Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K41. Thunder against the snake.


A character representing a thunderstorm or giant bird fights a snake or other large creature living in water or underground.

Ugarit, Bugun, Burmese, Chinese (Jiangsu), Chuan Miao, Ancient Greece, Bulgarians, Armenians, Hittites, Bashkirs, Mongols, Chukchi, St. Lawrence, Bering Strait Inupiat, Tlingit, Hyda, Heiltsuk, Quakiutl, Nootka, Makah, Comox, Lkungen, Quileut, Kutene, Menominee, Winnebago, Western and Eastern Marsh Cree, Eastern Cree, Northern, western and eastern ojibwa, sauk, fox, kickapoo, potauatomi, steppe crees, steppe ojibwa, nascapi, montagnier, penobscot, hurons, mohawki, seneca, tuscarora, sarsi, grovantre, assiniboine, crowe, hidatsa, santi, tuton, mandan, sheyen, arapaho, arikara, pawnee, wichita, caddo, chirokee, chikasaw, screams, northern shoshoni, yaki, mayo, zapoteci, tricky, tzotsil, tseltal, lacandons, tsutuhil, chorti, juice, pech, hikake, sumu, bribri, spiking, Cajamarca, dep. Lima, Jauja, Huanca, Dep. Huancavelica.

Western Asia. Ugarit [The only passage from the Baal Cycle which explicitly mentions the battle between Baal and the mythological serpent is 1.5 i 1-3: k tmltn bn brä || tkly bṯ n ltn || [š]] šlyd šbt rašm 'When you smoke Ltn, the fleeing serpent || Annihilated the twisty serpent || The close-coaching one with seven heads' (Pardee 1997:265). The text is incorporated into the speech of Motu who apparently makes a casual mention of Baal's previous exploits. The context gives no hint as to whether the victory over Ltn is the same event as Baal's victory over Yammu (Smith-Pitard 2009:253). As far as Anat's role as the victor is concerned, Pardee (2003:252, fn. 91) assumes that the account of Baal's battle with Yammu contained a description of Anat's intervention which did not survive on the extant tablets. Smith and Pitard (2009:244 f) are included to view 1.3 iii 38-42 as reflecting a separate mythological tradition in which Anat rather than Baal played the key role in defeating the snake-like sea monster. It is, at any rate, notworthy that Anat, in her own words, acts on behalf of Baal (ll. 37-38): mn ib ypl-bl || rt l-rkb rpt 'What enemy has risen against Baal? || What foe against the Cloud-Rider? ' (Smith-Pitard 2009:204)]; Old Testament [The echo of the Syrian myth is found in a range of Biblical passages in which God subdues the sea waters and monstrous snake-like creatures dwelling within it or even representing it: Tannin, Leviathan and Rahab [1]. The reptilian nature of the beings can be illustrated, for instance, by Is 27:1 (Leviathan is called nāāš bārīaa 'the fleeing serpent' and nāāš & #705; ăqallātōn 'the crooked serpent'), Ps 91:13 (tannīn is paralleled by pätän 'venomous snake') and Jb 26:12 -13 (Rahab is paralleled by nāāš bārī ah). The association of these creatures with the sea is clear: Ps 74:13 -14 (yām 'sea' is said to be crushed by God together with rā () šω tannīnīm 'dragons' heads' and rā ( ) šș liwyātān 'Leviathan's heads'), Ps 89:9 -10 and Jb 26:12 (the annihilation of Rahab by God is mentioned along with his domination over the sea)].

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Bugun [Apuphulma's wife complained on the riverbank that he was old, married by a water spirit; A. married a girl with one ear, one eye, no nose, no chin; she gave birth to strange children whom the couple threw away; when thrown away, everyone said who he was and what he would do; 1) a stone (they would build on it, it also has rivers, they will have fish); 2) Thunder (will fight with a sky snake that delays the rain; lightning is its burning smut); 3) Earthquake; 4) Rain (will send rain from the sky): 5) Wind; 6) The rainbow (this is a serpent, it will live in rivers, will appear in the sky in drought call rain); 7) poisonous snake (mother bit, A. revived her, the snake began to live in the forest in a hole); 8) Diseases (parents fell ill, the hornet cured them); 9) Death (parents died, son went to other people, everyone brought death); some kids were good, others were bad because their mother was good at one half, bad at the other]: Elwin 1958a, No. 4:10-13.

Burma - Indochina. Burmese [naga live in deep rivers, seas, deep in the earth; they can fly but are afraid of their enemies, the galon birds (garuda)]: Aung 1962:110.

