Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K56a4d. Grease the gate. 15.16.28.-.32.

On the way to a dangerous character, a person lubricates the gate (door hinges) with grease or oil. On the way back, the grateful gate refuses to detain him.

Italians (Piedmont, Tuscany), French (Nièvre), Western and Eastern Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, Ossetians, Armenians, Danes, Swedes, Veps, Udmurts, Bashkirs.

Southern Europe. Italians (Piedmont; 717-718: Calvino added the old lady's motif; the original assistant is the enchanted queen) [the pear tree owner sends 4 baskets to the king every year pears; once there were not enough pears and a man hid his little daughter under the pears; in the palace they noticed that someone was eating pears, they found a girl, called Perina ("Grushka"); she grew up, everyone likes it, maids they envy, they tell the king that P. boasted to get the witch's treasures; P. walked past an apple tree, a peach tree, reached a pear tree and climbed on it to sleep; in the morning, the old woman under a pear asks where P . goes, gives them fat, bread and millet; P. comes to three women who wiped the oven with their hair; gave them millet for this purpose; gives them bread; comes to the blood-red river; the old woman taught them to say:" Wonderful red water, I'm in a hurry and I'll try you"; the waters parted, P. crossed to the other side; the door to the palace constantly opens and slams shut, P. greased it, passed, grabbed the box with with treasures, ran; the witch tells the doors to slam shut, the river to drown P., the dogs to grab, the stove to burn; the door, the river, dogs, women at the stove praise P. and refuse to prevent her; on the way, P. opened the box, the chicken with the golden chickens ran away; P. reached the pear tree, where the old woman placed the runaway back; advised her to ask the king for a chest of coals in the basement as a reward; she they brought a chest, a prince jumped out of it, married P.]: Calvino 1980, No. 11:35-37; Italians (Tuscany: Florence) [a pregnant woman steals parsley from the witchers' garden; they catch it, let her go for it the promise to name the child Petrushka, gives it to them; the woman gave birth to a girl, called Petrushechka; when she grew up, the witches reminded her mother of the promise, she had to agree; 1) the witches brought P. to a dark room, told to make it white, paint the walls with birds; the witch's cousin Meme suggests doing everything if P. lets herself be kissed; she refuses, M. is happy, does everything anyway (same with each new act of assistance); 2) the witches are told to bring a Belle-Jullar box from the witch Morgana; M. gives two pots of lard; tells you to lubricate the hinges of Morgana's gate, throw bread to the dogs, give an awl and give the shoemaker (he pulls his hair out of his head and beard, sews Morgana's shoes), give the cook a panicle so she doesn't shovel the ash with his hands; P. takes the box, Morgana's guards refuse to detain her; along the way opens the box, little men and the orchestra jump out of it; Meme appears, puts them back; 3) the witches are going to cook P., tell them to boil the pot; M. advises to say that there is not enough firewood; P. and M . lights blow out in the barn are the souls of sorcerers, the last is Morgan; they take possession of all the sorcerers' property; they got married, began to live in Morgana's palace]: Kotrelev 1991:101-105.

Western Europe. The French (Nièvre) [the prince smashed a jug of butter carried by the old woman with a ball; she wished him love for three oranges; the prince fell ill with love and went in search with two companions; they they come to the south, east, north wind; the mother of the winds hides them every time and teaches them what to do next; they come to the castle; they oil the rusty door and it opens; they throw them to predatory pigs acorns, give giants ropes to get water out of the well (they took it out using their hair instead of ropes); let other women sweep the heat out of the oven (they did it with their bare hands); sweep a dusty dirty staircase; they comb a lousy old woman, who falls asleep for the first time in many years; the prince sees and picks up three oranges, runs away with her companions; the old woman tells the stairs, etc., to detain the fugitives, but they refuse, because those who came cleaned them, fed them, etc.; on the way back, the prince opens one orange, a beautiful woman comes out, asks for a drink, dies; the same with the second; the third opens at the spring; brings a beauty to a king who knows the prince's father and dreamed of marrying a prince to his daughter; sends the prince for jewelry and clothes for the beauty he brought in, and his daughter stabs a pin in her head and the girl flies away with a dove; the liar says she has darkened by the sun and wind; the prince's father and courtiers are surprised that his fiancée is ugly; on the eve of the wedding, the dove talks to the cook; sits on The prince's hand; he groped and took out a pin; the wedding; the liar was burned at the stake]: Delarue, Tenèze 1964, No. 408:59-63.

