Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K61d. She became a beetle from work, ATU 501.


A young woman accidentally gives her groom, husband or mother-in-law the impression that she works hard. To prevent the deception from being revealed, she or someone else makes others believe that work makes women freaks or turns into animals. The husband forbids his wife to work.

Morocco, Algeria, Italians (Menton, Lazio, Campania), Ladins, Spaniards, Catalans, Portuguese, French (Upper Brittany), Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Pomerania), (Swiss Germans? ) , Dutch, Frisian, Irish, British, Hungarians, Albanians, Croats, Bulgarians, Greeks, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Russians (Karelia), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Galicia, Transcarpathia, Podolia, Ivano-Frankovskaya, Yekaterinoslavskaya), Belarusians, Adygs (?) , Lezgins, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks, Swedes, Norwegians, Danes, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, Livonians, Finns, Karelians, and Kyrgyz.

North Africa. Berbers (?) Morocco, Algerian Berbers: El-Shamy 2004, No. 501:253

Southern Europe. Spaniards [when going to church, the mother tells her daughter to clean the house; but she only ate all the food; the mother began to beat her daughter; a caballero passing by asks why the girl is crying; neighbor: everything works , the mother is afraid that she will ruin her health, persuasion does not help, so she beat her daughter; caballero: I have been looking for such a wife for a long time; after the wedding, on the way to the groom's house, the godmother retells the young man's words like this as if she thinks of nothing else but linen, spinning and weaving; when she leaves his wife a lot of yarn; three fairies are doing work; when her husband came, the wife hid nuts under her bed, explains that her terrible job makes her bones bursting; her husband tells her not to work anymore]: Camarena, Chevaler 1995, No. 501:376-381; Catalans [man wants to marry a hard-working girl; old woman says her the granddaughter is a gorgeous spinner; the man leaves the girl yarn, the three spirits from purgatory did all the work, the girl says that she spun all night; the same with sewing and embroidery; the man takes the girl in wives; three hunched old women come to the wedding; one says that she is so old because she constantly spun, the second sewed, the third embroidered; the husband tells his wife not to do such work from now on]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 501:106; Portuguese: Cardigos 2006, No. 501 [the girl's mother boasted that her daughter would be able to make an incredible amount of yarn; if she really succeeded, she would go beyond king; three old ugly fairies do their job for promising to invite them to a wedding and call them aunts; at a feast they explain their ugliness by spinning, weaving, etc. all their lives; the king forbids his wife to do such work]: 118; Braga 2002 (Algarve) [(standard text for this story)]: 115-117; Pedroso 1882, No. 19 []: 79-81; Italians (Menton) [when the daughter asked for a seventh bowl of soup, her mother beat her and said, "Here's seven for you!" ; a rich young man heard this, asked what he was talking about; mother: seven spindles of yarn; I beat her for working too much; a young man who was a wealthy captain left the girl yarn and jewelry; if she will hide everything, he marries her when he returns from sailing; on the last day, an ugly old woman flies through the window, has done all the work; but the girl must invite her to the wedding and remember the name Columbina; so three times (other old women named Columbara and Columbus); the groom asks the old women why their eyelashes, lips, teeth are so long; they reply that they strained their eyes (lips, teeth) when they were spinning; the groom threw spindle into the fire and banned his wife from spinning]: Calvino 1980, No. 5:12-18 (=Kotrelev 1991:20-23; similar text in Andrews 1892, No. 4:18-19); Italians (Lazio, Campania): Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 501:112; ladina [the gentleman asks what the scream is; woman: I scold my daughter that she cannot stop - she even hid the moss from the walls; the gentleman marries, leaves his wife a bunch of yarn; her grandmother came, hid everything; the next day there is more yarn - great-grandmother hid; then great-great-grandmother; all three came to the wedding; one says that endless spinning made her limp, the second grew a long nose, the third became blind; husband forbid his wife to spin]: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 52:141-143.

