K56A. Unworthy does not achieve, worthy achieves goal, ATU 431. . (43.) .45. (.53.) .58.
Two or three sisters go successively to a powerful character. The first or the first two act incorrectly, die or do not achieve their goal. The latter acts correctly, is saved or rewarded.
Cf. Motive L4 (The Cannibal Husband Revealed, Bluebeard). (The K56A motif takes into account only those options in which girls leave home themselves, intentionally or accidentally getting to their future husband, or the husband lives in the girls' house; does not take into account the options in which the husband comes for the bride).
Sala, Macua, Xhosa, Mosi, Spaniards, Italians (Piedmont, Veneto, Molise), Bretons, French (Dauphine), Germans (Grimms), British, Scots, Irish, Samoans, Tibetans (Ambo, Sikkim, Ham), Mustang, Bhutan, Hungarians, Romanians, Moldovans, Greeks, Slovaks, Turks, Norwegians, Danes, East Sami, Finns, Estonians, Setus, Lutsi, Lithuanians, Mari, Shors, Kets, Nenets, Ents, Northern Khanty, Eastern Khanty, Mansi, Sym Evenks (Ket), Amur Evenks, Japanese, Chukchi, Olyye (?) and coastal Koryaks, Asian Eskimos, (shuswap), mikmak, (kuna), warrau.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Sala [a ferocious rainbow goat devours several wives who do not know how to deal with him properly; a girl passes all the tests with a rooster's feather]: Chaplin 1959:159; makua [ the girl comes to offer herself as a wife, does not pay attention to the dirty old woman on the edge of the village, marries a handsome young man; cooks, but when she wants to take food in her mouth, her husband does not give, eats everything, the wife dies out of hunger, he throws the corpse down the hole; so with many wives; the latter approaches the old woman, who teaches her husband to be named Likanga; when he hears him, the husband rushes to the river, drowns]: Junod s.a., No. 28:171-181; scythe [father learns that the chief wants to marry; the eldest daughter demands that she be sent; refuses to go properly with his retinue; disdainfully rejects the help of a mouse, a frog, a boy, an old woman, a girl (this is the chief's sister); contrary to the advice of an old woman, laughs at laughing trees; drinks yogurt from a wineskin found; drinks water offered to a person carrying his head under his arm; in the leader's village cooks clumsily and poorly; the leader turns out to be a five-headed snake, swallows what has come; the younger sister is accompanied by relatives, gratefully listens to the advice of others he meets; cooks delicious food; the snake eats, turns handsome; wedding]: McCall Theal 1882:47-53 (=1910:279-282; =Held 1904:14-20; =Maarnott 2000:189-197).
West Africa. Mosi [girls go to the village, a poor dirty old woman asks her to wash; everyone refuses, the latter agrees, there is a hole in the old woman's back, jewelry in her, the old woman tells her to take them; other girls they also rush to wash the old woman, but she disappears]: Klipple 1992:217-218.
Southern Europe. Spaniards: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 425E (Ciudad Real) [The poor man has three daughters, one dress for three; he goes for brushwood, picks rosemary, hears a voice: Who is dragging me by the beard? the door opens, someone asks him to bring his daughter, gives clothes, offers to eat 3 nuts and 2 figs; the father brings the eldest daughter, who eats two nuts out of three, her voice sends her; the same with the middle daughter; the youngest gives two out of three to her father, asks her to stay; her husband is with her at night, but she does not see him; she asked for time off for her sister's wedding, her husband tells her not to tell anything, not to kiss anyone; then to her father's funeral; there she kissed her aunt, who asked her, advised her to light a candle at night; a drop of wax woke her husband up, he says that in two days the spell would be broken, teaches her to find him, not to be afraid of animals along the way, choose a room by the road for the night; she gave birth, her husband's mother praised the child, her husband's crocodile skin came off, everything is fine]: 253-258; Malinovskaya 2002 [the poor man follows the twigs, grabs the willow, the dragon tells bring him what he will meet first at home; he thinks it will be a dog, the youngest daughter comes out; he sends first the eldest, the middle one, the dragon rejects them; at night he sheds his skin, becomes handsome; the wife The dragon visits the sisters, they are jealous, they burn their skin, the husband tells them to look for him in the gilded castle, wearing out seven pairs of iron shoes; the wife and son come to the old woman, who tells them to wait for the Moon Eagle to return; The moon sends to her Sun Brother, he to the Wind Brother, the Wind takes her to the castle, where her missing husband marries; the wife consistently kindles the three coal given by her husband, each fulfills the desire to have a beautiful spinning wheel; for three spinning wheels, the wife buys three nights in the prince's bedroom; on the third night, the prince does not drink a sleepy potion, returns to his wife and son]: 233-237; Italians: Calvino 1980, No. 19 (Piedmont) [y the king is a pig son (King Crin), he asks to marry him one of the baker's three daughters; the eldest agreed, but expresses her disgust, was found dead in the morning; the same middle; the youngest caressed him at night the pig turns into a young man; the wife lit a splint (taper) to look at him, the coal fell, the husband woke up; said that his wife would see him if she cried 7 bottles of tears, stacks 7 pairs of iron shoes, wears him out 7 iron cloaks and 7 iron hats; on the way, a young woman comes to the mother of the wind (she gives a chestnut), lightning (gives a walnut), thunder (hazel nut); comes to the palace, whose mistress is about to go out for the prince, a former pig; breaks chestnuts and nuts, diamonds in the first, silk outfits in the second, horses and carriages in the third; each time she exchanges treasures from the landlady for the right to spend the night in the prince's room; the first two nights he sleeps because the hostess gave him sleeping pills, on the third night the prince does not drink, hugs his wife, they return home]: 57-60; Widter et al. 1866, No. 12 (Veneto) [witch wanted to marry the king, but he chose another one, so the witch made sure that the son who was born was covered in piggy skin; the son grew up and asked his father to marry him the eldest of three sisters; when the groom lay down in a puddle at the wedding and then sat down with the bride, she called him a real pig; in the morning she was found dead in bed; the same with her middle sister; the youngest did not disgust the groom, but called him treasure; at night he took off his pigskin and turned out to be handsome; forbid his wife to talk about it; the prince comes to the tournament three times; seeing his daughter-in-law next to the handsome man, the prince's mother calls her a libertine and wants to kill; when he finds out about the skin removed, he burns it; the prince disappears, the wife goes in search; The evening star (Stella d'oro, man) gives a nut, sends it to the Sun; he also gives a nut, refers to the Wind ; Wind's mother hides her, asks her son, he says that the prince lives behind the mountain, he and the Sun will go there tomorrow to dry their clothes; the mother of the Wind gives a chestnut; the prince marries again, an unrecognized wife in his house hired a goose; split a walnut, wearing an Evening Star dress; gives it to her new bride overnight with the prince; she puts sleeping pills; the same on the second night (dress is like the sun); the most beautiful dress wearing a chestnut tree; the prince just pretended to fall asleep; found out that his wife had worn out her iron shoes in search of him; returned to her and drove the new bride away]: 249-254.
