Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K38e3. The Diamond Kingdom.


In a row of three (less often two or four) loci or objects associated with materials of high but varying degrees of value, the highest belongs to the gemstone ( usually a diamond).

Spaniards, Sicilians, Ladins, Germans (Hessen, Mecklenburg), Syrian Arabs, Hungarians, Romanians, Serbs, Poles, Czechs, Western and Eastern (?) Ukrainians, Karachays, Turks, Swedes, Lithuanians, Latvians, Livonians.

Southern Europe. Spaniards (Ciudad Real) [the mother sends the boy to take lunch to his father in the field; the old woman meets her, asks for some food for her hungry children, the boy does not give her; the same is another old woman; she sends him to black doors, devils come out, ask him if he wants to sit on daggers, knives or awls, put him on awls; another boy brings food to his father, shares it with an old woman, she sends him to white doors, they offer seats made of gold, silver, gold with diamonds, put on gold]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 480B: 363-366; Sicilians [in the reception of a wealthy merchant three armchairs: silver, gold, diamond; his daughter Katerina comes to her fate and asks if she wants to suffer in her youth or old age; she chooses the former; her father is broke and died, she is hired by different housewives, but her Fate makes the house mess every time, forcing K. to leave; after all, K. marries the king, everything is fine]: Crane 1885, No. 28:105-109; ladins [ the lumberjack caught a bird, at home with his wife they forgot to feed it; when they went to bed, the husband remembered and told his wife to feed the bird; she found a silver egg next to her; next time gold; diamond; each time she carried eggs to a jeweler; he asked to show him a bird; the couple were illiterate, and the lumberjack read on her goiter: who eats her head would become king and who heart, will find a purse with money at the head in the morning; to take possession of the bird, the jeweler married the daughter of a lumberjack and asked her to cook a bird for the wedding day; her younger brothers ate out of curiosity one head, the other heart; the mother screamed and the brothers ran away from home; the hotelier left the boys for the night; in the morning the maid found a purse; the owner kept the boys at home; sent them to school; got rich ; when a new king was chosen, a dove sat on the head of a brother who ate a bird's head; and the hotelier married the other brother; all is well]: Uffer 1973, No. 30:117-118.

Western Europe. The Germans (Hanover) [drummer, corporal and sergeant spent the night in the forest in a tree; the sergeant saw light in the distance; they came to the castle; the table was set; at midnight there was a rumble and then silence again; they stayed to live there; they cook one by one; a bearded dwarf appears, asks for food, beats the cook; when it is the sergeant's turn, he pulled out part of the dwarf's beard, depriving him of his strength; came on a bloody trail to the hole; first they lowered the drummer - the rope was short; they took a longer one, the corporal climbed - the same; the sergeant, the long rope, went down, there was an old woman; sent it to the eldest kidnapped princess; she gave strong water, and to the one who came the giant was sleepy; the sergeant cut off his head, the princess gave her handkerchief with a silver star; the second princess (gave him a golden apple); the youngest had a seven-headed dragon; the battle is three days, the princess still gives strong water; the sergeant cut off all 7 heads, took his tongues, the princess gave a handkerchief with diamond stars; the companions picked up only the princesses; the sergeant went down to the world is below this, where dwarfs live; they are ready to make the sergeant their king, but they cannot raise her to the ground; they advised to contact an old woman, she has a vulture bird; the sergeant feeds her in flight; on the ground he came to the wedding of two older princesses; their companions told them to call them saviors; the soldier talks about everything, shows his tongues, scarves, an apple; marries a younger princess; forgave his companions and married his elders] : Wolf 1845, No. 21:93-105; Germans (Mecklenburg) [father wants to marry his daughter; she demands from him a dress with silver; gold; with precious stones; he got everything; then a raven skin dress and a magic wand (Glücksruthe); after receiving them, she put on a crow's dress and ended up at the prince's palace with a wave of a wand; hired her in the kitchen; hid her precious dresses in oak; she was named Cinderella (Aschenpüster); when everyone went to the wedding, she showed up in a silver dress; the prince danced with her; when she left, she got into the carriage and said: the darkness is over, the light is ahead (Hunter mir dunkel) und vorne mir klar, /Daβ Niemand sehe wohin ich gahr); next time wearing a gold dress; prince asks where she lives; in Stiefelschmeiβ ("Where they throw boots"); for the third time, a dress with gems; she is from Bürstenschmeiβ (Where They Throw Brushes; {apparently, the episodes when the prince, seeing Cinderella as a maid in raven feathers, threw a boot at her and then with a brush}); prince put a ring on her finger; she did not have time to hide her dress, but only threw crow feathers over it; the next day she threw the ring into the food prepared for the prince; he told me to bring the cook; saw gemstone dress under crow feathers; wedding]: Bartsh 1879, No. 4:479-481.

