stream (gazelles), get drunk from the river; brother drinks from a stream, makes a gazelle; a goat transports them across the river; M. fried the partridge, the padishah's nuker came, brought him this partridge, M. became the padishah's beloved wife; he left, the two older wives began to swing pregnant M. on a swing on the pond, cut the rope, M. fell; the wives told the padishah that M. was peri, flew away; the elder wife says that she is sick, asks to slaughter the gazelenka; he asks the torturers to let him drink first; M. replies from the pond that she has Shohusain and Mohusain (Ali's sons) on her chest; the padishah tells the giant to drink the pond, returns M. and children, gazelenok becomes a boy again; wives were torn apart by horses]: Amonov 1972:50-58 (=Amonov, Ulug-zade 1957:189-195, =1960:218-225, =Osmanov 1989:297-305); Khufs [father has two sons and a daughter; the elder asks the father to give him a wife; the father tells him to stick a flower into the hair of whoever he likes; the son chose a sister; the old woman told her that she was being passed off as a brother; the girl went up to the plane tree and told her to grow up; mother asks the plane tree to be shorter; girl: you served as my mother {in the sense that you are no longer my mother}; the same with my father; with my older brother; when my younger brother came up, she went down and went with him to another country; asks not to drink from the stream - you will become a wolf; then a horse; a dog; the fourth time the boy got drunk and became a lamb; the king met them, brought them to his place; the former wife put a new one on a swing, shakes, that falls into the pond; when the king returns, he orders the lamb to be slaughtered; he cries by the pond: They sharpen the damask knife, they put Leyla's brother in the cauldron; the king heard, threw a rope to his wife and pulled it out; tied his old wife to a horse , he smashed it to pieces]: Sokolova 1959, No. 21:83-86; Yagnobtsy [the young man promises to marry a girl like his sister; does not find it, decides to take his sister herself; the sparrow tells her about it, gives her a magic wand, the girl flies away on it; refuses to return at the request of her mother (she is now her mother-in-law), her younger brother; but then takes it with her; they go, the sister forbids the boy to drink from different rivers, for he will become a marmot, a bear, a pig; he drinks from a river that turns half into a goat; a sister climbs a tree above the water; the maid thinks she is so beautiful, refuses carry water; the old woman persuaded her to go down, the king married the girl; while he was hunting, the other wives persuaded her to swing on the swing, cut off the rope, the girl fell into the pond; the other wife says she is sick, asks to slaughter the goat; the goat asks for permission to go to the pond, sings that Bibi-Mo (i.e. his sister) has Hassan and Hussein (newborns) in the arms, let the knife turn around and prevent him from slaughtering; the maid tries slaughter a goat, hurts himself; the tsar hears, orders to bring cattle, they drink water, the pond dries up; feast; other wives are tied to horses]: Andreev, Peshereva 1957, No. 45:206-210; Uzbeks [the widower's eldest Gulnor's daughter, the youngest of Oimoma; the father married a widow, she has her own son; O. tells G. that they want to pass her off as a half-brother; G. ran to the mountains, asked the stone to open, hid inside the stone; only the ends of the hair remained outside; the father began to ask the stone to open; G.: was a father, now father-in-law; to the father's wife: you are not a mother, but a stepmother; to the groom: so that his eyes would not look at you; when O. came, G. asked the stone opened and both sisters went on a journey; O. wanted to drink, G. did not tell you to turn into a bear cub; elsewhere into a wolf cub; in the third place into a goat; O. wants to become a goat, drinks; hunters The Shah was surrounded by them, the Shah married G.; Shah's first wife Bekoim ordered the goat to be put on a chain; G. would give birth soon, the Shah went hunting; B. hung a swing by the pond, G. began to swing, B. cut the rope, G. fell into the pond; B. tells the Shah that G. poisoned her, became an owl and flew away; B. pretended to be sick, goat meat will cure her; the goat sings over the pond, G. answers from the bottom; the cooks made a fire under the boilers, 40 the butchers are ready to slaughter the goat; she asks the butcher not to cut it, calls her sister ("The boilers are suspended, the knives are sharpened"), she answers from the bottom ("I have carpets under my feet, two cradles nearby, Hassan and Hussein in my arms" ); people hear, scooped up water, there are two golden cradles at the bottom; G. gave the goat a drink of water, she became a girl again; the Shah ordered B. and her healer to tie 40 horses to their tails and died; the horses were driven to the steppe; G. became ruler]: Westerman 2009:222-227.

Subarctic. Koyukon [The raven invites children to swing on a log at the edge of the cliff; splits the log with its beak, the children fall, turn into animals (one is a frog); Raven's nephew remains Ferret; he He wraps the Raven in a blanket, says he will carry him across the river, throws him off the cliff; the Raven predicts that if he dies, the villages down the river will be empty; the Ferret revives the Raven by collecting its body members; The Raven sails along the river to the village, there are a lot of people]: Jones 1983:245-255; inner Tlingits (mother of an informant Tagish, but she herself has only spoken Tlingit since she was 5 years old) [woman married to two brothers ; they try to make her racket skis many times, each time she puts them under her head for the night and the skis are untwisted; her stomach becomes huge, she asks her husbands to move away; they see her from the mountain gives birth to animals; elk is the first to leave (? moose), he had grizzly fangs, she took them out, told him to eat willow branches, told him to shed his horns every year; then caribou is born; let the male shed his horns every year, let the caribou eat moss; mountain ram - let him eat grass; grizzly; she tried to take out his fangs, but he did not give it; wolf; rabbit, began to eat twigs; the animals lived with their mother for a year, she was tired of them; made a swing out of skin, tying ropes to four mountains; heavy animals pierced the swing; she left, her tracks remained in some places]: Cruickshank 1990:44-48.

