K38e2. The Collapsed Realm. .15.27.-.29.31.32.
Returning from the lower world to earth, the princess places the surrounding objects (clothes, house, "kingdom") in a small object (egg, ball, etc.) that she takes with her.
Maltese, Greeks (Lemnos), Hungarians, Romanians, Moldovans, Slovaks, Belarusians, Western Ukrainians, Russians (Teresky Bereg, Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Vologda, Pskov, Moscow, Tambov, Perm), Karachays, Terek Cossacks, Tatas, Latvians, Lutsies, Estonians, Setus, Finns, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Udmurts, Komi.
Southern Europe. Maltese (many options; it is difficult to restore specific texts in detail from the paraphrase) [someone steals golden apples; the elder, middle princes fall asleep (or for some other reason I can't grab the thief), the younger one injures a many-headed monster, follows a bloody trail to a cave, a failure, etc.; brothers lower him down on a rope; brothers leave and carry the rope; or companions, not brothers, they they throw a rope, but the hero tied a stone instead of himself just in case; each of the three rescued princesses gives the hero a small object in which her luxurious dress is an almond, a walnut and a chestnut; the hero the many-headed snake defeats, which glows because it eats gold; the last princess advises you to get up first and then pick it up, but the hero does not listen; the companions cut the rope; the shepherd tells the hero jumps on a white ram, but he accidentally jumps on a black sheep, falls even lower; he feeds the hungry chicks of the mighty eagle, they explain how to open the heavy iron door; or explains everything their grateful mother; this eagle is the guardian of three girls; one of them tells you to choose the rusty sword to fight the monster; his body glitters because he eats gold; the eagle takes the hero and girl to the ground, he feeds and gives her water, cuts off the last piece from her leg, the eagle puts it back; the elder prince wants to marry the youngest of the rescued girls; she requires the groom to have a seamless dress, etc. hero); the king asks the youngest son to punish the elders; they are boiled alive or skinned, used as a rug or napkins]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 301:33-41.
The Balkans. The Greeks (Lemnos) [the king's tree brings three apples every year; someone steals them; only the youngest son was not afraid of the roar, cut off the ogre's hand, brought it and the last apple to his father; the brothers walk along on a bloody trail, the youngest asks him to be lowered on a rope into the dungeon; consistently meets three girls; each says that the cannibal sleeps with his eyes open; the young man cuts off the heads of cannibals, despite request, does not hit twice; the last girl warns that if the brothers do not pick him up, you must jump on the white ram, he will take him to the ground; gives three nuts, in them dresses with flowers, with fish, with stars; a young man jumps on a black ram, falls even lower; the old woman says that a seven-headed monster gives water in exchange for girls; a young man cuts off all seven heads, cuts off tongues; the king wants to marry him his rescued daughter, but he asks to be brought to earth; spends the night under a tree where all birds rest at night; kills a monster crawling to the birds; birds take him to ground; he sits on an eagle, supplies run out, he cuts off a piece of his own leg; on the ground, an eagle puts it back on him; the boy's elder brother wants to marry the third girl saved; she demands get dresses with flowers, fish, stars; a young man pretends to be a merchant, hangs out dresses; this is how the bride knows he is back; wedding]: Paton 1899, No. 1:495-498; Hungarians [the king is angry with three sons who dropped out of school; always standing by the window facing east - one eye cries, the other laughing; the brothers grew up, decided to find out why this is so; the eldest came to ask, the king threw at his sword, the young man managed to hide behind the door; the same with the middle one; the younger Mirco did not run away, but pulled his sword out of the wall and put it in front of his father; king: you understand better than your brothers; I cry because of worthlessness sons, but I laugh because my faithful friend Hero of the Plain (GR) promised to come to live with me after defeating his enemies; I'm waiting for him by the window; his enemies are like grass in a meadow and he mows them every day; the eldest went test my strength, a year later I brought part of the copper bridge; father: when I was young, I reached that bridge in two hours, leave; the middle one brought part of the silver bridge - still the same; M. does not find a suitable one in the stable horse; the witch advises you to ask your father for the horn with which he summoned his gold-maned horses; when they come running, choose an old bowlegged mare; father: the horn is embedded in the wall in the seventh cellar; M. summoned horses, chose a mare, she tells her to be fed first; after the grain, hot coals; the mare tells you to bring an old saddle, blows on it, it becomes the best; the same with a sword; in three jumps, the mare passes by a copper , silver and gold bridges; then a glass mountain; then a mare jumps over a narrow glass bridge and enters the meadow of the Hero of the Plains; he sleeps, his sword rushes over him to protect him; M. does not try to kill him , but he falls asleep and his sword also protects him; heroes meet; fight; M. pursues warriors and descends underground for them; there is a glowing diamond palace instead of the sun; the witch weaves, but instead of cloth warriors are obtained; two hussars for one move of the person; by order of M., his sword crumbles a witch; M. burned the loom; the witch was also burned, but she was born from a burnt rib; asked to stop it to kill, gave 4 diamond carnations, without which M. could not get to the ground; after that, M. finally burned the witch; on horseback he slipped back into the meadow to the GR; asks him to go with him to the king father; diamond carnations have long fallen out of the GR horse's horseshoes, he cannot drive through the glass mountain; M. shod the GR horse using carnations given by the witch; the king hugged the visitors, both his eyes laugh; M. hears his father say to GR: but his son still cannot cope with Doghead; the horse brings M. to the seven-story diamond castle; Psoglavets was not at home, and his beautiful daughter turned Vladnik into stone; seeing that the young man was handsome, she revived the horse and M. again with a golden stick; gave M. a flask of strong water: every drop contains the strength of 5,000 men; after that, M. went down to the cellar himself, drank strong water, and the rest poured it out so that Psoglavets would not use it; Psoglavets's daughter set a condition: M. would not kill her father; approaching from the land of sunset, Psoglavets always throws an iron club; this time M. threw it back; fighting, Psoglavets drove M. waist-deep into the ground; M. took a sip from the foyage, threw Psoglavets into the water from the bridge and ordered his sword to cut off his head; his daughter forgave M. and went with him, turning the diamond castle and herself into in an apple; M. put it in his pocket along with a diamond stick to unfold the apple later; M. came to his father, unfolded the castle, lived with Psoglavets's daughter and inherited the throne; the father and GR went to rest]: Curtin 1890:434-456; Hungarians: Ortutai 1974, No. 5 [the old woman advised a childless woman to swallow legumes that she would sweep out of the house; the woman found, swallowed three grains, gave birth sons named Evening, Night Owl, Dawn; they grew up, went to seek service; the king asks to clean the well, promises three daughters; the brothers have done the job, but the king admitted that his daughters are on guard dragons; brothers saw a hole in the forest, stopped, began to cook one by one; every time the little man knocks down the cook, eats everything; when Dawn was left, he pinched the little man's beard with a tree; his brothers released for promising to show how to go down the hole; Dawn descended, the queen gave a multiplying ring, Dawn demolished the dragon 9 heads; hitting the table with this royal stick turned the palace into silver apple; same with two other royals (12-headed dragon, golden apple; 18-headed, diamond apple); sent the queens upstairs; tied a stone instead, the brothers cut off the rope; Dawn sees blind spouses passing food to each other; their eyes were pulled out by a 24-headed dragon; Dawn quietly took the meat; then opened; the couple ordered not to herd sheep in the dragon's realm; the dawn killed the dragon, returned her eyes dazzled; one of the woman's eyes was swallowed by a cat, Dawn put a cat's eye in the woman, she began to catch mice at night; Dawn hid the vulture birds from the hail; the mother bird tells me to cook meat and wine, brings Dawn to the ground, there was not enough meat, he cut off the meat from the calf; the bird: it was delicious, I would know it ate you; under the guise of a beggar, Dawn came to the king, the brothers did not recognize him; they answer that whoever brings his brother to the tail of a horse must be tied to the tail, and the queen who saved him must be married to her; the royals recognize their rings; Dawn forgave the brothers, married the younger princess]: 141-150; Curtin 1914 [The Queen says that if God gives her a son with golden teeth, his wife should be the Beauty of the World Sharkan Roja; the son was born, spoke right away, mastered all sciences, became extremely strong; asked mother, what she promised him before he was born; she says she does not remember; then he split the pole and clamped her hair in it; his mother remembered, he let her go; when he went in search of SR, he saw and pulled out a stuck wagon drawn by six white squirrels; it contains the Queen of Wonderland, whose daughter is SR; she says that the SR was stolen by the Dragon King; gives three hairs and a piece of linen; they have become a six-legged horse that eats fire and into a golden saddle; the horse will bring to a spring, bathing in which will increase strength, and next to it a magic sword; gave three bottles of strengthening water; on a copper bridge, a young man entered the dragon's kingdom, "The cloud is in front, the cloud is behind so that no one can see me"; SR brings the young man a goblet of strong water from the barrel from which the dragon drinks; he came, offered to fight; crushed with his hand a stone; the young man also crushed and squeezed water out of the stone; they hammer each other into the ground, and when the young man hit the dragon to the very nose, he could not stand up; he agreed to give it to the SR, but as soon as the young man took it and went out of the castle, the dragon got out, drank strong water and decided to fight again; the young man won again; the SR turned the palace and treasures into an apple; they returned to the young man's parents; wedding]: 79-90; Romanians [the king is building a luxurious church, but it is constantly collapsing; he dreams that the church will be completed if he gets a magic bird that will nest at the top of the tower; the eldest son goes in search; the old fox asks him to share bread and wine, he refuses, the fox turned him into stone; the same with his middle brother; the younger one shared; the fox turned into a young man; he was bewitched until someone is friendly to him; they got a bird and a girl from the dragons; she turned her kingdom into an apple and took with her; dragon pursuers that young man turned them into stone; they saw two statues, these are older brothers; a former fox: if you revive them, you will repent, and if you don't, you will also repent; the younger brother asked to revive them; the elders brought him to to the spring, they cut off the legs, took the bird and the girl; the legless met a blind man, who was also maimed by his brothers; they killed a three-headed scorpion, washed themselves with blood, the blind saw the light, the crippled's legs grew; while the older brothers began to argue about who would take the girl; she refused to be their wife, they made her a maid; they brought a bird, she sat on the tower, but was silent; the youngest, disguised as a wanderer, enters the church, the bird sang; he tells the king his story, he recognizes his son; the girl unfolded the apple, the palace appeared; the brothers were tested: throw up a heavy stone; the elders fell on the head, the youngest is over; the wedding; the king handed over the throne to the younger]: Nortines 1935:7-25; Moldovans [told the king that if his wife walks through untouched dew, she would give birth; son Svet-Dawn was born; planted at birth tree, it has grown to heaven; king: whoever climbs and bears fruit will receive half the kingdom; does not allow his son to climb; the old woman teaches him to convince his father; let him give half the kingdom if the son climbs; let him give him with him Unwind the ball on the way up; the SS rose for three years; at the top there were three branches, each with a golden apple; a bird with a golden tail flew in, pecked an apple, then the second; the third SS grabbed itself and snatched the golden pen from the bird; for 7 years, the SS went down, went to look for the bird; came to the Black Arap; he says that the bird is a girl; they fraternized and went to look for this bird; CHA became a horse, warns to grab the princess, but not the shaky one in which she lies, the SS grabbed and shaky; the Main Demon woke up, tells the horses to be brought from the dead; they belong to Tartar; the SS took horses with bridles, T. is ready to give if the SS he would get him Ilyana-Kosynzyan; the SS brazhaned with her for three months, then remembered the CA; he turned her kingdom into a golden apple, took it with him; the SS gave IC to Tartar, and then took it away; gave the main demon horses, and then took it away; he chases with a pillar of fire, CHA filled it with a shower; the bird became a fairy, the CHA turned her kingdom into a golden apple, took it with him; the SS and CHA parted; the CA threw his apple to the east a golden palace appeared; SS - at sunset, a silver palace appeared; a tree with golden apples was on the border of two kingdoms]: Botezat 1981:9-17.
