Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K57C. The ring in the cake .14.-.17.27.-.29.31.

The prince puts the ring on the beauty's finger, not knowing that she is the same girl who works in his kitchen. The girl throws the ring into the prince's food and he recognizes him.

Egyptian Arabs, Portuguese, Basques, Catalans, Sicilians, Corsicans, Ladins, Irish, British, Walloons, Germans (Mecklenburg, Hanover, Switzerland), Syrian Arabs, Moldovans, Czechs, Russians (Gorkovskaya), varnishes, Danes, Swedes.

North Africa. The Arabs of Egypt [after the death of his wife, the king promised to marry the one who would fit the first wife's anklet; only his daughter came up; preparations for the wedding are in full swing when the princess is talking about everything learns from the vizier's daughter; ordered leather clothes for a tanner that transformed her into a strange creature, ran away; came to another city; called herself Juleidah; the queen assigned her to the kitchen; she pretends to She does not feel or notice anything; refuses to go to the vizier's party with the women; and then came there in her true form; the Sultan's son fell in love with her; then threw gold sparkles on the floor and so far women picked them up, disappeared unnoticed; next time the prince asks where she came from; "From the land of scoops and ladles"; running away, pulls off the ring from the prince's finger; the prince is preparing for on a trip to the country of Cherpakov and Polovnikov, he is being prepared for the road; J. begged her to be allowed to bake a loaf, puts the prince's ring in it; at the first stop, the servant wanted to throw away this loaf, but her prince yet he broke it, found his ring, ordered him to turn back; ordered J. to bring him dinner; she deliberately dropped the tray; let her carry it again; the prince cut the leather cover with a knife and appeared in front of him beautiful; immediately called Kadia to marry; one day Father J. arrives with his servants, he travels to different countries in search of his daughter; J. orders to detain travelers for the night, comes in her husband's clothes, offers to tell stories and tells his own; opens to his father; the king gave his daughter and her husband half his kingdom; the old woman who advised the king to marry her daughter was thrown off a cliff]: Bushnaq 1987:193-200.