Western Europe. French (Haute-Brittany) [a woman scolds her daughter for not coming; a passing gentleman asks what the noise is; the mother replies that her daughter is constantly spinning; the master promises to marry; leaves with a mountain of yarn; the girl sees an old woman with a long tongue hanging from her mouth; she explains that it is from work - she spun and moistened the thread with her tongue; promises to hide everything if the girl invites her to the wedding; when the husband is surprised what kind of freak has come and finds out the reason, he forbids his wife to spin forever]: Sébillot 1894, No. 36:279-280; Irish [mother curses how much light is the lazy daughter; prince sucks and asks why; mother: she works too hard, spins three pounds of linen in three days, weaves it and sews shirts; the prince asks to let her daughter go to him, intends to marry, but first let will perform what the mother says; old woman Big Foot promises to do everything if the girl invites her to the wedding with the prince; in the next two days, two more old women; when they come to the wedding, they explain that one she mutilated her legs, standing at the spinning wheel all her life, the second bent while sitting at the loom, the third's nose became long, because she always sewed and her nose began to bleed; the prince promises not to let his wife spin, weave and sew]: Kennedy 1875:63-67; Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Pomerania, Grimms), Dutch, Friezes: Uther 2004 (1), No. 501:286-287; Englishmen (North England) [daughter not at all she knows how to spin; after leaving for three days, her mother leaves her 7 skeins of yarn and tells her that everything should be done by her return; almost nothing has been done in the evening of the last day; the next morning she went to the forest, saw an old woman- a spinner with a long lip; she replied that her lip had lengthened because her threads were drooling; volunteered to do the girl's job; did it with other equally ugly people; returning with skeins of thread, the girl ate 7 servings of pudding; the mother sings with joy "She hid seven, seven, seven, ate seven, seven; the landowner hears, marries such a productive spinner; that old woman reassured the bride: bring him to me to see how ugly the yarns are becoming; forbid his wife to ever spin]: Jacobs 1894, No. 81:195.

The Balkans. Hungarians [the daughter is lazy and does not know how to spin; when the king passes by, her mother begins to beat her; replies that she has hidden all the underwear in the house in gold threads; next time she is a wattle fence; king takes a girl as his wife, brings her a cart of linen after the wedding; cries that day and night; a man with a big mustache and a huge beard climbs through the window; promises to hide linen in gold threads if three days later the Queen will name him; royal hunters return from the forest; one tells how he saw a man jumping over the fire; he shouted that his name was Patsimantsi and that he would soon get a bride; when P. comes, the queen calls him by name; the king admires gold yarn; brings a new cart of linen; the queen has taught three ugly old women (one humpback, the other has a lip on her chest, and a third tongue to belly) come to beg and answer that they became freaks because they were spinning all the time; the king rushed to his wife and forbade spinning]: Ortutai 1974, No. 18:309-313 (=Ortutay 1969:359-368 in Kippar 2002:231-236); Albanians [mother told her daughter to cook 7 goat heads, went to church; while her daughter was waiting for her, she ate all the heads; her mother started beating her, the king as he passed by heard (a play on words : he realized that the girl hid 7 skeins of yarn); the king married her, left for a month, leaving a huge amount of yarn; on the last day, the young wife cries bitterly; three fairies heard this, they performed the whole work; the king is delighted; the wife hides nuts and chestnuts under her bed and presses them from time to time; says that her bones are cracking because of hard work; the king has forbidden her to work from now on]: Lambertz 1952:160- 163; Greeks (Zakynthos) [mother gives her daughter yarn and tells her to make a dowry for the wedding in a year; the daughter is lazy, nothing is ready on the eve of the wedding; three moiras come in; they say that they gave the girl fate sloths still want to help her; one weaves, so her nose is up to the floor (twirled her head after the shuttle); the second sews (her lip became to the floor, drooling thread); the third knit (her ass became huge from the seat ); the work is done; the Moirs come to the wedding; the girl explains to the groom the reason for their ugliness; he forbids his wife to do such work]: Schmidt 1877, No. 1:65-66; Bulgarians [stepmother or mother the girl says she can hide an incredible amount of yarn; {the king or merchant promises to marry a girl, leaves her yarn}; three old relatives of the girl who became freaks because of a lot they spun, do their work on the condition that they are invited to a wedding; they come, the groom is terrified; they explain that they are fool because they have worked all their lives; the king (merchant) promises that he will not allow his wife work]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 501:178; Croats: Uther 2004 (1), No. 501:286-287.

