Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K59. Osiris's chest. .

One person puts another in a box and closes the lid, or ties another to a board, boat, etc., throws it into the water. The coffin (box, board) is nailed to a distant land, where the prisoner is released. He usually comes back and takes revenge on his opponent.

North Africa. Arabs (?) Morocco, Algeria [an angel advises the childless king to take a new wife; warns that 6 sons will be born and the sixth will kill the rest and the king himself; he is superior in everything to his brothers, those they want to destroy him; he has 6 fingers, so his name is Busetta ("six-toed"); brothers stay at the ghouli's house; at night B. changed the headscarves on the heads of Guli's daughters and his brothers; Gulya kills his daughters, brothers run away; advise father to tell B. to get 1) chicken laying golden eggs from guli; B. has a talking horse, with his help he took out chicken; 2) carpet (the horse tells you to pour lice and fleas onto the carpet, Gulya throws the carpet out the window); 3) the gulya herself (supposedly that beauty); unrecognized B. brings Gula a chest that supposedly saves him from death; Gulya climbs into it, B. slammed the lid shut, delivered it to his father; crossing the river, gulya really turns into a beauty; makes marriage a condition for the king or someone in return to the lower world to take care of his deceased father, grandfather, great-grandfather; the king sends B.; he returns with three old men who have a huge cauldron; they offer to throw themselves into boiling water; B. is unharmed, the king is cooked, B. received the throne, married a beautiful drone, executed the brothers; the gulya is gone, and the talking horse became a beautiful wife to B.]: Nowak 1969, No. 197:199-201; Algerian Arabs (Tiaret Plateau) [Amar Zadam is the youngest of seven brothers, he is considered useless; sent to buy horses , guns; he puts a needle under the hoof the best horse, spoils the bolt of the best gun so that he gets them; the brothers think to get rid of him, call him to visit the cannibal Ouma Djidda; everyone accepts her treat, they share salt with her, AZ says he has enough ash bread (so he does not owe her anything); the brothers fell asleep, the cannibal asks AZ if he is sleeping; he replies that the rooster is interfering; she eats the rooster; A donkey is a donkey; this is how she makes her eat all living creatures; she falls asleep, he wakes up his brothers, they run; they ate cannibal salt, so she catches up with them, eats horses, AZ carries brothers on her mare; father tells AZ bring the cannibal chicken; AZ quietly pokes the chicken with a cane, it rushes around the house, the cannibal throws it outside, AZ picks it up; the same is the carpet (AZ sprinkles thorns into it); the father tells me to bring it herself cannibal; unrecognized, AZ comes, says that his mother is dead, could the cannibal measure whether the chest is tall; the cannibal lies down in it, AZ brings the chest to his father; he opens it, the cannibal eats it him and the AZ brothers; he and his mother are leaving]: Aceval 2005, No. 108:123-128; Ancient Egypt [Osiris is the eldest son of Earth God Gebe and Goddess of Heaven Nut; his brother Seth hosted a feast, invited everyone to go to bed a chest (whoever is fit, he will give it to him); the chest is made to Osiris's standards; when Osiris lay down, Seth's servants filled the lid, threw the chest into the river; it was carried by the current to Phoenicia; the tree grew, enclosing a chest in her trunk; the local king made a column of the palace out of wood; Isis came to Phoenicia, took care of the king's little son, placing him in the fire to make him immortal; the boy's mother saw screamed, the spell broke; frightened I., the queen gave her the column; taking out the chest from it, I. screamed, the queen's child died from this cry; in Egypt, I. hid the chest in the reeds; Seth found it, cut it Osiris's corpse to pieces; I. and sister Nephthys collected them; the phallus was eaten by lepidot fish (so the Egyptians do not eat it; Cancer 1993:99); I. made a clay phallus; becoming a female kite, conceived son Horus from the deceased Osiris; the sisters embalmed the body of Osiris (the first mummy); I. gave birth to Horus, hid it in the swamps; he was bitten by a snake (possibly Seth in the form of a snake), Who neutralized the poison; to gain magical powers, I. you need to know the secret name of God Ra; she sent a snake to sting Ra, cured it only when he told her his name; Seth began to fight Osiris, pulled out his eye and cut him apart; He found the pieces, combined returned Hora; it is a symbol of power, life - the Eye of Wajet; He let the dead Osiris swallow the Eye; O. is resurrected, but must become king of the afterlife].

