K53. Animal skins are a means for transformation.
The character temporarily turns into an animal or bird of a certain species by wearing its skin, or the skins taken with them come to life and serve the hero.
Khakas, Mansi, Northern and Southern Selkups, Chukchi, Bering Strait Inupiat, Northern Alaska Inupiat, Central Yupik, Kodiak, Tanaina, Atna, Tagish, Inner Tlingit, Tlingit , Tsimshian, Heiltsuk, Quakiutl, Eastern Marsh Cree, Eastern Cree, Assiniboine, Yurok, Hopi, Kekchi.
Southern Siberia. Khakas [a widow lives with a teenage son; the boy went hunting with onions, went into a hut; there are seven blind men, one plays chathan; they command to bring a bear; by the power of the bear's play brings him, he falls in front of the entrance to the hut, seven are slaughtering him; the boy cut him off unnoticed, took his right front leg; the mother beats her son for robbing the blind; the meat was eaten, the guy went again, this time the blind men called the moose, the guy cut it off again and brought his leg; the mother explains that Skinny made these seven eyeless, beat her son again with a rod; the third time the blind men called a white deer; the guy brought a leg, when the mother was away; she returned, waited for her son to fall asleep, beat him for a long time, and then took him out and tied him to a pine tree; the blind men pulled him out and brought him along with the pine tree, because they guessed that he was robbing them; they wanted to fry it and for that purpose they untied it from the pine tree; he also grabbed chatkhan and ran away with him; met three men dressed in white falcon feathers, white elk skin, tiger skin; the guy told them about chatkhan and showed them how to get a bear; he agreed to give them chatkhan in exchange for their skins, which allow them to turn into a falcon, an elk, a tiger; the guy flies, runs, wearing these three skins one by one, so he does not get tired; he hid his skins in a hollow, came to the khan; he promises another khan to give his daughter for him if he brings a silk shawl from his khanate in two days; otherwise the khanate will take away from him; the khanate to run to a good horse for half a month; the boy promises him to go there in two days; and the khan, who gave off his daughter, had a son capable of flying in a crow's plumage; the guy got there in half a day, changing his clothes, the girl gave him a handkerchief, he came back but fell asleep; the khan's son (the one who could be a crow) stole the handkerchief and cut off the boy's head; the three who now have chatkhan came; one took out from under the falcon shirts belt and revived the decapitated man with them; he demanded that the girl whose handkerchief be summoned; she came and showed the falcon feather, the hair of the elk and the tiger, which she took quietly; the khan himself shot son after learning about his crime; the khan groom received a bride and gave the guy his sister (the one whose handkerchief)]: Torokova, Sychenko 2014, No. 20:355-373.
Western Siberia. Mansi: Akhmetyanov 1981:48; (cf. Lukina 1970, No. 105 [see motif A4, B3A; Taryg-Pesch-Nimala-sov (aka Mir-Susne-Hum, "man watching the world") travels to get wives; his aunt says his wife (whom he does not yet know) Paraparsekh stole; teaches one-eyed people to answer that they are herding blue sheep not P., but T.; the same one-armed ones whose cows are herding; one-legged ones whose horses; each time he blows on their eyes, arms, legs, those they recover, find lost chens; on horseback, slipping through 30 converging and diverging aspens, they touch, hangs on an aspen; his aunt frees him; in the sky she takes the daughters of the Month and the Sun; where the sky is hangs down, a rock with a hole; covered with an iron advantage; T. slips a pike through him, but the old man catches him in an iron net; tries to kill, but only beats himself and his wife, T. escapes; flies like a goose to the south land; The southern old woman killed, cooked two teals, T. ate them; she threw the bones into the lake with living water, the teals flew away; T. gets the daughter of the Southern old man and the old woman; migratory geese and ducks are her dowry; wearing T.'s goose skins, she is a swan, flew into our world through a rock with a hole; T. returned home, went to bed with six wives]: 258-272; Lukina 1990, No. 106 (Zap. A. Balandin, 1937, p. Vejacors on the river. Ob) [water is everywhere; there is an old man and an old woman in the house; an iron loon flew in, dived, popped up, his neck burst, blood appeared under his neck, a piece of earth in his beak, stuck between the logs of the house, flew up; then but the second loon dives three times, blood on his neck, a piece of land stuck between the logs; the earth began to grow; the old man goes out three times, each time after three days; the third time there is land everywhere; the old man sends three times the white crow flies around the ground; he returns in 3, 5, 7 days; the third time is black, pecking a deceased person; the old man told him not to catch the beast from now on, only fish or take blood for himself when a person He will kill the beast and take meat; a tree has grown in the backyards; the old man brought it with roots and branches, began to cheat it, cut his hand, the old woman sucked blood, told him to carry the tree back; at night the old woman was gone, in the morning, an old man found her in a small house, she gave birth to a son there, called Taryg-Pesch-nimalya-sov; T. hunts; every time she sees a line in the ice-hole; then she sees his reflection, he has a beard, needs a