K44. The false mother was rejected by the young men.
(.11.13.) .
The character kidnaps a boy or hides him from his mother or father, and says he is his mother or father. The kidnapped person finds out the truth, leaves the kidnapper or kidnapper.
(Wed. Bantu-speaking Africa. Ben Canyoke: De Clercq 1909, No. 2 [The Lizard has a handsome boy, the Frog is ugly; both went swimming; the Frog first entered the water; when the Lizard came in, the Frog came out and took the Lizard's son; She had to take Frog's son; she came to the chief, the Frog was already there; everyone agreed that the Frog's son looked like a Frog, the Lizard was given her own]: 73-74; Trilles 1910 [Frog's son in blisters, the Lizard's son is pretty; both went swimming; first the Frog swam; told the Lizard that while she was swimming, she would go by the trees; she took the Lizard's son, passed him off as her own in the village; Yasheritsa's husband beat her when she tried to talk about a substitute; both women came to the creator of Nzame; he said he didn't believe the Frog could swim; while the Frog was swimming, the Lizard took her son again; N. told the Frog that her child was lying on the ground and blistered again]: 164-165).
(Wed. Sudan - East Africa. Somalia [a young woman gave birth to a son, an old woman gave birth to a daughter; the old woman changed children; Siad Darijo Dobbe told the women to take the boy by the arms and legs and cut it; the young let the child go, SDD awarded it to her]: Kapchits 1997, No. 84:73).
Baltoscandia. Eastern Sami: Volkov 1995 [the widow lives with her son, with her frog and daughter; at night the frog put her daughter on the widow, took her son, took her son far away; when mature, the son finds a real mother, along with her cunning, she kills frog mother and daughter]: 66; Yermolov 1959:98-99 [the frog (acek) replaced the old woman's son with his daughter and ran away; the boy grew up and became a good hunter; once he saw Veja, I looked into the pipe, saw an old woman and a girl, and there was pine porridge in the cauldron; he lowered a piece of bacon from above; girl: someone put meat for us; old woman: your mother stole her son, maybe the fat will burst; when he hears this , the young man came and threw meat; one day he went in, agreed on everything with his mother; came to the frog and said he wanted to marry; went to pick up the bride to his real mother; she buried the frog's daughter hot ash, it burned down; the young man and mother came to the frog; she went out to meet her, the old woman killed her with a stick; mother and son healed happily], 99-100 [Ilmolme-Akk has a son, Ozze-Akk has a daughter; they left children at the pine tree, went to pick berries; O. came back first and took the boy; he became a hunter; he heard O. say out loud: it's good that she replaced the children; the young man says O. that he will go to Black Mountain - there are deer; O.: don't go, they'll eat you there; he came to the whole Y., threw a piece of bacon into the cauldron from above; girl: fat pops up; Y: it's your mother's fat that pops up; the young man came in, told his mother everything and made an agreement with her; the three of them went to O., taking a kitty with ash; O. ran out, picked up her shawl, the old woman threw a kitty with ash in her face, ash fell asleep in her eyes; the old woman began to beat her with a scraper, tied her to a deer and he ran; where his head remained, a marsh hummock grew there; O.'s daughter turned into a grasshopper marsh horse; son and mother still live]; Zaikov 1987, No. 10 [Aads stole the woman's son, replaced her daughter; the young man grows up, hears A. singing about it, realizes that she is not his mother; comes to a real mother, brings her under the guise of a bride, she throws ash in A.'s face, kills her with a scraper; A. was tied to a wild deer, her head became a sedge, her legs became rotten birch stumps; where did daughter A. go, unknown]: 194-196; Kert 1961, No. 54 [shortly after the birth of her son, the husband died; the woman left the boy under the tree while cutting wood, and Aads replaced her with her daughter; the daughter grew up, they are sitting in the wind, cooking bones; the woman's son grew up, came, threw meat from the roof into the cauldron; daughter A. says that the bones are boiling, the old woman says that it is your mother's bones that are boiling; the son came in, spoke to his mother; said A. that he had found a bride for himself, brought him to his mother; they beat A. with a mitten full of ash; and her daughter too]: 213-214; Kharuzin 1890 [the widow had a son, Acek (the frog) had a daughter; A. replaced her son with her daughter, took him away; he became a hunter; he came to the house, looked from above, saw his real mother and daughter A.; they cooked pine porridge, he let deer lard into their cauldron; hears her mother say, Your mother stole her son, maybe it will burst from fat; agrees with the mother; she buries daughter A. in hot ash, she burned down; the son brings his mother to A. under the guise of a bride, the old woman killed A. with a brace; the young man tied the corpse to the horse's tail; where his head fell off, red moss grew, where the legs were black]: 351-352; Western Sami : Billson 1918 [Njavvis-ene (Niavis's wife) is the daughter of the Sun, Attjis-ene (Attiis's wife) is the daughter of the Month; both husbands are killed, leaving their wives pregnant; N. is beautiful, she has a son, A. is ugly, she has a daughter; said that whoever picks up a basket of berries first will pick up the boy; put moss in the basket, took it; during the famine, the grown-up young man looked into the house, his mother recognized him, showed him their reflection in the water, he realized that he looked on her mother, killed A.; she has been causing cramps and pain ever since; her deer became toads, frogs, beetles; before that, from the North Wind, she gave birth to the evil Atfits; Atsitz teased the Month for being paler than the Sun, was pulled there; seen on a lunar disc with a deer horn in one hand and his own head in the other (his head was cut off for his crimes)]: 183-187; Simonsen 2014:34-38 (Sweden) [two women live together, a good son and daughter, an evil daughter; the angry one offers to go for berries: whoever fills the basket faster will take the child to another; puts moss in the basket, on top of the berries; takes the boy, leaves him instead he is his daughter, goes to live over the mountain; when the young man has grown up, does not tell him to go over the mountain; he goes, sees a woman with two girls in the house; quietly throws a piece of venison into their cauldron; returning to the