Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K56a4b. The wind blows away the yarn .

The girl was told to peel the yarn, or spin, weave. The wind blows away the yarn (canvas, spindle), the girl goes in search, gets to the character who rewards her.

Bengalis, Sinhalese, Kabardian, Balkarts/Karachays, Nogais, Kumyks, Lakas, Tabasarans, Armenians, Turks, Kurds, Turkmens, Persians, Tajiks, Khufs, Uzbeks, Pashayas, Kazakhs, Uighurs, Dungans.

South Asia. Bengalis: Bradley-Birt 1920, No. 9 [after her husband's death, the eldest wife and her daughter Shookhu took all the property, and the youngest and daughter Dukhu earn money by weaving a simple canvas; once the wind blew him away; D. followed him, fed a cow along the way, ripped off the vines from the sycamore tree, fed the horse; the wind led her to the house of the mother of the month, who instantly produces huge amounts of cloth; D. swims in the river, comes out beautiful; chooses modest food, a modest chest; on the way back, the horse gives her a fast-footed foal, a cow a heifer, a tree a basket of gold; from the received chest Prince comes out; S. also follows the wind, does not help anyone, demands gifts, becomes covered with warts after swimming; chooses the largest chest, a snake crawled out of it, ate it; S.'s mother committed suicide]: 191-195; Wagner 1933 [the weaver has two wives, the eldest daughter Sukhu, the youngest Dukhu; the weaver loves the eldest and her daughter; when he dies, they live happily, and the youngest and D. only work; D. has the wind carried away the yarn; invites D. to go with him - there will be yarn; on the way, the cow asks to clean her stall, the banana to be freed from the vines, another tree to clean the roots from debris, the horse to give her grass; D. does everything; came to the house, where Buri is the gray-haired mother of the Month; she greeted D.; she plunged into the water three times, became beautiful, wearing luxurious jewelry; she chose the smallest chest; on the way back, the horse gives D . a winged horse, a tree is a pot of gold, a banana is golden bananas, a cow is a calf that looks like a heavenly one; a prince came out of the chest at home; S. went to get the yarn away; does not pay attention to the requests of the cow, etc.; Storm becomes a freak after diving; she takes the largest chest; on the way back, the oncoming people beat her; her mother left S. in the room with the chest; from there snakes crawled out, S. began to swallow; S. screams why different parts of the body hurt; mother: these jewelry is crushing (etc.); in the morning there are only bones and snakeskin in the room, and the snake crawled away; the mother hit herself with a log and died]: 163-169; Sinhales: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 104 [stepmother sends stepdaughter outside to clean cotton; the piece is blown away by the wind; she tells her to go to the bear for a golden spinning wheel and spindle, to feed the Prince Seven Mouth; the girl gets a spinning wheel and a spindle, secretly cooks at the prince's house, each time he has one smaller mouth, he stops being an ogre, marries her], 105 [the wind carried away his daughter's cotton younger sister, she tells him to follow him; at the well, the old woman asks for water, the girl pulls out, bathes the old woman; takes the cow into the shade; finds her cotton, he is entangled in bamboos; the king promises to help get cotton, but tells him to go with it to the palace; she prepares a delicious dinner for the king, chooses the most modest box as a gift; she opens jewelry at home; the older sister sends her daughter for cotton, she does not help anyone, she receives a box of snakes from the king]: 259-260, 260-261.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kabardian people [crows help stepdaughter sort out a bag of wheat; a cow swallows wool, spits out balls of thread; the last ball is carried away by the wind, the girl follows him to the witch's house with iron with her teeth, pulls her hair out, she has to accept her as a guest; she takes her ball from the chest, does not take gold; combs, not pulls out (as she asked) the old woman's hair; washes and washes, not breaks the dishes; gets a beautiful dress, comes back; stepmother's daughter does everything wrong, comes back ragged with donkey ears; stepmother tells the cow to be slaughtered, she asks her stepdaughter to bury her bones before she dies , do not eat meat; the girl finds a luxurious wagon, clothes in the stable, goes to the party, loses the golden dude; the dzhigit finds her on it, marries her; the cow comes to life]: Kapieva 1991:180-187; Balkarians or Karachays [stepmother tyrannite Fatima; sends a cow to herd and at the same time spin wool in the meadow; the wind carries away the ball, F. goes to search, enters the Emegenshi cave; she