NW Coast. Bellacula [Keldkap asks his sister for pubic hair, makes a snare; splits trees with arrows, kills a grizzly; his arrow gets stuck in a tree, he climbs after it; the tree grows, he hits the sky, puts a snare; the Sun falls into him; K. paints the Mouse, which helps it withstand the heat and free the Sun; K. descends the tree back to the ground; four female mice swing it over abyss, they throw them down; he clings to the rock, comes back, wants to pump them now; they refuse in fear]: McIlwraith 1948 (1): 635-638.

The coast is the Plateau. Upper chehalis [see motif A23; kidnapped by those living beyond the horizon, the Month returns to earth, exterminating monsters along the way; a woman puts passers-by on a swing, rocks, people crash on rock; Woodpecker helps her; The month is unharmed, rocks the woman, she shatters]: Adamson 1934:166-167; Kalapuya [Puma hunts, Mink catches fish and collects roots; Puma marries a Grizzly; her four sisters come one after another, he fights with them, kills them; the wife finds out the truth in a dream, puts on a grizzly skin, eats her husband, carries his penis in her teeth; revives her sisters, returns to her father; gives birth a boy and a girl; they hear the mother cry, see her penis in her teeth; they come to Norka, he tells them about the murder of their father; they tie up the sleeping Grizzly sisters and their father in the house, set him on fire, run away; the mother chases them; the boy creates a berry meadow behind, a turtle teasing the stalker; she loses time picking berries while catching a turtle; the children make a swing on an oak branch; the mother asks allow her to swing; when they rock her, they break the swing, she falls far north, disappears; the boy turns Norka into a hole, his sister into a grizzly, himself a coutene]: Gatschet et al. 1945, No. 8:261-272; kutene [the sister does not tell her brother to go in a certain direction; he goes, shoots a squirrel, it falls into the lake, he swims for a squirrel, is swallowed by fish; the sister pulls him alive, catching the fish and cutting it; contrary to the warning, he goes in the other direction; the woman asks him to swing; he swings safely first; when she sits down, the rope breaks, the woman dies; reluctantly, the sister admits that A grizzly killed their father; a brother kills one Grizzly with an arrow, then pulls their father's hair out of their womb]: Boas 1918, No. 31:45-47.

The Midwest. Menominee [ten brothers hunt, the youngest (11th) does the housework; sees a red swan, shoots all the arrows, wounds him with an arrow found in his older brother's magic bundle; walking behind the swan, goes through 11 villages, each of them spends the night with a woman, each asking when the swan flew by; she comes to an old woman; she sent a swan to lure a young man; she asks to get her kidnapped, beaded head (her head is not real); the young man turns into a dog, pulls it out, brings his head; the old woman gives him 11 red swan feathers, one for each brother; on the way back, a young man takes all the women he slept with, gives it to the brothers; the eldest also wants the young man's wife; persuades the brothers to make a swing, put the youngest on them, cut off the rope; the youngest knows this; says to his wife that when he dies, all of them women must return to their native villages; as it happened, the brothers were left without wives]: Bloomfield 1928, No. 103:419-429; Ojibwa or Chippewa [the hunter gives the best meat is for the wife, not the mother, she is jealous; lures her daughter-in-law to a swing over the lake, cuts off the rope, the daughter-in-law falls into the water; the water monster wraps her tail around her; the old woman puts on her clothes pretends to be babysitting a child; the husband does not notice the change, gives her the best meat; an orphan boy lives in the house; realizes that the adoptive mother has been killed; brings her to babysit her baby; she gets up from water to the waist; next time the husband pierces the monster with a spear, frees his wife; mother-in-law falls into the fire, turns into a black bird]: Spence 1985:176-180; Ojibwa: Jones 1919, No. 66 [The sun is husband Moon; he is not at home during the day, her at night; one day she got angry with some women, killed them; her husband did not like it, he married a girl; Luna wanted to kill her by rocking on a swing; the girl fell, but magically summoning the awls, plunged them into a slippery rock, rose; the Wolves ate the moon; the girl became the moon], 67 [(paraphrase in Lévi-Strauss 1968, No. 499:338-339); see motif A3; the Moon is the wife of the Sun; plants the girl on the swing, rocks, she falls into a deep hole; Thunders save her; the Sun allows the Thunder to devour his wife; makes the girl a new wife and Moon]: 609-623, 623-653; Western Swamp Cree ( stone crees): Brightman 1989:23-26 [Wīsahkīcāhk and his younger brother are playing on the lake shore, throwing up their nails; B.'s fingernail falls into the boat of the Wīōmissiw that has sailed; he suggests he gets into the boat and takes his fingernail; the self-jeeling boat immediately sails; the younger brother on the shore turns into a wolf; V. shouts to him, chasing the caribou, not to approach the water; V. is tearful, ugly; two Wīmisōsiw's eldest daughters reject him, the youngest washes him, makes him a husband; the eldest now also wants him, the youngest refuses to share; they have two children; V. wants to make wings to fly; Wī misōsiw intends to destroy him, 