Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K40. One will be eaten today and the other tomorrow.


Two (less often more) characters consider themselves doomed to death, but the one who dies later rejoices and those who die earlier grieves.

Cf. motive N30.

Crimean Tatars, Kalmyks, Kabardian, Adygs, Karachays (?) , Balkarians, Ossetians, Ingush, Georgians, Tajiks of Sistan, Mountain Tajiks, Munjan, Ishkashim, Karelians (or Finns), Kazakhs, Altaians, Tuvans, Baikal and Trans-Baikal Buryats, Dagurs, Southern Khanty, Udege people.

Romanians, Hungarians, Western Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Pokutye), Crimean Tatars, Kalmyks, Kabardian people, Adygs, Karachays (?) , Balkarians, Ossetians, Ingush, Georgians, Tajiks of Sistan, Mountain Tajiks, Munjan, Ishkashim, Karelians (or Finns), Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Altaians, Telengits, Shors, Khakas, Tuvans, South Altai Tuvans , Baikal and Trans-Baikal Buryats, Khalkha Mongols (Mongols of Inner Mongolia), Dagurs, Southern Khanty, Udege people.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [Akhmet-Akhai Ozenbashsky was frightened of a mouse, his wife swears; but he killed 40 flies with one blow; went to look for work; Kosh has one shepherd crying (7-headed deva with goat legs horse his tail will eat it today), the second laughs (eats tomorrow), the third dances (eats it the day after tomorrow); AA: I am the hero Ayu, the son of Buke-Bugai, who keeps the ground on his copper horn; buried the skin of a ram with a roll, head with beard and legs separately; suggests the deva 1) hit the ground for the katyk to go, 2) for his legs to jump out, 3) a beard pops out; dev called for a visit, carried it to the mountain; whose stone core will fly up above; AA: I'll throw 7 cores with the gun, it'll stay at the top; dev: no need, the gun is expensive; deva's mother advises letting AA raise the deva's father's iron stool; AA: throw it on the moon or in the sun? deva's mother: no need, the lights will fade; asks for water in a 40-bucket vessel; AA begins to dig in a well; dev takes AA home to Ozenbashi, gives you three bags of gold; why are you so light? AA: I keep my strength in the air; dev: show strength; AA stabs it with an awl; dev: better in the air; AA tied his three children with a rotten rope, tells them to shout "eat" and his wife to "have lunch with a deva"; dev runs away; fox leads him back; AA fox: that's when I caught you; dev killed a fox, ran away]: Mirer 1940:226-236; Kalmyks [a mare gives birth to a boy, the umbilical cord is cut off by a stone that has fallen from the sky; Haradai-Mergen and Uladai- Mergen becomes his brothers; the boy kills the husbands of three women; they are the daughters of the sun, the moon, the stars; he marries the daughters of the sun himself, brothers to the other two; they envy the youngest, for his wife's face glows; they leave a dagger at the kibitka, the youngest cuts off his legs; blind and armless come to him, help each other; kidnap the girl, make him his sister; tell him not to put out the fire; the fire goes out, she comes for fire to the old woman; the old woman sprinkles ash and coals into her hem, pierces a hole in her hem; on an ash trail she comes to the girl, spoils her; cripples catch the witch, she makes them and the girl healthy by swallowing and spewing everyone; when he swallows a legless, he does not spew it; others cut it, the sparrow screams, the little finger, the brothers find a healthy brother in the witch's little finger; the horse's son comes to the hole where they sit his brothers; their wives were kidnapped by a 15-headed mousse; brothers let the son of a horse down on a rope, he kills Musa, brothers pick up women, cut off the rope; he falls, is maimed; the mouse sucks his wounds, he breaks her leg, she eats leaves, recovers; he also eats and recovers; on the one hand, people cry (snakes will eat them today), on the other hand they have fun (tomorrow); a snake crawls to the side of three eagles in the nest; son horses kill him, eagles explain to his mother who their savior is; for getting rid of the snake, people give him food for the eagle; he flies on an eagle, feeds, and finally cuts off a piece of his flesh; limps; eagle swallows him, regurgitates him healthy; he comes to his brothers; they decide to put arrows up; whoever is sinful, the arrow will nail him; his older brothers die, the horse's son owns everything]: Badmaev 1899:23-33; Kabardian people [the same or very similar Adyghe text in Kerashev 1957:153-164; childless old people had a son, took him away, raised him by a bear, called Batyr, made him strong, sent him to his parents; princes want to lime it, give difficult assignments; 1) the