Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K56. Worthy awarded, unworthy punished,

ATU 480, 480D* .11.-.17.21.-.40. (.53.)

One girl, girl, or young woman (one man's wife) meets a character who can reward and punish. She's behaving right and getting a reward. The other (others) tries to repeat everything, but behaves incorrectly and is punished (rare: unrewarded).

Bassa, douala, basa, sakata, bolia, mongo-nkundu, kikuyu, ganda, maragoli, ngonde, konde, lanje, ronga, xhosa, suto, mamprusi, mosi, bulsa, dagari, bobo, wai, bassa, Liberia, Kpelle, Bambara, Fulbe, Tenda, Temne, (Wala), Ashanti, Ewe, Von, Yoruba, Igbo, Ekoi, Yambasa, Hausa, Songhai, Zande, Nzakara, Moru, Mundang, Shilluk, Dinka, Sudanese Arabs, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, Berbers of Morocco (Fez), Spaniards, Portuguese, Catalans, Basques, Italians (Lombardy, Veneto, Tuscany, Umbria, Rome, Lazio, Abruzzo, Molise, Basilicata, Calabria, Puglia), Sicilians, Sardinians, Corsicans, Maltese, Ladin, British, Irish, Scottish, French (Haute-Loire, Nivernay, Auvergne, Gascony, etc.), Bretons, Walloons, Friesians, Flemish Germans (Harz, Grimms, Swabia, Bavaria, Austria), Arabs Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Yemen, Harsusi, Mehri, Jibbali, Tibetans (incl. Sikkim), Bhutan, Nevar, Angami, Garo, Toto, Burmese, Karen, Khmer, Sre, Khmu, Katu, Viets, Zyaray, Bengalis, Rajastans, Gujarati, Punjabi, Marathi, Ho, Kannada, Tamils, Sinhalas, Bajau, Java, Roti, pagu, visayas, ilokans, Chinese (Sichuan, etc.), Kukong, Koreans, Hungarians, Romanians, Gagauz people, Albanians, Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Bulgarians, Greeks, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Russians (Terek coast, Arkhangelskaya, Olonetskaya, Karelia, Vologda, Pskov, Moscow, Tula, Ryazan, Lipetsk, Kursk, Voronezh, etc.), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Transcarpathia, Hutsulshchina, Galicia, Bukovina, Pokutye, Kiev, Yekaterinoslavskaya, Poltava), Belarusians, Kalmyks, Nogais, Karachays, Balkarians, Abkhazians, Abazans, Kabardians, Adygs, Ossetians, Kumyks, Archins, Laki, Lezgins, Tabasarans, Georgians, Armenians, Turks, Kurds, Turkmens, Persians, Bakhtiyars, Tajiks, Khufs, Uzbeks, Pashayas, Norwegians, Icelanders, Swedes, Danes, Faroese, Western Sami, Finns, Karelians, Veps, Warlords, Estonians, Setus, Livs, Latvians, Lutsis, Lithuanians, Komi , Udmurts, Mari, Mordovians, Chuvash, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Uighurs, Dungans, Siberian Tatars (Tomsk), Buryats, Mongols, Mongors, Mansi, Northern Selkups, Kets, Central (?) Yakuts, Nanais, Ainu, Japanese, Ryukyu (north and Okinawa), reindeer and coastal Koryaks, Itelmen, Asian Eskimos, St. Lawrence, (kuna).

Bantu-speaking Africa. Basa [stepdaughter broke a wooden spoon; stepmother tells her to go to her deceased mother to give her a new one; on the way, the pot asks for his soup (the girl eats), the tree for fruit (the same); the old woman gives seed and rice to cook, a lot of meat and rice appears; hides the girl under the bed; her children come to the night, wild animals; the old woman tells the girl to prick them at dawn; they think that fleas bite, run away; the old woman tells me to take the egg that will ask him not to take; it turns into a bird, sings, the old woman gives it to the girl; on the way back, the bird sings, the dead mother appears, gives a spoon and three pots, teaches when to break them; from the first, people come out, warriors, call the girl a lady; from the second comes a village; from the third lions, warriors kill them; the girl gives her stepmother a spoon, stays in her own village; the stepmother sends her own daughter; she breaks the pot, burns the tree, cooks meat and lots of rice (they turn into bone, rice), takes an egg that asks him for take; the bird is silent; the old woman gives a spoon and three pots herself; the girl first breaks the last one, the lions eat it]: Binam Bikoï 1977:100-115 (translated in Pozdnyakov 1990:205-212); douala [Bella, the daughter of a respected man from the village of Matamba, married Ema, the leader of the village of Betama; there all the work is done by herself, the food comes into the house by itself; Ema tells me to remain silent; sister Bella's daughter comes to her aunt; Two calebasses get back; one must be broken when you reach your village, the other by swimming in a muddy stream, first sing a song, asking for permission from the stream; she does; breaking the first calebasu, forgets everything she saw in his aunt; after swimming, he becomes beautiful; servants, wealth appear from the second calebas; the older sister is jealous; forgets to break the first calebass, swims in a clean stream , becomes ugly, chased, dies]: Binam Bikoï 1977:121-126; bass []: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2014:189-194; Sakata: Colldén 1979, No. 1 [from the cannibal Kenshune-nshune ( equates to Death) {second?} mouth on top of her head; the woman has two daughters, she got lost, got to K., who married her; the eldest daughter went looking for her; her mother told her to hide behind the fence; she would be thrown food there; if she heard a voice mother, let her eat, if K. does not eat; the girl did so; the mother told him to run, gave him many useful things, including protecting herself from K.; the girl met K., threw him something to defend himself with, sang, to prevent him from attacking, she returned to the village; the younger sister envied that her sister had brought so much good, she went too; when she returned, she sang that K. had a mouth on the top of her head, he killed her and brought her to his wife; when she left, she set fire to the house, ran to the people; K. came after him, gave him beer, hacked him down], 2 [at the cannibal Kenshune-nshune {second?} mouth on top of her head; the woman has two daughters, she met K., who married her; the eldest daughter went looking for her; the mother told her to hide behind the fence; invites K. to throw food to the rats; when the mother leaves, the girl eats when K. does not eat; the woman tells K. that the rats do not want to eat his food; his mother gave her a lot of useful things, told her to hit him with a branch on the top of his head with a branch; the girl still does did, K. fell behind, she returned to the village; the younger sister envied that her sister had brought a lot of good things, went too; ate K.'s food, not her mother's; when she returned, she sang that K. had a mouth on top of her head, he was hers killed, brought it to his wife; she says she cries because she is sick], 4 [the woman came to the cannibal Kenshune-nshune, he married her; there is a bed of skin and bones of people; her daughter came, her mother hid her under the roof, tells me not to laugh; throws pieces of meat there, says "You eat, I eat, the man does not eat, the nose is shaking"; the girl is silent, the mother explains that she threw food to the rats; K. left, the mother gave her daughter a lot of good things, she came back home; her sister went too, but when she heard her mother speak, she laughed; K. ate her, her mother cried], 7 [leaving her twin daughters Mbu and Mpia to look after the pumpkins in the garden, her mother went on business; she was caught raining , she ran to Kenshune-nshune's house, he married her; Mbu came to look for her, her mother hid her, sent her home in the morning, giving her a lot of valuables; Mpia went, the same with her, but she ate K., that caught up with her and killed her], 10 [twin girls Mvu and Mfia went swimming with their friends; Mwu returned to the river for a forgotten necklace; Kenshune-nshune took her to his mother; told her not to laugh if she saw dancing termites, herbs, trees; mother K. sent Mva to fetch water, no matter what you bring, clean or dirty; Mwu did not laugh, brought clean water, received a box of clothes and jewelry from K.'s mother, returned home; Mfia also went to get the necklace she had left behind, laughed, brought dirty water, brought home the box given by mother K., snakes crawled out from there, bit her, she died], 11 [woman found it in the woods two drums, she liked one, she took it away; Kenshune-nshune chases her, tells her to give it back; she throws fruits, he picks them up; by the river asks the eagle to split the waters for her in two; the eagle carries it across the river; another woman also went for the drum; K. did not pick up the fruits she had thrown, the eagle did not carry her across the river; K. caught up, killed the woman, took his drum]: 148-150, 150-151, 155-156, 158-159, 162-163, 163-164; (cf. sakata [mother died, daughters Mbu and Mpia stayed to take care of the garden; Mbu went there and saw their dead mother cultivate the garden; her mother took her to the village of the dead; told her not to laugh if she will see dancing termites and people with their mouths on top of their heads; if friends call me to swim, then swim in a bad place, not in a good place; Mbu listened, received gifts, returned home]: Colldén 1979, No. 9: 161; bolia [the women went for reeds, lost alone, went into the hut; the cannibal comes without a head; says he will take her as a concubine and cook; the elder brother finds her, she hides him; explains what to do; brother does not eat human beings; runs, throws honey, cannibal wasts time, eats honey; bees, they bite cannibals; throws de terre avec fermeté (ou: a foie?) {incomprehensible}; at home, the younger sister also decides to go to her elder; does not listen to advice, eats the head of a man brought by the cannibal; when she runs away, she shouts that he is headless, he kills her; tells to his wife, she explains that smoke eats her eyes, so she cries; the elder brother, taking 12 dogs, comes to his sister; in the morning the cannibal leads his son-in-law to collect cola nuts; when he is in the tree, all cannibals come - whoever is without heads who have no legs; they cut down a tree, it begins to fall, a man hits it (l'homme donne une gifle), the tree recovers; he calls dogs locked in the cannibal's house, they come running and exterminating cannibals; brother and sister return to people]: Mamet 1960:115-119; Mongo-nkundu: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 151 [two sisters are married to Ilofi; he takes the eldest to his relatives; tells you not to laugh when the palm fruits are cut off with their feet, the water is scooped up with their heads; tells them to bake the peel, not bananas (they will become bananas), enter the pond with leeches (she will come out with bracelets on her legs), etc.; the wife does everything, returns rich; the youngest wife also wants to go, she is doing the wrong thing, she was killed and eaten; I. gave money to buy a new wife]: 374-378; Knappert 1977, No. 11 [two sisters are married to Ilofi; he leads the eldest to his relatives; tells do not laugh when a single leg cuts nuts, a louse weaves mats, individual heads fill jugs with water; tells you to bake peels, not bananas (will become bananas), bones, not fish (become fish), bones, but not nuts (they will become nuts); do not go out at night when everyone is dancing; jump into a well with leeches and centipedes (will come out with decorations); the wife does everything, comes back rich; the youngest wife also wants go, laugh, leaves home, killed and eaten]: 143-145; kikuyu [girl refuses the rich old man's offer; her relatives are furious; she leaves home; she leaves home; varied along the way food asks her to be full, but she thanks and refuses; she comes to a beautiful village, lives there for five days; the owner of the house asks her to put her hands and feet in liquid, they are covered with luxurious ornaments ; the girl gets a jar of beer, returns home; according to what she was told, she hides behind a fence near the hearth, fills the fire with beer; tells her to slaughter the sheep, pour fat on her skin, "so that she she could die there"; it turns out that everyone is happy; the younger sister also wants to get jewelry; she is still the same with her, but on the way she eats the food offered; when she immerses her legs and arms in liquid, they become covered with ulcers ; they give her water, not beer, she must tell her to pour ash on the goat's skin; she remains ugly, and everyone loves her older sister from now on]: Gagnolo 1953, No. 24:66-69; ganda [{in the 2006 manuscript this text referred to matumbi}; only water from a distant lake will cure the father; beloved and unloved daughters from their beloved and unloved wives went to get water, stayed with an old woman; the unloved brings water, lights the old woman's pipe ; the beloved breaks the jug, breaks the hoe and knife, refuses to light the pipe; the old woman advises the unloved one to collect muddy water when the waves rise on the lake; on the way back, the unloved one comes in thank the old woman; the pure water of the beloved makes the ulcer worse, the muddy unloved one is cured; the father understands his mistake]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:398-399; maragoli [the woman's husband became a cannibal ; her sister came to her; her husband came and began to sing, but her sister sat quietly; when she left, the wife gave her sister a lot of ornaments; taught her to put the fruits in the holes in the rock and run as soon as the bird began to bite them; if she sees dancing grass, don't go dancing with her; sister did everything and came back rich; her younger sister wanted jewelry for herself; when the cannibal started singing, she started dancing; ran when the bird ate the fruit; the bird began to scream that the woman was here; began to dance with the grass; the cannibal caught up with the woman and ate it; the wife began to shave the cannibal, ripped off his skin, burned him with the house; other cannibals They chased her; she asked the hawk to take her and her children to the tree; the cannibals began to cut him down, but the woman said: the tree will not fall! and the felling overgrew; the woman began to whistle, people heard, ran, killed cannibals]: Kavaji 2005, No. 14:232-236; maragoli [the woman has 8 daughters; made a clay pot for each: who She will break her own, go to the cannibal Nasio; the eldest went to get water and broke it; went to N.; on the way she meets three other cannibals, but everyone misses her when they find out that she is going to N.; the old woman asks scrape her back; gave millet seeds; when N. asks him to take out and bite through his lice, let the grains click; the girl did everything; N. left her to watch the boiling pot, but not to look into it ; she did not look in; N. took out a lot of jewelry from the cauldron, gave it to the girl and sent her home; the younger sister also wanted jewelry; broke the pot on purpose; refused to scratch the old woman's back; she bit through the lice; looked into the cauldron; N. took out the dead frogs and tin cans from there and decorated the girl with it]: Kavaji 2005, No. 15:237-238; ngonde [jealous rival persuades a woman throw away a weak child; (then, apparently, a trip to heaven, a woman gets a healthy child); the rival repeats her actions, gets a half child with one leg, one arm, etc.]: Werner 1933:96; condé [a voice tells a woman to throw her child into the water to wade across the river; the water diverges, she goes dry; her husband tells her not to return until she finds a child; she meets a lion , a leopard, a crocodile, and other animals, does what they ask; an old woman shows her a lot of cute babies, a woman takes one; a rival does everything wrong, gets sick, crippled]: Werner 1933:96; lanje [a group of girls goes to file their front teeth; one mother delays for a long time, giving a new job; when she went, she lost her way and came to an old woman; she promises to file her teeth herself, but asks her to bring water first, giving a ring under the jug, which turned out to be a snake; frog: let them do as they say; the girl brought water; the old woman asks to pull the worms out her ulcers, roasts, serves as a side dish for porridge; frog: do not eat worms; the old woman sawed the girl's teeth, placed cattle, people, all property in the gap; the girl returned; everything regurgitated at night; now she has her own village and she is a leader; other mothers scolded and beat their daughters, who brought nothing]: Torrend 1921, No. 15:75-80; ronga: Junod s.a., No. 17 [going to get water, the girl broke a jug; climbed into the sky on a rope that came down from there; she was polite to the old woman; she told her to obey the ant that would crawl into her ear; the girl came to the village and replied to the old men in sparkling robes that came to get a baby (Werner: apparently at the beginning of the confusion, the girl may have lost the baby); she was asked to pick corn, the ant told her to take one cob at a time, put it neatly in the basket; cook porridge in a certain way; the celestials are happy, they offered to choose a baby; the ant ordered the baby to be taken in white, not red clothes; she was given clothes and jewelry; her sister also decided get wealth, did not listen to the old woman and the ant, picked up a red baby, there was an explosion, her bones fell to the ground]: 139-141 (=1924, No. 1:327-330; =Werner 1933:62-65); 1926, No. 2 [older sister broke pitcher; afraid to return to her parents, she marries Masingué; the old woman teaches how to make corn tortillas in M.'s house; M. came in through a hole in the roof at night; he is a snake, but in guise at night men; once he changed her appearance, began to wonder why the girl married a snake, but she is loyal to her husband; when their daughter has grown up, his wife goes with her to her parents; M. tells her to put her legs and hands in the basket, they they are covered in gold; they meet elephants, hide in a tree; a woman sings, elephants fall unconscious, she picks up her fangs; the same with rhinos, takes horns; the younger sister also goes to M.; does not listen an old woman, does not grind the grain properly; screams when she sees a snake; collecting water, M. calls, he is silent; when M. tests her loyalty, replies that she has contacted the snake in vain; when she puts her hands and feet in the basket, her fingers cut off; crippled at home]: 331-335; braid [Nomvume's girl goes to see the world; on the way she wipes the old woman's eyes, helps to carry another knot, feeds a huge frog; they give advice salt, grain, the Nambe snake is told to cook porridge for him in the cave; a grateful snake sends Nomvume home with gifts; her sister Nogwafu goes too, is rude to her counter, the snake almost eats her, she comes running home, getting kinder]: Ohotina 1962:353-356; suto (Sesuto) [the girls went to get water, buried their beads in the sand; Kgolodikane came later, she was told they threw beads into the river; she did I did; the girls laughed, put on their beads, took the jugs and went home; K. went downstream, asking the backwaters to return the beads; the first backwater told me to move on; the second opened, K. came in, there is a half-eaten old woman in ulcers with one arm, one leg; offers to laugh at her; K. does not laugh; lick her ulcers, she does it; the old woman thanks her, hides her from the ogre (Dimo), who is an old woman torments, but does not kill, because he needs a cook; the cannibal smells a person but falls asleep; leaves in the morning; the old woman puts luxurious jewelry on K.; sends him home; let someone give K. water first than she looks back; K. comes to the place where she threw her beads into the river, where her younger sister gave her water; Uncle K.'s daughters decided to go to that old woman too; they laughed at her, refused to lick her ulcers; eaten by an ogre]: St. Lys 1916:83-85.

West Africa. Mamprusi [a good wife goes through the forest to her parents for food; climbs into a pot, covers herself, rolls along the path, the animals run away in horror; also returns to her husband; angry wife is afraid to scratch the pot, climbs into a clay vessel, the lion breaks it, the animals have torn the woman to pieces]: Anpetkova-Sharova 1966, No. 38:67-68; mosi: Frobenius 1986 [a woman spoils her daughter, harasses an orphan; she accidentally smashed the calebass, the woman tells me to go to Abaga (Leopard) to fix it; at the entrance to A.'s house, his things are lying, it starts to rain, the girl picks everything up; A. turns the fragments of the calebas into powder, sculpts from they are new in the shape of their vessel; offers a choice of cakes, a place to sleep; the girl agrees to everything, requires nothing; gets 3 white and 3 red eggs; breaks houses, they turn into cattle, a farm; the woman tells her to dig out of the floor with a pot to change it to a new one, the clods of earth turn into gold; the woman sends her own daughter, she does not pick up things A., is arrogant, demanding; chooses 3 white eggs; from a lion, a boa constrictor, a jackal jump out; people drive her away, she runs into the forest, since then lions, boas, jackals have been living far from people]: 86-89; Sissao 2010, No. 20 [stepmother sent stepdaughter to harvest from the site in deep in the forest; towards an old woman, asked her to sing, she would dance; brought her to her home; asked her to wash her back, the girl washed it; asked if she wanted sorghum porridge or corn porridge; she replied that she didn't even eat sorghum porridge at home, like corn; the woman fed her corn; told me to put her hands in the hole, they were covered with gold; at home, the stepmother was furious, sends her own daughter to the site; the old woman brings her to her, asks for help wash her back, she refuses; says that she ate only corn porridge at home, the old woman gives her sorghum; ordered her right hand to be put in the hole, a snake wrapped around her; her left hand was bitten the scorpion remained on his arm; his head - his head fell off]: 51-53; bulsa [the man is rich but single; he has a huge penis, he can wrap it around his waist; one woman agreed to marry him, prepared a hole with wet clay, put her penis in it, then washed it, the man thought he was copulating with his wife; gave her a lot of cattle; another woman decided to get cattle too, invited a man; the penis pierced her through and out of her mouth; she died]: Schott 2006:31-36; dagari [no one can help a childless woman put a bunch of brushwood on her head; she asks God, the wind raises the ligament; God gives two fruits , tells them to bury houses, a son and daughter are born from them; a daughter rejects grooms; A boa constrictor borrows two sticks from the forest, puts it on the body, he has arms and legs; occupies the monkey's face, it becomes human; it occupies the bark of the vine, it becomes its pants; the tree has a bark shirt, others have different flowers, these are other garments and shoes; The boa constrictor gets a wife, on the way back he distributes everything that borrowed; a year later, the woman gave birth to a husband of snakes in a hole; the other wife of the same husband, whose wife was the girl's mother, came to her, was four days old, liked Boa; going down the hole, politely turned to her husband's father, also a boa constrictor, missed; returned with a basket full of corn, peanuts, etc.; the mother envied, also went; insults the father's boa constrictor; drives snakes; returning, she goes the wrong path, along the wrong path, along the as the daughter told her to go; the boa father strangles her, cuts her into pieces; the daughter cries, sings, feeling sorry for her mother; the boa father asks again, she answers every time that it is a smoky log in the fire; when he falls asleep, the daughter asked To revive God, a mother from pieces, she has come to life; both are running; by the river an old woman asks to rub her back; the daughter rubs, the mother continues to run; a hole opens in the old woman's back, the old woman allows her to take out a pebble from there, a straw broom, a chicken egg; after catching up with the mother, the daughter throws a stone (mountain), a broom (forest), an egg (a lake); the boa constrictor threw himself into the water, his body was bloody after overcoming the mountain and the forest, he was eaten by fish]: Hien 1995:124 -148; bobo (Burkina Faso) [the man asks his sister to sweep his yard; she sweeps, hit something, the fire hit the cow's tail, the tail is burned; the brother demanded to bring a new one; the girl came to the old woman; she asks to rub her back with a stone, gravel, broom; the girl puts it in her left hand, gently rubs her back with her right hand; the old woman says where the cows graze, piling their tails; you must choose the right one; cows will chase; you have to throw sand, broom brushwood, stone, egg; gives these items; abandoned turns into 1) sandy space, 2) forest, 3) mountain, 4) river; cows drown; girl gives brother's cow tail; the neighbor herself asked her brother for permission to sweep, set fire to the cow's tail, against her brother's wishes, went to look for a new one; does not want to rub the old woman's back, then rubs her with a broom; then, as if good a girl, but she throws an egg in front of her; trampled by cows]: Sanon 1968:270-273; vai [husband has two wives, each with a daughter; a glowing man marries a good daughter; goes up with her to sky (a chain with a platform comes down for them); the girl takes care of her husband's mother, despite her festering wounds; eats and drinks what they give; advice should ask for a wooden casket with a cat inside; at her father's house opens, from there the city comes in; the daughter of an evil wife refuses to take care of the old woman, is afraid to drink and eat, not knowing where the drink and water come from; chooses a gold box; predators jump out of it, everyone eat]: Creel 1960:25-31; guro [stepmother tells Gbélékalou to chop rice; own daughter deliberately pushes the pest into chicken manure; stepmother tells G. to go wash the pestle in the Loningbé River; G. comes to the old woman; she gives a bowl of snot, tells her little daughter to feed it; tells her to pull weeds around the house; G. does everything; the old woman teaches her to get to the place where two birds are fighting, they they will fall, we must follow the path on which the male will fall; the L. River will be pitch black and infested with snakes, crocodiles and hippos, but you must safely enter it; G. does everything, meets the dead at the bottom of the river parents (washed the pestle and) decorated it with low-value metal, and gave their daughters three horses loaded with gold and three slaves; when they saw P., the stepmother's own daughter ran to the L. River; refused to comply with the requests. old lady; she warned: the pestle should be washed in a black river with crocodiles, but the girl went to a quiet river; her head was cut off and returned home; in the dark, her sisters and mother hear a sound from the hut, frightened; father lit a torch, saw his head; told her to bury it]: Tououi Bi 2014:251-255; bassa [Duakma is a beautiful and sweet girl; the woman envies that D. dances better than her daughter, she poisoned her; D. appeared to her mother in a dream, told people to dance around her grave and asked the heavenly god to revive her; got up from the grave in luxurious clothes, with a golden vessel in her hands; the woman sent her own daughter; when people started dancing and her daughter's head appeared from the grave, her mother rushed to her and began to pull; her head came off, her mother ran into the forest]: Pinney 1973:220-222; Liberia [Mummy Yamma calls Santo and Duopoo girls to her, tells cotton to spin; S. accidentally spits on the spinning wheel, MY sends her to wash the spinning wheel on the river; on the way she shares food with the Cat and the Rooster; they say that the Aquatic People will offer to choose a basket; you have to take the one on which the Cat will sit, then the Rooster will shout; clothes, treasures in the basket; D. specially spits on the spinning wheel, does not feed the Cat and the Rooster, takes the largest basket, snakes in it, lizards, forest creatures; D. runs home]: Bundy 1919, No. 1:406-407; kpelle: Westermann 1921b, No. 28 [=1924, No. 28:160; there was a river that can only be entered on an empty stomach; whoever eats something will stay in river; the girl ate something and stayed under water; the crocodile asked her to break the jug, bring water in the potshard; she did not break it, she brought water, the crocodile is grateful, she moved on; the old woman told her break the bucket, but she did not break it, she brought water; the old woman ordered to check the rice, bring the chaff, throw away the grain; the girl threw away the chaff, crushed the rice in the mortar; the old woman is happy; advises the girl to choose the worst and smallest chest; when she goes ashore, the girl sees her brother on a raffia palm tree, asks him to call her mother; she came, made a sacrifice, the girl went ashore; there was wealth in the chest: money, people, all kinds of pets; an envious woman sent her daughter into the river; she broke a crocodile jug, threw away rice, brought a chaff to the crocodile; the same with the old woman; the old woman tells me to take a small chest, a girl takes a big one, brought it to her mother, it contained wasps and diseases, wasps began to bite them], 29 [=1924, No. 29:161-162; a kind woman has one daughter, an envious woman has many; a good daughter I met a spirit without arms, without legs, without a mouth, he told me to cook rice, eat too, take a small chest, take {caress?} chicken, dog, wash herself with red water; the girl's hair turned gold, there was wealth in the chest; an envious woman sent her daughter, who called the spirit a freak, why should the freak eat rice, hit the chicken and cat, washed with clean water, covered with a rash; terrible things came out of the chest at home {creatures?} , killed them {the girl and her mother}]: 410-413, 413-414; Bambara: Görög 1979:58-59 [one wife dies; the other washes her daughter's hands with oil and with her own water, says she will eat the one whose hands are more likely to dry; only her own daughter always eats; the stepdaughter finds a fig tree in the forest, asks her to bend down, eats figs; on the way back she collects beans, puts it on top; the own daughter finds fig tree; both girls go to the fig tree, the daughter climbs a branch, the fig tree becomes tall, the girl cannot get off; the orphan tells the audience how her stepmother treats her], 60-64 [orphan washes the dishes, the stepmother's calebasa breaks; she demands it whole back, let her go to Tinimine; on the way, the girl sees food cooked on the fire herself, fighting pests, animals eating each other; not surprised tells her story, they show the way; T. with three heads, two eyes, many hands makes Calebass whole, gives seven others with gold and treasures, servants to carry them; his own daughter She deliberately breaks the calebas; she is surprised at the creatures, refuses to work at T.'s house; she gives seven calebas, tells her to open it only in a locked room; bees and snakes, stepmother and her daughter die in them]; fulbe [two wives each have a daughter, one wife dies, stepmother does not feed, does not dress her stepdaughter; everyone goes to the party; the woman tells her stepdaughter that Leo's wife can do her hair and dress her; she comes to Leo's wife; Leo returns, says he smells like meat but does not find a girl; stepmother sends his own daughter; when Leo returns, she pretends to cry, Leo eats her]: Labouret 1952, No. 5:147; Tenda: Ferry 1983, No. 22 [two wives per daughter, one wife dies, stepmother sends stepdaughter to a spring where dangerous spirits live; a woman at the spring tells her to rub her back, her back is covered with tips, the girl hurts her hands, but rubs; tells me to cook food from one grain, not eat everything; says that she will swallow the girl, she will find eggs in her stomach, talking clone clock and chluf-chluf, we must take the other ones; when approaching the village, the girl breaks eggs one at a time, from which clothes, poultry, cattle, horses appear; the stepmother sends her own daughter, she is afraid to rub the woman's back, takes seven eggs, a bunch of eggs, goes out through the anus; wasps, hyenas, panthers, etc. come out of them, devour the girl; the mother finds only her hand], 48 [the woman has been pregnant for several years; gives birth on the elephant path, one child from the mouth (nose), the other from the lower body; the elephant wants to step over it, but stumbles {apparently pressing}; sister Tyita collects milk from the nipple from the sky, feeds Brother Tyara; he wants, more, goes up to the sky to cut off his nipple, falls, breaks to pieces; the turtle teaches the song, the brother resurrects, kills the Turtle; now the sister brings yam, the brother wants more, cuts the root, blood appears; this is the blood of the underground spirit Fato (boa constrictor) it will cause drought; the sister brings a bird to eat, the brother destroys the entire flock; the sister brings some grain from the mouse; the brother breaks the hole, takes everything; the sister goes to marry the chief, the brother goes to the savannah, where birds nest in his hair; after a few years he goes to his sister (now Yanunu, Y., sister Kunemi, K.); by the pond there are two girls, the Mabuya lizard and the Frog; only M. gives him a drink; he gives him a drink honey for her; she eats, throws away wax, the Frog swallows it; K. at first does not recognize her brother, sends him to the chicken coop, because he has bird nests in his hair; K.'s husband finds out, accepts his son-in-law with dignity; he behaves in order; M. and the Frog come, Y. chooses M., she gives birth to a son with him; The frog is considered the second wife; swallows his frog grandmother to seem pregnant; pushes M. into the pond, takes her child, replaces her in front of her husband; at the bottom of the reservoir, a blind man asks to suck pus out of his eyes, eat a scab; she does it; the parents of the blind man come, a goat and a ram are hung from their bodies instead of clothes ; M. does not laugh; is not afraid of a snake; she is given a grain of different cultivated plants, everyone can feed the whole village; M. returns to her husband, feeds everyone; The frog tells her to push her into the pond; does not sink, then press her down with a stone; refuses to suck pus; laughs at the sight of the parents of a blind man; she is afraid of a snake; she is given a fonio dish, she says it is not enough; at home they do not pay attention to her]: 118-123, 269-285; dark: Cronise, Ward 1903, No. 10 [stepdaughter stains a rice stick, stepmother sends it to wash it in Devil's River; along the way, the devil first drops off with a hoe, then a strange-looking man; girl invariably polite; at home she asks to look for lice on his bald head; he has many eyes, they are watching the girl, but she is doing the right thing; Damn washed her stick, let him choose 4 eggs, break it on the way home; she chose small ones, eggs come out of cattle, people, wealth; stepmother sends her own daughter, she is rude to the Devil, chooses big eggs, bees come out of them (bite), snakes (bite), people (whip whips), fire ( her mother also burns her); stepdaughter revives her own mother]: 265-274; Turay 1989 [the first wife is dead, the second tyrannite stepdaughter; she went to wash the dishes, the river carried the calebas, the stepmother demanded her back; the girl went under the water, there the old woman tells her ulcers to be washed, the girl does it, the old woman points the direction; the old man asks to cook for him, the girl cooked and washed the old man; he tells me to take the dirty and a dusty box, says it has a calebas; it has needles and an egg; she stuck needles in the ground, a garden has appeared; she broke an egg, a house appeared, in the hallway on her calebas table, she took it to her stepmother; stepmother sends it her own daughter, who drops a silver spoon into the water, indignantly rejects the requests of the old woman and the old man, takes away the shining box without asking; she opened it, there are snakes and devils, they ate the stepmother and her daughter]: 72-77; (cf. . Vala [all girls want to marry a handsome young man; he agrees with his father that he will pretend to be dead; if anyone says his secret name (only known to his relatives), he will come to life and take this girl to wives; one girl promises to name from afar; meets an old woman, she asks to wash her back; the girl fulfills the request, the old woman reveals to her the secret name of the young man; he takes the girl as his wife, goes with her to her village; on the way, the same old woman again asks to wash her back; the girl refuses contemptuously; becomes covered with leprosy; the young man says that there are many healthy brides, runs away; the girl runs after him; he turns into a reed from which mats are woven, a girl turns into ducks for a mat; a weaver collects his material, makes a mat for women in labor; she makes sounds, which means that the girl continues to chase boy]: Abrahams 1983, No. 92:333-336; Nyong [the girl's mother died, her father took another; the stepmother mistreated her stepdaughter after her husband's death and pampered her daughter; when both girls got married, she went to visit them; her own daughter received her very badly, and her stepdaughter honored her and gave her gifts; moral: you need to treat adopted children like your own]: Alexander Yuryevich Zheltov, field materials from 2011); eve [the king keeps his son's name secret; promises to marry someone who guesses the name; orphan Akosiua asks his stepmother's three daughters to put a green line at the fork to the road to palace, dry - on the road to the forest; she must sort out the corn herself, clean everything; the sisters put a dry branch on the road to the palace, green on the road to the forest; the wind raised the branches, put it on the contrary; after finishing work, A. bakes cakes to give to the tsar; meets an old man, gives him cakes; sisters did not give him anything; the old man calls A. the name of the prince; A. marries him; sisters return home]: Pozdnyakov 1990:187- 191; background [mother dies, father tells another wife to take care of her daughter; she joins her; the girl breaks the vessel; the stepmother sent her to fetch water where animals will eat her; she sees two stones fighting; tells them she didn't see anything; they hit her, she says she didn't hurt; they let her through; the old woman takes her head off to brush her hair, the girl says she didn't see anything; at the crossroads another old woman, a girl licks her ulcers with her tongue; passes between two butting buffaloes, they show the way; tohosu asks to stroke his back, she is covered in points and knives, the girl hurts his arm, but says it's all right; tohosu lets you wash your hands, the wounds disappear; he lets you grind and cook one grain of millet, that's enough for everyone; tohosu tells you not to take calebasses who will ask you to take them , take seven silent people, collect water in them; these calebasses must be broken on the way back; they give rise to people, fields, wealth, carry it in a stretcher; the stepmother sends her own son, who answers everyone that saw their strange things, refuses to lick their ulcers, hurt their hands, cook from the same grain; tohosu puts the boy in a goat's pen for the night; tells them to take the calebasses who ask for it themselves; smashing them, boy loses his way, animals eat him]: Herskovits, Herskovits 1958, No. 69:293-298; Yoruba: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010 [the older wife is unhappy that her husband took the youngest; left a bucket of water in the yard ; when the youngest used water, the eldest said that it was water from the sky and demanded the same; the youngest went looking, left the child on the grass, was picked up by Abiba's bird; when he heard the mother's complaint, returned the child, gave him gifts, gave special water; the eldest went, left the child, Abiba took him away and did not return; the husband kicked his eldest wife out]: 53-54; Pozdnyakov 1990 [The monkey grabbed the poor child sisters; she began to sing, the Monkey liked it, she went down; tells her to walk along the path, pick fruits screaming not to be taken; inside the fruit there is money, clothes; the rich sister deliberately leaves the child; takes fruits, calling them to take them; predators inside, they tore a woman to pieces]: 241-245; Ellis 1894, No. 1 [mother sent her daughter to sell palm oil; by evening, the spirit (goblin) came up and bought oil; counting the kauri received in payment, the girl said that one was not enough; the spirit replied that he no longer had it and left; the girl followed him; he told her to return many times, but she kept going, demanding their kauri; they come to people standing on their heads and interpreting yams with their heads; to the river of pus (filth); there the spirit says there will be more blood, a steep mountain; the girl keeps walking; they come to the land of the dead; there the spirit gives her a nut, tells her to take butter, give him cake; the girl does the opposite, the spirit is happy; the banana and peel are the same; the spirit tells her to collect ado (little kaletas pumpkins for potions) take not those who ask them to take, but those who are silent; halfway to home, let him break the first calebas, near the house the second, the third in the house; the girl does so, slaves, horses, cattle, piles appear out of calebas kauri; the girl's mother gave rich gifts to the chief's wife; she refused to take it and sent her daughter to sell oil; she still did the same with her, but she took the butter and banana for herself, gave the cake and peel to the spirit, picked it off the Calebasses who asked for it; wild animals came out of the Calebas, tore her apart on the doorstep of the house; she asked to open the door, but she was only deaf in the house and did not hear her screams]: 244-249; Igbo [y a man has two wives, only one child; on her way to the market, the child's mother remembered that she forgot to tell the maid how to feed him; the childless wife said that she would give everything to the maid herself; said that after feeding the child, he should be crushed in a mortar and left in the sun; when she saw the dead child, the mother began to cry; the neighbors advised him to be taken to the blacksmiths, who would restore him to his former appearance, revive him; the blacksmiths ordered mothers do not open the door when she hears a strong noise, open when the noise is weak; the mother did so, got a healthy baby; now the other wife has given birth to a child, the whole story has repeated itself; blacksmiths told me to open the door when the noise was strong; the mother found half the child (vertically)]: Ugochukwu 1992, No. 53:341-345; ekoi [husband has two wives; one borrowed the other water to cook yam; she sent daughter got water to repay her debt; but the stream dried up; she fell into the village of spirits; the spirit married her; the Lame Young Man told her not to eat anything she was offered here, gave her edible clay; the spirit-husband was covered in ulcers , so do not go to bed and say that you always sleep on ash; you should not let anyone touch your hair; if you go swimming, swim in black water and do not touch transparent water; girl she did so, took a small box with her; answered the spirit that she liked the light breeze rather than the wind; the spirit took her to her mother, she brought her water; the next time the first woman borrowed from the second water and sent her daughter to get water; she did not listen to the instructions of the Lame Young Man, fell ill with leprosy; took a large box with her valuables in it; chose the wind; the wind carried her, hit the trees; When she got home, she soon died]: Talbot 1912:280-283 (translated into German in Kunze 1990:110-113); yambasa [one wife has a son, the other has a daughter; the boy's mother is dead, the stepmother is bullying her stepson; sent him to wash the dishes, he lost his spoon, his stepmother told him to take it out of the Bedeng Sea; on the way, the boy sees a pot of rice brewing himself, a tree that falls and gets up, two cassava pestas, who work themselves (deux bâtons de manioc qui se battaient); every time he kneels reverently, receives a blessing; he comes to an old animal mistress by the sea; she hides him for the night from animals, gives a grain of corn and gnawed bone, they turn into corn porridge and meat; at night he tells them to quietly stab animals with a sharp stick; they think that fleas bite, leave; he catches from a spoon of the sea, gets three eggs; they must be broken at cassava pests (warriors come out), at a falling tree (wild animals come out, warriors drive them away), at a boiling pot (wealth appears); stepmother sends her own daughter; she laughs at wonderful objects, they wish her failure; throws away grain and bone; stabs animals heavily, they are dissatisfied; she is the first to break eggs with wild animals, they kill her; eagle picked up a heart, left the girl's mother, she died of grief]: Binam Bikoï 197:127-131; Hausa: Equilbecq 1916:291 in Hellbom 1963 [a pretty and obedient stepdaughter receives two eggs from an old woman ; warriors, guns, gold, etc. come out of one, clothes, jewelry, cattle from the other; a daughter gets eggs, from which predators and insects come out and tear her apart]: 95; Tremearne 1913, No. 56 [ the king goes on a campaign, a river is on the way, he promises a daughter to the water spirits if they let him in; the waters part, the king's army crosses to the other side, returns victorious, the river flows again; the river flows again; the river it overflows, the king tells her that the daughter is still a girl, we must wait; the eldest wife refuses, the youngest gives her daughter; she is left on the shore, river spirits take her to marry the river king; because of this, over her younger sister laughs; the girl plants a pumpkin, walks along the stem, he leads her to the river, she rushes into the water, gets to her sister; the older sister's husband finds her, lets her go back, gives her two baskets; when she approaches the house, she opens them, cattle and people go out; the king's other daughter also wants to get rich, also plants pumpkin, goes under water, refuses to hide, but the underwater king does not talks to her; she takes not a small basket, as she was told, but a large one; a lame horse, a blind donkey and a slave come out of it], 84 [=Radin 1952, No. 67:250-253; all the girls in the village went to the forest to collect herbs; hid from the rain in the baobab hollow; the devil closed the exit; released them one at a time for necklaces and garments; one refused to give it, he did not let it out; the hollow has a small hole at the top; mother came, called "daughter, daughter, reach out, take food"; the daughter took it; Hyena heard it, came, said the same words, the girl found out that the voice was a stranger; Hyena went to the blacksmith, who corrected her voice, but On the way back, she ate a centipede and the girl again said that the voice was a stranger; Hyena came back, told the blacksmith that she would eat it if he did not give her the right voice; he obeyed; the girl thought she had come mother, held out her hand, Hyena pulled it out and ate it; the mother collected the bones, carried them to the city where people are being repaired; on the way, a place where the food is prepared by herself; it asked the woman to eat, she refused; told go from the fork to the right; the same with meat that roasts itself; with flour that mixes itself in water; in the city, people took bones, asked the woman to get the cattle; she gives the animals ripe fruits, herself eats green; the bull roars, saying that the woman is kind, let her daughter be repaired; with a living and healthy daughter, the woman returned home; the same husband has another wife, her daughter is ugly; the mother collided her in a mortar, carried the bones to the city; ate all three times greedily; grazing cattle, eating ripe fruits herself; the bull ordered her daughter to be repaired badly; she was made in the form of half a person (with one leg, one hand, etc.); the mother tried give her up, but she came for her and began to live with her]: 307-314, 401-407; Songhai (Zarma): Calame-Griaule 2002:154-157 [widower and widower are married, both have daughters; they sleep together, daughter the widows peed themselves, and the widower's daughter sent them to the Bagazi swamp to wash the bed; along the way, a stream of milk, a stream of dates, meat, a stream of honey ask them to drink and taste; the girl does not do this; she comes to the old woman, she and there is a Bagazi swamp; asks her to rub her back; a hole forms in her back, there are 7 eggs; the old woman tells me to take five little ones, the girl does so; the old woman tells her not to throw them where she hears a voice proposing quit, and where to the question "is it here?" no one will answer; eggs make camels, cows, slaves, prisoners, a house with blacksmiths and women; stepmother sends her own daughter; she drinks and eats everything; takes three big eggs; throws where her voice suggests abandon them; lions, hyenas, wild dogs and other predators come out of them; they killed a girl], 246-250 [Tamariiri's mother died, her father took another one, she had her own daughter; she was given a field inside the village, and T. - in the savannah; she climbed a tree there; the dodo (spirit) asked him to go down and clean his head; T. did it, he gave her a beautiful handkerchief; every day the same, she has a luxurious outfit for herself and for father; now father is not ashamed to go to the party; the wife sent her own daughter, who refused to look for a dodo in her head, insulted him; he cut off her chest, arm, leg, pulled out her eye; T. went and reproached him; dodo : I didn't know it was your little sister; he got all her dicks back but they didn't stick]; Hama 1967 [stepmother sticks Bouli's stepdaughter, the daughter of her husband's deceased wife; hit her, her nose dripped blood on Calebas; her stepmother tells her to go to the "swamp of paradise" to wash it; she comes to an old woman who is looking for lice in her head, putting them on her knees; puts her head in place, asks B. replies that it's okay, the old woman blesses her; B. sees two bulls roaring terribly; answers them that she has not seen or heard anything; they bless her; B. comes to the old woman, she gives one a grain of rice, she makes a lot of food out of it; the same canari sauce; the old woman teaches you to take only three crooked calebasses; break them only when she sees her native village (and voices will always be asked break); gold-sewn clothes, slaves, cattle come out of the calebas; B. marries the king; stepmother wounds Ada's daughter's finger to drip a drop of blood, sends her to wash the calebas; she does everything wrong takes straight-necked calebasses, everything is bad in them; she never came home]: 255-258; Mariko 1984 [Mariama's royal daughter is the most beautiful; the grooms only marry her, but she can't make a choice; sorcerers They only see that her husband will be big; other girls who are ignored go with M. into the forest, offer to go down to the well, leave it there; at home they say that M. is lost; the cannibal Doodobéri first is going to eat M., but then marries her; M. lives in luxury; a fulbe shepherd sees her, she asks her to tell her mother that she is alive; her mother comes, M. sends a rich caravan with her, teaches the words that should be said say in response to D's appeal if he meets them; D. misses the caravan; the king's other wife also wants to get wealth, comes to M., but on the way back she forgets the words, D. ate her; giving birth to D. a little cannibal, M. runs, leaving the amulets responsible for himself; D. runs up to the river when M. has already sailed; she throws D.'s son into the water; D. tries to drink the river, bursts, dies, takes his son to sea; the girls who left M. were scolded by grioli; M. married the fulbe who first found her]: 26-36; Tersis 1979 [Fati girl rejects suitors, because everyone has a scar or something else, let it be the smallest, bodily flaw; snakes come in the guise of a person; the girl is told that this is a spirit, because there are no such beautiful men; let her cook grains: if they burst, then the spirit; the grains have burst, but F. married a handsome man and went with him; on the way, parts of the harness and equipment fall off the horse, the husband says every time, "Let this be his place" (he turned various animals into horse equipment); then the horse turns into an antelope and runs away; first F. knows where he is going, then he does not know; they went inside the banyan, there are many cattle and slaves; two years later, his mother planted a calebass: let the vine crawls to where her daughter or her grave is; the vine has grown to the tree next to the baobab; the daughter went out and told her husband that her mother had come; on this occasion, the serpent ordered hundreds of pets and birds to be slaughtered; when her mother left, she sent hundreds of cattle with her; when she saw that the woman was returning with her livestock, another wife of the same husband was jealous and also came to F.; the serpent ordered her to be given hundreds of cattle, but she wanted to see F.'s husband and insisted; when she looked into the baobab, the serpent swallowed it; allowed F. to return home, giving many slaves and cattle; said that when white smoke appeared over the baobab, it was means he's dead]: 19-37.