Central Europe. Poles [because of her mother's bragging, according to a neighbor, etc., the Queen decides that the girl can hide an incredible amount of yarn and wants to marry her; three old women, one of whom ugly hands, on the other hand, on the third lip, do the job for promising to invite them to the wedding; at the wedding, they explain to the Queen that they became freaks because they worked all their lives; he forbids his wife work]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 501:156-157; Russians (Karelia), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Galicia, Transcarpathia, Podolia, Yekaterinoslavskaya), Belarusians [Three strands: help a lazy girl to spin; invited to her wedding and frighten the groom with their appearance; he forbids the bride to spin]: SUS 1979, No. 501:143; Western Ukrainians (p. Puzhniki, Ivano-Frankovskaya) [mother gave her daughter 7 loaves, and she ate them all at once; mother began to beat her; pan asks why she screamed; mother: gave her daughter 7 skeins of yarn for a week, and she hid everything in a day; pan married a girl and gave her a lot of yarn; she sees a spider on the wall and cries: this is her aunt; she spun for 7 years, and then became a spider; the pan promises not to let his wife spin; they began to take care of the spider]: Pankeev 1992: 390-391; Czechs, Slovaks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 501:286-287

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygi [poor mother kicks her lazy daughter out for demanding 10 cakes every day; when she meets the prince, she says that she kicked her daughter out because she requires ten threads to embroider every day armored armbands; agrees to give the prince a daughter on the condition that he assigns a teacher to her for a year; does the teacher arrange everything like this {says she has mutilated herself with work?} that the daughter of a poor old woman remained the prince's wife]: Tkhamokova 2014, No. 1453*: 203; Lezgins [the old woman has a voracious daughter; she sells her, saying that a girl can make yarn from 7 kg of wool in a day and make carpets; the merchant leaves his wife to spin and weave, leaves; she puts a hominy on both shoulders and licks it, holding a spindle; a sick young man sees this through the window, laughs, the abscess has broken, the young man has recovered, his father tells him to make carpets; the merchant is happy with his wife; she grabs a beetle and cries: this is her mother, who has become a bug from work; the merchant forbids his wife to work anymore]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 102:452-453); Armenians: Tumanyan 1984 [a mother praises her lazy daughter Khuri, a merchant marries her, leaves his wife bales of cotton to hide in his absence; she throws cotton to frogs, and when she sees moss on stones, thinks they have woven a carpet; tells you to pay for cotton, finds a gold nugget in the river; the returning husband believes that his wife has exchanged it for yarn; during a feast, the mother-in-law turns to the beetle that has flown in, calling him a girl; explains to her son-in-law that her aunt killed herself with her job and became a beetle; her husband, in horror, forbids his wife to spin anymore]: 31-33; Gardner 1944 [about as in Tumanyan 1984; after her husband forbids his wife to spin, she begins to dance and behave strangely; her husband runs away from her]: 163-165; Azerbaijanis [the girl eats three and a half loaves a day and spins three and a half skeins of yarn; once she ate only three loaves, went to the roof, shouted "I ate three, half the trouble"; the merchant married her and left, leaving a mountain of yarn; when the time was coming to an end and there was still a lot of yarn left, the girl climbed onto the roof, began to bite off the dough thrown on her shoulders, spinning and saying that her husband would stake her; the prince saw, laughed, the bone stuck in her throat jumped out, he ordered immediately hide the yarn that her husband left to his wife; when her husband returned, she brought a frog, began to call it an aunt; explained that in their family, hard work yarns turn into frogs; her husband forbade her spin; left again, did not return, the wife went to search, gave birth and went again; the Shah saw this, began to reproach his wife that she was going to bed a month before giving birth; when the shah left, the wife ordered the gardener should not water the garden, it has dried up; she told the Shah that no one waters the trees in the forest; Shah: so they are wild; wife: that woman is wild, and I am not used to such treatment; the woman found out that the padishah put her husband in prison for waste; went to the reserve herself to be captured and brought to the Shah; explained that she was the one who saved him from the bone in his throat; the padishah released the merchant]: Nabiev 1988: 142-146.

