Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K47B. The dog is becoming handsome .

A woman marries a man who originally looked like a dog. The birth of children from a dog is insignificant for the plot.

Libyan Arabs, Irish, Scots, Bilua, Tibetans (Sikkim, Amdo), Mustang, (Qiang), Himachali plowmen, (Agaria), Czechs, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Pskov), Rutulans, Danes, Icelanders, Estonians, Karelians, Eastern Sami, Komi, Chulym Tatars, Tubalars, Northern Khanty, Ket, Nenets, Nanais, Forest Yukaghirs, Chukchi, Reindeer Koryaks.

North Africa. The Arabs of Libya [the sultan's daughter buys a magic mirror from a Jew; it tells her that her happiness is in a dog that should be in the garden; the princess brings the dog into the room; she turns into young man; mother spies, throws dog skin into the fire; the young man disappears; the princess gathers old people to tell stories; one saw three ships at sea; a dog jumped ashore, turned into a young man, threw three apples: for the east, for the west and for the princess; the princess asks the old man to take her to where he saw it all; lovers survive]: Panetta, l'Arabo parlato, p. 102-105 in Novak 1969 , NO. 245:237-238.

Western Europe. Irish [Coluath O'Hara, king of Desmond, has three daughters; in the absence of a father, the eldest envelops herself in a veil of darkness, wants a handsome man to be her husband; he immediately arrives in a golden carriage drawn by two white and two black horses takes her away; the middle daughter also arrives in a carriage with four black horses; the youngest wants the best white dog in the world, he comes with a servant in a carriage drawn by four white horses; the husbands of older sisters are people during the day and seals at night, the youngest's husband is a dog during the day, handsome at night; when he leaves, he tells his wife not to shed tears if a child will be born and something will happen to him; she gives birth to a son, he is carried away by a crow; the same with the second; when a daughter gives birth, a tear drips into the mother's scarf; the husband returns, scolds his wife for it; daughters and husbands they come to their father; the mother spies, sees a handsome man with two older seals, the youngest; throws a dog's skin into the fire; the husband says that if he spent three days in his father-in-law's house, he would remain human, and now must leave; the wife follows; in the first house she meets the first kidnapped son, the old woman gives scissors that turn rags into a golden dress; in the second, the second, gets a comb that turns lousy hair with golden curls; in the third, a daughter, she has no eye, the mother pulls out a handkerchief, not a tear in it, but her daughter's eye, the girl finds it; the hostess blows a whistle calling on all the birds; the husband pulls out a reed, goes to the lower world, he must become the husband of the Queen of the Land of Youth (Tir na N-og), who bewitched him; the wife pulls out another, follows him; the woman turns the rags of her daughter henwife (poultry house?) in a luxurious dress; she reports to the queen; the queen demands scissors, the dog's wife asks for a night with her husband for them, gets it, but the husband sleeps; the same is the second night (tidies up henwife's daughter's hair, gives it comb); the dog's wife whistles on the whistle, all the birds fly in, including the bird of song and new tales; the dog's wife asks the bird how to kill the queen; she says that there is a ram in the holly, in he has a duck, an egg in it, only the queen's husband can cut down a holly; the dog's wife hides a fox in a box, a hawk in the other; spends the night in exchange for a whistle, leaves a letter to the servant for her husband; he wakes up, cuts the holly , the fox grabs the ram, the hawk the duck, the egg breaks, the queen dies; the former dog and his wife remain to rule the country Tir na N-og]: Curtin 1975:15-25; Scots: Campbell 1890 (1), No. 12 [y the farmer's cattle are missing; the dog promises to find if he gives her daughter; the eldest, the middle refuse, the youngest marries the dog; the dog brings his wife into his world, turns into a human; a pregnant wife wants to visit her parents; the husband warns him to return before the child is born; take off the horse's bridle, let him go; if necessary, wave the bridle, the horse will return; she gave birth to her parents; music was heard everyone fell asleep, the child was gone in the morning, the wife returned to her husband; so three times; the third time the father told me everything; the horse did not appear; she came on foot, only her husband's mother was at home; said that the daughter-in-law would have time for him catch up; the wife stays in a house; the hostess says that her husband is going to marry the daughter of the King of Heaven; gives scissors (they cut themselves); the next sister gives a needle (she sews herself), the third gives a thread] herself enters a needle); a woman stops at the poultry house, shows the work of magic objects, the maid of the King of Heaven's daughter tells her; she buys each of the items for permission to spend the night with her husband ; gives him sleeping pills twice; the second time the eldest son hears his mother trying to wake up his father, tells his father; he does not drink sleeping pills, he returns with his wife and three sons to the ground], 14 [after the death of his wife, the king promises to marry only the one who fits the deceased's clothes; she fits her daughter; she sets conditions: to bring her a swan down dress, moorland down canach, made of silk with brocade; each time he brings what he needs in a year and one day; a gold and silver shoe - brings; a locked chest inside and out that can swim; he brings, she sits down in him, asks to test the chest on the water, sails away; a shepherd finds him, the girl is hired to work in the king's kitchen; she comes to the service three times incognito, wearing her three dresses consistently; the Queen falls in love with her; they try to detain her, she has lost her shoe; the Queen tells everyone to try it on; he fits the maid in the kitchen, she shows the other and the dresses; the wedding; (p. 231-233: similar variants)]: 208-213, 226-229.