Southern Europe. Portuguese [a girl runs away from home, changing her appearance because her father wants to marry her or fleeing her stepmother; she has three dresses given to her by her father; she is helped by her late mother, a grateful animal, a magical object; she becomes a maid in the royal palace; the prince despises her, throws a towel, soap, and a basin at her; in her dresses given by her father, she dances with the prince; says she came from the land of towels, soap, etc.; the prince gives her a ring or something to identify her, or finds her shoe, etc.; the prince recognizes her by the ring she leaves in baked bread; a bird exposes a false bride; or a bird spies on a girl when she changes her appearance; wedding]: Cardigos 2008, No. 510B: 123; Basques [two older daughters answer the king, that he is more important than salt, the youngest says salt is more important; the king tells her daughter to be taken to the mountains, bring her eyes and heart to him; servants bring the dog's eyes and heart; she is hired as a maid; St. The virgin gives her salt, you have to throw grains into the hearth, let everyone think that she has lice; gives her a walnut with a dress in it; she goes to the king's party twice; he escorts her, falls asleep; gives her a ring for the second time; this She bakes the ring in bread; he recognizes him, marries him; the girl's father is also invited to the wedding; he is given food without salt; the daughter explains what is going on; the father took a blow and died; the daughter and the young king are happy]: Barandiaran 1962a, No. 11:50-56; Basques [when dying, the queen makes her husband promise to marry one who looks like her; this is their daughter; daughter makes it a condition to make a dress out of fly wings; king pulls it out; then she sails away on the ship or leaves, is hired as a maid; the king has a ball, the old woman gives the girl a nut with a dress, etc.; the girl runs away, hires to herd the king's geese, wearing sheep skin; the king arranges a party to find a bride for her son; the girl wears a beautiful dress, the queen dances with her, she disappears; on the second and third evening she reappears, every time even better outfit; the king gives her a ring, she promises to come to a certain place but does not come; the Queen suspects that the beautiful maiden is their maid, they do not believe her; the Queen secretly follows a girl, finds her in a forest hut in a luxurious outfit; his mother advises him to stay in bed - let the maid bring him broth; she puts on sheepskin, throws the ring in the broth; wedding, father girls come to her]: Webster 1879:165-166; Catalans [stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter; she went to work somewhere; a young lady gave two bottles - with water, giving and taking away beauty; gave three tonsils - to open when necessary; hired in the kitchen; she is called a firemaker (almost Cinderella, Z.); one day I forgot to put napkins on the table, another time a fork; the gentleman is angry; the ball is held; Z. became beautiful, took out a pink dress from her first tonsil; the owner tried to wear it off, gave it a bracelet (Armbande) and his son fell in love; the next day, red dress, gave earrings; on the third day, a blue and gold dress, a hairpin on the chest; later, while preparing bread for the young owner, Z. put a note in the dough: what you are looking for is in your house; the same the next day; the young man fell ill from love; Z. carried him three bowls of soup and threw the gifts he received into each; washed herself with water that makes him beautiful; wedding]: Salvator 1896:32-49; Sicilians [ when she dies, the wife gives her husband a ring; asks her to take care of her daughter and not to marry until there is someone who fits the ring; the daughter grows up, finds a ring, puts it on; wraps her finger with a rag, but the father tells show; is going to marry his daughter; the confessor advises asking your father for a dress 1) heavenly color with the sun, moon and stars; 2) the colors of the sea with fish, etc.; 3) the color of the earth with animals, flowers; 4) made from the skin of a gray cat; 5) two barrels of pearls and jewelry; the devil gives him what he needs each time; the daughter puts on a cat-skin dress, takes the rest with her, leaves the pigeons splashing in the vat, runs away; in the woods, the king thinks she is a beast; she replies that her name is Betta Pilusa; lives in a chicken coop; the king invites her to his wedding; in the evening, BP wears her first dress and jewelry, comes to carriage; you can't catch up with her, because everyone rushes to pick up the jewelry she has scattered; so three times; the king gives her a gold pin, a watch, a ring; she bakes a pin in a bun; the cook says she baked; then same with a watch, with a ring; the cook admits that she baked the PSU; the king makes the PSU take off her cat skin; wedding]: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 8:52-58; Corsicans: Massignon 1984, No. 22 [from a man's wife a gold star on her forehead; when she dies, the wife asks her husband to remarry only the one who has the same star; she is only his daughter; the mother from the grave tells her to bring a rosary, a poker, a comb into the room; when the father will call you to the bedroom, the objects will answer instead of the girl: I pray, move the coals in the oven, comb my hair; at this time I have to slaughter the cow, there will be a gold ball in her giblets; the ball will fulfill any wishes, and you have to put the skin on yourself and run; now the girl's name is Kugyulin (from the word "skin"); she is hired to the royal castle to herd geese; when she combs her hair, wheat falls on one side, another rice, geese are getting fat; transformed by a golden ball, K. comes to the ball in a bronze dress; the prince gives a ring, asks which country she is beautiful from, she replies that she is from the country of Saddles; in next time, a silver dress, from the land of the Bridles; the third time a gold dress, from the Land of the Spurs; the prince runs out every time, looks for K., tells her to give her a saddle, a kuzu, a spur; the prince orders K. to cook food; she locked herself in the room, took off her cow's skin, told the ball to cook everything, threw the ring the prince's gift into the bowl; the prince peeps, tells his parents to marry him to K.; everything is clear, the wedding ], 72 [a beautiful girl was hired by a poultry house; when she combs her hair, rice is poured out of her hair and wheat on the other; the prince asks her to serve a bridle; she comes to the ball unrecognized, answers prince that she is from Bridle Land; next time she is a saddle; stirrups; spurs; the prince gives her a ring; asks the poultry house to bring him broth; she throws a ring into the broth; wedding]: 50-53, 159-160; ladina [when she dies, the wife tells her husband to take whoever her ring fits; many years later, the daughter accidentally found her mother's ring, it suited her; the father wants to marry her; she demands to get her three dresses - like the sun is like the moon and like stars; and golden shoes; then asks for a spindle that spins itself and a talking spinning wheel; left the spinning wheel with the spindle responsible for herself, took the dresses and shoes and ran away; came to The old man was sent to the palace to hire a maid; she was told to watch the stove and the pigs; on New Year's Eve, the prince held a ball; the girl wore a dress like stars; next time she wore a dress like the moon, the prince wore her finger ring; while running away, she lost one shoe; the prince fell ill out of love; the queen went to bake pancakes for him; the maid offered to bake for her, threw up a ring; the prince found it; she put it on dress like the sun; wedding]: Uffer 1973, No. 29:112-116