Central Europe. Slovaks [an old woman at the age of 90 gives birth to a son Lomidrevo (=Valibuk; Valigora), breastfeeds him until the age of 7, then, at his request, three more years; he is incredibly strong, pulls oaks easily, leaves at the age of 17 wander; meets, wins, satellites 1) a mountain rearranger named Valivrych (Kopivrych, Scalilamay; Studnyak - digging wells), Meat iron; they contracted to threshing grain; fee - how much they would take them away; they carried the grain to the lock and carried them away; the rich man sent after the bull, then a boar; L. killed them, carried them with him; he chased the servants on the wagon, but L. piled oaks on the road; told M. to make him an iron club; threw it up, put his back, the club fell apart; ordered another one to be made; the king lost three daughters, the dragons dragons dragged them into a hole in the ground; three promised to return the princesses; settled in a hut in in the forest, they cook one by one; a dwarf comes out of the chimney, a beard from his elbow, hits the cook, dumps hot porridge on his stomach and eats him; when L.'s turn, he pinched a dwarf's beard in the log, beat him with an iron with a club until he gives his beard in which his strength is; the dwarf has disappeared into a hole under the stone; the companions are jealous of L.; V., M. try to go down, but tell them to lift them back - there are frogs and snakes; L. promises a dwarf return the beard, for which he tells you to show the way to the older princess; there is a copper lock on his fortieth leg; L. stomped, he stopped shaking; the 6-headed dragon throws his iron club, L. throws it back; the dragon eats lead bread, calls for lead current, offers to drive each other into lead; they drove each other to the waist; then L. drove the dragon up to the neck, demolished their heads with a club; the princess turned the castle and all the riches in a copper apple, L. sent it to the ground; the same in the silver castle (9-headed dragon, iron bread), in gold (12-headed, steel bread); before asking himself to be picked up, L. sent up a stone, the companions cut off the rope; L. came to the Knochta (Knofta; a giant mythical bird), killed a snake that always devoured chicks; or covered the chicks from the rain, one drop who always killed them; the chicks told their mother about L., who did not swallow it, but promised to help; tells them to stock up on a hundred rams and a hundred barrels of water; flies with L. to the ground, there was not enough lamb, L. cut a piece off his thigh; bird: if I knew that human being was so tasty, I would eat you; but burped a piece and put it back; weddings are being prepared in the city, but princesses demand the same dresses they had they were underground; L. hired a tailor; at night he took out copper, silver, golden apples, took out their dresses; let the princesses come for them themselves; L. called the elders freaks and drove them away, gave the youngest gold dress, married her; took out apple locks; gave two older princesses to his companions (forgiving them)]: Dobšinský 1970, No. 10:50-66; Belarusians (western in Bryansk Gubernia) [The beast mink destroys cattle; only the king's youngest third son goes to guard, fights the beast, which goes underground; brothers on a rope bring the prince down; there a horse is waiting for him; he comes to the princesses in copper, silver, gold (younger) palaces, they teach their brother Norka to cut off his head; he sleeps on a rock in the middle of the sea, the prince kills him; the sisters place their palaces in three eggs , give it to the prince; the brothers raise their sisters, cut off the rope; the prince suspected this, tied a stone to it, did not break; during a storm, he covers the chicks of a mighty bird from the rain; their mother takes it to the ground, on the way he feeds the bird; he is hired by a tailor; he says that the princesses agree to marry only the one who sews the dress they used in their kingdoms; the prince pulls everything out of the eggs; the youngest identifies his ring among the poor; three weddings]: Afanasiev 1938 (1), No. 132:247-251; Belarusians [the tsar's polar bear from the dead steals horses every night; the eldest, middle sons fall asleep; the youngest Ivan- the fool tells you to dig up a club for 10 pounds, throws it up, puts his finger - broke; by 15 pounds, the knee is the same; by 25 - bounced off his forehead, did not break; I. hit the bear with it, he went back to the ground; I. he goes down the hole on a rope, tells his brothers to wait for him for a month; he comes to the copper court; there is a bear's daughter, complaining that he is cutting them, three daughters; showed the way to her sister in the silver palace, she to sister in gold; she told me to replace barrels of strong and weak water; the bear is sleeping, I. pulled out the keys from under him to the basement, where the barrels are; when I drink water, the bear loses his strength, I. grows; each of the sisters turns his kingdom into an egg; the brothers picked up the girls, removed the rope; on the oak nest, there are 4 chicks in it, one snake has already eaten; I. killed her; the chicks hid I. from their mother under the shell; the bird agrees to carry I. to the ground if he prepares wine and meat; the 6-headed serpent must eat the princess, I. killed him; then the 9th and 12th; for this the king gave 18 cows and 8 barrels of wine; the last piece of I. cut off his legs, the bird she coughed it up and put it back; the shoemaker complains that the saved princess demands diamond boots from the groom as she had in the underworld; I. unfolded a golden egg, took her boots; the princess recognized them; I. opened all three eggs, gave two princesses to his brothers]: Romanov 1887, No. 10:78-85; Belarusians (Mogilevskaya, Western 1888-1891, d. Novaya Bych, Bykhov. u., from kr. Pavel Ivanova, 45 years old, illiterate) [The wife gets lost in the forest, she is carried away by a bear, after 3 years she gives birth to her son Ivashka a bear ear; after 3 years he grows up and leaves, meets Duba-Dubovik and Gora- Gorovik, three of them go; they find a house, leave Goro-Gorovik to cook dinner, go hunting themselves, Kashchei ("Koschey") appears, demands to bring him into the house, put him at the table and serve food, eats the ox, flies away, Gora-Gorovik cuts another ox, puts it to cook, comrades come, the meat is raw, Gora-Gorovka does not talk about Kashchei; the same is repeated with Dubo-Dubovik; Ivashka remains to cook dinner on the third day, Kashchei arrives, Ivashka refuses to obey his orders (does not bring him into the house or sit down at the table), drags Kashchei into the forest and pinches Kashcheev's beard in the oak crevice, his comrades return, Ivashka feeds they follow Kashchei, but he flew away; the three of them go after Kashchei, come to the forest, Dub-Dubovik clears the road, Gora-Gorovik digs up a mountain, find a huge stone and a hole under it, make cowhides belt, Ivashka goes down, agrees that in a year his comrades will be in the same place; Ivashka goes underground, finds a copper house, where the girl says that they have not seen a Russian person here, they live behind Kashchei the Immortal, the girl offers to marry, but Ivashka spends the night and goes to look for Kashchei; she reaches the silver house, there is also a girl sitting there, the story repeats; Ivashka reaches the golden house, there the girl warns Ivashka that Kashchei is stronger; Kashchei arrives, senses the Russian spirit, the girl calms him down and finds out where Kashcheev's death is hidden (there is a casket in the sea, a hare in the casket, a duck in a hare, an egg in the duck, Hit Kashchei on the forehead with that egg); Kashchei flies away, the girl tells Ivashka, he takes a gun, wants to kill a wolf and a kite (and eat it) on the way, but the animals ask for mercy and promise that they will be useful, Ivashka sees sea cancer on the shore, does not kill, but helps him sail into the sea; in gratitude, the cancer brings Ivashka a casket from the sea, Ivashka breaks the lid, the hare runs away, the wolf catches the hare and tears it, the duck flies away, a kite catches her, tears her apart, Ivashka carries an egg to wash in the sea, but drops it, the cancer returns the egg; Ivashka comes to Kashchei, hits the forehead with an egg, Kashchei dies; Ivashka takes the girl, regrets leaving her a golden house, a girl takes an egg, rolls it around and the house gathers in an egg, Ivashka puts the egg in her pocket, the second girl collects a silver house into an egg in the same way, the third a copper house; they come to going upstairs (exactly a year has passed), comrades pick up the girl from the copper house, argue who will marry her, she assures that she is "more beautiful" than her, raise girls from silver and gold houses, decide marry them, and the first as servants, and Ivashka cut off his belt on the rise so that he breaks; Ivashka ties a stone instead of himself, his comrades cut off his belt, the stone falls back, Ivashka grieves and leaves; hides from the cloud under the oak tree, birds scream, he climbs an oak tree, covers the chicks from the rain, then gets off and hides, the bird Half-Gritsa arrives, promises to thank his chicks for saving his chicks deliver it upstairs, Ivashka must prepare 2 barrels of any meat; Ivashka collects 2 barrels of snakes, frogs, mice, ties the barrels under the wings, they fly, Ivashka throws meat from barrels, meat into the bird's mouth ends, Ivashka cuts off his caviar; the bird takes him out into this world, finds out what kind of meat was at the end, expectorates, caviar grows; Ivashka comes to town, is declared a shoemaker ("Ivanichka Drunkard"), She does not know how to sew, she lives with a Jew; a girl from the golden house promises to marry someone who sews the shoes she had in her golden house, Ivashka takes an order through a Jew, drinks for two days, on the third day, she rolls a golden house out of the egg, pulls out her skulls, the Jew takes her skulls; the girl asks for the same dress - the story repeats, the third condition is the same crown; Ivashka goes into service to to the blacksmith, pulls out a wreath in the same way; the girl comes to the blacksmith, finds out who made the wreath; they get married; Dub-Dubovik and Gora-Gorovik marry two other girls, each living in their own house]: Romanov 1901, No. 36:340-347; Ukrainians (Transcarpathia; p. Zbui of the Zemplin Committee of Hungary) [the emperor has no children, he walks to sorcerers; one replies that the queen spat in the water, swallowed saliva by fish, brought offspring, and the queen has no children; it is necessary catch this fish in the lake under a stone slab and cook it, but so that no one else tries it; the maid tries the fish, the queen eats the fish, throws the bones to the dog; the maid, queen and dog get pregnant and through nine months give birth to a boy; the emperor is frightened; the advisers order to hire nurses; the boys have grown up and went to school; the son of the female Yanko has learned all the sciences and languages; the king is happy; I learn from books that Once there was a sun, a month and stars, but now there is nothing, the earth is covered in darkness; asks his father, the king says that three shufflers (dragons) have arrived; a 24-headed sun grabbed a sun with 12 heads - the month that had was a star; three royal sons saddle horses, went to look for the sun, the month and the star; the father told them that his brother, i.e. their uncle, studied to be a blacksmith in the Shedzmerice Region; the hell brought a letter: brother serves as a blacksmith for these three shufflers and their paternal uncle Laccibrade, who is elbow tall but has a long beard; the sons must go to Schedzmeritz, where their uncle is; there he is 100 meters Iron gates up, 24 comrades blacksmiths and 24 students; taking a letter to their uncle, the blacksmith, the brothers come to the Shedzmerice region, knock, the gate rings, the uncle comes out; making sure that their nephews are welcome accepts; knows where the lights are, because he is the blacksmith of kidnappers, whom he calls devils; one has a house made of gold, the other has silver, the third has copper; they are 24, 12, 6 miles away, respectively; their girlfriends - 48, 24, 12 miles away; at noon everyone leaves before midnight to see a friend - then you have to come; the princes will come to the copper house and the copper gate, where the weakest (with a star); he has a bridge from him to his home friends; his horse does not walk on the ground, only across the bridge; you have to take out one board in