tells you to pick up the scattered silver, makes sure that F. has not hidden anything; goes to bed, tells her to wake up when white water flows through the cave; F. washes with this water, she becomes beautiful in brocade clothes; the stepmother sends her own daughter; she she fills her pockets with silver, the emegensha tells her to wake her up when black water flows, her girl's cheek turns dog cheek and the other monkey; F.'s father drives his wife and her ugly daughter away]: Aliyeva, Kholaev 1983:32-36; Nogais {text fragment} [stepmother sends her own daughter to the Ober-jacket (wind mistress, "Old Glutton Woman"); the girl went for a ball of wool that rolled down the wormhole; there is a girl turns into a mole; OK lived in the hole; she tries to blow her stepmother's daughter, she hates, out of the hole, but she fails]: Khalilova 1984a:104; Kumyks [stepmother sends stepdaughter to herd cows and spin wool; the wind carries away wool; the girl comes to the enem; she asks to hit the fireplace with flint, the fire with a tripod, the tripod with a cauldron, etc.; the girl understands pragmatically (not to hit, but to ignite, etc.); enem tells you not to touch the vessel, the girl puts her finger, it becomes gilded; enem dips her in a vessel, she is covered in gold, lets her go, giving wool; the stepmother sends her own daughter, she really hits one object Oh another, he puts his finger in the vessel, there is sewage, the enem dips her whole; the stepmother beats her stepdaughter, the father drives his wife away; the khan's son finds a golden shoe, looks for the owner, finds it, marries; the stepmother and her daughter live in poverty]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 50:453-457; Lucky: Kapiyeva 1974 [=Ganieva 2012b, No. 44:399-407; stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter; red-headed cow Zaza gives that honey from the right horn, oil from the left horn; the stepmother gives her stepdaughter a spin of wool, the whirlwind takes away the wool, Z. says where to find what has been carried away; to greet people who harvest corals, gold, pearls, they will show the way to the mistress of the winds, the Chassages; take bones from horses, give dogs, horses hay; drink from the river, praise the sweetness of the water, the waters will part; C. will offer to shake her house, you need to clean it up; tear her dress, ruffle her hair - it is necessary to stomp, comb; C. pours the girl from the jug, her hair turns golden; the girl pulls her wool from under C.'s pillow, runs away; everyone lets her through, the river gives shoes with golden heels; the stepmother sends her own daughter to herd a cow, she is rude to everyone, calls the water dirty, gives bones to cows, hay to dogs, turns everything in C.'s house upside down, she splashes water into her face, it is covered with warts; the stepmother orders Z. to be slaughtered, she tells her bones to be buried under an apple tree; the buried bones give a beautiful outfit to go to the wedding; one slipper fell into the stream, the khan picked it up, ordered him to try it on, found the owner, ordered her to be brought to the palace to marry her; on the way, the stepmother does not give her water, pushes her into the well, gives her own daughter's shoes, the khan had to marry her; the merchants pulled the girl out, she became with a neck; the gardener hears her telling the trees in the khan's garden to dry up; the khan catches her, she turns into a true bride; the khan expels the stepmother and her daughter]: 24-35; Khalilov 1976, No. 46 (village. Tabakhlu, 1836) [the same in a shorter translation in Khalilov, Osmanov 1989:54-62; the red cow tells the hungry stepdaughter to suck her horns, honey flows from the right, oil flows from the left; the wind blows away the wool, the stepmother tells her to find her and return; the cow teaches people who grind pearls, gold, corals to go to everyone, wish everyone the best, ask themselves, they will show the way to the wind Chassage; horses will have bones in front of them, hay in front of dogs, hay must change; call the muddy river oily, take a sip; Wind Chassage, Air Asiyat should ask for wool back; she will ask you to scrape the rooms, they must be whitewashed, cleaned; pull out your hair, tear them clothes - comb, wash; that's how it happened; the girl put her finger into the river, it turned silver, the river missed her {apparently parted}; the same was a bloody river, the girl called it honey, her finger became gold; C. poured golden water on her head, her hair turned golden; C. offered to sleep on a golden bed, wants to make the girl a daughter, hides her wool under her head; the girl pulled her out, ran; the old woman tells everyone to grab her, calls the river bloody, but they only give the girl even more; the stepmother plants her own daughter