Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K66A. Flying ship as a condition for marriage, ATU 513B. .


princess (inheritance) is inherited by someone who builds (obtains) a ship that can move on the ground (fly through the air).

Catalans, Portuguese, Italians (Tuscany, Rome, Calabria), Sardinians, Sicilians, Maltese, Corsicans, Bretons, French (Upper Brittany, Gascogne, Auvergne, etc.), Walloons, British, Scots, Irish, Germans (Hessen, Schleswig-Holstein, Grimms, Swabia, Austria), Friezes, Flemish, Bengalis, Bosnians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Russians (Murmansk, Olonetskaya, Vologda), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Poltava, Kharkiv), Czechs, Luzhitans, Poles, Kashubians, Belarusians, Uzbeks, Lithuanians, Latvians, Seto, Finns, Karelians, Western Sami, Danes, Norwegians.

Southern Europe. Catalans [Catalan text, no Spanish]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 513B: 429-432; Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 513B (Mallorca included) [the king wants a ship that would travel on water and by land; the youngest of three brothers is kind and helpful to an old woman, so he manages to build a ship; on his way to the king, he meets people with unusual abilities and, with their help, overcomes challenges, which Kotol offers and marries a princess]: 514-515; the Portuguese [younger brother, as opposed to the elder, is kind to the old man; he helps him get a ship moving on water and on on land; for the ship, the king gives him a daughter; St. Virgo is an assistant; on the way, the hero meets a strongman, a shooter, a blowing, hearing, a runner, eating (either opival or having control over the weather); they help to complete additional difficult assignments which are the reason for getting a bride]: Cardigos 2006, No. 513A: 128; Italians (Tuscany, Calabria): Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 513B: 121: Italians (Rome) []: Calvino 1980, No. 99:362-365; Sicilians [the king promises a daughter to whoever builds a ship moving by sea and land; two older brothers reject the old man's help, their ships explode; the youngest appoints St. Joseph the elder, the ship is ready; they take as companions 1) a bag of fog, 2) carrying half of the fallen forest on his back, 3) drinking a river, 4) aiming at a partridge sitting on a branch in underworld, 5) taking one step from Catania to Messina; the king demands 1) to deliver the letter to the prince of the lower world in an hour and return; the runner reported, fell asleep, the shooter woke him up with a shot, he managed return; 2) drink half of what is in the basement (the drinker drinks the river); the king promises as much dowry as one person who carried the trees takes everything; the king sent a fleet after, collecting the fog released him; at the house of St. Joseph demands that everything be divided in half as agreed, including the bride; the young man is ready, but St. Joseph only tested it, leaving everything young]: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 14:96-102; the Maltese [older brothers are rude to the old woman, the younger is kind; she helps him get a ship moving along drier; a young man meets, companions 1) someone who can drink a lot, 2) carry weights, 3) a runner, 4) a listener, 5) a sharpshooter, 6) can cause good and bad weather by lying on his stomach or on his back; the king will give his daughter to those who perform difficult assignments, including drinking a wine cellar, picking up all the gold from the treasury, overtaking the princess (you have to run to the spring and bring a jug of water); princess puts the runner to sleep, offering to look in his head, but the rumor hears it, and the shooter wakes up by knocking a stone from under his head; the weather-changing army destroys the royal army that tried to destroy the hero; the hero reigns]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 513B: 152-155; Corsicans: Massignon 1984, No. 35 [after receiving an inheritance, each of the three queens builds a ship and triples a feast; the elders are for the rich, the youngest is for the poor; the old woman gives him a wand that allows the ship to move on the ground; he takes the poor with him, meets him, takes on the ship 1) throwing millstones, 2) eating a couple of bulls at once, 3) drinking the river, 4) carrying a mountain on his back, 5) a runner, 6) listening to the grass grow, 7) pushing fog into a bag to prevent it from harming the flowering trees; the Queen is outraged that the ship has arrived at her ground; tells 1) eat mountains of bread (eats), 2) drink all the wine (drank opivalo), 3) move 4 heavy guns (the strongman carries), 4) bring in a bottle of water from a spring 100 km away ( the runner overtakes the old woman, although she raises dust and the runner sleeps first); the Queen sails away on his ship, the Queen sends an army in pursuit, eats and drinks him, regurgitating what he has eaten and drunk; the king gives the youngest son the crown], 45 [(approximately as in (35)]: 78-82, 108-111.

