Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K47A. A woman and a dog.

(.11.) .21.22.24.-.27. (.32.) . (.52.)

A woman takes a dog as a lover or husband, or conceives it from a dog. Her children grow up to be people, usually the ancestors of certain ethnic groups.

(Bemba), Tibetans (Amdo), Manipur, Angami, Miniong, Lushey, Vieta, Sedang, Gie Thieng, Kayong, Mon Khmers of South Laos, Banar, Zyaray, Stieng, Cham, Ede, Pegu (Mona), Shan, Bali, Lombok, Kalang (Java), Sunda, Aceh, Mentawai, Simalur, Jacun, Malays, Ketangalan, Bukidnon, Sedek, Torok, Paiwan, Yao, Man, Lee (Hainan), Chinese (Hunan, Sichuan, Zhejiang, Fujian), Southern Barbarians ( Fujian, Han era), Nosu, Bulgarians, (Bashkirs), Kyrgyz, Uighurs, Mongols, Manchus, Ryukyu Islands (North and Miyako), Ainu, Japanese, Chukchi, Central Yupik, Nunivak Island, Kodiak, Chugach, Bering Inupiat Strait, McKenzie Estuary, Copper, Netsilic, Caribou, Polar, Igloolik, Labrador Eskimos, Baffin Land, West Greenland, Angmassalik, Tagish, Inner Tlingit, Helmet, Dogrib, Chipewayan, Taltan, tsetsot, eyak, tlingit, hyda, tsimshian, bellacula, heiltsuk, quakiutl, nootka, quarry, chilcotin, thompson, lillouette, comox, chalkomel, clallam, skagit, upper and lower chehalis, quinolt, quileout, catlamet, yakima, tillamook, kalapuya, kus, sarsi, blacklegs, mandan, sheyen, arapaho, arikara, (tsotsil).

(Wed. Bantu-speaking Africa. Bemba [the dog fell in love with the girl, went to the sorcerer, who gave a ring that turned him into a man and back; the sorcerer warned not to gnaw bones, but to eat only meat; The dog married, but wants to gnaw bones, So when left alone, he turns into a dog; one day his wife's brother finds him like this; the dog runs away, returns to the sorcerer, who curses him; that's why dogs are not liked, stones are thrown at them]: Verbeek 2006, No. 90:456-463).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. The Tibetans (Amdo; "Tanguts) [the Chinese princess and her dog fled to the lake. Kukunor; there she gave birth to 6 sons and 7 daughters from a dog; sons became the progenitors of the Tanguts]: Kozlov 1925:144 in Hermann 1946-1949:840; Manipur [father promises to give his daughter Minoo Leima as the first the person he meets; Pakhangba hears this, comes to the girl's house in the form of a dog; the father puts them in a box, showered them with flowers and fruits, lowers them down the river; the box floats far into the fuse; their descendants are respected, for they are children P. himself]: Lightfoot, p. 48 in Ho 1967, No. 90:265; angami [about Manipur (source not a decree.)]: Yamada 2002:136; best [many options, some very long; Rimenhoiyi came out For Zawlthlia, their house was made of iron, everything was enough; R. had lots of flowers, but she asked for a nipuipar flower (a red climbing flower); when the water supply ran out, R. went down to the river to wash hair; her long hair swam away, was swallowed by fish, the royal chef found her hair while cutting the fish, the king ordered the owner to be delivered to him; with the help of pets, Z. found out where his wife was; asked for servants allow him to put a red flower in a vessel of water for the king's new wife; according to one version, Z. began to live secretly with R., but was eventually killed; according to another, R. became the wife of both the king and Z., but since the king noticed that she loved Z. more, he ordered him to be killed; the old sorceress revived Z., who became even more beautiful; the king ordered him to do the same, but came to life as a dog, and Z. became king; R. conceived from dogs, Uithovi was born; he asked Z. for land and received land the size of a buffalo skin; cutting it into straps, fenced off a large plot; returned from a trip with a lot of money; left offspring]: Shakespear 1912:98-99; (cf. bori [brother has four sisters; each takes turns staying at home to cook rice, gives it to her lover, brings home what her lover gives (fish, meat, roots); brother consistently watches, kills them all ; the first converges with a water snake, the brother kills the snake, the sister turns into a bird; the second with the dog, the third with the tiger, the fourth with the bear; the brother is left alone]: Elwin 1958a, No. 1:356-359; miniong [y Brother three sisters; he watches the eldest, who carries rice and meat, stomps at the shore, calling a snake; the brother calls him with the same signal, kills him; the next day the sister sees a snake cut, hangs herself; brother cuts her stomach, snakes crawl out of it; since then snakes and people have been at odds; the second sister meets the dog, goes with it to the forest, gives birth to three puppies; brother comes to her sister, eats her rice, does not eat the meat given dog; when the parents of the puppies go to the site, kills the puppies; the caterpillar from under the hearth says that she will tell her husband's parents everything; the man takes the caterpillar; leaves it in the forest, she makes Tibetan ones for him bronze vessels; carrying them home, he wakes them up with the ringing of monkeys, they kill the caterpillar with arrows; the young man lures monkeys into the hollow, burns them; one escaped, became pregnant from a leaf that fell from the sky, the monkey again bred; the third sister met the tiger; the brother came to them, the tiger brought meat, belching it; the brother left, dressed the dog in women's clothes, the tiger rushed at it, the brother killed him; returned his sister; she wanted turn into a tiger and eat it, but he managed to kill her]: Elwin 1958a, No. 2:359-365).