wife; found a home, took a horse out of the basement of the barn, washed it from the manure, his mother gave chain mail, a sword, a whip and a saddle; T. jumps to look for his wife, pierced an aspen leaf with an arrow; in the house an old woman says that T. punched a piece of her bed; that Num- Torum, his father let his wife down from heaven, and Paraparsekh stole him; gave him the skins of pike, hawk, mammoth, hare and scissors; T. meets people, shepherding horses; people: herding horses P.; T.: answer: we herd T.'s horses, otherwise the Fire King following me will burn you with fire; the same will be cow shepherds; T. comes to P.'s house, he is not there, the woman tells you to hide in moss; winged P. descends on larch; woman assures that P. is dead, P. does not believe, flies away; T. pursues with the skin of a hawk; P. became an iron loon into the sea, T. became a pike; P. was a hare, T. is another hare; P. is a teal duck, T. shot him with an arrow, burned him in the fire; the horse carried him across the sky through Torum's fire, ordered him to hide in his nostril for this time; Kul is on the way, swallows everyone, the horse tells them to wear mammoth skin, cut off Kul's nose and ears with scissors; Kul: now I'll die; 30 aspens from one root go around, strangle people with branches; the horse is gone, T. thinks about that old woman, she appears, breaks aspens, says that the eternal era of human life will come, and at these This would be impossible for aspens; the horse tells him to wrap him in birch bark, grab Kirp-Nelp Equa's granddaughter; K. chases, grabs the horse, but only rips off his birch bark, cuts his hands on a sword; T. comes to his wife, with him, clutching the horse's leg, daughter K.; T. now has two wives, all P.'s wealth; in heaven T. comes to the old man, in sledges, the Sun Girl; T. volunteers to take her himself; looks down, sees people quarreling, thought that would kill everyone, people die; the old man tells them to be resurrected; he resurrected them; the same place where the Month Girl (or are these girls daughters of the Sun and the Month?) ; with two wives, T. comes to a place where earth and sky meet; there is a hole, an old man is waiting for ducks, waiting for geese; T. tries to fly like a hawk, falls, dives into the lake with a pike, brings it to the old woman and the old man ducks; an old woman cooks them, does not tell them to break bones, puts bones in a lake with live water, ducks fly out alive; T. sleeps with their daughter; T. returned to earth with all his wives, now 5 wives; then gets another one wife], 134 [Ekva-pyris lives with her grandmother; shows her her invisible hat, goes to see people; meets four old men, one gives him a ball of thread, the other gives him an ermine skin, the third is a mouse skin, the fourth is a hatchet; Usyng-Otyr promises a daughter to someone who 1) will kill two cannibal birds Tovlyng-Kars; they live on top of a larch tree in the middle of the hot sea; E. climbs the trunk with an ermine, a mouse; kills the Heart-Free Iron Frog with a hatchet, who lived under the nest and gnawed on the feathers of the chicks when they were about to take off; for this, T. they promise not to kill people anymore; first a female flies into the nest, followed by a male, brings people; E. makes sure that when they fall down, the released people do not crash; grateful T. takes E. to W.; 2) catch golden perch (T. brings E. to the icy sea, catches perch); 3) get the Satnematur cones bird (T. brings E. to the ends of the earth, catches the bird); E. gets a wife; carries the ends of the horns to the momont, broken off by T., brings T. feathers from the mammoth, which he snatched from him; now both are still strong]: 272-290, 346-352; Rombandeeva 2005, No. 26 [husband and wife have three daughters; the old woman asks for her eldest help make animal skins; on the way, the Katkas bird sings: your fur coat will lie under the pillow, the bones under the bunk beds; the old woman says that she always screams like this; at home she pierced the girl with a stick, fried it, ate it; the same with the middle sister; the youngest does not ask the old woman why the bird screams so much; put on a squirrel skin, ran away from the old woman's house with a squirrel to her parents; they tied one leg of the old woman to a calm horse, the other to an immense one, tore it apart; they sent a mouse for living water, he brought it, the parents revived their daughters from bones]: 245-249; the southern Selkups [evil heroes kill everyone, Chvechshembale's grandmother (chwech - "earth") hides her grandson; gives a falcon skin to turn into a falcon; in a burnt city, a grandson finds his father's bow on an iron pole; first only pulls to the elbow; later becomes an iron hero, kills enemies, gets a wife]: Pukhnachev 1966:47-54; Northern Selkups: Prokofiev 1935, No. 2 [{check if there is a motive for flying for arrow}]: 105-106; Simchenko 1995 (western Simchenko from the same informant from whom Prokofiev wrote down in Yanov Stan) [Yompu has stopped constipating fish, his grandmother is hungry; dead bones (i.e. the spirits of the dead, Latars themselves) float along the river; J. sails to the hill, where the Latars, makes a tambourine mallet, a birch bark cover for clothes, datars only scratch birch bark; next time he places a perch and a ruff to dam the river, the Latars sink; the vines do With a hollow, J. tells the chips to bounce into his nose; while the vines are sleeping, J. places the lizard and the frog in the hollow, they expand it (these animals can expand the gap); eating the