Western Europe. Bretons [each of the 6 lazy sons receives 200 ECU from their father and pays the craftsman for training; one has learned to climb trees and walls, the other has learned to glue, repair and connect everything, the third is accurate shoot, the fourth to guess everything and know in advance, the fifth to play the violin so that the dead come to life, the sixth to build a ship moving on water and on land; the brothers decide to take the gold-haired princess away from a snake living in a palace that hangs in the sea on an island; the guesser found out everything and proposed a plan (first you need to plug the bell with a tow), the builder brought his ship there, climbed to the princess and took her away, the shooter killed the snake that had arrived, the gluer repaired the ship on which the snake fell, the hunter pulled the princess out of the sea, the violinist revived her; the father does not know who to give the girl to, but probably the guesser got it as the cutest]: Luzel 1887 (3), No. 9:312-325; Bretons: Delarue, Tenèze 1964, No. 513 [the king will give his daughter to whoever builds a ship moving along land and sea; the widow's three sons decided to try; the eldest met an old woman, refused to share bread with her; the middle one; the youngest gave her all his bread; she magically made him immediately built a ship; a young man meets, takes on the ship an eternally thirsty person; from hunger; easily catching up with hares; hitting a pea from afar with a stone from a sling; breathing from his nose the wings of the mills are in motion; having a day in one pocket and a night in the other; before giving his daughter, the king demands: 1) drink all the wine in the cellar overnight (the thirsty drank); 2) slaughter and eat all the oxen, cows, rams and pigs (starving ate); 3) bring water from a distant spring before the maid; the one who caught up with the hares ran there easily, but the maid offered to take a break sedated; the slinger hit him with a stone, the runner woke up and overtook the maid; 4) after taking the princess, the young man went back; they stopped in the desert; the royal army was approaching; the blowing scattered him hurricane; but the army is catching up again; then the last of the satellites threw night behind and day ahead]: 283-289; Luzel 1887 (3), No. 8 [the king promises a daughter to whoever will build a ship moving on the ground and on sea; older brother decides to try; sees in the forest that many trees have already been felled down; sits down for lunch; magpie asks for a piece, he does not give; tries to cut down trees, they do not cut down; he returned to his father; same middle brother; younger Luduenn (Cinderella) gives bread to forty, after each axe hit, the ship part is immediately ready, the parts come together; L. gets on his ship, meets, takes satellites Obedalu, Opivalu, Runner (chasing hares with a millstone tied to his leg), Arrow (aiming at a hare on a distant mountain), Listening to grass growing; along the way they buy an egg, a plow, a hat; (these items are needed when talking to the princess); then the king demands 1) eat 40 bulls (Ovedelo eats), 2) drink 50 barrels of wine (Opivalo drinks), 3) overtake the maid who will go to a distant source for water; She put the runner to sleep, but the Listener heard him snoring and her words; the shooter saw that the Runner was sleeping with a horse's corpse under his head, fired an arrow, woke him up, the Runner was the first to bring water; L. received the princess, and soon throne]: 296-311; the French (Haute-Brittany) [the princess is promised to someone who will make a ship moving on land; the elders meet an old woman, do not share bread with her; one manages to make a mallet, another wooden shoes; the youngest shares bread and creates a ship]: Sébillot 1894, No. 30:274; the French [one-story Breton texts: Gascogne, Auvergne, and probably others, but more often than not Upper Brittany]: Delarue, Tenèze 1964:291-297; walloons [an old woodcutter cuts wood; Jesus and St. Peter, his wishes come true, he gets a ship moving on land and sea; meets and companions the Listener, the Runner, the Blowing, the Strongman; the princess always defeats the grooms on the run; Her runner overtakes; she asks her father not to give her up, but the Strongman takes away all gold and silver, the Hearing hears that the royal troops are approaching, and the Blowing dispels him]: Laport 1932, no.*513:61-62; the British [ the king promises to give his daughter to whoever defeats the royal sorceress; she easily defeats Bill and Tom, they are beheaded; their younger brother Jack tells the old man that he is looking for a ship sailing on land; he gives a ship and a stick that turned water into wine; tells him to put on the ship those he meets; these are the Fighter, Oat, Drank, Runner, Shooter, Far Seeing; the Fighter's fight with the sorceress ended in a draw; Eating and Drinking defeat her; the witch puts the Runner to sleep, the Seer notices, the Shooter knocks the magic bone out of his head; Jack gets the princess]: Kharitonov 2008:276-281; Scots [three giants carried the king's daughters to the underworld; to get there, you have to build a ship moving on water and land; the widow's eldest son is going to build; the mother asks if he should give him a small loaf with or without a big one, he chooses a big one; cuts a tree, Uruisg (a mermaid) comes out of the water, asks for bread, the young man does not give it; a felled tree is reborn; the same with the middle