Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K67C. Skin torn off the back. 13.-.17.23.27.-.35.

The character agrees that under certain conditions, another may tear off his back, or cut off his ears, nose, etc.

Arabs from Sudan, Libya, Catalans, Aragon, Basques, Portuguese, Maltese, Corsicans, Ladins, Bretons, French (Upper Brittany), Irish, Socotra, Arameans, Arameans, Arabs of Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Ho, Muria, Slovenes, Greeks (Epirus), Hungarians, Romanians, Bulgarians, Albanians, Luzhitans, Poles, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelian, Novgorod, Pskov, Moscow, Tambov, Voronezh, Kursk), Ukrainians (Bukovina, Eastern Slovakia, Galicia, Grodno, Hutsulshchyna, Transcarpathia, Podolia, Pokutye, Ugric Rus), Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Kalmyks, Ossetians, Abkhazians, Abazins, Laki, Armenians, Turks, Persians, Baluchis, Turkmens, Lithuanians, Latvians, Danes , Veps, Karelians, Finns, Estonians, Kazan Tatars, Chuvash, Mordovians, Komi, Buryats (Western, Khorin), Eastern Khanty.

Sudan - East Africa. The Arabs of Sudan [the monkey expelled all the inhabitants from the village; Muhammad and his sister Fatma came there and stayed; F. got together with the monkey, gave birth to a boy; he grew up, told him who his father was and uncle; came to M., brought him to the monkey, M. shot her; F. tried to poison her brother, but the son of the monkey (SO) ordered food to be given to the dog first; she died; M. ordered F. to eat, she died; M. agreed to give With a man as a worker; the SO killed his children, poultry, ruined the garden; the man and his wife tried to escape, the SO caught up with them; they agreed to throw him into the river at night; he changed the covers with as a man's sleeping wife, the man drowned his wife; before that, they had agreed that whoever was first angry would be skinned off his face by the other; the man became angry; SO ripped off his skin, left]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 71:223-226.

North Africa. The Arabs of Libya (Tripoli) [the woman, taking her son and daughter, went to look for a city where there is no death; she did not see the sick in one city, stayed; the son married; then left his wife and moved on; the mother said to her daughter-in-law that she was not feeling well; she told people that they killed their mother because sick people are being killed in this city; the mother asked me to give her heart and lungs to her son; the sister left and met someone in the wasteland a man, he took her underground, there is a city, married; they have a son Muhammad; pointing his finger, he sees what is two days away; the woman's brother, i.e. Uncle M., comes; M. tells him that his mother wants him kill, and his father may turn into a snake; a snake will bite him when his sister asks for dates; M. takes dates himself; next time the snake hides in straw, the son sets fire to straw, his snake father dies; mother wants to poison them, the son quietly turns the plate, the woman takes poison in her mouth, falls dead; M. and his uncle go to the ground, walk on different roads; M. warned not to be hired as an employee for who has red hair and blue eyes; his uncle did not listen; he was told to herd cattle while dragging the owner's mother on his back and catching 7 birds for his children every day; M. comes, replaces him; beats him an old woman, makes her herd cattle, catch birds, threatens to kill if she tells her; plugged her throat with a piece of meat, she died, he said she choked herself; gave six children scorpions instead of birds, those died; said that the birds fluttered out, and the children's souls followed them; the father took the bird from the remaining child; M. slaughtered the sheep, pretended to be attacked by robbers; cut off the tails of the cows, stuck them in the sand by the sea, He covered the last cow with sea grass - the cows failed; in front of everyone, he pulled the last one out of the grass; the contract was: whoever gets angry first can tear off a strip of skin from ear to ear buttocks; the judge ordered it to be done; M. and my uncle stopped in the Bedouin tent; M.: the dog can eat my leather belt; the owner: then you will take the dog; M. fed her a belt, took the dog; in another killed the dog in the tent, planted a piece of meat on the horns of the ram, took the ram; the next time he killed the ram, fried the liver, put it next to the owner's daughter; the father gave it to M.; the next time he agreed with the girl if she cuts her forehead a little, she will pretend to be dead, and he will accuse the owner of the mare of killing and take it away; M. gave the girl and two-thirds of the money to his uncle, and left]: Stumme 1898, No. 4:104-120.

Southern Europe. Catalans (including Mallorca) [the hero goes to see the world; is hired to work on a farm; makes an agreement with the owner: whoever gets angry first will rip off (a piece) of skin]: Oriol, Pijol 2008, No. 1000:199-200; Aragon [a person is hired by a stingy owner (cannibal) on the condition that whoever gets angry first takes his belt off his back; the contract is valid until the first cuckoo ( or until it's so quiet that even the straw doesn't move); the servant pretends to be an idiot and consistently destroys the owner's property; the master dies]: González Sanz 1996, No. 1000:106; Basques: Barbier 1931, No. 4 [three brothers go to look for work; mother warns not to be hired by a red-bearded woman; red-bearded; older brothers refuse, younger agrees; whoever gets angry first is the same the other one rips off the skin from his back to make sandals; the guy is told to bring the straightest and most crooked firewood from the forest, he does everything (the curves are the vine); herd pigs, and Tartar lives in these places; the guy took a bird, a son, a skein of thread; T. offers to compete; who throws the stone next (the guy released the bird); whoever breaks the stone by throwing it (the guy throws a piece of cheese flies into small pieces); you have to separate the guy's pigs and T.; guy: all those with two ears and one tail are mine; running away from T., the guy wrapped his pork intestines and then left them, shouting that it's easier to run; T. tore out his guts and died; the guy cut off the pigs' tails, put them in the swamp, and really drowned a few; the red-bearded began to pull - the tails come off, the guy pulls out the pigs; the guy pulls out the pigs; the guy ripped off the skin of a red-bearded man from his back, returned home rich]: 81-84; Webster 1879 [Errua ("madman"), leaves home, is hired by the owner; whoever of them is dissatisfied with the other is ripped off the back leather; the owner tells 1) to bring the crooked branches to the firewood (E. cuts down the vineyard), 2) drive the cows to the pasture without breaking the fence in which there is no passage (E. cuts the cows into pieces, pushes them into cracks hedges), 3) herd pigs on the mountain where the cannibal Tartaro lives; T. offers to compete, 1) who will throw the stone next (the old woman advises releasing the bird), 2) who will throw a piece of iron next (a bar of iron ; say: from here to Salamanca; T. does not tell him to throw it, because his parents are in Salamanca), 3) pull out and drag an oak tree (E. ties the entire forest with a rope, T. is afraid where he will herd pigs); in T. E. goes to bed next to him for the night; puts the dead man lying under the bed in his place; T. hits him with iron, in the morning E. complains that fleas have bitten; E. must separate pigs from T. pigs; E. says he will take those with one mark and two markings; all pigs turn out to be so; in the village of E. sells all but two pigs, cutting off their tails; cuts one, hides giblets under clothes; in full view of people He stabs him in his stomach, people believe that his intestines have fallen out, he runs after the last pig; people tell T. that E. released his guts to run faster; T. rips his stomach open, dies; E. drives the pig into the mud, puts his tails in the mud, tells the owner that the pigs have fallen into the mud; the owner sends him for a spade; E. hits the hostess, she yells, he shouts to the owner - "One or both?" ; the owner replies that both {in the sense of a spade and a hoe}; E. beats the maid, brings a spade with a hoe, hits the owner with them, he can't stand it, E. rips the skin off his back; var.: E. burns T. with a hot skewer; crunches nuts, says they are Christian bones; whoever brings more water, E. is going to carry the entire spring, T. is afraid]: 6-11; Portuguese [owner concludes with employee contract: whoever gets angry first can whip another (or rip off a band of skin from his back); when hired by the owner, the first two brothers lose, the third wins]: Cardigos 2006, No. 1000:255; Maltese [after the death of his father, the elder brother was hired on the condition that whoever decides to leave another first or complains of fatigue will skin off his back and take it away money; tasks: release and then collect birds or hares; bring goats from the pasture so that half of them laugh and the other dance; bring the cow to the pasture without opening the gate; worker loses; the younger brother tortured the employer himself (broke the legs of one half of the goats and cut off the lips of the others; cuts the cow into pieces and slips it into the gap); overheard the owner negotiating with his wife at night push him into the well; gets up unnoticed, his wife pushed her husband sleepily into her well; realizing the mistake, leans over the well, the worker pushes her there too]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 1000+116*: 418-419, 442; Corsicans [the older brother went to look for work; the curé hired him on the condition: whoever gets angry will remove three belts from the other's back; when the guy goes to herd the rams, the owner forbids taking out the one taken from bread, opening his bag from above and drinking wine from the neck of the bottle; ended up with the owner ripping off his back; the same with his middle brother; the younger one cuts the bag from below, making a hole in a pumpkin bottle; so everyone day; sold a herd of pigs, cut off their tails, stuck their tails in the mud, said that the pigs drowned in the mud; the old woman gave a whistle; the guy whistles, the sheep were dancing; losing weight and did not give milk; the curé became to spy, also started dancing; the curé decided to terminate the contract, paid the money, the guy ripped off three leather belts - for his two brothers and for himself]: Massignon 1984, No. 23:53-55; ladins [guy looking for work; towards a man with an ear cut off; he agreed with the owner that whoever gets angry first can have his ear cut off; the guy was hired by the same owner; food was not brought to the field; then he picked up a bag of wheat, took it to the tavern and exchanged it for food; the owner sent him with four horses to bring firewood; he exchanged it for donkeys and came back; the owner asks to cut down the tree; the guy says that first sharpens an ax; smashed the axe against a rock; the owner said there are two more axes under the bed in the house; the guy from the house window: both? The owner: yes; the guy hacked the hostess and the maid; the owner was furious, the worker cut off his ear]: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 77:209-211.

