Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K65A. Spirits are falling from the sky. 16.23.-.

When dropped from a height or thrown away, different creatures fall into different loci, receiving appropriate functions and names.

Irish, Santals, Munda, Haria, Andamans, Dayaks (ibanas?) , Ngaju, Mandaya, Yao (Guangxi), Macedonians, Gagauz people, Russian written tradition, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Novgorod, Vologda, Tver, Smolensk, Kaluga, Tula, Ryazan, Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, Volga region, Siberia), Belarusians, Ukrainians (Kharkiv, Podolia, Vinnitsa), Poles, Icelanders, Danes, Swedes, Estonians, Karelians (northern), Veps, Sami, Komi, Udmurts, Mari, Mordovians, Chuvash, Altaians, Northern (?) Selkups, Kets.

Western Europe. The Irish [while in paradise, the devil admired himself in the mirror and said that he was more beautiful than God; he threw him out of heaven; the angels who looked at it laughed, and then God threw him down themselves; St. Michael stood up for the angels; God did not allow them to return to heaven, but decreed that they should stay where they were when St. Michael read his prayer: some on earth, some at sea, who is in heaven]: Plénard 2017:111.

South Asia. Santals [at first all bonga were messengers (goret) of the great god Thakur; he trusted Marang-Buru most of all; b. wished for themselves more rights; in anger T. threw them from heaven to earth; alone b. fell on trees, others into rivers, others on hills, etc.; MB fell on a big mountain, became the leader of b. on the ground; under his leadership b. interfere with all T.'s actions and ruin people's lives]: Bodding 1926:68 c Kochar 1966:247; munda [in the sky, the sunny god Singh Bong feels hot, it is the asuras who are burning iron furnaces on the ground; he sends birds to Dingchua (Dhechua; in Leuva 1963 paraphrase, p.143: king- crow) and Kerketa (in Leuva 1963: shrike - shrike) ask to work only day or only at night, but the asuras smeared the first with coal dust and the second with iron ore dust, the first since then black, the second gray; then the SB sent a golden vulture and a silver vulture, the asuras hit them with a hammer, poked them with mites; then the lark and the crow are the same as king-crow and the shrike; then two (in Leuva - four) brightly colored birds; the first was bought in saffron water, the second was stretched out; then the SB itself went down, pulled off the skin of a person working in the field, came to the asuras in the guise of a sick person scabies young men; defeated young asuras in a ball game (he smashed their iron balls with chicken eggs); the stoves began to work poorly; SB (in the form of scabies) advises sacrificing a chicken, a goat, and then himself; comes out of the oven in fame and gold; advises the asuras to get there and their wives to fan the flame; male asuras burn, the SB raised the women by the hair, threw them; who fell where and what became the appropriate spirit]: Roy 1912:xx-xxxvii retelling in Leuva 1963:133-138); haria [a boy with a skin disease is begging, everyone chases him; only the old asur blacksmith and his wife sheltered him, offered to sow rice; he He fed most of the rice to pigs and chickens; the old men began to swear, but he turned the remaining handful of rice into the same quantity; the iron that the old man made was better than the others; they asked old men, decided to throw the boy into the melting furnace; he came out unharmed and covered in gold; the men and boys of the asura agreed to get into the furnace themselves, and the boy told the women to light the fire; men burned down; the women rushed at the boy, but he went up into the sky and scattered the women; they fell to different places - some on a tree, some on the river bank, some into the swamp, some into the pond, some on the rocks, became the spirits of these loci, they are now revered]: Pinnow 1965:140-141.