brother; the youngest takes a small bread, feeds the mermaid, she tells her to come in a year and a day - the ship will be ready; the young man sails on it, takes opivala, ate, rumor as companions; the rumor determines the place under who are giants underground; they go down; the first giant will give the queen if anyone drinks more than him, the second will eat more; drink and eat, the giants burst; the third demands for the young man to spend a year and a day with him; then the young man's companions go upstairs, raise the queens, leave the widow's son below; the giant tells the eagle to pick up the young man; he returns twice because there is not enough food , you have to wait another year and a day; the third time a young man cuts off a piece of meat from his leg; on the ground, an eagle blows a whistle to call him; he is hired by a blacksmith; the eldest queen demands a golden crown from the blacksmith as she did to her when she lived with a giant; the young man calls the eagle, he brings; the same with the second (silver crown), the third sister (copper); the king orders the one who made the crowns to be brought; the servants drag the young man, but they bring a pile of stones; then a pile of garbage; the third time the servant politely asks the young man to the king; he tells the eagle to bring gold clothes; receives the elder queen; the companions are hanged]: Campbell 1890, No. 16: 244-251; Irish, Friesians, Flemish, Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Austria): Uther 2004 (1), No. 513B: 300-301; Germans (Hanover) [the king will give his only daughter to him who will build a ship moving on water and on land; a carpenter, cabinetmaker, and shoemaker who made wooden shoes, each decided to try it; an old woman asks the carpenter what he is doing; he is rude to her; she replies that she already knows - she may not try, it won't work; the same with the cabinetmaker; the shoemaker talks kindly; the old woman promises that the princess is his; when she goes to the king, let will take everyone who gets in the way; it drank, ate (gnawing bones), runner (holding his knee, otherwise he will immediately be far from here), shooter (if he shoots, he will sweep everyone around); the king commands drink all the wine in his cellars (drank), eat 8 cows (ate), deliver a letter to the king's brother in 24 hours and bring an answer (the runner carried it, but fell asleep, the shooter woke him up with the thunder of a shot; after weddings, the king sent his son-in-law to war; the shooter destroyed enemies, and then the king and his entourage; reigned, making friends ministers]: Wolf 1845, No. 25:105-106, 121-126; Germans [the eldest son went to cut firewood; did not share cake and bread with the old man, hit himself with an ax on his hand; the same middle (on the leg); the younger Fool shared; he told him to cut down a tree, under the roots of which a goose with golden feathers ; the guy spent the night in a tavern; the owner has three daughters; the eldest went to pull out the feather at night, stuck to the goose; the middle, the youngest, stuck to her; when the guy carried the goose further, he stuck to the girls pastor, then the man whose child was to have baptized, two peasants with hoes; the king will give her daughter to someone who makes her laugh; when she sees the procession, the princess laughed; but the king is looking An excuse to refuse; let the groom bring a man who can drink a cellar of wine; eat a mountain of bread; a fool finds such in the forest; the king wants a ship that would sail on land and water; that old man gave; The fool received the princess and then the throne]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 64:236-238 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:197-200); Germans [royal daughter will recover if she eats an apple; apples were carried by the peasant's eldest son ; the little man asks what he is carrying, the guy replies that they are frogs; when they open the basket, the frogs in it, the guy was driven away; the same with the middle son (pork stubble); the younger Hans and the little man are polite, the princess has recovered from the apples he brought; but the king demands 9 boats to walk on water and on land; the older and middle brothers make boats, answer the little man that they carry wooden dishes; G. polite again, sails to the palace in one of the boats; the king demands that a hundred birds be herded without loss; the little man gives a horn to the sound of which they resort; the princess sends the maid - let G. give it urgently hare; G. demands that the princess herself come; she comes, gets a hare, he runs back to G.; the king demands a griffin feather; on the way, the owner of a castle asks to know where he lost the key to a chest of money; the inhabitants of the other - how to cure the owner's daughter; a man by the river - how many more people should he carry to the other side; the griffin's wife tells G. to hide, at night G. pulled out his pen; the griffin's wife says that a Christian really came in and told all sorts of nonsense; then asks questions and the griffin answers them; the key is under the threshold outside the door; a toad in the cellar made a nest out of the girl's hair; a man the rivers must throw off the one he carries; G. took out the toad, found the key; when he saw that G. was rich, the king himself followed his footsteps; the man threw him into the river, and G. married the princess]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 185:482-485 