Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K62. Animal Warfare, Th B260-B263.

Animals, birds, etc. fight or play with each other, split into two hostile camps. The stakes are high, and life is often high. {Data is incomplete}. ATU 222. B261, bird and animal warfare. ATU 222A. B261.1, The Bat is adjacent to one side or the other. K2323.1, A raised fox tail serves as a signal.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Dabida [the war between birds and animals began; the animals began to prevail, the Bat went to the king of animals, said that she also had teeth and breast milk; when the birds began to win, she said that also flies; it was rejected by both sides]: Vinogradov 1984, No. D6:228; ovambo [Hyena scolded and frightened the Wren's chicks; he quarreled with Hyena, gathered all the birds and insects for war, Hyena gathered all animals; the fox said that if its tail is raised, the animals win, if lowered, they must run; the Wren sent Komarov to scout, they overheard what the Fox said, sent Scorpions, those Bees, they bit the Fox down the drain, it lowered its tail, the animals ran]: Loev 1951:312-314 (=Serauky 1986:198-200); quiri [Isoli's motley bird summoned an Elephant to battle; all animals and birds came together; Isoli pecked an elephant at the tip of the trunk, the elephant fell, the birds won]: Paulian 1940:214-215.

West Africa. House: Jahnston 1966, No. 2 [The elephant broke the joint in the Rooster's hut, who threw the garbage in the Elephant's hut; they quarrel, call relatives, the Elephant brings animals, the Rooster of the birds; in advance In the skirmish, Ostrich knocked out Hyena's eyes; the Hawk broke chicken eggs on the Elephant's head, threw a rope beside him; said that the Elephant's head was broken and the tail fell off; the animals fled; the Rooster promised to give Chicken hawk]: 2-4 (translated to Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976:245-246); Mariko 1984 [about the same, a quarrel over a girl, she gets a rooster and now, in a wedding dress, sings triumphantly in the morning]: 57-60; mosi [ The hare began to make a loom; the Elephant and the Norogo bird wanted their thread to be chosen; the Elephant gathered animals, N. birds, for war; told Eagle to throw a calebass with bees on Elephant's head during the battle; when they began to bite the Jackal, he screamed and ran; the rest of the animals and the birds won after them]: Frobenius 1986:69-70; gyula [The Rooster and the Elephant both bring a piece of copper to the blacksmith, asking them to make a ring throw away the opponent's copper; the elephant declares war on birds, summons four-legged animals; animals take turns climbing the mountain, the birds tear off everyone's head; the Elephant climbs, pours a white one over his head soup, the Elephant flees; the birds won; the Raven was sitting in Hyena's bag, shouting that he would catch up, she ran in panic until she threw her bag]: Pozdnyakov 1990:122-127; Yoruba, Igbo [ the war between birds and animals began; the birds began to win, the Bat also called itself a bird; when the animals had the advantage, she began to prove that it was also a beast; they drove it away, the birds did not accept it back, now she only goes out at night]: Walker, Walker 1980:26; kanuri [a rooster comes to a girl during the day, an elephant comes to a girl at night; she tells everyone that this is not a rival's footprint - she chalk the yard or left an imprint stone mortar; the rooster stays overnight, sleeps, the elephant sits on the bed, on the rooster; the rooster pecks out the eye of a sleeping elephant; the elephant mobilizes animals, the rooster - birds and flying insects; the bee and the wasp affect lion and jackal, winged ones win]: Koelle 1854, No. 7:170-174.

Sudan - East Africa. Kanuri [the elephant came to the girl at night and the rooster during the day; one day the elephant fell asleep, came in, sat down on the bed, pressed down the rooster's leg; the rooster waited for the elephant to fall asleep, pecked out his eye; the elephant called the animals, rooster - birds and flying insects; they won (the arrows and spears of bees and wasps are especially effective)]: Koelle 1854, No. 7:170-174; amhara [when the Bat saw that birds were winning, she asked take her to them because she has wings; when the animals began to win, she went to them and said that she had teeth; the animals did not accept her, and the birds also drove her away, so she hides during the day]: Gankin 1979, No. 1: 17; Somalia [hares fought guinea fowls, got scared, now they hide under bushes]: Kapchits 1997, No. 13:20-21.

North Africa. The Arabs of Tunisia [the lion and the king boasted of strength, quarreled; the lion gathered animals, the kings gathered flying creatures; midges and mosquitoes attacked the lion, slutches and gadflies on cattle; the animals fled; during Battles, the kings carried hot coals on his tail to drop at enemies, since then Ittfou has been shouting ("put out the fire"); he is small but considered the king of birds]: Bushnaq 1987:228.