Malaysia-Indonesia. The Andamans (Akar-Bale): Radcliffe-Brown 1933:208 [Ta Kolwot (tree lizard) held a party, behaved violently; he was held by the hands, but he threw everyone around; fallen in the water became fish and turtles, and the land became animals and birds; the Crab grabbed his hand and stopped his riot; there were no animals before], 208-209 [Dugong called everyone to celebrate; Tree Lizard quarreled with the Karami bird; Dugong grabbed the Lizard by the hand, but he threw him into the sea, he became a dugong; so with all the participants until the Crab grabbed and killed him; the Crab himself was also thrown into the sea; The Lizard's mother cut a tree in the forest belonging to the supreme god Puluga; he sent a storm, killing the rest of the people]; dayaks (ibanas?) [The Nagapousai snake embodies the earth; it had a huge head and tiny body, so it swayed on the waves; Hat-alla sent his servant Praman to find out what N. was complaining about; when he found out what was going on, he descended and connected N.'s head to a larger body, and to protect the snake from the sun, he placed the ground on top; his son Batou Djompa noticed two eggs on the surface of the snake, went down and broke them, and a man came out of them and a woman; they gave birth to 7 sons and 7 daughters, but they were soulless at first; BJ told the man named Soupou to bring 14 souls from the snake; when he left, he told his wife not to go out from under the canopy above her bed ; but she got hot and went swimming; as soon as she lifted the curtain, a thunderstorm broke in and revived the children; therefore, people are mortal; when S. returned, became angry and scattered the children away in pairs; one couple fell into the water and gave birth to the sea god Djata; the rest settled the land ("fields") and the air]: Backer 1874:280-281; ngaju: Schärer 1966:71-73 [(according to Hupe 1846:138); first water, god created the snake Nagapusai; he is unhappy that his body is too small for his head; Hatala sent his servant Praman to find out what the serpent is complaining about; gave him a huge body, covered him with earth to protect him from the sun; son Hatala Batu-Djampa (more precisely Ratu Tjampa) saw two earth eggs on the ground, went down, broke them, including a man and a woman, gave birth to seven sons and seven daughters without signs of life; BD gave her husband porcelain vascular, ordered him to go to the snake for souls for the children; when leaving, the husband told his wife not to go out from under the mosquito net at that time; she looked out, a gust of wind revived the bodies; now people are mortal, for their lives there is only wind (breath); the husband got angry, drove the children out in pairs; the water god Djata comes from those who fall into the water, from those who fall into the fields, into the forest - the corresponding categories of water spirits; the rest flew away to heaven, settling on three rivers, gave rise to categories of immortals; the man left the last couple on earth, people come from them; Hatala gave them everything but rice; his son stole rice, iron, fire, threw it to people; fire fell on the rocks, from which it is extracted], 76-77 [(Mallinckrodt 1924); after creating the earth, Mahatara threw a piece of garing wood from the sky on it, at one end of which he carved the figure of a man , on the other woman; the tree split, the male image fell into the water, the female image on land, both came to life, began to live in the boat on which the woman went down to the sea; the first miscarriage fell into the water, turned evil water spirits, the second to land, in evil terrestrial spirits; the third was wrapped in a banana leaf, left on a tree, it turned into wood spirits; then M. went down, taught man and woman marriage customs, the woman gave birth to three sons named Maharadja Sangian, Maharadja Sangen, Maharadja Bunu; the sky was near the ground and served as food; Mahatara gave the seeds of all edible plants to the first, and the second "floating" iron that kills only for a while, the third "sinks", kills iron; in the end, Mahatara stopped carrying living water to the ground, reviving the dead, the sky moved away from the ground, MB was left alone on earth; made a woman out of clay, Mahatara promised to revive her; at this time, angoi (chameleon) offered his services; Mahatara returned with living water, was upset, explained that since the figure had been revived by a mortal creature ( chameleon), then people will also be mortal; people come from this woman Hantelo Petak ("three times earth") and MB; M.Sangiang M.Sangen also took wives, gave birth to Sangian and Sangen air spirits].

Taiwan - Philippines. Mandaya [The Sun and Moon had many children; the couple quarreled, the Moon is still running away from the Sun; she cut the children's bodies into pieces, scattered them; those who fell into the water became fish, and on land they became snakes and animals, to the sky with stars]: Cole 1913:172 (=Eugenio 1994, No. 70:136).

