Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K44B. When he returns, he throws up food. 27.-.

The hero or heroine returns after a long absence. When he sees (usually climbing to the roof of the house) parents (mother, husband) languishing in poverty, he throws food, extinguishes fires, pushes them, etc. At first, they usually do not understand what is going on.

Hungarians, Northern Ukrainians, Kalmyks, Western and Eastern Sami, Yellow Uighurs, Mansi, Southern Khanty, Southern and Northern Selkups, Kets, Yugi, Tundra Yukaghirs, Forest Yukaghirs.

The Balkans. Hungarians [the old woman is angry with her husband (he keeps her locked up or constantly spoils the air) and left; finds an empty house in the woods, cleans it up; when the owners come (5 12 goats), they lure out a hidden old woman and makes her her maid; one day she remembered her old man, packed up food and went to visit him; through a hole in the ceiling she sees that her husband is starving; throws food in his mouth and pours water; the old man gets up, unlocks the old woman and they go to the goats together; grazing the goats, the old man blew the wind loudly, the goats run away]: Kovács 1987, № 213*: 288.

Central Europe. Northern Ukrainians (p. Listvin, Dubno District, Rivne Oblast, 1963) [grandfather and woman lived in a house in the woods; Christmas came, the wolf came to carol; in a rude voice he said: "And grandfather and grandfather have the first lamb, the second chick, the third woman. Come on, grandpa, a lamb!" ; the grandfather did not want to give them back; the wolf threatened to eat them, got a lamb, took it to the forest; came a second time, demanded a chick; took her to the forest; when he came again, demanded that the woman be given; dragged her into the forest, put the chick on a stump, began to eat up; the woman told the hemp to grow up; told the wolf to eat up faster and then start eating it; the wolf wanted to eat it, but saw that it was sitting high on the stump; began to chew on the trunk, broke his teeth; went to the blacksmith for iron; the woman told the hemp to grow down; he became small, she got down, went through the woods; saw a house made of cheese and butter; tore off the last and ate it; went in into the house, which is also all made of cheese and butter; ate, hid under the trough; wild goats, the owners, came; asked who was at their house and broke the door; no one answered; they left the goat to guard the house during the day; the woman under began to say to the goat with a trough: "Sleep, goat, in one eye and the other"; the goat fell asleep, the woman got out, ate and hid back under the trough; goats came, slaughtered the goat for not seeing; left a goat with three eyes; the woman began to say the same thing; the goat's two eyes fell asleep and the third did not; the woman got out, the goat caught her; goats came, wanted to slaughter her; she said she would serve them; goats to they got used to her, stopped guarding her; the woman took cheese and butter, went to her grandfather; climbed into the attic and sat over the hole; the grandfather cooked porridge and sat down to eat it in the hallway on the doorstep; the woman threw him a piece of butter; grandfather thought that something bad had fallen into the porridge and poured it into the bucket; picked up a new one; the woman threw oil again; he ate it and realized that the porridge was good; ate it afterwards and spilled; the woman ordered it to be removed from the attic; grandfather delighted, took it off; "the stench lives together, they make good"]: Berezovsky 1979, No. 260:294-296.