Sudan - East Africa. Zande [the girl put on her mother's copper jewelry, admired herself, looking into the water, bent over, everything fell, could not be reached; the mother ordered not to return home without jewelry; the girl comes to the woman asks to sweep the yard, she does it diligently and carefully; the woman tells her to move on, not to pay attention to the river, which will say "River of Cuffs", but to enter the "river of copper beads"; the girl she did so, all the jewelry was on her again, she went back to her mother; another girl dropped her mother's garter into the water to carry the baby; this girl refused to sweep the yard, woman advised her to enter not the river of copper beads, but into the river of cuffs; her whole body was covered with bruises]: Evans-Pritchard 1965:75; nzakara [you can't fish downstream, the owner's property is there Ngbouon waters; the woman catches there, with her two daughters, the youngest is still in the cradle; the eldest says that the cradle has sailed away, the mother sends her for her; on the way, the girl meets an elephant, a lion, politely answers where she is going; N . kind, offers many cradles, but the girl only takes her own; comes back; the mother is happy; the next day she takes another, eldest daughter with her to watch the baby; the same; the girl scolds the elephant, lion; eats one meal offered by N.; N. tells his wife to cook the girl's liver; eats the rest; the remaining head rolls home; mourning]: Retel-Lautentin 1986, No. 18:121-125; moru [Hyena-Muyambago married Koba, whose younger sister is Ngyuli, Bangola's elder; M. wants sister-in-law to visit them, K. is afraid that he will eat them; N. allows himself to be scratched, praises M., receives from he has beautiful bracelets; K. tells her to run, leaving honey and flour on the road, does not stop at the tree to make a new skirt out of leaves; asks the river to part, promises not to eat fish; the river behind her closed; M. replies to the river that she likes to eat fish, the river does not let him through, he stops chasing; B. envies that N. has returned with gifts, goes by herself, scolds M., drinks honey and eats flour herself, loses time, making a skirt, hides in a tree; M. makes a smoky fire, B. falls, M. brings her meat to his wife under the guise of monkey meat; meat from the cauldron says she is B.; K. makes a hole, M. falls through, K. throws hot stones from above, pours boiling water; takes children who love her more with him]: Evans Pritchard, Mynors 1941, No. 35:82-83 (Katznelson translation 1968:300-305); mundang [in person two wives, one has children, the other does not; the childless goes to seek luck; the old woman asks to rub her back, she does it; she tells her to walk along a narrow road, not a wide road; an elephant gives her edible roots; she comes to a monster with only a head around his wife; he gives her cow, goat, chicken manure; at home it turns into cows, goats, chickens, full bins; a wife with many children is jealous goes the same way, refuses to rub the old woman's back, walks along a wide path, gets frightened of elephants, tells Gola's wife that her husband is a monster; refuses to take manure from the monster, returns empty-handed ; since then, respects his childless wife]: Louafaya 1990:136-139; shilluk [the younger sister broke the calebas; the eldest tells me to bring the lion's hair to fix it; in the village of Lviv, they ask to clean the dirty fan; she does errands, gets her hair, brings her home; the older sister is jealous, goes to the Lions herself, shows her bad temper, is killed]: Hofmayr 1925:368-369; Dinka [Acienggaakthii (AK) - the daughter of his elder wife, Acienggaagdit (AT), the youngest; AK's mother is dead; AT has an older sister Ayan, she is married to a lion in the land of lions; AT and AK are pushing grain, AK pest rolled back and smashed a beautiful AT calebasa; she tells her to be repaired with hair from the lion's tail, otherwise she will kill her; AK goes to the land of lions; there Ayan tells her, when she will eat with her lion husband, take a spoonful of holes and only pretend to eat, and all leave the lion for food to leave, leaving him for food; at night AK sleeps in the barn; Ayan cut off the hairs from her husband's tail, gave AK, making a bracelet out of them, AK runs away in the morning, and the lion believes that she is still sleeping; the whetstone noticed her departure, chased after her; they talk songs; the lions understood, rushed after her, but AK ran home; AT thinks she is no worse than her; breaks her calebass on purpose, goes to the lions; eats with a large spoon, leaving the lion full of holes; the cows trample it into the barn, but she does not praise their soft hooves, but scolds them; running back, she loses time collecting fruits; Ayan's husband caught up with AT, tore off his head; his head came home; her her father ordered her to be buried]: Deng 1984:143-151; Sudanese Arabs [daughter Fatma from her deceased wife, Taisa from her sister; her mother wears her own daughter a beautiful necklace, and her niece wears manure, but all people they also say that F. is beautiful, but T. is not; the aunt sends F. to do her hair, but the hairdresser is a cannibal; along the way, F. gives her a tree, an antelope, an ostrich, the son of a cannibal; they give her freshness, the shape of her eyes, hair; the cannibal's son teaches that the mother's requests should not be fulfilled literally (not kill the children, but bring them under a canopy, not break the pot, but fill them with milk, etc.); the cannibal gilds F.; the stepmother sends T.; she sends no one does not drink, the people she meets give her bad qualities; the cannibal's son tells her to do everything literally; the cannibal throws ticks on her head; the Sultan's son sees F. sitting by the bird scarecrow; takes wives; stepmother tries to replace F. with her T.; but F. gives T. dates, she climbs a tree, and F. sails across the river with the Sultan's son by boat; then F. sent a husband to Taisa]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 16: 101-104.

North Africa. The Berbers of Morocco (Fez) [two wives, each with 7 daughters, the husband loves the evil one; she tells her to leave the other wife's daughters in an abandoned house with gins; girls take broom, incense, fish with them; all they clean up, fumigate; share fried fish; perfume comes out with two, three, etc. (up to seven) noses; someone asks for help to go down in a childish voice: it's like a piece of meat; girls are friendly with gins, receive jewelry; another wife sends her daughters; those are rude, aggressive; the father finds their corpses in the morning]: El Fasi, Dermenghem 1926:76-80; Moroccan Arabs: El Koudia 2003, No. 23 [the man has two wife, one daughter is ugly, capricious Tabla, the other has a kind Aisha; mother A. died; stepmother tells A. not to return without a bag of gold and silver; A. comes to some house, there is a cat in front of her, she caresses her; the cat turns out to be the child of a ghoul woman, she gives A. gold and silver for kindness; the stepmother sends T., she kicks the cat, slams the door in front of her; the ghoul swallows T.], 28 [stepmother sends her own daughter for water with a bucket, and her stepdaughter with a sieve; she loses it, her stepmother tells her to find it; she goes downstream, helps weed out the weeds, wash her hair, she is sent to a house whose mistress asks if she wants go through a door or through a hole, eat lamb or dog meat, bread made from flour or ash, paint her hands with henna or manure; each time the girl invites the hostess to decide for herself; gets a horse with bags of gold; the stepmother sends her own daughter, she does not help anyone, answers the woman rude, receives a horse with bags; when the stepmother and daughter open the bags, snakes and scorpions kill them]: 120-124, 131-133; Arabs Algeria (Tiaret Plateau) [stepmother tyrannites her stepdaughter; sends genies to the river to wash clothes; on the way she sees a dog and a horse tied, barley in front of the dog, bones in front of the horse, she gives barley horses, bones to a dog; a grateful dog gives it courage, a horse a melodious voice; it releases jasmine and rose from a thorny bush; jasmine gives it the breath of jasmine, the rose gives her tender skin and a blush on her cheeks ; as soon as she approaches the river, it becomes calm and transparent, the kind genies wash the clothes; the stepmother sends her own daughter; she does not pay attention to the suffering of the dog and horse, jasmine and rose; the horse gives her a horse's gait, the dog barks dog, jasmine and rose smelly breath and skin, pale cheeks; genies do not wash her clothes, but torment her in water, then throw her ashore; at home, her mother is horrified hides the woman who has returned from people's eyes; the prince is attracted by the scent, the stepmother dresses up and belittles her own daughter, the prince drives her away, divorces her; the stepdaughter is found, marries the prince; the stepmother and her daughter are expelled from countries]: Aceval 2005, No. 85:90-96; Algerian Arabs [stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter, she ran away from home; found herself in a beautiful garden; when she saw a gulya, she venerated her nipples; now she is like a daughter for a guli; Gulya asks to hit her on the head with an ax - the girl combs her hair gently; kill the dishes - washes the dishes; dig up the yard - sweeps the yard; hit her eyes with a stick - tones her eyes; etc.; gulya gave the girl gold and good clothes; stepmother sent her own daughter with her stepdaughter; Gulya sees that the clothes given by her stepdaughter are now worn by another girl; addresses the same requests, she does everything literally ( breaks dishes, etc.); dressed her stepdaughter well, and her stepmother's own daughter in donkey skin; put her in a chicken coop; let her go; stepdaughter got married; Gulya fed the boy born with her milk; he grew up; When he found out about his stepmother, he went and ate her, her daughter and husband; then stabbed the nurse; his father and mother ran away from him]: Desparmet 1910:127-139; Tunisia [Once upon a time there was an orphan girl with an evil old woman. She once ordered her to keep the house dark. Someone's voice prompted her to hang curtains on the windows, then the old woman ordered her to train the water in the sieve, then a voice prompted the girl to plug the holes in the sieve with dough. The girl then left home and her legs led her to the seashore. There a gazelle came up to her and asked her to clean her eyes. She cleaned it; then a sorceress came out of the sea and gave the girl a small chest and told her not to open it until she came home. The girl listened to her and found gold in the chest. She built a beautiful palace and didn't live with an evil old woman anymore. The old woman's daughter heard about what had happened to the girl and also went to the seashore, but she did not clean the gazelle's eyes and opened the chest ahead of time, there was coal]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 60 in Korovkina MS; Arabs of Egypt [stepmother sends stepdaughter to the witch for a sieve; carob, rose, ask to sweep around them, jasmine to water it; make the girl's eyes black, cheeks red, white face; the girl cleans and washes the witch's head; she puts her in a well, tells him to give the girl gold; her own daughter does not fulfill the wishes of plants, her face becomes black, her eyes are red, her hair is white; she does not feed a witch, she tells the well to make it a horror story]: Lebedev 1990, No. 21:121-125; the Arabs of Egypt [the ruler is childless; the old woman gave his wife a pomegranate to eat in half with her husband; a daughter Pomegranate was born Apple (GJ); the mother is dead, the ruler took another wife, she has her own daughter and sorcerer friend; the woman asks him who is the most beautiful, he replies that GJ; to get rid of the GJ, let her stepmother send her to the cellar , will give dirty claps and tells you to tie stockings out of it; the old woman teaches: they will pass by the blue, red, Black Sea; when the white sea appears, you need to immerse cotton in it, wash your hands and face; stockings appeared, GJ became even more beautiful; the stepmother sent her own daughter; the old woman told her to wash in the Black Sea, the girl became a freak; the stepmother told her husband that his daughter was walking with boys; he sent a vizier to kill the girl; her vizier let go, brought the dog's blood; GJ came to 40 as a robber, cleaned everything up; the next day one robber stayed to look; the robbers left GJ as their mistress; stepmother asks the sorcerer if she all the most beautiful; sorcerer: no, GJ, who has 40 robbers; stepmother came, gave GJ a poisoned ring; the robbers put the body in a glass coffin; the prince saw, asked to give the coffin to him, decided to bury it girl; the servants took off the ring, she came to life; put it back on and asked the prince how he would reward them; when GJ came to life, the prince generously rewarded the servants; the GJ invited 40 thieves to the wedding, asking them for permission to go out for the prince; the mirror again answers that the GJ is more beautiful; the sorcerer gave a pin to pierce the GJ's head; she will become a dove, she must be replaced by the woman's own daughter; she is ugly: it means she is sick; the dove puts her to sleep the gardener forgets to water the trees, they are dry; the prince caught a dove and takes care of it; the sorcerer teaches a woman to ask a dove to kill her daughter in order to bleed her daughter - she will recover; but the prince accidentally took it out a pin, the wife regained her appearance; a woman and a sorcerer were burned at the stake]: Ildan Dan 1977:25-28 in Sutrop 2018:679-682; the Berbers of Tunisia, Algeria: El-Shamy 2004, No. 403:188-190, Roberts 1994: 64.

Southern Europe. Spaniards (Extremadura): Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 480A [the widower's daughter insisted that he marry a widow, who also has a daughter; stepdaughter in paper shoes goes to buy strawberries in winter, comes to three dwarfs, shares black bread with them; they give her strawberries, tell her gold coins to fall from her lips, that she marry the king and become prettier day by day; her own daughter comes in warm clothes, not shares food with the dwarfs, refuses to clean the snow to pick strawberries; they tell toads to fall off her lips, to go beyond the line and get uglier; the king saw his stepdaughter, got married , she gave birth to a son, her stepmother pushed her into the water, she became Galopín de agua, her stepmother replaced her with her daughter; the real queen came out of the water every day, came to the baby; the king pinched her, she regained her former appearance; the liar was tied to the tail of a horse, scattered around the village], 511A (Extremadura) [the mother died, the girl began to live with her aunt; she and her daughter are tyranting her; the aunt gives a thread, tells her to do it a ball; the cow tells her to put a thread under her tail, it turns out a ball; the same is to turn a stump of bread into a loaf; the aunt noticed that she told her husband to slaughter the cow; the girl went to wash her intestines, the eagle took them away; she She went after him, went to the robbers' house, cleaned him up, they gave her a chest of money and clothes; her aunt's daughter went; because the house was fine, she made him mess; the robbers beat her, they tore their clothes; when she came back, her mother also beat her]: 358-362, 420-421; Maltese [father died; mother and eldest daughter hate the youngest named Djamantina; send for water; D. is kind to the old one as a witch dressed in rags, she makes roses and pearls fall from her lips; the eldest daughter is rude when she meets a beautiful lady; snakes now fall from her lips; the prince meets J. in the forest and marries; the eldest is all chased, she starves to death]: Stumme 1904, No. 5:18-22 (=Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 480:127-128); Portuguese: Braga 2002 [the widower has a daughter; she persuaded him to marry a teacher who gave her honey; but she gave birth to her daughter, hated her stepdaughter; her stepdaughter's cow feeds her; her stepmother tells her to slaughter the cow, sends her stepdaughter to wash her giblets; some sails away, the stepdaughter follows them, comes into the fairy house, cleans up and feeds the dog; the fairies gave her beauty, gave her a magic wand when she says pearls are falling from her mouth; the stepdaughter told her stepmother that she beat the dog, made a mess in the house; the fairies made her a stuttering humpback freak; her stepmother and daughter went to prom; her stepdaughter created a heavenly dress with gold stars with her wand, the prince fell in love with her, she managed to come back and cook dinner; the next evening, a green dress with flowers; on the third evening, the stepdaughter lost her slipper; the prince told everyone to try it on; the stepmother tried to wear her daughter's slipper, said that there were no more girls; but then a stepdaughter in a dress with stars came out, the prince married her; stepmother died of anger]: 144-146; Cardigos 2008, No. 480 [stepmother sends stepdaughter to wash her giblets in the river, giblets swim away or get dirty a spindle with blood and drops into the river when she wants to wash; goes down the river; cleans up an untidy house; good with wood, with buns of bread; rewarded; stepmother sends her own daughter, she does the opposite returns as a freak; stepmother tries to pass her off as a king, but at the last moment he sees her stepdaughter and marries her], 480b [dying mother leaves her daughter a doll; stepmother sends a girl into the house for fire witches; the doll does the hard job for her; the witch gives fire, the girl brings it, the stepmother and her daughter run away in horror at the sight of fire; the doll helps the girl weave fabric for the king's shirts, which are only she is able to sew; she marries a king]: 113-115, 117; Coelho 1879, No. 36 (north: Ourilhe) [a woman takes care of her daughter and joins her maid (engeitada); sends a cow to herd and tells her to spin; a woman comes up, tells her to wind yarn on the horns of a cow, she will be quiet; asks for a jug of water, she brings; gives the girl a gift: when she starts talking, pearls will fall from her lips; when she sees pearls, a woman sends her own daughter; she asked for water, but broke the jug; woman: field radish (saramagos) will fall from your lips; everyone wants to marry the one whose lips are pouring pearls; the woman hid her in the closet, replaced her own daughter, showered her with pearls and said that she was numb; in the church, the deception was revealed, the groom found the maid, she told everything; wedding]: 86-88; Shishlova 1971 [ stepdaughter - Good Mary, own daughter - Evil Mary; DM gave the beggar an egg; inside was a diamond, she returned it to DM, told her to always wear it; the king saw her, married her; the king went to war; when DM swam in the pond and left the stone on the shore, ZM and her mother stole it; went to the king, hoping that he would mistake the owner of the stone for his wife; but the goose took the stone; the king returned but did not recognize his wife (apparently without her appearance has changed); she was sent to the kitchen; the king is preparing a new wedding; DM cuts a goose, finds a diamond in it, hangs it around her neck, the king recognizes her, she takes a seat next to him; the new bride returned to her kingdom]: 211-215; Catalans [(very brief retelling); some options are probably similar to some Portuguese ones: stepdaughter goes to the river to wash her giblets, they sail away, she follows]: Oriol, Pujol 2006, No. 480:104-105; Italians (Lombardy, Veneto, Tuscany, Umbria, Rome, Lazio, Abruzzo, Molise, Basilicata, Calabria, Puglia), Sardinians: Cirese, Serafini 1975 No. 480:109-111; Italians: Calvino 1980, No. 95 (Marche) [widower and widow are married and have a daughter; stepmother sends stepdaughter to fetch water by giving her a basket; the basket fell into the river, the girl went to get her; the old woman asks to clean her back from insects, asks what is there; the girl: diamonds and pearls; the old woman: you will have diamonds and pearls; the same when an old woman asks to clean her bed (roses and jasmine), sweep the floor (rubies and cherubs); the girl chooses a dress, simpler jewelry, gets gold and diamond; the old woman tells not to look back when the girl hears the donkey roar, but look back at the rooster scream; after this is what a star appears in her forehead; her stepmother sends her own daughter; she does everything with disgust and speaks directly about it; old woman: you will have it; chooses the expensive, gets cheap; the old woman tells look back at the donkey scream, the girl has a donkey tail on her forehead; the prince sees her stepdaughter, takes him as his wife; the stepmother asks her to get into the tank to clean it, goes for boiling water; her daughter asks that her stepdaughter She does it in the tank; she: I will be married to a prince; her own daughter takes her place to marry the prince, her mother poured boiling water on her; the girl's father beat his wife to death]: 353-355; Crane 1885, No. 26 (Milan) [stepdaughter dropped the bucket into the well, went down for it; knocked on three doors, for the first saint, for the second devil, for the third Madonna; Madonna said that she had the bucket; she left for a while, the girl cleaned everything up and fed children; Madonna gives her a silk dress and a silver ring, although she has chosen simple gifts; tells her to look at the star at the entrance, the star is in the girl's forehead; her own daughter goes, does not feed the children, She eats everything herself, gets a brass ring and a simple dress, dirt falls on her face, she cannot be washed]: 100-102; Kotrelev 1991 (Puglia: Otranto) [stepmother sent her stepdaughter to collect chicory; she found the root cauliflower, pulled, a hole opened, she went down, there was a cat with kittens; the kittens are busy with the housework, the girl began to help, shared food; asked for the simplest dress as a reward; the cat gave the best, told me to put her fingers in the holes, rings appeared on her fingers, a star fell on her forehead; the stepmother sent her own daughter, she dragged the kittens by the tail, did not share food, demanded the best dress, got worst, worms on fingers, leech on lip; stepmother died of anger, own daughter because she bit a leech]: 128-130; Keller 1981 (Switzerland, Ticino): 121-125 [mother loves an evil daughter, does not love a good one; sent angry for water, she refused to go; the good one went, dropped the bucket into the well, climbed after it; saw the door, a kind voice replied that she did not see the bucket; the girl moved on; behind the second door, hell screamed that I did not see the bucket; the third was the Virgin Mary; said that she would return the bucket, but let the girl give milk and bread to the kids and clean the room; instead of garbage, pearls and jewelry, she did not take anything; Madonna She gave it herself; the girl chose a cotton dress, received a silk one; the thimble was not brass, but silver; taking a bucket and gifts, the girl walked down the aisle, looked up, and a star fell on her forehead; returned home; the angry daughter dropped the bucket on purpose; the devil asked her to come in, but she still came to Madonna; did not give the children food, but ate it herself, there was only dirt and garbage in the room; chose silver and silk, received brass and an ordinary dress, cow dung fell on her face, the house could not be washed, the stains remained; her mother realized that she was unfair], 248-252 [Truda's stepdaughter is kind, beautiful and hard-working, Fiorina's own daughter malevolent, lazy and ugly; stepmother sent T. to herd a cow and spin at the same time; the old fairy asked her to comb her hair and hang the yarn on the cow's horns; the fairy's hair contains gold and diamonds, she gave them to T.; a golden star on his forehead; the yarn hid itself; F. went, put yarn on the cow's horns, she trampled it; hell came, scorpions and lice were in his hair, F. had a cow cake on his forehead, you can't wash it at home; T. dropped it a bucket into the well, climbed for it, the kittens gave it gold; F. they scratched it, returned the brass bucket; the kittens gave T. an apple, an apple tree grew out of it, fed T. its fruit; the prince drove by; the apple tree did not leaned over to F., but only to T., she gave the prince an apple, who promised to come back for her in a week; wedding]; Wildhaber, Uffer 1971, No. 63 (Switzerland) [stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter; sends a cow to herd, gives a basket of yarn, promises to kill if the work is not ready by the evening; an old woman (this is Madonna) comes and asks her to comb her hair; says that a cow will take care of the yarn; the cow chews yarn from her nostrils threads come out; the old woman's hair has gold and silver jewelry; she gives them to the girl; tells her not to turn to the scream of a donkey on the way back, to turn to the cry of a rooster; she turned to the scream of a rooster from the sky a star fell and was on her forehead; her stepmother sent her own daughter, gave him little yarn, a lot of food; the girl offered yarn to the cow, but she was not interested; an old man (it was the devil) came and told him to comb him hair (toads, snakes, unpleasant insects), look back at the cry of a donkey, not a rooster; the girl looked around, the snake dug into her forehead and wrapped around her body; at home, her mother tried to tear off the snake, but it wrapped around her arm; no one could help, but the stepdaughter easily tore off the snake; the stepmother and her daughter asked the stepdaughter for forgiveness; the scar on her daughter's forehead and the bruise on her stepmother's right arm remained], 64 [one daughter is good and hardworking, the other is lazy and malevolent; the mother asks for water from the well; a kind girl dropped the bucket, her mother told me to get it; there are three doors at the bottom of the well; the girl knocked on the first St. Peter, said that he did not have a bucket, but an old woman living nearby found the bucket; the girl knocked; the old lady (Madonna) would return the bucket if the girl swept the floor, washed the dishes and combed her hair; that's it performs, finds gold jewelry on the floor and in her hair, the old woman gives it to her, tells her to ring the bell, a star falls on the girl's forehead; the old woman opens the door, the girl is on the ground; the mother happy; the sister also wants a star on her forehead; the mother says that she does not need more water and that it is too late, but the girl goes to the well, throws the bucket on purpose, goes down; St. Peter and Madonna say they did not see the bucket; the girl knocks on the third door, where a disgusting black old man tells them to sweep it, wash the dishes, comb it; there is dirt everywhere, toads and snakes, and lice in her hair; the old man warns that if the girl does not change, she will return to him after death; tells him to ring the bell, cow dung falls in the girl's face; the girl runs home, the mother warns that if she behaves as she did, she will not escape punishment]: 234-238, 239-242; Sicilians: Calvino 1980, No. 183 (Ragusa) [the Marquise sister has an ugly daughter, the poor sister has three beautiful ones; the marquise agreed to put them in the attic, but did not allow the lights to be lit; they were spinning in the moonlight; when the moon went down, one of the girls followed her and went to 12 monks; each rewarded her: if she washed her hands, fish and eels will appear if she combs her hair, diamonds and pearls fall, do any work instantly; etc.; aunt sends her own daughter; monks tell snakes to fall from her hair, if will wash - lizards, if he speaks, sickening dirt will drip from her mouth; etc.; the king saw the poor girl, took her to the palace; on the way, her aunt pulled out her eyes, closed her in the cave, changed her own daughter; but the king cannot enter her because of a bad smell; the old man found blinded; the girl ordered her to exchange for the jewelry that fell off her eyes; seeing the light, embroidered a handkerchief with her portrait, sent to the palace; the king saw, found his wife; the aunt and her daughter were cooked in oil]: 656-658; Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 28 [a rich sister gives the poor only leftovers for work, but the daughter is rich she is ugly and the poor is beautiful, like her brother Quaddaruni; the poor daughter goes to get water, gives seven young men a drink; each rewards her (roses will fall from her lips, pearls from her hair, she will marry a king, etc.) ; a rich sister sends her daughter to the spring; she refuses to let the wizards drink; dirt drips from her lips, scorpions and snakes fall from her hair, she is one-eyed, hunchback; Q. carries roses to the city, king Demands to sell them, he talks about his sister; the rich daughter is forced into her companion; from the shore, K. shouts for her to cover herself from the sun; the freak explains that K. wants her to give her her her clothes pushes into the sea; K. explains to the king what happened; sent to herd geese and ducks by the sea; sister says that the siren put her on a gold chain; learns from the siren that seven swords are needed to cut the chain, seven take her horses away from the water; the liar's head was salted, sent to her mother, she saw and died]: 185-194; Basques: Azcua 1942, No. 2 [after taking a new wife, the father dies, the daughter remains with her witch stepmother; she sends her in winter for strawberries; a girl meets three men, they say that she will find strawberries under the woodpile behind the house; one promises that with every word gold will fall from her mouth, with each in the afternoon she will be prettier, after death she will go to heaven; a witch sends her own daughter; three men ask if one basket of strawberries was not enough; they promise that toads will fall from her mouth, she will becomes uglier, after death she will go to hell; a witch sends her stepdaughter to the frozen river to wash her skeins of thread; the king sees the girl, brings her to him, marries; she gives birth to a boy; husband with his mother-in-law brings him to the garden, at which time the witch replaces the queen with her daughter, throws the queen into the river; the bird sings, the king realizes what happened, saves his wife, burns the witch, drowns her daughter in the sea]: 18-22; Barandiaran 1962a, No. 12 [mother does not like a beautiful daughter, sends her giblets to the river to wash; the girl dropped them; St. The virgin tells her fingers to be put into the water, the giblets return; and a star appears on her forehead; the next time the mother sends an ugly beloved daughter; the giblets stick to her forehead; the senor's dog barks , tells everything; he sees a girl with a star in her forehead, but a freak is slipped into the mountains; the beauty was driven to the mountains, she met the king, he married her]: 59-62;? [There are two daughters in the family, beautiful is treated badly, ugly is good; St. The virgin tells the beautiful maid to go to the lamignas house, not to literally obey the order to mess the house; to choose a pot of coals as a reward; as a result, the girl receives a pot of gold and a good horse ; the ugly goes to the same house, does everything literally, gets a pot of coals and a bad horse; on Sunday, the family goes to church, the beautiful daughter stays at home; St. The virgin gives her clothes to go to church, tells her to return at the end of the service; the gentleman seeks to meet her; for the third time, on the advice of St. Virgo, she leaves one shoe when she runs away; the gentleman is looking for an owner; the family hides her, but the dog barks; the girl marries a gentleman],? [A widower with a daughter marries a witch dies; the stepmother hates her stepdaughter because she is more beautiful than her own daughter; she sends her in the winter for strawberries; the girl meets three men, they show her where strawberries grow; they tell her words to turn into gold, to make them more beautiful, and to go to heaven after death; stepmother sends her own daughter; men do not show her where strawberries are; They say that toads fall from her mouth, she becomes uglier, and after death she goes to hell; the king sees his stepdaughter, marries her; when she gives birth, her stepmother pushes her into the water, replaces her with her daughter; the king enters the room, the bird starts singing; the queen is found, the witch and daughter are burned]; Webster 1879 [the younger sister comes to be hired as a maid; the hostess tells her to scatter everything, break it; she feeds the dog, she explains that you have to clean everything up, ask for a bag of coal, a donkey tail; she receives gold as a reward, a star on her forehead; the older sister goes there, does not feed the dog, does everything literally like commanded, asks for gold, receives coal and a donkey tail on her forehead]: 53-55; Corsicans [mother loves her eldest daughter and does not love her youngest; sends the youngest to get water; at the spring, the old woman asks to go to her house and tell her what she thinks he is; the girl replies that she is a little untidy, but the old woman is very nice; swept and cleaned the house; the old woman rewarded her: when the girl speaks, flowers will fall from her lips and jewelry; the mother sent her eldest daughter; she said that the house was dirty and disgusting like the old woman herself; the old lady made toads and snakes fall off the girl's lips]: Massignon 1884, No. 80:179; frets [The mill is baking bread; she is angry and disliked; her husband is dead; she has an ugly daughter Ursigna, and from her husband and his first wife a good stepdaughter Maria; to get rid of her, her stepmother sends her in December for lingonberries; carrying snow; M. comes to the house behind the forest; the man calms her down; he is only one of the 12 bewitched speechless; the rest sit silently at the table; the man fed M. well, filled her basket with lingonberries; put something in her apron - let her godmother look at her house; leave everything with her and then take it away; there are jewelry and jewelry; M. returned to her stepmother; she sent her to night at the mill to guard bags of flour from the mice; hopes that Mary will be eaten by a dragon; an hour before midnight, a mouse with mice appeared, asked them to eat; M. shared everything she had; mouse: dragon knock at midnight; you must ask: let her bring her a brocade dress and everything to him first, then a blue one, and then another one; you must ask again and again to take time; then send her to bring water in two bowlers; in the dark, the dragon does not see that they are full of holes; one o'clock in the morning and the dragon has disappeared; after waiting five in the morning, M. opened the parcels wearing luxurious dresses and jewelry; seeing this, W. went herself at night to the mill; her mother gave her the best food; she did not share her mouse; the dragon broke in and ate it; in the morning, on the roof of the mill, the mother saw her daughter's crucified skin; out of grief she jumped into a pot of boiling water; godmother brought Mary the treasures given to her by that man; let M. throw the largest parcel into the water; there was a rumble and those 12 men came out; this is the son of the Austrian king and his friends; the dragon's witchcraft was destroyed; M. stayed with her godmother, and then that prince came for her; wedding]: Brunold-Bigler, Widmer 2004, No. 6:53-69; ladina [mother loves a beautiful and angry daughter, but does not love an ugly good one; sent an ugly spin to the well, she dropped the spindle, went down after it, went along the stream; came to the house in the evening; the Wild Man's wife hid it; he smelled a man, but did not harm the girl; in the morning gave her a gold dress; when she saw the dress, the mother sent her beloved daughter, but she kept asking her at dinner if Wild Man would give her a dress, and he kicked her out]: Schneller 1867:4-5, 10-11.