many-headed serpent takes water, demands girls to eat; B. won, saddled, killed him; 2) harnessed cannibals, plowed the ground on them; 3) harnessed ferocious boar, brought firewood for them; two hunters became his brothers; all three chased the deer, he disappeared into the crevice; B. comes down, there are three girls, one is crying (another will eat it today), the other laughs (her tomorrow), sings the third song (her the day after tomorrow); B. kills him, his brothers take women upstairs, throw off the rope; the white ram will throw seven tiers up, the black one down, B. accidentally grabs black; kills a boa constrictor crawling to eat three eagles; Orlitsa arrives with a cloud and storm, eagles hide B., tell his mother about his feat; she promises to raise him to the upper world if he earns buffaloes for food; snakes do not provide water, demands girls; B. kills a snake, gets buffaloes; there is not enough meat, B. cuts off a piece of leg, reaching the ground Orlitz heals his wound; B. killed traitors and their wives, on the youngest, who they kept as a slave, married]: Aliyeva 1978, No. 11:111-119 (=Khut 1987:208-218); Adygi (Shendzhiy village) [the bear stole the boy, he returned to his parents as strongman Myshemyko Shao ("son bear"); went to the prince as a gatekeeper; bodyguards pinched his fingers with the gate, he tore off the gate; the prince wants to destroy him, tells 1) to bring firewood from the forest, gives a bad ax; M. pulls trees, harnesses a wild boar instead of an ox, brings it; 2) plow the field where the witch is; M. harnesses her seven sons, plows; leaves the prince, meets, takes 1) connecting trees, 2) throwing mounds; they cook one by one, Tlimaf, riding a rooster, demands to feed him, ties him up, eats everything; when M. stays, he ties T. by the mustache; T. pulled out the tree, went into the hollow; only M. agreed follow her; there one girl cries (T. will eat her today), two laugh (she will eat them tomorrow); M. cuts off T.'s head with his own sword; M. and his brothers kill the prince, marry three girls]: Maximov 1937 : 121-130; Karachays or Balkarians [Temir-Bolat and his two older brothers hunt and cook one by one; a bearded dwarf riding a rooster, a saddle a frog, the reins are snakes, the whip is a lizard He eats everything every time; when TB remains, he ties it to a tree; he uprooted the tree, went into a hole; the brothers lowered TB; there are three beauties downstairs, one is crying (the monster will eat it today), the other laughs (eats tomorrow), sings the third song (the day after tomorrow); TB killed a dwarf; TB released prisoners from the fortress, married a younger beauty, gave the other two to his brothers]: Aliyeva, Kholaev 1983:21-24; Balkarians [there was a man named Azret-Aliy (Azret/Khazret is the title of nobles and imams; i.e. Saint Ali); the giant brought the corpse of a man into one hole, cutting off his head, leaving his head outside; head went to AA with a complaint; brought AA to that hole; AA lowered the lasso into the hole, climbed down; 40 people were tied up below, half cried, half sang songs; explained that the giant would eat the crying today, and the singing ones would eat today tomorrow; AA approached the sleeping giant, but did not kill, woke him up; the giant refused to return to religion, AA killed him; then killed the giant's daughter-in-law and sons, freed the bound; told them to pray and he began to pray himself - they were at the top; at the request of AA, God raised the head of the one whose giant tore it off and revived it]: Boziev 1962, No. 32:102-104 (101-102 - original in Balkarian); Ossetians [the son of a sorceress from the Borata family (SK) and his son Malik (SK) go to marry the sister of seven giants, send their arrows as matchmakers; the giants and the UK go hunting, tell their sister and the UK not to open the seventh door; SM threatens to leave, the bride opens, the Waig from the Black Mountain (UCHG) is released, takes the girl away; SK goes to look for her; meets, takes the Sea Drinker as a friend (he shoots after the UCHG, tears him off leg), Zorky, Carrying mountains and valleys on his back, each in response says that he is not amazing, but SK and SM; UCHG goes underground; only the SK was able to push the stone, descend on a rope through the flame; sends the girl is upstairs, the comrades remove the rope, fill the exit with a stone; the UK tells an old woman, whose fang touches the sky, the other rests on the ground, to tell how to kill the UCHG (burn, it burns) to get out upstairs (grab the horn of a white ram); SK grabs the black horn, which takes it even lower to Donbettyr's world; there the dragon closed the water; swallows the UK, he cuts it from the inside, refuses to be