Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K62A. Mouse and Bird Quarrel, ATU 222B.



mouse (rat, mole, etc.) and a bird quarrel after they cannot share their supplies for the winter. (The episode is usually the beginning of a story about the war between birds and animals).

Irish, Scots, Bretons, French, Hungarians, Russians {Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Karelia, Novgorod, Tula, Ryazan, Oryol, Voronezh}, Belarusians, Ukrainians ( Galicia, Kiev), Eastern Sami, Abkhazians, Georgians, Armenians, Sami, Finns, Estonians, Setu, Livonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Mordovians, Maris, Komi, Udmurts, Bashkirs, Khakas, Nenets, Mansi, Eastern Khanty, Northern Selkups, Kets, Dolgans, Central Yakuts, Evens, Northern Baikal Evenks.

Western Europe. The Irish: Uther 2004 (1), No. 222B: 141; the Scots [sparrow and mouse quarreled over a grain; the war between birds and animals began; the Queen of Tetertyne came when the battle was over, the Raven and the Serpent remained; the Queen killed the Snake when she was ready to kill the Raven in a duel; the grateful Raven puts him on his back and carries him across valleys and lakes to his first, second, third sisters, the third is a young man (he was cursed); gives a bag, tells him not to open it on the way; the young man opens, a palace with a garden appears; the giant puts everything back for promising to give his son, who will be born when He will be seven years old; the young man becomes king, marries, seven years later the son is a giant; the boy's mother gives her son a cook instead of her son; the giant asks what his father would do when he receives a rod, he replies that he would drive dogs and cats away from treats; the king has to give his promised son; the young man grows up in a giant's house, who offers him a choice of one of two daughters; a young man demands a third, Red-haired Mary; the giant demands 1) clean the barn (M. does everything), 2) cover the house with bird feathers (the same), 3) get the magpie's eggs out of the nest and cook the magpie's eggs (M. cuts off his fingers arms and legs, they turn into steps of the stairs, the young man pulls out eggs, his fingers grow, except for the little finger, which the young man did not touch when he climbed); 4) recognize the bride among her sisters (she does not have a little finger ); M. tells you to run, leaving apple slices to answer; M. tells you to get the mare out of the ear, throw behind 1) a branch of thorn (thorny thickets; the giant runs home for the ax, then carries the ax back, because the crow promises to steal an ax), 2) a pebble (a mountain, a giant runs home for a pickaxe and a hammer), 3) a bottle of water (the lake, the giant is drowning); M. tells not to kiss anyone at home, the young man is kissed by a dog, he forgets M.; M. hides in a tree, the wife and daughter of a shoemaker see her reflection, take it for their own, refuse to carry water, since they are so beautiful; the shoemaker takes M. into the house, says that the queen is marrying, takes M. with him to a feast; two pigeons fly out of her glass, tell the story of M.; Korolevich marries M.]: Campbell 1890 (1), No. 2:25-38 (translated to Shustov 1994:363-373); the Bretons [winter and kings quarreled; winter gets more and more cold, and Korolek consistently spends the night in the laundry room, in the newlyweds bed, in the cracks near the baker's stove; there he quarreled with the mouse, resulting in a bird war and animals; first the beasts won, then the eagle flew and the animals did badly, but the prince watched the battle from the window and the blow of the saber broke the eagle's wing; the victory was for the four-legged, and the eagle told the prince 9 months to feed him until he recovered; then he put him on his back and brought him to his mother; said that he was the son of the king of Lower Brittany; she wanted to eat him, but the eagle forbid him; the eagle's sister fell in love with prince; mother invited the prince to play pins: if she loses, she will lose his life, and if he wins, she will get the eagle's sister; the eagle's sister gives bubbles instead of cast-iron pins and teaches the words after which they take off under heaven; the eagle believes that the prince threw cast iron pins; bring water from a spring in two huge barrels; sister teaches you to start digging in a spring to bring it all at once; cut down an alley of oaks; sister gave wooden ax - the oak falls at his touch; the prince and sister were released, but the sister said she could not come to the king with him; gave half a handkerchief and half a ring; hired to serve jeweler; the prince forgot his bride, is preparing a wedding with the princess; the servant came to the feast, showed the halves of the ring and shawl, they grew together with the prince's halves; put on a golden chicken and a cockerel; they They are talking, which shows that the prince forgot his bride; prince: I had a casket, I lost it, got another one, but found an old one to take? everyone says he's old; the prince married a jeweler's maid]: Carlin 1991:50-58; the French [Winter is trying in vain to freeze the King, each time he hides for the night in a new place (in the laundry room, in newlyweds bed, by the baker's oven); the Mouse also claims the last place, they quarrel, the Mouse calls animals to battle, the King of Birds; the Eagle's wing was broken, the prince agreed to care for him; the Eagle carries him to her mother; she is going to eat it; Eagle's daughter helps him for promising to remain faithful to her all his life; 1) replaces cast-iron pins made of a bubble; 2) teaches him to pretend he wants to endure everything a spring, not carrying water in barrels; 3) gives an ax to cut down all the oaks; the eagle lets her sister and prince go; before reaching the castle, she gives him half a ring and half a handkerchief; the prince forgets her, is going to marry on the other; Eagle's daughter is hired by a jeweler, who is told to make wedding rings; Eagle's daughter shows half a ring and half a scarf, the prince has the same; her golden cock and chicken are talking about how a prince forgot his fiancée; a prince marries his first bride because a treasure lost but found is more valuable than a new one]: Lopyreva 1959:52-60.

