Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K67. Burnt moccasins, K1615. .29.41.44.-.46.50.

At night, one is going to throw another's shoes or clothes into the fire, but eventually his shoes or clothes burn down. Usually, the father-in-law pushes his son-in-law's shoes into the fire at night in order to freeze his son-in-law, but he changed his shoes in advance, so the father-in-law burns his son-in-law.

Kalmyks, Kuchin, Khan, Helmet, Slevi, Southern Tutchoni, Tagish, Taltan, Beaver, Western Marsh Cree, Steppe Cree, Ojibwa, Timagami Ojibwa, Northern Solto, Menominee, Western Marsh Cree, Eastern Marsh Cree, Eastern Cree, Algonquins (Grand Victoria Lake), Montagnier, Nascapi, Assiniboine, Iowa, Navajo.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks: Dzhimbinov 1962 [a young man saw a rich man in a kibitka scorching lamb legs, his daughter cooking cakes; comes in, asks to spend the night; hears a rich man and his wife agree to burn at night his boots and drown his horse; changes boots, paints his horse black, sprinkled flour on the rich man's horse; the rich man burned his boots, drowned his horse; in the morning he catches up with the rich man, complains that his daughter is not beshmet gives it to him; the rich man tells him to take the beshmet with his daughter; the mother does not give her daughter; the rich man shouts to give it back; the young man is happy with his wife]: 156-158; Sandalova 2002 [the young man promises to marry the daughter of a rich man ; comes to the point, asks for permission to cook the meat he brought along with the meat cooked by the owners; throws a shoulder eaten by lamb into the cauldron, then says that the owners' meat ate his meat, gets the whole cauldron; hears a rich man telling his wife that he would throw the boots of the person who came into the fire at night; then his horse would drown; the young man swapped his boots, swapped his horses; the rich man burned his boots, drowned his horse; decides to eat a fresh hot cake away in the steppe; the young man hugs him, holding a hot cake to his stomach; the rich man has driven away, the young man shouts to him that the rich man's daughter does not give him his whip; he tells give back immediately; young man: give my daughter for me; mother asks again, husband shouts: yes, immediately; young man marries, everything is fine]: 165-169.

Subarctic. Kuchin: McGary 1984 [Ch'iteehaakwaii and Wolverine spend the night in the woods, leave their pants to dry by the fire; Ch. quietly swaps their pants and Wolverine's pants; spies, sees Wolverine throws her pants into the fire, thinking he is throwing off his pants Ch.; Ch. leaves in the morning; Wolverine promises to go too when she makes herself new pants; Ch. comes to the Lynx woman, she feeds him; passes by, swims away Wolverine; Ch. meets them and his family; swims on; a woman invites him to her place, gives him a man, he does not eat; sees that she is an Otter; tells her to eat fish from now on; he throws something at her then again, a mink jumps out of her ass, then a caress; (in many versions they lived in a woman's vagina, killed men during copulation); Ch. tells caress to eat mice]: 396-407; McKennan 1965 [ Jateaquoint and Wolverine spend the night in the forest; Wolverine hangs D.'s pants so that they burn at night; when Wolverine falls asleep, D. changes pants; Wolverine freezes to death the next day]: 120; Fredson, Sapir 1982:86 in Norman 1990 [Wolverine invites her son-in-law to spend the night in the woods; he sees that Wolverine has replaced moccasins hung by the fire to dry; the man quietly hangs them in their original place; Wolverine throws the moccasins into the fire, thinking they are her son-in-law's moccasins; when her son-in-law is gone, she ties her fir legs under her feet; the wolverine marks are as if something is tied to her legs]: 150-151; Khan (Eagle) [ hunters disappear when they go hunting with Wolverine; one suspects deception, companions hang their pants at night to dry by the fire; the man pretends to fall asleep, gets up, replaces his pants; then Wolverine burns his pants thinking they are human pants; the man leaves supposedly for new pants for Wolverine, shouts from a distance that he will not return; Wolverine freezes]: Schmitter 1910:29 (=1985:42-43); helmet [After completing the difficult tasks of his cannibal father-in-law, Beaver gets his consent to marry his two daughters, takes them to the human world; his father-in-law gives his daughters a pen that will remain dry as long as their the husband is loyal to them; one