Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K64B. An adhering item. .15.16.27.-.29.31.32.

The hero's opponent provokes him to touch an object that turns out to be sticky. The hero sticks to the object (cf. Miller 1890:41). See K64 motif.

Basques, Italians (Tuscany), Sicilians, Latins, Germans, French, Irish, Serbs, Hungarians, Romanians, Moldovans, Bulgarians, Gagauz people, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Tula, Voronezh), Western Ukrainians, Belarusians, Adygs, Karachays and Balkarians, Ossetians, Ingush, Dargins, Scandinavians, Udmurts, E Mari, Bashkirs.

Southern Europe. Basques: Webster 1879:? [Tartaro, the king's son was turned into a monster as punishment; he would be disgraced if he married; the girl was frightened and rejected him, did not take the proposed ring; then he sent it to her through a young man; she put the ring on her finger, the ring started shouting "You're here and I'm here"; T. ran to his voice, chased the girl; she cut off her finger, threw the ring into the pond; T. rushed after him and drowned], 4-5 [one-eyed the giant Tartaro was a shepherd and human hunter; only he himself could open the door to his home; once T. brought a young man caught in his snare; when T. fell asleep, the young man heated a spit and burned him only eye; without catching the young man, T. opened the door slightly and began to let the sheep out; the young man went out on all fours, putting on the skin of T.'s freshly eaten sheep; groping the sheep, T. understood the deception, but the young man slipped out of his skin, ran away; met T.'s mother; she gave him a ring in memory of his escape from the ogre; a ring raised a scream on the young man's finger; T. rushed to this sound, but the young man cut off his finger, escaped], 5-6 [the young man went to the forest to herd pigs; T. grabbed him, brought him to him; he blinded T. with a hot spit, slipped out the window; T. threw him a ring, the young man put it on, the ring called T., he rushed to voice; the young man cut off his finger, threw it into the abyss or into the swamp; T. rushed after him, crashed or drowned]; Italians (Tuscany: Pisa) [=Kotrelev 1991:98-100; a Florentine decides to look at the world; meets and companions the priest and the estate manager; the giant offers to serve with him; invites the priest, then the manager to a separate room, cuts off their heads; Florintine peeks through the keyhole; the giant mows in one eye; the Florentine offers to cure him, warning him that he will hurt, ties him to a stone table, dazzles him with boiling broth; a giant jumps up, dragging the table, throws his ring to the man, the Florentine puts it on his finger, which turns into marble and presses it to the ground; the Florentine cut off his finger with a knife, ran away; he never left Florence and kept silent about his adventures]: Calvino 1980, No. 76:277-280; Sicilians (Palermo) [three young men, sons of merchants, went hunting, got lost, got wet; came to the palace; the hostess gives them his late husband's clothes and promises to marry the one who tells the worst story; the first tells how his father sent him on business; a man invited him into the house; there's a cage with by people intended to be eaten by the giant; the giant put the narrator in the same cage; the giant's guitar broke and the narrator fixed it; the giant let him go, giving him a ring that the narrator put on finger; he left and wandered twice, each time he came back; the girl in the window tells him to cut off his finger and ring; after that, the narrator managed to escape; the second young man tells how he swam on business the ship; during the storm, the cargo had to be thrown away, and then calm and famine began; the captain ordered everyone to write their name on a piece of paper in the morning; whoever's name falls out during the draw would be killed and they will eat; the narrator and the captain remain; the last lot fell on the captain; the narrator killed him, cut his body into four parts; the eagle flew in and carried each one; when he arrived for the fourth time, the narrator grabbed the eagle's legs, which brought it to the ground and he escaped; the third young man tells how he also went on business, spent the night in the inn; in the evening he found a corpse under his bed; realized that his the same fate awaits himself; put the corpse in bed and climbed under the bed; the owner, his wife and son came, hit the person lying in bed on the head and were about to throw yesterday's ladder out of the window into a deep ravine; but they left, deciding to do it in the morning; in the morning a man climbed out the window and began to show signs; the police came, the owners were taken away; the landlady still thinks whose story is worse]: Calvino 1980, No. 163:588- 591; Latins [as Igor Tronsky noted, in Satyricon, Petrony Trimalchion forces one of his drinking companions to talk about how Polyphemus snatched Ulysses' finger with forceps]: Zhirmunsky 2007: 217.

