Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K38f4. Fire-breathing animal, (B11.2.11,B15.5.1,B19.1,B742.3,B742.4) .12.14.-.

A flame bursts out of the zoomorphic character's mouth; his breath is fire.

Mosi [kite], Ancient Egypt [serpent], Latins [horses], British [dragon], French (Haute-Marne, Haute-Brittany) [lioness], Walloons [horse], Germans (Rhineland) [dragon], Germans ( Harz) [toad], Akkad [lion-headed bird Anzu], New Testament, Tibetans [frog], Ancient India [mare], Nepali [serpent], Ancient China [nine-headed beast], Ancient Greece [Typhon, Chimera, bulls, horses], Romanians [scorpion], Gagauz [Goguzhu-Moguzhu], Slovaks [snakes], Poles [snakes], Russians (Arkhangelsk) [snakes], Pskov [snake], Voronezh [snakes]), Western Ukrainians [snakes], Crimean Tatars [bull], Ossetians [ mares], Dargins [dragons], Lucks [azhdaha], (Georgians [devi]), Turks [monster], Tajiks [dragon], Uzbeks [dragon], Kalevala [horse], Norwegians [horse], Latvians [snakes], (Lutsi [king]), Kazan Tatars [ Azhdakha], (Bashkirs [sorceress]), Salars [horse], Manchus [dragon], Asian Eskimos [whale], Northern Alaska Inupiate [whale], Western Ojibwa [snakes], Delawars [toad], (kandoshi [anthropomorphic character]).

West Africa. Mosi [the woman has a son Raôgo and a daughter Poco; she fell from a tree, crashed to death; a hawk brought them to the nest, raised them; gave them an iron club: if the hawk comes from the east, it's not me, kill them him; one day he accidentally flew from the east, R. killed him; the children came to the leader, he adopted them, loved them very much; R. set fire to the palace, the leader is desperate, thinks that the children are dead; sat down to cry under a tree, on which they had climbed; R. relieved him; the chief understood everything, ordered the tree to be cut down; when it was ready to fall, the salamander said ko-ko-ko, the tree was intact; R. cut off the salamander's head, ate salamander, put P.'s head by the cheek; the tree was cut down, the children crashed to death, the leader ordered the bodies to be left without burial; but they came to life and left; when they saw people, they gathered for a huge The fire-breathing kite ate them all at once, not one at a time; R. told them to disperse, killed the kite with an iron club; people asked what R. wanted as a reward, he replied that the sky; the blacksmiths built a ladder, R. and P. climbed it, became thunder; when thunder is heard, P. asks his brother to be more careful, but he replies that he has neither children nor a wife on the ground and hits with all his might]: Sissao 2010, No. 28:75-78.

North Africa. Ancient Egypt (New Kingdom) [in The Book of Gates, the fire-breathing serpent Fiery One punishes the damned; the fire-breathing serpent guards the mummies; in The Book of Amduat (New kingdom) mentions urea cobras who shoot lights from their mouths; they do this for Osiris passing by; after he leaves, ureas swallow their lights; spirits ah and the dead can't walk near these snakes; the inscription near the vertically standing snake from The Book of Caves: "With the fire of the flame on the tip of his mouth has he filled the cavern"]: Darnell, Manassa Darnell 2018:32, 217, 252, 255, 308, 316, 381, fig. 3.102, 4.72, 4.84.

Southern Europe. Latins ["On the Nature of Things" by Titus Lucretius Carus (1st century BC); from a description of Hercules' exploits: "Il Diomede Thracian horses breathing in flame" (trans. Petrovsky); in the original: et Diomedis equi spirantes naribus ignem, i.e. "exhaling flame from the nostrils"]: Lucr. V. 30.

Western Europe. The British [Lord Robert's son caught a snake, his sister calls him home, on the way he throws a snake into the well; soon leaves for war with his father, returns 5 years later; the serpent grew up in a well, crawled away back into the river, became a fire-breathing dragon; R. cuts it, but the pieces grow together; on the advice of the thing, a young man cuts a snake in the river, the water carries away pieces, the snake dies]: Kharitonov 2008:253-257 (=Dennys 1876:114); the French (Haute-Marne) [the English king hunted in France, chased the bird, did not catch it, spent the night in a poor house; the hostess just gave birth, the king agreed to be godson, named the boy Eugène (E.); left a letter - let the young man come with him when he was 17 years old; E. set off; before that, the godmother (marraine) warned that if he met a hunchback or crooked, we must go back; E. returned twice, but the third time his humpback classmate Adolf, E. went with him; at the inn A. stole his horse; when E. caught up with him, he forced E. swear that he would say that he was the king's godson, A., not E.; the king believed; promised to give his daughter to his godson, but she was kidnapped; all the courtiers fell in love with E. (who was called A.) and A. was hated; A. says that E. boasted to get a giant's mule; the old man teaches: the giant has a thrush, he sings loudly, he must cross the sea when the thrush sings; the giant gave the mule on the condition that E. would return it later; A. persuades the king to tell E. to get the giant's thrush; the giant gave the thrush with the same condition; the giant's lantern (the same); find and return the king's daughter; the old man teaches you to ask for help; he tells you to build a ship without using iron, take with you a mule, a thrush and a donkey, 300 virgins; along the way, the giant weaves, virgins spin; on the way, a fish castle, they it is necessary to crumble the bread, the fish missed the ship; the king of fish let his fin call it; then the ants - E. gave them millet, the king of ants gave them a paw; then the rats (gave bread - wool); crows (meat is a feather) ; giants (E. gave a lot of bread - a hair from the king's beard); the princess in the queen's castle with silver legs, turned into a lioness spewing fire; the lioness is glad; the queen orders to bring 300 measures of a canvas woven by virgins (E. gives); further tasks: 1) a garden on the site of the mountain (the giants removed the mountain, the rest of the assistants set up the garden); 2) bring living and dead water; the crows gathered, but no one knows where the water is; two old drunken soldiers showed up; the first was imprisoned, but released at the request of the second - otherwise he would not bring water; they went underground, collected water; the Queen sent pigeons to overturn the bowls, but the crows drove them away; the giant teaches: first to demand that the Queen restore her human appearance, then kill her by splashing dead water in her face; returning to her father, the princess asked to postpone the wedding for 8 days; said she dropped the ring into the sea; the fish did not know where the ring was, the same two drunken soldiers took it out; the princess asked for her castle, where she lived with the Queen; giants, ants and others delivered; then A. called E. to hunt, shot him, threw him into a hole; the princess saw crows, revived E. with live water; E. showed the king his letter, married the princess; A. burned alive]: Cosquin 1886, No. 3:32-43; the French (Haute-Bretagne, 1879) [King Dungober's gold-haired daughter refused the sorcerer; he turned her into a scorpion and placed her in a castle hanging on chains somewhere in the north between heaven and earth; D. promises the throne and the princess to her savior; those who volunteered to do so sailed by ship, but only the lumberjack noticed something hanging in the sky; rose with the sailors {not entirely clear like} to the gate guarded by a winged snake; threw meat at it, but she did not eat it; he drank live water himself and gave the snake a barrel of intoxicating; after a freak, the snake fell asleep and a logger with two sailors killed her with a spear; the second gate is guarded by a lion, exhausting flame from his nostrils; he was given meat, moistened with strong alcohol, and the lion fell asleep; he was stabbed with a spear, but finished off only on the fifth day; the third gate is a seven-headed creature; the captain decided to cut off the last head alone, but was bitten in half; then the head was cut off; at the fourth door there was a giant; one person {lumberjack?} hid in a bag of rags; when the giant turned against the others, he shot him; a scorpion in the room on the table; when the man hiding in the bag touched him, the scorpion became a princess; she was taken by ship, and the castle was towed; the one in the rag bag received the princess's hand]: Sébillot 1880, No. 25:164-169; the Walloons [the tailor and the shoemaker went on a journey together; supplies ended and they decided that whoever pulled out a long straw would dazzle the other; from the conversation of crows, the blinded shoemaker would learn how to regain his sight; let the horse and duck go, they promise to help; the kingdom was attacked by enemies, a fire horse smashes them; the king orders the tailor to bury them around the neck and smear them with honey; the bees ate his eyes]: Laport 1932, № *613A: 69; Germans (Rhineland) [in In 1303, Count Henry ordered to depict a dragon on his coat of arms: with silver wings and flames spewing golden tongues; and now they show a cave in the rock where the dragon was sacrificed humans; then a long story about how Siegfried freed Florigunda, kidnapped by the dragon; during the battle, the dragon spewed blue and red flames, but eventually Z. cut it in half]: Pröhle 1885:187-199; Germans (Harz) [two brothers shared the inheritance but then agreed that whoever is right will get everything; younger: there is gratitude in the world; elder: there is only ingratitude; the youngest protects the girl from the groom who beats her - both begin to beat him; separates two fighting coal burners - the same; beats off the snake from the bear - she began to strangle him; the eldest his brother saves him every time, and then dazzles him and goes to collect all the inheritance; at night, a blind man climbed a tree; a lion, a bear and a fox have come; the bear will fall in the morning, which restores vision; lion: in a rich man fell ill in the city due to his wife's fault; there is a crust of bread behind the closet; it must be cooked and eaten by him - he will recover; fox: the king's well has dried up; there is a toad sitting there; she must be killed, the water will flow again from spring; in the morning the man washed his eyes, took precious moisture, cured many blind people in the city and they gave him a gift; he cured the rich man; he took a dagger from the king and went down to the well; there is a toad spit on fire, but he pierced her with a dagger; the king handed him a crown; he sheltered poor wanders; one day an older brother was among them; he went to that tree; a bear hit the fox, believing it was she who had revealed the secrets; but the fox fell and saw him hiding in the tree; the lion and the bear tore him apart]: Pröle 1854, No. 1:1-8.