Western Europe. The Irish [husband died, the wife remarried; the new husband treated her badly and she died; he was going to marry her stepdaughter; she asks for help from her horse; the horse says that the stepfather is a sorcerer, but her witchcraft is stronger; she tells her stepfather to first get her a silk and silver brocade dress that fits in a walnut; she, a horse, will slow down the work of the strands, weavers and tailors; then the dress silk and gold brocade in chestnut shells; then silk and diamonds the size of a pinhead; the princess wore a cat skin dress, smeared her skin with something brown, took three dresses that fit in nuts, rode off on her horse; fell asleep in the forest, but when she woke up, the horse was gone; she was surrounded by the prince's dogs, he brought her to the palace, left her as a maid in the kitchen; the prince asks to bring him a basin with a towel ; realized that she was a lady, but she did not confess anything; the prince went to prom; the princess came on her horse in a silver dress; the prince did not recognize her and fell in love; next time the prince asks for hot water and a towel; to the ball in a gold dress; for the third time, the prince asks for a needle and thread; a diamond dress; the prince proposes, puts a ring on her finger; recognizes her; wedding {last page not available in pdf}]: Kennedy 1875:81-87 (retelling in Cox 1893, No. 170:66); Englishmen: Kharitonov 2008 [a rich man asks three daughters how much they love him; the youngest answers - how much meat loves salt; her father drove her away; she weaved a cane cape and hat for herself, was hired as a maid; secretly unrecognized comes to the ball, the owners' son fell in love with her; she leaves early others, so three times; the owners' son fell ill from grief; the Reed Hat invites the cook to cook him porridge, throws the ring he gave her at her; at the wedding, the bride tells the cook not to put salt in food; father the girl repents, she opens up to him; everyone is happy]: 234-237; Walloons [when asked by the king how his daughters love him, the eldest replies that like diamonds and St. Virgo, the middle one is like gold and silver, the youngest is like pepper and salt; the king tells the servant to kill the girl, he lets her go, brings the dog's tongue; the girl changes clothes with the old woman and she gives her magic a wand that makes wishes come true; is hired by a maid in the palace; appears in church in beautiful dress, leaves before others, the prince falls in love; puts a ring on her finger; she puts a ring on her finger; she puts the prince plate ring; the bride's father is called for the wedding, he is served unpeppered and unsalted food, he admits his youngest daughter is right]: Laport 1932, No. 923:82-83; Germans (Mecklenburg) [father wants to marry daughters; she demands from him a dress with silver; with gold; with precious stones; he got everything; then a crow skin dress and a magic wand (Glücksruthe); after receiving them, she put on a crow's dress and with a wave of a wand, she found herself at the prince's palace; hired her to the kitchen; she hid her precious dresses in oak; she was named Cinderella (Aschenpüster); when everyone went to the wedding, she showed up in a silver dress ; the prince danced with her; as she left, she got into the carriage and said: the darkness is over, the light is ahead (Hunter mir dunkel und vorne mir klar, /Daβ Niemand sehe wohin ich gahr); next time in a gold dress; prince asks where she lives; in Stiefelschmeiβ (Where They Throw Their Boots); the third time she's a gemstone dress; she's from Bürstenschmeiβ (Where They Throw Brushes; {Apparently, episodes have been missed when The prince, seeing Cinderella as a maid in raven feathers, threw a boot at her and then with a brush}); the prince put a ring on her finger; she did not have time to hide her dress, but only threw crow feathers over it; the next day she threw the ring into the food prepared for the prince; he ordered the cook to be brought in; saw a gemstone dress under the crow's feathers; wedding]: Bartsh 1879, No. 4:479-481; Germans ( Hanover) [the poor man has 11 sons; when his daughter was born, no one wants to be godfather; the father went to the forest, saw a woman, she promised to be a godmother; a year later she took the girl to her place, her parents did not mind; the girl grew up; her godmother gave her keys, telling her not to unlock the room from which the golden key was; on the third day she unlocked it; there was a mirror in which a beautiful girl in royal dress and a golden crown ; she did not recognize herself, because there was no crown; she went in, knocked over the blood vessel, got dirty, the blood could not be washed off; the woman kicked her out of the castle, but gave her the box: if you knock on it three times, she will do that necessary; she was stumbled upon by the king's hunters, brought her to the castle; she was covered in dust and ash, so she was nicknamed Ashenpöling, sent to the kitchen; the king is young, has a ball, looking for a bride; Cinderella knocked on the box, asked for the princess's outfit, the king danced only with her; by morning she had disappeared somewhere; the next evening; on the third he put his ring on her; surrounded the castle with soldiers, but Cinderella she just changed her look and went back to the kitchen; on the third day she threw the ring as a gift into a bowl of soup intended for the king; he married Cinderella; and when she looked at herself in the mirror, I found that reflection]: Colshorn, Colshorn 1854, No. 44:143-147; Germans (Switzerland, Canton of Valais) [mother is dead; father only wants to marry someone who has the same golden hair as his first wife; they only from her daughter; she demands three dresses: like the sun, like a full moon, like a starry sky; he got it; daughter: and a self-propelled wagon; also took it out; the night before the wedding, the girl left in it, picking up her dresses ; changed clothes with a beggar; hired a kitchen job in the city; came to church on Sunday in a sunny dress, returned before others; the next, in a moondress, she was noticed by a Portuguese prince; for the third time, the prince gave her his ring; she ran away losing her shoe; all the girls began to try on the shoe; everyone in the kitchen is baking pies for the prince, Cinderella asked permission and bake it for her, she put a ring in the cake; the prince cut the cake and found the ring; Cinderella went out wearing all three dresses; the prince called her his fiancée]: Jegerlehner 1913, No. 137:108-112.