Southern Europe. The Spanish [during the war between woolen animals and birds were led by a lion and the latter by an eagle; since both leaders were powerful, the war did not end, and no one could win victory; we decided to put a fox as the leader of the animals and a mosquito as the birds; the fox announced that when it raised its tail, they should step; but the mosquito bit the fox down the tail, it lowered it, and the animals fled]: Camarena, Chevalier 1997, No. 222:362-363; Galicians [raised fox tail]: Contos 1972, No. 29:34-35.

Western Europe. The Irish [Bat in the War of Animals and Birds]: Uther 2004 (1), No. 222A: 141; the French (Gascony) [the war of animals and insects; the fox raises its tail, the wasps bite it, it rushes into the river, four-legged animals retreat in panic]: Arnaudin 1967, No. 13:162-164.

Central Europe. The Luzhitans [animals led by the Bear lost the battle to the birds led by the Eagle, as the fox lowered its tail (an army of four-legged animals focused on its raised tail) when it became bite hornets]: Romanenko 1962:139-142

Melanesia. Kiwai [young man in ulcers secretly removes dirty skin, becomes handsome; wipes himself off with feathers, turns into a white heron; optionally puts on or removes heron skin; only one girl cared about the imaginary patient; spied, burned the dirty skin, hid the heron's skin under her skirt; others began to fight about who should be with this handsome man; the young heron began to dance in front of the beautiful Ponyponi; Shark - too, some liked the Heron better, others liked the Shark; a fight began between fish and birds (the origin of the appearance of both); P. rose to him, lightning was her smile, thunder was the noise as it was during that brawl]: Landtman 1977, No. 102:280-291

Micronesia-Polynesia. Samoa [a war of birds and fish; birds won but were attacked by Inaga, the birds retreated, and the Inaga live even in the upper reaches of rivers; but then the birds finally defeated the fish]: Brown 1915 : 173-176; Niue (note: Niue residents consider flying foxes to be birds, so the plot is most likely borrowed from Europeans) [birds fought crawling animals with varying success; The Flying Fox She has alternately joined the winning party; since then she has been driven by everyone and is afraid to appear during the day]: Loeb 1926b: 194-195.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Angami [Every time the lizard muddies the water in the spring, from where the water and the Bird get; both gather all the birds and all reptiles to fight; the birds have destroyed all reptiles, the largest, the snake, remains priest; the crow lifted it into the air but dropped it on a rock; many snakes immediately reappeared; the bird asked for the biggest bird {Eagle?} destroy the priest; he refused, because what would he feed the chicks then?] : Hutton 1914, No. 14:490-491; longshan (Tangsa) [The serpent asked the Rooster not to swim in its pond; he began to swim, destroyed the shore; the Rooster began to fight the Snake, each called friends for help]: Elwin 1958a, No. 4:344; (cf. tagin [Nido lived in the sky, Sichi lived on earth, they quarreled, N. fielded his army in which the Sun, the Month and the Stars, and S. exposed all the animals and snakes; N. went down to crush them; the animals are discussing what to do; only the Chichin Jarin bird suggested that N. and S. both sacrifice a buffalo and have a party together; they should each stay home for 10 days, whoever comes out, his body will become ugly; S. came out on the third day, so there are mountains, rockfalls, earthquakes on earth; and N. did not go out for 10 days, so the sky is beautiful]: Elwin 1958a, No. 5:26-27).

South Asia. India [{a brief retelling of the same Angami text?} ; because of a quarrel between the Bird and the Lizard, the birds are fighting reptiles; the war ends when the biggest bird (the Eagle) lifts the biggest snake into the air and throws the biggest snake at the rocks]: Bødker 1957, No. 1:10.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Nicobars [during the war of birds and animals, the Bat joins the camp on whose side it has the advantage, proving to the birds that it also looks like birds, to animals that it is a beast; it has been exposed cursed, telling them to hang upside down on branches, sleep during the day, stay awake at night]: Roy 2001, No. 18:40-41; manggaray [The Snake invited the Bat to fight; three days later brought all the snakes, and the Bat The mouse is all birds; the battle lasted a month, the birds won]: Burger 1941, No. 5:262-263.

Taiwan - Philippines. Iloko {=ilocan?} [beasts began to fight birds; the Bat responded to both what it thought, evading the battle; after peace was concluded, both sides began to drive the Bat away from them]: Eugenio 1994, No. 229:376.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Batrachomyomachia (The War of Mice and Frogs, dating from late Hellenism to Augustus): the frog king invites a mouse son who comes to the watering place king; the mouse jumps on the frog's back, they swim through the swamp; suddenly a hydra (water) appears from under the water and the frightened frog king dives, forgetting his companion; the mouse drowns in front of death prophesies that frogs will be overtaken by retribution; mice gather troops, come to the swamp, battle begins; frogs are crowded, Zeus sends crayfish to help them; they decide the outcome of the battle, mice flee]: Gasparov 1999:417-423, 508; Hungarians [Bat in the war of animals and birds]: Uther 2004 (1), No. 222A: 141.