the evening to make a hole; I must sit under the bridge and listen to the shuffling go home; the shuffling sits on the horse the ground is shaking; his horse comes across the bridge to the hole, gets scared, rushes back; the shuffling calms down: there is no horse like him and no good man like him; only his mother-in-law Gynjibaba said she saw Suchiy Yanko, but if he met now, the shuffler would cut him to pieces; I.: I'll cut you down, blows all your heads off, sits on the shuffler's horse, takes his sword and star, throws a star into the sky, she rises to his seat, becomes lighter; the brothers go to the 12-headed shuffling; Y. breaks two silver plaques from the silver bridge; the shuffle promises to chop Suchiy Yanko, mentioned by G. throw meat away to magpies and crows; I blow 6 heads, then 6 more; each one cuts off the end of her tongue, hides it in her pocket, lets go of a month; tells my brother from the maid that he will have a 6-headed horse, brother from the queen - 12-headed, he himself will take the 24-headed shuffler's horse; invites the brothers to take the sun, they are afraid; leaves them the spoon given by the uncle for the matitsa: if it has blood, hurry to help; pulls it out bridges 4 gold plaques; the shuffler promises to chop the son of the dog mentioned by his mother-in-law, throw it away to magpies and crows; I.: I will do it with you; they fight for 24 hours; both ask crows for help, but I promise all the more. meat; the shuffling breathes fire, the crows stuff weeds into his mouth, take away the sun, it rises to the sky; the shuffling throws fire even more, the crows in their beaks carry water, pour on I., others grab the shuffling legs he fell, I killed him, cut off the tip of his tongue from each head; there is blood on a spoon behind the matitsa, the brothers take their horses out to flee; when I appear, they say that they were going to help him, he accuses him they lie, share horses; on the way home, their mother-in-law's hut of shufflers drive home; her daughters met there; I became a cat, climbed through the chimney, the youngest daughter, whose lover had 6 heads, recognizes Me by my eyes, the other two confirm; Gynjibaba: I would know if I saw it; the youngest looks up one century to her mother; G. sees Y., tells his daughters to put him in fur; they think that they did it and burned the fur from which, But I am a sorcerer and escaped; a mother tells one daughter to become a red handkerchief and lie on the road, strangle his two brothers and horses; the other with a silver pear, the fruits of which brothers and horses will choke; the third should become a meadow with silk grass and a well in the middle, people and horses will die from its water; I cut the handkerchief crosswise with a sword, it pours blood knee-deep to horses; the same with a pear, with a well; royal The brother, the chief blacksmith, orders the Iron Gate to be opened because her nephews will run away from G.; she chases with her mouth open, the young men rush to the uncle's yard, his students and comrades close the gate and G.'s eyelids are supported; G. demands to show her Y.; he tells the audience to take up one leaf, and he lets G.'s head into the yard and lock the gate with a key; G. is amazed that some worthless killed six (her daughters and shufflers); Y. replies that he will not let her go; let her become a horse that runs around the light in an hour, better than the Sharkani ones; G.: you can't wait; I ask my uncle for workers with with hammers; they hit G. on the head, she asks for mercy, but does not agree to be a mare; I tell you to hit harder; G. swears to serve faithfully; iron stirrups and a saddle are forged for her; I sit on horseback, take it in my hand a strand of flax lights him, linen does not have time to burn while the mare runs around the world; his uncle praises him, gives him a letter to his father and punishes him not to react, no matter what wonderful things he sees on the way; the brothers go home towards the ditch is old Laccibrad on a hare, followed by his casing and beard; he says that I am not a man; I dismount, L. is in the saddle and flies away on a horse; I tell my brothers to notify father that the sun, the month and the star are already in the sky, and he will go for the horse, which was made in his uncle's forge out of sharkanikha; he returns to his uncle, he reproaches him for his disobedience, tells him to take a hammer and go to the plain, where L. herds a mare and sleeps on iron saddles and stirrups; he must crush his head, take a mare; when he finds L., Y. decides that he is so small that he is not dangerous, grabs the mare, shouts at L.; he wakes up, hits Y. with stirrups and a saddle; I beg for mercy, L.: his sister will no longer wear I., for although Y. beat her, L. himself beat him, so we should honestly leave; I leave; my uncle sends him back; L. agrees to give the mare if Y. brings him a princess from the other side of the world; uncle: it's in the seventh land, it's easy to get there, any novelty you see must be taken with you, the royal daughter will be given for him ; on the way, Y. sees, takes with him hungry (he gets bread on carts), drank (drinks the river, but can't get drunk), cold (he can't warm up near the fire in 12 fur coats and 12 covers), throwing a hammer at the end of the world; crossing the whole world in two steps; having a huge eye and seeing everything; the king receives them, offers to eat a thousand oxen and bread out of three thousand measures of flour in one supper, drink a thousand barrels of wine and a thousand vodka; Y.'s companions eat and drink everything; the king puts him to bed in an iron house, sends blacksmiths to bring bags of coal, kindles a fire; the freezing one takes off one fur coat and one casing, the coals go out, everyone goes to bed; the craftsmen bring more fire; the freezing one sheds two coats and two covers, the coals go out, the craftsmen freeze to death; the king orders in three hours go to the end of the world and take leather and gold to the craftsman to cast a ring and sew shoes; companion Y. steps once and finds himself with the master; on the way back he enters the city, where Sister G. lets he sleeps, puts his horse head as a pillow, takes his ring and shoes; half an hour before the deadline; the seer sees the sleeper and sister G.; another companion throws a hammer, knocking his horse's head out from under the runner's heads; he catches up with sister G. in one step, takes away his ring and shoes, and the other steps he finds himself at the wedding; I. and the princess are married, given the wagon and the army to accompany him to the border; L. pretends to be married stuck in the swamp, Y. tries to help, L. pulls him knee-deep into the swamp, runs on his horse with his wife; I. rides a Sharkan horse to the Shedzmericki region to visit his uncle; uncle: go to the oak grove, where there is a hollow, through it you will get to a city 7 miles deep into the earth, in the city a three-story house on a duck leg is L.'s home; Y. finds a house, hides by a well, meets his wife: let him know where L. has power; L. to his wife: he is called to war, whoever he helps will win; in response to his wife's persuasion, he explains that a wooden deer drinks water near the well, a chamois in it, a hare in the chamois, a duck in a hare, two eggs in the duck; if you break one, he will lose half his strength and both will die; if you take a golden apple on a gold cord and put it in your pocket, you can take the house with you; L. goes to the seventh land for a month to war; I cut animals with a sword, breaks one egg; L. flies home on a mare - he is still stronger than I.; I break the second egg, L. falls, I kill him; turns the house into an apple, takes his wife home, stops by my uncle on the way, he advises him to return to his homeland and secretly build the house; his father's servants discover an unknown house; the princes are guarding a possible enemy, warmly greeting his brother, he says that he has obtained a mare and married the daughter of a tsar from the seventh land]: Gnatyuk 1898, No. 8:39-54; Western Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Khust District, p. Gorinchevo) [in the 77th state, behind glass mountains, behind milk streams, grandfather and woman live, there are no children; the old woman asks her grandfather to make a child and a cradle out of wood; he cuts down a sycamore, combs the boy, him they call Yavorovy Ivan (YAI); makes a cradle, a woman shakes her, the child does not come to life, grows up; two years later he goes to the forest, helps his grandfather; snakes (shufflers) took three royal daughters; their savior will receive one of them and the state; YAI goes in search, meets a gypsy, becomes friends; they find a hole, wind a rope, fix them on the stove; one will take the youngest daughter, the second will take the middle daughter, the eldest will serve; YAI goes down, hears a girl singing, she is in a hut rotating on a chicken leg; girl: her husband has five heads, he has strong water; YAI drinks water; an iron club falls into the yard, YAI throws her back, snake sees that someone strong is in his yard; comes in, says he smells sinful; wife: this is my brother; they shake hands; the serpent eats melted tin dumplings, drinks water, then goes to fight; snakes He hammers JAI knee-deep into the ground, YI to the waist, the serpent to the arm, YAI to the neck; begins to beat off his heads with a club, but they come back again; the girl sprinkles ashes on them, the head cannot grow, the snake kill; the girl says that she and YAI belong to each other; YAI tells me to collect everything valuable, lock the house, wait for him; puts on a snake's clothes, takes his sword, comes to her middle sister; she also plays harmonica and sings; her husband has ten heads, drinks special wine; YAI swaps barrels of water and wine; when approaching, the snake throws a club of 12 quintals; YAI drinks wine, throws away the club; (hereinafter the same as in YAI changes his sword to the one that the stronger snake has, comes to the third hut; there is a younger princess; the snake yells at his wife who found her with her lover, breathes fire from 12 mouths; Yai hides from by the door; when the heads show up in the hut, tells her sword to cut them; the elder princess puts all the jewelry in cream, the middle princess puts them in an apple, the youngest in a walnut, Yai puts them in her pocket, sends them upstairs the royal daughters, the gypsy pulls them out and goes away with them; Yai walks along the path day and night, comes to the hut, there is a woman, she has eyelashes to the ground; she calls him a dog son, agrees to take up duty, tells her to take a pitchfork and raise her eyelids, otherwise she does not see him; YAI raises her eyelashes to the woman, she recognizes him as YAI: the sycamore from which he was made knows him; she will take care of the mares: herd three times and bring back, otherwise your head is down; mares are women's daughters; the woman gives YAI a sleepy cake; when YAI wakes up, there are no mares; the fox asks for a cake, tells me to go home and become in a manger: mares have become chickens, the fox begins to torture them, the chickens run into the barn, become mares, YI ties them up, reports to the woman, who hits them with an iron pitchfork for letting themselves be caught, tells them what they should do; on the second the day is still the same, the wolf promises to help if YAI treats him to bread; explains that mares have become crows; the old horse lying on the manure will say everything to do; horse: there is a twig in its tail, they need wave and say: "Stay in place"; three crows sitting in a tree fly into the barn, become mares; the woman hits them with an iron pitchfork: they probably sleep with Ivan, love him, want to destroy her; On the third day, YAI gives a cake to the bear; he advises him to go home, there is an ox on the second pile of manure, he will explain what to do; the ox tells him to take two twigs from its tail, one wave to the left, and the other on the right, until the mares appear, ask the woman for an old horse for his service; the mares turn into crayfish, swim from pool to pool, YAI hits them with twigs, turns them back into mares; the woman tears her hair, tells him to ask what YAI wants; he asks the old horse; the horse advises the woman to bow down, the woman spits after him, he has time to close the door, otherwise he would burn down; the horse asks how to go - in the wind or against winds, soars up, asks to see what's behind them; YAI sees a black cloud, it's a woman, a horse tells you to throw the comb (thickets