beaver, J. hides his jaw; the vine splits the larch, asks Y. to stick his hand, knocks out the wedge, leaves; J. tells the beaver's jaws to split the trunk; in the skin of a polar owl he flies over the sea, gets tired, throws a whetstone, he makes a rock, J. rests on it; makes a noose on the larch; when the vines float in the boat, it is raised in a loop, remains hanging; two chase line ducks, J. quietly holes in their boats, they sink; J. comes to their plague; an old woman shamanizes, says they drowned; at night J. pushes her into a fire; people suspect that J. is to blame, he kills everyone with onions; other people, bending larch, throw people into water to break the plague of the vine that covered the fish; he did it because his son is sick; J. shoots into the water, followed by an arrow, penetrates the underwater plague {this is page 107}; shamanite, son of a vine recovers, vines release fish; J. lies with his daughter in the plague; cannot go out with an ermine or a squirrel, because the vines have set bear guards; leaves through the smoke hole, the vine runs away with his daughter ; they ride a sledge drawn by an animal whose horn draws the sky; J. throws a one-clawed female, then a two-clawed female, so until seven, they detain the stalker vine; a one-horned deer fights the vine, etc. Semirogium drowns the vine in the sea; the daughter of a water vine revives the deceased grandmother Y., turns her into a girl; turns her golden ring into a golden plague; puts pillars for comlania]: 98-109; Tuchkova, Wagner-Nagy 2015, No. 13 (Turukhan, 1976) [Ichekichika lived with his grandmother; Los suggests that I. split the tree, both hands are pinched; I. asked the bear to tear the tree, freed himself; pulled a kite skin over himself, put a kite skin over himself, put a noose on the river, bending two trees; Los sailed with his two daughters, got into a noose, died; I. killed his daughters by trampling him in clay]: 79-80.
SV Asia. Chukchi [boys and girls play husbands and wives; the youngest girl grabs a whale skull, he drags her into the sea; turns into Keith, takes her as his wife; her brother learns to sail in a boat so fast how a bird flies; comes with his companions for his sister; Keith floods the house with water, people escape wearing bird skins; Keith lets a heavy bloody stone roll, people escape, wearing ermine skins; taking a woman away; Keith catches up with them; a woman throws her garments one by one, strips naked; people on the shore kill Keith; a woman gives birth to Kitten; he It grows, leads to the village a lot of whales; someone kills it]: Bogoras 1928, No. 50:436-439.
The Arctic. Bering Strait Inupiat (western in the village. Shishmarev, although the action takes place in the upper reaches of the river. Kobuk) [brothers disappear one by one; in old age, the couple has another son, Ogoonogoroseok; the father wants to kill him so that he does not leave them; digs traps on the path, puts a noose at the entrance into the house, shoots a bow; W. easily avoids dangers; swims away; before that he received a partridge feather and a weasel skin (amulets) from his father; swims down the river, kills a seal, takes it with him head; there is a house on the shore, there is a woman in it; next to a kayak like W., but old and fallen apart; W. throws a seal's head into the needle; a seal fights a woman, they kill each other; in the next needle, a young woman He puts him inside, there's an old woman, a knife hangs above her; W. does not sleep; cuts off the young woman's head, puts her crown where she sleeps; the old woman gets up, lights a lamp, cuts the head, as she thinks, to the young man; the exit from the needle has disappeared, but, being caressed, W. gets out; the needle disappears, W. is chased by a black bear, W. manages to sail away in a kayak; hears the bear calling him in the voice of that old woman; the next needle has several broken kayaks, these are the W. brothers' kayaks; he enters the first house, throws a harpoon at the person who comes in, he disappears; W. comes to the next one, there's an old woman, W. kills her, pulls her skin; W. asks to turn off the lights, finishes off the wounded, sheds the old woman's skin, runs away; W. asks to turn off the lights, finishes off the wounded, sheds off the old woman's skin, runs away; for wolves and wolverines run away, he manages to sail away in a kayak; he sees an object hanging on a tree, touches it, is trapped; the catcher brings prey to his mind, believes that the game is dead, falls asleep; his two children also fall asleep; W. kills a man with a stone, goes out, looks into the house, there is a dead bear and two bear cubs; W. swims on; when he reaches the sea, marries; father-in-law tells not to go to the mountain, W. goes, kills two ferocious dogs, father-in-law says they were his hunters, decides to kill his son-in-law; tells 1) to get a tree for the boat (the log rushes to O. when he starts cutting off branches, W. splits him); 2) walrus skin for the boat (the storm begins, O. calms the sea); 3) the father-in-law pours resin on the hearth in the dugout, O. caresses behind the turf; takes his wife and daughter to his home, the storm calms down only when he throws them into the sea; O. finds them alive with his father-in-law, burns him in the dugout in the way his father-in-law wanted to burn him; brings the family home; along the banks of the river he sees dens instead of dugouts where hostile people lived creatures]: Keithahn 1958:52-61; Northern Alaska Inupiate (Selawik) [Nunamiu and his wife Qimmiq have four sons, they go and