Central Europe. Western Ukrainians (Transcarpathia) [grandfather brought stepmother; went to work; stepmother tells stepdaughter to go to her sister for a needle and thread - he will sew a new dress for the girl; the girl sees a toad fights with the mouse, crushed it; drove the toad away; a grateful mouse gives a piece of meat, bread, butter, a red ribbon; the witch who will put it behind the spinning wheel should throw the meat to the cat, bread to the dog, grease it with butter the gate, tie the ribbon to the birch tree; they will not rush, they will miss it; then the girl drove away the snake that crushed the lizard; she gives a towel and a comb; the witch constantly asks if the girl is spinning, and herself prepare to buy it and slaughter it; the cat, who received the meat, spins for the girl, tells her to run; the cat, the dogs, the gate, the birch say that the witch has never done them well, but the girl did; threw the comb (forest), towel (river); the witch came back for a broom to fly across the river, but the girl ran home; the father just came back; drove her stepmother away]: Verkhovyna's Tales 1970:407-412; oriental Ukrainians (Kherson) [after the death of their parents, a boy and a girl live with an old woman; she sent them to Baba Yaga; BYU orders to carry bath water with a sieve; the cat advises to cover the holes with clay; then: heat a bathhouse without straw; cat: brushwood under the shelf; BYA steamed and left; the children gave bacon to the cat, bread to the dog, smeared the gate, they opened; the cat gave a brush and a handkerchief; on the way there was a prickly pine tree, the children tied her needles with a ribbon, she missed; the cat, the dog, the gate, the pine tree answer the BYA that she did not care about them, and the children took care of them, so they missed them; the children threw the handkerchief - the river; the brush - the thicket; the BYA stopped chasing ]: Yastrebov, 1894, No. 19.1:154-156.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [Sultan Reshid has 4 sons, the youngest is 12 years old; the Sultan sowed golden wheat, poured the harvest into ingots; someone steals wheat; the eldest son went on guard, fell asleep; the same second; the third saw an arap, which jumped off his horse and began to mow wheat; the young man grabbed him by his long white hair, causing the arap to lose his strength; he was lowered into the cellar, tied to each hair with an iron weight; R. notified the neighboring kings, inviting them to look at the monster; the youngest son Kerim played the ball, he fell into the cellar to the arap; K. found the key from his father, went down; the arap asked for the release of 10 hairs; then shook off the rest of the weights, summoned the winged horse; when he flew away, he promised K. to help him; the assembled kings asked R. not to kill his son, but only to expel him; K.'s mother wrote to her relative Dervish Sultan a request to shelter boy; Kerima was caught up with rider Ali, changed food supplies; K. ate salty cakes, wanted to drink; went down to the well; Ali made K. swear that they would change names and statuses; D. appointed the deceiver was his heir; he was going to marry D.'s daughter, but she disgusted him; the deceiver said that his servant could get 40 horses with golden manes and tails; K. drove the data he did not know where to go, he fell asleep; the arap carried him to his palace; the Arap's wife gave him a box in which a winged duldulle is easy to fly around the universe; the eldest daughter is a walnut, in which a table is magic; the youngest is hazelnut, wearing festive clothes; the arap himself gave three glasses of water, K. became one of the strongest heroes in the world; 40 days later K. flew on a duldula to D., with him 40 horses with gilded manes and tails; the princess saw K. feast alone, fell in love; that night the capital was flooded with light; deceiver: the servant can find out where the light source is; K. came to the arap; he sent in search of eagles and nocturnal birds; it turned out that the sorceress's bird of paradise dropped its pen; K. spoke about this and was sent for a pen; he brought it; the deceiver sent for the bird itself; K. and the arap feasted for 35 days, then we went to the sorceress; at the gate there is a lion and a horse, they should be given meat and hay; they must drink from a rotten stream, praise the water; eat wormy pears, praise them; if after the third attempt they do not grab the sorceress will turn the cage with the bird into stone; the tree on which the cage dodged, but the third