Western Europe. Bretons: Luzel 1887 (3), No. 3 [January is older brother, February is younger; I went to work, knocked on the door of the castle; the owner hired him until the first cuckoo on the condition that he did not he will be angry, otherwise he will be stripped off a strip of skin from his back and sent without pay; and if the master gets angry, his back will be ripped off; in the morning he is told to go where the bulldog takes him; he makes sure that I. worked all the time; hungry and exhausted by work, I am angry, his skin is ripped off, sent home; F. comes; killed a bulldog, threw the owner's children out the window; in the forest the owner killed an old woman; F.: her three the sons will be avenged; the owner sent F. to bring two shovels to bury the corpse; F. told the owner's wife and daughter that he had told them to be hugged; F. to the owner: after all, both? The owner thinks he is asking about shovels, says both; bringing shovels, F. explains that his wife and daughter were screaming when they saw a wolf; the owner tells his wife to climb a tree and cook; F. shot her; the owner shot her Angry, F. ripped his skin off his back, took his salary, returned home], 7 [Job's older brother hired a job and came back with his leather belt torn off his back; Guyon's younger brother came to hire him the same castle; told the owner that his name was My Ass, the cook that the Cat, the owner's wife the Carpet, his daughter was Fat Soup, the gatekeeper was Me; climbed under his daughter's bed, the cook told the owner that the Cat was under with a bed, he replied, let it be; when she began to rape her daughter, she shouted about Fat Soup; mother: told you not to eat so much of it; when the mother saw what was going on, she told her husband that they Daughters Carpet; finally, the master saw for himself, told the servants to beat His Ass; G. ran out of the castle, pushing the gatekeeper into the ditch; he told those who came up that I was to blame]: 216-230, 439-442; French (Upper Brittany) [the employee was hired by the owner on the condition: whoever gets angry first will cut the belt out of the other's back; angry, the owner rips off his skin; his brother goes; the owner tells us to cut off so many bunches (grass?) for bedding, how many rams; the worker cuts off the legs of sheep, kills a dog that tried to prevent it; shove horses; the worker cut off the hooves of horses, brings a bag of savvy hooves; sold cows, cut off their tails, shoved them into the swamp, said that the cows fell into the mud; the contract was valid until the first cuckoo; the owner put his wife on a tree and ordered a cuckoo, the worker killed her; the owner sent for a shovel, who is in his daughters' room; the worker tells the girls that the owner told them to meet with them; they protest, the worker asks the owner, didn't he? he replies yes; after that, the owner became angry and the worker cut his belt out of his back]: Sébillot 1894, No. 49:340-341; the Irish [the poor woman has three sons; the elders consider the youngest to none what was wrong; the elder went to look for work; agreed with the owner that whoever gets angry would be skinned off his back; the owner starved the worker and tormented him with work; a year later he returned without money and crippled; the same with the middle brother; the younger one eats a goose prepared for the owners; demands lunch before leaving for work; for him dinner; and then goes to bed to get up early; on the next day does not plow, but "holds a plow"; lets the cows into the wheat field; the cow is missing; "Look anywhere"; the guy examines the cracks under the roof; having been ordered to "follow the path through the swamp with sheep's feet ", sharpens the knife to cut off the sheep on the leg; {page skipped in pdf}; after the first cut on the back, the owner is ready to give all the money so that only he is not skinned]: Kennedy 1875:74-80.

Western Asia. The Arabs of Iraq [the cannibal kidnapped the young man's sister; he found her, stayed there; when he left, his sister's son warned him to be afraid of Goat-Bearded, gave his three hairs - if burned, he would come to the rescue; the young man was hired as an employee to Goatbeard on the condition that an angry other would cut out the belt from his back; the Goatbeard sent his daughter with food for the worker, but on condition not to untie the knot or break the cake; in the evening, the young man confesses that he is angry, the Goatbeard cut out his belt from his back; the young man burned his hairs, his nephew (cannibal's son) appeared and hired instead of him; commits ugly actions (throws him from the roof) Goatbeard's mother, cuts off the legs of oxen when they do not want to enter the river, etc.); Goatbeard and his wife decide to flee; the worker hides in a bag of dates; when the owners stay by the sea for the night, goes out; hears Goatbeard negotiating with his wife to throw him at sea at night; gets up at night and throws his wife into the sea with Kozlobeard; this time Goatbeard cried, angry, worker cut a belt from his back]: Weissbach 1908, No. 18:114-119; Socotra [a person hires an employee to monitor cows; an employee warns that the owner may be angry with him; owner: if I'll be angry, you can cut a pound of flesh out of my buttocks, and if you're angry, I'll cut you out; one day they drove the cows; it started raining, they went into the village, and the cows were left in the rain; the owner told the worker should take them to the shelter, but he refused - it was cold; the owner insists that the heads of the cows must be in the cave; the worker cut off the heads of the cows and threw them into the cave; when the rain stopped, the owner found that the cows were killed; confessed to the worker that he was angry; he carved a pound of flesh from the owner and left]: Kogan, Naumkin MS; Arameans of Syria and Lebanon, Arameans [mother sends smart To sell a son to a cow, no one has bought it; he sends a stupid man; he goes to the field, offers a cow to a lizard; she nodded, he left the cow; in the morning he came for money; the lizard disappeared into the hole; he followed dug up in the dungeon in gold; takes a portion every day; smart brother followed, took, ran away; stupid after; smart hired a Bedouin on the condition that from the face of the first to get angry another will take off his skin; the worker complains about his work, the owner rips his skin off; a stupid brother brought him home and cured him; hired a Bedouin himself; killed a cow and a dog, brought stones instead of bread, killed a child to did not cry; the Bedouin and his wife decide to run away from the worker; he hid in the chest carried by his wife; when they saw the worker, the Bedouin and his wife decided to throw him at sea at night; the worker changed places with his wife, The Bedouin drowned his wife; he is angry and cursed; the worker cut off his head and brought it to his brother]: Nowak 1969, No. 414:342-344.

South Asia. Ho [the prince became friends with the barber; his father drove him away, the barber went with him; the prince was hired to work on the condition that whoever demands the termination of the contract would allow the other to cut his streak skin; the prince could not stand the hard work and meager food, lost a piece of skin; the barber was hired under the same condition and worked so badly that the owner drove him away; the barber cut out a strip of his skin; they came to the land of jackals; the barber shaved the tip of the sleeping jackal's tail; he thought there was perfume in the cave; he brought a bear, then a tiger, the same with them; the prince replaced the lost piece of skin with jackal skin]: Bompas 1909, No. 19:477-478; Muria [Tarang's younger brother, the elder is Kana; the mother asks T. to warm her water to wash, he pours boiling water on her; puts the corpse at the Raja fence; the Raja pushes the old woman, K. accuses him of murder, gets his daughter as his wife; oxen bells are ringing, tarang is tiring, T. thinks that oxen are bullying, killing them; K. tells him to take meat home, not to show Raja's daughter; T. kills her, puts meat in her mouth; brothers run and meet 12 women; T. weeds rice for them, but after receiving food, he starts plucking rice stalks; he is sent to look after the baby; he makes it out of him crab bait; both brothers run away; T. sucks buffalo milk, cuts off the nipple; brothers are hired to work; the owner chooses: to pay for a spoon or plate of food; K. agrees to a spoon, works hard, loses weight, admits that he has lost, the owner cuts his skin off the back of his head; T. does nothing, brings a lotus leaf as a plate, on which a lot of rice is placed; the owner admits to being a loser, T. cuts off his skin]: Elwin 1944, No. 9.2:271-274.

