Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K56B. The worthy one was rewarded, the unworthy was punished.


Two men alternately meet a character who can reward and punish. One behaves correctly, is rewarded, the other (or the other two) is wrong, punished (rarely: not awarded).

Umbundu, batanga, chokwe, sakata, luba, lamba, kamba, kaguru, bulu, shona (karanga), fulbe, sorco, kono, diola, bobo, pajadinka, ashanti, von, igbo, dagomba, (hausa), bolanchi, Lango, Zande, Nzakara, Amhara, Harari, Sakho, Masai, Malgashi, Berbers Morocco, Kabila, Arabs of Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Spaniards, Aragon, Galicians, Portuguese, Catalans, Basques, Italians (Lombardy, Tuscany , Basilicata), Sicilians, Maltese, Corsicans, Ladins, French, Bretons, Walloons, British, Scots, Irish, Germans (Harz, Bohemia, South Tyrol), Alsatians, Dutch, Frisians, Flemish, Arabs written tradition ("One Thousand and One Nights"), Palestinians, Arabs of Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Jibbali, Bukavak, Nankina, Lake. Kutubu, Melpa, Adzera, Admiralty Islands, Kapingamarangi, Yap, Truk Islands, Tibetans (Yutsang, Amdo, Ham), Dafla, Lakher, Meitei, Kachin, Pumi, Thais, Lao, Shans, Mons, Thai Vietnam, Vieta, Karen, Pao, Khmers, Banar, Sre, Khmu, Cham, Zyaray, Sindhi, Punjabi, Kumaoni, Nepali, Rajastan, Varli, Bengalis, Sinhalese, Telugu, Tamils, Malayals, Santals, Oriya, (Uttar Pradesh), Maldives, Mentawai, Sunda, Bali, Madura, South Sulawesi, Dusun, Loda, Bontok, Chinese (Qinghai, Shaanxi, Henan, Zhejiang, Guangdong; also without specifying province), Maonan, Lisu, Taunyo, Chuan Miao, Miao, Meo Vietnam, Koreans, Ancient Greece, Romanians, Moldovans, Hungarians, Albanians, Serbs, Slovenes, Bulgarians, Greeks, Czechs, Luzhitans, Poles, Slovaks, Russian written tradition, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Novgorod, Pskov, Tver, Ryazan, Tula, Voronezh, Kursk, Ryazan, Tambov), Ukrainians (Verkhovyna, Kharkiv), Belarusians, Kabardians, Abazans, Balkarians, Karachays, Ossetians, Nogais, Avars, Dargins, Lucks, Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Persians, Mountain Tajiks, Ishkashim, Sarykol, Pashtuns, Uzbeks, Norwegians, Faroese, Danes, Swedes, Western and Eastern Sami, Finns, Karelians, Estonians, Setu, Lutsi, Latvians, Lithuanians, Mari, Mordovians, Chuvash, Kazan Tatars, Nogai Karagash, Bashkirs, Udmurts, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Uighurs, Yellow Uighurs, Dungans, Chelkans, Khamnigans (Iroans), Darkhats, Mongols, Mongors, Tuvans, Altaians, Dagurs, Ents, Dolgans, Central (?) Yakuts, Negidals, Nanais, Udege, Orochi, Ulchi, Manchus, Ainu, Japanese, North Ryukyu, Okinawa, Chukchi, Asian Eskimos, Aleuts, West Greenland, Atna, Uvikino, Halkomel, Zapoteki, Maihuna, Kofan , bora, munduruku, spike, juruna, chiriguano, kayabi, iranshe, paresi, kayapo.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Umbundu [two young men took their grandmothers and moved to a new place; one was killed by lightning; her grandson carried her across the river to throw her into the pond where the dead were thrown; the masked spirit asked him for her he gave his head to make a vessel; others asked for an arm, leg, lungs; the grandson threw the rest into the pond, many white people came out of it to form the village; one of the women was his grandmother; another young man too wanted to get rich, asked his grandmother to allow her to kill her, she resisted, he killed her anyway, carried her, but refused to give parts of her body to the spirits; a spirit surfaced, gave boxes, told her to open them alone, closing the doors and windows of the house; wasps and hornets flew out from there, snakes crawled out, the young man died]: Bell 1922, No. 20:145-147; chokwe [meets a girl Mabemba at the Mwatshizenje stream, who leads him to her father; his the village comes and goes at his will; he demands that the groom clear the plot, sow millet in a day; the old man gives him calebasses with elephants, rodents, mongooses, wind, they do everything; young man brings his wife home; Mabemba's sister visits them, Mwatshizenje's brother Mwalwimbe falls in love with her; he follows her but scolds the old man, the girl rejects him, the path disappears; he comes back, all women despise him, he dies]: Anpetkova-Sharova 1975:314-328; tanga [the eldest of the half-brothers caught an unusual fish; the youngest asked for a look, missed it; the eldest demanded it back; the youngest dived; when he met fish, shared food with them, they showed the way; washes, feeds a dirty sick old woman; she turns into a young woman, teach them to come to the next village, demand the fish that belonged to him to the murdered uncle; he was given the fish he was looking for; that woman gives him a cane of sugar cane; he returns the fish to his brother; plants cane; one day the older brother cuts off, eats a piece; the youngest demands it back; he goes to the bottom, doesn't feed the fish, doesn't go to the old woman; comes back, gets lost, drowned]: Nassau 1915, No. 16:45-47; bulu [father to youngest son: if you want to get rich, go to the top hills; there's an old man covered in scabs; the young man cut his wood; old man: if you see a big man, come to him from behind, say: I want wealth; the man gave him a small elephant fang; you have to hit them on land - but only once; the guy did so, got rich; his older brother also went to his head, but was rude to the old man; stood in front of a big man, not behind him; got nothing, stayed poor]: Krug 1912, No. 9:113; sakata [father brought three nuts, son ate them, father demanded that he bring nuts from where he picked them; son goes, old woman with skin disease asks her wash it; he washes it, she gives two parcels, big and small; at a fork in three roads, a young man asks a large parcel, he says it's none of his business; the little one shows the way; the young man hears laughter, asks whether he should laugh; the small package says no; the young man picks nuts and banana leaves, brings them home; leaves, the father eats them, the son demands that the father bring new ones from where he picked them; the father goes, refuses to wash the old woman; laughs, stones fall on him, he dies]: Colldén 1979, No. 22:177-178; kamba [by Lindblom; the poor man went to the fortuneteller to find out how to become rich; he ordered lubricate his wife's teeth with a certain grass, they will grow big, they must be sold, cattle must be bought; the poor man became rich; the other went to the same fortuneteller, but did not listen well; his wife's teeth grew, she gave birth to a cow, which became an elephant (elephant origin)]: Arewa 196:61; kaguru [a bird takes sheep, goats; a boy fights with it, wins; a bird flies again, takes the boy to his village, where turns into a man; brings him back; when he speaks, coins fall from his lips; another boy went to guard the sheep; also defeated the bird, but continued to beat it when it had already submitted; it happens to him the same as the first one, but excrement falls from his lips; he will leave everyone]: Beidelman 1974, No. 7:176-180; luba [the kabuclu antelope prepares a delicious dish, goes to the leopard, says he brings food to the lion; the leopard asks for it; the kabuclu asks the leopard to first cut off its claws, then knock out his teeth, gouge out his eyes, kill the leopard; this is how he kills many; the Ngulungu antelope goes to the leopard, puts food under his nose , tells you to take off the skin; the leopard ate the ngulungu]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 90:216-217; the lamp [the bird leads a person to an anthill, there is a calebas, she tells him to take it, leads to a hole (in the ground?) , tells you to put it in the hole and put your hand in; there are vessels of beer and porridge; a person brings food to the village, feeds the hungry; calebasa warns not to reveal a secret; another person also goes for as a bird, tries to hit the Calebass with an ax and a spear; puts his hand, stays fingerless; the first person comes back, brings porridge; but reveals a secret, Calebasa no longer produces food]: Klipple 1992: 208; shona (karanga) [a young man named Nyamanhomba has a face mutilated by a wasp, the girls don't want him; he leaves home, comes to an old woman; she asks her back to be washed; he does it, says her her back is as clean as the moon; she hides it from her two sons - lions; they began to sniff, but her mother denied everything; in the morning she gave N. two fruits (something like cucumbers or little pumpkins); they must be opened when you cross the river; each girl comes out, she must be given a drink immediately; N. did it, he now has two wives; the other guys also went to that old woman, but indignantly refused to wash her back; lions ate them]: Sicard 1952, No. 98:208-209.

West Africa. Sorco [Brave (H.) asked Cowardly (T.) to fight off the hyena attacking the peasants; the hyena runs away with a spear; T. demands it back; H. comes to the Hyenas, must identify his spear among others; the oldest Hyena teaches how to get the moon; H. comes back with a spear and with the moon; T. takes the moon, misses it, H. demands it back; T. comes to the Hyenas, they kill him]: Retel-Laurentin 1986:127 ; Fulbe: Labouret 1952, No. 4 [two poor young men are wandering; sleeping under a tree in the possessions of a blind emir, one hears an Elephant talking to a Hawk; an elephant talks about a tree whose flowers can cure blindness; and if you cut down a tree along the way, a river will appear; the young man cures the emir of blindness, creates a river; the Hawk tells the Elephant that the secret has been overheard; the young man talks about to all the comrade, he goes to the tree, the Elephant and the Hawk find him, kill him], 6 [The hare finds a baobab with expensive clothes inside, gold; climbs through the gap, takes as much as he needs; tells Hyena; she climbs into the baobab, tells him to move completely to her village; Baobab does not let her out, Hyena dies, Baobab returns to the savannah]: 145, 223; kono [during hunger Orphan agrees not to kill Squirrel, she brings him to the village, forbiding him to laugh; residents do funny things around him (such as: a hunter roasts meat, an antelope butts him, he falls into a fire); Orphan does not laugh, gets a lot of food; at home he tells the Parrot; he goes with the Squirrel, laughs, the inhabitants beat and chase them, the squirrel and the parrot stay in the forest forever]: Holas 1975:303-305; diola [evil and kind went to way; to meet a man, he asked for food, cheerful gave him his supplies; he stopped under a tree for the night, heard a conversation of spirits; the king's daughter will recover from drinking a decoction of the leaves of a tree growing in the middle of the village; water can be found between two trees; treasures are buried in calebasses; the good man cured the king's daughter, married her and was appointed adviser; found gold (said the bird told him) and a source of water (hyena told); after learning about the happiness of the good, the evil man spent the night under that tree; the spirits saw him (and probably killed him)]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2018:123-125; bobo [during hunger, the Hare climbs on a tree with an ax, drops it into the river, looks for it, pulls out a calebass, filled with food if he wants; when she finds out, Hyena climbs a tree, throws an ax into the water, pulls out a whip, which hits her, Hyena shouts "enough" the whip stops; the hyena brings the whip home, the wife takes it with the door locked, the whip hits her, she hardly jumps out the window, disappears]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:148-151; pazhadinka [stepmother tells Abu Bakaru wash the jug in Lake Nai-Nanki; a hyena, an elephant say that a snake lives there; a snake brings him, tells him to cook porridge, sends a cat, AB feeds the cat, the cat praises the boy to the owner; the snake asks wash his back, she is covered with knives; AB washes, but knives do not hurt him; the snake gives AB a bag of gold; the stepmother sends his own son Mamadou; he chases the cat, refuses to wash the snake's back; after receiving the bag, opens his houses, wasps, ants and mosquitoes fly out from there, only AB and his father do not touch]: Nikolnikov 1976:71-77; Ashanti: Barker, Sinclaire 1917, No. 16 [Kweku Tsin, Anansi's eldest son, found three nuts I tried to split them, but the first, then the second, flew off somewhere; he looked for them, went down the hole; there the old woman asked me to bring a yam, which tells me not to take it, not to dig up the one he asked to take; cook the peel and throw away the yam itself; do not look at it when she eats; take a gong that speaks ding-ding, not dong-dong; KC did everything, brought the gong, he gave any food; A. decided to go himself; rude to an old woman and does the opposite of what she advises; all predators and snakes jumped out of the don-dong gong he brought; they did not exist before]: 89-94; Herskovits, Herskovits 1937, No. 11 [when the harvest is ripe, Anance Ntukuma drives her son away; he comes to a tall woman; she tells her to take plants that shout "Don't take me", not to take those who call to him; tells her to hold her over the cauldron, meat appears in it; sending him home, gives him a drum that provides him with food; A. spies, goes to that woman himself, takes plants shouting "Come here"; when cooked, they turn into stones; he takes not a small one, but a large one drum, snakes crawl out of it; for N., a woman gave an antidote, so snake bites can be treated]: 73; background [after the leader's death, his eldest son blinds and expels the youngest; in the forest under a tree the youngest hears the birds talking; 1) a leaf with four teeth helps to see the light; 2) the baobab leaf creates a pond with drinking water; 3) a cotton leaf cures a snake bite; the young man sees the light, heals a rich blind leader, creates a pond in the desert, the leader transfers power to him; the elder brother comes, asks him to be dazzled, goes to the forest; birds notice him, fly away, he dies]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:208-212; Igbo: Basden 1938 [God gave two goat brothers, told them to care; the youngest accidentally killed his own with a thrown nut, came to God crying; chose the worst food, the worst sleeping mat, the small box; when he opened it at home, wealth came out of it; the elder deliberately killed his goat with a stick, came to God, chose better food, a large mat, a large box; diseases came out of it, he died]: 431-432; Ugochukwu 1992, No. 20 [a man has two wives, each with a son, wives are at odds; collecting firewood, the youngest son spent the old man in, politely greeted him, took a torn litter to sleep, gave him a new one; he said that he was God, let the boy raise the kid; the boy grazed him well, but one day he began to drive him away from the yams, threw a stone, hit the eye, the kid fell dead; the boy carried it to God, the mother said that in such cases, you have to take a third of the meat for yourself, but let God take whatever he wants; he took everything, told him to go home when he hears sounds, Doom, doom, let him hide under a tree; when he hears softer sounds, Yom, yom, let him pick up what fell from the sky, break houses; the boy picked up a clay vessel, broke houses, money, property appeared. A two-story house; he gave a third to his half-brother and his mother; she was dissatisfied, sent her son to the forest, he did not greet the poor old man; then God appeared in a beautiful outfit, then the boy immediately asked for a kid, at home his mother beat the kid, killed him, boy carried it back, said that he killed him by accident with a stone; while the kid was cooking, he secretly ate half of the meat; collected the bones in a large pile, covered it with meat; collected the remaining meat in another pile; God offered to choose the boy chose the bunch that was boneless; God gave the same instructions as the first boy; this one decided that money fell from the sky at the sound of Doom, thought; brought home a huge vessel, broke it, and left all diseases (leprosy, smallpox, syphilis, etc.) killed the boy and his mother spread around the world]: 159-168; bolanchi [one of the two travelers gives the other food in exchange for his eyes, throws; he climbs a tree, hears two birds talking, from the east and west; learns how to regain sight and how to heal the princess; gets her as a wife; meets the one who abandoned him; he goes to that tree, a bird with the West swallows it]: Klipple 1992:216-217; Dagomba [two wives, each with a son named Dramanu; the eldest is Big Dramanu (DB), the youngest is Little Dramanu; the DB mother is dead; MD's mother wants lime stepson, father does not prevent this; advises choosing an inedible type of yam for planting, DB cannot sell tubers; advises buying not chicken, but rooster; then slaughtering it and selling meat (they do not sell chicken, only live birds are sold); one person needed chicken as a medicine, gave a horse for it; his stepmother advised to build a wall around the horse and not look for 10 days; the horse died; the young man left hungry and naked; accidentally entered the palace, into the dark room; then the king came in, undressed; the young man cut out the fire - the king saw a snake on the bed; for this he gave the young man slaves and property to found own city; DB decided to visit his home; stepmother noticed a snake crawling into the hole; offered BD to stick his hand to catch a rat (this is a delicacy); he stuck it, his hand was covered with gold, the same with the second; then MD put his hand in; the snake bit him and he died; knowing that no one in his father's house loved him, BD started dancing, his people were with him; they turned into tornadoes and went to heaven]: Cardinall 1931:222-228; (cf. Hausa: Tremearne 1911, No. 31 [The turtle makes the bachelor's cultivated field uncultivated every time; he waits for her, hits her, she promises to bring him to the women's village; there women take him to chief; a woman leader makes him a husband; when he goes to war, allows everyone to use but not open a small basket; he opens it, finds himself in his field; catches a turtle, tells her to repeat everything like that time; she hardly drags him; Hyena asks who the Turtle is carrying; eats the bachelor (translated into Okhotina 1962:316-317)]: 60-61); Olderogge 1969 [going on a journey, the greedy offered good first eat his supplies, and when they ran out, he refused to share his own; at night, the greedy man fell asleep, and the good one heard a bird in the tree say that the leaves of this tree would cure the blind man; the good one leaves, healed the king's son, he gave the good half of the city]: 238-239).

Sudan-East Africa. Lango [an evil brother tries to poison a good man; he goes on a journey to recover; cleans up an old woman's house; she teaches what to do when he comes to the leader; he stands the test returns with cattle; an angry brother goes to the same old woman, insults her, does not listen to advice, returns with nothing, barely avoiding death]: Wright 1960:111; Zande [a man named Bambiro has a horn with with his father's ashes; he, at his request, gives food, a woman, beer; this is Father B., when he died, ordered his body to be burned and ashes poured into his horn; Thur (spider trickster) goes to his father and says that he, unlike he did not make other fathers for him; killed him, burned him, poured ashes into his horn, told his wives to burn houses and property, asked for food from his father's ashes; a spear flew out of his horn, hit him in the stomach and drove him]: Evans- Pritchard 1966:268-269; nzakara [dying, father gives both sons a spear; in the absence of the elder Dieudonné, the younger Molissi (Maurice) takes his spear to hunt wild boars; the boar runs away along with a pierced spear; D. says he will not sleep until M. returns his spear; M. comes to the old woman, her chest to her feet; she cuts them off, tells M. to cook with the milk they contain, with salt and peanuts; M. cooks, does not eat anything alone; the old woman asks her breasts, salt, they say that they were not eaten; the old woman and M. eat together, the old woman teaches what to do; in the land of wild boars, M. rolls on the ground, crying for to a relative, promising that he will not hunt wild boars; receives both the spear and the carcass of the victim; on the way back he buys the ball in the store (originally the moon?) ; returning the spear, plays the ball behind the fence; in his absence, D. takes the ball to play outside, the ball disappears; M. demands it back; D. follows the ball; eats the old woman's breasts, salt, etc. in her absence; they they tell the old woman that they were eaten; she eats D.]: Retel-Lautentin 1986, No. 19:127-132; amhara [on the way The evil brother offers to eat the Good's supplies first, then refuses to share his own; Good climbs on the sycamor to sleep, hears the Devil below say that the nobleman's daughter will see the light if you rub her eyes with a certain plant; Good heals the girl, marries her, is rich; sends for the Evil Brother , generously gives; Evil goes to the same sycamore, devils kill him; Good tells him to find and bury]: Gankin 1979, No. 69:85-86; Harari [Jemal and Mulugeta set off; M. offered to eat first J.'s supplies, and then refused to share his supplies and demanded J.'s eyes in exchange for food and left J. under the tree; genies flocked at night and began to talk; the leaves of this tree would heal the blind man; the princess will cure the blood of a black dog; a source of water under a tree in the city; J. saw the light, cured the princess, received a reward from the king, indicated which tree should be uprooted; after this blessing, the king married him to princess; after learning everything, M. went to that tree, the genies killed him]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2016:66-70; sakho [two people came to the forest; one said that a huge snake lives in the hollow, she has there gold; lowered another there for gold and left; the man hid in the remains of elephants brought by the snake; in the morning he quietly grabbed the tail of a crawling snake, brought home gold; the other asked to lower and him; the snake found it and swallowed it]: Reinisch 1889, No. 22:266-268; the Masai [a group of warriors raided for cattle; one had his sandal torn; they did not wait for him, the latter promised to leave him a branch at a fork in the road; the wind carried this sign to another place; the man took the other road, met the Month, praised his appearance; he advised him to do differently each time than he would be asked ; a man comes to the river of water, then to the river of milk, to the river of blood; everyone asks to drink from it; he promises to do so by crossing the river, he does not fulfill his promises; fighting swords, axes ask them divide, sharpen; he promises, passes, does not fulfill; a two-headed shepherd herds two-tailed cows; a person says he does not notice anything special about him; God's wife offers a choice of fresh or stale milk, a clean or dusty place to sleep, etc.; a person chooses what is worse, gets what is better; God's wife gives him herds of cattle and sends him home another way; his brother decides to follow those the same way; each time he acts differently than that man; he was not given cattle, only a sword and an ax he brought]: Kipury 1983, No. 29:107-110; Malgashi: Korneev 1962 [father denied property to the two elders sons; younger Ifaralahi goes to Andriamanitra to ask for property for himself; following the advice of water carriers, does not pay attention to animals and dogs, tilts his head in front of the old woman; A. sleeps soundly, chooses seedlings, not silver; everything is going to the seedlings, I. gets rich; the brothers also go to A., beat the dogs, push the old woman away, do not sleep in anticipation of wealth, ask for long tails, four legs, a big one mouth and ears, long hair (all figuratively to cover it all with luxurious clothes and jewelry); A. turns them into lemurs]: 62-68 (=197:216-221); Haring 1982, No. 5.11 (sakalava or Tsimihety) [ The stingy and the Generous meet by chance, change their names, decide to travel together; S. offers to eat V.'s supplies first, does not share his own, leaves him; V. falls asleep under a tree, on him honey drips; he gives half to God, ancestors, holy places; two bulls butt, he kills one, gives half to God again, etc.; comes to a house where spirits gather; an old woman hides it; each of the spirits talks about medicines and rituals; he heals people, is rewarded, the king gives him half his kingdom, then he becomes king himself; S. does not donate anything to anyone; perfume collects, smells meat, S. thinks that they want to take away his supplies, shouts that he won't give him, they ate him], 5.480 (gelding) [Faralahy is the youngest of seven brothers; he is ugly, goes to God; soothsayer Rafovato advises going to Tuesday, God does not touch sugar cane, lemons, sheep, cows, do not drink from a silver spring, do not turn to God's wife or take the ladle from her hands; God makes him handsome; older brothers the soothsayer advises going on Wednesday and otherwise acting like F.; but they broke all prohibitions; God turned them into a frog, a toad, a snake, a lizard, an asp, and a mythical aquatic creature]: 425- 426, 434.

North Africa. The Berbers of Morocco (Fez) [the merchant went to Ghana; wrote home to send sugar; due to a mistake in the text, they sent a copper lamp; not knowing what to do with it, the merchant gave it to the black king and said that it was a royal jewel worn in a sling; the king showered the merchant with gold; when he found out, another took treasures to Ghana and hoped to receive much more; the king did not know how to thank donor - gave that copper lamp]: El Fasi, Dermenghem 1928:88-90; Kabily: Taos Amrush 1974 [the young man wants to marry a girl with a face white as snow and red as blood; this is the daughter of the cannibal Ceriel ; the girl hides it; when C. falls asleep, and the cattle she swallows begin to moo and bleat in her stomach, the lovers run away; the girl tells the prickly fence and the river to part, calls both honey- sugar; C. pursues, scolds both, cannot cross the river, curses his daughter; the young man is carried away by an eagle, he shouts to the girl to kill the black maid, put on her skin; in the form of a black woman, daughter C. speaks to her father young men who took him away by an eagle; the father leaves a stabbed heifer on the mountain, eagles flock, the father beats the one who took the son, brings the son, heals him; he convinces the father to marry him to a black woman, takes off her skin, that is beautiful; the young man's younger brother tells him to marry a dog, demands that it take off its skin, the dog bite it]: 213-218; Arezki 2010 [one brother is hunchback, the other has dropsy; the hunchback is in the "bath" (étuve du hammam maure), heard genies sing "Thursday, Friday, Saturday"; began singing along: "Thursday is couscous (meat dish), Friday is not enough, Saturday is turnip"; the genies decided to reward him a charming voice, they took his hump off; another brother asked him to tell me how he got rid of his hump; the former hunchback agreed to do it for a hundred foolishes; he went there with dropsy, but began to sing "milk "Thursday, Friday, Saturday"; he did not like his song, he was added a hump removed from his brother; he told his neighbors he bought a hump from his brother for a hundred dull]: 144-146; Mammeri 1996, No. 7 [rich brother has 7 sons , the poor man has 7 daughters; the poor man's wife died; the rich agreed to send food to the poor's daughters in the morning and evening; a few days later he met the poor - he did not receive anything; it turned out that the maid was all She poured it on the grave in the cemetery, because she understood Tombe-á-Souper (as her mistress allegorically put it) literally; the poor decided to leave his daughters and go to earn money; on the way an old man, a man nearby standing and the other lying head down; old man: the first is the fate of your rich brother, the second is your fate; the poor has come to the castle; noise is heard; 7 cannibal giants came out of the gate, each with the same on their shoulders child; when the cannibals fled, the poor man went to the castle, passing 7 doors; on the table there were 7 plates of couscous, partridges, mugs of water, spoons; he ate, drank a small piece, a sip; put it in his bag of seven piles of gold; went out, went back; to try on the gold, sent one of the daughters to his brother for a measure; the brother's wife smeared the bottom with glue; when she got back, she saw a gold coin; sent her husband to find out everything, he went to the castle; on the way he met that old man and his fate and brother nearby; he began to eat greedily in the castle, then put gold in the bag; he could not be picked up; cannibals came, a man hid in the back room among the corpses; he was found when they began to touch the soles of all the dead with a hot iron; he told everything; they ask where to start eating it; man: head first ( brought here), then legs (came), stomach (all for him), arms (could not resist the temptation); he was eaten with one leg left; brother will come, see, pick up, find the way by drops of blood; brother goes to look missing; old man: standing is your destiny, and the one lying upside down is your brother's fate; in the cannibal castle, a man noticed his brother's hanging leg; decided that they left it to eat later; took it away, not noticing that blood was dripping; the wagtail covered the drops with earth, but the man drove her away; then she scraped off the ground, exposing the drops; the man invited his brother's widow to marry her and marry their sons and daughters; she agreed; cannibals found the brothers' house by drop of blood; their children pretended to be oil merchants, asked them to spend the night; the man placed them in a room with straw, advised them to lock the doors; In the dark, the maid went to buy oil, ran into someone; he: Is it time to go eat them now? maid: it's not time yet; a man and his household set fire to straw, all cannibals died except one child; the man decided not to kill him; heard him talk out loud how delicious pink should be father's ears; killed him by hitting a wall; all is well]: 116-132; Tunisia: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 28 [the lumberjack's rich brother was greedy and did not help him. Once the woodcutter bowed to the king a chicken. The king ordered that it be divided among those present. The woodcutter gave the king his neck, his tail to the queen, two sons a thigh, and his daughters a wing each. He explained: The king is the head of the people, so his head, the queen is his mother, so she has a tail. As the ancestors said: "Goose is a mare for a girl." Princes are the backbone of society, so they have hips, and princesses will marry and fly away from the palace, so they have wings. As for me, if I'm allowed to sit with Your Majesty and be an advisor, I'll take a breast. The king thanked him and gave him gold. The lumberjack's brother wanted to do the same thing. I bought five chickens and bowed to the king, but could not divide them among those present. Then a woodcutter came and divided them according to the "three of us" principle. The king praised him and told his rich brother to give all his wealth to the lumberjack], 45 [the poor brother went to seek his Lord to find out why he was poor. On the way, he was asked by a woman to find out why she should not marry her 7 daughters; a palm tree on which not a single date grew; a man with a sparrow in a cage - why he was rich and did not know how to spend your money; the sea, why there are no fish in it. The poor man met an old man, who advised him to continue searching for the Lord, but the poor man replied that he needed to give an answer to a woman, a palm tree, a rich man and the sea, and he had forgotten about his need. The old man said that fish would appear in the sea when it swallowed a man who would come to him soon; a rich man should spend money on good deeds, such as giving alms or helping those who goes on Hajj; a woman must dig 7 gold bars under the threshold of her house, then her daughters will marry. The poor guy told me everything. The rich man gave him a golden sparrow, a palm tree a jug of pearls and precious stones, and an old woman gave him 7 gold bars. The older rich brother found out, also went on the road, found out on the way that all three petitioners had found what they wanted; when he reached the sea, he talked to him, it swallowed it], 48 [The rich brother was greedy and did not help to the poor. But his wife secretly gave his poor brother's wife oil and bran. The poor man went to look for work, but he couldn't find it. The person he met advised me to go to the giant king's cave, which was full of gold and silver, pick up the jewelry and return faster before the giant came and ate it. The poor man did so, returned to his wife and built a palace on the site of a shack. Once a rich man's wife sent a maid to the poor man's wife with bran and butter. When the maid came to the poor man's shack, she saw a palace instead. The poor man's wife opened the door to her and told her that they were rich. She thanked the maid and even gave her a piece of expensive fabric and a gold bracelet. The maid told the hostess everything, and she told her husband everything. He went to visit his brother and talked to him respectfully and respectfully, not like before. His brother told him everything and warned him about the dangers of this path. But the rich man did not listen and went to the cave to see the cannibal giant. He cut off his head and kept his body to eat. The giant put the rich man's head in a basket on the donkey's back, and the donkey returned to the poor man's house. Then the rich man's wife repented of her greed, which killed her husband] in Korovkina MS; the Arabs of Algeria [the hunchback gets to the singing fairies, they take his hump; another hunchback also comes there, but gets the second hump taken from the first one]: El-Shamy 2004, No. 503:253; the Arabs of Egypt [in Cairo, the story was recorded ca. 1400]: Liungman 1961, No. 503:120.