1) is lucky to dangerous eagles, this is the spirit guardians of his father-in-law; throws V. to eat them; V. calls eagles younger brothers, they give him feathers, he flies in the form of a seagull over Wīmisōsiw, defecates on him, comes home before his father-in-law; he sees V. making arrows; 2) bring arrowpoles, takes him to the thickets, throws snakes; V. calls snakes younger brothers, brings the poles home until his father-in-law returns; 3) V. offers to swing on the swing; Wīmisōsiw leads to the swing around the bone; V. does not fall, and when Wīmisōsiw swings, he takes off and falls; later he returns; both spend the night in the forest, V. hides his clothes under his head, hangs his father-in-law's clothes where he hung; at night, Wīmisōsiw gets up, throws his clothes into the fire; Wī misōsiw heats the stone, rolls in front of him; when the stone cools down, it heats it again; larch trees have been growing at all its stops since then; Wīmisōsiw admits defeat, no longer stalks his son-in-law], 47-48 [Wīsahkīcāhk and his younger brother play with their nails; his nails fall into the Misōsiw boat, he takes V., the younger brother stays, becomes a wolf; V. suggests M. on a swing, throws him up, he crashes, V. takes his self-propelled boat; M. comes to life, the boat returns to him; M.'s eldest and middle daughters reject V., the youngest takes him as her husband]; northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [see motif K27; two brothers ran away from their mother chasing their head; old Ginosaze invites the elder to the boat, sails away with him; the youngest turns into a wolf; the eldest marries G.'s two daughters; he calls his son-in-law to swing on a swing over the cliff; the son-in-law does not fall, G. breaks into stones, his son-in-law revives him]: Ray, Stevens 1971:52-53; fox [the old woman sees that son-in-law has a big penis; makes a swing over the lake, invites her daughter to swing, cuts the vine, the daughter falls into the water, the Great Lynx takes her as his wife; the old woman pulls her skin tighter, piercing it on the back of her head and wrapped around a stick; at night, the husband discovers a wand, kills the false wife with a club; the drowned brother brings her crying baby to the shore; the mother is half out of the water to feed him; next time brother and the husband brings a horn knife, the husband cuts off his wife's fish tail, she jumps out of the water to the shore; a Lynx appears, holding its tail and fish in her teeth]: Jones 1907, No. 8:101-111.

Northeast. Montagnier: Desbarats 1969 [see motif J1; A monster kills Shakabish's parents and his sister; S. kills a Monster; cannibals put a man on a swing, cut a rope, a man falls into a boiling pot, it is eaten; S. puts fat under his clothes; the fat in the boiler melts, but S. is unharmed; when the cannibals come up, S. throws the cauldron over on them, brings it to his sister; see motive A37]: 57-58; Savard 1979, No. 1 [ Katshikuasku kills Tshakapesh and his wife; their daughter finds a boy in her mother's womb; his name is also T.; does not tell him to go where K. lives, he pretends to be afraid, goes (the episode is repeated at the beginning every new adventure); black, polar bears, Matshuo (like K., a particularly scary bear) take turns coming out, rejected; K. comes out, says that killing him is as difficult as hitting a certain tree, rock; T. breaks a tree, a rock with arrows, kills K., finds his father's hair in K.'s stomach, turns it into moss on conifers; brings K.'s head to his sister, does not tell her to eat; sister eats, cannot open her mouth; T. opens her mouth, says only men will eat bear head; T. is swallowed by a huge trout; tells her to grab the bait in her sister's forest, sister cuts the trout's belly, T. comes out; people invite T. to hunt a huge beaver, which always drags hunters to the bottom; T. kills a beaver, brings it to his sister; marries two cannibal daughters; they warn not to eat the human fat that their mother will offer; the cannibal offers to fight, T. kills her by throwing her against the rock she threw her former sons-in-law against; T. brings her wives to her sister; people mistapeut play ball with a bear's head, kill every newcomer by throwing it; T. beats his head off; the man wants to captivate T., make his sister's husband; T. brings him to his sister's husband; people swing on a swing over the abyss, victims fall into a boiling pot; T. tells the feathers to float, tells his sister's husband to invite those people to gather at the cauldron when the fat comes up; turns the cauldron on them; T. plucks all her hair, leaving it on her head, eyebrows and eyelashes; people used to be covered in hair; now T. is cold, sister sews her first clothes; T. shoots a squirrel, sister gets stuck in a tree, it grows, he climbs into the sky; puts a trap on the path, the Sun falls into it, it gets dark; The Squirrel, the Mouse can't come up because of the heat, the Shrew gnaws through the trap; it's light again; T. returns for the family, they all climb into the sky, then he makes the tree small again; he goes to live on the moon, sends his son-in-law to the Morning Star]: 4-11; Speck 1925 (oz. St. John) [two cannibal girls shake young men, throw them into a deep hole; Tsekabek manages to jump off, throws off the girls themselves, killing them]: 15; malesite [The girls call Marten to swing; he insists that they swing first; cuts off the rope, they fall into a huge boiling pot, die]: Mechling 1914, No. 13:64.