Burma - Indochina. Vieta [the Chinese emperor promises gold and a daughter to whoever brings the head of the enemy; she is brought by a dog; the daughter demands that the father keep his word; goes south to the mountains; the highlanders of Vietnam descended from this woman and dog]: Nevermann 1952:19-21; sedang (Southern Mon Khmer, Vietnam) [people bred, rice and fish themselves got into the house and cooked, men and women randomly copulated; Yabg ("Sky") sent Bok Glaih to destroy people with thunderstorms and showers, everyone drowned; a woman and a dog escaped on the mountain; after the flood, the woman worked in the field, the dog urinated where before a woman who gave birth to a boy; he asks about his father, his mother is silent; one day she tells his father to take food to the site; there is only a dog, says that he is the father, the boy does not believe him, kills him; when he grows up, marries a mother; or a woman gives birth to a son and daughter, sends her spouses to look for themselves, they meet each other in the dark, copulate; a mother (or sister) has given birth to many children; they are married, from each couple your people; from the eldest - Vieta, from the second - Lao, from the third - Cham, from the fourth - Tmoi (ethnic minorities of the Central Mountains)]: Dang Ngiem Van 1993:324-326; Gie Thieng, Kayong, Mon -Khmers of southern Laos [(general summary; similar texts about a woman who gave birth to a dog after the flood; son kills father, marries mother)]: Dang Ngiem Van 1993:328-329; Pegu (monk state): Jule, The Book of Macro Polo, vol.2:252 in Koppers 1930 [the Portuguese heard from the people of Bago that they descended from a dog and a Chinese woman]: 379; "old Portuguese springs" in Chesnov 1978 [Pegu come from a dog and women from China]: 165; banar (mountain Khmer) [people descended from a black dog with sparkling eyes named Cobran and a woman who escaped the flood on Mount Borok]: Nebeski-Wojkowitz 1956:369 in Chesnov 1978:164; Zyaray [like a banar; the woman and the dog Coduan escaped the flood in the drum; their son grew up, killed his father, married his mother; they became the ancestor of the Sogor clan ("drum")]: Nebeski-Wojkowitz 1956:370 in Chesnov 1978:164; stieng [the sick king promises a daughter to the one who will cure him; the dog cured, the king put his daughter and dog on a raft, sent him to sea; the raft landed on the mountain; the son born grew up , killed his father, married his mother; their son and daughter became the ancestors of the highlanders]: Patté 1906:169 in Chesnov 198:164; tyama [fratria of dryness came from a monkey, fratria of dampness from a dog]: in Poréq-Maspero 1962 (2): 459 in Chesnov 1978:165; Ede [there is a myth of dog descent]: Bertrand 1952:104-107 in Chistov 1978:165; shany ["the myth of dog ancestry recorded also wu shan"]: Chesnov 1978:165.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Balinese people (Lombok) [King of Java Daha urinated in a hole in a stone, a pig drank urine, gave birth to a girl, raised by heavenly maidens; she sat at the spinning wheel, dropped her reel, promised to even marry a dog , if he brings a reel; the dog brought it, the girl cut him and herself out of shame (the origin of male and female circumcision among Muslims); gave birth to a boy with him; son and dog killed a pig while hunting, mother said who the pig was; ashamed, the son also killed the dog; the mother gave a ring, told her son to marry a girl whom the ring would suit; the son was looking for a bride in vain, at home the ring came to his mother, he married on it; the mother went to Sumbawa, married the ruler, became the ancestor of the royal family; the son went to Sulawesi, became the ancestor of Kampung, i.e. all strangers in Lombok, including boogs and makassars, who originally from Sulawesi]: Eerde 1902:31-40 in Isis 1998:151, in Lessa 1961:180; Java (kalang) [(summary of 33 options); a beautiful weaver is born when her divine father's sperm or urine is drunk dog, pig or priestess; she is raised by gods, foster parents, dog, father; dog becomes her husband; born son hunts wild pig, tiger, buffalo; dog refuses to help hunt, young man kills him without knowing that it is his father; brings his mother his meat; she beats her son with a spoon, leaving a scar on his head; the son leaves; the son and mother meet, the son does not recognize the mother or vice versa; marry or they doubt when they learn about the relationship (by scar); the mother gives difficult tasks (making a thousand statues, building a ship, etc.), their son easily performs them; they have a boy; the calang is his descendants or descendants of the first the weaver's son; similar variants in Lombok and Bali]: Headley 2005b: 181-183; Knebel 1894 [the pig drank King Praboe Moendingkawati's urine, gave birth to Dewi Sepirasa; astrologers said the girl will bring misfortune, the king drove her into the forest, giving birth to his son Blangwajoenjang; she lost her spindle, promised to marry the one who found it, brought it; she gave birth to his son Raden Soewoengrasa; he killed the dog, for he threatened all the animals in the forest; mother said he killed his father; mother and son left the forest apart; met, only the mother recognized her son; the hermit advised to set an impossible condition for marriage; MS almost He built a dam and a boat during the night, but the hermit raised the sun at night; the mother and son separated again without knowing each other, got married, they have three sons; the mother recognized her son by the scar on their forehead; the mother in Despair left, drowned; son became the ancestor of the Calangas, a caste of central Java accused of incest]: 489-505 in Lessa 196:181; Winter 1839 [the maid put her master's knife on her bosom, gave birth Soekma Ngamboro; he married the prince's daughter, was killed, rose to heaven, returned to earth as a red dog, brought a spinning rod lost by his widow's daughter; she swore to marry; SN at night was a man, a dog in the afternoon; their son Djoko Pangalassan hunted with a dog, who died in a fight with a tiger; the mother spoke about his father, the son erected a tombstone for the dog; the Javanese call the Kalangs descendants of a red dog]: 578-588 in Lessa 196:182 [there are other similar texts from Java]; Sunda: Braginsky 1972 [Raden Sungging Perbangkara had a pig wife and had a daughter, Davy Rara Sami; she grew up, dropped her spinning wheel, promised to go out for who would bring it; the dog brought it; the DRS gave birth to a son named Sangkuriang from the dog; he hunted with the dog without knowing that it was his father; the dog refused to drive the pig (i.e. grandmother S.), S. killed him, gave meat to his mother disguised as venison; the secret was revealed, the mother threw a stick at her son's head, drove him away; became a young girl; S. came back, was going to marry DRS, she recognized him by the scar on her head; promised to marry him, If he created a lake and a boat overnight; lit up the night sky, S. quit his job; drowned when the lake overflowed its banks; the boat became a forested mountain, the lake dried up]: 135-137; Bezemer 1904 [princess Dajang Sumbi did not marry, but only hunted with her dog; six years later she returned from the forest with a boy; he grew up, asked his mother about his father, found the truth, ran into the forest, his mother found the dog slaughtered; left she spun into the mountains, preserving her beauty; the young man began to demand her as his wife, she explained to him that she was his mother; he left]: 97-100 in Lessa 196:180-181; Juynboll 1912 [the girl met the dog, her son grew up and killed dog; his mother gave him a ring to put it on the finger of the chosen woman; the ring fit only his mother; she demanded that he fill all the rivers overnight; he could not, he was adopted by Mohammed in Arabia]: 54 in Lessa 196:181; Knappert 1999 [Princess Dajang Sumbi did not marry, but only hunted with her dog; six years later she returned from the woods with the boy Sang Kuiriang; he grew up asking his mother about his father when he found out the truth, ran into the forest, the mother found the slaughtered dog; retired to the mountains, preserving her beauty, spinning; the UK returned, did not recognize his mother, began to ask for her hand; she recognized her son, set a condition to build before sunset the ship is in the lake on top of the mountain; he has almost finished his job, but DS begged the sun to set earlier; told UK that he killed his father, wanted to marry his mother, we leave him Chris, tell him to bury himself in him created lake]: 270-272; boogie [same legend as the Balinese people have to explain the origin of the Dutch]: Isis 1998:152; the Malays of Padang [same legend as the Balinese to explain the origins of the inhabitants of Nias]: Isis 1998:152; Aceh [a princess who has a skin disease is banished to Nias; she has only a dog with her; here she found a root that cures the disease; she met her dog and gave birth to a son; he grew up, but there are no people on the island but his mother; his mother gave him a ring: let him marry whoever it suits; after walking around the island, he met his mother again and the ring suited her; Nias descended from this marriage] : Hurgronje 1906:20; Malays: Chesnov 1978 [there is a story about the dog kidnapping the owner's daughter]: 167; Winstedt 1925:71 in Koppers 1930 ["in a Malay fairy tale, a dog living in the house turns out to be suitable groom for the owner's daughter "]: 376; jakun (Mauken on the Mergui Islands off the coast of Burma) [the daughter of the Chinese emperor played with a dog, became pregnant; expelled, sailed by boat to the island, gave birth there son; son became her husband, they descended from Mauken]: Bernatzik 1941:64 in Chistov 1978:165 (briefly mentioned in Isis 1998:150-151); mentawai [girl became pregnant by her dog, brother from her denied; she gave birth to a son, he grew up, she gave him a ring, told him to find a wife to suit; he went all over the island, the ring fit only his mother, mother and son did not recognize each other; they descended mentawai]: Schefold 1988:79; Simalur [a Minangkabau woman settled on the island with her dog; gave birth to people who inhabited the island]: Backer 1874:78; aceh [princess took the dog's husbands; gave the ring to her son; he found only one woman on Nias Island (this is his mother), the ring suited her; the island's inhabitants come from them]: Snouck Hourgronji 1906 (1): 20 in Lessa 196:182-183.

Taiwan - Philippines. Sedek (Taroko): Isis 1998 [man dies; woman copulated with dog; boy born; married mother, they descend taroko]: 149; Ho 1967, No. 83 [the chief has an ugly daughter; he planted her with the dog in the boat, let him go to sea; the boat landed on the shores of Taroko; for several years the dog brought the girl meat and fish; said that he would now leave because she did not give him what he needed; the girl said she would go will look for a wife with a tattooed face; she returned a few days later, her face was covered in a tattoo, she married a dog, gave birth to Taroko ancestors]: 256 (quail in Yamada 2002:134); Yamada 2002: 134 [the chief's daughter recovered from a skin disease when she was licked by a dog; she got along with him, they were expelled from the village; their son accidentally killed his father's dog; the mother married her son, they give rise to taroko], 136 [ a woman met a pig, gave birth to a son; when he grew up, the mother went to the mountains, painted her face with tree sap, returned under the guise of a stranger, married her son; a girl was born; the mother met the dog, gave birth many children, so the dog and pig are the ancestors of the Tuuda and Truku groups]; toda, Torok [a woman gave birth to a son from a hog; when her son grew up, went to the mountains, painted her face with tree sap, got together with her son, gave birth to a girl; the paint was washed away, the mother left, the young man got along with his sister, giving birth to many descendants; the mother met the dog; the Toda and Torok tribes are descendants of a pig and a dog]: Isis 1998:149; paywan [the first the couple had a girl, she had a bleeding wound on her leg; when the dog licked her, the wound healed; there were no other people, the daughter was passed off as a dog, she gave birth to 7 pairs of boys and girls; the parents decided that they should speak different languages, live in different villages; they became the ancestors of Paiwan, Rukai, Puyuma, Ami, Atayal Bunun and Tsou; in each village there are chiefs, they marry only the daughters of other chiefs, not their own commoners]: Egli 1989:28-30; ketangalan [the manager promises daughter to someone who will cure her of leprosy; the dog began to lick her, she recovered; the father put his daughter and dog in a boat, let her go to sea; she sailed to the shores of Taiwan; the villagers of Kimpaoli are descended from this woman and dog]: Ho 1967, No. 84:257; bukidnon [during the drought, only a bamboo stem grew in the field of a man named Mampolompon; the wind broke it, and a dog and a woman, who became Moro's ancestors, came out]: Cole 1916:99 (retelling Ho 1967, No. 64:244).