imaginary mother, makes a big fire and throws it at it; she turned into a beetle, flew to the deer, but you can see it on the full moon; so she took tar and flew to paint over the moon; but she grabbed it; it can be seen on the moon woman holding a bucket of resin], 136-141 [Stalo killed a hunter, took his wife, who gave birth to a boy, he resettled her, giving birth to a daughter born to his wife Rohtege and raised the boy as a son; does not tell him walking over the mountain; he goes, looks into the house, drops fat into the cauldron, mother and girl (daughter Steel) feel the taste; the young man comes in, at first does not believe what his mother says to him, but she shows his father's clothes - like But he took Steel; the young man lures Stelo to the lake, where he disguised the ice-hole, hits him once with a ski stick (he asks to hit him again, this cannot be done); He drowned; R. finds out where she hides her eyes and pipe; throws into the fire; without eyes or flute, she burns; the young man wanted to kill his daughter So, but the mother dissuaded her and the young man married her]; Poestion 1886, No. 7 (North Sami dialect) [Attjis-ene and Njavvis -ene live side by side, A. has a daughter, N. has a son; A. offers to pick berries: whoever collects more will get a boy; A. filled the goat with moss, put the berries on top; took the boy, giving her daughter N.; boy became a good hunter, and N. and the girl cook bones; the young man sees the plague, throws fatty meat into the cauldron at the fire; he understood everything, returned to his own mother, and killed A. and her daughter]: 43-45; counselors [ one sister had many sons, the other had daughters; the midwife changed the children; the boy considers his aunt a mother; when a real mother comes to visit, he is surprised that her hands are so tender; the imaginary Mother's hands are like iron (the following text breaks off)]: Ariste 1977, No. 5:47.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Tofalars [the woman has a son, the Frog has a daughter; the frog invites the woman to run along the left bank of the lake, she will run on the right side; whoever gets first will take the son; the frog swims straight takes the boy away; he grows up, finds a home, throws fat from above into the cauldron, the woman tells the girl that if the Frog hadn't deceived her, she would always have fat; the young man sees five on the woman's hand fingers (like him), the Frog's daughter has four; returning to the Frog, he also sees four fingers; leaves her by the fire in winter, the fire goes out, the Frog freezes; he hits the Frog's daughter against the rocks on the river (up to still red), mother picks up]: Rassadin 1996, No. 38:91-94.
Western Siberia. Mansi [Porne and Mosne have a son, M. went to buy firewood, P. stole her son; he grew up, wrapped P. and her son in moose skin so as not to freeze, came to a real mother, throws fat into the cauldron, where ash is brewed; M. at first does not believe his daughter; squeezes milk out of his breast, his son swallowed it, then believed that M. was his mother; she stays with her]: Rombandeeva 2005, No. 62:357-359; Entsy [witch and woman they live in the same plague, the woman has two girls; the witch calls to go to tear the grass, suggests looking in her head; pierces an awl into the woman's ear, she dies; she carries her, wrapped in grass, cooks, eats; the eldest daughter notices the mother's hair; the girls leave their glasses in bed instead of themselves, the eldest takes a thimble, a comb, a scraper; they run away, an abandoned scraper turns into a mountain, a comb into a forest, a thimble in an iron hill; the eldest tells the old man that his head is white as ripe grass, his face is like the sun, his back is straight like the ice of a lake; the old man sent them; the witch says that his head is like tangled bars, his face like the place where the stone was taken out, his back is like stone and clay; he throws the witch into the river, she drowned; sending the girls, the old man tells me not to take anything at the end of the island; the youngest asks for a toy, grabs spike, her eye leaked out, she died; tells her not to leave her on the edge; on the cape; on the hill; agrees to stay in the den; the eldest stops at the stump, a witch appears from it; they go together; the witch a man with white deer sits on a sledge, a girl with black deer; the brothers' father asks her daughters-in-law to visit their relatives; an Aenets woman goes to the den, from there two bear cubs come out and again a living little sister; a bear sends two bear-drawn sledges of gifts; a black man sends bears by kissing them; a witch brings mice, these are her deer, the old man kills them with a kick; the Enetskaya a woman gives birth to a bright boy, a witch a witch; makes an Enets woman leave in an abandoned camp, gives her a witch; takes the boy, throws him into the water; the witch has grown up to help a woman; she wonders why he has been walking on the water for so long; he says that his hand sticks out of the water; the woman comes up, the boy asks to be caught, calls him mom; the plague floods the water, it is the water father who comes for the boy; an Aenets woman gives him a witch, the water goes away; the father comes for his wife and son; the brothers' father makes a fire, asks the witch to cast a bell through the fire, pushes him into the fire; her ashes turns into mosquitoes]: Sorokina, Bolina 2005, No. 13:82-88; chum salmon: Dulzon 1962-1964, No. 24 [Sausage replaced the woman's son with her daughter; the son sees that he has five fingers, and K. four; pushes her into the fire; comes to her mother, sees that she has five fingers, the girl (daughter K.) has four; goes with her into the forest, invites her to pour the rest of the soup into the pima at night; she freezes]: 173-174 ; 1966, No. 18 [woman and Sausage bathe; while the woman is diving, K. takes her son, leaves her daughter; the son hunts, hears K. says that she has dragged the woman's son; K. does not tell him to walk to the north side; he goes, finds his mother; she splashes milk from her breast, it enters his mouth; now she is sure it's her son; he comes to K., pushes her into the fire; the ashes turn into mosquitoes; he goes with her daughter K. to the forest; she asks where to put the half-eaten soup; he advises pouring it into pimas; by morning the pimas are frozen; she chases him barefoot, freezes], 23 [Hare has a son, Frog has a daughter; both go from home, upon his return, Hare finds only the daughter of the Frog; he is raised by an old man and an old woman; he kills and brings larger animals; he meets six comrades consistently; they