to spin hair next to the cow; the wind blows away the wool, but the cow teaches the wrong way ; the girl scolds the people she meets, gives bones to horses, hay to dogs, her fingers are covered with ulcers from the water of the muddy river; she tears her hair and clothes; she pours dirty liquid on her head, her face and body become covered with ulcers and boils; the cow was slaughtered, the stepdaughter buried her bones; asked them for beautiful shoes and clothes to go to the wedding; one shoe swam along the river; the prince found it, he was just right for his stepdaughter, the prince took her to his place wife; stepmother and daughter also went; the bride is thirsty, the stepmother gives her a drink, taking her eyes out; throws her into the well, dresses her daughter in her dress; the merchants pulled the girl out of the well, she turned into a canary; when she flew into the prince's garden, she asks the gardener to say hello to the prince and let the tree dry up; the prince sees that many trees have dried up; the canary was caught, the false wife told her slaughter, a tree has grown out of blood; dates fall on the prince, his wife is scratched by thorns; his wife orders to make a cradle for her child out of wood; the old woman's son picked up the chips, threw it behind the chest; they turned into a girl when she cries (?) , when she laughs, pearls, silver and gold horseshoes fall from under her feet; the cradle squeezed the child to death; the old woman's son fattens a lousy horse in the palace; the girl turns it into a painted horse; the king comes to see him, falls in love with a girl; girls are going to tell fairy tales, a true bride tells her own; stepmother and her daughter are tied to horses; wedding]: 109 -119); Tabasarans [stepmother tells Perikhanum to herd a red cow and spin wool; the wind carries wool, the cow tells him to follow the wind; P. goes through a golden, silver current to the Azhdaha cave; into his the hair of a snake, a lizard, P. says that the hair is clean; the dough is dirty, P. says it is clean like her mother's; cleans the house, takes no treasures, Azhdaha shakes it on a swing, the gold from her dress does not fall; he tells her to swim in a white lake, wash her hair in black, gives her gold, dresses and a horse that can be turned into anything; when she sees a beautiful woman, her stepmother sends her own daughter Aykhanum; she calls Azhdaha dirty, hides gold, it falls out on a swing; she is told to swim in a black lake, wash her hair in white, and a horn grows on her forehead; stepmother and A. go to the party, tells P. to separate the ash and millet, fill the vessel with tears; the mother from the grave teaches how to sift the millet through a sieve, fill the vessel with water and salt, put on a dress, take the horse given by Azhdakha; returning from the wedding, P. lost her shoe; bek's son fell in love, found the owner of the shoe; his stepmother slipped him her freak daughter instead of P.; P. flew in as a dove, A. ordered to slaughter her, threw her giblets away, a pine tree grew, A. ordered to make a cradle out of her, the old woman picked up chips; someone cooks in her house, she finds a girl; fattens a thin horse, she is getting prettier; Beck's son calls women to spin and tell stories; P. tells; everything is explained, stepmother and A. was put on horses, whipped]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 49:444-450; Armenians [stepmother sends stepdaughter to herd a cow and spin wool; a spinning wheel fell into a hole in the ground, below Vishap's mother chews a piece lead and spins; the girl asks for a spindle, she invites her to go down, tells her to wash her hair and comb her hair; replies that her hair is clean and soft; the old woman gives dung instead of bread, lizards instead of sauerkraut cabbage, the girl does not eat, but praises the taste; the old woman tells her to dip her head in white water, her hair turns golden; says that the cow is not lost, and oil will flow from one horn, honey from the other; The stepdaughter comes back, the stepmother sends her own daughter; she drops the spindle, calls the old woman an old hag, refuses to touch her nasty hair, calls the dung dung and lizards lizards; the old woman tells her to dip her head in black water, a donkey tail grows on the back of her head; the old woman says that blood will flow from one horn of the cow, pus from the other; the stepmother tells the cow to be slaughtered; the vishap mother tells her stepdaughter do not eat meat, bury bones; when going to the mantis, the stepmother tells you to collect the scattered millet and fill the pelvis with tears; the old woman advises to sweep the millet with a broom, pour salt water into the basin; where the bones were buried , there is a horse and outfits; when leaving the holiday, the stepdaughter