Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K58. Channel builder. . (.65.)

To get the hand of the chosen one, the character builds a canal or aqueduct. Usually, a woman does not end up marrying the person who has done the job, and she or her applicant dies.

Spaniards, French (Provence), Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks, Uzbeks in Khorezm, Vakhans, Tajiks.

Southern Europe. Spanish (Andalusia) [The King of Spain had a beautiful daughter named Liberia. He asked her for advice on how to build Cadiz, because there was no water and the land around it was clay and impassable for people. Liberia promised to help if her father married her to whoever she wanted. And when three queens from Greece, Scandinavia and Africa came to marry her, she asked all three of them a task. To see which of them loved her more, she asked me to do three things: build a city with walls, towers and houses, build a bridge for people to pass and water to flow into the city. and build pavements so that people can walk without drowning in soaked clay. Whoever is the first to cope with any of the tasks set will be her husband. The first to complete the work was a prince from Greece, who built a bridge and an aqueduct. The girl was very happy, but asked him not to announce the completion, but to wait for the other two queens to be almost ready so that she and her father could easily finish it later. As a result, after waiting for the rest of the applicants to complete the construction, the Greek prince opened the pipe and let water into the city. The overjoyed king married his daughter to him, and paid the other two queens as much for their labors as he could]: Menéndez Pidal 1906, cap. 10:11-12.

Western Europe. The French (Arles): Dumézil, Duviols 1976, No. 24 [(by Thevenot de la Creuse 1835); the powerful and evil moneylender Sabius marries the chaste Sérazie, promising to accomplish any task ; she asks to direct water from the Vaucluse source (from Latin. Vallis Clausa) into her marble pool; Sabius organizes the construction of a canal and fills the pool with water; in order not to marry a moneylender, Serazi drowned herself in this pool], 25 [(according to Mistral 1867); during fairies The Roman Emperor {hereinafter referred to as Prince} marries Queen Ponsirade, but she still postpones her decision; the groom offers to fulfill the girl's every wish; she asks for an aqueduct from the Vaucluse spring; the groom mobilizes 100,000 workers and brings water to bed after 7 years; but P. says that she can quit her job because her lover brings her water to bed; the unfortunate prince is dead]: 195-196, 196.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Georgians (Kakhi, the current Gakh district of Azerbaijan) [in order not to give his daughter for a handsome Tatar, the priest suggests that he draw water down the mountainside from the Kurmukho River to the church fence; the groom had almost finished his work; in order not to give his daughter, the priest turned to the witch; she advised to separate the sheep from the lambs, the cows from the calves for three days, and then let them go together; there would be a roar and bleat and she will say that it was the popovna who died of longing for the groom and was mourning her; the groom smashed his head with a pickaxe and rushed into the canal, and the girl, when she found out, also died; they were buried on opposite sides of the canal; people wanted to kill an old woman, she died of fear; she was buried in the same channel between the graves of the bride and groom; a thorny bush grew on her grave; flowers from the two graves used to reach and intertwine and now the bush does not allow this to be done]: Virsaladze 1973, No. 83:139-140; Armenians [a rich young man and a strong and courageous Virgo fell in love with the daughter of Karabakh Melik; the girl promised to marry someone who he will build a canal earlier; D. was the first to finish the work, postponing the start of the water until the morning; the rich, on the advice of an old woman, laid a wet white cloth from the river to the gardens; D. decided that it was water, he stabbed himself; the girl died with grief; a rich man buried an old woman between them; rose bushes stretch towards each other, but the thorns growing on the old woman's grave prevent them from connecting]: Bogoyavlensky 1892b: 75-78 (transferred to Karapetyan 1990, No. 151:65-66); Azerbaijanis [the daughter of the Shirvan Padishah promises to marry Padishah Gyaurs if he sows a ditch from the Araz River to Shirvan, grows a watermelon on irrigated melons, gives her a slice; he fulfills the condition but blood flowed from the cut watermelon; the girl explains this by the cruelty of the padishah, who refuses to marry]: Nabiev 1988:293-294.