Western Asia. Arabs of Syria [the king has a tree with gold, silver and diamond leaves; a falcon comes to tear them up; the king tells his sons to guard; the eldest two fall asleep, the youngest Aladin, the son a black concubine, sprinkles salt on the cut so as not to fall asleep, knocks down the falcon's three feathers; the brothers go after the falcon, break up at the well; A. kills a male snake chasing a female; she turns into a girl promises to help, flies with him to heaven, tells him to swallow pistachio seed (he will find the speech of falcons), take the falcon but not take the cage; A. takes the cage, but the local owner lets it go to get the horse; A. again violated the ban (not to take the stirrups); to bring a sword (not to sheath); to bring King's daughter Fatima, who was carried away by a ghoul; F. explains that a ghoul can only be killed with his own sword; A. gets a sword, kills a ghoul , takes F., also receives a sword, a horse and a falcon; the brothers throw it into the well; below the genie, who has a black and white woman, A. chooses a black one, for he himself is the son of a black one; calls a snake girl, she takes him to his father; he gave him the throne, executed his eldest sons]: Kuhr 1993:134-143.

The Balkans. Hungarians [the old woman advised a childless woman to swallow legumes that she would sweep out of the house; the woman found, swallowed three grains, gave birth to sons named Evening, Night Owl, Dawn; they grew up, went to look for service; the king asks to clean the well, promises three daughters; the brothers did their job, but the king admitted that dragons were guarding his daughters; the brothers saw a hole in the forest, stopped , they began to cook one by one; every time the little man knocks down the cook, eats everything; when Dawn was left, he pinched the little man's beard with a tree; his brothers let him go for promising to show him how to go down into the hole; Dawn came down, the Queen gave a multiplying ring, Dawn demolished 9 heads to the dragon; hitting the table with this royal stick turned the palace into a silver apple; the same with the other two royals (12-headed dragon, golden apple; 18-headed, diamond apple); sent the queens upstairs; tied a stone instead, the brothers cut off the rope; Dawn sees blind spouses, passing food to each other; their eyes were pulled out by a 24-headed dragon; dawn quietly took the meat; then opened; the couple ordered not to herd sheep in the dragon's domain; dawn killed the dragon, brought their eyes blinded; one woman's eye was swallowed by a cat, Dawn put a cat's eye in the woman, she began to catch mice at night; Dawn hid the vulture birds from the hail; the mother bird tells me to cook meat and wine, carries Dawn on the ground, there was not enough meat, he cut off the meat from the calf; the bird: it was delicious, I would know it ate you; under the guise of a beggar, Dawn came to the king, the brothers did not recognize him; they answer that whoever knows your brother must be tied to the tail of a horse, and the queen who saved him must be married to her; the royals recognized their rings; Dawn forgave the brothers, married the younger princess]: Ortutai 1974, No. 5:141-150; Serbs [the king keeps her daughter locked up; she grew up and asked for a walk with her brothers; she was immediately carried away by a dragon; the brothers received horses from her father and went in search; the castle between heaven and earth; decided to slaughter one horse, made from the skin of belts, tie the belt to the arrow and pierce the castle; only the younger brother agreed to sacrifice the horse; only he went up to the castle, where the sister looks for a dragon in her head; the brother hits the dragon three times with a mace, but he only thinks that someone is biting; the sister shows: hit the belly; the dragon is killed, thrown down; in three rooms on the horse: the black man has a silver one, the white one gold, the bay has precious stones; then in three rooms there is a girl who embroider, spin, everything is made of gold, the last has a golden hen with chickens; the young man lowered his sister down, and then three girls with their handicrafts, the last one for themselves; the brothers cut off their belts out of envy; women were forbidden to tell anything, and instead of their younger brother they dressed up and brought home a shepherd; when the older brother arranged the wedding, the youngest flew on a raven horse to the church and knocked the elder out of the saddle; the same at the wedding of his second brother; and when the shepherd's wedding, the young man killed him with a club and opened up to the audience; the king expelled the elders sons, married the youngest to the chosen one, and after the death of his father, he inherited the throne]: Karadzic 1853 in Dmitriev, Volkonsky 1956:15-18, in Eschker 1992, No. 11:65-68; Romanians [a handsome young farmhand is not looks at