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Minyong abor [at first perfume (epom) and people were friends; man and epom made dumplings; epom invited the man to go to bed in a dolblenka; covered another, tied it up, let him go down the river; took his wife; two years later, the man was rescued by a bird, returned home when epom was not at home; waited for epom to climb onto the roof; made a hole in the roof; it rained; the wife offered epom to repair the hole, the man killed with his knife; began to live with his wife, their descendants were mipak (plebeian families); a similar motive in Dunbar 1915. Abors and Galongs. Mem. of the Asiatic Soc. of Bengal 5:63]: Fürer-Haimendorf 1954:590; miniong [Rabbo and Nibu brothers have agreed to bury a stone; whoever stone turns into a pengum bird will get good ones the lands, and whose peku-peku bird is, are bad; R. lost, but N. invited him to live with him; R. replaces the fish at the top, N. with garbage that fell into its top; replaces the deer in N.'s trap with a rhinoceros bird and his own trap; advises N. to sacrifice pig and beer to spirits, throwing them off the tree, eating them himself; N. tries to deceive R. in the same way, but he threw a stone from the tree on N. (since then people have pain in breasts); N.'s son is handsome, R.'s son is ugly; N. replies that he covered his son in a basket, poured boiling water over him; R. does this to his own; while N. sleeps, R. lowers him down the river in a boat, covering him with another boat and having tied him up, takes his wife; the Siggo-Pareng bird tore the ropes; N. returns to his wife; his daughter tells her mother that the father is coming, she does not believe at first, hits the girl in the stomach with a weaving shuttle, since then people with abdominal pain; N. drives R., he went to the spirits, works for the female spirit Nippong Wiyu; spirits attack N., R. rushes to help his brother, they kill Nippong Wiyu and carry her meat; N. sees that R. eats meat raw; says they must part, everyone will go blindly; R. closed his eyes with leaves with holes and N. with dense leaves; spirits are descendants of R., they see people, and people, descendants of N., do not see spirits]: Elwin 1958b, No. 12:188-191 (=1958a: 172-175); bori [Tani is younger brother, Taki is elder; Tani advises Taki to sacrifice a pig to the spirits by throwing it down the slope; takes him and him the children are fat; Tanya laughs at Taki; Taki tries to repeat the deception, but Taki heated a stone on the mountain and threw it down the slope, Taki grabbed him, burned him; Taki made the boat, said it was warmer to sleep in it at night; Tanya believed, Taki closed the lid tightly, lowered the boat down the river; Tanya asks the vines, then the reeds to stop the boat; the reeds stopped; asks the birds for help; two birds began to hammer, but broke their beaks; the bird Randang freed Tanya, he returned home; tied monkey bows and arrows to the tree, became a bird himself, started screaming that monkeys couldn't fish; they grabbed their bows but they couldn't tear them off; they got into a fight only three monkeys survived; after the fight, they had flat noses and sunken eyes; Tanya brought monkey meat and onions, his wife and children were tired; told Tanya that they were fat when he put them in a trough and poured boiling water; Taki did so, his wife and children became worms; Tanya began to swing on the vine; Taki wanted to too, saw sharp rocks under him; Tanya had a pair of eyes in front and back of her head; Taki promised to take it off from the swing if he gives him one pair; he looks at the back of his head, now Taki has two pairs of eyes; he has become Wiyu; so spirits see people, but people can't see spirits; Taki made Tanya's wife and children see fell ill and died; Tanya himself fell ill too; give him perfume as Doini Aiye's wife; after that he recovered, they have many children]: Elwin 1958a, No. 2:144-147; apatani [Baro Piicha offers Abo Tani to kill their wives and children; really cuts his own to pieces, and AT wraps his own in a mat, hides them in the corner of the house, tells them to yell, cuts the dog, sprinkles blood on the house; they cook and eat meat, BP complains that he has tough, and AT tastes good (because it's dog); AT replies that he added pork, but BP doesn't taste good even with pork; both crush rice, AT has three-metered, PSU has a two-membered rhythm of blows; AT explains that he clamped three pestles between the fingers; the PSU does this, breaks its fingers; the PSU turns into a rooster, spies that AT's rice is being destroyed by his wife and children; BP makes a trough to feed the pigs - says he will give AT when if not; AT goes to check if it is deep enough, AP closes the lid, lowers the slope; AT asks trees and herbs to stop the trough, they hold it near the river; asks the fish to hold the trough with his fins, preventing him from sliding into the river; asks the Hawk to bite; he begins to bite, sees AT, says that AT drove him, flies away; the same is with the Raven; the badger is unable to expand the hole, ask for help to the Sun woman; she tells you to wait three days, she will heat the trough, it will burst; for her help, the Sun asks AT to look after her children, tells her not to look into the bathroom, under the house, etc.; AT looks in, sees tigers, bears, snakes, scorpions; the Sun agrees to bring him down to the ground on a string; he enters his house, his children recognize him, his wife does not believe him at first; says that BP has now taken her; AT hides with a sword, chases a PSU around the house and yard, it falls into the ground]: Blackburn 2008:69-73.

