Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K37B. Identify a woman.


The character must identify the wife or bride among several identical women (animals) or make the right choice between the owner's daughter and the maid (data are incomplete).

Bantu-speaking Africa. Bass; benga; luba; (cf. ganda [identify the cow]; matumbi [identify the cow]; ovimbundu [find out which box the mother is hidden in]).

West Africa. Baule.

Sudan - East Africa. Malgashi [identify the cow in the herd, then the bride among several women].

North Africa. Kabila.

Southern Europe. Basques; Sicilians [a bride among many girls].

Western Europe. Scots; French (Dauphine).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [ambassadors of the seven kingdoms come to marry a Chinese princess, only the ambassador of Tibet performs tasks; 1) to identify which young mare is from which old (the young one resorts to the call of the old one, when she is full); 2) thread the thread through the hole in the jasper (tie it to the ant); 3) point to the log where the butt is and where the top is (throw it into the river, the heavy butt will turn back); 4) identify a bride among 300 girls (above her there is a bee attracted by honey rubbing); the bride goes to Tibet, taking craftsmen and cereal seeds with her]: Osipov, Riftin 1962:31-37; Tibetans (Ham): Potanin 1903 [legend about the construction of the main temple in Lhassa; Sronzang Gambo wants to marry a Chinese princess; the Tibetan ambassador is asked to identify the princess among 300 girls; the maid reports signs (eighth from the left, on the right cheek, the chakra sign, etc.)]: 12-13; 1914, No. 1 (Sichuan) [Tan-wang agreed to give his daughter if Longbu-Ga, who marries her to Srontszang Gambo, recognizes her among 500 girls; L. planted the maid was covered with stones and trees, a copper pipe was held into the pit, in this condition the maid said that the princess had a white face, a bee would sit on her right shoulder; the soothsayer could not determine who said ("A woman with a copper beak behind mountains, forests, etc.")]: 391; Tibetans (Amdo) [identify the daughter of the Chinese emperor among 321 maidens (eighth from left, a bee will fly above her)]: Potanin 1893:219 ( retelling in 1903:14-16); lhota [a man injures a wild pig, follows the trail of the house of the owner of wild pigs Lichao; there two girls feed a wounded pig; the man is afraid to say he is a hunter, says he came to the girls; 1) L. changed his daughter and maid's clothes, but the man recognized the true bride; she helps him carry out difficult assignments; 2) bring prickly leaves without breaking them or breaking them scratched; a person brings a small bundle, many leaves fall out of there; 3) bring a tied pig, instead of a rope, L. gives a reed; the wife softens it, the man brings a pig; brings his wife home; without a human being, she loses weight; he brings her packages of meat from her father; spies on her, sees her eating human fingers; she turns into a tigress; to bring her back a human appearance, he must throw a basket on her; he can't, eaten]: Mills 1922:187-190.

Burma - Indochina. Thais [identify the wife among the seven sisters].

South Asia. Sinhalese [identify a wife in the dark among eight girls]; northern India (Mirzapur) [identify a wife among her sisters].

Malaysia-Indonesia. Dusun [identify a bride among seven sisters in the dark]; toraja [recognize a wife in a dark room]; minahasa [wife among nine girls]; tabaru (Halmahera) [wife among her six sisters]; Bali [wife among her sisters].

Taiwan - Philippines. Ilianen manobo [wife among seven girls].

China - Korea. The Chinese [wife among seven girls are a company of heaven, granddaughters of an-mu will come to wash clothes; gray from the West]: Riftin 1972:294-303.

The Balkans. Moldovans [a bride among hundreds of girls]; Greeks [a bride among 40 girls].

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Tverskaya) [bride among many, including 77, girls]; Ukrainians [bride among 12 sisters]; Belarusians.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars; Balkarians [bride among identical girls]; Ossetians [wife in the form of a horse, goose, dove among her sisters]; Terek Cossacks [bride among 6 sisters]; Avars [wife among her sisters]; Kurds [bride among 40 girls]; Georgians [in which of the three eggs is the bride]; Armenians [bride among 40 girls].

Iran - Central Asia. Mountain Tajiks [choose a wife among hundreds of girls]; Persians [a bride among 40 girls].

Baltoscandia. Western and Eastern Sami [a bride among her sisters]; Estonians [a bride among three turtles; horses; girls]; Seto [a bride among her sisters in the form of horses, turtles].

Volga - Perm. Chuvash [bride among her sisters]; meadow mari [wife among pigeons, sheep, dewdrops]; Mordovians Erzya [bride among three girls]; Tatars [bride among doves].