girls; dreams three times how the fairy tells him to go to the emperor; is hired by the emperor's gardener; the emperor's 12 daughters secretly dance at night, wearing out a pair of shoes during the night; their father promises any of the daughters to someone who finds out why shoes wear out; trying to solve the mystery, 11 young men disappear, the rest give up trying; the fairy tells the young man to grow two laurels; with a laurel flower, a young man with a laurel flower quietly penetrates the girls; the eldest opens the underground passage, the young man follows the girls, steps on the youngest's dress, others do not believe her that anyone is watching them; after going through the forest with with silver, gold, diamond trees, girls approach the boats, 12 men take them to the castle on the island; the younger sister's boat is heavier than others, sitting in it an invisible young man; on the way back the young man broke off a silver branch, put it in a bouquet for his younger sister in the morning; the next day, a gold one; when he learns that his sisters are plotting against him, the young man takes the second laurel flower, his mind sharpens, on it luxurious clothes; in a new look, recognized only by his younger sister, the young man openly comes to watch the girls; the younger sister does not allow him to drink the drink of oblivion, the spell disappears; the young man marries younger princess, others get married too; wife burns laurels to keep spouses equal]: Browne 1915:389-400.

Central Europe. Poles [fisherman caught a fish with a silver tail and gills; fish: let go, your happiness is ahead; the same with gold; with diamond ones; she tells you to cut it, give it a piece for his wife, a mare and a female; bury a piece in the garden on the edge, three oaks will grow; the wife will give birth to three sons, a mare to three foals, a female to three puppies; all twins are similar to each other; the eldest comes to the city, where the dragon demands a man a day, the turn is royal; the young man cut off 12 heads of the dragon, cut off and hid the sting; the horse and the dog helped; the young man left, the forester ordered to say that he was the winner of the dragon; the young man returned a year and 6 weeks later; the impostor is preparing the wedding; the young man sent his dog with a letter to the queen; stings at the feast; the forester was torn by four horses; on the first night the young man put between a broadsword with himself and his wife; slept with her on the second; went to the forest; an old woman came to the fire to warm up; gave a twig to whip the dog, they all petrified; at home one oak dried up; the middle brother was going, mistaken for the elder, puts a sword on the bed; the same with him; the youngest goes; also puts a sword on the bed; chases a deer with golden antlers; spends the night in the forest; an old woman comes; the young man grabs her, makes her revive the younger one with grass brother; both brothers make the middle woman revive; brothers cut down an old woman, pieces grow back; brothers tell dogs to bury pieces; the forest has turned into a city with people; the queen recognized her older brother as her husband; the narrator was shot at the ball with a cannon]: Shcherbakov 1980:93-104; the Czechs [the king has 7 sons; the youngest Yalmir is weak, has difficulty walking; the brothers go to see the world; at night the old man makes Y. healthy and strong, gives a white horse; on it he instantly caught up with his brothers; paid for them at the inn; they did not recognize him; they come to the cannibal, who has 7 daughters; I quietly pour out the wine; when everything lie down, the cannibal tries to see if the brothers are sleeping; first she hits with a broom, then burns tar on her chest; each time she says that they sleep 6 times, the seventh one sleeps; I swap the cannibal's brothers and daughters, she cuts off heads to daughters; in the morning brothers gallop away; I open up to my brothers, they envy that he was the best; horse: I asked you not to open up to your brothers, now there will be trouble; they all hired the king; his brothers told him that I could get birds that the king did not have; the horse took me back to that cannibal; in three rooms, birds in silver, gold, diamond cages; we must take it a plain bird in a wooden cage in the fourth room; I. brought a cage and the horse ordered the bird to be released; in the morning the royal garden is full of birds; now the brothers offer to send Y. to get animals; (all that but instead of cages, chains on animals); in the morning in the king's garden, deer, rabbits, squirrels, etc.; brothers offer to send Y. for wine; the horse orders to make a rope and net from his two hairs; it is necessary go down to the cellar, take a vessel with a wooden cork, not vessels with silver, gold, diamond, and run; or jump into the net and the horse will pull it out by the rope; so happened; the