Iran - Central Asia. The Uzbeks of Khorezm [the ruler of Khorezm, Tyuryabek-Khanim, refuses Sultan Sanjar; he blocked the Amu Darya; six months later, T., at the request of the people, agreed; S. opened water, but it did not flow as before, but along the modern channel; T. arrived at S., but ran away, placing foals along the way from the mares on which she rode to S.]: Snesarev 1983:161-162; Uzbeks [The king sends the sorceress Maston on a camel Ilyamon to marry 40 brides-sisters for his 40 sons; the girls' father demands to dig a channel between the kingdoms; he has been dug for many months, but there is no end in sight; the elder tells the youngest brother to close his eyes; when he opens his eyes, the canal is ready, on one side it is winter, the other is summer; the elder teaches the young man to send a knife for the wedding; on the way back, the brothers wives should not enter the white house during bad weather; they enter, the dragon blocks the exit; lets go for the king's promise to give his youngest son; demands that the young man get him a bride in 40 days; he is on the way steps cautiously without suppressing an ant, divides the hare between two lions; they promise to help; the young man stops with an old woman whose 7 sons died while marrying the princess; the king demands 1) collect 40 scattered across the field of millet bags (ants collect), 2) eat the meat of two bulls (lions eat), 3) fill a large jug with chervonets (the princess gives her ring, it fills the jug with gold); the bride has a chest in it a dove, a worm in the pigeon's goiter, the young man presses it, the dragon dies; the young man brings his wife home]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (1): 339-347 (=Konovalov, Stepanov 1986:157-166); Uzbeks [after the death of a poor father Farhad opened a casket, which his father told him to bury in the ground; it had a mirror, and in the mirror you could see the meadow in which the beautiful woman was walking; together with his friend Shapur F. went in search; easily destroys the rocks so that let water into the fields; Shirin sees this; she promises to marry the one who will turn Syr-Darya into the Hungry Steppe; the vizier advises Shah Khosrov to spread reed mats on the ground: in moonlight, they will shine like water; S. believed and became H.'s wife; meanwhile F. finished his work and let the water go; Sh. turned into a river, and F. turned into a cliff on its bank]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (1): 559-565; the Vakhans [ Seeking the girl's love, the young man leads an irrigation canal to the village; his rival, at the instigation of an old woman, scatters mica across the field, which shines like water in the moonlight; thinking that his opponent is ahead of him , a young man commits suicide]: Steblin-Kamensky 1970:217; Tajiks [see Vakhans; "I heard a similar legend in the village of Karatag near Dushanbe"]: Steblin-Kamensky 1970:217).

(Wed. Mesoamerica Jacalteka [the girl rejects the groom; he builds a dam, the river floods the banks; people persuade the girl to agree; she gives in, but now the groom refuses; she kills him, the flood ends]: La Farge, Byers 1931:124-125).