lost her shoe; she glitters in the river, the prince marries the one whose shoe; everyone tries on her, fits only her stepdaughter; stepmother hides her stepdaughter in tonir, dresses up his own daughter; rooster screams about it to the visitor; wedding; stepmother and her daughter were beaten, driven away]: Nazinyan 2014:43-48; Turks [stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter; girl has friends - yellow cow and rooster; the cow has honey from one nipple, the other has cream; the orphan is spinning, the wind has carried away the ball; she runs after her, enters the house, there is an old woman; she invites her to tear off the hair from her head and wind the ball; girl refuses; drops trickle from the old woman's fingers; she moistened the girl with them, she became beautiful; the father and stepmother first thought she was ruffled; then the stepmother sent her own daughter with the cow; she insulted old woman, the old woman washed her, she became ugly, her hair fell out; the stepmother tells her to slaughter the cow, but the butcher's knife does not take it; the stepmother and her own daughter have gone to the wedding; the cow gave her stepdaughter outfits; returning , she dropped her shoe into the pool; the padishah's son found it, told her to look for the owner; the stepmother tries to give her daughter, but that freak; the rooster screams that the owner of the shoe has a tandoor; wedding; the girl ordered not punish stepmother and daughter; three apples fell from the sky for orphans who do not know a smile]: Aganin et al. 1960:149-162; Kurds (Iraq) [Askol is stepdaughter, Khursha is his own daughter; stepmother tells A. to herd a cow, hide all the wool in a day; the wind carried the yarn, A. followed her, saw a female diva with long breasts, asking her to comb her head, A. lies that her hair is clean; she tells her not to wake her up while she goes blue, green, red, yellow, purple, black, brown water, cloudy, but wake up when white goes; female diva dipped A.'s hand in white water, A. became beautiful, yarn became thread; stepmother sent H., who tells the female diva that her head is disgusting; the female diva tells her to wake her up when the water is muddy, H. is covered with warts; the padishah's son saw A. from the roof of the palace; stepmother hides her in tandoor, H. sends, but the rooster screams about it, the padishah's son marries A.; the stepmother comes, calls pregnant A. for a walk, pushes her into the river; she swims out to the other side, gives birth to a son; the shepherd hears her story; padishah's son returns his wife and son; stepmother and H. tied their legs to mules]: Yusupova 2004, No. 3:140-145.

Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens: Lebedev 1954, No. 12 [stepmother tortures her stepdaughter with work, tells her to clean a pound of cotton by the evening; the wind carries the bag to the black hut; there the old woman asks to look in her head; the girl kills all the lice, does not take the gold scattered at the entrance; the old woman tells her to walk past one water, swim in another; after swimming, the girl becomes prettier; the stepmother gives the same task to her own daughter; she picks up gold; the old woman tells her to swim in the first water, pass by the second one; she becomes speckled; the stepmother cuts her stepdaughter's ram, the meat says to the one that it is poisoned; the stepdaughter runs away, the padishah's son marries her]: 146-148; Erberg 1953 [=Annanurova 1980:50-56; stepmother tells Ibibi to clean the cotton bag in a day; the calf chews cotton, cleans, loosens threads; the wind blows away the ball; A. comes to the old woman, she replies that the ball has her, lies among precious valuables; A. does not take jewelry; the old woman asks her to tear out her hair, break dishes, rip off blankets, etc.; A. washes her hair, cleans dishes, etc.: the old woman tells her on the way home take a dip in a narrow ditch, do not look at the wide yap; A. returns dressed up as a beauty; stepmother sends her daughter, she steals gold and silver, literally fulfills the old woman's requests; she tells her to swim in the hole, she has a donkey ear on her forehead; the stepmother decides to slaughter the calf, who tells A. to hide his bones in the old tamdyr; the prince wants to marry A.; the stepmother sends her daughter instead; at night, the prince feels a donkey's ear; the prince demands a real bride, A. finds a precious dress in tamdir, marries the prince]: 101-110; Persians: Rosenfeld 1956 [Mollabaji's teacher persuades Shahrban's girl to push her mother into a barrel of vinegar and then persuade her father to marry her; he got married, she brought her ugly daughter; opened a barrel of vinegar, and a red cow came out; M. gives Sh. more work, sends a cow to herd and spin; a cow chews cotton, turning