king found that the wine in the vessel does not decrease, no matter how much you drink; the king appointed Y. First Minister; brothers: get the princess from the golden castle in the middle of the sea; the horse tells you to ask the king for plenty of bread, wine, etc.; this was fed three giants; in addition, I. released fish into the sea and fed the eagle; the giants built a dam to the island; the princess went with Y., but demanded that the king deliver her golden castle; I fed her again giants; they brought the castle; the princess demands the lost key; the fish found it; the princess demands the water of death, life and youth; I walked along the dam that had been built, but the waves understood it; the eagle pulled it out and showed sources of water; then moved it to where the horse was; the princess rubbed the king with different water, but by chance twice with the water of death; after that it cannot be revived; the princess called King I., and he called her queen; the people burned the brothers alive; the horse tells him to cut off his head, a white dove flies out of his body and hides in the sky; I. rules and is happy with his wife]: Curtin 1890:370-405; Western Ukrainians ( Transcarpathia) [the king has a meadow with silk grass; someone grazes on it; the tsar promises his daughter what he finds out; three sons of an ordinary man take care of; the middle, the youngest did not see; the younger Ivan the Fool feeds the mouse; she says that these are silver, gold, diamond horses; everyone should remove the bridle and not give it back; I. hid the bridles in the hollow, did not say anything; the grass is intact ; the king does not want to give his daughter for I.; he will give the one who jumps to the third tier {tower}; each of the horses orders to remove the harness and sword (silver, gold, diamond) from his left ear; the princess gives I. a handkerchief , then a ring, then hit I. in the forehead with a royal seal; he hides gifts in ash, pulled a stocking over his forehead, but it was found; the young were placed in a goose stable; enemies attacked, unrecognized I. smashes them; replies to the king that he is from Libováros (Hungarian: goose town); so three times; the king bandaged the knight's wounded finger; recognized his handkerchief; handed I. the crown]: P. Linture to Pankeev 1992:112-122; oriental (?) Ukrainians (western in Kiev) [healers tell the childless queen to catch and cook pike, eat her head; a year later, the queen gave birth to a snake; he immediately spoke; ordered the tsar to leave him in the stone house and through a month to marry; in a month it has become long; no girl agrees to go for a snake; the woman has 12 daughters, the youngest is single; when he found out that the youngest wanted to marry, the king summoned her and she agreed, but told her to give her 12 dresses, shirts, shoes; she is led to a snake; he demands to throw off her dress, she demands to throw off her skin; when the girl is left in her last shirt, she has shed her last skin and became human; she threw snakeskins into the fire; the serpent tells her parents not to tell her parents that he has become human; she said her husband is gone; she went to look for him; the mother of the Wind hides her from her son, who senses the spirit, but tells her to give it to the girl silver apple; came to the mother of the Month; the same (the Month tells me to give the golden apple); the mother of the Sun (the same, gives a diamond apple; her husband already has a different wife; it is necessary take the form of an old woman, put a silver apple on a handkerchief and play with it; the girl sells it to her new wife overnight with her husband, but she put him to sleep; the same on the second day (golden apple); on the third night, the husband just pretended to be sleeping; his new wife was smashed to pieces by horses]: Rudchenko 1859, No. 43:81-85.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays [a blind khan sends three sons underground to a place where he has not set foot - that land will restore his sight; his two eldest sons will soon return; the youngest Aslan is a shepherd gives his horse; a diamond chicken on the road; the horse allows him to take it to give it to the owner of the house where they will stay; A. gave it to the khan; the khan will give his daughter to the one who hits the thimble with a gun; A. got; envious people offer to test the groom; 1) bring a diamond rooster; the horse orders to pour a hundred carts of millet, birds fly, the diamond rooster is their king; A. brought a rooster; 2) tours with diamond wool, gold horns and silver hooves; the horse brought a tour; 3) a golden horse with diamond hooves from the bottom of the sea; a horse: you have to pour a mountain of sand on the shore, bring a hundred carts of resin; the horse was lying in sand and resin, defeated a sea horse, taught the girl to win; she went down from A. to the bottom of the