Plains. Blacklegs: Josselin de Jong 1914 [the son-in-law takes all the meat from the parents of his three wives; they cook a clot of bison blood, he turns into a boy; the son-in-law is told that a girl has been born; a boy immediately becomes an adult; kills her son-in-law and two older sisters, leaves the youngest, she was kind to her parents; comes to people from whom everything was taken away by the Bear and the Bear; kills those, leaving them in their mouths hot stones; a snake with a horn in its forehead took everything from old women in another village; a blood clot cuts off her and other snakes's heads; kills the Witch Doctor, who lured people into his house; the Ballplayer (woman); another a woman who asked everyone to fight her; another one who rocked people on a swing above the lake; a blood clot asks her to swing first, cuts off the rope, she falls into the water, fish and aquatic creatures devour her ]: 76-80; Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 2 [a woman puts people on her swing, they fall into the lake; the hero, who comes from a clot of bison blood, cuts the rope, the woman falls and drowns herself]: 57; assiniboine [the old woman hangs a swing on the river bank; invites her daughter to swing first; cuts the rope; the daughter falls into the water, becomes a siren; the old woman puts on her clothes, sleeps with her son-in-law; the siren comes out of the water, to babysit his crying baby; her brother lures her out, her husband cuts off her fish tail, brings her wife back; mother-in-law runs away]: Lowie 1909a, No. 8b: 157; grovantre [the old man finds a bison blood clot, he turns into a young man; travels to destroy monsters; a man shakes passers-by over the river, drops a water monster; a blood clot turns into a feather, allows himself to be swallowed, kills a monster from the inside with arrows, frees the swallowed; kills the swing owner]: Kroeber 1907b, No. 20:86-87; Omaha, Ponca: Dorsey 1888b [villains offer to compete; older brothers die; youngest 1) climbs onto a pole (killing an opponent), 2) does not break into a swing with the rope cut (lands softly on his magic pen), 3) wins the running competition; the last of The villains stay alive, turns into a woman, puts her head on the hero's knees, steals his pen, turns him into a black dog, marries the leader's daughter; her sister in the steam room returns the hero to his former appearance; he marries her, takes his pen back, turns the villain himself into a black dog; crows pecked their eyes out to the hero's parents; the older sister (ex-wife of the imaginary hero) restores their sight; in The hero agrees to marry her as well]: 74; 1890:157-162 [a man marries Corn and Bisonicha; their sons fight, Bisonicha and his son go to the buffalo, the man follows them; his magic pen helps to overcome difficulties; Bisonicha mother-in-law 1) tries to kill him in a hot steam room (he is not hot, she loses consciousness); 2) demands to identify his wife among her four sisters (he identifies); 3) identify son among the calves (the son reports that he will run sixth); 4) the mother-in-law races with his son-in-law (the pen carries him, he wins); 5) tells him to swing on a swing on the edge of the cliff (the rope bursts, he flies like pen); Father-bison tries to hurt him; he kills father-in-law and mother-in-law with arrows]; Osage [old woman falls in love with her son-in-law; invites her daughter to swing on a swing above the water, cuts the rope; daughter drowns; husband rejects his mother-in-law; Thunder gives him a lightning ax to bring his wife back; she is tied at the bottom of the river; four times the husband brings her to babysit their little daughter; each time the woman rises higher out of the water; on the fourth husband breaks her chains with a lightning axe, returns his wife; kills mother-in-law by piercing her ears with a red-hot arrow]: Dorsey 1904c, No. 22:26-27; arpaho [Raven's wife kills man's new wives by offering them swing by the backwater and cutting the rope; says: Here's food for you, grandmother; a water monster grabs a girl who has fallen into the backwater; her brother brings her crying baby to the shore; she goes out to feed him, the monster only allows her to rise from the water to the waist; her brother grabs her sister, her husband hits the monster with a spear; her brother drowns the Raven, repeating her words (Here's food for you... ); the river overflows, the family escapes to the mountain; the brother throws paint on four sides, the flood stops; fish, turtles, frogs on land turn into springs, rivers, lakes]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 5:8-12; southern sheyens [a man invites applicants for his daughter's hand to a swing, kicks, they fall into the river, drown; a young man with a magic pen turns into a bird, takes off; marries a girl; father-in-law tells me to bring material for poles, tips, plumage, bowstring; the son-in-law brings something unusable every time, but the father-in-law does not mind; the son-in-law sees which of the seven buffalo is capable break a rock with horns; points it at his father-in-law; father-in-law's arrows are powerless, the bison butts him to death, turns into a rock; his son-in-law burns his father-in-law's remains, they turn into colorful beads]: Curtis 1976 (19): 144-145.