The Balkans. Slovenes [the master sets a condition to the farmhand: whoever gets angry first pays the other and cuts out his belt from his back; the elder, middle brothers lost; the younger one broke the plough, chopped the oxen, to take them to the pen, took meat, grain and wine to the brothers, burned down the house and wine cellar; the master agreed with his wife to push the worker into the sea at night; he exchanged seats with his wife, the master drowned his wife; received money from his master, cut out his belt from his back and left]: Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991:302-307; the Greeks (Epirus) [dying, the father tells his three sons not to deal with beardless; the eldest went to seek happiness, He meets a beardless man three times, agrees to go to work with him; he suggests that whoever gets angry will cut meat from his back; the beardless gives his older brother bread, tells him to eat Give it to himself and the dog, and bring it whole in the evening; the young man was angry, the beardless carved his meat; the same with his middle brother; the younger one went lame; he did not argue about bread, but stabbed and fried the best a sheep; people arrived; they had bread and wine; a younger brother slaughtered a calf and had a feast; the beardless man pretended that nothing had happened; this went on for several days; when the herd was completely small, the beardless man was indignant; the lame man cut meat from his back, took his property and returned to his brothers]: Hahn 1864 (1), No. 11:118-120; Hungarians: Ortutai 1974, No.: 29 [Janos was hired by the headman on condition not be angry; whoever gets angry will cut a belt out of his back; the owner does not feed me, and he does not work and slaughter his cattle; I had to feed him; knowing that the elder's wife has a lover, I tell her what to do sketch pokes for the beans behind the stove, pour boiling water over the wool; the lover hid behind the stove and in the wool; the elder sent Y. to the forest for the herd to be eaten by animals; I. brought the bear and wild boars, wild boars to the barn, the bear into the pigsty; the owner asked Y. to go down into the well, covered the exit with a millstone; I got out with a millstone on my head; the war began, I defeated the enemies, the king gave him his daughter], 30 [two eldest the brothers were hired to the ass on condition not to be angry even until the first cuckoo; he cut out their belts from their backs; Janosh was hired on condition to cut off the ears of someone who was angry; destroyed the entire priest's farm; threw it in cauldron a dog and cat named Celery and Petrushka; gutted a child he was told to clean; pop tells his mother to climb a tree and cook; I shot her; cut off her ears]: 355-361, 361-368 ; Romanians [two older orphan brothers are hired as laborers to the ass; whoever gets angry will cut their belts out of the back; after working for a year and suffering from hunger, orphans are angry; pop carved them straps from the back and drove him away without paying; the youngest, Janos, stabbed the goat to eat; the next time he made a fire out of the plow, stabbed and roasted the ox; when sent to the forest for firewood, the wolf and bear ate the oxen , and the hell broke the wheel; I harnessed the wolf and the bear, told the line to hold the wheel; the ambassador to herd pigs and goats; I trained them, they lined up when visiting the king; having agreed with the burgomaster, the pop sends Me to war; he returns with a killed horse, which he took from his priest; makes it look like the horse was accidentally killed by the pop himself; the pop decided to run away from the worker; he climbed into the bag; in the evening at rest got out; the pop and the pope agreed to drown him; I swapped places and he and his ass drowned her; I marry a princess and inherits the throne]: Bîrlea 1966:475-476; Bulgarians [pop hires an employee on the condition that another angry person rips off his back; an employee (often the youngest of three brothers, and the eldest has already ripped off the skin from his back) drives his ass to a rage, rips him off skin from the back, also receiving a salary]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 1000:369-370; Albanians [the younger brother ate the inheritance and was hired as a farmhand to the elder; every day he went to the forest to cut down firewood, brought them for dinner; one day he forgot to bring them and came back; in the forest, a woman cuts firewood; a woman says she is Ora (~guardian spirit) of her older brother, and Ora the Younger is in chains in the seventh room evil spirits who stole her; Ora Sr. teaches her what to do; the youngest comes to those spirits, is hired as an employee, gains trust, frees his Ora and runs with her; she takes a comb, a mirror, soap with her; When Ora of the brother-brothers screamed and the spirits set off in pursuit, Ora Younger tells them to throw the comb (forest), the mirror (the sea), the soap (the smooth, slippery surface, the pursuers have stopped chasing); Ora brings the young man to another world; gives a crooked foal, then promising to give him a wonderful horse, puts rags and half a pumpkin on his head instead of a hat; the king orders him to break three pumpkins and guess what each means; only Half Pumpkins (i.e. a young man) can do it; three pumpkins are the king's three daughters in varying degrees of readiness for marriage (the youngest is just right); everyone must pass by the princesses, the youngest throws an apple at Poltykvy; attacked by the enemy, Poltykvy turned into a mighty rider on a beautiful horse, defeated enemies; gave his older son-in-law the right to be considered winners, for which he carved them Back signs; but he told the king everything, the older sons-in-law were shamed, Poltykvy received the throne]: Lambertz 1952:83-91.

Central Europe. Luzhitans [the clever son was hired by the landowner; the agreement: whoever gets angry, cut a piece of meat from him; the guy was angry because he was not fed, returned; the stupid son went; he sold sheep and tails to the butcher threw them into the abyss, said that the wolf drove the sheep, they went into the ground; the owner told me to cook the lamb that looked at the farmhand; he stabbed everyone - they all looked; "And don't forget the pepper"; farmhand threw his favorite master dog named Peretz into the cauldron; put a stone on the child to prevent him from squeaking; he began to shine in the sheepfold, it burned down; the landowner had to pay a salary]: Romanenko 1962:122-124; Poles [two brothers are hired by the lord on the condition that the first one who gets angry will be cut off his nose; they are angry, return without a nose; the third fool brother was hired under the same condition for a period until the first cuckoos; doing bad things, ruining the farm, burning down the house; the owner and wife decide to run away from the worker; he hides in the bag they took with them; they agree to drown the worker; that night changes places with a lady, the pan drowns not the employee, but the wife; or the pan tells his wife to climb a tree and cook, the worker shot her]: Krzyżanowski 1963, No. 1000:9; Russians (Kurskaya, Valuisky r -d) [The poor widow's only son is forced to beg, then he hires a rich old man, promises to do it for three. He grinds his life, agrees with two men to work together. At night, they look for fire in the field, the grandfather by the fire agrees to give fire in exchange for a fairy tale, the men can't tell, he cuts a belt out of their backs. The widow's son agrees to tell the story, on the condition that the old man does not interrupt him. He tells stories for a long time, then says that his grandfather rode his old grandfather in the next world. The old man shouts "you're lying", the widow's son clamps his beard into the crevice (in the stump), takes the fire. Guys want to see an old man running away with a stump. They follow the trail from the stump that leads them to a bottomless hole, the widow's son comes down and finds himself in another world. In the mansions, three beauties warn him of an evil old man, the youngest shows kegs with weakness and strength, he swaps the contents. The grandfather returns, senses the Russian spirit, the widow's son goes out to fight with him, then both drink from kegs. The widow's son wins, takes treasures and three beauties, but men only pull girls out. He sees that the chicks are threatened by thunderstorm and rain, and covers them with a cloak. In gratitude, their mother promises to take them out of the dead, he is collecting meat for her on the road. On the way, the meat runs out, and the man is forced to cut off his thighs. When a bird lands and finds out what it has eaten, it spits it out and returns it to its place]: Aristov, Pavlov 1939:73-76; Russians (Moscow) [if the worker does not get along, the owner will cut the belt off his back, and in the head with a hammer; if he gets along, then with the owner; the owner sent to bring the bear, the worker brought him; the owner: harness him into the cart and collect the debt from the water in the pool; on the shore, the worker began to weave ropes; the imp : and to squeeze the shores and destroy yours; water imp: ask him what he needs; the worker dug a hole, above it a hat with a hole: a gold hat; imp: race; the worker kicked out the hare (" boy with a finger"); now fight (the bear threw the imp into the air); who would throw a stick higher; the worker quietly threw it into the bushes, said that the stick did not return from heaven; the imp filled the hole with gold , the worker brought it on a cart drawn by a bear; the owner remarked where to put the burka; let him go to the horse; the bear ate the horse; the owner and his wife are running; the worker climbed into the bag with the crackers; I got out at rest; made peace with the owner, began to live like relatives]: Khudyakov 1860 {?