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [Juruk is the son of Khara-batyr; warns his father not to go to the mountain; he is driving, mortally wounded by an enemy arrow; D. leaves; grandfather in a quarter, a three-quarter beard warns that the one who went to the left will meet the manguses; the girl let them get drunk from the golden bowl, did not let them out of the silver bowl, disappeared; D. looks into the crack of the yurt without doors, there are Black Moose and grandmother on the throne; tells you to guess the riddles; 1) why is the wind from the east and then from the west: two giants blow from the towers in the west and east); 2) the wife gave birth to twins, which of the brothers is the oldest: who came out second, because the youngest comes out of the yurt first; 3) which The dog will tell the animal that they are the same bone: a fox; Black Moose did not solve D.'s riddles, he cut off his head; looks from above into his mother's kibitka, she counts the last cakes, D. threw her sheep a bubble of oil; came in, said he killed Black Musa; tells his mother not to go to the mountain; she goes, sees the head and body of Black Musa; refuses to take him as a son or brother, takes him as a husband; he teaches how to connect his head to his body, remove the stone with which he was crushed; from him, the woman gave birth to a son Aldarya, threw him on the road, D. picked him up; Black Mus offers to lime D., let his mother pretend patient; D. brought the liver and kidneys of the Black Camel, the bird's golden egg (fell into the sea, but the pike brought it); D. lay down and lost his strength, Black Moose wanted to break his back, but A. managed to serve the golden testicle; D. regained his strength; they threw Musa into a hole, tied his mother to a horse and let him into the steppe; D. went to marry Alachi Khan's daughter; he offered to play chess, won, D. was thrown into the dungeon; A. saw that D.'s arrow turned black; came, beat Alachi Khan; ordered the khan's daughter to lower her braid into the dungeon, D. climbed the spit, took the khan's daughter as his wife; she says that Khan Tsagan-Beard has a daughter, Kuji-Bral , she and her swore to marry together; to get it, you have to get three apples; Aldarya won the race, killed 25-headed Musa, fired an arrow into the cloud so that she came back, got a daughter Tsagan- beards]: Egorov 1978:60-73.

Baltoscandia. Western Sami: Billson 1918 [Njavvis-ene (Niavis's wife) is the daughter of the Sun, Attjis-ene (Attiis's wife) is the daughter of the Month; both husbands are killed, leaving their wives pregnant; N. is beautiful, she has a son, A. is ugly, her daughter; said that whoever would pick up a basket of berries would pick up the boy; put moss in the basket, took it; during the hunger, the grown-up young man looked into the house, his mother recognized him, showed him their reflection in the water, he realized that he looked like his mother, killed A.; she has since caused cramps and pain; her deer became toads, frogs, beetles; before that, from North Wind, she gave birth to the evil Attits; he teased his month-old grandfather was pulled there for being paler than the Sun; visible on a lunar disk with a deer horn in one hand and his own head in the other (his head was cut off for his crimes)]: 183-187; Simonsen 2014 (Sweden) [two women live together, have a good son and daughter, an angry daughter; an angry woman offers to go for berries: whoever fills the basket faster takes another child; puts moss in the basket, on top berries; takes the boy, leaves his daughter instead of him, goes to live over the mountain; when the young man has grown up, does not tell him to go over the mountain; he walks, sees a woman with two girls in the house; unnoticed throws a piece of venison into their cauldron; when she returns to her imaginary mother, he makes a big fire and throws it at him; she turned into a beetle, flew to the deer, but you can see it on the full moon; so she took tar and flew to paint over the moon; but she grabbed it; you can see a woman holding a bucket of resin on the moon]: 34-38; Eastern Sami: Yermolov 1959:98-99 [the frog (acek) replaced the old woman's son with her daughter and ran away; the boy grew up to be a good hunter; one day he saw veja, looked into a pipe, saw an old woman and a girl, and there was pine porridge in the cauldron; he lowered a piece of bacon from above; girl: someone put meat for us; old woman: your mother stole her son, maybe he will burst from fat; when he heard this, the young man began to come and throw meat; one day he went in, agreed on everything with his mother; came to the frog and said what he wanted to marry; went to pick up the bride to his real mother; she buried the frog's