California. See motive K27. After bending over and releasing a pole or tree, the hero throws into the sky someone who gave him difficult assignments, including offering to swing. Karok: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. A10 [Anhush lives with his grandmother, goes to exterminate monsters; marries two daughters of the Month; he demands 1) to withstand the steam room (hot resin drips from the ceiling, son-in-law hides under the floor), 2) enter the house with rattlesnakes (the son-in-law kills them, brings them to the father-in-law; he buries them, they are his children), 3) split the log (father-in-law knocks out a wedge, the son-in-law puts a tree instead of him larva), 4) get salmon with a spear (this is a water monster, he drags the hero, the Kingfisher kills him, his son-in-law brings the monster to his father-in-law; the hero's wives mourn the deceased brother), 5) bring eagle chicks (son-in-law kills dangerous eagles are the sons of the Month; see motif K1), 6) climb a pole that the father-in-law pulls and lets go (the hero replaces himself with a rat; when the old man and his daughters climb, the hero throws them into the sky; father-in-law turns into Month, women into Morning and Evening Stars], III8 [ten brothers go missing one by one; their father meets a mountain spirit; he lets the pipe smoke; the man puts it down his throat in advance tar, smoke does not burn his throat; kills the spirit, revives his sons], III37 [= (III38), without the episode of the log splitting; brings birds to the Month, these are also his children, like the snake; without turning daughters into stars ], III38 [Laska lives with her grandmother, goes to exterminate monsters; marries an old man's two daughters; after completing each assignment, leaves, marries another old man's daughters; 1) harpoon salmon (this is a snake, Laska kills, brings it); 2) get the chicks (the father-in-law took the stairs, the wind caused, Laska made the wind subside, went down); 3) split the log (Laska pinched his father-in-law himself, told him to be rotten white core); 4) swing on a swing; not Laska, but the Tree Rat flies to heaven; Laska Sends his father-in-law to heaven, who is happy to be there for a Month; his two daughters are the Morning and Evening Stars]: 18-21, 220- 221, 250-252, 255-258; shasta [final challenge: swing on a bouncy tree; son-in-law throws Thunder or the Moon into the sky forever]: Dixon 1910a, No. 16 [(=Holsinger 1982:42-47); Coyote and his people comes to compete; the bird constantly helps him with advice; 1) throw darts at each other (Coyote dodges, hits enemies), 2) get the eagle's chicks (the tree grows to the sky, the trunk is made icy, how big; Coyote descends on a piece of moss), 3) fish (at the top of the snake, he kills them), 4) get dead salmon from the bottom (Coyote takes an arrow bump stop with him; the lake is covered with ice; he breaks through the ice with a bump stop), 5) stay alive in a hot steam room (digs up the side passage with his flute); runs away; leaving the chase, turns into an old woman, salmon, hummock, fog)], 32 [Urutsmaxig wanders; all those who wade across the river die; W. enters the river, someone catches him with a hook, W. grabs the clingman, breaks the hook, throws him into the river, throws him after him, turns him into a newt; on the path to the house is full of dead bodies; in the house the murderer is told not to look, for the leader is coming; he looks and blinks to kill the person who comes up; W. throws pieces of flint into his eye, he falls into the hearth, burns, W. turns him into a vulture with her feathers and skin torn off; W. marries an old woman's daughter; she asks 1) to hunt a deer (a huge snake tries to swallow it, he kills her by throwing fragments into her mouth flint), 2) catch fish (rattlesnakes in the water, W. kills them), 3) bring eagle chicks (rattlesnakes in the nest; W. kills them), 4) harpoon salmon (he drags W. along the river for a long time, but W. kills him); all W. brings dead snakes and salmon to her mother-in-law; these are her relatives; she mourns them, buries them; mother-in-law offers to swing over a tree bent over the lake; W. flies up to the sky and returns; mother-in-law completely flies to heaven, becomes the Moon; laughs, says he will see everything now, see if anyone steals]: 25-27, 365-368; Farrand 1915, No. 4 [the young man marries two daughters of Thunder; he asks 1) to harpoon big salmon (the fish drags the young man into the sea, but he kills her, brings her father-in-law); 2) take a steam bath (there are rattlesnakes, the young man kills them, brings them to his father-in-law), 3) get bird eggs from the cliff (father-in-law destroys them steps; son-in-law makes a lichen mat that falls slowly; goes down on it)]: 211-212; screw: Curtin 1898 [old woman Pom Pokaila (earth old woman) plunged the digger into the ground, heard a scream boy; he grew up, his name is Tulchuherris, she tells him not to go east; young man 1) slips through a split pine tree in front of the Sun's house (the gap closes behind him), 2) throws flint dust at the eyes of the Sun's wife, who kills with her gaze, 3) pretends to smoke the Sun's pipe (The Sun choked on the young man's pipe), 4) dodges a knife falling at night but his bed, 5) escapes from a hot earthen furnace, digging a side passage, 6) climbs a tree to get woodpecker chicks (The sun breaks the rope; there are not chicks in the nest, but snakes; the hero kills them, descends a rope torn from the sky; The sun mourns snakes - its children), 7) goes to kill a deer (grizzlies run out, the hero's dogs kill them; the Sun mourns its children), 8) kills the fish that drags it along the river (the opossum helps to overcome; this is the son of the Sun), 9) climbs a rocking tree and jumps off quickly; when his father-in-law climbs, the young man pulls and releases the trunk; the Sun flies to heaven and splits, becoming the sun and the month)]: 121-158; DubOis, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 7 [the old woman digs edible tubers, finds a boy under the last bump; he grows up, his name is Tultuheres, his grandmother does not tell him to go east; he goes, there is the house of the Sun and his two daughters; comes back, the old woman says that his parents died there; he takes a cougar instead of a dog, comes back to the Sun; only pretends to eat human beings, eats