China - Korea. Chuan miao [a person waits for a thunderstorm in the forest under a rock; sees a horned snake sticking out of the cave with a red crown and a red pearl on its head and that lightning cannot enter it; shoots at the snake; after a new blow, the thunder is over 10; runs back, sees that the snake is cut into 9 pieces, the ground is covered with blood; realizes that Thunder thanked him by suffering from the blow lightning]: Graham 1954:129; Chinese (Jiangsu) [the top of the now-destroyed porcelain pagoda in Nanjing was decorated with an iron cauldron; it had rainwater; the bird dropped a fish there; it grew and became a dragon that terrified the surroundings; the god of thunder struck him with lightning, partially destroying the pagoda]: Dennys 1876:114.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece ["Mythological Library" of Pseudo-Apollodor (I-II centuries): "After the gods defeated the giants, Gaia, with even more anger, combined herself with Tartar and gave birth to Typhon, who was a mixed human and animal in Cilicia. He was superior to all creatures Gaia gave birth to in height and strength. His thigh-length part of his body was human and its enormous size rose above all the mountains. His head often touched the stars, with his arms extending one until sunset and the other until sunrise. They ended in 100 dragon heads. Part of his body below his thighs consisted of huge snakes, wriggling in rings, which, rising to the very top of his body, made a loud whistle. His whole body was covered with feathers, his shaggy hair and beard fluttered wide, and his eyes sparkled with fire. Being a creature of this kind and size, Typhon threw hot rocks at the sky and rushed around with terrifying noise and whistling. A storm of fire broke out of his mouth. The gods, seeing that he had rushed to heaven, fled to Egypt; persecuted, they changed their appearance and turned into animals. When Typhon was still far away, Zeus threw his peruns at him; when Typhon approached, Zeus hit him with a crooked steel sword. Typhon fled and Zeus chased him to Mount Kasia, which overlooks Syria. Seeing that Typhon was seriously wounded, Zeus engaged in hand-to-hand combat with him. Typhon covered Zeus with the rings of his body and, pulling out his crooked sword, cut Zeus's tendons in his arms and legs. Raising it on his shoulders, he then carried it across the sea to Cilicia, and when he reached the Korikia cave, locked him in it. He also hid his tendons there, wrapped them in bear skin, and guarded the whole dragon to Dolphin: she was a half-animal. However, Hermes and Egipan stole these tendons and secretly inserted them into Zeus. Having regained his former strength, Zeus suddenly rushed from the sky in a chariot drawn by winged horses, and, throwing peruns, chased Typhon to a mountain called Nisa. There, Moira deceived the persecuted Typhon: they convinced him that he would have more strength if he ate one-day fruits. And so, further pursued, Typhon arrived in Thrace and, fighting there in the Gemian Range, threw entire mountains up. Since Zeus reflected these mountains back with his peruns, Typhon shed a lot of blood near this ridge and, as they say, was the reason why the ridge was called Gemia. When Typhon fled across the Sicilian Sea, Zeus threw Mount Etna in Sicily (a huge mountain) at him, and from there it is still said to be because of the Peruns thrown there flames break out" (trans. V.G. Borukhovich)]: Apollod. Bibl. I. 6.3; Bulgarians [summer clouds lead eagles (krastachi orly); when hail and thunder, eagles drive clouds to other countries; in a black cloud (challah cloud) eagles fight snakes]: Marinov 2003:49-50.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Hittites [Serpent Illuyanka defeated the God of the Storm, took his heart and eyes; then BG married the daughter of a mortal man, Poor; she gave birth to a son, who grew up, married the daughter of the Serpent; asked the Snake Father's heart and eyes brought him; having regained his former appearance, BG defeated the Snake; son: Don't feel sorry for me either; BG killed the Snake and his son with him]: Ivanov 1977:52; Armenians: Harutyunyan 2004 [storm, tornado, storm clouds represent vishaps; they live on mountains, in the sky, in large lakes; during a thunderstorm, aged vishaps rise to the sky from high mountains, caves or lakes, and heavenly clouds descend to the ground; vishaps they try to swallow the sun, angels fight them; storm clouds are their fiery bodies, thunder is their scream, lightning is Gabriel Hrestak's arrow, the staff or rod of angels with which they hit the vishaps; they raise Vishapov to the very sun, which turns them into ashes]: 198; Armen Petrosyan, personal report 2011 [According to fifth-century Armenian author Yeznik Kokhbatsi (Refutation of heresies, chap. 140) "If such a vishap would be raised to heaven, it would not be some imaginary bulls" but by order of God, etc. So there was an idea that a vishap tornado was rising to heaven by bulls. Other medieval authors also wrote about this. In the pagan pantheon, the god Vahagn (< Iran. Veretragna) killed Vishaps, and his epithet was "vishap puller (reaper)", i.e. he tore and picked them up. According to Abeghian, he did it in the shape of a bull. In the new Armenian folklore, vishaps are taken to heaven by angels, where the sun burns them, etc. (i.e. pagan bulls are replaced by Christian angels). These angels/bulls resemble Indian maruts, Assistant Stormbringer Indra, who are also sometimes presented as bulls.]

Volga - Perm. The Bashkirs [the snake, having lived to be a hundred years old, turns into several dozen fathoms long, lives in lakes and wells; devours cattle suitable for watering; having lived to be 500, 1000 years old turns into yuha; yuha devours girls, can turn into a person, an animal; by the grace of Allah, before reaching this age, she is carried away by the clouds to Mount Kaf (Kaf Tauy ) Beyond the Arctic Ocean, filled with snakes and dragons; in clear weather, a cloud of thunder and lightning appears coming to the lake; as soon as the cloud touches the water, it begins to rage, from it the head of the monster appears with its eyes rolled out; the cloud grabs it and drags it, its body is spotted, its tail is split; unable to escape, the monster moves away and its body under the sun's rays takes on an increasingly bright golden color]: Yuluev 1896:246 in Rudenko 1925:301; 1955:316; also Khisamitdinova 2011:28-29.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols [Ochirvani holds a vajra (ochir) in the form of lightning in his right hand; Luz, who lived in the water, climbed to the ground and began to devour people and animals; God sent O. to suppress the dragon, but he could not; flew to Mount Sumeru, asked the gods to add strength; turned into a Hangarid bird, grabbed the dragon by the head, wrapped it around the mountain three times, hit the rock, it died down, the tail remained in the sea]: Skorodumova 2003:31-32.

SV Asia. The Chukchi [The raven (or the son of the Raven) takes the form of a thunderbird, carries a whale in its claws; leans over the whale's mouth, swallows it, falls into the sea with it; kills a whale, piercing its heart, goes outside]: Bogoras 1902, No. 8:645-646.

The Arctic. The island of St. Lawrence [while the White Eagle is hunting, Black flies to his wife, takes their son; White flies to the Black Eagle, kills the kidnapper, takes his son and son Black Eagle; the boys grow up; the father does not tells them to go to the old women's mountains; the black boy wants to go, the mountain swallows them, they poke feathers from the inside, the mountain belches them, they have a lot of feathers from the heat; they tell the mountains that they are their father's sisters, those happy; don't go to a stranded whale; Black insists on going, pierces his claws deep, White a little bit; they move the whale, it dives, the Black Boy drowns]: Slwooko 1979:109-116; inupiate Bering Strait: Fitzhugh, Kaplan 1982 [thunderbird described as a giant eagle hunting whales; image on a bone harpoon stand; two thunderbirds on one side they plan for two whales, on the other hand, they hold them in their claws]: 184, fig. 226; Mundkur 1984 (Cape Prince of Wales) [a bone harpoon stand depicting two thunderbirds carrying a whale in their claws], fig. 22.