Western Europe. British: Jacobs 1890, No. 43 [=1993, No. 43:218-222; the King of Colchester is widowed, married a rich but angry and ugly woman who has the same daughter; the stepmother hates his stepdaughter; she decided leave; shared her food with the old man; he let a stick penetrate the fence; there are three heads in the well, asking them to comb and wash them; the girl did everything; one head made her beautiful, the other gave a sweet voice, the third promised that she would marry the mighty king; the girl went on, she was met by the king, everything was fine; the stepmother's daughter went too, did not share with the old man, refused to wash heads; they sent leprosy at her, made her voice rude, promised that she would marry a motmaker; the shoemaker cured her of leprosy, corrected her voice, married; when she learned that her daughter had handed over a shoemaker's wife, her mother hanged herself]: 222-227; 1894 [=2002:254-258; there are two daughters in a poor family, one went to look for money; the oven asks to take out bread from it, the cow to milk it, the apple tree to free it from heavy fruits; she's all does; comes to the witch; she tells me to clean the house, but never look into the chimney; she looks several times, each time a bag of money falls from there; after saving money, she runs, asks for an apple tree a cow, hide the stove; a stalking witch asks if they are hiding the girl, but they say not; the stove invites the witch to get inside and make sure that no one is there; hooks the flap, holds a witch until the girl runs away; the other sister followed in the footsteps of the first, but did not do what the stove and others asked her to do; grabbing the money, she immediately runs away, but the stove gives it away; the witch took it away money and the girl came back with nothing]: 101-106; Germans (Harz) [the widower has a 14-year-old daughter, an ugly neighbor has her own; the neighbor asked the girl to persuade her father to marry her; began to tyrant her stepdaughter ; she dreams twice that she must leave; she comes to the house 7 giants, the old woman hides her, then shows her; the giants do not harm, send them to others; they send them to 7 dwarfs, tell them to fix the jug from wells, clean the beds; the girl performs, the dwarfs make her gold-haired; she returns home; the stepmother sends her own daughter; she does not help the old woman in the giants' house, they tell her to break the jug, throw beds; dwarfs tell her to be lousy; stepmother wants her stepdaughter to feel bad too; pretended to be sick, sent her for strawberries in winter; three men sit by the fire in the forest; they allowed who came to warm up, and she shared her meager breakfast; it was God, Christ and the Holy Spirit; after eating, Christ filled the girl's basket with strawberries, God made her even more beautiful, and let it be from her lips when she spoke , gold coins were pouring in; when the stepmother saw the gold, sent her own daughter for strawberries; but three of them did not give her a seat by the fire, and she did not share food with them; when she asked for strawberries, three replied that it's winter; God ordered the girl to grow horns on her head; the count saw the stepdaughter and married her; after giving birth to a child, she wrote a letter to her father, but it fell to her stepmother; she appeared in the absence of the count, pushed her stepdaughter went to the lake and replaced her daughter; when she saw his wife with horns, the count wanted to die; at night, a real wife appeared and asked the poodle to bring her baby to feed her; she had a chain on her leg; she says that she would come twice more, and if she was not released with a golden sword, she would be drowned forever; as she spoke, gold coins fell from her lips; the servant heard this, told the count; the next night he saw and heard everything himself; collected the fallen gold coins and told the blacksmith to forge a sword from them; on the third night he cut the chain with a sword; ordered his stepmother and daughter to burn them, and placed his wife's father in the palace]: Prö hle 1854, No. 5:13-20; Germans [the widow has a beloved, lazy and ugly own daughter, a hard-working, unloved and beautiful stepdaughter; stepdaughter dropped a spindle into the well, the mother told me to get it; she she jumped into the well, found herself in the meadow, the oven asks her to get the bread, they are ready, the apple tree is to shake off the apples, she takes out the bread, shakes off the apple tree; she comes to the old woman with big teeth; she tells her to whisk a feather bed to make it snow (when it snows in Hesse, it is said that it is Frau Holle who whips her feather bed); the girl lives well with Mrs. Metelitsa, but wants to return; Mrs. Metelitsa brings her to the gate, on the girl is pouring golden rain; at home, the rooster screams that the golden girl has come; the stepmother sends her own daughter; she does not take out the bread, does not shake off the apple tree, is lazy to work, tar is pouring on her; the rooster sings about this; the resin remains for life]: Grimm, Grimm 1987, No. 24:88-91 (=Grimm, Grimm 198:84-86); Germans (Bavaria) [stepdaughter asks stepmother to give her a pie; she gave her a little one, it was blown away by the wind, girl ran after her; one door is covered with gold, the other is covered with resin; the girl knocks, she is asked: which door; she is in resin; she is given gold and silver; the stepmother gives her own daughter a big pie, takes it away the wind, she replies that she is golden, she opens resin, she did not wash off the resin for the rest of her life]: Spiegel 1914, No. 1:1; Irish [stepmother pushed her stepdaughter into the well; there is a sunny meadow; there is a sunny meadow; the fence asks you to step over it carefully; the buns in the oven are to take them out (they have been baked for 7 years, they will burn); the girl does everything; the buns are told to take one of them with her; the girl shared the bun with a hungry woman; then an apple tree asks to pick her apples, a ram to cut her, a cow to milk; she does everything; comes to a fanged bearded old woman, her daughter is also fanged; the old woman advises her to stay with her no one lives on anyway; tells them to milk the cows; they kick, but sparrows sit on their ears and the cows freeze; sparrows: this is for giving us crumbs; now the witch demands that the black wool be washed white, and white daughter; the old woman, to whom the girl gave the bun, did everything instantly; the third task was to bring water with a sieve; sparrows: plug the holes with moss and cover them with clay; the witch tells you to choose as a gift one box of three: gold, silver or lead; sparrows: take lead; the girl took it, ran, the witches were chasing; the cow hid the girl, sent her pursuers into the forest; the same ram; the apple tree hides under a bunch of apples, and holds the witches with branches; the fence missed the girl and detained the witches; the girl woke up on the ground by the well; opened the box at home - treasures in it; the stepmother threw it into the well was her own daughter; she did not respond to requests, could not complete the tasks, chose a gold box; snakes crawled out of it at home, toads jumped, stepmother and daughter died, the father stayed with his daughter , she was married by the king]: Kennedy 1875:33-37; Germans (Swabia) [one girl herself asked her mother to send her for strawberries; her mother gave her food with her, she shared it with an angel; on the way back shared with him the strawberries she had collected; he said that she would find the box - let her pick it up and open it at home; she did so, in a box of jewelry; when she heard about it, the second girl also went; to the angel She didn't give anything; when she opened her box, it had a black imp in it]: Meier 1852, No. 77:268-269; Germans (Austria) [stepmother sends Marie to the Cat Mill for brushwood and coal; people live there- cats; the eldest asks to look in her hair, there are different animals and snakes, but M. says that only fleas, gives a chest of gold, tells the cats to take it; the stepmother sends her eldest daughter, she refuses take moles and mice out of the cat's hair, cats tore it apart; the same with her sister and mother; M. marries the count]: Cerf 1992:243-245; the French (Haute-Brittany) [Pondonette's stepdaughter is beautiful, her stepmother's own daughter is ugly; at the spring, her own daughter refuses to share a cake with the old woman, and P. shares bread; the old woman (a fairy) promises to fulfill her wishes; when the girls bring water, P . there was wine in the jug, and the other sister had mud and frogs; P. went and hired the castle to herd turkeys; in the evenings she sat by the stove in the kitchen, nicknamed Cinderella; the young owner of the castle, the Marquis, invited neighbors to choose a bride; P. went to the fairy and asked for a night-colored dress; in the evening, the Marquis saw a beauty enter the castle, but in the morning P. herded the turkeys again; the same the next evening (a dress of color before the dinner party, the Marquis ordered all the servants, including Cinderella, to prepare their cakes; this time P. asked the fairy not only for a dress, but also for the crew; the Marquis met the beauty and swore marry her; P. was supposed to return everything to the fairy by a certain hour; disappeared and took up turkeys again; the next evening the same, but P. lost her shoe; the Marquis noticed that as soon as she was beautiful appears, Cinderella disappears; at a banquet in a cake made by Cinderella, the Marquis found the ring she had dropped; said he would marry someone who could fit a shoe and a ring; only Cinderella came up; Seeing P. wearing a sun-colored dress, the Marquis's mother agreed to marry; after becoming the Marquis's wife, P. continued to turn to the fairy if anything was needed]: Sébillot 1894, No. 1:41-45; French (Upper Loire, Nivernay, Auvergne, Gascogne, etc.) [The father sends his youngest daughter to the mill for the night; she is afraid; St. The virgin gives bread and a dog, tells the dog to be fed; at night there is a knock on the door; the dog says every time to respond to the demon; let him bring a wind-colored dress; then a shawl, shoes; let him drag the whole with a sieve the river; the demon dragged until morning came; the girl brought home a dress, shawl and shoes; the eldest daughter went, ate almost all the bread herself, the dog advised me to open the door, the demon took the girl away]: Delarue, Ten èze 1964, No. 480B: 200-201; friezes (western) [Little Ehike and Bolshaya Ehike were spinning at the well; the spindle fell into the well; BE invited ME to follow him; she went down the path; the apple tree asks take her off, take apples; milk the cow; the oven - take them out her warm bread; the girl came to the old woman's house; she asks to look in her head, not to go into the seventh room; under the stove, a hen with chickens; the girl put the chicken on the head of an old woman who had fallen asleep, took a small purse of gold from the forbidden room, ran; the stove, the cow, the apple tree promised not to say that she had passed by them; Seeing that ME returned with the money, BE also went down to the well; did not respond to requests; took all the gold from the forbidden room; the stove, the cow, the apple tree: we must say; the old woman caught up with EB and torn with hot mites]: Clement 1846:164, 320; Flemish: Uther 2004 (1), No. 480:281-283; Walloons: Laport 1932, No.*403E [a woman loves an ugly daughter and does not love a beautiful one; beautiful goes to the well for water; the fairy asks to scratch her back, the girl does it diligently; the fairy gives her a wand; the girl touches three lions with her, they fall dead, she passes; the fairy brings with her an apple and feather; makes sure that when a girl speaks, diamonds fall from her lips; the apple became a tree, the feather became a parrot, the bucket turned into a pond; an ugly sister went to get water, she is rude to the fairy, she made her completely ugly, the toads fall out of her mouth; her mother brought her meat, she threw it to the lions to pass; the prince saw the beautiful woman and married; the wife gave birth; her mother put a prickly wreath on her, turning her into an animal; tells his son-in-law to kill the animal; the beggar leads the prince to watch the animal come to feed the baby; the prince tears off the prickly wreath, the wife becomes human again; the mother and ugly daughter are burned], *403F [y a woman, one daughter is beautiful, the other is not; she leaves the ugly one to the fair; a forest giant comes to the beautiful one, demands food; the girl also feeds his cat and dog, who suggest what to do; a giant gives her beauty, gold falls from her lips; next time an ugly daughter stayed at home; did not feed the cat and dog, she was rude; the giant made her completely ugly with bad breath]: 52-53, 53.

Western Asia. The Arabs of Jordan, Qatar, Bahrain: El-Shamy 2004, No. 403, 403A: 188-190; Syrian Arabs (Damascus) [the mother had difficulty persuading her son to marry; but the daughter-in-law was angry, told her husband to leave her mother-in-law in a deserted place; the son left his mother, promised to return soon, disappeared; two men, Winter and Summer, approached her, asked what part of the year she thought was better; she praised both ; they made a gold coin fall from the woman's lips at every word; on the fifth day, the son felt ashamed, he came back and found a pile of gold; the daughter-in-law told her husband to take her mother to the same place; she scolded both winter and summer; they ordered that intestinal gases erupt from the old woman's mouth every word; it remained so]: Kuhr 1993:64-68; Iraqi Arabs [wife drowned, leaving her little daughter; neighbor- the widow comes to look after her; the girl has grown up, persuaded her father to marry her neighbor; she has her own daughter; the stepmother has put all the work on her stepdaughter; the redfish caught by her father asks the girl to leave her back into the river; stepmother demands that the fish be returned; she gives the girl a piece of gold; the girls have grown up; the stepmother took her own daughter to the wedding (more precisely to the bride's house, where young men and women meet); stepdaughter went to the fish and she gave her everything she needed to go too; she was mistaken for the governor's daughter; on the way home, her stepdaughter dropped her shoe into the canal; the prince found it, his mother went to look for the owner; stepmother exposed her daughter, hid her stepdaughter in good shape; the rooster screams about it; the stepdaughter was chosen as the bride; the stepmother gave her a laxative, washed her hair with lime and arsenic, and smeared her with an ointment with a disgusting smell ; but when she came to the palace, she was fragrant; and her stepmother's own daughter came there disgusting, she was driven away; the prince is happy with his stepdaughter, they have seven children]: Bushnaq 1987:181-187; Saudia [ a woman goes to the bazaar, but every time she forgets to bring her daughters the pumpkin they really want; once she bought a pumpkin, drags it with difficulty; a bony old man comes up and tells them to drag it; then bring it into the house; feed; put to bed; cover with a blanket; beat with sticks; the body that old daughters beat disappears, there is a pile of gold in this place; one girl went to neighbors to measure gold; a neighbor smeared measure with a test, gold stuck to him; she told her daughters to ask her to bring a pumpkin; at the bazaar she told the old man to climb on her back; etc.; after whipping, scorpions and snakes appeared under the blanket, they bitten a neighbor and her daughters to death]: Taibah, MacDonald 2016:10-13; Palestinians: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 28 [woman buys pregnancy-causing chicken eggs, feeds another wife's daughter her husband, the girl becomes pregnant, her father takes her to the desert, leaves her; her stepmother gave her cow and donkey manure, donkey urine instead of eating; the old man on a white mare turns it all into food, teaches her to take it out a splinter from the lame ghoul's leg, they give her jewelry; her father comes, picks her up, she comes back rich; the stepmother sends her own daughter, the old man turns her food into crap and urine; she pulls out a splinter, but the guli eat it, leaving the liver and lungs; the father brings them, drives the angry wife away, leaves her daughter at home], 43 [the poor brother's pregnant wife dreams of eating cabbage rolls (the wife of a rich man did not offer them to her), her husband calls the vizier to eat, the woman blows the winds, falls into the ground in shame; underground people find what she has emitted, which compensates her for the ability to drop gold from her lips, when she speaks, returns to earth; the wife of the rich does everything intentionally; what she emitted says all about it underground, makes it possible to drop scorpions and snakes from her lips; those of hers bitten to death, husband married another]: 230-234, 301-306; Hanauer 2009:184-187 [the poor man's knife broke; the wife asked her neighbor for a knife, she did not give it; she had to tear the meat with her teeth, she did not say named after God, the wind carried her to the genies; she petted the pregnant cat, wished her a happy birth; she showed her where to hide; the genies asked the guest to go out, promising not to harm her; told the wind to carry her back; filled her pantaloons with onion husks, the husk turned into gold coins; when she learned about this, the neighbor deliberately began to tear the meat with her teeth; all the same, but did not pigeon the cat, the wind responded genies, that the woman came to them voluntarily; they put gold in her pantaloons, and at home it turned into scorpions, from which the woman died], 206-211 [Talgia (The Snow Maiden) was born, when it was snowing; after giving birth, the mother died; the father took a new wife, she had two daughters; T. dropped the bucket into the well, went down, the genies filled her bucket with jewelry; when her stepmother and daughters tried to do the same, they pulled out dirt and reptiles; when T.'s father died, she was driven out of the house; she came to the cave where her grandmother lived; lost her shoe, the sheikh's son found it, promised to marry the owner; found T . and married her; stepmother and daughters tore their hair with envy]; North Yemen (Jabal Sabir) [Henna leaf lives with her stepmother, who sends her to herd cows and camels, bring firewood; the old woman asks look in her head, let her tell the ants to prepare firewood, tell the animals not to butt; LH says that lice and nits are like her mother's, the old woman is happy; tells her to drink from the wrong pool that will call, and from the one who tells me not to approach him; after swimming, the drug is covered with gold; at home, her father removes gold from her, and more of him; the stepmother sends her own daughter Kiryam; the old woman advises to order animals butt, K. does so; calls lice disgusting; the old woman advises to swim in the pool that will call, K.'s body is wrapped in a donkey tail; stepmother and K. go to the party, LH must bake bread at home and disassemble the grain; the old woman gives LH a beautiful outfit, advises him to lose her shoe on the way home; the Sultan's son goes to try it on to the girls; rejects K., which his stepmother is trying him on slip in, takes LH as his wife; K. also found a husband, but he kicked her out]: Al-Baydani 2008:31-39; South Yemen [wife died, husband took another, both daughters; stepmother hates stepdaughter named Wurayqa al Hana ("henna flower"); makes her husband take her to the desert; he tells his daughter that he will go home; Al Chadr bin Abbas arrives, asks where to tie his horse, where to lie down; girl: to my leg, to my knees; he asks her to wake him up at dawn; leads to the river, tells me to swim, the girl comes out covered in gold jewelry; he tells her to close her eyes, she finds herself on the roof of her house; the stepmother tells her husband to take her daughter there; she answers Al Chadr bin Abbas - let her look for a tree to tie a horse, lie down somewhere in the open; after swimming, she is covered with snakes worms and fleas; at home they rushed at her mother; they were hardly cleaned; a young man married the patcheritsa; when they came for the bride, the stepmother tried to replace her with her daughter, and Wurayqa al Hana sent to kitchen; but Wurayqa al Hana told the imaginary bride that there was a lot of good food in the kitchen, she went to eat and the bride was taken away; when the groom ran to the groom's house, he saw her from the roof and killed her with a stone]: Daum 1992, No. 1 : 5-14; South Yemen [Khadiga girl, her mother is dead, her father took another wife, her daughter Ikram; stepmother sends H. for firewood; the old man tells me to ask for firewood, they appear; asks where to go put her head (on her knees), staff (on her arm), donkey (at her feet); tells her to go into the stream, the girl's body is covered with corals and pearls; tells the eagle to take X. home; stepmother sends her own daughter I.; she answers The old man to lie on the ground, her body is covered with snakes and scorpions in the stream; her stepmother wants to strangle H., but her husband kicks her and I. out of the house, stays with H.; the prince drove by, married H.]: Canova 2002: 238-240; harsushi [the fisherman's wife died, the daughter grew up, brought her father a new wife, she has her own daughter, she hates her stepdaughter; everyone went to the festival in case of the circumcision of the Sultan's son; the stepmother gave her stepdaughter grind a bag of grain and fill 7 jugs with water; seven elderly women came, took the girl to the well, washed her, dressed her up, gave her a bag of money and a bag of scorpions; let her pour out money at the party to where they dance, and scorpions to stepmother and her daughter; ran home, the Sultan's son could not grab her, the work was done at home, the old women took the jewelry; next time the stepmother gave two bags of wheat and 14 vessels; the same; while running away, she dropped the bracelet, the Sultan's son picked it up; sent the slaves to try it on, found her stepdaughter, the Sultan's son wanted to marry her; the stepmother gave her beans to eat, and those 7 women were replaced beans in her stomach with gold coins; she asked the Sultan's son for his turban, relieved her need, the turban was wearing gold coins; in the morning coins were under her head; then the Sultan decided to marry the second son on his wife's first sister; but she filled the turban with crap; the sultan ordered her mother to be cut off]: Stroomer 2004, No. 9:43-51; mehri [the fisherman's wife died, the daughter grew up, advises the father again marry; a daughter from a new wife is also; stepmother hates stepdaughter; goes with her daughter to celebrate the circumcision of the Sultan's son; the stepdaughter leaves a bag of corn to grind and fill 7 jugs with water; (and further like Harsushi; loses his bracelet)]: Stroomer 1999, No. 97:266-275; jibbali [the fisherman's wife is dead, the daughter has grown up, advises her father to remarry; the new wife is also a daughter; stepmother hates stepdaughter; together with her daughter she goes to a holiday on the occasion of the circumcision of the Sultan's son; leaves the stepdaughter to grind a bag of corn and fill 7 jugs with water; 7 women came to the girl, did everything, dressed up, sent to the party with a purse of gold and a purse with scorpions (they should be thrown at the stepmother and her daughter); next time the stepmother asked twice as much work; when she ran away from the holiday, the Sultan's son her anklet remained in his hands; he told everyone to try it on; it only fit the fisherman's daughter; before the wedding, her stepdaughter had enough beans, but those 7 women cleansed her body and put it in it gold coins; at night she asked her husband to give her his turban, he found gold there; told her father; he decided to marry another son to the fisherman's youngest daughter; she relieved herself of a turban, her husband left from her; the girl said that her mother taught her this way, the Sultan ordered that head be cut off]: Müller 1907, No. 11:34-45.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [(from Vetala's Twenty-Five Tales); a girl comes to a cannibal's house to ask for fire; gets a piece of grilled human ear, eats it, she liked it; the cannibal and her daughter offer friendship, they explain to the girl how to kill her mother so that she does not interfere; the girl pretends to be sick, tells her mother that she will recover if she hits her chest against a millstone; cuts off her breasts with a millstone, the mother dies; the cannibal and her daughter eat the corpse, the girl herds their cows, carries firewood; the cannibal's daughter puts on her clothes and jewelry, gives her rags; the girl's mother is reborn as a cow, all her milk is cream and oil; tells the daughter to leave her apron for the night, in the morning it wears ready-made yarn, firewood, cooked food, well-fed cows around; the cannibal sends her daughter; in the morning cow manure on her apron, yarn hangs on trees, cows are scattered; the cannibal decides to kill the cow, she tells her daughter to ask for hooves, skin from her feet, part of her entrails, to bury under the threshold; the cannibal and her daughter go to the party, tells the girl crush barley and mustard; the turtledove tells her to dig up the buried, the remains of the cow have become clothes, shoes, ornaments; the turtledove does the work; at the festival, the girl sees the prince, loses on the way home a shoe; the prince promises to marry the owner of the shoe (he saw at the festival that she was a goddess); turtledoves tell the girl to go to the palace, the prince marries her; she gives birth to a son Jalaγu Ardasidi; in the country prosperity; the cannibal's daughter comes, asks about the habits of the new queen, she replies that she gives cows bones, dogs hay, the king soup, courtiers food, spanks her son, slams the door, stomps up the steps, puts a ball of thread into the fire in the evening (it will not remain hot until morning), etc.; the cannibal's daughter invites the prince's wife to wash her hair, pushes her into the lake, puts on her clothes and jewelry; imaginary the wife broke doors and stairs, feeds her husband with liquid soup, gives bones to cows, etc.; the groom sees the horse drinking from the lake, crying, a golden lark flying out of the water, asking which queen is under better; the groom tells the king about everything; he asks the lark to sit on his head, catches him; the lark says that she has committed a great sin (letters., "my daughter committed", but then the text on behalf of his daughter); it is necessary push the imaginary wife into a trap pit, fill her with hot coals, then the real one will take her form; and so it happened; the revived one orders to cut off the head of the cannibal's dead daughter, wraps her head in a ball of thread, comes to the cannibal under the guise of her daughter; asks for help unraveling the ball; taking the end of the thread, she jumps back; finding her daughter's head, the cannibal jumps after her; the girl screams that the cannibal's house is on fire; she takes the red scarf left by the girl in the window to the fire, comes back; everything is fine]: Schlepp 2002:125-132; Bhutan [an orphan girl herds village sheep and spins; one day her food bag rolled down the slope; she ran after him, and he fell into a mouse hole; the mouse invited me to come in with her eyes closed; the girl wished him leftovers for dinner, put the rags on the floor to spend the night; got a rich dinner, a good bed; at night I heard a whisper; the mouse gave a parcel, told me to open it only at home; the bundles contain precious jewelry, the same attached to her hair; the rich girl decided to repeat everything ; asked for good food and a soft bed, the mouse gave leftovers and rags; pieces of mouse droppings were tied to her hair, they were also in a bundle]: Choden 1994:31-34; nevar: Aganina, Shresthkha 1971 [the goat feeds Punahun rice porridge; the stepmother finds out about this, tells the goat to be slaughtered; she asks P. to bury her bones, a tree will grow and feed on its fruits; the Rakshasas find P. picking fruit, take it away; the mouse asks for bread, P. feeds her; the mouse leaves the coals responsible for P., gives the key to the pantry, P. returns with jewelry; the stepmother sends her own daughter to the tree; she does not feed the mouse, at night Rakshasa eat a girl; a crow shouts to her stepmother that her daughter's only bones are left]: 92-101; Heunemann 1980, No. 15 [as in Aganina, Shresthkha 1971; the girl's name is Punkhu Maiza; to lure the girl out of the tree, Rakshas and Rakshasi ask her to get down and pick up the dropped fruit]: 123-129; Sakya, Griffith 1980 [Maincha is stepdaughter, Dhon Cholecha goat spits food out of her mouth, feeds M.; stepmother sends her own daughter to find out if she tells her slaughter a goat; she asks M. to bury its bones, a tree with rice puddings will grow up; a couple of lakhe demons saw M., asked them to drop their puddings; asked them to get down and hand them in their hands; brought them to themselves they ordered to bake lavash; the mouse asks for it, tells her to run, taking the treasures and spitting on every step of the stairs and putting a coal on top; the stepmother sends her own daughter, she kills the mouse; at night, the demons became cut off pieces of meat from the girl, ate her; stepmother expects daughter, crow screams that the mother is combing her hair and the daughter has only bones; stepmother remains in the house as a maid]: 84-87; angami [snake on the trail, she blocked the girl's way; she asked her not to bite, promised to marry her; when she became a husband, the Snake bit her in the chest, jewelry appeared, bit her leg - bracelets (leggings); another girl envied, went along the path, offered to marry the snake; she bit her hand, the girl died]: Hutton 1914, No. 12:490; garo [Jerang boy, an orphan, climbed a fruit tree in the forest; a couple came up Matchadus (werewolf tigers); they asked them to shed fruit; said that they were in the mud, let J. hand them the fruit between their toes; they stole it, brought it home, told his son to cook it , and they left themselves; the son of cannibals asks why people have light skin; J.: we wash in boiling water; the cannibal released J. from the cage, undressed, and he scalded him to death with boiling water; put on his clothes and smeared himself with soot; the parents ate their son, thinking that J. was eating; the imaginary son asked where the parents had hidden their treasures; they answered and left, and he hid them on the other side of the river; asked the cannibals to teach them swim him; swam across the river and said who they ate; said that the river could be crossed in leaky jugs; cannibals drowned; J. brought the treasures he had obtained to the cave; there was a boa constrictor, J. killed him, filled his skin treasures and climbed into it himself; the peasant's two daughters chased parrots; J. answered the one he liked best; she went into the cave, J. got out of the skin of a boa constrictor; taught the girl to ask her parents pass her off as a boa constrictor; her father resettled her, brought a boa constrictor from the cave, which contained a young man and treasures; on her wedding night, the servants spied: a young man with the girl, wealth in the house; the older sister also demanded pass her off as a boa constrictor; he ate her at night; and J.'s descendants became kings, queens and brave warriors]: Rongmuthu 1960:100-194; toto [the older sister lives well, the youngest cannot find work, her children they are starving; the eldest agreed to give her food if she collected all the lice from her head in a day; but hid two under her fingernail and gave nothing; the youngest came to the forest to dig roots; the bear asked what was going on; He told me to bring her home and leave it in the temple for the night; in the morning there is a lot of food and gold; now the youngest is giving alms herself; the eldest went to the forest and pretended to be hungry and poor; when she opened the temple in the morning, everything The food supplies that were there are gone, and the room is full of bear crap]: Majumdar 1991, No. 18:259-263.