Turkestan. A bride among the same girls. Kazakhs; Kyrgyz.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Baraba Tatars [bride among 40 girls]; Kumandins [Khan's daughter among three sisters; three geese]; Mongors [princess palanquin among 22 identical]; Buryats [daughter Khan among a hundred girls].

Eastern Siberia. Evenki of the Baikal region [bride among 12 birds with one stone].

Amur-Sakhalin. Ulchi [the youngest among the daughters of the mayor (=demon)]; Orochi [the youngest among 12 girls; among 3 chickens]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1978, No. 82:133-135.

Japan. Japanese [wife among her sisters].

The coast is the Plateau. Thompson [distinguish Cold's youngest daughter from her sister].

The Midwest. Steppe Ojibwa [wife among eight sisters].

Plains. A buffalo wife among bison. Crowe; arapaho; sheyen; mandan [identify wife's bed]; teton; santi; omaha and ponka; osage; oto [identify wife's traces and son]; arikara; skidi pawnee; wichita.

The Great Southwest. Hopi [hunters disappear one by one; they are seduced by women with teeth in their vaginas; the Spider gives the hero a wooden penis; he breaks their genital teeth; he is asked to choose a wife from many identical women; Spider tells you who to choose]: Malotki, Gary 2001, No. 1:1-7.

The Southern Cone. South Tehuelches: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 27 [former Heller (distorted. Elal) was afraid that his son (with the same name), vulnerable only to the heel, would deprive him of power; chased him, he rode away on a magic horse; threw arrows behind him, creating obstacles - mountains, rivers, valleys; father fell exhausted, died; mother advised her son to marry the daughter of the Sun; turned into a swan, brought him to the Sun; 1) he changed his daughter and maid's clothes, but Heller found out who the bride was; 2 ) kill a guanaco who killed people with a glance (crept up quietly, hit an arrow in the heart); 3) get a ring from a nandu egg, the contents of which are deadly poisonous (wearing guanaco skin, broke the egg, splashes caught in the skin); father-in-law is old, died, Heller inherited the world, lives in the sun], 50 [The sun burns his daughter's suitors with its heat; Elal flies in a swan, he gets tired, E. goes on to guanaco; the maid The sparrow warns that 1) The sun offers to sit, there is a hole below with a lizard at the bottom; E. opened a hole, killed a lizard; 2) kill the guanaco killer (E. creates a swamp, the guanaco gets stuck, E. kills him with a bola stone) 3) bring two dangerous nandu eggs (eggs fly up, do not hit him, he kills nanda with an arrow); guanaco and nandu are relatives of the Sun's wife of the Moon, she mourns them; 4) bring flints for scrapers (Mountain - another relative of the Moon; the Mountain explodes, E. took refuge behind a stone fence, picks up flints); Luna puts two maids to choose from, E. says that these are not her daughters; they hid their daughter in only, covered with acne; but E. chooses her; married on the daughter of the Sun and Moon, E. goes back, swims across the sea; the wife tries to follow him, drowns; on the new moon, the sea is worried, the daughter is happy to see her mother], 51 [The sun eats her sons-in-law; Elal goes to the sea on guanaco, then flies to swans, shoots at the sea, creating islands to rest; 1) sit at the edge of the well (did not fall, killed a lizard), 2) bring nanda eggs (two eggs fly to E. on both sides, break into stone hat E. ; E. kills nanda, takes eggs), 3) and 4) kill guanaco, bring flints (as in No. 50; grandmother helps E. ); all these creatures are relatives of the Moon; the Sun exposes the maid, hides her daughter, covering her body with a rash; E. marries; if he met her right away, both would die; but during coitus, a grandmother was there, everything went well (it is not said what exactly the danger was); E. left, his wife followed him, drowned in the sea, became a water woman; on the new moon, when she sees Mother Moon, makes the sea worry], 52 [Elal flies on the Swan to the Sun and Moon; the Sun's maid bird warns him of dangers; 1) The sun creates a swamp on the way of those who come, E. dries it by throwing a stone; 2) makes a hot fire, E. blows him out; E. asks their daughter to be married; the Sun demands 3) kill a dangerous guanaco and 4) a bull (E. kills with an arrow), 5) bring a dangerous flint scraper (it is not specified what the danger E. brings); the Sun makes the daughter ugly and the maid beautiful, but E. makes the right choice, gets a wife; they have a son; the wife gives him the wrong name, so the son rushes into the sea; E. leaves his wife after him, she turns into manatee], 53 [as in (54); 1) not drown in a quagmire, 2) guanacos and like in (52); after his son throws his wife into the sea], 54 [as in (53); The Sun and Moon live on earth; the Moon orders to bring flints, kill guanaco]: 45-46, 77-80, 82-86, 88-89, 91-92, 93-95.