Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K5. False chicks. 42.43.50.

To trap the hero and send him far away, the enemy makes fake birds from valuable materials (bodily secretions, etc.). See motive K4.

NW Coast. Hyda (Skidgate) [The raven tells the Wind Master he saw an island with many woodpeckers; they sail there; the raven hits his nose, turns blood into woodpeckers, pretends to fall asleep in a boat, swims away in it; comes to the wife of the Wind Master in the guise of her husband; abandoned calls his rattle, she arrives, he crosses the strait as if dry; beats the Raven, throws his bones into the latrine; when the wife The wind comes there, the Raven spits in her genitals; the Master of the Wind throws the bones into the sea, the whale swallows them; people kill the whale; the chief's son cuts it, the raven flies out, the young man falls dead; the raven returns to the appearance of an old man; he is told about what happened, he advises him to leave the village; eats all supplies]: Swanton 1905:144-145.

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap; Thompson; Lillwet; Sechelt; Snohomish; Puget Sound; Cowlitz; Upper Cowlitz; Curdalen; Clickitat; vasco; chalkomel (lower reaches of the river. Fraser) [Woodpecker and Eagle are brothers, both have sons; Woodpecker's wife has teeth in her vagina; Coyote is jealous of young men, turns his wife's excrement into waterfowl; she lures the sons of Woodpecker and Eagle far up with the flow; they go to heaven, they are taken prisoner; various animals and birds try to ascend to heaven in vain; Woodpecker's wife's uncle makes a chain of arrows, it turns into a path; the first ancestors climb into heaven, they fight against celestials, free young men, return; destroy the chain of arrows before the Snail descends; it jumps, has been boneless and slow ever since; the Eagle and the Woodpecker have cut down the supports of the house The Coyote, the house collapsed, the Coyote and his wife died; the Bear decided to avenge the Coyote; turned into a dog, came to the Robin Girl, hid; the eldest sons of Eagle and Woodpecker came to marry her, the Bear killed them; the same with middle sons; the younger ones grow up, train; Raccoon helps them get between a quartz woman and a Grizzly woman (they start fighting); Grizzly, then Lynx also chases them; The Seagull transports them to boat across the river; when the Grizzly approaches, the Seagull makes a hole in the boat, draws water, the Grizzly dies from cold water before the boat docks on the opposite bank; there are two blind women, the Duck and Partridge, they are Norka's wives; he decided to help them; pretended to be dying, ordered himself to be buried; when he learned that only Partridge was loyal to him, he left only her wife; Bison is the guardian of the entrance to the world of the dead; he missed the son of the Woodpecker and the son of the Eagle; the dead are playing; those who came took the brothers, brought them home, they came to life; the son of the Eagle married a Thrush woman; she cheated on him with his uncle Woodpecker; the son of the Eagle left; at the festival she spat in the baskets, which were filled with berries; Salmon came with his slave, the Thunderbird; he stole Thrush and put them in a boat; Woodpecker and Mink took the form of salmon, climbed to the top of the Thunderbird; he let the Thrush peel them; the salmon all fell off the shelf, became so dirty that the Thunderbird told them to be thrown away; the thrush went into the water, the salmon became Mink and Woodpecker, carried it away; etc.]: Boas 1895, No. III .3:30-34 (=2002:111-121); chalkomel (stSeélis) [an ugly young man comes to a girl; she first tells him to swim, then clean his genitals with coarse sand, then drives him away; he comes to two blind people, they work as one stick, passing it to each other, he intercepts him; he makes them sighted, they are partridges; they send him to their blind wives; they give each other food, he gives each other food, he is hers captures; restores their sight; they send him to his Crane Grandmother; she sends him to the Face Maker, tells them to choose the last one he shows; when he returns, sends the girl who comes to him wash, etc., as she sent him, drives him away; she turns her excrement into a bird, the young man and his younger brother follow her, the young man hits her with an arrow, the bird turns into excrement again; the bailiff on the shore, the young man hides his brother under the boat, hurts himself, lies down; a duck, a dive, an eagle come one after another; he catches them, puts the duck skin on his brother, the dive on the boat, the eagle on himself; flies away, the brother and the boat in the form of a duck and a dive fly home; the young man is in the sky; old people bring him down on a rope to the ground (he opens his eyes three times prematurely when the basket hits the clouds, into the crowns of trees, then picks it up back); reaches the ground for the fourth time, arranges a holiday]: Hill-Tout 1904b: 354-357; tillamook [South Wind (SE) comes to a man who has a belt of two living snakes; asks let him vilify; he warns that the belt is dangerous; when SE puts on his belt, snakes begin to squeeze his body, bite into the flesh; he cannot remove it himself, the owner takes the belt back; for revenge, SE turns his excrement into a bird (Lucky Bird), the owner of the belt and his son try to shoot her unsuccessfully, the son {then it is clear that the owner of the belt} climbs a tree, it grows to the sky, there an arrow hits a bird, it turns out to be a bunch of crap; the owner of the belt goes down, creates a whale, which takes SE to sea; a few months later it swims ashore, SE jumps ashore]: Thompson, Egesdal 2008:36-38; cous [Coyote turns his excrement into woodpeckers; sends his son to get woodpeckers off the tree, tells the tree to grow to the sky, then descend, copulates with both of his son's wives; hero stays in the sky, meets the Sun Girl; copulates with an icy penis (the sun has not been so hot since then); the Sun sends him to his sister; old people teach him to overcome challenges; 1) harpoon salmon ( the hero misses four, hits the fifth), 2) get a hammer from the bottom of the lake (the water is covered with ice, he breaks the ice with a hammer; the opponent cannot break it, the hero saves him), 3) hunt moose (this is the old man himself- A month, he's scared), 4) knock down a tree (the hero bounces when the tree falls), 5) cut the whale (he swallows the hero and swims away; the hero gets out of the womb, swims on a log; people in the boat bring him back) ; The month recognizes the son-in-law; the old spider woman lowers the hero and his wife in the basket to the ground; the hero's children are almost blind, because the Coyote touched their eyes with his penis; the hero puts a coyote skin on their father, turns them into a coyote; The spider takes the hero with his wives and children in the basket back to heaven, he now lives there]: Jacobs 1940, No. 29:214-221.

The Great Southwest. Navajo [a young man marries, he has a son; the Coyote leaves his skin on the trail, the young man touches her, she wraps him around, turns him into a coyote; the Coyote takes his clothes and bow, goes to his wife, but does not find it; The squirrel, who saw what happened, helps the young man take off his coyote skin, throw it again at the real Coyote; the young man does not like the smell of coyote left in the house; he goes to his wife's sister, marries her; she also gives birth to a son, Coyote changes her appearance again with the young man; the older sister does not notice the deception, the youngest feels that she is not a real husband with them; the Squirrel returns the young man to his true appearance, and the Coyote makes him a coyote again; the son is the first to recognize his returning father; the Coyote invites the young man to climb the rock for eagle feathers; these are two grasshoppers, whom the Coyote painted as eagles; the Coyote blows on the rock, she grows up to heaven; the young man spends 4 years with the Eagles; marries; the leader Orlov organizes a dangerous campaign against Bumblebees, then Wasps, Locusts, Weeds; the Spider gives the young man grass, he chews it, blows it at enemies, they are here But they die; the spider lowers him to the ground in his bag (the young man opens his eyes ahead of time, falls, but is alive); going from one fire pit to another, the young man finds a family; tells his son to heat the pebbles, gives them swallow Coyote, he dies; the wife turns into a deer, the son becomes the chief of the antelopes; the hero goes south in the rainbow]: Johly, B'yash 1958:8-14.