time K. grabbed the cage; the pear, the stream, the lion, the horse refuse to detain K. - he praised them; the old woman advises the deceiver to tell K. to get the sorceress herself; arap: now in the palace of the sorceress who will sleep, you must lubricate each door with fragrant oil; take an oath from the sorceress with all the sanctities of the world and heaven; her dwarf servant flew for the mistress; when they arrived, Kerim's oath expired; Ali was tied to 40 horses; D. married K. to his daughter and sorceress; the wedding was 40 days and nights]: Kondaraki 1875, No. 6:68-82; Ossetians [during Dzyla's famine sends son 1) to heavenly Uatzilla to bring bread; Kulbadag-us's clothes give him the dried remains of a winged horse, he comes to life, arrives to heaven; K. warned W. to ask W. for a wooden scoop; the owner of the scoop does not run out of grain; 2) Syrdon persuades the sledges to send his son D. to heavenly Falvar for cattle (brings a twig, the stable is full cattle); 3) bring an Aldar fur coat from Black Mountain with a sable; on the way ferocious wolves, eagles, self-closing doors; K. tells wolves to throw sheep, eagles - turkeys, grease the doors with tail fat; the young man takes away fur coat; the doors answer the pursuer that they did not see fat from him, and the young man smeared them; the same eagles, wolves; 4) bring the horse W. (he gives); 5) make D. a mustache like W. (he gives a handkerchief, D. touches their mustache, they become like W.); at the instigation of S., sledges kill D.: immediately magic objects return to W., the sledges are hungry again]: Libedinsky 1978:432-440; Ossetians [Comrades reproach the young man: first find your father, and then quarrel with us; he tells his mother to cook corn and clamps her hand; she has to say that his father was kidnapped by a giant and his father's horse stands head over heels in manure; does not believe that his son will be able to raise his father's sword; the young man came out his horse, easily raised his sword, leaves, the horse shows the way; the young man whipped the decayed corpse of the giant: come to life, but be blind; the lively one says that his wife was stolen by the same giant who took the boy's father; at night he tries to throw trees and stones at the young man; the young man turns him back into a corpse; the young man finds the giant, cut him off 6 heads, told me where his father was, then cut off his seventh head; on the way, the horse slipped through, only half a tail was cut off; the young man's father was a shepherd, cleaning his fur coat from lice; the young man brought his giant's ears wife; she tells the giant's mother to be afraid; the young man killed her, but she cursed him: he will not rest until he gets the daughter of the king of jinns; the horse teaches to give the birds millet, drink from the spring and praise the water, throw the ram to the iron-faced wolves; lubricate the door hinges; the young man found the girl and lives with her for a month; then they loaded all the property on all the felt and galloped away; the young man destroyed the pursuing army, but one warrior killed him with a dagger; the fox began to lick the blood, the woman killed him; the fox bought him at the spring, the fox came to life; then the woman revived her murdered husband; he says he was about to marry his daughter Barastura is the rulers of the afterlife; the young man again revived that giant with a whip and gave him his wife, kidnapped by a seven-headed giant; the young man returned home to his wife, everything is fine]: Dzagurov 1972, No. 33:91-99; Ossetians (Digorans) [Bestaser-Sila died, left three sons; the youngest Zanbolat breaks the witch's tub three times with an arrow; she tells him to better look for the kidnapper of the horse left by his father; D. asks his mother fry the corn kernels, clamps them in her hand, she admits that there is a horse that gives birth to a stallion every day; the brothers are frightened, D. takes a foal from a seven-headed giant who has come out of the ground; K. forges a sword and a mace for D. goes underground, kills the seven-headed man and his wife, two more giants, frees three girls; they tell black birds to throw millet (they are happy, they are not even bran they gave two rams to two iron wolves, oil the door hinges (they did not lubricate the door hinges before); they let D. pass; he kills an iron horse, a felt man, steals underground cattle; brothers put a sword in front of D.'s bed, scream, he jumps up, is left without legs; brothers take cattle and girls; D. comes