Southern Europe. The Basques [two young soldiers return from service; decide to draw lots to blind one of them to collect alms; in one city they get food and money, but the sighted refuses to share with blind, throws in the forest; he sleeps in a tree; he hears a monkey, wolf, bear gathered under the tree talking; a blind man will see a light if he rubs his eyes with the bast of this tree; water will appear in the spring if cut down a nut in the cemetery; the daughter of the King of Italy will recover if a toad is pulled out from under her bed and burned; a man sees the light, cuts down a nut, heals the princess, marries her; the couple visit France, a man meets his impoverished companion there, tells him everything; he goes to spend the night in the same tree, the animals suspect that they are being eavesdropped, the hidden person is being killed]: (the resume was compiled by N. Zaika); the Basques [the hunchback asked the old witch to take him to the Sabbath; she warned that when they began to list the days of the week, he should not say "Sunday"; but he said; for this, his hump was removed; another hunchback also went to the coven, did the same thing, but they added the first hump to him]: Cerquand 1876, No. 25:17-18; Basques [older brother goes looking for happiness; old lady (probably St. Virgo), with whom he shared his food, advises climbing a tree near the castle; there are 7 robbers playing ball; if all 7, you can safely enter the castle and pick up the jewelry they have stolen; did; his brother decided to go too; but only six were playing the ball; he thought the seventh went to get water; when he entered the castle, he reached for the bag; the hidden robber jumped out and killed him]: Barbier 1931, No. 10:102 -105; Galicians [there were two people, each with a bump (marrá) on his face; one night I saw witches dancing and saying: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, three; the person added: Thursday, Friday and Saturday are six; the witches liked it and took his bump; another man went to the same place; when he said "Thursday, Friday and Saturday," the witches did not respond; he decided to add: "Sunday and Monday are eight"; after that, the witches did not take his bump, but planted a second one, which they took from the first man]: Contos 1972, No. 101:102; the Portuguese [the poor boy is destined to marry a princess; the king sends him to get three of the devil's rings, or the giant's golden hairs, or valuables to pay for the bride; the people he meets ask him to know where the king's lost ring is, how cure a sick princess, why a tree or spring has dried up, when a transporter across the river can get rid of his job; the mother (grandmother, wife) of a devil or a giant helps the young man get rings or hairs and answers to questions; he tells those who asked them, marries a princess; the greedy king wants to repeat everything, goes the same way; the transporter, as the young man taught him, gives oars to the king and he forced to take his place forever]: Cardigos 2006, No. 461:109-110; the Portuguese [two companions (brothers) argue whether it is better to rely on God or on themselves; choose a judge and he decides in favor relying on himself; or one gives the other food in exchange for his eyes; the abandoned overhears the conversation of spirits (witches, devils), regains his sight, heals the sick king, gets water, stops epidemic, reconciles spouses, helps a woman in labor; gets rich, marries a princess and becomes king; after learning how it happened, the companion goes to the same tree or cave and is torn by witches]: Cardigos 2006, No. 613:148-149; Spaniards: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 480C (Valladolid) [in a hungry year, a farmer goes to beg, meets two people, they ask him about each month, he is each praises (rhymes), they give him a wand that fulfills his wishes; another farmer scolds him all the months, a stick given to him hits him]: 367-370; Hernández Fernández 2013, No. 729 (Murcia) [poor a woodcutter drops an ax into the river; a dwarf appears out of the water, offers gold, silver, bronze axes; the woodcutter refuses - it's not his; the dwarf gives him his ax and bag of gold; the neighbor specifically drops the axe, the dwarf shows him a diamond, he wants to take it, the dwarf disappears without giving anything]: 124-125; Neugaard 1993 in Uther 2004 (1), No. 729:391-392; Catalans (Mallorca included) [one says it's better to work in the morning, and the other says that you have to go to the service first; he loses an argument and loses everything he had, goes on a wander, sleeps in a cave; from a conversation between witches or devils finds out that they poisoned the water in the well, stole yeast, sent illness to the princess, etc.; they also say that how to get rid of these misfortunes; the person does so, is generously rewarded; after learning about it, the one who took his property goes to the cave himself, the witches beat him]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 613:130-131; Catalans (Mallorca included) [poor brother sees robbers uttering the magic word and entering to the cave; when they leave, he repeats the same word, brings home treasures; the rich brother tries to repeat everything, but the robbers find and kill him; the chieftain pretends to be a carter, hides his comrades in a large oil vessel; they are found and beaten]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 954:192-193; Italians (Florence) [two poor hunchbacks live in Parma; one goes on a journey; someone screams at the market "Eat parmesan"; the hunchback thinks they are going to eat it; he hides in the yard; at 1 a.m., there is a noise, the voices "Saturday and Sunday"; "And Monday," adds the hunchback; the spirits are so glad he made them the song is more harmonious that they remove his hump; another hunchback comes to the same place, picks up "And Tuesday"; the spirits say he ruined the song for them, puts a hump in front of him, which was removed from him friend]: Crane 1885, No. 27:102-104; Italians (Lombardy, Tuscany, Basilicata): Cerise, Serafini 1975, No. 503:113; Italians (Veneto? Pentameron, vol. 2) [Cianne is stingy and rich, his brother Lise is poor; he went on a journey; in inclement weather, shivering from the cold, he went to the inn, where 12 young men were sitting by the fire; they invited him warm up; with a gloomy look, one asked what L. thought about the weather; L.: that every month of the year he does his duty; we must rely on the will of the sky, and not try to do things our own way; otherwise we want to do it in winter sun and clouds in summer; young man: you think wisely, but you won't argue that this March is very rude, sending rain, snow, hail and frost; L: don't just scold him, spring begins with it; the young man was pleased because he was Mart; he gave L. a wish-fulfilling box; in the morning he opened it and asked for a warm palanquin with porters; everything appeared immediately; then asked for food, clothes, etc. .; when C. found out everything, he came to the same inn; when asked about the weather, he began to vilify March with swear words; it would be better if March were excluded from the number of months; March gave a whip; if anything If you want, say "Knut, give me a hundred!" ; when he came home, C. said so, but the whip did not give money, but began to beat him; L. stopped the whip and explained that Chew was his own fault; C. pleaded guilty and became good]: Basile 2000, No. 26; Maltese [good poor The brother comes at 12 months, praises them; January gives him a magic item that serves food; when he finds out, the rich brother also goes, scolds the months, January gives him a stick, she hits him]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 294:24; Ladins: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 6 [three brothers; the elder came to the pit where the hell is in one cauldron and his grandmother in the other; opened the iron door, behind it corpses and severed heads; for the other door is the weapons and weapons of the robbers, behind the third door are treasures; he collected treasures and brought them home; the same with his middle brother; when the younger one went, the robbers had already noticed that someone was taking the treasures, they grabbed him, cut off his head, hanging it with the others], 57 [two friends were walking through the forest; one decided to spend the night under the spruce tree, the other went to the village; the witches who remained in the forest heard the witches talking; one reported that she had caused the princess to be ill; she would recover if she rode a white horse early in the morning, collect sweat and give her a drink; the man cured the princess and married her; after learning how it was, his A friend went to the same spruce a year later; the witches decided to check if someone was eavesdropping on them again, tore the man to pieces]: 34, 153-154; Brunold-Bigler, Widmer 2004, No. 59 [{the text is short and schematic}; the poor brother has 7 children, the rich man is childless; the poor man went to the forest for firewood, saw thieves who opened the rock, and then went back and galloped away; the poor man also said, "Rock, open up!" , took gold and brought it to his wife; she took a measure from the wife of the rich brother; when she returned it, a gold coin stuck to the measure; the poor man's wife told everything; the rich brother went to the rock himself; the robbers tore it into pieces so small that the chicken could bite]: 307-308; Corsicans: Massignon 1984, No. 43 [two brothers Good and Bad (Benfa and Malfa) went on a journey; M. offered to eat first B.'s food, refused to share his own, gave a little in exchange for B.'s eyes; he climbed a tree above the spring for the night; hears animals talking; fox: the daughter of the Spanish king is blind; lion: vision can be returned with the leaves of this tree; in the morning B. rubbed his eyes with leaves and saw the light; cured the Spanish princess and married her, received a crown, arranged a party, gave everyone small money; M. also came; King B. ordered throw gold in his pocket; M. is accused of stealing; B. comes to his prison, says who he is and what happened to him; M. is released, goes to that tree; the animals tore him to pieces, knocking down a tree]: 101-103; Ortoli 1883, No. 20 [Francesco is a rich brother, Stevanu is poor; S. went to look for happiness, climbed a tree in the forest; saw seven thieves say "Serchia, open up", the rock opens, there are treasures in it; when leaving, they say, "Serchia, close yourself"; S. enters the cave, brings a bag of gold and gems; tells his wife to ask F. for a measure; he smears the bottom with glue, sticks to gold; S. has to tell everything; F. brings mules, loads jewelry on them, but forgets how to open and close the door; the robbers cut him apart, threw the cave into the corner; S. took the remains, spread a rumor that F. was ill, and then that he was dead; the robbers went to ask who had recently become rich; the shoemaker said that S.; the robbers came to S. under the guise of olive oil sellers, six sat in wineskins; S. guessed, ordered servants boil oil and fill the faces of the robbers; the chief was captured and burned in the square]: 137-148; the Basques [plot known]: Barandiarán, Mente vasca, I, P. 92-94 in Camarena, Chevallier 1995: 383; Aragon [one of the two travelers agrees to be blinded in order to beg more successfully; leave others in the forest; climbed a tree, hears animals talking; learns how to regain sight, get water in a waterless village, cure the princess (there is a toad under her bed); generously rewarded; meets a former companion and tells him what happened; he climbs the same tree, his animals have torn him to pieces; also witches instead of animals]: González Sanz 1996, No. 613:89-90; Aragon [the hunchback sings along to the witches, grateful witches take his hump; "Lunes y martes y miércoiles, tres", "Jueves y viernes y sábado seis"; another person hopes to receive a reward too, sings along with "Y domingo siete"; when they hear about Sunday, furious witches stick the first man's hump to him]: Gonzá lez Sanz 1996, No. 503:84-85; Sicilians [a humpback shoemaker slept in an empty house; at midnight four men fell from the ceiling and began to sing: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday"; the shoemaker began to sing along, the spirits liked it, they took his hump and hung it on the wall; when they found out, the humpback woman came to this house, but did not like her singing and the perfume added her hump, which was taken from the shoemaker]: Clouston 1887 (1): 368-369; Sicilians (Ragusa) [two mule drivers set off; one said the devil helps and the other says God; the devil meets all in in a new guise, each time confirms the opinion of someone who relied on him; the one who relies on God lost all his mules and then his eyes; climbed into the cave for the night and hid; everyone gathered there devils; the chief asks what good his subordinates did; one reports how one person blinded himself on his tip; the main feature: only the grass growing at the entrance to the cave will regain his sight; another feature: a bone is stuck in the throat of the daughter of the Russian tsar, she will be cured by three drops of the juice of the grapes that grow on her balcony; as the devils left, the man regained his sight; going to Russia and healing princess, received a huge reward; when he found out, the devil went to the same cave; the devils decided that they were being overheard, set fire to the bushes and the hid burned down]: Calvino 1980, No. 184:659-660.

Western Europe. Germans (Bohemia), Friezes: Uther 2004 (1), No. 729:391-392; Germans (Harz) [two brothers shared the inheritance but then agreed that whoever is right will get it all; the youngest : there is gratitude in the world; the eldest: there is only ingratitude; the youngest protects the girl from the groom who hits her - both start hitting him; separates two fighting coal burners - the same; beats off the snake from the bear - she began to strangle him; his elder brother saves him every time, and then blinds him and goes to take away all the inheritance; at night, the blind man climbed a tree; a lion, a bear and a fox came; the bear will fall out in the morning dew that restores vision; lion: a rich man fell ill in the city due to his wife's fault; there is a crust of bread behind the closet; it must be cooked and eaten - he will recover; fox: the king's well has dried up; there is a toad sitting there; hers you must kill, the water will flow from the spring again; in the morning the man washed his eyes, collected precious moisture, healed many blind people in the city and they gave him; he cured the rich man; he took a dagger from the king and went down into the well; there the toad spit fire, but he pierced it with a dagger; the king handed him a crown; he took refuge for poor wanders; one day his elder brother was among them; he went to that tree; the bear hit the fox, believing it was she who had revealed the secrets; but the fox fell and saw him hide in the tree; the lion and the bear tore him apart]: Pröle 1854, No. 1:1-8; Germans (South Tyrol, Meran) [two Friends persuaded him to take his money with them, led him through the forest, took the money and left him; he climbed a tree; three worms appeared, exchanged news; today, dew will fall, healing blindness; witches will bring illness to the peasant's cow: there is a spring behind the house, you have to give the cow water from it, then he won't get sick; there is a hidden spring in a waterless city; when the worms are gone, the blind man went down, he moistened his eyes with dew and saw the light; healed the cow, found water, he was well paid; he came to the tavern, where the two were playing cards; when they found out what was going on, they recovered into the climb and climbed the tree; their worms bitten to death]: Zingerle, Zingerle 1980:257-262; the Alsatians [the poor man planted turnips, it grew gigantic, he took it to the king, got gold; the rich man brought gold to the king, thinking he would get even more, but he gave him a giant turnip; the rich man hired thieves to kill the poor man; they hung him, but when they heard someone coming, they left them in a bag on the tree; the poor man told the student who came that he was sitting in a bag giver of knowledge; he asked to plant him; the poor man left the student hanging in a bag, drove off on his horse]: Lefftz 2006, No. 17:225-228; the British [Jack, the youngest son of a lead miner, feeds a little red man; he shows him an abandoned mine; D. goes down in a bucket, kills a giant, saves the princess, returns as a prince; his two evil brothers go to the mine, arguing about who climb into the bucket, both fall into the mine]: Alford 1956:149 in Wright 1960:111; Scots [on Iona Island, a humpback boy Fahey climbed a mountain away from people; the moon rose, he saw a dwarf dances and sings along, "Monday, Tuesday"; F. sang along with "Wednesday"; this word fit the rhythm well, grateful gnomes removed F.'s hump; after learning about this, the greedy hunchback Hugh, who lived on Tyree Island, also went to the dwarves in the evening; when they sang "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday," Hugh added "Thursday"; but the word did not fit, the gnomes became angry and added a second hump to him]: Loseva et al. 1959:74-78; the Irish [ dwarfs and hunchback: "Monday, Tuesday, Monday, Tuesday"]: Jackson 1936:287; British, Friezes, Flemish [two soldiers have lost their genitals; one is hired by a peasant a farmhand; the owner gives him a stallion and sends him away because his son-in-law will not leave him; the soldier shares bread with the fairy or helps the old woman, who promises to fulfill his wish; he wants to have genitals like his a stallion, marries his master's daughter; after learning what was going on, the second soldier also shares bread, but did not take into account that his horse was a mare]: Uther 2004 (1), No. 750K: 402; Bretons: Luzel 1887 (2) [hunchback Nonnik hears gnomes singing a song about the days of the week while stopping on Thursday; adds Friday and Saturday, grateful gnomes take his hump; his neighbor the hunchback Gabik comes to the gnomes, adds pro Sunday, but not in rhyme; gnomes put a second hump on his back, which they took from N.]: 251-256 (translated to Lopyreva 1959, No. 36:154-157, in Luzel 1995:139-142); Lopyreva 1959, No. 44 [older brother Koshenar and younger Turken are begging; K. suggests that one of them be dazzled so that they can better give alms; makes T. draw lots; K. takes all his food, leaves T. in the forest; he climbs on a tree, hears a conversation between Leo, Wolf and Pig; learns that the root of this tree will open a spring in waterless Luxembourg; the bark will restore sight and cure any disease; the Spanish king will give his daughter to whoever is hers will cure; she is sick because the toad swallowed the wafer after communion; you must drink the toad's blood with wine, fry its meat and eat it; T. sees the light, opens the water in Luxembourg, thanks him and gives him a gift; he finds a toad, heals a princess, she falls in love with him; he secretly goes to Luxembourg, where a golden castle awaits him; marries a poor girl who first sheltered him; finds a beggar K., does he is rich, marries; after learning the story of T., K. climbs the same tree, the animals tore him apart]: 193-208; (cf. Bretons [evil spirits gather on Saturdays chanting Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - Thursday, Friday! Only an outsider can say the names of Saturday and Sunday; one day a rag walked by, heard, shouted, then Saturday and Sunday; he was carried to the moon, where he stands, holding with your back of your bag; it will be replaced by someone who repeats his words at the same day and hour]: Kabakova 1998, No. 16:30-31; the French (Lorraine) [two old soldiers return home; one suggests who one of them gouged out their eyes, the other will be a guide; the lot has fallen on him; the guide takes all the food for himself, then throws the blind man in the forest; he spends the night in a tree; he hears the Fox, the Pig, the Wolf, the Roe Deer talking; the waters the neighboring river restores sight and heals the royal daughter; Lyon does not have enough water, if you dig near a tree, a spring will be clogged; a blind man heals, receives a reward for the discovered source, heals the princess, takes her as his wife; sees a beggar, recognizes his friend; he asks to be taken to that tree; the animals found out that someone revealed their secret, tore up the hidden one]: Cosquin 1996, No. 7:84-84 (translated to Lopyreva 1959, No. 31:119-122); (cf. (Upper Brittany) [three orphan brothers are coal burners; the eldest two go to the party; the youngest Francois fell asleep, dreamed that he was rich; when he woke up, the fire went out; he saw a glow; there they celebrate spirits in led by the oak king; he allows him to take a log so as not to come again; in the morning F. saw that the log was golden; he hid it, later came to Paris, began to lead the life of a marquis, wasted everything and lost , returned to his brothers; decided to go to the spirits again; the oak king invited him to take a log; F. stuck to it and burned down]: Soupault 1959, No. 27:223-252); the Dutch [the woman has her own daughter Anna and Bert's stepdaughter; she sent B. to get water; a fairy sits on the edge of the well, asking for a drink, B. kindly gives her; the fairy makes sure that when B. speaks, jewelry falls from her lips; the woman sent A.; she rude to the fairy; the fairy tells that toads, worms, insects fall from A.'s lips; the woman kicked B. out of the house; she came to a house with 7 beds and a table; cleaned everything, cooked everything; monkeys came, praised everyone, Wished B. to marry the prince; the prince hunted and met her, married her]: Meder, Hendriks 2005:342-343 in Sutrop 2018:412-413; Walloons: Uther 2004 (1), No. 503:288-289.

Western Asia. "One Thousand and One Nights" [two brothers K. and A.; K. is married to a rich woman; A. to a poor woman; A. buys an ax with his last money, Ali's brother becomes a lumberjack, sees in the mountains how the robbers come to the door in the rock, open it, saying, "Sesame (=sesame), open the door", bring treasures there; after the robbers leave, A. tells the doors to open, finds a lot of food in the cave, brings home gold; wife A. asks wife K. for a measure for grain; measures gold; wife K. watches her; tells her husband; K. asks A. about wealth; A. shows K. the way to the treasury says, "Sesame , open the door"; K. opens the door; cannot remember the words to go out; robbers kill K.; cut into four pieces; hang at the door; A. finds his brother's corpse; marries his brother's widow; entrusts the corpse cunning slave; slave buys medicines as if for the owner; blindfolds the shoemaker and confuses his way; demands that K.'s body parts be sewn; stitches; requires the shoemaker to remain silent; K. is buried; A. transfers a brother's shop to his son; robbers find him missing; one dresses up in a merchant's clothes; a shoemaker brags about his work to a robber; a robber blindfolds him; a shoemaker restores the way home K.; the thief puts a sign on K.'s gate to find later; a cunning slave puts similar to neighboring houses; robbers cannot find a house; kill an infiltrator; summons another; repeats manipulations with with a shoemaker; marks the house; the slave marks the neighbors; the second infiltrator is beheaded; the leader goes to town; remembers the house; thieves climb into the wineskins for butter; two wineskins are filled with oil; the leader of the thieves dresses as a merchant; asks to spend the night in A.'s house; according to his sign, thieves must jump out of their wineskins; the slave runs out of oil; she goes to the wineskins; hears the thieves talking; answers in the voice of the leader; pours boiling oil into each wineskin; thieves die; the leader finds the thieves dead and runs away; the slave talks about everything A, he gives her freedom; the deceiver opens the shop in front of son A.'s shop; son A. invites the thief into the house; the slave recognizes the thief; pierces her with a dagger while dancing; A. marries her son to a former slave]: Salya 2010:1168-1204; Palestinians [man named Father of the Good (OD) and another named Father of the Evil (OZ) set off; Oz offered to eat good supplies first, but did not share his own; OD spent the night under a fig tree; three angels flew in; one said that the blind man did not know that treasures were buried nearby; the second indicated where to dig to fill the spring; the third, how to cure the Sultan's daughter (kill his dog and let the girl eat her meat); OD dug treasures, shared with a shoemaker; found water, won an award; cured the princess, married her; Oz also went to that fig tree, the angels tore it]: Schmidt, Kahle 1930, No. 85:51-57; Arabs Iraq: Stevens 2006, No. 46 [two half-brothers go to seek happiness, agree to share bread; the stingy refuses to give the generous one, they separate; the generous sleeps in a cave, hears the conversation between the two lions; in a rat hole there is a piece of gold, you can buy a black dog for gold, expel the genie from the Sultan's daughter with her blood; the generous heals and receives the girl and the kingdom; the stingy begs, the new sultan notices he does not punish him, talks about what happened to him, he spends the night in a cave, the lions tore him apart]: 267-274; Yaremenko 1990, No. 35 [on the way Greedy eats Generous's supplies, refuses to share his own, companions broke up; after overhearing a conversation between Fox, Wolf and Tiger, Generous learns that the shepherd killed by Tiger's money bag had remained near a stone above an underground stream; Generous brings Bedouins there looking for water to wash the body of the deceased sheikh; he himself is elected sheikh; once Greedy was brought, the Generous told him everything; he went to the animal cave, they went out and tore it]: 176-177; Syrian Arabs [Abu-Sharr boys (" father of evil) and Abu-Kheit ("father of good") worked in a bakery, but decided that they would earn more money working in the field; on the way, ASH offered to eat AH supplies first, and then refused to share his own and broke up with friends; he reached the garden where fig trees grew, ate fruit and lay under a tree; three doves flew in and began talking; the blind shoemaker does not know what is where three pots of gold are buried; the people of Damascus pay dearly for water, but if you dig at the gate, a spring will be clogged; the sultan cuts the heads of doctors who cannot cure his daughter, but she will recover if she eats the meat of his hunting dog; AH asked the shoemaker to let him spend the night in his shop, dug up gold; the last pot says: only the damned son of the damned father will be enriched at the expense of the poor man; so AH took only a few gold, and left the rest; in the morning he gave the shoemaker gold, told him to buy food, ate, and left the rest to him; the shoemaker's wife danced with happiness; then AH gave the shoemaker all three pots; he wanted to share in half, but AH took only as much as it needed to go to Damascus; asked the Sultan for diggers, they began to dig at the gate, the water poured out; the Sultan was ready to make AH rich, but he took only as much as you need to go to the country where the blind princess; there are the heads of loser doctors on the city wall; the dog was killed, the princess was healed; AH got the princess and asked the king to set up a bakery where everyone could eat bread for free; meanwhile, ASH ate all his money and became beggar; he was sent to that bakery; ASH and AH got to know each other and ASH asked him to be taken to the fig tree garden; for this while that fig tree dried up, the deep stream was almost dry, and the three Afrites realized that someone had overheard them; ASH: Of course it was the Father of Good; Afrites: What is your name? - The father is evil. Afrites: let each one by his name; they tore up ASH and threw his remains into the well]: Bushnaq 1987:129-132; the Arabs of Lebanon [the hunchback goes to the singing fairies, they take his hump; the other hunchback too He goes there, but gets a second hump, which was taken from the first one]: El-Shamy 2004, No. 503:253; Saudia [the rich shepherd lost his favorite goat; he was looking for it, fell asleep on the slope of Mount Redfan; master the serpent decided to help him and told him to put divination stones next to the sleeper; in the morning the man found a goat and then became famous as a fortuneteller; when he found out, the other went to bed in the same place, and when he woke up, who became a woman; went to another village, this woman was taken by a beggar, they had three daughters; and he had previously had three sons; another man with a bump on his head also went to Mount Redfan; the serpent lord called on a ghoul named Ashrak (he was also told to put divination stones); the ghoul cut off the bump; another man with a big wart went to the same place; ghoul: this is filthy meat, I don't eat it; put it on a bump; the man woke up with both a wart and a bump]: Juhaiman 1999:99-101; jibbali [two travelers found gold; one asked the other to climb into the well for water; left it in a well, taking away the gold; that man hid, overheard the conversation between two demonesses; one says that he can only move into the princess, and she can only be expelled by fumigating donkey manure; the other says that the gold treasure can be obtained , if you slaughter a brown cow and burn the dog's skin; when they left, the demonets forgot the pole they took down to the well, the man climbed it; cured the princess and married her, took out the treasure; that man , who left it in the well, found out everything, ordered it to be left, the demonesses ate it]: Müller 1907, No. 15:59-63.