Western Asia. Akkad (Akkadian Epic of Gilgamesh) [Gilgamesh's fifth dream on his way to Humbaba is best preserved on the Old Babylonian table from Nippur (OB Nippur). Gilgamesh sees the bird Anzu in the sky, hovering like a cloud above the heroes. Her face is strange, "her mouth is fire, her breath is death." A man of unusual appearance also appears in the dream, taking Gilgamesh by the hand and throwing Anza at his feet; (Shamash?)] :; New Testament [This is how I saw horses and horsemen wearing fiery, hyacinth and sulfur armor; horses had heads like lions, and fire, smoke, and sulfur]: Rev. Apok 9.17.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [Frog {or rather a big male frog} asks the widow to make him her son; at the bazaar he jumps on the back of a mule carrying cheese, brings the foster mother's mule; says he will go bring his wife; finds a suitable girl; when her father, then her mother, tries to refuse him, he "coughs" (thunder breaks the house), cries (water fills everything), laughs (spews fire, the house is on fire); every time she receives consent, she restores everything to its original form; brings his wife to the foster mother's house; she says that all people are going to the races; when the women leave, the Frog takes off frogskin, turns handsome, wins races; every time the wife suspects something; on the fifth day she returns earlier, burns her skin; The frog remains in human form, lives with his wife]: Hyde-Chambers, Hyde-Chambers 1981:169-186; (cf. Tibetans (Amdo) [a rabbit and a yeti woman live together, dig wild tubers, both have a son; a yeti takes the rabbit's largest tubers; the latter does not want to give, the yeti kills her; rabbits they report this to the rabbit; he offers the son of the yeti to lift the millstone, licks the flour under him; the son of the yeti also wants flour, the rabbit crushed him to death with a millstone; runs away; the shepherd hides him among the sheep, but at the sight of a fire-breathing yeti, he tells you to run further; also a herd; a wild yak hides it in his nostril, pierces the yeti to death with horns; the rabbit does not want to go out, the yak blows it out; the rabbit promises praise yak; calls his nostril golden; hiding in a hole, screams that he has crap there; yak tries to butt a hole, sprained his back and dies; the rabbit stays with a married couple; they ask how he can herd their cattle, take care of the child; he first gives absurd answers, then says how he will caress the child; cooks him, hangs his guts, puts a pigeon in bed; returning parents They ate their child; the rabbit comes every day and screams about it; they smeared the stone with glue, the rabbit stuck; asks if they want to kill him kindly (break his head with a stone) or maliciously: make a fire around, dust their ears, hit each other on both sides with sticks; they want maliciously; the dust got into the couple's eyes, they killed each other with sticks, the glue melted from the fire, the rabbit ran away; but the tail has come off, so the rabbits have it short]: Kajihama 2004, No. 21:82-88

South Asia. Ancient India [Satapatha Brahman; Indra is the seventh son of Aditya, the eighth is Vivasvat; he was without arms, without legs, like a ball; his brothers cut off everything unnecessary from him, so they created the first man, the ancestor of mortals; later V. became the sun of Surya, an elephant appeared from the cut off pieces; Tvashtar married V. his daughter Saranya against her will; she gave birth to twins Yam and Yami; left her husband her image, herself in the guise of a mare with a fire-breathing mouth, she went north; the image of S. gave birth to V. Manu, all people come from him]: Temkin, Erman 1982, No. 6:23; Nepali [King Suttalsingh's son, if he fires an arrow, she will return to him; the vizier's son remembers what he saw forever; the son of a brahman can throw any object far away and return it; the blacksmith's son can restore each item to its original appearance; they go on a journey; the prince hears a noise, fires an arrow, it did not return; it turns out that he killed his favorite elephant, he fell on an arrow; the prince falls asleep at the elephant's body, his companions leave in the morning; the prince comes to the city where the monster ate everyone, the princess remains; she hides him, takes him out from the monster, where his soul; a fire-breathing serpent in a cave in the west, he has a jewel on his head; you have to pierce the snake's throat with an arrow so that it does not fall to the ground; the prince does everything, kills the monster, marries a princess; she drops her hair into the river, another prince finds him; his father sends an old woman in a magic boat to get the owner of the hair; the old woman persuaded the prince's wife to say what his death was; There is a tree in the west, and its splinters must be torn off, his sword and shield must be burned on them, they will become small, he will die; this is what happened; the prince's wife manages, as he asked, to put his corpse in a golden vessel, fill it with oil; the prince's friends found out that the brahmana's son carried them to his body in antelope skin, the blacksmith's son restored the shield and sword to their former appearance, the prince came to life, brought his wife back, everyone returned home]: Heunemann 1980, No. 4 : 53-67.

China - Korea. Ancient China [Huainan Tzu, chapter of Ben Jing (2nd century BC): Shooter Yi went north to the Xiongshui River to kill the juying monster; juying was a nine-headed beast from each mouth he could spew fire and water; And he was killed and thrown into the waters of Xiongshui; comment by Gao Yu (1st-2nd centuries AD): "Juying is a monster that [spews] fire and water. It harmed people": Yuan Ke 1987:144-145, 312; (cf. ["The Book of Mountains and Seas," section "Haiwei Nan Jing": "Yanhui Country - The Land of the Fire-Breathing is to the South. Its inhabitants are black and have an animal body. They spew fire from their mouths"]: Yuan Ke 1987:204, 336).

