Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K43B. The bird brings meat. 41.-.45.

People leave a boy, girl, sister and brother, young woman or young couple alone and either leave or expel them. Those left behind or expelled discover unusual abilities or helpers while obtaining shelter and food. The abandoned eat plenty, and those who leave go hungry. The character (often a bird - a crow, magpie, seagull, etc.) visits abandoned people and brings a piece of fat or meat to the starving camp.

Subarctic. Tagish [The crow eats it herself, the Seagull takes the fish to the boy's grandmother].

NW Coast. Eyak [maid]; Skidgate Hyda [abandoned young man flies like a seagull; lets the slave carry meat to the children, one choked]; Masset Hyda [a slave with a child comes, the young man feeds them, the slave hides a piece]; the Tsimshian [in the guise of a seagull, a young man brings a piece of meat to the hungry; one man arrives in a boat; the young man does not tell others that he is alive; at home, the guest's son choked on meat ]; bellacula [the young man is visited by a slave, he gives her meat; her child choked]; heiltzuk [seagull]; quakiutl [crow; seagull]; chickpea [the raven shows the hungry where the whale is].

The coast is the Plateau. Chilcotin [Magpie comes to visit; feeds his children with the fat received, one choked]; shuswap [Magpie or Raven gets meat]; lillouette [The crow visits the abandoned, gets meat; her child chokes]; quinolt [The crow gets meat, feeds the children, chokes alone]; quileut [starving people see crows dropping pieces of meat; the crow comes to the abandoned, gets a blubber]; comox [The crow is given meat, her baby chokes]; upper chehalis [granny gets meat, gives it to the baby at home, he chokes]; colitz [The crow reports tribesmen that her grandson has a lot of food]; lower chinook [brother and sister feed the Raven who visited them]; tillamook [The raven comes to visit him, the boy sends meat with him]; yakima [ Magpies fly to the abandoned Soyka and his wife, get some meat, fight over him; people see Forty, come back]; ne perse [Magpie visits a young man, gets meat for his family]; sanpual [Magpie comes, the young man sends meat with him]; kordalen [Magpie comes to Lynx's wife, gets meat; the raven steals a piece of fat]; clickitate [The vulture comes to the Lynx, he is fed, he talks about everything to the chief].

The Midwest. Menominee [The crow carries the meat; the aunt comes to visit].

Northeast. Mikmak [Old Raven Woman].