belched, spit out, goes over her side, the dragon breathes out; Tsar Donbettyrov sends SK to the black eagle; SK hears one of her daughters singing (her snake will eat her the day after tomorrow), the other laughs (her tomorrow), the third cries (it will be eaten today); SK is killed by a snake; a downpour begins (eagle tears), the sun shines (the eagle sees that the daughters are alive), the whirlwind (flies); the eagle brings the UK to the ground, which feeds it with the supplies it gave donbettyrs; they are not enough, the SK cuts off the meat from the hips; the eagle puts it back; the swineherd says that three brought the sister of seven giants, the king took her away, marries; the UK changes clothes with a swineherd, the eldest princess chooses him when she notices his golden curls under her hat; everyone tries the SK quiver and arrows; the SK takes them, puts on gold clothes, destroys guests with arrows, takes his wives for himself and SM]: Byazyrov 1971, No. 1:5-19; Ingush [a man has many cattle but no children; a cow gave birth to a boy; he was named Makhtat ("born of a cow"); 7 months later he became 15 years old; he was stolen by three Vampal brothers; after that the mare gave birth to a boy with the sun and a month between the ribs; his name is Pakhtat ("born a mare"); he offends other children, he is advised to find his brother better; his father tells him to get a horse out of the dungeon; a horse of monstrous power, but P. tamed him easily; goes, meets the son of the Sun, then the son of the Month, the son of the Star; they promise to come to the rescue if trouble (blood hits from the left bullet); P. put the first vampala into the ground, first waist-deep, then up to his throat, cut off his head; released the kidnapped girl Tanya Hooke, married her; the second wampal sent an old woman; she advised TG to find out what P.'s life was like; P.: in a pole in the yard; in the leg of the chair; the old woman cleans, lubricates the pole, the leg; P.: a box with three chicks in it; at night the old woman lifted her skull, threw the box into the sea; A. died, at his friends splashed blood from bullets; Star's son found a fish that swallowed the box, P. came to life; goes to take revenge on the vampala; towards the shepherd (this is M.); approaching the sheep, cries ("My brother P. was killed by a vampal, kidnapped his wife, tomorrow they will cook meat at the wedding, and sprinkle scum from the broth at me"), and when he approaches the bag, he laughs ("Tomorrow I'll go to herd sheep with a bag full of meat"); P. found out M., handed it to his wife ring; first shot an old woman with a bow, then a vampala, took possession of all his wealth; parents at home are poor and blind; they will believe that his sons returned if they bring the head of a third vampal; his brothers killed and brought their heads, parents saw the light; "Let the unworthy not be born, and if he is born, let him die"]: Tankieva 2003:57-65; Georgians (Kartli) [=Chikovani 1985, No. 3:19-22, =1986:129-136; someone steals wonderful apples from the royal garden; the elder, middle princes are guarding, sleeping; the younger one wounds the deva with an arrow, a trail of blood leads under a stone; the older brothers are afraid to go down, the youngest mother of the deva speaks that her son is injured; the young man advises to pour boiling oil into the wound, takes out his arrow; the devil dies, the young man kills his mother, frees three beauties; the youngest warns that if his brothers betray him, he should sit not on a black sheep, but on a white sheep; she will carry him to the underworld, I must say, "Babkin's roof is soft, cotton", will fall on a soft one; brothers raise beauties, cut off the rope; on A young man comes to a crooked old woman, eats porridge on the side where she has a blind eye; the old woman adopts him, says that the dev took the water; the young man cut off his head; asks the king to lift him upstairs; he says that only Pashkunji can do this; P.'s chicks are constantly eaten by Gveleshapi; one chick cries, it will be eaten today, the other laughs tomorrow; the young man kills Mr. with an arrow; there is thunder, it rains, it's the mother of the chicks cries, thinks that the children are swallowed; the children first hide the savior, then show the mother; she tells them to stock up meat; during the flight it ends, the young man carves meat from under his knee; P. says that if she knew that people's meat was so tasty; heals the young man's wound; the swineherd says that the king's eldest son marries the younger bride; the young man asks for his clothes, alone can pull on his bow; the bride recognizes him; he kills his brother with an arrow, marries]: Chikovani 1954, No. 28:28-33.