Western Europe. The Bretons [the señor's son has the head of a foal; the eldest, middle daughter of a peasant agrees to marry him, say they will cut off his head, stab him; he does it himself with them; the youngest loves him, at night he turns handsome; his wife should not talk about it until the last bell rings at their child's christening; says he beats her, drops of blood remain on his shirt; she will find wearing him out three pairs of iron shoes; when she wears him out, she sees laundresses who cannot wash the blood off the senor's shirt; she washes it off; finds a husband; at a wedding with his new wife, he says that he has the old one, leaves with her]: Luzel 1995:60-66; French (Dauphine): Joisten 1991, No. 12 [the childless king tells the person he meets that he would like a son even with the head of a pig; the son is born, grows up, asks to marry his wife; the lumberjack's eldest daughter agrees, but after the wedding she does not allow herself to be hugged, the queen with a pig's head rips open her stomach; the same with the middle daughter; the youngest accepts her husband; ten months later she sees that he has become handsome; he warns not to tell anyone about it, otherwise he will become a pighead again for a year and one day; she tells her parents; her husband leaves, says she will find him after seven a pair of wooden shoes and seven pairs of iron shoes; the wife comes to the ogre, who sends her to his brother, this one to the other; each gives a glass walnut, it must be broken when she finds a husband; this third says that the woman's husband is getting married today; he gives a horse; he immediately takes the woman to the castle; every night she breaks a nut, wearing dresses made of silk, silver, diamonds; she changes them for the right to spend night with her husband (he is handsome, with a man's head), but the new wife puts him to sleep twice; the third time the servant tells her husband that he does not drink a potion, returns with his real wife to his parents], 13 [the miller's wife and the rich man's wife became pregnant at the same time; the rich man wanted the miller's wife to give birth to a freak; the fairy, the miller's aunt, wanted the rich man's wife to give birth to a toad; this is what happened, and the miller's wife consistently gave birth three daughters; the toad son demanded the miller's eldest daughter as his wife, otherwise he threatens to poison everyone; in the morning the young woman was found dead; the same with the middle sister; the younger fairy says that her sisters were too proud teaches what to do; she must consistently take off her clothes, demanding that the groom shed another skin each time; a beautiful young man is under her ninth skin; wedding, everyone is happy]: 119-126 , 127-128; Germans [the woodcutter tells his eldest daughter to bring him lunch to the forest, marks the road with millet; the birds pecked millet, in the evening the girl came to the house, cooked food, as the old man told him, but not fed the chicken, rooster and cow; went to bed without waiting for the old man; when she fell asleep, he lowered it into the cellar; the same with her middle daughter (the father scattered lentils); for the youngest she scattered peas, but also him pecked; the youngest fed the animals, lay down after the old man; in the morning, instead of the old queen, the forest house became a palace, the chicken, the rooster and the cow servants; the witch's spell fell apart after it appeared kind girl; her sisters have been assigned to work for a coal miner until they get older]: Grimm, Grimm 2003, No. 169:500-504 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:392-396); Englishmen (Norfolk) [the poor man has three daughters; the eldest goes to look for fate; shares a cake with an old man, who sends it to a house with a green door; the old woman takes her into service, forbids her to look into the chimney and at the clock; in the morning, the hostess's daughter arrives on a cat, tells her to make a sandwich; the girl asks her to wait for her to wash the hearth; the old woman cuts off her head, hides her body in the chimney, the body in the clock; the same with her second sister; the youngest immediately rushes to do sandwich; when the housewives leave on black cats, the girl finds and carries away the remains of the sisters, telling the gooseberry bushes to delay the chase; the bushes do not respond to the witches, they cut them down; one said that the girl ran across the river; witches rushed into the river, drowned]: Gerish 1896:414-415; Scots: Kharitonov 2008 [(=Campbell 1890.2:388-389); someone steals cabbage from the widow's garden and her three daughters; the eldest guards , the giant takes her away with the cabbage; tells her to weave cloth; elves come asking for food, she does not feed them; the porridge is burnt; the giant hits it, throws it into the chicken coop; the same with the middle sister; the youngest feeds elves; an elf comes taller than others, promises to weave cloth if the girl guesses his name; she feeds an old woman who accidentally sees an elf weaving underground, says he is Pyristupid; she reports to this girl; the elf leaves all the cloth; the grateful giant agrees to take the grass basket as a gift to the girl's mother; she hides her older sister in the basket, the giant carries her; the same middle one; for the third time sits down on her own; when the giant began to leave, his sisters scalded him to death with boiling water]: 410-418; Campbell 1890 (1, No. 13 [the poor woman's eldest daughter goes to seek fate, chooses big bread with a curse, not little with blessing; does not share with the bird and puppies, they also curse it; comes to a house where a maid needs to guard the deceased at night; falls asleep, the mistress enters, kills her; the same with the middle sister; the youngest takes a small bread with a blessing, shares it with the bird and puppies; in the house she watches the dead, prevents him from getting up, hits him with a stick, sticks to him, he leads her to the forest and back; she receives gold, silver and medicine, revives sisters, returns home with them]: 220-222; 1890 (2), No. 41 (recorded in 1859) [the widow has three daughters; a gray horse comes to the garden to eat cabbage; the eldest daughter goes to guard; hit the horse with a spoke from the wheel, stuck to it, he led her to the hill, told her to open it to the royal son; in the morning the prince left her keys, told her not to unlock one room; she unlocked the women's bodies there she stained her leg in blood; the cat asked for milk, promised to clean her leg, but the girl drove her away; the prince came back, saw blood, cut off the girl's head, threw her into that room; the same with her middle sister; the youngest gave milk to the cat, who licked the blood; the next day she ordered the girl to ask the prince to take three chests to her mother; they should not be opened - she would see them from the tree; let the girl revive her sisters with a magic club, each will sit in her own chest, take silver and gold; the prince will rush, you have to cut off his head, the spell will crumble, he will marry the girl; that's what happened]: 2279-284; Irish [The widow has three daughters; the eldest goes to look for work; the mother offers a small cake (gateau) with a blessing or a large one with a curse; the girl chooses the latter; comes to the old woman; she tells brush her three gray hair and not look into the chimney; as soon as the old woman fell asleep, the girl looked in, a bag of gold and a bag of money fell from above, she took it, ran; an old white horse asks her to release - she has been standing still for 7 years; the slope - to throw a stone and move another; the girl refuses because she is in a hurry; the old woman rushed in pursuit; the horse, the slope say that the girl ran recently; the old woman caught up with the girl, turned her into stone with her magic wand, took the bags back; a year later, the same with her middle sister; the youngest chose a small cake with a blessing; running away, she took and magic wand; took the horse to a good pasture, did what the slope asked for; when the old woman comes running, the horse kicks her, the slope throws stones at it; with a magic wand, the girl revived her sisters and turned the old woman herself into stone]: Muller 2006, No. 67:102-106.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Samoa: Moyle 1981, No. 10 [Tala'ilemanu and Tala'ilevao have daughters Mele, Felila, and younger Sina; they are starving, sending the eldest to marry the Snake, who has plenty of food; she comes to his mother; mother follows his son, he works in the garden; the son takes the form of a snake, crawls, M. runs away in horror; the same with F.; S. is not afraid, says that the snake is beautiful; weaves a basket, carries it to the pond to swim; The serpent secretly takes the form of a man, S. does not know this, but does not respond to courtship; the Serpent opens to her, promises to always remain human; they have a daughter, they go to visit their parents and sisters; older sisters from envy kidnaps the girl; kills Sina with hammers to soften the tap; the husband again takes the form of a snake, the sisters apologize, he finds and takes the daughter, returns to his mother], 11 [the couple has three daughters, all three Mele; father is dead; mother and older sisters join the youngest, now she is not called M., but Scabby-Oven-Covering {"Lousy Cinderella"?} ; Gatalaiuluê sails to this land; the eldest M. is the first to marry him; his sister Sina is happy with the dressed girl, goes to tell her brother, who is surfing, but he replies that he needs Scabby-Oven-Covering; same with the second sister; when the youngest comes in rags, S. wants to drive her away, but G. needs her; they swim together, he wears beautiful clothes on her; older sisters are made maids]: 183-195, 197-207.