Central Europe. Russians (Voronezh) [the mouse quarreled with in No. 224:197-204. The cat tells her to wait every time for him to eat bread, drink milk, etc.. rrobiem, stealing grain from the barn, animals began to fight birds; the wounded Eagle asks the merchant three times not to kill him, but to care for him; three years later he carries him on his back; throws him over the sea three times and catches him so that the merchant feels like he, the Eagle, I was afraid of being shot by him; the Eagle's sisters in the copper and silver kingdoms refuse to give the merchant a casket, a sister in the golden kingdom gives it; the Eagle orders not to open it along the way, the merchant opens it, from it a palace, servants appear; Unbaptized Forehead collects everything in a casket for promising to give that he does not know at home; the merchant is met by his wife with his newborn son; Ivan grows up, goes to NL; Baba Yaga advises to hide the wings of a colorful cabbage roll when three cabbage rolls arrive to swim; this is Vasilisa Premudraya, NL's beloved daughter; his cook Chumichka lies as if Ivan promised 1) to cut down the forest in a day, harvest, bake it out of flour pies; 2) make a flying ship; VP does everything, Chumichka is thrown off the ship; 3) NL tells you to go around the stallion; this is NL himself, Ivan hits him with a hammer; 4) choose a bride among three mares, three cabbage rolls, three girls (the VP has a dull sequin on the bridle; waves its wing; a handkerchief); after the wedding, the young run, the VP turns Ivan into a vegetable garden, himself into a head of cabbage; a well and a falcon; when NL himself is chasing, VP throws a brush (forest), comb (mountain), towel (sea); Ivan is the first to come home, kisses his godmother, forgets VP; she is hired as an employee, Ivan is ready to marry; VP comes to the wedding with a pie, they leave it a dove with a dove, a dove says that the dove will forget it, how Ivan forgot the VP; Ivan recalls]: Afanasiev 1958 (2), No. 224:197-204; Russians {Arkhangelskaya, Karelia, Novgorod, Tula, Ryazan , Oryol, Voronezh}, Ukrainians, Belarusians [Mouse and sparrow: they start a common household, quarrel, which causes a war between birds and animals, in which an eagle is wounded; usually like the beginning of fairy tales like 313]: SUS 1979, No. 222B: 89; Ukrainians (Uman in Kyiv region) [The mouse and the Lark quarreled over a grain; gathered birds and animals for war; the mouse ordered ants to bite their wings at night birds; birds hit, killed by animals; the eagle remains in the tree, asks the hunter not to shoot; he points his gun three times; feeds the Eagle with a cow, a bull; he carries it through the air, drops it three times and picks up that a person was afraid like the Eagle when he was targeted; the Eagle teaches the hunter to promise to return the Eagle, ask for a raitso egg for it; Eagle's uncle, brother refuse, the father agrees; tells break only houses; the hunter breaks on the way, cattle come out of the egg; the snake promises to return the cattle to the egg if they give something that was not at home; son Ivan grows up, goes to the Snake; she demands 1) overnight uproot the forest, etc., harvest, bake pies; the Snake's daughter is walled up in a stone pillar; promises to do everything if I. marries her; 2) turn the Dnieper, arrange a shopping harbor; 3) catch the golden hare; the daughter of the snake tells me to grab everything that comes out of the hole; I. misses the viper, the old woman; it was the hare; the girl turned to the hare herself, I. carried her; both run away; the Snake sends her husband in pursuit, the fugitives turn into wheat and grandfather; into a monastery and an elder; for the third time the Snake chases by itself; the river and perch; the snake becomes a pike, does not catch it, began to drink the river, burst; the bride tells the house not to kiss uncle's child; I. kisses, forgets the bride; is going to marry another; Snake's daughter makes doves out of dough, they tell their story, I. remembers everything, marries Snake's daughter]: Pankeev 1992:297-307.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Kalmyks [birds and beasts waged war, the Bat joined each other depending on who won; in the end, both sides drove her away, it leaves the shelter only at night]: Basayev 2004, No. 159:259-260; Nogais: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 70 [eagles fought against locusts, locusts won, so there are few eagles]: 191; Nogai 1979, No. 1 [Tsar Orlov and Tsar Locusts decide to fight; Most Eagles die, the king flees with the remnants of his troops]: 11; Georgians [Bat in the war of animals and birds]: Uther 2004 (1), No. 222A: 141.