go; N. conceives a fifth, making a fire to make his wife's vagina sparks fell; a son Qayaq is born; his father magically educates him in strength and dexterity, gives amulets made from the bodies of insects and small nimble animals (weasels, minks, shrews); After preparing food for his parents, K. goes up the Kobuk Valley in search of his brothers; his father tells him to take his uncle with him, whom he meets on the way; K. enters the hut in the parking lot. an unfriendly person, he throws it away, he turns into a woodpecker; a wolverine picks up a broken tooth from a beaver hut; a man sleeps with him, leaves in the morning, it was a wolverine; K. says that his thumb eats people like him; the man runs away in fear, turns out to be a trot; someone voracious behaves strangely, rushes at K. with a knife; K. offers him to die in the fire, he jumps goes to the fire and burns; in the village of K. gets married; in the spring, the wife waits for her father to cut her to take out the child; K. teaches her how to give birth in the usual way; goes on, meets a giant; he says that his two wives will come soon , they will fight; let K. cut both strands, first the one that comes from the sea, because she is aggressive; after urinating, the giant flooded the whole valley; K. does this, the giantesses bandage their wounds, husband sends them to clean the house; wives live with the giant only in spring; the giant kills the caribou with uprooted larch; K. leaves, prepares material to make a boat, wants help; spies, sees, that the Fox girl roasts meat, the Squirrel melts the resin, the female birds sew the boat's skin, the Beaver prepares the frame and oars, the Raven is the dart for the birds, the Wolf and Wolverine scrape the bark, the Bear is knocking down trees, cleans the branches; then everyone dances, the Woodpecker hits the tambourine; K. jumps up, grabs the Fox, she remains human, the others run away in the form of animals and birds; in summer K. swims down the Yukon, the wife again is made by a fox; K. meets, takes his uncle with him; they see how a person breaks off fir chips, they fall into the water, turn small ones into trout, large ones into salmon; thanks to this, there is fish; The shore of the house, the bones and skulls of his brothers, a naked woman; K. throws the head of a lahtak into her vulva, her head tears the cannibal; K. buries her bones; there is a shiny ball on the tree, he attracts K., who hangs in a trap ; the cannibal brings him home, his two children say that the game has opened their eyes; the cannibals fell asleep, K. cut off their heads; K.'s boat slips between the crushing rocks, only the paddle is crushed; the giant in the boat and K. they throw darts at each other, the dart K. cuts off the giant's head; enters the house, the giant's wife throws the ulu, K. throws it at her, cuts off his head; the door is closed, he gets out as a mouse; turns into trout, bites off the tip of the fisherman's jail; comes to him, offers to repair the prison, pierces the fisherman with it; turns into salmon, climbs into the fishermen's net; the chief's son eats the head and bone gets stuck in his throat, he dies; bones are thrown into a hole, K. is reborn, he is shot, he runs away; they swim to the sea; uncle has left, turning into a lynx; K. becomes a falcon; the leader of the people is unalik he catches him, eats him, he revives from his bones, marries the leader's stepdaughter; he wanted her for himself; sends a storm, K. steals the boat into the open sea; K. regurgitates the pebbles given by his father, the wind has subsided; K. burns the leader's face with this stone; he orders to split the log into firewood; this is how he killed many of his stepdaughter's suitors; with the help of a caress amulet, K. performs the task, the leader is surprised that K. is alive; the leader orders to shoot partridges, K. kills a huge cannibal bird there; cross the abyss over the log, K. falls, but returns unharmed; crawls away from the community house where the leader wanted to burn him; K. evades arrows fired at him, kills the leader's warriors himself; ties him naked to a pole, leaves him in the cold; appoints a new leader, flies away with a falcon]: Ivanoff Brown 1981:40-114; central Yupik ( Kuskoquim) [a woman at work gives a crying child to another, ready to hold him; a stranger and a child disappear; not shamans, but a poor boy tells the father of the missing person that the child was stolen by the Wolf; gives goose and otter skins; a person comes to the village of Volkov, an old man and an old woman hide him; the Wolf offers 1) to hunt seals (a person kills a seal before the Wolf brothers); 2) race (there is an abyss on the way, a man descends as a goose); 3) fight in a dugout (a man puts on an otter skin, the Wolf puts on a sea otter, he kills her); Wolves give him a son, he returns home ]: Krenov 1951:181-185; Kodiak [at a time when there were no winds, the young man receives mink skin from his grandmother; sails into the bay, marries; 1) father-in-law asks for firewood (a monster rushes at the young man, he kills him with an arrow, brings firewood); 2) his wife and her sister call him to swim (he is swallowed by a whale, he turns into a hole, jumps out through the whale's breath); 3) the whale shakes the boy's wife and her sister on his tail ( the young man quietly kills a whale with an arrow, only then steps on the tail); swims home; a huge wave rolls behind him, he breaks it with an arrow; he is swallowed by a monster, he becomes a mink, gets out through gills; remains mink]: Golder 1903, No. 9:95-98.
