Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K47C. The origin of dogs .59.63.72.

From a woman's marriage to a dog, dogs are friends and helpers.

Guiana. Trio [all the men in the village died, the girl had sex with the dog; gave birth to almost a man, he grew up quickly like a puppy; his uncle began to take him hunting; this is how dogs appeared; since then they understand people]: Koelewijn, Rivière 1987, No. 34:129-130.

Central Amazon. Munduruku: Kruse 1949, No. 14, var.1 [the girl Datekúru has her first period; Karupitubë comes to her; they copulate at her insistence, he says that she will give birth to puppies, teaches how to raise them; lovers manage to split up only in the evening when the girl's mother comes and hits them on the genitals with a stick; Brother D. kills four out of six puppies; with the two remaining and with his mother D. runs into the forest; her dog sons bring her a lot of game; they give birth to Munduruku dogs; when her older brother comes to ask for puppies, dogs kill him], var.2 [Karupitubö comes to the village; Irasheru's girlfriend converges with him; gave birth to two puppies; her brothers wanted to kill them, but she ran into the forest; returned to the village, people are happy; Munduruku still treat dogs like their children, their women they feed, everyone cries for the dead]: 621-622, 622-623; Murphy 1958, No. 36 [the girl Dachekorö has her first period; Karupitubö comes to her; they copulate at her insistence, he does it by- doggy; says that she will give birth to puppies, teaches them how to raise them; lovers manage to separate only in the evening when the girl's mother comes and hits them on the genitals with a stick; D. brothers find out that she gave birth to four puppies; the youngest wants to take one for herself, the eldest kills two; with the two remaining and her mother, D. runs into the forest; her dog sons bring her a lot of game, because K. is the father of wolves in the savannas in the south; D. gives newborn puppies to his younger brother; tells them to bite the older one, but then gives him; with her two dogs, she goes to K. in the Land of Dogs]: 114-115.

Chaco. Matako: Metraux 1939, No. 87 [(quail. Wilbert 1982a, No. 176:281-282); a single woman hunted with a dog, got pregnant with it, gave birth to two puppies, fed them like children; taught them how to hunt different animals (which ones are dangerous and which are not); one person asked her for dogs; one of them was killed by a jaguar; a woman no longer gave dogs to others; people killed a jaguar, a woman made a tambourine out of her skin, sang for two years; after that, she no longer thought about the dead son], 88 [(quail. Wilbert 1982a, No. 177:282-284); as in (87); there are three dogs, a woman often gives them to others, people bring her skins and meat; one of the dogs was torn to pieces by a jaguar, since then the woman has stopped giving them]: 62-53, 63-65.