armless and blind, their brothers did the same to them; all three kidnap the girl, make a sister; a witch sucks blood from her heels; D. and his companions caught a witch, they and the girl climbed into her womb, got out healthy; killed the witch, let the girl go; D. hired a pig herd; came to his wake; killed both brothers with one split arrow, tied their wives to horses; awarded a swineherd]: Miller 1902, No. 3:78-98; Ossetians [the king has 3 sons and a daughter, he promises to give the throne to someone who will bring a curiosity; the elder brings a leaf the size of a burku, the middle one is even larger, the sister is indifferent, offers to bring a silver chicken wing; the youngest on horseback, who eats nails, brings; sister asks for the whole chicken, the horse teaches where to catch these chickens, the brother brings them; the sister offers to bring the owner of the chickens; the horse tells me to drink from the dirty, bitter river, praise the water; pick a pear, praise the tree; throw sheep to iron-billed crows, bull carcass to wolves, grease doors with fat tail fat; 3 girls call the door, one plays, the other sings, the third cries; crying is the owner of the chicken, she asks for doors, wolves etc. stop the kidnapper, they do not obey, the young man takes her away; the sister orders to bring seven iron-faced mares, milk, boil milk, swim, he will be king; the horse tells him to be smeared with glue, lying in the sand, became huge, his mares were frightened, listened; the horse teaches him to come to heaven to Uastyrji, steal his beer pot; at home, whoever tries to milk mares is killed by them; the horse tells they let their master milk; whoever jumped into boiling milk all died; the young man came up whole; the girl became the head of the kingdom (the end is illogical)]: Sokayeva 2012, No. 5:59-64; Armenians [the king ordered to raise a garden; the old man says that there is not enough nightingale in the garden; the king sends sons for the nightingale; the old man teaches the younger man to whistle a mare; she will carry him over a mountain that rises to heaven and then goes down; door hinges must be lubricated in the house; gold and silver vessels should be swapped near the sleeping princess; eat pilaf, pour ash into the cauldron; take the cage with the nightingale; on the way back, the brothers gave the youngest of bread and water in exchange for his eyes was carried away; the blinded hears the dove explain to the chick: put his eyes in the eye sockets and touch this pen; the young man saw the light, but changed his eyes and became oblique; the brothers gave the nightingale to his father, but the nightingale does not sing; under the guise of a bald shepherd, with his lamb's stomach over his head, the younger brother hired his father as a gardener; at that time the beautiful woman appeared and became ask who took the nightingale; the older brothers answer incorrectly, she turned them into pigeons; the imaginary pasth confesses that the queen marries him and, at his request, returns the brothers to their human appearance; The king gives the throne to his youngest son]: Kagan 1898c, No. 28:219-223; (cf. Armenians (Turkish Armenia) [the king builds the temple three times, the storm destroys it; the hermit: the nightingale Khazaran is needed; the king's three sons go in search; hermit: the one who has traveled along the wide road will return, along the the middle one will either return or not, on the lower one it will not return; there is a river, the owner of the nightingale Khazaran does not drink from it; you must drink, say, "Oh, living water"; pick a thorn, say "Flower of Paradise"; before the grass is a wolf, meat in front of the lamb, must be changed; the pretended gate leaf must be opened, the opened one must be pretended; the nightingale's mistress sleeps for 7 days and is awake for 7 days; the older brother entered to serve, the middle black The Arab turned it into stone; the younger one drove down the lower road, did everything, kissed the girl, took the nightingale away; the gate, the wolf, etc. did not detain the young man; he gave the hermit a nightingale, brought the elder to him brother, turned an Arab into stone and revived his middle brother with a whip; the brothers lowered the youngest into the well, left, taking the nightingale; but their nightingale does not sing; the girl came and put the king and elders in prison brothers; reapers released the youngest, he told the girl how everything happened, how he kissed her; wedding, the nightingale sang]: Khachatryants 1933:66-72).

