Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K60A. Are the fetters strong. 11.-.

Unaware of the danger, the character allows himself to be tied tightly.

Kikuyu, Baule, Oromo, Masai, Nubians (?) , Iraqi Arabs (?) , Kabila, Iraqi Arabs, Saudi Arabia, Mehri, Jibbali, Gudinaf (Bwaydoka), Viets, Mentawai, Javanese, Bahau, Ibans, Chuan Miao, Bulgarians, Romanians, Moldovans, Hungarians, Slovaks, Russians (Olonets, Pskov, Ryazan, Voronezh), Western Ukrainians (Hutsulshchina), Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Kalmyks, Stavropol Turkmens, Chechens, Georgians, Azerbaijanis, Persians, Tajiks, Yazgulyam, Baluchis, Scandinavians, Estonians, Lutsi, Mari, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs (Turgay), Khakas, Mongols, Mansi, Southern Selkups, Ilimpic, Turukhan Evenks, Angarsk Evenks, Sym Evenks, Evenks, Evens, Dolgans, Central Yakuts, Tundra yukaghirs.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Kikuyu [during the drought, the animals dug a well, the Hare did not work; everyone decided to take turns guarding so that the Hare does not collect water; he gives the Gazelle honey, promises more if she is allowed to tie it; collects water ; the same with the Swamp Goat, Hyena, Elephant (the Elephant offers to play if he will tear the ropes; the elephant is confident that the latter could not tear); everyone lies that he was tied up by the Masai; the turtle hides in the water, the Hare is grabbed by the nose; the hare is thrown into the fire, he runs away unnoticed; some animals think he has burned down, others think he has run away; they fight; they leave the Hare alone]: Okhotina 1962:203-208.

West Africa. Baule [The leopard told Spider that there is a tree in his field where the woodman lives; if you catch a leopard and kill it by a tree, the woodworker will produce a plentiful harvest of yams; the spider put a piece of wood in his mouth, asked the Leopard to tie it up and hit the back of his head; spit out the gold; the leopard wanted to be tied; but the gold did not appear; the Spider dragged the Leopard to the tree, cut off his head]: Himmelheber 1951b: 70-72 (translated to Himmelheber 1960:78-80).

Sudan - East Africa. Oromo [when going to war, the father leaves his wife and son to give birth; tells the son to kill the child if a girl is born and bring him her blood, and if a boy is born, kill a black ram, too to bring his blood; the young man felt sorry for the newborn and deceived his father by bringing him the blood of a ram; when the father returned, the son warned his sister not to show that she was his daughter and immediately took her away; in the forest he exterminated sorcerers and began to live with his sister in the house, but one sorcerer survived and persuaded the girl to kill her brother to marry her; she pretended to be sick, she would be cured by witchcraft food; the young man came to the sorcerer (the other), who gave her food, but told me what was really going on; the sister pretended that what she ate was better and offered to play-tie each other to a pole at home; tying her brother, she called a sorcerer; brother asked him to tie his body to the mule and let the mule go; that other sorcerer found a mule and revived the young man; he shot the sorcerer and brought his sister to his father, told him everything]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2016:96-100; Masai [after dancing, three girls follow an unfamiliar handsome man; he goes forward, saying that he will gather the sheep; in fact, he hides the bones eaten under the bed; in fact, the ogre's mother is in the house, who remains the skeleton, says that he ate all relatives and neighbors, tells me to make a hole in the wall and run; halfway through, a girl remembers that she left her beads, returns; the cannibal refuses to call her mother, sister (he ate them a long time ago), agrees to make her wife; she gives birth to his son Konyek, he immediately grows up, leaves with his father to hunt people; the girl's mother's pregnant sister comes to her visit; the ogre's wife tells her not to hide from the rain under a lonely tree on the way back; she breaks the ban; when she sees the cannibals, she peed herself in fear; they first think that the tree is leaking, then they see they eat her; the cannibal calls the twins from her womb kidneys, gives her to K., tells her to take them to his mother, she will fry them to him; she hides the children under the bed, roasts rats for K.; the boys grow up, K. suspects deception (who eats meat, whose footprints, why does the mother ask her father to give her shields and spears?) ; she asks her husband and son to get under the skin of a cow, which she nails with pegs to the ground: she wants to see how K. gets out and repel the attackers; the first time K. gets out, the second time she cannot; a woman calls twins, they killed cannibals with spears]: Hollis 1905:143-147 (=Kipury 1983, No. 12:54-58); Nubians, Sudanese Arabs [{there is some possibility that a cheating wife is not provoking allow the husband to bind himself, resorts to some other trick}]: El-Shamy 2004, No. 590A: 338-339.

North Africa. Kabila [a sick father tells his seven sons to bring the hearts of their wives - he will eat them and recover; only the youngest refuses, leaves with his wife; going for fire, he comes to 99 Wuarssen (devas), those they cook 99 dead people in a cauldron, offer to remove the cauldron from the fire; the young man picks up and overturns the cauldron, kills the devas, throws him into the hole; brings his wife into the house of the devas, tells him not to enter the same room, leaves hunt; the wife comes in, sees that one dev is only injured, heals him, converges with him; the young man comes to the cannibal teriel, puts on her chest, now she is his mother, promises to help; to get rid of The woman's husband, Dev, advises her to ask him to bring rejuvenating apples from overseas; T.: meat in front of the ox, change straw in front of the dog; there is a black bull nearby, he will furiously throw horns, you will fly across seven seas, fall on an apple tree, pick apples; an eagle's nest on the apple tree, give meat to the chicks, the eagle will bring it back; when he returns, the young man gave 4 apples to T. and 4 to his wife; dev to the woman: tell her husband that You are afraid if he is not weak, let him tie himself; when he can't break his fetters, I'll get out and kill him; he tears all his fetters; T. young man: they will kill you, ask you to put your bones in a bag, load it on a donkey, he will come, I'll revive you; when he came back to his wife, she offered to tie him with her hair, he couldn't escape, the devil killed him and ate him, but the bones were sent on a donkey; T. folded her bones, covered him with wool and silk, gave him milk, his body recovered, she revived him with a rejuvenating apple; allowed him to return home when he could easily lift a bag of salt and a bag of iron; he comes disguised as a beggar, dev lets him in; offered to tell a fairy tale; while he is telling his story, Dev and his wife sink into the ground, he cuts their heads off; kills their deva son; wants to return to his father, T. gives the box (do not open on the way) and a black man; he opens outside the house, there is a beautiful daughter T., she has a ring that creates a palace; the young man's father sees his wife, wants her for himself, promises a Jew a reward for killing his son; he leads the young man hunts, feeds salty meat, gives water in exchange for eyes, brings them to the young man's father; he goes with the warriors to take his wife, but the black man does not let him in, kills everyone; the young man hears the conversation between the old eagle and the chicks; the old one has lost his feathers, asks to cover him; chicks: suddenly our father will treat us like a man with his son who is under a tree; eagle: let the young man rub his eyes with the leaves of a tree; the young man saw the light, the chicks covered an eagle; the young man came to the old woman, changed his clothes, his father did not recognize him, promised to give him his power as an elder if he killed a black man alone; the young man agreed with his wife that the black man would be tied to blood, blood will spill, he will fall; witnesses: this man killed a black man; the father hands over power to his son without knowing who it is; before that, asks the wise men if the father can marry his daughter-in-law; 6 say yes, the seventh, that no; the father tells him to be killed, the young man kills him, orders him to kill a Jew and punish 6 wise men]: Frobenius 1922a, No. 2:11-24; Egyptian Arabs, Arabs (?) Morocco: El-Shamy 2004, No. 590A: 338-339

