Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K73a1. The baby is replaced with a broom .

Ill-wishers of a woman in labor replace the baby with a broom (they tell his father that his wife gave birth to a broom).

Malgashi, Sudanese Arabs, Palestinians, Mustang, Marathi, Oraons, Ho, Birkhor.

Sudan-East Africa. Malgashi: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 154 [wanting to marry Andriambahuac, the older, middle sisters promise to weave silk clothes, the youngest Farah will give birth to triplets; A. takes sisters as wives, loves F.; leaves on business; F. gives birth, sends a maid to slowly bring fire; but the sisters learn about childbirth when they hear the baby crying; two boys and a girl were thrown into the river in a chest, replaced by a bull's jaw, with a broom stick, a hammer; F. was driven out of the village; the sorcerer Ranakumbe caught the chest, guessed who was in it; the children grew up singing about their father; he returned, executed the evil sisters, returned F. with the children; next to in a cave village, a half-woman with one hand, one leg, tells the brothers' sister that she is missing 1) a crocodile tooth necklace, 2) a hippopotamus (brothers kill a crocodile with a gun; hide behind termite mite, hippopotamus fangs (?) they pierce him, they finish it off; bring necklaces); 3) Mamukur families; they have sharp tails; the brothers say they came from the west (the Mamukurs come from there), take their children away at night, give their sister their tails); 4) the Imasuampatan drum (the brothers say they came from the south, they take the drum at night); 5) God's son as husbands; the brothers went east to the well, where they took water for God Andriamanitra; they were killed; sister herself went; ordered her brothers to be revived, A. married her]: 385-392; Rodman 1995 [of the three wives, only the youngest became pregnant; answered her husband that she would like to eat the tail of a two-headed ram; the husband went in search , and the wife gave birth to a son and a daughter; the sisters said that she gave birth to a broom and a mallet, told the slaves to throw the children into the pond, their mother drove them away; the old woman picked up the basket with the babies; when the husband returned, the old woman did not admit for a long time that she had children; but they came to him and sang a song about what had happened; the sisters tried to lime them, but the boy did not approach the crocodiles and the ferocious bull; the old woman told the truth, the husband returned his youngest wife, expelled the other two]: 190-194; Sudanese Arabs: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 1 [other wives said that the eighth did not give birth to a girl, but a broom ; that not Hassan and Hussein, but stones]: 61-63.