what he brought with him; look The sun incinerates his wife, but T. manages to throw crushed flint into her eyes; he only pretends to smoke the Sun's pipe, and from the pipe T. The sun choked; at night, a knife fell on T., but he dodged; the Sun sent T. for the bird, but there was a nest of rattlesnakes on the tree; T. killed them, brought them, the Sun felt sorry for his people; the next time he killed many with the puma grizzly; rattlesnakes in the salmon house; a monster with two horns; these are all people of the Sun; the last test: climb a tree, the other will bend it and let it go; T. jumped, and the Sun flew to heaven, split, became the sun and the moon; only five options; differences: flint dust in the eyes of the sun's dogs; additional test: The sun closed T. in a hole where human bones burn; T. made a hole with a knife, went out ]: 291-295; Yana: Curtin 1898 [Rainbow's son marries the daughter of the Month; the uncle hides in the young man's heart, helps him 1) smoke poisonous pipes, 2) eat all the food prepared by the wives of the Month and the Sun, 3) rain the Sun's hot steam room; playing a pole swing with the Month, the son of the Rainbow throws him into the sky; the Spider gives the daughters of the Month a rope, they follow their father; they are stars], no.? [The acorn marries the daughter of the Month; the husbands of the other daughters of the Month hate him; he wins the dice, the race competition; his uncle is hidden in his hair; helps him bypass the scorpion, jump over a hole, a rattlesnake, a grizzly bear; An acorn kills sons-in-law]: 281-294, 429-442; Sapir 1910, No. 13 [The month suggests Marten 1) smoke a poisonous pipe (smokes), 2) stand by the fire where brains burn (Marten puts firewood instead of his brains), 3) swim (a water grizzly catches Marten, but lets go, he brings his skin), 4) bring firewood (a big snake with a horn catches Marten; he says he is the snake's uncle; brings her skin to the Month), 5) hunt deer (this is a grizzly; Marten runs through an open tree trunk; the grissy is clamped by a trunk), 6) race against the Rain and the Blue Runner (kills both), 7) climb a tree (The Month bends down and lets the tree go, the Marten jumps off); then the Marten does the same, throws the Month into heaven; then throws it to the Frog Wife and two daughters]: 233-235; pomo: Barrett 1933, No. 80/V [The Rat (Woodrat) travels killing monsters; two girls drown people, inviting them to swing; the Rat jumps off, returns unharmed; puts one of the girls on the swing throws her into the sea; she drowns], 81 [The rat marries the Morning Star's eldest daughter; she warns that her father protected her with thorns; the Rat knocks them out with a stone; father-in-law offers to swing him on a swing , spins them, the Rat does not fall; the father-in-law shakes, he falls off a cliff, dies]: 300-301, 305-306.

Big Pool. Northern payut [mother disappears, Pamáqasu's older brother takes care of his youngest, Hanínanu; that baby immediately turns into a man, kills bigger game; marries; mother-in-law does not tells you to hunt gophers in the swamp, there are snakes; he goes to the swamp, is bitten by a rattlesnake, his mother-in-law revives him; his brother does not tell him to go for arrows to the fat dog; H. goes, he falls on him, a lark suggests a vulnerable place, H. rises to the sky, he disappears; two Rattlesnakes stab H. with awls, his brother revives him; H. goes to the Wind, who offers to look from the cliff at the deer, pushes X. down; H. clings to the rock, returns; offers to look from the cliff to the Wind, collides, he dies; the old man suggests that X. climb into the hole for groundhog, plugs the hole with his snot; P. tears off his brother; Aunt Bear shakes H. on the swing, lets them go, he lands on the sand; now H. rocks, the aunt and the rest of the bears break (H. told them to repeat "stones, stones"); both brothers kill Moose, one of whom killed their mother; The Spider chases H., the Skunk hides him; answers Spider that he has already eaten H., will now throw his heart to him; throws a red-hot arrow straightener; The Spider swallows, dies; H. angry with P. for not helping him against the Spider, not giving meat; P. turns H. a tornado, eating meat]: Curtis 1976 (15): 135-143; gosyute [Bear swings on a thin tree, Bears invite the Coyote to swing, he gladly does it; invites all the Bears, bends back and lets go of the tree, all the Bears crash to death]: Smith 1993:41; northern shoshones [senior her brother does not tell Laska to go in a certain direction; there the Bear with two cubs puts passers-by in a swing, rocks them, they break; Laska jumps off in time; rocking the Bears, throws them off, they die]: Lowie 1909b, No. 13:260; Western shoshones [The sun is too low, it is very hot; every night two rabbit brothers dig a shelter to kill the Sun; they are moving closer to the sea; the Sun rises with an island in the ocean; arrows burn before they reach, brothers kill the Sun by throwing a grass torch at it; the earth burns, the water boils; the elder Rabbit tells the north wind to bring snow; revives the burnt younger; brothers cut the dead Sun, turn his bile into the new sun, his gallbladder into the moon, his eyes (?) into the stars; the elder leaves the youngest, goes, kills people; invites the Cedar Birds to swing in the tree; when he lets go of the tree, they all break; Gorlinka cries for his dead son, the Rabbit mourns with her; Groundhog calls Rabbit Rabbit, who is furious, kills and roasts marmots by moving the hill; tells Coyote how to kill marmots; he repeatedly tells the hills to give him marmots; marmots in they catch up with him in large numbers, throw them on the hot coals on which the Coyote wanted to fry them; the rabbit meets a woman who is weaving a waterproof basket; offers to weave them around each other; wraps around the woman, throws her in the basket, she dies; the Hummingbird and the Insect shoot arrows at the flower, lick the nectar; otherwise the Flower rushes at them; the Coyote shoots at the flower, the tree, the water, now they are no longer they attack people; the Rabbit did not kill these people because they called it Red Willow, not the Rabbit; the girl's brothers call the Rabbit Rabbit, they don't give rabbit meat; he burns them together with the house; wants to save their sister but she refuses to go out]: Smith 1993:97-101.

