Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K73a3. The child is replaced by a doll. .22.23.

Ill-wishers of a woman in labor replace the baby with a statue, a doll, a piece of wood (they tell his father that his wife gave birth to a doll).

Khmers, India (Hindi), Oriya, Bengalis, Condas, Tamils, Sinhales.

Burma - Indochina. Khmer [the king has two wives; the youngest Tol-Ka has a son; when the eldest Tol-Méa also became pregnant, TK went to the healer and he promised that her son would reign; after the birth of the child, TM TK replaced him a wax doll, and put the boy in a box and buried him in the sand by the river; the courtier found him, guessed what was going on, but lowered the box down the river; the king drove KM away; the learned monk picked him up He guessed it all, began to raise the boy, giving the name Mono-Véan; when the young man grew up, he had no rivals in learning or beauty; before his death, the monk told the young man about his origin; MB He went on a journey and went to a city where the elderly king promised a daughter and a throne to someone who would climb on a smooth soapy pole and get the princess; MV did this, married the princess and became king; The court decided to get rid of it; led him to the shaky bridge over the abyss and pushed him down; MB caught on the rocky cornice; the tiger lowered his vine, believing that when the man got up, he would eat it, but MV drove the tiger away; MB got lost and came to another kingdom; there the king will give the throne to whoever pulls leaf number 1 out of the basket; MB pulled him out, received the throne and the princess; in the third kingdom, the king's young widow promised to marry whoever the chief monk would point her to; he knew everything and sent her to meet MV; after marrying the queen, MV went into his father's kingdom, found his poor mother and told her how she had been deceived; him accused of adultery with the king's wife and put him in an iron cage; one of the courtiers of one of his queens recognized MB; he sent letters with him to three wives; each went with an army; some wrote a general letter to the king MV's father, but neither he nor anyone could read it; the king promised to release the prisoner who would read; MB read - in a letter to the king they offered to speak with the army; the freed MW met his wives and led the united army of the three kingdoms; his father's army was defeated; the king sent a new army led by his son from TC; MV killed him in combat; demanded a king; when he appeared, called himself a son; told everything; became king of the four kingdoms]: Leclère, Feer 1895, No. 5:144-159.

South Asia. India (translated from Hindi) [wife's sisters replace children with puppy, kitten, wooden doll]: Zograf 1964:302-310; oriya [poor brahmana's 7 daughters ate cooked the mother of the cake; the parents decided to get rid of their daughters; the father took them, supposedly, to their uncle; went away, taking bags of rice; the girls opened their own - there was only one husk; climbed a tree; the king drove up to him a tear has fallen; the older sisters promise to cook rice for the whole palace, bake cakes, etc.; the youngest promises to give birth to 7 sons and a daughter; the king married her; when childbirth is near, he gave a flute, told her to blow so that summon him; she strangled him to check; and when she actually began to give birth, the king decided that he had not come again; the wife gave birth to 7 sons and a daughter, the sisters replaced them with wooden dolls ; the king sent her to the stable; the sisters buried the children in the garden, they were dug up and swallowed by a dog, belched into the pond, raised by the Goddess of Water; the children play in shallow water with wooden horses, telling them to drink water; gardener: a wooden horse can't drink; boys: can a woman give birth to dolls? then the Goddess of Waters turned the boys into trees, the girl into a blooming tree; the gardener wanted to pick flowers, the brothers told her sister not to give it, the tree grew to the sky; the same minister, the king himself; only brought the mother was able to pick flowers from the stable; the king returned her and her children, the sisters were hanged]: Mohanti 1975:109-113; Bengalis: Day 1914, No. 19 [the queen gives birth to a beautiful daughter and a son with the moon in her forehead and stars on palms; other wives replace with puppies; sisters replace two boys and a girl with a puppy, a kitten and a wooden doll]: 236-256; Porozhnyakov 1990 [Rani sisters replace her sons with a puppy and a kitten and a daughter with a wooden doll]: 16-26; kondas (kuttia) [older wife replaced her baby with a younger cat made of wax]: Elwin 1954, No. 33:356-357; Tamils [ The princess gave birth to a boy, but at the instigation of a prostitute, the midwife replaced him with a wooden doll]: Shulman 1980:259-261; Tamils [Raja's wife gave birth to 15 boys and 1 girl, but At the instigation of the other two wives, the midwife replaced them with 16 pieces of wood]: Blackburn 2005, No. 98; Sinhalese [7 rani are childless; fruit is ripe in the garden; king: the one who ate will become pregnant; six refused, the seventh ate ; the king went to war, Rani gave birth to a shell (Turbinella pyrum); other rani buried it in a pile of manure, made a demon figure and, when the king returned, showed it to him; he beat and drove his wife out; the bull he dug up the manure, swallowed the shell, relieved the sea, the shark swallowed the shell, caught it by a fisherman, sold it to that exiled wound, she found a sink, and when she left for a while, the prince sat in the sink; His skin had a minor defect (hori), he was named Horikadaya (the one with the bit of hori); he grew up, hunted, caught a heron and it became his friend, they hunted together; H. met another prince, horse and minister, whom the king intended to execute and they fled; they all went to get wives; the princess refused to marry the prince, but married H.; then the prince, minister and horse pushed together H. into the well, fell asleep, H. died; the heron left]: Parker 1914b, No. 214:152-154.