The Balkans. Hungarians [the sparrow stole the seeds collected with the mouse; they quarreled and agreed that the mouse would call the lion for help and the sparrow the griffin; in a fight, the lion broke the griffin's wing]: Kovács 1987, № 222B: 291.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Vologda {SV ex. Novgorod}, Tula, Voronezh, Oryol, Ryazan), Belarusians, Western and Eastern Ukrainians (Galicia, Kievskaya) [Mouse and sparrow: they start a common household, quarrel, over why does a war between birds and animals occur, in which an eagle is wounded]: SUS 1979, No. 222B*: 89; Russians (Karelian Pomorie) [contrary to the owner's order, workers left several grains on the field; mouse and bird they argued over them, a war between birds and animals began, everyone died, the eagle was wounded; the prince pointed his gun at him three times, the eagle asked not to shoot, but ordered him to feed him for three months; tried to fly - more three; then more; ordered him to sit on it, took him to receive the reward; on the way he threw it and picked it up three times so that the prince would feel the same fear as he did when the prince pointed his gun; ordered him to take it from the shersh the sister has a multi-colored box, the middle one has a self-shaking purse, the youngest has a key to a multi-colored box; the eagle tells not to open along the way; he opened, everything flew up, the road became difficult; the man was tall growth: I'll bring everything back if you give it back that you don't know at home; he was a magic king; people came out of the box at home, began to uproot, harrow, etc.; his wife gave birth to a son during this time; Ivan Tsarevich grew up, shot , got through my grandmother's window; grandmother: you won't break windows for long, in a year the magic king will pick you up; father denies; the second time the same; grandmother gave you a cup of water to drink, I. became a mighty handsome man; tells hide the dress of the most beautiful of the 12 swans when they arrive and become girls; she promises to be loyal to Ivan; the king orders to rebuild the palace overnight; Elena the Queen flew in like a bee, tells I. to sleep go to bed, orders the spirits to do everything; to work the ship out of a gun that is 30 years old under the window; E. gives a lash, I. hit the head, soon she returned by ship; cut down the forest, etc., and by morning from bake pancakes; the same, the perfume is all performed; choose E. from 12 mares (one hair on the face is slightly longer); the same from 12 pigs (red speck in the ear); from 12 girls (a fly above the right eye); E. and I. they are running, E. left her saliva in the bathhouse; chase; what can you see? - The cloud is high behind; turned into a chapel and an old man; two pigeons on a pile of manure; himself with a ruff, I. - a ring, swallowed the ring, dived into the lake; the king became a pike, but he could not catch the ruff; drank water, but the ruff became a duck, the duck flew away; the king followed, hit the rock, burst with the water he had drunk; E.: I'll stay in the field as a pebble, and you go to the house, don't forget to say hello to your older sister, otherwise you'll forget me; I. did not say hello, forgot, a new wedding is being prepared; two pigeons came out of the cake, talking about the forgotten E.; at first E. does not want to get up: I. has already been blessed; but he persuaded her, she came out of the pebble, I. became live with E.]: Nechaev 1938:85-110; Russians (Olonetskaya) [chicken and mouse quarreled over a grain, the mouse called animals, and the chicken called birds; the eagle's wing was torn off; he asks the man for him for three years feed; he wants to throw it away, then feeds again; the eagle put the man on his back, they fly to the eagle sisters; tin, silver did not give the box, but gave the gold box; ordered not to open it on the way; he discovered, Koschey the Immortal put the good back for promising to give what he did not know at home; his son returned at home; once broke the window; grandmother: oh, you, mother-born, fatherly promised; said that he was given to Koshchei; gave a ball; 12 swans - Koshchei's daughters - flew to the lake; the guy took his youngest's clothes; the girl promised to marry; Koschey tells me to go around the horse; the bride: hit the club between his ears; this is Koschey himself; tells me to choose a bride among 12 sisters; bride: a fly will sit on me; they ran away; they threw flint (mountains), flint (fiery river); the bride made the guy a lake, a duck herself; Koschey shot, missed, left; swore not to prosecute anymore]: Vlasova 2011, No. 51:86-88; Russians (Vologodskaya, Kirillovsky U.) [the mouse and sparrow shared the seeds, the sparrow pecked the last one, the mouse complained to the fiery serpent, the eagle interceded for the sparrow, the serpent scorched his wings; Vasily the Sagittarius pointed his gun at him three times; the eagle asks feed him for a year, tries to fly, asks for another year, then another; after that, the eagle flew with him; drops him three times over the sea and picks him up again; stays