consistently stay in the house to manage; seven women descend in a boat from the sky, pour hot soup on a person's chest, go back in the boat; Hare's son cuts off the ropes, all seven get each woman; Damn sucks women's blood, Zaychikha's son's wife defeats devils; Zaychiha's son returns to his mother; she sprinkles milk from her breast, it falls into his mouth, which means he is her son; her tail has come off], 39 [Fyrgyn (the devil) and the woman are swimming; while the woman is diving, F. takes her son, leaves his daughter; the son grows up, pushes F. into the fire, comes to his mother; she sprays milk from her chest, falls his son in his mouth, admits him; he went hunting with his daughter F., poured soup into her boots at night; she chases him, shooting her nose, freezes], 45 [Hasinget lives with her blind mother; Baba Yaga stole it, left her daughter in return; H. grew up, pushed her into the fire, came to her mother; went hunting with daughter B., poured soup into her pimas at night; she chased him barefoot, threw her breasts at him, froze; breasts became tree growths]: 53-57, 65-79, 115-117, 123-125; 1972, No. 247 [Heung and Sausage are swimming; while X. dives, K. takes her son, leaves her daughter; son hunts, K. does not tell her he goes south; he becomes an ermine, hears what his real mother and daughter K. say; tells K. that his kleinitsa is on fire; K. rushes to take it out of the fire, he shoves her horn into the fire, she burns; returns to her mother; goes with little K. into the forest, pours soup into one pim K. in the evening; she chases him in one pima, pulls the mushroom out of the ground, throws it into it, does not fall; follows him across the river to poles from the plague, water (?) they drag her into the water, eat it]: 200-201; Nikolaeva 2006 [Erul has a son, Putney has a daughter; Putnya offers E. to dive in the lake, takes her son, leaves her daughter; the boy has grown up, wonders why he does not his hands are five fingers and P. has four; P. does not tell him to walk across the lake; he walks, sees a dugout, where the girl asks the woman why she has 4 fingers in her arms and the woman has 5; she explains that P. kidnapped her son, and the girl is daughter P.; the young man throws a piece of bacon from above into the pot; E. recognizes his son, advises him to break his skis, ask P. to warm up the glue over the fire, push him into the fire; lizards crawled out of the burnt P. and snakes; E. teaches his son how to get rid of his daughter P.; in the cold, the young man goes hunting with his daughter P., advises him to pour soup into the pimas for the night so that it does not cool down; in the morning he leaves, supposedly, for firewood; barefoot daughter P. chases him, freezes]: 134-137; Osharov 1936a [Funa's widow has a son, Fyrgyni has a daughter, both four-toed; Firgynya offers to swim, dive away; takes Funa's son, leaving her with his daughter; a grown young man asks Fyrgynya why he has 5 fingers, not 4; she tells him not to go to the upper end of the lake; he goes, looks into the plague, where the woman answers the girl's question why she has 4 fingers and the woman ( whom she calls her mother) 5; the young man hears his story; throws pieces of bacon on top, the girl thinks it's from God, the mother goes out, recognizes her son, tells him to break his skis, let Fyrgynya heat them over the fire, to glue it together, you have to push it into the fire; the young man does so, lizards and snakes crawled out of the burning Fyrgyni, the young man burned them all; takes the four-toed girl to hunt, offers to pour cabbage soup into her pima so that they they did not freeze in the cauldron and it did not burst; in the morning she runs away, Firgyni's daughter pursues, but freezes to death without pim]: 124-127; Yugi: Werner 1997, No. 15 [Firgyn has a daughter, Jugin has a son; both sit by the lake, looking for lice from each other; F. offers to dive and swim to the opposite bank; Yu dives, and F. takes her son, leaves her daughter; the boy grew up, hunted {obviously met his real mother}; made a large fire to burn a clay vessel, asked F. to take it out, shoved it into the fire; she said that if she knew, she ate it; the young man returned to Yu; threw fat on top of her cooking pot; mother went out, splashed milk from his chest, it fell into the young man's mouth, she recognized him as a son; he went hunting with his daughter F.; deliberately collected little firewood for the night; at night he got up, supposedly, to collect firewood, poured soup into the pimas daughter F., they froze, burst; he ran away, she followed; cut off and threw her breasts, nose and vulva at him, but they stuck to the trees, turned into tree mushrooms; she froze, he returned to his mother, stayed with her], 21 [Hassynget lives with her blind mother, hunts for her; the devil comes, takes him, leaves her daughter to the woman; H. hunts for the hell, she eats everything; he comes to the mother's house, throws meat into her pot; the woman says someone threw the crap, the hell's daughter, no, meat! H. goes back to hell, says his bow is broken; she says copper is needed here; they put a pot {a crucible full of copper?} to a big fire, H. pushes the devil into the fire, she burns; he comes to his mother; in winter he goes with the devil's daughter into the forest; at night he pours half-eaten soup into her pimas, the pimas freeze; H. runs away, knocks on every tree; the devil's daughter chases, throws one, then the second breast to hit H. in the heart, but freezes in the tree (erfror an einem Baumstamm); the crackling of trees in the cold is the devil crackles; H. returned to his mother; came to see the tree - there is a growth on it], 22 [Hassynget lives with his grandmother, hunts for her; the devil brings his daughter, invites H. and her to dive, who will stay under longer with water, he will live with his grandmother; H. comes up earlier, goes to the hell; breaks the onion, needs copper to fix it; he collects more firewood, puts a pot on the fire {crucible?} ; when the devil leans to take it, shoves it into the fire; lizards, snakes, mice, frogs crawl out of the fire and throws them into the fire; comes to the grandmother, who sits in the plague with the devil's daughter; H. throws them from above fat in the pot; spends the night with the devil's daughter in the winter forest, pours soup into her pimas at night, runs away; the devil's daughter can't wear frozen pimas, chases barefoot, cuts off, throws one, then the second breast, they fall into trees, turn into growths on the trunk; the devil's daughter freezes, H. returns to her grandmother]: 258-261, 289-273, 274-278.