China - Korea. Late Han, a report on the Southern Man Barbarians (Koppers 1930:375: Man is the Vietnamese designation for Miao) in Hunan [behind the head of Chief Chuan-jung (Dog Tribe) Emperor Gaoxin (Kao-hsin) he promised gold, land and a youngest daughter; a dog brought her head, the daughter demanded that the emperor fulfill his promise, the dog took her to the mountains; she gave birth to 6 sons and 6 daughters, who became the ancestors of the mana barbarians]: Chungshee Hsien Liu 1932:361-362; late Han, a report about Shaka barbarians in Zhejiang and Fuzzian provinces [the ruler promised a daughter for the head of the enemy leader; the dog brought his head, refused go out of the princess's chambers; asked him to be placed under the bell for 49 days; the bell was raised for 48 days, finding a man under it whose head remained doggy; the princess went with him to remote places, gave birth three sons; (=Ho 1967, No. 88:262-263); a similar story was recorded in Fuzzian L.H. Dudley Buxton; the dog was supposed to be under the bell for 7 days, the ruler raised the bell on the sixth)]: Chungshee Hsien Liu 1932: 362-363; Southern barbarians [Chuan-jung (Dog People) attacked the head of their leader Wu; the emperor promised wealth and his youngest daughter for the head of their leader Wu; it was brought by a five-color imperial dog Pan-hu; after receiving his wife, he took her to a stone house in the Nan Shan Mountains; there the dog's wife changed her clothes and hairstyle; storms prevented others from entering those mountains; 6 boys and 6 were born in three years girls; mother and children came to the emperor, who allowed them to stay in the mountains; these people call themselves Hang-tu; Wu-ling people in Changsha are their relatives]: Ho 1967, No. 87:260-262; "barbarians And who live in the current lands of Liang, Han, Ba, Shu, Wulin, Changsha, Lujiang, all these are the lands of Magyi [old women in the Gao-Xin Palace had an earache, from there they removed the worm, covered it with a bowl of melons, the worm turned into a dog in colored divorces - Pan-Hu ("Pumpkin under the Bowl"); Rong-Wu invaded the country, whoever defeats him will get Wang's daughter; Pan = Hu brought, his daughter insisted on fulfilling her promise; Pan = Hu took her to the South Mountains, they had 6 boys and 6 girls, their descendants inhabited that country, Wang gave them the name Magyi]: Gan Bao 2004, No. XIV. 341:177-180; yao [Gaoxin-wang's wife had an earache; a worm fell out of there, she put him in a pumpkin, he turned into Pangu's dog; Fan Wang rebelled, G. promised a daughter to whoever would destroy the rebel; P. gnawed off his head, brought him; told him in a human voice for seven days put it under the bell; the princess looked on the sixth day, P.'s head remained doggy; the princess put on a headdress in the form of a dog's face, went with P. to the mountains; from them came people who honor P.]: Yuan Ke 1987: 31-33 [yao honor Pan-wang, who owns life, harvest, wealth], 261; yao (all yao in Guangdong and Guangxi) [the ruler (according to some options, the Emperor of China) promises a daughter to the one who wins enemies; this is the dog P'an; the ruler does not want to give him his daughter, he takes her to deserted mountains; they have 7 sons and daughters; the children got married, became the ancestors of Yao]: Wist 1938:126; man (northern Vietnam, Lai Chau Province) [the Chinese emperor promised a reward for the rebel's head; his dog Pan-hu brought his head; the emperor gave him Koi-ke lands, five beauties and 1,000 families; P. had 3 boys and 6 girls, they had dog tails; yao are their descendants; var.: The emperor promised a daughter, gave it for Panha, who ran with her to the Nam so'n mountains; the wife gave birth to 6 boys and 6 girls; their lunch was shaped like a tail; their descendants became known as man-zi]: Dementyeva-Leskinen 1968:131; li (Hainan): Strzoda 1911 [Thunder (or snake) left an egg on the mountain, a girl was born from it, married a man from Cochin Hina {delta Mekong}, do they come from them; var.: a dog came out of the egg, a princess from Cochin Hina met him, did they come from them]: 196 (retelling in Hellbom 1963:75); Isis 1998 [1) a noble man had a leg ache; he the daughter promises to the one who will save him from suffering; the dog did it; the father put the dog and daughter in a boat, sent him to sea; the boat landed on the deserted island of Hainan; the dog hunted, his wife cultivated the land; gave birth to a boy; he grew up, killed the dog with a stick when he fell ill, refused to go hunting; the mother said that she was returning to his homeland, told her son to marry the girl she met; she went to the mountains herself, got a tattoo, her son did not recognize her; their descendants are Hiai Ao; they tattoo, they do it at home in the form of a boat (=Ho 1967, No. 85:257-258, =Yamada 2002:135); 2) the dog helped the princess recover from her illness, according to she became her husband; they sailed to Hainan, she gave birth to two children; not knowing that the dog was their father, the children killed him; gasping, the dog replied to his older brother that his name was Wang and the youngest was Fu; the mother did tattooed so that she would not be recognized, she met her sons, got offspring]: 150; li (Hainan, Sanya) [heaven and earth were not separated; the world was ruled by Heavenly Lord; most of all he trusted heavenly dog; the dog guarded the gates of his palace and handed over his decrees; the dog's heavenly maidens respected him, the daughter of Heavenly Lord named Unyu sympathized with him; the heavenly dog was secretly in love with her; who lived in heaven wasp palace (bee?) decided to help; quietly bit Unyu's leg, the wound became inflamed and began to hurt badly; the wasp told Heavenly Lord that the heavenly dog had a wonderful cure; the Lord ordered the dog to heal W., promised any jewelry as a reward; the dog for the cure W. demanded her as a wife; Heavenly Lord became angry and drove the dog away; meanwhile, W.'s wound began to fester and Heavenly Lord accepted the condition; the dog licked the wound and W. recovered; she came to her father asking for marriage; Heavenly Lord was afraid that his daughter's marriage to his dog would discredit him, and therefore told them to live on earth; waved a magic whip, and the sky separated from lands; the heavenly lord on the cloud went up there, but the heavenly dog and Unyu remained on earth; the heavenly dog turned into a black dog, and he and W. had a son; when he grew up, he loved hunting; The black dog always accompanied him; when the black dog was old, he fell behind; one day in the mountains, his son got angry and killed him; at home, his mother asked where the dog had gone; when her son spoke, she began to cry: the black dog was your father; the mother told her son everything, they began to cry, but suddenly the wind rose, it rained, the flood began, all living things on earth died; only mother and son survived, who survived the wind blew her to the top of the mountain; one night, the mother heard the voice of the god of thunder, who commanded her to tattoo her face so that her son would not recognize her and marry him, otherwise humanity would die out; the next day, the mother ran to the mountains and covered her face with a tattoo; the son looked for her everywhere, but did not recognize her when he met her; thunder sounded; the god of thunder told the young man that he had taken his mother to his heavenly palace and sent him a heavenly maiden as his wife; mother and son married and gave birth to sons and daughters; did they go from them; daughters inherited from their mother the custom of covering their faces with tattoos; a similar story was published in an article 1934 g. "Li [Island] Hainan Tattoo Study"]: Zhou 2002, No. 14:18-20; Li (Hainan, Wu. Baisha) [the emperor fell ill with a rare disease, his leg began to rot; promised a daughter as a wife to someone who would cure him; a big black dog tore off the imperial decree from the wall, the dog was brought to the emperor; the dog licked his leg and the emperor recovered; the emperor did not allow the princess and her dog to live in the palace, ordered a boat to be built for them; in it, the princess and dog were sent to other parts with food, clothes and seeds; a boat reached Hainan, the princess settled there; the dog turned into a brave young man, began working in the field and going hunting in the mountains; one day he fell into the gorge and died; the princess gave birth to a son, Ya-li; he grew up; the princess told her son to find a wife; let him go east for three days, then go south for three days and another day to the west; then he would meet a woman with a tattoo on her face, she would marry him; I-li on the seventh day I met a woman with a tattoo on her face, brought her home; unable to find his mother at home, I looked for her everywhere; found her clothes on the river bank; the people went from the princess's marriage to her son; the mountain where the ancestor lived , named Mother Li Mountain (Limushan); the custom of tattooing girls' faces has been preserved]: Zhou 2002, No. 14a: 20-21; Miao (Hainan) [the daughter of a rich man had a favorite dog; she gave birth to him son and daughter; father put her, dog, children in a boat, brought gold, silver with him, let her go to sea; the boat sailed to the city of Hui-chou; the dog hunted for the children; the children did not know that he was their father; once he was too lazy to go hunting, the children beat him; his mother told them the truth, told them to become husband and wife, for others would not marry the dog's children; they have two sons who quarrel, one went to the mountains, became the ancestor of Miao; the other, to the sea, became the ancestor of Tanka (Canton residents living in boats)]: Ho 1967, No. 86:259-260; nose [the king promises a daughter to someone who cures the Queen's eye disease; this is what the jackal does (var.: sacred white dog); the princess and the dog have settled in the forest; the princess comes to visit her father, but has no clothes; he gives her a ceremonial umbrella made of pleated fabric; she makes herself a yuku; since then, women nose and The izu wear these; the princess's daughter and son who remained in the forest became the ancestors of the group's peoples and]: Rock 1959 in Chesnov 1978:166; Chinese: Eberhard 1937, No. 41 (Hunan, Zhejiang, Fujian) [king promises a daughter to someone who brings the head of an enemy leader; the dog kills him and brings his head, gets a girl; goes with her to the mountains; a certain people come from them]: 71-72; 1968 (Hunan) [ a disbanded woman met her dog, he took her to the mountains; she gave birth to a son, returned to the family after the dog died; her son became a bandit; this is the only myth about the progenitor dog among the Chinese proper]: 45; Chinese (Sichuan, Wu. Santai) [A long time ago, there were no people on earth, only animals and birds. Then it is not known how the girl appeared and began to live in the cave. She grew up very beautiful, and all the animals and birds wanted to marry her. She couldn't choose her husband, so she came up with this method: she made a huge stone drum and told all the animals and birds that whoever made it sound would be for her. All the animals tried to do it, but no one could do it, and only the big red dog succeeded. The girl married him, and three months and ten days later, the dog told her that he had to go on business, and told her to stay in the cave, close the door tightly, and no matter what happened to her, open it and don't look out until he calls her. Shortly after the dog left, there was a rumble outside, and the girl thought that something important was happening outside, and, uncurious, looked through the crack. Then she saw that the yellow dog had turned into a human, and almost all the hair on his body fell off, but because she peeked, the hair on his head remained in place. This wool is the hair of today's people. It is said that all current people are descendants of this couple]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 26:47-48.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [the king's daughter met a dog, gave birth to four boys and four girls, of whom Turks are descended]: Krappe 1924:296-297.