NW Coast. The Tlingits [a thunderbird produces thunder by flapping its wings, lightning blinking; on its back, the lake is a source of rain; the thunderstorm lasts until the bird catches the whale and carries it to the mountains]: Swanton 1908b: 454; Haida [Raven marries a Creek woman; Wealthsound's girlfriend is their descendant; tells the young man who picked her up and his relatives how her brother threw a frog, the mother of a frog, the frog's mother, into the fire began to look for her child; the old people told Wealthsound to hide in a latrine, the rest were destroyed by the earthquake and fire; the boy's parents adopt a girl of the same kind (their coat of arms is dogfish, little shark); W. are married to the mainland; her son complains that other children are teasing him rootless; mother and son are returning to the Haida Islands; her adoptive parents are already dead; named brother W. accepts she and her nephew; finds him with his wife, puts him in a box, lets him go to sea; he is washed ashore in the country of Orlov, Orlitsa takes the young man as her husband, her father gives him eagle plumage, tells him to miss a large mollusk (clam); it is grabbed, dragged under water, the Eagles come to the rescue, each grabs the other, the whole chain of Eagles is almost hidden under water, the old Eagle pulls them out, but the young man remains under water ; at the request of his wife, her father pulls his bones from the bottom, revives him; agrees to send his son-in-law and daughter to the country of people; gives three stones; when the young man and wife are tired of flying, they throw a stone, he turns into an island, they will come to it; so three times; at home a young man finds his mother; all women want him, he reciprocates him; the eagle wife sees the water become cloudy, flies away; wearing eagle plumage, husband flies after her; she tells him to come back, he refuses; then she deprives him of his plumage, he falls into the sea; when he falls, he hears frog croaking]: Reid, Bringhurst 1989:93-103; Heiltzuk [True The Chief (Raven) tells his son not to touch the Thunderbird's hat; he touches him, the hat takes him away; the Raven makes a new son out of snot, he turns into a puddle on the floor; the Raven calls the Tar and Frost to fish; after The sunrise is both melting; the raven makes a whale, smears it with resin; the Thunderbird sends four of its sons after the whale; they die stuck in a whale]: Boas 1928b: 13-21; quakiutl: Boas 1910, No. 16 [Kanekilah sees Thunderbird devouring a double-headed serpent; K. makes a belt out of a snake's back; uses the snake's eyes as slings, kills whales for food], 18 [ The omial (raven) makes a whale out of poles, sends Nork to Keith for a whale mask; Keith warns not to open the bag on the way; Mink opens, the mask unfolds; Keith puts it back, gives it again Norke; Omeal, Norka, Grizzly, Wolf, etc. climb into the whale; the father of the Thunderbirds sends sons for the whale; three are killed, the fourth brings the whale ashore], 33 [double-headed snakes - Thunderbird salmon] : 193, 241-245, 451; Nootka: Barbeau 1953 [John Boit 1791: They believe that the Eagle produces Thunder when it carries a whale, and lightning is the hiss of a huge snake]: 202; Macnair, Hoover, Neary 1984 [Thunder A bird hunts a whale (modern pattern on a wooden screen, 366 x 247 cm)]: 150, fig.112; Sapir, Swadesh 1939, No. 10 [see motif K30; four Thunderbird Brothers come to play a hoop with the Woodpecker; lose; the eldest of the Thunder takes the Woodpecker's wife; the Woodpecker returns her; the Woodpecker and his servant Quatyat turn into a whale; three Gromov pierce their claws into him one by one, get stuck, dragged away into the water; only the elder remains]: 51-55; Webber 1936 [Hee-e-tlik does not eat what his mother gives him, feeds on the smell of pine trees; becomes a friend of the thunder bird Tutuch, turns into a lightning snake flies with T. wrapped around her body; when T. hunts whales, H. kills them and T. takes them home]: 29; poppies: Densmore 1939 [like a nootka; husband rich, wife Thrush; Thunder alone comes to play; Quati hides inside a whale, ties and cuts Thunder's paws; the youngest brother stays alive]: 208-210; James G. Swan 1869-1870 in Clark 1953 [Thunder is a huge man, lives on a mountain, feeds whales; takes off wearing a bird mask and wings, covering its body with feathers and surrounded by Lightning Fish; her head is like a knife and a red tongue of fire; when Thunder flies to the sea, its wings overshadow the sky and produce roar; at the sight of a whale, it throws Lightnfish at it, brings the hunted whale to the mountain and eats there; sometimes Lightnfish hits a tree or a person, cutting everything into pieces; in these cases, people try find a piece of Lightnfish because it has power; a red piece of its bone provides a lucky person in whaling and other work]: 161.

The coast is the Plateau. Comox (chatloltk) [Ku'lten's wife Wa'qwaqole ("thrush" in Quakiutl); Thunder Bird Qoatkum comes, offers to compete; throws a disc of fire, a disc out of the fog, K. intercepts them ; then Coatkum blows the house to pieces with a storm, takes V.; Wren gives advice: swim to Coatkum in the guise of fish; K., Mink and other people turn into wearing fish clothes, letting themselves be caught; in the form of trout K. tells his wife to eat it, throw the cartilage into the water; comes to life, takes his wife, returns home with her; other fish, hanged to dry, immediately jump into the water, swim home, also regain their former appearance; K . and his men take Keith's whale-shaped boat; sit inside with a heavy stone; first the sons of Thunderbird, then their father tries to grab a whale, their claws get stuck; only youngest son; now flies, rattling, only in summer]: Boas 1895, No. VIII.11:82-84 (=2002:205-207); lkungen (lummi) [man marries Thunderbird, gets clothes made from feathers; hunts whales along with his wife's brothers; almost dragged under water trying to grab a sea serpent; Thunders lift a snake into the air]: Stern 1934:110-112; Quileout: Clark 1953 [people see a whale in Thunderbird's claws ; during the flood, Thunderbird tried to raise a killer whale to the sky, but it fell back into the sea every time]: 161-163; Reagan, Walters 1933:311-312 [Thunderbird kidnaps Quaty's wife; that turns into an egg, a sprout, a shell; his wife picks it up, he takes it home in his former form, but Thunder takes it back every time; K. turns his boat into a whale; Thunder's claws get stuck in Whale, Thunder sinks, turns to stone; Thunder's younger brother is still looking for him; lightning flies out of his eyes, flapping wings are thunder strikes], 320-321 [Thunderbird is good, Keith is evil; they are long fighting, felling trees; these treeless places are still visible]; coutene [grandmother tells her grandson to find a wife; Raven gives him his youngest daughter; tells him not to allow her to work outside; one day he sends her to get water, she disappears; four Thunderbirds lead him to the mountain; inside is a huge Rattlesnake, whose men kidnapped a woman; the youngest of the Thunderbirds manages to break the rock with lightning; small snakes spread; man returns his wife]: Linderman 1997, No. 6:53-63.