Melanesia. Bukavak: Lehner 1931a, No. 6 [the eldest of four brothers goes hunting, his dog chases a pig, the old woman says that the pig is not wild, but hers, tells her to come to her; asks to be careful to get it from the palm tree coconut; gives it with it; if the dog chases the beast, you must put the coconut in a clean place, only then run after the dog; the dog drove the iguana, the man threw the coconut; when he returned, a woman instead of him, but ugly; the same with two other brothers; the youngest puts the coconut carefully, his wife is beautiful; the brothers decide to kill him; when they catch fish, they drain the water from the dam, pile it on the younger branch; at home, the youngest's wife turns into a wooden stick with which they take out the tarot, the brothers do not find it; the rat drinks water, helps the youngest to free himself; the youngest and his wife pretend to forgive their brothers; one day the younger one calls the elders into the male house, catches their eyes with soot from the baked tarot; they turn into crows, fly away; the youngest takes their wives], 7 [the hunter enters a village where men are spears, women are wooden swords; they give him a dead pig and boar teeth; he sleeps with them, returns in the morning, his pets are happy; his cousin says he will burn all his spears and swords; they kill him; when the first hunter comes to look for him, he sees spears and swords dancing to kill an enemy; at home he talks about what happened, the deceased's relatives cry]: 48-52, 53-54; Nanjing [younger brother goes to the forest for tree larvae, he meets a spirit who also pulls out larvae, comes with him to his house, quietly steals the spirit's property (ax, etc.), returns home; does not share it with his older brother; he goes himself, he drops something in the spirit house, the spirit finds the thief, tells the doors to close, the elder brother kills him, he turns into water; the younger brother goes to look for the elder, sees a stone boulder, the brother inside; the brother replies that the water inside is rising; finally stops, sticks his finger out; the younger realizes that the eldest is dead, leaves]: Spaulding, Spaulding 1994:249-259; oz. Kutubu [people argue about the nature of the stars, think that the Sun and the Month are one person; only one man thinks otherwise, he is driven away, he goes east, comes to the house, the owner treats him with meat; enters him sister, illuminating the room with her beauty; in the evening, the Month-Owner calls his seven star dogs, goes star hunting; tells you not to look into the part of the house where the Sun Sister went to bed; in the morning of the Month tells the person to close his eyes, he is at home; another, very thin man insists that the first to show the way; tries to rape the Sun, burns; the first comes back; the Month cools his sister, putting her into the water, she gives the man a wife; fellow villagers come, attack, the person is killed; The Moon and the Sun, having shot all the arrows, climb to the roof of the house, from there to the sky; when the sister rises, it dawns]: Williams 1941, No. 15:149-151; melpa [people argue: the moon shows an old man's face or a crack on a rock; to check, put him alone in a hollowed deck and lower him down the river; he swam to the cliff; there the old month-old man pulled it out, brought it to him and began to stab it; when he saw a man, he brought him sugarcane; in honor of the guest he hunted, illuminating the surroundings with his face (at this time on the ground full moon); the man was given beads and jewelry; the next day he placed him in the palm of his hand and threw him on the ground to his house; when he saw the gifts, the brother of the returned decided to repeat everything; but seeing his house from above on the ground and started screaming about it; a month got angry, threw him to the ground and it crashed]: Vicedom 1977, No. 5:6-7; adzera [The young man goes hunting in the forest. There's a tree where birds feed on its fruits. He shoots birds from the shelter, but they all get stuck in the branches of a limbum tree (a type of palm tree). Same thing the next day. Then the young man climbs the tree for birds. The limbum tree grows and it ends up on the moon. When I got there, the tree was small again. An old woman lives on the moon - she feeds a young man. At night, stars come to sing and dance, but they dance on one leg - the other is smoked on fire (???). After a while, when the young man has already been mourned on earth, the old woman decides to let him go. It teaches you to harvest the right fruits (only green ones). When he comes down, he is badly scratched and loses his eye. The old woman gives him two wives. The young man returns to himself, his younger brother is jealous of him and asks him to give one wife to him. The older one teaches him how to go to the moon, but the youngest doesn't listen well. He hits the moon and eats one of their legs while the stars dance. The stars are killing him. He becomes a flying fox]:??? 1979, № 265-267 (no pages?) ; Admiralty Islands [a young man Kosa sailed to a country whose inhabitants were women at night, with the leaves of the Ndrilis tree in the afternoon; Ndrilis's mother offered K. fish, he took the little ones, gave her large ones ; once asked if he wanted to go home, he said he wanted to; she told him to climb the Ndrilis tree, pick two leaves from the young shoots at the top, put one on the stern of the boat, the other on his nose, lie down in the boat to sleep; the leaves turned into two young women, brought K. home; when he found out, his brother sailed to the same country; gave his mother Ndrilis little fish, took the big ones; she told him to pick two leaves from the lower branches, they turned into women in the boat; the boat on the bow had ulcers on its legs, the aft nose was eaten away; the young man threw them into the sea; if this young man did everything That's right, we would still go to Ndrilis country to pick women up]: Meier 1908, No. VI.2:656-657; kanaka [crippled younger brother, he is kicked out of his house to the peninsula; he knocks on a tree trunk, from there his father comes out, helps build a house, sugar cane nearby; returns to the forest; the young man builds a boat, sails to his grandmother, she bakes it in the oven, he becomes healthy, beautiful; tells him to climb on a palm tree, carefully pull two coconuts off it; swimming back, he looks around, two beauties are sitting aft; the older brother also goes to his grandmother, refuses to lie down in the oven, drops the coconuts to the ground, of which Two ugly women appear; the eldest leads the youngest to cut trees, the youngest falls into the abyss; wives find him, heals cancer, sends him home; he kills the elder with an ax, sacrifices meat to cancer]: Leenhardt 1932:426-428.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Truk Islands [Morub has five sons, only the youngest takes care of his father; the evil spirit has a fruit tree; the youngest picked up rats in the bag, climbed the tree for fruit; the spirit came, the youngest poured out rats, the spirit was frightened and ran away, the younger one came down, returned home; the other brother decided to do the same, gathered rats but dead; the spirit did not pay attention to them, climbed the tree, the younger brother came, frightened the spirit with live rats, saved the elder; when M. died, the brothers went fishing, caught nothing; the younger one fished, threw it back, fished the larger one, threw it away again, fished the ground for the third time; the brothers took everything for himself; the youngest demanded that the father decide; at the grave, the elder called his father, who did not answer; when the younger one called, the father ordered everything to be given to the youngest]: Bollig 1927:236-237; (cf. Yap [one brother went fishing, the other stayed at home, caught mice; there was a cannibal breadtree nearby; he climbed on it, ate fruit; the ogre saw, shouted that he would eat the boy; he threw the mouse, she swallowed it; he left her alive, she chased her, the boy went down, ran home; the next time the same, but all the mice were dead; the cannibal took the boy home, locked it in the closet, where human bones; a fisherman brother came to her, heard her brother's voice from the closet; asked the cannibal what she was afraid of, she replied that the newt's horns, spears and belts were tšagal; the young man replied that he was afraid eat fish and baked tarot; brought a spear, attacked the cannibal, and she threw fish at him; when the fish ran out, she hid in a crab hole; it rained, the hole was flooded, the cannibal drowned; both brothers returned home]: Müller 1918, No. 58:573-574); Yap [the younger brother asked the elder for a hook, the moray eel bit it off and took it away; the elder demanded the hook back; the youngest was sitting on the shore, chewing betel; sailed two fish became girls; asked for a bethel, he gave it; they told me to swim between them; the first time he could not get down, swam back; the second time they did not let him go, they went deep, found themselves in the house; there a lot of hooks; the moray eel (the male) always bit them off, then they danced in front of her, she laughed, the hook fell out of her mouth; but the young man had no hook; they began to dance especially funny, she dropped the hook; invited the young man to swim in a clean pond or one in which she relieves his need; the young man chose the second one; the moray eel rewarded him, giving him not only the hook, but also the girl; a year later the young man returned; the older brother he also wanted a wife; he chewed betel, asked the fish girls to let it down, but swam in clean water; the moray eel gave him two old women in anger; on the ground, the elder brother did not want to let them in, but they went in one held him, the other copulated with him; like this every day; the older brother broke his testicles against a rock and died]: Müller 1918, No. 83:655-657; Kapingamarangi [Apart's younger brother throws at the bird The frigate is a chisel received from Apari's older brother; the bird takes him away, Apari demands his chisel back; Apara comes to a blind old woman, she cooks tarot; he makes her sighted; performs her three errands (not decree, which ones); gets two beauties, they have a chisel in their hands (obviously returns the chisel to his brother); Apari comes to the same woman, does the opposite, gets two ugly old women; they chase him, he flees, dies from exhaustion, and l from elder.]: Albert 1949:243.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Ham) [Palden spends the night in the forest, climbing a tree in the form of an umbrella; animals gather; a monkey says that a daughter is sick in the same house; we must get a thirsty daughter from under the stone take a frog to the river; P. comes to that house disguised as a doctor, pulls out a frog, the girl recovers, he receives gifts; sleeps again in an umbrella tree; Tiger says that there are people in one village they suffer without water, and water is under a stump; P. asks for yaks and a rope, yaks pull out a stump, people dig, soon find water; P. is chosen as an elder; Kunjo asks P. to tell us how he achieved success; when he finds out, he climbs a tree, but falls, the animals tore it to pieces]: Hyde-Chambers, Hyde-Chambers 1981:156-162; Tibetans (Yutzang): O'Connor 1906, No. 4 [almost identical text in Sakya, Griffith 1980:92-94; a passerine chick fell out of the nest, broke its paw; poor Cham-ba bandaged it, put the chick back in the nest; it grew up, flew in, threw a seed, ordered it to be planted, an ear grew, where instead of grain dracons, the poor man sold them, raised money; the rich TSE-ring found out, took the chick out of the nest, threw it so that it would break its paw, bandage it, put it in the nest; the sparrow gave a seed, the creditor grew up from of the previous incarnation, took all the property, made the man a slave; C. left, giving Ts. a bag of gold for preservation; he wasted everything, returned the sandbag; C. set up a free school, C. sent my son went there for a while; C. taught the monkey to say, "Father, this is what I have become"; I had to return the gold to get my son], 17 [=Komissarov 1997:148-151; the elder brother is smart, rich; the youngest is kind but not enterprising; the elder drove him away, his mother left with the youngest; he saw a stone lion in the forest, lit candles in front of him; the lion came to life, ordered him to bring a bucket, put it in front of his face, and regurgitated gold, warned not a single coin to fall to the ground; the eldest found out that the youngest was rich, came to the lion, greedily let the coins fall over the edge; the lion said that one was stuck in his throat , asked to take it out, closed his jaws, became petrified; for several months the wife carried food to her husband, sold everything, became impoverished; then the lion laughed, the man took out his hand; the youngest allowed the eldest and his wife to stay in the hut near his household]: 20-25, 117-123; Tibetans [a man with a big goiter went to look for a missing cow; spent the night in a small cave where one spirit lived, and others gathered next to the big one; They told the person who lived in the little one to bring the man - we would eat it; he replied that he could not - he was his guest; and he had a goiter; then let him bring goiter; when he saw the goiter, the spirits did not eat it; when he woke up, the man saw that his goiter was gone, and he also found the cow; another man with a large goiter deliberately drove a cow to the mountains, hid it, and complained loudly about life in the cave; the spirit living separately again suggested the rest were goiter, but they refused and ordered the first goiter to stick to the back of the man's head; when he returned to the village, the mutilated tried not to show himself to people]: Shelton 1925, No. 41:163-165; Tibetans (Amdo) [the poor man went to the mountains for firewood, fed the lion every time; he said he could put his hand in his mouth and get gold; but his hand must be taken out before sunset; when he learns that the poor man was rich, the rich man I decided to repeat everything, but out of greed I did not take my hand out; the sun rose, the lion closed its mouth]: Tshe dbang rdo rje et al. 2007:118; duffla: Bora 1995, No. 10 [Abo-Tani put on a red bandage, came to Allegedly, he was reluctant to tell the monkeys what they needed to do to become as beautiful; he locked the monkeys in an underground tunnel, lit a fire, began to drive smoke inside; the monkeys asked them to be released, then died; AT began to bring meat; one female ran away, conceived from the wind, so new monkeys appeared; Rob Pecha wanted to know where AT was getting the meat; he said; RP used the same trick, but released the monkeys as soon as they started screaming; they ripped off his lunch and scratched it], 11 [Abo-Tani plugged his anus to swell his stomach, covered him with honey, and poured rice grains over him as if covered with fly larvae; the monkeys gathered around, and to see if he really died, they carried him through the mountains, pretended to throw him into the abyss; AT did not react; they brought him into their house, went to buy firewood and with supplies, leaving only an old monkey at home; AT got up, found a basket of monkey souls, made sure the old woman that there were souls in the basket, threw it into the fire; the old woman died immediately; other monkeys died as they returned home; AT started bringing a monkey every day; Rob Pecha decided to repeat the trick, but when the monkeys pretended to throw him into the abyss, he yelled not to be abandoned; they abandoned; AT sent a bird to bring a piece of RP bone, revived it from a piece; rewarded the bird, now it has red legs; a duffle woman has been wearing red jewelry on her feet ever since], 12 [Abo-Tani added poison to food , which he left to wild pigs, waited in the tree until they died; brought pigs as needed; Rob Pecha asked him how he hunted; AT said he was hiding on a banana; before die, wild boars began to rush, smashed a banana and RP to pieces; AT sent a bird to bring a piece of the deceased's body, revived it from its RP; awarded the bird, since then it has red cheeks]: 11-12, 12-15, 15-16; lakher [the old man caught crabs, caught few, fell asleep at noon; the monkeys felt sorry for him, put him in a bag of crabs; the old man shows no signs of life; the monkeys took him to his village and left him there ; another man decided to repeat the same trick; the monkeys carried him past the abyss, the imaginary dead man shouted to them to carry it carefully; the monkeys got scared and threw him into the abyss]: Borgohain, Roy Chaudhury 1975:72-73; Meitei [the peasant is single and has to do all the housework himself; asks a carpenter he knows to make him a wooden woman to look alive; he made it, dressed him up figure; a peasant talks to a fictional wife, acts as if she does the household, not him; one day he hears a voice from the kitchen: a woman has come to life; she will be half the time a person, and half with a wooden figure; the carpenter is envious; he quarreled with his wife and children and brought them back to his father-in-law's house; told the peasant that he wanted to correct his figure a little; but he did not come to life and he brought her back peasant; left unhappy and lonely]: Oinam et al. s.a; Kachin: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 31 (Burma) [the sage predicts a peasant son to be king; the king throws the boy in a chest in the river, he is picked up; the king meets the young man, finds out, orders him to take the letter; it is ordered to kill the giver; on the way, the robbers replace the letter, the giver must marry the princess; the king tells his son-in-law 1) bring three golden hairs of the naga; on the way, the young man is asked to know why the spring has dried up, the golden tree does not bear fruit, how can a carrier across the river get rid of this work; an old woman (apparently nata's mother) pulls out golden hairs from a dormant nat, every time she says that in a dream she saw that the spring had dried up, etc.; nat replies that it is necessary to drive away the frog that sat on a stone near the spring, drive the rat out of the roots wood, the carrier must give the boat and paddle to another; the young man heard the answers when he became an ant; the greedy king goes for hairs himself, receives a boat and a paddle from the carrier]: 109-114; Miller 1994 (Yunnan) [ Straight and Curve go and argue whether it is better to act directly and honestly or vice versa; plowman: it's better to act crooked (crooked plow and so on); lumberjack: better straight (machete cut trees straight); fisherman: sometimes it's better that way, sometimes that way; Straight and Crooked got into a fight, Crooked snatched out from the Straight Eye, threw it into the river; the Sun God notices that one of the threads of fate he holds in his hands has weakened, sends daughter to find out; she tells what happened; the Sun God descends an old man, inserts a blinded eye, tells the house to prepare a pot of three-year-old rice and three-year-old rice wine, fence it with bamboo a cowshed, a pigsty and a poultry house, you can't spend the night at home; in the morning the barn is full of cows, the pigsty is pigs, the poultry house is chickens, gold instead of rice, silver instead of wine; when Krivoy learns about this, Krivoy pulls out his eyes tells the Sun god that Direct dazzled him; then the same thing, but Krivoy dilutes the wine with water, puts three pots of freshly harvested rice, encloses large areas with bamboo; the next morning a cowshed, a pigsty and the poultry house is full of cow and pig manure, chicken droppings, crap and urine in pots]: 205-208; pumi [a common man and a deceiver caught musk deer together; spent the night in a cave; the deceiver offered a companion lie down at the exit - it will be hot from the fire, you will move; at night he moves the fire closer to the companion, he crawls further and further, falls off the cliff to the fork in the tree, hears the conversation of animals that have come to the tiger; the wolf : the elder's wife is sick; the dragon must be cleaned of the well, the dragon must be burned to smoke; leopard: in a waterless village, a spring under a large stone; muntzhak deer: a tree with treasures has fallen by the road; a person explains how to cure a woman, how to get water, receives a reward both times; pulls treasures out of a tree trunk; tells the deceiver about everything; he rolls down a cliff and finds himself in a tree; animals report to the tiger that secrets have been overheard; the tiger finds a deceiver and eats it]: Miller 1994:228-230.

Burma - Indochina. Tyamy: Landes 1887, No. 11 [a man built a platform near the field to guard corn, fell asleep on it; the monkeys thought that man was dead, decided to bury him first, and then eat corn; think whether to take the dead man to a golden mountain or a silver mountain; left him in a hole on gold, left; the man collected gold, lay down; the monkeys returned, decided to move him back to the platform; brother the person asks how he got rich; repeats everything; monkeys think about whether to take the dead to gold or iron mountain; he shouts that monkeys run away to gold, throwing their burden, man breaks into stones]: 94-96; Nikulin 1990 [after the death of his father, the older brother gives the youngest only a dog and a cat, drives him away; the youngest tries to plow on the dog and cat, the rock laughs, opens his mouth, the younger one tries to plow the dog and cat, the rock laughs, opens his mouth, the youngest takes gold from the crevice; the elder tries to do the same, sticks his hand, the rock closes, the older brother dies]: 175-176; Zyaray: Nikulin 1990:118-119 [young Mlan always donates rice to spirits; sleeps in a hut to worship spirits; he is told that a treasure is buried under it; M. tears it off, gets rich; a rich old man goes to the same temple for the night; his nose sticks to the floor, becomes long; for a lot of money, M. puts leaves on the rich man's nose, his nose becomes normal], 257-258 [the young man Mlan spent the night in a hut to worship spirits; at midnight someone told him where the treasure was buried; he dug a jug of gold; rich the old man also went to spend the night in the hut; heard a giggle and his nose stuck to the floor; when he tore it off, his nose became as long as a trunk; Mlan went back to that hut and the spirits told him to pick leaves from the tree with which he used cured a rich man]; Dournes 1977 [Mère Brousse woman catches an eel, brings Drit to her grandson; eel grows, is placed in increasingly large vessels, then in a pond; turns into an Elephant, tells D. to accompany him to fight the Dragon; defeats the one, brings treasures ashore; the local boss wants the same eel; but is afraid that his Elephant Eel is killed by the Dragon; he plants his tusk in the ground; a huge bamboo with riches on the branches, they move to D.'s house; the boss demands bamboo for himself, he brings him excrement]: 115; sre [a caught eel asks the fisherman not to eat it; it grows, it is placed in larger vessels, then into the pond; he tells the owner that there will be a storm, he should not be afraid; the sea serpent defeats, brings wealth; the fisherman's elder brother wants the same eel; but he is afraid of him The eel does not bring anything, it kills it; the younger brother buries bones, bamboo grows, the younger one makes a cage out of it, which is filled with chickens; the older brother also makes a cage, it is full of excrement]: Dournes 1977:114-115; banar: Nikulin 1970 [Rich Bot Ro is stingy, having called people to work, did not have a feast; pierces the wing of the celestial Konkeh, who came in the guise of a beggar, with an arrow; her daughter Young Shree ( goddess of rice) goes down to poor young man Harith, who roasts the only pig for her; locusts, droughts destroy Bot Ro's wealth, and Harith gets richer]: 223-225; banar: Dournes 1977 [prince goes to forest make a crossbow, loses an ax, promises to call a relative, uncle, finally the husband of the daughter of the one who finds the ax; Boa constrictor finds; H'Kruah's eldest daughters, Puön refuse, youngest Lui? I agree; the snake is offered a choice of raw and boiled eggs, he eats boiled eggs, drinks beer like a person; the young are given a house at a distance, the Serpent turns handsome when the couple bathe; the other prince goes to the forest, brings a boa constrictor, he eats raw eggs, drinks like a snake, swallows the bride (the father replies to his daughter that the serpent is only playing with her); on the site of the young's house there is a pond; the father performs a memorial ceremony for daughters]: 121-122; ahem [mother died, then father; the boy hugged his father, tied himself to his body; the demon took the body, flew to him; the demon's son wants to eat, the mother sends prey to eat his eyes, alive the boy opens his eyes, the demon child is scared; next time the boy says that he both slept with his father, and now the demons have killed his father; demons are frightened, give the boy wealth, return him to earth; Upon learning of this, the manager's son poisoned his father, tied himself to his body; the demon carried them, the young man shouts to him to be more careful, the demon throws the prey, the young man breaks]: Lindell et al. 1978, No. 10:94-96; Khmers [Asok Evil envies Asok the Good because everyone loves him; called him into the forest to cut bamboo, gouged out his eyes and threw him into the river; the crocodile brought him to the wizard; he restored Asok Good eyesight, gave Scatter sand at home on a mat, the sand turned golden, Asok the Good and his grandmother built a new house; Asok the Evil ordered Good to dazzle him in the forest and throw him into the river; the fish ate him, left his skull, which continued to cry out Buddha's name; the sethay (the landowner) picked him up, placed him in the house, began to tell everyone; when the dignitaries came, the skull fell silent, the sethay had to pay gold; the servant again threw the skull at water; the rector of the church burned and crushed the skull, mixed the ashes with the paint, painted the temple and the wagon with it; the wagon began to shout at people, the rector burned it]: Gorgoniev 1973:26-34; viets: Karpov, Tkachev 1958 [Good old man Kang herds the rich man's cows, one is missing; the pheasant shows where to look for her, advises him to ask the Buddha for help; B. gives him a garden where animals and birds serve; K. decides to return, take him away to the owner of the cow; receives a golden ax from B., he cuts wood himself; the rich man dresses in rags, goes to the forest, supposedly looking for a cow; crossing the river, falls, dies; B. shouts that this is his punishment]: 183-186; Nikulin 1990 [a raven pecks fruit on a poor man's tree; plants it on his back, carries it to an island where gold bars are, the poor man brings two bags of gold; a rich man buys wood, takes bags that are too big, a raven dumps him into the sea]: 100-103; Landes 1886, No. 68 [a married brother offers to share the property with a single man; everything in the women's house should go to him, what is male should go to his brother; it turned out that everything is female ; the brother took an ax, went to the forest, lay down pretending to be dead; the monkeys first decided to bury it in a silver hole, but one suggested that it be in a hole of gold; the young man became rich; the married brother also went to the forest and lay down; when the monkeys offered to bury him in a silver hole, he screamed - no, with gold! the monkeys got scared, left him, he crashed against the rocks; var.: When dividing the property, the younger brother received only dogs; he harnessed them, they brought him to the cave with gold; the elder brother borrowed dogs; the cave laughed, opening her mouth, and then slammed shut, holding the man's hand; his wife came, he admitted that he was punished for his greed; the cave let him go]: 170-172; Karen [rich Phatakain ("scoundrel") envies poor Phatalun ("good man") for being loved by everyone; invites him to go on a ship to buy goods; gives him food and drink in exchange for his eyes; left on a deserted island; the owner of the sea sends three dog-shaped servants whose names are the three truths of Buddhism; the dying man whispers these words, the natians think he knows their names, takes on a human form, heals P., and takes them home with pumpkin seeds; pumpkins grow, they are gold and silver; Phatakain tries to repeat everything, tells the servant to pull out his eyes; chases, scolds dogs, dies in agony; Phatalun comes to the island, finds bones and a skull Phatakaina, the skull asks to take it away, tell the king that he, Phataluna, has a talking skull; the king's skull is silent, Phataluna is imprisoned; Phatalun's wife hits the skull with a stick, he screams, king Rewards Phatalun; the skull is thrown out, sails to the old man and the old woman; lies to the old woman that the old man is not loyal to her; the old man breaks it, a tree with fruits grows like a skull]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 172:461-467 ; pao [the wind knocked the old man down, he was hurt and died; the grandson went to take revenge on the wind; meets, takes companions Heavier than a stone, Sharper than a knife, Hot fire; when they came to the wind cave, he began to blow, but Heavier than a stone, he overshadowed the others; the wind sent a fighting rooster to meet him Sharper than a knife; sent a pig, Hot Fire fried it; the boy demanded as much gold and silver for his grandfather as they could take it away, distributed the houses to his fellow villagers; one received less than the others, pushed his grandfather off the tree himself, went to the wind; in order not to share, he refused the help of the people he met; the wind destroyed him]: Zapadova 1977:258-260; shans [monkeys ruin the old man's field; he covered himself with smelly bean porridge, lay down pretending to be dead; monkeys carry it to their king to eat dead; the old man jumps up, binds it up tsar; he gives a ransom - gold and jewelry; the rich man decides to repeat the trick; when the monkeys carry it, he shouts to them to be more careful, they throw it in fear, he breaks]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 196: 546-549; monk [a drunkard goes to bed in a gazebo in the cemetery; ghosts come; the drunkard counted them (four) and treated them to vodka, they indicated where the pot of gold was buried; when they found out, the smoker opium also went to sleep in the gazebo, but did not wake up when the ghosts appeared and they stretched out his nose; then the drunkard went back and found out from the ghosts that his nose would be normal if knocked on it pestle]: Zapadova 1977:209-210; Thai Vietnam [the fisherman replies to the monkeys that he is fishing with monkey cudaves; spies on the PT getting the fire of the trainies; the monkeys are afraid that the fisherman is theirs he will kill him, they rush at him themselves; he pretends to be dead, the monkeys discuss whether to carry him to the gold, silver cemetery or leper cemetery; carry him to silver; man gains silver, gets rich; his relative decides to repeat the trick; this time the monkeys decide to bury a man in a leper's cemetery; the imaginary dead man says that gold is better; when he learns that the man is alive, monkeys throw him at the rocks, he breaks]: Degeorge 1922, No. 10:651-653; lao [the poor man allowed monkeys to take corn and melons from his garden; once pretended to be dead; grateful monkeys took the imaginary dead man to the cave where there was gold; the neighbor decided to repeat the trick; the monkeys carried him to the crossroads and began to argue whether to carry the deceased to the golden cave or to the silver cave; the imaginary conqueror shouted what he wanted in silver; the monkeys dropped him, ran away; he returned home all scratched]: Fleeson 1899:80-82 (translated to Kornev 1963:94-95); Thais: Coyaud 2009, No. 31 [ Lee is cunning, Suun is simple but honest; L. persuades S. to go trade, they lose everything; L. gives S. rice in exchange for eyes, leaves a tiger on an island in front of the cave; he touches S. with the tip of his nose. S. sneezes and says "Buddha, dharma, sangha"; the tiger reports this to the hermit, whose guardian he is; he returns S.'s sight and gives a boat with rice and goods for sale; S. meets L. and on the way back, he leaves him blinded in front of the same cave; the tiger tickles him too, but L. only grabs him by the tail; the tiger ate L., only the skull remains; when S. comes again, the skull offers to take him and bet; no one will believe that the skull says any bet can be won; S. bets, but the skull is silent and S. is left without a boat; furious he breaks the skull into small pieces; they turned into shells that are used as gambling chips]: 187-193; Vathanaprida 1994 [a poor woodcutter drops his ax into the river; asks for help from the spirit of the tree; he pulls gold out of the river, then silver axes; the woodcutter says it's not his; admits his iron; gets all three; the neighbor drops the ax on purpose; replies that the gold one is his; the spirit reproaches him, gives nothing]: 42-44.

