K68. A blood clot protects the father T541.41.1. .44.46.
A strong person takes food from a weak person, forces him to work for himself (usually a son-in-law bullies his father-in-law). From a selected blood clot of an animal, a boy appears in the offended person's house. He kills an abuser.
The Midwest. Steppe Cree: Bloomfield 1930, No. 17 [Badger and his wife Skunk give their daughter for a Grizzly; he takes all their meat; Skunk cooks a clot of bison blood, he turns into a boy; he grows up Hits Grizzly and his sons to death; flies his arrow to the village of Chief Bear; tells the buffalo to come out of the ground; becomes an ugly mess; the Bear's eldest daughter rejects him, the youngest takes him in husbands; now he is handsome again; the older sister asks his mother to disgrace him; the old woman asks him to carry her across the stream, refuses to get down; he turns into blood, she releases him; he turns her into pig-vermilion plant; throws her eldest daughter against a tree, she becomes an inedible tree fungus; turns the Bear and his people into bears, wolves, foxes and other animals; returns with his wife to parents; turns them into a badger and a skunk, his wife into a wild cat, turns him into blood, into nothing]: 110-120; Dusenberry 1962, No. 4 [The bear chief takes meat from his fellow tribesmen, sending his wife to pick him up or daughters; scraping the bison's skin, the old woman rolls the scraped off into a ball, he turns into a boy; hunts birds, the Bear takes them away; the boy comes to the Bear, turns his hand, he is forced return what was taken; promises to give her daughter for the boy if he cures him; the eldest refuses to go for the fat and big-headed, the youngest goes out; he deliberately makes her angry, but she remains calm; In the steam room, he turns a piece of otter skin into various clothes; he kills a lot of bison, turns the Bear into a bear]: 258-260; (cf. Ojibwa: Barnouw 1977, No. 8 (chippewa) [a woman picks up a moose blood clot; it turns into Venebojo; V. comes overseas, turns into a rabbit, the old man's daughter picks it up; V. takes the fire away]: 85); Coleman et al. 1971 [a childless hunter killed a beast and wished for a son; the blood that fell on his hand turned into a boy; he grew up, boarded a ship, went west, drowned on the rapids]: 45-46; Jones 1917, No. 1-3 [the old woman does not tell her daughter to sit on the street facing west; she sits down, gets pregnant; the youngest of the twins wants to be born first, the twins quarrel, tear the mother apart; the grandmother finds a blood clot, covers it with bark, it turns into Nanabusha; he freezes the sea, turns into a hare, runs across the ice where the owner lives fire with two daughters; the youngest picks up the bunny, plants it to dry; the father warns that this may be beckoning; the hare sets fire to his hair, brings fire to his grandmother; since then, the hares are dark in summer; grandmother admits that N.'s mother was killed by his brother; brothers shoot at each other; Laska tells N. to mark the hair knot, N. kills the enemy, makes him the lord of the dead; (on stealing fire No. 2:7-15)]: 3-23; Josselin de Jong 1913, No. 7 [the old woman's daughter hears a voice not to sit facing north, west, east, or south; she sits facing south, becomes pregnant; the children in her womb are arguing who will come out first; she explodes; her mother finds a blood clot, it turns into a white rabbit; he goes through the water to the owners of the fire; the girl picks it up, her sister warns it maybe a newly born Nenabojo; the rabbit grabs the fire, leaves the pursuers, running across the surface of the water, brings fire to his grandmother; after spending time in the steam room, grows up]: 5-7.
