Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K56f1. Sharing roosters, (ATU 1533.2).


It is necessary to divide five chickens (geese, etc.) between six eaters (possibly different numbers). The solution is to give each pair of participants one chicken and get two (two chickens and one person - three, two people and one chicken - three).

Tunisia, Arabs of Lebanon, Iraq, Bulgarians, Russians (Karelia, Pskov, Voronezh, Orel), Ukrainians (Galicia, Podolia, Chernigov, Yekaterinoslavskaya), Belarusians, Adygs, Balkarians or Karachays, Nogais, Dargins, Armenians, Kurds, Persians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Lutsies, Estonians (Veps, Kazan Tatars), Bashkirs, Central (?) Yakuts.

North Africa. Tunisia [the lumberjack's rich brother was greedy and did not help him. One day, the woodcutter bowed to the king a chicken. The king ordered that it be divided among those present. The woodcutter gave the king his neck, his tail to the queen, two sons a thigh, and his daughters a wing each. He explained: The king is the head of the people, so his head, the queen is his mother, so she has a tail. As the ancestors said: "Goose is a mare for a girl." Princes are the backbone of society, so they have hips, and princesses will marry and fly away from the palace, so they have wings. As for me, if I'm allowed to sit with Your Majesty and be an advisor, I'll take a breast. The king thanked him and gave him gold. The lumberjack's brother wanted to do the same thing. I bought five chickens and bowed to the king, but could not divide them among those present. Then a woodcutter came and divided them according to the "three of us" principle. The king praised him and told his brother to give all his wealth to the lumberjack]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 28 in Korovkina MS

Western Asia. The Arabs of Lebanon and Iraq [the merchant went bankrupt; he brought the chicken to the Caliph, who ordered it to be divided; the merchant gave the Caliph his head, the two viziers wings, and took the rest for himself; the Caliph generously rewarded him; the neighbor found out, sent her husband to bring five chickens and rice to the Caliph; he ordered the chickens to be divided, but the person who came could not, he was beaten with sticks; the wife spoke about this in the bathhouse; the Caliph's wife (Harun al-Rashid) said husband; he summoned both and ordered them to split 5 eggs; the merchant gave the Caliph's wife 3 eggs, and the Caliph and the vizier one by one, because both already have two; the neighbor gave the Caliph three, and the Caliph's wife and vizier one by one; the wife of the Caliph ordered to reward the merchant and beat the neighbor]: Nowak 1969, No. 375:320-321.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [a poor man brings a rich goose or duck and asks for bread in return; a rich person to share a gift; the poor man gives his head to the owner, a zooka or neck to the hostess, his legs to his sons, his neck to his daughters , keeps the rest for himself; receives bread; another poor man brings five geese (ducks) to the rich, but cannot divide them; the first one is called again; the owner and wife are one, that three; sons, daughters - the same; the poor man takes two - and there are three of us]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 1533:489-490.