The Midwest. Menominee: Bloomfield 1928, No. 98 [The thunderstorm sails in a boat hunting snakes from the lower world; stabs a spear, is dragged under water; his daughter wonders why the house is a mess; it's a boy from the lower world the world goes out to play with her younger brother; both descend to the lower world; a boy from the lower world subdues the Turtle, Lynx, guarding the entrance to the house where the man and woman Snakes hold the Thunder with their brass tails; the lower boy gives his sisters to a friend (they are made of copper, the eldest is dangerous); in the confrontation between the Thunder and the Serpents, the Thunders win; the lower boy decides to live on earth, turns into a snake (garter- snake)], 99 [a starving girl walks up the river, sees animals swimming, eats it; comes to the house of ten Thunder Brothers; the youngest is home; when the others return, he suggests counting her niece; in autumn, the Thunders fly south, ask Chikady to watch over the girl; evil spirits kidnap her, hide her in the rock; Thunders hear her complaints, break the rock with clubs; while Matsikivis broke his ; Thunders turn a girl into a tree toad, she will speak in spring]: 369-379, 379-383; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. II9 [the youngest of the ten Thunderbird Brothers grabs a horned serpent but dragged away under water; two Snakes hold him under the hill with their copper tails; his son has made friends with his son Serpent; he reports that there is a hole in the top of the hill; Thunders kill the father and uncle of the Snake Boy, free him brother], II10 [the girl comes to the ten Thunderbirds Brothers; they have copper beaks, they call her niece; they fly south in autumn, leave Chickady to take care of her; hairy snakes living in the spring kidnap her; the Thunders free her, turn her into a frog that screams in the spring; turn Chickady into a chickady], 49 [man sees Thunder carry the Horned Serpent into the clouds]: 342-356, 485; Winnebago: Radin 1926, No. 3 [The creator creates four Water Spirits (Snakes); one son is called the Traveler, he has been to all corners of the world; Thunderbird fights him; both ask a person for help; he decides to shoot at the Traveler, but the Traveler warns that a person will not be able to touch the water; he shoots at the Thunderbird; he is dragged into the water and eaten; enemies kill a person and his relative; the Traveler is the leader of all spirits]: 37-45; Smith 1997 [Thunderbirds ate all kinds of underground and underwater creatures]: 140; Western Swamp Cree (Stone Cree) [grandfather takes Ayās to the island to collect bird eggs, tells me to move away, sails away in a boat; the Horned Serpent says he is Grandma A., tells him to sit between the horns, drives him across the lake, asks me to say if a storm cloud appears; A. denies that the cloud is close, says that this is just the noise of water being cut; he jumps off the shore, lightning strikes the Horned Serpent; in the morning A. collects blood in a birch bark vessel, the Horned Serpent revives, sends it to Grandma A. Frog; she does not repair his moccasins well, the stitches are wide; the next grandmother Mouse repairs well, warns of two blind old women with sharp elbows; A. comes to their house, says he is going to go out, he gets out of the teepee in another place, the old women pierce each other; from another old woman A. feeds poisoned food to a fox hidden under her clothes, throws a fox at the old woman, the fox kills her; A. comes to a scabbed woman who cuts wood; a bird tells her that her son has returned, she does not believe it at first; says A. that those people burn her face and hands every night; A. tells her to ask for a baby throw him into the fire, call him; A. says he will burn the earth, his grandfather and his people do not believe; he fires arrows, everything lights up; A. turns into a crow, his mother into a woodpecker; the woodpecker has a black back and a white apron on the chest]: Brightman 1989:105-112; Eastern Marsh Cree (West Bank Hall. James) [Ayas tyranted his wife, the son objected; then he went with his son to the island, left, left unnoticed; the young man was also Ayas; the horned creature was lucky to the shore, asking him to warn him if there was a thunderstorm; He ordered the shores to go by foam, sailed away himself; on the shore, A. saw Thunder smash his savior to pieces; a drop of splashing blood reproached him; A. came to his grandmother; she gave a small pot of food; if A. eats everything, he will not die when he meets dangerous creatures; A. ate with difficulty; entered the teepee, where there are two blind old women; moved their pot of food; they say that A. must have come; they want pierce him with his sharp elbows; he threw the skin on which he slept, the old women pierced each other; sharp bone shoulder blades hang above the path; A. jumped over them, but hit them, the dog barked, the owner ran out; A. disappeared into a hole, wearing a mink skin given by his grandmother; spent the night with a man who killed sleepers with his big leg; A. did not sleep, plunged his grandmother's point into his leg, killed a man; came to his mother; at his father another wife and child; A. told his mother to throw this child into the fire; when he sees his son, the father pretends to be happy with him; A. fired arrows, killed his father, the ground caught fire; his mother became a good plain by the lake, himself A . - the larch from which skis is made, old woman {stepmother A.?} - stone]: Ellis 1885, No. 9:45-59; Eastern Cree (Rupert House) [Aioswé has two wives, he is jealous of one of them for his son from the other; noticing her marks of touch (without details), he considers it a sign infidelity; swims with a young man to the island to collect bird eggs, throws; a walrus (i.e. a horned monster) transports the young man, asks him to say if he hears thunder; the young man lies as if the rumble they hear makes himself Walrus; next time it throws the rider into the water, but the shore is near; Thunder kills the Walrus (Var.: he escapes; seagulls carry the young man ashore); the old woman explains what to do on his way home and along returns, gives a skin of affection in a winter outfit; comes to two old women (obviously blind - they do not see who has come), they have sharp elbows; the young man attaches a parcel to the stick, sticks between them, they they pierce each other; human bones hang along the path; if touched, they will thunder, dogs will hear and tear to pieces; a young man digs an underground passage but touches his bones; dogs scream that it is the son of A.; a young man caresses sticks out his head, people think that the dogs were mistaken, they kill them; at home, the young man fires an arrow, setting fire to the ground, the second makes the water boil; A. asks how to escape, the son advises to sit in a vessel with with bear fat, A. burns; son draws a line, son and mother are safe inside her; son offers to become birds; mother turns into a robin, son turns into a Canadian jay]: Skinner 1911:92-95; northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake): Ray, Stevens 1971:20-21 [Oh-ma-ma-ma, Mother Earth, is forever young; gave birth to world spirits; this is 1) Thunderbird (protects others from the water serpent Genai- big); 2) O-ma-ka-ki frog (watches insects); 3) Vi-sa-ka-jyak; 4) Mahigan Wolf; 5) Amik Beaver; also gave birth to fish, rocks, plants, and other animals], 71 [ The Thunderbird carries the Sacred Beaver to its nest, the chicks eat it; the sand and rocks are colored with blood; the Giant Beaver tribe has disappeared], 88-92 [see motif E9; the man was a woman on the daughter of Thunder; cannot eat snakes and frogs - the food of the Thunder; they give him their feathers, teach him how to hunt beavers], 112-120 [see motif F70; Wai-Mishus leaves his son named Iyas on the island; the Green-horned serpent transports I. to the other side; asks to let me know if a black cloud appears; I. is silent, the Thunderbird carries the snake, I. manages to jump ashore; revives the snake from pieces of his skin]; Western Ojibwa (chippewa) [a serpent chases a man; A thunderbird kills a snake, carries him beyond the clouds]: Barnouw 1934:226; Western Ojibwa: Jones 1916, No. 26 [because of his son, the Meat Thief is late for the harvest tea eggs; for this he left the young man on the island; a huge serpent carried him to the mainland; the Thunders lifted the snake into the air, but the young man revived him from a drop of blood; received an inexhaustible supply of food along the way; his friend Mink killed an old woman trying to feed him pus (?) ; arranged for two old women with awl elbows to kill each other; did not come across hanging shoulder blades giving an alarm signal, but crawled through a hole dug by a small animal; entered the village in the wrong place His father was waiting for him, but immediately went to her mother; restored her sight; firing arrows into the air and water, burned all enemies; spared her father, who promised to be good]: 378; Radin, Reagan 1928, No. 42 [Thunderbird eats only snakes; a group of hunters visit it; passing by the lake, they see a snake in the water, whose eyes and horns sparkle like a mirror]: 145-146; eastern ojibwa (timagami) [man asks the Serpent transport him across the lake; he asks for warning if a cloud appears in the sky; the person does not warn; when he jumps ashore, the Thunder carries the Snake into small pieces; they turn into current snakes]: Speck 1915d, No. 19:71; soup: Skinner 1928, No. 20 [two young men see Thunder raising Misekinebik the Horned Serpent from the water; he asks for help; one of the young men shoots Thunder, that the snake lets go; soon the serpent takes him away in the form of a whirlpool], 4 [Thunders take the boy for four days; in fact, it is four years old; they tell him not to watch them eat; he peeks, sees what kind of people they have become birds, they eat snakes; he shows them paint on the water; they say it's snake's blood; when they return to people, the young man defeats Sioux enemies]: 159, 161; fox [Thunder grabs the water monster, tries to lift it into the air; both ask a man for help; a man shoots at Thunder; a monster drags a wounded Thunder under water]: Jones 1907, No. 5:203-207; kickapoo [Visaka confronts the evil horned underground cougars; they try to freeze him; two birds come to warn him one by one, but he continues to sleep in his house; a third comes to peck out his eyes, he chases her; she says cougars that they cannot kill V.; they surround V. with water; he makes a boat, tells the Turtle to dive to the bottom; when it floats up, he scrapes off the silt from its legs and belly; The dove brings branches; V. makes a lump of branches and mud, puts on water, creates land; horned cougars stay hidden underground; Thunders help keep them there; when the world ends, horned cougars will come out and devour everyone]: Latorre, Latorre 1976:261-262; potauatomi [Thunderbirds are huge eagles, lightning strikes from their eyes; they are gods of war and rain; they kill horned underground cougars wherever they can; lightning often strikes where snakes hide]: Skinner 1924:48; Steppe Cree [ten brothers live alone; the youngest is the most handsome, the first to return from hunting, finds the house tidy, firewood cooked; finds a woman; older brother Machikivis behaves inappropriately to her; she leaves; her husband follows her; she is the Thunder, she has nine sisters; they think he killed the Snake because he is stained with his blood (clay is snake blood); they eat the killed Serpent; descend to earth; now all ten sisters marry ten brothers]: Bloomfield 1930, No. 24:228-236; Steppe Ojibwa: Albers 2001 [the dualistic cosmology of the Ojibwa Steppe, reflected in the confrontation between thunderbirds and water cougars is part of East Woodeland's legacy]: 295-297; Howard 1965 [underwater cougars resemble cougars, but are covered in scum and have bison horns on their heads; owners of all aquatic cougars creatures, as well as snakes; they fight the Thunders forever, are defeated, but return to battle; killed Wolf, Nanapus' younger brother, who killed several of them; they caused a flood, N. revived the land from a piece of silt brought from the bottom to the diving animals; then the cougars made peace with N. and taught him the midevivin ceremony]: 4-5; Skinner 1919, No. 5 [see motif M23; The turtle goes to war, is captured; promises to throw hot coals at enemies, add boiling water if it is burned or boiled; axes will break if they cut it; pretends to be thrown into the river; gets out of the water at night, cuts off the heads of two sleeping girls, takes off her scalps; sings; the Otter starts catching her, the Turtle grabs her testicles; people hit the tambourine, but the Turtle knows it's not thunder; people ask for help real Groomers; when he hears the peals of thunder, the Turtle lets the Otter go]: 655.