South Asia. Sindhi [(plug-in story); The Good and the Evil went on a journey; the Evil let the Good man down the well to collect water; when he quenched his thirst himself, took the Good's clothes and money and left; The Good hears a conversation between a cobra who fell into a well and a Ginny named Jabra; a cobra tells how she moves into a princess on a full moon; Ginny says how to banish her with the leaves of this tree and the water of this well; the cobra says that you have to kill a gazelle over a mound of earth to get treasures; a wedding train was passing by, a man came for water, pulled out the Good; he cured the princess and married her; his evil finds out and tells the king that his son-in-law is a shoemaker; the good one denies, obtains and brings treasures as proof; Evil himself hides in the well, the snake finds and eats it]: Schimmel 1995, No. 2:17-29; Kumaoni: Minaev 1966, No. 16 [son of a brahman: law is strong; son of a rich man: sin is powerful; they ask four people they meet; a cow, a brahman, a bear, a lion answer that it is a sin; the son of a rich man cut off the brahman's hands and legs; he hears a conversation between a bear, a tiger and a lion; whoever anoints the hands and feet of a bird living on a tree will be healed; under the tree there are jugs with money; the son of a brahman is cured and rich; the son of a rich man also told him cut off his arms and legs; the animals ate him], 27 [poor Khim went to get firewood, saw 40 thieves, climbed a tree; when they left, he climbed into their treasury, brought everything home; his rich brother Sankar decided to do the same; thieves noticed him, killed him, and his wife was raped; when she died, she said that wealth was in her brother-in-law's house; K.'s wife noticed the thieves, boiled oil; when they climbed one by one, she left everyone in oil; all the wealth remained with K.]: 51-52, 73-74; Nepali [a red clay saleswoman for flooring, who has three tumors on her throat, spent the night in the temple; at night, the spirit woman saw her, took her away tumors instead of jewelry, ate bread from a woman's bag, put gold instead; in the same village, a woman with four tumors; when she learned about the incident, she came to the same temple; a woman spirit came back, she was tired of wearing severe tumors and she handed them to sleep and left no gold; unhappy returned home]: Sakya, Griffith 1980:150-107; Punjabis (Seraiks, Multan) [Good and Evil They walked together, stopped to eat; they ate the Good One's food, and Evil agreed to share water only in exchange for the Good's eyes; he pushed the blind man into a dry well and left; he hears a snake talking to the banyan swan and Deh; Swan: my litter brings back my sight; Snake: I hid treasures in the cave, you can only get them by lifting the lid with a branch of this banyan; Deh: I cast a shadow on the princess, she fell ill, her will heal bathing in the infusion of the leaves of this banyan; the Good one cured his eyes, cured the princess, got her as his wife; Evil came, out of envy accused the Good of being a sudra; the Good brought the Snake's treasures: How could a shudra have that much money? The evil one climbed into the well himself; the Snake, the Swan and Deh found and killed him]: Mehta 2011:189-192; the Rajastans [the crow (male) has 7 sisters, the peacock is one; brings a huge bunch of firewood, and 6 crow sisters only it is said that their brother's peacock takes firewood; the seventh youngest is friendly to the peacock; he once stabbed his leg; no one agrees to pull out the splinter; the wedding procession, and the bride and groom also refuse; then it occurs to them to put all their jewelry on the peacock, because it will not run away, but how beautiful it looks; the peacock flew away, taking away the jewelry; flew consistently to all the crow's sisters; 6 they refuse to remove the splinter, the youngest pulled it out; the peacock spread its tail, walked across the floor, throwing jewelry; the crow decided to do the same, flew to the bride and groom, who killed her with a stick; now everyone of the 6 sisters, he also calls the peacock to his place, offers sweet milk; he walks on the floor, scatters wasps, scorpions, centipedes and snakes, these sisters are dead; and the peacock lives happily with the youngest sister]: Dinesh 1979:1-6; varley [the poor man has 1660 children; he worked for a rich man but only got 1 kg (seer) of grain for his job; looking for work, he went to the forest to meet Mahadev and Ganga Gauri; they gave he had a pot that gave him any food; when he found out, the rich man also went and got a pot, but a barber jumped out, cutting the hair of the women gathered for the feast]: Dalmia 1988:68; Sinhalese {apparently different paraphrases of the same text}: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 94 [Vysoky suggests eating his supplies first; when they run out, Low refuses to share his own; gives food for permission to snatch High's eyes; throws him bound under a tree; the rakshasas on the tree say that his eyes treat his juice, the one who eats the leaves will be full, the one who eats the fruit will become king; the High One sees the light, he is chosen king instead the deceased king; the Low one tells his wife to blind him, throw him under the tree; dies]: 227-230; Clouston 1887 (1) [two peasants go to seek happiness; one offers to spend his companion's money first, then his own; refuses to give his money; gives his companion food in exchange for his eyes; the rakshasa on the tree say that his eyes treat his juice, the one who eats the leaves will be full, the one who eats the fruit will become king; the peasant sees the light; an elephant approaches him, kneels as a sign of his choice for the kingdom; the companion marries the daughter of a vizier in the same city, becomes a vizier; asks the king if blindness can be cured; he tells his story; the vizier tells his wife to do to him as he did to his friend; let the wife wait 7 days at the shepherd, become king, he will take her; the shepherd goes to the tree, finds the vizier's gnawed bones; chases his wife away]: 464-465; Telugu [a brahman saw a tiger in the forest, trembled with fear; sheep were nearby; they told the tiger that the brahman would like to meet him; the tiger was flattered and gave a brahmana; another brahmana thought this would happen to him too; jackals and dogs were next to the tiger; hoping to get leftovers, they told the tiger about the brahman, who ate him]: Pantulu 1905, No. 21:65-66; Tamils: Kudinova, Kudinov 1995 [poor Somanathan, a large man, leaves to seek fate; a camel who has broken off his owners cannot throw off his luggage of gold, asks to know when will be able to get rid of it; the crocodile transports across the river, asks when he will be free from stomach pain; the tiger - how to get rid of the thorn in his paw; S. comes to the place where destinies sleep; tries unsuccessfully wake her up with a stick; the goddess of fate woke her up; Fate promises that from now on S. will live well; tells him to take the bags off the camel, take it for himself; tell the crocodile to regurgitate the diamond that worries him; pull out a splinter to the tiger; a grateful tiger gives S. jewelry, the crocodile regurgitates the diamond, the camel gives the bags, brings him home; the envious Raghavan asks how S. got rich; he replies that there is a river far away, the splashes of its water turn into gold; the crocodile gives it jewelry so that it does not splash out the water; he goes again, the crocodile swallows it, regurgitates on the fifth day, tells no one does not tell; R. at home talks, dies]: 210-215; Natesa Sastri 1884-1888, No. 18 [the poor brahmana's wife tells him to go find something to do; he falls asleep by the stream; Parameshvara and Parvati they ate his rice, and in return they left 5 golden cups, from which wish-fulfilling servants come out; the brahmana returned, fed the whole village; the landowner found out about this, went to the same place, brought cups; from them barbers came out and shaved him and the guests]: 205-213; Malayali [Ramu is virtuous but terribly poor, decided to drown himself; God saved him and gave him three coconuts: they fulfilled desires; breaking them Consistently, R. received a good house, a rice field and a lot of money; when he found out, rich Komu also went to drown and received nuts; when he took the first one, a beggar entered the yard and demanded alms; "Here your head!" K. exclaimed and broke the coconut; immediately his head became like that beggar, and small heads at his fingertips; K. broke the second walnut, asking them to remove these heads, was left without a head; broke the third, asking him to return his head and forgive him; became normal]: Menon 1995:62; santals [young man grazes buffaloes every day; sees a dog swimming in the river; watching her, she takes off her dog's skin , turns into a girl; he finds out whose dog it is, asks him to marry her; at night, his wife takes off her dog skin, he throws her skin into the fire, now he has a beautiful wife; another person also decides marry a dog, it remains a dog, he hanged himself out of shame]: Bodding 1942, No. 4:65-69; Schimmel 1995, No. 2 [(false story); Good and Evil went on a journey; Evil let Good Down into the Well get water; when he quenched his thirst, took Good's clothes and money and left; Kind hears a conversation between a cobra that fell into the well and a Jeannie named Jabra; the cobra tells how on a full moon she moves into princess; Ginny says how to expel her with the leaves of this tree and the water of this well; the cobra says you have to kill a gazelle over a mound of earth to get treasures; a wedding train was passing by , the man came to get water, pulled out the Good; he cured the princess and married her; the Evil recognizes him and tells the king that his son-in-law is a shoemaker; The good one denies, obtains and brings treasures as proof ; The evil one hides himself in the hunger, the snake finds and eats it]: 17-29; Bengalis [the prince travels with his son Kotvala (the head of the fortress), who leaves him in the well; the prince hears the conversation between two bhuts (spirits) about why the princess is sick and how she can be cured, and where gold is hidden and how to get it; the prince heals the princess, marries her, gets gold; when he finds out, the son of the cat climbs into a well and killed by bhutami]: Clouston 1887 (1): 256-258; oriya [a goat's son and a monkey's son are friends; the kid goes to work; tells the tiger, bear, jackal that he will get fat at the king, it's better to eat him on the way back; enters the temple, swallows gold coins, locks the door; answers everyone that he is the Diamond King, he can kill everyone; the king leaves, the goat comes out, smears mud, wraps himself in leaves , replies to the jackal and others that he went to the palace to sew leaves; gets home safely; tells the monkey's son that his mother put a piggy tail to his head and he went to dance to the palace, to him they gave him gold, his mother beat him at home, the gold fell out; the monkey's son is coming, he is being driven away, he found him, swallowed one silver coin, his mother began to beat him, the coin fell out, the mother decided that there would be more, scored to death]: Mohanti 1975:42-44; (cf. Uttar Pradesh (Pilibhit County, Hindi) [a goat and a pig live together; a goat went looking for happiness; went to a grain merchant, ate everything, hid in the back room; the owner sent his daughter to bring sugar; goat: you're almost dead, girl, my horns will soon pierce you; the girl tells her father that there is a demon in their house; the father sent for the clergy, the goat frightened them in the same way; the owner speaks to her asks what she wants; she demands to weigh her with jewelry and sweets and, having received them, leaves; when she finds out everything, the pig also came to the merchant's house; but when the girl saw her, she only grunted; the pig slaughtered, invited, eaten]: Rouse, Crooke 1899, No. 17:123-126); Maldives: Romero-Frias 2012, No. 21 [Findana has built a light hut by the water, and the Bondanu bird has built a solid house in the depths islands; the waves washed away the hut, F. came to B. to ask for shelter; refused to sleep where he was offered, agreed to sleep on the lid of the rice pot; ate everything at night; B. found him, beat him and threw him into the prickly a bush; he injured his leg; asked the fishermen for help, they refused; came to the shore and caught a box with gold sand in it; asked B.'s wife for measure; she smeared it with sticky juice; when F. returned the measure, to her golden sand stuck; when he found out how F. became rich, B. decided to do the same: let himself be beaten and thrown into a thorny bush, etc.; he also caught the box, but it contained wasps and they bit it to death; and his F. took his wife and children], 59 [Angagadamitutu (AG) and Angamadumituru (AM) ate a local dish of flour, coconut and palm syrup; AG fell asleep; a fairy came up with a bag of teeth, examined the sleeper's teeth, I made sure they were dirty, took them out and put in new ones; when I found out, AM also lay down, but only pretended to be sleeping, and when the fairy took out his old teeth, he shouted, "Give me better teeth!" ; the fairy, irritated, poured her teeth onto his face and disappeared; AM was left with a mutilated face]: 76-79, 222-223.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Mentawai [making the forest out of rotan, Sibilebalugui drops a knife into the sea; dives after it, meets a marine owner; consistently refuses to admit what is relevant to fishing (i.e. missing the interlocutor's sisters); does not crush the banana leaf given to him instead of the mattress; he promises to give him all the harpoons and other fishing gear at the bottom; warns not to enter if he hears a growl (shark outside the door); S. does not enter, goes to the owner's younger sister; she asks not to pick up the knife, instead the marine inhabitants give S. their older sister; on earth she magically grows tarot crops; S. became rich by bringing harpoons from the sea; S.'s older brother is jealous, deliberately throws a knife into the sea; boasts that he is a good fisherman, crumples a leaf; opens the door behind which a growl, a shark kills him, S. revives]: Loeb 1929, No. 11:135-140); sunda [Ki Satu and Ki Dua go to study theology in Room; CD lures money from the COP, gives bread in exchange for their eyes, lowers them into the well; hearing the dwarfs talking, CS learns that blind people are treated with the leaves of the Singavereng tree, that after killing a black dog, you will find out where the treasures are buried; the peasant pulls the CS upstairs, leads to the tree, he sees the light, returns it with the same leaves the princess's vision, marries her, gets treasures, takes care of the impoverished CD; he climbs into the well, the dwarfs say that someone overheard their conversation, kills CD]: Braginsky 1972:57-61; Madura [the boy Tekko went to learn to read the Quran by Haji, but he did not teach him anything, but made him a servant; once T. lost one nut out of 9, Haji scolded him, and T. decided that these were words from the Koran; went to the forest, became repeat these words, found a treasure; Haji also went to the forest, the hollow climbed, but the hole closed; he called T., turned into a gecko shouting "Tekko, tekko"]: Kratz 1973, No. 136-137; Bali [the poor fisherman asked the rich man for a boat that was full of holes; the boat capsized into the sea; the fisherman began to tell the fish how well the missing fish live on land; the fish dragged his boat to the shore; he filled they were a boat; so every day, the fisherman became rich; the rich also sailed in a boat full of holes; told the fish that they had been cooked and eaten on the shore; his fish bit him, he had difficulty getting to the shore]: Hoikas-van Leeuwen Bomcamp 1983, No. 41:211-213; South Sulawesi (boogie?) [The older six sisters are married, teasing the youngest that no one needs her; by the pond, she sees a tree with Tattadu caterpillars, says she is even ready to marry T.; one of the caterpillars crawls after her, catches her at her word; the girl tells her sisters that she married T.; the husband crawls to the site, easily knocks down trees, pumpkins grow, gold in them, jewelry; leaves, comes to places where they give any shape to living beings; God invites him to try his luck, T. first becomes a headless man, after a new attempt, handsome with his head; brings home an inexhaustible drink, offers leaders a bet who drinks will become a servant another; in the company of many servants, he returns to his wife; envious sisters send their husbands to God, who return in the guise of nasty animals]: Bunanta 2003:27-30; dusun (Piasau) [in the forest The vestibule walks into Ligat Liow's hut, she has a big, heavy head; she asks her to grind rice for her, look for insects, snakes and scorpions; T. takes them out, LL's head becomes light, she gets up, gives seven pumpkins; T.'s house makes food, dishes, gold, poultry and cattle from cut pumpkins; rich Sikinning goes to the forest, refuses to grind rice, comb LL's hair; snakes come out of his pumpkin and scorpions bite him and his family to death]: Evans 1913:439-442 (translated into Braginsky 192:114-117); loda (Halmahera) [the first man and woman have a son; when the wife is pregnant with the second, the rain washed away into the river half of her garden; she cursed the rain, she had a half son (vertically); he went up to the heavenly god, who ordered him to swim in the pond, the young man became handsome, returned home; the older brother wanted to be just as handsome; God told him to swim with a white handkerchief tied around his neck; he turned into a dog with a white spot on his neck]: Baarda 1904, No. 13:444-446 (English retelling in Dixon 1916:215-216; French translation in Platencamp 2005:129-134).

Taiwan - Philippines. Bontok: Eugenio 1994, No. 219 [the poor brother hunts, the chased bear jumps into the river, he follows him; answers the underwater woman that he did not hunt, but his son is waiting for him on the shore; does not laugh when she breaks rice, making indecent sounds; it was not he who collects lice from her hair, but her son is waiting for him on the shore; she does not laugh when she breaks rice, making an indecent sound with her back: ants, centipedes, stinging insects; she gives him a basket, tells him to take him to his bins, sacrifice animals to her; he has not lost weight since then; the rich brother decides to repeat the adventure; says that the deer is his; laughs, Hearing indecent sounds, she doesn't want to collect insects; she opens the basket at home, all those stinging insects and reptiles come out of it, kill it, spread around the world]: 362-363; Scott 1961 [old woman asks the traveler to look in her hair; there are poisonous insects and snakes, the man takes them out; the old woman gives him pine needles and straws, tells him to put them in the back, it is filled with rice; the neighbor went to that But the old woman, expressing his disgust, began to pry the poisonous creatures with a stick; she turned him into a pole from under which the water that formed the lake clogged. Danom]: 58-59.