from ground to clouds); the cloud is almost catching up, but they cross the border of the earth; woman screams terribly, crumbles to dust; the horse offers to go to the royal city; woman: three royal daughters have returned, the wedding is being prepared, the gypsy takes the youngest; YAI is hired by a shoemaker; princess ordered to make shoes like they had not done before; Yai takes out her younger sister's shoes out of the walnut, hangs them on a carnation; in the morning the younger princess comes and tells the shoemaker that he did not do it, but she also it is necessary to go to the tailor; YAI runs to the tailor, takes out his dress from the walnut; the princess calls the craftsmen for her wedding; YAI tells the horse to climb into his left ear, there are beautiful clothes; they fly to the palace; gypsies to the king: this is an angel going to the wedding; when she sees YAI, the bride cries for joy, but the gypsy does not confess; YAI puts plum, apple and nut on the table; the older sisters take out their wealth, and the youngest's nut is empty; she Understands everything; gypsies are executed, YAI marries a younger princess]: Lintur 1969:151-160; Ukrainians [(reported by A. Maksimovich, probably translated from Ukrainian to Russian); the beggar tells the childless tsar to strain seven-year-old girls, seven-year-old boys weave out a seine overnight, they catch bream in the sea; the queen ate, cook she ate the bones, the dog ate giblets, three horses drank slop; the queen, the cook, the dog gave birth to a boy (Ivan Tsarenko, Ivan Povarenko, Ivan Suchenko), horses - to a foal; three brothers saddled them, let's go on a journey; the IS arrow flew the farthest, to the kingdom of far away, he was recognized as the elder; the brothers take turns coming to Bely Polyanin, he connects the elders, IS defeats him, the BP is taken sister; everyone takes turns cooking dinner; every time a grandfather arrives in a mortar, eats up, beats the cook, takes off his skin from his back; IS hits him, clamps his beard into a stump, he goes into a hole in the ground, dragging a stump; IS on his belt follows, consistently meets three princesses, kills the three snakes who kidnapped them; before a fight with the third, 12-headed, replaces his club with his club; the princesses turn their riches in gold, silver, copper eggs, give IS; when brothers raise princesses upstairs; when IS, BP cuts off the rope; IS comes to his grandfather, drinks strong water, that is weak; asks not to kill him, gives the chair and hair of three horses; IS sets fire to the wool, the horses are, the red IS returns to earth; is hired by a jeweler, who brings the princesses to the wedding by a ring, everyone recognizes their own, given IS ; IS gets into the horse's left ear, gets out of the right ear well done, removes the roof from the house (this was the task), raises the PSU, throws it, it breaks to death; three brothers married princesses]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 139:292-298; Russians (Terevsky Bereg) [the elder prince asks to let him down for a walk on an open field; disappeared; the same middle one; younger Ivan: Let me go, and don't let him down, I'll go; I got to brothers, the forces are dark and dark against them; I. went around her, entered the house, where the girl weaves a crumb; she would click with stuffing {a kind of surf comb duck} - a horse and a man would jump out and go to service; I. cut off the stuffing, shot the girl; the brothers beat the force and burned the house; they are going - a stove, a hole under it; I. asks him to lower it, there are three houses and three girls, each wiped her kingdom in an egg and put it in her pocket; the brothers raised two girls; third Ivan: they argue over me; stayed with I. in the lower world; I. sees a man, another hits him on the head with a hammer, the man asks him to be redeemed; after the third time (the price is 100, then 200, 300 rubles, I. bought and brought him as an employee; he promises to bring him to the ground; brought him to the sea, a whale sailed, he limited his hand, became a ship; sailed, the servant does not sleep at the wheel; three birds flew in; first: I. he went to the earthen horde, took his beautiful wife and a prudent woman; second: that his own mother died, the father married Baba Yaga, his stepmother would give wine, he would drink it and tear it apart; third: a whoever hears and retells, will be petrified knee-deep; the next night the same (the stepmother will bring her shirt; she will petrify up to the waist); on the third night: the stepmother will bring a silver spoon, I. will take a sip and tear it apart; He who told everything will be petrified; they came; the servant threw wine on the dog, he disappeared; threw his shirt on the goat, he disappeared; and threw the spoon out the window; after telling everything, he petrified; old man: the son will be born, releasing him blood from under his throat on a stone, the servant will come to life; the son also came alive, only the scar remained]: Balashov 1970, No. 40:126-133 (=1991:86-101); Russians (Arkhangelsk, summer coast of the White Sea, Nyonoksa) [ After going fishing, the three brothers walk along the blood river to the barnyard. One is left to fry the bull, the others hunt. He appears with a fingernail, a beard from an elbow (hereinafter referred to as Himself), demands to take him to the table, eats a bull, hits his brother and leaves. The brothers return, spend the night hungry, and the next day the other brother stays to fry the bull (same). On the third, the youngest Ivan does not agree to carry Himself to the table, hangs him by the beard to the matitsa. The brothers come back, eat and throw bones at Himself's beard. They let him go and move on, and Himself goes under the rock. The brothers cut the belt out of all the bulls in the yard and lower Ivan into the hole, promise to wait for him and pick him up when he pulls the belt. Ivan enters the kingdom of copper and sees a red girl. She weaves and soldiers jump out of each cotton with stuffing (a bird in a loom) and two more, saying that this is an army against Ivan the Fool. Ivan asks her not to weave. She sends him to her sister in the silver kingdom, everything repeats itself, she to the third girl in the golden kingdom (the size of a sieve). She also agrees not to weave more soldiers, tells me how to get three girls out and defeat Himself. Ivan finds him by the sea (in a strong spirit), they are fighting, thirsty and leading Ivan to the field. There are bowls with strong and empty water, the girl swaps them in advance. Ivan drank a lot, defeated Himself - he put it in the palm of his hand, pressed down the other. He took the girls, rolled each of the three kingdoms into an egg. Brothers raise girls, but they don't want Ivan. A girl from the golden kingdom begs her betrothed (Ivan) to get her betrothed. They lower his rope, Ivan ties a stone to his belt, and his belt breaks off. The brothers wanted to marry the girls, but they refused. A girl from the golden kingdom goes to work as a cook for her ass. Ivan in the lower world is hired by a blind old man as a shepherd. The old man warns that Baba Yaga pulled out his eyes and will pull Ivan out. Ivan herds the herd in Baba Yaga's field, she sends her daughter to grab him, Ivan tears off his daughter's head and brings him home to the shop, and tells the old man that it is birch bark for bast shoes. She does the same with her second daughter. On the third day, she drives the cattle to Yaga's house, and she goes out to catch them. Ivan sits on horseback, holds on to her hair, takes the old man's chain and puts Baba Yaga on him, brings two iron bars from the forge, cuts Yaga, and she tells me where the old man's eyes are. With his eyes inserted into the old man, Ivan cuts Yaga to death. The old man gives Ivan a bird to get to his world and feed the bird a bucket of meat in flight. Ivan returns to his village, finds out that girls don't want to marry his brothers until they get dresses from their kingdoms, Ivan rolls out kingdoms, takes dresses and rolls the kingdoms back. The girls understand that Ivan is near. Two marry brothers, a princess from the golden kingdom for Ivan]: Onchukov 2008, No. 86:226-229; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Leshukonsky District, p. Vozhgory, 1928) [Pop got lost, met a bear, helped arrange a den, and winters in her. Palfil Popovich (PP) was born to a bear. In spring, pop returns to the village with his son. Popadya does not immediately recognize her husband, she is happy. PP is large, eats a lot, it is difficult for parents to feed it, they send it to the forest to herd cows. PP catches a bear who wants to pick up a cow, brings him to the village and locks him in the barn. The maid comes in when the bear eats the last cow. Pop sends PP to the king for tribute, he rides a bear, meets an enchanted man. To break free from the spell, he must "bring the mountains to one place." PP helps him, they go together. It's the same with having to uproot an oak tree. The three of them and the bear come to the king, the PP demands tribute, the king pays to leave as soon as possible. PP gave one bag of gold to his ass, and left with the other four. The three of us stayed in a hut, catching bulls. Two go to town for food, Gornik stays to cook, an old man appears from under the floorboard, demands a treat, the man refuses, the old man beats him, eats everything. It's the same when Dubnik stays to cook. PP defeats the old man, reproaches his comrades for not admitting why the food was not ready. PP wants to know if there's any other ground under the floor. He cuts bulls, makes belts, and his comrades pull him down. PP enters a copper, silver and gold tower, meets three girls, reports that the old man who stole them is dead. The girls are happy and ask to take them with them. It's a pity for PP to leave the tower. Everyone throws the ring from her hand onto the roof, the tower turns into rings, they are given to PP. Satellites lift the girls, but the PP is too heavy, the companions cut off their belts, the PP falls, goes waist-deep into the ground. He is hired by a blind old man to herd cows. He shows the border of the Baba Yaga glade and forbids herding cows there. The PP complies with the ban three times, and the fourth time she drives cows to Baba Yaga's land, she is angry, he promises not to bring cattle to her anymore. The cows are full and roaring. PP takes the herd back to Baba Yaga's meadow. She says she would fight with the PP hero and hear about his strength. We agreed to hit three times. Two PP blows do not harm Baba Yaga, then PP hits the mortar, Yaga becomes a woman, he puts her in a bag and tramples her, lets the old man feel at home, who makes sure that Yaga has been killed. PP kills one of the bulls, climbs into his skin, catches a crow that has flown up, sends the other for living and dead water. After receiving water, he tests it: he tears the bird, then revives it. He offers to cure the old man's eyes, sprinkles dead and living water, he sees the light, and in gratitude promises to bring the PP to the ground. His witch daughter does this, she eats people and knows how to turn into a bird. Orders to tie an iron spear and prepare 40 barrels of meat and 40 water. There was not enough meat, PP cut off its calves. The bird says its meat is sweet and would eat it, but his father's request doesn't allow it. Spits out swallowed, PP's legs are intact again. After 10 years of absence, PP returns to his kingdom, the girl from the golden hut is waiting for him, he marries her. PP punishes his comrades: he cuts off one arm and the other's leg. He puts up a silver and gold tower and lives in them]: Nikiforov 1961, No. 109, 272-278; Russians (Arkhangelskaya: Pinega) [Three princes and their sister enter the twelfth garden, where they are not allowed to walk. It gets dark sharply around, the brothers do not see how Raven Voronovich, Kogot Kogotovich takes his sister away. They tell their dad what happened. His elder brother Stepan asks him to let him go for a walk in the field, his father allows him, at the crossroads he chooses not the right or left road, but "go wherever you want". He meets Kalagir the hero, and together they cannot raise the iron staircase. The middle brother goes to the field, gets to his brother and hero, but the three of them fail to raise the stairs. His father does not want to let Ivan's youngest son go to the field, but he leaves. He does not find the horse right away - they bend under his arm. Ivan gets to his brothers and hero and makes fun of them. One picks up the stairs, climbs