Burma - Indochina. Burmese: Aoun 1957 [Little Frog (ML) goes to fetch water, falls into the river, the current brings her to the Cannibal; she makes her a maid; tells her to look in her head; her hair is clean, but ML is gone brings fig seeds, says they are nits; The cannibal is happy; forbids her to look into one room; ML looks in, sees the remains of dead people, does not show; The cannibal gives her gold, sends her home; BL is jealous, falls into the water on purpose; says that there is nothing in the cannibal's hair; when she looks into the forbidden room, cries with fear; eaten]: 55-57; Nikulin 1988 [mother sent to the well for water youngest daughter, Little; the beggar asked her for a drink, she did; since she laughed, pearls fell out of her mouth; the eldest daughter, the Big, went, refused to give the beggar a drink, she had Toads began to fall in their mouths]: 452-453; Karen [the girl went to get water, the bamboo vessel slipped out, swam down the river; she came to the giant's dam for him; he brought her home; he and his wife became take care of her, they did not tell her to open two baskets; the girl opened it, one had human skulls, the other had gold and silver; the giantess asked to clean her hair, there were snakes and centipedes; the girl killed them; she was allowed to go home, take any basket; she took an old one (with gold); she opened it, one had human skulls, told her to wash her hair in the black river, her lips in red, the body was white; at home, the girl gave her neighbors treasures; one young man also arranged for the giants to adopt him; asked for an old basket, not knowing that it contained skulls; opened it at home; came giant, ate it]: Mason 1865:228-229; Khmer: Gorgoniev 1973 [the mother sent the girl to dig wild yam; the shovel fell into the termite mound; the sick tiger promises to get it if she removes worms from his wounds; asks if his wounds stink or smell; a girl cleans his wounds, says they are fragrant; a tiger fills her basket with gold; another woman sends her daughter to the forest, who deliberately throws a shovel into the hole, tells the tiger that it stinks; he fills her basket with poisonous snakes; when she opened it at home, the snakes ate all her relatives]: 110-112 (=Marunova 1972:183-185; similar but excellent in detail text in Milne 1972:9-10); Thierry 1977 [the girl regularly sacrifices to spirits; the tree spirit learns from Indra that his karma is to connect with the girl; taking the form of a snake, comes to her house at night turns into a handsome man; shows her parents hidden treasures; neighbors recognize this marriage; other spouses are jealous; the father brings his daughter a boa constrictor, arranges a wedding, the boa constrictor swallows the bride; in the morning the father pulls out the swallowed, it throws it into the water, turns into a dugong]: 169-171; ahem [a mother with her youngest of seven daughters makes dams on the stream to fish, but the water breaks through; promises daughter to the one who makes dams; they are made by snakes, the youngest daughter marries a snake; one day he takes off his skin, comes to her on the river in the guise of a handsome man; for a long time she does not believe that he is her husband, to him I have to show the remnants of the scales under her arms; the couple are rich; another woman decided to get rich, passed her daughter off as a boa constrictor, who swallowed her the first night]: Lindell et al. 1978, No. 7:79-82; sre [ a fisherman with his daughters Nga (eldest) and Ngi is fishing, the Serpent tells him to give him his daughter, Nga runs away, Nga agrees to marry the Snake; the Serpent takes off his skin, becomes handsome, gives wealth; Nga is jealous, also wants for the snake, he drags her under water, the husband puts his skin back, turns out to be the lord of the snakes, saves Ngi, takes both sisters; Nga pushes Ng into the water, which is swallowed first by the whale (the husband saves) then the sea shell; the tyams find the shell, take Nga; the husband finds it, lives with her at the tyams]: Dournes 1977:113-114; katu: Dournes 1977:118-119 [the hunter shoots birds that are on a banyan; The banyan boa constrictor tells him to give one of his daughters; the eldest Nga refuses, the youngest Ngi father leads to a banyan; the boa constrictor turns handsome; the young come to Nga's house, light comes from their bedroom; Nga Boa wants himself, grows a snake, she grows, swallows it; Nga's husband pulls the swallowed one out of the water, extracts it, revives Nga, tells her not to leave the house, she goes out to look at the roosters turns into a termite mound; the genus Kon Tac comes from Nga, its members are forbidden to eat banyan fruits (i.e. figs)], 119 [Bông wants a girl Pôt, turns into a dragon snake, parents build for them, a house is a distance away, where snakes become handsome, rice grows on their field by itself; older sister P. grows a snake, it grows, she lies down with it, the snake swallows it; B. pulls out the swallowed one, extracts the swallowed, does not tell the snake to step on the bones; it goes to them, steps, dies on the spot]; Viets: Bystrov et al. 1962 [the eldest wife is dead, the youngest hates her stepdaughter, drives her into the forest; people helped her, she started a farm; she is polite to wild boars, to the tiger, they do not ruin her crops, they do not touch pigs, the tiger brings gold; the crow shouts to her father to take the black chest and the red chest, to go for daughter's gold; stepmother tells her to take shovels to bury her daughter; when she learns that the stepdaughter is rich, she is building a house for her own daughter in the forest; wild boars destroyed her crops, the tiger ate her; the crow tells her to take shovels, the stepmother tells me to take shovels take chests; the tiger ate it]: 95-98; ÐThãn 1907 [about the same as Langes 1886, No. 22:52-57; man died leaving two daughters; Tm - daughter of his deceased wife, Cam - the remaining; Kam brings the shrimp collected There to the mother, as if she had collected it; only one shrimp remains in T.'s basket; Buddha tells T. to throw her into the well, feed her rice; K. spies, she and her mother eat the shrimp; Buddha teaches you to bury the shell, beautiful clothes and a horse come out of it, T. goes to the king's party, loses his shoe, the shoe is only T.'s leg, the king marries T.; the stepmother invites T. to get in on a tree, cuts it, T. falls, drowns; the king has to marry her sister K.; T.'s soul turns into a golden bird, flies to the king; K. asks her mother to kill her, bury her feathers; in this place two trees grow, K. cuts them; a spinning wheel is made of wood, the end is in the shape of a bird, it threatens K.; she burns a spinning wheel, a fruit tree grows; the fruit falls into the old woman's basket; someone in the basket old lady fruit tree; the fruit falls into the basket, the old lady cooks in the house, the old woman spies, sees T., breaks the fruit into pieces; the king finds T., returns; K. asks how she managed to save beauty; T. replies that she bathed in hot water; K. jumps into boiling water, dies; the king sends her meat to her mother, the crow screams that she is eating her daughter; stepmother dies]: 102-107 (translated to Karpov, Tkachev 1958 : 14-27); Sun 1957 [a woman sends stepdaughter Tam and her own daughter Cam for fish, K. invites T. to swim, steals the fish she has caught; the Goddess of Mercy (BM) gives her a goldfish, tells her to let her houses in well; stepmother catches, eats fish; BM tells me to bury fish bones; chicken tells T. where they are; buried bones give T. clothes, jewelry she asks for; stepmother and K. go to the party, tell separate mixed black and green beans; BM turns flies into sparrows, they separate; T. goes to the party, leaves, loses his shoe, the king tells everyone to try it on, marries T.; father T. comes home; stepmother asks for nuts from a palm tree, cuts a tree, T. falls, breaks, stepmother sends king K. to marry her; T.'s spirit moves into the nightingale, sings to the king, K. kills the nightingale, K. kills the nightingale, T. turns into a tree, the fruit falls into the old woman's basket; in her absence, T. comes out of the fruit, cleans the house; the old woman finds her, tears her peel so that T. does not return to the fruit; the king comes to the old woman, finds out T.; K. asks T. how she became so beautiful; T. advises her to jump into boiling water; K. dies, stepmother dies of grief]: 126-130; (=Schultz 1994, No. 28:258-277); Nikulin 1970a [during the wedding The beggar was served only by a maid, he turns her into a beauty; she tells others about it; guests ask the beggar to change their appearance, throw themselves into the river, turn into monkeys]: 47-49; zyaray [ Mother Forest (Mère Brousse) digs a wild yam in the forest; a boa constrictor from a tree causes rain, forcing a woman to climb his tree; in the morning she returns home, asking her granddaughter H'Bia (B.) to marry him Boa constrictor, she refuses, her little sister H'Lui? (L.) agrees; on the River, Boa sheds her snakeskin, turns out to be handsome; in the water, L. attacks the branch, her husband revives her; the older sisters B. and H'Kruah (K., she is the oldest) also want such a husband; L.'s husband finds another boa constrictor, who swallows B. and everyone in the house; L.'s husband finds him, rips his stomach open, revives B.; going to the coast to the Vietnamese, tells his wife not to go out if she is called a strange thing; B. calls her to swing on a swing, she goes out, B. throws her into the water, is swallowed by a crocodile, in his womb she gives birth to a boy; when the crocodile goes ashore, the boy rips open with a knife his stomach, goes out with his mother; in short, he creates a house, his rooster sings, her husband returns, L. tells him about what happened]: Dournes 1977:108-109.

South Asia. Marathi: Frere 1868, No. 2 [rani gives birth to puppies, dog gives birth to two girls; afraid that Rani will take them away, take them to the forest; they are met and married by two princes; many years later the dog finds the eldest daughter, she takes care of her; goes to the youngest, she throws a stone at her, the dog comes to the eldest and dies; the woman hides the corpse under the basket, the husband looks in, there is a golden dog in diamonds; trying to hide from husband, that the dog is her mother, the wife says that the golden statue was sent by her parents living in the forest palace; knowing that the deception will be revealed, the wife goes into the forest, sees a cobra with her mouth open, puts her finger in her mouth, to bite her, but pulls out a splinter; the cobra creates a luxurious palace for her; the husband who arrives is delighted, and when they leave the forest, the phantom palace burns down; the younger sister also goes to the cobra and shoves her finger in the mouth, dies from a bite]: 18-24; Sheorey 1973, No. 13 [Patil's wives Subhadra and Sunanda; Subhatra comes from a wealthy family, she has many relatives, they visit them on holidays; Sunandra is a poor orphan; one day P. stays at home for the party and tells Sunandra to take him to her relatives; she goes at random; puts her hand in the hole in the anthill to be bitten by a cobra; she has an abscess on her hood that bursts, a grateful cobra offers to fulfill any wish; Sunandra would like to have relatives; she goes with her husband in the specified direction, there is a city, a palace; brothers and other relatives warmly welcome them, give them expensive gifts; when leaving, Sunandra returns - as if for a forgotten necklace; asks what to do if her husband wants to come here again; the cobra asks not to worry; after leaving a little, Sunandra and her husband see how the city and the palace burn down completely; after learning about everything, Subhatra goes along the same road, puts her hand to the cobra, gets bitten, dies]: 72-75; ho [the bride went to the forest to buy leaves to make plates and bowls for the groom's guests; the groom's sister sent her back - more is needed; it was getting dark, the girl met a tiger, he brought her to his place; the tigers brought her to eat; the main tiger asks her to sing for the brothers; first I don't like the song, but when the girl started another one, the tigers are happy and dancing; they gave her clothes, jewelry and food; after hearing her story, her fiancé's sister went on her own; she was still with her, but she knew only the first song ; when she started singing her again, the tigers scalped her head with a copper bowl on her head and sent her back]: Halder 1918, No. 25:329-331; Bengalis: Bradley-Birt 1920 [after her husband's death, the older wife Shookhu and her daughter took all the property, and the youngest and daughter Dukhu earn money by weaving a simple canvas; once he was blown away by the wind; D. followed him, fed a cow along the way, ripped off the vines from sycamore, fed the horse; the wind led her to the house of the mother of the month, who instantly produces a huge amount of cloth; D. swims in the river, comes out beautiful; chooses modest food, a modest chest; on the way back, the horse gives her a fast-footed foal, a cow a heifer, a tree a basket of gold; a prince comes out of the chest received; S. also goes after the wind, does not help anyone, demands gifts, after bathing is covered with warts; chooses the largest chest, a snake crawled out of it, ate it; Sh.'s mother committed suicide], No. 9:191-195; Day 1914, No. 22 [the eldest wife has only one curl, the youngest has two; the youngest snatched her only one, she went to the forest to be eaten by animals; on the way she sweeps the ground under a banyan, under a bull, under a tulasi tree, etc.; everyone blesses her, the hermit tells her to swim in on the pond, she becomes beautiful with long hair, he gives her jewelry; seeing this, the youngest wife goes the same way, does not pay attention to trees, etc., does not get anything; the husband loves his elder wife, makes the youngest a maid]: 280-284 (Russian translation in Porozhnyakov 1990:69-71); Wagner 1933 [the weaver has two wives, the eldest daughter Sukhu, the youngest has Dukhu; the weaver loves the eldest and her daughter; when he dies, they live in contentment, and the youngest and D. are just working; D. has taken away the yarn; suggests D. to go with him - there will be yarn; on the way, the cow asks to clean its stall, the banana to be freed from the vines, and the other tree to be cleaned roots from the garbage, the horse to give her grass; D. does everything; came to the house, where Storms are the gray-haired mother of the Month; she greeted D.; she plunged into the water three times, became beautiful, wearing luxurious jewelry; she chose the smallest chest; on the way back, the horse gives D. a winged horse, a tree a pot of gold, a banana gives golden bananas, a cow a calf that looks like heaven; at home she came out of the chest prince; the next day S. went for the yarn; does not pay attention to the requests of the cow, etc.; Storm becomes a freak after diving; she takes the largest chest; on the way back, the oncoming they beat her; her mother left S. in the room with the chest; from there a snake crawled out, began to swallow S.; S. screams why different parts of the body hurt; mother: these jewelry presses (etc.); in the morning there are only bones in the room and snakeskin, and the serpent crawled away; mother hit herself with a log and died]: 163-169; Punjabi [Peasie's younger sister is good, older Beansie has a bad temper; P. goes to visit her elderly father; on the way, he fulfills all requests: puts in order the thorns of the plum tree; cleans the hearth from ash; ties a broken banyan branch; cleans the stream bed; the father is happy, gives her a buffalo, loading it on it spinning wheel and other gifts; the stream gives cloth, the banyan gives a pearl necklace, the fire in the hearth gives a sweet cake, the plum gives its fruits; then B. also decides to go to his father, does not help anyone; the father attacks her brother and wife: yesterday my father gave everything to my sister, but now you want it?! the cloth floated away, the banyan branch fell on B.'s head, someone took the necklace, the hot cake burned his fingers and rolled away, the plums could not be plucked]: Steel, Temple 1884:178-183; Rajastans: Dinesh 1979:1 -6 [the crow (male) has 7 sisters, one peacock; brings a huge bunch of firewood, and 6 crow sisters only say that the peacock takes firewood from their brother; the seventh youngest is friendly to the peacock; once he stabbed leg; no one agrees to pull out the splinter; the wedding procession, the bride and groom also refuse; then it occurs to them to put all their jewelry on the peacock, because he will not run away, but how beautiful looks; the peacock flew away, taking away the jewelry; flew consistently to all the crow's sisters; 6 refuse to remove the splinter, the youngest pulled it out; the peacock spread its tail, walked across the floor, throwing jewelry; the crow decided to do the same, flew to the bride and groom, who killed her with a stick; now each of the 6 sisters also calls the peacock to her place, offers sweet milk; he walks across the floor, throws it, throws it wasps, scorpions, centipedes and snakes, these sisters died; and the peacock lived happily with his younger sister], 38-44 [two sisters: Haldi and Sonth {text title: Tumeric and Ginger; this is probably how these are translated names}; H. is kind, hard-working; S. is angry, lazy, unaccommodating; H. goes to his grandmother; on the way, the sand dune asks to be cleaned of dust, the brazier from the ashes, the cat to comb it, the berry bush to be cleaned of thorns , the sea to collect dirt from the surface, the camel to clean the place where he lies down from insects; H. does everything; the grandmother is good with everyone; she is given treats and clothes; on the way back everyone rewards: a camel offers to ride it, the sea throws away jewelry, the bush gives berries, the cat gives khajas {something edible}, the brazier throws away hot ghewars and a new frying pan, the dune gives decorations; now S. goes; on request responds with rudeness; no one likes her; on the way back, everyone drives her away; she comes back and cries]; Gujarats: Roberts 1994:107-108; kannada [the sage gave the king a magic mango, ordered to separate them between the wives; they themselves ate the fruit and the peel by the dog; all the wounds gave birth to puppies, and the dog gave birth to two girls; they tried to take them away from the dog, but she took the children to the forest, raised them in a cave; two the young men were found, married; the eldest Big Honny, happy, the youngest, Little Honnie, tore off pieces from the sari along the way, threw them on the ground; the dog found her and stayed with her; when she came to the eldest daughter, she beat her with a stick and told her to throw the carrion away; MX found the body on a pile of garbage, washed it, hid it in her chest; the husband demands to show what was there; MX says that the gift is from the mother, opens the chest , it has gold; the husband wants to see his wife's parents, since they are so rich; MX leads her husband and his servants to the forest, wanders without a goal; decides to commit suicide and puts his hand in the snake's hole; snake: you crushed an abscess on my head and I am grateful; not far from here, MX will find an empty palace; the snake took the form of a man, called herself his mother's brother; he gave gold to the visitors; as they left, they looked around: the palace was burning, turning into ash; when she learned everything, BH killed a stray dog, hid it in a chest; a corpse smell comes from the chest; BH says that there is a gift from her mother, leads her husband to the forest, puts his hand in a snake hole, died of a bite]: Ramanujan 1997, No. 13:43-46; Tamils [stepmother kicked her stepdaughter out; she goes, ended up in the forest; the stone asks to water it, otherwise it will split from the heat; the plant will rise, or else bent to the ground; the elephant - pull a splinter out of her leg; the girl does everything; came to the old woman's house; did all the job offered well; when asked if she wanted freshly brewed rice or old and warmed, she answered that it was quite old and good; gave up new clothes to replace her worn ones; chose to sleep on a mat rather than on a mattress; living with an old woman, the girl became beautiful; the prince saw her, asked for her wife, the old woman gave She blessed both with jewelry; an elephant was already waiting for them, they sat on his back; that plant became a huge blooming tree and gave flowers; that stone turned into a paved road; when they arrived her stepmother and stepdaughter told her everything, she told her own daughter to go to the old woman, repeating her stepdaughter's actions at every step; but she refused to help the stone, the plant and the elephant; in the old woman's house refused to work; chose freshly brewed rice, new clothes, and a mattress; a shepherd came, the old woman changed his clothes and the girl thought it was a prince; but instead of jewelry, she received blows from the old woman with a broom; the elephant did not offer to sit on it, but chased to trample it; the stone turned the road into sharp stones; thorns fell from the tree; when he saw his own daughter with a shepherd, bruised, scratched, stepmother told her to clean up and never come back]: Beck 1987, No. 34:118-121; Tamils [woman and dog are pregnant; the woman did not give the dog cakes, she cursed her; the woman gave birth to 4 puppies, and the dog gave birth to two girls; they grew up, the king saw them and took them for himself; the youngest is good, the king married her, and the eldest is heartless, the king gave her to the Minister; during the wedding ceremony, the mother dog came running and began to howl; her eldest daughter beat her and drove her away; she ran to the youngest, said she was dying, asked her to put her body in a bag and hang her from the ceiling; say that her dowry was there; the king wanted to see - in gold and diamonds in the bag; the eldest daughter killed the dog, hung it in a bag; a terrible stench; the king asked his wife to show him her mother; the wife decided to commit suicide, put her hand in the cobra hole; she was giving birth at that time, a young woman helped her; the cobra gave her a gold necklace; the eldest put her hand in the cobra's hole, which bit her, she died]: Blackburn 2005, No. 12; Tamils [when leaving, the mother left 7 pies for seven daughters ; the second youngest ate two; the youngest began to cry, and the sisters drove her away; on the way, the rose bush asks him to water, the millstones to put one on top of the other, the cow and the calf to give him water, the mare with the calf - put it side by side, put the sea gently apart with her hands and go dry; the girl came to the old women, worked for her housework, grew up, she wanted to marry her; on the way back, the sea gave her pearls, a mare a foal, a cow a calf, a millstone is a millstone, a rose bush was a rose; she brought everything home; when she saw this, the sisters kicked out the one who ate two pies; she did not comply with a single request and returned with empty-handed]: Blackburn 2005, No. 22; Sinhales: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 104 [stepmother sends stepdaughter outside to clean cotton; a piece is blown away by the wind; she tells her to go to the bear for gold a spinning wheel and a spindle, feed the Prince of Seven Mouth; the girl gets a spinning wheel and a spindle, secretly cooks at the prince's house, each time he has one mouth smaller, he stops being an ogre, marries her] , 105 [Parker 1910, No. 69:364-366; the wind carried away the cotton of the younger sister's daughter, she tells her to follow him; at the well, the old woman asks for water, the girl pulls out, bathes the old woman; takes the cow into the shade; finds her cotton, he is entangled in bamboos; the king promises to help get cotton, but tells him to go to the palace with it; she prepares a delicious dinner for the king, chooses the most modest box as a gift; opens it at home, there jewelry; the older sister sends her daughter for the cotton, she does not help anyone, receives a box of snakes from the king]: 259-260, 260-261.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Bajau [the white buffalo gave birth to a chick, died; the chick walked, drank water, she had the king's urine in her; she gave birth to seven female daughters, lived with him in a cave, went to the cave for food, asked to open it, they opened it; seven princes overheard, asked the girls to open their mother in their voice, they opened them; the princes took them to their homes, married them; the buffalo came to look for daughters in the village; the eldest daughter hit her with a spear, she fell into the water, swam along the river; her youngest saw her, asked her husband to catch her; the buffalo told her daughter to bury her by the ladder post, to take care of the tree that will grow up on the grave; gold grew on the tree, the youngest daughter and her husband became rich; the older sister asked where the wealth came from, asked for permission to take care of the tree; began to break branches, they turned into snakes, scorpions, centipedes; a big snake bit her, she died]: Miller 2007:440-450; Java [stepmother sent Bawang Putih to wash on the river, one thing swam away, stepmother told me to bring it back; girl goes downstream, a person advises you to ask his father, who tells his mother, an old demoness woman Nini Buto Ijo says that her missing clothes lead to her house; tells him to cook rice first; a spoon - a human hand, a ladle is a skull, human bones burn in the hearth; blood in the pot instead of water; in the morning the old woman gives the missing thing and a pumpkin, tells me not to open it on the way; PSU opens houses in a pumpkin gold and gems; stepmother sends her own daughter Bawang Merah; she cannot cook rice; the pumpkin received contains snakes, slopendra and other creatures]: Kratz 1973, No. 16:108-110; Bali [ the older sister is "Daughter", lazy, malicious, the youngest is "Sister", hardworking, kind; S. came to her mother exhausted by work, and D. after bathing, said that she had done all the work; as punishment, the mother sent S. to wash plates of palm leaves (they are usually thrown away); the leaves swam away, his mother told them to be returned; S. went down the river; crustacean, crab, river fish, sea fish respond that they did not see leaves; S. comes to the giantess; calls the skull a good pot, blood - spring water, human bones - dry firewood, worms - white rice; cooks lunch for the giantess; agrees to take out the lice the size of a fist; the giantess tells you to reward the pumpkin growing in the eastern corner of the garden; because S. did not bring leaves, her mother, father, sister did not open the door for her, she came to her grandmother; she cut the pumpkin into she has jewelry and treasures; D. tells her mother to beat her in order to go to the giantess; she tells her to take a pumpkin on the west side of the garden and cut it in a locked bedroom; scorpions crawled out of it, bit D. and her evil parents]: Hoikas-van Leeuwen Bomkamp 1983, No. 18:112-119; (cf. Bali [a rich widow does not give poor rice; in the forest, a deer asks a poor widow to put her hand in his ass to get jewelry; the rich tries to do the same, the deer squeezes the sphincter, drags her along stones and thorns, she is barely alive]: Hoikas-van Leeuwen Bomkamp 1983, No. 43:215-217); Roti [the youngest of the two sisters is half (vertically); rushing rice, always touches her sister's pestle; she screams that she is terrible, does not see anything, know, beats; Half complains to her mother, but the mother confirms that she is really only half a man; Half went to look for her half; the old woman advises from the fork walk along a narrow path; then the buffalo, the horse, the ant show the way again; the ant explains how to enter the Lord's house; he tells you to cut the Half into pieces, mold it into a ball, cover it, three days later the girl she is reborn as a full person; the Lord gives her wealth, sends her to her parents; the older sister also wants to get rich; she goes the same way, but answers to those she meets not that her sister insulted her, but that she wants to get her share in heaven; the Lord turns it into a black dog, the current ones come from her]: Platencamp 2005:137-141; pagu [the couple has a daughter Damura; the wife hid her soul in two bananas and made sure that the parrots did not stick; the neighbor made a doll, promised to give it to D. if the girl brought these bananas; the mother at first refused to show where the bananas were, but then allowed them to be taken and D. took them bananas to a neighbor; after that, the mother died, D. began to play with the neighbor's daughter; the neighbor asked D. to persuade her father to marry her; at first the stepmother was affectionate, and then began to tyrant her stepdaughter; one day sent her stepmother to the river to wash clothes; D. dropped her stepmother's stocking and it went with the flow; stepmother told her not to return without a stocking; M. ran down the river; greeted the crocodile amicably; she asked to pamper her crocodile, D. sings him a song, comparing him to a flower; gets a stocking, and when she speaks, gold falls from her mouth; her stepmother's own daughter also went to the crocodile; all the same, but in the song calls the crocodile smelly; when she returned, she was numb, and pebbles and earth fell from her lips; father, stepmother and her daughter went to the king's ball; the crocodile gave D. a silver dress; next time gold; when D. ran away from the ball, the prince managed to grab her golden shoe; crocodile: a lost shoe would make you a princess; stepmother, father and daughter who returned from the ball said that this one since the princess was wearing a gold dress; the king told everyone to try on a shoe to pass off the owner as their son; only D. came up, she appeared in a gold dress; wedding; stepmother pushed D. into the sea and her swallowed a crocodile; the prince found a crocodile, who told the crocodiles to confess who swallowed D.; one was guilty, regurgitated D. alive; and the stepmother and her daughter were swallowed by crocodiles]: Vries 1925, No. 23:110-118.

Taiwan - Philippines. Visayah [the husband of an ugly wife took another; the first wife cries at the well, the witch turns her into a beauty, the husband takes her, drives her old wife out; now she goes to the well, the witch makes her a freak , she dies of grief]: Maxfield, Millington 1906:105-106; ilokan [crocodile asks the Good Old Woman to shake his child; she calls the crocodile fragrant, gets a basket of fish; Evil Old Woman too goes to collect snails; calls the crocodile smelly, gets a basket, and a snake crawls out of there]: Rybkin 1975, No. 86:211-213.

China - Korea. The Chinese (Sichuan) [Yao's eldest daughter, Ehuang, is adopted, the youngest, Nuying is native; he gives both for Shun; his wife wants E. to be only a concubine; Y. gives them tasks: cook beans (N. could not), quilt her soles (the same), race to Mount Lishan, where Shun lived; N. rides a mulitsa, she laughs, N. curses her (now mules are sterile); E. catches up with her on chariot, takes with him, both go beyond Sh.]: Riftin 1987a: 360-361; the Chinese [many sources, most likely different parts of China; but what the river is about specifically is unclear]: Ting 1978, No. 480, 480D: 85-86; Koreans [the first wife gave birth to a good Kongjwi, died; her father remarried, the new one gave birth to an evil Patjwi; after the death of her husband, stepmother tyranite K.; tells P. to fill a small vessel, K. a huge leaky vessel ( the toad plugs the hole); cultivate the ground by P. with an iron, K. wooden hoe (the ox eats weeds, digs up the field); peel rice (sparrows perform); squeeze the millet; fairies lower the rope from the sky for K.; P. asked her to go down too, her rope is rotten, she fell, broke]: Cho 2001, No. 82:130-134; Kukong (Yunnan) [a woman sat under a mango tree, jokingly said: who would throw me a ripe mango, will receive one of my two daughters; the mango fell, and she saw a boa constrictor on the tree; he came to the house; the eldest daughter refused, the youngest agreed; the boa constrictor took her to the cave, there was a palace, he himself became a young man - the lord of the snakes; the snake's wife visited her mother, the older sister was jealous; went to the forest, brought a boa constrictor, took her to bed, he ate her at night; in the morning the mother saw what had happened, set fire to the house, the boa constrictor burst , the pieces turned into all kinds of snakes]: Miller 1994:153-157.

The Balkans. Hungarians: Gidash 1953 [stepdaughter leaves home, pulls a bone out of the dog's throat, cleans the stove, pulls an ant out of the pit (they help to do the right thing in the witch's house and when they leave her, they do invisible girl when the old woman chased her on the way back); cleans the witch's rooms without entering the forbidden thirteenth, chooses a simple box as a gift, does not open it on the way; at home, a rooster shouts that the stepdaughter is walking discharged, carries a box of goodness; in the box of jewelry; the own daughter is doing everything wrong, typing; the rooster screams that she is going neither alive nor dead; a snake jumps out of the box, until death bites her (or stepdaughter dies of anger); stepmother also dies of anger]: 159-163 (=Hungarian... 1955:53-60); Domotor 1988, No. 481* [stepmother kicks stepdaughter out of the house; she came to the house in the woods, caressed a cat; a bear lives in the house, he turns into a man, takes a girl as a wife; she visits her stepmother; stepmother sends her own daughter for happiness, but the bear kills her]: 480; Albanians: Serkova 1989 [stepmother sends stepdaughter Maro to the mill at night; while the grain is grinding, M. spins; genies who fly together listen to her detailed story of how fabrics are created, showered with gold; in the morning the dog barks that M. returns covered in gold; stepmother sends her own daughter Lilo, who responds ruelly to the genies, they warp her arms and neck, the dog barks that L. returns mutilated; the prince sees M. in a dream, tells her make shoes that should suit the bride; Aunt M. creates a carriage for her with servants made of pumpkins, mice and grasshoppers; Prince M.'s shoes are just right; before 12 a.m. M. hurries to leave, loses his shoe; prince finds M., marries; the sorceress teaches her stepmother to turn the woman in labor into a bird, to replace Lane with her youngest daughter; the bird-M. arrives, calls her son; flies to her husband, he finds a snake in her head, takes it off, the bird turns into M.; stepmother, Lane, sorcerer and midwife executed]: 100-114; Pedersen 1898, No. 12 [Marie's mother died shortly after her birth, father remarried, stepmother has ugly daughters Lilo and Lene; stepmother has ugly daughters Lilo and Lene; stepmother beautiful M. tyrannites, she is called Cinderella; in the evening, her stepmother sent M. to the mill to be killed by the elves; M. asked her father's sister to give her yarn and spindle; launched the mill, lit a lamp, began to spin and describe in detail to the elves the whole process of growing flax and making cloth; the elves gave her gold, gilded her, and then a rooster sang; at home, the dog barks "Marie returns in gold"; stepmother Lilo sent, who replies to the elves, "You can't see, it's flax," they skewed her face and body, the dog barks about it; doctors and priests have difficulty correcting it; the prince sees M. in a dream, arranges her in the villages holidays to find this girl; stepmother does not take M., father's sister gives her a dress, turns mice into horses, pumpkin into a carriage, everything should disappear at 12 am; prince ordered to make shoes for someone who I dreamed that only M. they came up; the next time the servants followed M., but the carriage suddenly disappeared; M. found, the prince married, Lilo was also married; M. gave birth to a son; before that, the witch gave her stepmother a pin ; she agreed with the midwife, stuck M. in M.'s head, turning it into a bird, replaced her daughter Lena; the baby is crying, L. has no milk; the prince is surprised that his wife has changed; the bird flies up to the window, her stepmother advises her to be shot, but she flew away; a month later, the prince saw the bird again, she came down, he noticed and took out the pin, the bird turned into M.; the stepmother, L., the sorceress and midwife were buried up to the neck in land, so they died]: 89-107; Serbs [stepmother drove her stepdaughter into the forest; she came to the hut, cleaned everything up; the dragon came and ordered him to look in his smelly head; the girl replies that the head fragrant; told him to feed his pets when he left; these were wolves, foxes, badgers and other forest animals; they were satisfied; the dragon offered to choose a box as a reward; the girl took the lightest ; she opened her home - ducats in her; stepmother sent her daughter's relatives; she turns her nose off the dragon, beats and maims animals, chooses the heaviest box; two snakes crawled out of it, sucking the eyes of her stepmother and her daughters]: Karadzic 1854, No. 36:212-216 (=Dmitriev, Volkonsky 1956:78-81); Serbs [stepmother tyranite stepdaughter Maritsa; sent her own daughter to bleach her hair - gave her own daughter white, M. - black; by the river to M. a beautiful woman comes up, turns black wool into white; in winter, stepmother sends M. for berries; towards 12 yunaks, they ask which month is the best; M.: everyone is good, but especially March; the yunaki are happy, showed where to pick berries; when it got warmer, the stepmother sent her own daughter; she says that the months are bad, and March is the worst; a thunderstorm began, the girl barely reached home; the master came to marry M.; the stepmother hid her daughter showed her under the trough; the rooster sang: Maritsa is in the trough! the matchmakers took M. away; she died an easy death because she was friends with a pitchfork for 12 months]: Tesic 2017:56-60; Serbs [stepmother tells her husband to leave her stepdaughter in the forest; he asks at least to give her bread with him; After spending the night in a tree, the girl comes to a rich house; the owners are not visible, but a rooster, a dog, a cat, a lion ask them to feed them, she gives them all her bread; the owner comes and takes off his bear skin, turns out to be a prince, takes a girl as his wife; in a golden dress she went to visit her home; the stepmother decides to send her own daughter to the forest; she drives and scolds animals, the lion tore her apart; the prince and his wife they came across her remains, brought them to her stepmother; she rushed into the well]: Karadzic 1854, No. 34:198-205; the Bosnians [stepmother does not like her stepdaughter; sends cows to herd and spin; the spindle fell into the ravine, stepdaughter went looking for him; meets a group of girls; boys; old men; old women; friendly to everyone, everyone says to go further; comes to the old woman's house; she asks to look in her head; stepdaughter says that her hair is clean; she receives a jewelry box, and a spindle there; when she sees the casket, the stepmother sends her own daughter; everything is with her too, but she replies to the old woman that she has lice, fleas and so on in her hair filth; she puts two snakes in her casket and tells her to open it at home; snakes sucked the eyes of her stepmother and her daughter]: Eschker 1992, No. 21:114-115; Croats [stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter, tells her husband to take her to the forest: let her pick all the strawberries and spin all night; the girl enters the house in the forest, makes a fire, cooks porridge; shares with the mouse; a bear comes, hangs a bell around her neck and tells her to play hide and seek in the dark; the mouse takes the bell for himself; the bear admits that he cannot catch the girl, gives a team of horses and a cart of silver; the dog barks: collecting strawberries and strands, our daughter has become rich; the stepmother sends my own daughter, she does not share her mouse, the bear ate it; in the morning the father went with a bag, but the dog barks that he was carrying his daughter's bones; the stepmother died of grief; the stepdaughter lives with her father, marries successfully]: Stojanović 1879:115ff in Cox 1893, No. 301:400; Slovenes [stepmother sends Maritsa to wash black wool white, her own daughter white; beautiful woman whitens M.'s wool; in winter stepmother sends M . for berries; she meets 12 yunaks, replies that all months are good, and March is the best, picking berries; her own daughter replies that everyone is bad, barely escapes from the weather; the master comes to marry M., stepmother hides her in a trough, offering her own daughter, but the rooster shouts where M. is; wedding]: Wratislaw 1890, No. 57:298-301 (=Arkhipova 1962:117-119); Bulgarians: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 480 [stepmother, in an effort to destroy her stepdaughter, sends her to a dangerous place or tells her to do the impossible; she survives, becomes beautiful, finds wealth, marries; the stepmother sends her own daughter, who disfigured or dies], *480 1 [(too many records); stepmother sends stepdaughter to fetch water in the evening; with the help of grateful animals (cat, chicken, rooster) or thanks to her own resourcefulness and fearlessness, she escapes from a demonic creature sitting in the water, demanding that he obtain and bring her a dowry, expensive clothes, a golden monisto, etc.; while the demon spends time doing so, the rooster screams, the morning comes, the girl returns alive and rich; the stepmother sends her own daughter, she is rude to the demon, he tore her to pieces], *480 3 [(a lot of records); father has a daughter {from the first wives} into the forest, leaves them there; she goes to an old woman (sorceress, self-marvel), takes care of her animals (snakes, lizards), carries out her assignments; chooses a simple, dilapidated chest as a gift, with wealth in it; on the advice of an old woman, on her way home, she washes in a yellow river, makes gold herself or pulls a chest of gold out of the water; the stepmother sends her own daughter, she does everything badly, the old woman tells her to wash herself in black water, she turns black like an arapka; chooses a painted chest with snakes and lizards in it (they eat her and her mother)], *480 4 [stepmother sends stepdaughter to the river to wash white black yarn; elder (Lord or the Old Mother of God) makes the yarn white; asks to look for insects, she says that there is gold and silver, lice turn into gold; the stepmother sends her own daughter, she is rude, refuses to look insects, her body is covered with male genitals, bowel movements, or she turns into a bear; stepdaughter is married by a prince], *480 5 [stepmother sends stepdaughter at night to get water or for berries or flowers in the middle of winter; she meets 11 men and one woman, 12 months of the year; they ask me which one is prettier; she replies that everyone is good, they make it fall off her lips gold; stepmother sends her own daughter, who replies that everyone is ugly or the worst is December, January and February; months tell snakes and lizards to fall from her lips], *480 7 [stepdaughter drops in the well is a spindle, the stepmother sends it to get it; the stepdaughter goes down, on the way she complies with the apple tree's request to pick apples, bread to take it out of the oven; comes to an old man living in an ice house; the girl is polite, cleans the snow on which the old man lies; on the way back she falls under the golden shower, is gilded; the stepmother sends her own daughter, she does not fulfill the requests of an apple tree, bread, does not clean the snow, falls into the rain from the tar , turns black]: 167, 167-168, 170-171, 173, 174, 175; Klyagina-Kondratyeva 1951 [stepmother tyrannites her stepdaughter, sends her stepdaughter to the well at night; they have gathered there for 12 months; grandmother Marta asks if the girl eats dry dogwood, she gratefully takes and eats; replies that all months are good; Marta makes flowers and chervonets fall from the girl's mouth when she laughs or speaks; stepmother sends her own daughter, she throws dogwood in Martha's face, says that all months are not good; when she comes back and starts talking, snakes and lizards fall from her lips, nettles fall when she laughs; they have since appeared in the world; and her stepdaughter stepmother kicked her out and married her by a passing man]: 92-95; Schishmanoff 1896, No. 15 [stepmother sends stepdaughter to wash the black yarn white; polite to the old man who comes up, her yarn turns gold; stepmother sends her own daughter to wash the white yarn to black; she is rude to the old man, he tells her to throw yarn on her back, the yarn turns black, the girl turns into a bear (bear origin)]: 16-17; Romanians: Golant 2013 (Bukovina) [The eldest daughter drops a skein of yarn into the well, looking for it comes to Baba Dokia, who asks her to shake out twelve pillows or twelve covers. The girl shakes the pillows and snow falls out of them, for which Baba Dokia gives the girl gold. The younger sister shakes out the blankets from which clouds with lightning fly out and is rewarded with iron clothes smeared in resin (Bukovina)]:? ; Kabakova 1994:209 - 222]; Mirener 1958 [stepmother tells her husband to drive her stepdaughter out; the stove asks her to melt and peel, the pear to cut off the wormy fruits, the vine to weed, the well to clean; the girl does everything; comes to the woodland; she tells me to cook bran, feed snakes, lizards, bats; offers to choose a gift; the girl takes an inadequate chest; on the way back, a pear gives her ripe fruit, a well of clean water, etc.; treasures in a chest; stepmother sends her own daughter; she does not respond to requests; scalded snakes and lizards with hot bran; chose the largest chest; there are snakes in it, they bit her; stepdaughter married happily]: 112-118; Romanians (Bukovina) [stepmother forces her husband to drive her stepdaughter out of the house; on the way she left the sick dog, cleared the pear from the caterpillars, cleaned the well, covered the wreck stove with clay; comes to the forest house, washes the children of the old Holy Friday woman - snakes and other creatures; chooses the ugliest chest as a gift; on the way back, the stove is full pies, a well - pure water, a pear - pears, a dog gives a necklace of gold coins; horses, cows, sheep come out of the chest; a stepmother's daughter does not help her meet, rude children to Holy Friday, steams her children, chooses a large chest; the oven does not give pies, a water well, a pear of fruit, a dog bites; snakes that crawled out of the chest ate the old woman and her daughter; the old man passed off his daughter as a good man]: Staufe 1853:42 -50, 469-472 (=Kremnitz 1882, No. 19:228-237; also in Moldavian tales 1968:113-118; only here the old woman is called Holy Friday); Gagauz people: Moshkov 1904, No. 51 [the stepmother has her own lazy daughter, she tells her husband to destroy his hard-working stepdaughter; the father left his daughter in the forest, she found a dugout, began to cook; mouse: feed me; the girl fed me; at night the bear offers to play blind man's buff, gives a bell; mouse runs around with a bell instead of a girl; the bear gave her a herd of horses and a chest of dresses; the stepmother sent her own daughter; the bear gave her a bell, caught her and killed {the mouse is not mentioned}; the father married her daughter]: 88-89; Syrf 2013 [the old man's daughter is hardworking, the old woman's daughter is lazy; the old woman drives the old man's daughter away; she walks, unwinding a ball of thread; fruit trees ask to be cleaned of caterpillars; the well is from silt; the stove asks to cover her with pies, promises to feed her later; remove worms from the half-crushed puppy; the girl does everything, comes to Jumaa báb (makes sure that no one spits on Friday); she asks to watch behind her children, these are animals and birds; she does everything well; J. orders to catch any of the chests floating on the river as a reward; the girl takes the smallest; the dog with a gold necklace around her neck meets her, asks take a necklace; the oven gives pies, the well gives water, the trees feed fruit; when the chest is opened at home, there are dresses and shoes; the old woman sends her daughter; she does not fulfill requests, scalds the "children" with boiling water, he takes a large chest, an oncoming dog bites her, the stove burns her, a snake jumps out of the well, the trees do not produce fruit; in the chest there are 12-headed snakes, swallowed the old woman and her daughter and disappeared; the old man gave away his daughter for a good boy]: 158-163; Greeks [a poor woman works for a rich woman, washes her hands at home from adhering dough, feeds her children; a rich woman tells her to wash her hands; a woman leaves her children sleeping , leaves; reaches 12 months; praises everyone; they give her a pot of gold; when she finds out, the rich goes to the months, scolds them; they give a pot, snakes crawled out, ate a woman]: Megas 1970, No. 39:123-127.