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:382-387); Germans (Swabia) [the king will give his daughter to someone who makes a ship moving by water and land; the miller has three sons, the eldest was the first to try; not shared bread with the old man; he advised him to quit his job - it would not work; the same with his middle son; the younger Hans shared; at the old man's request, a ship appeared; realizing that the brothers were going to kill G. , his father tells him to go immediately on his ship to the capital; on the way he sees and takes with him a shooter aiming at the spire of a church in Berlin; a listener (he has a huge ear, puts him on the ground); runner in huge boots; another can the whole world vollmachen; the king orders to bring water from a distant well; the runner ran, typed, but fell asleep; the listener heard him snoring; the shooter woke him up with a shot runner; the king offered to fill the ship with money instead of the princess and G. agreed; the ship flew back, but the king sent an army to return the money; the one who can vollmachen the world turned it back; G . returned to their homes with satellites]: Meier 1852a, No. 31:111-118.

South Asia. Bengalis [the king's daughter fell ill; healer: she must eat an orange; only one peasant who brought it from afar grew an orange tree; it should just bear the first fruit; Jadu's eldest son bore fruit; a finger-sized man (Hüpf-auf-Meinen-daumen) asks what's in the basket; the young man replies that frogs; when he opens the basket in the palace, there are frogs in it; he is strong beaten; the same with Gostha's second brother (trichosant seeds (pumpkin seeds, Trichosanthes cucumber, Schangenkürbis in the basket); the younger fool Mānik is kind to the dwarf, replies that he carries oranges princess; after eating orange, the princess recovered; the king does not want to give her for the son of a peasant, comes up with new difficult assignments; 1) build a ship that moves on water and on land; I. takes the ax, responds to the dwarf, what makes the barrel; the barrel turned out; the same G. (it turned out to be a plough); M. is polite to a dwarf again, it turned out to be a peacock-shaped ship painted in appropriate colors; 2) Nāgapakshvara's dragon feather decorate the royal crown; the dragon lives far away in golden palace, easily swallows people; on the way, a rich man asks the dragon to know where the lost key to his iron chest is; another asks to know how his daughter can be cured; by the river a man who carries travelers on his shoulders, asks him to know how much more he must do this job without sleep or rest, which he has been doing all his life; the dragon's wife hides M. under the bed; the dragon I smelled a man, but believed his wife that there was no one; when he fell asleep, M. pulled the feather out of his tail; the wife tells the dragon that his feathers were just pinched; that a man came in asking for the key sick girl and carrier; dragon: the child put the key in the mattress; the toad bit off the girl's curl and sits in the corner of the house, she must be removed from her hole; the carrier must leave the one he carries in the water, and Let him go home himself; M. gave the carrier the words of the dragon after he was on the other side; as soon as the toad was found and the curl was taken away, the girl recovered; opening the chest, the owner gave M. gold; the king He gave his daughter for M., but envied the treasures he had brought from the dragon's land; he went there himself; the man by the river left him in the water and the king began to perform his duties]: Mode, Ray 1967:309-320.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [the tsar promises a daughter to the one who builds a ship moving on water and on land; the hero shares bread with an old man (this is the Lord) and he gives him such a ship; on the way to the king, the hero meets and companions people with extraordinary abilities; they help him win competitions and get a princess]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 513B: 189; Bosnians [three brothers, a younger simpleton; someone steals hay from a haystack; the elders hear a rumble, run away; the youngest catches a snow-white horse with a pitchfork in silk harness; then a horse in a silver animal; then a bay in gold; all hides in a summer stall; the sultan promises a daughter to the one who jumps a ditch on horseback, each time wider; on three horses, the young man fulfills the condition three times, gets three princesses as his wife; the sultan thinks that there were suitors three; the wedding will take place when all three arrive; and let them build a ship that travels on water and land; St. Peter asks everyone what they are doing; the older brothers answer rude, the younger brothers explain politely; Peter gives an ax: if you turn, the ship will move, stop in the other direction; the young man brought him to the ship and swam his three horses; on the way he took a hungry Obedala, a starving horse, and a man who ran after hares with a millstone on his leg; the king orders to eat bread from 70 ovens overnight (Eat eats); for the horse to eat 90 carts of hay during the night (the hungry horse ate); tells him to catch three birds with one stone (a giant catches a millstone); the sultan sent his daughter to buy one hare; he went in a gypsy costume; the giant sold them, but they ran back; the young man and his brothers received a princess]: Preindlsberger-Mrazovic 1905:116-126; Greeks, Serbs: Uther 2004 (1), No. 513B: 300-301.