day Beaver meets his first wife; the new wives see that the feather is wet, they rise into the sky; it gets terribly hot, people die, only Beaver and his brothers are alive; the Beaver is coming look for his wives who have left him; his father-in-law comes to him for the night, replaces their hanged pants to dry; Beaver throws his father-in-law's pants into the fire early in the morning; he admits defeat, rises to the sky, he is the Sun ]: Teit 1917a, No. 1:436-441; Southern Tutchoni: Workman 2000:48-49 [Äsúya (Beaver, Clever) is married to Wolverine's sister; he wants to kill his son-in-law; he replaces his son-in-law when hunting { moccasins are one with greaves like tights}; A. pretends to be sleeping; when Wolverine falls asleep, outweighs the moccasins back to their original place; Wolverine gets up, pushes her own into the fire; Ä . tells his wife what happened; she finds her frozen brother in the forest], 91-100 ("burnt moccasins - p. 91-92) [Äsúya (Beaver, clever) walks on the ground, correcting animals that ate people; spends the night in the woods with Wolverine; he offers to dry his moccasins; Ä. quietly changes moccasins; at night Wolverine gets up, pushes her own moccasins into the fire, not Ä; in the morning Ä. goes on the ice lakes; Wolverine chases but freezes; Ä. throws a corpse into the water, says wolverines will no longer kill people; Ä. comes to a huge Bear; he turns his daughter into a pretty girl; offers to hunt a grizzly that takes and eats any prey; gives Ä. arrows with sedge tips; grizzly is the Bear's daughter; sedge arrows bounce off her, Ä. hits her with her flint arrow, but she is only injured; Ä. turns into a beaver, hides in the middle of the lake; she tells Kulik to drink water, looks for a beaver in the mud with her Bear Father; Ä. asks yellow legs (yellow-legged snail, Tringa flavipes, long-legged bird) to hole Kulik's stomach; Ulitus asks Kulik to allow him to collect worms for his kids, holes in a hole, water pours out, The Bear and the Bear are drowning; (the eagle episode - p. 85-96); Ä. comes to the nest of cannibal eagles; asks the chicks which one is the biggest talker; the female and male nod at each other; Ä. knows that the male lies down, pierces him with a sharp stick; the eagle arrives with snow; the female chick replies that her brother has a headache, he went down to look for cold water, disappeared; that a foreign smell is half a person brought by the mother; Ä. pulls the Eagle down, kills; The eagle arrives with hail, the same; Ä. teaches the female chick to eat rabbits, partridges, etc., no longer eat humans; ( tendon extraction - p. 97); Ä. asks the Mouse where to get the tendons for the bowstring; she shows a huge animal lying in a clearing; Ä. asks to climb from below, gnaw the hair on his chest; Ä. hits the beast with an arrow into this place, takes its tendons; a huge worm in the mountains kills hunters; Ä. lures it out of the lair, cuts it apart with a spear, throws it off the mountain, the blood turns into ocher; The cannibal invites hunters to hunt mountain sheep, leads to a cliff, collides, his wife below finishes them off with a copper stick; Ä. confronts him, his wife mistakenly finishes off her husband; at night Ä. comes to her plague, kills her]; tagish [Beaver meets someone white, who calls him a grandson; sleeping in the forest, they dry clothes and loafers by the fire; Beaver quietly changes his own and others' places; The companion (this is the Month) burns his own in the morning, thinking that he is burning Beaver's clothes and moccasins; threatens to burn Beaver if he does not give him clothes, he gives him his spare; for this Month tells him to chew tar, Two lynxes appear, Beaver kills them; The month explains who he is]: McClelland 2007, No. 74c: 373-374; taltan [The sun was evil, it killed people; the month was good; a man comes to the fire of the Sun, both hang their moccasins to dry; the person replaces them; at night the Sun wants to throw the guest's moccasins into the fire, throws his own; the man agrees to give him spare ones for promising to be far from people; but watch the Sun still hurts]: Teit 1919, No. 4:227-224; sleep [Wolverine sleeps with the hunter; gets up at night, throws his moccasins into the fire; the hunter spies; when Wolverine falls asleep, throws him at his moccasins bonfire; he had a second pair with him, he's leaving in the morning; Wolverine freezes]: Moore, Wheelock 1990, No. 7:36; beaver [Tumashale comes to the beaver dam; there's a girl crying; there's a girl crying; says that a giant beaver can