} , No. 27:107-110; Russians (Ryazan) [the old man had a son, a younger fool; when he died, the father ordered to watch the grave at night; the eldest does not want to, the youngest went, the father: why didn't he come big; the next night the middle son (the same); on the third night the fool went for himself; the father gives him a sivka-burka, a prophetic kaurka, runs - the earth trembles, flame from his mouth, smoke from her ears; the old man tells her to serve a fool; Hearing to the kingdom: whoever jumps on horseback and kisses the royal daughter on the balcony will marry her; the brothers went to watch; the fool goes to the forest to pick mushrooms; shouted a sivka-burka, climbed into one ear, got out of the other; became handsome; galloped, almost kissed; galloped back; climbed into one ear, got out of the other, became the same; let go of the sivka, brought home a purse of mushrooms; on the third day the fool kissed the princess, became a royal son-in-law; the king has two more smart sons-in-law; the king orders to get a firebird; two son-in-law went hunting; the fool rode on a nag; went to the outskirts; killed the horse ripped off the skin; called Sivka; Sivka got him a firebird; the fool is lying, the firebird walks beside him; his sons-in-law drove up and asked him to give it to them; he agrees in exchange for his right little fingers; sons-in-law agreed because they eat with gloves; wives son-in-law are happy; the fool is hung with daws, crows, goes; his wife cries; the fool keeps quiet; the king asks his sons-in-law to bring a nightingale, nothing better; (same; the fool lies, a nightingale is sitting next to him in a cage; a fool gives a nightingale in exchange for toes; sons-in-law agree because they are wearing shoes); the king orders the deer to get golden antlers (same: in exchange for belts from the back; sons-in-law agreed because they wear shirts); the fool shows the king his little fingers, toes and belts from his back; tells him how it happened; the king gives him the kingdom, his elder sons-in-law out of sight; their wives cry, the fool's wife rejoices]: Khudyakov 1964, No. 9:78-79; Russians (Voronezh, Bobrovsky District) [the tsar promises his daughter to someone who will kiss her through 12 glasses; younger brother Ivan the Fool whistles a sivka-burka, fits into one ear, gets out of another handsome man, breaks six glasses, comes back, fits into the horse's ear, takes on his old form; the brothers tell him what a good guy they saw; the same next time, breaks 12 glasses, The princess stigmatizes his forehead, when he returns, he ties his head with a handkerchief; the king is looking for a labeled man, the princess is presented as a fool, the other two marry smart, laugh at her; the king tells his sons-in-law to get the golden pig bristles; a fool calls a horse, two fellows jump out, ask what is needed; fool: for a tent to be pitched here, a crib in the tent, and a golden bristle pig walking nearby; the brothers ask to sell a fool in the form of a handsome man gives his legs for the severed little fingers; the same: a golden-haired, golden-tailed deer, hand to finger; the same: a golden-maned, golden-tailed horse, cut belts from the back; fool tells his brothers to undress, proves that he won trophies and remains handsome]: Afanasiev 1958 (2), No. 183:15-20; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelian, Novgorod, Pskov, Tambov, Voronezh) , Ukrainians (Bukovina, Eastern Slovakia, Galicia, Grodno, Hutsulshchyna, Transcarpathia, Podolia, Pokutye, Ugric Russia), Belarusians: SUS 1979, No. 311C* [Shane 1893, No. 31:65; Ruka- an invisible man and three sisters: sisters go for fire one by one; the elders are killed by an invisible hand; the youngest comes back with fire], 1920H* [Fire in exchange for tales: three brothers go to the old man by the fire behind the fire; two brothers can't tell the old man a story, the old man cuts their belts out of their backs; the younger brother makes the old man say, "It's not true!"] : 112, 377.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [the shepherd has three sons; the eldest went to Kose-bay as a laborer; he makes it a condition to plow as much land in a day as his dog runs; if he does not have time, let him plow with a load of salt ; if he fails, bai rips off his back seven leather belts; the guy fell exhausted, buy screwed him to death; the same year later with his second son; the youngest Kulbasty hung the dog, stabbed the oxen, explained I say that since he forgot to send dinner, the dog hanged himself out of grief, the oxen died, and the skins bequeathed to him, K.; bai goes to the wedding, tells the cows not to go out the gate; K. stabbed all the cows, their heads cut off: the cows tried to go to the well, violating the will of the bay, punished for this; the same with the rams (they should not jump into the garden); K. heard how bai promises his wife to shoot him at night with a gun; puts on the bed is a deck and a rooster, covered with a blanket; alive and well in the morning; the same on the second night (bai poured boiling water, the rats hidden under the blanket squeaked); bai gives K. poisoned chebureks, he puts them Bai son; bai agreed with his wife that they and K. go to bed over the cliff, at night they would push K.; he quietly swapped places with his wife, bai pushed his wife, she crashed; bai hid in the crypt; K. found a gravedigger who had dug the crypt, found out from him where the buy was; began to moo like an ox; buy got out to catch an ox; K. K. tied him to a tree and blew him to death]: Birzgal 1992, No. 21:286-288; Kalmyks: Vatagin 1964:39-60 (Orenburg traders) [Zalta-Mergen-Baatr is vulnerable only in sleep, sleeping three days a month; a copper-billed witch on goat feet and Ak-Sakal have been guarding his sleep for 377 years; Alachi Khan persuaded them to let him go to Z.; horse Z. Zol-Tsookhor saved him by taking him to bed; Z. took the form of a 15-year-old boy, instead comes to Khan's daughter to lick her heels before going to bed, uses a severed dog tongue; while sleeping, accidentally time takes on its true form, the princess decides to marry Z.; the father settles them on the edge of the ulus; tells her sons-in-law to find out who is kidnapping foals; sons-in-law see how the born is carried away by a haruda bird, Z. (all in the guise of a shepherdess) cuts off the foal's tail with an arrow; the khan sends his sons-in-law to find the kidnapper; in the guise of a hero, Z. promises his older sons-in-law to get the foal from across the sea, for which he cuts off from his right hand thumb and forefinger, cuts off the belt from the back; Z.'s winged horse flies across the outer ocean; a white serpent eats Garuda's chicks, which she hatches every three years; Z. kills him, Garuda spits Z. in her mouth, making her mouth three times stronger; she kidnapped foals so that a hero would come to pick them up one day; carries Z. with his horse and foal back across the sea, the herd follows; sons-in-law throw Z. into a hole; the horse Zol-Tsookhor tells the dogs Khasyr and Basyr to drive animals into the pit, the owner's two talking parrots to drive fresh air into the pit; resorts to Nomin Khan, allows herself to be locked; the khan's daughter finds out about the horse, asks for permission It seems that the horse is taking her away; she has a braid of 99 fathoms, only it can be used to get out of the pit; Z. takes the girl as his second wife; for the holiday on the occasion of the return of her sons-in-law with a herd, Z. is in true form; at the feast, he tells what happened, shows the cut off tail of the foal, fingers and skin of his sons-in-law; tells them to shoot up, the arrows of his sons-in-law kill them; Z. returns home with his wives, it's empty; comes to Alachi- Khan, takes his stolen wife and property; persuades his wife (now A.'s wife) to cry, asks the father to tell him where his soul is; a deer goes to the spring, with three sparrows in it; Z. rips open a deer (he is grateful for relieving him of the burden), kills sparrows; unites uluses; finds his son who has fled from A. in the steppe, who becomes a hero], 223-230 [when dying, the old woman tells her three sons not to be hired by Khan Yad; the elder brother was hired, the khan instructed to clean the manure for Aranzal Knight; whoever gets angry will be cut the belts from his back; the older brother worked until dark, angry, khan cut out his belts; the same middle brother; the younger Shovara plugged the horse's anus, the horse died; the khan is angry, S. cut out his belts from his back; to prevent the sheep from running away, cut off their hooves; so that the cows do not run away; so that the cows do not run away they drank less, fed them pieces of leather, cut a leather bucket, the cows died; drowned the last bull; killed hanshu; khan sent him to the mill where shulma; S. took a bear as his companion, caught two birds with one stone; shulma offers competitions: wrestling (S. puts his old father, a bear, instead of himself); race around the lake (S. puts his younger hare brother, strokes the other at the finish line, as if he were the same one); carry the horse around the lake (S. rides on horseback); shulma grinded the flour, gave a pipe that plays 68 melodies of happiness and 108 melodies of sorrow; S. harnessed the bear, came, let the bear go to the cows for the night, that of them lifted up; Sh. plays the pipe, the sheep are dancing and the khan with them, stepped into the hearth, screams, Sh. Carved the second belt from the khan's back; he runs into the reeds, S. hid in the chest carried by the khan; the khan ran away, Sh. took the chest, offered to cure the daughter of another khan; we must kill Shulma in the reeds; Khan Yada was killed, Sh. married the khan's daughter]; Jimbinov 1962 [khan hired the poor man to work on the condition that whoever of them will be angry, allow another to cut the belts from his back; the khan tells him to stroke the horse so that it loses weight; the poor man pretends to let her intestines go; the khan sends flour to the mill at night, gives ash; the poor man carves fire, the devils are afraid of it, gives a cart of flour; the khan allows the slaughter of a sheep that looks at the poor man; he calls the sheep, they look, he slaughters everyone; the khan sends bulls for firewood; the young man gives bulls to bears, brings firewood on bears; the khan tells him to go around the stallion, this is himself; the young man beats him, the next morning the khan is sick; the khan and the khansha take a chest of gold, run away; the poor man sits quietly in chest; broadcasts from the chest, tells him to take off their clothes, run into