(Wed. Volga - Perm. Bashkirs (village. Kuzhanovo, Abzelilovsky District of Bashkiria, 1986) [a woman got into the habit of disappearing with her beloved male; she gave birth to three or four twins; they had human limbs and puppy heads]: Ilimbetova, Ilimbetov 2012:141).

Turkestan. The Uighurs [(Venetian Latin Chronicle 1040) "Liber Attila"; probably from a Turkic group close to the Uighurs that reached Ravenna); Ostrubal was king of Hungary; he had a beautiful daughter, her mother wanted to marry her off as Emperor Justinian; to protect from other suitors, asked her husband to put her in the tower; gave her a white greyhound dog; the daughter met him; gave birth to a son, a half-human half-dog, who became King Attila of Hungary; Kazvini in The History of the Guz: According to Mongolian tradition, two women, Nöküz and Qiyan, met a wolf in Ergene-qon; in a later version by an unknown Chagatai author ("The Guz Story: Nusrat-nama"), instead of two wolves - seven dogs {Chagatai is close to Uighur; M.E. Rezvan's translation of Chagatai notes: "It is reported that that Mongolian tribe had 'little' (the word means 'little ant', but in Modern Turkish can be used in abbreviation. -caress sense) dogs; they ran to a rock called Kuhn (?) , by God's command, seven men and seven unfoiled mares climbed the rock of that mountain range called Kun (?) ; when they found them, they could not kill (from the text, it is not clear who and whom); also, by God's command, those seven dogs copulated; those seven dogs remained inside that mountain and multiplied, and 500 years later by order (i.e. by the command of God?) from those seven, the Mongolian people descended}]: Dobrovits 1998:65-66; the Kyrgyz [the wife of the ruler of Khitâi was executed for infidelity; her forty maids (qïrq gïz) were driven into the steppe along with the yellow dog of the executed mistress from whom they became pregnant; they are Kyrgyz]: Dobrovits 1998:66; Karakalpaks ["a legend similar to the Kyrgyz} about the origin of one of the tribes from dogs named Bakhtiyar also exist among Karakalpaks. (Oral report by Prof. D. Tursonova)"]: Kaskabasov et al. 1979:227; the Mongols [after the death of Dobun-Mergan, his pregnant wife Alan-Goa gave birth to three sons; the other two, born earlier, became suspicious of the mother in connection with servant; she invited them to break the brushwood first one at a time, then five at once, showing that the brothers would be strong if they acted together; explained that every night she was visited by light a blond man, and left scratched like a yellow dog; after the death of his mother, four eldest sons deprived his youngest; he is the ancestor of Genghis Khan]: Vladimirtsov 19**.

Amur - Sakhalin. The Manchus [The Yellow Emperor hangs a grass drum on the door; promises an only daughter to someone who will knock on him so loudly that he hears him in his chambers; the dog starts knocking as if leather drum; the dog gets a princess, turns into a young man at night; one day tells his wife not to look into the room if she hears plaintive sounds; she looked in, the husband has already become human, but the hair is on the top of their heads are canine; the Manchus are descended from this couple and have a bunch of long hair on the top of their heads]: Ho 1967, No. 89:264-265.

Japan. Ainu: Etter 1949 [the goddess descends from the sky; the dog takes her to a cave, shows where the water is; she gives birth to a son and daughter from the dog first, then many other children; they are hairy like the Ainu, settled island]: 20-21; Hitchcock 1890 [a father puts a naughty daughter in a box, throws her into the sea; the box comes to Yezo; a dog opens it, takes a girl as his wife; she gives birth to children covered in black hair; these are the first Ainu]: 483; Koppers 1930 [(same in Brauns 1883:255); according to Dr. Oka, a boat with a beautiful girl sailed to the shore of Hokkaido (probably near the village of Jadonoke) on a midsummer night; a white dog began to bring her food, Ainu, the ancestor of the Ainu, was born from their marriage]: 374 (footnote 61); Sarashina 1971 at Fitzburgh, Dubreult 1999 [the girl sails ashore in Hidatsa; the dog hides her in a cave, brings food from the sea and from mountains; they have a son and daughter; they marry each other, they are descended from Ainu]: 275 (in the Russian translation of the same text in Sarasina 2014, No. 4:59-60 instead of a dog, a wolf); (cf. Ainu [a man comes to a single woman, gets married; one day she goes out to chop firewood; a woman goes to feed her female, an unknown male dog jumps out to her, the woman hits him on the head with a stick; when The husband returns, the woman looks in his head, finds a scar from the blow; the husband turns into a dog, runs away]: Pilsudski 2001, No. 7:37 (=2002, No. 7:31); Japanese (including North Ryukyu) [(1) the babysitter leads the girl to relieve herself, calls the dog to pick her up, each time promises her to marry him; (2) the princess's hand is promised to the one who will save the country, or the dog, if he does something unbearable human task; in both cases, the dog fulfills the task; the girl insists on keeping the promise, goes with the dog to the mountains; a man kills a dog, marries a girl; three years later tells her about this, thinking she forgot the dog; she kills a man]: Ikeda 1971, No. 411D: 104; Miyako Islands [the myth of a woman and a dog is similar to that of South China]: Chungshee Hsien Liu 1932:364.

SV Asia. Chukchi [the dog paints himself with alder bark, his groin turns red, he tells the owner that his daughter did it; he tells her to marry the Dog; she beats the Dog's mother and the puppies; the dog chases her away, marries on the other; she feeds the old female meat; The dog turns into a handsome man, the owner of many deer; his descendants form a special tribe; according to another version, the descendants of a woman and a dog gather in a house for autumn Deer sacrifice ceremonies, but they howl, not sing; the girl spies, tells her neighbors that they drive the dogs away with sticks; dogs run west, some turn into people and become the ancestors of the Russians; the rest put on harnesses, become sled dogs]: Bogoras 1902, No. 10:618-619.