with three sisters in copper, silver, gold kingdoms; only the older sister agrees to give the box; the eagle tells not to open it on the way home; the ships landed on the island, V. opened the box, the city appeared; the old man put it back for promising to give what V. does not know at home; let him send him a son in 20 years, he is a seven-humped demon; when Ivan is 20, he went to the demon; A hut, a hut, backwards to the forest, in front of me! there is Baba Yaga, that demon is her brother; she gave a ball, he would reach her older sister; there too "the hut turned like chicken legs", "backwards to the forest, in front of me"; "The old woman lies her head on the bench, her legs in the pipe"; gave a cane when she stuck and did not pull it out, you go there; 12 swans flew to the sea, one of them at a distance from the others; I. hid "to look to his knees (to the navel)"; stole her clothes; "If from the young, let him be a husband"; "What manners did you get here, Ivan Tsarevich!" ; "My owner has 38 heads, and all have to hang 40 heads - two stakes are empty. And all of us, shouldn't we be here together?" Demon quests. Make a pole from ground to heaven so that the cat can work, go up - tell 12 fairy tales, and down - sing 12 songs well"; I.'s wife performed everything by morning; the demon tells us to identify Maria Tsarevna among the 12 girls; M.: I will have a fly on my right eyebrow; then: dig a ditch overnight and let a steamer go through it; performed; identify M. among 12 swans; "The right wing has a longer wing" {incomprehensible}; out of 12 foals (one tail hair is longer); cut down the forest, plow the field, etc., by morning for the cake to be ready; M. leave saliva responsible for themselves, runs with I.; M. is the chapel, I. is the elder; the well and the ladle; the swamp and the kite; the unclean spirit began to drink the swamp; M. turned herself and I. into a ring, threw it, her sister had it; she threw it on the floor, the ring crumbled with beads, I. and M. appeared; they came to his parents ; wedding]: Sokolov, Sokolov 1981, No. 34:133-148; Russians (Voronezh) [the mouse quarreled with V No. 224:197-204. The cat tells her to wait every time for him to eat bread, drink milk etc.. rrobiem, stealing grain from the barn, the animals began to fight birds; the wounded Eagle asks the merchant three times not to kill him, but to care for him; three years later he carries it on his back; throws it three times over the sea and catches him, so that the merchant feels like he, the Eagle, is afraid of being shot by him; the Eagle's sisters in the copper and silver kingdoms refuse to give the merchant a casket, a sister in the golden kingdom gives it; the Eagle tells not to open it on the way, the merchant opens, a palace and servants appear from him; Unbaptized Forehead collects everything in a casket for promising to give what he does not know at home; the merchant is met by his wife with his newborn son; Ivan grows up, goes to NL; Baba Yaga advises hiding the wings of a colorful cabbage roll when three cabbage rolls arrive for a swim; this is Vasilisa Premudraya, NL's beloved daughter; his cook Chumichka lies as if Ivan promised 1) to cut down the forest in a day , harvest, bake pies out of flour; 2) make a flying ship; VP does everything, Chumichka is thrown off the ship; 3) NL tells him to go around the stallion; this is NL himself, Ivan hits him with a hammer; 4) choose a bride among three mares, three cabbage rolls, three girls (the VP has a dull glitter on the bridle; it will wave its wing; a handkerchief); after the wedding, the young run, the VP turns Ivan into a vegetable garden, himself into a head of cabbage; a well and a falcon; when NL himself is chasing, VP throws a brush (forest), comb (mountain), towel (sea); Ivan is the first to come home, kisses his godmother, forgets VP; she is hired as a worker, Ivan is ready to marry; VP comes to a wedding with a pie, a dove with a dove comes out of it, the dove says that the dove will forget her, how Ivan forgot the VP; Ivan recalls]: Afanasiev 1958 (2), No. 224:197-204; Eastern Ukrainians (Uman na Kyiv region) [The mouse and the Lark quarreled over a grain; gathered birds and animals for war; The mouse ordered ants to bite the wings of the birds at night; the birds fell, killed by animals; the eagle remains in the tree, asks Do not shoot the hunter; he points his gun three times; feeds the Eagle with a cow, a bull; he carries him through the air, drops him three times and picks up that man was afraid like the Eagle when he was targeted; The eagle teaches the hunter to promise to return the Eagle, to ask for a raitso egg for it; the uncle, the Eagle's brother refuse, the father agrees; orders to break only houses; the hunter breaks on the way, cattle come out of the egg; the Snake promises to return the cattle to the egg if they give something that was not at home; son Ivan grows up, goes to the Snake; she demands 1) to uproot the forest overnight, etc., harvest, bake pies; walled up in a stone pillar daughter of the Snake; promises to do everything if I. marries her; 