The Great Southwest. Hicarilla [the monster swallows people; the girl runs away; the Spider hides her, he kills the monster; the Spider's wife makes a swing for her with a rotten rope; when she falls into the water, the girl turns into a frog]: Goddard 1911, #17:210.

Mesoamerica Micah: Miller 1956, No. 3 [the girl refused the young man; he turned into a bird, the girl hit it, hid it on her chest, became pregnant; out of her parents' anger she went to the forest; The squirrel invited her to swing on liana, cut the vine, the girl crashed; Vulture found a boy and a girl in her womb; the boy tells him not to eat people anymore; brother and sister came to the mother's parents; while the grandmother is gone, they killed his grandfather, they filled the scarecrow with insects; his grandmother fed him meat; she hit his grandfather, the insects flew out; the grandmother chases the twins, Aguti hid them in her mouth; they threw hot stones into the snake's mouth; the beast took them to a rock, they killed him with arrows; his brother tells his sister to write vines; she says she pees bananas; his brother pees vines himself; turned people who ate bananas into forest animals; burned the beast, gave it to the Toad throw ash into the sea; he discovered, mosquitoes flew out, turned into a toad; the appearance of the Sun and the moon as in No. 4], 4 [Maria is spinning, the bird sits on the spinning wheel, it hit it, put it under her shirt, the bird pecked her in the chest, flew away; M. became pregnant; The squirrel invited her to swing on the vine, cut the vine, M. crashed; the Vulture took a boy and a girl out of her womb; the boy buried her mother, ordered The vulture has corpses of animals, not humans; the twins came to the mother's parents; taking out the lice from the grandfather, they killed him, filled the scarecrow with insects, let the grandmother cook and eat the testicles; the grandmother hit the scarecrow, insects bit her; her sister wrote, the road is wet, the stalker grandmother is sliding; Aguti hid the twins in her mouth; the old man sheltered them, the snakes come at night, the pancakes threw them into his mouth hot stones; as in No. 3 (Lorenzo opened a bag of ash, turned into a toad); people are going to choose the Sun, telling their brother that he is weak; he turns into the Sun, tells the old man to dig well; while low above the ground, it's hot, only the old man has water in the well; tells his sister to run to the old man's house for the forgotten huarache; during this time he rose high; sister became the moon; spots - her brother's huarache]: 79-85, 86-97; Hoogshagen 1971 (Oaxaca) [an orphan girl lived with an old woman; rejected suitors; it is not clear how she got along with a man; when the old woman saw that the orphan was pregnant, she kicked her out; the squirrel offered to climb on a tree and swaying on a vine; she will fix the vine; but did not correct it, but cut it; the girl began to swing, the vine broke, she crashed to death; the female vulture came down to peck at her; the boy and the girl from the woman's belly is asked to make a hole; the female vulture hardly did it, breaking her beak; the children went out; after living at the vulture, they found their grandfather; then killed him; his meat was fed to an old woman; she went to get water, the bird said that she ate her husband; (did the children make a scarecrow out of their grandfather? it is said that the old woman was bitten by wasps); the children are running, the old woman is chasing; Aguti hid the children behind her cheeks, said that her tooth hurt; the children came to the village, spent the night, found themselves on a rock among the bones; the beast came up, they killed it and burned it; the brother told his sister to write so that vines would appear, but they did not appear; he wrote it himself, vines appeared, they went down, other people too; below the corn and sugar field reeds, everyone ate; we came to the village where the holiday was, brother became the sun, sister became the moon]: 338-346; mountain camps: Elson 1947 [old Tsitsimat saw an egg in the lake and began to catch it with a net; I realized that this was a reflection, and the egg was on a tree; told my husband to get it, the boy Homsuk hatched from the egg; he shoots fish and lizards with a bow; realized that the old man wanted to eat it; hid under the roof, taking from a bat; the old man climbed upstairs, the bat cut off his head; the old woman drank the bleeding, thinking it was the blood of a young man; rushed after him; the man he met replied that H. He had been here for a long time; the old woman burned down, H. told the Toad to throw out the ashes; she opened the bag, the ashes turned into poisonous snakes and insects; when H. was young, he always cried; his mother ground him and threw it into the water; now he came to her, asked her where his father was; He went to the country of Thunder and died; the Turtle took H. across the sea; she was in pain, she returned; because the Rabbit cured her, H. gave his horns; the deer began to compete with him, the horns suited him more, he took them for himself; H. arrives at the Thunders, who put him in a cage with snakes, with