(Wed. The Central Andes. Apparently, a European borrowing of early colonial time. See Dumézil, Duviols 1976:173-195. Paramonga (dep. Lima) [Paramonga was the fortress where the beautiful daughter of Casik lived; promised to marry another casik if he drew a canal and irrigated her garden (on the pyramid terrace); he did it almost impossible the company and got married; but she hated him and killed him, waiting for the opportunity]: Calancha 1638, vol.3, ch. 2:551 (quail. Dumézil, Duviols 1976, No. 5:175-176); Ouarochiri (dep. Lima): Salomon, Urioste 1991, ch. 6 [Chuki Suso cried while caring for her corn because there was little water; Pariah Kaka covered the groove with a cloak, the water was almost dry; promised to do a good channel if an emergency falls with him; she demanded to finish the work first; the canal was built by all animals and birds, the Fox was in charge; the Partridge fluttered out in front of him, he fell down in fear; now the channel led The snake and it went lower than it should have; the emergency lay down from the PC, and then turned into stone; (quail. Dumézil, Duviols 1976, No. 1:173-174)], 31 [Colkiri turned into callcallo (grasshopper?) ; Kapiyama caught him, put him under her clothes; he became a man again, married her; her relatives agreed to recognize him when he made an underground passage through which water passed and clogged source; people were dissatisfied that there was a lot of water, and K. reduced the source; (quail. Dumézil, Duviols 1976, No. 16:189-190)]: 62-63, 139-142; Farfán 1958:670-676; Uarochiri (dep. Lima) [Mount Vichuca was a rich woman, rejected Mount Condorcoto's love because it was brown in color, not as beautiful as Pariacaca; Mrs. Vichuchi was a princess Koneraya, who allows only platonic love, wants Condorcoto to build a canal; his friend Pariacaca gives him water for the bride; yet Koneraya rejects him; he is hers rapes, she gives birth to twin daughters; in shame she runs to the sea, turns her babies into rocks 2 km from the coast; Condorcoto does not have time to catch up with her]: Ortiz Rescaniere 1980:96-100 (quail. based on a manuscript in Dumézil, Duviols 1976, No. 8:178-179); San Lorenzo de Quinti, Huarochiri, dep. Lima [Pariacaca promises Chuquisuso to bring water; a fox, a dove, a parrot, a snake help him build a canal; but he did not finish it because C. rejected it; he gave her the fruit of lucuma and she gave it ate; he continued to travel, but women rejected him, so there was little water; he took all the water to Lunahuana]: Ortiz Rescaniere 1980:101-102; San Pedro de Huancaire - Huarochiri [Pariacaca was ugly; a woman who was short of water agreed to his proposal to build a canal; forgot about it and was amazed to see snakes and other animals busy building; rushed run to the coast, turned into an island at the mouth of the Lurin River]: Ortiz Rescaniere 1980:102-103; prov. Yauyo, dep. Lima [Mount Vichuca - pacarina (place of origin) residents of Olleros County; V. was a girl to whom rich Yaro-Vilka gave a golden vessel of clean water from a spring in the Cordillera Pariacaca; she rejected the gift despite the lack of water, threw away the vessel; the spray that fell during the flight formed springs; it fell almost in front of the Pachacamaca temple, where a spring also formed; a traffic jam turned into ichu and chilka herbs growing near springs]: Mejia Xesspe 1947:9 in Toro Montalvo 1990b:404; yauyo [west 1943 B. Variullas Gallardo; there was no water in the village of Piños; asked the water at Lake Chalhuacocha ("the lake where Chalhua lives") was irrigated little by little; the lake, out of compassion for people, promised its daughter to someone who would lead canals to the villages of Pinhos and Huaquis; from a spring Chiclayo came out in the midst of thunder and hail, one led a canal to Huaquis, the other faster to Pinhos, descended into the lake, joined his daughter; people began to live safely]: Dumezil, Duviols 1976 : 192-193; Pampacocha, prov. Kant [women go to Viscas to fetch water; the man promises to supply water for the one who will marry him; he threw a stone from his sling as proof, clogged the spring; but the woman refused; he turned it into stone]: Dumézil, Duviols 1976, No. 6:176; Viñac, prov. Yauyo [there was a drought in Vinyak; two outsiders said they were Huaris brothers; offered water in exchange for two widows; people refused, and Wari only wanted two guinea pigs; hid the water under land; this river flows out into Huayllampi and flows into Cañete]: Dumézil, Duviols 1976, No. 9bis: 179; prov. Kant: Dumézil, Duviols 1976, No. 9 (West. Arguedas) [Mount Condorcoto has the shape of a condor; Juan Alonso was rejected by