Central Europe. Russians (most records after the revolution; Karelia, Pskov, Voronezh, Oryol), Ukrainians (Galicia, Podolia, Chernigov, Yekaterinoslavskaya), Belarusians [Sharing goose: a poor man carries a goose's master, cleverly divides it into five, keeping most of it for himself; the rich man imitates him, but unsuccessfully]: SUS 1979, No. 1533:312; Belarusians [the man asks Mr. for the goose measure of rye; pan asks to be divided into seven; man: I'll hit the head (he's the main one), the lady's neck (the first behind the pan), my daughters on the leg to dance easily, the wing to write beautifully, my torso ; the pan was not stingy to give rye; the man's brother brought two geese, he does not know how to separate, called the first one; he shares: pan, lady and head (goose) - the holy trinity; then the same two daughters and a leg, two panychs and a wing, a man and two geese; the pan gave him both geese and rye, and drove his brother away]: Vasilenok et al. 1958:203-204; northern Ukrainians (Chernigovskaya, Nezhinsky y.) [the man brought the master a duck, he tells him to divide it; the man: the master's head, his wife a tail, his sons, his daughters wings, the rest to him; the master rewarded him; the rich brought five ducks, but could not to divide; the master called the first man; one man and his wife - three, the other sons - three, daughters - three, he himself two - also three; the master rewarded him]: Malinka 1902, No. 72:365-357; (cf. Russians (ca. 1940, Toida village, Anninsky District (b. Bobrovsky Uyezd, Voronezh Gubernia) [A poor old woman sweeps and finds sheep, dries it, grinds it at the mill and cooks a delicious jelly. An old man and an old woman take him to his master in the hope of a return gift. The master is angry and says he'd better get a goose. The old woman shines a splint, the old man weaves bast shoes, they earn money for a goose and take the master. The master makes me share it. He offers the master's head - as the head of the house, the lady's goose, because she is always at home, his sons - paws - they run around, his daughters - wings - will marry, and what is left to the old man and the old woman. Barin agrees]: Korolkova 1941, No. 13:62-63).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Adygi [in Khozha's princely house (or others) divides the goose so that he gets the big piece himself; Iblis (Khoja's rival) tries to imitate him, but fails; {probably the motive "there are three of us" present}]: Tkhamokova 2014, No. 1533:206; Balkarians or Karachays [a rich neighbor persuaded the poor to give him the only chicken - in return he will give him grain; the chicken is cooked, the rich man asks for it divide; he gives the owner a head, the hostess a tail, his daughter wings, his son a neck, the leftovers to the one who shared it; the owner is happy, gives chicken and gifts; after learning about the reward, another person brings five chickens, but not can divide into four; the name of the poor man; he says that if you add one chicken to four people, it will be five, and one (i.e. himself) four will also have five; the rich man likes it, poor carries chickens, but the one who brought four chickens was left with nothing]: Aliyeva, Kholaev 1983:36-37; Nogais [the poor worker brought Khan a goose to be paid more; the khan demands to divide the goose; the poor man gives the head to the khan, the neck to the hansha (let him follow her husband), each of the daughters has a wing (they will fly away), the sons have legs (khan's support), takes his torso; the khan gave the poor man; the rich neighbor brings 5 geese, he cannot divide them into 6 people, the name of the poor man; he puts one goose between the khan and the khansha (now there are three), the other two between the daughters and sons of the khan (also three), takes two for himself (and there are three of them); khan gave a gift to the poor man again, the rich man was left with nothing]: Nogai 1979, No. 36:156-157; Dargin residents: Aliyeva 2013, No. 31 [the poor mother's son brought the only chicken as a gift to the rich man; he tells him to divide it; young man gives a head to a rich man, a heart to his wife, wings to sons, legs to daughters, keeps the rest for himself; receives half a bag of gold as a reward; a neighbor wants more gold, brings five chickens; does not share He knows, one of the daughters and he did not get anything himself; the rich man calls yesterday's poor man; he gives one chicken to his husband and wife (three), one to two brothers (three), one to two sisters (three), the remaining two keeps himself (also three); gets half a bag of gold; the nuker says that the rich man will go broke, goes to take the gold; asks the poor man where the middle of the earth is; he tells him to give him his horse, gun and clothes; shoots a nuker under his feet, he runs away, comes to serve another rich man; advises to demand half a herd from the first rich man: because his stallions have burnt, his neighbor's mares brought foals; rich man summons the old poor man; he comes to the village of the second rich man with five nukers, tells him to kill all the dogs: they dispersed the wolves of another village; if this is not possible, then the mares did not necklace because of laughing stallions; rich man demands to sew an iron fur coat, poor man tells you to make iron threads; rich man: you are still beardless; poor man: take a long-bearded goat; the first rich man gave his daughter to the poor man]: 144-147 (approximately the same Osmanov 1963:39-41); Khalilov, Osmanov 1989 [the peasant brought a goose as a gift to Khan; he asks which part tastes best; peasant: tail skin; khan orders to divide the goose into six; peasant : the head to the khan, the tail to his wife, the wings to his daughters, the legs to his sons, the rest to him; the khan gave the peasant; the rich man brought five geese, could not divide; they called the poor man, he shares: khan and his wife and goose - three, daughters and a goose - three, sons and a goose - three, me and two geese - three; the khan again gave a peasant; the rich man stabbed a buffalo for the khan, said that the skin and tail tasted best; the khan was offended, called the poor man , he said that buffalo milk sour cream; Khan gave him again]: 225-226; (cf. The Avars [Molla Nasreddin joined two horsemen who were going to steal sheep, stole three together, Nasreddin was offered to share the