jaguars; H. easily pacifies them, first sitting on a snake, then on a jaguar; remains unharmed in a house filled with arrows; sits in a hammock above the waterfall; when Thunders sit in the hammock, the rodent bites the rope, the Thunders fall, die; alone stays, asks not To kill him, revives Father H.; H. sends an animal (a lizard) to tell his mother to laugh when the dead man returns; the lizard told her to cry and bite the ground; Father H. died again; H. tore lizard tongue in two]: 195-213; Foster 1945a, No. 1 [the old woman saw an egg in the river, began to catch it with a net; realized that it was a reflection and the egg was on a tree; told her husband to get it, the boy Homshuk hatched from the egg; he shoots gudgeon with a bow; gudgeon say he is only an egg caught in a net; an old woman tells him not to pay attention; the same applies to thrushes in the forest; an old woman tells him to return the gudgeon caught into the water, revive and release the dead thrushes; tells the old man that X. must be eaten; H. feels it; hid under the roof, telling the bat to cut off the old man's head; the old woman drank the bleeding, thinking it was blood H.; rushed after him; H. warns the old woman that if she does not stop chasing, she will burn; the savannah is on fire, the old woman is burned; on the seashore, H. hits the drum; Hurricane sends find out who it is; I am the one who sprouts in my knees, who blooms; the Hurricane again asks H. to name himself, he calls him, says he is the one who is peeled and eaten; H. asks Tarantula to build his home, because the Hurricane is about to come; in the morning, Hurricane's men find himself on the shore of X. hitting the drum; the Turtle agrees to transport him across the sea, but returns because its shell is under its weight cracks on the stomach; this type of turtle is pecho quebrado; the larger one transports it to the country of the Hurricane, for which H. paints it brightly; the Hurricane puts it in a cell with snakes; with jaguars; in the morning he sits on a snake ; on a jaguar; with arrows; H. tells them to be servants of man, binds; who will throw a stone across the sea; H. asks the woodpecker to knock on wood when he throws a stone, as if a stone has fallen and jumps; and when Hurricane threw, no fall was heard; Hurricane offers to transport X. across the ocean with a hammock; shakes, thinking that he fell and drowned; H. did not fall; when Hurricane and his men land in the hammock, H. asks Agouti to gnaw on the roots of the trees to which the hammock is tied; everyone is drowning, the Hurricane himself escaped, but broke his leg when he fell from a height; recognizes the strength of H., promises to water it in June-July]: 191-194.

Guiana. Taulipan: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 26 [Piamang has holes in the earlobes; invites the fisherman to stick his legs in them, grabs them; at home he tells them to swing on the vine, hits, the wife finishes off the fallen; he did this to many; the younger brother refused to stick his legs, but P. forced him, took him away; the man asked to show how to swing on the vine, hit P., P.'s wife finished him off, thinking that this was another victim; sent darkness, the man spent the night in the forest, but still got home; the butterfly is the shadow of P.]: 79-81; pemon {arecuna?} [Piaimá met a bird hunter, put his feet in the holes in his earlobes, brought him to the mountain to the edge of a deep ravine; below his wives and daughters are waiting for prey; invited the man to swing on a vine, he replied that he could not, P. would show the way; he began to swing, the man cut off the vine, P. fell, the daughters thought that the man had fallen, finished it off with a stick, then saw that it was the father; they shouted to the man that he would die, getting to his mother's house and drinking carato de cambures; P.'s spirit became a butterfly, invited the man to show where to go down the mountain, brought him home; the mother cooked carato, the man drank, lay down in a hammock, died ]: Armellada 1988, No. 46:119-120

Montagna. Kashinahua: Ans 1975 [the Kashinaua lived next to the Inca; he invited them to swing on a swing; whoever was agile respected those who fell, ate them; then the Cachinahua went into the forest; I. went to look for them met Tarantula-Yotan, invited him and his wife to his place; the Sun gave Y. a vessel at night and a vessel of cold for promising to go with them to the root of the sky; since then, J. darkness and kills with cold; Gallinaso-shëte, the owner of wind and cold, came to I.; asked I. for the sun, he did not give it; S. pretended to leave; I. took out the vessel with the sun, distributed its contents between three vessels, took one away; S. also took one, flew away, gave the vessel to the eagle; the spider bird was the master of rain and darkness (in the rainy season, spiders gather and start singing); spiders did not accept Sh. ruined the holiday by opening the vessel with the sun: the weather has improved, the spiders are gone; when S. opens the vessel with cold and wind and the spider opens his own in darkness, the weather deteriorates]: 83-88; d'Abreu in Koch-Grü ; nberg 1921, No. 84:231.