China - Korea. Fox: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:450-455 [Abep's elder brother is married, adjoins Alěp's younger brother, does not feed him; he works on the site and eats turnips; after eating, he fell asleep; the monkeys decided that he was dead; when he gassed, the monkeys thought that the corpse had begun to decompose; decided to throw him into the abyss, but first ask the shaman; it was a gopher (Citellus citellus), they brought him gold balls at silver platter; he said he only eats grains; monkeys caressed him, since then he had an elongated muzzle; the second shaman was a red squirrel; in a trance he said he (wanted) to eat, the monkeys beat him, with Since then, his cheeks have been red; the third is a black squirrel (flattened his head); the fourth is dormouse; then Alepa jumped up, the animals ran away, gold and silver got to him; then Abepa went to the site himself; everything was with him But the monkeys immediately threw him into the abyss; there is a tigress with two cubs; Abepa advised him to fatten him first: when the needle grows into his forehead, he is thick; the needle does not grow; Abepa suggests The tigress jumped on him, put a pointed bamboo, she ran into him; Abepa waxed the cubs's eyes and led them on a rope; killed animals, put their ears in a bag; told the Chinese that they were two hunters dogs - as many ears, so many animals were caught; he changed the cubs for a mule; when he removed the wax from the cubs, they ran away; Abepa corrected himself and no longer tyranted his younger brother], 493-498 [the older brother inherited that's it, and the youngest only the dog; but he was the first to finish plowing; told the eldest that he threw rice on the other side of the field, the dog ran there and plowed everything; the eldest borrowed the dog, it did not obey, he killed it; on this place is bamboo, the youngest wove the basket, all the chickens lay eggs in it; the eldest borrowed it, the chickens fill it with excrement, he burned it; the youngest found a few beans in the elder's hearth, ate it, his winds became fragrant, people gave him gold; the elder also went to sell his winds, they were smelly, the ruler ordered him to sew his ass; his wife cut the threads with scissors, a stream of excrement blinded her]; taunyo [Poor Maun Lu Ai saw the statue of a turtle and sat on it; in the evening, the turtle flew and found itself on a mountain where it began to eat jewelry; MLE, without getting off it, collected gold; when he saw that he was rich, Maun Ma also sat on the turtle, but on a mountain of tears from it, began to fill the bag; the turtle flew away; the giant who appeared ate it]: Zapadova 1977:285-286; Chinese (Qinghai): Frick 1954, No. 9 [younger brother inherits some land and millet; some of the grains are boiled, the ears have not sprouted; the bonza tells each of the sprouted plants to be transplanted three times, watch day and night so that none die; peasant Sees a white hare carrying one plant to the temple, following a hare; a hare, a wolf and a tiger talk in the temple, saying where gold and silver are buried; a peasant digs up treasures, gets rich; an older brother too goes to the temple, animals found him and bit him to death], 10 [a woman does not like Hei-pao's stepson, loves her son Pei-pao; tries to poison her stepson twice, but Bei-bao or father saves him; brothers go on a journey, B. more once saves H. from his stepmother's poison; H. earned money in Nanjing, B. lost everything in Beijing; on the way home, H. gives half of the money to B., and he dumps it into the well and takes everything; sitting in the well, X. hears talking 8 spirits, finds out where gold and medicines are; a girl who comes to the well calls him, he heals the girl, finds treasures; takes care of his father, gives B. money to take care of his mother; B. asks his mother put it in the well, 8 spirits fill it with earth; X. takes care of his stepmother]: 519-520, 520-521; the Chinese [Prince Lan Dan throws a gold ball, whoever finds it will become a son-in-law; finds a shepherd, prince demands to bring three hair of the Sun; the shepherd goes, meets people who ask him to find out why 1) the fruits of the tree can no longer raise the dead; 2) the living water in the well has dried up; 3) no one is 60 years old comes to change the carrier boatman; the mother of the Sun hides the young man in the chest; pulls her sleeping son through the hair three times; each time she talks about what she dreamed, asks for an answer; The Sun explains that A snake has settled under the tree, a frog in the well, whoever takes the old man's oars will replace him; the young man says all this on the way back (after telling the old man, he runs away so that he does not give him an oar); a young man gave him a gift, the prince gave him his daughter; he went to the Sun himself, received oars, remained a boatman]: Tishkov 1954:32-35; the Chinese (Henan, Shanxian County, Zhangzhi Township, 2005) [in the south of Shanzhou City, Mount Qishan; next to her, a young man, Li Hu, worked in the family of greedy rich Lee Decai; once he climbed a mountain to cut firewood for his owner; a thunderstorm began; Li Hu hid under a tree; after a flash of lightning and A small, frightened white monkey jumped out of the grass, slipped under Li Hoo's clothes; when the rain stopped, she turned into a boy in white clothes; boy: I am the son of Lord Qishan Mountain. Because of a violation of heavenly laws, the Jade Emperor sent Leigong to arrest me. You saved me and I want to repay me kindly." The boy took Lee Hoo's hand and climbed the mountain. When he was under an old sophora tree, the boy called Lee Hoo his older brother; let him come under this tree every day, say "A ma la hoon han" and hit the tree with an ax; a golden one will fall off him a bar, but you can only do this three times a day; since then, Lee Hoo has brought three gold bars a day and distributed them to the poor; Lee Decai gave Lee Hoo a drink, found out the secret, ran to the mountains and hit wood; not able to stop, continued to beat; ingots fell on him, and then the tree entangled him with branches and strangled him; Li Hu and his fellow villagers have lived happily ever since]: Bai Gengsheng 2009:381-382; Chinese (a lot in Guangdong, there is in Shaanxi) [the poor man heals a swallow (crane), which brings pumpkin seeds; in pumpkins there is wealth; the rich man deliberately breaks the swallow's paw to then heal; punished (in his grown up pumpkin dancers and beggars, they take his goods); according to some options, they go to the moon, where they always try to cut down a tree]: Eberhard 1937, No. 24:36-37; Chinese (Guangdong) [the poor man decided to go to forest and hang himself; came back; wife: I was hoping that you would not come again; he went again, he could not decide, fell asleep under a tree; the monkeys mistook him for their ancestor, took him to themselves, became abundantly feed; they have a lot of treasures; when the monkeys are gone, the man took the treasure and came to his wife; a neighbor told his husband to go to the forest too; the monkeys robbed by the first man tore him apart]: Fielde 1893: 27-28; Chinese (Zhejiang) [a firewood collector drops an ax into the river; cries, a man comes up to him, gives him a golden ax, then a silver axe is finally dropped; the other tries to repeat everything, admits golden, punished]: Eberhard 1937, No. 20:34; Maonan [the poor boy was sent to live with a rich man; his owner does not feed him well, sends him for firewood with a rusty blunt ax; the boy drops his ax into the river ; the gray-haired old man pulls out gold, silver axes, the boy replies that it is not his; the old man pulls out his ax, but now it is sharp and instantly knocks down trees; the owner is surprised that the boy has returned so quickly ; when he finds out what is going on, he dresses up as a poor man, goes into the forest, throws a rusty axe into the river; the old man brings it, the rich man replies that it is a stranger; refuses silver, takes gold; presents it to the emperor hoping to get an important post; the axe turns into a rusty iron; the emperor sends its master to serve on the far frontier]: Lu 2008, No. 5:386-400; Chuan Miao: Graham 1954:204-205 [wife the elder brother kicked the youngest out of the house; advises to sow and then burn the vegetation on the site; only one stalk has grown; it is carried away by a hawk; then puts the young man on his back, carries it under the star, tells her to collect her bowel movements, it turns out to be gold, the young man returns rich; the elder brother also leaves one stalk in the field; the kite brings it to the star, but burned by the rising sun, flies away; the older brother collects gold and burns], 205-206 [the eagle brings the poor orphan to the star, he collects her bowel movements, gold, gets rich; invites the rich man to visit; he pretends to be poor, the eagle carries him to east; the rich man hesitates to collect more gold, the eagle is burned by the sun, flies away; the rich man burns]; miao [the hardworking poor man puts his hands in the lake, leaving seven golden turtles on them; at home, they spread into containers with food, making them inexhaustible; the landowner's son goes to the lake, black turtles stick to his hands; he puts them everywhere in the house; the next morning all the goods and money disappear]: Osipov, Riftin 1962:10-13; meo (Vietnam): Nikulin 1970 [older brother hears the ghosts' answer that an evil and vicious heart is dearer to them; pulls out the younger one's eyes to take away his share of the inheritance; younger wanders in the forest, climbs a tree, hears animals talking; tiger, boar, bear talk about buried treasures, monkey talks about the fruits of the tree under which they sit, the fruits restore sight; the young man smears with the juice of his eye, sees the light, digs up treasures; the elder brother asks his younger brother to blind him, he refuses; the elder still climbs the tree, the animals have torn him to pieces]: 285-288; 1990 [lazy Shin wants take the wife of his hardworking younger brother Pao; gives him riddles, he cannot guess, must give his wife, but she offers S. in response to equally difficult guessing tasks or riddles, S. shamed; S. says that P. will come to his dead parents if he allows himself to be blinded; blind P. came across a hut in the forest where they make offerings to spirits; hears animals talking; tiger, bear , the boar talks about buried treasures, the fox talks about a source that restores vision; P. finds it, sees it, digs up treasures; S. went broke, became poor, accidentally comes to P.; asks himself to be dazzled, he refuses; S. dazzles himself, comes to the hut, the animals have torn him to pieces]: 193-202; Koreans: Choi 1979, No. 439 [after overhearing the conversation of the spirits, the poor lumberjack learned how to cure the daughter of a rich man, married her; the greedy young man also decided to overhear, hid under the foundation of the house of spirits, the house collapsed, he died]: 213; Cho 2001, No. 89 [=Borovkov 1938:136-138; =Pack 1991:292-294; old man with a bump on his cheek spends the night in an abandoned fanza; forest devils come there; out of fear, the old man either yells or sings, the hell likes it; the old man says that his voice is in a bump, sells it for devils' treasures, gets rich; another the old man, also with a bump, wants to repeat everything; by this time the devils already know that there is no song in the bump, they plant the second old man with a second bump removed from the first's face]: 151-153; Borovkov 1938 [the old man went into the forest for brushwood, spent the night in an abandoned fanza; devils came there, they had gold and silver sticks; the old man saw through the acorn, the devils heard a crackle, thought the house was on fire, ran away; the old man gathered sticks, returned home; another old man decided to do the same; the devils came back, beat him with sticks]: 142-144; Park 1991 [the young man got lost, spent the night in the forest, overheard the spirits talking; 1) if you dig under the willow in the waterless village, will score the key; 2) the poor old man has gold buried behind the stove; 3) the rich man's daughter is sick, because a centipede has settled under the firewood; the young man digs a well, pulls out gold and gets half, kills centipede, marries a recovered girl; a young man's envious friend goes to spend the night in the forest; spirits say that jewelry is buried under the wall of his house; he digs, thinks that a treasure, collapsed the house, the wall crushed him to death]: 220-222.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [a woodcutter drops his axe into the river; an ax is carried away by the current; a woodcutter cries; Hermes asks about the cause of the grief; Hermes dives and pulls out a golden axe; the woodcutter says this axe did not belong to him; for the second time Hermes pulls out a silver axe; the woodcutter replies that this ax is not his; the third time Hermes pulls out a real wooden ax; the woodcutter recognizes the ax; Hermes for honesty gives him all three axes; a woodcutter tells others this story; one of the listeners deliberately lets an ax into the river, cries; Hermes takes a golden axe out of the water for him; the second woodcutter replies that this is his axe; Hermes gives him no axe]: Gasparov 1968, No. 173:114 (retelling in Hansen 2002:43); Hungarians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 729:391-392; (cf. Albanians [the rooster shouts at the royal palace to be locked in a treasury; there he swallows coins, pretends to be dead, thrown away; he comes to the owner, asks to hang him by the paws and beat, gold falls; a neighbor wants to get rich in the same way, sends a chicken; a rooster tells the chicken to swallow a snake; when a neighbor hangs her and hits her, the snakes fall out, eat the woman]: Basset 1887:188); the Serbs [the king is dead, there are two sons left; the evil argues with the good that crooked is stronger than the truth; they decide to ask the people they meet, the loser must give 100 workshops; the devil takes the image monk, says that crooked is stronger; so several times; the good brother lost all the gold, the horse, both eyes; the evil one gouged them out to him; left them by the pond; at night he hears the pitchforks coming to swim, one says that this water can heal blind and maimed people, including the leper princess; the young man sees the light, heals the princess, marries her; the evil brother went to listen to the pitchfork's conversation, they tore him apart]: Karadzic 1856 c Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991:154-155 (=Dmitriev, Volkonsky 1956:76-78, =Arkhipova 1962:167-168, =Eschker 1992, No. 7:50-53); Bulgarians: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 613 [two brothers (sister cities) they argue whether good is true or wrong; decide to ask the first person they meet who loses will take out the other's eyes; the devil meets in the form of a priest, an old man, etc., says that nothing is true in the next world not worth it; a crooked man takes out his brother's eyes, robs him; or one brother gives another food in exchange for his eyes; or a person is robbed and blinded by his companion (sister); at a spring, lake, etc. blind overhears the conversation of devils, animals or birds; learns secrets from it; 1) the water of the source restores vision, the blind sees the light; 2) heals the princess, marries her; 3) gets a treasure; 4) repairs the water mill; 5) brings water to a city suffering from water; 6) helps to complete the bridge that had previously collapsed; meets his brother (sister), tells him everything; he goes to the meeting point devils or animals, they find and kill them], 676 [an orphan goes for firewood, sees the robbers open the door to the cave (hollow, house) with a magic word, hide their prey there, leave; orphan says the same word, takes gold, gets rich; his brother (son, friend) finds out about it (by pieces of gold stuck to the bottom of the borrowed vessel), enters the cave, greedily grabs the treasure, but forgetting magic word, can't go out and dies (killed by returning robbers)], 729 [fisherman drops an ax (net) into the water; fish (sea dump) shows him gold (gold), silver, finally his his own ordinary; the poor man asks for his own, gets all three; another person deliberately drops the ax, tells the fish that he has lost the golden ax, it gives him nothing], 735**** [the poor man saves, heals the swallow, that brings him three wonderful seeds, he gets rich; his rich brother deliberately maims, then heals the swallow; three seeds brought to it bring him ruin and death]: 223, 235, 251, 253-254; Klyagina-Kondratyeva 1951 [older brother Righteous, younger Crooked; younger: Let's go ask if the person you meet answers that crooked is better than the truth, I'll prick out your eyes; damn it turned into a priest, answered that it's better, the younger one gouged out the elder's eyes; he climbed a tree; devils gathered under the tree; everyone tells what evil he did; one sent ulcers on the princess, the other damaged the mill, and the third was the one who turned his ass; the fourth did nothing, they began to beat him, he shouted that the water from a neighboring spring would restore his sight, repair the mill and heal the princess; the blind man recovered, the miller thanked him with money, the king gave wealth; upon learning about this, Crooked ordered him to gouge out his eyes, leave him under a tree; devils tore him to pieces]: 105-109; Greeks [two neighbors return from work; lazy asks for diligent lend him money; suggests asking three people he meets if God rewards virtue; each answers no; the lazy wins the argument, leaves the borrowed money for himself; then blinds the companion, takes the rest, throws him into the abyss; the blind climbs onto a pear; hears the demons talking; one blinded the princess; the other collapses the walls of the monastery, four white women must be placed at the corners black lambs; the third tells how one neighbor blinded another; next to a pear there is a hole of water that restores vision; a blind person heals himself, tells monks to slaughter lambs, heals the princess; the king appoints him as manager; he gathers people in the church, thanks the one who blinded him; he asks him to do the same, hides on a pear; demons notice him, tear him apart]: Megas 1970, No. 40:127-133; Romanians [the rich man did not give the poor man fire; he noticed a fire in the distance, came to a fire around which there are 12 men; these are months; he asks them to give fire; they ask what month is for him the best; poor: August, the poor have bread; August gives fire and advises you to go around the farm; the bins are filled with grain, and the barn is filled with cattle; when the rich learned about this, they extinguished the fire in the hearths, came to months and said that March is the best; by this time the poor run out of hay and wheat supplies and come to the rich to work for little hay and grain; so the poor remain poor, and the rich are rich; March gives fire and tells them to enclose farms; everything burns]: Bîrlea 1966:418-419; Moldovans [after the death of his parents, three brothers separate; the youngest sleeps in a tree, hears the devils talking; one sent a pestilence to the cattle, the medicine was acacia seed; the other sent a drought - you have to plunge a spear between two mountains with lobes, the water will return to the wells; the third caused the disease to princess - you need to make a worm tincture, give her a drink; the guy cured the cattle, plunged his spear between the crushing mountains, cured the princess, married her and received an award; told the brothers everything, they climbed on a tree, their devils tore them to pieces]: Moldavian tales 1968:361-366; Slovenes (Berdo, 1873) [the servant noticed that the hostess disappears from home every night; after following her, he saw that she lifted the stove, took out something like an ointment, smeared it, grabbed the bolt, and left; the servant he smeared himself with that ointment, grabbed the bolt, and ended up in a foreign country; there were a lot of women there, with the hell; the hell asked, "What do you want here, man?" ; the servant replied that he had a hump and asked him to be healed; the devil cut off his hump with a thread; the servant went back and, eight days later, was at home; the humpback man asked him where he had got rid of his hump; the servant told him, advised him to do the same; the humpback went to that foreign country; the devil asked him why he had come; the humpback asked him to remove his hump; the devil threw him another hump (that servant's hump); humpback wandered fifteen days before returning home]: Baudouin de Courtenay 1904, No. 1.2:90-92.

Central Europe. The Czechs [the good brother inherited the house from his father, and the evil brother inherited the whole household; the good brother complained to the court, was refused; but repeated that there is justice in the world; he came to evil to ask for bread; he told him to gouge out his eyes; if you see the light, then there is justice; left him under the pillar of justice {?} ; two crows flew in at night; first: there is no water in one city, we must open a spring in the rock; second: 10 steps to the right there is a spring from the water of which even blind people from birth can see through; the poor man found the spring, washed his eyes, saw the light; went to that city, opened the water; the king rewarded him, gave him a horse; he tells everything to the rich brother; he stays overnight at the pole; one raven to another: be silent, we were eavesdropped ; crows found a man, scratched their eyes, tore them apart in the field]: Němcová 1990:218-220; Luzhitsy (Upper Lusatia) [a young forester argued with a stranger whether lawlessness is possible for money turn into law; three sworn attorneys answered that it was possible; the stranger burned his eyes, left him on the road to the gallows; night fell, the road was over, the forester heard three spirits talking; one says that he has deprived the residents of the city of water; for the spring to clog again, the toad sitting on it must be removed; the princess will recover if you remove the silver carnation hammered over her bed; to a person who burned your eyes, you can regain your eyesight if you moisten your eye sockets with water from a spring near the hang; in the morning, a forester began to ask about the source, an old woman brought him to him, he saw the light; in the city he found and removed the toad, the water flowed, the forester was rewarded; pretending to be a healer, the forester began to give medicine to the princess, and quietly took out the carnation; the forester found a stranger, told him everything and married the princess; The stranger went to the gallows at night, his spirits tore him apart and hung pieces on the three corners of the gallows]: Lifshits-Artemyeva 2017:172-176 (=Wratislaw 1890, No. 14:92-97); the Poles [two companions (brothers) are arguing which is better: true or crooked; a truthful loses and is blinded; or a hungry poor man receives bread from a rich man (brother) in exchange for his eyes; a blind person overhears the conversation of spirits ( animals, birds) and learns how to regain her eyesight, cure the queen (you must kill the toad that swallowed the wafer), get water in a waterless place, revive a dried tree, etc.; marries a queen; Upon learning about this, a supporter of Krivda goes to the same place and kill with spirits (beasts)]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 613:197-198; Slovaks [the eldest of the two half-brothers is rich and angry, the youngest is poor and kind ; froze and decided to go to the glass mountain; there were 12 men sitting around the fire, changing places one by one; finally, a bearded old man told him to pick up the coals and go home; at home, the coals turned into gold ducats; he asked his brother for the scales, who smeared them with resin, several coins stuck; the elder brother told me where the money came from, otherwise he would report that the younger one had stolen it; came to the glass mountain; 12 sitting by The fire began to beat and torment him one by one, the elder ate him; the younger brother healed well, married; once his wife disappeared, he went in search; the lord of water sends him to the master of fire, and he sent him to the glass grief; witches and sorcerers demand that he recognize his wife among a hundred women; he could easily find out, his wife rushed to him and whispered that tomorrow it would be difficult to recognize her among 200 women; we must go up to the glass mountain to the time lord and ask him; the wife also said that the hunter turned her and other women into ducks and brought her to the mountain; on the mountain, the time lord (this is the same old man by the fire) says that the wife of the person who comes will have a black thread on his shoe; the husband recognized his wife and they returned home]: Dobšinský 1970, No. 45:229-234; Russian written tradition: Tarkovsky, Tarkovskaya 2005, No. 40 [" Jesop Frigi's parables, or fabulousness, by Fyodor Gozvinsky (1607, more than 20 copies of the 17th - early 18th centuries, including The Book, Verbal Jesop), which are a translation of the younger edition of Aesop's fables, published circa 1479 Bon Accurus in Milan: a woodcutter dropped an ax into the river and began to cry; Ermis took a golden axe out of the river and offered the lumberjack; he said that the axe was not his; Ermis took out a silver axe; a woodcutter refused it too; Yermis took out an iron axe; the woodcutter admitted the axe; Yermis gave him all three axes; the woodcutter told other people about the incident; one man came to the river, threw an ax there and began to cry; Yermis took a golden axe out of the water and asked if it had been lost; the man exclaimed that the axe was his (option: Ermis offered him his iron ax; the man refused; Yermis took out a gold axe axe; the man said that this axe was his); Yermis did not give him a single ax]; No. 131 ["Jesop" by Simbirsk captain Pyotr Kashinsky (1675, of the two surviving lists, one dates back to 1684, and the other is from the first third of the 18th century), which consists of three books and is a free translation of fables from the collection "Przypowieśći Aezopowe, z Łacińskiego na Polskie z pilnośćią przełozone. Przydane sů k temu przypowieśći z Gabryela Greka y Laurenthego Abstemiusa", published in Krakow around 1600: a peasant dropped his axe into the river and began to grieve; an angel who appeared asked happened; when he found out what was going on, he offered a golden ax; the peasant did not recognize it; the angel showed the silver axe; the peasant refused it too; the angel offered an iron ax; the peasant recognized it; the angel gave him all three axes; the peasant told his comrades what had happened; one of them came to the same place, threw the axe into the water and cried; the angel showed him the golden ax; the comedian said it was his axe; the angel did not give him either a gold or an ax thrown into the water (book 1: "The Parable of Jesop Frantsky")]: 224, 270-271, 403-404; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Olonetskaya, Novgorod, Pskov, Tverskaya, Tula, Voronezh, Kursk, Ryazan, Tambov), Ukrainians, Belarusians [Truth and Krivda: two people argue about life; a supporter of Krivda gouges out the eye of a truth-lover; blind, after overhearing the devils's conversation, he learns how to regain his sight and heal the princess; sees the light, marries the princess; his opponent, who also tried to overhear the devils's conversation, is torn apart by devils]: SUS 1979, No. 613: 167; Russians (Pskov) [one guy says that there is truth, another says that there is no; they went to their grandmother, she gave food only to someone who did not believe in the truth; the other asks to give it to him; a friend gives only after when he allowed him to dig out his eyes; he climbed an oak tree; three come up: if you walk three steps, there will be a bottle that helps the blind; and then the second with a medicine that will cure the king's daughter; a guy he found the bubbles, saw the light, cured the princess, the king rewarded him; upon learning of this, a supporter of untruth climbed into the same oak tree for the night; those who came argue: who saved the prince's daughter? they probably eavesdropped on us; they found the one who hid and gouged out his eyes]: Ploshchuk 2004, No. 40:124-125; Russians (Ryazanskaya) [two brothers are millers, one grinds - takes dearly, the other is cheap; the rich is jealous ; calls the poor to the forest to look for a shaft for the mill; the poor did not take bread, he was hungry; the poor brother asks the rich to give him bread; rich: give me an eye, I'll give you an eye; poor: if there is nothing to do; rich eye to him pricked out, gave bread; walked through the forest; crooked wanted to eat again - the same; the rich left; night came, the blind man climbed a pine tree; three okayashki come, talk; one: who is blind, get up to the light, anoint it with dew eyes will see the light; second: they make a mill in one place, they dig a pond, there is no water; if you dig up the bush, there will be a lot of water; third: the king's daughter is sick, you need to catch the frog, fry it, let it eat, healthy it will be; the okayashki are gone; the peasant got off the pine tree, anointed his eyes three times with dew - saw the light; went where the mill was being made, ordered to dig up the bush, there was a lot of water; the contractor gave money; the peasant went to the king: can cure the princess; the princess ate the frog, became healthy, the peasant was given gold and silver, he returned home, sent his son to his brother for a measure; the money was measured, two nickels stuck; the elder brother realized that the brother he measured the money, the youngest told everything; the eldest asks him to poke out his eyes and take him to the forest; the blind elder brother sat down on a pine tree; three okayashki came and said: one man saw the light, the mill was grinding, the royal daughter recovered, someone overheard if anyone was there now; looked, saw his older brother and tore him apart]: Khudyakov 1964, No. 7:74-75; Russians (Chistopol district of Tatarstan) [man, merchant, pop everyone answers Crooked (K.) and Truthful (P.) that it is better to live crooked; K. gives P. bread, pulling out first one eye, then the second eye; throws it; God directs P. to the key, the water of which restores vision; tells the oak tree to overhear the conversation of the spirits; one demon says that he will be expelled from the princess by someone who gets the image of the Smolensk Mother of God from the merchant; P. has been working for two years, receiving an image, expelling a demon, marries a princess; visits K., tells his story; he climbs an oak tree, his spirits smelled it, tore it apart]: Afanasiev 1958 (2), No. 115:195; Russians (Voronezh) [Two brothers, rich and poor They argue how it is easier to live, crooked or true. The poor are on the side of the truth, the rich are crooked. They cannot agree and decide to ask an outsider if he admits the strength behind the crooked - the rich will prick out his eyes, if the truth is poor. Brothers meet Satan, he chooses crooked. A dazzled poor man gets lost in the forest and falls asleep under an aspen where devils gather. He hears the hell bragging about having a fight between two brothers and tells us how to heal one of them: anoint it with liquid from a vial buried 15 steps under a stone. The poor man also learns about the kingdom in which water has gone, how to return it, how to heal a princess whose hell took the "zhovka" (chewed but not swallowed food) from her mouth, how to drive the devils out of the royal palace. The poor man regains his sight, in the kingdom where water has disappeared, he returns it, collects a prayer service from the "well", secretly adds water to the well from a special jug, heals the princess, returning her buried with a devil (dissolves in water), frees the royal palace from devils (he digs up the skin of a dead horse in the stable, waves it at the walls of the palace and the unclean spirit disappears). In every kingdom, a poor man is rewarded, and three years later he returns to his wife as a rich man. The ruined rich brother is jealous of him, his wife gouges out his eyes and takes him to the aspen, whose poor brother has fallen asleep. At midnight, devils gather, notice the eavesdropping person and "tear to pieces"]: Baryshnikova 2007, No. 10:76-80; Ukrainians [the king is lost, spends the night in the attic of a coal miner, his wife gives birth; hears how angels predict that the boy should marry the king's daughter, who was born at the same hour; the coal miner's wife died during childbirth, the husband gave the baby to the king, who threw him into the river, he was caught by a fisherman, called As a swimmer; the king found out; the king gives P. a letter ordering him to kill the giver, orders him to be taken to the Queen; on the way, the Mother of the Sun replaces the letter with an order to marry P. to their daughter; the king orders his son-in-law bring three golden hair from Grandfather Vseved; on the way 1) people ask to know why there is no water in the well, 2) the carrier - how long does he have to be a carrier, 3) people - why he will not give birth to an apple tree; Mother of the Sun hides P ., her fiery son enters; she pulls his hair three times, asking questions; it is necessary to remove the frog that has closed the water, the carrier must put another in his place, remove the stone from the root of the apple tree; the owners of the apple tree and the well give gold and silver, the carrier P. tells lime after he has transported it; the king also goes to his grandfather Vseved in the hope of getting rich; the carrier throws him an oar, reserves]: Verkhovyna's Tales 1970:272-277; Ukrainians (Kharkiv) [A rich brother agrees to give the poor bread only if he allows him to poke out his eyes, the poor man agrees. A rich brother cuts off the poor's ears, arms, legs, gouges out his eyes, the poor man rolls and falls into a fox hole. At night, he hears Yuri (it is not clear who it is), who ran to hunt for foxes, predicts that any patient, including the royal daughter, will recover in the morning dew, calls the stone under which water flows (in a kingdom where there is no water). The poor man rolls through the dew in the morning, becomes the same, heals the princess, tells people what stone the water flows under. He is generously rewarded, he becomes richer than his brother, who asks him for bread, asks him to gouge out his eyes, cut off his ears, legs and arms, the former poor man gives bread for free, but his brother insists, asks to take him to that same fox hole. My brother fulfills the request. Cripple, a former rich brother, hears Yuri angry that he was overheard, "bald dog" points to a cripple, animals tear him apart]: Grinchenko 1895, No. 163:177-179; Belarusians [two travelers, Krivda stole, The truth asked for bread; the people he met answer that it is better to live crooked; Pravda ran out of food, Krivda gave bread, took out his eyes for this; The truth spent the night in the hollow of an oak tree; hears the conversation of snakes; one torments the queen; it is necessary to take the icon from the merchant, put it in water, let the queen drink it, recover; True, he served for the icon for three years; healed the queen; got her as a wife, brought her to him; Krivda went spend the night with that oak tree; snakes killed him]: Romanov 1887, No. 72:322-323; Ukrainians, Belarusians [Two brothers and a bird (swallow): poor brother saves a bird, cares about its nest ; in gratitude for this, she gives him a wonderful seed (three grains) with which he grows rich; a rich brother cares for a bird that he has deliberately maimed, receives a seed from it that brings him misfortune (he gets robbed, his house burns down)]: SUS 1979, № -735****: 182.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kabardian residents [Dobryak and Miser went to work; Dobryak ran out of water; Miser let him drink twice, for which he gouged out one eye first, then the other; along the Dobryak River he came to a ruined mill; heard a bear, a wolf, a fox talking; an apple tree leaf near the mill will heal all diseases, and if anyone finds out and picks it off, the apple tree will dry up; the shepherd is blind in one eye and the wolf creeps up on the herd on the side where the shepherd does not see; in this herd there is a ram with a big fat tail; if the prince's sick daughter is fed meat and bathed in broth, she will recover; there is a pile of golden sand in the forest, a fox in it He was swimming; the good man saw the light, said the prince. About the ram, the daughter recovered, the prince gave an arba of supplies for the winter; on the way home, Dobryak took the fox gold; told the Miser about everything; he came to spend the night at the mill; the animals talked about their troubles, found and ate the Miser]: Kardanov 196:78-84; pbazins [Myta goes to hire a laborer, takes Kyt as his companion; gives him his horse, and he rode it off; M. spent the night in a hut, hears animals talking; bear: the decoction of herbs growing around the lake is healing; wolf: I quietly steal sheep, only a cropler's dog can catch up with me; tiger: and I steal foals, only a stallion who is held on a leash can catch up with me; M. taught shepherds and herdsmen how to defend themselves against a wolf and a tiger, cured a paralyzed princess, married her along with an award; after learning about this, K. went to spend the night in a hut; the pheasant shouted to the wolf and the tiger that the culprit for their misfortunes was in a hut, the animals tore him apart]: Tugov 1985, No. 56:170-172; Balkarians [one brother Lamart ("cruel heart "), the other is Chumart ("kind-hearted"); on the way, L. offers to eat C.'s cake and cheese first, and tomorrow it; at night he leaves, leaving C. without provisions; he spends the night in an old mill, hears the animals talking; Fox: there is a tree by the river, its leaves cure blindness; Wolf: a royal daughter can be cured with sheep broth from a half-blind shepherd; Bear: in a waterless village, you have to move a stone, the spring will be clogged; C. heals the shepherd's eyes, gets a sheep, opens a spring, heals the princess, gets gold, silver, horses, returns home; C. spends the night in the same mill, the animals find him, bite him, he barely escapes]: Kapiyeva 1991:109-114; Karachays [the stingy brother went on a journey with his good brother; got on his horse, left; the good one spent the night in the cave; heard a fox, a wolf, a bear talking; a fox: playing with a golden doomed; wolf: stealing the sheep of a blind shepherd; he does not know what he will see by anointing his eyes with the fat of a gray lamb; bear: I eat one woman at a time when they go to get water; they do not know that water is nearby in the village, they must dig a hole; the shepherd takes a fox hoop, heals the shepherd's eyes, who gives half the herd; digs a well, gets a lot of money; when he finds out, the stingy brother went to the cave; animals say that someone recognized them secrets, found a stingy man and tore it apart]: Borovkov 1937:9-11; Balkarians or Karachays [a rich neighbor persuaded the poor to give him the only chicken - in return he will give him grain; the chicken is cooked, rich asks her to divide; he gives the owner a head, the hostess a tail, his daughter wings, his son a neck, the leftovers to the one who shared; the owner is happy, gives the chicken and gifts; after learning about the reward, another person brings five chickens , but he cannot divide it into four; the name of the poor man says that if you add one chicken to four people, it will be five, and one (i.e. himself) four will also have five; the rich man likes the poor man takes chickens, but the one who brought four chickens is left with nothing]: Aliyeva, Kholaev 1983:72-77; Ossetians: Britayev, Kaloev 1959 [on the way, the unfair offers to eat fair food first, and his own gives only in exchange for eyes and left; the fair one climbed into the hole and climbed the ottoman; at night he hears animals talking; bear: if you anoint your eyes with honey from the hollow, you will see the light; fox: I have a bag of gold in my corner; wolf: the shepherd is my friend; the fair one saw the light, told the shepherd to kill the shepherd, getting half the herd, took the gold; when he found out, the unjust one climbed into the same hole; the animals tore it]: 363-365 (= Britayev, Kazbekov 1951:45-47); Dirr 1920, No. 28 [the rich man took the poor man hunting; the poor man soon ran out of food; the rich man promised to share if he gave him his eye, then the second; the poor man climbed on attic of an abandoned house; bear, wolf and fox came in; fox: I have gold; if I shake it, there is food and drink; bear: I have even more gold; wolf: when I steal sheep and am wounded, I go back to this tree and it heals any wounds; when the animals are gone, the poor man took the gold, saw the light again thanks to the tree; when he came to the shepherds, he shot the wolf, taking his brain; the wolf crawled to the tree, but it lost strength; with a wolf brain, the former poor man cured the prince; he gave the best horse and equipment; the rich man also decided to spend the night in that house; the bear and fox first accused the wolf of stealing gold, killed him, and then found a man; killed, regretting that they had killed a friend before]: 136-151; Nogais: Nogai 1979, No. 30 [=Kapaev 2012:331-332; the poor man dropped an ax into the river; Mother of Water offers him gold, silver axes, but the poor man takes only his own; receives gold and silver as a reward; a rich neighbor deliberately throws an ax into the river; says that gold is his, Mother does not give him even iron water], 36 [poor the worker brought the khan a goose to be paid more; the khan demands that the goose be divided; the poor man gives his head to the khan, his neck to the hansha (let him follow her husband), each daughter has a wing (they will fly away), and his sons legs ( khan's support), takes his torso; the khan gave the poor man; the rich neighbor brings 5 geese, cannot divide them into 6 people, the name of the poor man; he puts one goose between the khan and the khansha (now there are three of them), two the others are between the daughters and sons of the khan (also three), takes two for himself (and there are three of them); the khan again gave the poor man, the rich man was left with nothing]: 143-144, 156-157; Avars [Generous and Greedy went to way; the Greedy man offered to eat the Generous's food first, and then left him; he spent the night in an abandoned mill, heard a fox, a wolf and a bear talking; when the mouse carried gold out of the hole in the mill ditch; A black sheep on the mountain produces more wool than a whole herd; a treasure is buried at the city gate; the Generous takes treasures, buys a black sheep, gets rich; after learning about this, the Greedy goes to the mill; animals they think that someone overheard them that time, they are killing the Greedy]: Atayev 1972, No. 22:29-30; the Didois (Tsezes) [Sakhavat and Karum ("generous" and "greedy") went on a journey, K. does not want to share food, S. with him broke up; spends the night in the mill, hears animals talking; fox: tomorrow the mouse will bring treasures; wolf: Khan's daughter has a broken eye, it can be replaced by a dog; bear: bears lift up cattle that go to watering hole; if you dig in the middle of the village, score the key, the cattle will be intact; S. killed a mouse, inserted a dog's eye in the khan's daughter, received an award, ordered to dig under a stone in the village, clogged a spring, S. received the award again; K . went to spend the night in the same mill, the animals found him and beat him]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 96:429-431; Dargin residents [the poor mother's son brought the only chicken as a gift to the rich man; he tells him to divide it; young man gives a head to a rich man, a heart to his wife, wings to sons, legs to daughters, keeps the rest for himself; receives half a bag of gold as a reward; a neighbor wants more gold, brings five chickens; does not share He knows, one of the daughters and he did not get anything himself; the rich man calls yesterday's poor man; he gives one chicken to his husband and wife (three), one to two brothers (three), one to two sisters (three), the remaining two keeps himself (also three); gets half a bag of gold; the nuker says that the rich man will go broke, goes to take the gold; asks the poor man where the middle of the earth is; he tells him to give him his horse, gun and clothes; shoots a nuker under his feet, he runs away, comes to serve another rich man; advises to demand half a herd from the first rich man: because his stallions have burnt, his neighbor's mares brought foals; rich man summons the old poor man; he comes to the village of the second rich man with five nukers, tells him to kill all the dogs: they dispersed the wolves of another village; if this is not possible, then the mares did not necklace because of laughing stallions; a rich man demands to sew an iron fur coat, the poor man tells you to make iron threads; rich man: you are still beardless; poor man: take a long-bearded goat; the first rich man gave his daughter to the poor man]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 31: 144-147; Lucky [brothers Lovemart and Chumart went to work; L. offers to eat C.'s supplies first; then shares his own in exchange for C.'s eyes; C. spends the night in the mill, hears the animals talking; fox: a leaf from a neighboring tree will heal a blind man; wolf: shepherd's dog broth will cure a pachaha's daughter; bear: gold in a nearby cave; C. saw the light, took out gold, bought a dog from a shepherd, cured his daughter pachaha, received an award; L. also goes to the cave, the animals found it, tore it up]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 95:426-427; tatas [Merd and Nemerd go to look for work, eat Merda's churek, then N. refuses share food with M., throws it; M. spends the night in the mill, hears animals talking; ferret: there is gold under the roof of the mill; there are seven trees in the forest from which honey flows; jackal: there are seven vessels of gold in the landfill; wolf: the padishah's daughter will recover by eating black sheep fat from a neighboring flock; M. took the ferret's gold, bought a ram, cured the padishah's daughter, got her as his wife, built a palace in a landfill and dug up gold, transplanted honey trees to the palace, inherited the padishah's throne; N. calls, tells him everything; he goes to the mill, his animals have torn him to pieces]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 98:435-439; Georgians: Kurdovanidze 1988 ( 2), No. 88 (the place of recording is unknown) [the poor man's son goes to work as a laborer, a rich merchant volunteers to go with him; offers to eat the poor man's supplies first; throws him in the forest; he spends the night in the mill; Lisa takes his remaining three khachapuri, gives it to the Bear and the Wolf, does not tell them that there is a young man here; says that a mouse lives in the mill, she has money; Wolf says that black sheep liver can cure a blind person king; Bear - that by cutting down a poplar, you can open water, save a waterless kingdom; a young man kills a mouse, takes money, buys a black sheep, heals the king, he pays in gold, cuts poplar, gets treasures ; at home, he tells the merchant about everything; he goes to the mill for the night, the animals ate him], 104 [the liar and the truthful went on a journey, the liar took a bag of food for himself, promised to share food if truthful He will tear out his eyes, put a stone in his hand and ran away; the truthful climbed on the pear; three lines under the pear are talking; the one who washed his eyes with water from the spring will see the light; the treasure under the plane tree; the king's daughter will recover if killed the toad under her ottoman; the blind man saw the light, got a treasure for one king, cured the other's daughter, received a reward from both, told the liar everything; he climbed onto the pear, the devils killed him]: 107-112, 178 -180; Chikovani 1954 [two older brothers eat the youngest's cake, drive him away; after eating figs, the youngest lies under a tree, hears a conversation between the Bear, the Wolf, the Jackal; the bear says that in waterless Trebizond must dig a plane tree, water will appear; Wolf, that the king's son will recover if he wraps himself in the skin of a stained sheep from the royal herd; Jackal, that a treasure is buried at the roots of an aspen growing nearby, at sunrise they take it out to dry; the young man kills the mice, takes the treasure; opens water to the Trebizond people, heals the king's son, receives gifts; talks about everything to the brothers; they hide under figs; the animals say that the treasure they took it away, the king's son recovered, water appeared in Trebizond; older brothers are found and eaten]: 128-130; 1986 [the youngest son drops an ax into the river; the old man pulls out gold, then silver, young man refuses to take it; takes his own, gets the other two; the elder brother throws the ax on purpose, says that gold is his; the old man does not give anything]: 389-390; Armenians (Ararat Valley) [Right and The wrong agreed to ask the person they met which of them should go forward; the winner will cut out the eyes of the loser; the old man replies that the wrong man; he threw the blinded man at the mill; the owner says that devils are in the mill, but the Right asks to leave him there; the devils report their achievements; one drove the princess crazy, she will be cured by the blood of the Black Shepherd; the other said he was the old man who supported Wrong; the third says that if a blind man digs a hole in a plane tree, moistens his eye sockets with water, and puts his eyes cut out in them, he will see the light; the fourth devil quarreled with people who dug gold from under the millstone , they killed each other; in the morning, the Right asked the owner of the mill to take him to the plane tree; when he saw the light, took out gold, bought a shepherd, cured the princess, married her, reigned after the death of his father-in-law; found the Wrong and He told him everything; he went to the mill; the devils wrapped him in a carpet and beat him to death]: Khachatryants 1933:241-245 (=Karapetyan 1967:161-165); Azerbaijanis: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935 [Miserly offered to eat the Generous's chorek first, but did not share his own; Generous spends the night in the mill, hears the animals talking; fox: I take money from the treasure and spend it; bear: I take honey from the hollow; wolf: I can't approach the herd because of the shepherd's dog; the one who mixed the brain of this dog and the black ram will cure the sick princess; the generous went to the king, cured his daughter, got her as his wife, took out treasure and honey; finding out what case, Miser also spent the night at the mill, the animals tore him to pieces]: 325-328; Marchenko 1993 [brothers Merd ("generous") and Merd ("treacherous") went to look for work; N. offered to eat M.'s supplies first, and after he did not share his own; he agreed to feed M., taking out his eyes, but did not give him food, threw him in the forest; M. overheard the conversation between Leo, Wolf, Fox at night; 1) a sick person who drank the blood of a shepherd's dog, will recover; 2) the Rat has jugs of gold in the cave; two pigeons say that they will cure M.; one drops the pen, they need to run over their eyes inserted into the eye sockets, they will see again; M. saw the light, took gold, bought a dog, cured her with blood from madness, the daughter of the padishah, married her; sees N., forgives, he goes to spend the night in the forest, the animals have torn him to pieces]: 270-275; Nabiev 1988 [honest gardener and dishonest the merchant argues whether to be honest or deceive; those who meet decide in favor of the merchant, he takes the gardener's property; the gardener enters the robbers' cave, hears their conversation; they have robbed the treasury Shah, the gardener tells the Shah where the treasure is; takes only a small reward; asks that all victims of robbers take their part; the merchant wants to know how the gardener became rich; he advises tell everyone that it was he who solved the secret of the robbers; the people met by the merchant themselves turned out to be robbers; they robbed him clean and brutally beat him]: 96-100; Turks [rich single brother does not borrow money to a poor married man; he goes on a journey; spies on the devas open the door in the rock with the word Chung, close them with the word Chang; the devas leave, the man collects treasures, returns home; a rich brother follows in his footsteps, enters the cave, forgets Chang's word, the devas find him, kill him]: Tsvetinovich 1959:91-93.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Osmanov 1987 [the teacher bothers the merchant's daughter; she ran away, bought a dog from a shepherd, put on dog skin, became a dog; began to live with an old woman; the padishah's son saw her take pictures skin and washes; bought a dog, forced his parents to marry him, told the dog to become a girl; everyone is happy; the padishah's other son also told him to marry a dog; the dog did not become a girl, but bit him ]: 374-376; Rosenfeld 1956 [Putny meets Neputny, they go together; N. offers to eat P.'s supplies first, leaves him; P. sleeps in the mill, hears animals talking; leopard: mice have mice on the roof mills gold; wolf: the brain of a shepherd's dog will cure the royal daughter of madness; fox: a treasure in the ruins of the castle; P. takes gold from mice, buys a dog, heals the princess, gets her as a wife, finds a treasure, shah makes him an heir; he meets N., he goes to the mill, the animals find him, the lion tells him to tear him apart]: 34-40; mountain Tajiks [two sons from one wife, one from the other; after death father's older brothers took away the youngest's land; the youngest sees smoke rising from the house, then 41 divas come out of there; the guy enters the house, brings his mother a gold bar from there; sharpened it, taking a bar from neighbor, pieces of gold remained on the bar, the older brothers began to ask where the younger one got him; went to the divas house, did not notice that the 41st divas were at home, he killed them; his younger brother defeated him, pushed him into a hole, killed the other divas one by one; when he left, told his mother not to step on the slop outside the threshold; she stepped, saw the diva in the hole, agreed to release him when he called himself her husband; gave birth to a son, put her on the road, the human son brought it himself; the diva son grew up, heard divas and mother negotiating to kill a human son; the divas decided to turn into a snake, sting the young man; the young divas carried his brother on the back, divas he stung his own son, but he did not die; the same for the second time; the third time the old woman locked the young man in the room where the diva hid; the diva's son broke the door, helped his brother kill the diva and mother; the brothers healed together]: Rosenfeld, Rychkova 1990, No. 3:39-41; Sarykoltsy [a good man and a bad man travel together; a good man asks a bad person for a piece of bread; a bad one tells him to gouge out his eye; a good man does it ; a few days later, he asks the bad man again for a piece of bread; he again tells him to poke out his eye; the good one does it, becomes blind; the bad one leaves him and leaves; in the evening a dog comes and takes the good one away a man in a cave; after a while, a wolf, a bear, a fox and an evil spirit ("nightmare") come there; the bear asks the fox where it came from; the fox: from the royal city; the bear: what is the news? fox: the king's daughter is blind; wolf: she can be cured with blue goat skin; bear: there is a tree in front of the cave, and a puddle at its foot; if a blind man puts his hand in it, he splashes water a tree, and then rubs his eyes with this water, he will see the light; a good man hears their conversation and goes to that puddle the next day; does as the bear said and gains sight; then goes to to the king, tells him that there is a blue-skinned goat among his herds, and tells him to bring it; with this skin, he restores the king's daughter's sight and eventually marries her; a bad man comes and asks he has treasures; a good man sends him to a cave; when he finds only food and clothes, the bad one stays there for the night; the wolf who comes kills him]: Shaw 1876, No. 1:42-44; (cf. Ishkashim {Grierson 1920:2: The Ishkashim version is translated from Shugnan, and the Shugnan text is a translation of the Sarykol text published in Shaw 1876} [good and evil set off; good asked for bread; the evil one gave it twice, for this he pricked out one eye, then the other eye; the evil one left, it became dark; the dog came up; the good man grabbed her by the tail, she brought him into the cave; the wolf came there, bear, fox and evil spirit (night-mare); fox: the king's daughter is ill, the king tells the viziers to find a doctor; wolf: there is a blue goat in the royal herd; you must put his skin on your eyes, you will recover; bear: before plane tree cave, pond next to it; you have to moisten your hand in the water, put it on the trunk of the plane tree, and then to your eyes - you will see the light; in the morning good did so, I saw the light; I came to the king, asking not to execute the viziers, but to find blue goat; the princess's eyes recovered, the king gave her a good wife; came evil, kind told him about the cave; the beasts tore him apart]: Grierson 1920:65-68); Pashtuns [rider Mard borrows Namard his horse on foot; N. rode away, leaving M. in the mountains; M. spends the night in a cave, hears a conversation between Tiger, Wolf, Fox; finds out where gold is under the stone, how to make a cure for madness (mix tree leaves with through the eyes of a wolfhound), finds out where the mouse plays with gold coins; after mining coins, buys a wolfhound, heals the king's daughter from madness, builds a palace on the site of buried gold; one of the workers is N.; after learning the story of M. , he goes to the cave; the Tiger decides that their conversation is overheard, finds it, eats N.]: Lebedev 1955:43-52; Turkmens [Generous and Miserly went to the Kaaba; Miserly offered to eat Generous's cakes first, and then refused to share his own; went on, and the Generous turned back; spent the night in an abandoned house; a lion, a fox, a wolf came there; a lion: where a ploughman works under a destroyed house, a treasure was buried; fox: in front Money is also buried in this house; a man dug money, came to the padishah, cured his son with the medicine he received {some pass; is this a wolf's missed story?} , married the padishah's daughter and the land on which the treasure became rich; The miser comes to the Generous and, having found out what was going on, goes to that house; the lion tore him to pieces]: Stebleva 1969, No. 43:222-224; Uzbeks: Marchenko 1993 [Tugry ("honest") went on horseback to look for work, met Egra ("dishonest") singing, invited him to ride a little bit, he rode off; T. hid in the clearing in an old tone; heard conversation between Leo, Tiger, Bear, Wolf, Jackal, Fox; Fox has good things in the cave, the elk leaf will cure the Shah's daughter, the old man has a dog that can protect any herd, in a herd of bai a horse that will catch up with a tiger; T. helped the shepherds, rewarded a horse, cured the Shah's daughter, married her; told E. who came about everything; he spent the night in the forest, the animals tore him apart]: 230-234; Afzalov et al. 1972 (1): 74-75 (=Rogov 1980: 337-339) [the poor man cured the stork that had broken its wing; he threw three watermelon seeds on him; watermelons full of gold coins grew; the rich man broke the stork's leg with a stick, cured it, the stork and threw off his seeds; from Huge bumblebees flew out of the cut watermelon, bit the rich man and his relatives]: 337-339.

