K55. Rewarded chastity .24.61.-.64.68.
A powerful character finds out if his guest made love to his daughter or wife (if the character is female: did he try to have sex with her) . A person who turns out to be impotent or (successfully pretending) chaste is rewarded (at least not punished). In most cases, the other character has sexual contact or cannot hide what he has done and is punished as a result.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Alor [Masingbal went to the beach with his six brothers, who left him there; in a dream, his parents told him where to go but not to meet cannibals; he came to the good being Farik; his two daughters doused him with boiled millet, the shroud, the larvae fell off him, covered him with a cloth, F. blew on him from a fire tube, his daughter fanned a fire fan; he woke up; F. told him to sleep between both girls, but he did not touch them at night; they told his father about it, then F. told him to get together with them; M. and his wives are working in the fields; wives see that by digging the grass, he made a hole and longingly looks down at his native village; F. tells him and his wives to return to earth; he comes to the house alone, taking the guise of a frombesia patient; three women refused to give him a drink, the fourth filed; six later days he came to her (apparently in his true form) accompanied by servants carrying gongs, pigs; his wife is Dry Land Woman; now his two heavenly wives also come to live with him; 1) the earthly asks to climb the mango, sets aside the stairs, the heavenly wives save him; 2) M. climbs into the hole, digging a hole for the earth, she throws a stone at him, heavenly wives find it, with the help of their the father is revived; 3) the earth cuts down the roots of the arek palm tree, when M. is at the top, the palm tree falls, the heavenly ones, with the help of their father, revive him; M. tells him to dance, flies away, taking gongs, with heavenly wives and half a village to F.; earthly wife and remaining inhabitants slipped down the slope into the sea]: Dubois 1944:164.
Western Amazon. Maihuna [a man who copulates with a watermaster falls ill and dies; another abstains, becomes a successful fisherman]: Bellier 1991b, No. 29:275-277; shuar [Sumpa boys and Chiáchi sought magical power; the Arutam woman (jaguar) lay between them; C. copulated with her, did not gain strength, turned into a beetle; S., a lizard, fasted so long that his skin sagged]: Rueda 1987, No. 2:50; shuar [a jaguar woman gives strength to one of two shamans who did not copulate with her]: Rueda 1987, No. 2:50.
NW Amazon. Barasana [Manioc-stick Anaconda (MA) is the half-brother, the father of the current Sun, the son of the Ancient Sun and his wife, the sky; Mako is his younger brother, single; having become a tapir for a while, he left traces; suggested that MA dig a tapir trap hole, MA fell into the underworld on a tree by the river; the Month, the Morning Star, the striped water snake, the big and small otters (they are rowers of the Sun) swim in silence, or they say that the Sun ("MA's mother's son") swims after them; Sun grebe (Heliornis fulica) takes it but leaves it in the water when it blows the winds; the Sun takes it into its boat; tells him to dive for a deck with fish; MA says it's just an anaconda; while the Sun is diving on its own, the Monkeys, the Squirrel, the Otters (they're the Sun's rowers) tell them to remove the substance from the Sun's bag, the Sun was going to burn them MA; plugging the anaconda's mouth and anus , The Sun raised it, poured out fish of all known species; the speckled cooking pot is a poisonous snake; MA only pretended to eat this fish extracted from the anaconda; the Sun releases clouds of fire, MA every time turns into a spider, hides; he releases the substance that he took out of the Sun's bag, he lights up a feather crown, he recognizes him as a brother; the Sun rises to the sky, leaves MA; that turns into a tick, a tapir carries it through her hand in her ear; Tapir's wife blows the wind; Ant Bird goes to copulate with her, she complains to her husband; Tapir tells everyone to turn away the foreskin; MA advises Ant Birt sprinkle ash on the head of the penis, Tapir believes he did not copulate; the other participants (Tapir calls them grandchildren) are termites; those who went to clear the path were torn to pieces by a jaguar; in fact, it's a bird termite pecking; MA meets her children, his wife is pregnant with Mako; both went for mako feathers; Mako turned into an anaconda in a mako hollow; MA turned her into a mako again; then Mako removed the stairs, leaving MA in the hollow; MA ochre painted the feathers of the mako chicks yellow; told the snake to stretch like a bridge, descended it (other snakes did not reach, became vines); MA fumigated everyone received from the Sun with fiery substance; his children became birds; Mako and his wife MA fell to the bottom of the river, became two sacred flutes; MA married Jaguariha, their son Yeba; MA bones became other sacred flutes; his top the skulls became a calebas for tobacco, the bottom became a calebas for wax; the heart became a calebasa for narcotic powder, the brain became tobacco powder; the eyes were copper inserts in the ears; the penis was a ritual cigar, the testicles were small calebasses for powder and red paint used during initiations; elbow is an elbow ornament, ribs are a sacred shell belt]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 6A: 287-293; letuama [as Barasan, but several different animal people pretend to be chaste]: Palma 1984:148; bora [heron man rejects the love of the coca owner's daughter and gets coca; the dog owner copulates with a girl, can't get coca and gets pregnant by himself]: Razón 1992:154-155.