Melanesia. Bilua [after her husband's death, the widow gave birth to a dog son; he asks his mother to marry him the chief's daughter; the older sister refuses, the youngest agrees; they go to the site, the dog dives into the sea, dumps dog skin, becomes handsome; the older sister is jealous; when the youngest is pregnant, the eldest asks her and her husband to help in the field, refuses to bring her water, the youngest goes by herself, the eldest pushes her into the water, she drowns; when her wife is dead, her husband also drowns]: Obata 2003:287-320.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Sikkim) [a dog comes to a woman with three daughters, asks her to keep the zamba bag until he returns; three years later they decide to eat zamba, eat it, the dog comes and demands for eaten by the girl; gets the older sister; by the river she replies that she is not his, but he, the dog, must take her to the other side; the dog sends her back, gets the middle daughter (the same with her), then the youngest ; she says that the water can carry him away, carries him herself; he marries her, she gives birth to three puppies; goes to the palace, where the dog husband was torn apart by dogs; the servant's crying wife is brought to the throne, on which the king is former dog; he turns puppies into son and two daughters; spouses are happy]: Krapivina 2001:105 -111; Tibetans (Amdo) [a dog comes to a woman with three daughters asking her to keep the zamba bag to him returning from Lhasa; after three years they decide to eat zamba, eat, a dog comes, demands a girl for what they eat; gets an older sister; by the river she agrees to eat meat and tsampa, and to the dog the bones are laid; replies that it is not his, but he, the dog, must move her to the other side; the dog sends her back, gets the middle daughter (the same with her), then the youngest; she shares meat and tsampa equally, says that the water can carry him away, carries him by itself; the dog takes her as his wife, brings her to the palace; dressed up, sends him to the party; everyone admires the handsome horseman; the next day the woman goes to the bazaar, there he sees the same rider again, recognizes familiar clothes; when he returns home, burns the dog's skin; the husband says he will not live without dog skin for more than 7 days, because his life is under the power of a demoness; wife goes to the demoness, her husband teaches her what to do; she must replace her buryuk with his leaky one, find and return the black and white stone in which her husband's life is; on the way he drinks from a dirty pond, divides the hay equally between the two horses , bones are between two dogs; while the demoness goes to fetch water with a leaky swapped wineskin, the woman finds a stone, runs away; dogs and horses refuse to detain her, the pond allows her to drink cold water, and for the demoness, the water is poisoned, she is dying; everything is fine]: Kajihama 2004, No. 19:71-77; Mustang: Kretschmar 1985, No. 21 [mother of three daughters is ill; says she will only be cured by grass and water in remote part of the valley; the eldest daughter is coming; there is a dog, she will allow her to take grass and water on the condition that the girl marries him; she refuses, leaves with nothing; the same with her middle sister; younger agrees, the dog gives grass and water, promises to come in two days; the mother recovers; hides the youngest daughter under a copper cauldron; the dog beats the older sisters, sits on the pot, the youngest screams that she is here; he leads her across the lake, across the plain, there is a golden house, then a silver house, then out of dog crap; the girl replies every time that home suits her; inside the house there is abundance, there is an old woman, the mother of the dog; she advises to pretend to be sleeping, waiting for her son to take off his dog skin and go to bed, throw the skin into the fire; in front of the girl, the young king Kyirken Gambala; he says that the skin was burned too early, they will problems; when she goes hunting, she leaves a bunch of keys; the girl opens rooms in the golden palace, full of gold, silver in silver, coral in the coral; there is no key to the wooden one; she finds the key on a stick under the ceiling, unlocks the door, behind her there