Western Asia. Iraqi Arabs: Stevens 2006, No. 20 [the man went for firewood; when he saw a lion, he did not run, but asked what he was doing in his forest; the lion was indignant, and the man offered to fight - he just goes for with a hatchet, and the lion has his weapon with his fangs and claws; lion: how do I know you're going to come back? person: My name is Fas-Fus and I live there, but how do I know you're not going to run away? The lion himself offered to tie him; he would have died, but the mouse gnawed through the ropes for the lion's promise to become the patron saint of the mouse tribe; lion: what is your name? mouse: Fsai-Fis (the word is a diminutive of Fas-Fus); the lion suspected something was amiss and left these places altogether]: 93-94; Weissbach 1908, No. 8 [the sultan killed his wives every week; the daughter of the vizier remained; she ran away, found an empty castle, gave birth to a son there, he grew up; the young man hunts, shares his prey with lions every time, they become his friends; he unlocked all the rooms in the palace, in one he found a chained black man with with his lip, which he covered himself like a blanket; in the absence of her son, the mother frees the black man and lives with him, and when the son arrives, she shackles him again; to get rid of the young man, the mother and the black man agree that she pretend to be sick, let the son bring 1) a grenade guarded by cannibal eagles; young lions killed eagles, a young man brought grenades; 2) water from the river in which the dragon gives water to the residents of the city in exchange for girls; a young man comes to an old woman, she says that the dragon has already eaten all the girls, it is the turn of the sheikh's daughter; the young man killed the dragon, the girl anointed him with dragon blood; the slave claims that he killed, the sheikh is ready give him a daughter; she says that she has noted her savior; the sheikh gathers all the men; the young man is the last to be brought, he gets a wife; goes to visit his mother; the wife gives a ring, the other from her: if it turns yellow, with the husband is in trouble; the mother offers her son to play chess and when she finally wins, she gets the right to shackle him; he replies that he can only be tied with his own hair; she does so; the black man refuses kill him, his mother kills him, throws his body away; the lions came running, one began to lick his wounds, the other brought the caravans; the young man was still alive, he was leaving, he returned to his wife; killed his mother, scoped a black man]: 43-53; Palestinians, Jordanian Arabs: El-Shamy 2004, No. 590A: 338-339; Saudia [the fox is trapped; persuaded the lion to release it and let him be tied; the lion asks for different animals free him; the mouse gnawed through the ropes and freed the lion]: Nowak 1969, No. 23:62-63; mehri [the sultan told five sons he would kill their mother because she took the Jew as a lover; youngest son Muhammad warned his mother, they left; there was no fire, M. saw a fire in the distance, seven were sitting there, cooking a camel, telling him to cut the meat; he took his share and the fire, but on the way the rain extinguished the fire; M. returned, those they were angry, M. killed them, began to live with his mother in their castle; one demon was alive, his mother found him, cured him, took him as a lover; to get rid of M., the demon suggests sending him to the garden for olives, where are lions and snakes; the mother was sick, olives would cure her; M. met a man, brought him water, he gave him hair - if burned, he would come to the rescue; became a horse, took M. to the garden, M. let the chained lion go, took olives, brought it to his mother; she sent him to bring clothes; he went on horseback to where the Sultan's daughter was given to be eaten by a 7-eyed, seven-horned snake; killed the snake, breaking its horns with stones, gouging out its eyes with a spear; put his head on the mountain; sultan: whoever takes off his head kills the snake; M. takes off, gets the princess; returns to his mother again; she ties him up - to see how strong he is; tells the demon to kill him; but he is afraid; then he throws him out of the castle; the caravans find him, release him; M. kills the demon, the two children that his mother M. gave birth to him, throws him away; under the guise of a dervish, comes to the Sultan, who gives off his youngest daughter; she sees M. hiding his horse and sword; throws a lemon at him; other daughters married wealthy merchants; the Sultan's eyes hurt, he will be cured by wild goat milk; M. milks a wild goat and hyena, gives hyena milk to his elder sons-in-law, for which he burns their scrotum; hyena milk made the sultan worse, and the goat milk brought by M. cured him; M. defeated the attacking enemies; injured his arm, it was tied with a handkerchief; the slave recognized the handkerchief; the sultan saw the stamps on his older sons-in-law; made M. sultan, became a vizier himself]: Jahn 1902, No. 7:21-37; jibbali [when leaving, the sultan tells his son to kill the child he should give birth to a wife if a girl is born, save if a boy; the wife gives the girl to an old woman, the brother buries the sheep; the girl grows up, the old woman tells her not to leave the house, she goes out to drive away the chickens from the grain, the sultan sees her, wants to marry her; the deception is revealed; the sultan tells his son to kill his sister; he leaves with her; they live by the stream, the brother hunts; the sister's hair goes with the flow, picks him up an old woman; an infidel tells her to find a girl; they come to her; she tells her to kill her brother; invites him to play, the loser will be tied to a bench; he binds him tightly, the infidel blocks the young man, takes his sister away; the cat gnaws through the fetters; the young man recovers, leaves; the Sultan's daughter sees him, agrees to marry him, even if he is a castrato; an infidel meets a young man, tells the Sultan that his son-in-law is castrated; he promises execute the infidel and his wife if it is a lie, or let him and his son-in-law be executed, if true; in the evening, the wife lets the young man down from the window, he leaves; three angels promise to restore his courage if he gives them half of his future children; they tell them to wake them up when the sea is not white or black, but green; he wakes him up, he is thrown into the green sea, his genitals recover; at night he sleeps with his wife; cuts off head to a sister and an infidel; a wife gives birth to three children; when he shares them, he cuts one, leaves, carrying half; angels call out to him, connect the halves, lets him go to his wife with three children; everything is fine]: Mü ller 1907, No. 22:102-110.

Melanesia. Gudinaf (bwaydoka) [when the husband went hunting, a spirit woman came to his wife; offered a game: take turns wrapping each other in a mat and tying each other; the woman tied the spirit and then untied it; Then the spirit woman tied up the real woman, but did not untie it; the husband came; each of the two women began to say that she was a wife and the other was a liar; the husband believed the liar and threw his real wife into the river; she swam to a certain shore, there is an empty house; she began to live there, gave birth to twins; they grew up playing with other boys; the woman's husband came and found out her sons {it's not clear how}; their mother told them stay in the pig pen; they were there for a long time and looked terrible; but then she took pity and released them; they began to live together, all is well]: Young 1970, No. 18:123-126.

Burma - Indochina. Viet Nam (central Vietnam) [Kuai boy ("merry man, entertainer") serves rich Tua Lang; he tells him to kill the terrible Elephant; K. says that there will be an earthquake, the sky will fall, pretends that wants to tie himself; the elephant asks to tie him; first tears his fetters, the second time unable; K. kills him; crows flock to peck at the elephant, climb into its womb, K. covers the wound with a leaf; sits on an elephant, takes off on it; TL wants to fly, K. advises him to pick a leaf over the sea; crows fly out, the elephant falls, TL sinks]: Karpov, Tkachev 1958:84-89.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Mentawai [man goes fishing; along the way he is joined by a long-tailed monkey, a gibbon, a black monkey, a brown monkey, a deer; they catch fish, leaving each one in turn cook the catch; every time the Heron comes, asks for it, the cook says he has no right to do the common good, the Heron bites him, the cook runs away, the Heron eats everything; the brown monkey weaves bracelets, says that they treat her nails, knees, the Heron wants it for her too, the Monkey ties her up, hits her, kills her with a club; the fisherman returns home, along the way, the companions return to their villages one by one; more Brown Monkey's antics (see M3 motif; lures other monkeys into a trap; races against a crab that puts a lot of crabs instead)]: Loeb 1929, No. 14:184-188; Javanese [ The canchil goes fishing, meets and companions a wild boar and an elephant; the boar is the first to guard the catch, the giant threatens him, eats all the fish; the same with the tiger, with the elephant; the kanchil weaves bundles of bark, says the giant that Suleiman will cause a flood today must become attached so as not to be carried away; the giant allows him to be tied up, hanged; wants to take all the fish for himself, the tiger is furious, chases him; the kanchil hid in a tree hollow; the tiger followed the bear to help him pull out the canchila; when he sees both, the canchil shouts to the tiger why he borrowed a polar bear and returns the black and dirty one; the bear and the tiger became fight, kill each other]: Ostrovsky 1956:34-45; Bahau [buffalo, ox, dog, deer, horse, barking deer (Cervulus muntjac) and plandock (dwarf deer) went fishing, they take turns guarding catch; buffalo, horse say they are not afraid of the giant gergasi; he grabs the watchman, eats fish; the plandock tells the fish to be covered, pretends to tie his legs with rattan, explains to the giant that the sky Now he will fall - when bound, he will climb into the well; the giant asks him to be tied, the plandock ties him, pushes him into the well, the returning companions finish off the giant with spears; they eat, looking for pepper, the bar points to the dog's red penis, deer believe it's pepper; the dog has been chasing deer ever since]: Evans 1913:471-473; dayaki (iban) [Dwarf Deer and other animals go fishing; every day, the fish caught goes missing; they take turns guarding; Deer, Pig, Bear, Tiger everyone sees a giant, does not dare to stop him from eating his catch; the Dwarf Deer ties his head, says to the giant that his head hurts because of the smell of fish; the giant agrees that his head (then his legs) also hurts; the Dwarf Deer wraps his head, then the giant's legs, he cannot jump up; animals kill him]: Gomes 1911:355-359; Dayaki [Kanchil (dwarf deer) goes fishing with the Turtle, the Deer, the Elephant and others; caught a lot, the Elephant stays to smoke the fish; the forest demon comes, eats everything , The elephant is afraid to intervene; the same happens in turn with the rest of the fishermen; K. remains the last, puts four pillars wrapped in rattan, tells the demon that it is a remedy for back pain, binds him ; K.'s satellites come, kill a demon]: Dixon 1916:189, 332 (note 6) [similar versions of Sunda, Lampung, Minahasa, Galela (Halmahera), Sangihe Islands].