Western Europe. Germans; French; Irish: Smirnov 1973 [Sailing all the way forward, Mile Duin and his companions see a silver pillar in the middle of the sea. A net hangs from it, through the cell of which the ship sailed. Diuran cut off a piece of the net and then brought it to Ireland. Then the wanderers saw an island standing on its feet. There was a door in the leg, and at the top, a plowman plowed the ground. On the next island, women invite travelers to the sauna and spend the night with them. If travelers stay with women, they will remain forever young. The women are the daughter of the Queen, with whom Mail-Duin spent the night. The Queen goes out every day to judge her people. Three months later, the travelers decide to sail, but the Queen throws a ball of thread and he sticks to Mail-Duin's hand; she pulls the ship back. The next time, on the orders of Mail-Duin, one of the sailors grabbed the ball, and Diuran cut off his arm. The sailors sailed away, the queen cried]: 707-709; Curtin 1975 [there was a prophecy that Cumhal Macart would die if he married; he secretly married the king's daughter; he was predicted that his daughter's son would take his throne; KM died in battle, his wife gave birth, the child was thrown into the sea; he sailed out, picked him up, hid him by an old woman; the king ordered all babies born on that day to be killed; the old woman hired a man to cut down the shelter in the trunk trees, killed him so as not to let him slip; the puppy Bran began to live with them; an old woman trains the boy to run fast; at the age of 15 he comes to play ball, wins; the king asks who this Fin Cumhal is (" white hat", now his name will be Fin MacCumhal, Finn McCulhal), tells him to be grabbed and killed; the old woman runs away, carrying F. on her back; while they are chased by riders on a white, on a bay horse, there is no danger; when on a crow, the old woman tells F. to run with Bren, falls into the swamp herself, tells her pursuers that the young man was in front, she was looking for him; her head was brought instead of F.'s head; F. comes to the cave a one-eyed cannibal; he tells you to fry salmon if it burns a little, kills; burns a little, F. touches the salmon with his finger, burns his thumb, puts it in his mouth, bites; when his teeth reach the bone, then, to the bone marrow, F. gains knowledge; since then he always puts his finger in his mouth to find a solution; burns the ogre's eye with a spit, cuts a ram, puts on his skin, leaves the cave with a herd; cannibal throws the ring as a gift, F. puts it on his little finger, the ring shouts that it is on F.'s finger; he cuts off his finger, throws the ring into the swamp, the cannibal goes to his voice, falls through; F. marries the princess; every day a castle is built for the king, someone burns him at night; whoever prevents the burning will get a princess, if not, he will be imprisoned, then executed; Ireland's best warriors are in prison; the old woman sends sons burn the castle; F. kills the first two, the third has a cat's head, bites into his chest; the head can only be killed with the blood of an old woman; the old woman brings live water for her sons; F. takes away the bottle, kills an old woman and a cat's head, heals his wounds; gets a princess; asks the king to give him prisoners in prison instead of his daughter; the king agrees; these people have become Fenians of Ireland Erin)]: 135-147.