loot; two rams and a mall - three heads, two thieves and one ram - also three heads; thieves recognized the sharing as fair]: Osmanov 1972, No. 60:75-76); Armenians [the poor man has his last chicken, he ordered his wife to cook it and presented it to the king; he tells him to share the gift; man he gave his head to the king, his wings to two viziers, took his torso for himself, explained why; the king gave him gold; another vizier found out about this, brought a roast goose, but could not divide it; they sent for the poor man, he divided it the same way; the vizier deserves only 40 sticks; he received them]: Harutyunyan 1986:143-145; Kurds [the peasant stabbed the last goose, but there is no salt in the house; decided to take it aghe, change for bread; yeah, tells the goose to divide; wife - neck, sons - legs, daughters - wings, stupid peasant - bones and skin, i.e. everything else; yeah, generously dressed the peasant; rich peasant stabbed five geese, but could not separate; sent for the poor; one wife and husband, now you are three; the second sons (three), the third daughters (three), two for themselves, three for themselves; yeah, he gave the poor peasant again, drove the rich man away]: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 255:524-525.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians (Markazi) [a person brings five geese to the village chief and must separate them; divides them as follows: the elder and his wife+goose, these are three; two sons of the headman +goose are also three; two daughters+goose; man himself+two geese are also three]: Marzolph 1984, no.* 1663:241.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [the man needs a forest for the hut, he brought a goose to the master; the owner needs a head and neck, he is wise and powerful; wings for a lady and daughter to fly in the sky; legs for sons to were diligent and dexterous; he took the rest for himself; the master was happy, gave forests; the old man brought six geese to the master, he did not know how to share; the former man: a master with a lady and one goose - three; both sons and one goose - too; a lady with a young lady and one goose too; me and two geese are also three; the master gave the man more forests, but the old man left with nothing]: Alksnite et al. 1958:461-462; Lithuanians [the old man took the master a goose to ask bread; the master's head is the head of everything; the tail is the mistress, the legs are for his sons, the wings are for his daughters, his carcass; the master is satisfied, rewarded him with money and bread; the rich man brought five geese; he cannot divide, call the poor; he divides so that there are three; a master with a lady and one goose; sons and a goose; daughters and a goose; he himself and two geese; rewarded again, and the rich is sent with nothing]: Lebite 1965:344-345; Estonians (Jõhvi; the plot is rare) [the peasant has many geese, brought one master, he asked him to share; his head to the master, legs to his sons, wings to his daughters, the tail to the lady, the rest to him; master laughs, gave money; the neighbor was jealous, brought five geese, could not divide; the first man was called; he had three each; two sons and a goose; two daughters and a goose; a master with a lady and a goose; me and two goose; returned home with two geese, and neighbor at a loss]: Mälk et al. 1967, No. 123:401-403; Lutsie (recorded in 1931 in Russian from a gypsy woman) [two cousins, the poor only has a goose; ordered fry his wife, took it to the pan; the pan demands to be divided into 6 parts; poor man: panu - head, lady - heart, daughters - wings, sons - legs; And for me, as I am a stupid man, let the whole corpse remain; the man is awarded ; the rich decided to take five geese, he does not know how to divide them into six; they called the poor man; he divides it so that he almost gets it himself; the pan is happy, ordered to flog the rich man and take a hundred rubles from him , rewarded the poor again; "As if I don't have geese myself"; the pan calls both to him again; what is the most pleasant thing, fast, fat and strong? poor man's daughter: pleasant - sleep, strong - water, greasy - earth, quick - thought; the wife of a rich man advises to answer this way: pleasant - my wife and I, fat - our hog, strong - our horse, fast - our hound; the rich is punished again, the poor is rewarded; the pan tells the poor to make his wife weave clothes for six from a bunch of linen; the daughter tells him to take three sticks: let him make a loom; pan tells him to take out chickens from boiled eggs; the poor man's daughter asks him to grow peas by sowing boiled peas; the pan tells him to come unfed, not on an empty stomach, naked or dressed, not horse, not on foot, not on the road, not in the field; the old pan died, and the son was driving past the poor man's house and asking for a drink; he liked the poor man's daughter, he married her; the poor man had a mare necklace, the rich man says that it is his cart; the pan decided in favor of the rich; his wife: if the cart is cabbage turned over, and the heads of cabbage rolled into someone else's garden, whose are they? pan: the one who was carrying them; wife: which means the mare's foal; the pan got angry and ordered a divorce; the wife offers to drink tea for the last time, added sleepy remedy, brought her husband who fell asleep to her; pan recognized his wife's wisdom, no longer quarreled]: Annom et al. 2018:70-74.

Volga - Perm. The Bashkirs [bai complains to Erense sesen that they cooked five geese for six, cannot divide them; bai, wife and goose - three, two sons and a goose - three, two daughters and a goose - three, two geese and E. - too three; the other bai asks to share one goose; the head to the husband, the neck to his wife, the legs to the sons, the wings to the daughters, no one needs the torso, E. took it]: Barag 1990, No. 4:27-28.

Eastern Siberia. Central (?) Yakuts (from S.I. Bolo's archive, the place of recording is not specified) [the rich man brought Toyota 5 geese, who tells him to divide wisely; Toyon has a wife, two sons, two daughters, a rich man is unable to separate; toyon called poor man; he gives one goose to Toyona and his wife (now there are three of them), one to sons and daughters (they are also three), takes two (three again); Toyon rewarded the poor man, drove the rich man away]: Illarionov et al. 2008, No. 35:357-359.