Iran - Central Asia. Uzbeks [the caravan stopped at the shepherd's hut; the hostess served pilaf; while the guests were eating, her daughter looked into the room seven times, saying "One", "two", etc.; the mother explained that during this time she hid 7 balls of wool; the merchant paid expensive dowry, left his wife 300 pounds of cotton; a month before her husband returned, the wife began to spin and at the same time ate the soup, all smeared; the padishah's son has a bone stuck in her throat; when he saw a woman spinning, licking her fingers, laughed and the bone fell out; the padishah told the women to hide all the cotton; the husband was happy; the wife bows to the beetle, says it was hers My aunt became a beetle, because she had been spinning all her life; her husband forbade his wife to spin]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (1): 277-281 (=Sheverdin 1967:183-186).

Baltoscandia. The Swedes [Queen Upland wants a daughter-in-law as hard as herself; the prince has a bride from a neighboring kingdom; the Queen tells her to spin; three consecutive work is done old women - Big Boy, Fat Goose, Dolgook; the Queen has to agree to the wedding; at the wedding, all three old women explain that they became freaks because they constantly spun, weaved and sewed; king says his daughter-in-law will not work]: Braude, Zolotarevskaya 1969:323-331; Norwegians [the poor man's daughter decided to go to work, came to the king, the Queen liked her, and others became jealous and they said that she could hide a huge amount of linen in a day; a woman came and promised to do the job if the girl called her aunt on the happiest day of her life; the same was to weave a canvas (another woman); the same is to sew clothes; all three "aunts" come to the wedding, they are terribly ugly; each explains that she was done such spinning, weaving, sewing; the prince forbade his wife to do all this]: Dascent 1970:193-198; Karelians (Kalevala District, 1937) [the widow's daughter is lazy, her mother scolds her, the royal son hears her, asks what's going on; mother: my daughter has earned money - I'll bring her tow, and she'll hide it in a day; the prince married, brought a tow, ordered to spin; an ugly old woman undertakes to hide it if the girl calls to the wedding; the next day another old woman; the third; the tsareva's relatives are happy, they are preparing the wedding; the bride: I have three aunts; the first comes in: the leg is not keeps, from being a strand all century; the second is the same - hands do not listen; third: the tongue is dangling, slobbering a lot of yarn; the prince forbade his wife to spin]: Konkka 1959:94-96; Estonians (Narva; occasionally all over Estonia) [the peasant does not know that the king is in front of him; unnecessarily brags that her daughter can hide gold threads out of straw; the king ordered the girl to be brought, locked in the room, where there is a lot of straw, ordered a strain of gold, and if he does not, he will be punished; at midnight, a gray-haired old man appeared, promised to weave gold, but asked what the girl would give him for it; she said: an apron; the next day, the king demands twice as many gold threads, the girl gives the old man a handkerchief; on the third day, the king wants even more; the old man demands that his first child be born; when the boy is 7 years old , the old man comes for him; the mother asks not to take her son; the old man agrees, provided that someone finds out his name; the old man has been followed; in the forest, he is going to hide in a deep hole, but before that, he said out loud that his name was Ruuben Tirts; when the old man came and heard his name, he immediately disappeared and did not appear again]: Mälk et al. 1967, No. 70:201-203; Latvians [Three Spinners . The mother praises her lazy daughter to the king as a skillful spinner - they say she hid all the straw and moss. The king brings her to the palace and tells her to strain a lot of yarn. If the task is completed, he will marry her. The girl can't spin, she cries. Three women come with big lips, fingers and hips, promising to help the girl if she invites her to the wedding. At a wedding, they look like they scare the king. Spinners explain their ugliness to him by the fact that they spin a lot. The king forbids his wife to spin]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 501:293; Danes, Finns, Livs, Lithuanians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 501:286-287.

Turkestan. Kyrgyz [the property is worn out, the wool has accumulated, but Akai's wife only goes to visit and sleeps, but when her husband asks how much she has strained, she replaces the balls, showing two alternately; it turned out 20; A. glad, went to the mountains to cut down a pine tree to make a loom; his wife put on the malachai backwards, came to the forest and began to yell: whoever cuts the loom crucifix will die here, and who will weave on a loom, die at home; A. was frightened, returned home, forbid his wife to weave, burned balls of wool; now friends reproach why A.'s wife does not roll felt; the wife pretends to be sick, but to her better from the smell of scorched hair; in the end, everything was burned; the wife tells A. that she is leaving home to teach her relatives needlework; one person advised A. to check it out for himself; the wife noticed that her husband was coming up, began to teach loudly how to sew; A. believed and returned home]: Sabyr uulu 2008:336-337.