it, being at the crossroads, and follows the right road. She walks into a copper hut, she spins on chicken legs, a beautiful girl feeds him, asks him about the path, says that his sister is married to her brother, promises to help him if Ivan marries her. He gives an egg that leads Ivan to the silver hut, where the girl sits even more beautiful, everything repeats itself, the egg leads him to the golden hut to the most beautiful girl, he promises to marry her and gets 2 pieces of meat and a key. He advises to visit Raven Voronovich, and when he wades him, let the Raven go ahead and hit him with a key only once ("a heroic hand hits once"). Ivan does this, throws meat to the lions at the gates of the golden yard, goes into the house, finds Kalagir the hero's sister and sister in cooks. She is sorry to give up "good life", but Ivan insists she puts her life together in a chicken egg. On the way back, three girls are picked up, each turning her life into a chicken egg. Kalagir's heroic sister was lowered - he takes her away, and Ivan's brothers take girls from the golden and silver kingdoms. A girl from the golden kingdom persuades Ivan to go down first, but he sends her. The brothers argue about who will get it, remove the stairs and Ivan can't go down. The brothers tell their father that they saved their sister and girls. Ivan finds himself under an oak tree where firebirds live, he sits on one of them and it brings Ivan to his native kingdom. He doesn't let go of the bird until he takes its crutch from under its right wing. Ivan touches the stone, Yarmoshka jumps out, asks Ivan what he wants, at first he does not ask for anything, then orders him to be taken home. He stops with an old soldier with an old woman, finds out that the king instructs the elder prince's bride to sew stockings and wedding boots without measure, and orders the old soldier to contract. He gets money for stockings and boots, and together with the old woman they eat up and get drunk. Ivan orders Yermoshka to bring unworn stockings and shoes from the king's chest. He gives it to the soldier, he gives it to the king. He gives the soldier the rank of ladle. The bride asks to sew a wedding dress without measure - Ivan performs the task in the same way, the king gives the soldier the rank of general. The bride refuses to marry unless a silver bridge with crystal railings, a pond and birds is built. Ivan also performs this (Yarmoshka calls 12 Yermoshek brothers, they are coping with the construction together). The king invites the soldier and his wife to move to live in the palace. Ivan comes to an empty house by the bridge when the bride's carriage passes by, Yarmoshka and his brothers throw stones at her, she brings Ivan to the tsar, calls her a real groom, they get married]: Karnaukhova 1934, No. 124:230-236; Russians (Karelian Pomorie, Sumy Posad) [no children; the old man cut down a stump, became Ivan Sosnovets; his strength is incredible, he eats a lot, his parents sent him to wander; he meets He takes as companions a person who transfers forests from forest to forest; transfers mountains; transfers water from river to river; everyone replies that he is not strong, but I.; stopped in a hut, the yard is full of bulls, one by one cook; a man with a fingernail, a beard hits the cook from his elbow, eats everything; I. hits him himself, hangs him on the wall, he fell off, rolled to the hole; only I. agrees to go down; in the hut the girl sews like a needle, so the soldier will jump out; in the second hut there are two soldiers; in the third, three; each replies that she is accumulating strength for Ivan Sosnovets; the fourth girl says that she is a stolen princess; tells you to swap bottles with with strong and weak water; that wounded dwarf lies, is tall, I. killed him; each of the girls rolls the hut into a handkerchief; the companions pulled out the girls and I., I. gave each a girl; they unfolded their houses; I.'s wedding with a girl]: Razumova, Senkina 1974, No. 54:264-270; Russians (Zaonezhye or Pinega, Poganets, 1927, E.F.Fofanova, 12 years old) [The king takes turns sending his sons to watch the garden where apples are missing. The elders fall asleep and don't see the thief. The youngest sees that the apples are being stolen by a polar bear. He asks his brothers to let him down into the hole from which the beast comes out. He finds himself in a copper hut, the girl transfers threads from ball to ball, feeds, poit-puts to bed (at the request of the guest), finds out about his goal and says that there are 2 more girls ahead and grandmother. In a silver hut, a girl winds silver threads, everything repeats itself, and the same goes in a golden hut (a girl with gold threads says that the bear lives with her grandmother). He promises to marry each of the girls. Ivan turns his hut on his chicken foot, the old woman tells him that the bear will force him to heat the bathhouse, and then ask him to give it up, but this cannot be done, otherwise the beast will eat him. He follows the old woman's advice, does not give up when the bear asks, the beast writhes and dies. Ivan rips off his skin, picks up his grandmother and three girls. Every girl twists the hut into a ball and puts it in her pocket. They go to the hole, Ivan warms the crows with a bear skin, sends them upstairs to the girls' brothers, and they start fighting over them. The brothers lift Ivan up, but not completely and throw him back into the hole. The raven brings Ivan to the surface of the earth, and on the way, the bird eats the bull's meat it brings, which Ivan throws into his beak when it ends, cuts off the meat from his legs. The raven sees that the prince is limping, spits out his meat and putting it at his feet. He returns to his kingdom during the wedding of a girl from a golden hut, marries her, she develops a hut out of the ball]: Nikiforov 1961, No. 77:175-178; Russians (Arkhangelskaya) []: Onchukov 2008, No. 86: 226-229; Russians (Zaonezhye) [the widow became pregnant, gave birth to a son Okati-Goroshka; the tsar heard rumors about his pampering, OG asked the tsar not to execute him, he would find his three missing daughters; tsar agreed; OG meets, companions the heroes of Roznigor, then Usynya; came to the house, R. and W. could not shake the gate, OG opened the gate; R. cooked lunch, but came Himself with his fingernail, beard from elbow and ate everything; the next day the same with W.; on the third day, OG took his sam-with-nail into the yard, pinched his beard; the heroes went to anchor the mountain, R. and W. did not anchor, OG, climbed the chain and came to the copper kingdom; the elder princess hid it, her husband flew in, smelled the Russian spirit, the princess began to caress him, he fell asleep, OG cut off his head and followed the second princess (the same silver palace); the third century gold; each packed her palace in a box; the princesses went down, the heroes pulled off their chain and OG was left alone upstairs; came to the lake house; there the old man asks to herd his cattle, but on the road, not on the grass; OG disobeyed and the snakes began to sting the cattle; OG killed them with a sword; on the third day, a 12-headed snake arrived, the mother of the dead, tried to eat OG, he cut off 6 heads, the one for leaving the other 6, brought her alive and dead water; he smeared the old man's eyes with them, he saw the light; the grateful old man sent OG home, planting him on an eagle; there was not enough meat, he had to cut it off from his own calves; the shoemaker said that the first The princess follows R., the second for W., and the third for the one who would sew her shoes like they were in the golden kingdom; OG opened the box in which the golden palace and took out gold boots, sent a shoemaker with shoes to the princess, she understood everything and asked for the same dress; then the whole palace; in the morning the shoemaker was asked who was the builder of the palace, he pointed to the OG; OG married the princess, R. and W. to two other princesses]: Karnaukhova 2008, No. 41:119-123; Russians (Vologda): Gura 1965, No. 20 [the tsar and queen are childless, both 80; the tsar tells fishermen to throw a net for his happiness; the pike is caught in appearance like gold; the tsar orders bake a cake for the nanny; ate the middle part with the queen, the one where the head was eaten by the nanny, the tail was eaten by a dog; everyone gave birth to a boy, only the dog's son has dog ears; the priest gave the names: Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan- nanny, twig-birth; brothers grew up; C. suggests considering the elder who will continue to throw the 4-pound club; he threw the farthest; went hunting, got lost, stayed in an empty house, there is a bridge next to the river; the brothers take turns guarding; the IC sees a three-headed monster riding, disappeared, did not tell the brothers; the same IN (6-headed); on the third night S. leaves a glass: if full of blood, hurry to help, and if the blood is over the edge, save yourself; the 12-headed monster prevails, S. threw his boot, the gate disappeared, the horse ran, helped kill the monster; S. put 12 heads under the heavy stove; brothers ask forgiveness for hiding and not helping; when they went, S. asks to return - forgot the gloves; fell off the stove, under it 12 heads; the brothers kept silent; three sisters of the sorceress gathered; one promises to become an apple tree, the other a feather bed, the third a well; although brothers eat apples, lie on a feather bed, drink water, S. does not give; brothers find a hut, hunt, cook in turn; a dwarf came with with a long beard, ate everything, beat the IC; the same with IN; S. beat the dwarf, pinched his beard in the stump; he uprooted the stump, left, the blood trail leads to the hole; S. orders to kill the bear, make belts out of the skin, lower it he is wearing belts; the girl of the copper kingdom sends silver to the girl, she to the golden one; each asks to marry her; the maiden of the golden kingdom orders to change the wells with strong and weak water; the dwarf is drunk weak water, S. killed him; S. sends the girls upstairs, each turned her kingdom into a ball; when the brothers raised S., they were flattered by the girls, cut off their belt; S. fell, found the Firebird, she carried it out upstairs, because he defeated her villain; the IC took the maiden of the silver kingdom, the YN took the copper kingdom, and the maiden of the golden kingdom was his servant; having learned how it was, the king executed the IC, drove the IN away, and made S. heir , he married the princess of the golden kingdom]: 230-233; Smirnov 1917, No. 31 []: 175-183; Sokolov, Sokolov 1989, No. 40 (Kirillovsky district) []: 156-160; Russians (Pskov) [the tsar has two kingdoms; he sends people to find out why in one of the kingdoms people do not know where to go; the old man is sent: you have to throw the seine three times; the first two times you will catch a lot of fish, throw it away; on the third, three pike- white fish; let the princess eat - then the tsar will find out where the people are going; the cook cooked fish, tried it herself and gave it to the female; everyone gave birth to a son: Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan Kukharkin, Ivan-Suchkin-Ploshkin (ISP) ; grew up quickly, went in search; before that, the ISP whistled in three stables, each with only one horse left, the brothers took them for themselves; chose the one who would throw the club taller as the eldest; when they threw the ISP , had time to drink tea before she fell down; made him senior; stopped at the bridge over the Kalinovka River; they guard one by one, but Ivan Tsarevich and Ivan-Kukharkin fall asleep, all three times at the ISP Bridge; each time the snake drives the ISP into the ground "on the trail", and the ISMP cuts down all three heads of the snake; the third snake drove the ISP to the waist, and the ISP demolished only two heads, but the horse finished off the snake; becoming a fly, the ISP overheard the snake talking; one she will thirst, the other will turn into a spring, the third has one mustache in the ground and the other into the sky: as they go, so in her mouth; the brothers went, want to drink; the ISP crossed the meadow - blood, crossed the key - also blood; told the brothers to go forward, they drove into the snake's mouth, and he told the blacksmiths to light the horn; the snake gnawed through the iron doors, stuck its tongue, began to hit her tongue with a hammer; the ISP beat until the snake did not regurgitate her brothers, but died herself; a golden ram ran out; the ISP threw a club at him, and