Amur-Sakhalin. Nanais: Medvedev 1992 [the girl has a son, the frog has a daughter; they went to the island for bird cherry; the frog took the boy and swam back, leaving its daughter and girlfriend on the island; the girl raises a frog's daughter, is starving on the island; the boy has grown up, crows shout to him that he took the frog as his mother; he asks the frog to boil water, puts its hands in the fire; the frog tries to avoid answering; says "someone else's child" aside, then says that she is talking about boots for her son to sew; her legs are crooked because she rode a lot on sledges when the boy's father took her for business; patterned belly - sewed by the fire, burned; her face was yellow - frostbitten against the Chinese metal earrings she was wearing; the young man came to the island, threw a piece of fat to a little frog, she brought it to the woman; she recognized her son; he kicked out the frog, but they left her daughter, she walks on the water; when she sees the moon, she wants to be there; now she can be seen there with buckets and a rocker arm]: 145-149; Sangi 1989 [girl gives birth son, Frog - daughter; Frog invites the girl to go to the river island for bird cherry; sails back in the boat, taking the boy, leaving the girl his daughter; a bird like a crow shouts to the grown boy that he took a frog as his mother, and his real mother is starving on the island; the young man puts the Frog's hands in a boiling pot, stripes (on the frog's skin?) become visible; she says, Stranger's child, his father is a thief; the young man asks, Son, you need to sew boots; the young man asks the Frog why she has crooked legs, a patterned belly, yellow her face, eyes bulge out; she gives explanations (she rode on a sledge, burned by the fire, her face frostbitten, looked at the advanced dog); the young man brings his mother home from the island, drives the Frog away; Lyagushkin's daughter, according to at the request of the mother, she leaves, now she brings them water]: 223-226.
SV Asia. Coastal Koryaks [children look into the Kamak woman's house; she catches them; the fox frees them and hides them; Kamak comes for them, Lisa pushes her off a cliff; Kamak asks to throw at least one a child to eat before death; a fox wraps a stone in the boy's clothes, throws Kamak in his mouth, killing her; Lisa and Tritonikha find an arrow in the dugout, swallow it, both become pregnant; Fox gives birth a boy with five fingers, Tritonicha is a girl with three; Tritonikha replaces children; Spider tells a grown boy that Tritonikha is not his mother, advises him to pretend to be weak so that Tritonikha takes a bundle of meat from his hands; the bundle falls apart, Tritonich says in her hearts that only Lisa's son could bind her in this way; the young man drives her away, brings Lisa; they live in a dugout owned by Ememkut; it was his arrow; E. brings them to his father, lives with Lisa]: Jochelson 1908, No. 56:212-216; the Chukchi [the pregnant woman was not loved, taken to the tundra; she gave birth to a son, made a moss house; husband came and broke him; the supreme god took the boy to heaven, the old goddess was happy to have a son; tells him not to go hunting in the direction of the clouds; he went, the cloud explained that his mother was below, gave axe; the old woman suspects that the young man was walking to the cloud; he ran out the door, she attacked him, he hit her on the head with an ax; came to the cloud to return the ax; cloud: here's your mother in the same place as you born; kick the bushes until the bell rings, then open your eyes; he opened his eyes; he opened two wagons and deer on the ground, followed by him; explained to his mother that he was her son; found a yaranga, there was a girl with her parents, he took her to wives]: Portugalov 2009:42-43.
The Arctic. Asian Eskimos (Sirenics, 1941) [a woman with a child went to the tundra for firewood; he fell asleep, she walked away from it; when she returned, the child had already been kidnapped by a brown bear; the woman was afraid to return home and stayed in the tundra; built a dwelling out of stones, ate plants; my son grew up to become a successful hunter; hunted wild deer and brought them to a bear, whom he considered to be his own mother; noticed smoke while hunting; approached closer and through the outlet of the dugout, I saw: a woman was cooking edible plants; leaned from above into the outlet of the dugout and examined its inside; bit off a piece of deer fat that he carried with him under the kitchen; chewed and spit it into the boiling pot; the cauldron hissed heavily, boiled; woman: "Why did it boil so much in the cauldron?" ; then she turned away and did not notice how the young man spit the chewed lard into the cauldron again; there it began to boil again; the woman stuck her head out and saw the young man; asked whose it was and where it came from; the young man replied that he is the son of a bear; the woman recognized him as her son; told me what had happened; the young man gave her a supply of reindeer fat and returned to the bear's home; she did not notice him and grumbled: "Oh, how long has he been gone! What did he see there? Why did I hesitate? I grew this big and still haven't eaten it!" ; the young man continued to hunt wild deer; part of the prey took to his own mother; if he was away from hunting for a long time and then returned to the bear's home, she became ferocious and grumbling; he said to her: "What are you all are you angry? I thought you were my real mother!" ; wondered if she wanted to eat it; killed two deer, left them near a pile of brushwood and went home; told the bear that he could not drag the prey and asked for help; when she began to pick it up deer on his back, killed her; then mourned and buried her; went to his own mother, began to live with her]: Menovshchikov 1985, No. 51:112-114 (original and interlaced translation in Vakhtin 2000, No. 32:146-150).