only be pacified by people who give it to him, now they have given it; T. kills Beaver with an arrow, cuts it into small pieces, from which the current beavers emerge; T. puts a trap in him the Sun falls; it gets dark; T. cannot approach because of the heat; other animals also fail, only the Mouse gnaws through their fetters; T. meets an old man who eats lynx meat, they spend the night in the forest; T. in advance replaces moccasins drying by the fire; the old man throws his own into the fire instead of T.'s moccasins; in the morning T. gives him one of his pair's moccasins; the old man gives him an arrow; T. shoots, follows her, ends up in the sky; the old woman lowers him on a rope; he thinks he has reached the ground, gives a signal, the rope falls; in fact he is in a big nest; kills two chicks; the third replies that the father will arrive with hail, the mother with with rain; T. kills adult birds, turns a chick into an ordinary bird, teaches how to fish; T. comes to a woman, she says that inside her three daughters there are bad creatures that kill men; T. destroys these creatures (no details), marries girls; father-in-law consistently orders to bring various materials for making arrows, the old woman warns of dangers every time; 1) bring saskatoons (probably reeds) make poles (there are snakes, T. puts on stone moccasins, brings reeds); 2) get a grinding stone; on the edge of a cliff, an elk man throws down those who come, his wife kills them; T. throws off the Moose himself, the wife takes the fall for a stranger; T. kills her with a stick, brings a stone; 3) bring feathers for arrows; T. kills huge eagles, brings feathers; 4) bring tendons a huge bison; he has two snipes sitting on his horns, warning of people approaching; T. turns into a rodent, digs passages in different directions, gnaws hair from the bison's chest (shoulder), pierces it into this place, brings tendons; 5) bring resin, it is between two collapsing trees; T. puts on stone mittens, brings resin; 6) hunt bears; father-in-law turns his bears into bears daughters, T. kills them; chases his father-in-law, he jumps into the water; T. tells the pelican to drink the lake; father-in-law drowns; T. meets the old man, he turns out to be his younger brother, they tell each other about their adventures]: Goddard 1916:232-237

The Midwest. Western Marsh Cree (Stone Cree) [Wīsahkīcāhk and his younger brother play on the lake shore, throwing up their nails; V.'s fingernail falls into the boat of the Wīmisōsiw that has sailed; he invites him to get into the boat and take his fingernail; the self-jeeling boat immediately sails; the younger brother on the shore turns into a wolf; V. shouts to him, chasing the Caribbean, not to approach the water; V. cries, ugly; Wīmisōsiw's two eldest daughters reject him, the youngest washes him, makes him a husband; the eldest now also wants him, the youngest refuses to share; they have two children; V. wants to make wings for himself, to fly; Wīmisōsiw intends to destroy him, 1) he is lucky to dangerous eagles, this is the spirit guardians of his father-in-law; throws V. to eat them; V. calls eagles younger brothers, they give him feathers, he is in guise seagulls fly over Wīmisōsiw, defecates on him, stays at home before his father-in-law; he sees V. making arrows; 2) bring arrowpoles, takes him to the thickets, throws snakes; V. calls snakes younger brothers, brings the poles home before his father-in-law returns; 3) V. suggests swinging; Wīmisōsiw leads to the swing around the bone; V. does not fall, but when Wīmisōsiw swings , he takes off and falls; later he returns; both spend the night in the forest, V. hides his clothes under his head, hangs his father-in-law's clothes where he hung; at night Wīmisōsiw gets up, throws his clothes into the fire; W īmisōsiw heats the stone, rolls in front of him; when the stone cools down, it heats it again; larch trees have been growing at all its stops ever since; Wīmisōsiw admits defeat, no longer stalks his son-in-law]: Brightman 1989:23-26; Eastern Swamps (West Coast of James Bay): Ellis 1995, No. 11 [Memishoosh swims ashore, takes an orphan boy into the boat; raised, married his daughter; always killed his sons-in-law with witchcraft; 1) took his son-in-law to the island to collect tea eggs, swims away, leaving him on the island; son-in-law puts on tern skin, arrives home before his father-in-law; 2) jump over the abyss; son-in-law jumped, M. fell down, hardly returned home; 3) spending the night in the winter forest, M. and his son-in-law hang their greaves