Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K61B. Learn names. .11.12. (.13.) .20. (.21.) .40.52.

To find out the names of strangers, the character finds or creates a situation in which strangers say their names out loud.

Mongo, Bethe, Eve, Lelemi, Ashanti, Igbo, Ijo, (Malgashi), Nauru, Tuvalu, Rotuma, (Manihiki, Bhutan), Asian Eskimos, Quiche.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Mongo [see motive J56; young man Ilelangonda (aka Ilele) rejects brides, goes to look for a wife; Mbombe promises to marry someone who will defeat her in combat while standing in a puddle of oil; always wins; I. defeats her; on the way home, M. does everything better than he does; he presses great mushrooms, she picks them up; the porcupine runs away from his trap, he sends M. with dogs; she catches a porcupine, which turns into an antelope, runs away; catches an antelope, it turns into a leopard; M. screams, I. comes running, throws a spear at M., she throws a leopard net at I., I. runs away from the leopard, giving names to everyone she meets in forest living creatures; comes running to a village of women; there is only one old man; I. must find out the names of the women, otherwise he will be killed; is going to relieve himself in the trash, sees an old woman in a pile of dirt and garbage; she was the chief of women, but thrown away when a young female leader appeared; advises what to do; I. holes in the fish dam; the woman who noticed this calls everyone else by name; I. remembers names; during the meal, I. calls all the women; M. comes, easily calls all women by name, eats all the food, retires with I., they return to the village, M. is pregnant; then the motive J4]: Belcher 2005:204- 207.