The Balkans. The Serbs [priest and clerk caught the night on the way; they are walking into the light to the cave; one-eyed Divlian threw the stone off the entrance, let them in; D. fried the priest, made the clerk eat too, he spit out pieces; D. fell asleep, the clerk lined up a peg, gouged out the sleeper's eyes; in the morning D. knocked off the rock, began to let the sheep out, the clerk went out with sheepskin on; shouted that he was outside; D. threw him a stick to drive the herd, a stick stuck to his finger, he cut it off with a knife, ran away, pushed the pursuer D. into the river, he drowned]: Karadzic 1853 in Eschker 1992, No. 13:73-76, in Dmitriev, Volkonsky 1956 [clerk named "priest's apprentice", name "Divlyan" is not quoted]: 61-64, in Castrén 1853, No. 38:259; Hungarians [the shepherd's sheep ate the giant's hay; he tells him to feed all the sheep; falls asleep; the shepherd pours boiling fat into his eyes; leaves; the giant throws him a ring; when put on his finger, it calls the giant, it cannot be removed; the shepherd cuts off his little finger, throws it into the lake, the giant dies next; the bear tells the shepherd not to marry; the shepherd and his fiancée they share the ring and the handkerchief, disperse; one old man sends the shepherd to the second, that to the third, each gives a ring; the latter teaches how to get dogs Know-it-all, Doglyad, Vsehdavish; the shepherd lives with the witch, she hides the Bear; dogs prevent him from attacking the shepherd; a witch locks them in a barn; a shepherd hides in a tree; dogs have escaped, killed the Bear; a witch; a shepherd comes to his wife's wedding, shows half a ring half a scarf; his wife recognizes him, drives the new groom away; three rings turn into golden-fleece rams]: Shustova 1964:174-185; Romanians [after the shepherd's death, his three sons drove the sheep to the mountains; once we spent the night in a remote place, but there was no fire; the eldest climbed an oak tree, saw fire in the distance; came - there was a half man; demanded to tell him one truth and one lie, otherwise he would tie him to a horse, she too half; he did not know what to say, the monster tied him; the same with his middle brother; the youngest says that his father was a potter and broke the pot on the monster's head; he: a lie! the brothers came back, cooked and ate their hominy, fell asleep; at night the monster came up and started screaming: who hears and does not answer? contrary to the younger one's warning, the elders responded, the monster tied them up; released them for promising to give him the youngest; the monster brought him to his place, fell asleep, telling them to fry the fish; the guy burned him with his fish only eye; he gave his ring; the guy loaded the monster's property on the wagons, drove him, found himself in an unfamiliar place; on the road, a skull promised to take him to a familiar road; when he disappeared, the ring on his finger began to scream; Half came to his voice; the guy cut off his finger with a knife, threw the ring, the monster followed him, fell into the water and drowned; the boy returned to his brothers; the elders married, the youngest also went to look a wife; that skull appeared during the wedding; but bread and wine started talking to him, it was noon and the skull was gone; the wedding continued]: Nortines 1935:238-246; Romanians [three children grazed in mountains of sheep; father told no one to unlock; hell begged him to let him in, the older brothers let them in; he brought them to look at the golden-fleece sheep; there was a door in the rock; by order of the devil, the goat slaughtered the older brother, the hell fried and ate him, hung his eyes on a nail; the same with the middle brother; the younger one blinded the line by throwing fried meat in his face; threw nuts against the wall to make it seem as if he had already opened door; threw it into the next room, as if he were already outside; stabbed the goat, pulled on his skin and went out; the devil offered a barrel of gold, the guy stuck to it, but cut off the clothes and skin from his fingers; then hell threw a gold ring, you can't take it off his finger; the guy cut off his finger and threw it into the lake, the devil rushed after him and drowned; the guy brought the devil to his father]: Bîrlea 1966:462-463; Moldovans [giant Gavawn calls the shepherds; the father warns the sons not to answer; the elders answer to see what happens; G. cooked the older, then the middle one; the lamb advises the youngest to knock over the sleeping G. boiling pot; G. feels the sheep in the pen, the young man slaughtered the sheep, hid under his skin, went out; G. throws a ring to him as a keepsake; the young man puts it on his finger, the ring answers G. "I'm here", you can't take it off; the young man cut off his finger, threw the ring into the well; G. went to his voice and died in a well]: Moldavian tales 1968:429-433; Bulgarians [three shepherd