is a mother-of-pearl staircase, she sees the whole world, she sees her native village, her parents are hungry and sick; the older sister married a blacksmith, the middle butcher; she looks for the KG in her head, drops a tear, admits that she feels sorry for her parents; they go to them together, give gifts; the older sisters are jealous, the eldest leads the youngest to the lake, asks what she feeds her husband and what her servants are ; the youngest guesses, answers incorrectly (my husband throws buckwheat and pepper, I throw a plate out the door, rice with meat to the servants, plates on the shelf); the eldest pushes the youngest into the lake, puts on her clothes and jewelry, invites the KG to return home; he suspects deception; the imaginary wife is afraid to go across the lake, does not want to enter the house out of dog crap, feeds her husband as servants and servants as husband; the shepherd sees sheep they come to the lake, a bird flies out of the water, asks about the king; the shepherd tells the KG about this; he goes with him to the lake, brings a bird, puts him in a cage; the imaginary wife kills and cooks the bird, lets her husband eat with rice; he notices that there is poultry meat in the rice, throws it into the garden; trees grow there; the imaginary wife tells them to be cut down and split into firewood; the poor old husband and wife, the husband went to bring firewood, found a piece of meat, put it in a chest; a few days later a girl came out; after that, the old men became rich; the girl gives the old man the ring that was left on her finger when her sister pushed her into the lake; he calls the king and his wife, puts them on the golden and turquoise thrones, shows the ring; the king demands a finger to the ring; his wife goes out, the older sister turns to ash; KG: these were the problems I mentioned; the ash was hidden under a black stupa; the KG made his wife's parents' house his summer residence], 22 [the poor have three daughters; the yellow dog brings a bag of money, asks to keep it until he returns in two or three years ; sisters insist to take this money and buy clothes and jewelry; when they find that there is no money, the dog demands one of the girls as his wife; the older two refuse, the youngest agrees, leaves with the dog; gives birth two white puppies and a black knot; the dog takes her to a luxurious house, where his sister is human; takes off his skins and his children, becomes king, white puppies become boys, black puppies become girls; three years later a woman comes to visit her home; there is poverty, the sisters are jealous, they go to the lake with the youngest to wash their hair, drown her, put on her clothes and jewelry, answer the king that their younger sister has gone to parents; stay in the palace; a tree has grown on the shore of the lake, and the girl has become a bird, tells everything to the shepherd whose sheep lay by the water; he forgets to tell the king; in order not to forget anymore, he makes himself sheep dung ear pendants; the king sees the pendants, the shepherd tells everything; the king comes to the tree, the bird is silent; the shepherd advises him to wear his clothes and come unrecognized; so it happened; the king threw a stone, a bird flew on his right shoulder (a sign that his wife would regain her appearance); the king placed the bird's chest, his wife left 7 days later; the king sent her sisters to their parents, stayed with his wife and children; the country is thriving]: 128-137, 138-143; (cf. Qiang (RgyAlrong) [the son of the king of the upper valley dressed in dog skin, came to the well under the guise of a lousy beggar, where the daughters of the king of the lower valley took water; the elders rejected him, the youngest did not drive him away, brought her father to work; when she was sleeping, he put a horse embryo between her legs; the girl cried (apparently thought she had a miscarriage); the young man promised not to tell anyone if she chose at the party his husband; older sisters gave gifts to rich suitors, the youngest to the poor; the beggar and his wife were driven away without property; on the way they see herds, fields, the husband says that maybe it will all be theirs; at home in the image of a handsome man sits on the golden throne]: Jacque 2004:483-519).

