Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K35a2. A beast with glowing skin. 29.

A man kills an animal with glowing skin. After learning about this, the powerful character gives him difficult assignments.

Nogais, Rutulans, Georgians, Armenians.

Caucasus â€" Asia Minor. Nogais [when dying, the father tells his four sons to stock up on grain and not look for food in the south; the brothers go south, the elders are swallowed by Elmavyz and his wife, the youngest hid; lives with an old man; in the forest sees and kills a cow with glowing skin, the khan buys it, the viziers advise telling the person who extracted the skin to get ivory; the old man teaches elephants to drink vodka, deliver it to the khan; viziers: let him get it singing trees; the young man again drugged the padishah of genies and all the guards, brought trees; viziers: let him bring the khan's daughter, who has never seen the sun; the girl is lured into a boat, brought; she comes parents, the khan was tied to the end of the horse, the young man married his daughter, made him khan]: Nogai 1979, No. 16:78-82; the Rutultsy [when dying, the hunter tells his son not to go to Mount Tseylakhan; the son goes, kills an animal with glowing skin; quarantine (witch) finds out about this, tells the padishah, who tells him to make a house out of animal bones, bring the daughter of the padishah jinns; the father in a dream tells me to bury clay figures frogs and snakes, an ivory palace appears on this place; in search of a land of genies, a young man meets, companions a man playing mountains, drinking a river, eating; genies padishah tells 1) a lot eat (eats); 2) stay in the room around which the fire was made (drinking pours out the river); 3) win the run (the mountain player threw mountains in front of the opponent); the young man got a girl, the padishah died of a broken heart, the young man got married, elected padishah]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 34:325-327; Georgians [the white deer invites the hunter to shoot him if he misses, dies; the hunter missed, returned home, died; his son grew up, hears people saying that it would be nice to give the boy his father's bow; his mother reluctantly shows where the bow is; he cannot pick it up; his mother tells him to swim in the dirty first in the stream, then in the clean, the son gains strength; kills a white deer, hangs his skin on the wall, light emanates from it; the servant sees this, the vizier persuades the king to give the hunter difficult assignments to take possession of with his skin; the young man builds a palace from the bones of the Gveleshapi, brings the golden pillar of the iron maiden; the virgins come running after him, destroys the palace, kills the king and viziers, takes away the skin and pole; the young man lives peacefully with his mother]: Chikovani 1986:118-123; Armenians [the hunter's son kills the beast Sham-Chrah with glowing skin; gives it to the king, not the vizier; the king orders to pay, the vizier only beats the young man, persuades the king to give new ones errands; ivory palace (wine was poured into the stream, the elephants got drunk, they were killed); a tree of paradise (asks the king for a ship, throwing food to the fish, they give wood); Princess Fariza khanum; takes a ship from the king with musicians, swims, companions a strongman, eaten, opivala, a musician whose sheep are dancing, a rumor; the king's tasks 1) eat a lot; 2) defeat the pahlevans; 3) opivalo fills the powder charge, when they want to blow them up; 4) the musician changes poisoned dishes, the servants die; on the ship, the princess throws a handkerchief, knife, needle into the sea; the ship begins to sail back, but the fish return objects; the strongman at home kills the king and viziers, the hunter marries and becomes king]: Ganalanyan 1965:121-133).