Baltoscandia. Eastern Sami [The mouse asked the Bird to let it and the mice into the nest; in the fall it ate the chick; the bird and the chicks began to fight with the Mouse and mice; the bird was supported by birds, the Mouse was supported by all animals; man dispersed everyone]: Charnoluski 1962:198-201; Western Sami [the bear was the king of animals, and the sparrow was the king of birds; the thieves recently hatched; the bear saw them, wiped them to the ground, tore the nest; the sparrow decided to declare war on animals, asked the wasp to lead the flying creatures; and the bear chose the fox as the leader; she said that its raised tail is a sign that animals are coming; but when the wasp stung the wasp down the drain for the second time, it clenched its tail and shouted that the war was lost]: Kohl-Larsen 1982, No. 27:156-160; Estonians: Kippar 1986, No. AT 222:148; Mälk et al. 1967, No. 33 [Bear took hay from the heap to build a house for himself; the wren said it was his hay; the bear called for help from animals, wren birds began to fight; the fox gave commands to the animals with its tail; the Hornet bit her in the tail, she ran with it between her legs; the animals understood this as a signal to retreat, the birds won]: 78-79; the leaders [the animals felt sorry that the birds were grabbing food on the fly and from the ground; the war of birds and animals began; The Bat supported both by who prevailed; the birds drove it away; now it can only fly at nightfall, but during the day the birds will enclose it]: Ariste 1962, No. 1:5-6 ( translated into Konkova 2009:101); Latvians [The Bat in the War of Birds and Animals always joins those who are doing better]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 222A: 265; Lithuanians [when animals and birds fought each other, the bat served both sides; so no one accepts it]: Kerbelite 2001:85; Prussians [birds fought animals; bat wanting to be on the side winners, joined one side or the other, then claiming that it was a bird, then proving that it was a mouse; after the conclusion of peace, the deception was revealed, and birds and beasts drove it away; so the bat during the day hides]: Reusch, Sagen des preuβ, Samlandes S. 40f, 1863 in Dähnhardt 2012:199; Finns: Uther 2004 (1), No. 222A [Bat in Animal and Bird Warfare]: 141.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [there was a war between birds and four-legged animals; when the birds began to win, the bat joined them; when the animals began to win, it went over to their side ; at the end of the war, a peace treaty was signed, and the bat was rejected by both birds and animals]: Gilyazutdinov 2015, No. 277:273-274; Marie [Mouse and Sparrow were friends, shared food; Sparrow alone swallowed the seed, they quarreled, the Mouse called the animals, the Sparrow called the birds, the Lion broke the Eagle's wing; the hunter began to aim at the Eagle, agreed to take him home and feed him; the Eagle ate all his cattle, flew away, returned, carried it for an award; dropped it on purpose, then picked it up to show how afraid he was at gunpoint; the eagle's younger, middle sisters in the bronze and silver palaces answer that they love their father and the mother is larger than the brother; the youngest in gold - that there is more brother; gives a parcel, tells him not to open on the way; the Eagle carries the hunter back over the mountain; he opens the bundle, a golden palace appears, a sorcerer gathers the palace back for promising to give what he does not know at home; a son was born at home; goes to the sorcerer; the old woman gives a skein of thread, he leads to her older sister, who explains how to take one of the clothes twelve duck girls who come to swim; the girl tells her father to hire her father (this is the sorcerer), to be identified among the 12 doves (she will bite harder); in a hot bath, the young turn into flies fly away, spit is responsible for them; the girl turns into a herd, the guy into a shepherd; into a monastery and a priest; into a lake and a goose; the sorcerer stops chasing]: Chetkarev 1948:19-36; Komi [Mouse quarreled with Sparrow, birds began to fight animals, killed each other, an Eagle with a broken wing remained by the sea of blood; the old man picked him up; the old woman orders to shoot the Eagle twice, the Eagle asks each time do not do this; after recovering, he carries the old man, throws it off twice, picks him up from the ground so that he also feels afraid; Eagle's sister gives a box, does not tell him to open it on the way; the old man opens, gold falls asleep ; another old man (this is an evil tun) puts gold back for promising to give back in three years what you don't know at home; the old man has been away for fifteen years, he has a son; an old woman tells a young man watch for 12 swans - Tuna's daughters, hide the youngest's clothes while they are swimming; she gives him her ring, flies away; tun marries him to her, sets tasks, his wife teaches him how to perform; 1) overnight build a palace (monsters are building); 2) create a river with fish, gardens on the banks (same); 3) a crystal bridge (the same); a daughter steals her father's handkerchief, runs with her husband; tun pursues them; she waves her handkerchief, creating a forest, then a river; a young man pierces tuna with an arrow, he turned into a pine tree]: Novikov 1938, No. 25:88-103 (same or similar text in Plesovsky 1975:64-76); Bashkirs [{confused text, narrator confused the stories}; the mole and the crow sowed bread, did not share the harvest, the war between birds and four-legged birds began; the tired bird Samrigush asked the man to feed her; the wife is dissatisfied, orders to shoot; man took a gun three times, but did not shoot; three years later, S. took the man to her home; dropped and picked him up three times so that he would also feel afraid; tells the old woman to ask for a copper bridle, a rusty sword and carpet; you have to ring with a bridle, a seedy horse will appear, put the folded carpet like a saddle, do not turn it home; the man has turned it around, there is food, but he cannot turn and the horse no longer obeys; the old man turned, telling him to give what the man does not know at home; this is the son; he became rich at home; the old man took his son; sewed horses into the corpse; the beast carried to the river, the young man went out, 12 swan girls flew to swim, he hid the wings of the youngest Maysarwar; she brought it to the old woman; she tells 1) to uproot the forest overnight, sow, harvest, bake bread; 2) sew boots with one hand while the straw is burning (M. does everything); 3) tame a horse, tie it to a pole (the horse is an old woman); M. teaches which bridle to take than to hit; 4) to distinguish M. among 12 sisters (they write, M. one letter in red); the young man gets M.; she tells not to unlock the 41st the room; he unlocked, there is a giant, asks for a drink, freed himself, said that he would take M.; M. and her husband are running, the giant caught up, took it away; they are running again, 11 sisters are chasing, M. is a haystack, the husband is a wattle fence, the sisters are back; swineherd and pig (the giant did not recognize, but the old woman caught up, found out, took M.); the husband goes to look, feeds bears, wasps, snakes; the old woman orders horses, bears, wasps, snakes to herd them back; for work, a young man asked for a bridle, a rusty sword, a carpet {as at the beginning}; the young man runs with M. again, the old woman and the giant became big, M. and her husband became a chicken with a rooster, hid the cereal; the husband leaves M. at the edge of the village; it is being done old woman, he does not want her; wants to take another one, but M. turned him into a monkey; then released him, beautiful herself, everything is fine].