Iran - Central Asia. Baluchi [the father married four sons, two were unmarried, went on a journey; woke up one night and went to look for the missing horses; the king died there, and a Simurg bird sat on the young man's head, his elected king, he forgot his brother; the merchant makes him a clerk; he solves the king's dream, exposing the infidelity of his wives; the king gives him a daughter; the merchant asks the young man to get the cup out of the chest, closes the lid , throws it into the river; the gardener finds a chest, frees the young man; he comes to the merchant's wedding, tells his story; the tsar brother recognizes him, executes the merchant, the young man celebrates his wedding]: Zarubin 1952, 13:163- 172.

Turkestan. Uighurs (Khotan) [Ak-Khan and Kara Khan go hunting; their wives must give birth; A. fell off his horse and died; his wife gave birth to a son named Tira Padishah, his wife K. is the daughter of Zora Khan; K. is raising T. is like his son; he plays ball with the boys, the ball breaks the old woman's spinning wheel, who calls him faultless; T. makes his mother admit that K. is not his father; he and Z. fall in love with each other; an enemy attacked, K. promises a daughter to the one who gets the head of the enemy ruler; T. does this, but the hero slave Qara Bahadur ("black hero") takes possession of her, brings K., gets Z.; K. orders to make a box put T. in it, lower it down the river; the merchant hears T.'s song addressed to Z., records it, puts it in a jug, the woman brings water to Z., she finds the text; at this time the princess of another city finds the box; she T. cares for with the maids; the vizier suggests testing him: is he from a royal family; each time T. acts like a prince (sits on the throne, in the king's saddle, taking the king's falcon); the princess is given out for T.; after a while he decides to find Z., comes, everything is explained; gets the throne and Z.; (and apparently stays with two wives); KB expelled]: Jarring 1946:3-34.

Amur-Sakhalin. Udege people: Kormushin 1998, No. 51 [old Kanda tells his wife that their son is catching too much game; makes a coffin, invites his son to lie in it, pushes him into the river, ties him to the coffin a dog; one or two girls push the coffin away from the shore; the third realizes that K.'s son is in it; inside she finds frogs, toads, snakes, a ring finger; puts his finger in the cradle, he turns into a good job; for with his soul, a girl rises to heaven to old woman Koya; she gives her soul, the girl takes the lively man as her husband; they sail to his parents; the first and second girls hang themselves in grief; the young man's father cooks his boots; son kills his father and mother with a spear, lives with his wife]: 189-200; Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 30 [old Hutu tells his wife that their son is catching too much game, offers to get rid of it; they they ask him to lie in the coffin, cover him with snakes, snails and other reptiles, let him into the water; Emande's girlfriend pushes the coffin back into the water when she finds out what's inside the reptile; Bele pulls him out, finds An uneaten finger, washes, puts it in a cradle, a person is reborn; marries B.; E. hangs up in grief; seeing how poor his parents are, the endyga decides not to kill them, but simply leave them]: 223-227; Lopatin 1933, No. 3 [neighbors complain to the old man that his son will kill all the animals, there will be nothing to eat; the old man makes a coffin, tells his son that it is good to rest in it, pushes him into the river; the young man's white dog comes running follow him along the shore to the house where the girl lives; she drags the coffin out of the water, the hook breaks off; the same with another girl; she tells the dog to run to the snake, she will lie down as a bridge to the island, there will be another girl; through For seven days she catches a coffin, inside a turtle; a girl hangs her leg on a branch, in the sun she spits the boy's fingers; the girl sews them on the doll, the young man comes to life; the turtle says he needs go to seventh heaven; there he hides a boy's toy, he takes him to his sick sister, the young man heals her, takes her as a wife; they go down, he takes a second wife, who revived him, refuses not who managed to pull out the coffin, she hangs herself; his parents are starving at home, he lowers their meat, kills both with a knife; happy with his wives]: 247-250; Nikolaeva et al. 2003, No. 6 [hungry childless spouses ask child; the wife dreams that the top of the poplar is cracked, hears crying; the boy has grown up quickly, brings a lot of meat; the couple think he kills too many animals; the father makes a coffin, puts snakes there, worms, invites her son to lie down, clogs the lid, lowers him into the river; one girl, seeing the coffin, pushes him back; the other takes off the lid, finds an uneaten little finger, lurks, it turns into a man, takes her as his wife; visits his parents, brings them meat, forgives them; says he is the son of Enduli]: 44-46.