it into yarn; tomorrow the wind picked up cotton, threw it into the well; the cow calls S. a daughter, tells me to climb into the well, do everything on the contrary, when asked; the diva tells him to hit him with a stone, S. looks in his head; replies that his head is cleaner than that of his stepmother; does not break the house with a pickaxe, but sweeps the yard; replies that the manor, the dishes are a diva better than her father; takes cotton, not gold; the diva tells her to wash her hair in black water, her face and hands in white; at home, the stepmother sees that there is a moon on S.'s forehead, a star on her chin; M. sends his own daughter, that's all does it wrong, the diva tells her to wash in yellow water, a snake appears on the girl's forehead, a scorpion on her chin, the gold she grabbed turns out to be bricks; M. and her daughter, wrapping her face with a handkerchief, goes to the wedding, tells S. to disassemble the mixture of peas, beans and beans, fill the bowl with tears; S. goes to the diva, who gives salt (water will be like tears), a rooster (separate the beans, etc.), a luxurious outfit, ash (pour out on M. and her daughter), flowers (throw at the bride and guests); S. sees the prince, she runs away, loses her shoe; returning home, M. pretends to be sick, let her husband slaughter the cow; divas replace cows, tells Sh. bones slaughtered into a barn; the prince's servants are looking for the owner of the shoe; M. hides S. in the oven, but the rooster screams where she is; M. feeds S. onions and garlic to make her smell bad and embarrass her; the diva helps her get out out of the situation, and M.'s daughter, who she imposed on the vizier, stained the room; M. and her daughter were thrown into the ditch, the divas cut the cow's skin, and Sh's mother came out of it]: 130-149 (the same or very similar text in Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 13:79-88; Romaskevich 1934a, No. 12 (Isfahan Jews) [an ugly girl is spinning on the roof; the wind threw yarn into the next yard; the girl went down for her; the hostess asks to break her head, tear the blanket, destroy the room, break the jugs; the girl cleans the hostess's hair, darns the blanket, sweeps the room, fills the jugs with water; the woman tells her to sit by the stream; when black, yellow flows water, then keep quiet, and when it's red and green, splash on your face and say "a month on your forehead!" ; ugly became beautiful; a beautiful girl found out about this, deliberately threw off her yarn, did everything literally as ordered; the woman tells me to splash black water and say "donkey's penis on her forehead, back leg on the chin"; and so it happened; this girl returned, got into a fight with the first one, killed each other]: 74-76; Tajiks [=Niyazmukhamedov 1945:128-137; stepmother tortures her stepdaughter with work, tells her to strain the cotton; the cow eats it, releases yarn from her mouth; the wind carries the cotton into the old woman's cave; she tells her to comb her hair, clean her house; promises that laughing roses and tears will fall from the mouth of a laughing girl will turn into pearls, gold bricks will fall from her right foot, silver bricks from the left foot; the stepmother's daughter goes to herd a cow; carelessly combs the old woman, sweeps poorly; takes away from the pantry is gold; she has a bump on her forehead, gold turns into stones; her stepmother tells the cow to be slaughtered, the cow tells the girl to bury her bones in a hole; stepmother and stepdaughter go to the wedding, tell her to separate wheat rice; chicken does it, in place of cow bones - a luxurious dress, a horse; at the wedding, the stepmother does not recognize her stepdaughter; she loses her kaush (boot), the padishah's son is looking for him, finds a girl in good shape, where the stepmother hid it; on the way, the stepmother lets the bride eat salty, she is thirsty, the stepmother gives water in exchange for her torn eyes; throws her stepdaughter into the well, replaces her daughter with her daughter; the poor old man finds beauty and pearls; saves her, collects laughing roses; changes them for the eyes of her stepmother's daughter, the current wife of the padishah; now pearls fall from her eyes, roses from her mouth; stepmother sends the witch to suck blood girls; the girl orders to be buried in a crypt of gold and silver bricks; the stepmother takes her heart away, gives a bag with it to her daughter; when she takes it off her neck for the night, the stepdaughter comes to life; son The padishah finds her, comes at night; she has a son and daughter; the boy has grown up, pulls out a bag with her heart; the stepmother and daughter of the padishah asks if they want 40 horses or 40 whips; they want horses; they are tied by braids to the tails of 40 horses, the beautiful