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas [Sparrow and Mouse sowed, squeezed, divided; Sparrow notices that the Mouse is stealing its grain; a war between birds and animals has begun; the Eagle has beaten many enemies, fell asleep on snags, rats or hamsters they chewed on his wing; the man points a gun at him three times, then takes him home, cares for him; the eagle offers to fly to him, receive a reward; lifting him into the air, throws him three times, picks him up so that the man experienced the same fear; gives a magic pen, the man has healed well]: Troyakov to Paderina, Plitchenko 1986 [Irlykhan sent Komar to find out whose blood tastes better; he flew back to say it was human; met She asked the swallow to show this blood, bit off the Mosquito's tongue; since then, he has only been squeaking, afraid of the Swallow, which feeds on mosquitoes]: 158-160.

Western Siberia. The Nenets [Mouse and Sinzevko (tundra bird) collected grain, began to divide, quarreled, got into a fight; The mouse gathered animals led by the Bear to help, Siznevko - birds led by Mindley ; The mouse was frightened when the Bear hit Mindley, hid; the Bear was afraid that the Mouse was gone, stepped on the bark, something cracked, he thought they were shooting; it was the Mouse sitting under the bark that had a cracked tooth]: Tereshchenko 1949:118-119; Mansi [mouse and sparrow quarrel over berry stocks, an army of animals fighting an army of birds; the mighty bird Tovlyng Kars is wounded, the hunter heals it]: Sainakhova 1985:127; southern Selkups ["Swans with black beaks and black wings" (L.) flew in, settled on lakes, killing Water Birds (VP); Kulik and Toadstool gathered birds for battle; Toadstool hurried, stuck between bumps, hurt herself; her legs and eyes remained red, red feathers on her wounded head; rising to the sun and covering it with her wings, L. killed all the birds, survived alone Loon; birds from other lakes gathered for the second battle, won; L. flew away, their leader died; dying said that every year they would take the warmth of the sun with them south; var: on the lake where the battle took place, birds no longer live]: Funk 2000, No. 1:225-226 (retelling in Tuchkova 2004:280, 300); chum salmon: Nikolaeva 2006 (rar. Serkova, born in 1901, lake. Manduisky) [{same text as in Osharov, but instead of the name Ichekochko just "old man"}]: 165-168; Osharov 1936a [in the summer the bird sang, the mole stocked; in the fall they got into a fight over an onion; a bird war began and animals; the wounded eagle asks the hunter not to shoot him, to feed him; he is tired, he decided to kill the eagle, the eagle pulled out his eyes, flew away; The devil agrees to heal for the promise to give his two daughters; could not cure; Ichekochko finds an eagle, who promises to return the old man's eyes, but I. must go to the lake in which the mammoth; The eagle, flying over that lake, lost its feathers, the mammoth carried them away, let I. return them; The mammoth is ready give it back if I. helps; every year his tusks grow and fall, the dead make cups and spoons out of them, sell them to the merchant Kolse, let I. take away the tusks from the dead; I. pretends to be dead in the cemetery, the dead carry cups and spoons to feed him, I. takes them away, gives them to the mammoth, he gives feathers to the eagle, the eagle to the eyes of the old man, the old man his daughters]: 121-124.