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Amdo) [a dog comes to a woman with three daughters, asks her to keep her zamba bag until he returns from Lhasa; three years later they decide to eat zamba, eat it, the dog comes and demands for eaten by the girl; gets the older sister; by the river she agrees that she will eat meat and tsampa, and the dog is given bones; replies that it is not his, but he, the dog, must move her to the other side; dog sends her back, gets her middle daughter (the same as her), then the youngest; she shares meat and tsampa equally, says that the water can carry it away, carries it herself; the dog marries her, brings her to the palace; dressed up, sends him to a party; everyone admires the handsome horseman; the next day, the woman goes to the bazaar, where she sees the same rider again, recognizes familiar clothes; when she returns home, burns the dog's skin; the husband says that he will not live without dog skin for more than 7 days, because his life is under the power of a demoness; the wife goes to the demoness, the husband teaches what to do; you need to replace her buryuk with your leaky one, find and return the black white stone in which her husband's life; on the way she drinks from a dirty pond, divides hay equally between two horses, bones between two dogs; while the demoness goes to fetch water with a leaky swapped wineskin, a woman finds a stone, runs away; dogs, horses refuse to detain her, the pond allows her to drink cold water, and for the demoness, the water is poisoned, she dies; everything is fine]: Kajihama 2004, No. 19:71-77; Tibetans (Sikkim) [a dog comes to a woman with three daughters, asks her to keep the zamba bag until he returns; three years later they decide to eat zamba, eat it, the dog comes and demands the girl for what they eat; gets an older sister; by the river she replies that she is not his, but he, the dog, must move her to the other side; the dog sends her back, gets the middle daughter (the same with her), then the youngest; she says that the water can carry him away, carries him by itself; he marries her, she gives birth to three puppies; goes to the palace, where he was torn apart by dogs; the servant's crying wife is brought to the throne, on which the king is a former dog; he turns puppies for a son and two daughters; the couple is happy]: Krapivina 2001:105-111; Tibetans (Ham) [the leader's black and white cow is missing; the eldest daughter sees a gray old woman across the river, asks if she has seen her a cow (her horns are shells, her leash is made of silk, etc.); she says she has not seen it, invites her to her place, asks if she wants noodles or pasta, the girl chooses vermicelli, the witch gives her planed human ears; the same with the middle daughter (pasta is human fingers); the youngest chooses vermicelli; the witch comes out, the dog asks for vermicelli, says that the cow and the elders the sisters are hidden in the witch's house, and there is a cleaver outside the door; the girl killed the witch and returned home with the cow, dog and sisters]: Lhamo 2012:209-210; Mustang [mother of three daughters fell ill; says that only grass and water in a remote part of the valley will heal her; the eldest daughter is coming; there is a dog who will allow her to take grass and water on the condition that the girl marries him; she refuses, leaves with nothing; the same with middle sister; the youngest agrees, the dog gives grass and water, promises to come in two days; the mother recovers; hides the youngest daughter under a copper cauldron; the dog beats the older sisters, sits on the cauldron, the youngest screams that she is here; he leads her across the lake, across the plain, there is a golden house, then a silver house, then out of dog crap; the girl replies every time that home suits her; inside the house there is abundance, in the same place the old woman is the dog's mother; she advises to pretend to be asleep, wait for her son to take off his dog skin and go to bed, throw the skin into the fire; in front of the girl is the young king Kyirken Gambala; he says that the skin burned too early, there will be problems; when she goes hunting, she leaves a bunch of keys; the girl opens rooms in a golden palace, it is full of gold, silver in silver, coral in coral; from a wooden there is no key; she finds the key on a stick under the ceiling, unlocks the door, followed by a mother-of-pearl staircase, she sees the whole world, she sees her native village, her parents are hungry and sick; the older sister has gone beyond a blacksmith, average for a butcher; she looks for KG in her head, drops a tear, admits that she feels sorry for her parents; they go to them together, give gifts; older sisters are jealous, the eldest leads the youngest to the lake, asks what she feeds her husband and what the servants are; the youngest guesses, answers incorrectly (for my husband, buckwheat and pepper, I throw a plate out the door, rice and meat to the servants, plates on the shelf); the eldest pushes the youngest into the lake, puts on her clothes and jewelry, invites KG to return home; he suspects deception; the imaginary wife is afraid to go across the lake, does not want to enter the house out of dog crap, feeds her husband as servants and servants like a husband; a shepherd sees sheep coming to the lake, a bird flies out of the water, asks about the king; the shepherd tells the KG about this; he goes with him to the lake, brings a bird, puts him in a cage; the imaginary wife kills and cooks poultry, lets her husband eat it with rice; he notices that there is poultry meat in the rice, throws it into the garden; trees grow there; the imaginary wife tells them to be cut down and split into firewood; poor old husband and wife, the husband went bring firewood, find a piece of meat, put it in a chest; a few days later a girl came out; after that, the old men became rich; the girl gives the old man a ring that was left on her finger when her sister pushed her into the lake; he calls the king and his wife, puts them on golden and turquoise thrones, shows the ring; the king demands a finger to the ring; his wife goes out, the older sister turns to ash; KG: these were the problems I mentioned; the ash was hidden under a black stupa; KG made his wife's parents' house his summer residence]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 21:128-137; Bhutan [the king has three daughters: a turquoise princess, golden princess, copper princess; many suitors, but all three only want Prince Jangchu Dorji; to test the brides, he appears in the guise of a beggar; turquoise tells him to stand on all fours, sits on him to milk cows; when milk is splashed on a JD victim, it ends up in the beggar's mouth; he asks if he should swallow it; the princess refuses; tells him to be carried across the river; JD throws a turquoise ring, which falls on his hem, not on the princess's finger; the same with the golden princess; the copper ring does not allow JD to serve as her bench, tells him to swallow milk, crosses the river by itself, a copper ring falls on her finger; JD puts a newborn puppy in her bed, says that she gave birth and if she does not agree to marry him, she will tell her everything; she agrees; chooses a beggar as her husband; the king drives him away her along with the poor; along the way, it turns out that the herds, crops, and then the palace belong to JD and that he is an imaginary beggar; the king is ashamed, the sisters say good wishes]: Choden 1994:63-67.
The Balkans. Albanians: Elsie 2001, No. 11 [the royal horse's leg gets stuck in the swamp; as soon as he promises his eldest daughter to whoever pulls her out, the horse immediately pulls out his leg; the Moor enters, followed by a skull, the Moor says that the skull is the groom; the eldest, middle daughter is terrified, the youngest agrees to go beyond the skull; answers her father that her husband is beautiful; older sisters send the maid asking for the wife of the skull bought a diamond ring; went to the bathhouse; came to a feast; each time she asks the Moor, and he asks a skull, his wife gets gold, lots of carriages, food, etc.; then the older sisters ask permission see the youngest husband; the cat takes the wife of the skull to the garden, where the baby sleeps in the sun, the boy and the girl by the rose bush; the wife of the skull covers the baby, frees the girl's hair entangled in thorns; a girl wakes up, turns her skull into a person; says she is the Beauty of the Earth, she once bewitched a handsome man to keep it for herself; everyone is happy]: (without pagination); Lambertz 1952 [text almost identical to Elsie 2001, No. 11; the horse falls into the grave and cannot be pulled out; he jumps out himself when the king promises a daughter to the one who will save the horse; the eldest daughter is passed off as a skull, the old nanny comes in the morning, the girl returns with her to her father; the same middle; the youngest voluntarily goes to the skull]: 124-134; Hungarians (synopsis of Hungarian versions) [the royal (living in the castle) couple is childless, wants a child, even if it is a snake; sometimes a son is born as a snake because of the witchcraft of a witch; a serpent grows up and demands that a princess be married to him; two express their disgust, are killed by a snake; the third is good; at night, the serpent turns into a prince; the wife is pregnant; the village witch or mother-in-law advises to burn the snakeskin; the prince grieves that his wife did not wait for the spell to expire, disappears; the wife will find him when she plants wheat seeds and chestnuts, irrigates them with her tears, bakes bread and bread from ripe chestnuts; this will take 7 years and she will travel for another 7 years in search of her husband; her husband girds her iron hoop: she will not be born until he touches her belly with his hand; wife: no one will wash the blood stains on your shirt but me; some sisters feel sorry for the girl, their sons Sun, Month and Wind show her the way; she gets a golden spindle, spindle and yarn; her husband is married to another princess, hunts all day; the girl is hired as a laundress; for three gold items she buys 3 nights with a prince, but the first days he is intoxicated with sleeping pills and she can't get to him; on the third evening, the servant tells him what he saw and heard, the prince pours out wine; the wife gives birth to a gold-haired boy or twins; they are 7 years old, they play in the couple's bedroom; the new wife (and her witch mother) are punished; the old key found is better than the new one]: Dégh 1990:49-50; Moldovans [Laur-Balaur turns into an old woman , gives the eldest princess an apple, it rolls, the princess runs after it, trying to grab it; refuses to give a bird a drink at the well, comes to the black kingdom; the LB forbids entering the same room; she enters, frees chained prisoners; LB sees an apple plunged into blood, cuts the princess into pieces; the same with the middle princess; marrying the youngest, the LB pretends to be great; drives past the well, she tells stop, give water to the bird; she tells her husband to ask her husband for a golden apple; the wife finds the corpses of her sisters, prevents the apple from plunging into the blood; sees where the jug of living water is when the forehead grows severed fingers; revives sisters; tells the LB to take the gift bag to parents, puts the older and then middle sister there, makes a promise from her forehead not to look inside; when the forehead wants to open the bag, the princess from the chest speaks in his wife's voice that he sees him keep his promise; for the third time he leaves a wax doll instead, LB takes his wife to her parents; LB comes running, killed, thrown into the sea]: Botezat 1982: 257-265; Romanians (Transylvania) [Docia has three daughters-in-law; at the end of February she sent the eldest for strawberries; she left and disappeared; the same with the middle one; on the last day of February she sent the youngest; she prayed to God that he would give her at least one strawberry; the Lord