Baltoscandia. The Danes [the king asks his daughter to see what is in his hair; she takes off the big louse; they put it in oil, it grows; when the barrels are small, the louse is slaughtered, the skin is removed; the king is dissatisfied that the princess rejects all suitors; promises to pass her off as saying which animal the skin was removed from; the wolf sniffs and tells the king that it is the skin of lice, tells her to give the princess; brings her to luxurious castle, forbids lighting a fire; at night the wolf turns into a man, but the princess does not see him; when she gave birth to a son, the wolf immediately took him away; allows him to return to his parents for three days under the condition Do not take anything with you from their house; but the mother gives the knife to be put on the bed; the husband will be scratched; if he screams, he is a troll, and if he moans, the man; he groaned; forgave his wife, but since then he has been limping on right back leg; when the wife gave birth to a daughter, the wolf also took her away immediately; the wife visited her parents again; the mother gave a box of matches and a candle; the wife lit a candle; the husband said that the witch bewitched him for 7 years because he refused to marry her daughter; became a wolf and ran away; she came to Sister Wolf's castle, where her son was; the second sister had a daughter with a wet nurse; the wife went to the glass mountain, saw the Wolf on she climbed; she also slides; the old man gave iron shoes to climb the mountain and ointment, heal her cuts; on the mountain in the castle, a woman was hired in the kitchen; a local young housewife would soon marry the Wolf; the witch tells wash the daughter's white flannel and black white (the old man performs); tells him to bring jewelry from his sister for the bride; a young man gives a ball to follow; the rod is put in the door, which is all time claps; give a bag of grain to geese; tongs to two people who move the heat with their bare hands; ladles to give to girls who interfere in the cauldron with their bare hands; two loaves of bread are given to watchmen dogs; a pot of fat - lubricate the door hinges; the witch's sister can't eat anything, not look back on the way back; the witch's sister gave her leg to a calf, the woman threw it under the bench, she answers from there; The second time she hid it under her clothes, the witch's sister believed that the woman had eaten her leg; when the woman runs back, the witch's sister tells the guards to hold it, but everyone refuses because she treated them well; the witch's sister warned not to open the box on the way, but the woman opened it, the bird flew out and disappeared; the young man asked for the calf leg that remained under the woman's clothes, sent it again bring jewelry, her leg ran and brought it; having received the box, the witch allowed the woman to attend her daughter's marriage; gave the woman two torches; she could not move, maybe burn; the prince grabs them and hands them over to the witch and her daughter; they burned down along with the castle; a meadow on the site of a glass mountain; the couple took the children, returned to the woman's parents]: Grundtvig 1878:251-276 (= Mulley 1878:225-236); the Swedes [king and queen are childless; the queen loved boat trips; the ship stopped suddenly; voice: give what is under her belt; she agreed not knowing she is pregnant ; the ship sailed again; when he found out what was going on, the king assured his wife that he would protect her from the siren (Meerweib); the prince grew up playing with two cousins, the sons of the neighboring king; his horse carried him to sea and they disappeared into the waves; the prince at the bottom of the sea walks along the path to the golden castle of the siren, the lady of the wind and waves; the siren designates him as his page; if he serves well, he will return to his parents; first task: wash my daughter's white yarn and white black yarn; princess: my name is Messeria; if you promise to remain faithful to me, I will do everything; but don't tell anyone; called my mother's little men, everyone took one finished and washed properly; the second task is to separate the two types of grain (wheat and Korn); the little men separated; the third task is to clean the barn in which oxen have been standing for 20 years; now the young man must choose one of her daughters; all of them in the form of different animals; the princess warned that she would be a cat; the siren sent a young man to her sister to borrow her wedding dress for her daughter; M.: there will be a lattice in the gate, grease it with ointment from this horn, you can open the gate; then two men will cut the oak tree with wooden axes, give them iron axes; then the other two threshing with iron flails - give them wooden ones; give them meat two eagles; siren's sister doesn't eat anything; the prince did everything; quietly hid the food offered; but the food answered the siren's sister's question: I'm here under the bed; next time the prince hid the food in the stoves are the same; the third time he hid it under his clothes on his body; the siren's sister believed that the prince had eaten everything; gave her a box of wedding dresses; when the prince left, the siren's sister consistently ordered the guards ( eagles, woodcutters, etc.) detain him, but they say that he helped them and they would not detain him; on the way to the siren, the prince opened the box slightly, although M. did not tell them to do so; a sheaf of sparks broke out ; the prince remembered the little men M. called; knocked on the stone, asked them for help; they jumped out, each grabbed a sparkle and returned them to the box; the siren asked for the prince's luxurious wedding with M. then the young went to the prince's homeland; when he arrived at the king's city, the prince insisted that he go alone first; M. ordered nothing to eat; but he succumbed to persuasion and ate cookies (Pfefferkorn); immediately M. forgot everything that happened to him; they decided to marry the princess next door; during the wedding feast, M. came in as a maid and released two doves; the dove tells the dove three times that he will forget her, how the prince forgot M.; the prince remembered everything, hugged M. and called her his only bride]: Hyltén-Cavallius, Stephens 1848:255-274; Veps [the widower marries Baba Yaga's sister; she sends stepdaughter to the witch for a needle and thread; Yaga tells the worker to heat the bathhouse, wash the girl and then fry her; the girl gives the maid a handkerchief, gives the cat a cake, the dog meat, smears the door hinges oil, ties an apple tree with a ribbon, runs away herself; Baba Yaga gnaws trees during the chase, makes the bulls drink the lake, but the girl escapes]: Onegina, Zaitseva 1996, No. 7:201.