sea, hid all her wealth in a thimble, A. returned with her, with horses, with sea resources; the girl took out palaces from her thimble etc.; Khan decided to take possession of A.'s wife; wanted to poison him, throw him into a hole, the queen of the sea sends a dog, she did not allow it; Khan put his son to sleep with a potion and shackled him; A. broke his chains; said that he could only be defeated pulling his hair out of his mustache; the father pulled out, shackled A. again, threw me into the abyss; grass: eat me and you will recover; A. came back, saw the horse, wife and sea queen fight off Khan the father's troops in the palace; the horse killed the khan]: Rumyantseva 1981:44-55; the Turks [after the death of his father, the younger brother is idle; the elder decides to sail by ship to Egypt, but the younger one snuck onto the ship; in Egypt, the younger one waits for a long time the eldest, decides to go, meets three people fighting over his father's inheritance: an invisible hat, a flying carpet and a lash, spurring the carpet; the young man fires an arrow: which of the debators will be the first to come running with her back, gets everything; takes objects himself and, invisible, flies away; the padishah promises a daughter and half a kingdom to someone who finds out where his daughter goes at night; invisible, the young man follows the princess, flies with her and efreet on the shield; efreet is surprised why it is so heavy; a young man breaks off branches in a forest where trees are made of silver and diamonds; trees cry: the son of man torments us; the next forest is gold and gems (same); in the palace, the princess is given a pair of slippers, the young man hides one; they give the second pair, he hides again; the princess walks barefoot; black peri, one lip to the sky, the other to the ground, furious asks where the princess has been for so long; the servant serves a sorbet, the young man pushes his hand, the cup broke, he hid the fragment; eats the food he brought, hides spoons and forks; peri is also concerned, advises the princess should return as soon as possible; the young man cut off his head, the voice "Woe, the son of a man killed the king" was heard; on the flying carpet, the young man returned before the princess, pretended to be asleep; the young man says everything showing the padishah evidence of what he saw (tree twigs, etc.); recognizes his older brother in the crowd; asks the padishah to give the princess and half the kingdom to the elder, and his magic objects will be enough for him; and happened]: Kúnos 1901:102-111.

Baltoscandia. Swedes (southern Smaland) [stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter, who herds cattle; white bear helps; she calls him with a golden whistle; traps are placed on him; girl rides a bear through silver, gold, diamond forest; contrary to the request not to do this, each time he tears off a leaf, then wild animals chase them; the bear asks him to kill him, throw his body into the source; a girl puts on a bear skin, is hired to the castle as a dishwasher; when she whistles at the golden whistle, the gnomes cook dinner, bring magic dresses; she goes to church; loses her shoe; she is commanded to everyone try on; wedding]: Cox 1893, No. 117:47:47; Latvians: Alksnite et al. 1958 [the king, every night, disappears in a pile of hay; he tells three sons to guard the meadow; the eldest, the middle fall asleep; the youngest- the fool goes to bed under the haystack; a white mare with two foals woke him up, he grabbed the reason and tamed the mare; she tells him to give it to his older brother, the older foal to the middle, take the youngest; the elders sold their horses, and the youngest takes care of his own; the witch gives the Queen poison: if you don't make a fool, he will kill you; the foal warns the owner twice; the witch tells the foal to slaughter; that advises the young man to ask permission to ride for the last time; the foal rose to heaven and descended in another kingdom; tells him to dress in a fur coat with wool outside and answer "I don't know" to everything; the king gave idiot to the gardener; the young man shakes his bridle, any work is done immediately; tied the forest with a rope and drags it all with him; the king tells three daughters to choose suitors; the youngest does not know who, the king passed her off as a fool; but they live well; the devil demands people to eat, the queue for the royal daughters; the young man calls a horse every time, climbs into his ear, goes out in a luxurious outfit, kills devils (they have 3, 9, 12 heads; sword, horse silver, gold, diamond); each time he climbs back into the horse's ear, regains its former appearance; the last time a giant demands a younger queen for 12 heads, a horse warns that 12 blacksmiths will come out with him; we must kill the blacksmiths first, because if they manage to hit the anvil, 12 more will come out, etc.; the young