Subarctic. Tanaina [the grandmother gives the young man mink skin; the grandson goes to the village; the chief's daughter consistently asks him to bring animals out of season (caribou, seal, marmot, salmon; skin turns into a hole, getting a marmot and salmon); a girl marries a young man]: Vaudrin 1969:108-113; atna [many go to get the chief's head, no one comes back; the Raven tells his grandmother that he will get it; the chief offers him 1) to get into the steam room, throw hot stones there, the Raven digs a hole under the floor, hides in it; they pour fat there, everything burns; when the fire goes out, the Raven comes out; 2) the chief lets an icy wind into the steam room; the Raven has a hare skin with him, he turns it into a hare cape, remains alive; 3) the chief tells him to swim, the Raven dives, breathes through a tubular stem wild celery; the leader's men poke on the bottom with a knife; the raven bleeds from his nose to think he was killed; he swims out; 4) told to play, throw it on a dug knife, the Raven dodges, throws the local the man, who is cut in half; the raven pretends to leave, turns into a woman, returns; the chief says the woman is for him; his people notice a crow's tail; the imaginary wife tells the chief that his his beard pricks; the chief lets the razor shave him, the Raven cuts his throat, cuts off his head, leaves, tells people that their uncle is asleep; flies out the chimney, puts traps behind him, pursuers them die; The raven brings the chief's head to his grandmother]: Tansy 1982:23-28; tagish [8 brothers saw a mouse, began to push her into the water, the youngest saved her; he has an unloved dirty wife; she invites him to marry on the daughter of the Sun; he sees smoke on the grass, enters a tiny house, an old woman there; he falls asleep when he wakes up in a big house, the old woman has cooked a lot of food; she gives him a piece of ice, a whetstone, two pieces of dried fish, tells you to bring blue jay and hummingbird skins, buttercup stems, branches of various trees; in a clearing, shoot an arrow into the sky from the buttercup stem, then the second, then shoot the rest of the arrows, they form a ladder to the sky; when he climbs it, he drags the stairs with him; he hears the bell ringing, it is the daughters of the Sun swinging on a swing (people did not know what it was before swing); wearing the skin of a jay, she flies up to the daughters of the sun, drives him away; then she flies up in the form of a hummingbird, the youngest sister catches him, the eldest buys hummingbirds from her for an abalone shell spoon; in the morning, the sisters wake up, the man lies between them; the Sun sends a slave to find out what the daughters are doing, who reports that they are with a man; sisters tell the person that there is a lot men tried to marry them, but their father killed everyone; The sun sends his son-in-law to bring water, there are two eagles on the way, the man throws them food, they let it pass; the Sun puts the man in the cauldron, cooks for a long time, but he intact, clinging in the form of a hummingbird to the lid of the cauldron and holding a piece of ice; (hereinafter referred to as the pass in the recording; the sun sends the eldest daughter with the man to the ground, gives a pen; if the husband is not faithful, the pen will get wet); they They sail in a boat to a man's parents; he sends his younger brother to bring his wife, but the boy sees only a ray of sunlight in the boat; a ray enters the house, then becomes a woman; the first wife is jealous, grabbed him when he went to get water, scratched him; the daughter of the Sun saw that the feather was wet; she turned into a ray of sunlight, disappeared; the next morning the heat increased; the first to die was the former wife, she jumped into water; the world burned down; only that man, his brother and sister, and their spouses hid under a river cliff, they had that piece of ice; the Sun's daughter's husband came back to her, the rest stayed on earth]: McClelland 2007 (2), No. 53:282-288; inner tlingits [the man has lost everything; his wife advises him to marry the daughter of the Sun; he sees smoke over the grass, there is a door to a big house, there is a Little All-Knowing Old Woman in it; she gives the man birdskin, a piece of ice, a whetstone, a bow and eight arrows; he hears laughter in the clouds, shoots arrows, they dig into one another's tail, form a chain, he climbs it into the sky puts on a blue jay skin; girls swing on a swing, chase a jay; a man puts on a hummingbird skin, the youngest catches a bird, takes it to bed, in the morning sisters see a man next to him; their Sun Father offers his son-in-law a test of heat; a man takes a piece of ice in his mouth, is unharmed; the Sun tells him not to cheat on his daughter, not to meet his former wife; a man descends from a new earth to earth; walks every day for water; one day she meets his first wife, she scolds her; when he returns, the daughter of the Sun puts a feather in a bucket of water, the water has become cloudy, the wife returns to her father; causes terrible heat, all people Men also died because he held a piece of ice and a whetstone in his mouth; he returned to heaven to the daughter of the Sun]: McClelland 2007 (3), No. 136:617-620.
