Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K37D. Recognized by teeth marks .20.24.35.

The character learns about the presence of another person by noticing traces of his teeth on the fetus or leaf. (Samoa's motive is to find)

Tuvalu, Ontong Java, Taku, Tonga, Vemale, Minahasa, Tingyan.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Tuvalu (Waitupu) [Punga and his younger brother Sema are arguing about who will have more wives; P. proposes to all women and gets consent; S. has to marry an ulcerated woman from foot to toe Matinitini-ungakoa's heads; P.'s wives laugh at her; she goes to her mother, who tells her to swim in the pond, she becomes beautiful in a red skirt; P.'s wives are shamed; give birth to 10 sons, S.'s wife gives birth to Tafaki and Kalisilisi; S. dies; T. and K. defeat P.'s sons in throwing darts; go looking for their father; K. gets tired, falls behind; T. takes out his eyes, tells the fish not to eat them; sees black, then white, brown clouds; C . in the latter; T. finds out about this when he sees his father's dental print on coconut; T. came back, did not find K.'s eyes, found them in two species of fish; since then, one has big eyes, the other has been caught with bait from the eyes of the flying fish; K. became a fish after drinking salt water; T. also drank, became a matapa fish (called tafaki on Niutao Island)]: Kennedy 1931:174-177; Ontong Java [Asinga girl has 11 brothers; she caught jellyfish, let her mother cook; each of the first 8 brothers takes turns coming in, eating a piece, nothing left; A. sailed to live on a deserted island; mother sends each of the 11 brothers to look for her; 10 They come back without finding a sister, the mother tells everyone to put their boat on a pile of crap; the 11th Akasi found an island, climbed a tree above his sister's hut, chewed and spat pandanus fruit; a second time the sister recognized her brother's teeth marks on the fetus; they sailed home; the Kaulele spirit flew in; the brother told her sister to ask K. to sleep on the edge of the boat; she pretended to take K. out of her hair insects, and tied stones herself; threw K. into the sea; her mother told Akashi to put the boat on a pile of red and yellow turmeric (Curcuma longa; powder is made from the rhizome to serve as a seasoning)]: Keopo 1981 : 43-47; Taku [people had fun throwing looms into the air; heavenly maiden Taurapu liked Ariki Matui, who came with his two childless wives Karai and Amuri; when he dropped off her machine, she went down on it, became Matui's wife; they have two sons; other wives say that T. does not work; she took the children, returned to heaven; the children took off first, Matui tried to grab her, but she told her to let her go, since the children were already in heaven; he killed two wives and destroyed his house; the spirits agreed to help him, carried him to heaven, left them in a tree above the spring to which his sons went for with water; he sheds fruit for them; on the second day, the youngest recognized the marks of his father's teeth on the fetus; they saw him, built a house for him at the spring; told his mother that they wanted to take food to the playground, They wore their father themselves; she wonders how her sons can eat so much; follows, recognizes her husband, calls home, everyone is happy]: Moyle 2003:65-75; Tonga [all Maui lived in the lower world of Lolofonua; Maui- atalanga took his son Maui-Kishikishi and went out to live with him on the land; the father went down to work on the site secretly from his son; the son followed, threw away the reeds that blocked the road and secretly followed his father; climbed on a tree and watches the father weed the plot; bit the fruit and threw it at the father's feet; he recognized the son's teeth marks, but did not see it; the second fruit was the same; the son himself called out to the father; lied that when he went down, he closed it descending with him; the father asked him to weed, forbid him to turn around; he turned around and the grass grew again; had to weed again; so twice; then the father sent his son to his father Maui-motua for fire; the son did not knows what fire is; grandfather and grandson do not know about their relationship; having received fire, the grandson leaves and intentionally extinguishes it; so twice; the last log is left, only someone from the Maui family can raise it; his grandson picked it up, the grandfather offered to fight, his grandson killed him; when he learned about this, the father also killed his son with a stick; covered his body with grass, now it grows everywhere; the father came to his grandfather, he came to life and ordered his grandson to be revived with another grass; it grows only in heaven and in the lower world; when the father and son went back to earth, the son secretly took fire; on earth, the father caused a downpour, but the son hid the fire in the trees; before that, people ate raw food; the sky it was low, people walked bent; because the woman gave him a drink, Maui-Kishikishi pushed the sky to its current height; {more about the struggle of Maui's father and son against cannibals and monsters}]: Polinskaya 1986, No. 87:204 -213 (=Collocott 1932:45-48); Frazer 1930 [there was no fire, people ate raw food; Maui Atalonga (MA) went to Bulotu (the afterworld of chiefs) every morning, bringing cooked food from there; his son Maui Kijikiji (MK) secretly followed him to the cave, walked along it; bit the fruit, threw it at his father; he ordered him to weed the garden, not to look back; MK looked around, the herbs grew; MA ordered him to bring fire from his father Maui Motua (MM); MM gave, MK put it in the sink, deliberately extinguished it to return again; MM offered to take the entire smoldering tree trunk; MK took it, MM offered to fight, MK threw it on the ground, breaking all his bones; now, when he moves, earthquakes occur; the MA has banned MK from taking fire to the ground, but it brought it in a sash]: 59-61.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Vemale [sunny god Tuwale noticed traces of sawn teeth on the mango fruit; found sisters Dapie (moon) and Siloo; to make them laugh, told an ant to bite its genitals, became to squirm, the girls laughed, T. saw that D. had the sawed teeth; the parents did not agree to the marriage, because T. had a skin disease, they brought a pig instead of his daughter; T. dragged R. underground; the next day she appeared in the form of a moon; T. constantly pursues R. in the sky, and when she catches up and marries her, a solar eclipse occurs]: Knappert 1977b, No. 12:193-194; minahasa [a hunter became Tonaas (head; also "priest") of the hunting expedition; in this capacity received the best parts of the loot; someone steals these supplies, each of the guards claims to have seen no one; T. remains to guard himself; a girl appeared; T. wanted to kill her, but she said she was his daughter; he went to a rattan bush out of need and gave birth to rattan from it; T. named his daughter Uweranden ("rattan child"), brought him to him; Raja Ramopoli saw a fruit in the river with traces of women's teeth (it falls into his hands three times, although he is trying to throw it away); sent slaves to find the girl, they did not find it; then one man brought a plucked rooster to the village, began to scream loudly that he was selling; everyone looked and laughed, W. too; the cunning man saw her teeth; the Raja married her for a lot of money; as the couple walked along the path, the rattan stems bent in front of with them, preventing her from going; the wife explained that the stems salute her]: Bezemer 1904:278-283.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tingian [two women went to tear up the fruits of a vine owned by a crocodile; one another: look, don't throw the peel with their teeth marks; but the other did not pay attention to these words; the crocodile noticed footprints and came to the village: where the woman who ate my fruit would eat it; he was asked to sit down, heated an iron plough in the fire and said: Here she is, open her mouth; the crocodile opened, put it down his throat hot iron and he died]: Cole 1916:90.