Northeast. Naskapi [see motive K1; the chief has two wives; the youngest is afraid that he will make the eldest son heir; asks the young man to shoot the partridge, puts it between his legs, scratched; the chief carries the son collecting birds' eggs, throwing them on the island; the Seagull is unable to lift the young man; the Horned Serpent (catfish) carries him; he lies as if the sky is clear; jumps ashore, the Thunder hits the Snake]: Speck 1915c, No. 1: 73; Montagnier [like Nascapi; Chief Ayasheu; Raven, two Loons unable to carry a young man, Horned Creature transports]: Desbarats 1969:6-12; Penobscot: Speck 1935b:20 [Thunders - three (seven) brothers; seeing underwater monsters, they throw lightning at them, opening their eyes; lightning is flints or meteorites; finding such a stone brings good luck], 25-26 [snakes and turtles crawl out during a thunderstorm fight Thunder]; hurons [girl marries a handsome stranger; sees her husband in the guise of a snake; runs away; a man carries her in a boat across the sea; the Serpent pursues them; Thunder kills the Snake; from this women come from the genus Snake]: Spencer 1909:321; Mohawks: Harrington 1906 [if river horned snakes are shown to humans too often, the Great Spirit strikes them with lightning]: 129; Hewitt 1903 [Maple The escape tells Thunder to attack snakes crawling in the depths of the earth and at sea]: 338-339; Seneca: Cornplanter 1938, No. 7 [see motif K1C; people leave the girl on the island; the Horned Serpent carries her back; she begins to dive twelve times, each time she hits him with a new rod; a thunderstorm begins, the girl manages to reach the shore, lightning hits the Snake]: 73-79; Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 4 [see motif J4; the girl rejects the grooms; marries a handsome stranger; this is a water Serpent; a ball of snake hearts is hidden under the bed; the Thunders ask her to help them; the hearts of the Snakes hit her, they die; Thunders are not can kill a Serpent holding one of the Thunders captive at the bottom of the lake; a woman kills a Snake with an arrow, a prisoner is released; a woman returns to people], 119 [four men go to the horizon, then to heaven; see the Thunders chase and kill a huge horned serpent on the ground with lightning]: 86-90, 622; Hewitt 1928 [(=Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 119:607-632); young man Dehaehyowe leads 28 young volunteers to sunset, to get the scalps of unknown people; many months go by killing people; a giant half a tree tells them to stop killing or they will die themselves; they agreed; when they reach the big lake, they go on the surface of the waters; on the opposite bank, we saw the sky rise and fall; flocks of pigeons flew from the world beyond the edge of the sky, then came back; by this time 5 were alive; they they hid the scalps they carried, four slipped under the edge of the sky, the fifth was crushed; in the country beyond the sky, the trees are beautiful, their flowers give off a bright light that illuminates the whole country; local people play lacrosse; one plays rude, the chief throws his head into a tree as punishment while playing, his body pierces the trunk, the head is visible from the other side; after the game, the chief releases the offender; each of the four she disassembles those who come, washes their bones, reassembles them, their bodies become strong and light; the hostess of the house (later admits that she is the Moon) weaves a cape out of human hair; as soon as she is away, her the dog unweaves everything; later Luna says that every person who dies gets one hair to her; when everyone dies and new hairs stop appearing, she will finish her cape; local people come (this is Thunders), do not eat food, but the smell (exhalations); the hostess puts corn and pumpkin seeds in the ash, immediately they germinate and bear fruit; one of the people accidentally fires an arrow into the pond; when they return, the owners smell game; they go to this body of water, kill the terrible enemy of the Great Blue Lizard with lightning; grateful to the people for helping to find it; people see the ground below; there is a thunderstorm, a downpour; people see the Thunders chase and kill a huge horned serpent with lightning; horned snakes live underground; come to earth at the end of the world; the heavenly leader tells the Thunders to rest, half of his body is made of ice; every day (i.e. year) turns one (winter) and then the other (summer) half a body; Thunders fight a monster, for people it is a squirrel; people easily kill it, give skin to a grateful mistress at home; one of the visitors agrees to become a thunder named Thaw, or Warm Spring Wind; for this purpose he is crushed in a mortar; people visit a village of the dead, it is impossible to talk to them; they visit the house The suns are men; they descend to the ground in spring, but the place where the village was covered with forest; they find a village, only an old woman heard from her grandmother how people followed the path of the Sun as a child; D. and his two satellites tell us what they saw]: 792-806; Marriott, Rachlin 1968 [one of the three brothers breaks his leg; others carry him first, then throw him into the gorge; tell his mother that his son was killed by enemies, that he buried; a gray-haired old man heals an abandoned man, tells him to hunt himself, forbids him to leave the gorge; chasing a bear, a young man comes out of the gorge; four Thunder ask him to lure the old man here; a young man leads an old man to the bear, the old man raises a carcass on his back, tells him to warn him if a cloud appears; the young man lies that the sky is clear; Thunders kill the old man with lightning, he becomes a porcupine before death, throws at Gromov their needles; the Thunders give the young man cloudy clothes, he flies to his mother; in the spring he puts on these clothes again, flies with the Thunders; drinks from the lake, his lips have a shiny coating; this is how the Thunders know that there is in the lake Their mortal enemy, a giant larva, lives; they kill it; since then, people have only begun field work after the first thunderstorm, when the Thunders clear the fields from pests]: 34-40; Morgan 1983 [the girl is handed over for an unloved one, she rushes to Niagara Falls; marries one of Thunder's assistants living under the waterfall; Thunder sends her to tell people that the underground Serpent poisons the waters once a year to cause illness and devour the dead; people move out, a hungry serpent sticks its head out of the water; Thunder kills him with two of his arrows]: 87; Tuscarora [the hunter sees a woman in the swamp, she called him with a whistle, agreed to marry him, he built a house on the edge of the swamp; she only comes to him at night, works at night; he shows how to dig up a field, sow corn, and all other operations up to making corn tortillas; the wife does everything quickly, there is a lot of corn; replies that her ex-husband was killed by Thunder; says that there will be a thunderstorm soon, goes into the swamps, taking her son with her; soon to this place lightning struck; this woman was a snake (or rather the mythical serpent that the Thunders fight against)]: Rudes, Crouse 1987, No. 5:101-117.