2) turn the Dnieper, arrange a trading harbor; 3) catch a golden hare; the snake's daughter tells her to grab everything that comes out of the hole; I. misses the viper, old woman; it was the hare; the girl turned into a hare herself, I. carried her; both run away; the Snake sends her husband in pursuit, the fugitives turn into wheat and grandfather; into a monastery and an elder; for the third time the Snake chases itself ; river and perch; The snake becomes a pike, does not catch it, began to drink the river, burst; the bride tells not to kiss her uncle's child at home; I. kisses, forgets the bride; is going to marry another; the Snake's daughter sculpts from test doves, they tell their story, I. remembers everything, marries the daughter of the Snake]: Pankeev 1992:297-307.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [the mouse and the bird decided to live together, the mouse worked, the bird fluttered, but required half of the harvest; they got into a fight, the mouse called for help from the four-legged animals, the bird called the birds for help, won four-legged]: Shakryl 1975, No. 11:53-55; (cf. Stavropol Turkmens [(zap. A.N. Gren, from materials by L.G. Lopatinsky); The Mouse and the Rat are fighting over prey; the Eagle tries to reconcile them, they gnaw on it; the hunter shoots the wounded Eagle three times, both times a misfire; agrees to bandage his wing; the Eagle carries him to his wives; throws him off and catches him three times to make him feel how afraid the Eagle was; sends a man to each wife as a fortuneteller; the first two are dissatisfied with what they are promised the return of her husband, the third is happy; the Eagle throws the first off the cliff; the Eagle gives a box, does not tell you to open it along the way; the man opens, the herds run away, he says, Ah; The old man appears from under land, returns the herds to the box for promising to give his son Azerbaijan; Aha's son tells B. not to admit that he has mastered science, A. lets B. go to his father; B. knows how to turn into animals, tells his father to sell him like a horse, but without a bridle; A. buys with a bridle, wants to kill, son A. tells him to run; B. turns into a hare, A. into a greyhound; the lark is a kite, the father is a chicken, the fox grabs the chicken; A. gives B. property, leaves to another country]: Bagriy 1920 (2): 77-84); Georgians [an eagle is wounded during the war of birds and animals; this is the initial episode in story 313 (a person cares for a wounded eagle, he carries it on his back, gives it to him box)]: Kurdovanidze 2000, № 222B: 25; Armenians [mouse and falcon sowed wheat, and when they harvested them, they began to divide it; they could not divide one seed, turned to the eagle; eagle falcon: you knock it down; mouse : OK, let's not quarrel; and at night I hit the sleeping falcon with a sword, which hardly managed to fly away; the hunter saw a falcon on the tree, pointed his gun three times, the falcon asked him not to kill, heal him; the hunter's wife went out; the falcon put the hunter on his back, carried it, threw it into the sea three times, picking it up above the water itself; ordered him to ask his father for a silk pouch; the falcon's father gives a pouch, does not tell him to open it before reaching at home; the hunter discovered, found himself in the middle of a noisy bazaar; a lame man asks to give him what he does not know at home; the hunter promised to be at home; the wife: that our son is not going home; it turned out that the son was born, and Now he took him lame; left the boy lame on the island at sea; he was fishing for 16 years, grew up; three heads flew to the island, threw off his bird's robe, became girls, went swimming; the young man stole one girl's feathers; she promised to be his wife; gave a ball, he rolled from island to shore, a road arose, they came to town; her husband was hired as a laborer; the owner decided to lime it to take possession of him wife; one lame guest suggested 1) send a man for two storks, one has a golden beak, the other has silver wings; the wife calls an Arab and orders storks to be reached, he brings; wife warned: if the owner says that storks are not needed, they should be released (as it happened); 2) bring the lion from Mount Aragats (the same); 3) bring the invisible worker Murza; the wife gives a ball, he will lead to the house her sister; she calls the frogs, they do not know the way; the sister tells them to go to their mother's house for the ball; she collected snakes, they answer that M. was hired by the snake king; the mother tells me to go to the snake king's house and hide behind the stove; the king will come and say, "Murza, gather him on the table"; when the king leaves, call M. for him; he is glad that the king has already tortured him; the boatman offers M. a horn in which an army on foot and equestrian detachment; when a man received a horn, M. also returned to him; the owner wants to cut off the man's head, he blows into the horn, the warriors cut off the owner's head; M. brought the spouses to her husband's parents]: Nazinyan 1969:33 -42.