South Asia. Himachali plowmen [the brahmana's wife jokingly tells her crying daughter that if she does not stop talking, she will give it to the dog; the girl grows up, the father once tells the dog to pick her up in his heart; the dog leaves with her, tells her to go down to the well, there is a garden and a palace, the dog turns out to be a raja; her father comes to them and sees a crack in the golden wall; the Raja says that his father-in-law will have to serve as a shepherd for 12 years to atone for the sin of expelling his daughter (he didn't know the dog was not real)]: Dracott 1906:132-134; (cf. agaria [parents married five sons, daughter stayed with them; sons found and brought home a dead ox; parents gave the liver to their daughter, and daughters-in-law wanted to eat the liver themselves; the brothers asked sisters to drink; she cut off her hand, blood dripped into the water, the brothers liked the taste; the brothers took her sister to the forest to pick mangoes, killed her; her dog brought her head home; the father thought he killed his daughter, beat the dog to death; the brothers brought home their sister's sliced meat; when they saw the head, they were frightened and ran away; the parents understood who the murderers were; they took the heads of their daughter and dog to the sadhu on Mount Elephants; he woke up, was frightened, told heads to become who they were, leave; the girl and the dog came to life, stayed on the mountain, got married; the dog lived on the mountain, got married; fight; the girl and the dog would live their heads home; the father decided that the dog was dripping into water, the brothers liked the brothers who came; they went to another village, and the sister and husband, the dog, began to live with their parents]: Elwin 1944:375-376).

Central Europe. Czechs [two eldest daughters ask the merchant to bring them beautiful fabrics, the youngest three white roses; the merchant picks roses in the castle, the dog demands to bring his daughter for this; the youngest daughter has been living in the castle for a year; the dog lets her go home for two weeks; angry sisters detain her for a day; she comes back, sees a dead dog, cries, her dog skin falls down, the queen is alive in front of the girl]: Bogolyubova, Talova 2000:154- 157; Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [the old man consistently leads three daughters to give for the first person he meets; the eldest passes off as an old man, the middle man as a rich man, the youngest as a dog; the dog has its own house, house; parents invite daughters and husbands to visit; dog sheds his skin, turns out to be a handsome man; wife burns skin, husband dies]: Drannikova 2001:36 {cf. Nenets, possibly Nenets borrowing}; Russians (Arkhangelskaya: Severnaya Dvina) [the tsar has a son, he was wrapped in a dog, he began to marry; in the evening - a guy, and a dog in the afternoon; his wife burned his skin; husband: would wait 6 days; turned around with a falcon and flew away; Mary the princess went to look; A hut, a hut, turn her gate to me and her eyes to the forest; in the hut, Baba Yaga holds the child on her leg; in the morning she gave a comb, combs her hair herself; the next Baba Yaga gave a pickling tablecloth; the third (they are all sisters) teapot with 12 noses, each with her own drink; teaches how to redeem her husband for gifts; she can't wake up her husband for two nights, he did not sleep on the third; gathered people: what kind of wife should he live with - the one he buys or the one he sells? answer: with the one she buys; they began to live happily ever after]: 115-116; Mitrofanova, Fedorova 1966, No. 7:113-114; Mitrofanova, Fedorova 1966, No. 7:113-114; Russians (Pskov) [no one to download the baby girl; the woman asks for the dog, promises to marry her daughter; the daughter grew up, had to give it back; at night the dog becomes a handsome young man; the girl burned her skin; husband: you won't see me again; old lady to the girl: you'll see when you tear down three pairs of iron shoes; another witch tells you to eat the sieves of iron wallpapers first; old man: get living water from the royal well, jump off the place where the skin was burned; she jumped off, husband appeared; but the girl died of fear and greed]: Ploshchuk 2004, No. 13:29-30.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Rutultsy [a childless old woman tells a gypsy woman that she would be happy to have a dog; gives birth to Haji with a dog's head; at night he comes to Princess Aminat, she thinks it's his father's dog, strokes G., that turns into a person; the tsar orders to pacify the horse, separate mad dogs from healthy ones, G. does it easily, marries A., turns into a person]: Mazaev, Kasumov 1997 (2): 205-207