Western Asia. Palestinians [the king orders the lights to be turned off for the night to test the obedience of the subjects; three sisters are spinning; left in the dark, one wants to marry the king's baker, the other wants to marry the cook, and the third for the prince to give birth to sons Aladdin and Bahaddin and daughter Šamsizzha; the king finds out about this, fulfills his wishes, the older sisters, out of envy, give the woman in labor a puppy, then a kitten, then stone, children are allowed in a box every time along the river, they are adopted by elderly spouses; the prince leaves his wife; the children grow up, the aunts send the old woman to invite the girl to wish the Nightingale (Little) Nightingale the Crier); Aladdin goes in search, leaves Bahaddin a ring; the hum sends him to his brother, who goes to his sister, she shows the tree where the Nightingale flies; contrary to warning, A. Solovye says, "I'm here," who turns him into stone; then the ring clenches B.'s finger, he follows A., also becomes stony; the sister is silent, catches the Nightingale in a cage, he tells him to throw the earth from the molehill to the stones, The brothers come to life; the Nightingale tells the king everything, who orders the midwife and two sisters to be beheaded and burned]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 10:102-111.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Mustang [King Benda Horki Gyevo's eldest son promises to marry a rich bride, the middle son to a smart one, the youngest to a beautiful one; Men's father Suka Drönyok promises to marry her as someone who recognizes her name; the demon threatens the jackal to eat it if he does not find out; the jackal overheard the servant call the DMD, runs to the demon, forgets the name on the way; so twice; the third time he remembered; the demon called the name, leads the DMD to a golden palace, then to a mother-of-pearl palace, then to a house made of dog crap; the wife agrees to live in such a house every time if it is her and her husband's house; inside, a crap house turns out to be a luxurious palace; leaving, the demon leaves the DMD the keys to all rooms; one has no key; she finds a rusty key hanging above the door; there are corpses of horses and people in the room, an old woman in the corner; she says that the demon locks in this room aged wives; tells you to run, placing a figure dressed in a DMD dress on the terrace, gives her youthful appearance and a chest; DMD in the guise of an old woman meets a demon, he does not recognize her, misses her; she is hired the king takes care of dogs, then cows, horses; all animals get fat and healthy; by roasting grain, the DMD takes off the appearance of an old woman, the younger prince sees this, marries her; princes give the youngest only a goat and a dog; let the one who wins the challenges inherit the kingdom; 1) make the best yogurt (DMD puts gems in it, its yogurt is better); 2) whose vomiting is more pleasant; older brothers they swallow a gold and silver key, but vomiting is common; DMD drinks milk, swallows rubies, her vomiting glows with a rainbow; 3) who will cover the whole kingdom with a cloth; the elder covers half, the middle one third, DMD - all left; the youngest received the kingdom; went on business, the DMD gave birth to a son whose top is golden, the bottom is silver, the forehead is mother-of-pearl; sends a servant with a letter; he stops with the old man, he replaces the letter: the wife gave birth to a broom and a pestle; praises the king of the child, but he is surprised that the letter is different, tells him to wait for his return; the old man replaces the letter again: throw the child away over 9 valleys and 9 passes; DMD goes with the child to meet her husband, meets an old man, this is the demon from whom she ran away, he swallows the child; the DMD puts him to sleep, looking for him in his head; from the demon's forehead appears fish, DMD pierces it with a pin, the demon dies; the horse, which was previously grazed by the DMD, tells him to kill him, spread his intestines around the edges of the plain, put the buds on the left and right, his head in the center, four legs in four directions; when she woke up in the palace, at the entrance to the chains, a tiger and a leopard, subjects appeared from drops of blood; her king husband came disguised as a beggar, they reunited]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 15:100-104.