the reeds; tells another khan that two evil spirits in the reeds are to blame for his daughter's illness; the army drove the fugitives out of the reeds, drove them into the dense forest; Khan's daughter recovered, the poor man married her]: 61-67; Abkhazians [the elder brother hired Spinodral to work for Spinodral - until the cuckoo has a snack in the spring, and whoever is offended first, skin off his back; was hired as a shepherd, and he was told to plow the land more; he was angry, S. ripped off his back, he died; the same with his middle brother; the younger one was told to plow where the dog would lead; she stopped by the forest; young man cut off her tail, she returned home, he plowed a little, stabbed the bulls with the shepherds, had a feast; S. tells them to bring the goats so that they smile; the young man cut their lips; tells the sheep to dance - he drove them along the dry thorns; to get rid of the farmhand, S. told his mother to climb the tree and start cucking; the farmhand is going to throw a stone at her, she slipped off, hung on a branch; at night S. his wife and his wife decide to leave unnoticed; the young man hid in the chest; when S. saw him, he became angry, the young man went to skin him, S. and his wife ran away, the young man took possession of their property]: Bgazhba 1983:256-260; Abaza [when he dies, the father does not tell his sons to be hired as laborers for a beard; the eldest went to hire, met a beardless man three times, stayed with him; whoever gets angry first, cut a strip of skin from his back ; the rich man gave one chorek for a month, the worker got angry, the rich man cut out a strip of his skin; the same was to bring firewood (the donkey stood on the road); the same with his middle brother; the younger one slaughtered sheep, eats himself and feeds dogs ; beats a donkey; cut out two strips of skin from a rich man; a rich man gave half of his property to the worker and let him go]: Tugov 1985, No. 96:284-286; Ossetians [the poor man promises to send his son to the army instead of himself and marry he is on the daughter of a giant; but he has only three daughters, no sons; the eldest, middle daughter is offered to send them in men's clothes, but they are frightened when the father portrays the enemy and attacks; the youngest: if you hadn't if there was a father, he would cut your head off; the giant lays his eldest, middle daughter with his imaginary son-in-law; in the morning they say that the groom disdained them; the youngest tells his father that everything is fine; tells him to take an unsightly stallion , a rusty sword, a bad ring; the "young man" goes to the army, the horse tells me to take his hair with him; the younger princess has chosen a "young man" as her husband; the king's wife is sick, she needs a special apple; two older sons-in-law do not want take the youngest with him; he burns his hair, his horse appears; the "young man" kills the snake, brings apples, gives it to his older sons-in-law, cuts off one ear each; the queen demands the giblets of a harbour pig; then However, she cuts the belts from the back; queen: we need to know why the village of Agurovsky Kalak turned into stone; the "young man" finds his tsar in the village, petrified to the waist; his horses were losing weight; he I watched my wife ride to the giants at night; in the morning he let her know that she knew everything, she turned the village into stone; the horse teaches me to throw a ring at that woman, bring her sword, tell her to turn the heroine into man (since she made the village stone, she can also change the sex); then order to spell the village; the girl became a young man, he decapitated that woman; showed the king the ears and belts from the back of his sons-in-law; took wives, the princess and daughter of a giant]: Britaev, Kaloev 1959:245-253; Lucky [the mother grew old, the eldest son went to look for work, hired Bezborodom on the condition that if he regretted being hired, the owner he skinned him from his back; he could not clean the huge barn, lost a strip of skin and was thrown into the chest; the same with his middle brother; the younger one began not to row manure, but to break shovels one by one; began to force It is good to feed him beardless; when leaving for the wedding, the owner ordered the buffaloes to be fed so that their heads could not be seen from under the hay; the guy cut off the heads of buffaloes, spread them out in feeders, covered them with hay; son The beardless asks for a buffalo leg; father: leave it to hit your head; the guy killed the child with a buffalo leg; the beardless sent the guy for a pickaxe, the daughter said he did not know where the pickaxe was; Beardless: for her hoe to fall on her head, the pickaxe is under the bed; the guy killed the girl with the heel of a pickaxe; Beardless and his wife decided to run; the guy quietly climbed into the chest; at night Beardless and his wife agreed to push the guy off the cliff at night; he swapped places with the woman, Beardless pushed his wife; the guy ripped off the skin of Beardless's back, freed and cured his brothers, threw Beardless at the same chest, took possession of his property]: Khalilov 1965, No. 79:247-251; Armenians (Van Governorate) [the elder brother is the elder, the youngest is a peasant, both became rich; Satan: we must force them to poke out each other friend's eyes; persuaded the youngest to make him the head; does not know Turkish, he was driven away; then he went on a journey; pop: whoever of the workers does not get angry before the cuckoo arrives, I'll pay him, otherwise I'll cut him out skin from the back; tells him to plow where the hound sat; she sat on a rock, the pop carved his younger brother's skin; the elder threw the dog into the river, raped the priest's daughter, who brought lunch; pop puts his mother on a tree, for her to scream with a cuckoo; the farmhand hit her with a stick; the pop and his wife decided to run, the farmhand hid in the basket; urine is flowing, the pop thinks it's oil; when he sees that the farmhand is with them, the pop suggests lying on the bridge and at night, throw the farmhand into the water; the farmhand threw his ass off; the pop allowed his skin to be cut out]: Orbeli 1982, No. 47:83-86; Turks [each of the three brothers is consistently hired by köse with the condition do not be angry; whoever gets angry, the other will rip off his back as much skin as a pair of sandals needs; the elders have returned with a bloody back; the younger Keloghlan eats yogurt with a hole in the pot; kills a dog; sticks oxen through a small hole, dismembering them; kills Kose's daughter with an ox's foot; killed all the sheep; cut down all the trees in the garden - you have to sleep; comes to the wedding, removing the door from the hinges and dragging her on his back (he was told to look outside the door); Kose and his family decide to flee, K. hid in a bag; when he left, he drove away the attackers - dogs; killed a child with a stone; put on a woman's dress at night, along with Köse drowned his wife (kose thought he was drowning K.); tore off the skin from Kose's back; kose sent people to kill K.; K. told the shepherd that they wanted to marry him to the padishah's daughter, they changed clothes; the shepherd was drowned, K. brought the herd, said that from the bottom; kose people jump into the water; when they go under water, they make a sound reminiscent of the word krk ("forty"); kose also jumped; K. brought the herd to his father's house]: Walker, Uysal 1966, No. 6: 71-77.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians (Mazendaran, Isfahan, Fars) [the cunning man is hired as an employee (sometimes after his brothers; sometimes he enters into an agreement with the owner: whoever gets angry, skin off his back); does not work, and only spoils good; must eat bread without untying the handkerchief in which the bread is wrapped - the handkerchief tears; eating yogurt without opening the wineskin makes a hole; collect freshly sown wheat - brings herbs; bring game from hunting - kills oxen; bring firewood - breaks the plow for firewood; wash, feed the cow - kills it; watch the spinner girl kills her; clean the yard so that at least there is oil there - pours oil on the yard; etc.; the owners secretly leave, but the worker hides in the pack; the owners take his urine for melted butter; they want to throw the worker into the river at night; he slowly gets up and helps to the owner to throw his wife into the water]: Marzolph 1984, no.*1000:183-184; Baluchi [after his father's death, two brothers went broke; the eldest went to work; agreed with the man that if he did not fulfill it orders, she will allow her ears and nose to be cut off; the man tells me to plow oxen where they stop; the daughter will bring bread and a pot of sour milk, you must drink it so as not to tear the foam; every day bring him two mana of meat; the guy does not know how not to tear the foam, ate only bread; does not know where to get meat; the man cut off his ears, nose and lips; his younger brother went; punched a hole in the pot from below, drank milk and spoiled the girl; stabbed one ox, brought meat; the same the next day; the man tells us to sweep the yard out so that oil can be poured and licked; the guy took a wineskin of oil from the man's wife and poured it into in the yard; the man and his wife decide to run; the guy hid in the bag they took with them; they stopped at the bridge, the guy got out of the bag; in the evening they agreed to drown him; the guy carried the owner to his place, together with the owner's wife, threw him into the river; took the owner's wife and married her; so avenged his older brother]: Zarubin 1949, No. 9:67-79; Turkmens [dying, the father does not tell three sons hire a beardless bay; the eldest was hired; whoever gets angry will cut off the strap from the back of his head; that same evening the young man was angry that there was so much work, buy cut out his strap; the same middle brother; the youngest does everything literally; he is told to crack a crying child, he hits him against the wall to death; he killed his youngest wife by hitting him with a spade; cut the throats of the bulls (so that they could not stick their heads out of the barn); bai and his old wife decide to run away, the young man hides in a bag; on the river bank they agree to throw the worker into the water at night; at night he pretends to be the wife of the bay, together they drown his wife; bai is angry the young man cut a strap from the back of his head]: Stebleva 1969, No. 52:290-295.