Baltoscandia. Danes [the girl's parents are dead, she is hired to work for a dwarf; she gives difficult errands; the dog promises to help if the girl kisses her; helps milk five rabid goats and bring water to a sieve; third task: go to hell for a cake; the dog teaches you to propitiate dangerous creatures along the way, eat nothing in hell; a witch in hell offers to eat porridge, but the girl quietly dumps I porridge for my shirt; on the way back, dangerous creatures do not listen to witches, they let the girl in; when the girl returns, the dwarf lets her go; the dog tells her to cut off her head and put her in the ass; turns into a young man; wedding]: Holbek 1987:528; Icelanders [the king chased the deer, the companions are behind; the deer is gone, he saw the house, the door is ajar, there is a big dog in the room; food, wine and fodder for the horse are ready, the bed is free; in the morning again; the king got on his horse and went home, but the dog stopped him; he did not even thank him for the hospitality and now let him give the one who is at home the first to meet him; this is the king's youngest daughter; three days later the dog began to scratch the door; the king sent a maid instead of the princess; the dog took her away; on the way asks what time it is; she: at this time sweep the room; the dog realized that it was not a princess, tore up the maid, came back the next day; this time the princess went; replies to the dog that she was meeting her father at that time; the dog brought her into the house; at night, a man in the girl's bed; when it's time to give birth, the dog warns that the baby will be carried away immediately and that she does not cry; the princess gave birth to a girl, the kite immediately took her away; the princess did not cried and was rewarded with a golden comb; the dog tells the princess that her older sister is getting married; she can visit her, but return three days later and should not talk about herself; gave two dresses - let her sister give one, wear the other herself; all the same after the birth of her second daughter, received a precious necklace; released to her second sister's wedding; for the third time she gave birth to a boy and spilled a tear; the dog gave a mirror, but reproached that this time it did not go so well; the princess's third sister is getting married; this time the princess's mother gave a pebble and taught him how to lower it in the face sleeping to see him {incomprehensible}; the princess saw a handsome man who woke up and said that they would now have to part; he is Prince Sigurd; after the death of his mother, the king found a hut in the woods in which a woman and her daughter; the woman called herself queen, her husband died in battle, the kingdom was ruined; the king married her, but S. refused to marry her daughter and his stepmother turned him into a dog for 10, and then that's it marries her daughter equally; you can save yourself by marrying a beautiful princess, without anyone seeing him, giving birth to three children and not shedding tears; that tear is a thorn (Staar) on the boy's eye , the princess will only wash it away with her own tears; it is his father's brother who turned into a deer to lure the princess's father; let the princess go to his uncles, taking with him the comb, necklace and mirror that received it as a gift; the princess came to the prince's first uncle; he referred him to the second; his wife and three children were with him; the boy had an eyesore; she washed him away with the tears that were in her scarf knot; Uncle: Let the princess go the short way through the mountains, then she will be in time before the prince's wedding; gave a staff with an iron tip: the road will be smooth as a mirror; no one recognized the princess in the palace; she became to comb her hair with a gold comb, gave the bride for the right to spend the first night with her husband; but she could not wake him up; the same on the second night bought for a necklace; the prince's third uncle advised him unnoticed pour out the drink that will be offered for the night, containing a sleepy potion; the princess bought the third night for the mirror; she and the prince agreed; the next day a feast; the prince's three uncles introduced the princess and her children and asked if the prince knew them; he said he knew; the witch and her daughter had become a giantess, but the prince's uncles put poles in their mouths, and the servants hidden under the tables put shackles on them; the prince's wedding with the princess; soon the old king died, the prince reigned, the uncle made Jarli]: Poestion 1994, No. 3:21-38; Estonians (Halliste) [a beggar came, put the princess on his knees, flew with her into the forest in underground castle; said that his heart was in the house; dog: decorate her with flowers; next time: in a chest of clothes (same); in an underground castle; dog: open the hatch that the sorcerer forbid opening; the heart fell out of there, the dog swallowed it, the castle collapsed, another one in its place, in it a prince, previously turned into a dog by a sorcerer]: Järv et al. 2009, No. 12:75; Karelians [the elderly have a son, second snake head; a widow next to her, she has three daughters; the son demands one of them as his wife; they brought the eldest, he ate her at night; the same with the middle one; the youngest ordered the blacksmith three iron rods and a hundred iron snares; before When she went to bed, she put a snare under every door and every window; she beat the snakehead with twigs; he calls demons, they climbed through windows and doors, died in snare; when all the bars broke, the serpent turned into a dog; the wife refused to lie down with the dog, the husband became handsome; said he would be a dog by day, a man at night; the wife broke the ban, told her parents everything; the dog husband ran away; the wife goes in search; her mother tells her to order three pairs of shoes, three staffs, three swirls, all made of iron; shoes, staffs, swirls (they must be kept in your mouth) must be worn out; you will find your aunt (i.e. widow's sister), she will tell you what to do; the aunt says that Suoyatar's husband is now married; she has three barns of linen and wool, she will ask her to spin, if she fails in two weeks, she will eat it; the aunt gives a pipe: for her sound girls will come, do work; as a reward, ask S. for a night with her husband; you have to go to