Iran - Central Asia. Mountain Tajiks (Vahio) [the cat tells the old woman that one of her sheep gave birth to a son, who is a man above, a ram below; he was named Tuklibarra ("lamb"); a giant comes and says he has come fight with T.; he replies that it is him, defeats the giant, makes him a companion; the second giant is the same; they come to the old woman; half of the village is crying, the other is having fun (the reasons for the fun are not explained); the old woman says that the dragon demands to be eaten by a man, it is the turn of the Shah's daughter; T. wakes up when a girl's tear drips on him; kills the dragon; only T. was able to lift his carcass, got a daughter Shah]: Rosenfeld, Rychkova 1990, No. 6:45-47; Sistan's Tajiks [the old man dreamed that the moon and two stars fell from the sky; he went to look for it; the pleshak shepherd Hasan bought this dream for a herd rams; only then did he remember that he had not asked about the content of the dream; fell asleep under the wall of the palace; that night the princess and the son of the vizier agreed to flee; the princess asked to wait for her to go to the bathhouse; the son of the vizier saw H. sleeping, woke him up, asked him to watch for the horses, and he himself went to hurry the princess; at this time, the princess threw X. off her bag, believing that her lover was next to the horses; she jumped off herself and they jumped; the vizier's son returned, found no one and stabbed himself; in the morning the princess decided that everything was God's will; the princess washed and dressed X, told him to buy a palace, bring a mullah and marry; the old woman saw H.'s wife and told the king; he told X. to bring the ivory throne; H. met an old diva, gave her a drink, she made him her son, hid him from the other 7 sons, turning them into a needle and sticking them into their collar; the divas felt the human spirit; swore that they would not harm the guest; the divas threw potions into the water that elephants drink; they began to fight and broke off their tusks; The divas made a throne and brought the king to the garden; the king rewarded H.; now the king orders to bring a laughing flower and a weeping flower; H. came to the former old woman; during this time one of the divas was captured by a two-headed divas ; the divas lowered H. into the well; the heads of the diva on the knees of two pari girls; one laughed, the other cried; flowers fell from the laughing mouth, roses fell from her mouth; one laughs when she saw H., and the other cries, regretting that the diva would kill him; H. noticed a vessel in the niche and realized that the soul of a diva was in it; ordered the diva to take all the prisoners and all the goods to the ground; H. broke the vessel and the divas died; the bets flew away with doves, told H. to come to their Green City and be their husband; in the city of Pari X. was recognized by the traces that the girls had left on his shoulders; when two days were left before the king's deadline, the bet's father gave X. a rug Suleiman; on it, H. and his wives flew to the divas and then home; the king received laughing and crying flowers; he ordered to visit his deceased parents; the pari wives wrote a letter on behalf of the king's father with with an invitation to heaven, they dressed H. in clothes as if he were lying in it in the grave; let the king set up a fire, we, together with the old informer and vizier, will stand on him and get to the royal ancestors; H. flew to rug on the royal throne, and the tsar, vizier and old woman burned down]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1981, No. 8:104-117; Munjans [the king's son goes to look for a wife; half of the people in the city cry, half laugh; the dragon in the lake devours a young man and a girl every evening, it is the turn for the royal daughter and the son of the vizier; the prince kills the dragon; promises to marry the king's daughter, leaves, kills the snake that is about to eat Simurg's chicks; she did this every year; the chicks tell their mother about it; she brings him to the betting garden, he kills the diva, he comes back from the bet, takes one of the chicks Simurg gives, returns home]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 10:132-139; Ishkashim [someone pulls trees in the royal garden; two older brothers are guarding, do not see anyone; the younger Bald cuts off the hand of a woman who comes, the woman hides in a cave under a stone; the brothers lower Pleshivets on a rope, he kills that woman, sends the girl upstairs, the brothers leave Pleshivets in the cave; he sleeps at old women; on the one hand you can hear crying (there the dragon takes the girls), on the other hand, fun (he finished taking it there); Plesivets cuts off 7 dragon heads; the grateful king says that there is a bird that will take him to upper world; on the way Plesivec feeds her meat; returns to her father]: Pakhalina 1959, No. 1:113-117.