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians: Lebite 1965 [three brothers killed an elk, the eldest went to look for fire; the old man promises to give if he does not say a word of the truth; he cannot, the old man cut his belt out of his back; the same middle brother; the younger one tells a fairy tale, the old man shouts that he is a lie; the young man takes the fire, cuts out a belt from the old man's back]: 273-276, 330-333 [the master takes the farmhand: if he gets angry, he he will cut his belt out of his back; his older brother is angry, the same middle brother; the younger one exchanged grain for rolls, killed an ox, sold pigs, and stuck his tails in the quagmire, said they drowned; picked up one cow the birch tree, gave the rest to the butcher: the cows flew to heaven; the master decided to burn Yu with the house; J. climbed into the money chest; the master pulled out the chest and set fire to the house; the master and his wife decided to drown J., lay down on on the bank of the river, at night he swapped places with the lady, J. drowned both and took possession of everything]; Latvians [the fish tells the childless widow to cook and eat it; the maid ate the piece, the giblets are the mare; each gives birth son, the mare's son, the strongman Kurbad; all three go to free the house from evil spirits; on the first night K. killed a three-headed giant on the bridge, a six-headed giant on the second night; on the third night he was a nine-headed giant, with his heads they grow back, he drives K. knee-deep, then to their armpits into the ground; the brothers sleep, do not see that the water in the ladle has become blood; K. threw pastals (shoes) at them; the brothers came running, began to burn the severed heads; K . hears insects talking in the cracks: killed our husbands; let one wife become a bed, the second a spring, the third a cannibal snake; K. does not let us lie down, drink, cut a bed, a spring; at the king three daughters disappeared while they were washing in the bathhouse; K. pinched the line in the door, he gave a pipe (10 dwarfs would come out to do the job), said that there was a stone in the swamp, a hole under it, stolen there; K. fell off a stone, ordered the dwarfs to bring a rope; the brothers are afraid, K. went down, cut off the line; in the princess's silver, gold, diamond castles; they gave K. strong water, and the six-headed drank weak water instead of it; sisters turn their locks into diamond, gold, silver eggs, give them to K.; K. sent the girls upstairs; the wife of the 9-headed giant cut off the rope and filled the hole with a stone; K. comes to the old man, he says that the cannibal sucked his eyes and beats the giant bird's children with a hail; K. killed the ogre, smeared the old man's eyes with a potion, he saw the light; covered the chicks from the hail; the bird promises to carry K. across the sea, tells me to cook meat; K. cut off the last piece from his caviar; K. opens his eggs, lives with the youngest queen in a diamond castle; you must kill the 9-headed wife; K. came to the forge, where Debess Kaleis forged for daughter of the Sun a golden crown, a silver belt and a diamond ring; forged K.'s horse to catch up with the witch, ordered him not to look back; K. looked around, thunder and lightning, the horse was gone; K. fell asleep, the witch changed the vessels with with strong and weak water, K. drank, lost strength for a year; went to hell with workers, whoever gets angry, cut three strips of meat from his back; 1) herd hares, 2) cows; dwarfs from a pipe everyone was gathered; K. beat off each cow's leg; the devil is forced to answer that he is not angry; 3) horses (the same; cut off their lips); 4) plow how much the white female will run (beat the female, she lay down); 5) clean the stable (the dwarfs cleaned); 6) bring firewood on the mare (the mare is the mother of the devil, K. threatens to cut her belts from her sides, the mare is lucky); 7) slaughter the sheep that looks at you (everyone looks, stabbed everyone); 8) eat a pound dumpling; K. puts the dumplings by the shirt, but the devil ate his pound, it's bad with his stomach; K. pretends to rip open his stomach, the dumplings fell out; 9) the devil leads K. to the forest to cut an oak tree; K. brings a hare, his younger brother; the devil can't catch up with him; agrees to carry the felled oak together; hell carries, K. rides an oak tree; killed the devil's children; pulled out his mare's eyes; put a pot of sour cream in his place for the night, hell with his the mother thinks that they broke K.'s head; hell and his mother run away to the witch, K. hid in his belongings, here again; at night they decided to drown K. in the river, K. swapped places, the hell drowned his mother; K. killed the devil; strength returned, K. killed witches, threw an ogre into the fire, killed the ogre eagle; enemies attacked; the witch poured bile on K.; K. killed her and the ogre himself]: Nierde 1952:116-146; the Danes [the poor man tells three sons to look for food themselves; the elder Per hired the owner on condition not to be angry: otherwise he will not get anything, and the owner will cut the belts from his back and stomach; working until the first spring cuckoo; the owner, who is actually a troll, makes him work, does not feed; Per is angry, the owner cut his belts out of his leather, sent him with nothing; the same with his second son Pelle; the younger Esben threshes rye, right there changes it from a neighbor for food and drink; the owner tells him to plow where the dog runs; E. beats the dog, he runs home, E. with horses, breaks one leg; E. sold a herd of pigs, drowned his thin beard in the swamp, so only the tail is visible; tells the owner that the pigs have gone into the swamp; the owner began to pull the tail of the hog, the tail came off; the owner orders to grease the wagon with tar, E. smeared the seat; the owner tells me to be with more affectionate, referring to his children; E. summoned the poor, distributed property; the owner orders to fill the old well with anything, E. throws property at it; orders him to return to make a fire in in the courtyard, E. set fire to the outbuilding; to terminate the contract, the troll smeared his wife with tar, rolled him in feathers, planted him on a tree, ordered her to cook; E. killed her with a stone; the troll became angry, E. killed him]: Braude, Zolotorevskaya 1969:25-38; Karelians: Evseev 1981 [five brothers go to the forest, forgot matches, saw a light on the mountain; each takes turns going there, the grandfather promises to fire for a fairy tale; the first four do not maybe the grandfather cuts three belts from their backs; the fifth grandfather liked the fairy tale, he gave fire]: 261; Stepanova 2000, No. 113 (northern, Tunguda district) [caught a firebird, gave it to the tsar; the tsar ordered to be executed whoever releases it; the bird asks the prince to get the key from his mother, he took it out, released the bird; expelled, accompanied by a soldier; goes down to the well; the soldier picked him back for promising to give the horse and change clothes; a soldier was mistaken by another king for a prince, a real prince was sent to herd hares; they ran away; a swan girl flew in, she was a firebird; they live in her palace; then they come back, she gives a whip to gather hares and a talyanka; he plays, the princess falls in love with him; he is sent to herd hares twice more, the girl swan helps every time; they want to give the princess a three-headed snake, the prince killed him, cut out his tongues; the soldier (i.e. the imaginary prince) said that he killed him; agreed to give his thumb for his tongues; the same 6- and 9-headed snakes (thumb; belt with backs); the princess is passed off as a soldier, she tells him to check if he is healthy, everyone sees flaws; the imaginary shepherd explains everything; marries a princess]: 194-200; Veps: Vlasyev 1941, No. 1 (told in Russian) [ of the three brothers, only Ivanushko comes to his father's grave, receives a magic horse; with his help he transforms, jumps three times to the princess in the tower, she gives him a ring, recognizes him by her ring among the poor; only I. catches a ram with golden horns, a pig with golden bristles, a golden-maned mare; sells it to his older sons-in-law for his little fingers, for belts from the back; everything opens, the tsar gives I. kingdom]: 7-14; Onegin, Zaitseva 1996 [three brothers went to sow, forgot matches, saw a light in the distance; the elder brother, an old man, went by the fire; he would give fire if the person who came tells a fairy tale and a saying, or gives a belt from the back, a buckle from the back; the older brother is back; the middle brother is the same; the younger one begins to tell - if the old man contradicts, he will cut out his belt and buckle; the guy tells a fairy tale; old man: then you lied; the guy took the fire and cut the old man's belt from the back and back]: 139-140; Finns [the older brother hired to hell; whoever gets angry first will cut it out of the back belt; hell told me to chop firewood, and the ax does not pierce the tree; the young man was angry, the hell cut out his belt from his back; the same with his middle brother; the younger Mathias hacked down a gray cat, after which logs they began to split easily; the devil sent M. to bring firewood from the forest on oxen and let him return to where the dog ran; she crawled into a hole in the fence; M. put firewood into it, chopped the sleigh, then chopped it oxen and stuck all the pieces into the same hole; hell agreed with his wife to kill M., but he overheard; at night he swapped the line with his wife; hell hacked his wife with an ax and they threw the corpse into the lake together; hell took a new wife, told M. that by the time the young man arrived, the whole farm should be in red; M. set him on fire; hell ordered to build three bridges across the river, neither stone, wood, iron, nor earth; M. cut all the cattle, made bridges out of skulls