daughter in hot ash, she burned down; the young man and mother came to the frog; she went out to meet her, the old woman killed her with a stick; mother and son healed happily], 99-100 [Ilmolme-Akk has a son, Ozze-Akk has a daughter; they left their children by the pine tree, went to pick berries; O. returned first and took the boy; he became a hunter; heard O. out loud says: it's good that I changed the children; the young man says O. that he will go to the black mountain - there are deer; O.: don't go, they'll eat you there; he came to the sun, threw a piece of bacon on top of the cauldron; girl: fat pops up; Y.: it's your mother's fat that pops up; the young man came in, told his mother everything and made an agreement with her; the three of them went to O., took a kitty with ash; O. ran out, picked up her shawl, the old woman threw a kitty in her face with ash, ash fell asleep in her eyes; the old woman began to beat her with a scraper, tied her to the deer, and he ran; where her head remained, a marsh hummock grew; O.'s daughter turned into a grasshopper marsh horse; son with they still live as a mother]; Kert 1961, No. 54 [shortly after the birth of her son, the husband died; the woman left the boy under the tree while cutting wood, and Aaz replaced her with her daughter; the daughter grew up, they are sitting in the wind, they cook bones; the woman's son grew up, came, threw meat from the roof into the cauldron; daughter A. says that the bones are boiling, the old woman says that it is your mother's bones that are boiling; the son came in, spoke to his mother; said A. that he found he brought his bride to his mother; they beat A. with a mitt full of ash; and her daughter too]: 213-214; Kharuzin 1890 [the widow had a son, Acek (the frog) had a daughter; A. replaced her son with her daughter, took her away him; he became a hunter; came to the house, looked from above, saw his real mother and daughter A.; they were cooking pine porridge, he lowered deer fat into their cauldron; hears his mother saying, Yours the mother stole her son, maybe he will burst from fat; agrees with the mother; she buries daughter A. in hot ash, she burned down; the son brings the mother to A. under the guise of a bride, the old woman killed A. with a scraper; the corpse is a young man tied it to the horse's tail; where the head fell off, red moss grew, where the legs were black]: 351-352;.

Turkestan. Yellow Uighurs (1913) [the poor old man decided to get rid of his five daughters, took them to pick their jigda berries; took one skin and a baton with him; said to his daughters: "Don't look up, I'll throw you [berries myself ], and you, looking down, pick [them]"; began to throw berries, daughters picked them; "the skin was spread out (?) near a tree, and [father] tied a stick (?) to the skin" {probably for her to knock}; the old man ran away; when the sisters looked up; he was no longer there; in the morning they set off, came to the old woman; she hid them from her cannibal son; he fell asleep in the old woman covered the cauldron with a lid, ordered to start a fire; in the morning there was blood in the cauldron; they poured it out, a tree grew, corals grew on it; they were put in a chest; one day the merchants came and stayed overnight; at midnight they took the chest, drove away; on the way they found a dead body; fell down the mountain, crashed; the sisters took their horses and mules, came home with gold and silver; father and mother were at home, and the door was locked; they had no food, they lay exhausted; the sisters climbed onto the roof of the house and let three pies go through a smoke hole; the mother wondered if they had received the share from their five daughters; father replied that he left them in the feather grass, and I think they died; added: "This share is probably from heaven"; then the parents opened the door, the sisters came in and called out to their mother; she went out, the sisters were beautiful they dressed her up; when her father came out, they attacked him and killed him; then they took her mother and went to live in the house of the old woman (i.e. the ogre's mother)]: Malov 1967, No. 102:101-102.