brothers meet in the mountains a monster (woman) with one (healthy) eye; she locks them in a cave, the entrance to which is opened and closed on her orders; one of the brothers (or two) is roasted and eaten by the monster; white the sheep tells the third brother to collect the bones, pour water, the one eaten comes to life; the younger brother dazzles the monster, leaves, clinging to the sheep's fur or wearing lamb skin (or on the hump of a white sheep); the monster throws a ring that he puts on the fugitive's finger; the person cuts off his finger with the ring and throws it into a swamp or hole (obviously, the stalker goes to the sound of the ring and falls into the pit)]: Daskalov-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 1137:387-388; Gagauz people [two shepherd brothers saw T.; he caught up and swallowed one, the other escaped in a herd of sheep; T. asks to cook him a liver; the man threw salt in his eye and his eye burst; T. gave him his ring and he started shouting "come here"; the man cut off his finger and threw it into the well; T. fell into the well, and the man escaped]: Moshkov 1904, No. 28a: 39.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [the tsar promises a daughter and half the kingdom to someone who goes to Babylon City and gets a royal porphyd and a crutch; gol Kabatskaya Fedor Burmakov (ich) volunteered; the tsar paid his debt to tavern; gave him a ship and supplies for three years; when snakes sailed around Babylon; FB tells him to let it go, he took his tail out of his mouth, missed it; Virgin: the keys are on the throne, and what do you need, under throne; FB took out a crutch and porphyry, went back; two girls with dog heads: come in; one beat him, and he killed her; at the exit, the snakes do not move apart; FB jumped over him, but his friend stayed; birds with they rushed to the ship with iron noses; FB ordered to sprinkle gunpowder and set fire to the bird {so!} He raised everyone with fire; went ashore; an old man with a dog's head: why did he kill my daughter? then FB enters a house with a lot of food; Luke came crooked, asking him to heal his eye; FB: you have to screw your arms and legs to the floor; poured tin into his healthy eye; Luke created an iron tyn around; FB killed a goat, put on his skin, butted L., he threw the goat by the tyn; FB called out to him; L.: since I was defeated, here's my copper saber for you; FB touched his little finger, it got stuck, had to cut it off; L.: then there is my sister ; FB spent the night with the girl; she asks for help to defeat the lion; the lion asks for help defeat the girl; FB helped the lion (to do this, you have to turn to the Lord); the lion took him to his hometown, but warned him keep silent about riding a lion; FB gave the crutch and porphyry, got the princess and half the kingdom, boasted at the wedding; a lion appeared: now eat it; FB: it was hops that boasted, not me - try it yourself; the lion fell asleep, FB He shackled him, but said that it was his hops that shackled him; freed him and the lion left]: Onchukov 2008, No. 48:169-173; Russians (Karelian Pomorie, Sumy Posad) [the tsar is looking for a man to go to Babylon City and bring a crown from there; soldier Barsukov asks for a ship with a crew, gunpowder and wax hands; Babylon is empty, at the church of dead snakes knee-deep; there is one whole house on the street, neither a woman nor half a woman jumps out: Why do you, Barsukov, go and not charm me? He sits on snake trunks and revives the snakes; offers to play checkers; sees B. that he is thin; asks for permission to recover; refuses to "roll in the corner", asks to let him go out the window, let her recover Holds her hand; gives a wax hand and runs away; the woman sends snakes three times to catch up with B. or burn the ship; the captain sets fire to gunpowder twice, destroying snakes; the third time she sails away, B. stays; goes whole year; an old strongman in the house, offers wine, does not see with his right eye; B. offers to cure, only he will bind him, because it will hurt; poured lead into his healthy eye; around the goat, the old man throws them out of the pen , B. clung to the goat's hair, the old man threw it away with the goat; stuck the precious knife, offered to take it; B. touched the knife with his little finger, do not tear it off, the knife screams: grandfather, I hold it, I hold it! B. cut off his little finger; he goes three years again; there is a house in the field, there is food; a woman enters: Barsukov, a scoundrel, offended his sister, ruined his brother, betrayed an evil death; B. Slave and servant to death; woman: you told your brother that slave and servant are to death; we all do not see him now and he does not see him; the woman is quieter, quieter and treated; you have become convinced of him, and they began to live as husband and wife; after living for three years, B. is going to flee; to make a raft, he cuts down protected trees that "follow