Baltoscandia. Eastern Sami [The mouse asked the Bird to let it and the mice into the nest; in the fall it ate the chick; the bird and the chicks began to fight with the Mouse and mice; the bird was supported by birds, the Mouse was supported by all animals; the man dispersed everyone]: Czarnoluski 1962:198-201; Lithuanians [the mouse and sparrow decided to sow rye; the sparrow every time says that the rye is not yet ripe, but pecks out spikelets; the mouse went to court, the sparrow plucked; the mouse: Mr.'s apples were sweet; on the third night, the pan caught him; began to feed him; when the feathers had just begun to grow, the pan threw up the sparrow and he hurt himself; then the sparrow invited Mr. to sit on it; took off and dropped]: Kerbelite 2014, No. 29:69-71; Latvians [A sparrow and a mouse quarrel over a grain. They urge the eagle to judge. He settles the dispute in favor of the sparrow; mouse friends beat the eagle]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 222B: 265; Estonians, Seto (most records from Seto, but 1 from Viljandimaa)) [mouse and sparrow quarreled from -for grains; a war of birds and animals began, in which a hawk was wounded]: Kippar 1986, No. 222B*: 149; Seto [the mouse and sparrow shared the grain in the peasant's barn, quarreled over the last grain; because of this, the animals began to fight birds, the lion was left without hair, the eagle without feathers; the eagle asks the man to feed him until the feathers grow; when he recovered, he put the man on his back, flew to to his sisters; the first has a copper box, the second has a silver box, the third has a gold box; the first two did not give, the third gave it as a reward for saving the eagle; the eagle tells not to open it on the way home, the man opened a golden estate appeared; a black man put back for a receipt to give what he did not know at home; the man thinks it is a dog, and at home his wife gave birth to a son; he grew up, the dog brought him to the sea, they they sailed in a boat to the island, hid in the bushes; two doves flew in, became girls, the young man hid his clothes alone, gave it for a promise to become his wife; she tells me to greet the old man loudly, who is bad hears; heard; promised the bride, if the young man leads the geese to swim, the eggshell in front, not to lose a single egg; to tame the stallion; the bride orders to make a nine-pound club and beat the stallion with it; in the morning the old man's head is bandaged; build a church out of wax; the bride created a church and a bridge; they ran away, leaving the bird responsible for them; that answers for three days; then the old man sends his son to catch up with the fugitives; the girl turned herself and the young man into a priest and a chapel; the pop replies that he had not seen anyone for three years; another son; into a flower and a bee; the old man himself is chasing; the girl turned herself into a lake, a young man into a fish; the old man began to catch and fell into the water; the girl tells her not to greet her younger sister at home; he violated the ban, forgot his bride; went to marry the colonel's daughter, chopped firewood all night, returned; to the general's daughter he carried water; to the king; he told him to carry water; the young man saw the girl's reflection in the water and remembered everything; gave the king a box, people came out of it; everything is fine]: Järv et al. 2015:25-29; Finns, Livs [Quarrel between Mouse and Sparrow]: Uther 2004 (1), No. 222B: 141

Volga - Perm. Mordva (Erzya) [the mouse and sparrow sowed millet, quarreled over a grain, the judge decided in favor of the sparrow, who gave him a chest, told him not to open it on the way; he opened, the beetle and God's beetle flew out cow, turned into herds of animals; the king promises to collect everything back if a person works for him for three days; at home, the man opened the chest again, there are many herds, he decided to marry, but first went to the king to work out his promise; Baba Yaga sends him to his older sister, who is the oldest; the oldest says that the king has a hundred stakes, only the last one does not yet have a head; three girls will come to swim- ducks, you need to hide the youngest's clothes; she became a man's wife, helps to complete (without details the tasks that her father gives to the person; 1) build an iron bridge, a well with a silver log house; 2) tame the seven-headed stallion; the young flee; the wife turns herself and her husband into a herd and shepherd; into a church and a priest; the father cursed the daughter, the husband forgot his wife; at the new wedding, pies became two pigeons, became tell; the man remembered the wedding with his first wife]: Evseviev 1964, No. 16:114-116; Mordovians [Andyamo collected bread, carried it to the barn; the mouse and the sparrow quarreled over the grain; everyone complained, eagle began to fight the lion, dived at it, but the lion disappeared, and the eagle hit a stone; Ivan Tsarevich wants to shoot the eagle, he asks him to go out better; I. fed the eagle live geese for a year; the eagle dived into three oaks, only broke the upper knots; tells him to feed him sheep for a year - he broke off the tops of five oaks; feed him with bulls for the third year; then broke seven oaks to the root; gave Ivan Tsarevich a box, from which will all come out; and I was there, I drank honey, beer, flowed down