heard a prayer, she found a berry; she went home with strawberries in her hand, cheerful, because this time she escaped from her abuse and beatings mother-in-law; Baba Dokia saw strawberries, thought there should be grass in the pasture, went with her goats to the mountains, wearing ninety-nine covers, she thought it was cold; on the way she felt cold it was hot, she began to throw off her covers until she threw everything off; when she climbed the mountain, the Lord froze the old woman with her goats; she can be seen petrified with goats lying beside her, near the commune Rymets (on one of the slopes of the Western Mountains), from which a spring still flows; Gherman 2002:150 - 161]: Golant MS; Greeks: Hahn 1864 (2), No. 73 [the poor woman has three daughters; she went to collect herbs sighed, the Moor appeared, asked why she called him; ordered to give one daughter, for which he gave gold; gave the girl a human head to eat, the girl hid her under the roof; the Moor called her head, she responded from -under the roofs, the Moor sent the bride home, ordering her second sister to be sent; she received a human leg for dinner, hid it behind a keg of butter; the same; the youngest received a hand, but hid it under her skirt; the Moor decided that the hand responds from the girl's belly; they live well, but in the evening the husband gives his wife sleeping pills and she immediately falls asleep; the sisters have learned to hide a sponge under her clothes and pour sleeping pills on her, not into her mouth; at night she saw a handsome man next to him; when her husband fell asleep, she noticed a gold lock with a key on his chest; she opened, there was a river, a woman was washing clothes, a pig came up and wanted to carry the laundry; the Moor's wife called out the woman, the Moor woke up, said that he was now Filek-Zelebi, let a pregnant woman look for him; let him take three pairs of iron shoes and three golden apples; after wearing out the first pair, he would climb the mountain and throw an apple, it will lead to the older sister of the Federal Law; she weaves gold cloth for the child of her brother's wife FZ; then the second pair of shoes, the second apple, the second sister (the same, makes clothes for the son of the Federal Law); sisters, FZ's wife gave birth to a boy with a lock on his chest; FZ appeared, everything is fine]: 80-84; Rouse 1896, No. 3 (Lesbos) [the poor man has three daughters; he sees 40 thieves open the rock, saying Ach Karakiz, they close, saying Kapka Karakiz; after the robbers leave, they enter the rock, take jewelry from each pile; next time they take one pile in whole; the robbers leave one watchman, kill a man; one pretends to be a merchant, others sit in bags; an imaginary merchant comes to sell, that man's daughter pays with a diamond; when he finds out where the thief lived, the imaginary merchant stays in the house for the night; the girl burns bags of robbers and an intoxicated imaginary merchant in the oven; the sisters took all the treasures; the evil neighbor borrowed a sieve, smeared it with honey, a gold coin stuck to it; the neighbor's husband went to the cave, the rock crushed him; the neighbor took a new one, the same with him; she lured the sisters' husbands, who took the treasures, went to her; the devil met the older sister, left her in the cave, told him to eat the animal's leg, where the meat went bad; she hid the meat in ash, the meat responded to the devil, he turned the girl into a broom; the same with her second sister, she turned into a jug; the third takes a cat with her, the meat replies that it is in the stomach (without saying who); the devil is torn apart, the younger sister revives the elders; the sisters free suspended sinners, find three young men, take them as husbands; the youngest's husband agreed only for engagement, he took the girl to her parents, went ahead despite the warning, spoke to her mother, forgot her bride; she built a mansion, forgot to go there, she told the lion to tear him to pieces; the ruler acquitted her]: 155-159.
Central Europe. Slovaks: Bogatyrev 1955:153-159 [the beggar asks to spend the night; when he leaves, a golden apple rolls after him; the eldest daughter follows, enters his castle, the beggar becomes a man; tells cook a human head, sweep 12 rooms, don't go into the 13th; she doesn't drink three pigeons, she goes into a room, there are corpses on the walls and two barrels, she sticks it in one finger, he falls off; the returning husband hangs it in the same room; the same with her middle sister; the younger one gives water to the pigeons, they explain what to do; the girl revives the sisters with live water, locks them in caskets, they fly to the girls' mother; she baked the doll herself in his own likeness; the husband came and ate it; the girl took the weed, flew home; hell came again, she touched him with that grass, it spread tar], 176-179 [three laundresses have lost their husbands; they want bake bread, look for fire; the first, the second go away, disappear; the youngest consistently meets three riders with a dog; each dog gives a piece of bread, which shares it among themselves, the horse and the owner; the first the rider is light, the second is darker, the third is dark; the third explains that they serve as the sun, for a month, at night for a sorcerer; tells you to throw a halter over the sorcerer, drag him into the fire; the sorcerer turns into different monsters, animals, then burns down; on the site of the house, the country and the city; the people sitting in cages, including the first two laundresses, are free].
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Turki (Ankara) [who knows the name of a dwarf will receive gold; the eldest daughter carries a flower, meets a girl on the way, she asks for a flower, she does not give it; the middle daughter; the youngest gives, receives gold]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953:411.
Baltoscandia. Norwegians [the youngest of three princesses wants a wreath; no one can do one; she sees a polar bear (BM, white) he has one; agrees to marry him for a wreath, he will come through three days; the king puts guards in vain; gives his eldest daughter instead of the youngest; BM asks if she sat softer, if she saw better; she replies that the father does; he sends her back; the same with the middle one; the youngest replies no; BM comes to his wife at night as a man; she gives birth to a daughter three times, he throws them away every time; she asks for permission to see her parents, BM tells her to listen to her father, not to do what the mother advises; the mother advises to shine a candle on her husband at night, the father is against; she shines, the fat is dripping, the husband says that in a month he would remain human, he flies away, she grabs his wool, then falls; goes, comes to the house, where an old woman and a girl, a girl plays with scissors that create fabrics, gives her wife a BM; in the second or third houses the same (a vessel with an inexhaustible drink, a tablecloth- magic); BM must marry a trollich; the wife buys three nights for her magic items, but the trollich puts BM to sleep; on the third night he did not drink the potion; tells him to file the bridge, the carriage with the trollich fall into the river, it sinks; husband and wife reunite, those three girls were their daughters, whom the father kept to help their mother]: Asbjíørsen, Moe 1960:150-157; Danes [after wedding king and queen find a note on the bed: they are destined to remain childless; the old woman teaches the Queen to leave a mug upside down in the garden for the night; in the morning there will be scarlet and white roses under her; if eaten scarlet, a son will be born, if the white one is a daughter; the queen ate both and gave birth to a wyvern (a two-legged dragon); he tells the king to recognize him as a son, otherwise he will destroy everything; then tells him to marry; they chose a princess, in the morning she dead; same with the second; the third bride is the daughter of a shepherd; the old woman tells me to wear 10 clothes before her wedding night; the groom will say: beautiful maiden, take off your clothes! the answer is: king wyvern, throw off slough! he has only 9 of them; dropping the last one, he will turn into a pile of meat; you have to beat it with birch twigs dipped in vinegar, then wash it in milk and wrap it in 9 sheets; then fall asleep; when the girl is in the morning woke up, handsome next to her; when her husband was at war, his wife gave birth to twins; the Red Knight changed the letter: two puppies; changed a letter from her husband: burn his wife and offspring; the Queen Mother hid the children, sent daughter-in-law away from the castle; a crane and a swan flew in, squeezed milk out of her breast, drank it, became princes; the king returned, the Red Knight was placed in a barrel of nails, tied to a horse and driven her; the woman wanted to return to the king, although both princes also wanted her; (hereinafter, p. 465-475, 11 more one-story versions; according to one, the hero is not a wyvern, but a serpent)]: Holbek 1987:460-465; oriental Sami: Volkov 1996 [Talushko (bear) married the eldest daughter of an old man and an old woman; on the second day, middle, then younger; replies to the youngest; replies to the youngest that her sisters have gone to visit; she finds sisters under the barn, revives; as the bear becomes angry, his legs and head fall off under the spell of his wife]: 65; Kharuzin 1890 [the old man was a real man, the old woman had half her body like a beast; their son grew up the mother follows the bride; while the son is hunting, brings the eldest daughter of other old men; does not tell her to watch her cook dinner in a leather bag; she sees that the bag has flowed, she turned the girl into stone; the same with middle sister; the youngest does not look, she is getting married; the husband warns that their son should not wet the bed; the child is wet, the father has become wild deer with him]: 344-345; Yermolov 1959 [deer turned into a man, married the eldest of three sisters; returned home before his wife; she was following in the footsteps; a bloody river with deer lungs swimming along it; the girl turned into an otter, swam across the river; on the other Reindeer children began to caress the shore; she drove them away with a branch; did not obey her deer husband; he killed her with horns; the same with her middle sister; the youngest asks the river to let her through, the river dried up; began to caress children, woven flowers into her horns; obeyed her husband; shook the bed; when the child was born, the husband warned him not to get the bed dirty; the wife did not see it; the deer and the deer ran away; one was on his mother's lap; she told him to beware of pine trees and stones that a hunter could hide behind; let him go, he also ran away]: 58-59; Yermolov 1959 [childless old people dream of a son even with a dog's nose; a boy in dog skin was born; grew