Subarctic. Slevy [mother-in-law thinks that her son-in-law comes to her at night; invites his pregnant daughter to take out her lice, pierces an awl into her ear, puts on her scalp; does not react to her husband's arrival; he grabs her hair, tears off her wig, her husband burns her mother-in-law in the fire; pulls a living child out of the womb of the murdered woman, feeds birds with brains; Wolverine kidnaps the boy; a real father finds him, explains that he is not Wolverine's son; now the young man gives the best meat to his father, the worst Wolverine; burns Wolverine in the fire; contrary to his father's warning, he goes to look for his parents, two Giants Siamese twins kill him; his father revives him, his son goes again, is killed again, his father cannot revive him; shoots sleeping giants; each of them thinks the other has pricked him; they fight, kill each other]: Moore, Wheelock 1990, #3:13-21.
The coast is the Plateau. Twana: Adamson 1934 [one of the two sisters has a baby Month; while the sisters are digging roots, their mother shakes the boy on a swing; two women replace him with a snag; his mother sends birds and animals find him; only the Blue Jay slips through the stump that opens and closes (Soyke flattened his head); the fire behind him is on his heels; the tree, the rock, the water answer that they burn, split, boil, cannot cover him; the path covers him; the Month splits the stone, the fragment falls into the Jay; he tells the Month that his mother is waiting for him; on the way, the Month gives a wedge to a man who stabbed a log with his head; kills a woman who cut off penises for people; pushes another one who fried children into the fire, sealing their eyes with tar; Brother of the Month is created from urine when the diapers of the Month are squeezed out; his eyes are closed, his body is crooked; The month promises to marry a girl , able to lift his bag of goodness; the Frog Orphan picks up, you can see her with the bag even now; The month is too hot to shine during the day; it becomes a month, his brother becomes the sun]: 374-378; Elmendorf 1961, No. 5 [Two girls, who come from salmon milk, kidnap a boy with a rotten deck in the cradle; a shaman turns her into the brother of the kidnapped; Month destroys monsters, marries the Frog (like puyallup)]: 32-37; puyallup [Blind Toad has five daughters, the middle one gives birth to a Month; the Toad shakes him on a swing, five sisters from the lower world replace him with a rotten deck; his mother squeezes his diapers, does from the urine of the Sun Boy; because he was twisted, he is a strabismus; animals go looking for the Month, with them Blue Jay; at the edge of the world he flies into a horizontal slit that closes and opens; only his the crest is touched; in order not to attract attention, the Month goes on a journey not with Soyka, but later; a person hammers a wedge with his head, others freeze in the water in the form of living tops; The month teaches how to work with a hammer, weave the tops; The heron stretches its leg across the river like a bridge; in the middle it shouts: you will break my leg; the month has time to reach the other side; five pot-bellied children sing, the ground lights up; a tree, stone, etc., cannot cover the Month, the path covers; The Month rises to the sky, it gets hot, its eyes are too keen to shine during the day; the cross-eyed Sun becomes the sun; the Month decides to shine at night, takes her grandmother toad with her]: Adamson 1934:356-360; upper chehalis [Shwan makes two girls out of salmon milk; my wives turn to them, they run away; the old woman shakes on the baby's swing, girls kidnap him, replacing him with a rotten deck; his mother conceived him from a blue stone, he is a Month; she squeezes his diapers, makes his brother's urine the Sun; Blue Jay goes to west, slips under five barriers that fall and rise; Month is the husband of the women who kidnapped him; they gave birth to him bushes and trees, the youngest is the mother of all fish; when Soyka finds the Month, makes arrows, the fragment hits Soyke's eye; the month says goodbye to its fish children; on the way to earth turns monsters into objects (mat trowel, wind barrier, head of cabbage); various Herbs they say they want to kill the Month, he turns them into herbs; the Deer makes a spear to kill the Month, he makes ears out of it; a woman puts passers-by on a swing, rocks them, people break against a rock; Woodpecker helps her; The month is unharmed, shakes the woman, she breaks; five women breathe fire; stone, wood, water cannot cover the Months (burn, split, boil), the path covers; another woman lies, with her legs open; The month knocks out her vaginal teeth and splits her in half with a hammer and a moose horn wedge; The month rises to the sky to shine during the day, but is too hot; the weak Sun Brother should have shone at night but is afraid of ghosts; Month becomes month, Sun becomes sun]: Adamson 1934:158-169; lower chehalis (hamptulip) [someone steals fish from the top of Schwane Schwane; he leaves his excrement to guard; finds bark or pieces of wood at the top four times; on the fifth he takes out salmon, puts eggs in a bundle, two girls emerge from it; he calls them daughters, but rapes them at night; they realize that this is an adopted father; they go east; they kidnap the month-old woman; the old woman is Olyapka, her daughter is a Pheasant; they squeeze the kidnapped person's diapers, create his brother out of his urine; he is scythe and crooked ; find out that there is a Chief with two wives; the gap in front of his house opens and closes; only Blue Jay manages to fly over on the fifth attempt; the Chief promises Soyka to return; the Chief's children are fish; saying goodbye to their father, they cry, their faces remain distorted; when she comes to the abyss, she wipes her feet, she closes herself forever; the Chief promises to marry a girl who can approach him without wet herself; only Frog's daughter succeeds; the Chief asks her to correct his brother's face and body; both brothers rise to the sky; the Sun is too hot, changing places with the Month; the Frog, the wife of the Month, drives away ghosts, attacking him; seen on the moon disk, in her hands a bag of magic potions]: Adamson 1934:276-284; coulitz [see motif A23, two var.; an old woman shakes Baby of the Month on a swing, he is kidnapped; his urine and diapers were used to make a new baby Sun; 1) Frog (?) becomes the wife of the Month, he rises to heaven out of shame; his brighter brother follows him; 2) brothers meet, decide to become the sun and the month; The sun is