Plains. Sarsi [a snake with a blue horn on its head appears from the lake; it is attacked by the Thunderbird; both ask the man for help; he gives food to the Thunder, the Snake takes away the Thunder]: Goddard 1915:225-227; Grovantre: Cooper 1975 [people see lightning strike water; Thunderbird picks up and carries a horned serpent into the clouds]: 12-15; Kroeber 1907b, No. 30 [The snake eats the Swallows chicks; they ask for help various birds; the Snake kills each with its yellow breath; the last bird is Thunder; the Snake's yellow, red, blue, black breath does not harm him; he kills the Snake with its beak]: 111; assiniboine [like grovantra; snake horn is not mentioned; lake dries up]: Lowie 1909a, No. 17a: 169-170; crowe [(cf. Arikara); man ends up in the Thunderbirds nest; their chicks are swallowed by two monsters crawling out lakes; man kills monsters by throwing hot stones into their mouths; all birds try to cut their bodies; Blue Heron succeeds; birds eat monsters]: Lowie 1918:144-148; hidatsa [chief's wife falsely accuses his younger brother of attempted rape; the chief leaves him across Missouri; the chief is the son of the Water Serpent, the young man is the son of the Thunderbird; the Bird teaches him to lure the Snake with a shell (son The snake wants to get it), feed it with cornbread as he transports him across the river; the young man lies that there is not a cloud in the sky, jumps ashore, the Thunderbird kills the Snake]: Beckwith 1938:81-91; santi [the older brother's wife wants to sleep with his younger brother, he refuses; she accuses the young man of trying to rape her; the husband promises Unktomi (Spider) to marry his sister, tells him to take his brother to Unvisited Island, leave there; Horned Monster transports a young man to the mainland]: Riggs 1893 [a young man marries two cannibals, who turn into normal women, give him two sons; he wants to return home; wives ask their mother to call their father; this is Unktelia's horned water monster; they put hot stones in the monster's eyes, hang the basket with her husband on his horns, he transports them to the mainland; asks warn if they notice a cloud; daughters don't warn; when a monster turns back, Thunder kills him; the monster is immortal, respawns]: 139-143; Wallis 1923, No. 17 [young man gives a water monster the eagle's feathers carry him ashore; asks for warning if a cloud appears in the sky; the young man does not warn; the thunder kills the monster, the young man manages to jump ashore; on the way home he marries two cannibal's daughters; they give birth to his sons]: 78-83; teton: Dorsey 1889 [the long creature agrees to transport the Ikto trickster across the river; he warns of the appearance of a cloud; snakes dives; thunderstorm begins, I. emerges, snakes are gone; huge rattlesnakes and water monsters are enemies of Thunderbirds]: 135-136; Erdoes, Ortiz 1984 (Brule) [Ungtehi big snake with one horn on its head Missouri dammed, and its children had other rivers; the flood, few people escaped to the mountains; four great cloud-clad (so their bodies are not visible), the ancient Wakinyan Thunderbirds fight them; Western: black (main), northern: red, eastern: yellow, southern: blue; lightning is coming from their eyes; the earth is burning; snakes are hit, turned into stone; this battle was in the first of four world eras - Tunka ( Stone Age)]: 218-222; teton (oglala) [a young man kills an owl; his older brother's wife asks for it to be given to her; he does not give it; she scratches her face and hips with a sharp stone, accuses the young man of trying rape; the older brother tells his friends to leave the youngest on the island; the younger one eats berries, three tubers give him food for many days; he catches and paints the possum, asks for help; the opossum hides in the lake; the Horned Serpent appears from the waters; carries him ashore; asks him to say if a cloud appears; the young man does not speak, jumps ashore, the Thunder kills the Snake; on the way home, the young man sees the skull of a bison, in He has mice, they sing that their grandfather is dead; a young man kills them; comes to an old woman, she calls him a son; at night he sees an old woman rubbing paint on her leg, her leg grows longer; he killed an old woman with his beak crane (always with her); burned with her house; another woman has a hole in the top of her head, she pulls her brains out, mixes it into food; the gopher helped gnaw a hole in the pot; the old woman fell asleep, the young man threw it into her a hole in her head is a hot stone, burned along with the house; the next old woman has two daughters, their vaginal teeth are gnashing; a young man kills both by inserting a crane's beak into their vaginas; since then, women have not been dangerous; the young man sees that animals are chasing him, pretending to be an old man, the old stalker does not recognize him; the young man comes to his sister, her husband beats her, the young man kills him; comes to his father, who dies with joy; the rest of the people are eaten by birds and animals]: Wissler 1907, No. 7:196-199; mandan [see M1 motif; a horned serpent carries two brothers across the sea, swallows one of them; the other lures the snake again to the shore; lies that the sky is clear; snatches his brother out of the snake's mouth; Thunderbird kills a snake with lightning; marries his daughters to his brothers]: Beckwith 1938:56-62 [Father-in-law (=Eagle) cannot be killed by a snake a huge beaver, a red rabbit; hunters kill them easily; all birds flock to peck for snake and rabbit meat; hunters return home with lightning clubs]; Bowers 1950:264-265; Iowa [underground forces (apparently snakes) are depicted horned; when underwater forces show up from the water, the Thunders kill them]: Dorsey 1894:424-425; the Shayens [four warriors climb at the turtle; it takes them to the lake, they stick to it; Thunder saves them by killing the Turtle with lightning]: Kroeber 1900, No. 21:184; arpaho [rainbow - Thunder forests, where he catches water monsters hiintc & #228; biit; when lightning strikes the water, Thunder hits the monster; sometimes it is believed that a stream flows out of the monster's mouth; some of them have many snakes sticking their heads out; in such places to trees they tie clothes, leave offerings; if the stream dries up, then the Thunder has taken the monster away]: Kroeber 1907c: 317; arikara [(cf. crowe); while a person sleeps, the Thunderbirds chicks (male and female) carry him to the top of the cliff; lightning flies out of their eyes, sparks from flapping wings; they give him two arrows, asking him to kill a snake with heads at both ends of his body that comes out of the lake and eats thunder chicks; they tell them to aim at the spot under the jaw of each head; a person is killed by a snake, Thunderbirds are ordered to cut the corpse into pieces, the birds eat them; they also ask to kill the snake that the person who ate snake meat (see motif L28); but it swallows a person; lets him go home, but deprives him of almost all his strength; in summer, when a thunderstorm approaches, this story was not told]: Parks 1996, No. 15:209-215; Pawnee [ thunderbirds with swallow-split tails throw lightning from their eyes into a water monster; 1939 drawing; Creek-Pawnee artist by birth]: Ewers 1981, fig.2; wichita [Thunderbird - chief; the leader of another village calls him to play ball; the Thunderbird comes, sticks to what he sat on; it's a serpent, he takes him into the lake; two brothers throw hot stones into the lake, it dries up; a piece of flesh is found in the snake's stomach on the bones of the Thunderbird; the brothers' grandfather revives the Thunderbird in the steam room]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 13:102-106.