Baltoscandia. Karelians (but maybe Finns) [the old man carved a doll out of an alder chock; the old woman put it in the cradle and rocked for three years; the chock became a boy, he immediately asked his mother for bread; became beautiful and a strong man; the sun, month and dawn are gone, people live in darkness; the king has a potion; a person who drinks three bottles can free the dawn, six a month, nine can the sun; 9 only Alder Chock (PTS) could; drunk 6 and 3 bottles went with him; woman: an evil man is to blame; he cursed the sun for being hot, a month prevented him from stealing, dawn woke up early; they were taken away by 9-, 6- and three-headed snakes; half of the city is crying, half laughs; the king must give the eldest daughter to the three-headed snake to be eaten; if he does not give it back, the serpent will eat half of the city; the hero, who drank three bottles, cut down two snake heads; threw his shoe the companions lowered the dogs, they tore off the third head; dawn has risen; half is crying again, half is laughing; the middle daughter; the six-headed serpent from the sea; the sixth head was torn off by dogs; the month has risen; the third day is same; youngest daughter; PTS cut down 7 heads; snake: look, the sun is rising; the serpent turned around, PTS cut down another head; look, your house is burning; the serpent did not look; your wife is disgraced; looked, PTS cut off head; the last one was torn off by dogs when OCH threw his shoe; on the way back, OCH, turned into an ermine, overhears the conversation (with women who are wives of snakes?) Syuoyatar snake mothers; will starve, cover the tables; if they hit the cross with a sword, then there will be no hunger or tables; thirst (forest lake is the same); sleep (bed); whoever repeats my words will turn into blue cross; PTS destroyed tables, a lake and one bed; the companions have already rushed to the other two, S. ate them, took their horses and chained them; walking through the forest, PTS sees 9 blind girls and an eye on a stump; S. girls dazzled, leaving them one eye for everyone; he gave them back their eye, they taught them to get the horse back from S.; PTS cuts chains; S. gives all the girls eyes to see who is there; but they say no one; S. came by herself , grabbed the OCH; first ate the girls for deception; will let the PTS go if she gets Katrina from the beautiful Kii River; OCH sails in a boat, meets, takes five with him: Psar, Spoon Khrapun, Vaper, Eater, Aqudier; Kennel pacified the dogs; Spoon Khrapoon protected from the fire when they set fire to the barn where the swimmers slept; The vaper froze the hot bath; The Eater ate cows and sheep; Wonos brought water in the sieve; PTS received K.; Through clothes wine leather/The body glows under the skin/The bones under the body are visible/In the middle, the heart beats; on the way back, the companions one by one stay where the PTS picked them up and take what they brought with them parts of the boat; a narrow hollow remains; so that K. does not soak the hem, PTS picked it up with his little finger; S.: if you touched K. even with a finger, let him break off; gnaw off his little finger; PTS:If you tortured blind sisters, let the sword break off; gnaw off his little finger; pts: If you tormented blind sisters, let the sword break off cut you into 10 pieces; cut you; PTS burned parts of S.'s body, took the horse, silver and gold and K. as his wife; when they saw PTS, the parents became younger; PTS ask where his comrades are; I had to tell you, he turned blue cross; Katrina was married by the king, she gives birth to healthy sons and daughters; the storyteller was given a waxhorse, a turnip saddle and a pea whip at the wedding]: Concca 1991:134-154.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Kanbal Shal 1985 [a simple girl Duria refuses Khan's son Idris because he can't do anything; his father gathered craftsmen, Toktybay taught I. how to sew hats, D. married him; soon I. became khan; disguised as a beggar, he went on a journey; went to a cannibal house; in prison, one prisoner cries (he will be eaten today), the other laughs (will be eaten tomorrow); prisoners say that cannibals will be the first to eat And ., he is fatter; I. offers to sew a hat, sell hanshe, cannibals will receive money; D. understood everything, sent nukers; two cannibals stabbed themselves, hanged two]: 201-203; Sidelnikov 1952 [=1971 (1): 33-45; = Daurenbekov 1979:35-45; =Tursunov 1983:180-189; Khan's son overheard from the yurt how his older sister promised to weave him a golden carpet, the second to feed the people with one egg, the youngest to