The Balkans. Ancient Greece: Hes. Theog. 319-320 [Theogony by Hesiod (8th-7th centuries BC): "She was also resolved by {Echidna} spewing flames, /A powerful, large, fast-footed Chimera with three heads" (trans. V.V. Veresaeva)]; Hes. Cat. Fr. 43 (MW) = 22 (Gasparov). 87 ["Catalog of Women" (6th century BC), attributed in ancient times to Hesiod and preserved in the form of a series of passages on papyri: "He overthrew this horse with this horse Chimera breathing fire" (trans. O. Tsybenko)]; Apollod. Bibl. I. 6.3; I. 9. 3, 23; II. 3. 1 [The Mythological Library of Pseudo-Apollodor (I-II centuries): "After the gods defeated the giants, Gaia, burning with even more intense anger, combined herself with Tartar and gave birth to Typhon, who was a mixed human and animal in Cilicia. He was superior to all creatures Gaia gave birth to in height and strength. His thigh-length part of his body was human and its enormous size rose above all the mountains. His head often touched the stars, with his arms extending one until sunset and the other until sunrise. They ended in 100 dragon heads. Part of his body below his thighs consisted of huge snakes, wriggling in rings, which, rising to the very top of his body, made a loud whistle. His whole body was covered with feathers, his shaggy hair and beard fluttered wide, and his eyes sparkled with fire. Being a creature of this kind and size, Typhon threw hot rocks at the sky and rushed around with terrifying noise and whistling. A storm of fire broke out of his mouth"; "Sisyphus, son of Aeola, founded the city of Ephira, now called Corinth, married Merop, daughter of Atlanta. They had a son Glavk, whose son from Eurimeda was Bellerophon, who killed the fire-breathing Chimera"; "Eet had a pair of these ferocious bulls, of great magnitude, a gift from Hephaestus. They had copper legs and fire-breathing mouths"; "The front of Chimera's body was a lion, its tail was a dragon, and her three heads in the middle of her body were the head of a goat and the flame spewed out. The chimera devastated the land and killed cattle" (trans. V.G. Borukhovich)]; Nonn. Dion. II. 561-563, XXXVI. 151, XLVIII. 60-63 [Acts of Dionysus by Nonn Panopolitansky (5th century): Typhon wounded by Zeus "stretched out all the ridge on Mother Gaia, /And the serpentine dicks stretched out into ashes in a circle, /Fire spewing out of his throat"; "Let Phaetont not turn to the sunset of fire-breathing horses"; from the description of the battle between Dionysus and the Giants: "Here's a serpent {dr ; ωń} some kind of half-dead, with a flame in his throat, /He wants to spew the fire, hisses, curling in the heat, /But only the child exhales, not poison from the pernicious mouth!" (per. Yu.A. Golubets)].; Romanians [the old man promises the birth of a son to the childless emperor; the boy still cries in his mother's womb; falls silent and is born when his father promises him immortality and eternal youth; young man He grows up, chooses a thin skate, which turns into a four-winged horse; they come to a field covered with bones; a young man shoots the leg of a woman who has become a monstrous woodpecker; she promises peace, young man puts her leg back; the woodpecker's sister was also cursed by her parents, became a scorpion, both sisters are at odds; the scorpion has one cheek in the sky, the other on the ground, he spews fire; the young man shoots one head, the scorpion promises peace, the young man puts his head back; the horse carries him through the forest with monsters to the castle of eternal life; the mistress of the castle does not allow monsters to attack those who have flown in; there are two women in the castle, a young man marries his youngest; women warn him not to go to the Valley of Sorrows; chasing a hare, he goes there, he wants to go home; women explain that his parents for a long time; on the way back they do not find Scorpio and Woodpecker, people say they have heard tales about them from old people; the horse leaves the young man at the ruins of his father's castle, returns to the land of immortality; the young man turns into an old man; Death comes out of the deck, says that if he came later, even she would die; takes the hero]: Browne 1915:312-320 (=Kúnos 1901:260-275); Gagauz [brothers went on a strange trail, they came to the dried well, white and black sheep were fighting at the bottom; Wanchu's younger brother offered to go down, the elders refused, lowered him on a rope; wanted to sit on a white ram, but black pushed him, V. found himself on black, fell into the dark kingdom; saw a snake crawl to the nest of a huge eagle, killed it; the father eagle is grateful; says that the five-headed fire-breathing Goguzhu- I can close the waters, pass it off as people given to him to eat, now it's the turn of the padishah's daughter; you have to wet your clothes so as not to burn; V. cuts off two heads, four grow up; V. suggests for GM to show how he sleeps; he puts his central head on two, hides behind the other two; V. cuts off all 5 heads at once; the princess orders to cut off his tongues; the impostor brings the padishah the heads of the monster, V . shows tongues; the impostor is expelled, V. gets the princess; the padishah lets them visit V.'s parents; the bird carries V. and his wife, in flight he feeds her meat, bread, water; the meat ends, V. cuts the meat from its soles; the eagle did not swallow them, reaching the ground, put them back, but since then they have a depression on the soles of people; brings V. and his wife to V.'s parents; after staying, V. and his wife return to the lower world]: Syrf 2013:138-145.