SV Asia. The Chukchi [west in 1955 in Nunyamo; the sons asked their father to make them boats to play with; to get rid of them, he made a trough, put the children in it, stabbed them, vustila them at sea; the children were picked up, the Eagle and the Eagle raised them, gave them eagle kitchens; when they caught the biggest whale, the Eagles let them go to their parents; at home, the sons stood up for their mother, who was beaten by their father, kicked him out of the house, for themselves built a good yaranga]: Anonymous 1958:70.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos [father lets his little son kayak into the sea; he ends up in the land of Eagles; two girls raise him, their father gives him eagle plumage; he grabs a fire-breathing whale, that drags him under water, the Eagle sisters help raise the whale into the air; the Eagle wants human beings; the young man brings his father to eat; brings his mother, she lives well with the Eagles]: Menovshchikov 1985, No. 39:88-93; Nunivak Island [the chief sews his mischievous nephew into an empty sealskin wineskin, throws him into the sea; he nails him to the shore where his mother, daughter, and big eagle live; the young man takes his daughter as his wife, the eagle brings them lahtaks and caribou; the hero asks the eagle to take him to his uncle, who swims in a kayak, his nephew drowns him; asks the eagle to bring a wife for his grown son; he brings the chief's wife; two half men come with one hand, one eye, half mouth; start breaking the house; that woman kills them; she had a shale nose and walrus wings]: Lantis 1946, No. 12:281; Kodiak [see motive K27; a man kills his sister's sons; she pretends to have given birth to a girl, her brother finds out the truth; 1) drops a wedge into the crack of a log, asks his nephew to get it, knocks out other wedges; a young man escapes; the uncle lets his nephew into the sea in a box or in the skin of a seal; he sails to the country of the Eagles, receives eagle plumage; brings the whale to the uncle's village; the uncle drives the boy's mother away from the meat; the nephew- The eagle raises his uncle into the air, throws him into the sea]: Golder 1903, No. 8:90-95; Aleuts (Unalashka) [like an alutik]: Jochelson 1990, No. 35:269-277; Bering Strait Inupiate [orphan Seetuk lives with his uncle, studies with him; the uncle's wife eats all supplies, tells her husband that his nephew does it; the uncle puts S. in the box, ties the lid, lowers it into the sea; the box sticks to the shore; S. is released, hunts, gets everything he needs; someone brings fish, deer, wolves (they have valuable skins) to his house; two brothers and sister arrive; she is ready to marry S. if he overtakes her and defeats the evil opponent; S. first lags behind, then witches, overtakes; the girl's father gives him polar bear skin; S. defeats the opponent in a ball game (this is a big stone); diving into the sea; kills with an arrow when he appears in the guise of a bear; S. marries, his father-in-law gives him hawkish plumage; S. flies to his native village, raises his uncle, throws him into the sea, before taking off his bird's clothes and saying why he is going to kill him; brings his uncle's corpse to the village, tells his story; people kill his uncle's wife, bury him with her husband; S. returns to the Hawks, becomes their leader]: Garber 1940, No. 27:204-215; inupiat Northern Alaska: Hall 1975, No. PM5 [every time a younger brother's wife gives birth to a son and he grows up, the older brother kills his nephew; the couple pretend to be a girl; the uncle suspects the truth puts his nephew in a hollowed out log, covers him with a lid, lowers him into the sea; he is nailed to the land of eagles; two eagle girls find him; he is taught to fly, not told to grab a fire-breathing whale; he grabs gets stuck with his claws, eagles save him; he marries; comes to his uncle, kills him with his hands, crushing him from above], PM73 [uncle's wife cheats on him with his nephew; uncle covers him in a hollowed out log, lowers him into river; he is found by an eagle girl, brought to the sky; he is taught to fly; he takes a kayak with his uncle into the air, throws him, his uncle dies]: 125-130, 276-278.