Western Siberia. Southern Khanty (b. Conda, 1888) [the old man is going to burn his many barns so that the smoke reaches Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother and they will notice that they have not given him children; speaking of fire, the old man calls it "the multilingual mouth of the virgin Tarn "; Heavenly Father sent a son, who gave the old man a seed the size of a bird cherry seed; the wife ate, became pregnant, gave birth to a son and a daughter; the son has a bone through the bone and the brain (bones) can be seen through the brain (bones); he grew up and went on a journey; came to an old woman; she tells the wolf and bear to tear the person apart if he does not like them, but to bring him into the house, if they love; they bring him into the house, the old woman calls the young man a grandson; he asks for his name; old woman: "Like an aspen leaf, a nimble husband" ("Poi-Lipetta..", hereinafter P.); when P. returned to his father, he thought that when he was young he had reached that old woman in a week, and his son reached that old woman in a day; P. tries to put his hand and leg on his father's horses, none of them can stand it; the lousy foal withstood; the horse immediately grew up; brought P. to a distant city; stays with poor old people; they report that the local king had three daughters; P. returned to his father, told him to take gold, silver and fur, go to marry his wife for P.; the old man was beaten; the same for the second time; the third time the old man asked the priest's youngest daughter, her they gave it away without dowry; the wife apparently has a lover: she refused to look for her husband in her head, says that she did not even look for Taras-hui ("The Merchant") in her head; P. leaves, comes to the old woman; she gives a bundle with 60 silver rings, tells P. to find his aunts in the city where T. lives; the next old woman gives a towel and teaches him what will happen next and what to do; the horse will carry him to the sea through a bunch of human bones that have almost hidden the cedar; the men guarding the bridge have to throw 60 rings, they will rush to them, you can drive; P. came to Mother T., she hid it, turning it into a needle without an ear and putting logs into the crack; T. promises to make the visitor a brother, P. comes out, talks about the reason for coming; T. gives him his clothes and 3 silver bars with which he tells him to beat his wife; his wife flew in magpie, threw off her skin; P. grabbed his wife and began to beat, broke his arm, leg, knocked out her eye; she became forty again and flew away; P. and T. were feasting; T. went to fight the 7-headed menkv ("goblin"); forbids unlocking the seventh room; in six - lizards and frogs; in the seventh, the girl, dragged P. to her, made her husband; T. does not mind; the wife gave birth to a son; goes to fight the seven-headed menqua, tells his wife not to leave the house at that time; cuts soldiers menqua, but there are more and more of them; then he cut off his husband, who carved warriors out of the flint like sparks, destroyed the warriors, hit something with a sword; at home he found out that P. had left the house - he hurt him, why did they let him go? they found the body, put it in the coffin; wife: mother-in-law wants to kill you; he entered his mother-in-law's house, fell into the lower world; there the old man and old woman adopted him; they do not tell him to herd cattle in the Menqua estate, he stole their eyes; but grass is better on the other side, P. drives cattle there; hacked one-, two-, etc. -headed menkvas; the seven-headed man cannot be cut down, he drove him into the ground, the menkv asks him to take his white towel and wrap it around his neck, then cut; then the VM cut off his head; came to the Menkwa mother, fights with her, changed buckets of strong and weak water; the old woman's daughter shows that the old woman should be stabbed in the chin with a knife ; P. did so, killed the old woman; the daughter tells her to burn her, sweep away frogs and lizards that will crawl out of her into the fire; P. tells the girl to jump over the fire - if she used to live with a man, she will fall into the fire; she she fell, she also had lizards, he burned them; he took the eyes of the old people, restored their sight; they ordered them to prepare meat, put Kars ("firebirds" in Patkanov's translation) on their backs; she brought the last two to the ground He cut off a piece of his legs from his calves; Kars regurgitated them and put them back; the wife is lying between two men; P. wanted to hack them, his wife: these are your sons; P. cut his youngest son, sprinkled blood on T.'s body, he came to life; revived his son with living water; his wife's brother (i.e. T.) set up a copper playground for games, P. built a silver one; each foot lets a block of stone on his site; the VM takes flint, sparks turn into husbands; when he lets his stone, he