Central Europe. Slovaks [the widow's two sons look like drops of water; they have grown up and are preparing to go on a journey; the mother asks to go hunting and fetch meat; they hunt three times but find no game; instead they give bacon and bread to a couple of wolves, bears, lions; they bring them home; muzzles appear on the faces of predators; the brothers broke up at the linden tree, stabbing it with a knife; from which blood will flow, so trouble; the elder comes to a city where a fire-breathing 12-headed serpent demands a girl to eat every day, otherwise he does not allow her to go to the well; the princess's turn; her savior will receive her; the young man with the help of his The snake cut off the heads of the animals, but they grew again until the lion tore his neck; the young man cut off his tongues, came to the princess, she gave him half the ring; when he fell asleep, the coachman ran up and cut off the young man's head, made the princess call him savior; the lion tells the wolf to run to the snake, which is just about to revive another one crushed by a wagon with grass; but the wolf himself came across the wagon, frightened the people; then the lion sent a bear, who took the snake's potion, the young man came to life, but his head was put backwards; the bear tore off his head again and put it right; when the young man came to town, they were preparing a wedding princesses with a coachman; the young man sent a letter and half of the ring to the princess and the bear; the princess sent back food, wine and her half of the ring, half grew together; the young man showed snake tongues; the coachman was given to torn to pieces; one day a young man saw an enchanted yellow forest from the window; a fox appeared, the young man chased her, found himself in a dark forest; began to fry bacon; on the tree an old woman, screaming that she was cold, gives touch the animals with a stick, otherwise she is afraid of them; the animals are petrified; the old woman began to fry the frog, not bacon; touched the young man with a stick, he was also petrified; the younger brother saw blood on the knife, went in search the elder; his wife mistook him for her husband, but at night he put a sword between them; he did not touch the animals with an old woman's wand, but let them put them on her; made him give him a golden stick to revive the animals brother and ointment to revive him; then the beasts tore the old woman to pieces; first the elder brother's beasts became knights, then they killed the little brother's animals, and they too became knights; they are six brothers, they quarreled and became predators for this; the elder brother returned to his wife, and the youngest with six knights came to their possession and became king there]: Dobšinský 1970:3-10 (translated to Bogatyrev 1955:37-47); Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pinega, d. Lebskaya. AND. Golchikov, born in a village, runs a cooperative in Mezen, "apparently read a lot", 1927) [The Tsar's eldest son Egor the Brave goes to look for a bride, finds himself in a forest hut, an upper room with velvet removed, sewn in gold", Egor chooses the eldest of two pigeon girls. Baba Yaga treats gingerbread, mash and wort, Egor gets drunk and falls under the table. Baba Yaga gets angry, calls him a drunkard and throws him and his bride into the cellar. The royal's middle son Fedor the Important goes after the bride and finds himself in a golden palace, sees a poor room and a girl inside a dirty shop, marries her, Baba Yaga treats him and a drunk with throws a girl into the underground. The youngest son, Ivan Tsarevich, wants to go to look for his brothers, but his father does not let him in. The old woman advises to tell her father that he dreamed of a thin royal cellar, and behind 12 doors and locks there is a horse the same age as Ivan, in front of him is heroic armor. The king realizes that someone told his son about the basement, but gives him a horse. Ivan raises the cellar by the front corner and pulls out a kladenets sword, a long-lasting spear and heroic armor. Ivan comes to Baba Yaga's hut (leaves a spear and sword on the floor - no one can lift it anyway), asks about his brothers, refuses to eat Yaga's treats, throws the table through the window with his right hand, knocks out the frames. She pulls out two snakes burning with fire, and Ivan cuts off their heads with a sword. He tries out Baba Yaga, where his brothers are, cuts her head off, sends her brothers to go to their father. Ivan goes on to "get the betrothed". In the field, he frees the hero for beating the royal daughter, promises to marry her himself, "if she is a good girl", the hero promises to be Ivan "Oron Faithful to death". Ivan sees the princess, has been looking for a more beautiful girl for 5 years, but he does not find it. He sees a tent in the field, brings his horse to someone else's, they eat together, he decides that sleep will get along with the owner of the tent. He goes inside and falls asleep. Both heroes snore. No one wants to kill another at night in their sleep, waiting for the morning for a fair fight. In the morning, he sees Oron Verny in front of him, who says that Martha the Beautiful-Golden Breast is the most beautiful. Ivan spies on her walk in the garden, jumps over the wall on horseback and carries her away. Koschey the Immortal catches up with them, cuts Ivan, takes Marfa. The raven kills the bull and hides under its skin, crows fly in and it catches the crow, does not let go until its crow brings alive and dead water. It revives Voronenka and Ivan Tsarevich. They come to Marfa the Beautiful, who lives in a stone house in the swamp. She turns the Raven into a fly, she hides Ivan in a chest. When Koschey appears and senses the Russian spirit, she says that a well-fed bird flew from Russia, dropped its scythe (bone) into the pipe, which is why it smells from the oven. Marfa feeds, gives water to Koshchei, asks where his death is, he deceives her twice ("Stupid woman! Who will throw death in a holic/box?"). He admits that death in an egg-bunk-cellar on the island of Buyan. She asks Koshchei to bring her a Russian cook, Ivan gets out of the chest and goes with Oron for Koshchei's death. When we were swimming across the sea, Ivan wanted to shoot the pike, but Oron felt sorry for it. He also stops Ivan on the island when he wants to kill a gyrfalcon. Oron pulls out the oaks above the cellar, Ivan opens the box, catches the hare, an egg falls into the sea, and a pike carries it out. Ivan breaks the egg, Koschey dies, Marfa says his house needs to be burned; while the house is burning, a gnat comes out of it. Ivan's native kingdom is captured by Baba Yaga, turns into a queen, and Ivan's parents gouge out their eyes and puts them in prison. It forbids residents to tell Ivan the truth, whoever says will turn into stone. Approaching his kingdom, Ivan spends 3 nights in a tent. Every night, pigeon girls, the wives of Fedor and Egor, arrive and say that Baba Yaga wants to destroy him with her gifts. Oron hears this and asks Ivan to give him his gifts in gratitude for his help. The queen offers Ivan a cup of wine, he gives it to a friend, who pours it out, the wine eats away at the floorboard. The mother gives a black horse, Oron beats him to death (this is a snake), she is offended that her son gives gifts to his servant. Gives him a golden carriage, Oron cuts it. Queen and Ivan want to execute Oron, who tells the truth about Ivan's parents and he turns into stone. He tears Baba Yaga, frees parents, brothers and their wives, smears his eye sockets with live water, and they see the light. Ivan misses his friend, puts a stone at the head of the bed. At night, he dreams that his son's blood can bring Oron back to life. She kills her son, collects blood and cries. Oron revives, he smears Ivan's son with live water and he also comes to life]: Karnaukhov 1934, No. 141:280-287; Russians (Pskov) [Ivan Tsarevich has an invisible hat and a baton fighter; saw a castle in the forest, surrounded by an iron wall, there is a 12-headed serpent at the gate, 6 of them are always asleep and 6 are awake; he could only kill himself; I. drove up in an invisible hat and put a baton on the snake; the snake breathed fire , tumbled, gnawed on the ground and finally tore himself with his claws and died]: Smirnov 2003 (1): 350-351; Russians: Khudyakov 1964, No. 10 (Ryazanskaya, Zaraisky y.) ["A sivka-burka, a prophetic kaurka, runs - the earth trembles, a flame from his mouth, smoke from her ears with a pillar"; "A sivka-burka runs, a prophetic kaurka is running, a flame is puffing from her mouth, smoke from her ears with a pillar"]; No. 86 (Nizhny Novgorod, Ardatovsky U.) ["He flew into a snake, cut off two of its heads, and burns with flames, tears its claws"; "And the serpent scratches, tears and burns with flame"]; No. 114 (Tulskaya, Venevsky y.) ["a lion is running, even the earth is trembling, a flame is burning from her nostrils"]: 78, 209-210, 242; Russians (Voronezh, 1939) [The beautiful royal daughter does not want to study, meets a wizard, he imprisons she takes a chair and teaches her science, advises how to choose a groom - to make a riddle, if the applicant does not guess - "head off the shoulders". An Indian prince comes to marry, the princess brings him to the "rich hall where the horned chort lives" treats him with wine, he falls asleep. In the morning, she tells her father that the groom slept all night, and his head is cut off. The same thing happens to the second contender, the nobleman. A retired soldier scoops up water in the river, pulls out cancer, asks him to be released, gives him an invisible hat and advises the soldier to boldly marry the king's daughter. The soldier asks the bride to pour him wine in mugs and falls asleep. Cancer appears, the soldier gets into his mouth and wakes up. The hero puts on an invisible hat and watches the princess. She goes to the garden, summons magic around the gazebos, eats and drinks. The soldier repeats all her actions. He approaches the rakit bush, looks in all four directions, pulls a branch and descends underground. She alternately approaches the copper, silver and gold wells, washes and drinks. The soldier does the same thing, but takes with him three crust from each well. The girl comes to her 12 sisters, tells them that the groom got drunk and fell asleep. Sisters show gifts from their suitors. The soldier climbs up to them, quietly picks up the gifts and the goose from the table, falls, the sisters hear a rumble, run to the window, but do not see the soldier. When they return to the table, they see it missing. The princess goes back, but cannot get drunk from the wells, cries, shouts "my soul is burning". The soldier overtakes her, returns to the place where he fell asleep, takes off his hat. The princess wakes him up, but he tells him where she was at night and what she did, she admits that he solved all her nightly riddles. The king does not want to give his daughter for a soldier, and another contender for the princess advises to give the groom a task: to go there, I don't know where, to find something, I don't know what, "so that it's not seen, but pleased." The princess gives the soldier a ball, orders him to follow the thread when the Serpent hits him, to say that the soldier is a servant of the Russian tsar dog, then she will not touch him. This is what happens, the snake offers a treat to the soldier, orders Ursa to set the table; the tablecloth and treats appear on the table themselves. The serpent gives the soldier the keys to open the borders, and flies to fight the enemy - the Serpent with 9 heads. She wants to bring the soldier to Tsar Ursa, she promises that she will go with him and orders him to flee across the border so that the Serpent cannot kill the soldier ("he will bite and rub his bones for flour"). On the land of another Serpent, about 6 heads, Ursa orders to exchange it for a barrel, promises to return to the soldier if the Serpent does not name her until they cross the border. A soldier crosses the border, a Serpent appears with 6 heads, threatens to eat, burn with fire, and the soldier offers to feed the Snake. He has doubts, because he needs a lot of food. Ursa sets the table with plenty of treats. The serpent realizes that he does not need to fly with Ursa every day to fish and exchanges Ursa for a barrel from the soldier. The soldier crosses the next border, calls Ursa, and she ends up with him. A Serpent appears with 12 heads, wants to eat a soldier, who feeds the Snake with the help of Ursa. The serpent changes its self-propelled sword to Ursa. A soldier gets caught in the rain, does not know how to warm up, Ursa advises ordering a self-made sword to beat the Snake, the sword cuts down all 12 heads. The soldier comes to the king, says that he served him for 20 years and demands that the king served him, orders the sword to cut down the king's head. The soldier calls all soldiers, orders the protection ("workers' and peasants' kingdom") of the poor and orphans, and distributes land to soldiers. The soldier turns the keg, and the crystal palace appears. Among other things, a bayun cat lives there, from whom the storyteller learned to tell fairy tales]: Tonkov 1949, No. 11:181-189; Western Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Khust District, p. Gorinchevo) [in the 77th state, behind glass mountains, behind milk streams, grandfather and woman live, there are no children; the old woman asks her grandfather to make a child and a cradle out of wood; he cuts down a sycamore, combs the boy, him they call Yavorovy Ivan (YAI); makes a cradle, a woman shakes her, the child does not come to life, grows up; two years later he goes to the forest, helps his grandfather; snakes (shufflers) took three royal daughters; their savior will receive one of them and the state; YAI goes in search, meets a gypsy, becomes friends; they find a hole, wind a rope, fix them on the stove; one will take the youngest daughter, the second will take the middle daughter, the eldest will serve; YAI goes down, hears a girl singing, she is in a hut rotating on a chicken leg; girl: her husband has five heads, he has strong water; YAI drinks water; an iron club falls into the yard, YAI throws her back, snake sees that someone strong is in his yard; comes in, says he smells sinful; wife: this is my brother; they shake hands; the serpent eats melted tin dumplings, drinks water, then goes to fight; snakes He hammers JAI knee-deep into the ground, YI to the waist, the serpent to the arm, YAI to the neck; begins to beat off his heads with a club, but they come back again; the