Subarctic. Koyukon: De Laguna 1995, No. 29 [a man is jealous of his two wives for his nephew; splits a log, hollows out a container in two halves; invites his nephew to lie down; when it turns out that a container by his standards, connects the halves, lets him into the river; a log floats along the sea to the shore; a porcupine gnaws through the ropes; a giant adopts a young man; sends him home with a load of meat; his wife's uncles died, he took two others; tries to run over his nephew with a falling tree; he presses him down, leaves him to die; marries his widows]: 224-229; Attla 1983 [The raven is jealous of his two wives for his sister's son; lures He in a hollow, binds him, covers him with a lid, lets him go downstream; for several months the young man feeds on his dry excrement, becomes a shaman; Porcupine and Mouse free him, the giant helps him; he returns to his native village; replaces his severed nails with Raven's nails; he throws them into the fire, falls ill, dies; his nephew takes his wives]: 141-169:141-169; Kuchin: McKennan 1965 [the older brother is jealous of the younger brother; splits the log, makes a coffin; invites his brother to lie down and try it on; closes the lid, lowers it into the river; takes the coffin to the shore where the Dog Eskimos (= eagle people) live; they have no mouth, they eat the smell of rotten meat; the hero cuts their mouths; then they cut through each other, some in a hurry make a vertical cut; the hero gets a wife; local people rip open their bellies pregnant wives, the hero teaches how to give birth; hawks are moose for them, the hero easily kills hawks; a dead hawk that falls from a tree has run over several people; the hero is given eagle plumage, he flies home in it, lifts his brother into the air, throws him into the fast; takes him two wives; one of them lubricates his feathers with her milk, his wings weaken; he grabs a beaver, which drags him under water; wives take a piece as her husband fir resin; put a rope in a boat with a rope tied to it, let it go with the flow; at a signal they pull back; one day they spy and see that the resin turns into a man, he hunts beavers; they pull sharply boat, resin falls to pieces]: 132-136; Petitot 1886, No. 5 [the older brother has two wives; he ties the youngest, lowers the deck into the sea; the young man asks the seagull to sail in front of him, the sea calms down, the deck brings it ashore; the white wolf tries to gnaw through the fetters, the marten succeeds; the young man comes to a village where there are only dogs; there is meat there, but the smell of a dog makes it impossible to eat it; he enters the dark passage, He sees the eagle's feathered skin hanging, puts it on, flies to the village; children recognize eagle skin, pierce it; adults invite him to live with them; these people are dogs below the waist; the young man stays in the house , where a girl marries her, he is fed mouse legs, mice are deer for them; local people do not know what sleep means; the young man falls asleep, others think he is dead; when he wakes up, he says he has found out sleep is the secret of sleep; throws a hare's eyes into the fire, others fall asleep; these people hunt polar owls, ask him to catch owls; he shot one, she fell into the house where his wife scratched her to death; the harvested mouse fell into the fire and burned; the dogs believe that the young man is to blame, tell him to leave; he comes to a deer hunter with second eyes on the back of his head and his skis curved on both ends to walk both ways; with his sword he killed all dog dogs; the young man puts on his eagle plumage again, flies over the sea, creates an island to rest if he wants; flies to his brother, he promises he has one of his wives, but the young man grabs him by the hair, picks him up, throws him into the river, he drowns; the young man comes to his two wives, one has parasites and the other has mice; he cleansed women of them, slept with both; pierced his chest with one eagle feather, she gave birth to a boy; one day he went hunting, grabbed him by the heel, dragged him into the water and drowned by a huge pike; it was his older brother]: 56-67; hea [older brother sews the youngest in the skin, lets him go down the river; the fox gnaws through the fetters; the man gets to people who are dogs below the waist; marries; the dog people leave him, his son hides the fire for him; the old man gives him a white eagle, he takes the form of an old man, flies home on an eagle; on the way he feeds him, cutting off meat from his own thighs; takes his true form, kills his angry wife and brother; marries his brother's wife]: Petitot 1886, No. 19:169-176; Tagish [jealous man tells his servants to close the opponent in the box, launch him; Eagle girls save him, he lives with the Eagles; arrives in the village, grabs a woman, others cling to her, he dumps everyone at sea]: McClelland 1975 (2): 466.