bed in the bathhouse, put five chicken eggs in the stove, run away; eggs will answer S.; girls spin at night, husband sees wife, they agree; S. answers eggs until late in the morning; when she finally rushed in pursuit, the wife drew a line on the ground, she turned into a sword, cut off S.'s legs]: Onegin 2010, No. 24:260-264; Eastern Sami: Volkov 1995 (1946) [the son of some people takes the form of a dog during the day, successfully hunts; marries three sisters consistently; kills the first and second, and lives with the third; the wife, with the help of her mother-in-law, burns the dog's skin removed for the night; the husband runs away into the forest forever]: 65; Yermolov 1959 [childless old people dream of a son even with a dog's nose; a boy in dog skin was born; grew up, asks his father to marry him; the girl eats meat herself, throws bones to the groom like a dog; at night he tore it apart; the same with the second girl; the third gives the groom meat; at night he took off his dog skin and became handsome; the old woman tells her daughter-in-law to burn her skin; husband: you won't see me until you drown three pairs of iron boots, three iron buttons melt in your mouth, three iron staffs are worn off; the girl is gone, one pair trampled, melted, worn out; she sees a hut - turning around; "Turn to the forest with a window, and to me with a door!" ; in the hut they answered: they did not see the passers, only the wind missed; they gave copper and a copper scallop; the same in the second hut (the silver ones hung and the comb); in the third - gold ones; let him comb hair and will put up copper hangs and comb where beautiful Katerina and her husband are playing ball at the extreme hut; give the comb to sleep one night at the door at the doorstep; the same for the second night (silver); on the third (gold); then KK grabbed a box of needles, threads, beads, colored scraps and ran to the seashore; threw it all into the sea and ordered it to turn into shells; so shells, starfish, etc. scattered on the bottom; and husband and wife returned home]: 67-69; Kert 1961, No. 19 (Lovozero) [childless old man and old woman want a son, even in dog skin; son has grown up, wants marry; the old man has three daughters; the eldest comes; asks why the dog is barking; mother-in-law: this is your husband; the young woman throws bones to the dog; at night the husband ran over her; the same with the middle sister; the youngest caresses dog; at night she sheds her skin and becomes a young man; one day my wife burned her skin; husband: in three years I was destined to take off my fur coat; and now you will look for me while you wear out three pairs of boots and three staffs three tin buttons in her mouth will melt; the wife wore everything out, came to town, where they play ball, her husband was playing among the players; she hid the ball; gave it back on the condition that her husband would take her to sleep in her sleeping bag (and he already remarried); the husband does not recognize her; the second time the wife says who she is; the husband turned away from the new one, turned to the old one; when they returned, the old woman burns fire at the end of the spindle, and the old man at the end of the knitting net needles; when they found out that their son and daughter-in-law had returned, the old people were happy and died], 39 (Teriberka) [the old man and the old woman want a child, even with a dog's nose; a son was born, gradually became altogether a dog; his wife was married to him; at night he became handsome, taking off his dog skin; the wife said to his mother-in-law that her husband was human, she burned her skin; the husband disappeared, telling him to look for him; the wife came to the old woman; she says that her husband has beautiful Katerina; gave a copper pole and a comb; K. will play ball, run after the ball, see the comb; we must ask for the comb the right to spend the night under the threshold of the house; the second old woman gave silver (sleeping by the bed), the third gold (sleeping behind her husband's back); the third time, the wife cried so much that her husband's back got wet and turned to his wife, turning away from K.; K. threw herself into the water, became with a stingray, a needle with a tail, beads and beads with shells, simple needles with grains of sand, faceted with capelin; a woman and her husband went to their parents, on the way their son was born; old people do not see, hear, hold fire at the end of the spindle; the woman pinched the child three times, he cries, the woman says that the child asks her grandparents for news; the old people happily jumped to the end of the hook (on which they hang cauldron); the old man turned into peat, the old woman into ash (the origin of peat and ash)]: 58-61, 154-157; Charnolusky 1962 [a childless old woman is ready to give birth to at least a dog; gives birth to a puppy; son asks to bring him a bride ; the bride is afraid of him, he tore her teeth; the old woman brings a new one, she takes a dog, at night he turns handsome; his mother and wife have burned the dog's skin; the handsome man left, saying that his wife will find him after wearing out three iron jars; the wife comes to three old women sequentially, they give copper, silver, gold combs; the husband plays ball, the wife combs her hair, the ball flies into her window every time; she asks players to let her husband's wife Ulita sleep 1) on the doorstep of the house, 2) at their feet, between spouses; husband recognizes his wife, Ulita jumps into the lake; husband and wife return to his parents]: 171-175.