China - Korea. Yao (Guangxi, Wu. Yongxian City Luocheng; by Chang Zhenxia, "A study of images on stone sarcophagi from Shapinba", magazine. "Showen Yuekan", vol. 1, No. 10-11. Lu Zhenyu. Beijing: Zhongguo Shehui Shigan, 1962) [before the storm, a boy and a girl watched their father start repairing the roof; the father became angry with the thunder god Lei-gong and placed an iron cage under the roof eaves; L., holding a wooden axe, he went down, flapping his wings; the man stuffed it with his horn into the cage and told the children not to let him drink; L. begged the children to give him a few drops of water; breaking the cage, He pulled out his tooth and ordered it to be planted, and flew away; when he learned of what had happened, his father began to make an iron boat, and the planted tooth grew a gourd pumpkin; when the pumpkin was opened, countless teeth were inside; the children threw them away and climbed inside themselves; a downpour poured in, the water covered the ground; the father sailed in a boat to the iron gate and began to knock; the spirit of heaven ordered the spirit of the waters to drive away the waters; they immediately subsided, the boat fell, crashed, the man crashed too; the children in the pumpkin escaped; the boy's name was Fuxi, the same as Paosi ("pumpkin brother"); the children grew up, the brother invited his sister to marry; she offered to catch up with her; but F. ran the other way and ran out to meet his sister; they got married; the wife gave birth to a lump of meat; they cut it into pieces, began to go up to the sky's gate; the wind blew, unfolded the bundle, pieces of meat fell and became human; the person who fell on a leaf received the surname E ("leaf"), on a tree - Mu ("tree"), etc.]: Yuan Ke 1987:39-43.

The Balkans. Macedonians [when God overthrew evil spirits from the sky, some fell to the ground, others into the water, and one remained hanging between heaven and earth and became a spider; if you see a spider, it must be killed; spirits those who hide in the clouds cause disaster with thunder and lightning; people who fall into the water cause disasters on the water; those who fall to the ground go out at night to disturb people]: Ortenzio 2008, No. 1:192-193; Gagauz people [The Shaitans served God in heaven, rebelled, God pushed them from heaven to earth, they fell for 40 days and nights, everyone stayed where they fell]: Moshkov 2004:205.

Central Europe. Russian literary tradition (hands. Solovetsky Library; from Palea in the late 16th or early 17th century): Porfiriev 1877:86-87 [when Satan was overthrown from heaven, the spirits closest to him fell to hell; others fell to the ground and have been walking ever since her; still others, when they heard Michael's voice, remained in the air], 87-89 [God walked on the water, saw Gogol's bird; began to ask her, she replied that he was the God of the gods, from the upper ones, and she was from the lower ones; God told her to give from lower ones; the bird dived, brought God foam like silt, God made the earth out of it; called the bird Sotonail, made it chief over the heavenly forces; he decides to throne over the stars; God handed over power over the heavenly forces to Michael; M. first retreated from S., but God removed S.'s divinity, M. overthrew him from heaven; he fell, fell into the ground, with him part of his strength; others fell to the ground, became demons; still others remained in the air, pretending to be angels]; Russians (Olonetskaya) [Two gogol swam along the upper Okiyan Sea: one white gogol and the other black gogol. And the Lord Almighty himself and Satan sailed with these two gogols. By God's command, with the blessing of the Virgin, Satan summoned a handful of land from the bottom of the sea. From that handful, the Lord created flat places and rolling fields, and Satan made impassable abysses, shilli, and high mountains. And the Lord hit the stone with a hammer - and created the powers of heaven, Satan hit the stone with a hammer - and created his own army. And a great war broke out between the armies: at first Satan's army prevailed, but in the end the power of heaven prevailed. And Michael the Archangel