and bones; hell tells me to come to look at his wedding; M. snatched all the oxen in the eye, threw them into hell; hell wants to kill M. again at night, he puts him in bed instead a stone; hell hits a stone with an ax; M. in the morning: fleas bit; hell sends M. to sleep in the barn, M. goes to another place, at night the hell burned the barn; hell and his wife decided to secretly move to the island; M. hid in his bedding, went out for breakfast in the morning; hell decided to hack M. again at night, M. swapped the line with his wife again, he hacked her; angry, M. cut his belt out of his back and left]: Salmelainen 1947:63-68; Estonians (Yuri) [whoever cuts down an oak tree in his garden in a day, the king promises a daughter, and whoever fails will cut his belts from his back; the older brother went, cut down more, than in the middle; the princess came up with lunch; when the guy was about to finish the work, saw that the gun was intact again; came back with his back torn off; same middle brother; younger brother took a pipe with him; along the way I saw an ax chopping, commanded him to "Get into the bag!" ; the same with a shovel; with a whip; the ax cut down the oak tree himself; the king ordered to dig a well by morning, dug a shovel; ordered the hares to herd and return them safe by evening; the guy plays the pipe, the hares gather; the king sends his daughter to buy one hare; she paid in gold; the guy played the pipe, the hare returned; the same with the second daughter; with the king himself; each time the pay is higher; the king promised to give his daughter, but first ordered the guy should spend the night in a room with a bear; the bear demands to shave him; the guy asks to put his paws in the crack of the log first; the paws can't be pulled out, the guy whipped the bear, he tore off all his hair; the king let the guy and his daughter go, then sent the bear to lift them both up; the guy stripped the princess, showed the bear; the bear came back and told the king that those as naked as himself, he could not do anything against them]: Mälk et al. 1967, No. 87:296-298.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [when he dies, the father tells his three sons to guard the grave; the mother will give the keys to three chests; the youngest is bald, the dog bit his finger, he told the brothers that Satan bit, they are afraid to go, the youngest gets all three keys, the mare and wheat behind the forest; the three daughters of the padishah are in the tower, the padishah will give them to the one who rides them on horseback; in the first chest, instructions to take a horse in the field behind the forest, only he jumps so that the girl can be kissed on the lips, the bald one gets the eldest daughter; the second groom got the middle one (touched his hand), the third - the youngest (touched his finger); The padishah will cure milk from a cow about 6 nipples; such a cow is in the bald field, he sells her milk to his other sons-in-law for the right to cut off half a finger from his right hand and the other to tear off a piece of skin from his back; The padishah and his wife overheard two sons-in-law moan and a bald man playing the violin; sons-in-law confess that the bald man was appointed heir]: Yarmukhametov 1970:296-301; Chuvash [brothers Tungay, Taral, Akhvandyuk ; the elder Tungay was hired to the ass with the condition not to be angry for a year; whoever gets angry, the other will peel off his back; T. could not take out all the manure, got angry, lost his skin; the same Taral; A. sharpens a knife, a bull promises not to pile up so much manure anymore; then A. slaughtered all the sheep, ate it with the other shepherds; the pop sent A. to the forest; there the bear ate the horse; A. harnessed the bear, came to the ass, put the bear in the stall, at night he ate the horse; the pop sent A. to the mill where the devils are; they brought Satan, he asks him to raise his eyelids; without waiting for this, A. jumped on Satan's head, cut down his horns; Satan asked him to let go and told the hell to do all the work for A.; A. arrives on a bear with the devil, puts him in the house; the pop is angry, A. ripped his skin off his back; got along with the torn stripes of skin brothers]: Sidorova 1979:188-194; Mordovians: Evseviev 1964, No. 43 (Erzya) [the third brother is a fool (his adventures are unprecedented); the brothers want to cook soup, the eldest goes for fire; the old man demands unprecedented, Yu does not know how to tell; the old man did not give fire, tore off his belt; the same with his middle brother; the youngest fool talks about his adventures; the old man shouts that he is lying; the fool carved out her belt from the back and took the fire]: 300-304; Paasonen 1941 [the pop agrees with the employee: whoever gets angry can cut a belt from the back; gives the worker bread and milk, tells feed the dog, but to keep the bread intact; a hungry worker comes in the evening; the pop tells him to take his sick daughter to the yard, during which time he eats dinner; the worker is angry, the pop carved out his belt; another farmhand ate the core of the bread, immediately sent the dog home and came for it; killed the priest's daughter with a stick; the pop and his wife decided to run, the worker hid in the bag they took with them, and then got out]: 332-334; Komi: Plesovsky 1975:77-91 [when dying, the father tells his three sons to take turns coming to his grave for three nights; the eldest Vasily and Fedor send the youngest named Sedun (always on the stove ); he receives a horse three times: bay, gray, golden-maned; hides them; from the king's daughter Mary, Vasilisa, Marpid, they have blue, yellow, red scarves; whoever takes a handkerchief from the roof will marry the princess; S. enters the horse's ear, becomes handsome, jumps incognito three times on horseback, but takes only M.'s handkerchief; the king summons all the men, tells his daughters to marry those who have their scarves; the elders find Queen and Prince of the Overseas, M. Seduna; the king puts them in a stable; the king orders them to catch a doe; S. catches, gives them to his older sons-in-law, for this he cuts off the big toe; the same is the golden bristle of the pig, removes the skin from the back with a belt ; a mare with 30 foals; the horse tells S. to cover it with skins, pour resin, shower it with needles; the mare hits the horse, but wounds himself against needles, S. tames her; leads her; calls the king to the bathhouse, shows leather belts and severed fingers; S. appears handsome; the king drives away his older sons-in-law with his wives], 96-101 [the hunter and his three sons are hunting, the fire is out, the bread is over, the youngest from the tree sees fire , the eldest comes to Leshy's house, he tells him to tell a fairy tale, the guy can't, the goblin cut out his belt from his back; the same with the middle one; the younger says, the goblin interrupts him three times, for this guy pulls out a piece of hair from him; gets a piece of iron and a stone to carve fire, an inexhaustible bag of supplies, a gun without a miss, a potion to heal his brothers; his father leaves him his hunting happiness].

Turkestan. Kyrgyz [old man Bardot has 3 sons, the youngest Bert-Eri (BE); in starvation, the elder sold himself as slaves to rich Boilyt; it is known that he ate skin from another servant; B. ordered to cut 10 carts of firewood in a day , otherwise he will punish him severely; the guy is tired, lost consciousness, B. came, took the bulls, took everything away; when the guy returned, B. ordered him to skin off his back, arms and legs and throw him into the water; the same with his second brother; BE cut wood and killed bulls; B. was frightened; BE wants to marry his daughter Kashen; the servant advises sending EB to bring the immortal dragon; he is imprisoned in a cave by the hero Karaman; BE brought a dragon, that devours people B.; B. gave EB a daughter and EB killed him; wedding; B.'s corpse was fed to dogs]: Muchnik 1944:9-12.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Western Buryats: Barannikova et al. 1993, No. 7 (right bank of the Angara) [Kharasgay Mergen goes to fight with an old woman and her 7 grandchildren; bars are on stakes around her house; she asks to open her armpits, sucks XM's blood, but not all; he sees boiling poison, throws it at it, kills it, finds living water, revives bars; kills a hare, inside which the key, the key falls into the water, the fish pulls it out, says that a suction box in which the souls of 7 quails are the grandchildren of an old woman; he crushed quails, his grandchildren died; came to the possession of Shazhgai Khan, took the form of a local shepherdess; another said that he would have to lick Khan's daughter's heels; HM pulled out his veal tongue, took it with him; touches his heels, the girl hurts, HM says that she hasn't eaten oil for a long time, she feeds him oil; the same the next evening; Khan's 6 daughters are married, the seventh middle is not, XM wants to marry her; the mare must bring a wonderful foal; 6 brothers-in-law fall asleep, XM takes shape, shoots an eagle that grabs a foal, which drops the foal and the feather; HM (becoming a shepherdess again) gave them to his brothers-in-law, ripping off a piece of skin from their backs; sons-in-law explain to the khan that it was the eagle who tore them; HM turned the flint into a horse again, hunting many animals , gave it to his brothers-in-law, taking his ears and giblets; the khan ate the meat brought by his brothers-in-law, fell ill; after eating the giblets given by the shepherdess, he recovered; the khan gave XM his middle daughter, but put them in a barn; orders them to get bear; this is Sh.