breaks the arms and legs of T.'s people, tears them apart; T. lets P. and his wife (i.e. his sister) go home - he cannot live with a hero who is stronger than him; along the way they they go to those three old women, the wife turns them into young women; at home P. climbed onto the roof, looks into the house, where his parents are quarreling over a spark; he poured water or snowed, putting out their fire; they swear; he opened up, his daughter-in-law turned them young; P. throws them away Chips brought from another world, they turn into a city populated by people; abundance is all around]: Patkanov 1999, No. 1:302-323 (=Lukina 1990, No. 88:220-237); Mansi: Dunin-Gorkavich 1911 [ first water; God tells the lula (loon) bird to get the earth, it did not get it; little lula came up three days later, blood with liquid earth in its beak; the earth began to grow, trees appeared; God created man ("pyris") and a woman ("ekwa"); to find out how big the earth was, a white crow sent pyris; while the cauldron was brewing, the raven flew around the ground and returned; the next day, the crow sent pyris again, he returned only in the evening; he sent it the next day, the raven returned only on the third day and black, because he saw the carrion and began to peck at it; since then the raven has been feeding on carrion; because Lula took out the earth, the Voguls do not hit her, they do not eat her; he went to look for the end of the earth himself, but he was tired and returned; he made a horse out of wood, but he did not like it; then he forged 7 wings for the horse - the horse flew in circles; forged the eighth the wing flew for a long time, did not find the end of the earth; when he returned to the yurt, he noticed that the fire in the dude was barely smoldering; he put it out with his foot; the equa sitting in the yurt had become an old woman, began to shout: why extinguished the fire of my husband, whom I am waiting for; pyris hit her on the floor of the yurt, she became young; people came from pyris and equa, divided into clans and tribes]: 41-43; Rombandeeva 2005, No. 62 [at Porne and Mosne for her son, M. went to buy firewood, P. stole her son; he grew up, wrapped P. and her son in moose skin so as not to freeze, came to a real mother, throws fat into the cauldron where ash is cooked; M. at first did not believes his daughter; squeezes milk out of her breast, the son swallowed it, then believed that M. was his mother; stays with her]: 357-359; southern Selkups [mother tells Ida to go where she passed; Going carried fish first he walked like that, then got tired, sat down; Pönehessa brought it for himself; while living with P., Idya found the keys to seven barns; in one skin, meat in the other, a girl in the seventh; offers to run; P. chases, she threw the comb (became stone bone mountain), a stone chair (stone mountain), an iron chair (an iron mountain); When I went home, he spat on top of the fire; Aldiga to her husband: because of you, the fire went out; they began to fight; Going in with a girl, everything is fine]: Tuchkova, Wagner-Nagy 2015, No. 34 (Ivankino, Ob, 1967): 143-145; northern Selkups [the hunter has three sons; Loz enters; twisted his nose, cutting his knee, did arrows; spinning, went underground, saying that if the hunter's sons could do as he did, let them come; the eldest son went, did not return; the same middle son; the youngest repeats all his shamanic after Loz tricks on the way to him and in his house; secretly leaves; Loz tells his daughter that their dogs are now young dogs, tells them to put glue in their ears; the young man approaches the 7 larch trees he dreamed of; a sable climbs the first one, Loz cut it down with an ax, the sable jumped to the second; when Loz cut down the last larch, the dogs heard it, ran, tore the Vine; the young man went to Loza's house, covered it with birch bark, burned Loza with his daughter; when he came home, the plague was covered with snow; the young man looked through the {probably upper} hole: father and mother turned gray, could not light a fire, grabbed each other's hair; he threw them in different directions and they are several years younger]: Stepanova 2017, No. II-5:38-42; Kets [Funa's widow has a son, Firgyni has a daughter, both four-toed; Fyrgynya offers swimming, diving away; takes Funa's son, leaving her daughter; a grown young man asks Firgynyu why he has 5 fingers, not 4; she tells her not to go to the upper end of the lake; he goes, looks into the chum, there a woman answers a girl's question why she has 4 fingers and a woman (whom she calls her mother) has 5; the young man hears his story; throws pieces of bacon on top, the girl thinks it's from God, the mother comes out, recognizes his son, tells him to break his skis, let Fyrgynya heat them over the fire, in order to glue them together, you have to push it into the fire; the young man does so, lizards and snakes crawled out of the burning Fyrgyn, a