China - Korea. Chuan Miao: Graham 1954:185 [The parents of the two brothers are dead, they live with their mother's older brother; the uncle watched and saw them eat the chickens raw and agree to eat him and him family; one grew a tail and his uncle killed him; the other promised to return in three years and face off; when three years later his uncle was plowing, a tiger appeared; a man asked for permission to go home say goodbye to his wives and then he comes back and the tiger eats him; tiger: what if you don't come back? man: I leave a cow as collateral, but I'm afraid you'll eat it; tiger: you can tie me up; after tying a cow and a tiger to a tree, a man went to get an ax and killed a tiger; the cow laughed so much that she fell and knocked it out his teeth], 233-234 [an orphan young man lives with his uncle's family; his aunt brings him food to the field; he tells her to leave food on the ground so they don't wait for each other; then he plays the flute: I'm a poor orphan, I'm going to they leave the ground; a woman's voice from the cave: if you kill a striped tiger, you get a bunch of silver coins, if you kill a black one, you'll find a chest of gold and silver; he comes to the cave, there is a young woman asking hide or her tigers would come; he shot them with a bow, brought his wife to his uncle's house; two small tigers stayed and, when the young man was plowing, they came to eat him; he asked for permission to go after him with his fists and palms left at home; to prevent the tigers from eating the cow during this time, he tied them to a tree; returned with an ax and killed tigers; the cow fell laughing and knocked out its front teeth, so the cows do not front teeth].

The Balkans. Moldovans [the girl conceived from the smell of a basilica, went to the old man in a cave, gave birth to a son Basilica of Fat Frumos; FF found a palace, killed six dragons - the sons of the witch Cloanza, the seventh cannot be killed, he drove him into a mortar and locked the door, brought his mother to live in the palace; K. released the seventh dragon, took the form of FF's mother, pretended to be sick, sent him for bird's milk; FF came to Ilyana Kosynzyan, who sent the Sun to her brother; he lets the horse go to the copper mountain to a giant bird feeding the chicks with milk; FF quietly framed the jar, rode away; IK replaced the milk with cow's milk, kept the bird's milk; 2) wild boar meat; FF caught, IK replaced domestic pig; 3) living and dead water; FF killed a 10-headed dragon, brought water, IK changed flasks; at home, mother (i.e. K.) suggests trying to tear rope; then two; three FF can not tear, the dragon cut it, collected the remains, put it on the horse and drove it; IK joined the pieces, made up for the shortcomings with wild boar meat, revived it with live water, gave him bird water with milk; FF burned the dragon and K. in the oven, hugged his mother, married IK]: Moldovan tales 1968:334-345; Romanians [a woman with a baby comes to the priest to order a requirement; he agrees with the condition that she she will sleep with him; two more priests want the same thing; the woman has agreed with her husband to invite them all in the evening; when she hears that her husband is coming, each takes turns hiding in the chimney above the hearth; the husband makes a fire, everything the priests fall, the husband hits them on the head; the devil is ready to get rid of the body if the child is given to him; takes the corpse to the ravine; the husband exposes the second, says that the deceased is back; the same with the third; hell in the morning sees the singer, thinks that it is the dead man who has come to life again, throws him into the ravine; the wife is ready to give the child if the devil rolls her hair into a ring; the hair straightens every time; the husband ties the line of his hand, to make it more comfortable to work, and advises to temper your hair by throwing a line into the fire; the child is saved]: Bîrlea 1966:484-485; Hungarians [lion, wolf and bear consider themselves to be the strongest; however, the wolf notices that a person can defeat any of them; they meet a child - a future person, an old man - an ex-man, a lumberjack - a real person; he replies that he has no objection to those who have come animals with weapons other than the ax and the mind; says that the mind has forgotten at home, sends a wolf after him with a letter to his wife, telling him to tie a stone around the wolf's neck; peasants killed the wolf; the lumberjack begins to eat bacon and whispers to the lion that bacon is made from boar meat; the lion rushes at the wild boar; the lumberjack advises not to eat a wild boar with skin and hair, but to wait for him, the lumberjack, to carve bacon; so that the lion can wait patiently, the lumberjack ties him up; then kills him with an ax]: Kovács 1987, № 157*: 279; Bulgarians [lion or bear believe he is the strongest; another animal tells him that man stronger; or the lion thinks that the cat is his relative, but does not understand why it is small; because he lives under the yoke of man; a lion (bear) goes in search of a person, meets a horse, an ox, a buffalo, who advise not to deal with a person; when a lion (bear) is going to fight with a person, he replies that he has forgotten his combat armor (or valor) at home, asks that the lion (bear) allow himself tie, or suddenly run away; or a person pinches the paws of a lion (bear) in a tree; he recognizes the seniority of a person]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, no.*157B: 69-70.