girl sprinkles ashes on them, the head cannot grow, the snake kill; the girl says that she and YAI belong to each other; YAI tells me to collect everything valuable, lock the house, wait for him; puts on a snake's clothes, takes his sword, comes to her middle sister; she also plays harmonica and sings; her husband has ten heads, drinks special wine; YAI swaps barrels of water and wine; when approaching, the snake throws a club of 12 quintals; YAI drinks wine, throws away the club; (hereinafter the same as in YAI changes his sword to the one that the stronger snake has, comes to the third hut; there is a younger princess; the snake yells at his wife who found her with her lover, breathes fire from 12 mouths ; YAI hides behind the door; when her heads show up in the hut, tells her saber to cut them; the elder princess puts all the jewelry in cream, the middle princess puts them in an apple, the youngest in a nut, YAI puts them in her pocket, sends the royal daughters upstairs, the gypsy pulls them out and goes away with them; Yai walks along the path day and night, comes to the hut, there is a woman, she has eyelashes to the ground; she calls him a dog son, agrees hire, tells her to take a pitchfork and raise her eyelids, otherwise she does not see him; Yai raises her eyelashes, she recognizes him as YAI: he knows him and the sycamore from which he was made; he will take care of her mares: herd three times and bring them back, otherwise your head is down; mares are women's daughters; the woman gives YAI a sleepy cake; when YAI wakes up, there are no mares; the fox asks for a cake, tells me to go home and become in a manger : mares have become chickens, the fox begins to torture them, the chickens run into the barn, become mares, YI ties them up, reports to the woman, who hits them with an iron pitchfork for letting themselves be caught, says that must do; on the second day, the wolf promises to help if YAI treats him to bread; explains that mares have become crows; the old horse lying on the manure will say everything to do; the horse: in his the tail is a twig, they have to wave and say: "Stay in place"; three crows sitting in a tree fly into the barn, become mares; the woman hits them with an iron pitchfork: they probably sleep with Ivan, love him, they want to destroy it; on the third day, YAI gives a cake to the bear; he advises him to go home, there is an ox on the second pile of manure, he will explain what to do; the ox tells you to take two twigs from his tail, wave one at left side, others to the right, until mares appear, ask the woman for an old horse for service; mares turn into crayfish, swim from pool to pool, YAI hits them with twigs, turns them back into mares; woman tears his hair, tells him to ask what YAI wants; he asks the old horse; the horse advises the woman to bow down, the woman spits after him, he has time to close the door, otherwise he would burn down; the horse asks how to go - behind the wind or against the wind, flies up, asks you to see what's behind them; Yai sees a black cloud, it's a woman, the horse tells you to throw the comb (thickets from ground to clouds); the cloud almost catches up, but they cross the border earthly world; a woman roars terribly, crumbles to dust; a horse offers to go to the royal city; a woman: three royal daughters have returned, a wedding is being prepared, a gypsy takes the youngest; YAI is hired by a shoemaker; the princess ordered to make shoes that they had not yet made; Yai takes out her younger sister's shoes out of the walnut, hangs them on a carnation; in the morning the younger princess comes and tells the shoemaker that it was not his hand, but she still needs to see a tailor; YAI runs to the tailor, takes out her walnut dress; the princess calls the craftsmen to her wedding; YAI tells the horse to climb into his left ear, there are beautiful clothes; they fly to the palace; gypsy to the king: this is an angel going to the wedding; when she sees YAI, the bride cries with joy, but the gypsy does not confess; YAI puts plum, apple and nut on the table; the older sisters take out their wealth, and the youngest's nut is empty; she understands everything; the gypsy is executed, YAI marries the younger princess]: Lintur 1969:151-160.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [Asan, the son of a poor old woman, sees a bull spewing flames fighting a rainbow-colored snake; she has a turban with a diamond on her head; A. killed a bull; the snake leads him to their father, the king of divas; they pass through the womb of the snake's father and mother; the snake tells her to ask for the talisman that is under her father's tongue; in the mascot, askers who fulfill any wishes; A. tells the mother to marry he is the daughter of a padishah; he demands to build a palace larger than the Padishah in 40 days and nights and connect both palaces with a bridge; A. did everything, received the daughter of a padishah and was made a vizier; the viziers bribed the slave the princesses and found out the secret; sent the merchant to persuade the princess to give her a lot of goods for that talisman; the princess pretended to be sick, told A. that his talisman would cure her; having received this red handed it over to the merchant; he did not give it to the viziers, but he himself moved the palace and the princess far away; A. spared the cat and the rat; they promised to return the talisman if A. gave them his dog as horses; the cat began to caress the princess, she took her to bed; the rat gnawed through the hole, brought snuff; at night the merchant sneezed, the mascot fell out of his mouth; when the dog swam across the sea, the cat and the rat quarreled and dropped the talisman; A. told about it; he began fishing, caught a gold one, she asked her to let her go, for which she brought a talisman; A. moved the palace back and showed the padishah his eldest daughter in the arms of a merchant; they were beheaded, the viziers were imprisoned, A. received the youngest daughter of the padishah]: Birzgal 1992, No. 12:153-175; Ossetians [Aslan decides to test his sons in old age; the older, middle, return from distant, dangerous places, but A. says that he got there in a day; the younger Kaurbek pulls out a horse and heroic weapon from under the mound; meets his father's brother, who fought with the army of Donbettyr's daughter; K. wounds her, kills a horse, makes belts out of his skin, goes down to sea; an old woman teaches her to change blood vessels with living and dead water; K. wins daughter D., gives her to her uncle, revives her with live water of the horse; takes out the sword stuck in his grandfather's skull; he teaches him to hit the khan with it, not to strike a second blow; K. kills the khan, takes her daughter; in the Khan's country eternal night; K. comes to the sea, through he is a whale bridge; K. moves along it to the house of the Sun; his mother hides K., asks the Sun Son questions for K. to overhear answers; the Sun does not illuminate the khan's possessions because he tried to kidnap his daughter; whale lies on a bridge because he swallowed the ships; K. goes back, answers the whale, who releases ships, frees himself; K. takes the daughter of the Sun, the light spreads in the khan's possessions; The sun sends to the kidnapper daughters of fire-breathing cannibal mares with steel jaws, K.'s horse destroys them; the daughter of the Sun insidiously tells K. to milk the remaining mares, to swim in boiling milk; the horse advises K. not throw yourself into boiling water and walk along the crossbar on which the cauldron hangs; the daughter of the Sun believes, swims herself, comes out unharmed, the darkness above the ground dissipates; Zaliag Kalm into the sea (!) does not give water to drink, demands a boy and a girl a month; K. kills him, blood turns the sea yellow, now the sea is called "Yellow"; older brothers kill sleeping K. and his horse; daughter The sun sends Donbettyr's daughter to revive K. with live water; K. forgives his brothers, gives one Donbettyr's daughter, another a khan's daughter, washes his father with living water, he is getting younger; K. decides to marry Khadija; with difficulty defeats the warrior; the hawk says that this is H., she will lose her heroic power if she is kissed; K. kisses, brings H. to his father's wife; the older, middle one returns from distant, dangerous places, but A.]: Byazirov 1971, No. 15:156-173; Dargins [the Shah goes to check if anyone lights the light at night; outside the orphan girl's house she hears three times how she promises to give birth to the Shah a gold-haired boy and a red-haired boy girl; the Shah marries, leaves, tells the nukers to hang a red flag if the promised children are born, and a black flag if ordinary; the first wife orders to replace children with puppies, throw children in a box into the river; shah tells him to sew a young wife in buffalo skin, throw it at the doorstep, wipe her feet on her, spit on her; a childless miller caught a box; a grown girl tells him to buy calico at the bazaar, embroiders a handkerchief with silver and gold hair, sends his brother to sell it; the Persian gives a lot of money, brother and sister go to the edge of the city, build a palace better than the Shah's; the elder wife sends a sorceress 1) to persuade the girl asks her brother to get a special tree; the horse says it's behind a wall guarded by fire-breathing dragons; the dragon king gives a tree; 2) get his brother an overseas wife; a sea horse carries the young man, he hits the beautiful woman with a golden whip, she wakes up, leaves with him; the vizier tells the Shah the truth, he returns his wife and children, the eldest wife was rotted in prison]: Osmanov 1963:97-102 (= Kapiyeva 1991:120-125; =Mazaev, Kasumov 1997 (1): 349-354); varnishes [father and daughter Raiganat knit sheaves, the snake asks to give his daughter, she agrees; the snake leads to his underground palace, the roads are guarded fire-breathing ajdaha, but the serpent made them bow; gives them a magic tablecloth; it was stolen; the serpent gives millstones, R. The snake stepped on its tail, the snake skin peeled off, a beautiful young man Musil Muhad appeared; he gives his father-in-law a magic tablecloth, envious people stole her; gives millstones that grind flour themselves (the same); a donkey from which gold is poured (the same); then gives sticks, they force the kidnappers to return everything]: Khalilov 1965, No. 68:207-211 (=Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 66:558-561); (cf. Georgians (Imereti) [the tsar says to his 40 sons that he cannot divide the kingdom between them: let everyone get land and a wife; the younger prince is a thing; tells the brothers not to stay overnight in the same house; they stopped, fell asleep, the prince killed a 6-headed maiden with an arrow, cut off and hid her ears, killed an old woman in the basement of the house, took the keys to the treasure chests, quietly returned to the brothers; the next night (7-headed maiden, not treasures, but 40 girls); the third time the prince fell asleep himself; the fire-breathing girl blocked the exits from the house; let the princes go for promising to get him the youngest the queen is the kingdom of women; his servants, who should be named devi, will be transported across the seas; the prince showed the brothers the ears of two other girls, gave the keys and said that he put their rings on the girls' fingers; black a man carried across the Black Sea, red through the red Sea; three are arguing over a flying carpet, an invisible hat, a magic tablecloth; the prince fires arrows - who will bring it earlier; he takes the wonderful ones himself objects that fly invisible into the kingdom of women; the old woman talks about the queen; she lived with the king, they went hunting, chased the deer, the deer turned into a woman who turned them into deer; the queen reindeer ran to the kingdom of women and was disgraced here; she was elected queen; the prince began to play the chonguri, the queen and maids fell asleep, he flew with the queen on a flying carpet; she knows what would happen next; when he saw her, the fire-breathing maiden laughed and burned himself; the Tsarevich carried the queen back and returned home; 40 brothers married 40 girls]: Glushakov 1904, No. 5:40-50); Turks [the blind padishah will see the light if he gets the land from where he has not been; the eldest, middle son gallops for three, six months, returns; the younger Kerloghlan ("bald") threatens his mother to kill her; she gives a bridle to summon his father's horse from the bottom of the reservoir; on it, K. comes to one old woman, then to the second, takes their daughters out for the elder, middle brother; the first old woman: the land unkempt by the father is under the head of a lying monster; horse: the monster can burn everything, the father is blind to his fire; the monster promises to give land for the girl Khoja Kyz; seeing her, K. goes blind; she heals him, but his eyes become dark, without proteins; HC promises to go with K. if he brings a mare with six foals living in the river; these are the horse's brothers K.; the horse rushes into the river; if red foam pops up, it means he died; white pops up; the mare comes out, the foals follow her; HC recognizes the strength of K., the monster gives land, leaves the young man HC, father K. immediately sees the light; HC gives K. two nuts, inside one dress, the other a gold tray with moving figures; gives a ring, teaches what to do; brothers put K. on the carpet above the hole, he falls through, they pick up the girls; K. licks the ring, white and black sheep appear, K. tries to jump on white, black takes him to the seventh lower world; the old woman has only bad water, the seven-headed giant took the good one, gives him in exchange for the girls devoured; the king's daughter's turn; K. cuts off six heads, the giant dies; if the seventh was cut off, he would come to life; the princess's hands were covered in a giant's blood, she put them on K.'s back, so they found him a hero; K. kills a snake that devoured the bird's chicks Anka; she agrees to bring it to the ground; the harvested 40 kg of meat and water run out, K. cuts off a piece of flesh from the caviar; on the ground, Anka puts it back; K. is hired by a tailor, then to a jeweler; they bring dress, tray, which HC required as a condition for marriage; HC knows that K. is back; a tournament is held twice (jirit); at the first K. is in black clothes, kills his older brother, on the second - in red, kills the average; HC tells the padishah everything; wedding 40 days and nights]: Walker, Uysal 1966, No. 1:10-24.