the flow"; his baby son clutches his hair; B.: was not born to a scoundrel father, but to a fool mother; Seeing her husband sailing away, the wife tore the child in half and threw half into B.: you are half and half of me; a drop of blood fell on the raft, it went under water; B. managed to clean it with a knife, swam out, got there to the shore; a lion and a snake venom are fighting on the mountain, the lion asks for help, B. cut the snake venom with a knife; the lion tells me to sit on it, be lucky to Moscow, just don't say that he drove me; B.: the hat fell, wait; lion: yours the hat is already 500 miles behind; B. to the palace: report; guards: Barsukov is already 30 years old; the tsar accepted him, received the crown, demands an answer; B. admitted that he came on a beast lion; a lion on the outskirts of the city turned the hut over; B. to him: I did not say, but hops said; lion: what other hops; B.: try it; the lion got drunk and fell down, B. shackled him; lion: untie, I forgive everything]: Razumova, Senkina 1974, No. 49:243 -250; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Konosha district on the border with Vologodskaya, d. Lyndovo, 1928, V.F. Bazarev, 14 years old) [Bulls live in the crooked hero's two-story house, konoval offers to correct his eye, ties the hero with belts, and pours molten tin into his eye. Konoval runs away, the hero throws a ball after him. Konoval takes the ball, puts his finger in the hole, soldiers appear, cleans it up - the soldiers disappear. He gnaws off his finger, throws the ball and leaves]: Nikiforov 1961, No. 126:327-327; Russians (Tula) [three brothers: blacksmith, carpenter, tailor; customers talk about need, brothers went looking for need; old man takes a ruble from each, shows the way; towards a huge one-eyed old man Nezhda; asks the tailor to sew a frock coat; came out a little wrinkled on his chest, Nezhda ate the tailor; the carpenter made a closet - also not liked it, ate the carpenter; asks the blacksmith to tie his eye; he tells him to let Nezhda stick himself to two pillars; poured tin into his healthy eye; Need pulled out the poles, looking for a blacksmith; he clung to the bull under belly, pushed him to hit Need, Necessity threw him over the fence; when he heard the blacksmith's voice from behind the fence, he threw the end of the chain and the golden axe there; the blacksmith touched the chain with his finger, his finger was a tide, he cut it off with a knife; since then, all blacksmiths have become aware of the need, but tailors and carpenters still do not know]: Smirnov 1917, No. 217:95-97; Russians: Afanasiev 1985 (2), No. 302 (Voronezhskaya) [the blacksmith is coming looking for Dashingly, a tailor with him, they go into the house, a one-eyed woman comes there, kills and eats a tailor; asks the blacksmith to forge her eye; he says he must tie her; the thin rope breaks, thick no; he gouges out her eye with a hot awl; in the morning he puts on a sheep coat, goes out with the sheep driven into the hut for the night; screams, Goodbye, Dashing; sees a hatchet in the tree with a golden handle , grabs his hand, she sticks; Famously approaches, the blacksmith cuts off his hand, returns home]: 340-341; Kretov 1977, No. 25 (Voronezhskaya, 1968, p. Aleksandrovka, Pavlovsky District) [The man does not know what grief and trouble are, and goes to Baba Yaga, she clicks the seeds and promises to provide him with it. She heated the poker, the man realizes that he will feel bad and runs away, she throws a golden ax after him, the man grabs him, his hand comes off. A man kills a sheep and hides in its skin, hides among the sheep in Yagi's barn, she counts them, sees one extra. The man runs away, says he knows grief and trouble now]: 41-41; Belarusians (Klimovitsky y.) [the daughter of a rich man gave birth without a husband, threw the baby in the forest into the snow and ripped open his stomach; everything healed, the snow around melted, the berries bloomed, merchant Ivan Ivanovich picked up the boy; he takes pop vangelia and For an hour and a half, the baby does not have any name but Wild Burma; it grows by leaps and bounds; the king called him, he became chief in the Synod, the king gave his daughter for him; the king died in the kingdom of far away, after him, a crutch, a memorial service and a crown remained; the king sent DB for them; he arrived at the house, the old woman began to celebrate, lured the queen, gave her drink, took the crown, etc., took her, went back; halfway through stopped; when DB woke up, there was no one around; there was a woman in the house: he stole my sister's crown, etc., do you think you will leave me too? but DB promised to serve her, and a year later they had a girl, then a son; DB taught his wife to go to church; when she went alone, boarded the ship and sailed; she tore the girl apart, threw half of it into the ship, he became sink; DM threw half of the child into the water, the ship sailed; when