NW Coast. Tlingits: Veniaminov 1940 (3) [there was no light; a man hides his wife in a box, kills his sister's children out of jealousy; she, on the advice of her mother, swallows sea pebbles, gives birth to Elya, hides him from her brother ; E. kills a forty-like bird, puts on its skin, sticks his nose into the sky, puts a duck skin on his mother; E. opened the box with his uncle's wife, his uncle threw it into the sea, E. came back to the bottom; uncle caused a flood, E. stuck his nose into the sky, after the flood fell west into algae, these are Queen Charlotte Islands; picked up chips of gigantic pine in his nose, where he flew, threw, where it grows]: 38-43; Kamensky 1906 [Only one toyon grew fir to build dumplings; he kept his wife in a drawer; she was guarded by 8 birds that flew out if someone came into contact with a woman; his sister Kikuhinsi (Kikuhinsi's daughter) ) eight sons; uncle, out of jealousy, took everyone to sea, threw them overboard, or hammered them in hollows; K. ran away, took Heron as her husband; she brought her a pebble, she swallowed it (or gave it a pebble Killer whale, or Killer Whale, advised me to swallow it); K. gave birth to a son, El (Raven); he opened the box with his uncle's wife; he locked it in the deck, E. broke it; uncle caused a flood, E. put on a skin magpies, clung to the sky with his beak, his tail and wings became wet; put a duck skin on his mother; after the flood, E. fell into the sea on seaweed, the sea otter transported it to land (or E. sank directly to land); picked it up in his beak fir cones and chips, distributed fir trees around the world, taught people how to make dumplings]: 71-75 (translated into Kamenskii 1985:59-60); De Laguna 1972:844-845 [kills her sister's newborn sons every time; she cries, the man advises her to heat and swallow a pebble; she gives birth to a son, Yale (Raven) secretly from her brother; the Raven put his mother in duck skin; asks people where the Month keeps his wife, they answer what she hides in box; The raven pulls it out, pulls her hair out of his armpits, throws it into a smoke hole, it turns into woodpecker feathers; flies the Month in the face, he causes a flood in anger; Raven's mother swims like a duck, he himself clung to the sky with his beak; after the flood, he came out of the crow's skin, took the mother out of the duck's skin], 848-849 [jealous Month kills his sister's newborn sons, and daughters, just in case; Killer Whale tells the woman to swallow a pebble; she heats the pebble, swallows it, gives birth to a Raven (some informants: he is the son of the Killer Whale); he pulls out the wife of the Month (she is a bird) from the box, he plucks her (var.: her feathers have under her arms), throws feathers; The month rises to heaven, causes a flood; The raven saves his mother by placing her in the skin of a duck, and himself by climbing into the skin of a snipe (snipe), clinging to the sky with his beak]; Tsimshian: Barbeau 1953 [Chief Hyde's nephew can turn into a loon by wearing a loon skin cape; making bows and arrows, throwing chips into the hearth; flame breaks out, the chief's wife loosens, exposing her genitals; the nephew says they look like the skin of a loon between her wings; the aunt complains to her husband; he smears tar on the nose of the boat, rides with his nephew hunt sea otters, leaves it stuck, changes to another boat himself; the sun melted the resin, the young man put on a loon skin, flew home before his uncle returned; the same the next day; a young man leaves, marries a chief's daughter in an unfamiliar village; she warns that her father always kills her husbands; father-in-law tells me to get 1) a huge octopus; 2) a whale (a young man dives for a whale in the form of a loon, all the other loons help him); 3) a huge oyster (it pulls the young man to the bottom, but all the eagles come to the rescue); the father-in-law admits defeat; the young man in the form of an eagle flies to his native village ; one man tries to grab him by the legs, the eagle picks him up; all people grab each other's legs, the last is his uncle; all eagles help the Eagle Youth raise a human chain, throw him into the sea; a young man with his wife founds the Eagle family]: 56-68; Boas 1902 [the young man wants to marry the daughter of a chief living behind a burning mountain; cannot fly over the mountain wearing robin skin, blue jay; The mouse spends with his hole, helps with advice; 1) the door in the father-in-law's house opens and closes, crushing the grooms; the young man puts a piece of ice into it, she stops; 2) sits on the bear's skin (she pierces the grooms with sharp bristles, the young man breaks the stubble with a piece of ice); 3) unharmed in a box of boiling water; 4) servants push him into a split log, knock out wedges, he splits the log; 5) harpoons the seal into whirlpool, brings father-in-law; returns with his wife to his home]: 126-136; Heiltzuk [the young man is the lover of his older brother's wife; he demands 1) get a wedge that fell into a split log (brother knocks out a spacer, the young man splits the log); 2) hunt cormorants, get an arrow stuck on a rock (the young man puts on an ermine skin, brings an arrow); 3) catch halibut (brother puts the young man in a box, throws him into the sea; four eagle sisters find him; he marries one of them, receives eagle plumage from their father; brings a whale to his people; lifts his brother into the air, throws him into the air, throws him into the air sea)]: Boas 1928b: 115-121; quakiutl (tlatlasiquala neveti) [the chief finds out that his wife has a lover, scolds her; she pretends to be dead; people tell the chief that her lover goes to her in burial house; the chief kills her, leaves her baby with her in the coffin; he survives, the chief adopts him; he chooses a friend, they put on woodpecker skins, fly up to heaven; daughter Cantsoump goes to get water, they let her catch themselves; in her room they turn into men, the chief's son takes her as his wife; she warns that K.'s room is covered with sharp nails; the young man does not attack on them; she gives birth to a baby, he slips out of her hands, falls into the sea; the chief sends a slave to pick him up; this is a glutton, O'Meatl (Raven), eats up all the supplies in the village, leaves]: Boas 1895, No. XVIII.1:170- 171 (=2002:377-379)