my beard, did not sink into my mouth]: Yurtov 1883, No. 12:41-51; Marie [Mouse and Sparrow were friends, shared food; Sparrow swallowed the seed alone, they they quarreled, the Mouse called the animals, the Sparrow called the birds, the Lion broke the Eagle's wing; the hunter began to aim at the Eagle, agreed to take him home and feed him; the Eagle ate all his cattle, flew away, returned, carried him for reward; deliberately dropped it, then picked it up to show how afraid he was at gunpoint; the younger, middle sisters of the eagle in the bronze and silver palaces reply that they love their father and mother more than brother; the youngest in gold - that the brother is bigger; gives a parcel, tells him not to open it on the way; the Eagle carries the hunter back over the mountain; he opens the bundle, a golden palace appears, the sorcerer gathers the palace back for promising to give what he does not know at home; a son was born at home; goes to the sorcerer; the old woman gives a skein of thread, he leads to her older sister, who explains how to take the clothes of one of the twelve duck girls, who come to swim; the girl tells you to hire her father (this is the sorcerer), identify among 12 doves (she will bite harder); in a hot bath, young people turn into flies, fly away, spit on they answer; a girl turns into a herd, a boy into a shepherd; a monastery and a priest; a lake and a goose; the sorcerer stops chasing]: Chetkarev 1948:19-36; Komi [The mouse quarreled with Sparrow, birds they began to fight animals, killed each other, an Eagle with a broken wing remained by the sea of blood; the old man picked him up; the old woman orders to shoot the Eagle twice, the Eagle asks not to do so each time; after recovering, carries the old man, throws him off twice, picks him up from the ground so that he can be afraid; Eagle's sister gives a box, does not tell you to open it on the way; the old man opens, gold falls asleep; another old man (this is evil tun) puts gold back for promising to give back what you don't know at home in three years; the old man has been away for fifteen years, he has a son; the old woman tells the young man to watch for 12 swans - daughters tuna, hide the youngest's clothes while they are swimming; she gives him her ring, flies away; tun marries him to her, sets tasks, his wife teaches him how to do it; 1) build a palace overnight (monsters build); 2) create a river with fish, gardens on the banks (same); 3) crystal bridge (same); daughter steals her father's handkerchief, runs with her husband; tun chases them; she waves her handkerchief, creating a forest, then a river; a young man pierces the tuna with an arrow, it turned into a pine tree]: Novikov 1938, No. 25:88-103 (the same or similar text in Plesovsky 1975:64-76); the Udmurts [mouse and sparrow found and sowed 3 seeds, harvested, divided equally, but one grain was left superfluous, the sparrow took it away, the mouse chased, crashed, died]: Kralina 1960, No. 33:88-89; Bashkirs [{the text is not always clear, the narrator confused the stories}; mole and the crow sowed bread, did not share the harvest, the war between birds and four-legged birds began; the tired bird Samrigush asked the man to feed her; the wife is dissatisfied, orders to shoot; the man took a gun three times, but did not shoot; three years later, S. took the man to her home; dropped and picked him up three times so that he would also feel afraid; tells the old woman to ask for a copper bridle, a rusty sword and a carpet; we must ring with a bridle, a seedy horse will appear, put the rolled carpet like a saddle, do not turn it home; the man turned around, there is food, but he cannot turn and the horse no longer obeys; the old man turned, ordering to give it away that a man does not know at home; this is a son; he became rich at home; the old man took his son; sewed a horse into the corpse; the beast took him to the river, the young man went out, 12 swan girls flew to swim, he hid the wings of the youngest Maysarwar; she brought it to an old woman; she tells 1) to uproot the forest overnight, sow, harvest, bake bread; 2) sew boots with one hand while the straw is burning (M. does everything); 3) tame the horse, tie it to pole (horse is an old woman); M. teaches which bridle to take than to hit; 4) distinguish M. among 12 sisters (they write, M. one letter is red); the young man gets M.; she tells not to unlock the 41st room; he unlocked, there the giant, asking for a drink, freed himself, said that he would take M.; M. and her husband are running, the giant caught up, took it away; they are running again, 11 sisters are chasing, M. is a haystack, the husband is a wattle fence, the sisters are back; the swineherd and the pig ( the giant did not recognize, but the old woman caught up, found out, took M.); the husband goes to look, feeds bears, wasps, snakes; the old woman tells them to herd horses, bears, wasps, snakes drive them back; for work, the young man asked for a bridle, a rusty sword, a carpet {as at the beginning}; the young man runs with M. again, the old woman and the giant became big, M. and her husband became a chicken with a rooster, hid the cereal; the husband leaves M. at the edge of the village; she becomes an old woman, he does not want her; she wants to take another one, but M. turned him into a monkey; then she freed him, beautiful herself, everything is fine].