Iran - Central Asia. Tajiks ["hissing and whistling, breathing fire and blowing smoke from their nostrils, a terrible dragon crawled towards Sangsabur. He rose to his full height to attack Sangsabur. Without hesitation, the brave hero ran to meet the dragon and plunged his sword into his belly. The dragon fell to the ground dead, and the fire in its mouth went out" (see summary in the data on motive K118 "The Forbidden Room")]: Ulug-zade 1967:20-21; Uzbeks [poor girl settled in a cave; winged the fire-breathing dragon found it, kept it; closed the entrance to the cave with its golden horn; the princess promised to marry a young strongman if he killed the dragon; he killed him with an arrow, cut off his horn, took it with him; going to the cave, opened the entrance blocked by a stone with a horn; stayed with the girl; the princess decided that he was dead and married the son of the vizier; the Shah and the army came to take the girl away from the boy, but he he rolled a stone down the mountain, the army fled; one day they both came out of the cave and ended up in the garden; he grew out of tears shed by a girl while she was imprisoned by a dragon]: Afzalov 1972 (2): 25-29.

Baltoscandia. Kalevala [Lemminkainen hunts an elk with hunting spells and pleas; 2) tame Hiishi's fire-breathing horse; L. restrains and drives the horse to Pohjola; 3) shoot a swan on the Tuoni River; who comes to the river L. is killed by a shepherd he has missed in the song, throws the corpse on Tuoni's doorstep; Tuoni's son cuts the corpse to pieces]: Rune 14:158-168; Norwegians [the youngest of two sons the king leaves, is hired by a giant; he tells him to clean the stable in a day, not to go into other rooms; the young man comes in, in one cauldron boils without fire, what gets into it becomes copper; in the second, the cauldron makes it silver, in the third room it is gold; the young man lowers a curl into each; in the fourth room there is a girl; she teaches to dig a shovel with a handle while cleaning the stable, the work will be done immediately; the giant suspects what the maid taught him; the next day, bring a horse; girl: the horse is full of fire, we must throw bits in his mouth; on the third day: bring a fee from hell for the borrowed fire; girl: knock on the rock with a club, the door will open, ask for as much as you can carry; on the fourth day, the giant himself brings the young man to the maid, tells her to cut his throat, cook the broth; she puts three The young man cooks drops of blood with old rubbish, both run away, sail across the sea on a ship; drops of blood are responsible for the giant; when he understands the deception, he calls stream-sucker, he drinks water the sea, the ship is already visible; the young man throws a piece of salt, a mountain appears; the giant drilled it, Drunk wanted to start drinking, but the young man drips into the sea from a flask, it fills up again; the fugitives reach the shore; the queen goes after the horses, the bride tells her not to talk to anyone; the brother's bride's sister gives an apple, he bites off, forgets the bride; she goes to the old woman, makes the house golden; the constant brings money, wants to marry; she tells him to throw hot coals at himself all night; then a lawyer tells him to push in the door; the sheriff drags a calf by the tail; the young man must marry the bride's older brother's sister; the carriage falls apart, she manages to ride thanks to magic objects borrowed by the giant's daughter; she was invited to a feast; she puts a golden rooster and a chicken on the table, fighting over a golden apple; the queen remembers everything; the witch who gave him the apple was torn apart by 24 horses]: Dasent 1970:71-90; Latvians [puke, pakis in fairy tales is a fire-breathing polyheaded serpent, a hero's opponent living in water or near the water.]: Ivanov, Toporov 1992:349; (cf. Lutsie {western 1933} [two heroes: Ukha Kukhalevich and Franz Vintsian; parents did not want to let Uhu in, but he left home; knocked F. off his horse, it turned out that the girl; when she woke up, she reproached; if she hit and killed in full force Wow; the devil is sitting on an oak tree, burning 40 miles with heat, his ear killed him; there is an empty castle in the forest, that girl F. came there; they began to fight with a big devil - the Snake; he almost ate his ear, and F. chopped it to pieces; Ear descended into the lower world; there's a hut on chicken legs with lamb horns; Ear: turn your face to me; there the old woman calls her brother's son, gives a ball, he rolls to her middle sister; she sends to third {probably the eldest}; from there he goes to the king, who is firing; the wolf: don't eat me; tells me to sit on it, jumps into the water, they are only slightly burned; the king also calls Ukha the son of his brother ; the king has 12 heroes, they don't like the ear; they tell the king that he threatened to get a horse with the sun in front, the moon behind; the wolf: the bridle is even better than the horse; the horse with the bridle was stolen; heroes: The ear threatened get the princess; the wolf brought her to the garden, told the princess to be grabbed when she went out into the garden; they brought the king a princess; she requires her 12 more maids; brought; the princess demands a self-playing cantele; with he took out the wolf again; then the self-made sword; heroes: The ear threatened to defeat all alone; the ear chopped 6 heroes, the king asks to stop; Ear wants to go home; king: Raven Voronovich would deliver, but he was walled up; His ear freed him, fattened him; they began to rise, there was not enough meat, his legs had to be cut off; on the ground, the BB regurgitated them, the ear took root with living and dead water; the ear returned to F.; wedding]: Annom et al. 2018: 106-113).