Southeast USA. Caddo: Dorsey 1906, No. 16 [Thunder lives on the ground, often kills people; they drive him away; an underground animal begins to carry people away; they ask Thunder for help, he kills the monster; he is allowed stay on the ground], 38 [one of the two hunters kills a big snake, cooks and eats its meat; turns into a snake himself in the morning; asks a friend to carry it to a hole on the hill; when going hunting, people must leave food offerings, he will help them; one day lightning kills this snake]: 30, 65-66; chiroki [Thunder and the sea monster both ask a man for help; a man helps Thunder; he gives him his strength]: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1966, No. 8:391-392; chickasaw [sint-holo horned snakes ("sacred serpent") live in caves along rivers (creeks); usually invisible, but if a boy sees such a snake, he becomes wise; to move from one river to another, horned snakes cause rain and water rises; their voice is like thunder, but they are harmless to humans and cattle; the hunter saw a battle between a horned serpent and Thunder, both asked for help, the man shot the snake, ran, followed by thunder; he escaped on the hill from the stream of water that was chasing him]: Swanton 1928b: 251; screams [like a chirokee; boa constrictor]: Swanton 1929, No. 3, 4:7-9.

The Big Pool. Northern shoshones [a huge snake curls up around a mountain; lightning strikes nearby; a snake clutches rings in anger; the mountain melts, the snake burns]: Clark 1966:193-194.

NW Mexico. Yaki, mayo [black water snakes with wild sheep horns on their heads cause flooding down the river; a dwarf shoots at them, producing thunder; the rainbow is his bow]: Beals 1945b:199 -200.

Mesoamerica Zapoteca [Mijé Indian settled in San Pedro Quiatón; his house has a small pond; he turned into a snake, climbed there; a year later, a man in a black hat came and asked why this Micah was allowed to settle - he was an aquatic creature, created a lake and would soon cause a flood; this man was a thunder (gente rayo), brought down a storm and lightning on the house where Micah lived; they saw a big one in the lake a green creature with bull horns was Miche killed by lightning; floods are caused by a horned water snake that lives in a spring and falls from the sky]: Parsons 1936:332-334; tricks: Hollenbach 1980, 10.6 [The thunder was swimming in the sea, the crocodile snake was about to swallow it; the man gave him his explosive belt; the Thunder smashed the snake to pieces], 10.11 [the evil Thunder Serpent and the Good Thunder fight; the Snake wants to fill the world with water, flood the land with the sea, caused a flood in the past; Thunder drives seawater back with its blows]: 470-471; Hollenbach 1988 [Thunder man lived in the mountains and Thunder Woman lived on the coast; y men, corn grew poorly; a woman helps him, but he only grows on the tops of his cobs; harvests are better on the coast; he hit a tree, is stuck for a year; the rains have stopped; a hunter comes to the tree, Thunder asks for his ax; gets it, frees himself, it rains; one day Thunder hits the coast, swims, a snake lizard tries to swallow it, it gets stuck in her throat; asks a man to give his explosives; kills a snake with an explosion; now lives only in the sky]: 15-17; tsotsil: Guiteras-Holmes 1961 [The thunder lives in a cave; he is almost swallowed by a snake, the man brings him his drum (= lightning) so that he can kill a snake]: 191-192; Laughlin 1977, No. 38 [a person sees horns protruding from the rock; lightning hits a rock without harming a person; this snake has made ravines with its horns]: 155-156 ; tseltal [two fishermen see a man sitting on a branch above the pool; he explains that after swimming he got out to sunbathe, but the Water Master noticed his shadow; asks him to go to his grandmother, she will help; fishermen find a frog, this is grandma; she gives a bunch of cotton, malacate and calebass; Thunder asks him to hide, hits the river; one fisherman collects fish, another dies because he looked out to see; the thunder revived him ; he came back to that frog, asked for a job; the frog told him to sprinkle water with his finger, and he scooped it up with his hand; it rained; man cannot cause thunder, only lightning flashes; Thunders suspended him from work; when lightning without thunder is him]: Montemayor 1996 (2): 73-77; lacandons: Boremanse 1986:178-179 [Subin lives in a lake, swallows people during a drought; The Sun descends, water bodies dry; Ah-Kin-Chob kills S. with his lightning axe; drought ends], 330-331 [water monster S. kills people who come for water; causes drought; Thunders kill him with their own green lightning axes]; tsutuhil [angels (=Thunder) have the right to visit women every 15 days; one breaks the rule; takes off his clothes, puts his weapon on the ground, climbs a tree to eat fruits; the serpent wraps around him, sucks blood with its tail; the angel asks the merchant for help; he shoots from the Angel's weapon, lightning kills both the snake and the Angel; in a whirlwind brings the merchant to the king of Angels; the killed Angel comes to life; the king beat and Merchant, and Angela]: Mendelson 1958, note 5:125; chorti [like the inhabitants of Sinacantan, the Chortis sacrifice the horned snake on May 3, Holy Cross Day, in connection with ceremonies around the spring; believe The horned serpent is the embodiment of the god of the center of the earth, the master of the waters, carrying a pair of golden horns at both ends of his body; with these horns he dug riverbeds; the gods strike him (with lightning) for summoning landslides]: Laughlin 1977:156; juice [a person sees how in a water pit The thunder, grabbed by the snake, cannot reach his wand, asks him to serve it, hide himself; after being hit The thunder man sees that the hole is dry, there is no one]: Sulvarán López 2007:56-57.