Baltoscandia. Norwegians [two brothers named True, Untrue); on the way they agree to share their food; eat V.; O. refuses to share, pulls out his brother's eyes, leaves him in the forest; he climbs a tree, hears animals talking; Bear: the King of England is almost blind, and the dew of this tree cures blindness; Wolf: his daughter is deaf and dumb, because a Toad sits under the floor of the church and altar, swallowing a piece of her wafer; bread must be removed from the Toad's belly, given to the princess, she will recover; Fox: there is no water in the king's palace, you have to dig in the yard, score the key; Hare: the king's garden does not bear fruit because around it a gold chain hedgehogs underground; V. regains his sight, digs up a spring, heals the king from blindness, digs up a gold chain, heals the princess, gets her married; during the wedding, the poor O. comes; When he finds out what's going on, he goes to the forest, climbs a tree; the bear says they were eavesdropped last time, so now it's better to keep quiet and leave]: Dasent 1970:1-7; Danes [two on Christmas wanderers knocked on a rich house, they were refused; they were sheltered in a poor one, a kid was stabbed to death; wanderers ask how many horns the kid had; two; so you can ask for jwuh wishes to come true; the poor want prosperity in this world and for everything to be good; they begin to get rich; a year later, the same wanderers come back to the poor; this time they ask to stay in a rich house - they are there waiting; the owner stabbed the bull, the hostess tells him to answer that the bull had 4 horns; horses break their legs on the way out of the church, the owner wants the devils to take them, the horses disappear; the wife wants the wagon to finally I arrived; this is how two wishes were used; the spouses quarrel, the husband wants his wife to grow horns and the wife to lose them; as a result, the couple did not buy anything and lost their horses]: Grundtvig 1920:193-198; Swedes [the hunchback comes to underground creatures (spirits); they ask permission to beat him and, in gratitude for permission, take the hump, give gold; upon learning about this, another hunchback comes to the same creatures, but only gets the second hump taken from the first one and coals]: Liungman 1961, No. 503:120; Faroese: Uther 2004 (1), No. 503:288-289; Eastern Sami (Skolts, Neiden) [pastor and his servant agree to argue to spend the night in church; the servant must go first; at low tide, he picks up one stone and the lower edge of the water, the second in the middle of the littoral and the third where the tide reaches; when midnight, at 2 am and 4 am the dead gather, the servant throws first the upper stone, then the middle stone, then the lower stone, the dead run away; the next night the pastor comes; in the morning the servant sees only the guts scattered across benches; the pastor's widow asks him to know how he is in the next world; a servant comes to the canopy of the church, asks the pastor; he replies that he is doing bad; tells him to throw clothes behind the dead when he leaves; the servant returned to the pastor's widow, told her everything]: Lagercrantz 1961, No. 287:114-120; the Eastern Sami [after the death of their father, three sons take turns to "get bread" and meet the old man; he asks dig it into the left ear, from there appear lard, meat, cauldron, firewood; in the right ear - vezha (dwelling); every time the old man goes to bed, the guy cooks meat; the mouse asks for it; the older, middle brothers beat the mouse on her nose, she is bleeding; the old man wakes up and his nose is bleeding; in the morning neither the old man nor the home; the youngest gives the mouse fat; the old man wakes up with bacon on his lips, gives the boy a hat (she walks over the heads herself) an ax (on stumps), a hare's head gives money; the boy marries, builds a wire]: Volkov 1995 (1946): 65; Western Sami [Table Hill island, where old Stallo lived; there was gold, but everyone was afraid sail; the ship brought to the west side of the island; people disembarked, made a tent out of sails; went to the other side of the island, went to Stallo's house, he lived there for 2000 years; told them to leave; people sailed to the boats, sailed away, but returned to the same island in the fog; at night, the wind smashed the boats, they came back to Stallo; Stallo led people to the east shore, where goat skeletons were covered, Stallo covered them seaweed, ordered two people to look into the sea, all six sailed in three boats; then they turned west, found themselves on a ship, there was silver and gold; the king found out, went to Stallo Island, began to demand gold; Stallo called sea spirits, monsters; the warriors almost defeated them; but the spirits killed the warriors, and the king returned to the ship; the next day a new battle; the dragon in clothes he killed the king from seaweed; the queen sent a ship but found no one]: Pollan 2005, No. 9:62-65; the Finns [the king does not want to give his daughter; promises her to someone who will build a ship moving on water and by land; two brothers answer the forest old man that they are going to make pig feeders; no matter how much they work, feeders come out instead of the ship; the younger brother is held for a fool; he shares the last with the old man with bread, answers that he wants a ship; the old man gives him a ship, tells him to take those who meet on it; this is 1) holding one leg in his hand, 2) closing one eye, 3) opening only half a mouth, 4) having in belly five winters; the king orders to bring water from afar for the bath; the one who held his leg turns out to be a speedboat, falls asleep, the second eye opens it, the one who opens his mouth calls out to him; the king tries to burn his friends in a copper bath that had five winters cools the heat; the king gives his daughter]: Viiding 1980:21-26; Karelians [the shepherd dropped a knife into the river; Ahti heard complaints, brought gold from the bottom; the shepherd said it was not his; A. brings silver, the same; brings iron, gives all three; another person deliberately threw a knife into the water; A. brought gold, he tried to grab it, could not, was left with nothing]: Petrukhin 2003:89; Estonians: Jakobson 1954 [a farmhand ended up in the woods when the Thunderstorm (Pikse) distributed food from the sky to wolves; he also receives a slice of bread from him with instructions to put the crumbs on the shelf; every morning from them then new bread grows; the owner asks why the farmhand is no longer hungry; when he finds out, he also goes to the forest; the Thunderstorm tells the last wolf that his share is in the bushes; the wolf agrees not to eat a man for a promise to give what appears first to him at home at the gate; the best bull comes out, the wolf kills him]: 162-165; J.Kunder in Põder, Tanner 2000 [so that after his father dies, he will take possession of all the property, the elder the brother dazzles the youngest in the forest; he hears two men talking in the bushes; learns that it is possible to see the light by wiping his eyes with dew; that there are many blind people in the copper city, and the well in the silver one has dried up, for the water veins crushed with a stone; in gold, a toad climbed under the altar, so the princess is sick; the young man sees the light himself, helps the residents of three cities; he is paid in gold; the elder brother goes to listen to the conversation of the little men, those they say that last time someone overheard them, finds them and kills him]: 82-89 (=Raud 2004:171-176); J.Parijõgi in Raud 2004:284-285 [the owner sent a farmhand to fish; he hid from the rain under with a boat, heard three mermaids talking; one said where the chest of gold was buried, the other said why it was not possible to build a mill dam (crosses should be placed in the water along the edges), how to cure it with meltwater the princess's sore eyes; the farmhand digs up gold; the owner himself goes to hide under the boat; mermaids say that someone has dug up gold, finds the hidden one, tickles to death; the farmhand builds a dam, gets a thousand rubles, heals the princess, marries her, reigns]; Normann, Lätt 1968 [Truth and Tõde ja Vale set off, agreed to eat the reserves of Truth first; then Krivda refused to share his own; promised to give bread after the Truth allowed him to be blinded; did not give it, left it in the cemetery; The truth sleeps in the chapel; from a conversation between two crows, he learns that there is to the right of the chapel a land that cures blindness; that the princess will recover if she drinks water from a spring under a large stone; The truth sees, heals the princess, marries her; upon learning about this, Krivda tells herself to be dazzled and left in the chapel; crows find him, kill him]: 153-156; Estonians [the worker cut a tree on the shore, the axe fell into the lake, the owner refused to give him a new one, promised not to pay if the worker did not find the ax; the waterman offered copper, silver, gold axes, the worker each time said that it was not his; the waterman took out his ax and gave the others; the owner deliberately dropped his ax, replied to the waterman that his other axes; the water disappeared along with the axes]: J.Kõrv in Põder, Tanner 2000:229-231 (=Raud 2004:120-122); set [poor brother goes to the rich man to ask for food, he refuses; poor brother goes to drown on the lake, but sees an abandoned boat, decides to fish; stays in the boat for the night, hears two devils talking from the bottom; one brags that he did a rich brother so harshly that he refused to help the poor; the other, who quarreled with two merchants in Riga; the first adds: and a pot of gold is buried under his younger brother's threshold; the next day, the poor brother digs up gold, getting richer; rich brother also goes to the lake; devils say they have been overheard, they notice a boat, strangled and drowned their rich brother]: Sandra 2004:111-113; Lutsie [poor brother has three children; for Easter no fire; went to the rich man, he let dogs on him; went to the forest, there was an old man by the fire; tells his dogs not to be afraid; gave coals and ordered houses to be scattered everywhere; the house was filled with food and goodness; rich brother also went to the old man for fire; scattered the coals given by the old man, the whole farm burned down]: Annom et al. 2018:23-24; Latvians: Alksnite et al. 1958 [the man needs a forest for the hut, he brought a goose to the master; the owner is head and neck, he is wise and powerful; wings for the lady and daughter so that their souls fly in heaven; legs to sons to be diligent and dexterous; he takes the rest for himself; the master is satisfied, gave forests; the old man brought six geese to the master, he does not know how to divide; the former man: a master with a lady and one goose - three; both sons and one goose - too; a lady with a young lady and one goose - too; me and two geese - also three; master gave the man more forests, and the old man left with nothing]: 461-462; Aris, Medne 1977, No. 613 [Three secrets. The poor brother goes to the rich man for bread, the rich one gouges his eyes out. The poor man sits under a tree, overhears birds and animals talking about how to regain sight, how to heal a princess, and how to provide the city with water. The blind man sees the light, heals the princess, gets water and is rewarded. He talks about everything to a rich man. The rich man gouges out his eyes, goes to eavesdrop on the animals talking, but they tear it apart], 729 [Three axes. The poor man drops an ax into the water. The waterman brings him a silver, then a golden ax, but the poor man only wants his own and gets all three. A rich man deliberately throws his ax, demands gold from the water one, but does not get a single one]: 306:315; Lithuanians: Lebite 1965:233-239 [the poor brother asks for rich bread, he gives it in exchange for eyes; a blind man comes to the forest, climbs a pine tree, animals gather under it; a rider rode, asks them about life, tells them three news himself; 1) a blind poor man will see the light if he washes himself with dew with this pine tree; 2) the royal will recover if you kill a toad under her floor; 3) if you move a stone, water will flow into the waterless city; the poor man sees the light, kills the toad, the king, then the townspeople reward him generously; At home, he sends his son to his brother to measure gold and silver, some coins remain on the measure; when he finds out what is going on, the rich man goes to the forest, hides in a pine tree; the animals say that someone overheard their conversation, they find a man, tear him apart], 240-242 [the poor man cut wood by the river, the ax fell into the pool; the lame old man jumps into the water, serves a golden ax, then a silver one; the poor man takes only an iron one, receives the first two as a reward for honesty; a greedy man deliberately drops an ax into the pool; the old man pulls it out, he refuses the silver one, recognizes him as golden; all three axes beat him], 344-345 [the old man took the goose to the master to ask for bread; the master's head was the head of everything; the tail to the hostess, his legs to his sons, the wings to his daughters, his carcass; the master was happy, rewarded him with money and bread; a rich man brought five geese; he cannot separate, they called the poor; he divides so that there are three; a master with a lady and one goose; sons and a goose; daughters and a goose; he himself and two geese; rewarded again, and rich sent with nothing]; Lithuanians [arguing with the devil for a lot of money, a person must stay awake for three days; - Are you sleeping? - No, I think so. - About what? - More crooked trees or straight lines (hereinafter: hills or plains; water or land); the devil runs every time and counts three nights; a person gets money; a rich man tries to repeat everything, but meets the line that he is sleeping and he takes his soul]: Balys 1936, no.*813:94-85.