by the fire; son-in-law changes them; M. burns his own, thinking that he burned his own son-in-law's greaves; walks barefoot in the morning; son-in-law hears a crackle, turns around, M. turned into larch; people will make sledge runners out of them]: 69-77; Skinner 1911 [cannibal eats family, fattens two little boys to eat later; the eldest makes a hole in the ground with his mother's awl, walks through it, carrying the youngest on his back; squeezing through the hole, the youngest hurts his cheek; the eldest throws a piece of wood, a rag, a stone, they turn into a forest, rosehip thickets, a huge boulder that blocks the hole; the Walrus transports the brothers across the lake; tells them to warn if Thunder appears; tells them not to let them in arrows into the water, and if you fall into the water, do not reach it; when transporting the ogre, warns him not to move or touch a sensitive area around his neck; the cannibal moves, the Walrus drops him into the water, he sinks; his older brother's arrow falls into the water; Wemishus invites him to come and pick him up; takes him in a boat, the youngest stays ashore, he is raised by two polar bears; V. gives the elder brother to daughter's husband; always kills sons-in-law; V. leads his son-in-law to collect bird eggs; on the way there are interpreting rocks; the young man slips, V.'s head is crushed, but he makes it whole again; takes his son-in-law to the island collect birds' eggs, sails away in a self-propelled boat; the young man puts on the skin of a seagull, flying over the boat, defecates on V.'s head, flies back before his father-in-law; V. is surprised that his grandchildren shoot arrows, feathered seagulls; his father-in-law takes him to the winter forest; at night he wants to push his moccasins and knee pads into the fire; the young man replaces them in advance; his father-in-law smears his feet with charcoal as if he were wearing shoes, but freezes in the forest turns into a juniper; the young man finds his younger brother; reminds of a scar on his cheek, the younger believes that the elder is in front of him; releases his bear servants]: 88-92; Steppe Cree: Ahenakew 1929 [cf. L5 motive; two brothers ran away from their mother's severed head chasing them; Waimesosiv takes the elder named Vesakaiczak into the boat, leaves the youngest; the young man marries his youngest daughter ; the father-in-law takes his son-in-law to the island twice, first cut off willow branches, then collect crane feathers; both times he leaves, first calls the Eagle, then the Horned Serpent to eat his son-in-law; he kills both monsters with a hammer, both times he puts on seagull skin, flies back; father-in-law leads his son-in-law to kill the Great Moose; the son-in-law turns to nines, the Moose cannot trample him, is killed; at the night, the son-in-law changes his clothes and his father-in-law, who at night she pushes a red-hot boulder into her fire; Katya returns in front of her in the snow; recognizes Vesakaichak as her son-in-law]: 313-319; Bloomfield 1930, No. 1 [see motif J35; Visakechak with her his younger brother ran away from their mother's severed head; the old man invites V. to his boat, takes them away; the younger brother is left alone, turns into a wolf; the old man's eldest daughter rejects V. the youngest marries him; V. becomes handsome; the eldest now wants him, but is rejected by him; persuades his father to lime him; V. asks where to get arrowpoles, feathers, bow tree; father-in-law sends him where his helper spirits live - Polar Bear, Thunderbird, Snake; V. kills them, father-in-law mourns their death; V. and his father-in-law spend the night in the winter forest; father-in-law shoves V.'s clothes into the fire; V. turns into elk comes home; next time V. changes clothes, father-in-law shoves his father-in-law into the fire; freezes to death; mother-in-law tries to kill V., he kills her and her eldest daughter himself; see motif B3A]: 16-18; Skinner 1916, No. 2 [the old man and son-in-law spend the night in the forest; the son-in-law changed their clothes; at night, the father-in-law threw his clothes into the fire, not his son-in-law; in the morning he tells the story of how one son-in-law had two pairs of moccasins and gave one father-in-law; he did not give it up, left; father-in-law rolled a hot stone in front of him to melt the path, but he was tired and froze to death]: 352-353; Ojibwa: Coleman et al. 1971 [the little sons told their father that the mother has a lover, the father killed his wife, told the children to run, if they see red