Honduras-Panama. Pech [nine Thunder Brothers kill snakes chasing people with a stone]: Flores 1989:75; hikake [at first there were no rivers, only lakes; the monster Nen swallowed those who tried to take water from them; the drowned three women and men came to Tomam Segindo (the youngest son of the main god, rules the dead in the west); he asked Tomam Mayor's brother to make rivers; TM sent his son Nompwinapu-u; he went down to Nen, hiding snakes under his clothes; at first he wanted to destroy all the lakes, but Viejito (the first Indian) asked him to leave; Thunder threw his axes into the lake for 4 days; Nen tore off Nompwinapu-u's three toes , but he threw his snakes at him; 4 days later rivers appeared; each has its own snake; if it dies, the river dries up]: Chapman 1982, No. 13:77-78; sumu [water snake with deer antlers on its head Only a lightning strike can kill]: Conzemius 1932:169; Bribri: Bozzoli 1977 [two hunters injure a tapir; Thunder leads them to the Animal Master; kills a huge snake with lightning, calls it Quetzal, tells them hunters carry it; Animal Master forces them to heal an injured tapir]: 89; Bozzoli, Murillo Chaverri 1984, No. 8 [thunder and lightning are God's gun; he hunts Quetzals for his grandmother, hits the ground or in tree; when lightning hits the zompopas nest, God kills the zomopera snake]: 11.

Eastern Amazon. Spiking [Marušawa, son of Kuńarima, broke the vessels from which water poured in and into it male and female Pai (water spirits and Thunder at the same time); Pai asks K. for grass to draw lightning stripes on his shoulders and arms; K. does not give it, P. finds it himself; when his enemy Otter chases him, he throws lightning at her; the sky splits for a while and the upper world is visible]: Nimuendaju 1920: 1029.

The Central Andes. San Pablo County, Prov. Cajamarca [1) a huge water serpent wants to devour the Sun; people ask the Sun not to die; it glances fiery at the snake, the serpent turns into stone; 2) The serpent is going to devour the inhabitants Cajamarca; The sun throws lightning at him, it turns into a serpentine-shaped sandy hill]: Nestarez 1929:75-79 in Toro Montalvo 1990b: 665-666, 671; Casta, dep. Lima.: Ortiz Rescaniere 1980:81-82 [The serpent lives in a palace in Chaclacayo, demanding a man for lunch every day; taking water from the fields; people asking three Thunders for help; old Yakan Curi comes with Wanso (west of Warochiri), poorly dressed; Wambo from Chaclia (with SV) and wealthy Sokta Kuri (Jr., from Kuri Pat, east) despise him; both miss; YAK kills a snake, his remains are still visible (stones?) ; listening to Gromov's conversation, people know how much rain is going to go], 92-93 [as on p. 81-82; many Thunder converge; boastful Thunder from the coast misses; underdressed thunder from the mountains hits a snake; therefore, rivers flowing from the mountains]; Uarochiri (dep. Lima) [Huallallo Caruincho, in the guise of a bird, ran to Mount Kaki Yoka; Pariah Kaka and his four brothers hit her with lightning; Uk freed Amara's double-headed snake; PC hit her on the back with his with a golden rod, she petrified; the Criminal Code launched a toucan or parrot against the PC, but the PC broke its wing, he petrified; UK bejad in Anti, PC brother Karia Carco remained to guard the passage there]: Salomon, Urioste 1991, ch. 16: 92-93; prov. Jauja (dep. Junin) [the provinces of Jauja and Mantaro are covered with water, inhabited by the dragon Amaru; the rainbow gives birth to a second Amara, they fight, god Tixe destroyed them with lightning; then from the Uari-pukio spring The first couple of people came out, Mama and Taita; before that they were underground for fear of Amaru; Amaru tries to go to heaven but lightning strikes him]: Arguedas, Isquirdo Rios 1947:66; Huanca: Villanes Cairo 1978:52-54 [The country of Huanca was a black lake; the inhabitants of its shores were harvesting poor crops; Viracocha asks the god Tulumaña (Rainbow) to help them; from his chest, T. produces Amala, who has bat wings; he defeats water monsters, but requires people to eat more and more; every year he rejuvenates, shedding his skin like a snake; V. asks T. to destroy A.; T. produces a second A. with darker scales; they fight each other, but both revive; V. creates Thunder (Aulith, Spanish. Rayo) and Wind (Vaiva); A. hide in the depths of the lake; Thunder destroys rocks, Wind drives water out of the lake; A. try to fly to the sky, Wind and Thunder kill them, they turn into rocks; theirs sons sometimes climb clouds, make hail; Thunder and Wind drive them back], 155-156 [the shepherdess miscarries, buries her body in a cave; because of this, Amalu wakes up and tries to climb clouds, hail over the fields; cold rain begins; San Santiago (right!) strikes him with lightning, A. crawls back into the cave; the sun shines again; during battles between S. and A., lightning often hits people, but S. revives the dead]; the village of Sacamarca (Huancavelica Dep.) [First Amaru rises out of the waters; he is the son of Rainbow (Chirapa), he has deer antlers on his head, bat wings, short and thick legs; he devours people; Wind and Thunder kill him; after His death floods the lake; some say that A. rises to the sky in the form of a tornado; hail is his excrement]: Galindo 1990:225.