give birth to a son with a golden head, daughter with silver; Khan's son marries, in his absence, older sisters tell the witch to replace children with younger puppies, throw babies in a chest into the river; khan orders his wife and puppies to be left in the desert; fisherman catches a chest; the boy was named Kudaibergen, the girl Kunslu ("sunny beauty"); the old men are dead; Kud. kills saigas, the khan gets nothing; older wives are sent as a sorceress persuade Kunslu to ask his brother to get it; 1) a self-playing dombra (Zhalmauyz-Kempir helps to get it here and then); 2) everything showing the mirror; one Simurg chick cries (the dragon Aidahar will eat today) the second frowned (tomorrow), the third laughs (last); Kum. kills the dragon, Simurg carries it between the crushing mountains, he takes a mirror, on the way back the mountains tore off Simurg's tail; 3) Tasshilar's daughter in wives; this is Aislou, taught underwater by Kudaibergen's late adopted fisherman father; at Kood's house. A. turns the sorceress into a needle; Kud. became friends with his father Khan; A. tells the demons to build a canal, a bridge; the khan returns his wife, the sorceress was burned, the older wives were torn apart by horses]: 178-190.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians (Altai-Kizhi): Garf, Kuchiyak 1978 [wolves took the cow and goat Yuskuzek a; it is carried by the Kaan-Kerede bird, pulls him out of the abyss; Wolves invite him into the mountain; there with milk cows are fed by their mother, a husky puppy plays a goat; Wolves reluctantly give him a puppy; someone cooks at his house; Yu watches, hides dog skin, marries Altyn-Chach (Golden Braids); she says that while hiding from Karata-Kaan a, her brothers became wolves, she is a puppy; K. demands 1) to hide three times (A. helps Yu, he finds K., who has become an onion, a stallion, a birch, K. does not finds); 2) get the Kaan-Kerede egg; its nest is on an iron poplar with nine branches; its roots rest on the lower world, the branches touch the third heaven, a seven-headed serpent crawls along the trunk; one chick cries the serpent will eat him now; the other laughs, he will be eaten tomorrow; Yu cut off the snake's head with an ax, the blood formed the sea; the chick held out its wing, Yu crossed into the nest; Kaan-Kerede flew in, her tears fell in warm rain; recognizes his claw marks on Yu; says that K.'s soul is in the golden egg, but she does not know where it is; brings Yu to his poor old parents; K. takes A.; Yu fights him for seven years; wolves killed K.'s horse, Kaak-Kerede took him to heaven; A. found a golden egg in K.'s palace, threw it into the fire, K. died; A. and Yu began to rule Altai]: 215-239; Yutkanakov, Tokmashov 1935 [see motif K27; Karaty-Kan gives Kuskun-Kara-Matyr difficult assignments; to get seven foals kidnapped by the Kan-Kerede bird; the KKM comes to heaven, there is Kan-Kerede's nest on a silver poplar; her chicks every year a seven-headed snake eats; one chick cries (it will be eaten today), the other laughs; the snake comes out of the sea, the cash register cuts off its heads with an arrow; the elder chick held out its wing, the cash register crossed it over the sea into the nest; the chicks reply that their parents will arrive with rain (tears) and wind (flapping wings), hide the cash register under their wings; grateful birds give the foals to the CCM; then Kan-Kerede saves him; he destroys KK country; takes a chick daughter Kan-Kerede as his wife]: 129-171; Tuvans: Samdan 1994, No. 2 [the son of a woman and a bear, Iygylak-Kara takes the Larch Uproot Uzun-Saryg and the Ulug Root of the Rocks as his sister Kara; everyone takes turns cooking; Adygyr-Kara shulba comes with copper claws and nose, heats them, fights with the cook; younger brothers do not talk about what happened, YK wins, hurts shulbus, he goes to the cave, to the lower world; the brothers lower the YK on the arcana; below the woman says that she must give the shulbus her daughter to be eaten; YK finishes off the wounded shulbus, marries the youngest of the sisters, takes the other two for the brothers, lifts them upstairs; the brothers cut off the lasso; the girls' mother advises to help the Khan-Hereti bird, which lives on the average of three iron poplars; every year a 15-headed serpent crawls out from the lake, devours chicks; YK cuts off all 15 heads with an arrow; one chick cries, the second laughs, the third sings (thinks it will be eaten last); wind and rain are the whiff of wings and the tears of the mother of the chicks ; she carries YK on her back to the upper world, he throws her shot