NW Coast. Tlingit: Swanton 1909, No. 52 [a jealous uncle kills the sons of his three sisters; the fourth husband gives his son a bracelet to help him become a feather ball in a moment of danger; uncle demands 1) come to a huge oyster (the young man is swallowed, cuts the oyster from the inside), 2) catch a monstrous octopus (brings it to his uncle), 3) climb a tree (the uncle climbs after him, pushes his nephew down, he lands with a feather); the uncle ties the young man to the board, throws him into the sea; three sisters find him, he marries two; visits his uncle's wife, kills him, returns to his wives]: 198-203; Haida: Reid, Bringhurst 1989 [The raven marries a creek woman; the Wealthsound girl is their descendant; tells the young man who picked her up and his relatives how her brother threw a frog into the fire, the frog's mother began to look their child; old people told Wealthsound to hide in a latrine, the rest were destroyed by earthquake and fire; the boy's parents adopt a girl of the same kind (their coat of arms is dogfish, small shark); W. are married to the mainland; her son complains that other children are teasing him rootless; mother and son are returning to the Hyda Islands; her adoptive parents are already dead; named brother W. accepts her and nephew; finds him with his wife, puts him in a box, lets him go to sea; he is washed ashore in the country of Orlov, Orlitsa takes the young man as her husband, her father gives him eagle plumage, tells him to miss a big one clam; it is enough, dragged under water, the Eagles come to the rescue, each grabs the other, the whole chain of Eagles is almost hidden under water, the old Eagle pulls them out, but the young man remains under water; At the request of his wife, her father pulls his bones from the bottom, revives him; agrees to send his son-in-law and daughter to the country of people; gives three stones; when the young man and wife are tired of flying, they throw a stone, he turns into an island, they will come to it; so three times; at home a young man finds his mother; all women want him, he reciprocates him; the eagle wife sees the water become cloudy, flies away; wearing eagle plumage, her husband flies after her; she tells him to come back, he refuses; then she deprives him of his plumage, he falls into the sea; when he falls, he hears a frog croak]: 93-103; Smelcer 1993 (Masset) [uncle is angry that his nephew He does not study well; he closes him in a box, throws him into the sea; becoming an Eagle, his nephew lifts his uncle into the air, throws him into the sea]: 49-50; Swanton 1905:271-273 (Skidgate) [nephew throws chips into the hearth; the fire breaks out, he sees the genitals of his uncle's wife; points to a red woodpecker, says he saw something like this red; the uncle glues his nephew with tar to a log, lets him into the sea; the log comes to the country of Eagles; a young man marries a leader's daughter; he is given an eagle robe; he lifts whales and other marine animals into the air; once almost dragged under water, his eagle mother-in-law manages to pull him back; he arrives in his uncle's village, lifts one person into the air; the other grabs him by the legs, followed by the others; The eagle lifts a chain of people into the air, throws them into the sea], 273-276 (Skidgate) [as on p. 271- 272; the nephew is in love with his uncle's wife; the uncle's slaves smear the bottom of the boat with resin, masking it with feathers; they throw a young man with a board glued to him into the sea; he kills (without details) all the inhabitants of his uncle's village, except his two younger sisters], 277-280 [nephews had the right to sleep with his uncle's wife; he sends nine nephews one by one to split a log, they get stuck, die; the tenth trains by swimming into the sea, breaking off the fir's paws; 1) the uncle splits the log, asks his nephew to get the wedge that has fallen into the gap, takes out another wedge; the nephew tears the log, brings it to his uncle; 2) the uncle asks for cormorants, pushes his nephew off a cliff; he turns into a feather; caress, climbs a rock, brings cormorants; 3) brings burning bark; 4) his uncle pushes him into the shell of the mollusk, the nephew tears it apart; uncle puts him sleeping in a box, throws him into the sea; he sails into the country of the Eagles; marries the leader's daughter, receives an eagle robe; lifts his uncle into the air, throws him into the sea; he turns into a sea spirit]; 1908a, No. 38 [a shaman thinks his nephew is stupid, puts him in a deck, covers him, lets him go to sea; two sisters catch a deck; their father gives the youngest boy a wife; he wants to visit the house; he is given a skin an eagle, wearing which his father-in-law caught whales; a young eagle lifts his uncle by the hair, someone grabs him by the leg, the other grabs the