West Africa. Bethe [everyone is starving; only Somino and her husband Minoso have a field of rice; they will only give rice if they are given their names; the spider turned into a baby and told his mother to leave it next to the rice tree field; began to cry; S. and M. began to talk about the fact that the baby should be fed, called each other by name; the next morning, Spider's mother gave their names; S. and M. turned to God, with a chain descended the sky, they climbed it (either climbed a bamboo staircase or a mountain of stones); the Spider ordered that from now on the inhabitants of heaven and earth if rice]: Paulme 1976:170-172; eve [ snails lived in the city, they were like people; the ruler promises to give three daughters for someone who finds out their names; one of the snails, ugly Vetsuvi, knocks down a tree on the road, hides; the ruler comes to cut down a tree, Afo sends daughter Afo for a knife, she asks sister Vovo to go, Vovo to Tsime; Vetsuvi overhears, names, gets wives; the ruler changes his mind, orders the girls to be returned; offended Vetsuvi and all the snails behind him leaving town forever]: Olderogge 1959:163-165; Ashanti: Courlander 1971, No. 9 [the god of heaven Nyami promises a daughter to whoever will name her; Anansi's spider hid in a tree in the garden where N. ; dropped the mango three times, each time the maid picked it up saying, Oh Baduasemanpensa, the mango fell; Anansi said it to Abos (the lizard); stood in front of the king to knock the name B. on the drum; the king asked for an explanation of what he wanted to say, Abos gave his name, got a wife]: 18-21; Barker, Sinclaire 1917, No. 5 [the king promises three daughters to whoever named them; Anansi threw the fruit off the tree, filled with honey; the first princess called the others by name; threw off the second fruit - the second named the first and third; A. asked the Lizard to trumpet the names of the princesses when A. named them, but he did it on his own behalf and received the princesses; in order to take revenge, A. asked him to make sure that his rooster sang on time, he had to get up early; stole and cooked a rooster, hid his feathers in the Lizard's house, He put the meat on a plate, filled his mouth with boiling water to make him speechless; they began to look for a rooster; the wives of the Lizards were given to A., and the lizards have been shaking their heads ever since]: 45-49; Radin 1952, No. 21 [at the heavenly god sons Esum (Darkness), Ostrane (Month), Owia (Sun); each built his own village; God loves the Sun more than others; the spider Anance replied that he knew God's thoughts; flew to earth, feathered various birds, returned to God's village, sat on a tree; God said that if A. were here, he would know the name of this bird; that he had decided to appoint the Sun as leader; that Kintinkyi yam had collected, and whoever knows the name, will receive a black chair (God's regalia); A. in the guise of a person comes to each of God's three sons, gives the command to appear to God; everyone is well fed; the Sun is told the name of the yam so that, if he said it, he would get a black chair; the word cannot be forgotten, because when the drum is beaten, it will be heard; only the Sun answers correctly; God praises him, and when the Darkness and the Month, at this time evil things will be done; if the Month goes to the Sun, let there be a round rainbow around the Sun, drive away the Month; if rain clouds appear, the bow of heavenly God {obviously the rainbow} be placed in heaven so that people do not fear that water will flood the earth; let these words be known as "Anance speeches"]: 87-89 (source: Rattray 1930:72ff, retold in Retel-Lautentin 1986:99-100); lelemi [from God from his wives are three daughters; he will give them to whoever names them; the Lizard and the Goat also went to try their luck; the lizard hid in the core of a fallen tree and heard the sisters walk to the pond, They call out to each other: Hey Oteame; hey Azazode; hey Setuame; The lizard hurried home, repeated the names and began to blow the horn; the Goat overheard; when everyone gathered, the Goat told the Lizard that she had something on her tongue; she stuck out her tongue, the Goat cut it off, gave him the names himself and blew the horn; received God's daughters; in order to take revenge, the Lizard killed the chicken of God's wife, scattered feathers from God's house to the house where she slept with his wife Goat, put bones in his sleeping man's mouth; God's wife believed the Goat was guilty]: Funke 1920, No. 2:294-296; (cf. kachi [Ananse (spider trickster) asks God Wulbari to give him one corncob, promises to bring a hundred people in return; consistently changing one supposedly missing item to another: feeds cob for chickens, gets a bag of grain, because it is God's cob, changes grain for chicken, kills it, everyone believes that the leader killed the chicken, gives 10 sheep, A. buys a dead young man for 10 sheep, passes him off as sleeping son V., tells the children to beat him in order to wake him up, accuses him of murder, takes a hundred young men as witnesses to what happened; boasts that he is smarter than V.; he is offended, tells A. to bring "something"; A. takes Every bird has a pen, climbs a tree, no one understands what it is; everyone says that A. would have guessed; V. explains who sent him and what "something" means sun, moon and darkness; after learning the secret, A. slowly descends from the tree, brings what is needed; first darkness is complete darkness, then the moon comes out, finally the sun; those who look at it directly are blind; so there are blind people]: Cardinall 1931:15-21 (=Belcher 2005: 111-116, Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 9:41-46); Igbo [the creator of Chukwu (aka Chi) lowered Eri's anthill from the sky on a rope, there was a swamp around; C. ordered the blacksmith to dry the ground; ordered E. to kill and bury her son and daughter, yams and cocoyam grew out of the graves; then E. killed a slave and a slave, oil and coconut palms grew; four people came to E., each with a basket; at night E. let the rat go, she she began to chew on the baskets consistently; each time one of the people woke up the other, saying Name, the rat chews on your basket; in the morning E. could greet guests by name, they were the four gods who gave names for the four days of Igbo week]: Belcher 2005:287-288; ijo (kalabari) [a hippopotamus lived on earth with his 7 wives; invited guests, but asked his name before they ate; no one knew, the guests were leaving hungry; the turtle agreed that if he named the hippopotamus, he would live from land into the water forever; the turtle dug into the path along which the hippopotamus and his wives were walking, exhibited shell; one of the wives stumbled, called out to her husband by name: I hit my leg; the turtle gave a name, the hippopotamus began to live in the river]: Dayrell 1910, No. 22:79-80.

(Wed. Sudan - East Africa. Malgashi [three sisters marry three men who refuse to give them their names; the two older husbands sound indecent; the younger sister goes to the woods to eavesdrop on her husbands call each other; when they return, wives call them by name; the youngest's husband tells his wife that the older husbands want to kill their wives; older sisters do not believe, they are killed; the youngest and husband run away; the husband tells baobab bend down, then pick them up; when the cannibal Bibibé comes, they lower his rope, cut him off, he breaks; the couple has 8 sons; they kill the husbands of his older sisters]: Dahl 1968, No. 13:89-91).