young man of all of them burned; takes a four-toed girl hunting, offers to pour cabbage soup into her pimas so that they do not freeze in the cauldron and it does not burst; runs away in the morning, Firgyni's daughter pursues, but freezes to death without pim]: Osharov 1936a : 124-127; Yugi: Werner 1997, No. 14 [Fyrgyn has a daughter, Jugin has a son; both sit by the lake looking for lice from each other; F. offers to dive and swim to the opposite bank; Yu dives, and F. takes her son, leaves her daughter; the boy grew up, hunted {apparently met his real mother}; made a large fire to burn a clay vessel, invited F. to take it out, shoved it into the fire; she said that if she knew, she ate it; the young man returned to Yu; threw fat on top of her cooking pot; the mother came out, splashed milk from her breast, it fell into the young man's mouth, she recognized him as a son; he went hunting with his daughter F.; deliberately collected little firewood for the night; at night he got up, supposedly, to collect firewood, poured soup into F's daughter's pimas, they froze, burst; he ran away, she followed; cut off and threw her own at him breasts, nose and vulva, but they stuck to the trees, turned into tree mushrooms; she froze, he returned to his mother, stayed with her], 22 [Hassynget lives with his grandmother, hunts for her; the devil brings his daughter, invites H. and her to dive, whoever stays under water longer will live with his grandmother; H. comes up earlier, goes to hell; breaks the bow, needs copper to fix it; he collects more firewood, puts a pot {crucible?} on the fire ; when the devil leans to take it, shoves it into the fire; lizards, snakes, mice, frogs, H. crawl out of the fire and throws them into the fire; comes to the grandmother, who sits in the plague with the devil's daughter; H. on top throws fat into their pot; spends the night with the devil's daughter in the winter forest, pours soup into her pimas at night, runs away; the hell's daughter can't wear frozen pimas, chases barefoot, cuts off, throws one, then the second breast, they enter the trees, turn into growths on the trunk; the devil's daughter freezes, H. returns to her grandmother]: 258-261, 274-278.

SV Asia. Tundra Yukaghirs [Machekan has no children; he oppresses, beats his wife; after stabbing the last deer, he kicked his wife outside in winter; she came to someone's rich plague; the owner killed people, took their goods, made her a wife; she cut his throat, loaded good on the deer, returned to her place; looking into the plague , she saw that M. was starving to death; threw him a piece of meat, he thought God had thrown it; then more; then she came in by herself; they began to live well; the woman gave birth to a child conceived by that man]: Kurilov 2005, No. 40:345-351; forest yukaghirs [in winter the old woman cooked the last piece of meat; the grandfather asked her to bring snow {to melt it and get her throat wet}, closed the door; decided to eat the meat himself; the old woman came to the hut, there was food on the table; the old woman ate, fell asleep; heard voices; three gold ones rolled in dog heads; the old woman killed them, began to live well; decided to visit her husband; there are no traces of the plague around; the grandfather laments out loud - why did he drive the old woman away; she threw his food through the smoke hole; grandfather: God heard my prayer; old woman: it's me, not God; they went together, the old woman warned me not to eat much; but the old man ate; his stomach grabbed; the old woman told him to go over the mountain, but he stayed in the pasture among the herds; the animals started to flee, the old people held only one calf by the tail; the tail came off; since there was no food, they decided to cook it; they tried to throw it into the fire several times, but it popped up and shouted: "Oh, oh, it's hot!" ; the old woman wrapped her tail in a rag: "Be a little thief"; the next day she turned it around, there was a little man there; every day he grew bigger, turned into a handsome man, began to steal cattle from the rich neighbor; the rich man announced that he wanted to see the thief, and that if he stole his gold ring, he would give half of his wealth; at night, the Tail Boy went to his house; stabbed several calves, threw them in chains dogs; took off the saddles with the riders and attached them to the fence, driving the horses out the gate; at those sleeping by the fireplace, the old women replaced the oil in the cups with water; when the rich man snored and opened his mouth, the guy saw that the ring was inside; the guy poured water into his mouth; he spit out and screamed for light; the old women splashed water, the fire went out; the rich man called the guards, who found themselves sitting on the fence; the next day, the guy returned the ring to the rich man, and the rich man gave him half of his wealth]: Zhukova, Prokopyeva 1991, No. 8:148-152.