clouds, then he is dead; the cranes will form the bridge, joined with their beaks, the head will fall into the water; the old man took his older brother in the boat, the youngest stayed on the shore, became a wolf; the eldest became the old man's son-in-law; in winter he burned his clothes in the forest, and the next time his son-in-law burned his father-in-law's clothes; that is, the old man thought he was throwing his son-in-law's clothes into the fire, and it was his own; in the cold, the old man turned into larch]: 49-50; Jones 1916, No. 24a [giant Mashos took the eldest of two brothers, married his youngest daughter; the young man hears the voice younger brother, first reporting that he is turning into a wolf, then that he has become a wolf; M. tries to destroy his son-in-law; 1) carries sturgeon harpoon, leaves him overboard; Great Sturgeon brings the young man home father-in-law used to; 2) takes seagulls to the island to collect seagulls eggs, throws them there; The Great Seagull brings the young man home on his back; 3) leads him to the forest to hunt caribou, pushes his moccasins into the fire at night; son-in-law heats a stone that heats the path in the snow; next time the young man adjusts his father-in-law to burn his moccasins with his moccasins; daughter M. magically sends him new ones; 4) M. lowers his son-in-law on a sleigh to the end of the world, but the young man holds a sleigh; M. gets into a sleigh and flies into space forever]: 377; Radin 1914, No. 28 [three brothers marry an old woman's three daughters; the youngest has magical powers, marries a girl with ulcers on the body; 1) an old woman kills two older sons-in-law by throwing them off a cliff; the youngest turns into a bird, returns; 2) his father-in-law takes him to collect bird eggs on the island, throws them there; the seagull brings him home before his father-in-law; he cures his wife; 3) father-in-law takes him to tear the bark off the thuja; he turns into a squirrel, the bark falls on his father-in-law, the mother-in-law treats her husband; 4) to poison his son-in-law, the father-in-law asks to see through three blacks warts on his back; his son-in-law bites through the cranberries in store; 5) his father-in-law takes his son-in-law to harpoon the fish, throws him overboard; the fish takes the young man home; 6) the father-in-law takes his son-in-law to roll down the mountain; the son-in-law turns into a bird, father-in-law falls off a cliff, mother-in-law treats her husband; 7) father-in-law and son-in-law spend the night in the forest; the son-in-law replaces moccasins; at night, the father-in-law pushes his own into the fire; by spring he returns barefoot, recognizes his son-in-law's superiority; he asks him to get a bird out of the nest; a thunder blows his father-in-law to pieces; a young man takes his wife, goes to live in his father's house]: 61; Speck 1915d, No. 4 (timagami) [Vemicus kills his sons-in-law; 1) his daughter warns her husband that V. will throw his moccasins into the fire overnight in the forest; his son-in-law replaces moccasins; V. returns, Katya is a stone (like a Cree); 2) V. leads his son-in-law to the snake's lair, he is not bitten; 3) tells look in his head; there are lizards instead of lice; son-in-law bites through cranberries; 4) V. takes his son-in-law to collect eggs to the island, leaves it; he kills the seagull, puts on its skin, flies back, defecates on the way on V. 5) V. cuts a tree with his son-in-law; it falls on V., he comes to life; 6) competes with his son-in-law, whose boat is faster; V.'s boat capsizes, he turns into a pike]: 45-47; northern solto [hunter's children always hungry; he watches his wife; she knocks on wood with an ax, a man comes out of the trunk, copulates with her; the hunter calls him with the same signal; kills him, mixes his blood with the blood of a deer, gives him food wife; cuts off her head, leaves; the youngest son tries to suck his mother's breast; the head chases sons; the elder throws a needle, a comb; the head stays at the needle, the comb turns into a mountain; the Swan transports brothers across the river, warns him not to sit on his neck, there is an ulcer; the head promises Swan to be his sexual partner if he takes her; he asks how she will copulate, she replies that per foramen magnum; grabs his neck, he dumps it into the water; it sinks, turns into a sturgeon; brothers play by throwing pebbles; Omishus makes one fall into his boat; suggests the elder brother pick him up; takes him away, the youngest stays on the shore; O. invites the