Midwest. Eastern Marsh Cree (West Bank Hall. James): Ellis 2995, No. 11 [Memishoosh swims to the shore, takes an orphan boy into the boat; raised, married a daughter; always killed his sons-in-law with witchcraft; 1) took his son-in-law to the island to collect tea eggs, sails away , leaving him on the island; son-in-law puts on tern skin, arrives home before his father-in-law; 2) jump over the abyss; son-in-law jumped, M. fell down, hardly returned home; 3) spending the night in the winter in the forest, M. and his son-in-law hang their greaves by the fire; his son-in-law changes their places; M. burns their own, thinking that he burned his son-in-law's greaves; in the morning he walks barefoot; his son-in-law hears a crackle, turns around, M. turned into larch trees; people will make sleigh runners out of them]: 69-77; Skinner 1911 [T.'s parents and his sister were eaten by brown bears; T. and his sister ran to heaven by climbing a tree trunk; sister does not tell climb a tree bent over the lake; T. shot a duck, it fell into the water, he climbed a tree, he was swallowed by a fish; his sister caught it, T. was inside, screams, Beware; T. killed bears , found his mother's hair in his stomach; T. put on the skin of the jay, took away the giant's fat from the beavers they had killed; they knocked him down, throwing the scraper; stopped cooking, he jumped out, pushed them themselves into boiling water, everyone died; T. took the victim beaver giants, put on a shell that arose from a spoon-shell; the giants took his sister away; T. killed them all with an arrow; put a trap on the path of the Sun, it became dark; T. sends various small animals gnaw the rope; Ermine (Laska) died in the heat, the Shrew gnawed]: 102-104; Eastern Cree (Rupert House) [Aioswé has two wives, he is jealous of one of them for his son from the other; noticing her traces of touch (without details), considers it a sign of treason; swims with the young man to the island to collect bird eggs, throws it; Walrus (i.e. a horned monster) transports the young man, asks him to say if he hears thunder; the young man lies as if the rumble they hear is made by Walrus himself; next time he throws the rider into the water, but the shore is near; Thunder kills the Walrus (Var.: he escapes; seagulls carry the young man ashore); the old woman explains what to do on his way home and on his return, gives him a caress in a white winter outfit; comes to two old women (obviously blind - they do not see who has come), they sharp elbows; a young man attaches a bundle to a stick, sticks between them, they pierce each other; human bones hang along the path; if touched, they will thunder, dogs will hear and tear; the young man digs the underground the move, but touches the bones; the dogs shout that it is the son of A.; the young man sticks out his head caress, people think that the dogs were wrong, they kill them; at home, the young man fires an arrow, setting fire to the ground, the second makes the water boil; A. asks how to escape, the son advises to sit in a vessel of bear fat, A. burns; the son draws a line in a circle, the son and mother are safe inside her; the son offers to become birds; the mother turns into robin, son in Canadian jay]: Skinner 1911:92-95.
(Wed. Northeast. Naskapi [the little boy cries, demands summer songbirds; the father promises Wolf, Wolverine, Otter and Muskrat that he will not hunt them if they get summer; they have come to Beaver, he cooked three of his beavers, cut off pieces of his own fat for the guests; they came to the old man, asked for summer, he refused to give it back; his wife was a sucker fish; the otter lowered the log, everyone mistook him for an elk, rushed in pursuit; at this time, the guests carried away the bird baskets; the old man chased them, but Muskrat could not be drowned, and the paddle was stuck in Porcupine's needles; the arrow pierced Fisher's ass, which became a Fisher star into the sky; the sent brought birds; the boy killed one, put on the skin, became a bird, flew away with the birds; told his father he would see him the next year]: Millman 1993:110-103).
Plains. Assiniboine [woman falsely accuses her stepson of trying to rape her; husband takes her son to the island to collect seagulls eggs, throws it there; Seagull advises killing a seagull, pulling on her skin ; twice he will meet interpreting rocks (or rather abysses, the hole of which closes and opens), each time he must throw them a fish; the mother shows the young man ulcers on the body, says that the husband She is tormented; the young man tells her to throw another wife's child into the fire; when his father comes out, the young man descends the sun from the sky, the father dies from the heat]: Lowie 1909a, No. 7a: 150-154
California. Yurok [two young men went to get firewood for the steam room; one was left behind, the other came to the northern end of the world; the woman put him in a basket, brought him home to take him as a husband; her relatives give grooms are deadly tasks to then catch dentalium shells on their flesh; the young man wins with the skin of a caress from a pipe bag, then with the help of his wife; 1) smoke poisonous tobacco; 2) hot coals are poured into his eye in a dream; 3) get firewood for the steam room; 4) burn on fire; 5) catch salmon, which are actually monsters, carry catchers; he is recognized as a son-in-law, finds a lost friend; a steam room with dancing people jumps from place to place; where they stayed, people are now doing a Jumping Dance]: Kroeber, Gifford 1949, No. 7:117.
The Great Southwest. Hopi: Judson 1994 (Valpi) [Baholyhonga is angry with an evil old man, turns the world upside down; water floods the earth; the serpent god tells people to walk on a narrow strip of clay; the evil ones slip into water, virtuous ones reach dry ground; old people have been put on turkey skins; the turkey has soaked its tail, now it is white; and old people use turkey feathers in rituals]: 92-93; Wallis 1936, No. 2 [a horned serpent turned the ground upside down, caused a flood; a turkey sits (on the roof of a house?) by lowering the tail into the water]: 19.