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [the padishah has a son and two daughters; the grooms are denied; the eldest was kidnapped; the mother died of grief; the padishah married a young man; the stepmother orders to drive away his stepson and stepdaughter; they came to a house in the woods; a dugout nearby, where there are 12 robbers and an older sister; she gave them water, their brother killed them; the sister regrets living with the robbers; one is still alive, she left him; they agree to get rid of her brother; she pretends to be sick, sends for hare, fox, wolf, bear, lion, tiger milk; all animals give milk and cub; the younger sister takes care of them; the elder offers to play cards, the loser will be tied up; the brother is tied up, the robber is ready to kill him, but the animals have torn him to pieces; brother and younger sister come to another country; there Azhdaha devours girls, turn for the padishah's daughters; brother with He kills him with the help of animals; the blind man says that he beat the double-headed ajdaha with a bucket, demands the princess as his wife; the next day the same (three-headed azhdakha, the middle princess, the imaginary savior is one-armed); then fire-breathing azhdakha, younger princess, lame; dzhigit comes to the wedding, shows the heads crushed by a stone and the rings given by the princesses; crushed the impostors with stones, married the youngest princess; returned his older sister; she put the robber's tooth in bed for her brother, her brother died; the animals pulled out the tooth, the owner came to life; the animals lifted up her older sister]: Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 15:133-153; (cf. Bashkirs [Khan Mamut, his vizier Ametkhan; sacrificed 40 camels and a son Timirkhan was born; playing, maimed other boys; his father advised him to leave; on the way, a shepherd advised him to take another the horse is one of those who will go down to the watering hole; A. sees the beaten army; A. defeated the daredevil who did it, he became his friend; three girls praise the strength of Yalaletdin Batyr; A. killed him; at the lake, the princess tied to a tree, it was given to be eaten by a seven-headed ajdaha; A. killed Azhdaha, the king gave him his daughter; he found out that his enemies had blinded his parents; they can be cured with the fat of the sorceress Utkuz; she burns with fire; you have to cover your face with a frying pan, come from behind and cut her buttocks with a sword; A. brought her sighted parents to his wedding feast; put his father king in the neighboring kingdom, and he himself began to rule in own]: Barag 1988, No. 28:183-186).