man killed the blacksmiths, but the giant drove him waist-deep into the waist twice the ground, and the horse pulled it out twice; the young man cut off the giant's leg and then his head; the wife bandaged the wound with a handkerchief; in the evening he sees his fool's handkerchief; the fool became his favorite son-in-law, inherited the throne]: 135-142; Aris 1971 [The three owners drive the shepherdess away without paying; the fourth leaves for three days, telling them to burn the fire under the cauldrons, not to look into the well; those three owners are in the cauldrons; the shepherd put his hand in the well, the finger is covered with blood, it cannot be wiped off; the owner beats a shepherd who has violated the ban, does not tell him to enter the room next time; there is a horse, oats behind him, candles in front of him, the young man gives oats to the horse, he says run, take a comb, a handkerchief, a bottle; they turn into a forest, into rocks, into a sea; the devil stops chasing; the horse tells you to call silver, gold, diamond, black horses if necessary; a young man is hired by a water truck to the king; consistently calls horses, goes to smash enemies; the servant claims that he saved the kingdom; the king discovers a fragment of his spear in the leg of a water carrier; a water carrier marries a princess, a servant is tied to the tail of a black horse; the horse tells him to cut off his head, turns into a prince bewitched by the devil]: 167-175; Grishina 1993 [dying, the father tells his three sons to queues to guard his grave for three nights; the older brothers are afraid, the youngest fool goes three times; receives silver, gold, diamond pipes from his father to call the same (silver, etc.) horses with with the same sets of clothing; except for a diamond pipe, a diamond apple; the king will give his daughter to someone who drives her on a glass mountain; a fool in a new form rises to a third, half, to the top of the mountain, throws a diamond apple to the princess, she puts a silver star on his forehead; brothers tell the youngest about an extraordinary rider; the king is looking for him; the messenger tears off his towel from his forehead, the young man is taken to palace; wedding]: 271-276; Niedre 1952:92-103 [the elderly couple had a hairy son, Jan Bear; he asks his father three times to forge an iron staff for him; each time he throws him into the sky; takes the one who hardly bent, picked up when falling with his finger; meets, takes as companions a digging mountain (Kalnuratseis) and fishing with a rod - a mast tree; stopped in an empty castle; queues cook, every time an old woman beats the cook, takes food; when it's my turn, an old man comes up, MYA drove his beard into a block, hit the old woman with a staff; guards three nights by the bloody river; kills three- and six-headed on a silver, golden horse; when fighting a 12-headed diamond horse, help is needed; the companions are sleeping, I woke them up by throwing his staff into the castle; by this time, the water left in the vessel blushed (a sign of danger); killed a 12-headed; rolled back a stone, tells him to lower it into the abyss; there's that old man, I killed him; in silver, gold, diamond cities, three girls sew silver clothes , gold, diamonds; each collects its own city in an egg; the companions raised everyone; I returned behind the hat; the satellites began to raise, decided that the hell let go of the rope; I fell, breaking through three worlds; in fourth thunderstorm, he covered the eagles; the eagle promises to raise them to the ground - let MYA kill the monster and feed it with meat in flight; at first there was not enough meat, they returned; the second time they almost flew, I slaughtered the last piece of leg calf; I married a girl from diamond city, companions to two others, each living in his own city from an egg], 116-146 [the fish tells the childless widow to cook and eat it; piece eaten by a maid, giblets by a mare; each gives birth to a son, the son of a mare is strongman Kurbad; all three go to free the house from evil spirits; on the first night K. killed a three-headed giant on the bridge, and the second night - six-headed; on the third night he is nine-headed, his heads grow back, he drives K. knee-deep, then to his armpits into the ground; the brothers sleep, do not see that the water in the bucket has become blood; K. threw pastals at them ( shoes); brothers came running, began to burn their severed heads; K. hears insects talking in the cracks: killed our husbands; let one wife become a bed, the second a spring, the third an ogre snake ; K. does not let me lie down, get drunk, cuts the bed, the spring; the king lost three daughters when they were washing in the bathhouse; K. pinched the line in the door, he gave a pipe (10 dwarfs will come out to do the job), said that there is a stone in the swamp, a hole under it, stolen there; K. threw off the stone, ordered