-Khan himself; XM brings the bear in chains, the khan is barely alive, tells him to let the bear go; XM appears to be Khan in his true form, gets a daughter and wealth, talks all about his brothers-in-law; on the way home XM met the 12-headed Shara-mangadhai, who defeated him, threw him in an iron wagon to the bottom of the sea; XM's wife reports this to his sister Aga Nogohon; she leaves her to guard the house, wearing her brother's clothes and weapons, meets his horse; he, becoming an eagle, went to heaven to Ehe Malan's grandmother; she raised one eyelid with forceps, sees a horse, sends him to Esege Malan (supreme deity, head of 55 Western Tengriyas), who orders to save XM (send him milk, bread and clothes); the fish pushed XM out of the sea, the sister sprayed it with live water, gave him milk and bread, he came to life; HI and his sister go through the mangadhai estate of the red wild boar; go through the frog valley, turning into frogs, the bear valley, becoming bears, broke through fighting people; these guards respond to mangadhay that they did not see anyone; HM and sister return to his wife XM, XM has a son, the family has multiplied, wealth has increased]: 117-141; Burchina 2007, No. IV.11 (Nukut District) [uliger episode: Altai Gasu Mergen comes to the city of Aryn Sagan Khan in the guise of an old wanderer; Khan has nine daughters and eight sons-in-law; AGM becomes the husband of his youngest daughter; Khan is tired of livestock meat, he sends his sons-in-law to get red deer; they do not find animals; AGM shoots red deer, speaking to the arrow: "Let the meat become poisonous and the tripe become a delicious healing treat!" ; eight sons-in-law ask to give the carcass and take the demand for themselves; AGM suggests cutting off one of their ears instead of the carcass and giving it to it; sons-in-law agree; khan, after eating red deer meat, falls ill; AGM cooks the demand and tells his wife to take the food to his father; the khan recovers; the sons-in-law go hunting to get a maral with healing giblets, but do not find the beast; AGM shoots a red deer with an arrow, so that the meat becomes healing and the tripe poisoned; brothers-in-law ask for giblets; AGM declares that it will give them if the brothers-in-law cut off a strip of skin and give it to him; brothers-in-law agree; Khan eats red deer and falls ill; AGM tells his wife to take boiled red red deer meat to Khan; he eats meat and recovers; sends his sons-in-law to guard the herd, because foals for eight years the big white mare disappears, and now it must necklace ninth; AGM follows them; brothers-in-law fall asleep; AGM sees two birds kidnap a foal and sends an arrow after them; birds they come back, promise to give AGM nine foals, as well as a horse to ride; drop their pen and fly away; waking up brothers-in-law ask AGM to give the pen; he offers them, in exchange for a pen, cut them out of their back belts; brothers-in-law agree, bring the pen to the khan; the khan sends his sons-in-law on a campaign for nine horses; AGM gets to Zolto Burhan's palace; he gives AGM nine horses and a horse Hilen; AGM descends from the mountain; brothers-in-law dig a well with iron stakes at the bottom; treat AGM with arza and horza; when he gets drunk, they throw it into a well; AGM hangs on stakes; brothers-in-law, taking nine horses return home; AGM tells his horse that Khatan Khan's daughter, who revives the dead, can save him; the horse goes to the lands of Khatan Khan; when the khan's daughter sits on a horse, he does so that she sticks to him and jumps to the well; the girl lowers her pendants to the bottom and pulls out the AGM; he returns home, comes to a feast and pulls their hats off her brothers-in-law; then talks about them cunning; an angry khan drives away his sons-in-law and eight daughters]: 394-400; Buryats (Khorinsky): Barannikova et al. 1993, No. 5 [the wolf ate the orphan's horse; he goes to look for him; old man: when you win Shono-khan ("shono" is a wolf), ask for the red dog and the blue chest; he did so; returns to the yurt - the corner of the chest is burnt, one leg of the dog is broken; the next day, the second corner, the second leg; on the fourth - four; he beats the dog; in the morning he wakes up in the palace (came out of the chest), next to him a beautiful woman (that dog); S. calls for a wedding; his wife warns not to step on the carpet (there is a hole under it), not sit on the bed, eat nothing; the orphan touched the food with his finger, died; the 25-headed Hongil Shara Shebshehei put it in the coffin, threw it into the sea; mangadhay's wife: if you catch the coffin, put it on the shore; the coffin is found Khan's three daughters, a baby inside, grows rapidly; every day Khan's mare gets stabbed with a golden foal, he disappears; the khan asks his daughters' grooms to guard; they fall asleep, the foundling shoots at the descending a cloud, a bird's feather falls to the ground; the foundling gives it to the grooms, for which he cuts off everyone's ear; the khan sends for the bird; the foundling sees the nest, one chick laughs, the other sings the third cries; while the father and mother Han Garaudy is flying, the chicks are eaten by a fire serpent (the crying person will be eaten today, the singing tomorrow, laughing the day after tomorrow); they deliberately steal golden foals in the hope that the strongest of people will go looking for them ; the foundling kills the snake with an arrow, Khan Garaudy gives 9 foals; the foundling gives them to the grooms, for which he cuts belts from their backs; they throw it into a hole; the horse digs it up, revives the foundling with his tear; he comes to the khan, shows his belts; the khan hangs the grooms alive on the branch to feed the crows; the foundling smashes Sh.'s army, crushed him himself, clamped him in a crevice to feed an insect; he fought for 4 months Hongil Shara Shebsheheem, the son of the foundling grew up, came to the aid of his father, the body of the SHSH was burned]: 93-109; Potanin 1893, No. 114 (Agin) []: 391-395; 1893 [three brothers went hunting, forgot to take the flint, the eldest, then the middle brother goes to the Lord of the Earth (Dalahane Ezen) to ask for fire, disappears; the youngest sees Ezen, a gray-bearded old man, lying by the fire, warming his back, and the brothers are tied to trees; on their backs traces of leather removed from his belts; E. promises to fire if the young man tells a fairy tale; he makes it a condition that E. does not mind, otherwise he will remove the leather from his back for straps, tie a tree; younger says: "I was born before my father, herding my grandfather's camels. I once lost one male camel. To see if my camel was, I climbed the mountain; the mountain could not lift me up, it was collapsing; then I stood on the stem of the sarana; this stem lifted me so well and so high that I could explore the whole area and saw my camel across the sea, where he overlooked and walked with a camel. I ran to the sea, took a boat to cross the sea; the boat doesn't lift; then I made a boat out of pine bark and sailed across the sea better than a big boat. When I got to the other side of the sea, I caught a camel, put a camel on it, and then, sitting on it myself, wanted to go to sea to go back to this side, but the camel didn't picks it up; then I put the camel on the camel and sat on it myself. So I swam across the sea on a camel better than on a camel. I drive up to the rest of the camels, they're gone. I go up the mountain again, the mountain does not raise it, it collapses; then I stood back on the stem of the sarana, the stem raises well and high, so I could easily see my camels, but I saw them in the sky. I'm thinking about going up to heaven, and suddenly I see smoke coming from one yurt right into the sky. I ran and steamed to the smoke and went up to heaven. There was a big feast in the sky; I drank some wine, drunk, and fell down. When I woke up, it turned out that my camels were eaten by flies there. There are huge flies there, far larger than our camels. I had no choice but to go back down, but getting down was a difficult task for me. However, I did not think twice, I killed any flies, ripped off their skins, cut their skins into straps, woven a rope out of their straps, tied one end of the rope to a tree, and then went down the rope. I went down just half the distance from heaven to earth, and then my rope ran out to my mountain. I can't get back up, I'm afraid to go down. The wind blows from the north, it takes me south, it blows me from the south, it takes me to the north, it blows me from the west, it will blow me to the east, it takes me to the west; and so I spent three years there. Finally I got tired of it, I decided to let go of the rope and go down wherever fate would point. I released the rope, I'm flying down and went head over heels into the ground. There is no way to get out; a year passes, another and a third comes, I'm still standing. In the first year, the birds began to nest on my head at the base of the braid, laid eggs and, after raising their chicks, fly away. The next year, a fox appeared in my right ear and, having raised its own foxes, she left. As she walks, I grab her tail with my hands barely sticking out; she seems to pull, I let go of my tail, but I still leaned out of the ground a little. In my third year, a she-wolf comes and glows in my left ear. While she was walking with the cubs, I took her by the tail; she started rushing away from me, but I'm not letting go of her tail. The wolf pulled, pulled, and finally pulled me out of the ground. At that very moment, the wolf's skin pulled off the wolf's tail with a bag and in this bag was a receipt you gave my father that you owed him 300 rubles. So I've come to show you this receipt and demand that you pay the money." When he said it, the old man couldn't stand it, said: "You're lying!" Then the younger brother rips off the old man's back with three straps, ties it to a tree, and then, after untying the brothers and taking fire, they go to their camp]: 379-380.

Western Siberia. Eastern Khanty (b. Pim) [the king has three daughters; the grandmother has a grandson, gets into his horse's nostril, gets out strong and handsome; the king is looking for who would defeat the enemy; grandmother's grandson destroyed enemies; cuts off three men's little finger and on a strip of skin from the back for the right to say that they have defeated enemies; turns the horse into a stump, himself snotty and grimy; the king reluctantly gives him his youngest daughter, does not celebrate the wedding, is ashamed of his son-in-law ; everyone wonders where the blood (killed enemies) comes from; grandmother's grandson shows the tsar his severed little fingers and skin bands; the tsar drives away three peasants, transfers power to his son-in-law]: Kulemzin, Lukina 1978, No. 110:117- 120.