afraid of the night; The month is too hot; cross-eyed The sun becomes the sun]: Adamson 1934:269-272; tillamook [South Wind makes two daughters out of fish caviar; sailing with them in a boat, calls them wives; they jump out, run away, become Wild Women; they steal a baby from a blind grandmother; his mother cannot stop them; the boy grows up, they make him their husband; Ice comes for him; he turns his children into fish, goes after Ice; Ice secretly advises different girls to write when boarding the young man's boat, he rejects them; Ice's daughter also wet herself; only the Frog is tested; promises to cure his mother and freak brother, who is blind to l, created from urine , squeezed out of the kidnapped man's cradle; the young man agrees to marry the Frog; the frog has cured his mother, revived the dead grandmother, shook out the frogs and lizards eaten by him from her husband's brother, making him handsome; the young man became the Month, his brother the Sun]: Jacobs 1959, No. 38:142-147; kordalen [the Eagle Chief has two daughters; he tells everyone to bring him bones if they eat meat; tells daughters to throw bones into the ice-hole, leave without looking back, so nightly; one looks, bones turn into dentalium shells; sisters pick them up, go to live in the forest, build a house; ask people for threads, as if their father asks for it, lower their ligaments shells; the chief watches them, tells people to leave leaving the girls alone; they take the shells, come to people who give them boiled blood; the youngest eats, the eldest only pretends; the youngest is somewhere is gone, the eldest sails in a boat to Fulica americana; gives her dentalium, since then the coots have this shaped nose; Coot gives her grandson Woodpecker as her husband; she gives birth to a boy, everyone loves him; one day at night, four cannibal sisters kidnap him; his mother goes looking for him, the Lark teaches him what to do; the mother finds her son as an adult boy; assures that she is his real mother; he invites her to jump right on him in the footsteps, she does it, now he believes her; they leave the stuffed young man, run away; cannibals drive animals to the stuffed animal, but the shooter does not shoot; realizing the deception, they chase; the woman unfolds her belt, they they cross the river along it, she turns it back; the cannibals turn their own, but they cannot cross them; the woman unfolds her belt again, advises him to cross, filling her clothes with stones; pulls her belt, cannibals drown, turn into terns; mother and son live by the river; mother says she will become a robin and her son will become a hell-diver; showers him and herself with shells, so these birds are white speckled; robin will live near people, sing when someone dies]: Reichard 1947, No. 24:165-170; kutene [Young Buck tells his sisters Fawn and Toung Doe throw the soft parts of the ribs of the hunted animals into the water; they, contrary to the prohibition, take these bones for themselves, the bones turn into dentalium shells; then the Deer takes its people into a hole in the ground, the sisters are left alone; they cross the river on stilts, come to Olyapka's house; the deer swallows the blood that Olyapka gives her; walking after her sister does not fall into her tracks; a deer gives birth; the Deer sends her back to Olyapka; she punishes Olyapka by keeping her under water; the Rabbit who meets the Deer wants to speak to him with the word "husband", he takes her to his grandmother Frog; she hides her; Lynx becomes pregnant unnoticed, she gives birth to a child, all three are abandoned; Lynx catches many deer, and those who have left go hungry and return; when people hand the baby to each other, the Toad and the Owl reach out to him, kidnap him; the deer goes after them, takes the child, escapes in a tree; he calls his dog, this is the Grizzly, he bites the Toad and the Owl, eats their dog, which is a mouse; the deer comes home with the baby, gives birth to a second son from the Lynx; these boys turn into the Sun and the Month]: Dyer, MS at Reichard 1947:170; yakima [mother sends two daughters to dig roots; they sleep outside, youngest Yas-lum-mas wants red as her husband an asterisk, Tah-Pal-Meadow offers a bright one to his sister; Stars take both to heaven; Y. has an old husband, T. is young; husbands do not tell me to dig deep when collecting roots; T. digs into the hole that has formed the wind blows, husbands feel it; sisters weave a rope from hazel root, go down to the ground; T. has a child, the Golden Boy (ZM); a woman from the east comes when a blind grandmother (mother of sisters) is seasick baby; replaces him with a rotten driftwood; the rope that came down from the sky, which served as a swing, immediately breaks; sisters soak and squeeze dada (diapers?) , make them a new boy; Blue Jay gets east to a place where the ground rises and falls; flies through the crack, only the feathers of his crest are touched; ZM is already a man, making arrows, throws flint fragments into Blue Jay; he talks about what happened, ZM removes the fragments from the wounds; the wife leaves their son to watch his father; he leaves his hair responsible for himself, along with the Blue Jay returns home; becomes the Sun, brother Month made of diapers; Europeans descend from ZM's remaining son in the east]: Hines 1992, No. 49:141-146; Klamath [Antelope trusts the Frog's son ; his name is Swaya; the Frog swims with him further down the river; kidnaps and adopts; someone tells the young man that the Frog is not his mother; he kills the Frog's daughters; goes in search of a mother; meets Louse, asks what she's doing; I'm waiting for S. (obviously to attack him); Show me how; Louse pressed his finger; the same episode with Flea, Ant and others; Dragonflies are all men, S. turns some into women, so they began to breed; one says his wife is pregnant, asks what to do; S. teaches; Gmokamč tells S. that his mother is an antelope; but he forgets and kills her; five blind Pelican brothers are frying fish; S. steals one at a time from each; but then caught fish for them]: Barker 1963, No. 5:51-57; modoc [The frog invites Olenikha to watch over her baby while she digs roots; kidnaps him; cares about him more than his three daughters; people ask why her boy is handsome, unlike her; she hides him from prying eyes; sisters are angry, telling him the truth; he shoots a bird, She also says that his parents are Deer; he leaves, pretends to be an old man, but one girl knows that's not the case, takes him as a husband; he wins the race, takes on his true appearance] : Curtin 1912:249-253.