Central Europe. Slovaks [mother breastfeeds her son three times for seven years; when she is convinced that he is able to uproot a beech tree, she says that it is enough - let her take care of her and provide her with housing now; son found a dragon castle in the forest, broke into it, killed the dragons; in the tenth room another one is chained to the wall; asks to be released, he has been chained by other dragons; the young man refuses, brings his mother to live in it castle; forbids entry into the tenth room; she comes in, agrees to release the chained; to do this, you must bring wine from the barrel in the basement; after each cup, one of the hoops falls down; to to get rid of her son, the dragon advises his mother to pretend to be sick, bring an earthen pig; the young man came to St. For a week; she tells her to sit on her horse named Tatoshik, gives the pig a pig to prick; he screams, the pig will chase him; the second time the pig will not scream for fear of the pig, it can be taken away ; next time, the mother, on the advice of the dragon, asks for living and dead water; The week teaches: the water of life is on the right mountain, it will rise at noon; death is on the left, will rise at midnight; the mountains are almost squeezed out the young man's hands; Week left alive and dead water for themselves, and gave the young man an ordinary one; the dragon offers to send a pelican for the bird; Week: the wind pulls trees from the flapping of the wings of the pelican; the young man brought a pelican, Nedelka kept it for herself, and gave the young man a simple eagle for his mother; bring a golden apple from the dragon garden; A week gives a ring: if you turn and think about it, you will have a hundredfold strength more; the horse carried over the garden wall; apples are guarded by a princess kidnapped by dragons; if stolen, she will be killed; she also gives a ring that multiplies strength by a hundred times; dragon under the apple tree; began to fight, dragon drove the young man into the ground up to his ankles; raven: who will I help? dragon: to me, promises gold; young man: to me, promises the carcasses of all horses grazing in the meadow; the raven jumped the young man with water so that he would not be burned by the heat of the dragon; when the young man turned the second ring, he drove the dragon into the ground up to his shoulders; cut his head; the princess picked an apple for the young man herself; the young man promises to come for her in a year; brought his mother a golden apple; she offered to tie him: is he strong like his father? young tore the rope; then tied it with a silk cord: he did not tear it; the dragon cut it to pieces, loaded them on T. and drove him away; T. came to the Week, she revived the young man with dead and living water; but hearts no: his mother took it out and hung it from the ceiling; a week told him to dress up as a beggar, come to the castle to play the bagpipes and ask for a heart as a reward; the mother began to dance with the dragon; the bagpiper said that too old to take money, but his heart would like; a week washed his heart with living and dead water and told the pelican bird to put it in its place; then let the pelican go; turned young man into a dove: let him fly to find out what the mother is doing; to become human again, you have to think about her; the mother tells the dragon to shoot the pigeon, but he turned into a young man and cut off the dragon's head; mother took her out into the courtyard, threw a sword; when he fell, he pierced her heart; the young man came to the king, whose daughter he saved, and married her; if they did not die, they are still alive]: Wenzig 1857:144-156; Russians (Olonetskaya) [ The king and queen hid their son and daughter in a hole from King Samoyed; he found them, promised to return; the lioness gave a comb and flint; they threw a crest (forest), flint (river of fire); began to live across the river; while his brother's flint, S. would not be able to cross the river; S. did a great job, persuaded his sister to steal flint; once with his sister, he suggested that she play cards with her brother, the loser would be tied; S. ate connected; then the girl disgraced S. and he became a Russian man, began to make good money]: Vlasova 2011, No. 19:50-51; Russians (Pskov, Pushkinogorsky district) [grandfather and woman have a mill since 12 at the gate; she took the flour herself, grinded it, closed and opened by the hour; she was hysterical, the man was looking for a help; the naked promises to do everything, but tells me to give it back, which the man does not know at home; the wife gave birth twins: Nastya and Vanya; their father gave them a needle without ears and told them to run; told the naked that they had run to him; N. threw a comb (the forest, naked came back for the ax, cut through the course); N. waved her handkerchief, they flew over across the lake; came to the hut: turn back there, here in front; an old man came with a gun and a dog; told them to serve I. and died; N. came to the river, on the other side naked with an accordion, offers to marry, tells me to wave her handkerchief; she waved, he flew to her; advises to ask I. to get hare's milk; the hare fed up and gave a bunny; N. poured out milk; the same with a fox, a she-wolf, a bear, a lioness; naked: let your father go to the mill, his animals will remain locked; while he walked, N. and N. weaved three ropes: silk, hemp, hair; N. suggests that I. tear them; hair I. could not tear them; hair I. could not tear; asks permission to heat the bathhouse before death; the raven flies, reports how many doors the animals gnawed; the animals came running, tore her naked, N. tied two naked teeth in a handkerchief; I. chained her to an oak tree, put two barrels; let him cry naked in one, and tears for him in the other; not far from the lake came out a short man with seven heads; he was just convicted of the Tsareva's daughter; (hereinafter in square brackets: I. her saves, marries; the wife feels sorry for N., asks to be forged; N. throws them in the tooth in their heads - they die; animals revive with living and dead water; N. was torn, tied to the tails of horses)]: Chernyshev 1950, No. 43:86-89; Russians (Ryazan) [after the death of his mother, the elder brother drove Ivan and their sister away; they live in a bathhouse, I. hunts and picks mushrooms; went out to the big house; went in, drank vodka, began to sing; 36 came robbers; the chieftain sends a man to kill I., he kills the robber himself; so he killed everyone one by one, the chieftain hid; I. brought his sister there; she saw the chieftain, fell in love, he told him to pretend to be sick, send I. for special apples, where he will be killed by robbers; I. killed 300 robbers, brought apples and brought the princess kidnapped by the robbers; the princess hears how the chieftain and sister I. agree to the sister began to play cards with I., who was the loser to tie his hands; I. tore the other two ropes, could not tear his hair; the sister called the chieftain, but the princess cut off his head; sister I. tore it in half; I. and the princess came to the tsar and got married]: Smirnov 1917, No. 229:115-119; Russians (Voronezh) [the blacksmith goes to look for Dashing, a tailor with him, enter the house, a one-eyed woman comes there, kills and eats the tailor; asks the blacksmith to forge her eye; he says he must tie her; the thin rope breaks, but not fat; he gouges out her eyes with a hot awl; in the morning he puts on a sheep coat, goes out with the sheep driven into the hut for the night; screams, Goodbye, Dashingly; sees a hatchet with a golden handle in the tree, grabs his hand, it sticks; famously approaches, the blacksmith cuts off his hand, returns home]: Afanasiev 1985 (2), No. 302:340-341; Western Ukrainians (Hutsulshchina) [stepmother tells her husband to take stepdaughter and stepson to the forest; for the first time a girl sprinkles ash; father hangs on the tree is a piece of wood, it knocks in the wind, as if he were cutting wood, but he left; brother and sister returned on the trail; the second time there was not enough ash, the girl took dust, the wind carried her away; the boy noticed fire from the tree; Brother and sister came to the fire, where there were two loaves and two eggs; then they came to the house; there were 24 thieves, 12 at night, 12 in the afternoon; the boy cuts off each head as they put it out the window; only one wounded, asked the girl to bandage his head, married him; to get rid of his brother, the sister pretends to be sick: wolf's milk will help; now live water is needed; old woman: water for the interpreters mountains, you have to run back; the old woman tells her to leave living water with her, and take the one she gives; sister: you need a sea pig; old woman: he is also beyond the mountains; keeps it, tells take the simple to my sister; sister: let's tie my fingers if you can tear it; the robber came in, chopped the young man into pieces, put it in a bag, threw it into the forest; the old woman's horse picked up the bag and brought it to her; she folded the members of the body, revived it with live water; cooked the pig, let it eat, the young man felt great strength; the old woman turned it into a bird, he flew to the robber, sat on a tree; the robber climbed to pick the bird, leaving a sword on the ground; the bird flew off, became a young man, he chopped the robber; put a bag on his horse, tied his sister alive behind the horse; the horse dragged her, trampled the remains of the robber]: Zinchuk 2006a, No. 91:267-272 ; Belarusians [Vladyka allowed the widowed ass to marry the one who would have the dress of her deceased wife; she had a daughter; she went to the forest to her cell; food fell from the sky; the prince wandered there, took the popovna wife; son Ivan was born; popovna saw his father, he asked for alms; invited him to the palace; he stabbed the child and put a knife in his daughter's pocket; she was expelled; she brought the body to her cell; 15 years later saw how one snake revived another with grass; revived her son; I. found the devils' house, killed everyone, hung one on the hook; contrary to the ban, the mother went there; the devil asked for "a crack with his blood"; she filed, he jumped off the hook; became her husband; ordered her son to be sent first to Fish Koshchei for the pig, then for golden and silver apples to the garden of the 12-headed serpent; I. took the princess out of the snake garden; they fled from a snake in the monastery; the mother tests her son's strength: she wraps him in hemp, silk, then a copper "dart"; the devil began to beat him, blinded him, pinched him in a split pine tree; the cabbies released him, "krinichnaya water" regained her eyesight; I. tortured the line to death; married that princess; told his mother to wear cast-iron shoes: when you tear it down, then your son will be]: Romanov 1887:66.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [padishah has a son; when a daughter was born, he ordered her to be killed; son grew up; padishah: I don't want daughters; son: if another one is born, give it to me; the young man gave the girl to an old woman for upbringing, he wandered himself, defeated everyone; his sister grew up, he took her; in the palace of robbers he killed 16 while they were sleeping, threw the 17th into a well in room 31 and covered it with a stone; one day the girl entered room 41st, I saw the robber, offered to become her husband; he advised me to pretend to be sick, ask for grapes; the brother flew into the garden in his flying duldula; his owner was Azhdakha with 41 heads; drove the young man into the ground is knee-deep, and he is waist-deep; his ajdaha is waist-deep, the young man Azhdahu is up to his throat; he cut off 40 heads, left the last one to die in agony; a girl came out of the palace: you saved me; he took her to Istanbul to see her Padishah father, she gave him a ring; his sister invites her brother to tear the ropes with which she would tie him; he could not tear the rope out of his horsehair; cut out his eyes, the robber was frightened of him kill him, they threw him into a well in the forest, leaving his hands tied; the padishah's hunters pulled him out, sold him to a lame man; he left the blind man at the spring; the maid of the padishah's daughter came up, and the blind man asked for water threw up the ring; the padishah's daughter found it, ordered it to be brought; the fool saw in the forest how the wolf knocked out the fox's eye, chewed the leaves, put it on the eye socket, saw the light; the fool healed the young man, passed it off as his daughter; they achieved their goal; the young man asked permission to go to kill his sister - otherwise he would die; cut his sister's head into pieces, let the robber go]: Zherdeva 2020, No. 5; Crimean Tatars [childless the padishah, taking the vizier, goes on a journey; they wear dervish clothes; at the spring, a real dervish turns to the padishah; he knows who he is talking to and what the padishah does; gives an apple: eat it yourself, and give the peel mare; but don't give my son a name until I come and tell him; a boy and a foal were born; children call sheikhzade "nameless bey"; the teacher says he will not be able to learn him in this world, we need a abode underground; the padishah ordered the basement to be dug, tells him to feed the boy boneless meat; when the boy is 12 years old, there was a bone in the meat; he threw it into the glass ceiling, which crashed, the boy was unsuccessful catch sunlight; the teacher agrees to take the boy out of the basement; he sees a rider, tells the teacher to tell his father to give him a horse, peregrine falcon and a greyhound; a young man 15 years old; a dervish enters: the name of sheikhzade is Shah Ismail, horse - Kamer Tai; Shea hunts with companions his age; chases a gazelle, she disappeared into the tent, turned out to be a girl; SHI lost consciousness; an old woman living with a girl tells her to spend chest on the young man's face, this is the only way to save him; Shea and Gulizar fell in love; he gave her a ring, she is a precious comb for him; SHEA dries with love, one of the young men tells the padishah from meeting G.; she daughter of bey nomads; padishah and bey agreed to marry; but G.'s mother did not agree, migrated with her daughter towards India; Bey jumps to catch up with them; the vizier offered to arrange for SHI to choose a bride: let them come all Kandahar's girls, and all men stay at home; but G. no; Shea jumps in search; a palace without doors, Shea broke the wall, came in; Peri Gulperi cries there; her brothers fight the devas; Shea hacked down all the devas ; the brothers gave him Gulperi, but he put a sword between himself and his wife on the bed; when they learned that SHI was looking for a lover, the brothers report that they saw Arap passing by with bloody hands; SHEA reached the palace Arap Yuzengi, saw pilaf cooked on blood; AYU offers to fight and then eat; one Ayu lip on the ground, the other on Mount Kesheesh; Ayu hit SHI so that his mother's milk flowed from his nose; SHI knocked down AYU , was going to slaughter, but she turned out to be a beautiful girl; goes with SHI in search of Gulizar; stayed with an old woman; she says that the Shah of India marries her son to the daughter of bey of nomads; arranged a date with Gulizar; while they are sleeping, AYU killed the attacking army; SHI returned home with the three girls he had received; Ayu is in danger, tells them to ask them to be accommodated in a separate palace; SHI's mother is jealous, tells the padishah kill their son; when he sees the girls, the padishah also wanted them for himself; AYU gives a stone that identifies the poison; then the vizier offered to play chess with SHI, the loser will be tied; SHEA won three times, and then he deliberately lost; admits that his bow's bowstring holds him in this world; he was tied up, his eyes were pulled out, his right pocket was placed in his left pocket and his left pocket in his right pocket; AYU pretends to agree to go beyond padishah, asks for 100 concubines - she will send jewelry; sends a bag with the severed heads of concubines; smashes the padishah's army; SHEA hears the doves talking in the desert: let's throw it off the feather if SHEA if he rubs his eyes with them, he will see the light; Shea put his eyes in, but the hangman did not put them as SHI asked; his appearance has changed; he has become a padishah's warrior; fights Ayu; the padishah praises him, lets him take the horse and weapon; Shi takes her horse and his sword Zulfikar, comes to her wives, they recognized him; Oh, cut off the head of the padishah; funeral and wedding; they have achieved their goal, may Allah help you too]: Zherdeva 2020 , No. 84; Kalmyks: Jimbinov 1982:17-20 [Edg asks the shepherd to drive camels with armfuls of burning hay to the countless army of Janym Khan; D.'s soldiers in panic exterminate each other; unrecognized E. cuts wood, says D. wants to make a bow for Edg's saddle; D. easily pulls the tree out; E. says E. can swallow molten lead, he'll come out of it with a shot; D. does it; E. can freeze himself up to his chest in the ice of the lake and free himself; D. does it; E. gets better not up to his chest, but up to his throat; D. cannot free himself; blows, E. is unable to get close to cut off his head; old man says that man and horse are the strongest veins; E. ties horseshoes to his legs with horse veins, D. cannot blow him off, E. cuts off his head; his head says that it was necessary not to blow, but to take a sip], 50-53 [ about the same, Ovshe versus the Mangadhai leader; zap. Popov; =Popov 1938:51-56]; Stavropol Turkmens [after the death of a rich man, his children remained: a gray girl and a gray boy; their mother met with a diva; he persuaded her to offer her son try her power: she will tie his thumbs with a belt; he stretched the belt; then she tied it again; a diva appeared, cut off his head; threw his head and torso into the steppe; his sister found, sewed she put the remains on a tree, exchanged clothes with her brother; went to the city; the king would give her daughter to whoever knocked the ring off the pole; the imaginary young man knocked down, received the princess; promised not to touch his wife until they were they would come to his house; went forward, telling him to get to the tree: he would sleep in the branches; the girl herself changed clothes with her brother again; the wife saw the saiga run into a sharp branch and the other cured with some grass; his wife cured the young man with the same grass; he learned about what had happened from a note left by his sister; the sister herself fell into a hare trap and became a hare; when the hunter took it out, the hare became again as a girl, the hunter married her; the gray young man, united with his wife, told her everything and went to look for his sister; hears the boy, playing with money, saying: I throw her with the hand of a gray uncle; this is how he found sister; then I went to find out what happened to my mother, saw her in the arms of a diva, killed both; everything is fine]: A. K. 1875, No. 5:29-33; Chechens [the sledge's wife took the prince as a lover; as if jokingly invites her husband to try his strength; he breaks the iron and steel chains, unable to break the silk rope; he lies tied under the bed of lovers; when they fall asleep, asks his young son to bring him a sword, cuts his fetters, kills lovers, leaves home with his son; the deer he killed comes to life, tells him to go to Narta Ali and hear a more amazing story from him; A. and his eight brothers got into the cave of a one-eyed giant; he cooked his brothers, A. ran away; leaving his son A., the sledge comes to that giant; goat the giant tells the sledge to tie himself under his belly for the night; at night, the giant wants to kill the sledge, but does not find it; in the morning, the sledge defeats the giant, makes the brothers A. revive; marries sister A.]: Gren 1897:13-16 (=Dalgat 1972:268-270); Georgians [Amiran is God's godson; wants to go fight the hero Ambrius; to save his godson from shame, God sends death to Ambria; the widow asks for it Amiran to fix the deceased's hand, Amiran cannot lift it; Amiran invites God himself to fight him; God suggests that he tie his leg to the stake with a lace, try to tear it; the lace turns into an iron chain; Amiran has inexhaustible bread and a jug of water in his hands; a sword at a distance, you can't reach it; the dog licks the chain, by Good Thursday it is ready to break, but in the morning all the blacksmiths hit with a hammer, the chain recovering; one day a hunter wandered to Amiran; could not lift his sword; Amiran sent him to pick up his sword for him, ordered a woman not to let his sword slip along the way (all blacksmiths and women are enemies Amiran, because they make chains and shoelaces); he let it slip, the entrance to the cave was closed]: Stepanov 1893:135-139; Azerbaijanis ("Tatars" of Borchalinsky district. (Tiflis Gubernia) [The king wanted to kill his wife, her son Aslan took his mother away, they stay in the diva's house; the mother takes him as her husband, seeks to lime her son; says he will recover, 1) if she eats golden grapes; A. kills lion watchmen, lion cubs become his assistants, kill divas; 2) mother asks to get grapes from divas; lion cubs defeat them, their sister Inchina-Guzeli becomes A.'s wife; at home, the mother offers to tie them up the son's hands, he tears all the ropes; he cannot tear the strings, tells the wonder to kill him; the diva blinds him, throws him; he is picked up by the caravans, he gets to D., puts her ring in a glass; D. listens to his story; two frogs got into a fight, one blinded the other, cured the other with grass; D. cured A.; he killed his mother and diva, burned the corpses]: Stamboliev 1896, No. 2:8-12.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians (Isfahan, Fars) [the panther invites man to measure his strength; he says he must go home for strength; and to prevent the panther from running away during this time, he ties her to a tree; when he returns, kills her]: Marzolph 1984, no.*157:52; Tajiks [fox to lion: the man said he would make you hot and eat you; the lion went to look for a man; sees bulls plowing the ground, screaming loudly donkey, at first thinks that people are them; when he meets a person, asks him to show his cunning; man: she stayed at home, and you can run away, so I'll tie you up; the lion allowed himself to be tied, the man chopped him to pieces with an ax]: Levin et al. 1981, No. 393:298; Tajiks [Jamshed-shchakh ruled Hindustan; while Shahzade Khurshed is hunting, his mother flirts with the vizier; D. orders her to be executed; H. managed to return and rode off, carrying his mother on horseback; looked into the house of 40 black cannibals; each one goes out to kill him; H. stands outside the door, cutting off everyone's head; mother H. sees a hole with the dead; the last ogre is alive; the woman helped him get out and hid him; to get rid of her son, his mother pretended to be sick, a crying grenade would help her; on the way, H. shot a lion and a pregnant lioness; took two lion cubs out of the lioness's belly, took by himself; brought a pomegranate; now the cannibal advises sending H. for a laughing apple; H. came to the 40 divas who kidnapped the Yemeni princess; lions tore the divas to pieces; H. has been feasting with malika for 40 days; she warns H. that his mother wants to kill him, but he does not believe; he brought apples; the cannibal advises to invite H. to test his strength: will he be able to tear the silk lace with which he was tied; the hidden cannibal is still afraid of H. the mother took the sword to kill her son, but the lions came running and broke the fetters; the mother ran away, and the lions brought H. to the malika; he admitted that she was right; left the lions with her, and dressed up as a calender; came to the ogre and his mother, they did not recognize him; he asked for a spear, bow and arrow in the form of alms, which the cannibal still cannot lift; H. hacked the ogre and mother; the Yemeni padishah sent an army to return Malika; H. and the lions defeated him; the padishah sent the old woman; Malika senses bad things, but H. left her as a maid; she gave them sleeping pills, kidnapped Malika, but felt sorry for H. and did not kill him; H. came to Yemen with lions and began to smash him; the padishah gave him his daughter and recognized him as his son-in-law]: Hovari 1983:93-106; Yazgulyam [fox to bear: I am hiding because I am afraid of a man; the bear goes to look for a man to beat him; bull: I not a man, but I work for him, he torments me; the same horse; the bear found a sleeping man, woke him up; man: I left my strength in the pantry, I'll bring it now; tied the bear {clearly missed the explanation, why did the bear let him do it}; the man brought 100 sticks - 50 to the bear and 50 to himself to fight; but the bear is tied, the man hit him with all the sticks; when he let him go, the bear ran away in horror; agreed with the fox that you should be afraid of a person]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 71:496-497; Baluchi [the king has a son Malek-Mamad and 40 pregnant wives; when leaving, the tsar orders him to meet him with music if boys are born , but kill newborn girls and let him drink their blood; all wives gave birth to girls; MM cut off the heads of 39 girls, but gave his sister to an old woman; the shah came back and drank blood; someone reported that MM did not kill his sister; the Shah is going to execute his son, but he was persuaded to simply expel him; he left with his sister; won and killed the white diva; then he met another, threw him into the well; MM's sister found him cured, made her lover; the diva advised MM to lime, sending a white diva from the garden for grapes, and for this purpose to pretend to be sick; MM brought grapes; sister asks for fabrics that the caravan had recently carried; MM went on a journey, his sister gave birth to the rank of diva; MM met a girl who was given to the dragon in exchange for water; the girl's tear was woken up by MM; the dragon swallowed MM, who cut it with a sword; cut out a strip of skin told the girl to take her to her father and say that MM had killed the dragon; the girl asked not to leave, but to marry her right away; when MM returned to her sister, the diva advised her to tie him with a rope out of her hair to find out his strength; the diva pulled out MM's eyes, his sister left them with the hound, but the hound did not eat them, but hid them under her tongue; MM asked the diva to take him to the city from where he had brought the fabrics; his wife recognized him, found his eyes which the hound had brought, MM saw the light again; MM came to his sister, killed her and threw her into the well; her son from diva MM told everything, he promised to help him; MM cut the diva with a sword, brought his son home]: Zarubin 1949, No. 12:98-119.

