Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K43A. A good man leaves fire .35.40.-.43.46.50.

People leave a boy, girl, sister and brother, young woman or young couple alone and leave. Someone sympathizes with the abandoned, secretly hiding fire for them.

Western Siberia. Kety: Dulzon 1972, No. 74 [the young woman is lazy; her mother-in-law Atley takes her baby, migrates with others, leaving her alone; an old woman hides for her in the fire birch mushroom; in the morning she manages to light a fire, she catches chipmunks, gets rid of laziness; meets her husband, he takes her back]: 82-83; Nikolaeva 2006 (Sulomay village, Baikit district) [mother-in-law tells her son slowly left in the morning, leaving her lazy daughter-in-law alone without property and fire; her husband's sister secretly left her capercaillie's fat-filled gallbladder, needles, flint, and an ax; the woman made a fire, I sewed holes in my clothes, made skis, and by spring I found my own people]: 82.

The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiate [brother's wife hides fat for a girl].

Subarctic. Kuchin [someone leaves fire for an abandoned woman]; atna [two families live; the head of one invites another to visit, wins all his possessions and household members with checkers; orders him to migrate , putting out the fire to the loser; the good slave hides hot coals for the owner; he sews clothes from the remaining scraps of skin, hunts rabbits, survives the winter; in summer his marmot traps are empty, he is in despair; a stranger touches him with a stick, he regurgitates his bad luck; the traps are full; contrary to the stranger's warning, the man picks up the marmot from the last trap; he jumps out of the bag, runs away; a stranger teaches him how to win checkers; a man beats the offender, takes everything; the slave left him no fire, he died of the cold]: Ruppert, Bernet 2001:343-345; upper tanana [old woman leaves fire for a woman]; tagish [the chief's eldest wife leaves fire for his grandson]; inner tlingits [a relative of a man leaves fire for his abandoned wife]; helmet [husband's sister women]; beaver [boy's grandmother]; taltan [woman's grandmother].

NW Coast. Eyak [girl's maid]; Tlingit [girl's aunt]; haida [boy's youngest uncle's wife]; tsimshian [boy's mother]; bellacula [boy's old slave]; heiltsuk [grandmother girls]; quakiutl [boy's grandmother; girl's grandmother]; chickpea [woman's uncle].

The coast is the Plateau. Career: Jenness 1934, No. 7 [A lover comes to the chief's daughter at night; one day she sees her dog next to her bed; gives birth to puppies - four (or three) males and a female; people leave her, youngest the sister hides a smoldering stump for her; the old woman also remains; the mother hears children's voices; leaves her torches burning by the river, finds her sons, throws dog skins into the fire; daughter Upitz has time pull yours, stays a dog; brothers bring a lot of meat and fish; people come back; one day the game disappears; the youngest gives the old woman rotten instead of fat; she says: Let the Caribou take you to heaven to whom you belong; the dog sister drives the caribou up the mountain, they all find themselves in the sky; the brothers turn into the four stars of the Big Dipper bucket; in front of them W., even further caribou, turned in the Pleiades; a bright star below B. Bears - fallen luggage when brothers tried to make a rope out of their belts and go down to the ground; (Var. from the Fraser River: three brothers continue to chase the caribou in the sky; Blue Jay teaches them to tie belts, go down; tells you not to look if they hear a noise; they look, everyone turns into stars; Orion's Belt is the remnants of their meal; seeing new stars, the mother of the children commits suicide)]: 137-141; Munro 1946 (western 1943) [the chief (Toeneza; "a prominent man generally known as a chief") has a 20-year-old daughter Sak-esta; she had a dream that frightened her; so twice; after that she became pregnant and gave birth to four puppies; her parents They told everyone to leave the camp and leave her daughter alone without fire; but a man named Raven hid the fire for her in an old moccasin; she began to catch rabbits, the children grew up quickly; noticed their traces in the hearth - human footprints; she left her clothes {put on a stump}, went to the house from the other side herself; grabbed the dog's skins, threw it into the fire, but one of the children remained in dog form; began to hunt together with their brothers; when they first saw a bear in a hollow, they began to hunt bears; in the spring, the Raven came to see how things were doing; the woman gave him meat and fat for his family, told others not to tell anything; the youngest child choked and a piece of fat fell into the fire; it turned out that people had returned, the woman fed her mother; and the children gave the elderly grandmother a rotten tree wrapped in skin; she cursed them: let will leave and never return; at dawn, the mother saw seven moose rise into the sky, followed by a dog and three young men; they have since been seen in spring on the eastern edge of the sky; seven moose are the Pleiades {hunters - Belt Orion?} ; mother pierced the old woman's heart with a willow skewer and threw it into the sky; told her to become a Morning Star]: 99-104; chilcotin [Uncle Magpie hides fire for her niece]; shuswap [woman hides fire for the boy; the boy's grandmother hides herself under the basket; the Raven and the Raven leave some food; Grandma Magpie hides the chase for her granddaughter]; Thompson [the boy's grandmother hides herself to light the fire; Raven and Raven leave dried fish]; lillouette [grandmother hides (like Thompson's)]; halkomel [boy's grandmother]; comox [Jackdaw girl's grandmother]; clallam [girl's grandmother]; snookually [(grandma?) Crow]; skagit [grandmother (Raven?)] ; quinolt [Raven's grandmother]; (cf. kordalen [Magpie and Rabbit leave food and cape]); quileut [girl's grandmother]; sanpual [boy Magpie's grandfather]; upper chehalis [Raven girl's grandmother]; cowitz [grandmother Raven girls]; lower chinook [Raven's sibling aunt]; tillamook [Raven]; yakima [girl's mother hides food for her in the hearth]; ne perse [boy's grandmother].