Micronesia-Polynesia. Nauru [Areou Te Kitekite (AT) competed with brothers to throw whom into the sky; entangled the brothers' ropes, was abandoned himself; climbed a banyan tree, people were playing a game below; to find out the names of the two chiefs, AT entangled their ropes in the branches; people laughed at the names of the leaders, A. recognized them; came to senior Areou; he sent him to fry fish to his wife Lightning for fire; AT deliberately drops fire, taking more and more portions from Lightning, takes everything; burns and breaks the Thunderbird's wing; when AT entered the house, Elder A. slammed the door shut, but AT dodged, survived; went down to second heaven, they built a house there, he put all kinds of dirt in their food; they asked them to dig a hole under the pole, lowered the pole from above, buried a hole; he dug an exit, came back; met a woman, she rejected him; when fell asleep, AT cut off her genitals, gave her to her sons, who did not recognize them, brought them to her mother, everyone was ashamed; he was rejected by another woman; he asked her husband to fry him in the fire; he came back, there was fish in the coals; The husband agreed to fry himself, died; the people who built the house tied him up, threw him into the sea; he sailed home and talked about his adventures]: Maude, Maude 1994, No. 2:39-43; Tuvalu: David 1899 (Funafuti) [little man Niriao has sailed to the island; there are four brothers sitting in the house at four pillars; N. says that his house is denied; they agree to give him the house if he finds out their names; he hides on the roof , descends a spider on his older brother, others say: something is crawling on your forehead, Nautiki; the same with other brothers: Nautaka, Valivalimatanaka, Naka; N. calls brothers by name, they have to give his house; after visiting it, N. leaves, comes to the place where kites are let in; leader Kanα is the best of all; N. spits on this snake unnoticed, it falls to one side; N. had no teeth, he put himself in pieces of coconut; if he laughs, the pieces will fall out; N. asks him to go down, dig a hole for the pole with others; when he came down, a pole was lowered on him, N. died]: 104-107; Kennedy 1931 (Waitupu) [when Kaulealia, Tapakea's son, became a young man, his father had an abscess on his forehead; T. squeezed a lizard out of him, left it in the basket, the lizard became a Naleau boy; no one knows who he is; he defeats his brother K. throwing darts; when K. throws a dart, N. finds himself in the sky; spits at kites made by local people, snakes fall; goes fishing with others, goes fishing himself, he is driven into a stone trap; he drills a hole down; becoming a spider, he hides under the roof of a house in which there are four women; he goes down as a spider to each one, sitting next to her calls her by name; this is how N. finds out their names; in the image of a man declares that his house; women do not know his name, and N. knows their names, women have to give the house to him; N. became friends with the chief, must compete in preparing the holiday; steals other people's coconuts, the snipe shouts about it, N. turns his tongue, continues to steal; filled his vessel from below with crap, disguised himself with food, exchanged with the leader, he vomited; N. was asked to climb into the hole hold the pole from the house, covered her with earth; he made a hole in the pole, went out; he was sent to the mistress of the lightning for fire; N. deliberately calls her loudly, wakes her son Thunder, broke his arm; the hostess ordered to take fire from the stone house; when N. went inside, the exit was closed; he drilled a hole, came out with smoke, came to his father T. in the smoke; the owner of the lower world Pakeva asked T. to come with his son; K. refused to go , N. agreed; N. killed all the guards (sharks, whales), returned; T. and P. agreed to exchange sons; P. sent the Turtle, T. sent his fire son Te Afi; he is restless, Shumen; then T. placed him in all trees; people come from K., spirits from N.]: 190-195; Munro 1978 (Nanumea) [Tefolaha came to Nanumea from Tonga via Samoa; at that time, two Hawaiian women lived on the island: Pai and Vau; they poured a bunch of sand to make an island; T. and the women argued who should own the island; T. turned into a spider, sat on a coconut tree under which women were sitting, went down on a web; Pai said: hey Wow, what's on your head; {apparently missed the second episode when Wow addresses Pai}; T. came back in human form, suggested that someone who knows the other's name go to the island; told the women their names were Pai and Wow; the women sailed to Gilbert, where their boat broke down; T. married a spirit, they have 4 daughters; T. returned to Tonga, where he married a real woman; from her he three sons; spirit daughters began to devour people, but T. drove them away; T.'s sons took wives and the islanders descended from them]; 31-36; Rotuma [two sisters on earth, the eldest Lou; there was a country under the ground Tonga, where the couple has a son, Mafi; he went to earth, married Lou; they have sons Moeamotu'a, Moealagoni, a third miscarriage; Marie-ki-Langi's woman descended from heaven to kidnap blood, called for help, the bird wea (quail), she chirped, it rained, washed off the blood; MKL and wea took the child to heaven, named Moeatiktiki; MKl sends him to steal food from his real one mother; once warns that his father ambushed; he catches MK, the couple is happy; MT watches his father, sees him pick up a stone, disappeared under him; MT descends the tree trunk, throws him at his father fruits; father sends him 1) for bananas, they are guarded by a huge kalae bird, MT breaks her wings with a stick, her father is dissatisfied; 2) behind the fire to his parents; grandfather throws MT, he falls to his feet; MT his grandfather throws up, he falls flat; gives a whole burning log; 3) behind the roots of the cava, they are guarded by two huge ants, MT runs until they get tired, brings cava; returns to earth with his father; He catches fish with his brothers, pulls Tonga to the surface with his grandfather and grandmother's house; they are carried away by the current; the brothers are looking for other people, finding only Tupua'rosi; he does not know their names; after becoming a spider, Moeamotu'a begins to descend on his head; brothers scream, Moea Motua, see who wants to attack you! Same with Moealagoni and Moeatiktiki; TaR tells the birds to shout their brothers' names when they approach, disappears from home every time; the third time the brothers tell the birds to shout their own names, they find TAR; they catch fish, TAR turns into a big fish, tears their net; the third time they grab it, kill it, recognize it by its tattoo, take over the country]: Churchward 1937:489- 496 (the episode with the recognition of names on p.493; trans. Permyakov 1970, No. 95:207-217); Manihiki (Northern Cook Islands) [the youngest of the three Maui Brothers pretends to be sleeping, secretly follows his parents, they ask the sacred pillar to open, go down through a crevice, they bring food from the underworld; while everyone is sleeping, M. comes to the pole, asks him to open up, penetrates into the lower world, sees a blind old woman; she is his grandmother; he sees three fields, then three trees, one is good, the other is average, the third is miserable; to find out whose they are, the grandmother every time says, "Who is this in the field of older (middle, junior) M.?" ; so M. finds out which field (fruit tree) is his (worst) and which are his brothers; when he climbs a third tree, a grandmother with a stick comes to punish the thief; M. throws the fruit in one eye, then on the other, she sees the light, says that everything on earth and underground will belong to him]: Kauraka 1982:35-38; =1989:18-19).