Eastern Siberia. Dolgans [The mouse persuades the Bird to spend the winter, make supplies, first eat it; by spring there are not enough supplies, the Mouse beat its children, bit through the wing of the chicks; The bird complained to Eksë Kyu, he sent a soldier. The mouse complained to its king, the dragon Mongyu; Mongui killed Yeksökyu's wing, the birds scattered; the merchant feeds YE. three years, while the wing is healing, he even sold his wife; YE. carries him to his older sister, tells a cat that rushes coins to ask; she refuses; the younger sister does not give a chicken rushing gold coins; the mother and the young girl give a box; the man is lost, Aat - the hero lets the man go for promising to give what he does not know at home, otherwise he will suck it in; YE. says that it was an abaasa hero; carries the man home, on the way, sister YE. give a box, of which you can take gold and silver; the wife bought by man gave birth to a son, gave him a handkerchief and a ball, the ball rolled into the land of death; the girl teaches you not to drink yourself, cook A. in a cauldron when he gets drunk; it was daughter Ë., a young man married her, became rich]: Efremov 2000, No. 11:201-203; central Yakuts: Seroshevsky 1896 (Namsky ulus) [during a flood, a mouse saves a water rat, and then pushes her into the water; the water rat began to live with tap dancing; offended her, drove her out of the hole in the winter; the birds went to court the animals, who acquitted the rat; complained to their king Exekey (eight-headed, lives underground), and the animals and their Tsar Lev stood up for the rat; E. tore Leo apart]: 604-609; Ergis 1967b, No. 58 [retelling of Seroshevsky and the archival version], 59 (the place of recording is not specified, link to archive; central?) [The Eagle and the Lion argued who should become the lord of the living; small creatures suffered the most from the war of birds and animals; the Eagle gouged out Leo's eyes, who broke the Eagle's wing; the Hunter cured both, became Lord]: 172; Evens [The Mouse and the Bird agree to live together; first they eat the Bird's supplies; The bird cannot climb into the Mouse's hole, and the Mouse refuses to share its supplies; the Eagle with the birds stands up for the Bird, the Snake with worms for the Mouse; the Eagle hit the Snake, it barely crawled; The mice had to share supplies]: Novikova 1958:32-34; North Baikal Evenks: Voskoboynikov 1960b, No. 10 [ the mouse and the bird agreed to prepare supplies for the winter together; the mouse took everything for themselves; the bird pecked out her eye, the animals and birds began to sue; the lion hit the Eagle, who could not fly away without feathers; his man picked him up; his wife cursed, but her husband fed him for two years; the eagle brought him to his sister, told him to ask for a box as a reward; there was a hut in it, maids; on the way, the man forgot how to fold the box back; the old man folded it for a promise to give back what the man's wife did during this time; this is a son; he went after a red dog, hid the clothes of one of the three swan girls who were swimming; she helps the old man accomplish his difficult tasks; 1) build a house overnight; 2) tame the horse; 3) sends his wife and his wife to the bathhouse, sets them on fire; the girl turns them into a needle with a thread, they run away; the servants chase, they turn into a church and a head, sheep from a shepherd, lake and perch; this time the old man chases himself; stops chasing; at home, the guy kisses the child, forgets about his wife; at the wedding, on the other, she reminds him that he marries her]: 43-53; Titov 1936, No. 59 [Mouse with They sowed rye with a sparrow, harvested, did not divide the last grain; the Mouse brought the animals, the Sparrow brought the Eagle, who broke its wing, hitting the wild boar, asked the man to heal; three years later he hit his wing larch, did not knock it down, cried; told the man to stab, cook the bull, feed it in flight; there was not enough meat, the man cut off a piece from his leg, the Eagle felt that the meat was sweet]: 204-205.

Japan. The Japanese [Fox and Badger ruin the bird's nest; it complains to the Eagle (king of birds), the Eagle to the Lion (king of animals), arguing leads to war; the birds send three scout mosquitoes; they learn that the Fox, raising and lowering its tail, it will give signals to animals; they tell the Bee to bite the Fox either under the tail or above its tail, the alarm fails; the war lasts a long time, both sides are exhausted, reconciled; Flying The mouse took sides with both, now no one considers it their own; it hides in a cave during the day, flies out only at night]: Ikeda 1971, No. 222:53-54; Markova 2000, No. 87 [like in Ikeda; war begins out of a dispute about who is in charge of the forest; phoenix hoo became a bird commander and winner; the owl resigned for promising to give him beans, but no one brought him beans]: 289-292.

