Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K56a8b. A girl's hand in a cobra hole. 23.

A good girl (usually the daughter of a dog) wants to commit suicide and puts her hand in the snake's hole. The snake does not bite her, but gives her a gift.

Marathi, Kannada, Tamils.

South Asia. Marathi: Frere 1868, No. 2 [rani gives birth to puppies, dog gives birth to two girls; afraid that Rani will take them away, take them to the forest; they are met and married by two princes; many years later the dog finds the eldest daughter, she takes care of her; goes to the youngest, she throws a stone at her, the dog comes to the eldest and dies; the woman hides the corpse under the basket, the husband looks in, there is a golden dog in diamonds; trying to hide from husband, that the dog is her mother, the wife says that the golden statue was sent by her parents living in the forest palace; knowing that the deception will be revealed, the wife goes into the forest, sees a cobra with her mouth open, puts her finger in her mouth, to bite her, but pulls out a splinter; the cobra creates a luxurious palace for her; the husband who arrives is delighted, and when they leave the forest, the phantom palace burns down; the younger sister also goes to the cobra and shoves her finger in the mouth, dies from a bite]: 18-24; Sheorey 1973, No. 13 [Patil's wives Subhadra and Sunanda; Subhatra comes from a wealthy family, she has many relatives, they visit them on holidays; Sunandra is a poor orphan; one day P. stays at home for the party and tells Sunandra to take him to her relatives; she goes at random; puts her hand in the hole in the anthill to be bitten by a cobra; she has an abscess on her hood that bursts, a grateful cobra offers to fulfill any wish; Sunandra would like to have relatives; she goes with her husband in the specified direction, there is a city, a palace; brothers and other relatives warmly welcome them, give them expensive gifts; when leaving, Sunandra returns â€" as if for a forgotten necklace; asks what to do if her husband wants to come here again; the cobra asks not to worry; after leaving a little, Sunandra and her husband they see how the city and the palace burn down completely; after learning everything, Subhatra goes along the same road, puts his hand to the cobra, is bitten, dies]: 72-75; kannada [the sage gave the king a magic mango, ordered to divide between wives; they themselves ate the fruit and the peel by the dog; all the wounds gave birth to puppies, and the dog gave birth to two girls; they tried to take them away from the dog, but she took the children to the forest, raised them in a cave; two young men found them, married; the eldest Big Honnie, happy, the youngest, Little Honnie, tore off pieces from the sari along the way, threw her on the ground; the dog found her and stayed with her; when she came to her eldest daughter, she beat her with a stick and ordered to throw the carrion away; MX found the body on a pile of garbage, washed it, hid it in her chest; the husband demands to show what was there; MX says that the gift is from the mother, opens the chest, it contains gold; the husband wants to see his wife's parents, since they are so rich; MX leads her husband and his servants into the forest, wanders without purpose; decides to commit suicide and puts his hand in the snake's hole; snake: you crushed an abscess on my head and I grateful; not far from here, MX will find an empty palace; the snake took the form of a man, called herself his mother's brother; he gave the visitors gold; when they left, they looked around: the palace was burning, turning to ashes; when they learned about everyone, BH killed a stray dog, hid it in a chest; a cadaveric smell comes from the chest; BH says there's a gift from her mother, takes her husband to the forest, puts his hand in a snake hole, died of a bite]: Ramanujan 1997, No. 13:43-46; the Tamils [woman and dog are pregnant; the woman did not give the dog cakes, she cursed her; the woman gave birth to 4 puppies and the dog to two girls; they grew up, the king saw them and took them for himself; the youngest Good, the king married her, and the eldest is heartless, the king gave her to the Minister; during the wedding ceremony, the mother dog came running and began to howl; the eldest daughter beat her and drove her away; she ran to the youngest, said she was dying, asked me to put her body in a bag and hang it from the ceiling; say that there was her dowry; the king wanted to see gold and diamonds in the bag; the eldest daughter killed the dog, hung it in bag; terrible stench; the king asked his wife to show him her mother; the wife decided to commit suicide, put her hand in the cobra's hole; she was giving birth at that time, the young woman helped her; the cobra gave her a gold necklace; the eldest put her hand in the cobra's hole, which bit her, she died]: Blackburn 2005, No. 12.