Central Europe. Slovaks: Bogatyrev 1955:16-23 [Dobšinský 1970, No. 35:182-186; stepmother does not like stepdaughter Maruska, loves daughter Holena; M. is more beautiful; in January O. and stepmother send M. to bring violets; M. comes to the fire, there are 12 men of different ages; January gives his staff to Mart, who creates spring for a while, M. brings violets home; the next day he brings berries; the same, January gives way to June; apples - September; O. went for apples, January snowed and windy, she froze; stepmother went to look for her, froze too; M. married in the spring], 141-149 [widower neighbor persuades the widower's daughter to persuade him to marry her; begins to tyrant her stepdaughter; she leaves, fulfills all the requests addressed to her (turns the bridge over, removes the lice from the dog, shakes a pear, takes a bull to the meadow, shovels the fire out of the stove); comes to Baba Yaga; she tells me to sweep 11 rooms, not to look into the 12th; she looks, there are tubs with gold, silver, copper, she dips into golden, she becomes gilded herself, runs away; Baba Yaga chases with iron scallops, a stove, a pear, a goby interfere with her, the bridge falls, she falls into the water; the stepmother sends her own daughter; she does not perform requests, Baba Yaga catches up with her, rips off her gilding and clothes, she returns naked; stepdaughter marries Mr.]; Czechs: Bogolyubova, Talova 2000 [mother loves Pepka, does not love Marinka; M. leaves, where the ball rolls; cleans an apple tree, a well, a stove, a baba yaga feeds the dog and cat well; they tell you to take a simple chest; on the way back, a stove, a well, an apple tree feed, water, gold in the chest, houses the dog barks that the young mistress carries gold-silver, her mother kills her; the mother sends P., she does not clean those who ask her, does not feed the dog and cat, Baba Yaga gives a beautiful chest, it is difficult to carry, a stove, etc. . do not feed; the dog barks that the young owner carries scorpions and snakes, her mother kills her, P. opens the chest, there are scorpions and snakes, water gushes from there]: 261-267; Cox 1893, No. 125 [Baruska, Dorotka - elders sisters, Anuska is the youngest, together with her mother, the elders tyrant A.; the eldest father brings outfits, the youngest does not want anything, he brought her three nuts; she dropped them into the well, the frog returned them; said that everyone has a luxurious dress; on Sunday, the elders go to church, do not take A.; she appeared unrecognized in a white dress; next time she wore a blue one; at home she tells her sisters that she also saw the beauty when she climbed on a pear, on wicket; older sisters cut them down; for the third time, in a red dress, loses her shoe; the mother cuts off her older heel, the middle heel; both times the dog barks about it, the prince sends the liars back; the father admits that he has a third daughter, the prince takes her away; the wife scolds her husband for bringing A. magic nuts; he goes to the same tree, brings other nuts; a snake crawled out of the nut, strangled his mother and her eldest daughters]: 420-422; Poles: Knoop 1916, No. 2 (Poznan) [the widower married a widow, both have daughters; the stepmother hates his stepdaughter, gave her ash cakes and took her to the forest; the girl came to a forest hut with a rooster, a dog and a cat; the girl shared her cakes; there is a knock; the girl asks if it is necessary to unlock; animals tell you to clean the stable first; next time, wait for the stable will be filled with cows; the third time the girl unlocks, there is a carriage and horses; she comes home in a carriage, brings cows; stepmother sends her own daughter, gives her bread; she does not share them; animals they are silent; the girl does what her stepsister does, but when she unlocked the door, her head was torn off; the animals took her skin off and hung her on the doors; the parents thought that their daughter was rich and forgot about them; they see that something is hanging on the door, they think it's a curtain; rooster: it's your daughter hanging]: 206; Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 480B [stepmother sends stepdaughter for fire; on the advice of the Mother of God, she turns to three (frost, wind, month) or to 12 characters; when asked which one is better, she answers that everyone is good; he receives coals as a reward, which turn into gold at home; stepmother sends her own daughter, she praises only that month who she likes; gets fire and burns it, or brings coals, which turn into reptiles at home and they devour her with her mother], 480C [stepmother tells stepdaughter to spin (sort the grain); hell comes, calls to dance; the girl demands that he first bring different pieces of clothing, also carry water in a sieve; returns home safely in the morning; her own daughter, seeing what her stepdaughter has brought gifts, goes to spend the night in the same house in the forest, but tells the line to bring everything at once or goes to dance with him; hell tears her head off]: 153-154, 155; Lifshits-Artemyeva 2017 [the farmhand has her own daughter and stepdaughter; The stepdaughter went to the edge of the village, noticed the light in a hut; there the master promises that she will strain her more than the other girls, but then let her go dance with him; she asks him to bring it to her first eat, then drink, then make the firewood in the fireplace burn and light; the rooster sang; walk like this every evening, the girl brought a lot of yarn; her own daughter went, but asked for everything at once; the devil began to dance with her, unscrewed her head, put her on the windowsill, and took her soul away; the mother came, saw her head, decided that her daughter was straining a lot, standing and laughing]: 236-238; Shcherbakov 1980 [stepmother wants lime Marysya, loves her daughter Yagusya; sent M. to the sworn mill; the gentleman offers to dance; M.: no skirt; pan went to get a skirt; then the same shirt, apron, boots, stockings, earrings, comb, water wash and bring it in a sieve; damn it, M. brought a bag of flour; my stepmother sent Y.; she asked for everything at once and for water in the tub; hell tore off her head, hung her body out the window; after that, her stepmother fell in love with M. more than Ya.]: 151-154; Russians (Tersky Bereg, Arkhangelskaya, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Pskov, Lipetsk, Kursk, Tula, Voronezh, etc.), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Transcarpathia, Hutsulshchina, Galicia, Bukovina, Pokutye, Kiev, Yekaterinoslavskaya, Poltava), Belarusians: SUS 1979, No. 403A [stepdaughter and own daughter: the first for politeness and kindness receives from an old woman has a wonderful ability to drop roses and precious stones from her mouth; the second for rudeness is punished by toads, snakes, lizards falling out of her mouth], 480*=AA 480A (Russians: Arkhangelskaya, Karelia, Leningrad, Tula, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod; Ukrainians: Volyn, Podolia; Kiev, Chernigov; Belarusians) [Stepmother and stepdaughter: stepdaughter drops a spindle into a well (a skein of yarn in river), must go after him; the road milks a cow, shakes an apple tree, serves a witch and receives a gift; her own daughter also wants to receive a gift, but she does everything badly and receives a bad gift (hers kill)], 480a*=aa 480*E [Sister (three sisters) goes to save her brother: she treats the cat, apple tree, birch tree, stove, doors, etc. gently and attentively, they help her escape from Baba Yagi (and take her kidnapped brother); rude sister dies (she fails to take her brother away)]: 130, 141, 141; Russians (Teresky Bereg) [stepmother (this is yagisnya) tells her husband to take her stepdaughter to a forest hut; She did not give butter, cereal and salt with her, but ice, dirt and ash; but when the girl melted the stove and opened the bags, there were butter, cereals and salt; the mouse asked for porridge, the girl gave it; the feeler came; the mouse turned the girl into a pin, stuck it into the wall; the feeble could not find anyone, left her kitty and raccoon fur coat; after the second night - two kitties and fur coats, after the third - three; the stepmother sent her husband to pick up the bones ; the daughter is healthy and the hemp is strained; the old man is carrying his daughter, gold, fur coats, the dog is talking about it; the stepmother sent her own daughter, she did not give the mouse porridge, fell asleep, felt and ate her; dog: Yagisni daughters of bones in a bag knock and strum; yagisnya is going to push her stepdaughter into a resin pit; she invites her to move forward, pushes her; the man set fire to the resin, began to live with his daughter]: Balashov 1970, No. 29:97-99; Russians (Karelian Pomorie, Virma) [stepmother tells her husband to take her stepdaughter to the forest; he left her under the forest; Frost: are you warm, girl? - And God's warmth, God's cold; Frost threw her fur coat and a chest of wealth; her stepmother sends her husband to bring her frozen body, her stepdaughter has returned rich; the stepmother tells her daughter to be left in the forest; she answers Frost, that she is warm; - Well, warm up; she froze to death; stepdaughter married richly, stepmother was stupid]: Razumova, Senkina 1974, No. 36:212-213; Russians (Karelian Pomorie, Sniffer) [the stepmother sent her stepdaughter to spin to the ice-hole; the spindle fell into the ice-hole; the stepdaughter asked for the pike, she did not answer; she went down herself; horse, cow, sheep shepherds in the service of the Raven Voronovich, Grokhotovich Grokhotovich are asked to plow, rake; the girl does everything; asks the hut on chicken legs to turn her eyes to the forest, her gates; baba yaga, bone leg, tits across the bed they spring, rows the coal with his nose, plows the stove with his tongue, asks seven children to heat the bathhouse and wash it; carry water with a sieve, the bird teaches how to smear it with clay; every son of Baba Yaga praises the girl like her He washed it well; Baba Yaga took a bag with her, the shepherds a mare with a foal, a cow with a calf, a sheep with a lamb; the father came to the ice-hole, a spindle floats in it, he pulled the rope, pulled out his daughter; stepmother sent her own daughter; she is rude to the shepherds, she does not wash Baba Yaga's children well; there are bricks and rot in the bag, the shepherds beat the girl; the stepmother pulled out the spindle, pulled out the bag with rot; the old man divorced his wife]: Razumova, Senkina 1974, No. 69:320-325; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Pomors) [stepmother gave her own daughter a spin of wool, and her stepdaughter moss; the moss broke off, the stepmother sent it into the ice-hole to wet it; towards her sheep, scissors on their horns, ask them to cut their hair, take them for themselves; cows, windowsills on their horns, milk for themselves; in a hut an old woman, rakes coal with her nose, plows the stove with her hair, sits down cooking with her tongue; tells do not look for an ice-hole, but to dress her cows; heat the bath, gives a sieve for water; the bird tells the holes to be covered with clay; wash her children; they are happy; the cows are also happy; the old woman gave a box of outfits; stepmother sent her own daughter to the ice-hole; she did not cut the sheep, did not milk the cows, beat old cows, threw a stone at the bird, beat old women in a cold bath with a dry broom; the old woman gave bad things in the box dress and barn lock; stepmother and daughter went into the barn, opened the box, locked the barn, could not be opened; and the grooms began to marry the old daughter, she got married]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:168-171; Russians (Olonetskaya, Zaonezhye, d. Shunga-Bor, 1926) [The stepdaughter spun, dropped the spindle into the well, and returned home. Her stepmother scolds her, sends her for a spindle so she doesn't come home until she returns her. The girl rushed into the well and found herself in the meadow. He meets sheep shepherds, they ask them to plow under them, they promise sheep and sheep. The girl does everything. The shepherds promise to give their share when they return home. Then the girl meets cow shepherds. The shepherds ask for the same thing, they promise a cow. The girl does, the shepherds promise to give their share when they return home. The girl goes on and meets horse shepherds. The shepherds ask, the girl fulfills, promise not to offend upon return. A girl comes to an old man's house with an old woman, sees her spindle. The old woman sets the condition: to work for a year. The girl lived for 3 years, the old people fell in love with her, and decided to return home in her fourth year. She was released, presented with an estate, and sprinkled with gold. The shepherds paid back the debt. At home, the dog notifies parents. My stepmother doesn't believe it. A girl enters the house. They're starting to marry her. Ivan Tsarevich calls to marry. The stepmother is angry and sends her own daughter to get the spindle. The first shepherds ask for help, the girl refuses, is rude. This is the case three times. She comes to the house of an old man with an old woman, demands a spindle. She is given a condition, the girl began to work, but badly. I worked for three days, and left for the fourth with a basket of goodness. He looks into the basket at home. The gadflies were stuck, the resin was filled. She enters the house, dies with her stepmother]: Karnaukhova 2008, No. 5:60-62; Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 95 (Vologda) [the old man's eldest daughter Marfa, stepdaughter, old woman harasses her work, pampers her two; tells take M. to a pine tree, pass her off as Morozko; at the pine, M. answers Morozko that she is warm, he wraps her in fur coats, gives a gift box; in the morning the old man brings M. alive; the old woman tells her daughters to be taken; those Morozko is rude, they say that they are cold, they freeze; the old man brings the dead; the old woman swears, but puts up with her stepdaughter, marries her], 96 (Kursk) [the old woman tells her husband to take her stepdaughter to the cold; Frost gives her a fur coat for clever speeches, a dowry chest; the dog barks that the old man's daughter is being taken in gold and silver, but the grooms do not take the old woman; the old woman tells her daughter to be taken, she freezes; the dog barks that The grooms will take the old man's daughter, and take the old woman's bones; the old woman cries], 98 (Tula) [The stepmother tells her husband to take her stepdaughter to spin into the dugout; there the mouse asks for porridge, the girl feeds her; the Bear comes , offers to play blind man's buff, the Mouse tells her to put out the fire, hide, runs around with a bell herself; The bear sends the girl a herd of horses and a cart of good things in the morning; in the morning the stepmother sends her stepdaughter's bones, the dog barks that she is returning well; the stepmother sends her own daughter, she does not feed the mouse, the Bear tore her to pieces, the dog barks that the bones are being carried; the stepmother died the next day]: 140-143, 143-144, 146-147; Ozarovskaya 2009, No. 38 (Arkhangelskaya) [stepmother sent her stepdaughter to rinse a skein of yarn; she dropped it into the ice-hole and went down by herself; cows, horses, goats, sheep ask them to plow, rake them, she does everything; comes to the hut on chicken legs about one window; asks about her ball, the grandmother tells me to take it; asks you to heat the bathhouse, carry water with a sieve and wash the kids; bird: cover the sieve clay; children - mice, moles, rats; after the bath they tell their grandmother that she never washed them so well; she gave the girl a basket of gold; the girl again fulfills the requests of the cows, etc.; the stepmother sends her own daughter Masha; she does not comply with the requests of cows, etc.; scolds the bird; washes the children, tearing off their arms and legs; her grandmother gives them a basket of hot coals; Masha brought it, the house burned down and she and her stepmother too]: 324-326; Razumova, Senkina 1987 (Arkhangelskaya, Pomors) [Dunya's mother died, stepmother's daughter Natasha; stepmother tells her husband to take D. to the forest, let the bears eat; D. spins in the hut; father hung a chip on the birch tree, wind beats her against the trunk, D. thinks that her father is cutting wood, and he is gone; the mouse asks for porridge, D. gave it; the bear brought a bag of gold, tells her to play blind man's buff, gave D. a bell; the mouse runs with a bell, the bear does not grabbed D., left her gold; father takes D. home, dog chucks: D. is going, a bag of gold is carrying; stepmother: no, D.'s bones in the bag are rattling; stepmother sent N., she did not give porridge to the mouse, she blurted the bell herself , the bear ate it; dog: Natasha's bones are being carried]: 149-151; Smirnov 1917, No. 41 (Vologodskaya) [after the death of his wife, the old man took a yaga baba; he has a daughter, yaga has three daughters: one-eyed, two-eyed, three-eyed; The stepdaughter herds the cow, put her one-eye to sleep, got into the cow's ear, ate, got drunk and dressed; the lordly son came, she talked to him; then again in the cow's ear, went out, woke up the one-eye; the same with two-eyed; when the three-eyed went, the stepdaughter forgot to put her third eye to sleep; the stepmother slaughtered the cow, the stepdaughter asked for a horn; apple trees grew out of the horn; sir: whoever brings me apples, I will marry him; apple trees are not given to the daughters of yagi baba, the master married his stepdaughter; while her husband is away, the yaga baba wrapped her wife in a trot; the babysitter told her husband that the lynx would come running, shed her skin, feed the baby she had brought; the husband he went by himself, grabbed and burned his skin; his wife became a spindle, he broke it, became a woman]: 213-215; Smirnov 1917, No. 42 (Vologda) [after the death of his wife, the old man took a yaga baba, from her own daughter; yaga-baba tells to take her stepdaughter to a house in the forest, instead of flour and cereals, she gave her ash and dress; the girl melted the stove, baked a shanezhka out of ash; the mouse asks for her, the girl gave it; the girl: who should I sleep with, spend the night with? bad from the forest: I'll come; the mouse wrapped the girl in a needle, slapped her into the wall; the old man came, didn't find it, threw the chest with the estate and left; the next night the mouse wrapped the girl with a shamin {?} , hid it under the threshold; the old man did not find it again, threw two chests; the father came for her daughter: she was bleached, smeared and bandaged with a handkerchief; the stepmother sent her own daughter, gave her all food; that mouse had nothing gave her, killed her with a frying pan; the old man came and ran over the girl; Yagi Baba's husband brought the dead, the yaga roared and died]: 215-217; Ploschuk 2004, No. 31 (Pskovskaya) [stepmother sent Natasha to the bathhouse to spin there all night ; N. took a cockerel with her; the guys came in, N. is polite with them, they ordered the cockerel to shake - the dress became gold, the shoes were silver; at home the dog barks: tyaf, tyaf, N. covered in gold; N. enters in gold and diamonds; stepmother sent her own daughter Mary; the greenhouse entered, M. was rude to them, they beat her, smeared her; dog: M. goes - dress in rags; N. got married, and M. remained in girls]: 97-98; Russians ( Moscow) [stepmother tells her husband to leave Masha in the forest in the cold; she repeats: Frost, did Buog hurt you; Frost gave her a fur coat, flour, outfits, a dog, chickens; stepmother sends her husband to pick up the body, bury her ; dog: their lady's daughter is being taken; stepmother tells Dunya to be taken to the forest; Dunya Moroza: didn't they kill you? he froze it]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 46:103-104; Russians (Ryazan) [stepmother tells her husband to take her stepdaughter to the forest; she gave water instead of butter, sawdust instead of cereal; father left Masha in a hut on a chicken leg; in the morning M. began to bake cakes, the water became butter, sawdust became cereal; she treats Baba Yaga and her devils; she gives a chest, dresses it in gold and silver, the dog barks about it; the stepmother tells her take her own daughter to BYA; she is rude to BYA, BYA broke her over her knee, put her in a box, her father brought bones, the dog barks about it]: Samodelova 2013, No. 94:102-104; Russians (Ryazanskaya) [ The stepdaughter dropped the spindle into the well, the stepmother tells me to get it; the stepdaughter went down, there is the kingdom, came to the old man of ice; he tells me to work for three days in his snowy kingdom; whip the feather bed to green herbs; stepdaughter does not complain, says that she did not freeze her hands; cooked a good porridge; washed and washed everything; the old man gave a golden spindle, showered with diamonds; the stepmother sent her own daughter; she refused whip a feather bed, cooked a bad porridge, the old man poured resin on it]: Samodelova 2013, No. 105:115-116 (same No. 106:116-117); Russians: Pukhova 2006, No. 12 (Voronezhskaya) [An old man lived with an old woman and daughter Natasha, then the old woman died, and the old man married another three years later. Her stepmother had a daughter, Masha, and she did not love Natasha and told the old man to take her to the forest. The old man asked to give Natasha flour and millet, and her stepmother poured soil and ash into her bag. The old man took Natasha to the forest, left her on guard and returned home, telling Natasha that he was going to buy firewood. She was waiting for him, found that the bags contained flour and millet, and began to cook. A fox, a wolf, a hare and a bear came to her and she fed them. The animals fell in love with Natasha, brought her goodness and bread, and she began to live well. Two weeks later, the stepmother sent the old man to pick up Natasha and began to bake pancakes and gather people for a wake. Throwing the pancake to the dog, she told her to say "the bones are rattling in the back," but she said "they are taking the girl Natasha, discharged, painted, the old man is following her," the same happened with the rooster. An old man came and brought Natasha and a lot of goodness. His stepmother told him to take his daughter Masha to that place, poured flour and millet on her. When they arrived in the forest and Masha was left alone, she found that the bags contained ash and earth. She did not let the animals that came to her, they tore it apart, put the bones in a bag, which was taken home by an old man who returned two weeks later. The old woman gave the dog a pancake to say "woof, woof, they are bringing the girl Masha discharged, painted, the old man is following her", but the dog says "woo, woo, bones are rattling in Kuza." The old man brings Masha's bones, the old woman cried and began to love Natasha]; Baryshnikova 2007, No. 38 (Voronezh) [Stepmother does not love her stepdaughter Natasha (the pleasing girl everyone praises), orders her husband take her to the forest, he does it. The girl clears the ground from snow, sits under an oak tree. At night, Frost-Red Nose comes to Natasha and asks if she is cold. She says it's warm and that God brought Frost. Frost Blue Nose and Frost Grey Nose come. The girl is respectful to everyone, she answers the same. The eldest, Gray Frost, leaves the girl a coat, a shawl, galoshes and a chest of goodness, and the girl gets dressed. The stepmother bakes pancakes at her stepdaughter's wake, makes Natasha's dog bark about being taken dead and giving a pancake, but the dog barks that the girl is being taken alive and rewarded. The stepmother forces her husband to take her daughter Masha to the same place. At night, the girl talks disrespectfully to Frost, says that he "brought the hell", he hits her forehead, she freezes in the snow. The stepmother bakes pancakes again, retrains the dog again. Stepmother sees her frozen daughter, reproaches herself]: 162-165; Karnaukhova 1948 (north) [Masha is hard-working, her sister Dasha is lazy; when leaving for the fair, parents tell them to look after their youngest son Ivanushka; swan geese they take him away on her wings; Dasha runs after him, refuses to eat rye pie by the Stove, a sour apple by the Apple Tree, taste milk, jelly by the milk river with jelly shores; The hedgehog indicates where Baba's hut is Yagi, Ivanushka plays with golden apples in it; Dasha grabs him, runs, River, Apple Tree, Stove refuse to cover, swan geese take Ivanushka; Masha eats pie, apple, jelly; River, Apple Tree, Stove they hide it, swan geese stop persecuting it]: 78-83; Russians (Pinega, 1927, p. Sura Pogost) [Parents leave their sister to look after their younger brother and not let him out on the porch. She forgets, plays with her friends with dolls. Egibov arrives in a mortar and takes the boy away. The girl is following her. On the way, she meets a fire, a sheep, a stove, she asks them where the boy is, but she does not help them: she does not plow under the fire (does not throw firewood) and an ovin, does not eat cake from the stove. She sees Ivashka chewing on iron crackers, Egibova asks the girl to look in her head, she searches for and stabs Yegibov, takes her brother and runs back. She asks for a stove, sheep and bonfire to help her, but they refuse because she did not help them. Egibova catches up with the girl and selects Ivashka. She comes home crying. She is replaced by another girl, Masha, who fulfills the requests of a bonfire, an ovinnik and a stove, and they show her the way to the boy. Egibova asks Masha to look in her head, the girl stabs her, takes the boy and runs. The stove, the ovinnik and the fire hide it from Egibova. Masha brings Ivashenka home]: Karnaukhova 1934, No. 87:175-176; Russians (Vologda) [the old man and the old woman have three daughters, the eldest Marfusha is an old woman's stepdaughter; when she grew up, she tells her to marry her to Frost; he is rich, and he is a hero; father left his daughter under a pine tree; Frost: is it warm, maiden? - Warm, Father Frost; after the third time M. ate alive; then Frost wrapped her in fur coats, warmed her up; in the morning the old man arrived - his daughter has fur coats and rich gifts; the old woman tells her daughters to be taken; they swear each other with a friend, they answer Frost that it is cold, they scold the frost, they are ossified; the old man brought the dead girls; made peace with the old woman, they passed M. off as a neighbor]: Gura 1965, No. 14:221-222; (cf. Russians (Lipetskaya, 1971, Butyrki village, Gryazinsky District) [The parents of the smart, kind and docile Masha die, evil neighbors drive her out of the house. She goes into the forest hut, cooks porridge, the mouse asks for a treat and Masha treats her. A bear appears and she feeds him too. He offers to play blind man's buff, gives her a bell. Masha passes the bell to the mouse, and the bear gets tired of running after her. The bear leaves Masha as the hostess. Soon Masha asks to let her go home, the bear gives her a palace for her kindness, Masha goes to the village, and the bear carries the palace after her]: Kretov 1977, No. 14:29-29); Ukrainians [stepmother sends daughter and stepdaughter spin; when she returns, the daughter takes her stepdaughter's job, passes it off as her own; the stepmother tells her husband to take her stepdaughter; he leaves her in a hut on chicken legs; the horse's head comes there; asks her to pick her up through the threshold, lay down, cover; the girl does everything; the head tells you to enter one ear, leave the other; the girl becomes a rich beauty; the stepmother sends her own daughter, she refuses to serve head, head eats her; husband brings a bag of bones, dog barks about it, stepmother kills dog]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 99:148-149; Western Ukrainians (Hutsulshchina) [grandfather's daughter spins, babina - walks with the boys; when she approached the house, the woman took her grandfather's spindle, said that she had strained everything herself; the stepmother tells her husband to take her stepdaughter to the forest, gave not flour, bread and cream, but ash, clay and coals; on the way the well asks him to clean, the apple tree to break off the dried branches, the shepherds to get cows, sheep, goats, the stove to grease it; the father left his daughter in the hut, hung a mess on the tree himself, she knocks in the wind as if he cuts wood, although he is gone; the mouse, then the second, third ask them to feed them, give them a drink; ash in the bag, etc., turn into flour, etc.; some people came at night, music started playing, mice were dancing with them; along the way the oven gives bread home, the shepherds give cattle, the apple tree gives apples, the well gives water; the dog barks: the grandfather's daughter is going; the stepmother sent her own daughter; she refuses to comply with the requests of the people she meets, does not feed the mice; herself dancing with guys; they killed her, nailed her to the wall; dog at home: babina's daughter is nailed to the wall; grandfather went and sees: she is hanging in the hut nailed]: Zinchuk 2006a, No. 220:367-372; Ukrainians (Poltava, Romensky u.) [Grandfather's daughters and grandmothers go to "scrolls", grandfather spins, Indian daughter walks. On the way back, they climb over and the second one helps hold the yarn first, then shows it in the house, says that she worked and her sister was walking. The grandmother orders her husband to take his daughter to the forest, he leaves her in the forest house to cook porridge, he leaves as if to cut firewood (he bandages the "breakers" at the pulp in the wind, they knock as if firewood is being cut). In the evening, a "mare's head" comes to the house, asks you to open it, move it over the threshold, comb its head, feed it, give it a drink. Get to bed. The girl does everything. The head orders me to lie next to her and look into her ears - one "wowing", the other - silk and jewelry, the girl returns home, the dog reports the girl's wealth to her grandmother, she asks her grandfather to take her daughter in the woods. In the forest house, the woman's daughter does not follow the orders of her head ("they did not listen and jizzila)". The next day, my grandfather arrives and finds her bones]: Gnedich 1916, No. 1475:6-7; Ukrainians (Poltava, Gadyachsky, p. Sar, c. 1878) [Baba does not like her grandfather's hard-working daughter, accuses her of laziness, asks her husband to take her to the forest. He leaves his daughter in a forest hut, walks away as if to buy firewood, ties a peg - in the wind he hits the tree like an ax. At night, a mare's head appears, asks you to move it across the threshold, feed it, put it to bed, then look into her right ear (she sees wealth there), look out of her left ear (she becomes beautiful). The girl marries a rich man, then comes with him to visit her father. Baba asks her husband to take her daughter to the forest as well. She does not comply with the requests of the mare's head, looks into her right ear - there she is torn apart, bones remain. The dog tells the woman that her grandfather's daughter is a pannochka, and the woman has only bones left, the woman beats her. She sends her husband to the hut, who brings her daughter's bones]: Rudchenko 1870, No. 21, 65-67; Ukrainians (Poltava, p. M. Borispol, Pereyaslavsky, ca. 1878) [Stepmother makes her stepdaughter do all the work, her own daughter is resting. The grandmother tells her husband about his daughter's laziness, sends both girls to spin for gatherings. A woman's daughter plays with boys, her grandfather spins, a woman unwinds a thread from her ball when she gets distracted, and her ball grows bigger. On the way back, the woman's daughter offers to hold her sister's ball while she climbs over the fence, runs into the house without waiting and shows her parents threads. Grandma says that her daughter works for two, she is afraid that she will become lazy, the grandfather takes his daughter to the forest, leaves her in the hut, hangs a deck there, she taps like he is cutting wood, the daughter listens - determines which side the father is from. Without waiting for him, she collects firewood herself, heats the stove, cooks dumplings, treats the mouse from the oven. The mouse warns her not to dance when the mare's head forces her to dance. We must set a condition that she will dance when she gets the shoes, and after receiving them, ask for a dress, etc., list everything she does not have until the rooster sings: her head will disappear, but the gifts will remain. Mara (vision, hell) and a mare's head come into the house, ask to dance, the girl acts on the advice of a mouse, comes home with new clothes. Grandma orders her grandfather to take her daughter to the forest too. She cooks dumplings, refuses to treat the mouse. When a mare's head asks a girl to dance, she immediately says everything she wants to get. Having received her, dresses up, her head pulls her kerchief, ties her bones and hangs her on a peg]: Chubinsky 1878, No. 14:63-67; Ukrainians (Transcarpathia) [grandfather's daughter is good, the woman is grumpy, lazy; takes away the grandfather's spindle of yarn, passes him off as his own; his grandfather drives him out; in the forest in the hut, the old man asks him to be carried over the threshold, fed, combed, washed, the girl does everything; leaves for the night, telling him not to open it leggings when they call to dance; at night, the girl pretends to agree to go out, but requires the leggings to bring her clothes, jewelry, gold shoes, a carriage, etc.; then begins to dress slowly until a rooster sings; comes home in a treasure carriage; Babina's daughter goes, does not fulfill requests, goes to the leggings, they took her into the hell]: Verkhovyna's Tales 1970:413-417; Belarusians [three sisters have husbands they leave; a witch comes to the eldest, takes the child; the woman runs to the witch, on the way she finds herself fulfilling the requests of mountain ash, apple, pear, cow, well, sauerkraut (peel, milk, cover, knead the dough ); the witch boils the resin, asks her to straighten her hair; the woman throws a pot of resin at the witch, grabs the child, runs; the cat ripped through the witch's eyes, the apple tree, etc., showed the way, the witch tore the child; then with her middle sister; the youngest fulfills requests, receives milk, fruits and other gifts from trees, cows, etc.; throws them all to the cat; at the witch's request to rip her eyes out, the cat tells her to wait every time until he will eat bread, drink milk, etc.; a woman runs home]: Afanasiev 1958 (3), No. 558:316-317.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [Syayads are a good man, his daughter was married by Khan; S. died, his daughter remained in the care of bad Mu; she was sent to herd cows; the old woman asks to scratch her head, fruits grow on her head, fruits grow on her head, the girl does not eat them; the old woman wants her happiness, she becomes beautiful; when she finds out what is going on, Mu sends her own daughter to eat fruit, the old woman tells her to grow a bump on her cheeks; Mu sent an orphan for water with a vessel without a bottom, sent a man after her to kill her; she fell into the sea, became a golden carp; Moo thinks that the khan is now marrying his daughter, teaches her to say that the bumps on her cheeks are a sign of shamanic gift; that golden carp meat will heal her; and so it happened; one golden sparkle fell on the bars of the yurt, became the daughter of S., lives with an old shepherd; Khan invites all girls to tell stories; daughter S. tells his story, the khan marries her, drives the evil ones away]: Basangova 2002:176-177; Abkhazians [stepmother tyrants her stepdaughter, she runs away to the forest, her princely son marries her; father sees her on the balcony, she sends him home with gifts; the dog yaps, the owner carries gold and silver; the stepmother thinks she should yap, Carries knuckles; stepmother sends her daughter to the forest; the old man brings her wolf-eaten bones; stepmother hits the dog again for yapping the wrong way]: Bgazhba 2002:312-313; Abaza [stepmother tells her husband to take her stepdaughter to the forest hut; there the mouse asks for her porridge; says that a bear will come, tells him to run with a bell, if he catches it, he will eat it, if not, he will reward him; let the girl go up to the attic and the mouse run; in the morning the old man goes to collect his daughter's bones , returns with her alive, the dog barks: an old man and daughter in a silver phaeton and three white horses; the stepmother gouged out her eye with annoyance, sends his own daughter, she drives the mouse, the bear ate it, the old man brought bones, the dog barks about it; stepmother gouged out her second eye]: Tugov 1985, No. 40:105-107; Kabardian people: Kapiyeva 1991 [crows help stepdaughter sort out a bag of wheat; cow swallows wool, spits out balls of threads; the last ball blows away by the wind, the girl follows him to the house of a witch with iron teeth, pulls out her hair, she has to accept her as a guest; she takes it from the chest her ball, does not take gold; combs, not pulls out (as she asked) the old woman's hair; washes and washes, and does not break dishes; gets a beautiful dress, comes back; stepmother's daughter does everything wrong returns ragged with donkey ears; the stepmother tells the cow to be slaughtered, who asks her stepdaughter to bury her bones before her death, not to eat meat; the girl finds a luxurious cart, clothes in the stable, and rides holiday, loses the golden dude; the horseman finds her by him, marries; the cow comes to life]: 180-187; Dirr 1922, No. 4 [=Sokolov, Broydo 1936:120-122; stepmother tells her husband to leave her stepdaughter in an empty house in the woods, to be bitten to death by dogs; the girl cooks porridge, gives it to the mouse; she teaches: a bear will come, give a bell and make her run around the hut three times; if she catches up, she will eat, if he does not catch up, give a silver a cart and three horses; let the girl climb up the hut and the mouse pick up the bell; in the morning the stepmother sends her husband to bring her stepdaughter's bones; the dog barks: Shasha rides on a silver cart; stepmother from resentment gouged out her eye; sent her own daughter; she drove the mouse away; the bear caught up with the girl, ate; the dog barks: bones are being carried; stepmother gouged out her second eye]: 113-115; Adygs: Aliyeva 1978, No. 27 [ when she dies, the mother cuts off her breasts, gives it to her daughter; the stepmother is surprised that the stepdaughter is only working but full; finds breasts, throws them into the river; stepdaughter goes to look for breasts; helps a bird with a broken wing return to the nest; pulls the bull out of the quagmire; the stove asks to make a fire in it, the girl makes it; comes to the house, cleans, nurses the baby; the owner gives a chest, the stove feeds, the bird gives gold, the rooster shouts that the girl is returning with gold; the mother's outfits and breasts are in the chest; the stepmother cut off her chest, threw it into the river, sent her own daughter; she does not help the bird, the bull, does not heat the stove, puts it in the house mess, cuts off the baby's head; on the way back no one gives her anything, she is starving; the rooster screams that the stepmother's daughter is carrying a chest of evil spirits; worms, snakes and lizards gnawed machehina in the chest chest; a snake bit her stepmother and daughter, they died], 28 [Faruza is beautiful, hardworking, her stepmother's daughter is ugly, lazy; when leaving, the stepmother tells F. to be out of the house or outside, threatens to kill; the bird tells you to stand with one foot in the house, the other outside; next time he orders to separate millet from barley (crows perform); sends F. for firewood, tells him to divide his own daughter's grain, the crows pecked everything; tells me to wash, sort out the wool, weave cloth; the cow ate the wool, spit out the cloth; the cow simply eats her own daughter's wool; tells F. to bury her bones when it is slaughtered; F. buries it under the feeder; everyone goes to the wedding, gold dresses and shoes under the feeder, F. goes to the wedding in a phaeton; for the third time he loses his slipper; the horseman goes to try on, takes F. as his wife; stepmother and stepdaughter died from starting]: 227-233, 233-238; Tambiev 1900, No. 3 (Kabard residents) [stepmother tells her husband to take her stepdaughter to a house in the forest; Mouse asks her to feed her, the girl feeds her; at night the Bear gives a bell, tells her to run around the house three times; The mouse runs around, the Bear rewards the girl with a silver cart and three horses; the dog barks, "Sasha comes back"; the stepmother gouges out her eye angrily, sends her daughter, she does not feed the Mouse, the Bear eats girl, dog barks for bones; stepmother gouges out second eye]: 17-19; Huth 1987 (bzhedugi) [stepmother harasses Faruz with errands; bird teaches to be neither in the house nor on the street (on the doorstep); crows go through grain (her own daughter, who hits a crow, eats grain); a cow eats yarn, regurgitates the canvas; a cow is cut, where her bones are buried F. finds a rich outfit; goes to the party, loses his slipper, on it they find her, the horseman marries her]: 248-253; Karachai residents [two daughters-in-law quarreled at the harvest; the youngest left, forgetting her child; when she remembered, night had already come; in the morning she found it marvelous on the field a decorated cradle rocked by a snake singing a lullaby; the next day, the eldest deliberately left her child, found him strangled the next morning]: Dzhurtubayev 1991:34; Balkarians or Karachays [stepmother tyrannite Fatima; sends a cow to herd and at the same time spin wool in the meadow; the wind carries away the ball, F. goes to search, enters the Emegenshi cave; she tells you to pick up the scattered silver, makes sure that F. has not hidden anything; goes to bed, tells her to wake up when white water flows through the cave; F. washes with this water, she becomes beautiful in brocade clothes; the stepmother sends her own daughter; she she fills her pockets with silver, the emegensha tells her to wake her up when black water flows, her girl's cheek turns dog cheek and the other monkey; F.'s father drives his wife and her ugly daughter away]: Aliyeva, Kholaev 1983:32-36 (=Malkonduev 2017:298-300); Malkonduev 2017 [a rich woman adopted an orphan Kulidam to make her an employee; once K. grazed a cow and spun her wool, but the wind blew her yarn away, threw it into deep hole; K.: Kibitka's mother of the Wind, the back broom, give me my yarn; she told me to go down; asks me to mix wheat on the roof; there are gold coins, K. mixed, but took nothing; when Mother The wind asked K. to shake off, the gold did not fall; the woman made one cheek K. the sun and the other with the moon, filled her sinus with gold, gave yarn and sent it home; the rooster screams: moon-cheeked, sun-cheeked the girl is coming; the stepmother sent her own daughter to herd the cow; the same thing, but she collected gold on the roof and coins fell on the carpet; the old woman placed a donkey on one cheek and a dog on the other wart; rooster: with a donkey wart, with a dog wart, a girl is coming! ; after learning about K., the khan came for her; her stepmother hid K., but she was found; then she dressed her own daughter in her clothes and covered her veil; the khan noticed that he ordered her stepmother to be torn apart with four horses; married K.]: 293-296 ; Ossetians [stepdaughter in the forest plays blind man's buff with a bear, a mouse helps her; her stepmother's own daughter dies]: Byazirov 1958, No. 81:334; Ingush [mother died after giving birth to Zag-Magali: new wife is grooming her own daughter, tyrannites her stepdaughter; she goes to her mother's grave, drinks milk from her breast; the stepmother asks God that everything she eats and drinks ZM inside her turn into thorns; suffering from pain, she comes to garbash house; she combed her daughters Mugali and Scarecrow; it's sunny, and there are streams on the walls; it turns out that ZM came and cries; garbash cured her with a sharpener and a comb; going to the mill, she tells her to destroy the house , ruin the yard, tear off M. and P.'s heads; ZM cleaned everything, bathed and fed M. and P.; garbash put her in a barrel of gold, everything turned gold; gave her, took her home; the dog barks: ZM is coming, carries gold and silver; stepmother sends her own daughter; she ruined the house, killed M. and P., swallowed her garbash; dog: stepmother's daughter with bones and giblets in her stomach; stepmother's heart burst, father began to live with ZM]: Tankieva 2003:215-217; Nogais: Nogai 1979, No. 28 [stepdaughter herds a cow, enters the house, sees jewelry, takes nothing; the old man hits her cheeks, she becomes beautiful; at home dog, rooster, goose scream, Moonface, Sun-faced! The stepmother sends her stepdaughter, she grabs the jewelry, the old man hits her cheeks, half of her face becomes feline, the other half is doggy; the dog, the rooster, the goose scream about it; the stepmother tells her husband to kill daughter, he leaves her in reeds; her younger brother finds her sister, they leave]: 140-143; Khalilova 1984a {text fragment} [stepmother sends her own daughter to the Burr jacket (wind mistress, "Old Glutton Woman"); the girl went for a ball of wool that rolled into a wormhole; there the girl turns into a mole; OK lived in the hole; she tries to blow her stepmother's daughter out of the hole, but she fails]: 104; kumyks [stepmother sends stepdaughter to herd cows and spin hair; wind blows hair away; girl comes to enem; she asks to hit the fireplace with flint, fire with a tripod, a tripod with a cauldron, etc.; the girl understands in vain (not to hit, but to light it, etc.); Enem tells her not to touch the vessel, the girl puts her finger, it becomes gilded; enem dips her in a vessel, she is covered in gold, lets her go, giving her wool; the stepmother sends her own daughter, she really hits one object against another, puts her finger in the vessel, there is sewage, enem dips her whole; stepmother beats stepdaughter, father drives his wife away; Khan's son finds gold shoe, looking for an owner, finds, marries; stepmother and her daughter live in poverty]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 50:453-457; Archins [at the request of the stepmother, the father leaves his daughter in the forest; she asks the horses to take her, they they say that bulls are coming behind; bulls tell you to wait for the birds (? type of perfume?) ; their leader asks whether to take her to a place where to dig with a shovel or where to sweep with a broom; she chooses a broom; the horn takes her to a luxurious house; she dips her finger in a forbidden jug, her finger is covered with gold; the horn pours gold out of the jug on the girl, she all becomes golden; she turns into a hero; marries; the girl visits her father; the stepmother sends her own daughter; she curses horses, bulls, chooses a shovel; the horn shovels it into the abyss, the stepmother brings a bag with her bones]: Mazaev, Kasumov 1997 (2): 417-419; Lezgins [stepmother tells her husband to take her daughter away from home; he leads her to a distant field, leaves her sleeping there with a melon next to her; when the girl wakes up, the crows ask if she is a bird, she replies that it is a bird; a melon tells her to roll, creates a house, a farm, brings her husband; an old man finds her daughter in abundance; stepmother orders her daughter to be taken to the field; she rudedly drives crows, they pecked her]: Kapiyeva 1974:36-40; Tabasarans: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 48 [stepmother tells her husband to slaughter her stepson, drops of the boy's blood turned into two birds; his father takes Kiskhanum's stepdaughter to the forest; she comes to the mill, where the devils gather and tell her to dance; the girl demands that they bring her first jewelry and expensive clothes; disperses the devils with burning smut; returns rich; stepmother tells her daughter Fatmahanum to be taken to the forest; she begins to dance, the devils kill her, K. brings her stepmother her bones], 49 [stepmother tells Perikhanum to herd a red cow and spin his hair; the wind carries wool, the cow tells him to follow the wind; P. goes through a golden, silver current to the Azhdaha cave; snakes, lizards in his hair , P. says her hair is clean; the dough is dirty, P. says it's clean like her mother's; cleans the house, takes no treasures, Azhdaha shakes it on a swing, the gold from her dress does not fall; he tells her to swim in white lake, wash her hair in black, gives gold, dresses and a horse that can be turned into anything; when she sees a beautiful woman, the stepmother sends her own daughter Aykhanum; she calls Azhdaha dirty, hides gold, it falls out on the swing; she is told to swim in a black lake, wash her hair in white, and a horn grows on her forehead; her stepmother and A. go to the party, tells P. to separate the ash and millet, fill the vessel with tears ; the mother from the grave teaches how to sift millet through a sieve, fill the vessel with water and salt, put on a dress, take the horse given by Azhdaha; returning from the wedding, P. lost her shoe; Beck's son fell in love, found the owner a shoe; his stepmother slipped her freak daughter instead of P.; P. flew in as a dove, A. ordered him to be slaughtered, the giblets were thrown away, a pine tree grew, A. ordered to make a cradle out of it, the old woman picked up chips; someone cooks in her house, she finds a girl; fattens a thin horse, she is getting prettier; Beck's son calls women to spin and tell stories; P. says; everything is explained, stepmother and A. were put on horseback, whipped], 52 [stepmother tells her husband to take her stepdaughter away; he leaves her sleeping; birds ask what's wrong with her, she answers; she has a melon with her; melon creates a home for her, an arba with clothes, finds groom; father comes, amazed that her daughter lives well; stepmother orders her own daughter to be left in the same place; birds pecked her to death]: 432-435, 444-450, 467-469; varnishes: Kapiyeva 1974 [=Ganiyeva 2012b , No. 44:399-407; stepmother tyranite her stepdaughter; the red-headed cow Zaza gives that honey from the right horn, oil from the left horn; the stepmother gives her stepdaughter a spin of wool, the whirlwind took the wool, Z. says where to find what was taken away; greet people who harvest corals, gold, pearls, they will show the way to the mistress of the Chassages winds; take bones from horses, give dogs, dogs to horses hay; drink from the river, praise the sweetness of the water, the waters will part; C. will offer to shake her house, you need to clean it up; tear her dress, ruffle her hair - you need to rub it, comb it; C. pours the girl from a jug, her hair turns golden; the girl pulls her wool from under C.'s pillow, runs away; everyone lets her in, the river gives gold-heeled shoes; the stepmother sends her own daughter to herd a cow, she is rude to everyone, calls the water dirty, gives bones to cows, hay to dogs, turned everything in C.'s house upside down, she splashes water into her face, it is covered with warts; stepmother orders Z. to be slaughtered, she tells her bones to be buried under an apple tree; buried bones give a beautiful outfit to go to the wedding; one slipper fell into the stream, the khan picked it up, ordered it to be tried on, found the owner, ordered her to be brought to the palace to marry; on the way, the stepmother does not give her water, she collides into the well, gives her shoes to her daughter, the khan had to marry her; the merchants pulled the girl out, she became a neck; the gardener hears her telling the trees in the khan's garden to dry up; the khan catches her, she turns into a true bride; Khan expels stepmother and her daughter]: 24-35; Khalilov 1976, No. 46 (village. Tabakhlu, 1836) [the same in a shorter translation in Khalilov, Osmanov 1989:54-62; the red cow tells the hungry stepdaughter to suck her horns, honey flows from the right, oil flows from the left; the wind blows away the wool, the stepmother tells her to find her and return; the cow teaches people who grind pearls, gold, corals to go to everyone, wish everyone the best, ask themselves, they will show the way to the wind Chassage; horses will have bones in front of them, hay in front of dogs, hay must change; call the muddy river oily, take a sip; Wind Chassage, Air Asiyat should ask for wool back; she will ask you to scrape the rooms, they must be whitewashed, cleaned; pull out your hair, tear them apart clothes - comb, wash; that's how it happened; the girl put her finger into the river, it turned silver, the river missed her {apparently parted}; the same was a bloody river, the girl called it honey, her finger became gold; C. poured golden water on her head, her hair turned golden; C. offered to sleep on a golden bed, wants to make the girl a daughter, hides her wool under her head; the girl pulled her out, ran; the old woman tells everyone to grab her, calls the river bloody, but they only give the girl even more; the stepmother plants her own daughter to spin hair next to the cow; the wind blows away the wool, but the cow teaches the wrong way ; the girl scolds the people she meets, gives bones to horses, hay to dogs, her fingers are covered with ulcers from the water of the muddy river; she tears her hair and clothes; she pours dirty liquid on her head, her face and body become covered with ulcers and boils; the cow was slaughtered, the stepdaughter buried her bones; asked them for beautiful shoes and clothes to go to the wedding; one shoe swam along the river; the prince found it, he was just right for his stepdaughter, the prince took her to his place wife; stepmother and daughter also went; the bride is thirsty, the stepmother gives her a drink, taking her eyes out; throws her into the well, dresses her daughter in her dress; the merchants pulled the girl out of the well, she turned into a canary; when she flew into the prince's garden, she asks the gardener to say hello to the prince and let the tree dry up; the prince sees that many trees have dried up; the canary was caught, the false wife told her slaughter, a tree has grown out of blood; dates fall on the prince, his wife is scratched by thorns; his wife orders to make a cradle for her child out of wood; the old woman's son picked up the chips, threw it behind the chest; they turned into a girl when she cries (?) , when she laughs, pearls, silver and gold horseshoes fall from under her feet; the cradle squeezed the child to death; the old woman's son fattens a lousy horse in the palace; the girl turns it into a painted horse; the king comes to see him, falls in love with a girl; girls are going to tell fairy tales, a true bride tells her own; stepmother and her daughter are tied to horses; wedding]: 109 -119); (cf. Omar-ogly 1868 [mother dies; neighbor persuades her daughter to ask her father to marry her; he postpones but then agrees; stepmother prepares sand and ash cake for stepdaughter; persuaded her husband to leave daughter in the forest; she climbed a tree; wolves, bears, foxes pass consistently, promise not to eat her; but Zaza-white cow comes, digging the sky with one horn, the earth with the other; the girl's tears are dripping on her, Z. tells her to jump on her chest; leads her into the dungeon; allows her to eat everything but not touch the jugs; the girl put her finger, it turned silver; then Z. tells her to swim in jugs; the girl turned silver, gold; from the cow's right ear, the girl pulled out expensive jugs and other dishes, clothes and jewelry; Z. passed her off as a khan's son]: 51-52); Georgians [stepmother tortures stepdaughter with work; cow tells her stepdaughter that she has honey in one ear, butter in the other; the stepmother watches, finds out, tells her husband to slaughter the cow; she tells her stepdaughter not to eat her meat, put the bones in the skin, bury it; the stepdaughter drops the spindle into the yard to an old woman, she asks her to look in her hair, look at her pickles; the girl does everything, she is not surprised that there are snakes and frogs in the jars; the old woman tells her to pass by a white, black spring, dip her head is yellow; her hair has turned golden; her own daughter disgust the old woman, she tells her to put her head under a black spring, she has a donkey tail on her head; her stepmother tells her stepdaughter to her returning to sort out the millet; neighbors give a sieve to sift millet; in a hole where cow bones should be, the girl finds a horse, luxurious clothes; on the bridge she loses her slipper; the king orders to find the owner, marries her son's stepdaughter; the stepmother asks her stepdaughter to take off her dress, pushes her into the pond, replaces the prince's wife with her daughter; the prince sits by the pond, admires the fish; the imaginary wife affects the sick, tells the fish cook; poplar grows out of bones, wife tells to cut down; old woman picks up chips; someone cooks in her house, old woman finds girl; prince comes in, girl tells her story; stepmother and daughter tied to horse tails]: Kurdovanidze 1988 (1), No. 65:278-286; Armenians: Nazinyan 2014 [stepmother sends stepdaughter to herd a cow and spin wool; a spinning wheel fell into a hole in the ground, below Vishap mother chews a piece of lead and spins; the girl asks for a spindle, she invites her to go down, tells her to wash her hair and comb her hair; replies that her hair is clean and soft; the old woman gives dung instead of bread, lizards instead of sauerkraut, the girl does not eat, but praises the taste; the old woman tells her to dip her head in white water, her hair turns golden; says that the cow is not lost, and oil will flow from one horn, from the other honey; the stepdaughter comes back, the stepmother sends her own daughter; she drops the spindle, calls the old woman an old hag, refuses to touch her nasty hair, calls the dung dung and lizards lizards; the old woman tells you to dip her head in black water, a donkey tail grows on the back of her head; the old woman says that blood will flow from one horn of the cow, pus from the other; the stepmother tells you to slaughter the cow; the mother of the vishap tells The stepdaughter does not eat meat, bury the bones; when leaving for a mantis, the stepmother tells her to collect the scattered millet and fill the pelvis with tears; the old woman advises to sweep the millet with a broom, pour salt water into the basin; where they were Bones are buried, there is a horse and outfits; when leaving the holiday, the stepdaughter lost her shoe; she glitters in the river, the prince marries the one whose shoe; everyone tries on her, only fits her stepdaughter; stepmother hides stepdaughter in tonir, dresses up her own daughter; rooster shouts about it to those who arrived; wedding; stepmother and her daughter were beaten, driven away]: 43-48; Khachatryants 1933 (Ararat Valley) [=Ganalanyan 1965:49-53, =Karapetyan 1967: 142-146; a brief retelling in Russel 2004b: 633-634; the king sees a snake playing with snakes, wants a child for himself; his wife gives birth to a snake, the king raises him, he turns into a vishapa, he is fed girls; The girl Arevakhat greets him, he turns into a young man, marries A.; she tells her how her stepmother told her to knock her hair; the spinning wheel fell into a crack in the rock; the old woman asked whose canopy was cleaner, whose head was cleaner, ordered to wake up when the yellow water flows, do not wake up until black, red; dips her golden hair in yellow; she hides it under the skin of a ram; the stepmother's daughter discovers golden curls; drops spinning wheel; replies that her mother's head, not the old woman, is cleaner than the canopy; she tells her to wake her up when the black water flows, the girl turned black; the stepdaughter was kicked out, but then the king's servants found her]: 143-149; Cox 1893, No. 8 [The stepmother tells her husband to leave her stepdaughter and stepson in the mountains; the sister forbids the brother to drink water from a horse, cow, buffalo, bear, boar, wolf trail, otherwise he will become a foal, etc. ; he drinks from a goat, turns into a kid; stepdaughter and goat returns home; stepmother is going to slaughter a kid, stepdaughter takes it and goes back to the mountains; drops the spindle, it rolls into the cave; leaving the kid to graze, the girl follows the spindle; in the cave there is a thousand-year-old witch (dev); she brings snakes and dragons; the girl tells her story; she puts a hook into the fire, goes to bed; if something even appears, don't wake her up, and if she's rainbow, you have to wake her up with a hot hook on her legs; the girl does everything, her hair and clothes turn golden; she again returned to her stepmother, hid her gold clothes, but she noticed her golden hair, sends her own daughter; the old woman turned her into a scarecrow in the garden; stepmother and daughter go to the wedding, stepdaughter puts on hers golden dress; comes back before them; loses her shoe, she swam along the stream; seeing the shoe, the royal horses refuse to drink; the girls are told to try on the shoe; the rooster screams about where the owner is; wedding; stepmother and daughter come to the young queen, offer to swim, push her into the sea; the fish swallowed her, the stepmother replaced her daughter; being in the belly of the fish, the queen hears the voice of bell-ringer; asks him to cross himself seven times, ask the king not to slaughter the kid; the king, together with the bell-ringer, comes to the sea, hears his wife's voice, jumps into the water, rips open the fish's belly, pulls out his wife; stepmother and her daughter tied horses to their tails; three apples fell from the sky]: 4-5; Wingate 1910, No. 2 [the new wife demands that the husband take her son and daughter from his first wife to the forest; in the forest the boy is thirsty, the father says he will go to look for water, does not return; the sister forbids her brother to drink from a horse, ox, buffalo, bear, boar, wolf trail; allows him to drink from a goat, warns that the brother will become a kid; they they return home; the stepmother is pregnant, demands to slaughter the kid (pregnant women cannot be refused); the sister runs away with the kid; drops a spindle into the cave, there is an old woman, the girl turns to her affectionately; the witch asks to wake her up with a hot iron, if Green-Red comes, and if Black, don't wake her up; as it happens, Green-Red touches the girl's hair, her clothes turn golden; the girl with the goat returns to her stepmother; hides gold clothes, but stepmother sees golden braids; sends her own daughter to the witch; the witch turns her ugly, drives her away; girls come to the prince's party; stepmother covers his daughter with a veil; stepdaughter comes in secret; on the way back she loses her shoe; the prince is looking for the owner, marries; the stepmother comes to visit, pushes his stepdaughter into the sea, replaces her daughter; the wife The prince is swallowed by a fish, from her belly she screams that her husband does not harm the goat; the prince hears, rushes into the sea with a sword, returns his wife; offers her stepmother a horse or a knife; she chooses a horse, her and her the daughter is tied to the tail of a horse, let her go through the mountains]: 365-371; Azerbaijanis [the fisherman has an adult daughter Fatmajykh and a little son Kiyavyzhykh; the mother died, the fisherman took the fanged Bash-khanum; she gave birth to bald boy and girl; ordered the old children to be taken to the forest; the father tied a board to the tree so that it would knock, and the children thought he was cutting wood; left; K. was thirsty, F. did not tell me to drink from the spring - you will a horse; then a dog; K. got drunk from the third, became a bull; said that he would now feed his sister with honey and oil, which were in his horns; took his sister; although the father and stepmother had moved, the bull found them; F . said that her brother was run over by a bear, and she came in a bull; she was sent to scratch her hair, the bull fed her; the wind carried away the tow; F. ran after her, ran into the hut; there were Baba Yaga, snakes in her hair and centipedes; F. asked her tow, the old woman asked how she liked the hut; F. praised the cleanliness; the old woman blessed her; told her to wake her up when the white, red and black water ran; washed her with three by waters, F. became white-bodied, her eyebrows and eyelashes black, her cheeks and lips red; gave her tow; her stepmother sent her own daughter; she called the old woman ugly; three waters made her body black, her eyebrows and eyelashes white, a red spot appeared on her forehead; then the stepmother pretended to be sick, asked for bull meat; he tells her sister to collect his bones and throw it into the well, where a beautiful outfit will appear; the stepmother and daughter went to meeting to the Shah, and F. ordered to separate the millet from the ash and fill the bowl with tears; the rooster and the chickens were separated, the rooster advised to prepare salt water; wearing the dress in the well, F. came to the palace, showered everyone with flowers, and her stepmother with ash; when she ran back, she lost her slipper; Tsarevich Mamed ordered to look for the owner; the rooster screams that F. was in a hole, tied hand and foot; M. married F.; stepmother's daughter pushed her into the sea, put on her dress; in the morning the rooster screams: her sister was drowned in the sea, swallowed her catfish, she carries the Shah under her heart and asks for salvation; the fishermen caught the catfish, took out F.; M. asks the liar if she wants a golden knife or a seven-year-old mare; she does not understand whether she wanted a mare; she was put in one bag, and the puppy and the pan in another; frightened by the roar, the horse rushed, the body scattered across the valleys; M. stayed with F.]: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:3-19; Turks [at her stepmother's insistence, the poor girl's father took her to the forest, tied a pumpkin to the tree so that her daughter thought her father continues to cut wood, left himself; the girl drops the needle, cries; the ground opens, from there the old woman pours water, giving the girl beauty and ornaments; the girl comes to a house where there are only cats (or a cat, a dog, a rooster; or snakes are the children of a giantess; etc.), affectionate with them, feeds and drinks them; gets a bag that must be opened at home; the cat turns into a young man, takes her as a wife; or the girl finds beauty, after washing herself in special water; (and other options); an angry woman (girl) does everything wrong, gets a bag from which scorpions and snakes crawl out (the origin of snakes), they kill her; or after washing, she made by an ugly black woman]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 59:65-67; Turks [stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter; the girl has friends - a yellow cow and a rooster; a cow has honey from one nipple, cream from the other; the orphan is spinning, the wind has carried away the ball; she runs after her, enters the house, there is an old woman; she offers her to tear the hair off her head and wind the ball; the girl refuses; drops trickle from the old woman's fingers; she she moistened the girl with them, she became beautiful; the father and stepmother first thought she was curvy; then the stepmother sent her own daughter with the cow; she insulted the old woman, the old woman washed her, she became ugly, her hair has fallen out; the stepmother tells the cow to be slaughtered, but the butcher's knife does not take it; the stepmother and her own daughter went to the wedding; the cow gave her stepdaughter outfits; when she returned, she dropped her shoe into the pool; her padishah's son found, ordered to look for the owner; stepmother tries to give her daughter away, but that freak; the rooster screams that the owner of the shoe has a tandoor; wedding; the girl ordered not to punish the stepmother and her daughter; three fell from the sky apples for orphans who don't know a smile]: Aganin et al. 1960:149-162; Kurds: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 17 [stepmother tells Fatima to herd the cows and spin the wool; the red cow left by her mother spins for her ; F. meets an old woman, looks in her head, replies that her head is cleaner than her head, F., her mother; she tells her to swim in a bright spring, dip her finger in black, run them over her eyebrows, dip her head in golden; stepmother sends her own daughter, she refuses to clean the old woman, she tells her to swim in a black spring, she turns into an arapka; stepmother pretends to be sick, tells her to slaughter a cow for her; cow tells F. and her brother that the meat will seem bitter to her stepmother; the bones must be buried; there is a wedding in the village; the stepmother tells F. to fill two cauldrons with tears, only then go to the wedding; that old woman fills the boilers with water with salt, tells us to dig up cow bones, they turned into luxurious clothes; returning, F. loses his shoe; on it, the padishah's son finds F., marries; stepmother throws F. in tandoor, dresses his daughter; brother F. becomes a rooster, shouts about it; F. find, the padishah's son marries her]: 207-211; Yusupova 2004, No. 3 (Iraq) [Askol is stepdaughter, Khursha is his own daughter; stepmother tells A. to herd the cow, hide it all in a day wool; the wind carried the yarn, A. followed her, saw a female diva with long breasts, asking her to comb her head, A. lies that her hair is clean; she tells her not to wake her up while she is blue, green, red, yellow, purple, black, brown water, cloudy, but wake up when white goes; the female diva dipped A.'s hand with white water, A. became beautiful, the yarn became thread; the stepmother sent H., she says to the female diva that her head is disgusting; the female diva tells her to wake her up when the water is muddy, H. is covered with warts; the padishah's son saw A. from the roof of the palace; her stepmother hides her in tandoor, sends H., but the rooster screams about it, the son of the padishah marries A.; the stepmother comes, calls the pregnant A. for a walk, pushes her into the river; she swims out to the other side, gives birth to a son; the shepherd hears her story; the son of the padishah returns his wife and son; stepmother and H. are tied by the legs to mules]: 140-145.

Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens: Lebedev 1954, No. 12 [stepmother tortures her stepdaughter with work, tells her to clean a pound of cotton by the evening; the wind carries the bag to the black hut; there the old woman asks to look in her head; the girl kills all the lice, does not take the gold scattered at the entrance; the old woman tells her to walk past one water, swim in another; after swimming, the girl becomes prettier; the stepmother gives the same task to her own daughter; she picks up gold; the old woman tells her to swim in the first water, pass by the second one; she becomes speckled; the stepmother cuts her stepdaughter's ram, the meat says to the one that it is poisoned; the stepdaughter runs away, the padishah's son marries her]: 146-148; Erberg 1953 [=Annanurova 1980:50-56; stepmother tells Ibibi to clean the cotton bag in a day; the calf chews cotton, cleans, loosens threads; the wind blows away the ball; A. comes to the old woman, she replies that the ball has her, lies among precious valuables; A. does not take jewelry; the old woman asks her to tear out her hair, break dishes, rip off blankets, etc.; A. washes her hair, cleans dishes, etc.: the old woman tells her on the way home take a dip in a narrow ditch, do not look at the wide yap; A. returns dressed up as a beauty; stepmother sends her daughter, she steals gold and silver, literally fulfills the old woman's requests; she tells her to swim in the hole, she has a donkey ear on her forehead; the stepmother decides to slaughter the calf, who tells A. to hide his bones in the old tamdyr; the prince wants to marry A.; the stepmother sends her daughter instead; at night, the prince feels a donkey's ear; the prince demands a real bride, A. finds a precious dress in tamdir, marries the prince]: 101-110; Persians: Rosenfeld 1956 [Mollabaji's teacher persuades Shahrban's girl to push her mother into a barrel of vinegar and then persuade her father to marry her; he got married, she brought her ugly daughter; opened a barrel of vinegar, and a red cow came out; M. gives Sh. everything more work, sends a cow to herd and spin; a cow chews cotton, turning it into yarn; tomorrow the wind picked up cotton, threw it into the well; the cow calls S. a daughter, tells me to climb into the well, do everything on the contrary, when asked; the diva tells him to hit him with a stone, S. looks in his head; replies that his head is cleaner than that of his stepmother; does not break the house with a pickaxe, but sweeps the yard; replies that the manor, the dishes are a diva better than her father; takes cotton, not gold; the diva tells her to wash her hair in black water, her face and hands in white; at home, the stepmother sees that there is a moon on S.'s forehead, a star on her chin; M. sends his own daughter, that's all does it wrong, the diva tells her to wash in yellow water, a snake appears on the girl's forehead, a scorpion on her chin, the gold she grabbed turns out to be bricks; M. and her daughter, wrapping her face with a handkerchief, goes to the wedding, tells S. to disassemble the mixture of peas, beans and beans, fill the bowl with tears; S. goes to the diva, who gives salt (water will be like tears), a rooster (separate the beans, etc.), a luxurious outfit, ash (pour out on M. and her daughter), flowers (throw at the bride and guests); S. sees the prince, she runs away, loses her shoe; returning home, M. pretends to be sick, let her husband slaughter the cow; divas replace cows, tells Sh. bones slaughtered into a barn; the prince's servants are looking for the owner of the shoe; M. hides S. in the oven, but the rooster screams where she is; M. feeds S. onions and garlic to make her smell bad and embarrass her; the diva helps her get out out of the situation, and M.'s daughter, who she imposed on the vizier, stained the room; M. and her daughter were thrown into the ditch, the divas cut the cow's skin, and Sh's mother came out of it]: 130-149 (the same or very similar text in Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 13:79-88; Romaskevich 1934a, No. 12 (Isfahan Jews) [an ugly girl is spinning on the roof; the wind threw yarn into the next yard; the girl went down for her; the hostess asks to break her head, tear the blanket, destroy the room, break the jugs; the girl cleans the hostess's hair, darns the blanket, sweeps the room, fills the jugs with water; the woman tells her to sit by the stream; when black, yellow flows water, then keep quiet, and when it's red and green, splash on your face and say "a month on your forehead!" ; ugly became beautiful; a beautiful girl found out about this, deliberately threw off her yarn, did everything literally as ordered; the woman tells me to splash black water and say "donkey's penis on her forehead, back leg on the chin"; that's what happened; this girl came back, got into a fight with the first one, killed each other]: 74-76; Bakhtiyars [a woman tattoos girls; when Fatima comes, she tells her to kill her mother - then she will do it; we must ask the mother to climb the pomegranate tree to pick the fruit, and then say that her younger brother is dead; the mother will fall, break to death; F. did so; the woman tells me to sprinkle with salt clothes, come to her father and say that she is not well-groomed - let her marry a tattoo artist; after that F. asks his stepmother to get her a tattoo, but she refuses; in a dream, F.'s mother tells me to go to her uncle and ask yellow calf; if you hit him in the ear, any food will appear; stepmother gives birth to daughters Four-eyed and Four Stumps, feeds him well, and gives Fatima bran; wonders why F. is fatter than her daughters; sends To spy on the four-eyed; she eats with F., does not reveal secrets; the stepmother sent the Four Stumps; she brings the mother the food she received from the calf, tells everything; the stepmother pretended to be sick, puts it on back and chest dry cakes, as if she has a fever; bribes the mullah, who advises to treat her with calf meat; F. to father: stepmother pretends; father beats F.; tries to cut the calf; F.: "Let the knife blade be like back side!" ; father beats F. again, she has to break the spell; F. cauldrons: "Do not cook"; meat is not cooked; father beats her again; F.; collects calf bones, brings her to the mother's grave; mother appears in a dream: let the daughter throw cotton wool on the road and follow him, come to the diva Alla Xingi, put his head on his knees and comb his hair; answer that his comb, wineskin tie and everything else are better than hers mother F.; AZ falls asleep; F. drops tears; AZ wakes up, calls her daughter, puts the moon on her chin and the sun on her forehead, slippers covered with jewelry; on the way back F. loses one, the prince finds her, tells her to find the mistress, marries F.; F. gives birth to a son; the sisters follow F.'s path, but praise things not as a diva, but as a mother; divas rewards sisters with donkey ears and a bull's tail hanging from chin; sisters bathe with F.; Four Stumps tie her braids to the willow on, the tiger eats it; a drop of blood grows reeds, the shepherd makes a pipe out of it; Four Stocks puts on F.'s clothes; the prince I am surprised that his wife's face no longer glows; at night you can hear a rattle: it is the wife who gnaws off her ears and tail; baby F. feeds cow's milk, who cries; the prince tells his mother that his wife has changed; while hunting, the prince hears the shepherd playing the pipe and she talks about F.; takes the pipe, plays himself, lets his son play; Four Stumps throw a flute into the grain jar; the prince and his son take it out bouquets of flowers from huma; Four Stumps put her hand in, pricked her needle; one night F. came out of the huma, the prince sees the light, F. hides; says that he cannot go out naked; the prince goes for clothes; Four Stulti tries to escape, F. tells them to lock the door; breastfeeds his son; talks about everything to her husband; sisters were tied by braids to mules and they went to hell]: Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 39:256-268; Tajiks [=Niyazmukhamedov 1945:128-137; stepmother torments her stepdaughter with work, tells her to stretch cotton; the cow eats it, releases yarn from her mouth; the wind carries cotton into the old woman's cave; she tells her to comb her hair, clean the house; promises that laughing roses will fall from the mouth of a laughing girl, tears will turn into pearls, gold bricks will fall from her right foot, and silver bricks from her left foot; daughter the stepmother goes to herd the cow; carelessly combs the old woman, sweeps poorly; takes gold from the pantry; she has a lump on her forehead, gold turns into stones; the stepmother tells to slaughter the cow, the cow tells the girl should bury her bones in a hole; the stepmother and stepdaughter go to the wedding, tell them to separate the rice from the wheat; the chicken does this, in place of the cow bones - a luxurious dress, a horse; at the wedding, the stepmother does not recognize stepdaughter; she loses her kaush (boot), the padishah's son is looking for him, finds the girl in good shape, where her stepmother hid her; on the way, the stepmother lets the bride eat salty, she is thirsty, the stepmother gives water in exchange for torn eyes; throws his stepdaughter into a well, replaces her with his daughter; a poor old man finds beauty and pearls; saves her, collects laughing roses; changes them for the eyes of his stepmother's daughter, the current wife padishah; now pearls fall from her eyes, roses from her mouth; stepmother sends a witch to suck the girl's blood; the girl orders to bury herself in a crypt of gold and silver bricks; the stepmother takes her heart away gives a bag with it to her daughter; when she takes it off her neck for the night, the stepdaughter comes to life; the padishah's son finds her, comes at night; she has a son and daughter; the boy has grown up, pulls out a bag with her heart ; the padishah asks the stepmother and daughter if they want 40 horses or 40 whips; they want horses; they are tied to the tails of 40 horses by their braids, and the beauty and son are brought to the palace]: Amonov, Ulug-zade 1960: 175-182; Khufs [the girl's mother is dead, her father marries a widow, she has her own daughter No. stepmother sends her stepdaughter to herd a cow, wipe off the cotton, and bring more firewood in the evening; the wind carries the tow into the hollow, there is an old woman in the shack; she asks to look in her head; sends her own to the barn; gold and silver are there; the girl takes only a tow; the old woman turns her into a beauty; the stepmother sent her own daughter, she hid gold and silver in her trousers, the old woman told her to become ugly; the stepmother and her own daughter went to the wedding; the horse brought clothes to her stepdaughter, she was beautiful, she came back earlier stepmothers; the prince found the shoe she had lost, fell in love, told her to look for an owner; stepdaughter had a shoe on her leg; the prince marries, the girl achieves her desires]: Sokolova 1959, No. 22:86-89; Uzbeks : Sheverdin 1967 [stepmother tells her husband to take Zumrat's stepdaughter to the forest; he leaves her on a stone, hangs an ax on a tree so that his daughter can hear a knock, leaves; Z. comes to the old woman, the birds tell her that Z. kind; Z. works at home, gets a red chest with expensive things in it; stepmother sends her own daughter Kimrat, who is rude, lazy, gets a chest of dragons; at home, the dog mutters that the chest is full snakes; stepmother and K. open the chest; dragons eat them, fly away]: 35-39 (=1984:140-144; =Konovalov, Stepanov 1986:311-315); Afzalov et al. 1972 (2) [shepherd's new wife torments stepdaughter with hard work; a gust of wind carries her yarn into the cave; the old woman tells her to feed the yarn to the cow, pull the threads from the udder; the stepmother tells the cow to be slaughtered; the old woman tells her to bury the bones and skin; the stepmother and daughter go to a feast, the rooster with rice is separated from peas with chicken instead of stepdaughter; in the hole where the remains of a cow were buried, the girl finds beautiful clothes; four peri, the old woman's daughters, take her to a feast, she returns before her stepmother, having lost her boot; the shah tells everyone to try it on, fits only the stepdaughter; the stepmother kills the rooster and the chicken that indicated where she hid her stepdaughter; gouges out that eye, throws her into the swamp, brings her shah his ugly daughter; a weaver finds a girl, her tears are pearls, laughter teaches roses; a sorceress teaches to sell roses in a pair of eyes; the shah meets a girl, expels her stepmother and false wife]: 114-121; phayas [from the eldest and the youngest daughter sister; the youngest is dead, the eldest adjoins the youngest's daughter; gives cotton to spin and herd the cow; the cow tells her to feed her yarn, a ball of thread comes out behind her; one day the wind blew away part yarns; the aunt beat her niece, sent her to find what was carried away; the girl complains to the North Wind; he tells her to go to his mother, let her pick up her black bowler hat, the cotton in red; the girl comes to a house in the mountains; the mother of the wind asks if she will walk under or above the door, sit on the floor or in a chair, eat cheese or whey, lie on the bed or under the bed; the girl replies that under the door, on the floor, whey, under the bed, the hostess does the opposite (puts her in a chair, feeds cheese, etc.); in the morning she makes her beautiful, gives her cotton taken away, sends her own daughter to herd a cow, she beats her , the cow eats yarn, fills the girl's apron with manure; the wind blows away the yarn, her own daughter goes looking for her, scolds North Wind, says in his mother's house that she will pass above the door, sit in a chair, etc.; the mother of the wind puts her on the floor, etc.; tells her to remove the red pot, get cotton out of the black, the donkey's penis sticks to the girl's forehead; at home she tells her mother to slaughter the cow, then she will recover; the cow tells the orphan not to eat her meat, collect all her bones, bury it in the ash pan, come in 7 days; she finds seven doors there, behind them springs, honey, gold, shoes, clothes; she swam in the river, the water took one a shoe, the king's son finds it, promises to marry the owner; the aunt hides the orphan in the back, the rooster screams that she is there, the prince finds her, marries, a feast; Muslims were given boiled food, the Hindus raw, Hazaras (they are Shiites) burnt]: Morgenstierne 1944, No. 16:100-109; Persians, Tajiks, Uzbeks (widely used manuscripts in Persian and translated into Uzbek) [stepmother every day tells her stepdaughter to strain a huge amount of yarn; the girl inherits a cow and a chicken from her mother; the cow ran into the cave or the wind took cotton wool from the girl's hands; a gray old woman sits in the cave in white, tells (in Persian version from Ura-Tube) to sweep the floor, look in her head, remains satisfied, rewards the girl with beauty; tells the cow to eat cotton wool, a thin one begins to come out behind her yarn; in the Persian version, her stepmother's own daughter is inattentive to the fairy, becomes ugly (a bead stolen and hidden in her mouth makes her goiter grow); Tajiks in Samarkand, their stepdaughter washes her hair in The black river, and the face in Belaya, becomes beautiful; the own daughter, on the contrary, becomes black faced and gray hair; the stepmother asks her husband to stab the cow; she tells her stepdaughter not to eat her meat, bury her bones under the threshold; a noble person invites to a feast; stepmother tells stepdaughter to separate millet from sorghum, the chicken does the job, the old fairy calls the gurias, they dress up the girl to go to the feast; the girl loses her slipper, a noble man tries it on everyone, the stepmother locks her in a latrine, but the chicken shows where to look; after getting married, the stepdaughter prepares a treat in honor of the old fairy woman (Bibi Se-Shambe), the husband comes in, insulted that the food is poor, overturns the cauldron; goes to cut off the melons, in his bag they turn three missing princes into the heads; before execution, he goes to his wife, repents, the heads turn into melons, princes return]: Andreev 1927b: 8-12.