the dwarfs to bring a rope; the brothers are afraid, K. went down, cut off the line; in the princess's silver, gold, diamond castles; they gave K. strong water, and the six-headed drank weak water instead of it; the sisters turn their locks into diamond, gold, silver eggs, give them to K.; K. sent the girls upstairs; the wife of the 9-headed the giant cut off the rope and filled the hole with a stone; K. comes to the old man, who says that the cannibal sucked his eyes and beats the giant bird's children with a hail; K. killed the ogre, smeared his eyes with a potion the old man, he saw the light; covered the chicks from the hail; the bird promises to carry K. across the sea, tells him to prepare meat; K. cut off the last piece of his caviar; K. opens his eggs, lives with the youngest royal in diamond castle; you must kill the wife of the 9th head; K. came to the forge, where Debess Kaleis forged a golden crown, a silver belt and a diamond ring for the daughter of the Sun; forged K.'s horse to catch up with the witch, ordered not look around; K. looked around, thunder and lightning, the horse was gone; K. fell asleep, the witch changed the vessels with strong and weak water, K. drank off, lost strength for a year; went to hell with the worker, who became angry, that cut three strips of meat from the back; 1) herd hares, 2) cows; dwarfs collected everyone from the pipe; K. beat off each cow's leg; hell has to answer that he is not angry; 3) horses (the same; cut off their lips); 4) plow how much the white female will run (beat the female, she lay down); 5) clean the stable (the dwarfs cleaned it); 6) bring firewood on the mare (the mare is the mother is a devil, K. threatens to cut her belts from her sides, the mare is lucky); 7) slaughter a sheep that looks at you (everyone looks, stabbed everyone); 8) eat a pound of dumplings; K. puts the dumplings by the shirt, but the hell ate his pound, it's bad with his stomach; K. pretends to rip open his stomach, dumplings fell out; 9) the devil leads K. to the forest to cut an oak tree; K. brings a hare, the younger brother; the devil can't catch up with him; agrees to carry the felled oak together; hell carries, K. rides an oak tree; killed the children a devil; pulled out his mare's eyes; put a pot of sour cream instead of himself for the night, hell with his mother think they broke K.'s head; hell and his mother run away to the witch, K. hid in his belongings, here again; at night they decided drown K. in the river, K. swapped places, the devil drowned his mother; K. killed the devil; the power returned, K. killed the witches, threw the ogre into the fire, killed the ogre eagle; enemies attacked; the witch poured bile on K.; K. killed her and cannibal, but he died himself], 156-159 [during the day the princess wears out her dress; the servant watches, jumped on the back of the carriage in which the devils took the princess away; they go through the silver, gold, diamond forest, across the river like on ice, to the castle; hears the devil answering the princess that his strength is in the egg in the hallway; the servant took the egg; on the way back three forests came after the carriage; the servant broke the egg, the devils lost their strength; but the king did not give his daughter to the servant; he found apples that make horns grow and disappear; gave it to the king and the princess; removed the horns for promising to give him the princess; wedding]; Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2014, No. 47 [when Elyanele's stepdaughter, stepmother, took her clothes and locked the door from the outside; hell came and offered to dance; she asked me to bring her clothes and jewelry, one item at a time, then build a palace - three houses with roofs made of silver, gold, diamonds; a rooster sings, the hell E. leaves everything; stepmother leaves her own daughter Mara in the bathhouse; she asks for all her clothes at once; hell began to dance with her, bore about glass], 120 [the queen takes three knots of dresses in the evening, and returns in the morning in one dress; king: whoever follows and gets hair from under her daughter's arm, I will give her to his wife; the poor man has a plane saddle and invisible hat; he follows through a diamond, gold, silver forest; dancing, the queen changes her dresses; the poor man stole a diamond plate and fork; broke off a branch in silver, gold, diamond forests; when he returned, the poor man presented evidence; agreed not to take the queen, but to receive a ransom]: 109-111, 295-298; Livons [after the death of his father, two brothers share the inheritance, the youngest a fool is sent to herd pigs; the king puts his daughter in a glass tower, promises to give whoever rides the tower to the top half of the kingdom to boot; every brother must spend the night at his father's grave; the elders are afraid, they send the youngest instead of themselves; every time the father