South Asia. Marathi [the beggar has an ascetic wife and six daughters; once he was given hot rice in his hands; his thumb was swollen, the wife opened the abscess, the girl came out; the couple agreed to lock their daughters and eat the cakes themselves; the girls ate them secretly; to hide everything from her husband, the wife made two cakes out of ash; the father decided to take the girls to the forest; took them, supposedly, to their uncle; when the daughters fell asleep, the youngest, as always, became suck the father's finger; he cut off his finger, left; the other sisters thought that the youngest ate the father; they began to call Baphadi ("ate father"); they found an empty house with seven rooms, each with food and clothes; in the room B. is the best, but B. is silent about it, wears rags; on Sundays, sisters go to church, B. does not go with them; comes there unrecognized in a luxurious outfit, returns before others; once lost shoe; the prince fell ill with love, climbed into the stable; saw the maids eating the horse's food themselves; they ran to the king; the king asked his son what was going on; told everyone to try on the shoe; she B. came up; the prince married her, and the sisters became maids; in the absence of her husband, B. gave birth to a son; the sisters buried him under a tree, replaced him with a gravel stone; and spilled onto the prince's ship golden shower (sign of the boy's birth); next time, daughter, replaced with a broom, silver rain fell; the third time, daughter again (buried in church, replaced with a broom made of leaves palm trees); after that, the prince locked B. in prison, married her sisters; for several years B. was fed with scraps; God saved the children, they began to beg, say that the king (i.e. prince) was crazy; the prince heard; the children did not accept mercy from his six wives; told him to bring a seventh and hang seven curtains between her and them; streams of her milk penetrated through them into the children's mouths; six sisters had to confess; the prince returned B. and children, her sisters had their hair and noses cut off, put them on donkeys, expelled from the country]: D'Penha 1891, No. 8:142-147; ho [the childless raja has three wives; the brahman orders to give the elder mango; she shared with the second, and the youngest got the peel and bone; but only the youngest gave birth; the elders replaced the child with a broom, and the baby was thrown into a hole where the potter took clay; the baby crawled out into the lakes , became a lotus flower; everyone is trying to get it, the flower is not given and reproaches them; the last to bring Raja's youngest wife, whom he settled in a shack; her milk immediately splashed on the petals and the lotus turned into child; the potter's pit was deepened and the two older wives were buried alive in it]: Halder 1916, No. 16:293-295; birhor [Raja has 7 rani, all childless; brahmana tells you to knock down the number of mangoes from the tree and give the wives eat it; but only one mango fell; the wives shared it, and the youngest got only the peel; only she became pregnant; when she left, the Raja ordered him to beat the gold drum if a boy was born, and the silver drum if a girl; a boy and a girl were born; 6 wives replaced them with a broom and a shank, and the midwife threw the children into a hole where the potter was digging clay; the potter and his wife found them; the youngest wife of the Raj drove him away; the older wives saw the children and poisoned them, the potter buried them; a sycamore tree grew out of the boy's grave, and the girls grew a pinjār tree with beautiful flowers; when the Raja servant tried to pick a flower, brother with sister exchanged remarks and the pinjār tree rose into the air; the same when he tried to pluck the Raja itself; the same with each of the wounds - the tree only rises higher; then they found it, washed it, brought it to the palanquin's youngest wife; both trees turned into a boy and a girl and sat on their mother's lap; the Raja returned them triumphantly, and for the older wives they dug a well, pushed them into them and buried them]: Roy 1925, No. 13: 468-475; Oraons: Elwin 1944, No. 7 [brother wants to marry his two sisters; they run away; thirsty in the forest, ask the tree to bend down, it takes them to the sky to the lake; younger sister throws her ring, the dried lake is filled with water; after getting drunk, the youngest demands the ring back; the eldest goes deeper into the water, throws her a ring, drowns; the youngest climbs the tree, cries, tears drip on Raju, he marries her; leaves her a flute, she blows aimlessly, Raja says she will never return to the sound; six childless wives throw their new wife's child into the lake, replace them with a broom ; the raja expels the woman in labor; under water, the older sister nurses the boy; the last one turns into a flower on the shore, the boy sits in a flower, is not given to the vizier, the raja, six wives; the aunt tells the boy to give only his own mother's flower; the Raja washes and dresses the expelled wife, the boy approaches her; the Raja buries six wives under the threshold, returns his wife and son]: 386-389; Hahn 1906, No. 28 [six wives infertile, the seventh gave birth to twins, others put a stone and a broom on her, threw the children into a hole; the king rejected his wife; the potter and his wife found the children, they grew up, he sculpted the boy out of clay a horse, a bird for a girl; by the pond, children tell them to drink; the king's wives: toys cannot drink; boy: a woman cannot give birth to a stone and a broom; wives pretended to be sick, they will be cured by the blood of the potter's children; king He ordered the children to be killed; the potter buried them, a tree with flowers grew; the wives could not pluck them, but they fell to the king themselves and became children; the king stayed with the children, executed the wives]: 54-55; ho [brahman gave the childless raja 7 mangoes for his seven wives; before the youngest ate hers, the mongoose bit off a piece of it; she gave birth to a beautiful boy with a mongoose face; other wives were jealous, buried the child , put a broom and a stone in bed; the Raja drove his youngest wife away; the potter went to dig clay, found a child still alive; the boy grew up, told the potter to make a ceramic horse, which came to life; the sons of the other wives wanted the same ones, but they did not come to life; the wives guessed what was going on, told their sons to kill that boy; they buried him, bamboo and a flowering plant grew in this place; no one could pluck a flower, only the Raja succeeded; he cut down the bamboo, his son came out of it, told everything; demanded that his mother be found; she was brought in, and the other wives and sons were pushed into the well]: Bompas 1909, No. 20:478-479.