Baltoscandia. Scandinavians [Loki, or Loft, son of giant Farbauti, his mother Liveia or Nal, brothers Büleist and Helblindi; from giantess Angrboda his children are the wolf Fenrir, the serpent Jormungand, daughter Hel; Ódin threw the snake into the surrounding sea, it encircles it, biting its tail; threw Hel into Niflheim, took possession of nine worlds to give shelter to all who died of illness and old age; the Wolf of the ace they grew it at home, only Thur dared to feed him; persuaded him to test the strength of the Ledding chain; he tore both it and Dromy's even stronger chain; then Odin sent Skirnir, Freir's messenger, underground to the black alvas, they made Gleipnir fetters; they combined the sound of cat footsteps, a woman's beard, mountain roots, bear veins, fish breath, bird saliva; the fetters were soft as a silk ribbon, so Fenrir I did not want to try them (if he tore them, he would not have gained fame), so he demanded that one of the aces put his hand in his mouth; Thur agreed and lost his right hand; the end of the fetters was fixed under a large stone, in The wolf has a sword in its mouth (the handle is in the tongue, the point is in the nebo); the gods do not want to desecrate their sanctuary with Wolf's blood, so they don't kill him, although they know he will kill Odin]: Younger Edda 1970: 31-32; Estonians {same text as Grimm?} [on New Year's Eve, rehepapp (R.) dries grain in Riga, decides to guess on molten lead; replies to vanapagan (V.) that he is preparing a medicine that makes healthy eyes even more vigilant; agrees to give and he has medicine in exchange for gold; replies that his name is Himself; ties him to a bench, pours lead into his eye; V. runs away screaming, answers his relatives that he did it Himself; R. became rich, V. is no longer with him ]: Juhan Kunder came to Põder, Tanner 2000:18-19 (=Raud 2004:177-178; =Talvet 1991:77-80); Grimm 2019 (2) [the barn cast metal buttons, the devil came up to him and asked him: "Why are you here are you doing?" ; the barn replied that it sheds his eyes; the devil: "Can you give me new ones too?" ; barn: "Of course I can, but now I don't have too much left"; agreed that the devil would come in another time; when he came again, the barn asked: "Are you big or small?" ; devil: "The more the better"; the barn put a large lead bar in the foundry, said: "To fill them into you, I need you to be tightly tied"; the devil lay on his back, the farmhand tied him to bench; the devil asked the name of the barn; he replied: "My name is Issi (I myself)"; the devil opened his eyes, the barn poured lead in him; the devil jumped up with the bench and ran away; the peasants on The field was asked: "Who did this to you?" ; devil: "Issi teggi" (I did it myself); the peasants laughed and said: "You did it yourself, answer it yourself"; this is how the devil died because of his new eyes]: 617; Lutsie (1933; the informant heard a fairy tale in Kiev) [Strongman Samson lived in the woods with his mother, the hell in lovers; damn mother S.: how do you try your son's power? mother with the same question to her son; S.: tie my hands; tied me, he tore the ropes; then the devil brought horsehair, S. could not tear; he was blinded and nailed to an oak tree; a year later he pulled out an oak tree, came to people he was released; the princess fell in love with him; the bird flew through the window, S. grabbed and crumpled her, blood in his eyes, he saw the light; came to his mother, tore both the line and her]: Annom et al. 2018:123-125.