grabber, the whole village forms a chain, the eagle picks it up, throws it into the sea; uncle takes it further than others, turns it into devil-fish (stingray?) ; returns to his wife; contrary to warning, a whale with two breaths grabs him under water with all the eagles who have come to the rescue; father-in-law is the last, he manages to pull out the entire chain, including a whale]: 513-517; Tsimshian: Barbados 1953:26-34 [the young man must inherit the leader's uncle's wives, becomes a lover of one of them; the chief smears the boards with resin, lovers stick to them, uncle puts the board with his nephew in the boat, goes down the river; he sails to the country of Haida; the son of the local leader has just died, the chief adopts the foundling; the young man's comrades throw a frog into the fire; a woman hears crying, a voice predicts that they will all die on the way home, the chief's son when he jumps from the boat to the shore; the village itself was destroyed by the volcano; the young man's named sister (i.e. the leader's daughter) and her grandmother father; the grandmother sends the girl to another village; the chief's daughter, who came to be adopted, died there; she is getting married; the young men are dissatisfied that her two sons are ahead of everything; the husband agrees to send his wife and sons to the Tsimshian village where the chief's nephew, who came to Hyda, came from; the Tsimshian leader recognizes those who arrived], 42-52 (b. Ness) [while the chief is hunting, the nephew sleeps with his wife; the chief finds lovers, kills his wife, glues his nephew with resin to the board, lowers him in the boat; the boat sticks to an unknown shore, the sun melted the resin; the mouse invites the young man to his uncle; various birds and animals sit in the house (in human form, but in appropriate clothes); the chief offers the young man a daughter as a wife; she gives him a stone to at night, he first knocked out her vaginal teeth; previous suitors all died; his wife gives eagle clothes, he helps pull the whale out, the Eagles respect him; father-in-law leaves the oyster bait, she drags her son-in-law to the bottom ; the wife is ready to kill herself; the chief raises the floor, moves the net at the bottom of the sea, pulls out his son-in-law's bones, revives; the young man misses home, gets three pebbles from his father-in-law; throws him into the sea on the way home , they turn into islands, the spouses rest on them; bring people food and wealth; taking the form of an eagle, the young man hunts; one day he cheats on his wife; she flies away, he flies after her, falls, drowns; at home, the wife- The eagle withers from grief; the father-in-law revives his son-in-law again, he stays with the Eagles].

The coast is the Plateau. Sechelt (syciatl) [the young man fell in love with the chief's most beautiful wife; the chief smeared his wife's bed with resin, threw the glued young man into the water along with the board he stuck to; the sun melted resin, the young man went to the other side of the sea; a mouse slave brings him to the house of young women; the mouse advises to choose the last wife; the father-in-law gives his son-in-law an eagle suit, his wife teaches him to fly, catch whales; his claws monsters get stuck in the back, eagles help, tear the monster apart; a born son wants to see his father's parents; father-in-law sends young people with a child in a self-propelled boat; in the husband's village, the wife feeds everyone with an inexhaustible supply of meat, even the Raven cannot eat his portion; the wife warns not to flirt with other women; the husband violates the ban, she walks on the waves, picking up her son; he follows; she turns around, he sinks]: Hill-Tout 1904a: 54-57; skagit [{apparently a European fairy tale, but the motive for hammering into a box is probably local}; the petty officer's daughter falls in love with a poor young man; father boils up both into a box, throws them into the water; a box sails to the island; a woman lives there with four maids; they open the box, take the young man as a husband, leave the girl (she is no longer mentioned); the mistress turns he brings himself and the maids to the foreman; the young man throws three nuts one by one, they become beautiful; the petty officer says that his daughter was better; the young man showed his wives ahead of schedule, so they are gone; he goes in search of his wife (i.e. mistress); two argue about whose clothes make invisible; the young man puts them on himself; comes to a woman who hides him from her sons; four bring cold, it is winter months, the fifth is warm; says that the young man's wife will marry today; at the wedding, an invisible boy drinks herbal tea from his wife's cup; she looks through strong windows, sees him, drives the groom, returns to young man]: Hilbert 1985:23-32.