Volga - Perm. Komi [young man dog during the day, man at night; the king gives tasks (build a bridge, palace, church, set up a garden overnight); the dog does everything, marries the royal daughter; the queen peeks, sees bed for a young man; the dog runs away to Baba Yaga; the wife goes to look, throws meat to bears, peas to magpies, iron on needles, water to the burning steppe; the young run away, live well]: Novikov 1938, No. 47:161-162.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Chulym Tatars [the dog grabs the old man by the sleeve, does not want food; he asks if she wants his daughter, the dog lets him go; the youngest daughter marries the dog, which takes her to the house in the taiga; takes it the skin, made handsome, explains that his mother cursed him that he should wear dog skin]: Porotova 1980:83-84; tubalars [when old man Ölengmir cuts down the third stump, from the hollow a red dog pops up in it, bites him; YE. is forced to promise him a daughter; the eldest, the middle refuse, the youngest agrees, follows the dog to his camp, there are two dogs; the dog is invited three times to That one; every time his wife loses track of him, and a handsome man pulls up to her; the third time he takes out the dog's hidden skin, explains that he was a dog; the sisters visit the dog's wife, she reveals the truth to them, they throw their skin into the fire; the wife snatches it out of the fire; the charred husband enters; says he will leave, tells him to look for him; the wife climbs the mountain, falls, breaks her thigh; breaks the mouse's leg; she eats the root, runs away; the woman also eats and recovers; the old man gives her a staff; tells her to go through the swamp in bumps; there will be birds on the river; the husband will be one of the ducks, he will swim in front and behind; one of the geese, will wave wings; one of the birds will go down to the ground and climb to the top of the tree; the wife identifies her husband; he takes his form, leads to the camp, those two dogs are parents; the spouses live well]: Sadalova 2002, No. 23:223-233.

Western Siberia. Northern Khanty (Kazim) [unborn childless spouses have a dog Yandu; he tells him to marry his wife; in the morning there is a large herd of deer next to the plague; the man came to the bride's father, who told his people cut it in half and send it back; J. revived him, sent him again; the man was chopped into pieces; the same; the owner of the third plague demands 10 sledges of clothes, 20 sledges of food and 500 deer for his daughter; J. received wife; became handsome at night, dog skin hangs in the corner; live richly]: Potpot 2014, No. 6:20-26; chum salmon [Sintep ("old dog") lives with his grandmother in the form of a dog; tells her to ask for two Ydat's daughters; dries the well; gives water in exchange for daughters; smears his face with dog crap; son Y. Ky disdains to go to her sisters house, but finds not a dog there, but a handsome man; decides to mislead S., harnesses his two-legged horse; S. turns a bunch of dead wood into a three-legged horse; a woman The sun raised S. towards her; the older sister is looking for her husband, sees that he is chained to a stump in the sky; she flew up as a woodpecker, broke the chain, S. fell down, she put dog skin on him, took him home, he became again handsome; The Sun is crying, says he would not take S. if he knew he was married]: Dulzon 1966, No. 46:109-113; the Nenets (Arkhangelskaya, Ust-Tsilma, Vasily Sobol, Nenets, went "leader" all his life " with herds of deer, i.e. he was a farmhand shepherd, 1929) [A widower, father of three daughters, falls ill, sends them to the mountain to shamans to find out how to recover. Shamans say he should go to bed with his eldest daughter. They follow the advice, the father recovers and brings good prey from the hunt. After a month she falls ill, everything repeats with her middle daughter. When another month passes, my father falls ill and the shamans repeat their prediction. The youngest daughter refuses to follow their advice. He tells his father that shamans are idiots (they are named in the text of the fairy tale). At night, the girl runs away from home, enters the chum, where the old man, the old woman and the dog sleep, and remains with them "Now the dog also has a couple." The dog squeals and leads the girl with him, brings her to a big house, where they sing and dance, sheds her dog skin, and turns into a great job. The girl stays with him, and during the day he becomes a dog again. The girl gives birth to a son, her father forbids her to leave him alone ("let him go"); she cannot wait for the maid and while she puts on the