the ram grabbed it and carried it down the hole; the ISP tells the brothers to lower it on a rope; picked up a club, came to the copper the kingdom, there is a girl, a serpent flew in, the ISP killed him; the same in the silver kingdom; in the golden kingdom, the princess hides under the hem, the serpent flies around, the ISP, according to the princess's teaching, grabbed him by the tail, the serpent flew, hit him the ground and shattered to pieces; each of the princesses turned her kingdom into an egg; the princess of gold branded the ISP with her ring and ordered to take the serpent's tail: it will deliver it wherever you want; the brothers pulled it out princesses, began to argue over the princess of the golden kingdom, decided to get rid of the rival, raised the ISP to half the hole and threw it; the ISP shifted the snake tail from hand to hand, found itself on the ground, changed clothes with the old woman's son, came to the feast; the princess saw her stigma on him; the traitor brothers were shot]: Chernyshev 1950, No. 2:10-18; Russians (Moscow) [three princesses went to the garden, the whirlwind took them away; the tsar promises one of the daughters and half the kingdom; the peasant's son went in search; meets, takes Ivan Kamnelom as his companions, Ivan tear an oak tree; they cook in the hut in turn; a peasant comes in with a fingernail a beard with elbow, eats everything, cuts out a belt from the cook's back; when Ivan the peasant son (I.) remained, he pinched his beard into the stump; he escaped, they followed the footsteps, under the stone hole; there was first cold, then heat; only I. endures, went down; I. killed a three-headed serpent at the copper palace, saved the princess; the same from the silver (six-headed), the gold (nine-headed); each princess turned her palace into an apple; the princesses were raised, the youngest gave the golden apple to Ivan; the brothers began to pick it up, cut off the rope; I. did not break; there were three chicks in the oak nest, a snake crawls towards them, I. killed her; for this the bird carried him to the ground; the king promises her youngest daughter to someone who will get the gold rings she had in the lower world; I. unfurled the palace, including rings; the brothers were forgiven]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 24:61-65; Russians ( Tambov Oblast) [An unclean spirit stole Anastasia the Beautiful from Tsar Pea; three sons go in search; the youngest Ivan sees how three spoonbills became maidens, began to swim; I. hid the sash as the most beautiful; she replies that his mother was kidnapped by her father Raven Voronovich; tells him to follow a bird with a golden tuft; I. goes with her brothers, they bring him down to the lower world; 33 spoonbill girls in copper, silver, gold kingdoms are sent I. to go for a ball; the princess of gold gives a ball to go to the pearl kingdom, where mother I.; orders to rearrange vats with strong and low-power water there; I. enough BB, makes him give him a feather road; princesses and mother I. they twisted the four kingdoms into balls, the I. brothers pulled them all out, cut off the rope, lifting I.; 12 fellows carried him to the ground; I.'s father executed his wife, wants to marry the princess of the golden kingdom; she demands to sew boots, then a dress without measure; I. does everything, hiring artisans and revealing hidden kingdoms; the princess tells I. to cook in milk, he becomes handsome; his father jumped, cooked; I. marries, reigns]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 130:239-243; Russians (Perm, Okhansky U., d. Kryukova) [A tsar lives in a certain kingdom, a certain state. He hears that there is a polished shield in the serpent kingdom - it warms instead of a stove during the day, it shines instead of the sun at night. Sending messengers to find out if anyone would agree to take away the Serpent's shield. But even powerful heroes are afraid to go to the Kingdom of Zmievo. The Sparkle worker comes to the king and asks for 12 fellows, 13 sables and 13 falcons. Well done with I. sit on a sable, let falcons in, and go to the Kingdom of Zmiev. The palace is surrounded by a 7-mile embroidered wall. When it gets dark, falcons fly over the wall, open the gate, let I. in with a great job. I. sees a shield on the wall, takes a storage sword and tells the fellows to sleep, and he will stand on guard. He hangs a fly - if it turns red, then go to the rescue. At midnight, Serpent Gorynych arrives home, tries to eat I., who cuts off his head. The fly turns red, well done people do not wake up. Three heads grow, I. cuts them. The fly turns red, well done sleeping. Five heads grow, I. cuts them. Nine heads appear and Sparkle cuts them. The fly burns like a fever, well done sleeping. Instead of 9, 12 heads grow back, I. cuts them and thinks it's over, but the serpent is dead. Well done: now it's their turn to stand on guard and he will sleep. Well done, they think that once the Serpent is killed, you can sleep. Before sunrise, Pehtimko comes running and takes his shield away. I. tells me to sit on a sable, they go to P. There is a hut in the Pekhtimkov forest with three corners. I. unlocks the door: Pekhtimka sits in one corner, and rests his feet on the other corners. A shield is hung on the wall under the ceiling for beauty. I. takes off his hat and says hello. P.'s eyebrows hang like hay thickets; he can't see anything. He says to his wife, "Raise my eyebrows." The wife raises them with a pitchfork. P. sees the guest, finds out. I. asks Pehtim Ivanovich why he took the shield away. P. laughs: you don't have to sleep long, finally agrees to give it back - he doesn't need it, he was brought to women for beauty. But for this we must bring him a bride, the daughter of King Yundel, Marfida Yundelevna. I. agrees, goes alone, leaves 12 of his fellows with P. On the way, he meets and takes with him people who are eager to eat bread and all kinds of food, drink any drink, take a steam bath in the bath, shoot with a pestle. It does not allow killing bees and extracting honey from a hollow, ruining a crow's nest, and shoves pike lying on the shore into the sea. They come to see King Yundel. His yard is surrounded by a palisade, each stake has a human head, one head is missing. Yu receives matchmakers well, tells the bathhouse to be heated. You can't even approach her, but a person who knows how to steam makes the fire in the stove go out and the water in the tub freezes. Yu is surprised, he tells everyone to eat lunch and drink wine. There are whole bulls and sheep on the table, barrels of beer and wine. Y.: All this must be eaten and drunk, and if they don't respect it, head off your shoulders. Those who are too much to eat and drink clean the entire table. Y. is surprised, asks I. why they came. I.: marry his daughter Marfida Yundelevna for Pekhtim Ivanovich. Y.: If she indicates where she lives in the house, she will give her for P. Shows 7 identical houses. A crow arrives, sits on one tower and croaks. I. guesses. Seven girls are sleeping in the tower, all the same. The king tells us who Marfida is. A bee sits on the cheek of one of the beauties. I. guesses. The king tells us to collect the dowry. M. gathers 7 cities, 160 towers, 500 herds, gold, silver, silk, velvet, puts everything in an eggshell, takes it in his hand, hits the damp ground, becomes a gray duck, rises behind the clouds, turns into an asterisk. I. asks who can shoot a pestle with a bow. He goes forward, kneels down, aims, hits the star with a pestle. A star is rolling from the sky, falling into the sea. Tsar: How can we get it now? I. comes to the sea, the pike carries a golden spindle in its teeth. The sparkle breaks it in half, throws one half for herself, the other in front of him, tells him to have a white birch tree grow behind him, and the princess of Manchester United in front of him. MU cries, says goodbye to his parents, goes with I. to P. Tom doesn't feel like giving up his shield. He is preparing an abyss with the fire over which the perch is thrown: if I. did not offend his fiancée M. on the road, he will safely cross the perch, but if he offended him, no. I. suggests that he move on himself to prove that he did not offend his fellows. P. agrees. When it comes to the middle, MU kicks the perch, P. falls into the fire. His wives rejoice, they are all royal daughters, leaving for their kingdoms. MU is marrying I. I. goes to his king with fellows and sables, carrying a polished shield. The old king died during this time. I. reigned, held a feast, invited Tsar Yu.]: Serebrennikov 1928:128-131.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays [a blind khan sends three sons underground to a place where he has not set foot - that land will restore his sight; his two eldest sons will soon return; the youngest Aslan is a shepherd gives his horse; a diamond chicken on the road; the horse allows him to take it to give it to the owner of the house where they will stay; A. gave it to the khan; the khan will give his daughter to the one who hits the thimble with a gun; A. got; envious people offer to test the groom; 1) bring a diamond rooster; the horse orders to pour a hundred carts of millet, birds fly, the diamond rooster is their king; A. brought a rooster; 2) tours with diamond wool, gold horns and silver hooves; the horse brought a tour; 3) a golden horse with diamond hooves from the bottom of the sea; a horse: you have to pour a mountain of sand on the shore, bring a hundred carts of resin; the horse was lying in sand and resin, defeated a sea horse, taught the girl to win; she went down from A. to the bottom of the sea, hid all her wealth in a thimble, A. returned with her, with horses, with sea resources; the girl took out palaces from her thimble etc.; Khan decided to take possession of A.'s wife; wanted to poison him, throw him into a hole, the queen of the sea sends a dog, she did not allow it; Khan put his son to sleep with a potion and shackled him; A. broke his chains; said that he could only be defeated pulling his hair out of his mustache; the father pulled out, shackled A. again, threw me into the abyss; grass: eat me and you will recover; A. came back, saw the horse, wife and sea queen fight off Khan the father's troops in the palace; the horse killed the khan]: Rumyantseva 1981:44-55; Terek Cossacks (v. Borozdinskaya) [the tsar's eldest daughter asks to let her go to the "unhappy" garden; there a storm rises and takes her away; the same with her middle daughter; when the youngest began to ask, she was chained to bed, covered with iron canopy and left in the garden in a room with 12 iron doors; a 12-headed serpent arrives, takes the girl along with the bed; Ivan Tsarevich calls to find the kidnapped, takes three generals as assistants; sees how 12-, 9- and 6-headed snakes fly out of the passage to the underworld one by one; I. tells the generals to lower him on a rope into the underworld and wait above; comes to a city where all tailors; those they give I. a ball of thread and tell him to throw it in front of him; the ball leads to the palace; the princess says that her husband is a 6-headed serpent; hides I. in the room, in it a tub with strong and a tub with powerless water; I. tries both; changes tubs in places; takes a kladenets sword from the royal daughter, hides; a 6-headed serpent who has arrived drinks powerless water instead of strong water and falls asleep; I. cuts off his heads; princess gives I. a ball of thread; he rolls to the palace in which her sister; I. drinks strong water, moves the tubs of water, kills the 9-headed snake; the princess gives a ball of thread; warns that the younger sister's husband - 12-headed serpent, he shackled his 12-headed father in the basement; with the help of a ball of thread, I. finds a crystal palace; meets the princess there, drinks strong water, changes the tubs; a snake that has arrived falls asleep; I. cuts off his 9 heads; the serpent growls, his father hears, breaks 6 chains; I. princess: "Run to your father-in-law soon; if he asks what this noise is, you say that a strong storm has risen, turned it around the root is a large oak tree that stood by the window: this oak hit the palace and broke all the windows; yes, take an iron pitchfork, hot; when my father-in-law says: "Raise my eyelids with a pitchfork, I'll see what is being done," you and if I come to help you with a pitchfork; the princess runs to the basement; I. cuts off the remaining 3 heads of the snake; the princess says to her father-in-law what was commanded; father-in-law: "Take a pitchfork, and raise my eyelids - I'll see what is being done"; the