eldest daughter to marry the young man who has been taken away; she says that he is ugly; the youngest likes him, she marries him; O. takes his son-in-law to the island to collect seagulls eggs, throws it there, invites the seagulls to eat it; the son-in-law says that he is not food for seagulls, tells them to pour their father-in-law with their droppings; gets home before his father-in-law; the eldest his sister now also marries him; his father-in-law takes his son-in-law to catch sturgeon, pushes him into the water, calls the snakes to swallow him; the Horned Serpent takes the young man ashore, asks for warning if thunder thunder thunder; he is silent; The serpent throws it into the water when he hears thunder, but the shore is near; the young man brings sturgeon to his father-in-law; sent to get the chicks of a dangerous eagle, brings them; each time the father-in-law mourns the death of his assistants; father-in-law leads the young man into the winter forest; at night he wants to push his moccasins into the fire; the young man replaces them in advance; the father-in-law first tries to pave his way in the snow, rolling a hot stone in front of him; then walks barefoot rubbing his feet with charcoal; taking both wives, the young man sails away; the father-in-law calls his magic boat; the young man tells his wives to send it to him]: Skinner 1911:168-173; Menominee: Bloomfield 1928, No. 110 [Olenikha and Moose they live together, go for berries, both have two children; the Deer is fat, the Moose kills her, brings the meat home; puts the Deer in a bag, hangs it in the chimney, says that their mother is left to pick berries; the mother's meat, while frying, shouts to the eldest son that she was killed; the elder Deer kills the Moose, puts them on stakes, leaves them standing against each other, putting pieces of venison in his teeth; runs, taking his brother; The moose scolds the children; chases the Deer; they ask the Old Heron to transport them across the river; the Heron asks him to look in his head, gnaw the louse; the deer gnaws cranberries; the Heron stretches his beak like bridge over the river; Moose calls the Heron dirty, refuses to gnaw the louse; the Heron turns its beak, the Moose drowns (to this point pp.493-497); boys come to the sea; the old man arrives in a dolblenka, asks the elder sees what is in his eye, takes him away, the younger brother stays on the shore; the old man gives his daughter to the young man; the wife teaches him how to stay alive; the father-in-law and son-in-law hang moccasins to dry in the winter forest; the son-in-law replaces them, the father-in-law throws his own into the fire; the son-in-law comes home first, and his wife they return to where they left their younger brother; the elder meets the younger one when he carries the bear; now it is strong man; brothers stay together]: 493-501; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. II14 [see motif J44; the old man invites his older brother to the boat, takes him across the lake, leaving his younger brother-boy; young man marries an old man's daughter; they try to sail away in the boat, but the old man magically makes the boat come back; tells 1) to harpoon a monstrous fish (she does not swallow the hero), 2) collect tea eggs on the island ( leaves his son-in-law, seagulls carry him back), 3) go with him to the forest in winter, pushes his son-in-law's moccasins into the fire at night; the wolf gives him his warm skin; the next night the son-in-law replaces the moccasins, the father-in-law burns their own, dies from the cold); the elder brother and wife find the youngest, who is half wolf]: 366-371; Eastern Cree [the old man takes the first son-in-law to the forest, he dies from the cold; the new one is pushed into the water from the boat comes out; in winter, at the night in the forest, the son-in-law changes their moccasins, hung above the fire to dry; the old man pushes his own into the fire; tying fir branches to his feet, comes home; the son-in-law makes a beautiful boat, he sails in it, the storm begins, the old man never comes back]: Swindlehurst 1905, No. 3:140-141; the Algonquins (Grand Victoria Lake) [The pike wants to destroy his son-in-law, leads to hunting; at night, he hangs his moccasins too close to the fire; his son-in-law quietly swaps them with his father-in-law's moccasins; when he sees that his moccasins have burned, his father-in-law ties his legs with branches, follows his son-in-law, who deliberately chooses a circular path to home (this ends the text)]: Davidson 1928b: 281-282.