The Midwest. Menominee [aunt hides fire for boy and his little brother].

Northeast. Mikmaq [grandma hides fire for children].

Plains. Grovantre [a dog that then turns into an old man keeps fire for the girl and her brother]; (cf. sarsi [an old man and his wife in one type, and their three daughters with their husband in the other; the old man watched his son-in-law hunt beavers, after which he could not get a single beaver for four days; he came and took it from father-in-law all the skins and all the food; only the youngest daughter secretly brought food to her parents; the old man picked up a piece of bison meat, began to cook, a boy jumped out of the cauldron; the son-in-law was told that it was a girl, he would kill the boy; the boy grew up quickly, killed a bison; when his son-in-law saw that his father-in-law was eating meat, he wanted to kill him, but the young man killed him and two ungrateful daughters; the old man and his wife, younger daughter and boy hid in the crack in the ice; people found them, killed the old men, tied the young man and his sister (i.e. the younger wife of the evil son-in-law) to a tree, left; the old woman sent the dog to gnaw through the fetters, left a knife and other tools; the young man He kills animals and birds with his gaze, lives well with his sister; people come back, the young man glances everyone but that kind woman]: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 29:35-38).

The Great Southwest. Tiwa (Taos) [contrary to her younger sister's warning, the Apache woman says that the bison's skull was handsome, she would marry it; the bison takes her away; the Opossum gives her husband magic remedies warns that the bison sleep with their eyes open; the husband finds his wife in the herd, takes him away, they climb a tree; she urinates, she is noticed by a calf; when the husband kills the buffalo leader with an arrow, the woman cries; he He also kills her; bakes her head; tells her son and daughter to go eat meat; the head hisses; the children are hungry, they eat meat; the head pursues them; the tribe migrates; the dog (actually a witch doctor) hides fire for them gets them food; an old possumic woman reports that their father married a coyote; gives them good luck, an awl, a brush, a mirror; the children come to the old woman; she has a swollen leg to press down a sleeping girl; a boy asks them to spare them; the crow says that the old woman needs to bring rotten water, wet firewood; the brother pretends that the sister needs to pee, runs away, carrying her on the back; throws an awl, the old woman accepts he is grabbed for the boy, her arms and legs are glued (the "resin doll" motif); she can hardly free herself; the thrown brush turns into a thicket, the mirror turns into ice; the old woman falls on the ice, breaks to death; children come to people, they are starving; children refuse to stay with them]: Parsons 1940a, No. 23:64-70.