The Midwest. Mississauga [Gagara's wife gives birth to a son, he disappears; Chickady tells his mother that the kidnapper is Toad; the boy asks Toad why his siblings are ugly; They were born in rainy, and you are in sunny weather; while the Toad is away, the mother finds her son; kills the toad's children, puts the corpses so that their heads stick out above the roof; when they approach the house, the Toad thinks that the children are looking forward to her ]: Chamberlain 1889:145-146; Ojibwa (north shore of Lake Lake. Upper): Jones 1916, No. 28 [with the help of a potion, a person seeks a woman's consent to marry him; collecting brushwood in the forest, she loses her newborn son; later discovers it in an old toad woman; he quickly grew up; a woman builds her home nearby, attracts the attention of a young man; he takes care of her, finds out that she is his mother; leaves Toad, returns home to her real mother]: 378; 1917, No. 51 (retelling in L & #233; Vi-Strauss 1968, #374a: 49) [a man marries a girl who has long rejected him; a toad kidnaps their newborn son; gives his urine to make him an adult; when the boy's mother comes, the Toad mixes I urinate her for food; the mother restores her son's memory by showing him his cradle with traces of dog teeth; his father comes and sends the Toad to bring the carcass of the deer he killed; kills Toad's children; when they find their corpses, Toad weeps]: 427-441; Schoolcraft 1916, No. 9 (the source does not specify ethnicity, but apparently Ojibwa) [a lonely young woman finds fresh meat in the morning; a young man comes to her, they have a son; her husband did not return from hunting, she goes looking for him, leaves the dog to guard the cradle; the old toad woman Mukaki Mindemoea takes the child; the mother goes from one old woman to another, each says when the kidnapper has passed; gives moccasins, they must be left with their socks back, they return to the owners; the last old woman tells them to build a hut near MM's house; prepare wild grape juice; the woman's dog resorts to drink it; tells a kidnapped man who has become a young man who his mother is; a woman shows him a wampum from his cradle; a young man asks MM why he looks different from her other children; When she gave birth to you, it was clear skies; he pretends to be sick, must look at his cradle; sees the same wampum that his real mother showed him; sends MM to fetch a dead bear; kills her four children puts bear fat in their mouths, puts them around their homes; runs away with their mother and dog; MM chases them; he creates a berry meadow; MM rushes to eat berries, still collects them]: 136-142.
Northeast. Nascapi (mistassini) [The cannibal kidnaps the baby, turns him into a young man; he is white, her own two black sons; she says they were born at night and he was born during the day; a real mother finds son, makes him a baby again, kills the cannibal's children, leaving their bodies standing as if alive; runs away; Seagull says she has an ulcer on her back; transports them across the river when a woman gives her bear fat; carrying a cannibal, he dumps it into the water; she swims under water; a young man pierces her with a spear; it turns into a beluga whale]: Speck 1925:24-25.
Plains. Assiniboine [the Frog's children are all ugly; she kidnaps the child; says he became beautiful after swimming in hot water; the father finds the son, throws the Frog into the water; it turns into a frog]: Lowie 1909a, No. 42:201; Yankton [while a woman leaves the tipi, Toad kidnaps her baby; he considers her his mother; at age 10 he hears people's voices; asks Toad why his siblings are on They don't look like him; she replies that the elder is always the best; tells Zabenka not to lose sight of his brother; but he approaches people, his parents find him]: Zitkala-Ša 1985:119-127.
Southeast USA. Catawba: Speck 1934, No. 1a [one woman stole another child; the woodpecker promised to show the mother where her son is if she gives him jewelry from her ear; the mother found a grown young man, gave him a corn cake; he killed a deer, cut off his wearables, sent an imaginary mother to bring the carcass; mother and son climbed into heaven; the young man lowered the rope, the old woman climbed, the belt broke, she fell; it was a comet ; young man - dark cloud in the clear sky], 1b [woman dug tubers, bald eagle stole her child; woodpecker brought him back because his mother gave him ear jewelry], 1c [woman and son climbed rope into the sky; Ugni (Comet) followed, the rope broke off, W. fell]: 2-3, 3, 4;.