SV Asia. Tundra Yukaghirs [The creator makes the Bear the chief of animals; the Master of the Forest wants to eat the Deer; he asks to live for another year, then another to gain fat; asks him to be killed by taking him for horns and twisted his neck; pierces the Master with horns, proclaims himself leader; the Bear and all predators go to war against the Deer and all ungulates; the Deer butts the Bear to death, but the Wolf gnaws the Deer's throat; that the Deer cared for the Forest Master, no deer dies of natural causes, but wolves gnaw the deer's throats]: Bogoras 1918, No. 5:19-20.

Subarctic. Khan [The Moose was the head of animals; the Swan was the head of birds and animals; first the Swan defeated the Moose, but then Little Duck defeated the Swan after he defeated the others]: Schmitter 1985:32; taltan [fish from the Stikine and Taku rivers meet and fight, injuring each other (the origin of the external characteristics of different species); sucker bones were broken by a club and now his meat is full of small bones]: Teit 1919, No. 20:242.

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap: Teit 1909a, No. 5 [Swan and birds, Coyote, Porcupine, etc. are at odds with Moose, Deer, Mountain Sheep, etc.; Swan sends first the Coyote, then Porcupine with peace proposals; The elk and its people come; share knowledge; establish the laws by which birds and animals now live], 7 [Animals kill many Birds; Blue Jay with the best warriors (Partridge, Chickady, etc.) destroy an enemy village in response; kill Animals from an ambush; both Beasts and Birds die in a big battle, the Blue Jay remains]: 662-663, 658-659; cous [all small four-legged animals fight with birds; bats are fighting on both sides; now they are being chased by both; they are afraid to appear in the daylight]: Jacobs 1940, No. 5:232-233; modoc [birds and beasts fight; in the first battle the beasts won; the Bat hid and was confused among them; the birds won the next, the Bat claims she was with them; this is how she moved from camp to camp; in the end, birds and animals told her living alone and having no friends]: Curtin 1912:213.

The Midwest. Menominee [all birds and thunders come down to play ball against fish, snakes, otters, land animals, polar underground bears].

Northeast. See D4C motif. Four-legged animals steal summer from fish. Nascapi; montagnier; mohawks [beasts fight against birds; while they win, the Bat takes the side of the animals; when the birds begin to win, the Bat stretches its skin making wings; birds and animals alike reject it]: Rustige 1988:51-53.

Plains. Crowe [birds and dragonflies play against four-legged animals led by the Turtle (you have to guess where the elk's tooth is hidden); birds win, the sun rises for the first time]: Lowie 1918:26.

Southeast USA. Chirokee: Duncan 1998 [animals and birds decide to resolve their conflict by playing ball; animals reject the Mouse as unusable; birds make wings for it, win thanks to it]: 236-239; Mooney 1900 [animals call birds to play ball; Bat and Flying Squirrel want to be on the birds' side; they get leather wings; they help birds win]: 286-287; Yuchi [Red Copper offered to compete in shooting at a rolling wheel, catching up, cutting, taking blood; the grandmother tells Thunder's son that before going to Red Medi, you should visit his father; at his father's house, the young man sees a young woman calling Thunder; he replies that if the young man is his son, let him sit inside the rock for four days, then walk above the ground; on the fourth day, the rock explodes, the young man goes out, walks above the ground with thunder and clouds; father and sister recognize him, his sister splits the clouds with an ax, the sky clears up; catching up with the young man and touching him, Red Copper does not cut him, but melts himself, leaving only one head; Red Copper offers to play ball, puts on all creatures on earth help Red Copper, everyone who flies helps the son of Thunder; to win, Red Copper must throw the ball into the water, and the son of Thunder must throw the ball into the sky; every time they fly creatures are ready to drive the ball into the sky, the Rabbit tells it to get hot, they drop the ball; the Bat pushes the ball up; first the Crocodile, then the Trout grabs the ball, it sinks; the furious Eagle grabs A crocodile, throws it; Red Copper has won back its head]: Wagner 1931, No. 17:71-77.

California. Jokutz [birds and beasts from the mountain, led by Coyote and Hummingbird, go to war on the lake's inhabitants; they kill them all; the fish Epis and the Turtle are the last to survive; the Coyote breaks his leg, pulls out a bone, makes an arrowhead out of it, kills both; Chief Eagle turns winners into birds and animals; everyone says what they will do in their new guise]: Kroeber 1907a, No. 33:223-224.