Central Europe. Russians (Murmansk, Olonetskaya), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Poltava, Kharkiv), Belarusians [Flying ship (ship floating on water and traveling on the ground)]: SUS 1979, No. 513B: 147; Russians (Teresky Bereg) []: Balashov 1970, No. 48:163-168; Russians (Vologda) [watchmaker and carpenter argued whose skills are higher; the carpenter did fly the cart was supposed to receive the main reward from the king; however, the prince accidentally got into a flying cart and flew away; the carpenter was thrown into prison, the watchmaker received the award; another king has a daughter in the tower; will marry whoever will fly to her; the prince began to fly to her; he was found and wanted to be executed; but they asked to show how the cart works; he dragged the princess inside and returned to his father; remembered the carpenter; his released and awarded; at the feast he drank honey beer, flowed down his mustache, but did not fall into his mouth]: Kuzmina 2008, No. 62:156-159; Ukrainians (Poltava) [the tsar will give his daughter off as someone who will make a flying ship; three brothers decided to try it; the eldest mother gave good food and gorilka, and the younger fool gave black bread and water; he shared with the old man, the bread turned white, the water turned gorilka; the old man tells them to hit a tree with an ax, a ship appears; on the way, the guy meets, takes a listener to the ship, a runner (tied one leg so as not to run so fast), a shooter, a eater, an opihal, creating an army, creating an army frost; the king demands 1) to get living and dead water (the speedboat ran, the listener heard that he fell asleep, the shooter woke him up); 2) eat a lot (ate ate), 3) drink (drank); 4) evaporate in cast-iron bath (creating frost has cooled the hot bath); 5) the king demands that an army be deployed, it appears; the fool gets the princess]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 144:315-318; Kashubas [the king will give his daughter Whoever makes a boat that runs on land and water; two sons of a peasant decide to try, refuse to talk to the old man; he says they will only make a gutter for the pigsty; the third youngest the brother politely answers the old man, made a boat; the old man tells him to take whoever the guy meets; he meets three old men; one drinks and cannot get drunk, the other is cold even in the sun, the third eats a lot; the king tells you to eat 12 loaves of bread, 12 bulls per night, drink 12 barrels of wine, sit in a hot iron oven; old helpers do everything; war has begun, the king demands from the groom defeat enemies; the old man teaches where to get a horse and a bag with an army; the young man is wounded, the king bandaged his leg with half of his handkerchief; after the victory he ordered to find the brave; the guy was found sitting in ash; sent to the search for the servant killed the hero and the second servant sent with him, bandaged his leg with a handkerchief and married the queen; the old man revived the dead; everything was clarified; the deceiver was torn at the gate, tied to four bulls; after the narrator's feast, they hit a cannonball and shot, flew to your table and sat]: Lifshitz-Artemyeva 2017:196-200; Poles [many records throughout Poland; options are close Kashubian: the king will give his daughter to someone who makes a boat moving on land; the youngest of the brothers is polite and helpful to the old man, he helps him build a boat]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 513:165-166; Luzhitans [the king promises a reward to whoever builds a flying ship; the elder son does not share food with the old woman, she says that he will not make a ship, but a stall for pigs; the same with the middle one (trough for swipe); junior shares, builds a flying ship]: Veckenstedt 1880, No. 4.2:58; Czechs: Uther 2004 (1), No. 513B: 300-301.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [the father promises an inheritance to the one who will build a flying ship; the two eldest sons cannot, the youngest beggar makes a ship, he flies away on it; takes 1) a runner (tied trees at the feet), 2) the eater (eats birch trees), 3) water bread (the lake drinks); 4) the arrow (hits the mosquito), 5) the rumor (hears the grass growing), 6) the creator of the cold (if he takes his finger out of his mouth, frost); king gives out a daughter, demands 1) to race (the runner runs, falls asleep, the shooter fires an arrow, wakes him up); 2) find out the time on the clock in a hundred miles (the rumor and the shooter see and hear everything); 3) eat all the food in palace (eater eats); 4) drink all the wine (water bread drinks); the king locks everyone in the upper room, makes a