Volga - Perm. Mordva (moksha; Kolopino/Kolapa, Krasnoslobodsky district of Mordovia) [Widow, she has a carpenter son. He goes to the forest to cut down a tree, wants to quench his thirst from the lake, drops his ax into the water, cries. An old man comes out of the forest, asks why he cries, dives into the water, emerges, holds a golden ax in his hand. The guy says it's not his. The old man dives, takes out a silver axe. The guy says it's not his. The old man dives, carries out a simple axe. The guy says it's his. The old man gives this axe, and then, for not being greedy, it is gold and silver. The guy comes home, gets rich, gets married. A rich rural man finds out, takes an ax, goes to the forest for firewood, throws an ax into the lake. An old man comes out and asks why he's crying. The rich man replies that he dropped an ax in the lake and he can't buy another one. The old man dives, carries the rich man's axe. Tell the rich man it's not his. The old man dives, takes out a silver axe. The rich man says his axe is better. The old man dives, carries out a simple axe. The rich man says it's his. The old man hands out a rusty ax to the rich man, but he dives and does not show up anymore]: Azrapkin 1966:287-288; Marie: Beke 1938, No. 14 [the poor man meets the old man, says there is no money; he brings him to house and offers to take as much as you need; poor man: you need a little; the poor man put a handful of gold in his pocket and left; then he became impoverished again - the same; when the rich found out, they went together; the rich said he needed a lot; old man: so take it all; locked him in that house and the rich man starved]: 47-49; Sabitov 1989, No. 613D [Wonderful land: poor brother goes to the forest to be eaten by wolves, climbs to a tree and watches how the old god divides bread between wolves; he gives the last piece to his poor brother and thereby relieves him from hunger (no matter how much they eat crayukha, it does not decrease); rich and an envious brother imitates a poor man and dies (wolves tear him apart)]: 37-38; Chuvash [a rich hunchback sends the poor to the bathhouse for the night; a snake crawls out, the poor man kills her with a stone; the water are happy, it was their evil mistress Ye, they remove the poor man's hump, give gold; the rich goes to the bathhouse himself, hits the water man who came to drown the poor man's hump with a stone, the water stuck a second hump to the rich]: Aisin 1993: 316-316; Kazan Tatars: Bashirov, Yarmukhametov 1956 [Saran ("stingy") and Yumart ("generous" went on a journey; S. pretends not to be able to untie his bag of cakes; when Yu. they end, S. slowly leaves; Yu stays overnight in a house where a bear, fox, mouse come; mouse: a pot of silver coins is hidden in the house; fox: a silver bar is buried under an oak tree; bear: a gold bar is buried by the road; Yu found everything, climbed a tree; gins came to the tree; a blind gin caused illness to the khan's daughter, it is necessary to feed the city's residents with black cow meat; Yu pretended as a healer, ordered the cow to be slaughtered, the princess recovered; Yu became rich; S. found out about this, asked Y., went to spend the night in that house, the animals tore it apart]: 99-104 (=Yarmukhametov 1957:68-71 =Zamaleddinov 2010, No. 3:31-33); Zamaletdinov 2009, No. 2 [Tugri ("truthful") and Aldar ("deceiver") argue whether it is better to live in truth or deceive; plowman, buy, old man answer that it is more profitable to cheat; T. wants to eat, A. gives him eat and for it takes your eyes, leaves the blind; the voice tells you to wash your eyes in the spring - you will see the light; then climb the oak tree and listen; genies gathered at midnight; one torments the padishah's daughter; to drive him away , we must take a rosary from Gali-bay; T. has been working for G. for three years, received a rosary, married the daughter of the padishah; A. became impoverished; when he found out what happened to T., he climbed the same oak tree; the genies tore it]: 26-30; Nogais - Karagash (Astrakhan Oblast, 1969) [the poor man had a bump on his face; he wanted to get rid of it, went to the forest; he cut wood, got lost and spent the night there; devils came out from behind the trees and began to dance; the poor man was a good dancer, he could not stand it, went out and He also started dancing; the devils asked him where he came from and told him to come again the next day; when he was about to go home, they said, "What if you don't come tomorrow, you'd better leave something behind!" ; the poor man replied that he would leave nothing behind; one of the devils noticed a bump on his face: "It will be good when others do not recognize you"; the devils patted the poor man in the face, the bump disappeared; in the village lived by with the same bump on his face; he asked the poor man, who told me what had happened in the forest; buy went and lay down between the trees; when he saw the devils dancing, he also began to dance; he could not dance, it was bad; the devils said, "It turns out that you can't dance well, go home!" {the text ends here, the addition of the second cone is not directly mentioned}]: Arslanov 1992, No. 4:82-84; Bashkirs: Barag 1992, No. 46 [the rich man and the poor man have a lump on his forehead; the poor man spent the night in the forest hut; genies came, they had gold sticks; the poor man sang; said that the song came from his bump on his forehead; the genies changed the bump for gold sticks; the poor man got rich; the rich man went to spend the night in the same place began to sing; the genies were angry at the man who deceived them; they did not give gold sticks, but stuck a second bump to the rich man]: 96; Yuhma 1990 [bai hired a shepherd; the fee was a bone with meat for each head; gave two bones, one for cows, one for goats; the shepherd did not even take it; went hunting, a dog appeared, brought him to the bay's house; the shepherd decided to take his two bones, but the bai did not give them now; the dog began to bark, buy threw the bone, the dog grabbed it into the forest; there the wolf, the shepherd began to beat him, the wolf asked for mercy, brought a herd of sheep, the shepherd became rich; buy also threw a bone to the dog, ran after it into the forest, it was eaten by wolves]: 75-789; Khusainova 2014 [one boy says that money comes from labor, the other says that it comes from God; the first overhears the devils talking: one blinded the princess, the other deprived people of water, explaining how get rid of these troubles; the boy takes the amulet from the bathhouse, pulls the trash out of the well - the princess saw the light, the water appeared; the boy marries the princess; when he learns about this, the other goes to the same tree, dies]: 63 ; (cf. Bashkirs [the old man and the old woman have two cats; the black one steals milk and sour cream, and the gray one catches mice; but the owner thought of the gray one, took it to the forest; the gray climbed the tree; the animals sent a hare; gray: I Batyr cat; tells me to bring him mice; the animals could not catch mice, called the cat to visit; the wolf hid under the trough, the fox under a pile of brushwood, the bear climbed the tree; the cat sees honey, lamb, chicken and aspen bark, but indignant: why the mice were not cooked; the hare jumped on a pile of brushwood in fear, the cat saw the tip of the fox tail, rushed there; the fox ran away, and the cat climbed the tree; the bear fell in fear to the trough, the wolf ran away; the cat climbed the tree again; at home, the old man saw that the thief was a black cat, brought him in a sack into the forest, and took the gray cat home; the animals thought that the bag was the old cat and killed him; that he changed the trail of their beatings]: Barag 1989, No. 107:419-425); Udmurts: Kralina 1960, No. 70 [the poor brother went to drown, went to sleep under the boat, heard three people talking; daughter the priest can be cured with a decoction of grass; so that the bridge does not collapse, put a coin under each pole; a barrel of gold in the river, you must throw a leaf of grass, the barrel will pop up; the poor brother cured the priest's daughter, helped build a bridge, received an award, took out gold; the rich brother went to spend the night under the boat, the three took it out and drowned it]: 203-205; Yakovlev 1914, No. 5 [married brother offends the younger single man; he leaves spends the night in the woods; hears two peri talking; the first tells how a cow swallowed a man's savings, and he (peri) persuaded a shaman (tuno) to say that the money was stolen; the man is going to kill his daughter-in-law; the second says that he will break the dam under construction, make the builder a sin if he does not put a cross in the base of the Nikanor grass; the younger brother tells the man to slaughter a cow, finds money, gets half; receives an award from the dam builder; the eldest also goes to spend the night in the forest; the Peri found him and tortured him]: 392-393.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Daurenbekov 1979 [on the way Miser eats the Generous's supplies, denies him his supplies, leaves him in a cave; he eats grass, begins to understand the language of animals, hears the Fox Soroke says that Mouse plays with gold coins under the poplar; the Wolf says that if the head of a goat from the herd where he steals sheep is given to a blind person, he will see the light; the fox says that it is kept under the trees the treasury of the seven kings; the Generous takes treasures, heals the king's blind daughter, takes her as his wife; when he learns about this, the Miser goes to the cave; the animals say that someone overheard them, tore the Miser]: 124-125; Kanbak-Shal 1985 [Good invites Evil to ride a horse one by one, Evil galloped away; in the forest Good climbs a tree, hears animals talking; Fox knows where the treasure is, Wolf knows how to cure Bai's daughter (take a colorful heart sheep), lion - how he steals horses, but you can catch up with him on a red foal; the Good man cured the girl, married her, dug up gold, killed a lion, received a herd of horses from the owner; met Evil, he became impoverished , went to that tree, ate the dinner that the animals had prepared, they tore it]: 14-16; Sidelnikov 1952 (Turgai y.) [Angry walks, Good man caught up with him on horseback; agreed to take turns; Evil galloped away; The good man came to the forest shack, lunch is being cooked, the Good man hid; the lion, the wolf and the fox entered; the fox: in the abandoned gold is buried in the winter; wolf: Baja's daughter will cure the heart of a variegated sheep; lion: only a red foal will catch up with me; Good man cured and received a Baja daughter, dug up gold, killed a lion; Evil became impoverished; learning how The good man got rich, came to the animal house, ate all the food, the wolf and the fox tore him to pieces]: 247-249; Kyrgyz: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1963 [on the way, the villain offers the good-natured man to slaughter his horse first; his not hurts, pulls out a good-natured man's eyes, pushes him into a ravine; in a cave, he hears a conversation between a leopard, a tiger and a wolf; a leopard says that a person who has washed his face with water from the stream will see the light, and the tiger says that he has taken a gold bar in the cave will become a batyr, a wolf - that the bile of a dog guarding a flock will cure any disease; a good man sees the light, becomes a batyr, heals, marries a khan's daughter; tells the villain about everything; animals think who someone overheard their conversation, tore the villain to pieces]: 135-137; Sabyr uulu 2008 [the poor man lived by collecting and selling firewood; one day his axe fell into the river; the poor man appeared crying, promised to find an ax he pulled silver out of the water; then gold; the poor man refuses them; the old man took out an iron one, and gave them gold and silver too; when he found out about this, bai also came to the river and deliberately dropped his ax; at the sight silver and gold shouted that both of them; the old man disappeared into the river with his axes]: 42-43; Kyrgyz [Saporgali is rich and stingy, his brother Aimukhamet is poor; S. sent A. to hell; S. went to look for them, it began to rain, A. hid under the boat, hears the devils talking; one tells where he hid the stolen gold; the other hid the princess's ring and she falls ill; the third damned the mill; when the devils are gone , A. took out gold, found the ring (the princess immediately recovered, A. was awarded), poured two bags of ash into the dam breakthrough, the pond was full; A. became rich; after finding out what was going on, S. went to hide under the same boat ; the devils thought they were being overheard, found and drowned S.]: Muchnik 1944:93-94; Uighurs (Southern Dialect, Keria) [the reaper threw a sickle and wounded a swallow; another man made it a wooden wing; later the rescued swallow threw watermelon seeds on his head; he sowed them, watermelons grew with gold coins instead of seeds; another person deliberately broke the swallow's wing and got along with another; she threw it off seeds, a scorpion was inside the grown watermelon, bit a man to death]: Tenishev 1984, No. 75:102-103; yellow Uighurs [the younger brother went blind from tears, burying his mother; the elder left him in the forest; he reaches the temple; hearing Tiger, Leopard, Swan talking, he learns that mushrooms growing nearby will restore his sight; that if you burn the bag of straw in which the Black Spider lives, the rich man's daughter will recover; the girl is given his wife; he visits his older brother; he blinds himself, goes to the temple; animals have torn him to pieces]: Stuart, Jhang 1996:68-70; Dungans: Riftin et al. 1977, No. 12 [the snake crawls to the swallow's nest, poor brother kills a snake, cares for a chick with a broken leg; returning in spring, the swallow gives three pumpkin seeds; in grown pumpkins, food, cloth, gold; rich brother deliberately breaks the swallow's paw; in his pumpkins water (floods the house), fire (burns it)], 13 [younger poor brother Iduan throws elder Icheon in the desert, stealing his camel caravan; Icheon sleeps in the temple, hears Tiger, Wolf, Fox talking; learns that if you dig a poplar, Yuanwei's spring will be clogged; three spirits in the form of a rooster, a stone, a poplar suck the blood of Yuanwei's daughter; if you take gold and silver from under the haystack, the yuanwei will grow rich; Ichon heals a girl, gets married, opens a spring, gets rich, becomes an official; Yduan became impoverished, Ichon feeds him, dresses him, talks about what happened; Yduan spends the night in the temple, torn to pieces by animals]: 104-107, 108-113.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Chelkan residents [the older brother has no children, the youngest has many; when they shared the property, the youngest got only a cow and one horse; the younger brother crossed the river, dropped his ax; cried; the owner of the river got it silver; then gold; the younger brother said that it was iron; she gave him iron, gold and silver to boot; upon learning of this, the older brother deliberately dropped his axe; when the mistress found out rivers emerged with a silver axe, with a golden ax, the elder brother shouted that he was; she did not give him anything]: Shirobokova, Koshkareva 2003, No. 17:181-184; Khamnigans (Iroic) (Tungus-speaking) [in the herd the rich man was a cow with eight horns; when she was lost, the rich man went to look for her; a storm arose, he stopped for the night at the foot of Mount Malia and, praying, fell asleep on the bank of the key; in his dream to him two spirits, the owners of the area, appeared, who said they would make him all-seeing; when he woke up, he found a cow near the key and was able to guess the location of the missing things; at home to him A thief came and asked how he had found the cow; after finding out the details, the thief went to the place where the rich man slept, prayed and then fell asleep; the spirits decided to turn him into punishment into a girl who had married for a poor widower; a man with a tumor on her head came to the girl and, after learning about her past, asked how she went from a man to a woman; she told me everything; the man decided to pray that get rid of the tumor, and went to spend the night in the same way; the next day the tumor disappeared; the spirits decided to relieve him of his punishment, because the tumor grew innocently just because he cut off the bark from birch trees; a thief came to this man with a lump on his nose and, when he found out how he got rid of the tumor, went to the same place for the night; when he woke up, he found that the perfume had not only not removed the lump from his nose, but they also added a bump to his head - the one that grew up in a person with a tumor; when he returned home, the thief heard a voice: "This is how good is paid for good, and evil is paid for evil"; since then he has stopped stealing]: Talko-Gryntsevich 1904:73-74; Khalkha-Mongols: Duvakin 2011 (Muren, Somon Moren aimaka Huvsgel; narrator - Tomoriin Nyamhand, born in 1937, originally from the Burentogtoh Somon of the same aimag, parents - pastoralists) [there was a man who had a lump under his ear; there was a hole in which the Chutghurs lived; the man decided to check, went there; lay down in a hole, something appeared and pulled him out of the hole, exclaiming: "What an animal in my hole!" ; the man saw something vague, lay down again; it happened again, then again, and so on until morning, until something said, "How nice, how nice"; when the man returned home, he realized that the bump was gone - the chutgur took it; the man had an acquaintance, also with a bump; when he found out what had happened to the first one, the second one also went to the pit; everything was the same as the first one, but the voice eventually said: "What filth"; a man came home and found that he now has two bumps]; Mikhailov 1967:146-149 [an evil beggar envies the good things they serve; there are two eggs in the eagle's nest; one eagle hatched, in the other's shell is a belt; the evil lower one persuades the good to get the belt; he falls into the nest, cannot get out; the eagle brought him a gopher; later he guessed to go down with a belt tied; at night in the temple hears a conversation between a tiger, a wolf, a crow, a fox; learns how to cure the khan's daughter (spiders have climbed into her ear), bring water to the city (clear the spring); awarded a khan; an evil beggar goes to spend the night in temple eaten by a tiger]; Mikhailov 1962 [the rich brother did not invite the white man to the feast; he goes to broadcast; monsters give a hammer that fulfills wishes; the rich also supposedly goes to hang himself; monsters accuse him of lies, knotted; a poor ex-brother touches the nose of a rich man with a hammer, one knot is untied; but the wife of a rich man is afraid that the poor will demand half of his property for help; she hits her husband with a hammer herself, hits the forehead; they fight]: 28-30; Potanin 1919a, No. 24 [rich and poor studied in Tibet; sending them back, the teacher tells them not to go anywhere on the way; the poor enters the yurt, the rich goes right to three caves, sitting in the middle, hears a wolf, a raven and a tiger talking in the lower one; from their conversation he finds out where the spring will be buried, where the treasure is buried; shows the poor who has come; he also sits down in the cave; animals say that someone discovered the water, took the treasure, decide that they are being eavesdropped; they tore the poor]: 48; Dongxiang [wife, giving birth to a son, gave birth to a new son the following year: brothers grew up, elder married: the stepmother sends her son to kill his stepson; he pushes his brother into the well, takes his wife; sitting in the well, the young man hears the conversation between the Wolf, the Fox, the Hare; the daughter of a rich man will recover if the pile is burned grass; a man has no water, a spring is hidden in his garden under a stone under an elm tree; gold is buried behind the garden of the third; travelers pull the young man out of the well; he has cured the girl, married her, found water, gold, became an official; stepmother sends her son to the well, animals kill him]: Todayeva 1961, No. 1:75-78; Mongors: Stuart, Limusishiden 1994:120-122 [dying, father tells sons not to share property; the married youngest decides to get rid of the single elder, says that the father appeared in a dream and told the elder to separate; the youngest gives the elder some grain and animals that soon die; the elder kept some barley for sowing; one ear grew like a tree; a rock bird sat on him, broke it; the man cries; the bird plants it on his back, brings it to where gold is lying on the ground, he collects , she brings him home; he buys everything he needs, gets rich; a rainbow descends, turns into a peony, a man brings it into the house, in the morning he turns into a girl; when he learns about the happiness of her older brother, the youngest he also sows barley in the mountains; one ear is big, but still not from a tree; he cuts it down himself; rock arrives, brings gold to the land; the younger brother cannot stop, collects gold; when the sun rises, rock flies away, and the younger brother dies from the heat], 122 [the cunning and greedy older brother has impoverished the younger brother; he stops every day under a rock when he goes to buy firewood; the Rock asks him opens his mouth, gives gold; the younger brother gets rich; the elder also goes to the rock, puts both hands in her mouth, the rock's mouth slams shut], 172 [about p. 122]; darhatas [on a bad path a young black llama meets a good old gray-haired man, steals his gold; a good one thinks that the gold was taken away by the robbers; sees a penis suspended by a cliff, puts it on his own, now he has two penises; Khan's daughter has two vulvas, she promises to marry only a man with two penises; the old lama becomes Khan's son-in-law; the bad lama, having wasted gold, learns about the cliff, accidentally puts his penis to his forehead, he grows; everyone drives the llama, he starves]: Sanzheev 1931, No. 9:103-105; Tuvans: Samdan 1994, No. 5 [when she dies, the mother tells her two sons named Ak-Sagysh and Kara-Sagysh to carry her corpse while the rope will not break, bury it there; K. refuses, A. carries, buries it at a stone stele (këje); at night a spirit fights with the koje, says that if you hit him, a lan of silver will appear; A. brings kyoje, buys food with this silver; K. offers to slaughter A.'s cattle first, then refuses to slaughter his own; A. finds a hut, hides; Fox, Wolf, Bear come there; Fox: daughter of Karata Khan I lost my bracelet, I hid it under the larch, so the girl is sick; Wolf: I have muddied the spring, so it's drought; Bear: I feed on cedar, which does not run out of nuts; A. discovers her daughter's illness Karaty Khan, gets her as his wife and half of the khan's property; stops drought; eats nuts from a tree; gives her brother, who breaks him to take all the gold, finds only stones; sleeps in a hut; animals talk about what happened, laugh, K. finds himself laughing, he was torn to pieces]: 277-285; Dachshunds 1988 [brothers Ak-Sagysh and Kara-Sagysh are wandering; K. offers to eat A.'s horse, ride one; leaves, leaving A. on foot; he spends the night under the couch in the plague, hears the conversation of the animals that have come; finds out where the boar hides the silver stick, that only it can throw off the stone that has filled the Karaty Khan spring; A. finds a stick, opens a spring, gets the khan's daughter; K. comes to him, goes to the same plague, the animals find him, A. barely saved him]: 190-192; Taube 1978, No. 44 [old man Boraldai and his wife are completely impoverished ; B. went to his rich younger brother, but he drove him away; his wife dreamed that he should go to a big tree; B. found a tree; saw white birds fly in, became beautiful, took out a bag from the crack and a mallet; hitting the bag, they took out food and beautiful fabrics; when the bird girls flew away, B. took the bag and beater, brought it home, became rich; when he found out what was going on, the younger brother also went to the tree, hoping to get six bags and marry the virgins; they found him, stretched out his nose, put six warts on him, flew away; when his younger brother returned, everyone shied away from him; his wife promised to give it back B. half of the property if he cured her husband; B. hit the bag with a mallet, the warts disappeared one by one; the younger brother's wife regretted the property and killed her husband]: 233-239; Altaians [two After the death of her parents, his brother shares property; Kara-Sagysh receives black animals, Ak-Sagysh receives white animals; the CS stabs all whites, eats them, runs away; AU wanders, hears animals talking in a hut that Karaty-Kaan's cattle die without water; the hare learns how to extract water; the AU helps the khan save the cattle, marries his daughter; the COP decides to repeat everything; after listening to the animals talking that the khan's cattle are no longer suffers without watering, laughs; animals discover CS, tear them apart]: Sadalova 2002, No. 29:265-271 (=Demchinova 2003:159); Dagurs: Bender, Su Huana 1984 [the swallow made a nest under the roof poor man; the chick fell out and broke its paw; the poor man bandaged his paw, put the chick in the nest, he recovered; in the spring the swallows returned, brought the poor man a pumpkin seed; he planted it, and in the fall he found himself in the pumpkin gold; the rich man deliberately broke the chick's paw, then bandaged it; in the spring they also brought him a seed; when he cut the pumpkin in the fall, a flame broke out of it, burned down his house and family]: 177-179; Stuart et al. 1994 [ the poor brother found a cave with food in the mountains; hid; two old men came in, took out two magic boxes; when they left, the poor brother took one box home; the rich brother's wife found out, told her husband to go to that one But the cave; the old men found him and killed him]: 132-133.

Western Siberia. Entsy [the giant Madu makes the poor brother have fish on his fingers down in the water; when the poor man comes to him, he has a stone old man and an old woman in the plague; M. went skiing into his mouth a stone old man, came out of the mouth of a stone old woman, holding a vazhenka; the deer skin took off by itself, the meat cut by itself, the man ate; M. gives him a daughter and a bag, tells him not to untie him on the way home; in the plague the poor man unties, the gadflies out, turns into deer; the rich brother puts his fingers into the water, the fish does not cling; the giant does not give him a daughter, gives him a bag; he unties along the way, bees fly out, they fly to his house, turn into wolves, eat deer]: Sorokina, Bolina 2005, No. 24:132-134.

Eastern Siberia. Dolgany (Great Tundra, west 1929) [The worker suffers from a wealthy owner; someone in the tundra invites him to walk around the tree, he turns into a wolf; the owner finds a tree with the worker's clothes hanging on it, walks around it, turns into a dog; that man says this is to punish him for his callousness]: Osharov 1936a: 70-72; central (?) Yakuts (the place of recording is not specified) [the poor man dropped his ax into the lake; the water man gave him a silver one, he did not take it; he served it again, the old man took it; the neighbor deliberately drowned his ax; the waterman emerged from silver, the man grabbed him, the water dragged him into the water]: Ergis 1967b, No. 265:233.