he sailed to the shore, went into a huge house; there Grandfather Shkuropet with one eye; left his nieces, but you can't leave me; DM promises to heal the eye; tied One-eyed, poured resin into his eye; clung to the goat's skin; One-eye asks his cattle where DM is; the goat answers, but One-eye cannot understand; the goat butted him, and he threw the goat along with the DB over the fence; One-eye threw his axe, she entered the pine tree; DM touched his little finger - stuck; cut off his little finger; the lion fights the snake, DB helped the lion; the snake, dying: I would take you back to Grandfather Skuropet; the lion brought DB home, but forbade talking about it; but in joy DB drank and let it slip; lion: it's not me, but hops; the lion asked to show it; got drunk, DB tied him up; said goodbye; everything is fine]: Romanov 1887, No. 28:205- 211; Ukrainians [three shepherd brothers spend the night in the forest; they hear a scream, Mikola answers, a giant dog comes out with one eye in his forehead, asks why his name was, leads him to him, locks him in the hallway, decides first fatten, then eat; M. knocked out the sleeping eye with a log; the dog hit his head against the ceiling, nuts fell from the attic through the hole; M. throws nuts in the corners, then to the door, the dog goes to the sound opens the door, the brothers run out; the dog head throws a ring to Mikola, who puts it on his finger, the ring screams, the dog head runs to his voice; M. breaks the ring against the stone, throws it into the abyss; The dog glavets rushes after him, crashes; other dogs chase their brothers, they cross the river with the sheep, the dogs stop persecuting]: Verkhovyna's Tales 1970:207-210.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kabardians/Adygs: Kardanov 1961 [the dragon tells the old hunter to send one of his sons to him; the younger Karabatyr volunteered; following the dragon, he thinks to kill him, but the dragon advises Do not do this; when they came to the village, the dragon disappeared, and the beautiful woman appeared; people and cattle were missing in the village; K. went to find out what was going on; the tour knocked him off his horse and brought him to the one-eyed cave; at night K . heated the spit, burned the giant's only eye, killed Toura and put on his skin; went out with the goats; the giant threw his ring to him; K. put it on, it began to voice; K. managed to tear it off a finger and ask off the cliff; the giant ran to the sound, fell and crashed; dead people under the cliff; one is still alive: there is a chest in the giant's house, there is a bottle of magic in it; K. revived the dead; his wife told that she was a dragon, K. freed her from the spell; K. brought his wife to his father's house]: 12-19; Lipkin 1951 [Badynoko hit a wild goat with an arrow, but she jumped up and ran away; he comes to a sledge named Hagur; he says that B.'s failure was nothing compared to what he experienced; there were 7 brothers, they met a one-eyed giant; he asked them to drive sheep into the cave; they could not catch the sheep push back the stone; the giant did everything himself, killed six; H. gouged out the eyes of the sleeping giant with a sword, went out clinging to the goat's hair; the giant threw him a ring as a gift; H. put it on his arm, it became to ring; I had to cut off my hand; B. promises revenge on the giant; drove him into the ground and brought Haguru his head]: 179-184; Lopatinsky 1891a [Hagor got lost, got into the cave of a one-eyed giant; heated spit, gouged out his eye; got out, hanging under the goat's belly; told his big sons, who asked them to show them the cave, the giant grabbed them all at once and ate them; another hunter had a refreshed The doe puts on his skin, runs away; the first hunter tells the second about his grief; he drives the giant into the ground up to his neck; the giant revives the young man from the bones; the hunter cuts off his head; marries the youngest the daughter of the first hunter; she was that doe, arranged everything for her current husband to save her brothers]: 80-86; Karachays, Balkarians; Ossetians; Ingush; Dargins [ a young man enters the one-eyed man's house; he tells his wineskin to feed them; at night, the young man tries to carry his wineskin away, the gate raises the alarm, the young man hangs his wineskin back, pretends to be asleep, the one-eyed man hits the gate behind false alarm; next time the hurt gate is silent, the young man runs away; the one-eyed offers him to take the ring, throws it, the young man puts it on his finger, he drags him back, he cuts off his finger; at home exchanges the wineskin for a sword, which cuts it itself, sends it after the person who receives the wineskin, which kills him; he also gets a burka that revives the dead; the khan tries to take away the wineskin, but the young man's sword kills his warriors; he revives those killed by the Burka, gets paid for it]: Ottomans 1963:116-119.