fire under it, creating frost, moderates the heat; wedding]: Lebite 1965:179-182; Latvians [king promises to pass off his daughter as someone who will build a boat that floats on the water and rides on the ground; both older brothers offend the old man, they do not succeed; the fool treats the old man affectionately, gets boat, goes to the king; meets people with wonderful powers on the way; then like ATU 513A {our motive is K66: helpers help win competitions}]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 513B: 296; set [The king promises a daughter and a throne to whoever makes a ship that sails on water and under water, flies by air, travels by land; the old man makes such a ship for the son of a poor widow; when they fly by air, on ways a tree with a crow's nest; the raven asks not to touch it, gives a golden pipe that fulfills any wishes; the king praises the ship, but does not want to give his daughter to the poor man, gives new tasks; 1) collect by evening and bring a cart of spruce cones (kusikulas); 2) collect released hares: 3) black grouse; with the help of a pipe, the young man does everything; at the wedding, the king puts a barrel in which the guests must say the truth; who He will fill the barrel with truth, and the king will give it to him filled with gold and silver; when the young son-in-law begins to speak, telling his whole story, the king asks him to stop, says that the barrel is full; son-in-law gets a barrel of gold]: Sandra 2004:101-110; the Finns [the king does not want to give his daughter; promises her to someone who will build a ship moving by water and land; two brothers respond to the forest old man that they go to make pig feeders; no matter how much they work, feeders come out instead of the ship; the younger brother is held for a fool; he shares his last bread with the old man, answers what the ship wants; the old man gives a ship tells him to take those who meet on him; this is 1) holding one leg in his hand, 2) covering one eye, 3) opening only half a mouth, 4) having five winters in his stomach; the king tells him to bring water from afar for the bath; the one who held his leg turns out to be a speedboat, falls asleep, the second eye opens it sees it, the one who opens his mouth calls out to him; the king tries to burn his friends in a copper bath, who had five winters cools the heat; the king gives a daughter]: Viiding 1980:21-26; Karelians: Konkka, Tupitsyna 1967 (Karelian folk tales. South Karelia), c. 171-191; Western Sami: Uther 2004 (1), No. 513B: 300-301; Danes [father named his 6 sons Elder, Next to Elder, etc.; when they were 18 to 12, their father sent them to the world to learn trade; at crossroads they went 6 roads, agreeing to return to the same place in two years; when they returned, it turned out that everyone had mastered some science: 1) build a self-propelled ship; 2) drive such a ship on land and sea; 3) hear everything; 4) shoot accurately; 5) climb walls and rocks; 6) steal; the sorcerer stole the princess, the king promises her savior in wives and half the kingdom; using their abilities, the brothers on a self-propelled ship reached the glass mountain; the climber climbed, the thief stole the princess from the sleeping sorcerer; he woke up, followed; his you can only kill by hitting a dark speck on your chest; the shooter is hit, the sorcerer has crumbled into thousands of pieces, these are shooting stars; neither the king nor the princess knows who her husband should be; God killed brothers and princess, turning them into the Pleiades; the princess is the brightest and the thief is the weakest star]: Cramer 1919:11-14; the Swedes [the young man (whose birth was unusual) sets off meets and companions people with unusual abilities (pulling trees, blowing heavily, a runner causing frost, moving faster than a bird, listening, eating, drinking, crumbling stones, shooter, omniscient, etc.); with the help of an old man or on his own, a young man builds a ship that moves on water and on land; among the challenges is usually a running competition with the princess on which the young man wants marry, eat a whole ox, withstand the heat, etc.; the hero wins with his companions]: Liungman 1961, № 513AB: 135-138; Norwegians [the king promises a daughter to whoever builds a ship moving by water and by land; only the youngest of three brothers helps the old man, the old man builds a ship for him; on the way to the court, the young man meets and companions people with unusual abilities (one eats stones, the other hears grass growing, etc.); the king offers more and more difficult tasks; with the help of his assistants, the young man does everything and gets the princess]: Hodne 1984, No. 513:119-120.