Plains. Sarsi [an old man and his wife in one type, and their three daughters with their husband in the other; the old man watched his son-in-law hunt beavers, after which he could not get a single beaver for four days; he came and took all his father-in-law's skins and food; only the youngest daughter secretly brought food to her parents; the old man picked up a piece of bison meat, began to cook, a boy jumped out of the cauldron; his son-in-law was told that it was a girl, he was a boy would kill; the boy grew up quickly, killed a bison; when the son-in-law saw that his father-in-law was eating meat, he wanted to kill him, but the young man killed him and two ungrateful daughters; the old man and his wife, youngest daughter and young man hid in a crack in the ice; people found them, killed the old men, tied the young man and his sister (i.e. the younger wife of an evil son-in-law) to a tree, left; the old woman sent the dog to gnaw through their fetters, left a knife and other tools; the young man glances animals and birds, lives well with his sister; people come back, the young man glances everyone but that good woman]: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 29:35-38; Blacklegs: Josselin de Jong 1914 [The son-in-law takes all the meat from the parents of his three wives; they cook a clot of bison blood, it turns into a boy; the son-in-law is told that a girl has been born; the boy immediately becomes an adult; kills his son-in-law and two older sisters, leaves the youngest, she was kind to her parents; comes to people from whom the Bear and the Bear took everything away; kills those by throwing hot stones in their mouths; a snake with a horn in its forehead took everything from old women in another village; Blood Clot cuts off her and other snakes heads; kills the Witch Doctor who lured people into his house; the Ballplayer (woman); another woman who offered everyone with her fight; another one that rocked people on a swing above the lake; a blood clot asks her to swing first, cuts off the rope, she falls into the water, fish and aquatic creatures devour it]: 76-80; Maclean 1893 [son-in-law doesn't shares meat with the parents of three sisters he married; old people cook a blood clot, he turns into a boy, kills an evil son-in-law]: 167; Spence 1985 [evil son-in-law takes all the prey from the old father-in-law ; he wears an arrow with drops of bison blood on it; a boy appears, grows into a young man named Kutoyis (Drop of Blood); kills an evil son-in-law; goes on a journey; kills the Bears, who took meat from people; kills a woman who asked young men to fight her and threw them on sharp flints]: 212-216; Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 2 [as in MacLean; an evil hunter does not feed his wives' parents; the youngest daughter secretly gives them meat; a young man is born from a blood clot; comes to old women; bears take all their food; he kills bears by throwing hot stones into their mouths]: 53-55; grovantre [ a hunter does not give meat to the father of his four wives; he hides some meat, a blood clot turns into a young man; kills a hunter and three evil wives; marries; father-in-law gives difficult assignments]: Cooper 1975, No. 11 [1) bring water (a young man kills a water monster - father-in-law's servant), 2) bring Thunderbird feathers (a young man climbs into the Thunderbirds nest, asks the chicks how their parents will arrive; Father in a black cloud, mother - in a white cloud; the birds are unable to hit the young man with lightning, he wounds them with arrows, returns; kills his father-in-law with an arrow]: 482-487; Kroeber 1907b, No. 20 [a good daughter tells her husband that the Blood Clot is a girl; a boy grows up, kills a son-in-law, three evil wives and their children; travels to exterminate monsters; a tree presses and swallows passers-by; a blood clot turns into a feather, cuts down a tree, releases swallowed; the bridge stands on the head of the bison, dropping those passing by; the Blood Clot jumps over it, the bridge goes under water forever; the Blood Clot allows the Wolf to swallow itself, hurts his heart comes out, making a hole in his side, releases those who have been swallowed before; a man shakes passers-by over the river, throws a water monster; a blood clot turns into a feather, allows himself to be swallowed, kills a monster from the inside with arrows, frees the swallowed; kills the owner of the swing; a man with a sharp leg plays with others, kicks to death; a blood clot puts a poplar in place of himself, his leg gets stuck in it; A blood clot marries; the father-in-law tells 1) to get a glowing object (this is the Morning Star, the son-in-law brings); 2) kill the bear (the son-in-law brings meat); 3) get feathers for the arrows (the son-in-law climbs into the Thunder's nest) Birds; they produce lightning, blinking, and thunder when moving; Our mother will fly in a black storm cloud, and our father in a white cloud with thunderstorm and hail; the son-in-law kills parent birds, leaves the chicks brings feathers); 4) bring bison tendons (brings); 5) arrow flints (the cliff falls on it, it takes off with a pen, brings flints); 6) bring water at night (breaks the horn of a water monster, brings father-in-law); he is furious that all his assistants have died, shoots his son-in-law, misses; his son-in-law kills him with an arrow]: 82-90; Santi: McLaughlin 1990 [The bear makes the Rabbit hunt for him, takes it all the prey; The rabbit hides a blood clot, which turns into a boy, then a young man; kills the Bear, his wife and three eldest sons; releases the youngest two, who were of good character]: 80-85; Riggs 1893 [Badger easily kills buffalo with his magic arrow; the Gray Bear begins to take all his meat; after picking up a blood clot, Badger turns him into a young man in the steam room; he kills