Baltoscandia. The Scandinavians [Odin, Loki and Hoenier walked for a long time, got hungry, killed and began to fry the bull. A bull does not roast at the behest of a big eagle sitting above them in a tree. The eagle promises that the meat will be ready if it is allowed to eat it. Starts to eat meat. L. hits him with a stick, which sticks one end to the eagle and the other to L. The eagle rises into the air and lets Loki go only for promising to lure Idunn and her rejuvenating apples out of Asgard. L. lures I. out of Asgard into the forest (he says he found some apples and asks him to bring her for comparison). Giant Tiazzi arrives in the form of an eagle, carries I. The aces immediately turned gray. They grabbed L., who promised to go to the giants if Freya lent him his falconry. After receiving it, he flew north to T.'s home while he was boating at sea. L. turned I. into a nut and flew back with her. In Asgard, aces set fire to the plumage of the stalker L. T.-Eagle, they killed him. His daughter Skadi wore a chain mail and helmet and went to avenge her father. She was offered a ransom: choose a husband. She saw pretty legs, thought it was Balder and that was Nyord from Noatun. The second condition is that the aces must make her laugh. L. tied the goat by the beard with a rope and the other end around his scrotum. Both were pulling and screaming. K. Loki fell to her knees and she laughed. O. threw T.'s eyes into the sky, made them two stars]: Younger Edda 1970:56-57.

Volga - Perm. The Udmurts [a person wanders, meets a fellow traveler, both enter the hut in the forest; pales-murt (cyclops) enters, cuts and eats the hero's companion, drives sheep into the hut; in the morning, without opening his eyes, feels the sheep's hair and sleepily grabs the man's hair between the sheep, throws it out; leaving the forest, he sees an axe with a golden handle stuck in a stump; takes it, his hand sticks; hearing a one-eyed man approaches, a man cuts off his hand with a knife, runs away]: Pervukhin 1890:236-237; Marie [the king has lost his hat with crosses, the soldier promises to find, takes three ships; sails to Satan's daughter, plays cards with her; promises to bring good ones if she gives him a hat with crosses; sails away; Satan's daughter sends a serpent, he crashes ships; a soldier in a boat sails to the oblique Satan (this is brother that daughter of Satan), promises to heal, pours tin into his eyes; blind Satan tells the doors to close, the soldier remains in the goat's barn; the soldier pulls on the skin of a goat; Satan is looking for him, the goat butts him, his Satan throws away, then throws away the imaginary goat; the soldier comes to the sister of the dazzled, marries, with us) throws him away, then throws him away the imaginary goat; and gives him a hat with crosses; the son has swam away ; the soldier, taking his hat, sails away in the boat; the wife tears her son, throws half into the boat; the soldier pushes her with an oar; if he threw it away with his hands, he would not be able to return; sleeps on an oak tree, how a lion fights a snake that has arrived, cuts off a snake's head; a grateful lion brings a soldier home, forbids telling him who brought him; a soldier spills out drunk, a lion has come to eat him; a soldier gives him honey, wine, the lion falls asleep, the soldier shackles him, says that he ordered a drunken man to hit himself on the head with a hammer; the lion promises to forget that the soldier said if he forgets the order to kill him; leaves]: Chetkarev 1948:64-68; Bashkirs [three old men went to the Hajj, met a one-eyed maiden; he locked them in a stone shed, put a ring with a bell on their finger; ate two; third got outside; saw Dev sleeping, burned his eye with a frying pan; dev chased, the bell was ringing, the man cut off his finger; dev: your happiness, Gamdulla]: Barag 1992, No. 13:50.