Volga - Perm. The Udmurts [the evil widow of Egypt tries to lime Anna, the wife of her adopted son Ivan; orders to shear sheep; I.: these are bears and wolves; I. orders to climb an oak tree, knock on it with scissors; animals trying to get A. their hair got out, A. brought it; E. sends A. to bring birdeau from his sister; I. tells them to take various products and items with them; A. gives meat to dogs, oats to geese, silk birch belt, oils door hinges, tailor needles, roll to the cat; sister E. goes to boil the resin to throw A. at it, the cat tells her to run; is responsible for A.; A. runs away from sister E., throws the brush, a forest grows, a walnut grows a river; the pursuer asks how to cross; "Spread your handkerchief and swim"; she drowned; A. called E., says that her sister is drowning, drowned her in the same way]: Klabukov 1948, No. 32: 92-98 (=Kralina 1960, No. 45:124-129); Bashkirs [three sons go to look for a cure for their blind father; at a fork in the roads there is an inscription: whoever goes to the right will be lucky, to the left will be unsuccessful, straight - and so, and So; the younger brother goes to the left; the girl in the copper palace tells you to move the barrels of living and dead water, the young man kills the three-headed maiden; the same episode in the silver (6-headed) and in the golden house (12-headed deva ); a girl from the silver palace advises on the way to the 12-headed young man to lubricate the gate, transfer the hay from the dog to the camel, and the bone from the camel to the dog; on the way, the young man sees how the old man and the old woman are pulling each a fur coat; a young man covers an old woman with a fur coat, an old man's skin; taking medicine and, contrary to the ban, kissing a sleeping girl, the young man runs away, the devil chases, the dog, the camel, the gate, the old man and the old woman refuse stop the young man; he blows away all 12 heads with arrows; the brothers are jealous, hang a sword in front of the tent, he cuts off the young man's head; he is revived by a girl from the golden palace who recognizes him; the young man heals his father, forgives brothers]: Barag 1988, No. 40:272-281; Bashkirs [Akhan and Karakhan decided to marry children if wives give birth to babies of different sexes; A. has a son, K. has a daughter; A. died, K. forgot his promise; elder daughter-in-law A. to his son: than to flirt with me, it would be better to go to the bride; the son asked his mother to fry wheat, held her in her hand, she had to confess; K.'s wife died, telling him to take a new wife more beautiful than her; K. did I found no one more beautiful than her daughter; she set a condition: sew a flea fur coat and a lice leather handkerchief; K. fulfilled; she dug a hole in the bathhouse and covered it with a carpet; K. went, failed; daughter left, became live with the elderly; son A. found K., pulled him out of the hole; K. says that his daughter killed her mother and went to the maiden; A.'s son came to the house where daughter K. lived; began to pluck the wool from the ram, put the meat on an inverted cauldron and He poured water from above; the girl, seeing this, laughed and became more and more beautiful; they fell in love with each other, he brought her to his mother, married her; poor K. came; at night he stabbed his daughter's son, put a knife on her; said that this witch killed her mother; the mother expelled her daughter-in-law; the young returned to those old people, taking the body of the child; son A. sees how the snake revived another by dragging her around the hummock; revived his son; the young man grew up, went to fight the devil; stopped at the old woman, who wants to burn him in a copper bath, he drags her there himself, tells her to show the way to the deva; she sends him to her sister; she has a silver bath; the same goes to the eldest sister; golden bath; the old woman tells him to oil the deva's gate, chop snakes and lions with a sword, gives a handkerchief to heal the horse's leg if the lion hurts him; the young man drove the deva up to his throat into the ground, then put him in a cage freed the beauties, the princess gave him a ring; he brought his mother to him; K. came, opened the cage with the deva, who advised him to send the young man for the bear's milk; K. called himself the boy's grandfather, his mother is unconscious, must be cured; the young man pulled a sharp stone out of the bear's paw, she gave milk; K. released the deva, the young man defeated him, he fell into the ground; the young man sprayed milk on K., he petrified, the millstone closed the place, where was the devil; the young man threw a ring into the jug of the princess's maid; she recognized him; wedding]: Barag 1988, No. 54:377-385.