woman and her son are brought to the palace]: Amonov, Ulug-zade 1960:175-182; Khufs [the girl's mother is dead, the father marries a widow, she has her own daughter No. the stepmother sends her stepdaughter to herd the cow, wipe off the cotton, and bring more firewood in the evening; the wind carries the tow into the hollow, there is an old woman in the shack; she asks to look in her head; sends her to the barn to take tow; gold and silver are there; the girl takes only a tow; the old woman turns her into a beauty; the stepmother sent her own daughter, who hid gold and silver in her trousers, the old woman told her to become ugly ; stepmother and her own daughter went to the wedding; the horse brought clothes to her stepdaughter, she was beautiful, returns before her stepmother; the prince found the shoe she had lost, fell in love, told her to look for an owner; stepdaughter the shoe hit her leg; the prince marries, the girl achieves her wishes]: Sokolova 1959, No. 22:86-89; Uzbeks [the shepherd's new wife torments her stepdaughter with overwork; a gust of wind carries her yarn into cave; old woman tells to feed yarn to cow, pull udder threads; stepmother tells to slaughter cow; old woman tells to bury bones and skin; stepmother and daughter go to feast, rooster and chicken instead of stepdaughter rice is separated from peas; in the hole where the remains of a cow were buried, the girl finds beautiful clothes; four peri, the old woman's daughters, take her to a feast, she returns before her stepmother, losing her boot; the shah tells him try it on for everyone, only fits the stepdaughter; the stepmother kills the rooster and the chicken that indicated where she hid her stepdaughter; gouges out that eye, throws her into the swamp, brings her ugly daughter to the Shah; the weaver finds a girl, her tears are pearls, laughter is roses; a sorceress teaches to sell roses in a pair of eyes; the shah meets a girl, expels her stepmother and false wife]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (2): 114-121; Pashayas [from the elder and from the eldest and at the youngest sister on the daughter; the youngest is dead, the eldest adjoins the youngest's daughter; gives cotton to spin and herd the cow; the cow tells her to feed her yarn, a ball of thread comes out behind her; once the wind blew away part yarns; the aunt beat her niece, sent her to find what was carried away; the girl complains to the North Wind; he tells her to go to his mother, let her pick up her black bowler hat, the cotton in red; the girl comes to a house in the mountains; the mother of the wind asks if she will walk under or above the door, sit on the floor or in a chair, eat cheese or whey, lie on the bed or under the bed; the girl replies that under the door, on the floor, whey, under the bed, the hostess does the opposite (puts her in a chair, feeds cheese, etc.); in the morning she makes her beautiful, gives her cotton taken away, sends her own daughter to herd a cow, she beats her , the cow eats yarn, fills the girl's apron with manure; the wind blows away the yarn, her own daughter goes looking for her, scolds North Wind, says in his mother's house that she will pass above the door, sit in a chair, etc.; the mother of the wind puts her on the floor, etc.; tells her to remove the red pot, get cotton out of the black, the donkey's penis sticks to the girl's forehead; at home she tells her mother to slaughter the cow, then she will recover; the cow tells the orphan not to eat her meat, collect all her bones, bury it in the ash pan, come in 7 days; she finds seven doors there, behind them springs, honey, gold, shoes, clothes; she swam in the river, the water took away one a shoe, the king's son finds it, promises to marry the owner; the aunt hides the orphan in the back, the rooster screams that she is there, the prince finds her, marries, a feast; Muslims were given boiled food, the Hindus raw, Hazaras (they are Shiites) burnt]: Morgenstierne 1944, No. 16:100-109; Persians, Tajiks, Uzbeks (widely used manuscripts in Persian and translated into Uzbek) [stepmother every day tells her stepdaughter to strain a huge amount of yarn; the girl inherits a cow and a chicken from her mother; the cow ran into the cave or the wind took cotton wool from the girl's hands; a gray old woman sits in the cave in white, tells (in Persian version from Ura-Tube) to sweep the floor, look in her head, remains satisfied, rewards the girl with beauty; tells the cow to eat cotton wool, a thin one begins to come out behind her yarn; in the Persian version, her stepmother's own daughter is inattentive to the fairy, becomes ugly (a bead stolen and hidden in her mouth makes her goiter grow); Tajiks in Samarkand, their stepdaughter washes her hair in The black river, and the face in Belaya, becomes beautiful; the