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Khakas [sparrow and mouse argued who would drag more bread into the bins; began to accuse each other of stealing, got into a fight; a war between birds and animals began; the hawk asks the peasant to feed him, until his wings grow; a peasant cares for him; he brings him to his sister; when he returns home, a peasant does not know how to swim across the sea; a man in a boat carries him for a promise to give what he does not know at home; this is the son; the water man takes him away, tells him to create a taiga; the girl gave a handkerchief, he waved it, the taiga arose; the water boy tells him to find a wife, otherwise he will kill; he runs away with the girl; they scattered on the ground, the water became a rooster, could not collect all the wheat; agreed to let the fugitives go, they came to the boy's parents, everything is fine]: Katanov 1907, No. 378:390-391.

Western Siberia. Nenets: Tales of the Peoples of the North 1991 [the bird son asks his parents to marry him a bride mouse; stayed in a mouse hole for the winter; it became smoky, went out to ventilate, his tail froze, ate it; birds they returned, declared war; on the one hand, an army of birds, on the other hand, animals; they fought for a long time, then the owl carried away the old man mouse]: 61-64; Elders 1930 (tundra?) [the sparrow married a mouse, stayed with her parents for a year; its tail froze to the door in the snow; the father-in-law mouse pushed an iron leaf at him; the sparrow died; the father-in-law ate it and threw away the bones; flew in the spring a thousand sparrows, began to fight with mice, of which one thousand also gathered; the forces were equal, they fought for a long time]: 147-148; Tereshchenko 1949 [Mouse and Sinzevko (tundra bird) collected grain, began to divide, quarreled, got into a fight; The Mouse gathered animals led by the Bear to help, Siznevko - birds led by Mindley; the Mouse was frightened when the Bear hit Mindley, hid; the Bear was afraid that There is no mouse, he stepped on the bark, something cracked, he thought they were shooting; it was the Mouse sitting under the bark that had a cracked tooth]: 118-119; Mansi [mouse and sparrow are quarreling over berry supplies, an army of animals fights an army of birds; the mighty bird Tovlyng Kars is wounded, the hunter heals it]: Sainakhova 1985:127; Eastern Khanty (b. Agan) [mouse and bird got into a fight, animals and birds went to war; when the eagle was sitting in a tree at night, the mouse cut off his feathers, he fell to the ground; the hunter was going to shoot him three times, but everyone once the eagle turned into a little owlet; the hunter brought him home, fed him, the owlet became an eagle again; offered to sit on his back, carried the hunter, threw it off three times and picked it up so that he would know fear , tested by the eagle when the hunter aimed at him]: Chepregues 2015, No. 17:104-106; the northern Selkups [tit and mouse collected cedar cones together, began to divide before winter began; one cone was not divided, argued, flew away in different directions; the bumps found the cedar, was happy, but when she noticed the bear, she flew away; he began to put the bumps in the bag; the tit and the mouse are spinning side by side, they want their bumps grab, and the bear thinks they are helping him; took the bag]: Stepanova 2017, No. II-17:53-54; chum salmon: Nikolaeva 2006 (ask. Serkova, born in 1901, lake. Manduisky) [{same text as in Osharov, but instead of the name Ichekochko just "old man"}]: 165-168; Osharov 1936a [in the summer the bird sang, the mole stocked; in the fall they got into a fight over an onion; a bird war began and animals; the wounded eagle asks the hunter not to shoot him, to feed him; he is tired, he decided to kill the eagle, the eagle pulled out his eyes, flew away; The devil agrees to heal for the promise to give his two daughters; could not cure; Ichekochko finds an eagle, who promises to return the old man's eyes, but I. must go to the lake in which the mammoth; The eagle, flying over that lake, lost its feathers, the mammoth carried them away, let I. return them; The mammoth is ready give it back if I. helps; every year his tusks grow and fall, the dead make cups and spoons out of them, sell them to the merchant Kolse, let I. take away the tusks from the dead; I. pretends to be dead in the cemetery, the dead carry cups and spoons to feed him, I. takes them away, gives them to the mammoth, he gives feathers to the eagle, the eagle to the eyes of the old man, the old man his daughters]: 121-124.