The Great Southwest. Western Keres (Akoma) [Chief Cochin's daughter marries Shakok, the spirit of winter; a harsh winter is coming; the spirit of summer Miochin gives K. corn; calls for help from summer, S. - winter birds and animals; shield M. - bat, shield Sh. - magpie; M. wins, snow melts, M. gets K.; M. and S. divide the year into two parts; southern animals and birds smoked from smoke and turned black; northern ones were burned with lightning and turned white (animal species not named)]: Pradt 1902:88-90 (Quail in Edmonds, Clark 1989:241-243); Tiwa [Coyote and Cricket argue whose people are stronger; Coyote calls four-legged animals, Cricket - insects; Bees sting Coyote first, then Puma; victory for insects]: Harrington 1928:383-387; lipan: Opler 1940:87-93 [ferocious beasts play against harmless; I guess, under what a bone moccasin; the bet is life; Rabbit, Antelope play on the side of the evil; if they won, it would be eternal night; the good ones win the day; this was thanks to the Possum, who climbed under moccasins and the one who changed the bone; for this, the evil hammer him into the ground; the winners take fat from some losers; The bear hurriedly put moccasins on the wrong leg, so the clubfoot; the birds beat the Bolshoi Owl, he hides his heart in his leg, the Lizard hits him there with an arrow; his body turns into flints, an ordinary owl flies out of it, asks for a little darkness, lives in caves], 93-95 [as in pp.93-95; Sun, The Morning Star play on the good side], 199-200 [Puma, Coyote, and other four-legged animals fight insects; they bit everyone; Coyote stayed behind, ran away]; chiricahua [like lipan, 87-93; Giant instead of the Big Owl]: Opler 1942, No. 1:23-27; mojave [old man and younger sister travel; see Vulture, Starling, Lark fighting Fly, Komar, Mosquito; Vulture lost scalp]: Kroeber 1972, No. 11:21.

Mesoamerica Tepehua [The cricket tells Jaguar that he is weaker than him (no te pares encima de mi), calls him to fight; gathers all the stinging insects, the Jaguar convenes the other jaguars; the insects win]: Lakat'ui cuenta 1983:3; Jacalteca [Jaguar quarrels with Cricket, who calls insects for help; Jaguar calls animals; Rabbit supports Cricket, opens a vessel with wasps, Jaguars are defeated]: Montejo 1991:78-80; tojolabal [Jaguar hears Cricket's voice, first thinks he is great; seeing that he is small, he summons to fight; the jaguar and his friends cougars, coyotes, wolves, wild boars are defeated by cricket friends - wasps, mosquitoes, abejorros]: Relatos Tojolabales 1998:31.

Guiana. Lokono [the hunter catches the vulture girl; she takes off her feathers, marries him, takes him to heaven with her parents; he wants to visit his mother; Vultures bring him down to the top of the tree; Spiders wind a rope for him, birds help him descend; he leads an army of birds to heaven; his son kills him; birds burn the Royal Vultures home; the bird Lanius sulphuratus ties his head, pretending to be sick; he is exposed and told to wear a bandage at all times; Kites and other large birds are still attacking him; the Trumpeter (Psophia crepitans) and the Kingfisher quarrel over prey, pushing each other friend in ash; Owl finds a bag of darkness, opens it; can't stand daylight ever since]: Brett in Roth 1915, No. 142:212.

Western Amazon. Aguaruna [birds and land animals against fish and crab - Mother of the Waters]: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (2): 38-66; Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 2, 2a: 75-101; Guallart 1958:86-88; shuar [birds fight animals; The Bat tells the birds that he is a beast and beasts like a bird; after a battle they all feast together; the Bat is driven away, told to hide from everyone during the day]: Barrueco 1988:47-48.

Southern Amazon. Vaura [birds vs snakes]: Schultz 1965-1966:131-132.

SE Brazil. Kaingang [animals quarrel and fight at the festival; Jaguar kills Tapir, Hawk kills Porcupine; another Jaguar tried to grab the Battleship, but he escaped, asked the Woodpecker to throw an ax at Jaguara fall; he invited the Jaguar to sit under a tree, open his mouth; first threw off his honey and then his ax; the Jaguar died]: Henry 1941, No. 4:144-145.

Chaco. Ayoreo [birds quarrel with fish when Vulture tried to deceive them while cooking; they fight, decide to live apart]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 339:406-407; mocovi [ The Jaguar summons an army of large terrestrial four-legged animals; his enemy has wasps and other creatures; the Jaguar is defeated]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 87 [Jaguar: All Beasts; Battleship: Nandu and Wasps], 88 [ Jaguar: other jaguars, cougars; Fox: wasps, gadflies, all biting insects], 89 [Jaguar: cougars and other large animals; Fox: wasps], 90 [Jaguar: all four-legged; Fox and Drake: birds and flying insects]: 120-123.