up, asks his father to marry him; the girl eats meat herself, throws bones to the groom like a dog; at night he tore it; the same with the second girl; the third gives the groom meat; at night that took off his dog skin, became handsome; the old woman tells his daughter-in-law to burn her skin; husband: you won't see me until you drown three pairs of iron boots, three iron buttons melt in your mouth, three iron staffs don't they will be wiped off; the girl went, trampled one couple, melted, worn out; she sees a hut - she is spinning around; "Turn to the forest with a window, and to me with a door!" ; in the hut they answered: they did not see the passers, only the wind missed; they gave copper and a copper scallop; the same in the second hut (the silver ones hung and the comb); in the third - gold; let him comb hair and will put up copper hangs and comb where beautiful Katerina and her husband are playing ball at the extreme hut; give the comb to sleep one night at the door at the doorstep; the same for the second night (silver); on the third (gold); then KK grabbed a box of needles, threads, beads, colored scraps and ran to the seashore; threw it all into the sea and ordered it to turn into shells; so shells, starfish, etc. scattered on the bottom; and husband and wife returned home]: 67-69; Kert 1961, No. 19 (Lovozero) [childless old man and old woman want a son, even in dog skin; son has grown up, wants marry; the old man has three daughters; the eldest comes; asks why the dog is barking; mother-in-law: this is your husband; the young woman throws bones to the dog; at night the husband ran over her; the same with the middle sister; the youngest caresses dog; at night she sheds her skin and becomes a young man; one day my wife burned her skin; husband: in three years I was destined to take off my fur coat; and now you will look for me while you wear out three pairs of boots and three staffs, three tin buttons in her mouth will melt; the wife wore everything out, came to town, where they play ball, her husband was playing among the players; she hid the ball; gave it back on the condition that her husband would take her to sleep in her sleeping bag (and he already remarried); the husband does not recognize her; the second time the wife says who she is; the husband turned away from the new one, turned to the old one; when they returned, the old woman burns fire at the end of the spindle, and the old man at the end of the knitting net needles; when they found out that their son and daughter-in-law had returned, the old people were happy and died]: 58-61; Charnolusky 1962 [Mändash, the virgin (female deer), grew up with a son, Myandash, a guy; asked his mother bring him a bride; the road goes across a river of blood, there are waves from the lungs, liver stones; the old man's eldest daughter has difficulty wading her; eats the grease insoles in her mother-in-law's shoes, puts hay, hits her deer on the nose; mother-in-law turns it into stone; the same with the middle sister; the youngest dries the insoles well, dries the bloody river with alder bark powder, ties red cloth into the deer's ears; one day her children soaked their beds; her mother-in-law took everyone to the tundra in the guise of wild deer, and his wife Myandash also became a vazhenka]: 84-93; 1965:36-37 [their son asks the deer to marry the girl; mother asks people for their eldest daughter, tells them not to peek, cooks meat in a leather bag; the bag has flowed, which means that the girl was peeking, the old woman turns her into stone; she brings her middle sister, she is afraid, she is also petrified ; the youngest ties headscarves around her husband and reindeer necks, becomes a good wife], 55-62 [as in 1962]; Shchekoldin 1890, No. 7 [the woman was a half-dog, the man was human; they have a son as a mother; the old woman goes to three sisters, brings the elder, tells her not to watch when she starts cooking meat; the girl looks, the bag has flowed, the girl is petrified; the same with the middle sister; the youngest does not look, gets married; the husband tells beware that the son does not wet the bed; he gets wet, the father and son are gone, the women give birth to the same deer (the origin of the deer)]: 161-162; (cf. Tales of the Peoples of the North 1991 [the old man gave his three daughters to a crow, a seal, and a wild deer; went to visit; the crow did not eat food, ate at the seal; the deer tells his wife to lay his father-in-law for the night on domestic skin deer, but she laid it on the skin of the wild; at night the old man feels bad from the fat eaten; in the morning the daughter hung her skin to dry; the deer smelled, went with the children to the tundra; the woman to the children: where the stone is, there is a man you will be waiting for where the stump is - the person will catch; I disassembled the lead to return to my father; the bones of the hind legs are the shutters in the door, the front legs are in diameter, the door is from the sternum, the ribs are the skeleton, the top of the skin]: 48 -50); Finns (Sotkamo, Osterbothnia) [two girls washed their hands for three years to hire royal service; refuse to take bread out of the oven, milk a cow, shear a sheep, help the old man; the heroine is all she does it, the old man gives her a magic wand that opens the door to the rock, behind her treasures; she is hired to the palace as a dishwasher; she is told to separate the grain from the ash (the old man performs); she runs away the shoe sticks to the resin; the shoe is tried on by all girls; the elders disfigure their legs to make the shoe fit; the heroine is found, the wedding]: Cox 1893, No. 106:43; Estonians: Mälk et al. 1967, No. 49 (Sangaste; mostly distributed in eastern Estonia) [when she goes to church, the landowner tells her three daughters to cook; the eldest digs potatoes, sees a golden cat, runs after him, who turns into a German ( saks), leads to herself; tells not to open the last room; the wife opens, there is a chopping block, an ax, severed heads, decapitated bodies; she drops the key, blood cannot be washed off, her husband decapitates her; the same in the second sister; the third hides the key in his pocket, does not drop it; the husband believes that she did not enter the room; replies that it is easy to kill with an ax, and to revive with his head to her body and drip blood from her little finger; wife revives sisters, hides in a bag of money that her husband carries to her father as payment for the bride, leaves a straw scarecrow for himself; food is not ready for her husband to return, he cuts off the scarecrow]: 111-113 (=Põ der, Tanner 2000:31-35); Järv et al. 2009, No. 26 (Otepää) [the eldest daughter goes to take her father to the forest lunch, loses her way, comes to the old man, he marries her, tells her not to look into a big barrel; she looks in, there's blood, she puts her finger in it, she can't clean it, the old man kills her; the same with her middle sister; the younger one sticks a sliver; finds the bodies of her sisters; sends her home under the guise of gifts , looks from the roof herself, tells him not to look into the bag; then leaves a mortar on the roof instead of him, climbs into the bag herself; the old man calls his wife, she does not answer, he drags her furiously, the mortar falls on him head, kills; murdered sisters come to life immediately]: 116-118; setu: Järv et al. 2009, No. 25 [the old woman has three daughters; the eldest goes to get firewood, there the red hare actually the hell took her away, did wife, forbade opening the door to one room; she opened, there were severed bodies; the husband tells him to look in his head, notices a bloody finger, cuts his wife to pieces, throws him into that room; the same with middle sister; the youngest {it is not clear why the husband did not notice her bloody finger} sends her husband to take her mother a hotel; splices with dead water, revives the body of the older sister alive, tells the bag not untie, looks from the roof herself; the same with her middle sister; then she sits down herself, leaving a stupa on the roof, dressed in his clothes; the husband comes back, calls his wife, she does not move, he swallowed his stupa]: 113- 115; Normann, Tampere 1989 [three sisters strained their yarn, the mother sends them behind the frame to wind yarn; the bear locks the eldest, then middle sister in her hut; the youngest is also caught, married; gives keys to all rooms, does not tell you to enter a room with a red door; she finds her sisters in this room; asks the bear to give her parents a tub as a gift, does not tell her to look, puts her inside older sister; dogs rushed at the bear, he threw the tub at the girl's parents' house, ran away; the same with his middle sister; the third time the youngest sits in the tub herself, leaves the stupa dressed in her clothes; the bear was almost killed, he came back, broke his stupa with a club, did not understand that it was not a girl]: 37-43; Lutsie (West 1893; the informant knew a fairy tale from her grandmother, who spoke only the Lutsie dialect) [ childless parents ask for a child even the size of a snake; a land man was born; came to a family with three daughters; marries the eldest, she does not want to; a snake: if you don't go, no one will take it at all; to a snake feast crawled to the bride's knees, she threw him off and pressed him down with her foot; on the wedding night he cut her throat; the same with her middle sister; the younger snake covered him with an apron; at night he became a young man, and in the afternoon he became a serpent again; He created an island with a city in the middle of the sea, came with his wife to live there; they have three sons; the wife wants to visit her relatives; her husband put her and her children in a boat, she will come by herself; the wife should not tell her brothers about her husband and let him not give the children; they returned safely; but when they went to visit their relatives again, the youngest boy told his mother's brother everything; he called the snake with the same words as his wife called, he sailed, he cut off his head; when the woman came, there was no one; the youngest boy confessed; the mother turned into a birch tree, the eldest son into cambium, the middle son into birch bark, and the youngest into butterflies that tremble on the bark]: Annom et al. 2018:202-205; Lithuanians [three sisters, the eldest has a child, the youngest advises not to wash it white, otherwise the swan will take it away for a swan; a witch in the form of a swan takes away the one left on the child's shore; the older sister follows him, does not pick pears, cherries, apples, take pies out of the oven, milk the cow; the witch tells her to look for a log in her head; a woman runs with a child, a cow, etc. they do not help her, the witch takes the child; the same with her middle sister; the youngest fulfills her requests, the cow, etc., protect her from the witch, she is exhausted, dies]: Lebite 1965:121-125.