samovar, the guy disappears. She tells her husband, and in the morning she wakes up in the snow in the swamp, cries, meets her father, he takes her home, shoots a squirrel for her, she puts on the animal's skin and turns into a squirrel. He resorts to two plague through a snowy swamp. An old woman comes out of the little one to relieve herself, the squirrel jumps under the hem, turns into a child, the old woman thinks that she has given birth and is raising a girl. It's growing up soon. Self-alone from the neighboring plague, he is looking for a heartless bride from someone else's plague. A girl steals the hearts of two of his brides hidden in a sleigh, they die because she breaks hearts. Self-alone understands that she is a girl without a heart and marries her]: Karnaukhova 1934, No. 160:332-335.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanaytsy (Amur District of Khabarovsk Krai): Kiel 1996, No. 14 [The dog asks the old man to give his daughter; brings water in a bag, pours it out, the old man begins to drown, gives his daughter; wind on the river, Dog swims to the other side, kills an old man and an old woman with stones, who are shaking blacksmith's fur in the cave; the wind subsides; in a few movements he made a boat out of birch bark, swims, hits the old man and the old woman with a jail , throws children into a boat, they turn into various fish, brings them to his wife; takes her away from her parents, she sees a rich house, at night she sees a handsome man, hides her dog skin in a mouse hole; the husband remains human], 33 [ two poor sisters, at the suggestion of the youngest, go to visit an old woman; she has a piebald dog and a black dog; the first time the old woman sends a piegoy with her sisters, the second time a black dog; tells them to sew men's robes; Two mergens come to sisters; they wear those robes, they were old women's dogs; both couples live well]: 175-183, 331-335.

SV Asia. Forest yukaghirs [the girl was wandering, she has a dog; one day she began to bark; the girl tied her with an insignificant strap to a tree and left; built a new house; a fabulous old cannibal came to the dog; decided that the girl left him the dog to eat; untied it, led, the dog escaped, ran to the girl; she tied her again with a strong belt; the fabulous old man came again, untied it, grabbed her the belt, the dog dragged him; he is happy: let him drag him to the girl; the dog threw him away, he died, and he jumped over a tilted tree and became a handsome young man; got married]: Johelson 1900, No. 9:22-23 (= Zhukova, Chernetsov 1992:59-60); Chukchi [the dog paints himself with alder bark, his groin turns red, he tells the owner that his daughter did it; he tells her to marry the Dog; she beats the Dog's mother and the puppies; The dog chases her away, marries another; she feeds the old female meat; the dog turns into a handsome man, the owner of many deer; his descendants form a special tribe; according to another version, the descendants of a woman and a dog gather in the house for the autumn reindeer sacrifice ceremony, but they howl, not sing; the girl spies, tells her neighbors that they drive the dogs away with sticks; dogs run west, some turn into people and become Russian ancestors; the rest put on harnesses and become sled dogs]: Bogoras 1902, No. 10:618-619; reindeer Koryaks [the daughter of the Creator Yinieanut goes to feed the dog, and he tries to feed it hug; comes to her at night; he is killed, thrown into an ice-hole, cut into pieces, but every time he revives and comes to her as a man; remains her husband, kills many deer; her great-aunt Killu's sister pretends to be rushing at her too; no one pays attention; she drowns him herself, but no one comes; she lives alone]: Jochelson 1902, No. 33:183; (cf. itelmen: Menovshchikov 1974, No. 190 [Sinanevt consistently brings salmon, a wooden grease hook, a dog, a dead man into the house and makes her husband Emamkut find another lover; throws salmon into the river, burns the hook, hangs the dog; burns the house with the dead man and his wife]: 560-562; Jochelson 1961, No. 28 [no one marries S. ; she husbands her brother Ememkut's dog; her mother Mitya hangs a dog; takes a wooden meat hook, she burns it; sees a louse in a stream, takes a louse as her husband]: 192-193).

(Wed. Subarctic. Upper tanana [jealous husband leaves his wife at an empty camp; an old woman hides hot coals for her; she catches rabbits, sews winter clothes; an old dog turns into a young man, takes abandoned as wives, they live well; people are starving, they find a woman; she feeds everyone, even her husband who has abandoned her]: Brean 1975:43-47).