Volga - Perm. Marie (mountain) [younger brother finds a rich empty palace in the forest; the elder thinks that he has taken possession of his late father's money, quarrels with him; the youngest and his wife move to the palace; sister secretly from his brother he converges with the owner of the palace; plays cards with his brother, the loser must be tied to the leg of the table; the brother breaks the rope; cannot break the chains; the owner jumps out, but the brother breaks the chains at the last the moment, kills the sorcerer with his own sword; frees 12 shackled girls from the basement; marries one of them, puts his sisters on a wagon with a dead sorcerer, sends them away]: Aktsorin 1995:66-68; Kazan Tatars [the padishah has a son and two daughters; the grooms are denied; the eldest was kidnapped; the mother died of grief; the padishah married a young man; the stepmother orders to drive away his stepson and stepdaughter; they came to the house in forest; near a dugout, where there are 12 robbers and an older sister; she gave them a drink, their brother killed them; the sister regrets living with the robbers; one is still alive, she left him; they agree to get rid of her brother; she pretended to be sick, sends for hare, fox, wolf, bear, lion, tiger milk; all animals give milk and cub; the younger sister takes care of them; the elder offers to play cards, the loser will be tied up; the brother is tied up, the robber is ready to kill him, but the animals have torn him to pieces; brother and younger sister come to another country; there Azhdaha devours girls, turn for the padishah's daughters; brother with He kills him with the help of animals; the blind man says that he beat the double-headed ajdaha with a bucket, demands the princess as his wife; the next day the same (three-headed azhdakha, the middle princess, the imaginary savior is one-armed); then fire-breathing azhdakha, younger princess, lame; dzhigit comes to the wedding, shows the heads crushed by a stone and the rings given by the princesses; crushed the impostors with stones, married the younger princess; returned older sister; she put the robber's tooth in bed, her brother died; the animals pulled out her tooth, the owner came to life; the animals lifted her older sister]: Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 15:133-153; Kazan Tatars [tiger asks the cat why he is small; cat: a strong and evil owner made me like this, he and you are stronger; the tiger invites the person to measure his strength; man: the strength of the house remains; tiger: go bring it; man: I'm afraid you'll run away; the tiger agreed to have a man tie him up; after that, the man beat the tiger to death]: Zamaletdinov 2008, No. 28:80-81; Bashkirs: Barag 1988, No. 45 [Kyrkatar Batyr leaves wife to the source of the river; tells his wife not to throw bird feathers into the water; she throws it on purpose; seeing the feathers, the king comes from the lower reaches with 40 viziers; agrees with his wife K. to start a game with her husband - according to queues to tie each other's hands; K. easily tears ropes and straps; the old woman says that the strongest belt is made of human skin; the king orders to make a belt out of an old woman's leather; K. cannot tear it; the king lies down with his wife K.; beaten K. woke up, asked his two young sons to take his sword out of his sheath; they themselves cannot, they take off their father, he pulls out his sword with his foot, cuts his fetters, leaves the house, kills 40 viziers; in the morning she cuts the king to pieces; leads his wife to her father, who orders her to be cut, and marries K. to her sister; on the way back, the girl asks K. to give her a ride; cuts his bow's bowstring, runs away; the army pursues him, he finds another string, destroys the army, becomes king]: 309-315; Bessonov 1941, No. 46 [the mother is dead, the father wants to marry his daughter, the daughter has run away; the Khan's son saw her and married; a boy was born; his wife's father found a daughter, told her husband that she was a liar, the Khan's son kicked her out; she lives in the forest with her son; the son grew up; saw the house, where Pyariy, well done, locked him in a cage; settled with his mother in this house; gave her the keys to the rooms, forbade her to enter one; the woman looked there, pulled the pyaria out of the e-liquid, washed it, they decided to kill her son; the mother pretended to be sick; asked for fruit from the mountain, which wrapped around Azhdakh; well done, he went to the old woman; she tells me to wait three years: her foal will grow up, you have to ride it to the mountain; the foal galloped, well done took the fetus and the khan's daughter kidnapped by Azhdakha; the khan gave her to him; his wife gave her ring; well done, he came to his mother, noticed her in the arms of the pyariah; the mother invites her son to test his strength; wrapped her arms in a rope, he tore it; Pyariy offered to make a rope out of hair, which a woman must cut off from the top of her head; well done, the man could not tear these fetters; Pyariy pulled out his eyes, took him away and threw him on the bank of a swampy stream; the servant came to get water; well done asked for get drunk, threw that ring into the bucket; the khan's daughter recognized her husband, told her to bring it to her; he dreamed that if you fire the arrow three times, she would return and revive the blind man; well done, he saw the light and went to kill five; in the yard his horse went into the ground with his hooves; well done cut off his mother's head, threw the pyaria up, he crashed into the dust; returned to his wife, became khan himself]: 245-248.