first with an arrow A bear, then his wife, hitting their little finger; kills Bear's children, except for the youngest, who was kind to Badger; Badger does not tell the Blood Clot to talk to old Ungtomi on the way; a young man violates the ban, falls asleep; W. turns him into a black dog, puts on his clothes; in the village he is mistaken for a Blood Clot; the text ends]: 101-104; Wallis 1923, No. 16 [Badger hunts, bears take away all the meat; the blood clot turns into a young man; asks the Bear where her husband's heart is; kills him and the other Bears, aiming at a small claw on her right front leg; the old Spider sends an arrow at a tree, asks the young man to climb in and get it; makes the young man stick to the tree; puts on his clothes, marries the chief's eldest daughter; cannot kill the eagle (and the fox), who drove away all the merchants animals; the hero returns, exposes the Spider, who returns all his possessions; the hero kills the eagle (and the fox), the game returns]: 75-78; Yankton [Black Bear takes all the meat from the Badger family drives them out of the house; the Badger finds a clot of bison blood, who turns into a warrior: he drives the Bears away; goes on a journey; the red eagle takes people away; the chief promises one of the two daughters to someone who will kill him; a blood clot comes to the rescue; Iktomi asks him to knock out a bird for him, tells the bird with the arrow to get them; asks him to get them, advises him to take off his clothes; after the Blood Clot drops an arrow, I. tells him to stick to the bark of a tree, puts on his clothes, takes the arrow; immediately calls the leader's wife mother-in-law, but cannot hit the eagle; the leader's youngest daughter finds the hero, frees him by cutting the bark; he kills an eagle; I. is bullied, driven away; A Blood Clot Gets a Wife]: Zitkala-Å a 1985:61-99; Omaha, Ponca [Grizzly takes all the prey from the Rabbit; Rabbit turns a bunch of bison blood into a boy; he kills Grizzly and his wife with arrows]: Dorsey 1890:48-50; 1892:294; ot [Grizzly takes all the loot from Badger; among Grizzly's children, one is evil like his father, others are kind; they feed Badger's family; once they give Badger a piece of meat, he turns into a boy; he tells Badger not to give up the dead deer; Grizzly rushes at the naughty, young man kills him with an arrow; then kills his wife and the evil bear cub, lets the good ones go; after cutting the claws from the paw of the evil man, he gives him to Badger; now badgers have claws like bears]: Anderson 1940:128-133; iowa [ The badger is a good hunter, the Grizzly takes all his prey; he sends his wife to pick up a blood clot, she finds a baby in this place; he grows up, kills the Grizzly; gets Badger's ability lure game; puts on moccasins made of living hooting owls, a hat made of singing yellow birds; goes to travel; when entering the village, takes off her dress; stays with an old woman; the leader promises a daughter whoever shoots a bird floating at its zenith; the young man does it; the younger sister refuses to marry the lousy one, the eldest agrees; the young man regains his true form, the youngest asks to take her too, but the sister chases her away; a young man kills a lot of buffalo; goes to another village; there giants make you shoot at a target, race; always win, kill losers; a young man wins, kills giants; gets the chief's daughter (the same episode with two sisters and a change of appearance); the chief is dissatisfied that the young man rejected his youngest daughter, tells Ishyinka to get rid of him; I. takes the young man to the other side pond; puts his cape on a tree, she looks like a raccoon; a young man climbs after an imaginary raccoon, I. sails away in a boat; the young man gets off, marries the daughter of Mr. Wind; he and his wife are cannibals; mother-in-law tells 1) dry the lake by scooping it out with an acorn shell (the wife does this); 2) cut down the grove on the lake shore (the wife hits it four times with an ax, the wind blows the trees away); 3) level the mountain with a beaver fang (wife four times scratches her fang on the ground, the hill disappears); the wife tells her to run, hides her mother's moccasins; she puts on her husband's loafers, pursues the fugitives; the young man and wife turn into swans, swim across the pond; the young man takes his other wives and children born to them, brings everyone to their Badger Father; since then, babies have arisen from their mothers' menstrual blood]: Skinner 1925, No. 5:450-456; arpaho [man and wife they do not give meat to the father-in-law; a blood clot turns into a young man, kills an evil son-in-law and his wife; kills other dangerous creatures; a man pushes passers-by off a cliff; a blood clot pushes him, he turns into a vulture; a blood clot rises to heaven]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 130:298-304; skidy pawnee [Bear takes all meat from single spouses; husband hides a blood clot, is going to cook it, a boy emerges from it; the Bear's son helps him; a young man kills evil Bears with arrows; brings buffalo to people; his hat and leggings are decorated with live birds; the old woman asks to move she sticks through the stream to the young man's back; his hat turns into a cougar, tears the old woman apart, pieces of her body turn into prickly grass; the young man makes the poor Boy with the Burnt Belly his heir; becomes a blood clot again, then a bison, runs away; The boy marries the chief's daughter]: Dorsey 1904b, No. 24:80-88; kiowa [the poor man picks up a clot of bison blood, puts it to cook, appears boy; the evil chief of the Bears does not give the poor man meat, pushes him into a pool of blood; the young man turns bison hair into meat, brings his adopted mother; kills the leader with an arrow, takes his two wives]: Parsons 1929a, NO. 29:62-63.