Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K65c1. The division into servants and masters, (ATU 758).


A woman gives birth to many children, but she hides some of them from God. The hidden ones become the progenitors of people of low social status, and those shown become the progenitors of people of high status. {The definition of the 758 plot in Uther 2004 is basically the same as ours, but references include traditions in which children hidden from God turn into spirits rather than low-status people}.

Dinka, Shilluk, Sudanese Arabs, Morocco (probably), Sicilians, Spaniards, Catalans (Barcelona, Majorca), Portuguese, Ladins, French (probably), Flemish, Frisians (probably), Germans (Grimms), (Tagals), Bulgarians, Macedonians, Serbs (probably), Livs, Lithuanians. {Contrary to the reference in Uther 2004, Maltese people don't have this story}.

Sudan - East Africa. Dinka [Du Chie made the first man and woman out of clay; they have two children; DC or Nhialic came to see them, the woman was scared, hid one under the kitchen pot; from soot he turned black, and took the "red" brother N., gave him skills and knowledge; the black brother was in the position of a slave to the "red"]: Johnston 1934:94; shilluk [the cow is our grandmother, God is ours father; (our) mother had two (children): black and white; she loved black, but when God came, she showed him only white; when God found out that the black woman had hidden, God replied that he should act as knows, but he loves white; so white people have received all the benefits and control blacks]: Westermann 1912, No. 78:178; the Arabs of Sudan [The Lord came to Eve, asked her to show her children; she showed she hid only the pretty ones, and the ugly ones; answered that they were all children, not anymore; the Lord ordered the hidden ones to become slaves to others; they became black, become slaves]: Hillelson 1935:11.

North Africa. Morocco [only reference to Dwyer 1978, No. 3:45-46; there is a motive A1650.1: When God came to Eve, she hid some of the children, they were not blessed and became less successful in life; { that is, it is obvious that children become the ancestors of low-status people, not spirits or animals}]: El-Shamy 2004 (1), No. 758:421.

Southern Europe. Spaniards [rare motive, 1 link, no Latin American correspondences]: Camarena, Chevalier 2003, No. 758:106; Portuguese [1 Vasconcellos link]: Camarena, Chevalier 2003:106; Ladina [Adam and Eve have many children; she washed and combed them, at that time God came; Eve hid the unwashed in straw; God appointed someone washed to be an official, some officer, some knight; when Eve brought out the unwashed, God appointed them to be a peasant, some a craftsman, some a tinsmith, etc.]: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 83:224-225; Catalans: Camarena, Chevalier 2003, No. 758 ( Mallorca) [Jesus came to Adam and Eve, asked to show the children; there were 24 of them, but Eve decided to show only 12, but then admitted that there were still as many; Jesus said they would serve first twelve; this is how the poor and rich appeared]: 105-106; Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 758 (Barcelona, Majorca) [in paradise God comes to Adam and Eve, asks how many children they have; Eva is ashamed that 24, answers that 12 ; God divides the world between them; Eve says there are 12 more, but God tells them to work on the lands that belong to the first 12]: 151; Sicilians [Adam and Eve have 24 children; when the Lord came, they were it is a shame that there are so many children, they hid half and said that there are 12 children; the Lord blessed 12, telling them to be rich and happy; Adam ran to ask for blessings for the rest, but the Lord said it's too late-they will serve those who have been blessed; that's why half of the people are rich and half are poor]: Kabakova 2006, No. 34:69-70.

Western Europe. The French, the Friezes: Uther 2004 (1), No. 758:415-416; the Flemish [knowing how meekly Adam and Eve accepted the expulsion from paradise, God decided to visit them; Eve cleaned the house, washed those children who are more obedient and nicer, and told others to hide in different parts of the house; God blessed the former, told them to become emperor, some nobleman, some merchant, etc.; then Eve called others; God has appointed everyone to be a commoner, trade, etc.; explained that only kings cannot live on earth]: Van den Berg 2000, No. 49:63-69; Germans [before God came Eve washes and dresses her children who are beautiful; God appoints them to be prince, merchant, etc.; then Eve decides to show ugly children hidden in the stove, hay, straw, etc.; God tells them to be peasants and craftsmen, explains that he needs to populate the land with different people]: Grimm, Grimm 1987, No. 180:526-527 (=Balzamo, Kaiser 2004, No. 43:86-90).

(Wed. Taiwan - Philippines. Tagals [first only the sea and sky, a hawk (a bird similar to a kite) flies between them; it disturbed the waters so much that the sea began to throw portions of water into the sky, and the sky, for protection, began to throw down islands; then the sky told the hawk to sit on one of the islands, make a nest and leave the sea alone; the wind from the sea and the wind from the land married, they have a bamboo son; he swam, hit the feet of a hawk, who is in his rage pecked, a man came out of one knee, a woman from the other; the earthquake called all the birds and fish to decide what to do with these creatures; decided to marry them; all people descended from them; so many children, the aged parents did not rest for a moment; the father took a stick and began to beat them; they ran away; those who found themselves in the house became leaders, in the walls became slaves, on the street free , in the hearth by blacks, at sea by Europeans]: Cole 1916:187-188).

The Balkans. Bulgarians: Nenov 2004 [God comes to a young woman, promises to make her children a minister, mayor, doctor, etc.; when she says goodbye, a woman says she has more children unbathed; God gives them fate, but determines many to be just workers]: 95; Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 758 [as in Nenov 2004]: 269-270; Macedonians [after learning that God is with everyone she is going to visit her saints, Eve began to cook and wash the children; but she did not have time to wash half of the children and locked them in another room; God blessed the children, in order of seniority, to become king of kings, king , prince, vizier, pasha, governor, commander, captain, non-commissioned officer, adjutant, merchant, school principal, monk, priest, bishop, patriarch, hermit, judge, doctor; then Eva admitted that she had more children, asked them to bless them as well; God told them to serve their first children and become a gatekeeper, cook, coffee maker, courier, coachman, harem boss, etc. (various servants and employees)]: Ortenzio 2008, No. 19:63-65; Serbs: Uther 2004 (1), No. 758:415-416.

Baltoscandia. Liwa [the poor man gives each of the nine children a special profession that did not exist before; on "Die ungleichen Kinder Evas"]: Loortits 1926:85; Lithuanians [God blessed several children Adam; Adam hid some of the children because he had no clothes for them; they were left without a blessing; this is how the poor appeared]: Kerbelite 2001:91.