Turkestan. Kazakhs (Turgay) [Kara-Khan invited only those who have a son or daughter to a feast; the offended Mare by sacrificed animals to saints in vain; when his wife tripped over someone's grave, K. brought The last animal to be sacrificed was a ram; the saint promised 40 daughters and 40 sons, but K. asked for one son as 40 sons and one daughter as 40 daughters; at a feast he fell off his horse and was killed; when the children were 15, K. demanded Razia as his wife; her brother Iskander killed the ambassadors, then defeated the army; when K. himself came, cut off his hand, cut off his ears and nose, threw him into the well; R. has been trying to destroy I. all this time, but he too strong; she went out K.; when she became pregnant, K. suggests killing I. with cunning; R. affected the sick, she needs living water; I. came to the witch; she sews up the holes in the earth; says that R. hides lover in the chest; I. did not believe it; brought live water; next time: get the heart of a seven-headed old woman; I. came across a girl tied to a tree Gul; a 7-headed old woman kidnapped her to eat; And . killed an old woman, brought a heart; R. suggests that I. tie him to test his strength; I. admits that only a strap tied to his horse's bow cannot tear; and only his own can kill him with a sword; R. released K. from the chest, who cut off I.'s head; G. gave birth to I.'s son Omar; when he learned about his father's fate, he found I.'s horse, moistened I.'s bones with living and dead water taken from the house, I. came to life; At this time, R. gave birth to 40 sons and 40 daughters, all without ears, noses and right hands; I. killed them easily, brutally executed K., asked her sister if she wanted 40 knives or 40 mares; she wanted mares; I. tied her to them, they tore it into 40 pieces; I. became Khan and married G.]: Ethnographic Materials 1898, No. 4:15-29.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas [the old man's eldest daughter is not married, he kicked her out, she saw a tree in the taiga, potatoes on it, fell alone, she became pregnant from her, returned home, gave birth to a boy; this is Ivan Tsar ; he kills and maims other children, they complained about him to the king, I. and his mother put him in a stone house; he broke it, went out, brought the whole tree for firewood; went to get the daughter of Morte the King; defeats him, lives with his daughter like a sister; brings his mother; she resurrected Morte King, made her husband; pretends to be sick, asks for milk, a striped leopard, a son brings; the mother asks for live water and live potatoes from the King of Fire; a severed head tells them to dig a golden sword, teaches them to cut off the head of the King of Fire, take away elixirs; with them I. connects his head to the body, revives; the mother persuades I. to drink more and more wine, break the heavier iron fetters; when he can no longer, Morte the King burns his eyes, but I. broke his fetters; asks Morte the King's daughter for help, she leads him to the larch, he is hers tore it out, found a toad under its roots, regained his sight with its bile; tore his mother in half, threw the bottom of her body to the king, carried the top to the mountain; comes to the king of the Sun; his daughter says that her father lost her at cards 9 -head dragon; kills three dragons, the last one about 12 heads; hides heads, the soldier says that he killed the snakes; the soldier was shot; I. became king instead of the Sun, made the daughter of Morte the King his older sister]: Katanov 1907, No. 428:428-439; the Mongols [the old tiger punishes his son: don't think you're the strongest, don't approach man; the tiger went looking for a man; the bull replies that he is not human, even though he is strong, but a man has subdued him; the same is a camel; a man says that his strength is in his mind, but he has left his mind at home; a tiger cannot go there - dogs will attack; when he is going to leave, a person says that he is afraid - the tiger can attack him from behind; the tiger allows himself to go to the tree; the man came back with an armful of brushwood, covered the tiger and set it on fire; when the ropes burned, the tiger ran away but remained striped]: Skorodumova 2003:46-48.

Western Siberia. Muncie (b. Pelymka) [the king has a son, his wife gave birth, the baby was in bed with his parents, he fell asleep; the king ordered her son to be cut off for this; the mother took her son's body, came to the hut on the seashore; saw how the snake took the grass, the serpent revived the deceased; the woman revived her son with the same grass; (did the son grow up?) ; the son comes to an empty house, there is food and wine; returns to his mother; so three times; the third time the owner comes, the young man hits him, he hides in a hole; the young man brings his mother to live in this house; she (became snake's mistress), ties his sleeping son with copper, iron wire, every time says that he tries his power; pretends to be sick, asks for living and dead water; he goes to the old woman, she sends him to the other, second to third, each gives a horse; on the last, the young man jumps over the fence, there are heads on stakes; he takes Marpita prikasna tievitsa, her father Jīki Pokān Pochotyr is chasing, young man throws him a barrel of wine, he drinks; the young man comes back, cuts off his head, brings his mother; the serpent tells her about it; the mother gave her son a drink, tied him with a rope, they blinded him, hung him upside down by the shore seas; the wife sent the magpie and the heron to reach for her eyes; while the magpie screamed in the fir, the crow broke the window, brought her eyes, the wife put them in to her husband, poured them with dead and living water; the son returned, killed the mother and the snake]: Kannisto 1956, No. 11:118-126; Southern Selkups [an adult son with his wife, son, daughter is moved away from his parents and younger brother; tells his wife not to throw chips into the river; she dumps two bags; robbers see chips, two come to the house; the wife promises to tie her husband; invites whoever remains a fool to play cards, tie his hands behind his back; the husband tears the rope twice; the third time the robber gives the wire; they put their knees tied in front of the stove on salt, go to bed themselves; the daughter refuses to help, the son tears the wire with a file; the husband kills the robber, wife, daughter]: Dulzon 1966, No. 49:131-136.