Northeast. Montagnier [Tuladi marries Pike's daughter; he takes him to the winter forest; they dry clothes and moccasins; T. swaps them, Pike pushes his own into the fire; has difficulty getting home; offers to swim across the river above the waterfall; fascinated by a waterfall, turns into a pike]: Speck 1925:16-17; naskapesh [Tchakapesh married Salmon's daughter; he wanted her for himself; called his son-in-law to hunt; the son-in-law hung his clothes to dry, and Salmon put his under his head; at night he threw C.'s clothes into the fire; he, by force of a shaman, replaced his clothes with Salmon clothes (a bunch of old scales); the next night Salmon called C. to swim, who was faster to the top of the rapids; C. swam easily, but Salmon still swims]: Millman 1993:136-137.

Plains. Assiniboine: Lowie 1909a, No. 8a [the sorcerer kills his sons-in-law; leaves the hero on the island; he turns into a seagull, defecates on his father-in-law's head; in winter, the father-in-law calls his son-in-law to hunt, they spend the night in the forest; father-in-law is going to burn his son-in-law's moccasins; he replaces them, father-in-law freezes himself], 8b [as in 8a+ father-in-law sends son-in-law to the source where the Water Puma kills them; sends them to hunt for the dangerous Moose; hero tells Puma that he is her grandson; asks the Mouse to dig an underground passage to the lying Moose, to gnaw his hair from where his heart beats; kills Moose from below with an arrow; Puma and Elk are father-in-law's assistants; he mourns them death, losing strength]: 154-157; iowa [see motive J12; chief sends his two daughters to marry Wagre Cagre (White Feather, Eagle); various forest animals come, pretend to be VG; sisters they ask about their lifestyle, reject them; a man with a white feather lies as if he is killing deer, bears, moose; the older sister marries him, the younger one refuses; marries a real VK when he appears; VG brings big game, false VG rabbits; asks VG to get a raccoon out of the hollow, turns it into a dog; the dog continues to hunt for his wife; asks to take him to the hollow; gets out with another sides in the same form; sleeps with false VG in the winter forest; he says that clothes are burning this month; VG pretends to be sleeping, replaces parcels of clothes; false VG throws his clothes into the fire; freezes in the forest; he was the last of the giants]: Skinner 1925, No. 7:458-461.

The Great Southwest. Navajo [poor young man Natinesani goes looking for a missing pet turkey; Piniltani tells his daughter to greet his son-in-law; smokes a pipe four times, each time he loses consciousness N. heals him; N. is given poisoned food, he eats from the other end or does not eat at all; the wind warns him of danger; his wife shows N. four underground caves (each like a separate world), where P. keeps deer and other ungulates; P. asks him to go with him to catch four runaway deer; tells him to be in ambush; N. climbs a rock, P. drives four bears at him, N. kills them, P. is upset, transforms into a snake, waiting for N., he recognizes him; P. leads N. against enemies, lets 12 bears at him, N. kills them; overnight, P. says that the place is called the Ridge of the Burnt Mokassins; both put moccasins under their heads; N. replaces them, P. burns his own; the next day his wife brings him new ones; P. tells N. not to go east; he goes, he is greeted by a bird-man; he enters the house Chief Pum, Blue Foxes, Yellow Foxes, Volkov and Lynx; he says that N. is P.'s first surviving son-in-law; P.'s wife is his daughter, he kills her suitors; gives N. an antidote; the episode repeats with a trip to the south, west, north; N. tells P. that he knows everything about him; he agrees, but promises that he will not try to kill N., that he has gained new knowledge; N. performs the first feather ceremony; returning to people, Navajo teaches her]: Matthews 1994:175-194.