ducks; run out, threw his hat; lasso cut his mustache, he also took his younger sister as his second wife; YK killed him on larch; with UK and wives both of them came to their mother YK]: 227-248; Hadahane 1984 [the bear took the woman away, closed the exit from the cave with a stone; she gave birth to the Son Bear (SM), he grew up, pushed back the stone, went to wander; meets wins, takes the Mountain Raising, the Forest Uproot; they live near the koshara, eat sheep, cook in turn, the rest hunt; the albys (a witch with red claws and a copper nose) carries meat; both the companion is said to be ill, did not have time to cook; SM stabs the witch, she disappears into the crevice; SM asks him to let him down; below two princesses bandage Albys's leg; SM killed Albys, sent the princess upstairs; The mountain-raiser cut off the lasso; SM sees a poplar, there are three chicks on it, one is crying (his mangys will eat it today), the other sings (tomorrow), the third is sleeping (the day after tomorrow); a six-headed serpent crawls out of the lake, SM kills him; a bird raises him to the ground; he kills the Mountain-Raising, takes the second princess for himself]: 72-78; the Baikal and Trans-Baikal Buryats (the informant is unknown , wrote down C.J. Jamzarano) [parents want to get rid of Tyshhe Bishe, they send him for a black bull; this is a bear, TB brings him, leaves him in a barn, he has lifted up all the cows; they send him to bring a pot supposedly given to the owner forests; TB brings a cauldron and a bound owner; lets go, leaves; meets and companions a rock-raiser, raises mountains, steps across the sea (he beards fish); everyone first replies that he is not strong, but TB is powerful; they take turns cooking, a bearded dwarf beats the cook, eats everything; TB hits him himself, pinches his beard, he cuts off his beard, leaves; friends come to the crevice, TB descends rope; there is a beauty in a copper hut, the other in silver, the third in gold; TB tells the beauty from gold to find out what the life of a mangadhai is; in the horns of a ram; TB breaks the horns, presses the wasps in them, except two; beauty changed barrels of strong and weak water; TB kills mangadhai, sends women upstairs; when she gets up, his companions throw him; he falls, breaks his leg; sees the speakers break his leg an ermine, he ate the root, recovered; TB also ate, recovered; Khan Garudi's chicks by the sea, one is crying (a snake coming out of the sea will eat it today), the other sings (will eat it tomorrow), the third laughs (the day after tomorrow); the serpent tells the chicks to fly into his mouth; TB kills the snake with a stone; Khan Garudi arrives, hides TB from poison; brings them to the ground; eats and drinks the prepared food in flight, the bird cuts off the last piece of TB from his leg a piece belches, puts it back; TB kills satellites, lives with three wives]: Barannikova et al. 1993, No.... 9:93-109, 147-167; Baikal Buryats: Zabanov 1929 (Baikal) [old man Irensei kills 77-headed Mangadhai, who took his herd away; returns home, his wife Untan-Durai gives birth to a boy, Hanhan Sokto, and a girl, Agu-Nogon. I. hunts, his horse tells him that during this time his wife met Mangadhay; during the fight, UD throws black millet under M.'s feet, and I. fell and killed, he was thrown in an iron barrel on the bottom of the Black Sea; the horse saves the children; the owner of the forest, Orjol Bogdo Khan, takes them home; HS kills M. and his betraying mother; After becoming a fish, Abarga Shara Zagahan pulls the remains of his father from the bottom, revives them with living water; rides marry King Ghazar Khan Nalkhin's granddaughter; fights Mangadhai, his soul is in the nest of the Khan Hirdeg bird on an aspen on a mountain; the bird sends her to HS in the form of a pebble with an arrow, HS breaks a pebble; the soul of another M. in the yellow sea of his one-eyed, one-toothed mother-in-law, HS comes to his mother-in-law under the guise of M., the soul takes on various forms (animals, birds), HS chases in the guise of other animals, kills M.; marries his daughter Gazar- Bayan Khan; performs difficult tasks; 1) defeat the hero; 2) bring a puppy (for this purpose he gets iron fetters from heavenly blacksmiths); 3) bring the feather of the Khan Hirdeg bird; in the palace one girl cries, the second plays, the third sings; these are the daughters of a bird, the serpent Abarga Sharga must come out of the Black Sea, eat them; HS kills a snake with an arrow, XX gives him a pen, he marries]: 14-19; Khangalov 1960, No. 107 ( Balagan) [Uta-Sagan Batar approaches a tree, on which the Han-Haregde-Bushun