Volga - Perm. Marie [the old man has three daughters; his bay mare necklaces, her 41 foals immediately went overseas; his eldest daughter is summoned to follow them; the old man tells him to follow the roundabout road, he walks along the roundabout road straight, wearing a bear skin, lies down at the field gate; the daughter returns, says unnoticed by her returning father that if there is a bear at the field gate, it will be even worse; the same with the middle daughter; the youngest puts on the best dress, harnesses the mare into a cart, puts a dog and a white hawk there, takes a silver whip with her, whips a bear with it, he lets her through; swims across the sea in a boat, in a man's Ulema comes to his mother with clothes, asks her to allow her son to look for foals with her (as if with him); every day he and W. bring 10 (11 on the last day) foals; W. suspects that he has a girlfriend with him; The sea girl tells him that she must first bring foals to her father; if W. wants to marry her, let him send a silk swing; she shakes her father, sisters, girlfriends at them, then sits down herself, flies over across the sea to W.]: Aktsorin 1984:147-150.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Shors [someone broke the loops, the tops of hunter Abyshka; he sees someone dark, a bear cub comes out, asks him to adopt him; gives tues, any food in the tues; while the bear cub is away, he arrives hungry lost Chash Kan; A. feeds him, shows him tues, Cheka takes him away; the bear cub howls, the Cheka comes, returns the tues, promises not to do anything else; the bear cub tells him to marry Kara Kana's daughter ; she is given away, after the wedding, the bear cub asks what she knows; the girl answers: nothing, the father knows everything; the bear cub sends her back; the same with her daughter Saryg Kana; daughter Ak Kan: only you know; the bear cub takes her as his wife, becomes a human]: Arbachakova 2010, No. 2:181-203 (in another translation Chudoyakov 2002:25-33).
Western Siberia. Kety: Alekseenko 2001, No. 40 [(=Dulzon 1969, No. 61:199-203; =Kupriyanova 1973:144); old man Yrokhot has a wife and two daughters, the eldest to colmas; frosts come, "dosi" (iconic wooden figures) freeze, send Yrokhoty Zaychikh to the old people to ask when it is warm; she first forgets the answer, then tells the dosi to send the old woman her frogskin box; the old woman receives the box, but it does not get warmer; the old woman says that Uses ("warm sky") will return warmth when she marries their daughter; the Yrokhots put colmas in the cauldron, who rises to heaven in it; the trees rejoice that "their aunt" got up, but Kolmas hits them with an alder rod; W. tells her to take the trough of meat to his parents; Kolmas goes out, does not see the plague, falls through the hole of the invisible plague, "at seven the suns and moons of the upper world have dried up"; the earth is cold again; the old people send their second daughter, she distributes fishmeal to the trees; when he comes out of the plague, W. notices sparks flying from the other, leaves meat there returns; when going hunting, W. tells you to sew mittens first, the next day to the park; the girl takes her uncrumpled skin to the plague, where she left the meat; there the old woman sits on her skin and while the girl is looking for lice, her skin turns into mittens, into a park; W. suspects that it was sewn by his mother's hands, but the girl denies; he marries the girl, it's warm on the ground], 41 (oz. Nakolda - apparently, the upper reaches of Sym) [people are starving in the cold; the old man sends Hare to his grandmother to ask what Sits down wants; she replies that to marry her sister, Hare returns, forgets the answer; the old man She sends the Fox, she comes back, tells; Calbes hears, sends her daughter; young trees, bushes, they are children of the sun, they jump, say that her aunt is coming, daughter K. hits them with a stick; trees tell her swallow the sharpener when she sees it; she came to the plague, swallowed the sharpener; W. returns from hunting, daughter K. replies that she did not see the sharpener; W. tells me to take the meat to the elderly; daughter K. does not know where to go, dumps meat in the hollow of a stump; at night she sleeps with W., it is warm in the morning, K. rejoices that her daughter is married; when going hunting, W. gives his wife a skin from her reindeer forehead, tells her to sew mittens; she rolls down the stone plague in her skin, falls for the second time, dies; W. sends even more severe frost; the episode with the forgetful Hare, the Fox, is repeated; the grandmother's daughter follows her advice, corrects the trees, lubricates them with fat, Christmas trees rejoice that the aunt is coming; they tell me to put the sharpener in place (by the vice); she gives the sharpener to the returning W.; finds the chum on the spark that has flown out, puts the meat in the old people's dish; it's warm in the morning; mother W. asks to look for her lice, puts the skin under her deer's forehead, takes out the finished mittens in the evening, tells W. to answer that she sewed herself; W. and his wife go down, visits his wife's parents; K. asks why W. did not bring her gifts; following the trail of W., he sees a cloud rising behind him; behind the plague, ropes are tied to the ears of the wolves, with which the ground is pulled; the wife pulled out her ears, wrapped the ropes around her ears, holds the ground; wolves they freed themselves, tore K.; they returned back, she put her ears in again, tied the ropes with which the ground was pulled together]: 93-98, 98-100; (cf. Alekseenko 1970 [Uses'as'ket (A Warm Fairy Tale) was told in the evenings only during severe frosts; storytellers could only be persons born during the warm winter months; the fairy tale was supposed to cause warming]: 44); Osharov 1936a [the old people have five daughters, the youngest is smart and beautiful; in the cold, the old man decides to send the eldest to Oses to send warmth; she comes where there is grass, there is no snow; the grass asks stay, she does not listen, hits and tramples on her; does not look for the door at the plague, breaks through it; Oses came back, drove her away, because she broke the plague, did not give heat, killed the girl; the same with the other three daughters; youngest carefully separates the grass, sees sisters killed next to two birch trees, corrects the plague, finds the door, adorns it with ornaments removed from the sisters, finds only a dead cuckoo inside the plague; Oses comes says that she will send warmth, marry her; it is getting warmer, the old woman reproaches the old man for killing his daughters, but the warmth has come without it; drives the old man out to look for daughters; he meets a polar bear, a bear beats him, the old man falls, rivers have flowed from him]: 161-165; Nenets: Bulatova 1985 {this text is almost certain - Osharov's retelling} [the old man sends his eldest daughter to the owner of the winds Kotur to ask stop the blizzard; tells you not to shake the snow out of your shoes on the way, not to tie the untied ties on clothes, go for a sledge, then for a bird; the girl does everything in her own way; K. tells you to take half of the meat in the next plague, the girl just throws it away; tells her to sew clothes quickly; the girl refuses to take the speck out of the old woman's eye; K. throws the girl into the snowdrift, she dies; the same with her middle sister; younger does everything right, brings meat to another plague, gets work tools in return, takes a speck out of an old woman's eye; four girls jump out of the old woman's ear, do the job; K. takes the girl as his wife , the blizzard stops]: 148-154; Nenyang 1997 (Taimyr, Tukhard tundra, Zap. Labanauskas in 1976) [the father sends his eldest daughter to a blizzard; at the edge of the lake, she must remove the bandages from the bakaries, not break it on the other side, correct the devils, not scold the two children who come running; she does not unties the bandages, does not correct the devils, scolds the children when they call her sister; the children disappear, the man in the plague tells them to cook food, take it to their mother; she did not find the old woman, walked for three years, the man tore it apart; the same with the middle daughter; the youngest barefoot crossed the water without freezing, glued the devils together, caressed the children, carried food to the old woman, found a leaky tree root, put a bowl in it, got