princess stabs his eyes with a hot pitchfork; I. comes running and killing him; regrets not seeing such a palace on earth; the princess gives him a silk shawl saying: "Wave them - I give you this palace"; I. waves his handkerchief, a golden egg appears in his hand; with the help of a ball of thread, I. returns with the princess to her sister; she also gives him a silk shawl; I. waves at them, receives a silver egg; throws a ball of thread in front of him, goes with both princesses to their older sister; waves her handkerchief, receives a copper egg; when he reaches the aisle, I. alternately ties the sisters to the generals raise them to the rope; saying goodbye to the third princess, I. takes off her personalized ring; I. ties a stone to the rope; the generals lift it to the middle and let it go; they tell the king that it is them saved his daughters; the younger princess refuses to marry the general and tells the truth; the king does not believe it, but postpones the wedding; I. wanders; climbs into a huge nest in a tree during the rain ; there are three chicks; I. covers them with his last hollow and warms them; the chicks tell the vulture bird about their savior; she offers I. help, tells them to prepare 12 barrels of game and 12 barrels of water; during the flight, I. feeds and wateres her: "When the bird looks to the right, he will splash water on it; if he looks to the left, he will throw a piece of meat"; there is not enough meat for the whole journey; I. cuts off meat from both calves, feeds the vulture bird; she flies into the light, falls to the ground; asks I. what kind of delicious meat was the last time: when he finds out, he expectorates both calves and puts them at I.'s feet; he heals, goes to the king; the younger princess finds out I. on a ring on his hand; the king orders the generals to be tied to horse tails and let them go across the field, the youngest daughter marries I.; I. waves silk scarves; three palaces appear; one of them I. gives the eldest princess, the other is middle, and lives with his wife in the third]: Butova 1889, No. 3:128-141; taty [the khan has three daughters; the black cloud took the youngest, then the other two; the khan promises a reward; the young man asks him to make him a 40-pound club; threw it into the sky, a day later she fell, he caught her with his head; together with two companions he came to someone's house; the companions were cooking; the owner came, beat the cooks, ate two bulls; the young man remained, overcame the one who came, tore off his head; a hole in the ground, he was lowered down on his belt; there the youngest daughter of the khan was kidnapped; she turned her house and property into an apple, put it in her pocket, brought sisters, raised them and a young man; the young man married his youngest, two assistants were given money]: Miller 2013:598-601.
Baltoscandia. Latvians: Niedre 1952:92-103 [The elderly couple had a hairy son, Jan Bear; he asks his father three times to forge an iron staff for him; each time he throws him into the sky; he takes him who hardly bent, picked up when he fell with his finger; meets, takes as companions a digging mountain (Kalnuratseis) and fishing with a rod - a mast tree; stopped in an empty castle; one by one cook, every time an old woman beats the cook, takes food; when it's my turn, an old man comes up, MYA drove his beard into a block, hit the old woman with a staff; guards three nights by the bloody river; kills three- and six-headed on a silver, golden horse; when fighting a 12-headed diamond horse, help is needed; the companions are sleeping, I woke them up by throwing his staff into the castle; by this time, the water left in the vessel blushed (a sign of danger); killed a 12-headed; rolled back a stone, tells him to lower it into the abyss; there's that old man, I killed him; in silver, gold, diamond cities, three girls sew silver clothes , gold, diamonds; each collects its own city in an egg; the companions raised everyone; I returned behind the hat; the satellites began to raise, decided that the hell let go of the rope; I fell, breaking through three worlds; in fourth thunderstorm, he covered the eagles; the eagle promises to raise them to the ground - let MYA kill the monster and feed it with meat in flight; at first there was not enough meat, they returned; the second time they almost flew, I slaughtered the last piece of leg calf; I married a girl from diamond city, companions to two others, each living in his own city from an egg], 116-146 [the fish tells the childless widow to cook and eat it; piece eaten by a maid, giblets by a mare; each gives birth to a son, the son of a mare is strongman Kurbad; all three go to free the house from evil spirits; on the first night K. killed a three-headed giant on the bridge, and the second night - six-headed; on the third night he is nine-headed, his heads grow back, he drives K. knee-deep, then to his armpits into the ground; the brothers sleep, do not see that the water in the bucket has become blood; K. threw pastals at them ( shoes); brothers came running, began to burn their severed heads; K. hears insects talking in the cracks: killed our husbands; let one wife become a bed, the second a spring, the third an ogre snake ; K. does not let me lie down, get drunk, cuts the bed, the spring; the king lost three daughters when they were washing in the bathhouse; K. pinched the line in the door, he gave a pipe (10 dwarfs will come out to do the job), said that there is a stone in the swamp, a hole under it, stolen there; K. threw off the stone, ordered the dwarfs to bring a rope; the brothers are afraid, K. went down, cut off the line; in the princess's silver, gold, diamond castles; they gave K. strong water, and the six-headed drank weak water instead of it; the sisters turn their locks into diamond, gold, silver eggs, give them to K.; K. sent the girls upstairs; the wife of the 9-headed the giant cut off the rope and filled the hole with a stone; K. comes to the old man, who says that the cannibal sucked his eyes and beats the giant bird's children with a hail; K. killed the ogre, smeared his eyes with a potion the old man, he saw the light; covered the chicks from the hail; the bird promises to carry K. across the sea, tells him to prepare meat; K. cut off the last piece of his caviar; K. opens his eggs, lives with the youngest royal in diamond castle; you must kill the wife of the 9th head; K. came to the forge, where Debess Kaleis forged a golden crown, a silver belt and a diamond ring for the daughter of the Sun; forged K.'s horse to catch up with the witch, ordered not look around; K. looked around, thunder and lightning, the horse was gone; K. fell asleep, the witch changed the vessels with strong and weak water, K. drank off, lost his strength for a year; went to hell with the worker, who became angry, that cut three strips of meat from the back; 1) herd hares, 2) cows; dwarfs collected everyone from the pipe; K. beat off each cow's leg; hell has to answer that he is not angry; 3) horses (the same; cut off their lips); 4) plow how much the white female will run (beat the female, she lay down); 5) clean the stable (the dwarfs cleaned it); 6) bring firewood on the mare (the mare is the mother is a devil, K. threatens to cut her belts from her sides, the mare is lucky); 7) slaughter a sheep that looks at you (everyone looks, stabbed everyone); 8) eat a pound of dumplings; K. puts the dumplings by the shirt, but the hell ate his pound, it's bad with his stomach; K. pretends to rip open his stomach, dumplings fell out; 9) the devil leads K. to the forest to cut an oak tree; K. brings a hare, the younger brother; the devil can't catch up with him; agrees to carry the felled oak together; hell carries, K. rides an oak tree; killed the children a devil; pulled out his mare's eyes; put a pot of sour cream instead of himself for the night, hell with his mother think they broke K.'s head; hell and his mother run away to the witch, K. hid in his belongings, here again; at night they decided drown K. in the river, K. swapped places, the devil drowned his mother; K. killed the devil; the power returned, K. killed the witches, threw the ogre into the fire, killed the ogre eagle; enemies attacked; the witch poured bile on K.; K. killed her and cannibal, but he also died]; Lutsie (Western 1893) [the family has two sons and a daughter; mustababa (must "black", est.) took the girl; the brothers went in search; shepherds: if you can kill all the sheep at once, free sister; brothers: it takes a week to slaughter everyone; the same applies to shepherds of cows; horses; they say that the sister is married to Big Yuda; they came to their sister, the BU hung them from a tree; the sister put them under her feet a block; the mother cried, peas grew out of tears, the only pea in the pod; she ate it, gave birth to it 9 months later; the boy is a strongman, grew up quickly; asks if there were siblings; ordered from a blacksmith a five-pound iron club, threw it up, a day later it fell, he put his finger up, the club split; the 10-pound one bent; the 15-pound one remained intact, good; killed all the sheep; cows; horses at once; horse shepherds tell me to make an iron hand, heat it, put the BU in the face; The pea ate, drank more than the BU; drove the BU three times into the ground, on copper, silver, gold fields; the BU drove him to the waist, and he killed him up to his throat; put BU's palaces and treasures in a ball, put him in his pocket; freed the captured girl, married him; began to live again, they live now]: Annom et al. 2018:101-105; Estonians [the king's horses disappear one by one; the older, middle brothers fall asleep, the younger one injures a polar bear that has come out of the ground; tells him to go down to the pit for the bear, he gets a copper, silver, golden egg from three princesses kidnapped by a bear; wakes up a sleeping wounded bear, kills him; brothers raise girls and treasures upstairs, his younger brother does not let down the rope; he kills a snake fighting against an eagle; he agrees to take the young man upstairs, asks him to feed the bull meat on the way; the young man cuts off his legs from his calf, he is the most delicious; he is hired by a shoemaker; the brothers said that the youngest is dead, they marry the princesses; they hope that the young man will return, tell the grooms to bring the shoes they had in the lower world; the young man pulls out his shoes from a copper egg, sends a shoemaker with them to the king; the same clothes made of silver eggs; locks are made of gold; a young man marries a younger princess, brothers marries elders, reigns]: M.E. Eisen in Põder, Tanner 2000:36-46 (=Raud 2004:190-196); set [ the king's three daughters reject the suitors; one did not like the long-nosed prince, she said she would rather go beyond the line; the devil took them to the lower world; the king promises a reward to whoever returns them; the soldier enters a cave, comes to the lower world; in a copper, silver, golden city, he consistently sees three kidnapped, each time he kills a local trait, driving him into the ground; each time he gains strength thanks to the princess, who gives him a drink of strong water and the devil drinks weak water; each princess turns her city into a handkerchief, the soldier takes them to the ground, receives a pot of gold and a title general]: Sandra 2004:257-261; the Finns [the king has three sons, the eldest is a fool; the king (the other), the general and the courtier have a daughter, the king sent his sons to look for them; the fool has 7 pounds of sword; they reached the cliff, it failed, the brothers lowered the elder there; he came to the copper palace, where one of the missing girls was; her husband had 7 heads and 10 horns; he came and offered to drink; the young man unnoticed pours out, and the 7-chief drank, fell asleep, the young man cut off his heads; the palace turned into an egg, the young man put it in his pocket and they came to the silver palace, where the general's daughter is; the same (the monster has 8 heads); the same in golden palace (10 heads and 15 horns); the brothers picked up the girls; the young man put a stone in the basket instead of him, the brothers cut off the rope; there were naked eagles in the nest, he covered them with a cloak, they fell asleep; for this, the eagle took him to the ground; he dressed as a musician to play at the wedding of the general's daughter {it should have been: a princess}; she recognized him, his father ordered the brothers to hang, the eldest married Genetic's daughter]: Löwis of Menar 1927, No. 28:81-84.
Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars: Yarmukhametov 1957 [the padishah's three daughters are carried away by a whirlwind; the brothers Kich-Batyr (kitsch - evening), Ten Batyr (night), Tan-batyr (morning: younger) play; the old man advises them better look for the padishah's daughters; come to the cave where the divas have disappeared; only Tan-B. pushes the stone away; the elders do not reach the bottom of the cave, Tan-B. cuts the rope, jumps; the mice undermine the walls of the well, send Tan-b. across the way to the copper palace; Tan-B. kills the diva, frees the eldest daughter of the padishah; the same with the silver, gold palaces, middle and eldest daughters, and the other two divas; during the fight with the last diva, T. replaces barrels of strong and weak water, the diva weakens, is killed; the younger sister puts the palaces in copper, silver, golden eggs, gives Tan-B; brothers they pull out the girls, cut off the rope, picking up Tan-b; the mouse man tells them to sit on a white goat, not a black goat; Tan-B. sits on a white goat, carried to the upper world; the brothers tie a sword in front of the tent Tan-batyr cuts off her legs; blind and armless come to him; they kidnap the padishah's daughter, make her sister; her fire goes out, she comes to the witch Ubyrly Karcik; she tells her to pour ash behind her so that she was able to come to visit; when she comes, she tells me to look in her hair, drinks the girl's blood; three brothers take turns guarding, Tan-B. binds the witch, beats; she swallows everyone, regurgitates healthy; Tan-B. does not regurgitates; others chop it, see a finger running away, find Tan-b in it; at home he hires a shoemaker; for the wedding of the padishah's youngest daughter, he creates boots and a dress to order with copper and other eggs, palaces; opens, marries; drives away brothers; passes off his wife's sisters as his brothers]: 39-61 (=Bulatov, Sharipova 2000:49-89; =Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 40:103-127); Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 45 [padishah's wife kidnapped divas; the eldest son and warriors go in search; in the forest he is rude to the white wolf, who turns those who come into stones; the middle sons are the same; the youngest is polite; the wolf revives the petrified, teaches how to get a magic horse; he carries through fire, water, forest, stones; Semrug carries a bird over Mount Kaf; a young man meets girls, finds a mother; she replaces vessels with strong and weak water; a 9-headed diva drinks weak, decapitated; the young man takes his mother; rolls the golden kingdom into an egg, then the silver kingdom, then the copper kingdom; each bride has; upon return, the young man's mother tells the Ifrites to build a golden bridge from the palace to the city; the padishah remarried his returned wife; the young man lives with three wives; the eldest sons also got wives]: 169-189; Bashkirs: Barag 1988, No. 38 [the mare gives birth, but foals every time disappear; the eldest, middle son goes to guard, falls asleep; the younger Kyran-Batyr rips his hair off his head with a sword, does not sleep, cuts the cloud that carries the foal; follows the bloody trail to the copper one, silver, golden houses; each has one of the kidnapped foals and a woman; K. consistently fights three devas, kills them; tames a piebald mare; tries to get a golden sword from the bottom of the lake; the mare explains that the sword is reflected in the water, it itself is pierced into a pine trunk that split the sky and goes further up; K. climbs a pine tree, squeezes to the other side of the sky (then in the sky a pile of stars remains), brings a sword, rolls three houses into three eggs, gives two wives to his brothers; they are jealous, hang their sword in front of the tent, shout that enemies have attacked, K. runs out, the sword cuts off his legs; he sees a deer carrying the sun on its horns, a man runs after him; says he sees only when he is near the sun; a blind man puts legless K. on his back, walks, K. sees an armless man who chases the same deer; he explains that the deer promised to bring it to people the sun, but did not bring it, people froze, the handless man's hands froze; three companions decide to get a female cook, kidnap the khan's daughter , they tell not to let the fire go out; the fire goes out, the girl comes to the old woman for fire; she gives coals, finds a girl along the ash trail, asks her to look in her hair, sucks her bone marrow; the girl turns yellow, the companions take turns guarding, only K. hits the loss so that she can not withstand the blows; K. makes her swallow and regurgitate the girl, blind, armless; regurgitated are healed; swallowing K., not wants to regurgitate him; the former blind and armless cut her into pieces; the sparrow screams "little finger", the companions cut his little finger, K. comes out, he has legs again; returns his daughter to Khan; K. marries a woman made of gold at home, gives the other two to his companions, makes the brothers servants]: 252-267; Bessonov 1941, No. 28 [when the boy is 6 years old, her mother's abscess burst on her left hand, a girl came out; immediately all the mares were thrown away; In a dream, the brother saw how his sister turned into fire and flew away; the next day he took her from his mother, hit the fire, ordered her to kill her; the parents refused; the son left in a thin foal, which turned into a mighty horse; on the way he extinguished the burning bush; there was a snake in it, led her to her father, told her to ask for a lame goat as a reward; the serpent tells her to be slaughtered, put her feet to her feet, her head to her head and wish what do you want; in the morning around the palace and the farm with workers, the wife is in bed; the king is enviable, sent to bring a golden bunny; the wife teaches how to create a bridge across the sea, catch a bunny; the husband caught and did not give it to the king; he tells the girl to be brought from the bottom of the ninth sea; the wife gave a paper: hit the seas, the water would split in two; the man brought the girl, made the second wife; the king orders to bring food with net; the eldest the wife was the queen of birds and reptiles, she called everyone, no one knows; the old frog was the last to come, says that eating with no exist, but she does not know where; they went, the frog jumped into the water; well done house and hid; some man came in; Sarbyay! Serve food; the invisible brings everything; when he is gone, the person invites S. to the table; he agrees to go with him; tells you to poke the house with a stick, it will turn into an egg, put it in your pocket and go home ; the king tells them to go to their deceased parents; the wives took their husband away from the fire; they tell the king to bury gold under the king's threshold; tell the king that his parents are in paradise calling to them, talking about gold; the king found gold, ordered himself to be burned, the man became king; decided to visit his parents, his wife gave tulpara; at home the old woman was his sister; asks if the brother came on a three-legged, two-legged, one-legged horse, He came on foot; rushes at him, he asks for a break, she ties him by the leg with a rope, he tied the rope, ran to the horse; aspen fell in the way of the old woman and turned into a mountain; well done wives]: 160-166; Udmurts: Kralina 1960, No. 43 [someone steals peas from his priest; pop guards, finds a child in peas; Mikhailo Popov grows unusually strong, maims other children; pop sent him bring sheep out of the forest with wolves and lock them to the sheep; M. brought the wolves, they ate the sheep; the same is to bring bulls (brought bears); the men advise sending M. to the lake, collecting the hell's rent; hell offers to race, M. sent a hare instead of himself; throw weights; M.: I'll throw it on the cloud; hell asks not to throw; devils give money; M. tells me to pour into the hat in which he made a hole, filled big bag; hell offers to fight, M. sends a bull instead of himself, i.e. a bear; M. harnessed a bear and hell into the cart, brought money to his ass; M. left them to work at the mill, went on, met them, took Usynya as companions (twists Kama with his mustache), Gorynya (shakes the mountain with his little finger); they take turns cooking; a peasant with a fingernail, beard hits the cook from his elbow, goes underground again; when M. remains, he beat the peasant, pinched his beard, he cut off his beard, went down the hole; only M. decided to go down on a rope; the girl sews a paper dress, goes with M., rolling her hut into an egg; the same is a girl with a woolen one; with with a silk dress; that man is their grandfather, went to grow a beard; Usynya and Gorynya picked up the girls, did not pick up M.; M. wants to kill the cat; the duck; they ask not to kill; then they transport M., pretend that they want to throw it off; M.: I didn't kill you; so three times; cat: I have no strength, I want to eat; M. cut off meat from caviar, gave it to the cat; on earth M. exchanged clothes with an old man; came to Usyn and Goryn, drove them away, began to live with three girls]: 108-118; Potanin 1884, No. 5 [three daughters of the king were carried away by the serpent Azhdagn-kyy; the soldier drank his salary in the tavern, boasted that he would return the princess; called to the palace; asked for permission for three days to feast duty-free and two comrades; they found a hut in the forest, with a bull, took turns staying at home; old man Kuat Sultush, a quarter tall, beard 6 flight fathoms, came, beat the guard; on the third day, it was the soldier's turn, he beat the COP himself, forced him to be brought to where the princesses were; he brought him to the hole; the soldier killed him, ordered his comrades to put him on chains; in the underworld, the princess in the copper house taught me to change barrels of strong and weak water; a 6-headed serpent came with thunder, rain and hail, the soldier killed him; while he was sleeping, the princess put a seal on his forehead, rolled the copper house into an egg, gave it to the soldier; the same with another princess in a silver house (9-headed serpent), in gold (12-headed); two comrades raised the princesses to the ground, then cut off the chain; the soldier found the balalaika, hit it, the ram came out, the soldier on he got up; he was allowed into the hut; he rolled three eggs, copper, silver, gold palaces appeared; the princesses noticed, stopped weddings, demanded one shoe, a second shawl, a third dress; a soldier He sent everything they needed to the princesses and the old woman; they asked to invite a tailor to the wedding; he came with a balalaika, hit it, and a man came out of it with the seals on his forehead put by the princess; two comrades The king executed the soldier]: 232-233; Komi [a bear stole a woman, she gave birth to a son Misha, they ran away, M. killed a chasing bear; they live with the woman's former husband; then M. goes on a journey; two do not let him cross the bridge, he takes them as companions; they stop in an empty house, cook one by one; an old man comes, eats everything, beats the cook; M. beats him himself, he runs, disappears into a hole in the ground; M. goes down, there is a house with a silver roof and a girl; M. defeated the old man, found a ring on his finger, the old man's possessions curled up into an egg; M. came to two girls in a house under a golden roof, put on a ring, all this also curled up into an egg; putting it in his pocket, M. sent the girls upstairs; when the companions began to pull M. out, they let go of the rope, M. fell down; came to his senses, put on the ring, called his assistants, they carried him to the ground; took the girl from his companions, married her]: Uotila 2006, No. 33:177-187.