Western Asia. Arabs of Syria [the king wants to marry his daughter; kadiy confirms that the tree in the man's yard belongs to him, not to his neighbor; the girl tells the felt manufacturer to make her felt clothes so that only her eyes could be seen; in the evening she asked her father to let her go out of need; he tied a rope to her, she tied her to the door, put on his felt and ran away; she was hired as a maid to another king, she is called Felt; the prince sees her swimming, wants to marry; she says her name is So and So, from the village of So and So; he gives her a ring; becoming a maid again, puts the ring in the dough, from who made pies; the prince goes to look for this village, eats pies, finds his ring in the latter; the prince returns to the palace, tells Felt to bring him water, cuts it with a sword felt clothes, takes her as a wife]: Kuhr 1993:378-382.

The Balkans. Moldovans [stepmother brought her own daughter a lot of nuts, and her stepdaughter alone; she planted it, a walnut tree has grown; its branches bend only to her stepdaughter to tear fruit; when she goes to church, stepmother orders to separate ash from wheat (two eagles perform; next time millet scattered around the yard is pigeons; poppy seeds are sparrows); the walnut tree opens, clothes and jewelry inside; for the third time bachelors smear resin on the threshold of the church; the shoe sticks, the girl throws a ring at her, runs away; the boyar's son finds the owner of the shoe, marries; when he leaves, the stepmother and daughter came under the guise of beggars, they cut the stepdaughter into pieces; she laughed - the flowers grew, cried - the diamonds fell down; a passer-by saw that the stepdaughter's remains were ordered to be taken to a nut; the nut revived her, she hired her husband as a worker, she herds geese, and her stepmother's own daughter puts on her jewelry, pretends to be a wife; the maid bakes bread, leaves the ring, the husband recognizes him, takes two stones of patience, tells them about what happened, goes to his wife; the old woman was tied to the horse's tail; where she kicked, ravines appeared, where gullies appeared with her back, red poppies with her head; her own daughter fell up to the neck]: Moldavian tales 1968:204-214.