gets up from the grave, whistles into the pipe, comes running a horse (gold, then silver, diamond), the father gives a pipe to his youngest son ; he hides everything from his brothers; on a golden horse he rises to half; at home, older brothers tell their wives that they are afraid of tickling; younger: it was you who were maimed when you fell from a glass slope, saw it from the roof houses; brothers burn down the house, live in a barn; the same with a silver horse (they burn the barn, live in a bathhouse); on a diamond horse, the youngest climbed to the top, received a ring, a handkerchief and a princess's kiss; the brothers burned the bathhouse, they live in a pigsty; they call men, a fool's ring, the king settles the young in a separate city; the king's son is fighting, an imaginary fool with him is not recognized; wounded, the king bandaged the wound with a handkerchief, recognized the handkerchief, returns daughter and husband to herself, admits to be the smartest]: Setälä in Kippar 2002:61-65; Nierde 1952 [=Alksnite et al. 1958:227-250; a very similar version in Grishina 1993:129-161; the fish tells her childless widow cook and eat; a piece was eaten by a maid, giblets by a mare; each gives birth to a son, a mare's son is strongman Kurbad; all three go to free the house from evil spirits; on the first night K. killed a three-headed giant on the bridge , on the second night he is six-headed; on the third night he is nine-headed, his heads grow, he drives K. knee-deep, then to his armpits into the ground; the brothers sleep, do not see that the water in the bucket has become blood; K. threw it into they are pastals (shoes); brothers came running, began to burn their severed heads; K. hears insects talking in the cracks: killed our husbands; let one wife become a bed, the second a spring, the third an ogre snake; K. does not allow him to lie down, get drunk, cuts a bed, a spring; the king lost three daughters when they were washing in the bathhouse; K. pinched the line in the door there, he gave a pipe (10 dwarfs will come out to do the job) said that there was a stone in the swamp, a hole under it, there were stolen; K. threw off the stone, told the dwarfs to bring a rope; the brothers were afraid, K. went down, cut off the line; in silver, gold, the princess's diamond castles; they gave K. strong water, and the six-headed drank weak instead of her; the sisters turn their locks into diamond, gold, silver eggs, give K.; K. sent the girls upstairs; the wife of the 9-headed giant cut off the rope and covered the hole with a stone; K. comes to the old man, who says that the cannibal sucked his eyes and beats the giant bird's children with a hail; K. killed the ogre, smeared with a potion, the old man's eyes, he saw the light; covered the chicks from the hail; the bird promises to carry K. across the sea, tells him to prepare meat; K. cut off the last piece of K. from his caviar; K. opens his eggs, lives with the youngest royal in a diamond castle; you must kill the wife of the 9th head; K. came to the forge, where Debess Kaleis forged a golden crown, a silver belt and a diamond ring for the daughter of the Sun; forged a horse for K. to catch up with the witch, ordered not to look back; K. looked around, thunder and lightning, the horse was gone; K. fell asleep, the witch changed the vessels with strong and weak water, K. drank off, lost strength for a year; went to hell with the worker, who would be angry, cut three strips of meat from the back; 1) herd hares, 2) cows; dwarfs collected everyone from the pipe; K. beat off each cow's leg; hell has to answer that he is not angry; 3) horses (the same; cut off their lips ); 4) plow how much the white female will run (beat the female, she lay down); 5) clean the stable (the dwarfs cleaned); 6) bring firewood on the mare (the mare is the mother of the devil, K. threatens to cut her belts from her sides, the mare lucky); 7) slaughter a sheep that looks at you (everyone looks, stabbed everyone); 8) eat a pound of dumplings; K. puts the dumplings behind his shirt, but the hell ate his pound, it's bad with his stomach; K. pretends to rip open his stomach , the dumplings fell out; 9) hell leads K. to the forest to cut an oak tree; K. brings a hare, a younger brother; the devil can't catch up with him; agrees to carry a felled oak together; hell carries, K. rides an oak tree; killed the children a devil ; pulled out his mare's eyes; put a pot of sour cream in his place for the night, hell with his mother think they broke K.'s head; hell and his mother run away to the witch, K. hid in his belongings, here again; at night decided to drown K. in the river, K. swapped places, the devil drowned his mother; K. killed the devil; the power returned, K. killed the witches, threw the ogre into the fire, killed the ogre eagle; enemies attacked; the witch poured bile on K.; K. killed her and the ogre, but he died himself]: 116-146.