Baltoscandia. Norwegians: Dasent 1970:113-124 [stepdaughter and own daughter are spinning; agree that whoever breaks first will climb into the well; stepdaughter breaks because she does not spin flax, but thistle; she descends into a well, walks through a green meadow; at their request, 1) gently climbs over the wattle fence without damaging it; 2) milks a cow, drinks milk, pours the rest on its hooves; 3) shears a ram, wraps his neck with wool; 4) tears apples from an apple tree, eats, puts the rest at the roots; comes to an old woman, she tells 1) to bring water with a sieve; birds at the well are advised to cover the holes with clay and straw; 2) sweep the manure, milk the cows; the birds tell them to take revenge with the broom handle (everything is clean right there), give them a drop of milk (cows stop kicking); 3) wash the black wool white (the birds tell them to dip the wool in barrel); birds tell you to choose not red or green, but a blue barrel as a reward; when leaving, the girl dodges a red-hot iron rod thrown by the witch (the birds warned); the witch and her daughter they chase, Apple tree, Sheep, Cow, Wattle fence hide the girl, the pursuers stop chasing; the stepmother sends her stepdaughter to live in the pigsty; she opens the keg, there is gold, the pigsty turns into a beautiful house; now her own daughter is spinning the thistle, the thread breaks, the girl goes down into the well; breaks the wattle fence, drinks all the milk, takes all the wool with her, breaks the branches of the apple tree; does not listen to birds, cannot complete the old woman's tasks, chooses a red barrel; opens at home, reptiles and parasites crawl out of it, snakes and toads fall from her mouth], 322-330 [stepmother tyrannites stepson and stepdaughter; stepson leaves, is hired to serve the king; stepdaughter goes to get water; three ugly heads rise out of the water; one asks her to wash, the other to comb her hair, the third to kiss; the girl does it; they make her beautiful, with her Gold falls on her lips and hair; her own daughter goes to get water, scolds her heads, which make her a freak with a long nose, a snout and a pine tree shoot on her forehead; the girl's brother sees a portrait of his sister; decides to marry; the brother takes his sister across the lake, the stepmother and her own daughter are sitting between them in the middle of the boat; tells the stepdaughter the brother's words, as if he tells him to throw a chest of gold from the puppy's mother into the lake, throw herself into the water; the king is forced to marry a freak, throws the girl's brother into a hole with snakes; at midnight a girl and a dog come to the kitchen, the maid sees them, tells the king; twice a freak sends a dream to the king; when the girl comes for the last time, the servants put a knife in the hand of the sleepy king, who makes an incision in the girl's finger, the spell disappears; the brother is returned, the stepmother and her daughter are thrown into a hole with snakes]; the Swedes [stepdaughter spins at the well, her stepmother and her own daughter pushed her down; the apple tree allows her apples to be eaten but not taken with her; the same cow: do not take milk with her; girl an old woman comes to the house, is hired; she must bring water with a sieve, but lizards and snakes have closed the holes, the girl brought water; the old woman suggests choosing blue or red as a reward a chest, the cat tells her to take a blue one; at home, her stepmother puts her in a pigsty; she cleans it up, opens the chest, there are treasures; the stepmother confronts her own daughter, she takes apples and milk with her, chooses a red chest, although the cat offered to take a blue one; a bird with a fiery tail flew out of it at home, the stepmother and her own daughter burned down, the pigsty became a castle, the stepdaughter became life in it]: Stier 1971, No. 14:68-71; Danes [a woman gives her daughter a spin of good linen, and her stepdaughter a rude one; by agreement, whoever has more fires will be lowered into the well; the stepdaughter has more; in the well she comes to a dwarf, works for him, taking a gold ring and a stick, runs away; on the way, a woman asks her to help get bread out of the oven; the other asks him to remove an apple tree, take the kids to another pasture, milk a cow; when the dwarf rushes in pursuit, women, goats, the cow answer that they did not see the girl; she comes home; the stepmother tells the girls to spin under the same conditions, but now gives rough flax to her own daughter; running away from a dwarf who refuses to help women and animals; a dwarf ripped off her head and she fell to her mother's knees]: Holbek 1987:521; Danes [to get rid of her stepdaughter, stepmother sends her for berries on the mound where dwarfs; on the way, the old man gives the girl food - let him feed the dwarfs; they are grateful; let her become more beautiful day by day; roses and lilies grow where she steps; gold and silver fall off her hair when she combs her hair; her stepmother sends her own daughter to the dwarfs not with food, but with a stick; they make her spits turn into frogs and toads, and grow on her forehead a calf tail, she emits gases at every step; the heroine's brother is in the service of the king; she sends him her portrait, the king wants to marry her; on the way, her stepmother throws her off the ship, turns her into a duck, replaces her own daughter; the king is furious, throws the heroine's brother in prison for deception; in the form of a duck, the heroine enters the kitchen, asks about her brother and half-sister, says she can come only twice more; the king tells the maid to catch the duck; draws a cross on her beak, she becomes a girl again; the king marries her, frees her brother, the stepmother and her daughter are placed in a barrel with with nails]: Holbek 1987:523; Faroese, Icelanders: Roberts 1994:14, 17-27, Uther 2004 (1), No. 403:236-238; Western Sami [one sister is cheerful and does everything well, it's Navischenneida (pronunciation variant; "Daughter of the Sun"), another Hatschenneida (pronunciation variant; "Daughter of the Moon") - on the contrary; the prince saw N. and asked her mother for a girlfriend; H. asked to marry her with himself and her; the prince told both to put him to bed; H. put firewood and skeins of wool under the bed, the prince kicked her out; sent the servant to buy shoes for N.; when the servant returned, H. said that the bride was her, the servant gave her shoes; but they were too small to her; she cut off her fingers and heels and died]: Kohl-Larsen 1982, No. 11:83-85; Estonians: Viidalepp 1980 [in the fairy tale "Spinner at the Well", a girl without mother or without both parents is pretty, hardworking, helpful; the owner's (or own) daughter is ugly, lazy, cruel; an orphan catches up with a cake thrown to her and rolling away from her or, falling into a recess, he comes to the next world; continuing his journey, he meets a cow, a ram and a friendly old man, each of whom asks her; the orphan fulfills all requests: gives out a cow, cuts a ram, hovers an old man in a bathhouse; receives a box in which she finds gold as a reward; the owner's daughter goes on the same journey out of envy; meeting the same characters, she is arrogant; fire and burning resin erupt from the resulting box]: 241; M.E. Eisen in Põder, Tanner 2000 [stepdaughter goes to the bathhouse after everyone else; the beggar asks to throw him by the beard on the shelves, hit him with a broom, rub him her back with a piece of ice, but the girl hovers and washes it gently, carefully; gets a white bag with three executive servants in it; the owner's daughter is rude to the beggar, literally fulfills his requests, gets a black bag , three men in black jump out of it, beat the girl and her mother with batons; stepdaughter tells her servants to put blacks back into the bag; marries successfully, the stepmother's daughter remains an old maiden]: 73-77 (= Raud 2004:225-227; =Talvet 1991:110); Juhan Kunder in Raud 2004 [the poor girl is the last to wash in the bath; the carriage arrives, the devil (vanapagan) tells her to marry his son; the mouse advises the girl to ask bring things one at a time; she demands a silk shirt; the devil's wife asks her sons who will bring it faster; one says he's as fast as the wind, the second like water, and the third that he is here and there; he brings shirt; the girl requires a belt, boots, various ornaments; tells me to bring hay to sit in the carriage; the rooster sings, the devils disappear, clothes and jewelry remain the girl; the owner's daughter does not listen to the mouse, asks all at once, devils take her away]: 140-143; J.Parijõgi in Raud 2004:294-296 [stepmother sends her stepdaughter to pick berries in winter; the old woman in the hut tells her to remove snow from under her window; the girl finds a lot there berries; three dwarfs ask for food, the girl gives them her bread crusts; one wants golden eggs to fall from her mouth, the other for her to marry the prince, the third to live happy; sends her own daughter, she does not clean the snow, does not give the dwarfs her bread and honey; some want toads to fall out of her mouth, so that she does not marry, to be unhappy; stepmother drives her stepdaughter away, dwarfs lead her on the road, where a prince meets a girl; he marries her; her mother's daughter is unhappy and alone]; Mälk et al. 1967, No. 61 (southern Estonia; also Saaremaa, central part of northern Estonia) [widow asks the girl to persuade her father, also a widower, to marry her; he sets a condition: to bring water in a leaky boot; but the water does not flow out, for the widow is a witch; now the stepmother tyrants her stepdaughter, cares for her own daughter; in winter she sends for strawberries; she comes to the house where the old people are; shares the dry crust given by her stepmother; the old men tell me to take a shovel with a broom, clear some of the snow from the ground, there are strawberries; goodbye One of the old men wants gold to fall off the girl's lips; others: to make every day prettier; marry the king; every day would be better than yesterday; to wear warm clothes; stepmother She asked everything kindly, sent her own daughter; she is rude to the old people, she grabs what they eat herself, refuses to remove the snow; they make toads fall off her lips, so that every day everything uglier, she would not marry; the king saw the girl with gold on her lips, married; she gave birth to a boy; the stepmother was hired as a maid, turned the queen into a duck, replaced her own daughter; servant I noticed a duck fly in at night, become a woman and feed the child; she teaches the servant to tell the king: when a duck flies in, you must cut off the duck's head; this can only be done the next night, then There is no salvation; the king did so, brought his wife back, stepmother and daughter were brought down the mountain in a barrel of nails]: 160-164; Normann, Lätt 1968:76-77 [in winter, the stepmother sends a carrion for strawberries; she meets an old woman, shares breadcrumbs; the old woman calls to her place, gives strawberries and a golden crown; the stepmother sends her own daughter with pancakes; she refuses to share with the old woman; on her nose a fox tail grows; resin flies from the box brought to the face of the audience, the black spots on the faces remain], 158-164 [the stepmother puts her daughter and stepdaughter in the ice-hole to wind balls of thread; daughter away, stepdaughter is at the edge of the ice; if she drops, let her pull her out of the ice-hole; the ball fell, the girl rushed into the ice-hole, it's summer; the cow asks her to milk, the sheep to cut her hair, the apple tree to pick off the apples, she does everything; in the house the princess asks to clean the room and the barn; the girl does everything great; gets her ball, and chooses another, plain one as a reward; returns to her stepmother, the dog barks about it, a plain ball turns gold; the stepmother plants her own daughter in the ice-hole; she refuses to milk the cow, shear the sheep, shakes the apple tree slightly, but eats a lot of apples; she does everything badly in the house, hits the cow; chooses the biggest one and the best ball, comes back, the dog barks that there will be trouble, there is resin in the ball, it lights up, the house burns down, only the stepdaughter was in the yard; she gets married successfully]; set: Normann, Tampere 1989:58-62 [ when everyone is already in bed, the stepmother sends her stepdaughter to the bathhouse for a bucket; the devil (vanapagan) arrives, demands that the girl marry his son; she replies that she does not have shoes, the hell sends her son to buy shoes , he brings; the girl asks for other garments and jewelry one at a time; then asks for permission to say goodbye to her native places, sings, Barking, Father's Harmi, sing, sing, father's rooster; rooster sings, devils disappear, clothes and jewelry go to the girl; stepmother sends her own daughter; she was cruel to the dog and the rooster, they did not give a voice, the devils took the girl away], 63-65 [stepmother tells her husband to take it away stepdaughter, who leaves her in the forest hut, promises to return in three days; the girl gives the mouse porridge; when a bear comes and gives the girl a bell to catch her in the dark, the mouse tells her to tie her a bell around her neck, hide herself behind the stove; the bear did not catch the girl, awarded her gold; the father brings her daughter, the dog barks that she has returned with gold; the stepmother sends her own daughter, she does not feed the mouse, bear flutters girl half to death, dog barks about it; stepdaughter got married]; Livs: Uther 2004 (1), No. 403:236-238; counselors [stepmother tells her husband to take stepdaughter to the forest, gives with her tow, spinning wheel, spindles; the old man leaves it in the dugout; the mouse asks for a cake, the girl gives it; in the evening the Bear comes, offers to play blind man; the mouse runs with a bell; the bear cannot catch a girl, gives horses, cows, clothes, gold, silver, two strollers; stepmother leaves her own daughter in the dugout; she does not give the mouse a cake, the Bear ate it]: Ariste 1962:22-24 (translated into Konkova 2009:117-119); Finns [the mother of a beautiful and kind girl died, the man remarried, the stepmother also gave birth to a daughter, she is rude and ugly; the stepmother planted both strands at the edge of the ice-hole, gave her own daughter little yarn, Stepdaughter - a lot; if the spindle falls into the ice-hole, let her get it; the stepdaughter's spindle fell, she dived into the water, found herself on the road, came to the big house; the old woman tells me to clean the barn; the cows are praised the mistress is a maid; she asks to wash the lizards, they also answer that they have never been washed so well; the old woman gives the girl two boxes, she returns home; the dog barks: the girl brought boxes of gold and with silver; stepmother plants a spin in the ice-hole, her own daughter, who also drops the spindle, the mother pushes her into the water; she does not clean the stable well, hits the cows, they complain to the hostess; lizards complain that the maid cut off their tails, mistreated them; the dog barks: the girl carries boxes of fire and resin; when she and her mother open them, the fire blazed in their faces, both burned; the girl stayed with her father]: Goldberg 1953:91-100 (=Klein 1946:79-83); the Finns [mother died; a widow neighbor with her own daughter persuaded the girl to advise her father to marry her; began to tyrant; sent her in the same shirt in winter for strawberries; the girl asked Frost to give her warm clothes, he gave it; she came to the house, there were three little men, the girl shared bread with them; they sent her revenge snow, strawberries under it; one gave the girl more more beautiful, the other made gold coins fall from her mouth, the third promised that she would marry the Queen; the stepmother sent her own daughter; she refuses to take revenge on the snow; the little men make her more uglier, toads fall from her lips, she is destined to die miserably; once her stepmother gave her stepdaughter a piece of bread; he rolled, the girl behind him; the ram asks him to cut his hair, the cow to milk, the sheaf to tie; the girl performs everything; comes to Hiishi's estate; his wife is at home, she orders to heat the bathhouse and at the same time weave cloth out of wool; while the girl was drowning, the mice hid and weaved everything; H. orders to milk the cows, this she-wolves and bears, the cat milks; strain the milk - sparrows perform; Hiisi himself came, gives a bell, extinguishes the splint - will catch the bell by the ringing of a bell; the mouse runs with a bell; in the morning H. gave the girl gifts, put them on a cart and sent her home; old woman H. tells the cow, the ram to detain her, they refuse; tells the oak to beat with branches, the sheaf protected her; the stepmother sent her own daughter to H.; she refuses cut a ram, milk a cow, knit a sheaf; drives away mice, cat, sparrows; the mouse did not run with a bell, X. caught the girl and crushed it badly; on the way back, the oak whipped off, the cow beat it with hooves, the ram butted; the girl returned barely alive; the stepmother sent her stepdaughter to wash her skeins of wool in the ice-hole; the queen saw her and married her; she gave birth to a son; the stepmother came, cut off her golden hair, tied her the head of her daughter, pushed the Queen's wife into the water; the horse pulled her out, hid her in a stable; the king found her there; asks the old woman what to do with the one who will replace his wife and push the real one into the water; old woman: put in a barrel with thorns, throw it into water; they did so with the old woman and her daughter; everything is fine]: Concca 1993:94-104; Karelians: Concca 1959, No. 8 (Ukhta, 1947) [=Onegina 2010, No. 29:283- 285; one sister Lenivitsa, the other is a Needlewoman; R. rinsed her clothes, dropped the roller into the ice-hole, jumped after him, came to the old woman's hut; she asks to take care of the cows (R. washed them), buy her children ( these are lizards and frogs, R. washed them gently in the bath), they are happy, the old woman gives two chests, gold in one, silk in the other; L. specially throws the roller, pours cold water on the cows, breaks the horn, tears off the udder; the same with lizards and frogs (she tore off her leg, gouged out her eye), they complain; opens the chests they received in Riga, in one fire, in the other resin, the rig caught fire, L. turned black with smoke, so remained]: 47-50; Konkka, Tupitsyna 1967, No. 17 [the stepmother gave her own daughter Lena to spin a good tow, planted her in the room, and sent her stepdaughter Masha to the ice-hole; the spindle fell into the ice-hole; the bird- flesh, give me a spindle! - Young legs, walk along the path by yourself; M. went down the ice-hole; cows ask them to milk, horses to cut their manes and tails, take the bread out of the stove; the woman in labor in the house ask them to heat the sauna and wash it; Masha everything performs; the woman in labor gave a chest of clothes, pushed the layer with her head on the ridge - she found herself on the ground; told her stepmother, but as if she was beating cows and horses with a rod, she refused to heat the bathhouse; when L. pushed head that place, a barrel of resin on her head; covered in resin came, her father kicked her out with her mother]: 136-138; Makarov 1963, No. 42 (Tver Karelians) [grandfather and woman decided to leave their stepdaughter in the forest; her grandfather took; a goat to meet him, asks for milk; the girl milked; the goat gave a cane: to knock on the mountain, it will open up, there is a lot of good inside; the girl returned home; the grandfather took her own daughter, she froze in the forest]: 60- 61; Veps: Onegin, Zaitseva 1996, No. 9 [stepmother tells her husband to move her stepdaughter to a hut on the shore; give moss instead of yarn, ash instead of flour, gravel instead of millet, sawdust instead of cereal; include three the robber, they ask to heat the bathhouse; the girl began to cook pies, the mouse asked for dough, the girl gave it; the men returned from the bathhouse, called them to sleep with them, the rooster sang, they disappeared; the next the day is the same; the mouse turned the girl into a speck, hid it under a broom, the rooster sang, the money remained; the daughter also wants money; the girl says that she hit the mouse with a roller; the men beat her native stepmother's daughter to death, legs put on the balcony, breasts on the window; stepmother arrives, thinks these buns on the window are cooling down; fell (and died); father stayed with daughter], 48 [after the mother's death, the girl persuaded her father to marry Baba Yaga, who promised to give her milk and wash her milk; when the old man left, her stepmother took the girl to a cold hut, gave her ash instead of oatmeal, sand instead of cereals, bricks instead of bread; in the evening the girl cooks porridge, the mouse asks for permission to lick the whorl, the girl gave it; the mouse tells her not to be afraid of anything, promises to hide; old people come, the girl fed them dinner, they they call them to sleep with them, she replies that she must clean the table, wash the dishes; the mouse turned it into a rolling pin, put it on the shelf; the old people fell asleep; the rooster sang and they fell through the ground, the goods remained ; the same the next evening (the mouse turned the girl into a needle, stuck it into the wall); in the morning many girls came, the girl in the hut asks them to give her to her father to pick her up; the father arrives, the girl has a chest with silver and gold, the dog barks about it; baba yaga takes her own daughter to the hut; that mouse hits, is rude to old people (toad in your mouth!) , they killed her, put her bones in the corner; the man came, took the bones, the dog barks about it, the baba yaga beats her; when she saw her daughter's bones, she died], 54 [the stepmother has her own daughter; in winter she tells her husband to take her stepdaughter in the forest and leave her there, putting her on a haystack; Frost asks the girl if she is cold, she replies yes; he gave her felt boots, a fur coat, a handkerchief, mittens; the father brought her daughter dressed as a lady; stepmother sends her own daughter; she responds rudedly to Frost (Toad in your mouth!) , he froze it; the dog barks: the old man's daughter was brought in gold and silver, and the old woman's daughter's bones are carried in a sack], 123 [the stepdaughter drops the spindle into the well, goes for it; serves the witch, gifted; her own daughter drops a spindle to receive a gift, but drowns in the well]: 62-64, 169-171, 185-186, 210; Ariste 1964, No. 3 [mother dies, stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter; sent a spin to the well, she dropped the spindle; stepmother told me to get it; below is a house on one leg; girl: house, house, stop, sun in front, moon behind; house stopped, girl went inside; old man on the stove: ugh , ugh, Russian spirit; girl: haven't you seen a spindle? grandfather: heat the sauna with bath brooms; but she heated me with firewood; bring water with a sieve; she brought water in buckets; drag me to the bathhouse by the hair; she put me on a sleigh; wash with the end of the broom (where the branches are); she washed it with a washcloth; the grandfather ordered me to take the chest and open the houses; there were various goods in the chest, the stepmother and her daughter were envious, the stepmother sent her own daughter; she does everything literally, as the grandfather says; he tells take a red chest; a fire broke out of it at home, stepmother and her daughter burned down; stepdaughter and father had a good life; the end was good, everything was fine]: 13-14; Eastern Sami [husband and wife have a daughter; wife does not tell her husband to cut a birch tree, for Aads is in it; the husband cuts, raised A. with her three daughters, tells them to take them home, hit his wife at home with a mitten full of ash, the woman died; A. tells the old man to leave her daughter in empty house; in three days she tells me to bring, and the girl has three baskets of gold, silver and pearls; the dog barks about it; A. tells the old man to take her daughters to that house; three days later he brings baskets with their bones; the dog barks about it; A. fell and died]: Kert 1961, No. 48:199-200; Lutsie (West 1893) [stepmother and daughter tyrant stepdaughter; everyone washed themselves in the bathhouse and left to wash the buckets and clean up; hell out of the water: go for my son; the girl consistently asks to bring her garments, then fabrics, a chest, a wagon, a horse; then go around his father's house three times goodbye; going around, turns to the rooster and the dog; on the third round, the rooster screams, the dog barks, the devil disappears; everyone is amazed at how good the stepdaughter is; the own daughter also stays in the bath; asks for everything at once; in the morning they just found her a dress full of straw and scorched leather]: Annom et al. 2018:162-166; Lutsie (West 1893) [when she dies, a mother gives her daughter a spindle: let her follow him where she goes; father brought stepmother, too daughter; the spindle fell into the well, the stepdaughter behind him; shepherds of cows, sheep, horses, pigs ask for help herding, the girl willingly does it; comes to places where there is a lot of money, takes as much money as she can, returns; everyone she meets is in a hurry, she is behind the spindle, manages to get out of the well, the hell did not catch up with her; her own daughter took the spindle, went down to the well, did not help anyone, on the way back the hell caught up with her, killed, thrown the corpse out of the well]: Annom et al. 2018:167-169; Latvians: Aris 1971:207-210 [a widower marries a witch; she ties a pot of fat with a clean handkerchief, tells her stepdaughter to take her husband to the field; threatens to kill if fat drops on the handkerchief; fat has dripped; the snake asks to weave a wreath for her sister's wedding; the same is the second snake, the third is the snake bride herself; the girl weaves three wreaths for three snakes; one snake wants for the handkerchief to be whiter than it was, the second to make the girl's face beautiful, the third to make pearls fall out of her eyes, the voice would be beautiful; the stepmother sends her own daughter; she threw away the snakes, they They want a black handkerchief, toads instead of tears, a black face, an animal voice; the prince hears his stepdaughter's voice, his stepmother tries to expose him to his own daughter, he finds a hidden stepdaughter, marries him], 211-213 [= Alksnite et al. 1958:369-371; stepmother tells stepdaughter to pick up beans from ash, left alone, grew up to the sky; stepdaughter climbed it into the sky; the old man asks to heat the bath with even horse bones, pour it slurry, take the tail of a dead horse with a broom, drag it to the bathhouse by the legs; she does everything wrong, well; the old man gives her a smaller casket, there are jewelry; her own daughter fulfills all requests literally, takes a large casket, the flame from there burned both her and her mother], 213-216 [the stepmother turns off all the lights in the house, sends her stepdaughter to the castle of the psoglavets for fire; on the way, the stepdaughter, in response to their requests, milks the cow and shears the sheep, the horse unravels; the dog gives bells, tells him to dance until he gets the fire; the mouse tells you to take the fire itself in the kitchen, take the smaller of the two wallets; the cow, the sheep, the horse respond to the psoglavtsy that the girl ran to his castle; the stepmother sends her own daughter, she does not help the animals, takes a large purse, it is difficult to run with him, the animals tell the doctor where the girl ran, he tore her apart; stepdaughter married prince]; Aris, Medne 1977, № 480A* [the witch takes the brother away; the older sisters do not help the apple tree, bread, oven; find the brother, but the witch takes him away again; the youngest daughter helps everyone and saves brother]: 291; Brivzemniax 1887, No. 128 (Livonia) [to get rid of her stepdaughter, her stepmother pushed her into the well; when she gets to another world, the girl fulfills the wishes of the animals and objects she meets: He gives water to horses, milks cows, shears sheep, bakes bread; the old man asks to heat the sauna, wash it and others; they are snakes; they tell the girl not to be afraid, she splashes warm water on them; the old man gives a box and a wand , tells you to open when the girl returns home; a lock jumps out of the box, a church appears when hit with a wand; the stepmother pushes her own daughter into the well; she does not fulfill the wishes of the people she meets, pours over the snakes hot water, hits them with a truncheon; when she opened the box given by the old man at home, a fire broke out of it, burned everyone present]: 264-267; Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2001 [stepmother leaves the orphan alone in the bath/ tells her to spin in the bathhouse at night; lauma is helped to spin/dress her; stepmother sends her daughter to the bathhouse to be gifted; lauma is torn apart by her stepmother's daughter]: 241; 2014, No. 46 [one of the sisters stayed in the bathhouse; hell came and offered to dance; she says that first she must comb her hair, wash her face, let the hell pour the water for washing into the sieve; while the devil was carrying water, the rooster sang; the girl was showered with gold ; the next evening, another daughter was left in the bathhouse on purpose; in the morning they found her bones in a bag, skin under the bathhouse door], 47 [when Elyanele's stepdaughter went to the bathhouse, her stepmother took her clothes and locked the door from the outside; hell came and offered to dance; she asked me to bring her clothes and jewelry - one item at a time, then build a palace - three houses with roofs of silver, gold, diamonds; the rooster sings, damn it all leaves E.; stepmother leaves her own daughter Mara in the bathhouse; she asks for all the clothes at once; hell began to dance with her, bore against glass], 76 [the maid orphan goes to take lunch to the estate; three snakes ask to sew they have wreaths, she does it; they reward her: to be rich, hard-working, beautiful; when she cries and laughs, let pearls and gold fall; stepmother sends her own daughter, she drives snakes, they make her poor, lazy and ugly, frogs and lizards fall from her face; pan marries an orphan; 18 options; in 7 sequel about a bride replaced and turned into a swan/duck], 106 [the girl dropped the bobbin, she grew up to the sky, the girl climbed her, there is an old man God; asks to heat the hot bath; the girl went down, heated it not too hot, came back; God tells him to lower him to the ground, taking him by the leg and by hand and throw it (carefully took it out); tear off clothes (carefully take it off); soar with a worn broom (silk broom); wash with liquid manure (running water); cover with rags (dressed nicely); raise to the sky - abandoning (carrying cautiously); the girl lived without profanity, went to church, went to heaven after her death; on the other hand, the same thing, but she literally followed all the instructions and went to hell], 124 [stepmother sent Stepdaughter behind the fire, she came to the witch, answers the questions: she entered the gate, pushing the latch; there were jugs on the fence in the yard; one mistress on the bench entered the canopy, opening the door in the hut with her wand, her hair under a bench, another on the bed, hair under the bed; a happy witch dressed up the girl, gave money; stepmother sends her own daughter; entered the gate, throwing a human hand away; human heads on the fence; the door to the canopy was opened with a man's finger; in the hut, one witch on the bench, the cosmas under the bench, the cosmas under the bed; the witches tore her, a finger in the canopy instead of a stick, her hand instead of a latch, her heads on fence stake; mother saw what happened and died]: 108, 109-111, 169-172, 259-262, 304-306; Lebite 1965:90-94 [stepmother tells stepdaughter to hide without a spindle in the evening and wind it without a reel; cow tells her to throw flax on her horns, by evening the yarn is ready; the stepmother sends her youngest daughter to spy, she did not notice anything; the eldest said that the yarn was on the cow's horns; the stepmother tells her to slaughter the cow; the cow tells her stepdaughter to dip her apron in her blood, bury her; where the first drop of blood fell, a wine spring clogged, where the apron was buried, an apple tree grew; the spring and apple tree are not given to her own daughters, stepdaughter picks up wine, apples, offers it to the Queen, he takes her as his wife], (cf. 121-125 [three sisters, the eldest has a child, the youngest advises not to wash him white, otherwise the swan will take him away for a swan, take him away; a witch in the image the swan takes the child left on the shore; the older sister follows him, does not pick pears, cherries, apples, take pies out of the oven, does not milk the cow; the witch tells her to look in her head with a log; a woman runs with the child, the cow, etc. do not help her, the witch takes the child; the same with the middle sister; the youngest fulfills requests, the cow, etc., protect her from the witch, she is exhausted, dies]), 221-225 [ stepmother tells her husband to take her stepdaughter to the forest; he hangs a board to knock in the wind, as if he were cutting wood, leaving; the bag is not flour, but ash, not lard, but shank; the girl enters the hut, the Bear asks open the door even with a ray; she opens her hand; feeds the Mouse; ash porridge, but delicious; makes the Bear a bed of stones, logs, millstones; The bear tells him to run around the room, ring keys; The mouse runs, The bear throws stones, the girl is sitting under the stove; the bear tells him to blow in his ear, pies fall out, the carriage with horses fall out; the dog barks that the old daughter is coming with gifts; the stepmother sends his own daughter, she is not feeds the Mice, the Bear kills her, burns her, six sparrows bring a tub of ashes, the dog barks about it; stepmother burst angrily, father and daughter eat pies], 226-228 [stepmother sends stepdaughter to sleep in ovin; there the devils offer to dance; she asks first to bring her water to wash, soap, then various garments and jewelry piece by piece; this is how time passes until the first roosters, the devils disappear, clothes and jewelry remains; stepmother sends her own daughter, she asks for everything at once, she has to dance, in the morning stepmother finds her dead], 229-230 [stepmother sends stepdaughter to spin on the edge of the well, pushes her into a well; she falls into a green meadow; the old man asks for the sheep to herd, a month later the lambs are well-groomed, the old man offers a choice of red, white and blue caskets, the girl chooses white; opens the house a palace appears; the stepmother pushes her own daughter into the well, she does not take good care of the sheep, chooses a red box, opens it at home, the fire that breaks out burns her and her stepmother], 382-383 [the poor woman forgot the child is in the field; people hear laums lurking him, find him dressed, lauma tells him to be cut off from the canvas she has left, it will not end, but you can't look at the end; the rich neighbor deliberately leaves the child was torn to shreds; the woman looked at the end of the canvas, it was over]; (cf. Lebite 1965 [Sigute's brother went to war; stepmother gives her a bundle of tow, tells her to hide, sew a shirt; a black cow swallows a tow, spits out her shirt; stepmother spies on her daughter, stepmother decides to burn S. , otherwise Brother S. will return, take revenge; fills the hole under the threshold with hot coals, sprinkles it with earth; the black dog warns S. every time not to go there; her stepmother breaks her paw every day, then pulls her paw out tongue; on the sixth day, S. failed, burned down; the cow licked the ashes, the duck flew out, told his returning brother about the incident; he smeared his horse with tar, told his stepmother to push him, she stuck arms, legs, head; the brother tells the horse to scatter the stepmother's bones across the field; snow is her bones turn white]: 84-90).