bird's nest; nine chicks say that a snake with a star on its forehead will come out of the yellow sea and open its mouth; each day one of the chicks will have to enter it (today the serpent will eat the one who cries, tomorrow the one who tells the story, the day after tomorrow, who sings a song, etc.); if you kill the snake, the yellow poisonous fog will clear; . hits the snake with an arrow at a star on its forehead, hides in a hole from the poisonous fog; the parent birds of the rescued give him a golden whip that provides food and drink, and a silver whip that binds any enemy; (hereinafter about the victory over the fifteen-headed mangathay of Ashura-Shara, the marriage of W.'s sons to a girl and a frog, the plot of The Frog Princess)]: 156-158; Eliasov 1973, No. 8 (Selenginsky) [(Western Decembrist N.A. Bestuzhev in 1850s); Ubugun goes to look for a wife; consistently meets three people, each of whom, without recognizing the hero, replies that he is trying to face off with W. (the first tore the bark with his fingernail, the second drank the lake, the third raised the cliff); each one takes turns cooking; a gray-haired old man with a huge beard eats everything, beats the cook, everyone is silent about what happened; W. hangs the old man by the beard; he breaks down, leaving his jaw, hides into the abyss; the companions lower W. on his belt, he sees three beauties crying over his deceased father, W.'s companions pick them up, throw them off belt; in a huge nest, one chick cries (a flying serpent will eat it today), the second sings (tomorrow), the third laughs (it will be eaten later than anyone else); W. kills a snake, the bird tells you to prepare meat, raises W. the ground; the last piece of W. cuts it off from the thigh, the bird expectorates it, puts it back; W. takes beauties, executes traitors]: 78-81; Dagurs [north of the Amur, a lonely Gas Mergen lived on the mountain, and k South of the mountain is Duschi Mergen with his wife Aitjik; while DM is hunting, PM comes to his wife; when her husband returns, she hides him in a chest; pretends to be sick to give DM dangerous assignments; she will recover if he brings her 1) the heart of a huge boar (go east along the middle road; DM kills a boar with an arrow); 2) the heart of a huge bull (same, follow the south road); 3) the heart of a huge sea serpent; DM rides along the northern road; at the seashore he sees three girls, one singing, the other laughing, the third crying; they explain that they have been eaten by a snake; he will eat singing today (she is the daughter of a heavenly deity) laughing tomorrow (daughter of the dragon king), crying the day after tomorrow (daughter of the owner of the lower world); DM kills a snake, but dies from drops of its poison; girls bring elixir, revive DM, explain that his wife is to him wrong; he throws away the snake's heart, comes home, opens the chest, beats and ties his wife and GM together, goes to those girls forever]: Bäcker 1988, No. 23:159-168.

Western Siberia. Southern Khanty (Verkhne-Demyan parish) [returning from hunting, two brothers did not find a third in the house, there was blood on the floor; but the brother only wanted to make sure they loved him; the other two were angry And they threw him into the forest; he came to the city, only two houses had light; for his salvation from the ogre they promised him the most beautiful of three daughters; at night he cut off the leg of a black rider with a shovel; but the girls did not give him; in the second city the same (a gray rider, an ear with a gold earring); in the third city, there are five houses with light - four are rejoicing, in the fifth they cry, 20 girls and a mother; the same (white rider, three fingers with a ring); a young man came to the tower, ate, hid; three swans flew in, took off their swan skins, became girls, began to feast; they tell how they lost their leg, ear, fingers; the young man tore his skins, took the youngest girl as his wife] : Patkanov 1999:386-389.

Amur-Sakhalin. Udege people [A raven (Corvus corone) comes to two girls, one cries (an evil spirit will kill her today), the other laughs (her tomorrow); flies to a friend of the spirit, sits on the handle of the cauldron, cuts her off rope, cauldron spills, ash gets into their eyes, the Raven pecked them out, killed the spirit; returned to the girls, alone wants to marry him, he says he is not fit for their husband, goes for her husband for girls to Beonta; they do not understand where the voice comes from, they run away naked, freeze; well done, listens to him, takes girls as wives]: Kormushin 1998, No. 20:132-137.