Mesoamerica Kekci: Van Akkeren 2000 [(told Juan Ka'al's flutist and drummer in 1909 to German Paul Wirsing, who owned a coffee plantation and knew the Kekchi language and customs. Wirsing sold the text to Herbert Dieseldorf, who published {see. Dieseldorff 1925:4-5}). The Earth's old god Tzul Taq'a, "Mountain Valley," Po's daughter, "The Moon," lived in a cave house. Poe often sat with handicrafts, and hunter B'alam Q'e, "The Hidden Sun", passed in front of her. He fell in love and started carrying a stuffed deer. Father advises Poe to throw the remains of boiled corn on the trail; BC fell, straw, needles, and ash fell out of the scarecrow. There was a tobacco seed inside the scarecrow, and the tobacco blossomed. BK put on a hummingbird skin, flew in to collect juice; Poe asked his father to carefully shoot the bird. She hid it in a calebass, the bird is beating, she put it under her skirt, at night the hummingbird became a man, they got together, BC offered to run. He covered Father Poe's all-seeing mirror with soot, poured pepper into his oven gun; the corner of the mirror that BC held him remained unsmeared. Zul Tak saw the fugitives. I asked my Uncle Thunder to kill them. He grabbed his axe and caught up with them by the sea with a storm cloud. The BC was covered with the shell of a turtle, and Po was covered by a battleship, but it turned out that the battleship could not dive. Lightning smashed Po to pieces. BC saw a fish eating Po's remains. He ordered the sorcerers to collect her remains in 13 vessels and gave it to the old woman. Opened 13 days later. There are 12 snakes, worms, and other unpleasant and biting creatures. The last one is Po, but she doesn't have a vagina. BK asked a deer to pierce the vagina, then another deer with a big hoof. He added rat urine. BK takes Po by the hand, goes up to the sky with her, becomes Saq Q'e (Bright Sun). There is a sequel where BC's older brother Choql, ("The Cloud") seduces his wife. BK hits her, she runs away, flies on a vulture that takes her away, BK defeats birds, returns his wife]: 233-235; Thompson 1930 (kekchi, mopan) [old man T'actani has a daughter X't'actani; she is a weaver and a spinner; Kin killed an antelope, filled a stuffed animal with ash and grass, carried Sh. past his house every evening; T. advised his daughter to pour water on the path; K. slipped, the scarecrow burst; then K. asked the hummingbird for his skin, giving him in return cotton wool so that it would not freeze; S. asked her father to shoot the hummingbird, who stunned him; at night in S. K. became a man; asked S. to get her father's magic stone mirror and wind tube, covered the mirror with soot, poured pepper into the tube; K. did not smoke one place in the mirror, T. saw K. and S. in the boat; not was able to shoot, almost suffocated; asked his Uncle Chac (Thunder) to kill the fugitives; K. turned into a turtle, S. turned into a crab, both dived to the bottom; after being hit, K. swam out, saw S.'s blood on the water; told the fish to collect it, but they began to eat flesh and drink blood; then he told the dragonflies, they collected them in 13 wooden decks; K. left them to the woman, promising to return in 13 days; opening the decks, K. found them in them various poisonous snakes (in the 1st), non-venomous snakes (2nd and 3rd), mosquitoes (4), sand fleas (5), green hornets (6), yellow wasps (7), small black wasps (8), the same but with white wings (9), white caterpillars with with poisonous hairs (10), flies (11 and 12), S. (13); K. sent a man to throw the first 12 decks into the sea; he heard a noise, discovered it out of curiosity, the creatures broke into the world; S. does not have a vagina; on the advice of old woman K. put S. between two hills, told a small deer to run, the trail was too small; the big one was just right; when he met S., K. decided that it was too tempting for people, told the Rat to write in vagina; since then, sex has been followed by disgust; K. found out that S. was cheating on him with his brother Shulab; he asked the turkey and another bird to give him their bile, asked the old woman for pepper, tinted everything with uruku, told the old woman to make a cake out of it, baked it in his armpit, gave it to her lovers; they began to spit, could not quench their thirst, S. ran to the river for a drink, agreed when Vulture offered to pick it up; takes Vultures to the village; the leader's house is supposedly made of stone, but this is guano; K. turned into a dead antelope, told the fly to lay down larvae; catches Vulture, tells him to be attributed to the leader; in the land of vultures hides in brushwood carried by a lumberjack, then comes to the village, holes 7 grains of corn, which causes Vulture to hurt his teeth, he lets him in to cure him; K. cures, puts them to sleep, takes Sh., tells two vultures to take them back; turns into the Sun, S. into the Moon, Shulab to the Morning Star, younger brother to the Evening Star; K. places a mirror at the zenith; each the day seems that in the afternoon he is moving further west, but in fact he returns to the east; at first S. is bright like him; she feels sorry for the people working continuously, K. takes out one eye for her]: 126-132.