The Arctic. Central Yupik: Burrow 1926 (Lower Yukon) [a rich man's daughter rejects her suitors; her father locks her up with her dog, which becomes her husband; her father throws her on Nuniwak Island; the dog finds her by swimming across the strait, steals dried fish from her father, brings it to her, they live together; she gives birth to a boy with dog legs; father kills the Dog by throwing a stone at him]: 81; Fienup-Riordan 1983 (Fr. Nelson) [father does not give it away at first daughter marries, then she rejects the proposed groom; the father in anger invites her to marry his dog; the dog follows her; parents leave both on Nunivak Island; she gives birth to five puppies; the dog swims to her parents, brings meat from her mother; one day she puts not meat in her bag, but stone; The dog drowns; the woman's father comes to give the puppies fish, they tear it to pieces; the woman hears human voices; her puppies turn into boys; take wives from Nelson Island; they are descended from Nunivak Island]: 236-238; Tennant, Bitar 1981 [the girl refuses to marry, spends all her time with the dog; the father says that the dog will be her husband; she leaves, the dog helps her swim across the strait, they build a house, she gives birth to dogs that understand everything as human beings; they are descended from the people of Nunivak Island]: 253-255; Nunivak Island : Curtis 1976 (20) [father says that if the daughter rejects these suitors, let her marry a dog; so it happens; migrates with her daughter; she gives birth to five puppies and one daughter; the dog husband finds her on Fr. Nunivak; the father ties stones to the dog, says it's food for his wife and children, sends him to the island, which drowns; the wife tells the children that their grandfather killed their father, the dogs kill him; they are descended from the Eskimos of Fr. Nunivak]: 78-79; Himmelheber 1951 [the girl rejects the grooms, her father invites her to marry the dog; the dog heard this, brought a sea otter skin as a gift, took the girl as a wife; her father took her to Fr. Nunivac; the dog came to her; she gave birth to four puppies; the father and dog both began to bring them food; one day people gave the dog a bag of stones, putting fish on top, the dog drowned; the wife found his corpse, told the children that their grandfather is to blame; when he arrived, his dogs killed him; they took care of his mother; when she was old, another woman came and saw four naked young men, they became her husbands; the mother of the boys became a dog; The daughter-in-law is angry that she does nothing; but in her absence, she twisted the ropes; her daughter-in-law gave birth to five boys and five girls, who are the islanders]: 35-39; Lantis 1946 [daughter of a rich man a man is abandoned by another husband every two days; the father asks if she wants to take the dog; their white dog hears this, copulates with her every time she goes out to recover; the father takes her away to Nuniwak, occasionally brings food, she gives birth to four male puppies; the dog ties up, he frees himself, finds a woman, begins swimming across the strait, bringing her food from her father; one day he puts it in a bag rocks, sends a storm, the dog drowns, the body nails to the island; the woman tells the puppies that their grandfather killed their father; when the father arrives, the dogs kill him; they hunt themselves; a woman comes from another village; dogs turn into four naked young men, take her as wives, their mother turns into a dog; young men's wife gives birth to boys and girls, and they are descended from Nunivaks]: 267-268; Kodiak: Davydov 1812 [others they say that the kayak with the first people fell from the sky; others say that Kodiak had a female, and Alaska had a big colorful male who swam to the island, and that their inhabitants were born from them; some people think that there was a girl on Kodiak, to whom a male came from Unalashka and both horses and dogs descended from them]: 99; Lisyansky 1812 (2) [the leader's daughter takes the dog as a lover; gives birth to five puppies, including two females; her father takes her daughter and offspring to the island; the dog swims to them, drowns; the mother tells the children what happened; when her father comes to the island, dogs tear him to pieces; the woman returns to where she lived ; some of her children go north from a dog, others south to Kodiak, they are descended from Kodiak]: 75-76 (English translation in Clark 1974:180; in Lantis 1938:132); chugach [petty officer's daughter rejects suitors, gives birth a child from their dog; people leave her alone; the dog turns into a man; when it hunts, it becomes a dog again, brings a lot of game; the woman's brother comes and says that without this dog people are starving; The dog lets them come back; later the Dog is angry that people are fighting; then people go and go]: Birket-Smith 1953:152 (=Johnson 1984:44); Bering Strait inupiate [the myth of a woman who took the dog's husband and the one who gave birth to ten children with him is also known; five were puppies, five others became Indian ancestors]: Boas 1894b: 207; McKenzie estuary [girl rejects grooms, parents command she takes a dog as her husband; at night the dog copulates with her, separates only when her stomach grows; the dog is drowned in the lake; the girl gives birth to five children and five puppies; children hunt with these puppies, bring a lot of game]: Ostermann 1942:115-116; copper: Jenness 1924, No. 72 [a) a white woman is constantly changing her husbands; a man tells her to marry a dog; she gives birth to polar and brown bears to a dog; 2) a woman changes husbands, her father tells her to take a dog; she gives birth to brown and polar bears, humans and dogs from a dog; people disperse, Europeans and various groups of Eskimos come from them; c) the girl rejects suitors, her father tells her to take a dog; she gives birth to brown bears, who kill her father, run away; d) at the beginning of time there were no men; the only woman married a dog, gave birth to puppies and children; they come from Europeans, Indians and Eskimos; e) a woman changes husbands, a father tells her to marry a dog, leaves her with a dog on the island; she gives birth to two children; a father comes to visit her; the children turn brown and white bears, they kill him; a woman goes under water; when she is angry, the weather deteriorates; then shamans ask her for good weather]: 80-81 (translated into Menovshchikov 1985, No. 191, 192:403, 403-404); Rasmussen 1932 [the girl does not marry; her relatives tell her to surrender to dogs, take her to the island; she gives birth to European ancestors]: 240-241; netsilic [father in anger tells his daughter to marry a dog; his dog in In human form, she sleeps with her, she gets pregnant; her father takes her to the island; she gives birth to puppies, her father brings her and them meat; she asks the children to tear it to pieces; sends her, they become the ancestors of Indians and whites ; she wants to sail away with them, they push her into the water; they cut off her fingers, the stumps turn into walruses and seals; she becomes the mistress of Nulyayuk's sea animals]: Rasmussen 1931:227-228; caribou [girl rejects suitors; father takes her to the island; leaves her with her dog, which becomes her husband; she gives birth to puppies; tells them to overturn their father's kayak, father drowns; her children become European and Indian ancestors]: Rasmussen 1930b: 101; polar [1) girl rejects suitors, father tells her to marry her dog; dog feces turn into a person, enters the house; runs away, starting to melt ; the dog rapes the girl, the parents are unable to drive him away; the father takes the daughter to the island; the dog comes to her, she gives birth to puppies and babies; the father brings them food; she tells the puppies to eat him; sends him children become harp seals, wolves, evil spirits, Europeans in pairs; dies of hunger; 2) without turning dog feces into humans; children become ancestors of Eskimos, Norwegians, Indians, wolves]: Holtved 1951, No. 11:64-70; igloolik: Kroeber 1899, No. 5 (Smith Sound) [girl rejects suitors; father in anger threatens to pass her off the leash, gets together with a girl; she became pregnant, kicked out, the dog moved her to an island, started bringing her food from her father, filling a sealskin float with food; her father tried to drown the dog by filling the float with stones and tying it to the dog, but he swam out; the girl gave birth to humans and dogs; they grew up, she told them to kill their dog father, they ate him; couples of children, male and female, the girl told them to become ancestors 1) qablunat (Europeans), 2) nakassungnaitut (wild, exact meaning unknown), 3) wolves, 4) tornit (giants), 5) inugaudligat (dwarfs); qablunat swam away in the sole of the boot; the girl returned to her father; var.: father told daughter to go out for the dog; she does not want to, runs to the island, the dog chases her, marries her; the father brings her food in a kayak out of pity; after sending her children, the girl dies of hunger on the island]: 168-169; Rasmussen 1930a [girl rejects suitors; her father tells her to marry the dog; takes her to the island; the dog kayaks her meat; she gives birth to children and puppies; the father puts rocks in the dog's boat, it sinks; she tells her children to tear up the boat a father, he manages to return home; her children become Indian and white ancestors; she returns to her father; Silly comes to pick her up; she discovers that he has ugly eyes; gives birth to him a child; a father comes to pick her up; a fool sends a storm; a father throws his daughter into the sea; she grabs his boat, he cuts off her fingers; they turn into seals, lahtaks, walruses; she becomes the Mistress of the Sea Animals; her father and drowned dog come to live with her]: 63-66; Labrador Eskimos [a woman takes a dog as her husband; her father is disgraced, takes her to a deserted island; she throws her overboard at sea; she grabs the edges of the boat, he cuts off her fingers; his thumb became a walrus, an index seal, a middle polar bear; (in the previous paragraph: Thornkarsoak (the creator of man) put the puppies in old shoes, let him go on the water; one came back with Indians; later the other with Europeans; appeared as a man but then became a dog again]: Hawkes 1916:152; Baffin's Land [girl rejects suitors, takes the dog as her husband; she gives birth to children with dog legs and puppies; her father takes them all to the island, tells the dog to supply it with food; puts stones in his boat instead of meat, he drowns; the daughter tells the children to dogs wean their father's arms and legs; father sails with her in a boat, throws her overboard, cuts off their fingers; they turn into seals, whales; father takes her into a boat; her children become Indian ancestors, puppies - Europeans]: Boas 1888:637; West Greenland: Ostermann 1939 [a girl rejects suitors, converges with her dog, gives birth to children that combine the characteristics of a dog and a person to varying degrees; when they grew up, the girl's father took them to the island; he only went there with his daughter because he was afraid that the dogs would tear him apart; one day a daughter told her children to kill their grandfather, sent their father alone; the dogs ate him; their mother sent their half-dogs and took the dogs for herself]: 132-135; Rink 1875, No. 148 [the woman met the dog, gave birth to 10 children; when they grew up, she told them to kill their father; divided them into two groups; five left inland, became erkileks; the other five became Europeans]: 471; Angmassalik: Thalbitzer 1923, No. 214A [girl rejects suitors; father offers her to marry a dog; she gives birth one, two, three puppies, then four children; she and the children live on the island; the dog swims across the strait, bringing them meat in leather pants from her father; the father sails to the island, the puppies eat him; the woman sends children], B [as in (A); father puts stones in his pants; dog swims to the island, disappears; children become ancestors of Europeans (?) , inner tribes, Atapaskan], C [as in A, B; children become ancestors of four races or tribes]: 389-396.