own daughter, on the contrary, becomes black faced and gray hair; the stepmother asks her husband to stab the cow; she tells her stepdaughter not to eat her meat, bury her bones under the threshold; a noble person invites to a feast; stepmother tells stepdaughter to separate millet from sorghum, the chicken does the job, the old fairy calls the gurias, they dress up the girl to go to the feast; the girl loses her slipper, a noble man tries it on everyone, the stepmother locks her in a latrine, but the chicken shows where to look; after getting married, the stepdaughter prepares a treat in honor of the old fairy woman (Bibi Se-Shambe), the husband comes in, insulted that the food is poor, overturns the cauldron; goes to cut off the melons, in his bag they turn three missing princes into the heads; before execution, he goes to his wife, repents, the heads turn into melons, princes return]: Andreev 1927b: 8-12.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [bai has a daughter with his eldest wife, son and daughter from his youngest; the youngest is dead; the stepmother tyrannites her children; the black lamb koshkar tells them to pull out a piece of hair from him, every time there is food; the stepmother peeked, decided to slaughter the lamb, pretended to be sick, only her meat would cure her; the lamb advised the children to bury its bones; the stepmother let the stepdaughter hide the bag of wool; the cow began to chew wool to hide it; the wind carried away the wool; the girl came to the old woman; she asked her to comb her hair; there were delicious things, the girl did not touch her; the old woman made her beautiful, returned her hair, the cow chewed, the wool became threads; the stepmother sends her own daughter, she ate the food, the old woman ordered her to grow horns on her head; the healers hardly cured her; the padishah promised to marry her son to that one, give her daughter for someone whose leather boots would suit him; stepmother and daughter carried their boots, told the children to separate rice from millet; white chicken ordered to dig a hole with bones, horses, clothes, shoes; padishah married his son to a girl, married his daughter to her brother]: Kanbak-Shal 1985:58-60; Uighurs [stepmother torments Khajyarkhan's stepdaughter with work; H. spins, grazing cows, cotton blows away the wind, she comes to the cave for him old woman; she tells me to cook thick noodles, pour the garbage into a hole in the roof, pull out her hair; H. does everything wrong (thin noodles, gently takes out rubbish and garbage, washes and combs the old woman's head); gets a ball of ready-made threads, her hair turned golden, gets an old woman's hair to burn it if help is needed; stepmother sends daughter Patyamkhan. she does everything wrong, steals gold, covers her head dandruff; when leaving for the holiday, the stepmother tells me to sort out the millet; X. burns her hair, turns out to be in the old woman, she gives expensive clothes, sends her to the party; returning, H. loses her slipper; at home, chickens sort out millet, peri-doves weave; Adil, the son of the padishah, finds a slipper, looks for an owner; the dog tells the servants that she was put in tono (tandoor); after becoming the wife of A., H. visits the house, P. and his stepmother pour boiling water over her, bury her ; P. attaches her braids, puts on her clothes, comes to her husband; a drop of H.'s blood fell, turned into a bird; she flies into A.'s garden, screams that there is a secret in the house; A.'s wife pretends to be sick, will recover if he eats a bird; bones and feathers have been buried, two roses have grown; the wife pulls them out of A.'s hands; poplar grows in the same place, the wife demands that it be cut down; the sliver sticks to the gardener's beard, falls to the floor in his house, turns into H.; she talks about everything to A., her tears became a river, her stepmother and P. drowned in her]: Kabirov 1963:320-331; Dungans [Yunhua's mother died, stepmother has a daughter Guandongyur; her stepmother takes her to the prince's screenings, dressed in clothes left by her mother for Yu; the wind carried away Yu's spindle, she comes to the immortal old woman for him; she orders him to pour garbage on the floor, ash throw it into the oven; Y. doesn't do that; the old woman gives her treasures, a golden flower grows to her forehead; G. sprinkles garbage on the floor, greedy, a gallbladder grows to her forehead; stepmother tears it off, puts gold the flower received by Yu; Yu comes back to the old woman, she gives her outfits, she loses her shoe, the prince finds her to marry; Yu wants to feed widows and orphans, the prince is angry; then the melons in his bag turn into severed heads; he is taken to court; he repents, his heads turn into melons again]; Riftin et al. 1977, No. 11:100-104.