Eastern Siberia. Dolgans [The mouse persuades the Bird to spend the winter, make supplies, first eat it; by spring there are not enough supplies, the Mouse beat its children, bit through the wing of the chicks; The bird complained to Eksë Kyu, he sent a soldier. The mouse complained to its king, the dragon Mongyu; Mongui killed Yeksökyu's wing, the birds scattered; the merchant feeds YE. three years, while the wing is healing, he even sold his wife; YE. carries him to his older sister, tells a cat that rushes coins to ask; she refuses; the younger sister does not give a chicken rushing gold coins; the mother and the young girl give a box; the man is lost, Aat - the hero lets the man go for promising to give what he does not know at home, otherwise he will suck it in; YE. says that it was an abaasa hero; carries the man home, on the way, sister YE. give a box, of which you can take gold and silver; the wife bought by man gave birth to a son, gave him a handkerchief and a ball, the ball rolled into the land of death; the girl teaches you not to drink yourself, cook A. in a cauldron when he gets drunk; it was daughter Ë., a young man married her, became rich]: Efremov 2000, No. 11:201-203; central Yakuts: Seroshevsky 1896 (Namsky ulus) [during a flood, a mouse saves a water rat, and then pushes her into the water; the water rat began to live with tap dancing; offended her, drove her out of the hole in the winter; the birds went to court the animals, who acquitted the rat; complained to their king Exekey (eight-headed, lives underground), and the animals and their Tsar Lev stood up for the rat; E. tore Leo apart]: 604-609; Ergis 1967, No. 58 [retelling of Seroshevsky and the archival version], 59 (the place of recording is not specified, link to archive; central?) [The Eagle and the Lion argued who should become the lord of the living; small creatures suffered the most from the war of birds and animals; the Eagle gouged out Leo's eyes, who broke the Eagle's wing; the Hunter cured both, became Lord]: 172; Evens [The Mouse and the Bird agree to live together; first they eat the Bird's supplies; The bird cannot climb into the Mouse's hole, and the Mouse refuses to share its supplies; the Eagle with the birds stands up for the Bird, the Snake with worms for the Mouse; the Eagle hit the Snake, it barely crawled; The mice had to share supplies]: Novikova 1958:32-34; North Baikal Evenks: Voskoboynikov 1960b, No. 10 [ the mouse and the bird agreed to prepare supplies for the winter together; the mouse took everything for themselves; the bird pecked out her eye, the animals and birds began to sue; the lion hit the Eagle, who could not fly away without feathers; his man picked him up; his wife cursed, but her husband fed him for two years; the eagle brought him to his sister, told him to ask for a box as a reward; there was a hut in it, maids; on the way, the man forgot how to fold the box back; the old man folded it for a promise to give back what the man's wife did during this time; this is a son; he went after a red dog, hid the clothes of one of the three swan girls who were swimming; she helps the old man accomplish his difficult tasks; 1) build a house overnight; 2) tame the horse; 3) sends his wife and his wife to the bathhouse, sets them on fire; the girl turns them into a needle with a thread, they run away; the servants chase, they turn into a church and a head, sheep from a shepherd, lake and perch; this time the old man chases himself; stops chasing; at home, the guy kisses the child, forgets about his wife; at the wedding, on the other, she reminds him that he marries her]: 43-53; Titov 1936, No. 59 [Mouse with They sowed rye with a sparrow, harvested, did not divide the last grain; the Mouse brought the animals, the Sparrow brought the Eagle, who broke its wing, hitting the wild boar, asked the man to heal; three years later he hit his wing larch, did not knock it down, cried; told the man to stab, cook the bull, feed it in flight; there was not enough meat, the man cut off a piece from his leg, the Eagle felt that the meat was sweet]: 204-205.