Subarctic. (Cf. Upper Tanana [a jealous husband leaves his wife at an empty camp; an old woman hides hot coals for her; she catches rabbits, sews winter clothes; an old dog turns into a young man, takes an abandoned woman, they live well; people starve, find a woman; she feeds everyone, even her husband who has abandoned her]: Brean 1975:43-47); tagish [people migrate, mother sends daughter for an old dog left at the camp; a young man comes out to meet her, takes the girl as his wife, hunts for her; she wonders where the bones go; sees her husband become a dog, chews on them; kills him with a club; gives birth to five puppies, including one female; collecting on the shore of the sink, he hears children's voices; leaves his clothes on sticks like a scarecrow, creeps up to the house, burns dog skins, puts them on children pre-made clothes; the last boy's name is Lkayakw; brothers come to see a woman (Mistress of the Mist?) , she helps them find the monster, gives them a boat, L. sees a mossy log, a self-propelled boat is under the moss; the brothers kill the monster, the cliff on the river is its petrified head; fly over it with a billowing, then disappearing fire in the lake; L. touches the feather of a thunderbird, everyone is killed by thunder, except for the shaman, who revives the brothers; they have a lot of meat, L., turning to the forest, calls for a feast; rolls The skull eats all the meat; the brothers hear that they themselves are called to visit (apparently to the Skull); they come, sit on the board, burn, the shaman brother revives them; they swim across the river to their mother and sister; she has her period , she looks at the brothers, they and she turn into rocks on the Stikine River]: McClelland 2007, No. 81:307-402; tagish, inner tlingits [girl's father's dog turns into a man, sleeps with her; at night she gnaws bones; she watches him, beats him to death; gives birth to seven puppies, one of them female; when left alone, they turn into children; the girl and her mother find them wearing human clothes; later turn into stones]: Cruickshank 1992:102-105; inner tlingits: McClelland 2007, No. 152 [a girl's dog on a walk unnoticed turns into a young man, converges with her; tells her run or her father will kill her; she gives birth to seven puppies, three of them females; notices that the bones of animals in their parking lot are always gnawed in the morning; sees her husband, when he has become a dog, kills him with a stick; hears children's voices, sews children's clothes; pretends to be gone for a long time, comes back, throws dog skins into the fire, forgot one, one boy managed to pull it half, remains a half-dog; she returns with them to their parents, the half-dog turns into stone out of shame], 171b [the husband kills the babies his wife gives birth to; she converges with the dog, secretly gives birth to four puppies - three males and a female; notices that in her absence they turn into people; their dog skins are grabbed, they remain human; the eldest is Lkayakw; they kill the woman's husband; the sister is menstruating, the mother covers the place with her skin, where the daughter is sitting, but L. breaks the curtain every time; his mother sends him to kill a big mouse; kill a shaman named Daylight is coming; the old lady teaches how to do it; the chipboard sleeps with her eyes open, awake with closed ones; L. cuts off his head, sprinkles ash on his body and head, his head cannot grow back; turns into a mountain; his sister and one of his brothers turn into stones; L. goes to heaven, his ski track - Milky Way]: 687-689, 754-764; helmet [the girl's father's dog turns into a man, sleeps with her; gnaws bones at night; she watches him, beats him to death; gives birth to seven puppies, one of them female; parents leave her alone without food; while her mother picks berries, puppies turn into babies; the girl is on guard; her mother deceives her by making a stuffed animal out of old clothes; sneaks up, throws dog skins into the fire; the girl manages to pull her skin half; later the mother manages to remove it, the daughter becomes quite human; the boys are good hunters; alone sleeps with her sister; the mother smears resin daughter's bed, in the morning she sees that the youngest son is dirty; crossing the river, mother and children turn into stones]: Teit 1917a, No. 18:463-464; doghrib [a handsome stranger appears; the girl's four brothers They advise her to marry him; at night she hears the dog chewing bones; her brother kills the dog with an ax; the stranger disappears; the woman is driven away; she gives birth to six puppies; finds baby tracks; waits for children; three manage to jump into the bag, turn into dogs again; mother kills them; two brothers and sister remain; one marries a sister, they give birth to a doghrib]: Petitot 1886, No. 2:311-316; chipewayan [folklore includes the legend of the Copper Woman and the origin of the Coppermine River and the history of the Chipewayans from the first woman and dog to become a man at night; hence, apparently, the early designation Chipewayans and other northern atapasques as "Dog Ribs" or "Dog Sides"]: Smith 1981:279; taltan [like a helmet; four males and one female; grandmother sets fire for an abandoned girl it's a shame to be naked, so she doesn't pull her dog skin to the end; mother pulls it off; without an episode of incest]: Teit 1921a, No. 53:248-250; tsetsot [dog turns into a man, sleeps with a girl; by at night she chews on his bones; she kills him, gives birth to three puppies, one of them female; people leave her alone; she finds her children taking off their dog skins; throws boys' skins into the fire, the girl has time pull his skin back; the young man is lucky to hunt; other people are starving, coming back; young men climb the rock for mountain sheep; the rock grows, they starve; their blood is still visible on the rock]: Boas 1896-1897, No. 11:37-39.