overthrew Satanin's army from heaven, and they fell to earth in different places: who fell into the forests became forest dwellers, who into the water became watermen, who fell into the house as housewives; others fell into baths also became bayenniks, some in the yards became courtyards, and others in Riga became rigachniki]: Rybnikov 1864:191-192; Russians (Vologda) [when God overthrew the devils from heaven, they fell to hell and on land; those who came to earth then settled in forests, rivers and dwellings]: Belova 2004, No. 116:64; Russians (Old Believers of the Ust-Tsilem District of the Komi Republic, 2007) [God overthrew demons from the sky; where whoever fell (to the water, to the ground, to the bathhouse, to the house) lives there]: Ilyina et al. 2010:59; Russians (Saratov Volga region) [the elder lured the devils into a jug, buried him under the cross; one lame imp hid, saw; in the tavern he persuaded a drunkard to open the jug as if a treasure was hidden there; the devils rose to heaven; at that time God was walking on earth in the face of Christ, Michael the Archangel failed in heaven alone, the Devil built a throne in seventh heaven; Christ gave Michael six wings and a fiery sword, the Archangel expelled the devil's army from heaven; whoever fell into the water became cursed, some into the forest, goblin into the forest, brownie at home, to hell between fences and furrow - hell, who moaned to the noise (probably garbage - N.T.) - a jester; Michael the Archangel chained the chief to a wall in hell; he groaned, now his name is Stana]: Zavaritsky 1916, No. 5:72-75 (=Tolstoy 1995:245- 249); Russians [1) (Olonetskaya Gubernia); Adam was ashamed to show all his children, so he hid them in a hut, a bathhouse, Riga, in the forest and in the water, and God, for this secrecy, made sure that the children of the forefather forever and remained in places of concealment, where they live, multiplying like humans; 2) (Smolensk region); loess, water, field, brownies come from "uncle Adamovs, what ion consulted"]: Belova 2004:246; Russians (Tula Gubernia) [about six wings, Archangel Michael flew with the sword of God to Satan with devils and said, In the name of the Lord God, be cursed; devils fell from heaven to earth: some into the water, some into the forest, who where; from evil spirits went to earth: devils (jesters), fire snakes, water snakes, leshias, etc.]: Kolchin 1899, No. 1:55; Russians (Irkutsk Gubernia) [when all creatures were created, God and the devil flew to heaven, but the devil did something against God, for which Archangel Michael threw the devil to the ground; when he fell, the devil broke into four parts: the forest, water, fire snake and bath snake; fire serpent lives in fields as thick as a person]: Ivanovsky 1992:251; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Novgorod, Vologda, Tverskaya, Smolenskaya, Kaluga, Tula, Ryazan, Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, Volga region, Siberia), Ukrainians (Kharkiv, Podolia), Belarusians [deposed angels become evil spirits depending on whether who fell where (into the water, into the forest - goblin, etc.)]: Kuznetsova 1998:89; Ukrainians (Vinnytsia County) [the oldest devil decided to build a tall tower; devils climbed it, but God destroyed it; devils flew down for 40 days and nights; whoever fell where was named after this place - water man, woodman, swamp, field; whoever fell into the queue was a queue]: Chubinsky 1872:191; (Ukrainians, Podolsk Gubinsk Gubernia. [God did not create man on earth but somewhere else a long time ago. And when that world came to an end, God, in order to preserve the human race, ordered the angels to take several pairs of people and demolish them to the ground to multiply. Angels were throwing people away. Where a couple fell, they live and multiply. And when this world comes to an end, God will take people somewhere again to reproduce]: Levchenko 1928:1); Poles [water comes from deposed evil angels who fell into the water (southeast Poland); the idea of demons hanging in the air (Mazovsha)]: Belova 2004:64; Luzhitans [the Luzhitans have the same story as the Gagauz people]: Moshkov 2004:228.