Central Europe. Czechs [(Bozhena Nemtsova); the queen with a gold star in her forehead died at the birth of her daughter Lada; the king promised to marry someone who would be like his wife; after a long search, she sees a daughter with the same a star on her forehead, wants to marry her; she demands a dress 1) made of wren feathers, 2) like the sun, 3) like the starry sky; the king got everything; in a dream, her mother gives L. a veil from the fog under which she is invisible; L. orders to get a dress out of mouse skins; runs away, wearing it and taking precious dresses with him; hides his dress and veil under a rock by the river, tells the fish not to give it away; after getting his face dirty and wearing a mouse dress, L. is hired to the palace in the kitchen; the king has a son Hostevit (G.); L. comes to the ball three times in his precious dresses, G. fell in love with her, they exchanged rings; G. fell ill with love; L. threw the ring in food prepared for him; he spies on her bathing with her mouse dress off; L. gives the cook who served with a purse full of gold; wedding; King Father L. repented, everything is fine]: Cox 1893, No. 202 : 418-420; Russians (Gorkovskaya) [the father wants to pass his daughter off as an unloved one; she pulled on a pig's skin, began to live with an old woman; there are young hemming nearby, kicking a pig with a boot; on holidays, a girl takes off her skin, comes beautiful; the guy asks where she comes from; from the village where they gush her bootleg; the guy began to watch; the old woman's pies were burned, she agreed to bake the pig; she put it in pie ring; the guy understood everything, pulled out the pig, took off his skin, turned out to be beautiful]: Borovik, Mirer 1939, No. 88:200-201.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Lucky [stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter; father sews daughter into white gazelle shoes, that girl turns into gazelle; old woman brings seven nuts, each with a new dress; father sells gazelle to the son of a pachah; taking off her gazelle skin and putting on her dress, the girl appears at feasts; the son of a pachaha falls in love, gives her a ring; goes to look for her; gazelle makes a churek, gives it to the servants, the son of a pachaha finds a churek in a churek the ring, understands everything; at night the gazelle in his room turns into a girl; the old woman finds out the secret, brings gazelle skin to the pachaha, he burns it, the girl flies away with a falcon; wearing out his steel boots, the son The pachaha finds a cave, secretly eats the girl's food, grabs it before she flies away again, explains that it's not her fault; they return home]: Ganiyeva 2012b, No. 45:408-418.

Baltoscandia. Danes [widowed, the king wants to marry the one who looks the most like his deceased wife; this is the daughter; the mother from the grave advises her daughter to ask her father for a dress like the sun, a dress like the moon, and feathers to fly them; he gets everything and while she sleeps, his daughter picks up her dresses and flies away; hires her maid to the castle; her name is Pulleru ("rastrepa"); the prince orders him to bring him shoes, hits her with a shoe; wearing a dress like the moon, she comes to the ball and replies to the prince that she came from a country where maids are beaten with a shoe; next time: where they beat her with a towel; the prince gives her his ring; guesses what's going on falls ill; when the Queen Mother prepares broth for him, P. throws a ring into him; he tells him to come to him, tears off P.'s rags - a golden dress underneath them; wedding]: Holbek 1987:562-553; Swedes [ the king promises his dying wife to remarry someone who looks like her; wants to marry his daughter; the old man advises her father to demand from her father 1) a dress with silk roses, 2) with gold flowers, 3) with diamonds, 4) a cape made of all kinds of fur, a hood, glasses; takes it all and runs away; the old man takes her to the coal burn hut, gives the key to the boulder; the hostess advises her to hire the queen with a spinner; she opens a boulder hides his dresses in it; three times in the guise of a mess he encounters a prince who is sick, he throws a log at her, etc.; appears three times in the church in luxurious clothes, replying to the prince that she is from "Countries where logs are thrown"; for the third time, the prince puts his ring on her church; she throws it into his food; everything is explained, the prince marries her]: Cox 1907:197.