Amur - Sakhalin. Negidals: Khasanova, Pevnov 2003b, No. 70 [the old man lies down on the snow in the taiga, lowers his pants, pushes rose hips in his ass; calls for help larch and oaks; hares think he is dies, brings him to his house; the old woman closes the holes, they hit the hares, one hit the ears with a poker; when the old man tries to repeat the trick, this escaped hare warns the others, those they throw the old man], 71 [the poor man lies in the forest on the snow, shoves rosehips into his ears and nose; squirrels and other small animals drag him to his house; he tells his wife to close the windows and doors; old men and their granddaughter hit little animals; Fox, Hare hit in the ears, Ermine, Partridge on the tip of the tail; these marks are preserved; the rich neighbor tries to repeat the trick; when the animals drag him, he hurts, he jumps up; next time the poor man smears the tree with glue, the animals and birds stick; the rich man sticks himself with his wife and granddaughter; they turn into influxes on the tree], 72 [in the taiga, the old man lies down on snow, puts rosehips in his nose and ears; Hares bring him to his house; he tells his wife to close the holes in the house, hits hares; the old woman hit the ears with one poker, he ran away, the tips of his ears turned black; a rich neighbor tries to do the same; the hare grabs his beard, he jumps up, the hares run away]: 138-139, 141-143, 144; Udege people: Bereznitsky 2005, No. 47 [poor brother pretended dead, the hares carried him to them, he killed them with a log, ran away alone, the tips of his ears remained soot; the rich brother also lay down on the path; the escaped hare explained to the others, they threw the rich man into the ice-hole]: 476; Lebedeva 1998, No. 35 [the old man lies down by the hole with a rosehip berry in his nose; the hare thinks that the old man died from this, tells the old woman; she tells the hares to bring the old man, closes the door; they kill hares, left alone; the old woman hit him with a cauldron hook, since then the hare has black spots on his ears; the rich old man tried to do the same, the hares threw him into the wormwood]: 255-261; Kormushin 1998, No. 5 [Uza's elder brother comes to the old woman, adjusts his fishing hooks, sees a lot of poultry, takes two burnt females away from the fire so as not to burn themselves; peeking, he sees how the females have become beautiful, they dry his boots, drag his sledges; begs for one female; at night he hears someone planing in the hut; opens the door, grabs the girl, tears the dog's skin; the girl below is half a dog; Uza himself goes to an old woman, breaks hooks, hits geese and ducks, kicks and hits a dog; at night she hears the sound of planing, swears, lets his wife tie the rope to catch a whale, which drags him under water]: 108-114; Nikolaeva et al. 2003, No. 13 [a poor brother with many children is starving; in a dream, someone tells him to take a horse from the mountain; it defecates with buns; a rich brother borrows a horse, it defecates with manure, he kills it; the same with a cow ; the poor brother grinds flour; the rich brother and his wife are beaten and killed by the hands of a millstone]: 98-101; the Orochi [the poor old man pretends to be dead in the forest; all the animals carry him to his house; the old man comes to life, hits animals with his wife; parts of the body that were beaten or stained with soot have turned black (the origin of animal color); a rich old man does the same; there are many cracks in his house, animals run away; rich gets poor, poor gets rich]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966, No. 10:135-136; Nanai: Aurora 1986, No. 35 (Naikha) [Akia enters a house full of moose; big The elk makes a fire, puts his leg in there, fat drips into the vessel, he gives it to A., he ate it, brought it home for Ude; he also went, began to scream when the elk put his foot in the fire, the moose ran away; A. came to an old woman who was frying the peritoneums of the carps; crocheted them, dragged them towards him; W. came to the old woman, tried to put her barn on her back and carry her barn, called her for help, she crocheted his stomach; A. sewed up W.'s stomach; A. came to the house where he was not fed, they did not notice him; W. came, smoked all the tobacco himself, ate porridge; those people died, A. and W. took their supplies]: 210-212; Kile 1996, No. 40 [senior the brother collected pine nuts, did not talk to the younger one, he collected acorns; tasted the older brother's nuts; the elder promised to pick up the thief's eyes; the younger said he took it, the elder blinded him; the younger came to a house, lay down in a corner; evil spirits gathered; one told me where there is a tree with moss growing at the roots; the tree itself will turn into gold and silver; the mergen has beautiful younger sister; the young man sees the light, pays a ransom for the beauty, lives well; the older brother tells him to be blinded, goes to the house of evil spirits, the youngest finds his bones there; the younger one grinded them, sculpted a doll , revived his brother, he got married, the brothers began to live together]: 357-363; Medvedev 1992 [the poor old man ate bird cherry, put berries in his ears, eyes, mouth, nose and lay down; hare: if he died of thirst and hunger, then there are berries; from the cold? but there he has an ax, a flint; he called hares, ferrets, squirrels, foxes and other animals; the old man was thrown into the water, but his wife ran and told her to be taken home; the animals came in, the old woman closed all the exits, the old man he jumped up, they began to beat the animals; the hare ran away through the pipe, his ears were stained with soot; the old men took off their skins, hung them on the hang; the wife of the rich old man told her husband, he decided to repeat everything; the animals carried the old man came home; but then a hare came running with dirty ears: people are deceiving us; the old man was thrown into the water; he managed to throw his ax, killed only one hare]: 262; ulchi [the poor old man told his wife chew eggs, calls fish from the ice-hole, catches; pretended to be dead, putting rose hips in his nose, ears, eyes; The fox called foxes, hares, sables, squirrels, they brought the imaginary deceased home; the old woman closed all the holes in the house, the old man killed the animals; the rich old man told his wife to call fish, killed her in a hurry, did not catch the fish]: Sunik 1985, No. 4:129-131; Manchus (Jilin) [New Year's Eve a person searches for treasure; finds a skull, buries him out of compassion; The skull gives him a favorable prediction, the person becomes rich; the other tries to repeat, but first pulls the skull out of the ground; as a result of this Human predictions beat the skull]: Eberhard 1937, No. 21:34.

Japan. Ainu (Hokkaido): Nobukatsu 2010 [Panampe (smart) is a man from the lower reaches, Penampe is from the upper reaches of the river; Panampe sent his long penis to the garden of a castle overseas; the owner thinks it is rope, tells the servants to hang clothes on it to ventilate; Panampe pulled his penis back, took possession of rich clothes; Penampe repeated the trick, but the owner thought that the rope was sent by evil spirits, ordered cut it to pieces; Penampe pulled his penis in, realized he could no longer be proud of it]: 22-23; Osami 2007 [an old fox asks a fox from the lower reaches of the river to share the fish; reports that the tail of a young fox can stretch any distance, including across the sea to the castle of a rich samurai; the chanterelle stretches out its tail, the samurai thinks it's a rope, tells them to hang rich clothes on it, the fox pulls in tail, gets rich; a chanterelle from the upper reaches of the river tries to repeat the trick; the samurai tells you to tie a "suspicious rope"; the shark bites its tail, it becomes short]: 8-9; Brauns 1883 [Pana-Umbe fox, or Panambe, stretched his tail through the wall of Daimio Matsumaye's house; he thought it was a divine pole, hung his best outfit on it; Panambe pulled his tail back, took possession of the clothes; Penambe decided to repeat this trick, but pulled his tail ahead of time, got nothing; Panambe wants to cross the river; the foxes on the other side ask for help; they only laugh at him; then he pretends to be dead; foxes they arrive, they cry hysterically; he jumps up, kills them with a club, escapes alone with an injured leg; Penambe asks how he managed to get so many foxes; tries to repeat the trick; a fox with an injured warns others with his foot, foxes run away; Penambe dies in poverty]: 256-257; Hitchcock 1890 [zap. Chamberlain; Panaumbe comes to the river, calls those behind the rocks on the other side; foxes cram into the boat, sail, cry, ask if Panaumbe is cold to death or starved; he jumps up hits them with a club, one fox runs away with a broken leg; Panaumbe became rich by selling their skins; Penaumbe asks how he managed to get so many foxes; repeats the trick; a fox with a broken leg tells others cry far from Penaumbe; he did not kill a single one, died a miserable death]: 485-486; Ainu [the chief chief of the village invited five subordinate chiefs to a feast, demanding that they say in the morning that he would dream; four said some nonsense; the fifth did not open his mouth: he forgot his dream; the leader ordered him to be buried up to his chin in the ground; the good god freed him and the young man remembered; he saw him come to the goddess's house; she greeted him warmly, her house was covered with skins from the inside; sending him back, she taught him to deceive and kill the enemy; the good god explained that it was he who deprived the young man of his memory so that he would not begin to tell: the chief chief would kill him; God brought him to the house of a goddess who was a badger; taught him to tell the chief chief that he was freed by the god of door pillars; he liked it so much that the young man was buried next to him that he gave him fabrics; the paramount chief also ordered him to be buried in the same place; he died; the goddess married a young man and he became paramount chief]: Chamberlain 1888, No. 38:; Japanese: Ikeda 1971, No. 480B (everywhere, including Ryukyu) [elderly spouses find a bean, crush, make a bun, he rolls into a hole, the old man follows him to the lower world to the Buddha statue in a mountain temple; Buddha eats koloboks, tells him to hide on his head; cannibals gather, Buddha tells him to scream with a rooster, cannibals run away, the old man takes their treasures, returns home; the neighbor repeats everything, but laughs when his nose one of the cannibals running away clings to the hook at the hearth; the cannibals come back, torturing the man; seeing him bloody from afar, his wife thinks he has new red clothes; hearing him screams, what he sings], 729 [an old woodcutter drops an ax into the river; a beautiful woman comes out of the water, holds out a gold axe, then a silver axe; the lumberjack says it was rusty iron; the beauty gives both it and the gold one with silver as a reward; the neighbor repeats everything, claims a golden ax, loses his own; legends have no imitation motive; a person goes down to the underwater world for an ax]: 123-124, 169; Markova 1956 [the old man with a bump on his right cheek went to the forest to get firewood; hid from the rain in the hollow; the forest devils came, began to sing and dance; the old man went out and also began to dance, liked the devils; he was told come again tomorrow; the main devil decided to take the deposit - a bump (it probably brings happiness); the old man came back; another old man with the same bump on his left cheek also went to the forest the next day; but hell not liked his dance; they gave him yesterday's bump, drove him away]: 55-59; Fedorov-Davydov 1904 [a man's dog dug a treasure; a neighbor lent a dog, which dug out smelly bones, a neighbor killed it; the dog showed up In a dream, she told the owner to cut down the tree under which it was buried, to make a crowd for rice; when the man began to grind rice, the grains turned into gold coins; the neighbor borrowed the crowds, the rice turned into garbage; the neighbor burned it with crowds; in a dream, the dog ordered that sakura branches be showered with this ash when the prince was on the road; the cherry blossoms were a month away; the cherry blossoms bloomed, the prince rewarded the man; the neighbor also showered cherry blossoms in front of the prince, but only stained his clothes with ash; his neighbor was beaten and thrown into prison; when he went out, no one wanted to deal with him anymore]: 17-23; Japanese Fairy Tales by Yei Theodora Ozaki in Tales of Japan 2019 [like Fedorov-Davydov with minor differences - perhaps due to differences in translations; rice turned into flat cakes; neighbor didn't get out of prison]: 141-148; Ryukyu (Okinawa) [poor single fisherman caught a stingray and saw that his mouth looked like a vagina; when he had sex, he threw the stingray back into the sea; a few years later, a fisherman heard someone calling him, "Dad, dad!" ; it was his son, a half-human, half-fish; his son said that his mother was waiting for him and advised him to ask only for a pumpkin vessel; at the bottom of the sea, the woman fed the fisherman well, greeted him with dance and music; When he returned to the shore, the fisherman realized that he could ask the Calebasa for anything - money, rice, a house; the fisherman healed richly and happily; another fisherman was rich, became jealous; when he found out what was going on, he also caught stingray and copulated with him; however, as a result, he was speechless, but his penis began to talk; his wife was surprised and went to the shaman; he advised him to catch the bull and tie it to a tree, "penis disease" will pass to the bull; the bull has gone to the mountains, this "disease" has passed from it to all animals and plants; now it is an echo]: Madoca Hammine, personal message. (English translation from the published Japanese original).

SV Asia. Chukchi: Baboshina 1958, No. 10 [The raven goes to the seashore in search of food, finds nothing; comes to the yaranga of mice; they call him grandfather, give roots and tell him not to look back; as you approach home, the roots lying on the sledges turn into a mountain of fish and meat; when she found out, the Fox scolded the mice and ordered them to bring them the most delicious food; they loaded her sledges, but the roots did remained roots]: 39-41 (retelling in Ber-Glinka 2018:63); Brodsky, Innecay 2018, No. 2 [The raven saw an old yaranga; an ugly girl in rags came out of there; he calls her beautiful, clothes - good; the girl tells her mother to give the Raven a fish; the mother gives a little one, the Raven's house makes the fish huge; upon learning about this, the Fox goes to the same yaranga; calls the girl ugly and dirty; her mother gives he has a big fish, which then becomes small; then the Raven flies to the yaranga, in which the old woman skins, and there are many deer around; through the chimney, the Raven spat on the little calf, and he fell the old woman threw it away; when the Raven brought it home, the calf became a fat deer; The fox goes to the same yaranga, spits on the fat deer, could not move it, left the prey]: 15-17; Van Deusen 1999 [ {Lisa's gender is not clear; the text says "she", but it's probably English translation from Russian; The fox catches fish and hunts, as a man should do}]: 23-27 (Whelen) [The raven puts the hook into the ice-hole, pulls it out the waters of a demon child with mouth to ear and one eye; opens the demon's clothes slightly, fish fall from there; he gives it to his wife Mitya, a little neighbor Fox; the fox goes to catch, pulls out the demon, runs away in horror, leaving the gear taken from the Raven; the raven goes to the tundra, climbs to the roof of the dugout, there is a woman and many deer inside; the raven spits on the deer, it falls dead, the woman throws it out, the Raven brings Mitya's meat; The fox goes to the same house, spits a big deer, the woman throws it away; the fox freshens the carcass for a long time, calls for help from the woman, she invites him to close his eyes, hits him with a stick, the Fox falls dead; a woman with deer and a dugout disappear; the fox comes to life], 51-53 [Kurkyl (Raven) and Nuteneyut (Fox) lived in the same dugout; the raven went fishing, caught a kele child, took a lot of fish out of his side, sewed it up, let it go, brought fish; the fox begins to pull out the kele, gets scared, comes back with nothing; the raven goes hunting in the tundra, there is a dugout and a woman; everything is in the mud, the woman is shaggy, dirty, but the Raven says that everything is clean, the woman is tidy; she gives him a lot of food; the Fox comes, complains about the dirt, the Fox comes back with nothing; the next day the Raven goes to the dugout, there are deer in it, he spits in a small the male, who falls dead, the Raven brings the carcass home; the fox kills the big bull, asks the woman to help put it on his back; she asks him to close his eyes, hits him on the head with a stone, the Fox falls dead; woke up, came back with a bump on my head].

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos: Rubtsova, Vakhtin 2019, No. 42 [an unmarried shaman went to the mountain at night, dug a grave, undressed, crushed his clothes with a stone, lay down in the grave; when the Pleiades ascended, a raven flew in, followed by him others; decided to wait for the foreman; this is the little crow Utiguk; he put his sharpener on the man's forehead, he grabbed it, W. asks for his return; the man returned in exchange for the ability to create, by hitting the snow a seal or lahtaka; a man's cousin, married, decided to do the same; the sharpener stuck to his forehead, and he himself to the ground; the crows ate him], 61 [the orphan came to the storehouse, undressed, pretended to be dead; crows gathered, the last to arrive was the foreman - a little one with beads; pecked, took out a knife to cut off his nose, the orphan grabbed a knife; refused the promise to make him strong, fast-footed, rich, returned the knife for a promise make him a shaman; got rich; another person decided to repeat everything; crows stuck him to the ground, cut him alive, ate him]: 576-581, 756-763; Aleuts: Korsun 2019 (Commanders; from Aleut V.P. Khabarov via VI Jochelson) [two Aleuts, cousins, each in their own "shuttle" (kayak), swim and harpoon seals; the wind is getting stronger; both prayed for help to their own people; shuttle one replies that the man in him is really his brother and wife; he said goodbye to his wife, then put on mittens, and when he got on the shuttle, he took them off and touched them with his bare hands as he touched his wife ; the shuttle saved the man; the other's shuttle replied that he did not give him part of the marital affection, but touched him with gloves on; this man died]: 290-291; Jochelson 1990, No. 28 (Unalashka) [(approximately same; each kayak warns the person swimming in it from the very beginning that it will (or will not) carry it back, depending on whether he touched the sides with the same bare hands as concerned his wife]: 225-227; western Greenland [the old bachelor envied the young man, who was luckier hunting and with women; his mother gave him a stone, he moved it, opened a passage to the lower one world; mother told me to go down to the lake, skip one boat, talk to people in the second, get a piece of whaleskin from them; after eating it, the old man found good luck; the young man asked how it happened, that told me, but told me to talk to the people on the first boat; having received and eaten the skin, the young man lost his hunting luck; the old man decided to go for a new portion of leather, but could no longer push the stone away]: Rink 1875, No. 125:461 (Russian translation in Rink 2007:351).

Subarctic. Atna [The raven married Lisa's daughter; the fox came to an empty house, there was food, but he took nothing; a voice can be heard: what an honest man! Meat, fish, berries fly up to him by themselves, deer furs and skins (moose) are collected in a bale; he thanks, brings good things home; the raven follows his footsteps, rushes to eat without asking, grabs, taking away his skins; the wind comes in, everything is carried away, the club hits the Raven; when the Fox came to the same house again, he got everything again]: Billum 1979:75-77.

NW Coast. Uvikino [(two versions, told a monthly break and complementary; the first gives a coherent plot, the second gives some episodes in more detail); 'Yaàkas is ugly, his women are ugly they reject, only the old woman treats him well; his grandfather advises him to go up the river to become beautiful; the Black Bear advises him to go to those who call slowly, not to go to those who call quickly ( maybe these are two groups of shamans - good and evil); I listened to the advice, his face was changed, he became beautiful, he came back, the girls are looking for his attention, he rejected them, went to that old woman (according to the second version - married her); another man decided to change himself; he did not meet a bear, came to those who called quickly, came back with a mutilated face]: Hilton, Rath 1982:163-169, 172-179.

The coast is the Plateau. Halkomel [the wife dies, the husband goes to the mountains; when he is strong, he comes to the leader of the dead; he tells him not to try to grab his wife first; the husband violates the ban, the wife disappears; next time he waits enough, brings her to her native village, does not sleep with her on the way; another widower followed his wife, got her, but met before the deadline on the way back; his wife disappeared]: Hill-Tout 1904b: 339-341.

Mesoamerica Zapoteci [in the cave of Thunder, one of the two compadres chooses a beautiful girl offered to him, the other a curve; the beautiful one chooses weeds, the curve chooses corn and beans]: Parsons 1932a, No. 2:283-285; 1936: 329.

Western Amazon. Maihuna [a man who copulates with a watermaster falls ill and dies; the other abstains, becomes a successful fisherman]: Bellier 1991b, No. 29:275-277; cofan [with a hunter- no one shares meat as a loser; he follows the bakers into the hole where they hide; enters the lower world; some creatures live there (translated as "tricksters"); the main penis is wrapped around his neck; he tells a person to bring pumpkins and sweet potatoes, he sees battleships and worms; after the "trickster" gives him a drink in which he dipped his fingernail, a person sees pumpkins and sweet potatoes; the "trickster" kills bakers; a person eats meat, and the owner only smells it and throws it away; the person goes to relieve himself; the "tricksters" smell the aroma, smear themselves with feces; the "trickster" sends the person back, giving the remedy luring bakers; at first a piece of it says so much that a person cannot crawl into the hole leading to the surface of the earth; some have to be cut off; bakers follow the man; people shoot them, man dissatisfied: why are the cubs being killed; the other person also wanted to get this remedy; both came down; the chief "trickster" asks others what they will become (stone, flint, rock); tells people to move away; the first hunter leaves, the second doesn't, the house turns over, turns into stone; in the spring he turns back, but that man has long died; the first returns, tells his wife; the bakers stayed in in front of this man's house; after his death they went to the forest]: Borman, Criollo 1990, No. 7:75-105.

NW Amazon. Bora [Heron, he has a good ax, he came to his grandfather Serpent for coca and instructions; he sent him to the site for a coca; there are many women, daughters of the Serpent, undressed alone, put out their own genitals, said it was coca; the Heron put it in the basket, put the eagle, which turned out to be made of leaves; in the field of Zméi and his wife - all cultivated plants; for which the Dog Master came, but copulated with field with the girl, came back, said he did not find coca; The serpent went to the field, saw that his coca was dented; the serpent gave him a coca and a daughter on the road; the Dog owner became pregnant and gave birth to dogs]: Razón 1992:154-156.

Central Amazon. Munduruku [Vakurumpyo and Karuetuetuibo are married to each other's sisters; K. is a freak, his wife leaves him; the Sun invites his wife to have sex with K.; he really turns out to be impotent; The Sun puts him in the bosom of his wife, K. is born handsome again; leaves his former wife, takes a new one; V. comes to the Sun but copulates with his wife; born again a freak]: Murphy 1958, No. 13:83-85.

Eastern Amazon. Spiking: Nimuendaju 1920:1034 [rivals cut off the freak's hands and feet, take him to his beautiful wife; Tumaca heals him, leads him to bathe, makes him handsome, gives his eldest daughter as his wife; he visits his native village, returns to T. and his new wife; when meeting an animal owner], 1035 [women reject an ugly black man; T. invites him to her place, his daughter sits down with him on knees, but the guest does not have an erection; T. leads him to swim, makes him handsome; he returns to the village, his wife hides from people. they have a parrot daughter who turns into a girl at night; the grandmother does not give the parrot eats, scolds; daughter T. takes the child, goes to her father; the husband tries to follow her, but the path overgrows]; zhuruna [women reject an ugly person; he decided to die, saw a ladder from the sky, went up; in the sky, a woman showed the path to Alapá; he called him handsome, A.'s three daughters took turns sitting on it, but out of fear the man could not get along with them; the girls were happy, A. told them to take the guest to swim, he emerged handsome, married his youngest fourth daughter A.; the man goes down to visit his mother, then his wife and daughter go down; stepping on the ground, the girl became a bird, turned into a girl at night; another man also went to heaven to be handsome; when A.'s daughter sat on him, he met her; A. ordered him to be bought in dark water, he became a mako (araraú una), turned black, eats excrement; the mother of the first man was tired of taking care of her granddaughter, she threw her away; the heavenly wife left, the husband went after her; the other followed, despite the ban slept with his wife before that; A. cut off the stairs, he fell; A. wanted the aged to climb into heaven and get younger, but because of the person who broke the ban, this does not happen]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:137- 142.

(Wed. Araguaia. Karazha [two brothers met monkeys with arrows in the forest; they shot first, but missed, the monkeys killed them; |var. Ehrenreich 1911:42; on the way, the brothers met a toad, she offered to meet her, they refused, the toad warned them that they would die in this case|; the third brother is small, ugly, the mother gave him away grandfather; he fed him cassava peels and fish bones; his arrow fell at the entrance to the hole; a man living in the hole rubbed him with medicine; that man's sons (var.: daughters) greeted him badly, only one (s) called into the house; |var. Ehrenreich 1911:42; the boy did not stay with his grandfather, but with his grandmother, the arrow fell at the snake hole, the snake smeared him with ointment, told him not to talk about it|; the boy became strong, handsome; the grandfather ordered him to lie down with a toad if she will ask you not to shoot monkeys first; |var. Ehrenreich 1911:42; the grandfather ordered the monkeys to be shot in the eyes|; the young man killed the monkeys, returned to the man in the hole, he gave two rods; with one, the snakes must be summoned, they will enter the other rod, he will call honey fish, game; the young man eats his grandfather's peels and bones; when he got food with sticks, he began to eat what his mother cooked; got married; his little son took the rod in his absence, snakes appeared, and ate everyone; met a hunter, he did not have rods with him, they killed him; |Ehrenreich 1891:43; his wife's brother took the rods, or rather arrows; summoned fish and wild pigs first; when he used the arrow for honey, he appeared a grinned mouth, a ghost ate everyone; the man came back, pacified the arrow; came to the snake's daughters|]: Baldus 1937a: 267-271; Ehrenreich 1911:42-43; Krause 1911:348-350).

Bolivia - Guaporé. Eseeha [Jaguar and animals were defeated in the war against Locusts and other insects]: Hissink, Hahn 1988:179; chiriguano [Aguara-tunpa (Fox) had a beautiful wife, Tatu-tunpa ( Battleship) crooked and ugly; T. put her in the oven, she shouted three times, he took her out beautiful; A. decided to make his wife even more beautiful, put her in the oven, kept her there until the screams stopped, took it out crooked and blackened]: Metraux 1935a: 77.

Southern Amazon. Kayabi: Grünberg 1970 [Puri'un was black, ugly, his fiancée rejected him; he came to his father Panyeavi; he went fishing, his wife spread her legs, but the man did not have sex with her ; so three times, he became bright, Piri'u'i; the other one also went handsome, had sex with Panyeavi's wife, who turned him into a caiman]: 167; Pereira 1995, No. 6 [Pyreju'um was black, in ulcers, great-aunt his sister refused him; he came to the wife of the supreme deity Pajawi; he went to the river, the woman began to seduce the guest, who did not give in; turned him handsome, the husband gave him jewelry; now the girl Wished for him, but he rejected it; another young man also went to Pajawi, copulated, Pajawi put a hot stone in his mouth instead of a fish, turning the young man into a caiman]: 52-54; Iranian [cannibal (jakolo) invites a man to his village; he meets the Black Monkey, the Callicebus personatus monkey, the Maned Wolf, Dusicyon, the opossum (Conepatus semistratus amazonicus) and gives them fruit flour peki; everyone asks where he and his animal companions are going, joins; animals stay in the forest, a man enters the village; an old cannibal gives him her two daughters; they offer themselves, get refusal; mothers answer that the guest said that he never copulates; at night, a person puts the ogre to sleep with stories, leaves a deck in his hammock, runs away; goes home with the animals; cannibals throw the hammock into the boiling pot, but only break the cauldron with a deck; now the man's younger brother comes; does not give food to animals, copulates with both girls; falls asleep himself, thrown into the cauldron; older brother goes for revenge, meets the same animals again, gives them torment, everyone joins him; humans and animals make a fire at the entrance to the cannibal hole, kill them with smoke; let the Turtle go because it did not eat human beings, but only sucked on bone]: Pereira 1985, No. 31:142-155; paresi [Okiro's husbands were the beautiful Toberaré and the ugly Awlomenaré; A. came to Kingfisher; while that was not the case, he got along with his wife Duck, but pretended to be chaste, sprinkling ash on his foreskin and tying hairs on the Duck's vulva; Kingfisher sees that while bathing, A.'s genitals are washed off dirt, believes he is innocent feeds fish broth, making A. handsome; at home rejects O., who now wants him, goes to live with his mother; T. also comes to A., copulates with Duck, but refuses to sprinkle ash, tie her hairs; A. feeds him with a decoction of worms and rotten fish, turning him into a freak, O. rejected him]: Pereira 1986, No. 50:436-441.

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo: Wilbert 1978, No. 125 [Banner 1957:57-58; husband and wife moved out; husband turned into a snake (there were no snakes before), stopped caring for the garden, but hunted; voracious, cooks for his wife meat on many fires; a man came from the village, his wife hid him so he could see what was happening; he came back; another man wanted to go too; when the serpent sang, he began to sing along, the serpent ate him; warriors killed a sleeping snake with clubs; the wife gave birth to snakes; people began to kill them, but the mother saved many and ordered them to bite people, avenging the death of their father], 126 [Lukesh 1968:96-99; the husband turned into a snake with his head man, his wife took him out of the village to live separately from the others; a man came, his wife hid him, he saw everything; the other also decided to come to see him, but the serpent noticed him and ate him; others came, one serpent caught up and ate too, others ran away; the warriors found the snake sleeping, killed; the woman gave birth to snakes; people began to kill them, some escaped, their mother told them to take revenge on people and bite them], 127 [Metraux 1960:14-16; There was no corn, people ate wild fruits, avocados, wood and lizards; there was no fire, they dried the meat in the sun; when they found out that his wife had a lover, the husband decided not to fight with him, but took his wife two mountains; cleared the plot, planted corn, cassava, yams, bananas; turned into a snake with a man's head; hunted he brought tapir, bakers, battleship; a lover came, his wife hid it under the roof; returning to the village, spoke about what he saw; he also came to see, but the snake answered the question of who was there, the serpent ate it; the men killed the snake with arrows, burned the house, took away the cultivated plants; the snake's wife gave birth twice snakes; people born in the village were killed, those born in the forest crept away; their mother told them to bite people since they killed their father]: 309-310, 311-313, 314-316.