Eastern Siberia. Ilympic Evenks (village. Ekonda) [Heweki created a dog, Hargi created a wolf; Lisa suggests that the Wolf tie him with talniks to make him stronger than the Bear; the Wolf cannot tear the talniks, on the fourth day the Bullfinch agrees to untie him if the Wolf paints it; the Wolf stabbed a deer, painted Bullfinch's white breast with blood]: Yermakov 1988:12-14; Turukhan Evenks (Podkamennaya Tunguska, west 1923) [The wolf invites Lisa to tie her legs to jump ridiculously and warm up; then the Fox ties the Wolf's legs, leaves; the white Crossbill unties the Wolf, who kills the moose, Crossbill has been smearing blood since then red breast; a fox broke her tooth on a frozen horse neck (?) ; The wolf found a tooth, came to the Foxes, began to beat his tail on the fire, the tail caught fire, the Foxes laughed, the Wolf identified the Fox without a tooth; invites her to look for lice from each other; leaning over the Fox, kills her]: Osharov 1936a: 10-11 (=1936b, No. 3:277); Angarsk Evenks (Kamenka) [Fox and Wolf agree to tie each other one by one and feed them elk; Wolf kills an elk, binds Lisa, feeds; Fox binds the Wolf, eats everything, leaves him tied; the Raven refused, the Crossbills hardly untied, his beaks bent; The fox gnawed the bone, broke the tooth, the Wolf found it; came to the fox yurts, burned his tail at the fire, The foxes are laughing; he looks, all with teeth; the following yurts have one toothless; he offered to look for lice, stabbed that Fox with a tooth]: Petrova 1936, No. 8:154-155; Sym Evenks (Chirombu) [younger sister forgot when the grandmother toys migrated; the older sister, the younger brother said that they worked and did not know where the toys were; the ostyak said that he poured it out behind; the girl saddled the deer, took the dog, came to the old place, there is a Bear; he asked the names of the deer and the dog, tied the girl and the dog to the tree; the girl tells the Bear three times that her deceased parents did not take a bed of urine and feces when they were going to fresh vazhenka (i.e. you have to cook everything away); The bear goes to cut away; The crossbills can not untie the girl's fetters, their beaks are bent; the fox freed, for which the girl promised to paint her tail; The bear wants eat Lisa instead of a girl; she suggests that he put her on his lap, cut her with an ax; the fox dodged, the Bear cut his legs, eat his bone marrow; since then, the tip of the fox tail white, the bear has no bone marrow; the girl went to the river, called her father, mother, uncle; everyone refuses to transport them, saying that the girl is a crybaby; she tells the rock to slide down, crush them all; the ostyak carves them all a scoop, carries the girl in a scoop; the bear asks how the girl crossed; she sings - "lower, taller"; the bear enters the water, drowns; tells his heels to become bars, his legs with sharpeners, his back is soft, the skull with a stone for rubbing paints, the shoulder blades with a stone for paint, the blood with red paint, the feces with black paint; now it's all in the mountains; the girl has become the wife of Ostyak; she carries water, he pours out every time, says what she wears from feces, from urine; the girl asks the birds to take her away; cranes, swans refuse the shamanic birds of gasha give her feathers to fly with them; the ostyak tells her to fall, promises to make a dress, a bib, the occipital ornament, the hat, the fringe on the belt; she says she does not need it, does not fall; she sits at the old woman's door; she asks where to hide her from her sons; she refuses to hide in the fringes on belt ("smelly"), hides in a needle; sons smell, promise to eat the girl at sunrise, then at sunset; she flies away, catches up with gasha, they swear that their mother released her, shoot her, hurt her shoulder wings; Gurivul asks her to fall, promises a storage shed, says on how many stands; when on 10 stands, the girl goes down; they have a son; G. is hunting, gasha has come; the woman pretends to be a child got dirty, goes out with him, hides in the storage shed; gasha gnaws on the stands; they managed to gnaw three, the woman sang three times, the third time G. came, killed two gashes, the third ran, leaving a fang; G. comes to people steps over the fire, everyone laughs; he looks - people have intact teeth; when through the third fire, he sees a toothless man; asks him to take out his lice, stabs gash with his own tooth to death in the back of his head, says to others, that grandfather fell asleep, leaves]: Vasilevich 1936, No. 42:45-51; Evens: Novikova 1987:8-17 [the fox demands that the cedar shed its eggs, threatens to cut down the tree; the Garandya bird explains that it is unable to do so foxes; the fox tries to grab Garandya, she takes her to the island; the fox tells the seals that she is going to count who is greater; let the seals line up first, the fox runs ashore on their backs; offers the old man should herd his deer; eats them, stuff their skins with grass, leaves them standing; the old man sees deception, shouts to the old woman to hold the fox, she explains that the old man tells her to feed her yucola, berries and nuts; yet the old woman grabs the fox by the tail; the fox says that she grabbed the burned place, runs away; the fox says she is another fox, invites the old man to drag the sledge; says she is tired, sits on a sledge, the old man drags her; the fox eats the dried berries, leaves his tooth; says he will go for firewood, throws away the ax; the old man tells his wife to sew shaggy pants, call all the animals to the yurt; dances ridiculously, everything they laugh, he sees a toothless fox; the exit is closed, the old man tells the fox to be beaten, and the old woman hits everyone; since then, the hare's ears are black, the ermine has a black end of its tail; the fox asks her not to hit - it will come in handy; invites the moose to race, pushes them to the shore, they fall, drown; the old man offers to hunt wolves, the fox tells the wolf that it has caught fish on its tail, the wolf's tails freeze, the old man killed them, ripped off the skins; the fox leads the bear to the old man, who wounds him with an onion; the fox promises to heal, pulls out the liver, the bear dies; the fox invites the old man to tie it, feed it; then ties the old man, leaves ; wolf, bear refuse to untie - the fox did not order; the mouse untied; the fox was caught by the old man's crossbow], 24-25 [Lisa invites Nakatchan to tie each other one by one; N. binds her and frees her ; The fox binds N. and runs away; Wolf, Bear refuse to release - The fox did not order; The mouse frees, N. gives her a deer; The fox falls into the trap of N.]; dolgans [the old man Ukukuut-Chukukuut has a lot children; The fox consistently demands to give them away, eats them; offers UU to play children, puts UU in the cradle, ties them up, pushes them into a ravine; animals gnaw through belts; UU comes to the fox meeting, hits A tambourine jumps, ashes fall from his pants, the Foxes laugh, he recognizes the one who ate his children, kills him]: Ergis 1967, No. 9:163; Central Yakuts (1938, Kobyay District) [The fox tells the bird Tyuyonen drop the egg, otherwise he will chew a meadow, a valley, knock down a willow; when one of the four eggs remains, the Chipmunk advises to ask Lisa to carry out the threat; the fox only broke her teeth; suggests that the Chipmunk swing in an iron cradle; first swings by itself; when the Chipmunk lies down, the fox ties it with an iron rope; the bird T. rubs the rope with its beak; the chipmunk comes to the fox collection, falls out of it stored dust, foxes laugh, he sees her teeth broken, hits; since then, fox sivodushki have dark fur; where the rope dug into the Chipmunk's body, there's wool of a different color {stripes}; in Ergis 1964-1967 (1), No. 6:48-51 as in Illarionov et al., but the name of the bird is Tökei]: 48-51]: Illarionov et al. 2008, No. 3:119-123.

SV Asia. Tundra Yukaghirs: Jochelson 1900, No. 99 [the hunter loved his wife; three came; the elder taught the woman to invite her husband to play: first he would tie her hands, then she would tie his hands to him; when his hands are tied with an arcana , the elder who came shot him in the leg with a bow and took his wife away; the youngest: why did he do it? an elk came, tied up asking him to untie; elk: in the spring he frightened me with dogs, now I'm glad you're lying; the same is a wild deer (the hunter shot him); bear: in winter, when I was sleeping, a knock at my door you stunned me; fox: you frightened me with dogs; the mouse began to chew on my belt, gnawed for three months; the man got up, put the mouse in his pocket, followed in the footsteps of those who had left; at three nights he sees the horns of his three best deer, whom the enemies killed; on the fourth night he caught up, found his bow, shot those three brothers; forced his wife to wander with his feet; killed a deer, put a mouse in his mouth: saved me, eat]: 218-221; Kurilov 2005, No. 43 (Nizhnekolymsky District) [a man has a wife, he takes the second one; she meets three men in the forest, converges with them; calls her husband to go berry picking with her, offers to test his strength by tying him with an arcana; he does not she can tear it apart; she calls men who can't kill her husband, they leave him bound; the wild deer, the fox refuse to release him because he killed them; the mouse gnawed through the fetters; the man finds only his mother at home, follows in the footsteps of the kidnappers; the youngest wife beats the eldest; the husband catches up with them, only the eldest wife does not sleep, he bites the peasants' throats with hot forceps; the youngest wife is pushed into the fire; one day two horror stories attack the camp; the husband kills one, saves his wife, the mother is missing]: 367-371 (=Gogolev et al. 1975:219-221).