NW Coast. Eyak: Birket-Smith, Laguna 1938, No. 24 (quail in Krauss 1982:80; Johnson 1978:55-56; translated into Romanova 1997, No. 6:46-47) [girl plays with her dog; her parents leave them tied up together; the maid returns, supposedly for a knife, cuts the fetters; the dog turns out to be a good hunter, brings a lot of meat; people are starving; they send the maid to throw away the bones of the abandoned girl; she feeds the maid is fat, she brings fat to her child; the girl's mother learns that the maid's child eats fat; in the morning, the parents go to their daughter; she throws a piece of fat at them, it turns into a glacier; parents turn into birds (species not specified), fly away]: 314-316; Krauss 1982 [(=Johnson 1978:95-97); woman's husband dies, Aleuts kill two of her six children; she kills Aleuts, returns to hers younger unmarried sister; says that she sleeps even with dogs; leaves her tied up with the dog; the maid returns, supposedly for a knife, cuts her fetters; the dog turns into a man, takes the girl as his wife, brings a lot of meat; people are starving; they send a maid to collect and throw away the bones of an abandoned girl; she feeds the maid with fat, she brings fat to her child; the girl's sister learns that the maid's child is eats fat; people go to the Dog's wife; the maid in front, throws a piece of fat behind her, it turns into a glacier; all participants turn into owls]: 77-79; tlingits [man kills his children; his wife conceives from a dog, gives birth to five puppies, one of them a female; she and her husband hear children's voices; she leaves a digging stick on the shore with her clothes on it, sneaks up on the children, throws dogs skins at fire; one son remains a dog; father attacks them, they kill him; travel to exterminate dangerous creatures]: Swanton 1909, No. 31:99-101; Haida [dog rapes a woman; she gives birth to puppies, including one female; spies on them, throws their dog skins into the fire; her human husband wants to kill the dog's children; one of them is a shaman who kills him himself; at night the brothers hear that someone is with his sister; they smear with tar mat; in the morning they see that the lover is one of them; monsters kill brothers, but the shaman brother revives the dead every time]: Swanton 1905:252-261; Tsimshian (R.Skina) [girl's dog turns into a man , makes her pregnant; she gives birth to five puppies; she is left alone; the raven keeps her on fire, helps build a house; she hears her sons talking, throws their dog skins into the fire; together with sons return to people; sons save people from hunger, become leaders]: Smelcer 1993:87-88; bellacula [two texts borrowed from Heilzuk]: McIlwraith 1948 (1): 642-644 [at night the chief's young daughter feels that someone is copulating with her; smears paint on her lover, sees paint on an old dog in the morning; gives birth to four puppies, one of them female; the father tells her to leave his daughter alone on empty camp; an old slave leaves her a cape and smoldering coals in the sink; while she collects shellfish, the children remove the dog's skins; when she returns, she sees child footprints; leaves her clothes on a digging stick , suddenly enters the house, throws skins into the fire; the female remains a dog; one son became a housebuilder, the second became a boat builder, the third became a hunter; an old slave comes to them, a woman gives him whale meat; at home, his baby choked, had to tell the truth; people came back, the woman took care of her parents], 644-645 [as in p. 642-644; the Heiltzuk girl is in the menstrual hut, where she comes to see her dog; paint episode; five puppies, one of them female; fourth son is a fisherman, a halibut catcher; the female disappears; the woman is kind to the returnees, but drives her father]; heiltzuk [the girl smears her lover's ocher, coming at night; in the morning sees paint on her dog's white coat; gives birth to puppies; her father tells people to leave her alone; her grandmother hides tinder in her sink for her; collecting oysters, the girl hears children's voices; leaves his burning torch on the shore, creeps up to the house, throws dog skins into the fire; every morning he finds seals and whales on the beach; sends Seagull to carry meat to his grandmother; people notice that the old woman eats meat; they come back; the daughter does not let her father into her house]: Boas 1928b: 37-45; quakiutl (lekviltok) [at night the chief's daughter takes the dog to her room; the chief smears him with resin, enters at night, the dog sticks to the bed, cannot jump up; the chief tells her to leave her daughter alone; her grandmother hides a fire for her in the sink; the girl gives birth to puppies; collects shells; hears children singing; hangs her clothes on a pole, catches children by surprise, throws dog skins into the fire; two manage to pull them again; a woman's sons get a lot of food; people are starving; a woman sends a crow to bring fat to her good grandmother; people they come back; sons turn them and their boats into stones; spare only a good grandmother]: Boas 1895, No. 4:132-133; chickpea [girl gets pregnant by a dog, gives birth to puppies; father tells people to leave her alone; her uncle hides the fire in the sink for her; she hears her sons singing; pretends to go to collect oysters, throws their dogs skins into the fire; one of the sons catches a whale with a fishing line; makes a crow, that flies, shows starving people where the whale is; the tribe returns; the young man sends a storm, turns everyone but the good uncle into rocks]: Boas 1895, No. 10:114-115; Sapir, Swadesh 1939, No. 12:55-63.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry: Jenness 1934, No. 7 [see motive K47; the chief's daughter gives birth to puppies - four (or three) males and a female; people abandon her; the mother hears children's voices; leaves her torches burning by the river, finds sons, throws dog skins into the fire; daughter Upitz manages to pull her own, remains a dog; brothers bring a lot of meat and fish; people come back; one day the game disappears; the youngest gives the old woman instead of fat is rotten; she says: Let the caribou take you to the sky where you belong; the dog sister drives the caribou up the mountain, they all end up in heaven; brothers turn into four the stars of the Ursa Major bucket; in front of them W., even further away from the Caribou, turned into the Pleiades; a bright star below B. Bears - fallen luggage when brothers tried to make a rope out of their belts and go down to the ground; (Var. from the Fraser River: three brothers continue to chase the caribou in the sky; Blue Jay teaches them to tie belts, go down; tells you not to look if they hear a noise; they look, everyone turns into stars; Orion's Belt is the remnants of their meal; seeing new stars, the mother of the children commits suicide)]: 137-141; Munro 1946 (western 1943) [the chief (Toeneza; "a prominent man generally known as a chief") has a 20-year-old daughter Sak-esta; she had a dream that frightened her; so twice; after that she became pregnant and gave birth to four puppies; her parents They told everyone to leave the camp and leave her daughter alone without fire; but a man named Raven hid the fire for her in an old moccasin; she began to catch rabbits, the children grew up quickly; noticed their traces in the hearth - human footprints; she left her clothes {put on a stump}, went to the house from the other side herself; grabbed the dog's skins, threw it into the fire, but one of the children remained in dog form; began to hunt together with their brothers; when they first saw a bear in a hollow, they began to hunt bears; in the spring, the Raven came to see how things were doing; the woman gave him meat and fat for his family, told others not to tell anything; the youngest child choked and a piece of fat fell into the fire; it turned out that people had returned, the woman fed her mother; and the children gave the elderly grandmother a rotten tree wrapped in skin; she cursed them: let will leave and never return; at dawn, the mother saw seven moose rise into the sky, followed by a dog and three young men; they have since been seen in spring on the eastern edge of the sky; seven moose are the Pleiades {hunters - Belt Orion?} ; mother pierced the old woman's heart with a willow skewer and threw her into the sky; told her to become a Morning Star]: 99-104; chilcotin [the leader's daughter smears white paint on a man visiting her at night; sees in the morning paint on the fur of Lendikschuch's father's dog; gives birth to three puppies; the father tells her to leave her alone; the Raven extinguishes all the hearths, defecating in them; the uncle of the abandoned Magpie hides the fire under the roof of the house; the girl tells L. to catch game for their sons; puts her clothes on a scarecrow, creeps up to the house where her sons are dancing, throws their dogs of skin into the fire; L. manages to pull her half, remains half a dog; boys become good hunters; fill Magpie's house with meat, Raven's house with feces; Magpie comes to visit; feeds his children with fat, one choked; the Raven found out truth; people come back]: Farrand 1900, No. 1:7-10; Thompson [the chief's daughter refuses grooms; they turn the dog into a man, he visits her at night; she rubs her hands with ocher, smears her lover; in the morning sees a dog with ocher stripes; gives birth to four puppies; father tells her to leave her alone; Raven and Raven leave dried fish for her; while she is not at home, sons take off their dog skins; she watches them, destroys them skins, pouring a potion on them; sons become good hunters; people visit them, ask them to return to the village, offer wives; in the end they agree; they leave many descendants]: Teit 1898, No. XVI: 62-63; 1917b, No. 17 [one of the rejected suitors turns into a dog during the day to disgrace her; she gives birth to puppies - one female and three (or one) males; people leave the village, leaving her alone; her husband in In a human way, she hunts for her; she hangs her clothes on a stump, leaves a burning torch, runs into the house, throws dog skins into the fire; daughter escapes, keeping her dog's appearance; people are starving, through four years come back; in the version where the boy is alone, he is told not to hit his dog sister; he hits, she turns into a curlew bird; he later becomes a chikadi]: 30; lillouette [the girl has a dog lover; her parents kill him, leave her alone; she gives birth to five puppies, one of them female; in her absence, the children take off their dog skins; she finds them, the daughter manages to pull the skin over her legs; the mother burns skins, scorches hair on daughter's legs; makes people out of chips]: Teit 1912b, No. 15:316-317; comox (tlaamen) [girl rejects Tlacoct 'a; he turns into a dog, chews tar; girl sends the maid for resin; T. wants the girl to swallow the resin; she gets pregnant; the father tells her to be left alone; the Raven takes the fire, her grandmother Jackdaw hides the fire for her in the sink; the girl gives birth seven puppies, one of them female; collects shells; hears children singing; hangs her clothes on a pole, catches children by surprise, throws dog skins into the fire; the daughter manages to pull the skin over one hand; makes his older brother a shirt; he falls asleep in the sun; the Sun offers to change shirts; when the young man drops the end of his shirt from the Sun into the water, salmon appear; the tribe starves; comes Jackdaw, gets fat; brothers witch, Raven cannot catch fish; older brother is the ancestor of Tlaamen]: Boas 1895, No. X: 92-94; halkomel (lower reaches of Fraser) [hammer first, then dog takes shape men come to the chief's daughter at night; she gives birth to puppies; the father tells her to be left alone; she collects a sink on the shore, hears a baby's penis; makes a stuffed animal out of her clothes, catches six by surprise sons, throws dog skins into the fire; her sons are ancestors of the Coaantel family; Kels (three siblings) turn a woman's father into a badger]: Boas 1895, No. 1:24-25; clallam [2 var.; an unknown lover visits a girl at night; she gives birth to three puppies and a girl; the back of her hands is covered with hair; the chief tells her to leave the woman; the grandmother hides a fire in her sink; a woman collects oysters, hears children's voices; leaves his cape hanging on a digger, catches children by surprise, throws dog skins into the fire; young men get a lot of supplies; send the tribe a boat full of meat; people swim back; one of the young men causes a storm; everyone dies except a good grandmother]: Gunther 1975:138-140; skagit [the leader's daughter is pregnant with a dog; people leave her, the grandmother hides the fire for her in a shell; a woman gives birth to three sons and a daughter, they are half a dog; while the mother is away, the dog father and children take off their dog skins; she waits for them, they remain human; the husband makes new people out of garbage; turns gravel into smelt; the woman's relatives return in shame]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 26:418-420; upper chehalis [four var; the girl is pregnant with her dog, people leave her alone; her grandmother Raven hides a fire in her sink; a girl gives birth to four puppies and a human girl (or five puppies, one of them a knot); she tells her mother that her brothers and father take off their dog skins, or the mother hears children's voices; the mother leaves her torch or digger on the shore with her clothes on her, comes running, throws her skins into the fire; the young men bring a lot of meat; they give it to the Crow, her baby chokes, others learn to eat meat; Blue Jay and its men swim back; come back or die during the storm]: Adamson 1934:96-98, 101-103, 105-109; lower chehalis (hamptulip) [young man in white the cape comes to the chief's daughter at night; she is pregnant, the young man turns out to be her dog; people leave her; she gives birth to five puppies; the dog brings them a rabbit; she collects oysters on the shore, leaves instead of himself, his digging stick, finds his two daughters and three sons dancing; throws their dog skins into the fire; hits an adult dog; says he takes his daughters away that he didn't rape them]: Adamson 1934:328-329; curdalen [the older sister is married to an eagle; the youngest marries an almost blind, ugly old man; the elder laughs at her; but when Coyote invited everyone to catch an ermine, he He is only trapped by the younger sister's husband; the eldest secretly comes and sees that there is a handsome man next to the youngest; both sisters go with the younger husband to where he lives; there are all stained dogs around; The eldest is left alone with the dogs, beats them; then she sees that they are people, they say that all their jewelry is broken and broken; the eldest gives birth to puppies; notices baby marks, hides with a blanket over herself; Sees a girl come out, leads a puppy on a leash, wants him to become human; the mother grabs her, says that let her son remain a puppy; stays with her daughter and puppy]: Reichard 1947, No. 11:122- 125; quinalt [at night, a girl's dog turns into a man, sleeps with her; people leave her alone; a crow hides a fire in her sink; she gives birth to five puppies, four of them males; collecting oysters, hears children singing; sticks her digger, puts clothes on it, sneaks up to the house herself, throws dogs skins into the fire; her sons catch whales; the crow visits the abandoned, gets meat; her the child chokes, hungry people ask where she got her meat; they come back; the woman's sons are chosen as chiefs]: Farrand 1902, No. 17:127-128; quileut [the chief's daughter's dog turns into a man sleeping with her; she gives birth to eight puppies; her father tells people to leave her alone, kills a dog; she has difficulty making a fire; collecting oysters, she hears children's voices; leaves her burning torch on the shore, sneaks up to the house, throws dogs of their skins into the fire; her children whale; people starve, see crows dropping pieces of meat; coming back]: Andrade 1931, No. 49 [women's sons become chiefs], 50 [seeing returning people, a woman causes a storm, people drown]: 127-141; Farrand, Mayer, No. 15 [like Andrade; a grandmother hides a fire in the sink for a woman; a woman makes human clothes out of dog skin; A crow comes to their camp, tells the tribe; people return; a woman's sons go to her father, she stays with the tribe]: 272-273; Reagan, Walters 1933 [as in Andrade (50); the dog does not turns into a man; a woman's eldest son causes a storm]: 304-306; catlamet [the chief's wife does not love him, sleeps with her dog; the chief's brothers kill the dog, feed the woman fat under the guise of a seal; she becomes pregnant, the chief tells her to leave; she gives birth to six puppies, one of them female; discovers baby marks; while the boys are playing, the girl is on guard; the mother finds them, throws their skins at fire; Tiapeshoakshoak buys a girl as a wife; feeds on blood, and if he is hungry, he devours wives; the girl's brothers give him the blood of a sea monster, he is full; his wife gives birth to a boy from him, lies, like a girl; runs away; her son grows up, kills T., marries his widows]: Boas 1901a, No. 1:155-165; yakima [the story of a girl whose lover was a dog she marked for identification at night, said a yakima woman on the ne perse reservation]: Spinden 1917, No. 20:198; tillamook [the dog licks the girl's urine, she gets pregnant; people leave her, the Raven hides a coal for her; she gives birth to five puppies; Blue Jay tells her that without her, her children take off their skins, go swimming; she burns their skins; her daughter remains lame because her mother beat her when she was still a knot]: Jacobs 1959, No. 7:22-24; kalapuya [five hunters go hunting with a dog; the dog comes back alone; when asked by a little girl, five deer were killed; the earth is turning over, people are turning into stars, now seen in the sky; a girl and a dog remain; a girl gives birth to one puppy and one child, then a puppy and a child again; they give birth to new people; the chief says that new people will come; people of the second century creations turn into pebbles; two women steal, hide a girl; a boy finds her, brings her to her mother; women dance, cause rain, third-century people die from the flood, turn into beavers, fish; A sliver boy escapes, he hid the girl under his arm; after the flood he kills and burns those women, the ashes turn into fog, clouds; people of the third era descend from boy and girl]: Gatschet et al. 1945, No. 4:173-175 (translated into Romanova 1997, No. 115:405-406); cous [the girl only likes her dog; the young man kills him, pulls his skin, becomes the girl's lover; her brother kills him; she lives alone in the forest, giving birth to twins; they come to her brothers and are recognized as their heirs]: Saint Clair 1909a, No. 3:30 (=Frachtenberg 1913, No. 27:167-171; zap. Saint Clair).