Baltoscandia. The Danes (Julland) [when God drove the rebellious angels out of paradise, they fell to the ground and became trolls; those who fell on roofs nisse, water angels into the water, hill folk on the hills, and elves into the moors] : Kvideland, Sehmsdorf 1988, No. 44.2:206 (about the same Thorpe 1851:115); Swedes: Balzamo 2011, No. 22 [God threw spirits from heaven to earth for three days; whoever fell where became the spirit of the appropriate place ; these spirits are called "Putifar's race"]? 23A [when God threw bad angels from heaven, not everyone went to hell, many fell to the ground; those who fell into the water became undines and sirens, into streams became elves, trolls into mountains, forest dwellers, forests became forest dwellers, to the edges groves - underground vittror, where farms later appeared - brownies; they all try to kidnap people], 23b [people who fled from Christ to the mountains became trolls, forest dwellers to the forests, etc.]: 44, 45, 46; Veps [When God created the earth and living beings, the devil interfered with Him out of envy. God got angry, grabbed the devil and threw him from heaven to earth, into the swamp. A big hole formed in the swamp, where the devil fell; all "evil spirits" came out of this hole. Some went to water lakes, some to forests to forest dwellers, some climbed into clouds and clouds and so spread all over the world. This "evil spirits" would have climbed even more if God had not guessed to plug a hole in the swamp with a burning log; Finnish Karelians also tell us a similar option]: Kolmogorov 1913:372; Karelians (northern): Belova 2004 (Kemsky District; Western in Russian, but an informant with a Finnish surname, P.V. Mikkova), No. 546 [God walked the land, Adam and Eve fled from him, went to the forest, buried their children in in the forest, in the water, in the ground, in the underground (house owner), in the bathhouse; the Lord said that whoever is in the forest will be a forest animal, in the water a water animal, in the ground an earthen; a frog, a mouse, a mole, and snakes were born from the ground; so wolves and cattle appeared], 547 [Eve and Adam hid their children from God; who they hid in the forest became a bear, earth reptiles in the ground, sea animals in the sea]: 245-246, 247-248; Stepanova 2000, No. 118 ( Tunguda District) [God created the sky, the demon created dense clouds; God threw demons on the ground, those who fell into the water became watery, on the ground became goblins; they dug a hole in the ground, mosquitoes and other insects came out, God plugged a hole with a gun; that's why mosquitoes are afraid of smoke]: 216; Lavonen 1992:246 (Belomorsky District, 1937) [God created the sky; the devils did not like it, they did their part - clouds blocking the sky; God drove the devils away, they fell to the ground; some became watery, some to the ground became ordinary; devils made a hole in the ground, mosquitoes flew out from there; God put a gun into it, since then mosquitoes have been afraid of smoke], 255 (Loukhsky District ) [thieves, to prevent the moon from shining, put up a ladder and climbed it, intending to smear the moon with tar; God pushed this stobl away, and whoever fell into the water turned into a wretched water, and the ant fell to the ground hit a stump and therefore thin in the middle; the ant was with other thieves, it only became an ant when it fell; and whoever fell into the water became a fish]; Estonians (Ludza, Koeru and other areas) [during the heavenly war some angels were thrown to the ground along with the Devil, who wanted to be above God; those who fell into the water became watery, into the forest became forest spirits, and in the field, the spirits of the field]: Valk 1999:221-222 (=Valk 2006); the Sami : Enges 1999:229 [Adam and Eve were ashamed that they had so many children, decided to hide some of them from God so that he would not think they were slutty; they showed God only a part who were alive; and those hidden under the ground, they should have stayed under water, became gufihtar], 230 [when God came, Eva washed the children and showed him only those who had already been washed, replied that there were no others; God said that what was hidden from God would be hidden from God and from people; they became underground or water dwellers].