California. Lassik [?] : Essene 1942:95; Kitanemook [Coyote comes to Puma Rabbit's mother-in-law, sends her to bring water in a basket, kidnaps her two little grandchildren; returning Puma beats her mother-in-law with burning smut (reason reddish spot on the body of the Rabbits); the sons of Puma are growing up, the youngest suspects that Coyote is not their father, because his paws are different in size and shape; the brothers hear Puma tell his story, admit a father in it; they lure Coyote to eat a dead deer; a cougar kills a Coyote]: Zigmond 1980, No. 66:213-215; luiseño [the baby cries, the mother does not pay attention, Suschia takes him away; he grows up, considers her her mother; a Gopher woman tells where his real mother lives, gives a rolling basket, he must follow her; S. suspects that it was Gopher who told the boy, tries to kill her, but she hides in a hole; throws a rolling tray, runs after him; shamans hide the boy in a roll of mats; promise S. to throw him down her throat, throw a hot stone; S. regurgitates a stone, kicks mats, killing a boy, dies on its own, the corpse turns into an owl; children are not told to touch the owl, but they pluck their feathers, put them on their heads; the head becomes motionless; then they pinch the feathers between with their fingers, turn into larks, fly away]: Curtis 1976 (15): 103-105
The Big Pool. Northern payutes [people (various birds) danced; the young woman began to dress up, gave the child to her one-eyed mother; in fact, a mountain woman took the form of a mother; swallowed the child, went to the mountain, gave birth to him again, became two-eyed; the boy grew up hunting for a mountain woman, considering her his mother; the grandfather met him, identified him, brought him home; the mother recognized her son, washed]: Lowie 1924, No. 15:236-237; northern shoshones [The frog takes the baby Losiha, raises him as his son for a year; the boy tries to shoot a bird, misses all the time; the bird tells him the truth; the frog calls him to suck her breasts, the bird tells him to go to the forest to his real mother; warns him not to drink from the stream on the way; the Frog cannot catch up with Calf; he drinks his teeth fall out, there are two left, which moose now have]: Lowie 1909b, No. 22:271-272; Utah (Wintah) [Gorlinka tells her little daughter to look after her brother; Spirit Woman (JD) comes, tells the girl to give her the baby, takes him away; the mother comes back, kills his daughter; the boy grows up, hunts deer for the railway, she regularly copulates with him; Gorlinka's brother Eagle tells the young man to leave the dead deer high wood, gives him a feather, liver, stomach; the railway loses time pulling off the deer (she manages to hook the carcass with a loop of her pubic hair); the young man leaves a resin penis on his bed; the railway uses it, pieces her lungs stick to the tar; she chases Gorlinka and her son, who throw their pen (fog), liver (ice), stomach (rocks); run to the young man's grandfather Rattlesnake; he hides the fugitives in his bag; he sits with their hands out penis; the railway rushes to copulate with him; he throws things and fugitives out of the house, tells the walls to converge; the railway stays in the rock, turns into a mountain echo]: Sapir 1930, No. 6:507-513.
Guiana. Varrau: García 1993, No. 90 [Mayacoto fisherman has two wives, each with a son; when he returns home, he always plays the flute; Chebu (forest demon) Jajuba swallowed him, disguised as he came to to his wives, but did not play the flute; fell asleep, snored, then the wives heard the voice of the swallowed flute; the sisters took the children and ran away; the eldest put her hair off her head on the path, the youngest turned it prickly thickets; Guauta did not want to open the door for them at first, they pinched the children, they cried; when she found out that they were boys, G. let him in; invited Khahuba, who ran up, put his head under the door, cut it off with a knife; sent cassava sisters, at that time turned their babies into adult boys, their common name is Jaburi; told them to bring her fatty birds from hunting, and give skinny ones to women after urinating on them; the arrow of one stuck in a tree, he climbed after her; young otters passed under the tree, saw Haburi's bowel movements, said it stinks of crap from those who give mothers bad birds and Guauta good ones; they told the brothers everything story; they described skinny birds, gave it to Guauta; recognized their mothers; one of H. made a boat out of clay, it melted in water; from wax, the same; from the bark, they sailed in it; the supports of the house, the leaves on the roof shouted to Guauta that the women and the boys had run away, she did not understand them; understood the parrot, threw herself into the water, grabbed the boat, H. cut off her fingers with an oar; the women asked to take G. so that she would not drown; H. began to row the end oars, the bird shouted to row with a blade; H. knocked down a tree with a hive in the hollow; G. began to suck honey, H. knocked another tree on this tree, G. stayed in the hollow, called "son Haburi", told the boat to stand a rock when it reaches the sea; this is a rock near Trinidad Island]: 281-287; Wilbert 1970 [two sisters, one with a baby, flee from a demon or jaguar; old woman Wauta kills a stalker; turns the baby into a young man, the mother cannot recognize him; the otters tell him the truth; after taking his mother and aunt, he sails away in a boat; V. rushes after them; he lures her into a hollow with honey; she gets stuck turns into a tree frog], No. 37, 139-141, 144:103-104, 279-293, 301-305; 1979:129-150.
NW Amazon. Chikuna [the forest spirit feeds on people's eyes; eats away the eyes of a pregnant woman; a forest woman replaces a born boy with her daughter, raises him; another daughter of a forest woman tells him who his mother is; he steals medicine from his stepmother, pours her mother's eyes, she sees the light; out of anger, a forest woman pushes her daughters into a mortar; they turn into fish and crabs]: Nimuendaju 1952:144-145.