(Wed. Tibet is the Northeast of India. Bhutan [the raven dropped the fruit; the girl ate it and asked the father to bring more; it was the fruit from the shinpo garden (demon), the father had to go; the shinpo was sleeping; the man climbed the tree, but when the bag full, she fell off, Shinpo woke up and was about to eat the man; agreed not to do so for promising to give him his daughter; but let Shinpo know her name; he sent a pig, she overheard when the girl was named Sing Sing Yangdonma (SS, but on the way back she ate roots and forgot; the same monkey (began to eat bananas); the bee did not forget, shinpo did not eat it, sing sing sing sing is still buzzing; The sinpo led the SS through beautiful valleys and mountains, but led him to the desert, in the middle of which his palace of bones; hung it in a basket from the ceiling and left; the SS pretended to always stay in the basket: from there India and Tibet are visible; Shinpo's daughter also wanted to see this, took SS's place, she lowered her into a boiling pot in the basket; unlocked the rooms; one had children caught by Shinpo, the other had young people, and the third aged women, fourth aged men; last, an old woman; she said that in her youth, Shinpo brought her here as his wife and locked her; when he did not have food, she would eat it; told her to take everything jewelry and let her skin put on; when she ran and Shinpo caught up with her, he believed it was an old woman; one day she met three brothers princes; she chose someone who was not rude to her like an old woman; went swimming and took off her old skin; the chosen prince saw it; it was so beautiful that it would melt in the sun and reappear in the shadows; they lived a life in love]: Choden 1994:99-105).

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos (Sirenics) [when enemies approach, a man from the Vykhtak family turns into a bumblebee, flies to an enemy camp, bites nine leaders one by one; each screams The neighbor asks him by name (What's wrong with you, Ukik; Apanuk; Maliguk; Rymtey; Napakutak; Mytygyn; Kavepik; Apay? ; V. returns, the Sirenic leader calls enemies by name, they leave]: Sergeyeva 1968:78-80.

Mesoamerica Quiche [see motive J4B; the Hun-Ahpu and Shbalanke twins come to Shibalba, whose lords killed their father and uncle; send a mosquito to bite all Lords Sh.; each asks another person who stung him by name (What's wrong with you, Hun-Kame; Vukub-Kame; Shikiripat; Kuchumakik; Ah-Alpukh; Ah-Alkana; Chamiabak; Chamiaholom; Patan; Kikshik {"Bloody Wing"}; Kikrishkak {"Blood Claw"}; Kikre {"Blood-Covered Teeth"}?) ; the mosquito gives names to the young men, warns that the first two figures are wooden]: Popol-Vuh 1959:59-61, 205.