Volga - Perm. Komi: Doronin 2004 [stepmother throws her stepdaughter into the well; she meets horses, cleans them, they say that you should take a red basket in Yoma's hut; Y. asks her lizards to be washed and evaporated, frogs, beetles, the girl did everything; chose a red basket, the father picked it up from the well, in the basket of dresses, money; the stepmother leaves her own daughter, she hits the horses, they advise you to take a blue basket; she hits, and Y. does not wash the children, takes a blue basket; when mother and daughter opened it, the fire blazed, burned them]: 41-43; Plesovsky 1975 [stepmother sends stepdaughter to rinse the yarn, the skein drowned in the river, the stepmother tells jump after him; stepdaughter finds herself in the meadow; combed and braided the manes of horses; the mare teaches you to go to Yoma's hut, complete all tasks, choose a red basket; milks cows, the cow tells you not to try honey from honey river, sour cream from a stream of sour cream, step on a needle in Yoma's hut; stepdaughter tells the spinning hut to stop, stepped on a needle, came in; Y. tells me to chop firewood so that the knock cannot be heard heat the sauna so that there is no smoke; wash children - frogs, lizards and beetles; stepdaughter does everything; Yoma gives yarn, stepdaughter chooses a red basket; Y. tells me not to open it on the way; stepdaughter opens houses, a hut appears with kindness; stepdaughter gets married; stepmother sends her own daughter; she scolds the horses, they tell them to take blue; she eats honey, sticks to her scythe, eats sour cream, sticks to her sundress, I had to cut off the braid and hem; firewood was chopping loudly, heating the bathhouse smokily, hitting frogs, etc., chooses a blue basket, a fire came out of it at home, burned down the hut; the father went to live with his daughter]: 34-37; Udmurts: Kralina 1960, No. 51 [father and stepmother took the girl to an abandoned hut and threw her underground to be torn to pieces; he gave her a kamali with coins sewn on; then her stepmother left her own daughter there; her chief gutted, put a necklace of spruce cones around her neck; her mother repented of her greed]: 143-144; Wichmann 1901, No. 7 [stepmother sends stepdaughter and father to the forest for firewood; hearing the crackling trees, girl thinks his father works, but when he comes there, he sees the house; the old woman asks for water to wash from the red horse {incomprehensible}, she brings real water; bring Nadelbaum {spruce branch?} , but she brings a good bath broom; the old woman asks to kick her in the ass, beat her with a broom with a handle; the girl gently touches her grandmother, gushes with a bath broom; in the morning the old woman tells her to take a chest with her, from who can hear a jingle; lets a ball, the girl follows him and comes to the house; dog: woof woo, the girl brought gold; stepmother: you have to bark "snakes and frogs"! the stepmother sends her own daughter, she does literally everything the old woman asks for (kicks her, etc.); in the morning the old woman tells her to take a chest from which deaf sounds are heard; dog: the girl carries snakes and frogs; snakes bit her to death]: 71-73; Kazan Tatars: Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 21 [stepmother left her stepdaughter in the bathhouse for the night and ordered her to spin; an old woman appeared, calling her - they have fun; girl replies that she does not have a dress, shawl, shoes, etc.; the old woman brings it every time; when she brings a chest of goodness, there is nothing more to ask for, but the rooster sang; the stepdaughter became rich; the stepmother sent her native to the bathhouse daughter; she began to say that she did not have a dress; old woman: I gave you everything yesterday; I killed her]: 193-196; Nasyrov, Polyakov 1900, No. 3 [father, new wife, son and daughter decide to lime her stepdaughter; brother leads her into the forest for berries, hangs a club that the wind hits the tree; the girl thinks that her brother is cutting wood; in the evening she does not find him; asks everyone she meets if they have seen her roll ball; herd, cow, sheep, goat shepherds each answer what they saw, ask them to get the herd for a day, for which they give a horse, a cow, etc.; comes to the witch's house on the edge of the village; she asks her to push pull her hair, etc.; the girl does otherwise, affectionately; does not take the gold that she sees in the witch's hair; in the bath; she gives her a chest, at home the girl finds jewelry in it; dogs bark that who goes to death, returns rich; her own daughter does not herd the herd, says that she does not need a horse, etc.; literally does what the witch asks for; takes gold, it falls to the floor when the witch asks her to dance; gets a black chest; dogs bark that the one who goes rich returns to death; the snake from the chest strangles the girl]: 24-29 (same text in another paraphrase or similar in Bashirov, Yarmukhametov 1956:82-89, in Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 20:187-192, in Yarmukhametov 1956:127); Bashkirs: Barag 1989, No. 34 [stepmother tells to spin, stepdaughter spins better than her own daughter, stepmother spins better than her own daughter, stepmother throws her stepdaughter's ball out the window, she follows it; helps the old woman gather geese, refusing to take one as a reward (she will take one on the way back); the shepherd collect sheep (the same); cows (the same); horses (then same); the ball rolls to the old woman; the girl replies that the old woman's food tastes better than at home, the house is more beautiful; the old woman tells her to kick, tear off her clothes, pour boiling water in the bath, the girl does everything affectionately, carefully, she washes the old woman with warm water; the old woman's hair is not lice, but gold; she tells her to wake her up when not black, but yellow water flows out of her; the girl's hair becomes golden, her teeth are silver; she chooses the smallest old chest; on the way back he gets cattle with offspring, rides in a tarantas, the puppy barks about it; in the chest there is a magic tablecloth; the stepmother throws the ball of her own daughter; that's all does it wrong, the puppy barks that his own daughter has found her death; she brings in a chest with snakes in it, her own daughter and stepmother died from bites], (cf. No. 35 [stepmother tells her husband to lime stepdaughter named Suyabika; her father takes her to a hut in the woods, ties a mallet to the tree, leaves, the girl thinks that her father is cutting wood; finds a handful of grains on the floor, cooks - the pot is full; she gives food to the mouse; the pot brings food and rich clothes; a handsome young man sees her; their descendants are residents of Suya village]), 36 [the stepmother tells her husband to lime her stepdaughter, who leaves her flax in the bathhouse, with her rooster; a little kikimora girl enters, says that the stepdaughter is expected to visit; she replies that she does not have a dress, shoes, etc., kikimora brings everything, finally the cock screams, the kikimora disappears, the girl is left with rich clothes; the stepmother tells her to take her away own daughter, who demands all her clothes at once; in the morning, the father found his daughter's intestines on the walls, her head on a stove; asks his wife if she wants 12 foals or a woodpile of 12 fathoms; she wants a woodpile, burned alive ]: 174-177, (177-181), 181-183); Chuvash: Chuvash tales 1937 [stepmother tells her stepdaughter to be taken to the forest; she goes, climbs into the haystack, sees 12 goats, says that they have one golden horn, the other silver; goats throw her gold and silver; stepmother sends her own daughter, who tells the goats that one horn is in the feces and the other is in the urine; her goats slaughtered to death]: 156-159; Eisin 1993 [stepmother tells her husband take his stepdaughter to the forest; he ties a block of wood to the tree, he swings in the wind, knocks, the girl thinks her father is near; at night she hears the voices of 12 pigeons, praises them, they throw her jewelry, she returns; the stepmother leaves her own daughter in the forest, who wakes up to the scream of 12 kites, scolds them, they fill her with branches, the stepmother has difficulty digging her up; sends her stepdaughter to spin into the bathhouse to be eaten by Ye; she gets out from under the stove, leeches and snakes in her hair; the girl replies that the guest looks better than many; Y. asks to look in her head, wake her up when white, black and red water flows; the water is pouring, Y. bathes the girl in white, runs her black eyebrows, her lips and cheeks red, the girl returns beautiful; the stepmother sends her own daughter, who calls the old woman dirty, she bathes her in black water, runs white through her hair and eyebrows, red on her forehead; stepmother chokes, her daughter drowned]: 300-302; Marie: Aktsorin 1995 (mountain) [stepmother tells me to take Nastashka to the forest; she cooks porridge for the Bear; Mouse The bell rings for her when the Bear offers to play blind man's buff; the bear gives her gold and silver; the dog barks that the one who has left to die returns rich; the stepmother sends her daughter, she does not cook porridge, kicks the mouse with his foot; father comes to pick up his daughter's bones]: 117-119; Sabitov 1989, No. 729 [Bucket: older sister drops a bucket into the water, does the old man's job (milks a goat); the old man pulls it out of the water a bucket and for meekness gives beauty and rewards her; the younger sister tries to imitate the elder; does not do the old man's task well, for which she is punished]: 43; 1992 (meadow) [=Tudorovskaya, Eman 1945:30-33; the stepdaughter spins, the stepmother throws away the ball, the stepdaughter follows him; consistently helps three old women with the housework; the third tells them to climb the pine tree; seven goats with gold and silver come to butt horns; some fall dead, the girl takes them to the old woman on a hauler; so three times; returns home; the dog barks, the rich sister goes; the stepmother asks why she does not speak, Goes dead; sends her daughter, she does not help old women, goats cut down a pine tree, kill her; dog: Dead sister goes]: 186-189; marie [older sister drops a bucket in the water, does the job old man (milks a goat); the old man takes a bucket out of the water and gives her beauty for meekness and rewards her; the younger sister tries to imitate the elder; does not do the old man's task well, for which she is punished]: Sabitov 1989 , No. 729:43; Mordovians: Evseviev 1964, No. 19 (Erzya) [mother is dead, daughter invites her father to remarry, stepmother tells her husband to take his stepdaughter to the forest; he leaves his daughter in a forest house, hangs it on a tree two boards, as if he were cutting a tree to get honey, leaves himself; the girl calls the forest fathers and mothers to sleep with her; Viryava brought beads and beads, tells me to string it; the caress asks for a bead, for this it will help; advises you to hide, put a lime tree stump instead; at night Viryava bites a stump - oh, tough meat; in the morning the stepmother sent her husband to bring the bones, he brings his daughter in a rich outfit, the dog barks about it; stepmother sends her own daughter, she caresses, Viryava ate her (sweet meat), the father brought bones, the dog barks about it, the stepmother died of grief]: 157-160; Pomerantseva 1973 [stepmother tells her husband to throw her stepdaughter in the forest; the girl comes to Viriava; she tells me to string coins and pearls; Laska asks for pearls and coins to her; the girl gives, she tells me to put a log on the stove instead of herself; V. gnaws a log, stepdaughter returns in coins and pearls; stepmother sends her own daughter, she does not give anything to Laska, V. ate her, the man brought her bones home]: 94-99; Samorodov 1972 [stepmother tells me to wash black onuchi white; pike advises to go to a forest hut; on the way, the girl helps a cow to calve, a mare necklace, hug a sheep; the old woman gives her a mirror, says that she left home three years ago, the girl sees that has grown and prettier; on the way back, shepherds give her cattle with three years of offspring; the dog barks that she is beautiful; the stepmother's daughter scolds pike, shepherds, cattle, old woman; turns ugly; dog barks that an ugly woman is carrying a bag for her bones; dogs tore her apart in the village]: 78-82.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [bai has a daughter with his eldest wife, son and daughter from his youngest; the youngest is dead; the stepmother tyrannites her children; the black lamb koshkar tells them to pull out a piece of hair from him, every time there is food; the stepmother peeked, decided to slaughter the lamb, pretended to be sick, only her meat would cure her; the lamb advised the children to bury its bones; the stepmother let the stepdaughter hide the bag of wool; the cow began to chew wool to hide it; the wind carried away the wool; the girl came to the old woman; she asked her to comb her hair; there were delicious things, the girl did not touch her; the old woman made her beautiful, returned her hair, the cow chewed, the wool became threads; the stepmother sends her own daughter, she ate the food, the old woman ordered her to grow horns on her head; the healers hardly cured her; the padishah promised to marry her son to that one, give her away daughter for someone whose leather boots would suit him; stepmother and daughter carried their boots, told the children to separate rice from millet; white chicken ordered to dig a hole with bones, horses, clothes, shoes; padishah married his son to a girl, married his daughter to her brother]: Kanbak-Shal 1985:58-60; Kyrgyz [lived one widow with two daughters; the eldest, like her mother, is rude and arrogant, the youngest is kind and beautiful; the mother sent the youngest with a jug to a distant spring; a poorly dressed woman asked for a drink; the girl was kind and polite to her; she said that now, as soon as she spoke, flowers would fall from the girl's lips and precious stones; the mother sent her eldest daughter, who responded ruelly to the woman, snakes, frogs and turtles began to fall from her lips; she never married, and the youngest was taken by the padishah's son]: Sabyr uulu 2008:54-55; Uighurs [stepmother torments Khajyarkhan's stepdaughter with work; H. spins, grazing cows, cotton is blown away by the wind, she comes to the old woman's cave for him; she tells her to cook thick noodles, pour the garbage into a hole in the roof, pull it out her hair; H. does everything wrong (thin noodles, gently takes out rubbish and garbage, washes and combs the old woman's head); gets a ball of ready-made threads, her hair turns golden, gets the old woman's hair to burn it if help is needed; stepmother sends daughter Patyamkhan. she does everything wrong, steals gold, dandruff covers her head; when she goes to the party, her stepmother tells her to sort out the millet; H. burns her hair, it turns out from an old woman, she gives expensive clothes, sends her to the party; returning, H. loses her slipper; at home, chickens go through millet, weave peri-doves; Adil, the son of a padishah, finds a slipper, looks for an owner; a dog tells the servants that she was put in tono (tandoor); after becoming a wife, A., H. visits the house, P. and her stepmother pour boiling water on her, bury her; P. attaches her braids, puts on her clothes, comes to her husband; a drop of blood X . fell, turned into a bird; she flies into A.'s garden, shouts that there is a secret in the house; A.'s wife pretends to be sick, will recover if she eats a bird; bones and feathers are buried, two roses have grown; wife pulls them out of A.'s hands; poplar grows in the same place, his wife demands that it be cut down; a sliver sticks to the gardener's beard, falls to the floor in his house, turns into H.; she talks about everything to A., her tears became a river, stepmother and P. drowned in it]: Kabirov 1963:320-331; Dungans [Yunhua's mother died, stepmother has a daughter Guangdongyur; stepmother takes her to the prince's screenings, dressed in clothes left by her mother for Yu; the wind carried away Yu's spindle, she comes for it to the immortal old woman; she tells her to pour the garbage on the floor, throw the ash into the oven; Yu does not do so; the old woman gives her treasures, a golden flower grows to her forehead; G. sprinkles garbage on the floor, greedy, her gallbladder grows to her forehead; her stepmother picks it off, puts the golden flower Yu received; Yu comes back to the old woman, she gives her outfits, she loses her shoe, the prince finds her married; Yu wants to feed widows and orphans, the prince is angry; then the melons in his bag turn into severed heads; he is taken to court; he repents, his heads turn back into melons]; Riftin et al. 1977, No. 11:100-104.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Siberian Tatars (Tomsk) [stepmother threw a ball of thread from Fatima's stepdaughter through the window; she follows him, helps guard cows, geese, sheep, horses, and receives one animal from the herd each time; the old woman promises to return the ball if she heats the sauna and washes it; the old woman replies that she should be washed with manure, soared in stakes; she makes flower soap, hovers with a birch broom, does not take money from the chest; receives a chest of gold; at home, the dog barks that F. goes with cattle and wealth; his own daughter does not help the shepherds, literally fulfills the old woman's request, secretly takes valuables from the chest; the dog barks that a girl is carrying reptiles; snakes from the chest bite her stepmother and her daughter, they run away from home]: Tomilov 1995:160-163 (=Lukina 2004, No. 4. 11:93-95); Mongols: Uther 2004 (1), No. 403:236-238; Mongors [ the eldest daughter-in-law is greedy, unkind to her elderly mother-in-law, the youngest is kind; goes to the wedding, hides a piece of chicken to give to her mother-in-law; stops to pee, the chicken falls into a puddle; the daughter-in-law does not know what to do; at home she washes and smokes chicken, gives her mother-in-law; during a thunderstorm she hides under a tree, thinks that Heaven has decided to punish her; from a lightning strike, the tree splits, gold inside; the eldest daughter-in-law decided Repeat everything, specially wrote it for the chicken; when I hid under a tree, lightning killed her]: Stuart, Limusishiden 1994:155.

Western Siberia. Mansi: Rombandeeva 2005, No. 6 [Mosne and Porne live in the same village; M. is calling by the river, my black beast, my red beast, swim out; swims on the back of a black beast to Yanig-Ekva; repairs her fur coat well; I cook food from my snot and earwax, the food turns out to be oily; asks her to look in her head, tells me how ugly her nose, arms, legs are; M. replies that everything beautiful, like a young one; I tell you to take a box in an old barn with me, M. opens the house, there the man is scaring; the chips are floating, M. replies that she scolded herself, but P. guessed it; also calls the beast; bad I repair my fur coat, reproaches me for snot, scolds my eyes and hands; a snake is in the box, eats it], 23 [stepmother hates her stepdaughter, tells her to take her to the forest; the husband cut down his daughter's log house, left raw ones for food burbot guts and tails; at night, the monster tries to crawl into the house, the girl replies that she only has raw intestines and tails to eat; became a needle and hid in the garbage; the monster did not find her, decided that with such She was skinny and left; the next time a handsome man came and married her; the father came and was surprised how well her daughter was living; she gave him guts and tails, but then gave him a piece of fatty meat; the stepmother sends her own daughter, gives her liver, burbot caviar, opens the monster, thinking it was the groom; he ate it; when the father came back to his daughter, she fed him, and sent his stepmother only guts and tails]: 77-81, 223-233; Steinitz in Kippar 2002 (Tavda - Far East of Sverdlovsk Oblast) [the man has a daughter from his deceased wife, he took another wife, she also has a daughter; the stepmother does not like his stepdaughter, tells her husband to move her away separately; stepdaughter to the mice: eat crumbs while the bread is eaten, we will eat together ; they tell you to put the pot of water on the fire, put a stupa in the corner, cover it with clothes; at night the devil will come, swallow the stupa, pour boiling water over it, it will die; so it was; there was a clay pot on the floor, it warmed up, hissed: now I'll burst; the girl opened it, well done, married her; a farm appeared: horses, cows, chickens and roosters; the father comes to find out what's wrong with his daughter, returns with rich gifts; the wife also asks her daughter to be taken to the forest; she does not give bread to the mice; at night the devil broke in, bit the girl, hung her intestines on her nails; the girl's mother was frightened - you can't stay here; they went to live with her stepdaughter]: 209-212; the Northern Selkups [the old widower has Natank's daughter ("girlfriend"), he marries again, his new wife has a daughter, mother and daughter both Tomnanks ("frog" + two diminutive suffixes); N. kicked out of the house, she meets the old woman Ylynta the cat ("lower old woman", progenitor); the test of courtesy, skill, kindness towards others, and a reward in the form of a hunter husband follows; T.-daughter repeats N.'s path, does not stand the test, gets a devil husband that eats her]: Tuchkova 2004:209-210; Kets: Dulzon 1972, No. 112 [old man Ydohot with his daughter, and next door to colmas with daughter; the colmas tells Y. to take his daughter away; he left her in the hut; a bear came and ordered her to lend feathers; satisfied with the work; tied a ring to the girl and told her to run around the hut; if an arrow hits his tongue bell, will eat the girl; the bear did not fall into the tongue of the bell, brought the girl a lot of things and let go; the knot responds to the colmas: the old man does not carry his daughter's bones in the bag, she returned alive; seeing that the daughter the old man became rich, the colmas tells him to leave her daughter in that hut; she asks the mice to help weave, but they only took away all the hemp; the bear told him to run with a bell, hit the tongue with an arrow bell, ate the girl; the old man brought her bones to the colmas]: 114-115; Nikolaeva 2006 [the old man has a daughter and the old woman has a daughter, they began to live together; the old woman ordered to take her stepdaughter to the forest; when the old man walks her To see, she has a new plague - she gave the man the meat left by her father, he married her; the old woman sent his daughter; the old man went to visit her, found no one, the girl disappeared]: 153-155; Osharov 1936a [the old woman began to live with the old man, disliked her stepdaughter; he took her daughter to the forest; when she returns, she has a new plague; she gave the man the meat left by her father, he married her; old woman sent her daughter; three days later, the father visited, returned, crying - someone killed the old woman's daughter]: 119-121.

Eastern Siberia. Central (? ; places of recording are not specified) Yakuts: Sivtsev, Erofeev 1990 [(=Sivtsev-Omolloon 1976:104-112); stepmother sends stepdaughter Yulesit-Kyys ("yulesit" - "hard-working") in the evening to the forest for talnik to be eaten animals; she comes to the hut, cooks porridge, feeds the Mouse; the bear owner offers to play blind man's buff, the Mouse runs instead of her with a bell; the Bear gives her rich clothes, the talnik turns into ready-made baskets, an abandoned handkerchief to the household; stepmother sends her daughter Syuryaga-Suokh ("lazy"); her porridge is burnt, she drives the Mouse; playing blind man's buff, the Bear finds her, turns her into a cuckoo; stepmother into cat, now she catches mice]: 127-131; Ergis 1967b, No. 120 [after the death of her parents, two older sisters made the youngest their farm; a cow came, asked her elders to milk her, they drove her away; the youngest milked, knocked down the oil, it turned gold, washed herself with milk, became beautiful, married happily; the older sisters quarreled, went in different directions]: 188.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais [the poor girl found a piece of silk, dropped it into the river, ran downstream, saw the house; replies to the old woman that she would go up the clay shore, enter the clay door, eat from pottery; the dishes turn out to be golden; the old woman gives the box, tells me not to open it on the way if the ties of her greaves and pants are untied, do not tie it, go to bed at home; in the morning the floor is golden, poles the roofs are silver; a rich girl deliberately drops a flap, replies to the old woman that they are gold and gold - the dishes turn out to be clay; she ties ties ties, but they untied the shoes, the girl fell; opened the box, the snakes crawled out, strangled it; the poor girl buried her bones, burned her house at the wake]: Kile 1996, No. 34:337-341; Nanais [(mostly the same as in Kiel]: Sam, Sem 2020, No. 76:362- 365.

Japan. Ainu: Chamberlain 1888:23-25 in Roberts 1994:64; Japanese: Ikeda 1971, No. 403A (including North Ryukyu) [I. Stepmother hates stepdaughter. II. She is kind to a Buddhist monk, he makes her white; her own daughter is unkind and becomes dark. III. The prince chooses his stepmother's daughter because he was shown a false portrait; sends her back, the messenger brings his beautiful stepdaughter. IV. Stepmother cooks stepdaughter to death, replaces her daughter; stepdaughter turns into a bird, flies to her brother's forest to help harvest firewood; gives her kimono or portrait; prince sees him, brother tells him the truth. V. The prince and brother go to the mountains, summon a bird; it orders them to put vessels filled with water, wine, fire; they bathe in them and take on their appearance. VI. 1) A false bride is executed; 2) an ex-stepdaughter serves beggars - stepmother and her daughters], 403B [I. In winter, the stepmother sends her stepdaughter for strawberries. II. The old man 1) shows where the strawberries are; 2) brings him to his home, where his 12 month-old sons are, June gives strawberries. III. 1) Stepmother sends daughter, old man shows purple strawberries after eating them, stepmother and daughter die; 2) stepmother and daughter go after strawberries, freeze to death], 480A (including North Ryukyu) [ the stepmother sends her stepdaughter for chestnuts, a rolling chestnut brings her to the lower world; the ogre's mother hides her because she is kind, takes out her lice, chooses a modest gift; brings home treasures; stepdaughter is arrogant, eaten by cannibals, or monsters jump out of the box she brings], 750B (including Ryukyu North and Okinawa) [a servant or younger wife of good to Buddhist to the monk, stepmother or mistress chases him; or is so busy with cloth that she does not give him mercy; the maid is rewarded with a towel that makes her beautiful; the stepmother, etc. wipes her face with it, does freak; or gets a belt that turns into a snake]: 98, 98-99, 122-123, 177-178.

SV Asia. Coastal Koryaks (Karagin dialect) [Tinienevvut picks berries; the bear tells her to go to her; she carefully kneads the bears at home; the bear sends her home, teaches her not to be afraid if any of the bears chases her; the bear catches up with her, rides, she immediately gives birth to a child, the Bear becomes human, brings her to himself; they visit T.'s parents, who are delighted with her son-in-law; her Rara's sister wants the same thing to happen to her; scared of the Bear, screams, her brothers kill a bear; a man jumps out of her skin, runs away; R. missed the groom because of laziness, cowardice and disobedience]: Changers 1974, No. 136:419-422; reindeer Koryaks [the daughter of the Creator Yineanyeut goes to feed the dog, and he tries to hug it; he comes to her at night; he is killed, thrown into an ice-hole, cut into pieces, but he every time she revives and comes to her as a man; remains her husband, kills many deer; her cousin Kilu pretends to be rushing at her; no one pays attention; she she drowns him herself, but no one comes; she lives alone]: Jochelson 1908, No. 33:183; Itelmen [Kuth has daughters Sinanevt and Sirim, sons Ememkut and Sisilkhan; E. tells Sinanevt not to watch him makes arrows; she looks, the arrows break, E. breaks her arm, Sinanevt cries, goes into the forest; Volkov's old mother heals her hand; tells her not to take anything on the way, if she finds a torbaza, put insoles in them , tendons - loosen threads; Sinanevt does so, does not take meat and fat from the booth; the wolf sister throws it up without causing harm, hides it from the brothers; tells her to run, turns her younger brother into a bear, tells her to catch up; E. shoots a bear, a handsome guy is inside, takes Sinanevt as his wife; Sirim repeats everything, but eats meat and fat, takes veins and torbaza, tells the she-wolf that she injured her ; none of the Wolf Brothers are chasing Sirim, they send their dog, Sirim asks Sicilkan and Sirim, they send their brother, even, a buret; they try to kill her, but there is no groom inside. Sisilkhan throws Sirim into the forest, it has dried up there]: Menovshchikov 1974, No. 178:533-536.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos (Chaplino) [Pikylnauyn is a good seamstress; her brother Imimkun; Kylyukanuyn also has a brother; P. lived a hood, K. came in, sat for a long time, stole P.'s embroideries, began to shout that her embroidery is better; I. scolded P., threw away her hood, the wind carried him, P. - then came across a hole, came in, there were fat trees with confused veins, P. began to twist her veins; a brown bear came in, took off the hood, underneath it, began to thank you for the work; the woman's sons brought the seals; the woman cut them, asked P. to take them to {those who brought them}; you must enter the hole {their homes} with your eyes closed, and when they take the meat, wait {when they give} the pelvis; go out with their eyes closed too, and when they step on their heels and try to hold, ignore; P. did everything, the pelvis was full half with beads and half with berries; the woman took a dog with her: let brother P. pierce her; I. pierced the dog, deer and a wagon train of wealth came out of the wound; K. became jealous, told her brother throw away her hood; everything was the same as P., but K. came out without waiting for her pelvis, and when they stepped on her heels, she screamed; got bad liver colored beads and an inferior dog, came out of the wound" Laurentian's in bad duck kitchens" {who are deer in kitchens?} ; K.'s family did not get rich]: Rubtsova, Vakhtin 2019, No. 5:73-80; St. Lawrence [a smart girl sews, drops a thimble, it fell on an arrow made by her brother, the arrow broke; her brother hit her sister, she went to the tundra; saw her shoes wet, dried it and fixed it; cleaned the fish prepared for cleaning; came to the old woman; she tells her not to go into the next room; sending her home, she gives a lot of beads and tells her not to look back, even if the stalker will push her in the back; she does everything, her brother and other people see a grizzly bear following the girl, shoot him, a handsome young man jumps out of his grizzly skin, takes the girl as his wife; her stupid friend tells her brother to hit her with an arrow on purpose, breaks an arrow; starts and quits drying shoes, cleaning fish; gets few beads; runs home in horror; an old man jumps out of the grizzly, takes girlfriend for wife]: Slwooko 1977:66-69.

(Wed. Honduras-Panama. Kuna [Kwani (also known as Kayatodo) was washed with magic herbs as a child, wise at the age of a young man; other nele (shamans) are evil and really ignorant, everyone has many wives; K. He predicts a drought, they don't believe him; he collects water and food; there is only one body of water left in the distance, but ferocious animals gathered to him; they sent a virgin for water, the animals did not eat her, but she could not bring water to everyone; another man sent a daughter who had lost her virginity and was eaten by a crocodile; shamans could not sing and rattle; four old women were sent to K. to take care of him as a child; he he sang, thundered with maraka, four days later, storm clouds gathered on four sides, the rain filled all the reservoirs]: Chapin 1989:160-166).