Turkestan. Salary (Ujirem, Xunhua-Salar Autonomous County) [General Wuusyn killed his sister's husband; she gave birth to a son; his children teased him: "You are a child who does not have a father!" ; the boy asked his mother about his father, who replied that the father was dead; the boy heated sand in the spoon and locked the door; the mother came and told him to open the door; the boy opened her slightly and asked for her hand; when the mother she put her hand through the door, put hot sand on her hand and asked her where her father had gone; her mother admitted that V. had killed her father; the horse that the boy's father rode and the sword he fought with said that they will help take revenge; the boy came to V.'s house, demanded that his father's soul be returned; V.'s youngest wife told him: "At the door, a little boy is sitting on a horse, smoke is coming from the horse's nostrils, and burning fire from his mouth . The boy says [that] he brought your thirty pieces of silver. He asks to return his father's soul"; V. went to the steppe with his army; the boy sat in the saddle, picked up his sword and closed his eyes; the horse and sword destroyed the army; the boy tied V.'s hair to the horse's tail; V. was torn to pieces; the boy returned home and killed his mother]: Tenishev 1964, No. 5:14-15.

Amur - Sakhalin. The Manchus [there was not enough water, Sungari was a stream; female hero Silun Mama was the leader of the tribe; once a storm began, a fire-breathing dragon flew from the north; SM took away their people to the White Mountains (Shanyan Alin); the herons shouted to go east; people went after the herons; a tiger met them at the cave, turned into a boy; the second boy was brought by an eagle; SM took them, named Nuowen and Ari (the eldest, brought by the eagle); the brothers grew up saying that the North Sea Eagle God and the East Sea Tiger God sent them to create rivers and destroy the dragon; the brothers flooded the dragon cave water and threw stones, pierced the dragon with a spear; while fleeing, the dragon cut through the Sungari riverbed with its claws; dragon blood painted the earth red; A. died in battle, N. dragged the dragon, creating relief elements, lost his sight in battle; A.'s blood painted red mountains; SM went looking for brothers, saw deep rivers that did not exist at all; died; her sister filled with a sacred spring]: Bäcker 1988, No. 3:11 -21.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos (Naukan) [father lets young son kayak into the sea; he ends up in the country of Eagles; two girls raise him, their father gives him eagle plumage; he grabs a fire-breathing whale drags it under water, the Eagle sisters help raise the whale into the air; the Eagle wants human beings; the young man brings him his father to eat; brings his mother, she lives well with the Eagles] : Menovshchikov 1985, No. 39:88-93 (same in Rubtsova, Vakhtin 2019, No. 1:23-40); Northern Alaska Inupiate (Noatak): Hall 1975, No. EH13 [man cheats on wife with widow; woman makes small kayak, sails away with his son; sails to the Eagle's home; the Eagle teaches his stepson to turn into an eagle, hunt whales; tells him not to touch the spewing fire; the young man violates the ban, his claws get stuck, stepfather saves him; a young man finds a real father, takes him into the air, throws him somewhere in the mountains], PM5 [every time a younger brother's wife gives birth to a son and he grows up, the older brother kills his nephew; the couple pretend that a girl was born; the uncle suspects the truth, puts his nephew in a hollowed out log, covers him, lowers him into the sea; he is nailed to the land of eagles; two eagle girls find him; he is taught to fly, he is not told to grab a fire-breathing whale; he grabs, gets stuck with his claws, eagles save him; he marries; comes to his uncle, kills him with his hands, crushing him from above]: 97-102, 125- 130.

The Midwest. Western ojibwa (chippewa) [a young man lives with his aunt; he sees girls bathing, they turn into frogs, they bring them to bed; an aunt hears giggling at night; he throws frogs away in the morning, tells his nephew to marry women; on the way, the young man stumbles upon his younger brother, turned into a stump from the waist; he says that their uncle killed their father and other brothers, explains how to walk through a path leading to women; a man gives tobacco to two snakes spewing flames on the sides of the path, calls them grandfathers; shows two swans a red cloth; reaches the women and turns back; they kill snakes and swans for letting the alien pass; they follow the young man themselves, become kind after the father's power; the uncle pretends to be dying, demands to bring him to recovery a bear, two otters; a young man gets them; spirits gather for a feast; uncle's sisters cry for eating his dogs; an uncle shoots his nephew in the chest, he turns into a squirrel, unharmed; kills an uncle with an arrow; heals his stump brother, gives him one of his wives; the younger brother forgot that it is impossible to mention an uncle, he immediately appeared; the brothers and wives ran away, got rid of their uncle]: Barnouw 1977, No. 45:64-68.

Northeast. Delaware [(summary in Bierhorst 1995, No. 71:45; west 1909 in Oklahoma; mother does not tell six sons to go west; the youngest ball is the head of a lynx, digs her teeth into a tree; the eldest goes, finds a wife; she warns that the one-eyed sorcerer Red Feather on her head wants to kidnap her; at home, the younger brother guards the elder's wife; when he is away, the sorcerer took her away; the brothers disappear one by one; each sorcerer lets his Naked Bear; his younger brother walks, picks up a toad, a snake (makes a pipe out of them for himself), an otter (makes a pouch out of her skin), a weasel; a weasel jumps into the Bear's mouth, gnaws out the heart; a pouch made of otter skin grabs the Bear by the legs, the toad (i.e. the pipe) is full of fire; the younger brother kills the sorcerer by throwing a lynx ball into his eye, burns him; the head four times jumps out of the fire, Laska brings her back; her younger brother revives his elders by firing an arrow over them]: Hitakonanu'laxk 1994:88-93.

(Wed. Western Amazon. Kandoshi [God tells the young man in a dream that a woman will come to him, let him not be afraid if she is cold to touch; she comes, he hides her under a pile of firewood, does not tell his mother to cut wood there; she cuts, wounds a woman, she has three children, they disappear; three Vultures offer a young man to take him to heaven if he kills his mother for food; he kills his mother with a spear, they gnaw at the corpse, but The young man cannot lift him up; the hummingbird puts him on his back, lifts him up, slips between the blades (something like scissors) that open and close, only the Hummingbird's tail is cut off; the Hummingbird tells tell the man that he himself went to heaven; the young man's wife carries cassava, the rope breaks, her sisters go forward; the husband grabs his wife; she is afraid that her father will kill him; the father produces thunder; throws the young man into the fire, throws a stone at him, spews fire, the young man bounces; his father-in-law recognizes him as his son-in-law; they go together to kill people ima tanga]: Page 1975:55-62).