(Wed. The Midwest. Ojibwa [the girl rejects her suitors; they played a cruel joke on her (what exactly is not specified); she has to leave with her dog, marry him; she gives birth to a boy and a puppy; later takes her to wives are man; for this, the dog husband and the dog son kill her and her son]: Jones 1916, No. 46:387; naskapi [the husband dies, the widow stays with the dog; he hunts for her, sleeps with her; one day a young hunter comes, spends the night with a woman; after he left, the dog bit her; she has been loyal to him ever since]: Millman 1993:48-49).

Plains. Sarsi [someone comes to the girl, she smears paint on her lover, asks her father to collect all the men in the morning, but notices paint on her mother's dog's face; people migrate, the girl leaves with all, having given birth to 10 puppies and leaving them in dog tipi; they turn into young men, hunt successfully; the father dog tells them to take the meat to their mother and her relatives; people return, the dog father becomes human, a girl marries him]: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 27:34-35; black-legged [a girl wants her dog to become human; a lover comes to her at night; to identify him, she gets her hand dirty with a white one with clay, runs her on the back; next time she bites his finger; in the morning her dog in white stripes, chrome; turns into a young man; eats raw meat, has the dog's paws; people leave the Dog and his wife alone; he tells other dogs leave their owners; humans are starving; Dog returns dogs, recognized as chief]: Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 25:107-109; Mandan [chief's daughter rejects suitors; an unknown person comes to her man; she stains his shoulder with ocher; in the morning she sees paint on her white dog; hits him in the face with a stick; gives birth to nine puppies; the dog takes them away; she comes to their house, sees her children in human form; they have a man with a scar on his face; he chases her away, she returns to the village]: Beckwith 1938, No. 14:142-143; Shayena [someone comes to the girl at night; she stains her lover with red paint; her The father tells all men to dance; she sees paint on her father's dog; gives birth to seven puppies; the dog takes them away; she follows them; sees the Dog in the guise of a handsome man; (Dog and?) puppies turn into Pleiades ("seven puppies")]: Kroeber 1900, No. 18:181-182; arpahoes: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 90 [girl rejects suitors; at night a man in white clothes made of skin comes to her bison; she stains it with red paint; in the morning she sees red stripes on her white dog; hits him with an ax; gives birth to puppies, male and female; they run away; she follows in their footsteps, the tracks become human; children ask their father to let their mother into the house; he rejects her], 91 [as in (90), the dog is the Sun], 92 [the woman's lover himself says he is a dog; to make sure of this, she stains him with paint; hits him with a stone; gives birth seven puppies, tells his brother to drown them, but he raises them; they turn into young men, their father takes them to his village; people beat their dogs, young dogs take their dogs away; then dogs and people reconcile]: 195- 226; arikara [a black dog sits on a girl's bed; she gives birth to four puppies; her mother tells her brother to throw them away; he keeps and raises two; the father dog and the puppies become a boy and two boys leave; a woman follows them, a young man chases her, but her sons feed her; they enter the hill; the Dog's relatives discuss her fate, decide to keep her alive; pass on songs for her brother (origin Mad Dog Societies at Hydatsa and Arikar)]: Parks 1996, No. 21:236-240.

(Wed. Mesoamerica Tzotsil [God first made man out of earth (mud), but he did not stand upright; man offered to make clay; God made Eve and Adam out of clay; when Eve met the white dog, she gave birth European ancestors]: Guiteras-Holmes 196:157).

(Wed. Central Amazon. Munduruku: Kruse 1949, No. 14, var.1 [the girl Datekúru has her first period; Karupitubë comes to her; they copulate at her insistence, he says that she will give birth to puppies, teaches how to raise them; lovers manage to split up only in the evening when the girl's mother comes and hits them on the genitals with a stick; Brother D. kills four out of six puppies; with the two remaining and with his mother D. runs into the forest; her dog sons bring her a lot of game; they give birth to Munduruku dogs; when her older brother comes to ask for puppies, dogs kill him], var.2 [Karupitubö comes to the village; Irasheru's girlfriend converges with him; gave birth to two puppies; her brothers wanted to kill them, but she ran into the forest; returned to the village, people are happy; Munduruku still treat dogs like their children, their women they feed, everyone cries for the dead]: 621-622, 622-623; Murphy 1958, No. 36 [the girl Dachekorö has her first period; Karupitubö comes to her; they copulate at her insistence, he does it by- doggy; says that she will give birth to puppies, teaches them how to raise them; lovers manage to separate only in the evening when the girl's mother comes and hits them on the genitals with a stick; D. brothers find out that she gave birth to four puppies; the youngest wants to take one for herself, the eldest kills two; with the two remaining and her mother, D. runs into the forest; her dog sons bring her a lot of game, because K. is the father of wolves in the savannas in the south; D. gives newborn puppies to his younger brother; tells them to bite the older one, but then gives him too; with her two dogs, she goes to K. in the Land of Dogs]: 114-115).