back needles, thimbles, etc.; the old woman went out, told her to look in her head, the girl killed lice, saw women working in her ear, they sewed clothes that the man told her to sew; the girl and her father healed well]: 56-58; Osharov 1936a (Pyasinskaya tundra, western 1930) [The old man has three daughters; in a blizzard, he sends his eldest wife to Kotur to have mercy; she must push the sled against the wind, not tie ties to his clothes when they are untied, and not shake out the snow; tie it up and shake it out only at the top of the mountain; do not drive the bird when it sits on her shoulder there; sledding down the mountain to the plague of Kotura; do not touch anything in the plague herself; the girl did everything wrong, drove the bird away began to eat meat in the plague; K. comes, tells her to take half of the meat to her neighbors, do not go into the chum there, wait for an empty trough; the girl did not look for the plague, threw the meat into the snow; in the morning K. tells me to sew in a day clothes made of leather; an old woman comes in, asks to look for her lice, the girl refuses, says that there is a lot of work; the clothes are bad, K. tore the girl, threw it away; the same with her middle sister; the youngest does everything that's right; finds a stump, there is a door in it, the old woman takes the meat she brought, returns the trough with needles and other women's utensils; when the girl starts sewing, the old woman tells her to look for lice from her ear four girls go out, perform everything; the old woman warns not to tell K. that this is his sisters' work; K. marries the girl, the blizzard stops]: 195-206; Tonkov 1936 [the freezing old man sends the eldest daughter to look for a warm plague; tells me to go across the lake, dissolving pimas; she picks up pimas, drives dogs; the owner asks to take the meat to another plague, she eats it herself; she cannot sew a blanket without seams, glues it together, it falls apart; refuses to look in the old woman's head; the owner killed her; the same with her middle daughter; the youngest caressed dogs while she was looking in the old woman's head, sees people in her ear sewing a blanket for her; marries, takes his father into a warm plague]: 149-153; Entsy [a freezing old man sends his eldest daughter to look for a warm plague; tells me to go across the lake, untied the ties on the glasses; do not drive dogs, they will bring them to plague; the girl does not untie her glasses, drives dogs; comes to the plague; the man asks to take the boiled meat to another plague; it is dark, the girl eats the meat herself; when leaving, the man orders to glue the blanket without seams; it breaks; refuses to look for lice from the old woman; the man kicked the girl out, she froze; the same with the middle sister; the youngest does everything right; instead of another, the plague finds a hole with people, lowers the cup there; those they return an empty cup with a golden lasso in it; a girl looks for an old woman in her head; sees people making a blanket in her ear without seams; a man marries a girl, tells her to leave the lasso, deer appear; the girl brings her father to live with her]: Sorokina, Bolina 2005, No. 44:183-187; Northern Khanty: Lukina 1990, No. 12 (b. Kazim, western 1980) [man in the house behind a locked door (Torum?) freezes; sends her eldest daughter to the North Wind so as not to blow too much; she does not listen to her father's advice (she ties ties her fur coat and kitties, drives rather than kisses bears, cuts wood with a sharp, not a blunt ax); cleaning the house, finds pieces of moose and sable meat, eats them; The wind brings sables, tells them to take the sable meat to the next house; the girl finds no one; the wind tells me to do it before he returns sable fur coat; woman comes in, asks to look in her head; girl refuses; does not have time to glue the skins together, the Wind kills her; the same with her middle daughter; the youngest follows instructions; pieces of meat from the floor - Wind sharpener; the girl looks for a woman in her head, sees little women behind her ear, they make a fur coat; The wind takes her as his wife, her father becomes warm]: 73-74; Steinitz 2014, No. 19 (son's dialect) [Man- The cloud marries the eldest daughter of the Liszt Man; asks him to sew a robe for his return; she glued her robe with clay; the bird shouts: Moe took his unhappy, short-lived wife; MO put on a robe, he fell apart, he broke his wife's spine, threw it under the water stand; the same with her middle sister; she sews a good robe, the bird screams for a happy wife; the wife lives happily]: 130-134; Eastern Khanty (b. Trom-Agan) [two women live in two adjacent houses; one decided to go looking for people; very tired, an old woman came to the house; she moves some of the cradles to one half of the house, the other part to the other; she teaches me to walk in the morning along the path without looking back at voices; enter the house with her face covered; take a thin suitcase, not a gilded chest; do not look back on the way back; a woman violates all regulations; from those who are hers called out, half eye, half mouth; puts a chest next to her at home; in the morning a neighbor sees a one-eyed giant frying the bones of the first woman; runs away; comes to the same old woman; does everything prescriptions; in the morning, instead of a suitcase, a glowing golden man next to her]: Chepregi 2015, No. 4:64-68; Mansi [the eldest daughter sewed a fur coat, goes to look for her husband; came to a house overgrown with moss; there is dirt on the floor; picked up a piece of pork fat and ate it; at night a man came, wearing a sable belt; leaving in the morning, told me to cook fat, lay black cloth outside, red in the house; she cooked skinny meat, laid her paws and larch trees; some creatures came, began to talk; they say they gnaw skinny bones, walk on spruce legs; the girl looked at them, they tore her to pieces, hung her scalp on the street; the same with middle sister; the husband asks where his grindstone is, the girl replies that she did not see it, only ate a piece of fat; the youngest picked up fat, answered her husband that she had put the grindstone on the windowsill; creatures talk: gnawing fatty meat, walking on cloth; wished the girl a long life; she gave birth to a son; went to visit her parents; her husband tells them not to stay with them all day; she stayed, on On the way back, she got lost, a silver cradle fell in front of her, she lay down in it, she was taken to heaven at the Hotal Equa woman's house; she tells her children not to let their older sister (i.e. raised from the ground woman) look into the canopy; she looked in, saw her husband and child crying down on the ground; HE allows her to return, lowers her in the cradle; everything is fine]: Rombandeeva 2005, No. 7:81-93.
Eastern Siberia. Sym Evenks (b. Kat) [three sisters and a mother in the plague; frost has hit; a ski track leads north; mother sent her eldest daughter: if anyone in front of you did what, do the same; the girl sees that the branch is broken, that the ski stick is snowing they knocked him down, she does not do the same; in the plague, the old man tells him to feed him, the girl refused, he shoved her plague by the tire, she disappeared; the middle daughter broke the branch, knocked down the snow with a stick, took the old man food; she looks - far to go, poured out the food, answered the old man that they said thank you; she is the same as with her older sister; the youngest took food, there are two plague, fed the old women, told the old man; her old man praised her, then married her, took her mother; it was warm in the morning]: Lukina 2004, No. 3.1:67; Amur Evenks [the old hunter has three daughters; he sees a huge young man sitting on a hill a man; he promises him well-being if the eldest daughter, having untied her ties, climbs a high mountain, where the man's mother sees her; the eldest does not untie her, she is carried away by a blizzard; the same is the middle one; the youngest unties, comes to the mountain, where a man's mother, the size of a mouse, calls her inside a stump; lets her make clothes out of skins; the girl does not know how, but the man's mother pulls a female assistant out of each ear; { obviously, the girl is doing the task, getting married}; previously a big man promises that if the girl completes the task, her sisters will come to life, the hunger will end]: Bulatova 1980:95-98 (=1987, No. 1:109-111).