Central Amazon. Munduruku [Vakurumpyo and Karuetuetuibo are married to each other's sisters; K. is a freak, his wife leaves him; the Sun invites his wife to have sex with K.; he really turns out to be impotent; The Sun puts him in the bosom of his wife, K. is born handsome again; leaves his former wife, takes a new one; V. comes to the Sun but copulates with his wife; born again a freak]: Murphy 1958, No. 13:83-85.
Eastern Amazon. Spiking: Nimuendaju 1920:1034 [rivals cut off the freak's hands and feet, take him to his beautiful wife; Tumaca heals him, leads him to bathe, makes him handsome, gives his eldest daughter as his wife; he visits his native village, returns to T. and his new wife; when meeting an animal owner], 1035 [women reject an ugly black man; T. invites him to her place, his daughter sits down with him on knees, but the guest does not have an erection; T. leads him to swim, makes him handsome; he returns to the village, his wife hides from people. they have a parrot daughter who turns into a girl at night; the grandmother does not give the parrot eats, scolds; daughter T. takes the child, goes to her father; the husband tries to follow her, but the path overgrows]; zhuruna [women reject an ugly person; he decided to die, saw a ladder from the sky, went up; in the sky, a woman showed the path to Alapá; he called him handsome, A.'s three daughters took turns sitting on it, but out of fear the man could not get along with them; the girls were happy, A. told them to take the guest to swim, he emerged handsome, married his youngest fourth daughter A.; the man goes down to visit his mother, then his wife and daughter go down; stepping on the ground, the girl became a bird, turned into a girl at night; another man also went to heaven to be handsome; when A.'s daughter sat on him, he met her; A. ordered him to be bought in dark water, he became a mako (araraú una), turned black, eats excrement; the mother of the first man was tired of taking care of her granddaughter, she threw her away; the heavenly wife left, the husband followed; the other followed, despite the ban slept with his wife before that; A. cut off the stairs, he fell; A. wanted the aged to climb into heaven and get younger, but because of the person who broke the ban, this does not happen]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:137- 142.
Southern Amazon. Kayabi: Grünberg 1970 [Puri'un was black, ugly, his fiancée rejected him; he came to his father Panyeavi; he went fishing, his wife spread her legs, but the man did not have sex with her ; so three times, he became bright, Piri'u'i; the other one also went handsome, had sex with Panyeavi's wife, who turned him into a caiman]: 167; Pereira 1995, No. 6 [Pyreju'um was black, in ulcers, great-aunt his sister refused him; he came to the wife of the supreme deity Pajawi; he went to the river, the woman began to seduce the guest, who did not give in; turned him handsome, the husband gave him jewelry; now the girl Wished for him, but he rejected it; another young man also went to Pajawi, copulated, Pajawi put a hot stone in his mouth instead of a fish, turning the young man into a caiman]: 52-54; Iranian [cannibal (jakolo) invites a man to his village; he meets the Black Monkey, the Callicebus personatus monkey, the Maned Wolf, Dusicyon, the opossum (Conepatus semistratus amazonicus) gives them fruit flour peki; everyone asks where he and his animal companions are going, joins; animals stay in the forest, a man enters the village; an old cannibal gives him her two daughters; they offer themselves, get refusal; mothers answer that the guest said that he never copulates; at night, a person puts the ogre to sleep with stories, leaves a deck in his hammock, runs away; goes home with the animals; cannibals throw the hammock into the boiling pot, but only break the cauldron with a deck; now the man's younger brother comes; does not give food to animals, copulates with both girls; falls asleep himself, thrown into the cauldron; older brother goes for revenge, meets the same animals again, gives them torment, everyone joins him; humans and animals make a fire at the entrance to the cannibal hole, kill them with smoke; let the Turtle go because it did not eat human beings, but only sucked on bone]: Pereira 1985, No. 31:142-155; paresi [Okiro's husbands were the beautiful Toberaré and the ugly Awlomenaré; A. came to Kingfisher; while that was not the case, he got along with his wife Duck, but pretended to be chaste, sprinkling ash on his foreskin and tying hairs on the Duck's vulva; Kingfisher sees that while bathing, A.'s genitals are washed off dirt, believes he is innocent, feeds fish broth, making A. handsome; at home rejects O., who now wants him, goes to live with his mother; T. also comes to A., copulates with Duck, but refuses to sprinkle ash, tie her hairs; A. feeds him with a decoction of worms and rotten fish, turning him into a freak, O. rejected him]: Pereira 1986, No. 50:436-441.