Mariatana, he brought water to Llanga]: 179; Risua, Andamarca (dep. Junin) [Ri Inca is the son of Atavalpa and his wife Mancu Capac; the owner of the estate agrees to marry his daughter if he builds a bridge from Apurimac to Cusco in three nights; RI puts the stones in motion finishes work overnight, gets married; builds the village of Arequipa]: Ortiz Rescaniere 1980:137-138; Cusco District: Arguedas, Izquierdo Rios 1947:71-72 (Calca) [(Quail in Dumézil, Duviols 1976, #2:174); Orcco Huaranca promises to give Pitusira's daughter to whoever runs the canal; Sahuasiray leads from the top of the mountain, faster; Ritisiray leads down a heart-shaped slope, late, but the girl loves him; after the wedding, he runs with him to the mountains; God turned them into two mountains as punishment, Pitusira is always cold and covered with snow], 72-73; Dumézil, Duviols 1976, No. 3 (Calca, from the newspaper in Cusco) [at Orco Sumac Ttica's daughter; two rivals lead canals out of a mountain lake at the same time; fight, the girl's lover is defeated; she comes to his channel, asks the gods to turn her into stone], 4 [same as No. 3; Tambo Urco gives her daughter Sumak Chika to lead the channel; one tunnels and wins, the other leads down the slope; the girl runs with the loser, the father asks the Sun to punish them; they are turned into two Pitusiray t Sahuasiray (Sawasiray) snowy peaks]): 174-175, 175; Itier 1996 (prov. Calca) [father promises daughter to one of the chiefs who will build the canal; daughter loves the loser, runs with him; at the father's request, the Sun turns lovers into two mountains]: 175-176; Piquillacta ( The ruins of the Wari era south of Cusco): Dumézil, Duviols 1976, No. 10 [(published with Benigno Pia Mesa, Cuzco, 1867; Wiener about him: Doctor of Law, National Guard Colonel, School Inspector, Magazine Publisher and etc.); Sumacc Tica ("Beautiful Flower") lived in Piquillacta, promised a hand to the one who would bring water; Auqui-Ttitu, the only son of the Ccolla-Suyu Kuraki, built an aqueduct across the Rumi-Ccollca hill ("The Gruda Stones"; this pile is the remains of the aqueduct); safely married ST], 12 [(Quail from Farfán 1958:668-670); Rumi-Chaka was Piquilyacta's kuraka, loyal to Inca, but no water; widows, son of Paqo-Runa, daughter Sumaq-t'ika; she herself had to carry water from afar; Awki-t'itu, the son of Anti-Pampa Kuraki, and the furious Atoq-Rimachi of Qolla-Suyu argue for her; she promises to marry the one who built the canal; AR brought water later, committed suicide, AT gets a princess]: 180-184, 185-186; Pardo 1933:144-147 [Sumactica is the daughter of Kuraki Rumichak, an Inca by blood; of suitors, she likes Aukitito better , Kuraka Antipampa; Atokrimachi, son of Kuraki Callao Tacircock, promises to kill any rival; S. makes marriage conditional on the construction of a canal to supply water to her village; Atokrimachi quits her job without finishing; Aukitito finishes, marries S., she is happy; the rival hangs up] in Angeles Caballero 1990:88-91; Cusco: Dumézil, Duviols 1976, No. 11 [(Quail by Mujuhul S. Pacha, Leyendas del Wilcomayo, Cuzco, s.d.:53-55); Ccoillor, daughter of Maita Ccapac), commanders Pauccar (led the warrior west) and Cusi Puma (north) argue over her; K. returned first reported how many people he killed, sacrificed children; Inca called him a cougar, sent him to fight in Anti for his cruelty; P. said that he had found a country without water, told the soldiers to build a canal; Inca joyfully gave his daughter for him]: 184-185; Huayracpunko: Dumézil, Duviols 1976, No. 13 [zap. (Antoinette Fioravanti); Huayrac ("Wind"), Kuraka Huayracpunko ("Wind Village"); during a drought, everyone leaves, leaving Huaylla's daughter and loyal Siscocha; Willcac (Kuraki's son) argues for Kuraki's daughter Willcacpampa), Turunkuntur (descendant of Kuraki of the same name), Paccha (son of Kasik Pacchayoc); Kuraka promises to the one who built the canal; W. and T. both brought water, but T. led from afar and was late, the princess went after W.; P. not completed]: 186-187; mountains of southern Peru [two brothers Utka Paukar and Duck Maita want to marry Kurak's daughter Ima Sumah; Kuraka promises to give her up for spending channel to his palace; although the UP is a Sinchi (a noble warrior) and has many people under command, UM, with its agricultural experience, wins; within a year, two troops fight, then the brothers agree to decide martial arts; at the last moment UM admits it's wrong; UM marries IP]: Lara 1973:185-189 in Toro Montalvo 1990b: 447-448; in Dumézil, Duviols 1976, No. 15:187-189 (also by Lara short variant, No. 14 [Utaha Páuqar, Utqha Maita, Ima Súmaj, Awapanti] :187).