Japan. Japanese [father says he will recover if he brings water from a well near a mountain grove; the eldest daughter goes to fetch water, meets a dirty beggar, who promises to give water if the girl dances with him; she refuses; average: if she swims with him; also refuses; youngest: if she washes his back; she washes, his back becomes clean, the beggar turns out to be a recovered father; says that his daughter saved him life; in a dream he saw two elders come] Pröhle 1909a, No. 7:287-290 (translated to Borovkov 1938:9-11).
SV Asia. Chukchi: Portugalov 2009 [the old man has a daughter, the dog comes to marry, Ali agrees; her mother tells her to leave a piece of meat in a sacred place on the way; they put a piece of yucola; they put a piece of yucola; in the dog's house to meet her puppies, Ali drove them, the dog's mother came out to meet them, holding hot coals in her hands; Ali did not come up, the dog helped his mother himself; when going to bed, the dog tells her to go to the third bell, Ali goes out to every knock, the dog drove her away ; took his wife in another village, the youngest daughter agreed there; left the meat in a sacred place, planted and fed the puppies, took fire from the dog's mother's hands, left after the third bell - there was a herd around the yaranga deer, well-dressed old woman next to him, well-dressed boys are running around, everyone is happy]: 26-28; Bogoras 1902, No. 10 [the dog paints himself with alder bark, his groin turns red, he tells the owner that it is made his daughter; he tells her to marry the Dog; she beats the Dog's mother and the puppies; the dog chases her away, marries another; she feeds the old female meat; the dog turns into a handsome man, the owner of many deer; his descendants they form a special tribe; according to another version, the descendants of a woman and a dog gather in the house for the autumn reindeer sacrifice ceremony, but howl rather than sing; the girl spies, tells her neighbors that they drive away the dogs with sticks; dogs run west, some turn into people and become Russian ancestors; others put on harnesses, become harnesses]: 618-619; Koryaks [The Sun and the Raven are brothers, they wanted to marry the Daughter of the North; the Raven was luckier, brought the girl; The Sun was offended that his brother did not want to share his wife with him, went overseas; night had come; the Raven sleeps with his wife, wakes up - will see the dark, sleep again; the tundra dwellers were afraid of eternal night, went to ask the Raven not to anger the Sun; the Raven sent an ugly woman to the sun, she came back, said that the Sun refused with her talk; Raven sent his beautiful sister; The Sun still demands the daughter of the North; Sister Raven replies that she is no worse than her; the Sun agrees to take the Raven Sister, but on condition that they do not return to tundra; agrees only to live in the tundra for a while; the daughter of the North saw that the Raven was powerless to return the Sun to the tundra, went to her father; since then, the Sun has been living overseas, sending only the coldest to the tundra rays]: Baboshina 1958, No. 72:178-183; coastal Koryaks (Palana) [the raven Velvimtilyn swallowed the sun; Ememkut sends his daughter Klyukenevyt to him, V. does not want her; sends his daughter Inyanavyt; seeing her, V. laughs with joy, spits out the sun; I. pierces V. with a stick, hangs him on a stick so that he does not swallow the sun anymore]: Menovshchikov 1974, No. 138:418-419.
The Arctic. Asian Eskimos (Chaplino) [there are five brothers in five dwellings, each with a daughter; a distance away is the home of Raven and his grandmother; when the older brother's daughter goes to get water, the Raven asks to let him drink splashes water, the girl hits him with her palm, scolds him; the Raven replies that she tore his clothes, gives it to sew it; at home she tells her grandmother that she now has a daughter-in-law in the first dugout, tells him to go get it her; the girl's father cuts her nose cartilage, the old woman leaves crying; the same with the other three girls; the fifth's father allows her daughter to go to the Raven; in the morning the dirty dugout is spacious and clean Raven and Voronikha are human; four girls who rejected the Raven are now asking to marry them, Raven refuses]: Menovshchikov 1974, No. 36:156-159 (=1985, No. 32:70-73).
Northeast. Mikmak [western 1848; a young man named Elk has the ability to be invisible; promises to marry a girl who can see him; his sister is able to see him, asks every time the applicant, how her brother is dressed, they are always wrong; the widower has three daughters, the eldest tortures the youngest, beats her, burns her face, arms, cuts her hair, the middle one is more likely on the eldest side; the eldest wears the best outfit, pretends to see the young man, his sister exposes her; the middle one honestly admits that she does not see; the youngest also decides to go see the young man, sees him, says that with a shoulder strap the rainbow serves him; the young man's sister gives her new clothes, heals her wounds, grows her hair, turns her into a beauty; the elk takes her as his wife; in the morning the father is looking for his youngest daughter, does not recognize her, she explains what is wrong with her happened; he reports this to his eldest daughters; Moose's wife gives birth to a son; Moose's sister warns that the boy does not damage the elk thigh left in the house; only when the father returns from hunting, her you can break and remove the brain; the boy plays, breaks the bone; the sister tells his wife that Moose's leg is now fragmented; women find it; he tells his wife to take the child, return to his parents, tells his sister bring an ax and a bowler hat; tells her to cut off his head, he will turn into a dead moose, she must cut the carcass off her head, make a medicine bag out of it; sister all performs, puts a teepee in the depths of the forest, fills it with dried elk; feeds it to the giant who has come; he is happy, explains that if she goes back to people, there will be two huge snakes on the sides of the path; c with the help of her medicine bag, the girl puts snakes to sleep, passes safely, stays in the village with two women; one day, when she leaves home, she forgets to take the medicine bag with her; one of the women, an old woman, opens it, the girl's brother jumps out from there, kills the old woman, all the residents, and then her sister, because she could not save the medicine bag]: Rand 1893, No. 12:189-199 (a heavily distorted retelling in Nowlan 1983:27-32).
(Wed. Honduras-Panama. Kuna [Kwani (also known as Kayatodo) was washed with magic herbs as a child, wise at the age of a young man; other nele (shamans) are evil and really ignorant, everyone has many wives; K. He predicts a drought, they don't believe him; he collects water and food; there is only one body of water left in the distance, but ferocious animals gathered to him; they sent a virgin for water, the animals did not eat her, but she could not bring water to everyone; another man sent a daughter who had lost her virginity and was eaten by a crocodile; shamans could not sing and rattle; four old women were sent to K. to take care of him as a child; he he sang, thundered with a maraka rattle, four days later thunderclouds gathered on four sides, the rain filled all the reservoirs]: Chapin 1989:160-166).
Guiana. Varrau: García 1993, No. 23 [there was no sun, his master kept it in his bag in the sky; the man sent his eldest daughter to ask him to put the sun in the sky; on the way she met a young man, she rejected him, came to the owner of the sun, he drove her away, she returned; the man sent his youngest daughter, she went east, met no one on the way, but he tried {not clear, successful whether} to take possession of it; she noticed the bag, the owner told her not to touch it, but she tore the bag, sunlight spread everywhere; then the owner placed the sun in the east and the bag in the west; in the sun, the girl sparkled, became the moon; returned to her father; the sun was shining for only three hours; the father sent his daughter east again, took a turtle with him; she attached her to the sun, he had to move more slowly; since then the day lasts 12 hours, there is the Sun and the Moon]: 101-102; Wilbert 1970, No. 113 [the night found parents with two daughters in the forest; the fifth person fell behind, screamed, Wait for me, became an owl, still screams; dawn does not come; the father sees the light in the distance, sends the eldest daughter; the girl wandered very much because she has already lost her virginity; an old man and his wife are in the house; their son came; did not give a day, for she who came is not a virgin (or not suitable for him as a sexual partner); the youngest went straight, the owner of the day is happy to get along with her, gives her a day]: 239-240.