Volga - Perm. Komi: Doronin 2004 [Zap. P.G. Doronin in 1927, I knew it since childhood); at first there was no earth, no sky, one swamp; two frogs, blind and sighted, climbed onto the hummock; the sighted one was Yong, the blind was cunning Omel; falling off the hummock, turned into human beings; the sighted one broke two teeth, they turned into horns, all living things appeared from a drop of blood, all living things appeared from a drop of blood; and when they fell into hummocks, they turned into humans; the sighted broke two teeth, they became a woman; she became O.'s wife, met in E., O. beat him; E. tamed pigeons, created the sky, created a hole in the center, released pigeons through it; O. vorona, this one for them the hole is small, O. made the other wider, the crows flew into the sky, killed the pigeons, escaped alone; returned to E. with mud; O. sent a crow, he took the mud, E. grabbed the crow by the throat, squeezed it, the mud fell down, formed land; the water that spilled out of his beak was the sea; while E. was away, O. plugged the hole in the sky with the hut in which E. lived; flame burned around the hole; O.'s wife said it was from her silk mitt, gave a flap of her dress to make another mitten, her E. broke the flame; O. sucked the flame; O. from her silk mitt, let a flap of her dress make another mitten, to her E. with her crows and animals fell to the ground; O.'s wife stayed in heaven with E., gave birth to his daughter Yoma and son Wojpel; O. persuaded her to open a hole in the sky, broke in there, threw Y. and V. on the ground (they are the ancestors of people), found a mitten, grabbed half of the sun, but ran into a branch, got stuck in a tree; E. cursed him, O. threw away what he had captured, this half became a month, it had O.'s fingerprints; the female broke off, O. fell, the branch became his tail; E. went down to visit his son, who was making pots; demons O. flew in, boasting that they could cloud the sun or fit in four pots; E. closed the pots, but one crashed, E. drove the demon; whoever fell into the water became water, the goblin into the forest, his fingers became damn fingers; in the ground in the pot O. tries to escape; one day he will leave, fight with E. (another translation into Russian in Novikov 1936:40)]: 392-396; Uotila 1989:286 in Limerov 2005, No. 20 [the elder Mistletoe made copper skies, rain could not seep through them for three years; the Lord sent Michael Arkhangelsky, he could not make his way to O. because of the heat; the Lord went by himself, brought down those heavens, horned mistletoe fell for three years, so evil spirits in the ground and water]: 35; Udmurts: Vereshchagin 1996 [ God threw the substances from which man was created into the air, they scattered everywhere; those who fell into the water became Wumurts, and into the forest became nyulesmurts and bears]: 137-138; Moshkov 1900 [woman gave birth Seven at once, each the size of a fist; threw them, one into the forest, the other into the river, the third into the lake, etc.; they became unclean spirits; the hare thrown into the forest fed, he became a bear]: 202; marie : Akzorin 1991, No. 71 [spirits lived in heaven; Humo drove them to the ground, they fell in a shower, wolves destroyed them, spirits survived in deep forests, sheep pits, swamps, bridges, cellars, wells, baths and do not dare to go out during the day, so they are not visible]: 120; Vasiliev 1907 [God pushed indignant angels from the sky; those who fell into the forest became goblin, water into the water, fell into the hut; asked me to hide it in the stove; the angel came, the owner replied that there was no one; Well, live with him! ]: 47-48; the Mordovians [the devils decided to make a throne for themselves in heaven; the angel sent by God could not push them together; Archangel Michael succeeded: with the end of his sword, which had a cross, he pushed them together from the sky; whoever of the unclean fell into the water became Vedyava (after all, "water", ava, "woman"), some in a dry place remained devils; (there is a general link to the chapter to several sources, incl. archival)]: Devyatkina 1998:90; Chuvash: Ashmarin 1982 [iye spirits used to live in heaven, they were called Shoyttan there; many of them bred, God became angry with them for something, pushed them down; those who fell on the hut became browniks (prt ie), to the bathhouse - banniks (muncha iye), etc.]: 45; Egorov 1995 [Tour ă carved spirits out of the flint, sent his assistants P ě l and Pihampara give souls to the ground; the remnants of souls were in store to give them to the newborns; while T. was sleeping, Shuittan found a chair and flint also began to carve rays; T. pushed him together with those he had created from the sky; those who fell into the water became watery, on the mountains became owners of the mountains, into the forest - goblins, into huts - browniks, baths - banniks, etc.]: 125-126; Salmin 2003 ["According to legends, the deities Kiremet and Tur ă lived in heaven and were brothers; some texts call K. the elder, while others call K. the elder, while others call him vice versa; T. drove away Kiremetei from heaven for their bad deeds; so they fell into ravines and fields and stayed there to live"]: 17; 2004 [(citing the archive); Iye's spirits are in every loci they fell when they were dropped from the sky]: 96.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Altaians [Elgen sends Maytar to punish Erlik; he hit him in the shoulder and overthrew him to the ground; his servants also fell with him; those who fell into the water became su-ezi (the owner of the waters), on the stones - tash-eezi, on the mountains - tu-eezi, into the forest - agash-eezi, on people's dwellings - uy-ezi (brownies), on cattle - mal-ezi, on flat ground - yer- eezi; etc. (for animals, fish, birds, all living things); a total of 44 evil spirits, including Erlik]: Verbitsky 1893:100; 1992:123 (quoted in Dyakonov 1976:271; about the same in Potanin, quoted in Sumtsov 1890b: 16-17); (Lvova et al. 1988 ["The story of Satan's servants falling from heaven was probably borrowed by the Altaians from Russian Siberians"]: 209).

Western Siberia. Kety [Hosyadam was Ysya's wife, but left by the Month (Heung is grandfather); Yes threw her down with her servants to the ground; since then H. has been an evil beginning cold, illness, etc.; some of the servants are now together with H., others fell in the distance; those who fell into the lake became watery, into the forest became goblin, etc.; The month is punished by what time and weather should indicate; spots on it - traces of H.'s stay there; hero Alba drove H. from the upper reaches of the Yenisei to a dead island in the ocean]: Anuchin 1914:3-4; (cf. Osharov 1936a [were brothers Alba (smart and kind), Suuch (singer, musician) and Alba Maly (young, shaman); Hochedam stole souls, A. decided to defeat him so that people would not die; came to the sea, decided to drain him , cut through the Chagan-bat ridge, made a hole into the cave of seven Khochedams; killed six, brought the seventh little one to the children for toys; the new river flooded the cave with a whirlpool, A. called the Khol River (Podkamennaya Tunguska); A. sailed to the Cook River (Yenisei), H. jumped into the water, said that he was the main owner, and they were his children; A. pursues, 4 moose come to the river, H. tells them to block the river, but A. turns them into the rocks (the Four Sokhatykh Islands on the Yenisei 22 km above the mouth of Podkamennaya Tunguska, on the maps "Boats"); the same is a herd of white deer (Osinovsky threshold, 13 km above the islands); A. prepared to shoot in H., but his brother Suuch sang, A. shuddered, pierced his brother's head with an arrow, blood soaked the yar, shamans paint tambourines with clay; a boat with a woman and two wolves, a loon sails ahead; A. thought that H. turned into it, tore off the loon's cheek with an arrow; it turned out to be a younger brother who went to Sym, married a Tunguska girl there, swam in front of his wife; the Tunguska did not want to live with a freak, harnessed herself to scourge wolves, reached for Sym; her husband turned the wolves and the boat into earthen hills, petrified himself; the Tunguska went into the sand, throwing beads at her husband, there is now an underwater stone ridge; H. went to the cold sea, kills people, A. everyone is looking for him; the stone pillar on the Chagan-bat ridge is called Alba]: 145-151); the northern Selkups [some upper god had children, one was mischievous, he threw him down, he fell at the fork in the tree, died; worms from the corpse began to fall to the ground; bears with long tails and large ones on the south side, bears with short ones on the north side]: Simchenko 1995:113).